[7.5K Trips] 10 Tips to Go Infinite on ANY Map - Blind Dubai Technique Showcase Mini Motorways

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we are here for another blind run this time in dubai not much to say about this one looks like we've got a snaking river through the middle but uh you know what i'm ready for it we'll make it work like we always do so it's blind run never done this before what i see from the things that we've been given we get two bridges to start so it'll be on the level of difficulty for rivers as maybe let's say tokyo maybe a little bit harder so we'll really have to watch our bridges i think i'll do something like this just so that the next spawn actually let's cover it all up if we can we can't hopefully this will force the next spawn into this bottom left quadrant and hopefully there's nothing across the river that would be that's ideal okay we can work with this cut all these back because we do need those oh of course we'll have to wait for the map to expand to bring that into the fold but that's pretty good so far and we can bring it in like this a little bit slower for everybody but uh you know the map will expand and then everybody will be happy so now that that's there it's going to cover some of this area and we'll get a spawn up here for our third building roundabout or traffic lights i think i'll take the roundabout i'm just going to hold my mouse here so i can see where things expand looks like we're getting farther on this side and upwards okay interesting okay that's way better we'll take that one uh i think we'll just leave this one for now until we need it it can come across like this i guess but these are definitely closer to this one than these two obviously but then we'd kind of be stranding this one on its own and i don't want to do that much rather see if this one gets more houses then we can siphon off if this one gets more houses then well yep that bridge is permanent that bridge is probably permanent that bridge is now permanent until we get something like a motorway but i don't think i really want to put a motorway in yet another bridge cool cool this hasn't expanded downwards yet so we're a little bit up the creek i think i'll bring something around like this there we go oh pink what are you doing to me what are you doing the only good news about this is that i can probably force pink to not spawn anything else on that side of the river uh the bad news is this sucks that's the bad news and i don't know where the next pink spawn will be that's the other bad news i can force it if i have enough road tiles 21 that's that's a good amount i can at least cover this far side says until the map expands and then i'm useless okay cool this leveled up okay we're gonna get more yellow uh there's the map expansion we were looking for a long time ago a bridge roundabout always bridge because we are using them like no tomorrow oh that's interesting let's bring this one just down into it bring this one as well and you know what let's disconnect the bridge take that back because we're gonna need it somewhere else yep yep yep yep let's pause okay this has to come around we only have one tile of space to clear here and then we're kind of stuck so we'll need a roundabout bring it across bring these over aha motorways have you heard of them game please give me at least one in this game otherwise it's going to be a very short blind run i think without a motorway we could probably get to 2k but you know what with spawns like that i i take that back cross map yellow that's not conducive to winning at least we can do that and then that's about it we'll just leave it like that we need one more house though maybe we just make a split road for now until we get more yellow spawns that's exactly what we're gonna have to do now normally in one of these situations i would just block off all of this area and say yeah you have to find somewhere else to spawn but i can't really do that because i need a lot of yellow in this area for this beautiful structure okay that's something we're going to keep that in the back pocket i think let's say if this white levels up or this i guess it's closer to like creamy peach color we'll keep going with white because it's way shorter in name when this levels up if it does then we can run a motorway across and disconnect this aha okay do that we can do that actually bring it like this and then these ones just wait for that to disconnect for a second this is ticking up that's a level up okay good talk there we go i think i'm gonna have to use two bridges here okay that should handle that though uh and then the rest of these will handle this i'll just let it play out it's only one it's only gonna be like two or three cars coming across here for now much better just to keep everything else working properly another color interesting well it's sunday so i'm just going to let that sit another motorway 10 roads we'll we only have the 10 roads then it's gonna be to connect this cool let's do a bit of a check so we need more housing closer to this yellow we need more housing for these round or these level two structures there's going to be a huge interruption of traffic here eventually so definitely and there's okay yeah so one of these now needs a motorway maybe both let's do at least one from here to here take our roads back and our bridge back fix this it's now only yellow coming through here make this a little bit shorter by like root two or something like that and let's bring these roads out now that we have a pink up here it's okay if they spawn up there i think that's about it we can get our roundabout back soon put it right in there here we go uh why did i take those roads back maybe this will spawn yellow somewhere else but it doesn't look like it oh hey thanks so coming up on the end of sunday again we are oh that's gross this is not a fun map it's it's really just not being a nice person i think we might have to use a motorway just to get up to here let's start cutting this off this should be enough traffic for late game we really need a white spawn up here oh god okay time to make some drastic changes this needs to come across at least for now this i don't even know what to do with that that's crazy let's do that i guess there's our dubai tourist of all things we've we've made it to tourist level and because we don't have this bridge anymore i can put that there that should spawn a turquoise eventually really need that white housing though this is doing fine in terms of distance in terms of traffic flow it's all good got this double pink serving this pretty well everything's under control take the motorway immediately snap pick that that's a beautiful spawn i'll take that any day of the week that's pretty good too that's really good rotate these in here so that's basically covered till the end of the game don't have to worry about that one anymore this leveled up to level two so uh that sucks definitely prime candidate for a motorway i think it'll be from this group over here on this right side oh no my plans oh that is that is brutal i i don't think i have an answer for that oh now i do okay take highway 2 back right up to there i didn't really want to use my roundabout or my motorway because it's now going to be used down here or i guess here is better here highway 3 comes across take my roads back guess we can bring these over and down instead that frees that up you can bring stuff across now pretty easily local traffic we could even take this bridge back eventually if we get a couple more blues down here and then bring these up if we get that far uh we'll have to wait but that's a pretty good idea at least we'll see we'll see how it goes now i need to see what's underneath this am i i think i'm actually running into this with my roads yes i am okay so that needs to change bring it down and over here we go more yolo for this good good good yes in there we go another bridge please yes and thank you very much this up like this don't need this road anymore continue with the roundabout and one extra white house that's perfect so let's do a quick recheck this is covered we have three on this one this one's covered we have three on this one this one's close enough for two this one has a motorway so it's fine is there a way that i can use yet another bridge for this yes all of our bridges are here so if we need a spare bridge we take it from the middle this looks like it's still good this one was just set up so it'll be fixed and this one now has its own traffic with anything else so that's really good for it i get one more house down here i will probably split this off then these can come into here somehow maybe another bridge but i'll get one bridge back so i will have bridges available this will have to cut a little bit different though oh interesting got here bring these up and around there we go three should be enough for that oh stop spawning stop it stop it how do i how do i service that i think that's the scummiest spawn yet 48 roads okay well geez how to lose all your roads in one easy step take this bridge back yep we're going all the way around the edge of the map talk about crazy you know what let's take this back too now we can get another bridge across or we can save a bridge here on okay this server this needs to go first go go cars go go siphoning off this for now just so we can get enough cars across motorway yes please that might actually just be required to keep this alive there's a thousand points uh bring this in and over a little exchange here i think at least for now everything else is under control it's really nice to see or white i really like having all of this super local traffic uh said not knowing his own demise yeah this distance is stupid long i think we just need a motorway for it cool another motorway yep okay that seals its fate this comes across now right into here got here cut this take all of our roads back there's our third blue spawn okay so as i said that means this can go away on this side move all these motorways out of the way right into there beautiful not much else to do bring these in yes yes you're very angry i know you're so angry so scary this is starting to take up a little bit uh still have cars in the garage though so it's fine that levels up okay that's not good so time to look for light blues that aren't being used i think it'll be from this side this is super close though so this will hold for a little while this is starting to tick up though okay so we might have to do something sooner rather than later it is sunday so we don't make any drastic decisions yet roundabout traffic lights still have a roundabout don't really care for traffic lights maybe get one just nah got lots of space on this map all right motorway this looks like an ideal place for it all the way across here and then we'll rotate this one up that should be enough to service for quite a while also this one in here i think i'll just rotate that in i think everything else is good this map is pretty tough mostly just because they make it so that everything spawns around the river you're extremely likely to get some weird river spawns three whites should be enough for this i hope if not well let's just bring it down right now oh that's beautiful immediately rotate this back up purple over here not very useful uh that's annoying i will give that a solid annoying out of ten two should be enough though we'll just work with two for now i'm actually gonna just like cover them in roads so that nothing else can spawn near them that should force the purples to spawn in different spots but you know i am not of course yeah different spots hey 2000 very cool and another bridge what did i want to do with that bridge it was super important hmm oh my gosh it spawned on this side no spoiled my plans so we need more dark purple on this side uh-huh and that levels up interesting interesting yellow is getting kind of scary there's still cars in the garage so it's just a product of distance just need yellow over here if we want to this can words we want this to connect if we want this to continue yoga needs to spawn on this island and then we bring it across that is our only survival method we do that motorway in the back pocket so if we need a little bit more support we can get it everything else is managed let's call it managed it's managed yeah i think we just ticked through this week maybe we need a little bit here uh this comes in this comes in yep problem solved this is still at max so we need a little bit more purple up here i'm thinking we pull oh this one's spawned okay so we'll pull this one in this comes in on this side i'll pull this one in as well there we go motorway bridge motorway bridge motorway motorway yes we got that pink spawn up there definitely motorway i think we can do this with just yeah just two for now that should be enough still waiting for things to spawn on this island there's three okay that's exactly how many i wanted scanning for extra things we're looking for houses or groups of houses that don't have anything left in the garage so down here we have one left so uh that's dangerous this spawned in a white okay i don't really like that i don't like that at all actually their way for me to disconnect this but keep all these not really nope all right i guess i can do that ah that's not actually enough ooh okay oh my goodness what's spawning over there thankfully i can make that local traffic uh but that's that's the yikes that would have been very x if i didn't notice that it also means we don't have this extra purple community in case we need it so um here goes our lifeline this needs to get out of here so i can reconnect please bro please bro please there we go or should be enough i'll bring this one on that side another motorway another bridge i always take motorways at this point in the game they're basically just like super fast highways so having them in the back pocket you see something ticking up like this um you can always bring in another one another rope it's doing a bit of a scan around the map that can turn in there's still cars in this garage so it's not a matter of oh that just leveled up okay it's not a matter of distance at this point like some of these can be rectified like if i put something down here and then bring it across highway 7 could just like slap more cars faster sure let's see how that goes uh we still have one motorway that's ticking up and i think it's because we are out of housing down there yes we are and they've basically boxed themselves in picks of the spawns i think i have to bring these ones up and then these ones come in on this side this one is still good so we can do that and this comes like that and let's remove these roads take these back i don't mind if things spawn here another white up here means we can kind of we might be able to disconnect these if we need more we're basically looking at about this many pips for a good route anything past that we start to just hit the maximums there's only so many cars you can send along a roadway so fast so you know keep that in mind once this highway is set up highway 7 i know it seems silly to have just like this tiny little road once it's set up we hook that in and then everything comes through here instead of on this like cramped road i think that gives our best chance at survival actually let's just remove the road now because that also means this white and this white can come across and up and into this road more support for that one bit of pain as it sets up like it's already set up but like we have to wait for everything else to figure itself out but the roundabout should help with that let's go 4 000 points oh also this is at the maximum the cars are surfacing as fast as they can so we need more white up there as well do we have a motorway no we're out of motorways we have one motorway i think we can do something like this just like a yeah let's just do an emergency sixer we can make it an eight eight extra cars going up there should be enough to solve the issues is there a way that we can disconnect this now i think so i think we can do that in that these four come into here including this one those all service that that's way better wait for that to shake out that should be good now ooh hurry up and fix yourself yeah it is it is fixing itself it's just a little slow i think that's just traffic problems okay uh-huh motorways just do a quick look again this is leveling up so i need more pointing downwards okay this still has so many cars in the garage so we can siphon as much as we need and this still has cars in the garage cool cool a little bit of extra turquoise that's great pink is getting a little bit dicey and this point inwards no it's okay wonky this road is uh do we have a bridge nope okay sounds good do that uh not in lots of purple spawning on this side over here in this group and you can see that all of these pinks are now being used on this motorway so i think we need to bring one more in on this side anything else exploding uh i mean yeah yeah we still have a motorway so if we see something really ticking out quick really really badly that can be resolved at a moment's notice just let it keep going see how things go this is growing pains just what uh we'll just wait that one out i think it's just growing pains we'll have to see yes yeah this is now ticking down i think i hope i rescind that statement it's not ticking down more cars okay okay okay okay more cars does this need more it needs more cars oh my okay hey hold on hold up hold up now hold on how do you need so many cars you are so hungry all the time oh we do have these motorways this is highway 9 it's our last motorway of the game but i think it'll help a lot emergency cars that's our last motorway it was highway 9 that we just put down so that is like we're not getting any more motorways this game yeah that was enough we got enough roundabout what are we seeing this is permanently angry you're getting a problem there now because the cars we need to make them come in on an accessory branch up here i think it sounds so silly but it's true this is ticking up uh like we can't feed any more cars into that so it's just that's it a little bit more keep that happy it's fixed now good all right well that's 5500 this is pretty good for a blind run right aha okay and when we're at this point i'm just going to look for any minor efficiencies we can get like we didn't get anything spawning on this island over there like literally nothing has spawned over there other than two buildings oh this might be at max hold on slow hold hold yeah this needs more housing okay this is at max as well okay where is this going again highway three oh oh yeah the game might be over we might have just capped out okay can't send anything across here don't have any bridges to do anything cheeky i mean we can set up the cheek we can set up the cheek if we get a bridge back then the cheek can activate but i mean what are we looking at we're looking at maybe cutting here for this bridge back yeah we have to cut here cool take this back if we get a bridge we bring it up and around literally just to give more yellow traffic that's so jank yeah okay let's do it see if we can save it bridge is back okay like this down like down like this there we go so we'll get one extra yellow coming through there wow what a waste of a yellow or what a waste of uh what's it called a bridge for one additional yellow this is doing worse so you know take that back it seems to be fixed we're gonna leave that there for now oh no stop no way what what was that white or the yellow spawn that was so that's so cheesy uh need another bridge hopefully sunday brings us a bridge oh this oh oh no hold on is this not enough anymore i don't think it is getting a bunch of weird white spawns down here okay bring this and then these ones need to come this way and then this can come through i guess we have to do that not a big deal all right let's make it to 7k i guess ridge yes beautiful 102 roads okay we can do whatever we want it still needs to be efficient but we can do whatever we want uh i'm thinking well that's the edge of the map i was hoping to go around this but looks like we're just gonna have to make the bridge up and over and over here something like that and then i think we get rid of this bridge right yep oh boy we just used like 20 road tiles so that we could connect two additional houses to this one game is messed up that's a huge mess okay we learned from this we learned from this uh we don't want the highway right there we want it here or here somewhere far enough away that it can just feed into it here and then road here yes okay we're learning we are learning i can feel my brain expanding because this causes a traffic jam everything else is good right everything is decent cars still here okay okay okay another yellow spawn okay i guess we'll die bridge back in guess we'll die okay yeah this is probably the end oh the clutch it's not clutch enough eg i think that's gg yep well played 7 500. 139 days oh my so good that last these couple spawns i should have just covered this island like absolutely covered it that was the actual play if we covered this island up here this top north island with roads we had a hundred um stop all spawns of buildings but keep it open enough for house spawns that was probably our ticket out of that everything else was manageable let's do one picture with none of this crap the score beautiful all right for a blind run not too bad first time in dubai i love how i said like we're gonna do dubai do a blind run then do mexico city blind run and then maybe come back to dubai no no no we're done that one's uh top 200 what's the top score 185 yeah look how fast it falls though wow okay so the 200 scores between me and 10th uh 11 000 ranks wow so every like 100 you gain one rank it's crazy outside of that i'm happy with the score i don't think we'll be coming back to this this was pretty average we didn't get anything super crazy we could have manipulated the rng a little bit more but for a blind run i'm happy with the score hopefully you're happy with the score too thanks for coming along for another episode of mini motorways make sure to hit the subscribe button it's always in the bottom right and the next video is always in the top right again thank you so much and i will see you in the next one
Channel: Retroflux
Views: 341,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mini, Motor, Ways, Motor Ways, MM, Retro, Retro flux, Москва, Moskva, Manilla, Daily, Weekly
Id: 9qr4VhfWlMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 39sec (1899 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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