Lorgar & The Word Bearers EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal organized religion is a disease and nothing represents that better than the warhammer setting where belief systems are able to manifest into demons and other naughty things however you don't need the literal forces of hell to realize that brainwashing people is wrong no legion represents this greater than the word bearers a legion of space marines led by a primark who was so desperate for god to be real that he plunged the galaxy into eternal death and suffering just to prove that his imaginary friend is better than yours now i like to joke about lord god being a pedo or that his sons are just a bunch of neckbeard larpers with sticks up their ass but the word bears are actually an interesting bunch and i would say probably have one of the healthiest relationships with chaos out of all the trader legions obviously not a high bar to set but that still counts for something before we get started i've recently launched the major kill mini that you can use in tabletop for warhammer 40k fantasy age of sigma or just resent avatar for a slick dnd campaign you want to run all the prices are in australian so a model with shipping comes to about 30 usd cheaper than a lot of games workshop models and a lot better in my opinion for everyone that buys a magical model and paints it you will get your model featured during the intro of one of my videos in the future so if you've ever wanted dozens of thousands of people to see your painting skills then here's your chance the stl files as well as the helmet and shoulders are available separately so you can convert your official models into your own magical homebrew if you choose to do so everything is available for sale on the magekill website today we'll go over who the word bearers are and what they got up to during the great crusade and horus heresy we'll also go over the life of their primark lorger and if he actually had a point about chaos or was he just a religious nut who needed to be kept away from child care centers then we will finish off with a small dive into the law of some of the more well-known word bearers let's get into it when the god emperor of mankind first created the primarks he would read them bedtime stories whilst they were in their gestation capsules for rogueldorn he read 10 books on architecture for conrad he read old batman comics and for lorga he picked up a random fiction novel he found in an old library unfortunately this turned out to be the holy bible hence the seeds of corruption were planted in logo when he was very young by the time the biggie realized his mistake and attempted to read him books by the great lron hubbard to undo the damage it was too late the gods of chaos had snatched the baby primox from their nursery using some warped spaghetti and scattered them across the galaxy each primark landed on a different planet which coincidentally matched their skills and attributes for the most part some landed on civilized worlds and quickly became gods among their people whilst others such as the abortion poster child angron fell on shitty planets and became slaves with nails in their brain lorga fell into the planetary equivalent of a church filled with registered sex offenders which i guess you'd just call a normal church it was quickly found by a [ __ ] called cor faryon who had been exiled from the society of cultures the planet due to the fact that he tried a kitty fiddle seven-year-olds which was two years shy of the acceptable age of kitty fiddling on cultures sea cultures despite my pedo jokes about it was actually okay mortarion's planet literally had aids and was controlled by necromancers so a bit of faith seemed like a walk in a park until you realized that the dominant religion of cultures was actually the worship of the gods of chaos whoopsies as lorgaar rapidly aged cor faryon realized he was special and he could be used to regain favor in the church called the covenant or even dominate it core was a smart guy he realized that logo was a little [ __ ] and liked it rough so instead of winning his loyalty and devotion through being a cool dad and buying him ice cream he instead physically emotionally and i'm gonna say sexually abused loregar he would abuse him for the slightest transgressions one time lorger was like yo i know there are four gods that we follow and they're all cool and stuff but i think there is another god even greater than they a super god with golden greased abs and flowing brown hair and corferion disgusted by the thought of a male over the age of nine beat the [ __ ] out of lorga for that now the abuse did stop but not because lorga became a 10-foot tall demigod no it stopped because one time core tried to get his friends to beat up lorga and instead they were like no [ __ ] you and try to kill core now that would have been an epic but loga had some hectic stockholm syndrome or something because he saved core from the people who were attacking core because core wanted them to beat up lorgaar yeah look lorga wasn't the smartest primark however since saving him core decided that he was too old anyway and the abuse ended lorga received more visions of the emperor and begun to create his own religion a religion that basically said that the chaos gods were lame and that the emperor was their daddy as lorga was creating this religion of the one he was also conquering each city and cultures one by one in no time at all he had taken the entire planet but if you thought that a primark who wields religion like a weapon would have a peaceful takeover then you were sorely mistaken the planet was divided between people who believed in the one and others who believed in the chaos gods people and warhammer extremely bigoted and narrow-minded so instead of just co-existing the two religions engage in a planet-wide genocide with lorga and his religion of the one coming out on top yes lugar the guy who felt the chaos first and pretty much caused the horus heresy was also the primark who eradicated chaos from his home planet while this was going on lorger's sons then called the imperial heralds were created unlike pretty much all the other legions who required their original names through their renown or achievements and then later through the whim of their primark the 17th legion was named the imperial heralds by the emperor upon their creation they were to be the legion that stomped out religion and spread the truth of atheism they were heralds of the imperial truth again adding to the hectic irony of what they ended up doing instead once they beat a planet's military might with ruthless efficiency they would pull down all the religious buildings burn all the religious texts and use the fire from those texts they would burn everyone who didn't accept the imperial truth this system had the added benefit of also removing all pedophiles from the planet that the heralds took over within a year of lorga's victory the emperor arrived now a lot of people bring up a good point here the emperor did not want to be seen as a god yet walked around in 12 foot tall golden armor while glowing and had a flaming sword if he turned down the aesthetics a bit maybe it'd be a bit easier to be like oh look a powerful psycho instead of holy guacamole it's the god emperor of mankind either way lorger fell to his knees and declared a lengthy religious celebration for months they partied the biggie disapproving heavily of a planet which if it had been found by the imperial heralds without lugar on it would have likely been exterminated the biggie was like loga my son and loka was like yes god emperor father god i am not a god i am just a really really cool guy ironically the emperor denying his own divinity only made lorga think he was even more of a god as what kind of all-powerful mortal would display such humility during this time various problems will begin to emerge firstly corferion that dick was given superhuman abilities and another even bigger dick called erebus was turned into a space marine corpherion and erebus would more or less then be responsible for the entirety of the galaxy's problems all the way until the tyrionids arrived lorger wasn't stupid however i mean i mean he was stupid after all he thinks getting soul raped by demons is a good idea but he was smart enough to know that inheriting a legion full of atheists given to him by the galaxy's biggest atheist weren't gonna drink from his kool-aid straight away it took years of subtle changes to the terran-born heralds as well as full religious induction of new recruits before the legion was turned into the word bearers instead of being a slow legion in terms of bringing planets into the imperium due to them having to crush religion they became a slow legion because they spent so long building religion every planet they took over they would spend months or even years converting them to see the emperors of god as such they were the slowest of the legions by far now the emperor overlooked a lot of [ __ ] i mean a lot he let anger on that walking abortion off the leash and barely gave a [ __ ] when ingrid started putting nails in his son's brains the one thing he would not overlook however was a slow compliance rate if lorger had done his weird religious voodoo but did it quickly it's likely the emperor never would have come for him however eventually probes were sent out to discover why lorger was so slow i mean everyone knew he was a weak little [ __ ] the weakest of the primarks in terms of combat ability for sure but still those probes discovered flourishing worlds with low crime rate and extremely high loyalty to the imperium however they also discovered widespread gay conversion therapy as well as extreme levels of ptsd and all the choir boys two major symptoms of a nasty affliction with this the emperor cracked it he thought it was kind of cute originally how lorger wanted to gargle his spiritual balls but now it was [ __ ] with his mission to clap the galaxy's cheeks hence the emperor did something that a lot of people think was a bit of a rookie error he got the ultramarines to blow up the word bearers favorite city he then psychically raped all of them and forced them to kneel before him before then roasting this [ __ ] out of them for being a bunch of bible jerking sims i however think that the message that the emperor was trying to put across was a good one he basically said if you want to know what it's like to serve a god this is it your free will is gone your power is gone you're all an insect beneath me he wanted to show them that gods are [ __ ] and you don't need him whilst logoff did finally accept the biggie was not a god he still craved a god in his life this kinda means that lorga would have fallen to chaos no matter what unless the biggie was able to manipulate lorga into spreading the imperial truth tricking him into thinking it was a religion following that little incident lorger had an existential crisis and was told by core and erebus that there were gods out there and he should go praise them instead hence logar begun his pilgrimage to find a sugar daddy while he was off he got his legion to tear across the galaxy and bring planets into imperial compliance at such a rate that it surpassed the other legions everyone thought lorga had finally gotten the message but instead lorga was off playing with demons and just used this as a cover these planets were also seated with chaos corruption so that when the time came they declared their allegiance to chaos lorger went to the eye of terror and sent some of his sons to take a peek now putting someone in the eye of terror without telling them what is up is like tricking your mate to grab an electric chicken wire it's not the zap that gets ya it's the fact that you didn't know the zap was coming hence the marines that went in either died or were possessed by demons but for some reason the possession was actually quite low-key and pleasant kinda like those animes where the protagonist has a demon inside them and despite initially being like ah demon get out you [ __ ] eventually they learn to co-exist in the one body and become friends foremost of these new demi demons called the gallivore back was argel tal who was actually surprisingly chill for a demonic pedophile lorga would then travel throughout the eye of terror travelling through time with the help of a demonic guide to understand the nature of chaos sure he was being manipulated but to a way lesser degree than the other traitor primarks he saw chaos for what it was and choose to join it anyway he did not want there to be a massive war or for there to be mass suffering he instead realized that for mankind to join in a harmonious relationship with hell atheism had to go and it was not going to go quietly now as bad as it sounds lorger's perception of chaos was actually not that bad balanced joinings of demons and humans were possible as displayed through his galval back the only issue however is that once kaus gang controlled the galaxy it's likely that this balance would be shattered and that chaos's evil nature would remove all the cool parts by the time lorga finished his pilgrimage he was a servant of chaos lorgo was still the little [ __ ] boy primark though and he knew that no one would follow him against the emperor especially if they had to shove tentacles up their ass to do so hence he put his efforts towards corrupting horus this wasn't that hard as horus was already losing his [ __ ] over his ever encroaching male pattern boldness hence when horus was put into a coma due to chaos shenanigans and then awoke from that coma due to more chaos shenanigans lorger had the leader he needed from there he helped orchestrate the east van drop site massacre where the salamanders raven guard and iron hands were baited into attacking horus but ended up getting betrayed lugar very nearly died that day and only survived due to hectic pot armor see during his pilgrimage his demon guide said whatever you do do not fight korax at any point or you will die however korax was tearing the galval back lorga's favorite sons a new [ __ ] slaughtering them like sheep it was really quite embarrassing for chaos actually so lorga stepped in and embarrassed himself and chaos further as korax completely raped his [ __ ] and disemboweled him really easily lorga would have died that day if conrad had not intervened and saved him that's right out of all the people it was psycho batman that saved lorgar the funniest part about this was just before lorga fought corrax he embraced his inner power and basically went super saiyan yet still got completely [ __ ] on while this was happening the rest of the word bearers led by cor ferron attacked ultramar with the primary intention of crippling the ultramarines and denying them a role in the horus heresy via creation of a hectic warp storm and a secondary role of destroying mccrag the capital of ultramar well as i've said many times attacking ultramar is like head-butting a [ __ ] no matter how much damage you do you will always come off second best hence core could not even get past the planet of calth however he was successful in creating the warp storm the wolfson was further grown by lorgaar and angron burning a path through ultramar sacrificing entire worlds to feed the power required to keep the warp storm alive giliman was obviously not super down with this and gathered together what many could and chased lorgaar and angeron eventually he caught up to them at angron's home planet of nukiria which angon was in the process of destroying because he was butthurt about the whole slavery thing they did to him with anger on having fun on the surface of the planet and lorga having not ran sun tzu's art of war book giliman even with a small ragtag fleet of broken ships was able to engage both lorga and angron's fleets he destroyed lorga's flagship and nearly took over angron's one before he deployed to the planet's surface a hectic battle broke out and giliman faced lorgar in a melee fight now giliman and loga are arguably the worst primarks when it comes to fighting so the fight between them was kinda like the fight from the in-betweeners it's not really clear who would have won however giliman uppercutted the [ __ ] out of lorgaar and crushed his sternum whilst lorger hit giliman in the face with his mace overall i'd have to give it to giliman purely because he was able to hold back anger on for a time despite missing half his face and been tied with his fight with lorgaar before angron could kill giliman however his brain nails climaxed and begun killing him so lorgaar turned angron into a demon prince gilliman saw this and was like yeah [ __ ] that and ordered a retreat lorger had grown to realize that horus was [ __ ] at leading chaos and decided he should take over instead he bound fulgrip to his will and he planned out a pretty solid backstab on horus that probably would have worked for anyone else other than lorger see lorga got betrayed and when horus arrived to meet him horus knew what logar was planning and he beat the living [ __ ] out of him lorga was then banished from the rest of the heresy whilst the word bearers either pledged the horus continued to fight the ultramarines or went off to sulk with their daddy horus invades terror kills the glorious hawk boy cripples the emperor so badly that the biggie would forever remain a massive strain on the imperium's healthcare system before he himself would be completely obliterated by the emperor the traitor legions are hunted across the galaxy and eventually will end up in the eye of terror lorger then becomes incredibly useless and begins having a fat wank to the endless tide of child pornography that the chaos gods provide him at some point during this he also ascends to become a demon prince probably just because the chaos gods felt bad for him he did break from his meditation once korax was still understandably mad about istvan and had been single-handedly tracking down and slaughtering the entire word bearer's legion koroks at this point had embraced his darkness and had loki become a loyalist demon lorger went out to confront him and was like i am more powerful than i ever was you will not be able to match the darkness of chaos and then corvus was like and proceeded to once again completely rape lorga and further embarrass chaos lorga ran away and claims to have went back to his tower to continue his meditation however i reckon he's just [ __ ] himself and hiding after all corvus did say that he now had his scent and that he would never stop hunting him the word bearers were now without their primark however stayed mostly coherent like they were so organized that they had an official rule book which stated what reds they could die their power armour they fell under the control of either erebus or corferion who headed a dark council however core and erebus are fighting a subtle war against each other for control of the entire legion with the opening of the great rift it seems that maybe lorga will go out and do something but he needs to deal with his corex problem first so now we know about logar and the word barriers i want to drill down a bit on a few of their key characters i mentioned firstly argel tal now don't get me wrong arga was still a bad person but he had this sense of honor and personality that while evil kinda showed that he wasn't a total piece of [ __ ] he was lorga's favorite son and was best buddies with khan before khan went off the rails unfortunately for argol he was stabbed in the back and killed by erebus during the battle on angron's planet because argo's influence and bromanship with khan would have prevented khan from going completely insane and becoming the avatar of corn at least that's what erebus says i just think arabis was a jealous prick it was sad though in argel's final moments his demon was like dude kill arabis now kill him he's going to kill you [ __ ] kill him and argo was like bro relax he's not gonna then we have erebus now everyone knows erebus [ __ ] erebus but do you know why he sucks so much well he was pretty much the architect of the horus heresy he was a chaos worshipper even before he met lorga and he bided his time he introduced logar to chaos he supplied the knife which turned horus to chaos he killed argel tal he twisted tarik's body into a demon and he was a smug [ __ ] about it the whole time fortunately he has been punished for his sins many times horus peeled off his face for being an uppity [ __ ] and khan kicked the living [ __ ] out of him for killing argol then we have cor feron who's just as big of an [ __ ] as erebus but [ __ ] corferion doesn't roll off the tongue as nicely core was forever logan's mentor but he was also a stupid narcissist prick at one point he actually had giliman at his mercy and instead of killing him he stabbed him with a chaos knife to try and corrupt him just like how horus was corrupted trying to corrupt giliman is like trying to spread frozen butter on cold toast hence giliman replied by punching a hole through core which caused survive to be kid's plot armor the word bearers were a pretty dislike legion overall due to their living characters being [ __ ] and their likable characters being dead lorga's original vision of chaos actually did have a valid point and he was very well written in books such as the first heretic however now he's just another pawn of the evil that is chaos his morals and vision are broken and there is nothing left except for a little pedo man who is scared of ravens and that does this for today guys the lore and story of vlogger and the word bearers remember guys the magical minis are live and available you could even convert them into word bearers if you want to however i can't remember the last time i saw anyone paint word bearers if you enjoyed the video and want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be only one dollar gives you access to a boatload of warhammer hentai and 10 dollars gives you access to the magekill hentai calendar hit the subscribe button then hit the real subscribe button for more pedo killing content join the discord for more memes and i'll see you in the next one [Applause] [Music] peace [Music] you
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 526,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Lorgar, Lore, Story, Plot, Word Bearers, Daemons, Demons, majorkill, Australia, Australian, Funny, Comedy, Primarchs, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Nurgle, Khorne, Erebus, Kor Phaeron, epic, Space Marines, Astartes, Ultramar, Ultramarines, Sanguinius, Blood Angels, Undivded, Argel Tal
Id: qDSxthTCRkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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