How Did The Lion Actually Return? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and girl it's shocking to absolutely nobody that I am making another lion video I would literally let him split me in two and I don't mean with his sword well at least not with his literal one after just finishing the new lion book A book that provides just as many questions as answers but also puts Clues and breadcrumbs everywhere I have a pretty good understanding on the context of the Lion's return including who brought him back why they brought him back and why he gained his new abilities and gotten so old before we get started I am very excited to announce the latest and greatest major mini the shadow Warden straight up rather Golden Sun is the best-selling major mini by far and I'm so damn proud of you guys Golden Boys best boys so I thought let's continue the theme using the same modeler I took inspiration from tyrial from Diablo to create the shadow Warden because you know lock wardener the shadow Keepers was already taken Rao was inspired by imperius Shadow wardened by terial it's a very cool theme this Juggernaut comes with three head very audience a hooded variant a hooded helmet variant and a pure helmeted variant yes I am aware that that mirrors the lion's head options and no it wasn't entirely coincidental the shadow Warden is available now for worldwide shipping for only 10 USD and if you add some other major minis to the purchase like kitten or ra then you may qualify for free shipping another note based on feedback we have reduced the size of Rod by five percent as he was just a tad bit taller than other custody models and stood out a bit too much so the reduction should make him a more seamless addition to your golden armies it's super exciting to finally show you guys the shadow one we've been working on him for months today we'll go over the line's return detailing who brought him back for what purpose as well as answer other questions like how he got his new sword and shield and what his Forest walking ability actually is also spoiler warning for the new line book but every lore video is a [ __ ] spoiler so you should be used to it by now let's get into it foreign 's return was seemingly extremely random to everybody especially to the lion he had just been fighting Luther as calybin was being torn apart after the Horus heresy who was wounded spared by a remorseful Luther and then whisked Away by the watches in the dark to be placed in a coma in the bowels of the rock the dark Angel's Flagship part of his coma was his wounds at the hand of Luther but a larger part was the Watchers keeping him asleep waiting for a time when he should awake the watches are extremely powerful beings they seem to operate on a higher plane of existence terrify the [ __ ] out of demons and a near omniscence so them keeping Sleeping Beauty out of the game for ten thousand years isn't out of their power that is when we last saw the lion then bam he awakes without any memory on the bank of a river decked out in new ceramite armor no context no explanation this Riverbank isn't anywhere in the Galaxy it's within his own warped Forest that the line conjures initially randomly later figures out how he can control it what the [ __ ] is this Forest it looks like caliban but it isn't is it the warp well kind of but not really after all stepping into the warp is like stepping into a sun you die screaming as your body Burns and your soul is torn apart by demons the lion later theorizes that the forest is like a mirror Dimension to the walk but I don't think it's that disconnected or complicated I would say that the Lion's new ability allows him to create a safe fish pocket dimension in the warp that allows him to cut through it and more or less teleport across the Galaxy short-range walks of a few thousand kilometers in real space take him less than a minute through the forest long range jumps that span light years may take him a few hours of walking as it is his pocket Dimension it matches caliban in its aesthetic however parts of the true warp like the chaos Gods can leak into the lion's Dimension and the emperor himself also seems to be able to gain access in a limited way as the line is initially exploring his Forest unaware of who he actually is he encounters a manifestation of the emperor an old weakened King sitting on a boat in a lake bleeding into the water as dark shapes Mana infestations of the cows Gods circled the boat when the lion tries to Wade through the lake to get to the Old King not aware of it being his father the Shadows turn their attention on him forcing a Watcher in the dark to appear and tell the lion to get the [ __ ] out of the lake before he gets dumpstered by the chaos Gods so in the lion realm we have the cows Gods the emperor The Lion and the Watchers in the dark but which of those god-like beings brought him back well it wasn't chaos I can tell you that much for free they don't enjoy loyalist primucks coming back as loyalist primarks kick their ass I believe it was a combination of the watches and the emperor since the emperor had a good motive for it that I'll get into in a bit and the Watchers were the ones watching over the sleeping lion and who put him to sleep in the first place so it's clear that after ten thousand years of sleeping on a slab of rock slowly aging the Watchers awoke him and his first action was to instantly begin his first Forest walk leaving the Rock and ending up by the river as for how he got his new armor I would say the Watchers placed it on him while he was asleep as they often carry around dark angel gear and the armor itself although impressive and master crafted is not some hectic warp device or dark edge of Technology plate it is ceramite and was even able to be completely repaired by a Tech Marine the lion would wander through his Forest more finding an out of place building but was prevented from entering by The Watcher saying that he was not a high enough level to take on the boss fight within eventually he caught the scent of a beast and his Hunter Instinct kicked in he tracked a number of cows corrupted monsters that were attacking a family killing the monsters and saving them and chasing the monsters the line had left the pocket dimension for us and had ended up on a forest in real space on a planet called kamath there he encounters the first of the Fallen Dark Angels he would meet a steadfast Warrior called zabrielle zabriel immediately opens fire on the lion as the last time the two Warriors encountered each other they were fighting against each other on kaliban the lion disarms zabriel and in the process regains most of his memories as we've discussed on this channel before the Fallen weren't this unified chaos Force somewhere see the lion but Pro Emperor some were Pro Emperor and pro lion some were protest and hated the lion and so on and so forth as such the vast majority of them were uncorrupted and it was literally just a big misunderstanding due to a few corrupted Fallen like Luther so the lion teamed up with zabriel and together they inspired the people liberated the world and then the Lion's Forest walkability kicked in accidentally transporting himself zabriel and a few hundred humans to another world showing that he can take others with him if they were in close enough vicinity it was revealed that his forest walkability was actually taking him to other Fallen Angels showing some kind of innate connection or maybe the guiding hand of the watches and slash or the emperor the line United numerous worlds Gathering fall into him and building up his strength this is pretty much exactly what I predicted would happen except that in Canon the line is very mature and has no desire to build a pocket Empire or challenge giliman's rule of the Imperium he literally just wants to protect humanity and is as morally good of a protagonist as you can get during this time time he returns to the forest Dimension and tries to speak with the old King the emperor however when he finds him his father cannot speak to him although it is clear that he knows the line is there the Watchers tell the line that he needs to ask the right question to the king to be able to speak to him however the line asks the wrong question hence the shadow beasts that are always surrounding the Old King the manifestations of the cows Gods lunch for him before they can kill him though the king gets [ __ ] furious and obliterates the shadow beasts banishing them from the Lion's realm that's what you get for trying to [ __ ] with the empress son in front of him it was a pretty badass moment as it shows that despite the emperor's weakened tormented form he's still an absolute beast and doesn't take [ __ ] from anybody however this ended the Lion's attempt to speak with his father you may be wondering whether lion got his weapons from after all they are extremely well made and The Shield is literally called The Emperor's Shield not to mention the line is stuck on Imperium nihilus a very very long way away from Terror all these Plasma Pistol was a gift from one of the worlds he visited it was said to be be the emperor's own Plasma Pistol the lion wasn't sure he believed that however the pistol was sized for him not a Space Marine so maybe it was true he soared field he was basically given to him by either the Watchers or the Emperor or both while he was mid-fist fight with what I assume were obliterators heavily corrupted cow's Terminators during a brief respite in the fight he momentarily teleported into the forest Dimension and quite literally drew the sword from Stone it's not entirely clear who put it there for him or who connected it to him enough for him to quickly teleport into the warp grab it and then teleport out but I think this one may have been the emperor's work either way he got the sword and diced up those obliterators like some out-of-date Sashimi getting the shield was a bit spicier it was literally the emperor's shield and had been used by him and just like the sword gilliman wields contains a shot of the empress psychic might akin to the psychic Shield he placed over the Imperial Palace during the siege of Terror it actually looks a lot like the shield on the empress pauldron in one of the only Canon artworks of the emperor we actually have I don't think it is that exactly as the sizing is way off but the design is the overall same he gets this at the end of the line book by entering the strange building that the Watcher previously blocked him from entering due to him not being a high enough level The Watcher is still there but this time lets him in inside is a dark room with a horrific shape-shifting boss who takes on the form of each and every Primark by the lion himself the line is basically forced to fist fight and beat most of his brothers as they continually kick the [ __ ] out of him he does a pretty [ __ ] good job though hitting some hectic Judo moves on them I'm not joking he literally judoks the [ __ ] out of them eventually his will and strength is great enough for the emperor to Grant him the shield which he then uses to destroy the warp Shape Shifter a creature that was created by the emperor himself to guard The Shield this is what I mean by the emperor having access to the forest Dimension he was able to place the Vault with the shield in it as well as fealty the building that the shield was locked in looked very out of place in the forest Dimension further proving that it came from outside of it overall I will believe that the watches woke up Lion on the instruction of the emperor but why now well there's a few reasons that help support my theory even more the Lion's first questions Awakening was to defeat the ten thousand eyes a chaos warband led by a chaos corrupted Fallen Dark Angel sorcerer the sorcerer Sarah facts [ __ ] me that's an antagonist name if I've ever heard one wanted to assassinate the emperor in order to free him from The Golden Throne and allow him to fully Ascend into the warp killing the house gods and leading mankind into a golden age so on paper sarahfax was a loyalist kind of I mean at least he was a compelling villain however it's already been established in the law that the emperor does not want anyone to try revive him or remove him from The Golden Throne at this current time he is directly intervened and thwarted previous attempts even attempts by his loyal servants as it's implied that it will go horribly wrong with Terror being destroyed and the emperor becoming a chaos God so straight up the emperor just does not want to get revived at the moment sarahfax's plan was basically to possess a hero of the Imperium that could get an audience with the emperor then during the audience strike the emperor down thus freeing him from The Golden Throne serifax attempted to possess the line but we all know what happens to those that try to [ __ ] with the Lion's brain they die horribly after thwarting the ten thousand eyes the lion then encounters the blood angels and travels with them to then engage angron in a jewel banishing his brother and saving both the blood and Dark Angels from here he meets with the modern day Dark Angels and is the hero that Imperium nihilus desperately needs so it seems to me that the emperor got worried that seraphax's plan might succeed so he asked the Watchers to awaken the lion to intervene the Imperium also needed a lot of help dealing with the Great Rift so overall the Lion's timing couldn't be better it doesn't make sense for him to wake up prior every previous issue was solvable by the Imperium whether it be by the Space Marine heroes or by the Inquisition it's only now that the Galaxy is shut the bed that the return of the loyalist primarks is necessary to prevent the imperium's destruction remember a lot of this hasn't been explicitly stated the law doesn't say clear-cut that the watches are worth the lion on the request from the emperor but all the evidence and clues Point towards this being the case the empress Shield the empress presence within the forest Dimension the nature of the Lion's first Quest it doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure it all out if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then pick up the shadow Warden a stunning model that yearns to feel the kiss of your paintbrush hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more lying content join the Discord 4 memes and I'll see you in the next one peace [Music] thank you
Channel: Majorkill
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Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: hPlTmN6BhsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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