Building Institutional Uses: Private Schools & Public Housing - (Clearwater County #25)

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[Music] hello welcome back to city planner plays where we are building the village of shorewood in clearwater county and in today's episode we are going to focus on this area right here where the church churches saint mary's grounds saint mary's has been holding out wondering what to build in this area and after a great deal of deliberation they have decided to do a number of things first of all they know that there's a need for a high school in shorewood and right now the school district is not planning on building a high school here yet that's because the village is not very big but it is very very hot so uh the village is not very big and it doesn't merit having its own high school at least in the school board's mind a bus is much more cost effective there is capacity at belmont high school that doesn't sit well with the catholic church nor do they feel great that there's not a catholic education in the area so they're going to build a high school and build a small elementary school in addition they're going to build priests quarters and a place for nuns and then with the remaining land they are going to develop apartments in the area or at least sell the land off for the development of apartments but before we get to all of that i feel like i need to address the elephant in the room and that is the last time you saw clearwater county it might have looked a little bit different so my computer blew up during the stream basically that i had a couple weeks ago and as a part of that i decided to rebuild my computer reinstall windows start fresh and see what i can do to get the most out of the equipment that i currently have so i picked up a new case that was the one thing i wanted to do because i found out that my iao died so my my water cooler and it was very difficult to replace in the h1 case that i had so replace the case in the cooler and my frames are just buttery at this point everything is really working well and i'm really pleased with how it's working uh that said before i formatted windows i thought that i grabbed the save for clearwater county 24 i did not so i had to go back through and watch 24 and rebuild this uh so it might be a little bit different i also had to use bob i missed my my xml settings if you decide to migrate to a new version of windows you actually have to maintain your xml settings so and then i had to redo all my obs settings so it's been a process i guess is the loving way that i would put it it's been an interesting little while uh that said i'm feeling good now i feel like i'm in a spot now where this is running as good as it ever has so i'm i'm i'm very happy so uh all you gotta look at the silver lining of bad situations and that's my silver lining that things turned out for the best in the end so let's get moving so first of all i know that there have been some concerns about the parking that was built in this area uh that maybe this wasn't the most appropriate job of parking and i agree i think we can do better and we're going to try so we're going to build a modular parking lot in this area so before we do that let's get rid of all this old stuff boom gone and let's wrap this road around the church okay so i think we need to think about the layout of the area so obviously we're gonna need parking in close proximity to the church and i'd love to share that with the schools so what that means to me is that the schools we're gonna extend the parking out here and have schools in close proximity here and maybe the parking will extend beyond it a bit behind the church we are going to have the quarters for the priest and to the side of that we are going to build the place for the nuns so it's going to be a little consolidated campus and it's going to free up a ton of land and that land is going to be very valuable to the church because it can sell that land off for development purposes so all good things to those who wait i suppose so and the church has certainly waited to develop their land so let's start out by building some of those parking facilities and this would be a very important part of this build [Music] so i think one thing that we might do here is just upgrade some of these roads the parking lot roads and i should have not done that let me see if i can undo it all right so i have the undo it mod and that is very valuable very very valuable because in situations like this where you inadvertently delete a whole bunch of stuff you can just go and undo it so i'm going to turn off road collision and that will allow me with anarchy to go ahead and upgrade these without demolishing everything and then i can at least pull things back and make some some decisions without the game making decisions for me so we're going to extend this road now and make a connection up with this road over here so i'm going to likely lower the speed here because i don't want to encourage this as a cut through road and i'm sure that would be a very significant topic of conversation cut throughs are always a topic of conversation [Music] now that we've upgraded some of this landscaping no longer makes sense so we're just making sense of the place by making modifications based on the landscaping that is currently there and i think it looks okay you know i did like the landscaping that was around here but it's okay okay so we've spread things out a bit tried to consolidate it make it look a little bit nicer are still some wonky bits and that's like the fences it's just not quite perfect i could spend all day trying to make this perfect i've got it pretty close so we're gonna leave that there i move these bushes but i don't love what's happening so we're just going to call a mulligan on those bushes and that tree we're going to move that tree inside it's the height of realism just relocating trees large mature trees we're not gonna worry about that and there we go so this would be an interesting project because the city they would have ideas about this but these are all institutional uses that they are proposing in this area and the the apartments that's probably the most controversial bit truthfully um you know a school is controversial because it generates traffic so there will be controls that people would want to see in place and i'm sure that for the most part the church would do what they can but there are just certain realities you know it's it's a busy use it's not it's not the kind of use that you would expect there to be a modest amount of traffic so there's only so much you can do to mitigate it there's going to be peak periods where there's just a lot of traffic and there's not much that anyone can do to stop it you know during a church service for instance how are you going to stop the traffic you're just you're just not you know so it's it's one of those things that i know can be a difficult topic to broach but it is the reality of the situation now this is tough i was really hoping i could avoid the issues that i'm having here so the issue that i'm having is it wants to clip to one of these nodes and none of them are right for me so i'm going to turn all these off go to angle and i'm going to turn off collision and see if i can force a weird junction yeah that's terrible so i i could um and that was the issue i was having in the previous build and that was pointed out in the comments and i thank you for that comment because it was very helpful might need to be get a bit more creative here so i'm wondering if we get rid of that segment there that does the trick it's a really bad configuration truthfully so let's continue at the drawing board and see if there's anything we can do to improve this [Music] okay we just needed that little jog in there and that did the trick for us the other thing the saint mary's is going to petition the city to improve this road in front of their facility it's a fine road but you know not even sidewalks isn't ideal you'd imagine that a number of the the folks coming to this church would potentially have a need for sidewalks and related facilities children elderly and the like so i don't think it's a totally unreasonable request from the church and generally you know cities like seeing requests like this if there's an ordinance on the book on the books that would have the church pay for it then they would absolutely love it if they didn't have that sort of ordinance it's still you know seeing support for sidewalks is rare so you know it's it's it's a tough thing particularly in an area where it snows which this is and it will so it's certainly a a thing it would it would certainly be taken into consideration now we've got a couple of odd spots here where they're used i guess there aren't bushes but there could be so we're just going to add them in i guess you could have that nice feeling you're walking by the cemetery and now you're stuck in between a bush and the wall that's what you're into so we will get rid of that there we go that's nice so this feels like an improved street at this point a valuable street in the community and this parking is going to be incredibly valuable i almost wish that this was a little bit closer to the road and i'm going to probably do something about that so i click all of those nodes and i just pull this over holding alt try to keep it as straight as i can the thing is i get it too close and it kind of breaks that node so i'm going to pull it back just a little bit and we're going to upgrade this road too so this road is going to have a school on it so this is going to be an important corridor in the community so i think there would be value in upgrading this particular road and the city is going to use it as an opportunity generally there are not many improved roads that's quite clear to see at night so i know there have been many uh discussions in the comments about the lack of light in shorewood so the reason there's not a lot of light is there aren't many improved streets that actually have street lights so all of those rural kind of township roads they don't have lights the industrial roads do the collector here does and the roads that have been upgraded to urban standards certainly do but anything that is a town road doesn't have it so and that that's pretty common in those sorts of areas so not unreasonable at all so we'll pull that through we'll end it here at the end of the church campus they're gonna get sidewalks all the way around based on their request there we go that's nice that is very nice so i want to do a couple of things here first of all we need parking stalls and we need some of this craziness in here fixed and we're just gonna pave those all in i'd i absolutely despise that but that absolutely happens maybe this one will leave and we'll put some landscaping in there uh we'll put in a couple of trees in this area it's very difficult to levy uh any requirements on an institutional use it certainly happens but there's a lot more give there even if the planners don't have that give imagine going to a city council and asking about it the city council is going to have a lot of empathy for the institutional user uh whether that is a school a church what have you so it's it's going to be difficult to to to push back against some of those things for better for worse [Music] so i missed this accessible parking so we're gonna add that now we're gonna have a pretty significant amount and you think you know it's a church there are likely a number of disabled individuals attending and they would need an adequate place to park i have some key binding that is is incorrect and every time i release the binding for this which is control x it rotates which is driving me absolutely crazy but i haven't figured it out yet that said i've been figuring out a lot of stuff on this on the computer generally so if you are on the discord server you've probably noticed that i have not been quite as active lately i promise i will be back i have just been very busy getting this ready also working on the city building competition there's been a lot of movement there it's been a lot of fun i finished my reviews some of the other judges are still working on theirs but we're around in the home stretch and it's that's an exciting place to be that because that means that we will be working on putting together our top three so very exciting stuff all right so back to the build here we go a couple of interesting things that have changed so we moved to the street after i pulled in the fence so i'm gonna pull this back this is a steel fence so i will just curve this in ever so slightly and move some of the things that are happening here there we go that's that's feeling good feels natural feels feels nice so our first of all we're gonna do our elementary school and uh let's start out by building a drop off loading area so i want to have some synergy with the parking lot there so that staff could come and park so we are going to build a connection here but we're also going to build a loop a drop off loop [Music] so this is absolutely terrible but it happens so that might change a little bit what we're going to do first is build this elementary school so this is an asset that's been in the set for a while it's called the orphanage it's a neat little asset it's also an elementary school so it's a large elementary school so it's interesting because i don't know that you really imagine a catholic school to have such a large student population but we're going to go with it and it's going to to work out alright for us and actually we're going to demolish that we'll build a pedestrian connection between there we don't need to be able to drive in between these these areas but we do need to be able to walk and we need to be thoughtful about those connections so i would think let's see there are no doors there's a gate there's okay so the only way you can walk in is right up front so let's just build this connection here wonderfully terrible because it's it's the ploppable cement or the the the cement that comes with the the pedestrian pads the the vanilla ones that came with the the game initially and they just kind of bleed it's like paint it's it's fine it's just one of those things i would i would absolutely kill for a path that didn't do that and i'm wondering one of the assets that came with one of the buildings i believe was a little path i don't know where that is let me see if i could find that so it was a it was a path but narrower there it is tiny path [Laughter] so that came with an asset that i didn't use [Music] now i'm kind of uh thankful that i didn't use that asset because that path it's fine it's it it's fine just i guess i just gotta let it go alright so we have this here we're gonna do something else here and that is a playground for the children i picked up this castle it's massive and i'm really excited about it i don't love that it has to be on a road though that is the one thing and i'm wondering if i just pull it back here what happens okay it's it's not going to yell at me it's it's okay so that said i think that the consequence yeah it's it should be yelling at me now the consequence will be that it doesn't it doesn't actually attract visitors so let's rotate this around and we will add a road back through here which will have value for us anyway [Music] okay now i'm curious this is now happy so i apparently we can live with this so that's technically on a road we are going to fence it in though which is going to be kind of the interesting spot interesting part of this so it's a really beautiful asset if we take a look just look at this just wow just impressive it's very impressive uh it's got a very nice playground set i do think that we would want to add in some gravel well not gravel wood chips we'll call it but we have field which you know that's not going to be great and then we have gravel which though it's not ideal i do think it fits the character of this so we're just going to imagine actually we don't have to imagine so what if we just add some mulch and i'll just take this and i'll make a pad and then i'm going to copy it so we'll grab that we'll come in here we'll need to grab props i believe here we go we'll copy it i kind of regret something that i did here and that is around this corner i decided to get cute and put it at an angle i don't know why i did that so we'll just we'll just rectify that pop a couple more down we're going to fill in some of the gaps i don't want to overdo it with these in terms of you know reaching my node limits so we are going to try to be a little bit judicious with this but we do want it to not have just a flat edge too so we're going to spread it out just a bit around the edges because mulch is messy and then we will add some fencing around here because that is absolutely happening so i feel like traditionally at schools particularly private schools or elementary schools you'll see some of this you know kind of just this this type of fence that it's not very aesthetic but it's very utilitarian does the trick and you see that in these sorts of environments so we're gonna add that here i love these gaps i'm not sure why we're getting them but it's causing me to want to go back in time a bit and give that a bit more thought in terms of both the fence maybe we can use this chain link fence instead that's a long panel though so that's that's the trouble i love the way that looks but if it's that long it's very difficult to work with this one is individual fence pieces so maybe more problematic in terms of nodes but in terms of of actually being able to use it significantly better okay this isn't perfect but i think i can live with a little bit of imperfection or i can try and fail you guys know who i am at this point that's that's it's a little better we'll call that a gate i like that idea there we go so now it's at least fence then we've got to get rid of this thing that we created over here and we're making some progress on this and this area that said as we build this out you start to see that best laid plans don't always work and one of those plans was to have the priest quarters here so we're gonna have to relocate that a bit the other thing is i was really hoping to be able to consolidate the parking for the high school and the elementary school and the church that's looking more and more problematic that said there is oh my goodness we are burning so i clearly have to modify a mod setting there but we'll i'll get to that as as time goes on so for the high school we've got the small high school this has also been in the set for a while and this we'll relocate this over here we're going to need to have a drop off area here as well i just wanted to get a look at it and then let's use move it so we don't get charged a whole bunch of money and let's just generally place that where we want it to be i want to line this up with the road at lions park this is not a connection but i still even at that like the idea of the symmetry and i feel like that is what an architect would be looking for symmetry and sight lines and as a result we are going to think like an architect [Music] okay so there we go and that creates a sight line you can see it right there as you come from this sports facility it could go right here maybe this should have been knights of columbus because i believe that there's some relation to the church if i'm not mistaken could be mistaken there uh if i am let me know someone in the comments drop a note that was just my recollection i could be wrong um so what we're gonna do here is come around with the wrong drive that's very dark i like it looks nice and we will have a facility in this area for parking so this is attaching into the main drop-off area that would give another outlet to leave and we'll extend that back here that doesn't mean that our parking will go all the way back but it will provide another outlet there we go we'll have that parking there it'll wrap around you could drive straight through you shouldn't uh maybe we will solidify that that makes sense actually this is a very inefficient useless we're just going to cut that off right there cut this off here and really show that this enter these entries are here they're not desirable that's a really short distance there there's going to be kids there's going to be crossings there's going to be a lot going on here so clearly if you could avoid using those that would be better uh if you were dropping off anyway that wouldn't be your your first choice would be something that the parents know we don't really drop off we don't really loop down here we don't have to we could just sever this too but i feel like the fire department for instance might say that as we we want this connection here because if a fire were occurring we could access the building here here or here they might even want another access back here but we're gonna we there's a couple of options there so we could just have a path and that'll be sufficient most likely it all depends though i mean that's that's a fire department thing i'm a planner not a not a firefighter fire marshal so i clearly am not going to be best at answering that question but it's still a fun one to think about there we go give a little bit of space there so we can have some landscaping in the future let's add in our parking again and you can see that this is a nice little campus it's starting to become a thing so i'm very pleased with how this is turning out let's get that parking finished [Music] [Music] okay there we go we've got our parking in place and our high school is ready for students with the exception of one thing water i don't think we have any water through we do we're fine we know we're not gonna be in just a minute though so i'm gonna add water pipes underneath the roads back here right where they belong there we go and we might need a little bit more right here i'm i'm not certain i think we're gonna try to go without it and we'll see what happens and wow that fire that that bugs me probably rightfully so it should bug me i i don't love this curve here i i used to like it and now that we've done some things i don't love it we're gonna need to make me love it and i i'm not sure how we get there yet but we're gonna try and i'm guessing you don't really love it either it looks a little awkward um which you know certainly happens but to me it feels wholly unnatural kind of like back here it it feels a bit unnatural to me that that just kind of drop off here [Music] there we go that looks really nice that looks really nice it kind of spills over and i love that too all right so we're going to build a home for the priest and for the nuns so let's get going on that [Music] so i'm plopping these these are the three assets that we're going to use we have this brick manor it is the the bagley mansion apparently we're gonna fix that uh first of all i want to rename some of the buildings on here [Music] i just gave it some names that i thought would fit and now we're going to build in our our house the last thing i want to do is remind the priest of the funerals or death that occurs here we are going to place the home right here but we are going to try to do it in a tasteful way the other place we could put it we could probably put it here but that's a noisy spot we're probably just going to leave this put some trees here and leave that as is green space plenty of green space and this is not the most beautiful facility i would imagine that we would want some kind of screening from basically everything around with the exception of the cemetery we don't want people going to the ball fields and seeing this we don't want the home seeing this seeing uh the smoke going up the set the smells would be already noxious enough and you know a bit of a disturbance in the high school as well we want some sort of buffer so we're gonna we're gonna add that and not add in this area because we we should have that buffer here you're gonna loop back around with a small road we will do a 1u road and do a loop so the road guidelines here are not at all helpful so that is a two tile building we're gonna go three in it's gonna break our road we'll need to fix that don't have that looping there i don't necessarily need it to be a one-way that's just kind of the consequence of having that particular road it also doesn't hurt anything so maybe we'll keep that one way it looks a little bit bizarre being able to go up there in two different ways so and really this is a driveway that's that's the intention anyway so kind of a modest facility in the middle of this campus everyone would know that the priest lives here the priest will also have steps back to the school probably interfaces with the school on a number of occasions throughout the week maybe even daily hard to say so there we go we have that there we're going to add some landscaping around here but we're doing all of that at the end now here we have the homes where the nuns are going to live and for that what we're gonna do is another loop we'll put these on either side of the loop and it's interesting we have two different buildings here they both have the same aesthetic in terms of you know the angles on the roof so as we place these we're going to be mindful of that that is the sort of thing that you would absolutely expect to be commented on in this sort of in a review for this project you know so that that's something that we're going to think about in this area we want to give enough separation i think we're going to use this as we're going to use this as a guide so we know that this is two units we want to give it some separation we'll go four we'll give one unit separation in between and we'll likely need to go up now i'm nervous about conflicts with this parking lot but i think that we're gonna have them okay so those are fairly straight well lined up so we will go with that so we need our loops to make sense here and to have them make sense we'll make sure that they're going in the opposite direction that's that's not a great a great solution there so there we go going in the same direction we're gonna make some pedestrian connections through here truthfully i'd love to make some nicer connections so we have i'm curious so we have invisible paths well no it's not gonna work because i'd have to replace basically everything so we'll just go through and again use this path here and let's give this some thought because as i think about it it would be really nice to have maybe a fountain in here we could still we could still do that if we make it i don't know why that's selected we could still make that connection we're gonna need to be really careful about it so wow that is just ugly just terribly ugly so we'll back this in just a bit there we go much better so i want to have some sort of decoration here so i think what we're going to do is we're going to go into our parks collection and take a look at what we have for assets that we can use so our city park is probably our easiest to pull from or our props actually so what do we go through here we'll add in a couple of fountains [Music] and just kind of demonstrate the connectivity between these as a campus we'll have some landscaping here as well and i want to add a street here and a pedestrian connection a crossing right there [Music] so i'm going to use the grid to make this connection it'll give us our cleanest connection this might actually be a sidewalk already that said uh it should be yeah pedestrians should be able to cross through there so it should be okay we don't need to formalize that necessarily yeah there's already that's already a node so we'll just leave it it'll be fine they'll be able to cross there get to the elementary school or the high school depending on where they work or over to the church it's well laid out so this school does not have its own athletic facilities but it uses the community facilities and that works just fine for it we're gonna add in some fences to give some privacy to these residences because that would be a challenging place to live uh for for anyone so i think having some fences there would be requested right up front and not a difficult request to grant so we're going to set we're going to back these off from the road so that's something that routinely happens is that for fences particularly on the the front the street yard there would be some sort of setback so we'll have a street yard setback very controversial not to have that sort of setback there here we don't need to protect these buildings from one another so we are going to add in fencing basically from this facility up to here and then over here and then around here as well there we go that'll be the separation so a little area here where maybe you could have a courtyard that you fence in maybe this is that that special space for these nuns we can we can we can let uh the this residence in as well and we could even have a pedestrian connection here but it's fine walking around or walking in on the front as well so i think that that's laying out really nicely but we do need to do a bit of decorating lots of landscaping to make this place feel better so i know this has been a lot of detail that i'm putting in here but i feel like this kind of campus would really be prominent within the community uh regardless of what kind of institutional use it is think about institutional uses it could be anything from a church elementary school a uh sanitarium you know you name it those sorts of uses are incredibly prominent in communities their destinations their their waypoints someone would say take a left by saint peter's high school you know that would be something that would be totally rational that someone could do so that's one of the reasons i like to spend so much uh time on this it's not that i'm a catholic i'm actually not it's just it's just uh i i think it's very interesting i do know a lot of catholics have in my family though so uh and i'm not talking about religion beyond that so it's a it it's kind of the the rule of thanksgiving even you know which we just had you know unless you want to get into fights with people you just you don't talk about politics religion or uh i feel like there's a couple other things but we'll uh leave it in the comments what you don't talk about with other people things that you do amongst friends maybe you just you keep it to yourself other times keep it close to the vest all right so i'm pulling in some of these trees and again i'm keeping them well organized we'll we're going to have a lower tree here so this is going to be safety to trying to desi design for safety in mind and to do that we are going to in this area not have uh high trees we're gonna leave nice sight visibility in this area i'm looking at this and i feel like we probably could have extended the parking lot back and that would have been totally totally rational so we're gonna do that it's a high school so you would anticipate that there's more driving occurring here for better for worse so it is something that when you're planning a high school you do have to think about that so along here we're just going to have a row of trees but we are going to separate these a bit more so let's pop into our tree spacing and let's increase that so we're gonna go we'll go 20 meters so that's a nice spacing you get a bit of landscaping but you don't get too much and then we would use some lower landscaping for the rest of it so be that you know short grass or some sort of flower we'll just plant flowers along here so you can still see around this if that was your goal and i've talked about landscaping requirements for for developments and they're they're not hard and fast rules in some cases you can make a case that it makes a ton more sense to have less landscaping here and more uh low shrubs you still have the decoration and the creating the kind of the street kind of kind of a wall of landscaping to create a more intimate street environment but at the same time you can see over it you can make sure that nothing uh nothing shady is happening in the parking lot which i think is the the main concern and that that's a planner term by the way shady shady things happen in the parking lot so this would be an area we're gonna have to paint that um or do something you can see that this is an area where you get into this center plaza area so we're gonna leave that open and we will put landscaping along the outside here and then we'll have something larger in the center here to balance that space out and then again continue and i know i'm uh very heavy into the detailing in this one but i i just have i've been having uh the probably the most fun with sure but i mentioned this in the in the discord server that i'm just really having a good time with shorewood and the the amount of detail in this i am curious though how do you all feel about this uh you know if you aren't enjoying it i can i can certainly tone it back but i'm loving it i'm just having so much fun so i'm hoping that you guys are enjoying it as much as i am because uh i'm enjoying all the detail so i mentioned that i want to have some significant landscaping here so we'll have some prominent trees here we will mix it up a bit i'm trying to pick landscaping that doesn't overwhelm this area that's certainly something that i could do is just completely overwhelm this area with a whole bunch of incredibly large landscaping that just doesn't fit this area so i want to avoid that when at all possible again we're going to use prop line tool come through here shrink this up so we will get this nice and close so we can create a row through here i feel like it's those small things that demonstrate that a place is put together together it's not just kind of thrown in there so i'm making sure that we're mirroring some of these landscaping elements throughout both properties [Music] okay so one of the reasons i care so much about mirroring all of this and having common landscape elements is you would assume that this there are also the same folks landscaping this so if they had to replace a bush they're likely using the same bush it just it simplifies things from a procurement standpoint you understand the tree or bush so uh it's easier to maintain you'll often see that on landscaping plans that there's just a lot of the same sort of uh landscape that's something that you can request to be changed unless the ordinance specifies a certain variety of landscaping difficult to enforce though so and truthfully it's it's not that big of a deal it's going to be their fault and problem if it if it breaks down because they're going to need to maintain their landscaping it's generally within municipal codes that landscaping needs to be maintained at a certain standard so if they decide to put in something that will die all of the same things so that it could all go down in disease all at once they're going to need to to replace that so generally i feel like folks are a little better about that than you'd imagine some there are certainly some that try to to cut corners but i i feel like most developers are pretty good about that so we're going to back this off from the corners but still provide a bit of privacy from the school so we'll have these uh these leafy foals which to me look like pine trees and would provide a bit of screening so you wouldn't have people creeping in and looking at things happening in this area so again more evergreens and i i feel like that is an important part of landscaping too that often gets missed is that at least in my area you know it's it's a it's a cold weather climate and if you're not thoughtful about the type of landscaping in the winter you can end up in a situation where all of your landscaping is completely bereft of of any foliage and you know that's not screening anything at that point so it's just one of those things that i feel like it gets missed sometimes and it's important especially when winter lasts you know roughly six months here there we go so we're we're livening it up a bit here and there's a couple more places where we could do a bit more i'd love to see a statue here or something for the high school i'm gonna see what we have honestly i don't have much that would be valuable so i don't think that we want a cold beer sold here sign or anything like that so we'll we'll avoid that and go with a bit of landscaping and then i do want to build those apartments before we before we cut out because i feel like that is a very important part of this build that's what's financing a lot of this land sales uh and that's that's the the long and short of of some of these is that you have maybe you have individuals that you don't think of as developers or landowners or significant landowners but a lot of them are so uh you know the catholic church owns an extreme amount of land across the globe and there are a number of land owners like that that own a lot of land and they can generate money by selling some of that land so it's a it's an important part of you know what these what these entities do and uh you know you'll interact with them more as a result of the amount of holdings that they have okay so now we've got this in place and it's time to build our apartments so there are a couple of different apartments that we have available to us and uh what i think i'm going to do just to start out with is place two different assets that that we have available to us so first of all let's look so it's public housing is the name of the asset and i think that this is a fitting asset in this particular area for a few reasons first of all you just you see a lot of housing like this and uh there's a need for it so we're gonna we're gonna build this here we need to leave room for parking and unfortunately that's gonna leave kind of a weird empty spot but we'll consider that a bit of backyard space for this area and the way that we're going to accomplish this parking is we're going to build a road back here we're going to turn off our road guidelines because at this point they are not helpful and then we'll turn this around right there and then we're going to upgrade to some of our parking lot roads and i want to add a node in here and the reason for that is it's going to go all the way to the end i don't love that going all the way to the end that's a bit too close in my estimation so we'll come through here take out our network multi-tool go into add a node which i guess is also control i i never remember that then we'll come through here and upgrade just that segment and now we can play with this a bit hold down alt slide this back make it look terrible leave it like that so this doesn't give us much in terms of parking so i think we're going to cut that off there we'll just pull this back and it'll be a lovely parking cul-de-sac my favorite and then we'll have to have some sort of pedestrian connection here that's not excellent in the winter but it it certainly happens so first of all pedestrian connectivity there would be a lot through here [Music] it's probably sufficient we don't need any connections over to the school they're going to value their privacy and we are going to add a fence within here and i kind of like the idea of having a privacy fence through here and that could be respect requested by either party interestingly so that could be a condition of approval that a privacy fence has put up the number of times you see that is is actually more it's more common than you think that there are users that are afraid of what's coming next and as a result request some sort of privacy fence or they have an issue with the way that a use could look or what it is and that's probably the more likely case here this sort of use would likely be fought tooth and nail by everyone involved in this area with the exception of the church depending on how they went about this so if they sold the land in the open market and this use developed there they might be totally fine with it it likely fits their mission so if anyone is okay with this it's probably the church that said it's hard to say the way that the rest of the neighbors would feel but i have a sneaking suspicion i know interesting so these do not line up well so i think we have to delete these using move it and the reason for that is i want to say that these are buildings yes so we can come through here and delete that building and there's some slight overlap in these so we need one parking stall there to make this work [Music] and there we go so we've got this housing back here with conveniently busted windows to start out with or is that is that where an air conditioner would go i think it's a broken window uh that's bad that's that uh that reminds me the broken windows theory we should talk about that at some point uh but that will not be today let's get some landscaping in here and again at this point we've placed enough that we can just start to pull from other areas [Music] curious i wasn't sure how that would look i do not like it it's a grass [Music] okay that's likely what we're getting there we could probably see one more in this area but i think yeah we will we will add one more so this is really helpful at this point because we have a housing shortage in this city so regardless of how people in the community feel about this it's absolutely necessary so it's it's really a shame that there is opposition to this sort of use particularly because you know affordable housing is in such short supply but it's certainly one that is more controversial unfortunately so this one maybe i should have just extended this all the way down no i shouldn't have i i i like this the separation there so it could make turning a bit easier and through here we're going to add one node we'll upgrade that and then we'll take this back as best we can [Music] and that's not going to give us very much parking here but that's completely fine you might have wondered why did i say it's it's it's completely fine that there is no parking here that might be or not that much parking here that might be a deal breaker for you at your apartment that is something you think about when you're moving in the reason why i say that is expensive parking is one of the things parking is one of the things that can make an apartment expensive and so when you rent an apartment one of the things that for transportation demand management for instance that becomes a consideration is parking so if you want to mitigate the number of miles that people are driving a really great way to do that is to remove their parking and give them other options of transportation it's got a little bit of weirdness there but i think we're gonna live with it look at that let's let's let's why don't we pop in and we'll zoom into the church and have a quick city tour [Music] [Music] okay well that was a shorter one you don't need a long city tour when you really can find everything that you've done in an episode to i'd say that this is approximately nine square blocks really not even nine it's it's like six half half half seven and a half blocks but the seven and a half very detailed very important blocks and i'm very curious at this point when we look at this first hole this road's gotta be upgraded that's no good industrial road going through a neighborhood and we'll just upgrade all the way around there okay back to this i'm curious that these are filling up one household that is not good enough so that's why i wanted to look at this i want to count doors so it looks like there's four doors per building in the back four in the front i'm gonna say a family of four so when we click on one of these for instance that's one household two that's a duplex oh i'm gonna change some of these settings now so we'll add some custom settings this is two homes we'll say that this right here is four homes and this is going to be really important because as we go through here this is density so that's that's very important that makes me also want to look back at a couple of buildings over in ashland so in particular we've got these mansions okay those are one household and then over here okay we're okay so i just wanted to make sure because i recall some of these buildings not being quite correct the pearl residence is abandoned oh looking good now that was a great fix and i i really like this we uh we could bring some of this over to the other parts of the community i also you know i could go through rico and modify this and turn this into rather than being a place that people visit a tourist attraction i can turn that into a home i think i'm going to so we're going to add a local residential hi and we will save and apply the changes so then we need to change the number of households this is one so it's calculated as 32 homes so now that's one so i i figured that that was a setting that likely did not retain as i moved uh or as i as i moved things across my computer it clearly did not retain so glad to fix that that's going to help out quite a bit uh thankfully we're good here we see our population starting to go up these homes are filling in because we have a great need for housing so these are also historical buildings look at that eminent domain cost uh they're historical buildings so they won't change over time which is fine by me here we're going to need to change this as well i think i'm going to go quite large on this and we're going to say it's something like 12 each and then here for the mansion realistic population we're gonna leave that at one if i change this and this grows anywhere else in the future i don't want it to say like four families live here that's not reasonable so with that i think we're gonna leave it here hope that you like this episode if you did hit the like button if you aren't subscribed please consider doing so and i will see you in the next one thank you so much for joining me today take care bye-bye [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 56,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, city planner plays, cities:skylines, clearwater county, cities skylines small town, cities skylines small american town, cities skylines rural town, cities: skylines, cities skylines detailing, cities skylines detailed build, cities skylines rural map, cities skylines town, cities skylines private school, cities skylines public housing, cities skylines apartments, cities skylines church
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 24sec (3504 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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