Building bridges like an ENGINEER, not an architect... Poly Bridge 2!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to poly bridge 2 we are continuing the secret world thing so we need to head into workshop and then click this little flower down here ah little flower and then we have access to the poly bridge one game that we've been doing so last time we completed world one alpine meadows and we're into the desert winds we did the first level wooden high bridge and we're currently on this drawbridge level and our main aim for these as you can see we're not just completing the level we're doing it under budget but also under budget and with no braking because a one use bridge is no good to anyone well apart from the person that used it once i guess but anyway let's start our drawbridge level so two two two it's a lot of twos drawbridge okay so we got campervan they obviously want to go on holiday over here but there's gonna be a big boat in the way that comes through this river now my first thoughts here are sorts of can i build like a hill over it but then i looked at the road count we've only got seven roads now still it might be worth just seeing where seven roads gets us oh i reckon we can do something like that definitely okay first things first let's just build this end just really expensively out of steel because i want to see if our little camper van can even make it up there and that boat this i think you got a bit too many people on board me you're a bit underwater there oh it's going i thought it was stuck but it is still going go on son get your wheel down get your wheel down go on i'm not sure he's going to go where is he i think he's still moving they're on 2 400 speed look at the warsaw it's not rapids it's just really fast uh this car ain't going anywhere okay what if we were to lower that one a bit just so it can get a wheel down right the front wheel is on is the back row gonna get on it looks like it actually we're on three hundred percent speed as well i can sort of get up but it can't hey this one's too steep okay so basically i think that means we're gonna have to make a drawbridge anyway if we turn the grid on and then do a thing to there that's exactly seven pieces that's all the road we have what i'm sort of thinking is we take that and we say cut and using the rotate buttons we can actually get that out of the way so we can plonk that there then we can build these as three bridges with a hydraulic underneath and then that should just be able to lower down let's build this side first we'll turn the grid off all right so hopefully that's somewhat strong we need to put a joint in there so we can just press j we've got a joint need to put another one at that end so that will allow them to lock together which will make them nice and strong now i'm going to put a truss on top but then i want to truss underneath to allow our hydraulic to have a bit of leeway so i can like move this wherever all right so i think we're good i think the boat will go and then our hydraulic will work and then we'll be good oh no why is the hydraulic going straight oh bollocks the hydraulic moves straight away yeah if you come into this little info level thing you can see hydraulics go and then the boat goes and then hydraulics you can look they're trying like is that better matt have we fixed the bridge now no okay so that was um i was a bit silly of me so let's just build that but down here like it's the simpler way of doing it but um oh you know what though it's a bit silly lifting up all of this bridge and we can just lift up this little end all right i'm no hydraulic expert if you've watched any of my poly bridge videos you will know that ready oh oh but i'm pretty sure let's turn the grid on a sec to get that to go 90 degree up we basically want to use this as like our pivot arm thing so it rotates about there so to get that to go vertical we need we need that point at that point man my brain just hasn't cut out for hydraulics it's too early in the morning to be doing this something like that oh it break but if i replace those with steel and that with reinforced road oh my god i did it i actually did it how did i do that i never thought i was going to work when all the bits started breaking it's actually going to go oh legend i know hydraulics oh bollocks you got my hoops up game you got my hopes up all right so that end break what if we just reinforce that end that'll be fine right come on bridge come on bridge are you absolute tit all right next bit of road you never want to like put rigid materials next to flexible ones because it just makes the flexible ones even worse but uh let's see how this works out all right come on cart come on numbers stay down lay down yes yes i did a hydraulic level right so we were 14 grand we were less than half budget which is pretty good to be fair 14 300 let's look in the gallery see where we were sorted by budget 14 300 would put us about there somewhere which means we're well on the second page we're in the top half we are in the top half how did we manage that anyway yes this is hydraulic level this should be quite a good one to look at so the cheapest option are you idiots bacon pancakes i know him they've bloody dangling road with hydraulics i hate that it's also quite impressive as well let's watch that again in case you miss it basically it's a dangling road and the hydraulics make it dangle even more so it goes under you see that goes under the water under the boat and then it gets pulled tight again i'm not happy with that one uh this next one no problem oh that's almost my first design oh matt if you're just stuck with it you could have got like the cheapest option no maybe not that is cool though i'm quite pleased that that was my initial thought though oh look and that's my second thought that was what i was trying to do how did they do that then it just made like a smaller rotation point as possible and i see they also had to put some reinforced road at the end though so i wasn't alone oh my god i'm looking at this one shut up that works and it's cheaper than my one it's like the most basic thing ever you just put two hydraulics on either side make it go up big truss ah you can't believe that's cheaper than mine i was feeling good about mine for a second cheers kazuma well let's have a look at this one wow that's quite cool i'm not sure if they intentionally did that if it was completely random but uh it looks very cool oh this does i was waiting for one of these this is what i thought about doing initially the old rolling bridge but i thought it would use up too much budget because hydraulics are expensive and this one has four yeah you can see it was 16 grand but quite an easy way to do it if you can't be bothered to think about how hydraulics work so maybe i should have done that save myself a headache oh this one's done the same but to the extreme look at the right one it's so curved nice all right so on the last page the most expensive designs all right what is this one bacon pancakes with an unusual design oh it gives it a nudge oh that's quite cool no hydraulics required just a huge budget of 27 grand now this guy's gone what the i thought that was just like a mental design but it turns out it's like a big brain mental design look how cool that is see this is why like i don't even bother learning hydraulics some people are so capable there's just no point leave it to the experts oh this one's going to be good as well isn't it it's the same guy man where's it gone the bridge has disappeared then it look at that that's so cool that's so cool all right this last one what is that bill the top doing it's like a pendulum does that actually do anything what what was that go back so just start i think they just did it for the banter for the shits and giggles a fair very very over engineered we got like a big steel arch and then that pulls up a truss so you basically got two bridges and then this one what why is that one got what's with all the dangling stuff i don't get it i missed a joke or something all right then this one if it loads come on polly bridge stop giving me the dots give me the bridge give me the bridge okay there we go oh so it's like the dangling road one that's pushing it underneath the boat but uh a bit a bit more expensive 30 grand what's with all these like cinematic camera angles how'd you do that riku anyway very cool let's move on to the next level iii and with a name like that i was expecting boats but there's no boats oh i i so if you if you look here we've got we've got stars two stars so the yellow star requires the taxi to go via the star and the blue one the same hence we're going to need like an eye ball shape we're not an eyeball just an eye shape hence we're gonna need like an eye shaped bridge so we've got an extra material on this one we've got some rope but it is limited to two pieces we've also got six steels now we can probably get away without those though right to start with i'm going to do the curve tool if we draw across to there and then go down and i think if we just about touch the top of the star we're gonna have to see how the road fills in because obviously if it does like a straight we might miss the top of the star but uh let's fill that one in and this time i'm feeling a bit a bit punchy so i'm going to get my fists out and have some of that as you can see it filled in and i think the points of the star should be poking out the top so hopefully we'll be able to get that now we'll do the same over the top with a curved line how tall is the car it's like three three and a bit squares so we should be able to get three and a bit squares underneath maybe there somewhere so let's punch this road onto here as well love doing that all right and then we just need to turn this into a bridge so my initial thought something like that if we grab that side flip it over there and then just connect those two together with 13 grand of our 20 grand budget pretty pricey but hopefully i can make these a bit smaller if it works i'm not entirely sure it will work but let's see oh it looks good actually we got the star underneath we yes we got the star on top as well nice all right so before we do anything let's shrink this up quite a bit i'm just going to do one half of the bridge and then we'll copy over i'm pretty sure we can sort of do like that sort of thing make it nice and small just copy that to the other side and press play again yes stress is like tiny so the question is can i remove some pieces like could i remove those two because i don't think that's really doing a lot let's have a look oh i was it was doing plenty okay what about if we remove those ones instead i guess it's still gonna fail oh no oh the stress was high but that's way better we lost two pieces there all right let's watch this with the stress on and see are there any bits that stay right man all the wood stays really green it's just the road so if we properly make those middle ones tiny this might be pushing it that might be too small yep i thought so if we try that that's just a little bit smaller oh that's good ah nearly oh i forgot to put the middle pieces in oh do i not need a middle piece for the bottom then i will save some money so you can see that one i completely missed the middle oh no i think we do need it because that just like spreads the weight throughout the entire structure yes you can see that definitely required we're nearly under 12 grand can we get under 12 grand surely i just did some tweaking we're under 12 grand just now oh no all right a little bit more tweaking it's no longer symmetrical but oh come on all right well anyway i can't quite get it under 12 grand i don't want to spend forever tweaking this especially as there's no actual leaderboard so i gotta look up myself now let's see where twelve thousand and thirty seven quid got us oh we're not on the first page or on the second page or even if we got under twelve we'd still just be on the second page but at least we're in the top half and looking at the other designs the ones near me are pretty much identical designs that's cool let's have a look at the cheapest ones i said oh it's all dangling road i can't compete with dangling road we're not even gonna look at any of the dangling ones we're gonna that's the first one without doing holy crap how does that stand how does that stand up what my brain isn't quite sure how that one works perfectly dimmer the wife really you're going with that name not something to be proud of here's another one that's very cheap as well 11 grand decent oh and actually so mine was the fourth most expensive one that didn't cheat by using dangling roads so i will take that that's decent this one even used rope and it was cheaper than mine fair play i did not think using rope would be cheap rope's usually super expensive in this game and the fact this guy used a square in the middle as well very unconventional i'm very intrigued by this one it's why are we zooming oh it's an eye oh i've been hypnotized it's a night it's a night oh man look at this one it's like proper circular that's a proper eye as well decent oh and this one everyone's made ice i should have made an eye let's have a look at the most expensive design like i will trust everything and anything good work sky cake i decided to make my own eyeball bridge because uh they look cool oh and it worked sweet that's that's good tonight anyway let's go to the next level the double overpass strawberry oh god really game you know i'm not good at drawbridges oh although actually i think we can just go over the top let's get a curve in we're gonna unlock the tangents so that we can do like that sort of thing now the thing is we're doing this squid game style so can we fill in the bridge without being seen so red light green light quick fill it in fill it in fill it in red light oh that was close that was close oh what am i doing with myself ah right anyway let's turn this into a bridge so i'm sort of thinking we go the arch root so if we were to do a curve like from there down to there i'm thinking following that sort of pattern so let's try and trust this first yeah so that looks pretty good then from there we just get rid of that curve we head straight down there can we do it in two pieces we can't quite do it in two but if we move that down a bit and then we can so that's good connect that back up and then we go over the top from there that looks dodgy as anything but uh let's try it it might work so copy over to there put a little piece in the top i feel like that will probably need reinforcing because we've got two joints there so basically these can rotate and the same with there so this is quite a flexible bridge i'm going to assume as weight comes on there will probably collapse all this i will see some movement let's see what happens well that's looking good stress is so low right bites do they fit under it's quite a tight squeeze in the middle but looking good now we just got the taxis going now the taxi is slightly heavier it may even drive faster as well but stress is like so low oh man easy easy let's before we do anything let's just try making those trusses as small as possible okay a bit too small all right there we go that's a lot cheaper so we're just over 20 grand so let's have a look in the gallery oh if we could get under 20 grand we'd be on the first page but we're not on the first page we're on the second page but looking at this look seven pages of designs so we haven't actually done too badly let's have a look at the cheapest ones look at so this one they've taken advantage of like hinges not being able to bend two ways if they're at that point oh but it did collapse at the end so does that count i'm not sure solution does have brakes yes i'm not going to count that one i'm going to only look at the ones without brakes what is going on here so this guy has strapped the two vehicles together and we can't actually see how the bridge works okay but this one chicken face nice so basically that's my design but super super under engineered so you can see all the trusses they're really small like really tight to the road to get it nice and cheap fair play that's really good design now this one fourth cheapest but it's got hydraulic in it so they actually worked out that using hydraulic to get out the way of the bridge you can make a much lower structure which uses a lot less material that's really clever that's sort of thinking outside the box by doing a drawbridge exactly like the game asked ut but fair play it's all pretty similar design they've also got these like people holding up the bridge that looks very like architecturally you want it to look like the bridge is being held up by two people to represent the strength and honor of all the community and stuff oh god i hate architects yeah you can see they've all got like little miniature people these ones do not skip leg day they're they got them leg muscles but yeah let's go to page seven the most expensive page okay we seem to have a giant structure made out of steel but there's also hydraulics just to get this oh man i swear this guy is like just messing with me trying to do that stupid designs ah makes me laugh at this one we've got a massive shape in the middle oh it's wobbly as well it's wobbling all over the place is that a tribute to the strongest shape i do not know oh this one's got some rope involved how is this gonna work ah nice get your bridge out the way good job brian oh this one is a tribute to the strongest shape yes double strong shapes that's really cool it's like a cable stay bridge with knobs uh what is this one it's the weird it's the wedge module build right this is going to be a super over engineered one isn't it ready what i don't understand how you can possibly come up with that crap that's really cool though fair play and this one i'm seeing a lot of hydraulics i'm not really sure what's gonna happen oh they will sort of shimmy to the side and then shimmy back that's cool i like that one all right on to the next level the slanted drawbridge oh there's a lot of drawbridges in polybridge one it seems so for this we've got eight road pieces i assume if we do a straight line up to there and uh i don't know what if we shotgun this full of road ready right so eight pieces gets us across and then it's just a case of where do we drawbridge from now i'm sort of thinking that should hold all that and then do we bring this up over that way i'm trying to remember what the drawbridge is earlier on did like the clever ones and say we do have that there so yeah maybe we want to do truss on top we'll joint that one and we'll do a bit of that so first off does this hold yes it does the car is the heavier vehicle so i don't need to test that again now we just need a way of getting this middle part of the bridge out of the way now if i was being like noobish i would probably just do like rope up to there and then like a hydraulic like that i know that will work but it's proper noobish it's pretty expensive we're still way under budget to be fair and that does work almost oh god it went it went a bit too far i'd probably tweak the hydraulics to get this one is this going to go back normally surely it won't imagine if it did that would be insane no it didn't oh yeah i could tweak them to make them work properly although actually maybe that's not a bad way of doing it if we were to if we were to do that like i'm sort of using the wood as rope then we got one hydraulic in there yeah that should pull that out the way is it high enough though oh that's not quite high enough all right so what if we do a really long hydraulic instead so i'll pull it further it's so expensive like oh god too far too far right but of course the trouble with doing this is if you look at the shape of the boat in order to not hit that corner there this road would have to be like that direction and if it's up there it's just going to fall backwards so that's never going to work so i think we either need to move all of these back a bit maybe to there then we can be somewhat vertical we ideally don't want it vertical if we're going to do this weird rope method all right so we're just going to make that slightly longer until we're almost vertical there's going to be a bit of movement and that's pretty close so we a little bit longer how was that oh it's still a bit too close so a little bit longer all right so the trouble with this one is if you get too far it does fall back so what i could do is sort of move that down a bit just to keep the weight forward slightly oh it's just trying to not make it hit and that is the trouble with having this purely intention it means it can just move all over the place if there wasn't this joint there then it would be completely rigid if i were to do this with one hydra it'd be a lot more expensively so this will work perfectly as long as i can make it not lift up too much like that's pretty good will it go back oh no no all right so let's replace those with a bit of rope just to uh prevent any movement from happening you see that works perfectly now it's it's so i just panicked when there's hydraulics i don't know what to do but we could make that a lot cheaper we were just over half the budget but uh look at our stress 65.9 percent yeah we should be doing a lot better than that really but uh sod it let's have a look at the gallery so ours was 14 800. this guy's nearly half the price of us look at that that's way more sensible way of doing it because you're sort of getting the leverage and let me just have a look at the level did the rock oh yeah the rock does have an anchor there yeah that's weird that's way more sensible fair play bacon most these use really small hydraulics look at that one it's so small but it's so good you get so much movement i'm just so bad at movement damn civil engineering degree why did you do this to me oh yeah i'm in the bottom half so we didn't even make this page wait what the there's purple water mine cat your water's gone pep what is he doing what's going on here he put it on top he put the bike on top of the car yes minecap and at this point i'm just wondering is there any point of me doing the levels i should just watch all these these are way more exciting this one's got like a little testicle under there what is that doing oh bentley that is a bentley nice i love that that's my favorite bridge i've ever seen in the world i think we need to watch that one more time maybe i should censor it it's a bit rude isn't it oh you can't you can't not laugh at that if you don't laugh at that you're probably an architect let's go to the really expensive ones what the hell it's got a hydraulic muscle underneath look it's like double trust that is a lot of bridge for your money better look at it fair play now this one has got a raise and lower truss system oh actually they've actually been quite clever there they've done like a bit of a pivoting rotation movement thing i know words and then this one is sort of what i considered at the start but a bit more overengineered it's got like a trussy tower thing there it's got some steel involved uh pretty expensive that one but right we've checked off a few more levels we've got ten remaining of world two if you're enjoying these videos don't forget to boost your like button but otherwise i'll catch you all next time peace love and bridges bye guys [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 1,244,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poly bridge 2 engineer, real civil engineer, engineer poly bridge, poly bridge 2 hack, polybridge 2 real engineer, polybridge real engineer, architect plays poly bridge 2, engineer plays poly bridge 2, over engineered poly bridge, poly bridge 2 challenge mode, poly bridge 2 tension, tension bridge poly bridge 2, poly bridge 2, polybridge 2, pb2
Id: CdoErLfHZ_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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