Ignoring my Education and Experience to Thrive in Mini Motorways!

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hello welcome back to city planner plays where we are playing midi motorways and in the previous episode i took a planning perspective on building my city and i found out that that was completely wrong so there are a couple things i'm gonna do differently this time around uh first of all we're gonna have a black pointer uh that was the number one comment i saw i can't see your pointer hopefully this helps and number two i reduce the resolution of the video so hopefully everything's a little bit easier to see on a mobile device and finally i'm going to abandon all of my planning knowledge so connectivity is out we're going to have cul-de-sacs we are going to segregate all of our uses and our people which is really painful as a planner that's not what we're supposed to do and uh you know we're gonna see if that helps because you know cul-de-sacs and segregation i guess that's that's what we need to do in this game and then we'll give beijing a try and you might see that my best score is 493 that's because i tried this and i disconnected a road and killed the city so we're gonna we're we are going to give it a shot and see how i do using segregation and cul-de-sacs oh and diagonal rhodes which you all suggested i should try so let's give that a go and hopefully even though it's going to be ugly it'll be really functional so look at this not too bad so far also i guess the other thing i need to avoid is four-way junctions so we're gonna only go with t-junctions at 45 degree angles man that kills me so so far with three trips we're good i wonder i wonder if we can if we can kick this up to the next level though okay so we got another one so we'll go diagonal right there another one diagonal right into the bridge that's safe and we can't segregate because we already have an issue with segregation which surprise surprise there we go but you know we'll have this this will be a roundabout spot in the future oh i got bridges so now i can segregate okay okay let's pause this for a second and let's see about what we can do um can't do it that needs another bridge so yeah the only way that i could fix this would be to eliminate this bridge oh yeah absolutely segregated just the way that mini motorways likes it we've got a weird junction here we can fix that we'll just have a bunch of 45 degree driveways everyone loves those and of course as soon as i try as soon as i try the game comes at me alright so all that was an exercise in futility because it got me okay that should do the trick it is wow that's terrible so now there's absolutely no segregation which uh you know what we can still do it there we go that's uh i probably shouldn't be so excited about that but i think i've just solved it kind of i mean this is the best we're gonna get um if we're gonna try to yeah we can't go down so there's really no solution except to do this look at how efficient this this these uh these yellow buildings and people are just going back and forth from work to home worked at home worked at home and we got a roundabout so we're gonna use that that's gonna be a good tool for us i think we're gonna put that right here modify this ever so slightly that'll make this super efficient in fact let's take it up to the next level and have that lovely junction in there keep this pro or something and we've made this driveway super long but it works we're just humming along so boy this the look of these houses with the 45 degree driveway just drives me crazy i just desperately want the buildings to rotate too it's such a pretty game i love the minimalist vibe of this i just hate that so much okay roundabouts are bridge i think this time we're gonna go with a bridge hopefully we can keep our uh separation of uses maybe that's a better term than uh segregation and uh keep on keeping on there oh i'm really messing this up all right so we've got our yellow here just diagonal across the water that's not a bridge and we're not connected so what we're going to need to do is rethink our roundabout connection because we need one more there we go this should solve our problems that would be a really hairy roundabout and of course let's get one more let's kick this up to the next level we're gonna we're gonna go into slow motion there we go t-junctions everywhere driveway into a driveway but it it's gonna work it's gonna work and truthfully this is kind of not great with the blues going and they're stopping i almost wonder would it be more efficient for me just to eliminate this have another t right there or you can do that yeah why don't we do that all the blues are coming this way anyway so it'll give them a nice you know angle it's directing them they know exactly where they're supposed to go and this should be smooth sailing to get in so it's almost like they're always yielding the right of way in the roundabout no matter what i guess not i guess i guess i'm seeing things okay we get another blue factory and i guess at this point there's oh so we get traffic lights are motorways traffic lights don't work i'm skipping that we're going to go with motorways and we're going to hold on to it until we need it and i was going to put this blue over in this blue cul-de-sac you know what it doesn't matter it's all connected at this point so we might as well just uh make sure that we are keeping up our roads in the fashion that we were truthfully we could make some changes here if we really wanted to at this point and we're going to so i'm going to pause this for a second what i think we're going to do is reserve this area in the roundabout or this factory over here there we go and then we'll have a t-junction right here and it's going to be a total mess but i think it's going to work okay trying to keep that t-junction well i don't want any four-ways these are coming right up there got two up here it's efficient we could use we could use our motorway here i might save it though because it's humming along local roads everywhere i i don't know i mean i guess this is probably as close to an arterial as we have this might be uh the arterial collector i don't know what this is this is a mess okay so we've got this here oh let's diagonal diagonal that's a four-way but it's probably gonna be okay roundabouts are motorway we're gonna keep getting motorways in fact i'm gonna rethink this there we go and okay so this is where our motorways become useful because what i think we're gonna do is just add one here oh and these houses aren't even connected cool that's just what i was hoping for well and that's that's pretty horrible but i think it's gonna be pretty functional kind of look at how fast the people on the one are getting to where they need to go okay time to slow down for a minute and take an inventory of what we need to accomplish our goals so first of all we gotta get that red guy connected up there we have another motorway we have some more roundabouts we have plenty of tiles we're gonna keep taking the motorways we're gonna pause for a second and take a look because i think i'm getting a little wild here and if there's anything i know about this game it's you can't get wild well you can but i know so we're gonna make this connection here and you know what maybe maybe we actually maybe we're okay let's just keep an eye we've got two highways that we could use if we need to but i think right now things are kind of humming along the only one that's a little bit hairy is this gray that's one that we're gonna make and that's gonna get worse too so holy cow now the houses are just flying it's just rapid growth just crazy growth ah it's relentless okay but we're still we're still okay we're controlled and wow this this cluster of gray nowhere near where it needs to be it could probably use a quicker way to get up here we are going to i think we're going to take a bridge we're going to pause this so we have this green and we've got this pot of green over here so what i think we're going to do is go ahead and make a green connection up here so that should help us with our green and then we can also make a connection here to our gray we don't have a connection here and we can't make one easily what am i saying we can make one that's insane [Laughter] okay so i think that this will work wow i i you know i'm trying to imagine where i'd want to live in the city there's basically nowhere but it's but it's all this this beautifully chaotic mess is is somehow working all right we're getting kind of low on our roadway tile so i'm a little bit nervous about that but it's not so bad that it's insurmountable and we don't have any places you know freaking out right now okay so obviously if given the option between bridges and traffic lights every time a bridge because the traffic lights don't help it just don't help the bridges i mean they're kind of helpful okay more connections oh wow wow i'm going to slow this down again so there's a whole bunch of yellow spawning up here we're gonna make some absolutely insane connections and i just heard another one i don't know where it is did i miss it i think everything's oh this green guy right here hey you just go in there yo you'll get to where you need to go so you get one roundabout three bridges two freeways and everything's still working it's i i don't know why it it seems it seems so much more functional than my last city it's just really oh right here gray's not connected so i'm going to keep an eye on that because sometimes they'll spawn in a cluster and look like they're connected but they're actually just connected to each other they're not feeding anything wow and this is still connected here that is terrible okay so i took a roundabout because it's not a traffic signal and i don't even i don't this is maybe the one area where it would make sense and here's another spot where it could make some sense let's slow this down it's going to take a long time for the yellows to get over here so i think this is an opportunity opportunity to make some absolutely insane connections here we go we get we got a diamond here and it's gonna work just fine all right so with the roundabout i think i kind of want to clean up this hairy junction right here now i really don't like this but i think it's gonna work so we've got a whole bunch of stuff this roundabout that's just kind of flaring out so you go from one roundabout to another and maybe it would be helpful if i got some of these houses loading in the other in some other place then i could get rid of that leg of the roundabout that should improve things a bit because whoa this is a mess this is a disaster over here we're having issues getting red people to this and this oh no oh no so maybe another connection will relieve some pressure i don't like this at all so i think that this is the problem so we've got all of these okay motorway that's going to fix things for us we're going to pause and we need to get a motorway between maybe a red pot up here and right here and hopefully that'll fix things for us in fact i can get rid of this connection now so please please go help maybe i shouldn't have separated all of these out i'm getting achievements so that's something so trying to separate these that we have some red facing this way and some facing this way and some going here and we've got this pot of red over here oh it's all terrible now we've got a blue over here that's so far away and that is not where it should be not not at all oh this grey guy over here is upset ah rightly so there's no way to get there that is a real mess uh well of course i get a roundabout or a traffic sign or traffic traffic lights it's not helpful let's let's stop for a second how could we fix this oh there's just not a good way to get there and i've i've funneled all of the traffic through here so i almost need to make this connection again oh it's ugly so what i might also do is through this roundabout add in another connection here there so now you could proceed through the roundabout and get over here it's just not i'm hoping it's fast enough i just don't know that it's gonna be another gray really that's that's what we're gonna do oh no okay this one's okay now this one's not please someone get over there slow down slow down okay okay pause again because we've got a whole bunch of madness over here we've got gray guys for days they're doing things none of it's good none of it's good at all okay a whole bunch of tea junks i've got up we got a four-way here that's gotta go we don't need that blue guy going there we'll do this whatever this is so i'm either about to fail or i've just i've just i just solved that all of the traffic problems in the entire city and the whole world loves me i don't think that's the case [Laughter] this is what happens you get crazy development patterns it's not my fault i'd never plan this city like this okay one here got a lot of gray folks coming in here though so hopefully this one gets some get some relief okay we're good got some blue issues here some gray issues here blue's good we could really use an interstate boy oh boy could we ever use an interstate okay we're gonna slow things down again cause we got all this blue stuff happening over here we got some green stuff happening over here or yellow i mean i'm losing track of my colors and so stressed and is there is there something right oh and i just added a road i don't even know i don't even know where i added that this there's so much going on it's there yeah there's there's so much going on but i think this is all connected and that's ultimately that's the goal keep it all connected keep it moving okay we got a motorway all right so wherever things are totally breaking down so like right here i think a roundabout would really help yeah that's horrible hopefully this improves things there oh boy so much bad so much bad oh that's that's that's safe [Laughter] um this one is all messed up the green's mad that blue is real mad and i get it that that's a hike so let's give a direct route there yeah right there right over that house that'll do the trick oh oh now everyone's mad at me everyone is mad traffic is backing up everywhere oh my goodness this yellow one's upset red yellow red blue yellow everyone's mad and i get it and i'm so sorry i don't know what's going on at this point oh yeah there's just traffic backing up everywhere there's no way to segregate this into working i really look at all those cars backed up i'm getting fired i'm getting fired this is about where i crawl underneath my desk as i hear that citizens banging outside the door saying game over 90 days uh you know 1801 travelers i guess i'll take that i'll take that let's see where i ranked this time all right 36 000. you know it it it's it could be worse i did better than la so i don't know if this is an apples to apples comparison but uh you know i feel good about it i feel good i think that your tips help me do a better job so thank you so much hope that you enjoyed this if you did hit the like button if you're not subscribed consider doing so and i'll see you in the next one take care bye-bye
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 129,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mini motorways, city planner plays, mini motorways gameplay, mini motorways game, mini motorways lets play, mini motorways lp, management games 2021, new puzzle games 2021, new strategy games 2021, mini motorways strategy, mini motorways city planner, mini motorways tips
Id: 0OcuFWoHgjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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