Is Kinetic Sand Bulletproof? Some Weird Stuff....

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you know if all bowling shoes are up here i didn't have them you put them somewhere what's that oh cool that's cool why are you locked in there i didn't lock you in here come on [Music] so please welcome to demolition ranch it's cold out here we're filming first thing in the morning and if we were used to like texas weather because it got hot for a few days and then it got cold again so welcome to chili demolition ranch today we're shooting some kinetic sand this actually you know we make jokes a lot about people like saying hey you should test this when no one ever said that this one actually gets talked about all the time people want to know how good is kinetic sand at stopping a bullet we've tested like regular sand we've tested dirt we've tested all kinds of like natural mediums to see if it'll stop stuff but never this kinetic sand it's just like a sand that kind of moves kind of weird you can see if you like bunch it up and you like let it go it just kind of starts melting back it kind of has properties similar to solids and similar to liquids and you can do some other stuff look at this cute little knife it's a little baby knife someone sent that you can do things like this like cut it like it's a tomato if i had a bigger knife that would work better but you can also just kind of see how it just moves kind of like a liquid it's really weird really fun to play with stuff so kinetic sand is weird kind of is in between a solid and a liquid which both of those are usually pretty good at stopping bullets so we bought about 70 pounds of it we're gonna put the lids on here so we don't lose too much sand with every shot and we're gonna shoot it and see if these things can stop a bullet they should be able to because it's still pretty dense even though it moves like a liquid it is fairly dense like sand let's do it 22 long rifle out of our kel-tec this is the one that i always make jokes about how we need to clean it and then we never clean it 22s are notoriously very dirty guns okay we're good to go let's just drop that i think it's clean enough to fire this is a 22 long rifle going at our kinetic sand probably not going to be very passive on this one hit right here nothing came out the back i am not surprised we're not going to go digging for that one thing that's hard one thing a kinetic stand stopped a 22. let's shoot a real bullet at it when we haven't shot in a while the 357 magnum out of the desert eagle this is my little baby desert eagle i guess i can't really say baby does video because there's actually a desert eagle called the baby desert eagle and it's not this this is my adolescent desert eagle 357 mag that packs a big punch probably gonna go through the first and into the second wow that couldn't have been any closer look at that so we hit the back wall but did not go through so we should be able to find that pretty easily there it is that's crazy to deform that bullet that much in sand it also dried it out you can see that sand down there's a little lighter colored i don't know if that comes across on camera but that's weird pretty neat okay easily stopped a 357 magnum so let's go with something a little more powerful maybe something out of a little bit longer barrel stuff's weird this is a bit of a smaller cartridge the bullet actually is bigger this is a 10 millimeter we're shooting out of a rifle a really nice rifle the high point carbine this gun actually did very good in our demolition ranch testing so we're going to see how it works on this kinetic sand we do still have two flashlights on it just in case in case it gets really dark all of a sudden all right 10 millimeter that's a big powerful round coming out of a long barrel terrible trigger another hit i don't remember which one of those are three to seven that looks like that looks like a new one and oh wow that one went through so that one went straight through 10 millimeter which is about the size of a 40 cal but it's just going way faster nothing out the back of this so our 10 millimeter is in there let's find it it can't be far so what's interesting to note is it was like this stuff moving it was cooking it see how the sand right here is so light colored it like cooks it so it doesn't have that dark color anymore it doesn't feel as wet but in this one it wasn't cooking it because it was probably going a lot slower where is it dang it where is it oh found it there it is not deformed at all is our 10 millimeter yeah we're gonna have to shoot something more powerful now we're gonna skip a few steps now and go straight to the 50 beowulf this big mama jama so this thing is going way fast and has a very heavy bullet so it should do some damage and it's all brass too saw something hit the dirt over there that was a low shot dang it i forgot we're really close yeah i went through the table okay we're gonna shoot that one again round two all right i'm gonna aim an inch over probably should have aimed like right at the top and not an inch over yeah that was too high for sure i aimed here first hit here i am here hit here i should have just aimed right here i'm gonna aim right here actually my name right there it's gonna it'll be perfect somehow we did hit every lid though big mistake big mistake matt i know her to aim now i got her dialed in dang it we're gonna be losing a lot of sand now that we don't have lids perfect shot first try okay obviously going through going through did not go through wow stopping the second one okay so our bullet should be god stuff gets hard right down here somewhere i can't find it but look how cool this stuff is [Music] so i don't know it may have come out the top you can tell we came out right here on that shot and went in right here which was below the level and it blew a lot out it may have just blown that bullet out too so all i know is it will not go through two we emptied our two back ones into the rest of them just to top them all off so they're all full now and then we put some things over them to try to save it from exploding out too much this time we're gonna shoot it with a very fast round a 308 out of a rifle so this thing has much more penetrating power than the 50 beowulf we'll see what it does that kinetic sand out of this f1 firearms are still lost a decent amount of sand looks like our entry right there oh yeah it definitely went out there's our eggs oh my gosh so way bigger exit than the 50s which is crazy there's our exit did it go in yeah right there so there's our entry down there nothing came out here so there's a 308 in here most likely there she is it was about an inch in that hole right there very squished and stretched but still pretty much all together and didn't go very deep at all maybe we should get a 50 cal that's a little more powerful than a 50 beowulf i was trying to figure out some way we could save this video so i was like what if we just make like a big sand castle but this kinetic sand just it just melts like as soon as we put it up here it just starts falling off we put the cinder block in here to try to build against something but it still just like flows like liquid down it's just constantly melting so oh my god we're just losing sand by the second look at this like this stuff is so weird just falling down but it feels like normal sand but then it's like oh you want me to stay up in a sand castle too bad i'm just going to slink my way down to the ground like a liquid it's like slow motion liquid is what's happening right now all right that's the best i got if i build it any taller it just starts shrinking again it just flattens out into a big blob so that is the best sand castle that the king of the demolition can build i'm sorry i'm not sorry that that's really you couldn't do any better that's the best anyway the whole world can do 50 bmg this time out of the gold barrett look how beautiful so good and we're shooting a blue tip which is an incendiary round so i want to see two things will the blue tip explode when it hits that sand i think it will i think it'll flash and explode and will the 50 bmg go through the sand and break the cinder block behind it i also think it'll do that i think it's going to explode and continue through firing very interesting so it went through exploded in the sand threw sand everywhere i saw the flash in there but somehow did not break our cinder block what the heck dude that's it so there is our jacket how hot are you very hot very hot here's another piece of metal some little pieces teeny tiny little shrapnels i'm just afraid i'm going to grab something very well all the sand is hot crazy so that explosion went off right here in the middle so we had a little hump of sand right here you can actually see where it came in looks like it probably started exploding right there a little bit of black boom and then in here really exploded through our sand everywhere and left that's probably half of the bullet i don't know where the other half is it may have gone out but as you can see nothing touched that it doesn't look like the bullet even went all the way through because it looks like it came in here and then didn't hit any of the back half crazy all right i'm gonna dig around this little bit see if we can find anything else here's what i found i think that entire bullet is in here i just kept finding little tiny chunks so there's probably a few more that we there's there's another one a few more that we had not found yet that are still in there but that entire 50 bmg stayed in the sand somehow also i found this which i think is our 22 bullet because that does not look like a 50. but also come check this out we got sand all the way over here on these cinder blocks we've got some sand over here and there's a 20 foot radius of sand all the way around this whole thing where that explosion just chunked it everywhere that much energy but it kept all the pieces of the bullet in there which is pretty crazy so i was thinking if you're gonna fill sandbags to protect around your house film with kinetic sand it's gonna be a lot more expensive but obviously it does a great job stopping 50 bmgs also we're going to put one grain of sand in every purchase you make from bunker branding probably is going to be hard to find may be impossible but don't trust me guys it's in there one grain of sand for every one of you there's at least a million so you guys go ahead and start orange shirts link in the description below thanks so much for watching this episode demonstrate i love you and i'll see you next time [Music] ah [Music] oh it's quite simple there's only one rule in the demolition you don't tell mayor
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 3,089,839
Rating: 4.9543576 out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: RVmoLdfKZ-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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