is Astegon the Best Mining Pal in Palworld? // palworld tips

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who's the best minor between aagon and uh digit toys folks are saying that aagon can one shot the nodes that's true okay it's pretty cool as well but I think it actually gets rid of some of the ore okay this is also if you're out here mining ore like this it sucks because you have to then slow walk everywhere it doesn't get rid of the ore I don't believe it actually it combines into Stacks at a certain point why would you why would you do this you make an Auto mining base and then it just becomes a matter of who's the best auto mining base for ore and coal and then who's a good P to have to mine sulfur one shotting sulfur is nice but having to go pick it up like this it's it's actually you wouldn't be like this sulfur is way way way way lighter more you wouldn't really find the easiest sulfur spots that are not going to be guys this is ridiculous the best sulfur spot isn't in a clump like this but 312 one shot that that's it's not bad on base settings if you're on crack settings you get like a thousand now with the digit toys for or mining it's obviously not as fast but outside the base that's what it looks like sulfur way way way faster I have a mod where I get pal souls and it's kind of nice I'm not going to lie to you cuz I have an open chest to get power Souls it's just it was it wasn't for me after 400 hours proba like 100 that's like being logged in I got that mod anyway let's go ahead and show what sulfur mining looks like cuz I think that that's what's more important outside the base I'll be showing the inside the base a bit later in the video so for sulfur the best place you can go not early game but eventually is going to be here cuz you simply you teleport in you TP right here and the sulfur is literally to your right right these stutters are going to be the death of me why are there too too here I still don't understand that and the Damage that this guy does to sulfur is pretty cool I won't lie about that so you can hit four nodes not too shabby and if I have the wos with me which I would it wouldn't be that bad so I don't hate the idea of this but the problem that would arise is you can't get every node digit toys can just and I think that that is really efficient so maybe you could do both if you really wanted to some quick clarification aagon and digy toys are both fully condensed and they all have work speed Buffs work speed only affects one pal when mining or coal and sulfur and stuff and that's dig toys I have on aagon but it doesn't do anything but how's the damage inside the base because for the longest time he did like one or two damage but now he does 8 and seven to ore to coal it's like like 9 8 11 for some reason coal takes way more damage I'm not sure exactly why these are Big damage numbers though I'm not going to count every single one I refuse to key frame that and count if you want to you can I assume it's in the ballpark of at minimum 110 each spin at maximum probably like 120 130 which is really high so that's a fourstar dig toys which work speed does affect him in the base but only him though I'm not sure why it's very strange if you don't believe me use Muscle head and see how slow he spins and how long it takes to actually channel to spin so then we go ahead and compare that to an aagon and aagon aagon yeah I think aon's correct who can range Hawk he does 95 98 98 so he's doing below 100 damage most of the time to these ores and he's not that that fast this guy's spinning this guy is just constantly pumping out deeps bro like sure we have the multiple hits versus the bursts but I think that dig toys is doing more Dam there are some pros and cons though dude when you don't have Swift how is it that slow and we're already seeing a con right now dick toys he is always freaking hungry more things I learned from average Jonas if your dig toys is eating too much if it's interfering with his work performance give him some pizza keep him full or longer it'll give him more nutritional value it'll basically make him go from being hungry to full whereas with what I was using before salads it's not as fing and that makes sense even in real life kind of and also you might want to give your dig to if you make one swift Runner and work slave Artisan you'd have 80% work speed from the work traits and you'd have movement speed and it's not that much different I don't believe from having full work speed I think at a certain point it comes a lot and so you might benefit from having the move speed just put it out there and he also has to sleep through the night Di tost has to go to to bed this guy doesn't but for some reason he's just he's Idol why you why you weakened wait the weakened the weaken might be throwing off these results weakened how do you get rid of that it's a shot right uh it's in this cabinet weakened we have the medicine that could be affecting some some stuff here I think actually might be affecting the damage I want to see myself inject him at that angle probably not but okay is the damage any higher now you're on a short break I just freaking shot you up you've been Juiced see dig toys doesn't do that he doesn't just go in la la land he's he's on a mission he has a goal he has a plan in mind what's going on here nope the damage is still the same 95 can you one shot or two or coal you can interesting I think aside from it being cool it's not all that practical cuz sure you can one shot ore sometimes I guess but then you have to carry it somewhere and the closest TP in this case is pretty far away or I guess you can bring your own base with you but that means you'd have to just keep a spare base at all times so at the moment I just don't really see aagon being that wild and the way that I farm stuff outside my base is it's not usually clumped up like this sulfur the place I go is like a straight line that's kind of spread out so using this guy I'd have to wait a decent time for my Quon to come back up so I still believe that dig toys is better outside the base for what I use it for and also inside the base just because of the comparison that was shown Iggy just claps out sure he eats more and he has to sleep through the night but I still think that that is better personally although to each their own I just wanted to Showcase that aagon does a lot of damage like that if you care for that kind of thing you do need to have thunder strike which is going to be a hard thing to get like I think usually found on skill trees on the top left of the map or North if you want to get the lightning track I suggest which I don't know if it's like a real thing or not looting the skill fruit trees around this area around this area and around this area there's a map I'll probably show on the screen as well you can go there yourself but I think those have a high chance of giving you stuff maybe even in the bottom of the map there are ones that have a good chance of giveing you good stuff like from this area I've gotten a lot of epics so I assume the skill fruit trees in the desert area in the frost area and then in the lava area will give you a higher chance but I've heard folks saying you can get them in lower level areas as well in conclusion I think they're both good Digi get back in the shot brother we're still filming and there's drawbacks there's pros there's cons sure and it just comes down to what do you like what do you prefer I do think it should be considered that flying Pals have a tendency to get stuck that will get fixed eventually and potentially they might make it so work speed affects the other Pals when they're mining ore and stuff that happens you could see have you could see a crazy thing occur you could see some insane mining potential arise but for now do what you want to do and the easiest route is to have anubis's and asons at base level that have any stats you want really like preferably like the diet stuff and that's the easy route the more efficient one would be having digit toys in terms of mining output but hey do what you wish thanks for watching have a good day peace lightning [Music] [Music] strike
Channel: OhDough
Views: 21,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld mining, palworld mining base, palworld mining pal, palworld tips, palworld base tips, palworld best mining pal, palworld strongest mining pal, palworld best base mining pal, palworld digtoise, palworld anubis, palworld astegon, palworld blazamut, palworld ore farming, palworld quarts mining, palworld coal farm, palworld digtoise vs astegon, palworld lightning strike
Id: 2FodWpblEOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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