Our Unexplainable Night at Queen Anne Hotel | Room 410

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wow dude look at this apparently this is the most famous on a hotel in san francisco i've never felt that before i feel like crying it's almost like they want this to seem haunted exactly [Music] while lily was here she got pneumonia and died in miss mary lake's arms that's the haunted room right there oh you guys there's a portal oh my god there is that is the mirror they were talking about look what i just found in this book that's the same wow every single light is off no one is staying here wait what oh my god dude it looks so creepy all right so that's the moon we're working with tonight are you kidding me all right guys we finally made it we don't even have to open our trunk to get our if you just want anything from the trunk you can just grab it right out there there we go man nice little breeze it hasn't been a lucky day so far we just got robbed they took your whole bag they took my bag with just my computer in it all of my clothes guys we got our car broken into while we were going to go visit this little museum right here we were here for 30 minutes they stole our bags they stole my computer all my car camera and mic lights and all of our ghost equipment everything for videos so it's gonna be hard and stos lost like her wallet car keys like id everything it's gonna be a rough day to figure it out and starting with really bad luck yes cause we are officially shooting this on the old sam and colby camera with zero mic zero lights at all this is like an og style video for sure and the burglars stole all of the ghost equipment so we are doing this completely old school sean style no gadgets no nothing they literally stole our bags so we have like zero clothes or anything to like laptops everything's gone but the point is guys we're not gonna let that get us down all right we got everything stolen from us we have to leave town tomorrow morning we still want to film this video and we're gonna investigation going everything's replaced except our sad memories we lost [Music] so you have to ring the doorbell to be led inside this is the creepiest looking hotel dude this is super old-fashioned this hotel will get into the history it was like a really old school victorian era yeah definitely super old oh my goodness gracious wow dude look at this it looks like a room wait wait wait look at there do you think that's miss mary lake oh maybe so there's only four floors to this entire place yeah we're on the fourth one b4 wow did anybody see that what it like went to the third floor and back down to one and then it clicked up forward what the [ __ ] oh this looks sick this victorian vibe is dope [Music] yeah you guys i have to pee really bad so 407. isn't that the haunted one four ten fourteen so we're gonna go four seven we got two rooms guys in case we could scare her okay we just gear when it sleep on city bed mary lake sweet that's the haunted room right there what that came from that room what the [ __ ] was that did you hear that giant slam yes i heard that holy [ __ ] dude this is victorian as [ __ ] whoa whoa crazy i can't believe how old-fashioned everything is it keeps moving it moved when we came in i'm assuming it was just the doors because i just came back up and like touched me on my butt i thought it was kind of weird who's touching your butt fight him light switch has like naked babies all over jesus wait look it goes down right there and then you play with it's what why does it try to yeah that's just creepy damn and they have like one of these old ass mirrors what's up guys this is what i look like in this video hey oh what's up guys we weren't able to shower all day today dude we're taking pictures again just like the old time what's up guys it's sam and colby today we are here with katrina and stoss here at the queen anne haunted hotel in san francisco apparently this is the most famous on a hotel in san francisco so you know we're here to explore and we haven't done a haunted hotel in what like a year or two so yeah guys we got robbed we went to the police station and go to target to like buy a bunch of new stuff because literally you have nothing left they stole everything i don't have a bag anymore we're using our second camera like we said outside we have no ghost equipment we're doing this completely old school it's 11 o'clock already when we're starting this investigation which is probably good for ghosts but it's late this place is crazy as you can see already how old victorian and like just creepy in general this whole place looks i think we got this on camera but as we were driving up to the place literally all of the lights were off it's like we're the only ones in this hotel and it's just so quiet already but anyway let's get down and let's see the actual history this place has been through a lot the reason why this hotel is super cool is because originally it wasn't a hotel back in 1890 it was called miss lake school for young ladies young ladies i'm a young lady and i look like i'm in school oh wait yeah you look like you're going to school right now so james fair a.k.a sleepy jimmy you might be calling him a slippy jamming tonight we'll figure out why later he built this entire school for his mistress miss mary lake however four years later he died and then that meant that this entire school went to like turmoil and could not keep it up and so this entire school was only around for six years so after mary left turned into an elite men's club i was literally rumored to be like some sort of secret like paranormal like illuminati thing think about people that come together to meet about paranormal spirits and stuff it's like secret what what but the good thing is miss mary lake the one who is supposedly still here with this place still being haunted is a fairly nice person so even on her deathbed the last words that were spoken about her while she was alive was something like she possessed a keen wit and warm magnetic personality with like a very very warm heart to all the people that knew her intimately so she wasn't nicely she was a very nice person okay there we go okay what was that i don't know that noise is coming from the washroom let's get down to the actual hotel why is this place the most famous haunted hotel in san francisco careless it's just like honestly super mysterious just like in the winchester house we went to there are a bunch of staircases that lead to nothing you know like doors that lead to nothing or like windows that are closed off for unknown reasons just kind of weird architecture and then apparently the fourth floor itself is supposed to be super haunted oh my god the elevator on the fourth floor is supposed to get like random malfunctions throughout the night which is weird you just see like a light change yes it did because we were going up to the fourth floor and then it went back down to like the bottom one and then it clicked unfold here's some reports from guests like they see their rooms like neatly unpacked when they return to their rooms like they feel like unseen hands tuck them in at night oh they're going to sleep and this is weird they hear disembodied voices sing them to sleep no oh my god oh there's no way i thought you like singing come on you can sing with the spirits i'm not sure about a spirit singing me to sleep i think it sounds a little different this was an all-girls school so she's probably going to be targeting you guys tonight yeah it's rumored that she she responds mostly to women if anyone's going to get contact tonight it's you guys so are you trying to say that you probably wouldn't have a video if we weren't here so many people say that you actually have to greet mary as miss lake like act like she's the principal of the school or she can get upset with you he was a nice lady but she was also very like strict yeah i think about a principle it's like if you're not respecting them they're gonna put you in your place you're goody two shoes you're on their good side always a goodie two shoes i think yeah me too you must be polite to marry and keep your voices down etiquette is extremely important to her yeah they used to have like rulers and they like hit people yeah whoa it just went out of focus when you did that why'd you do that i don't know a little bit about this miss mary lake she was obviously the owner of this place she came from a very wealthy family almost everyone who attended the school was part of an extremely wealthy or elite family as well office in which that she still haunts to this day apparently is room 410 and we got that room we got that room right across the hall there's no possible way no possible way so the ghost of miss mary lake is the one that apparently tucks people and sings people to sleep all in her specific room but there are other ghosts here including students because there have been students that in that six year period died here really no what's weird is like she what is that i thought that was it no no no it wasn't go check the washroom although miss mary lake was in this like elite class she became infamous throughout the whole town because it's rumored that she had an affair with james faire the person who built this hotel school for her which makes a lot of sense yes why would this random other wealthy guy just build a random school for her so here's a little bit about james faire also known as slippy gym first of all he was the rich guy of the town super attractive all the honeys in the town just wanted to slippy gym if you know what i'm saying oh yeah basically all you need to know about james fair is that he was just a rich guy that ended up making miss lake his mistress and then built her this entire school but that's it when he died obviously the money wasn't there and that's when the school like fell apart there was like a ton of investigations here a bunch of evidence as to why it's paranormal there's one psychic that came back in 2011 that actually got in contact like speaking back and forth with one of the old students that was here she got in contact with this girl named lily lily was sent here because her mom died and like her father didn't want to really deal with her while lilly was here she got pneumonia and died in miss mary lake's arms mary lake was basically like seeing her to sleep as she died and apparently lily is also still here with miss mary lake at the school so apparently people can see lily and miss mary lake in the original mirror that was part of like this whole like house and that is somewhere here in the hotel we gotta go check out that i was literally here at the time of the death we go check out miss mary lake's room peru we should go see the office it's time to get spooky in this house you guys ready to get spoken ready [Music] it's kind of weird that it's like super quiet in here it makes me feel like i have to whisper like super quiet this is miss mary lake's office this is the one that she's rumored to reside in to this day again she's a very nice ghost but it's still creepy that she like tucks people in and like messes with their stuff before we go in here guys you know we haven't done haunted in such a long time so if you like these i'm gonna keep all that in so if you guys want to see us go to more haunted motels so if you guys want to see us go tomorrow so if you guys want to see us go to more haunted hotels leave a like on this but that was up there i know that sounded like was on the roof yes this is the highest floor leave a like comments guys while you're down there go subscribe as well because we see that a lot of people that watch our videos are not actually subscribed so what are you doing it takes five seconds it's free subscribe let's go keep your ear holes open oh no whoa dude wow holy [ __ ] is it really 133 dude what no no it's not one thirty three why would they set the clocks wrong no this one's ten times nicer oh you guys there's a portal no way oh my god there is what the [ __ ] dude they have so much room to put that mirror anywhere it's almost like they want this to seem haunted exactly are you kidding me you guys you guys you guys look at this like yeah it's like it's a rip oh wait what like grips yeah it looks like someone like stood their fingers in there and ripped it down like they were trying to like get out miss mary lake i hope you're cool with us being in here right now miss lake i'm not alone don't make her mad please wash your hands kids wait that sounds like a phone yeah did you hear that it was like a ring huh just as much as she's like super nice to people all she wanted to do with her entire life is just educate people you guys what look what i just found in this book what my one and only forever in my heart you will be forever in my heart you will stay forever me and you dude what is this what does that say a life as one soul mates that will never be undone these are just words that cannot fully be expressed but with this i say i love my one and only what would you say is that say dude this was just in this book like this is just a traveler book that i just happen to open let me see this the queen and san francisco does that say jim who knows what's that that's so random why would that be in here what were you touching my back no i swear you just get touched i just felt like a pressure on my back i 100 was like i did not know we were filming right here you could see that we were different like like there was like right literally right here it felt like someone just touched it what that's weird like like like for real like i actually felt that that was weird i've never felt that before really never was there anything in the research that said like they like let's put hands on you think about it i feel like teachers like are always like leading like they're like oh look like oh like you're like on your assignment like what's up type thing that's the thing like like again she's not gonna shove anybody she's gonna like like just act like a teacher yeah that's really weird i've never felt that before i feel like crying really well did you did you feel like it was like about a touch or like actually like pressure you know like there was like pressure whoa okay you feel like it was like you feel like that was like a spiritual thing it was like pressure like something like someone was like pushing you or like they went like this like grabbed you you know i was like it's like like i was like that's what i'm saying that's like what a teacher would do yeah that's true are you scared it just surprised me yeah yeah i'm just it just surprised me like i'm not scared it just surprised me she is a nice lady that's every single haunting says that she's she's nice she's supposedly nice i think we're good damn that is scary well i've only really been touched before yeah that's scary being touches that yet yeah i've never felt that before i mean you're in like the school outfit too maybe she thought you were a student whoa she's like i'm gonna change right now you're right actually though like out of out of everyone in this entire building probably right now you know you fit the also you found that note and you started reading it like you out of nowhere you just opened it up and found that it was like really shortly after i read it yeah i felt that weird all right let's keep going super weird all right so let's explore the rest of the hotel yeah yeah gotta find that mirror wait wait wait oh my god yeah 1890 is the day that it like early year that it opened so this is part of the school to the glory of god and in the loving memory of francis prescott 16th of september 1890. should we not have touched this all right well they said on the fourth floor that the elevator malfunctions so she would test it out sure yeah it's like i know [Music] what the [ __ ] wait what the hell [Music] immediately [Music] that was probably back in the day you guys want to play chess dick oh do you guys know the song [Music] are you gonna sing it for us bro there were birds in the sky but i never heard them singing no i never oh my god wait look right above you there's people dancing right there whoa auntie clock what the [ __ ] is this it just has a weird eerie vibe i'm starting to get pressure in my head right over here this time the most haunted rooms that we walked in i had insane pressure in my head every time and i would i didn't know they were haunted until we walked out of them and was told but i got dizzying pressure so you're saying now the pressure's here you think this might be a haunted room maybe something's over here wait look at this behind the bookcase there's an extract window with the area behind here beautiful let's go follow colby on instagram you just opened this random book yeah i said my baba and i and baba's grandma russian and you're russian yeah literally i don't know if we should touch that what the [ __ ] is that what does that say wait that's not russian it says that's powder here is it creamy brushes don't those are not ashes there's no way how do you know what what they wouldn't put it in a plastic bag right dude what the [ __ ] that might be what does simon because look it says psy in this in this book it says it is it's the mind sacred ash sacred ash in this book randomly why the [ __ ] why is there so many things hidden in books many people have been healed by touching this photo to their bodies instead of taking the elevator we're gonna just walk upstairs really quick again it's so quiet holy [ __ ] did you guys just get really cold i'm way colder oh [ __ ] it's so cold as you get closer this gets colder and colder wait wait look at your legs you can't even see them it's like you're a phantom in there oh yeah they're like it's so funny why is it so foggy it's getting colder let's keep going but i know this is definitely the original mirror again sometimes people say that you can see lily or miss mary lake in this mirror yeah did that elevator just blew myself yeah it was on four that just it like jerked i don't hear anything and it's still on one it hasn't even moved bro but look up oh yeah this whole place is just super creepy imagine this being a school though classrooms and all that stuff and then this is where all these like little girls went up and up for six years found these random other stairs that's like a secret staircase definitely not the main ones here lots of bookcases she wants to touch me yeah slippy gyms are out around this second this is jake this is slippy jim's room randomly yeah that was definitely like a whaling you know what i just realized there is no men in any of the paintings it's all women interested yeah you're right women two women five women another girl two girls holy [ __ ] maybe she needs he likes a lot of women he does like a lot of women but listen he would like us because we're just like are you just like sleeping down everything's so quiet so let me heard that elevator go up but do you guys remember ever hearing anybody coming back down oh my god there are crosses yeah oh that's so creepy it's really creepy look at this remember how they always said that there's like a bunch of doors that lead to nowhere what the [ __ ] is this yeah there was like that window downstairs behind the bookcase now there's a door behind this dresser like they're blocking off things random strangers same thing all right you guys down we have given you guys all the history we explored everything there is basically in this hotel on all four floors we saw a bunch of actual weird stuff i felt some weird stuff for some reason there's things that are hidden all over this hotel like hidden doors windows and things inside books why yeah super strange now we've seen all of that let's get down to it we're going to try to go most haunted room and do a seance and see what we can call out to we gotta be very polite to miss lake go in there talk to her again she's a nice ghost so who knows what's gonna happen this is like where you felt the touch right so maybe something might happen again i don't know that'd be crazy which kind of cool because we don't have ghost equipment this time like there's no like emf readers this is just gonna be calling out to it seeing if we can actually just make conversation like queen mary yeah it's just going to be very old school no equipment let's see what we can find all right let's fix something can we close that glass door wait i thought we did i can't remember i can't remember i feel like i feel like no why would we leave it open i i remember going into the closet okay maybe we just left your mouth yeah we're fine we're already getting paranoid guys already room 410 is a thousand dollars a day oh jesus how are we supposed to afford that yeah we can't she got i'm tired hey miss mary lake can you uh tie my shoe for me stop saying hi i'm sorry apparently it's three o'clock according to this clock so it's actually 12 30. this is a great room to do a seance you guys want to do a science you guys want to summon miss lake she's nice she's like casper except woman version who tucks you into bed with you on the rest of the ruler we obviously know something's haunted about this room we've already felt it again i'm just like getting a little short of breath yeah we should go fast then i just gotta chill randomly yeah what yeah right now i don't feel anything over here i'm gonna set it up right here so we can i mean this is a pretty open area maybe we can move the i bench like uh like it almost feels like there's a draft in here i feel cold on my back because the ac owners have ac right there not only it's not on it's like the window open or something i think i'll probably sit right there for this seance wait so i can move this one um yeah okay then i'll just stare right here for it yeah wait did you hear that yeah what the [ __ ] was that what did you not hear that no no what that there was a voiceover that was like a little girl's voice right now yes it was right in the house i didn't hear that dude it was like i'm sure the camera got it you think the camera got out holy [ __ ] wait so a little girl like talking oh yeah we like like the [ __ ] scream we heard it on the third floor yeah it was it was similar it was like like it almost sounded so distant it could have been like somebody's like tv or something but like i swear to her the poise what the [ __ ] right outside the door how did you not hear that i didn't hear it that was loud it was so clear like it was clear as day like a girl's voice holy [ __ ] yeah that's the second time now that we heard that like and it's what 1am or like close to one yeah oh you know what little girl lily the ghost of lily the one that like died with miss mary lake holy [ __ ] what if that is her maybe we should just not only reach out to miss lake but like people like clearly or like try to go for any spirit be much more open about it what the [ __ ] was that that was behind you yeah no no i heard that one for sure right when you said we should call out to more than one yeah it was like like something vibrated oh wait which is weird because guess what right on the other side is just the storage closet and that's it it's right there that's only the storage closet there's not another room right there dude what is that okay here let me set this up and let's start like i feel like this is a good time i think this one will need to be like a little bit different than usual and be a little bit more like a light yeah you know but sometimes we're trying to provoke the spirits to get answers or get any signs but like this one if we're talking to miss lake what would be like the best like etiquette to like start a conversation with like a school principal calling her ma'am ma'am miss miss lake excuse me miss lee again we always say this in videos but the best way to make something happen is to be open for something to happen get rid of all skepticism just breathe be open or about to have a conversation with something not in this world understand sure excuse me miss lake what you know so quick extremely quiet um i understand we're in your office right now um you might be confused why we're why we're in here but we just wanted to talk to you and wanted to see if you're around if if you're if you're in here you mind giving us a sign or making a noise or something to let us know you really don't mean to disturb we just love to have a conversation with you hear what you're about and hear about the school if you could please just give us any sort of sign sound or sign to let us know that you're here that any spirit of the school is here with us miss lake we love to communicate with you if that noise that pushing noise is you can you please make some sort of louder sound hi miss lake we're here just to talk to you we really just want to have a conversation we would love for you to give us a sign that you are here we know that you're very nice and we want to respect you and just speak with you can you give us a sign please wait that sounded like as loud as i could that was the loudest one like a thud after the vibration the only thing i could think of that you said a storage room is right there yeah what if they have like electrical stuff and like that was fun okay remember that was deep yeah what was that that wasn't that wasn't the same miss lake could you please give us a different sign that you are here you can use any energy that we have from our camera to help you give us a sign holy [ __ ] what the lamp [ __ ] is moving what the [ __ ] look guys can you see that the lamp shade definitely moved what could that wait it's still you can kind of you can kind of still see it it was like that or i don't know it wasn't that loud but it was definitely something like that yeah no this entire thing shifted you can even see like where it shifted it's off center and then all these start shaking just like that what the [ __ ] look at that okay so that means she's here that yeah and we're hearing all the noise from that side of the wall and you know what's creepy as this clock now says three oh they can't see that look uh uh we know that this clock is obviously wrong it's like an hour ahead but it's weird that that would say three with this lampshade moving wait so wait all the thuds were right here maybe i'm just going out maybe one of the thuds hit this wall maybe because like yeah cause if it hit through the wall it moves yes true that might have happened that's [ __ ] awesome that means she's responding to the girls yeah a lot more than us holy [ __ ] okay i really didn't oh my god she my heart is like eating so fast should we keep trying because obviously she's here now yeah yeah let's definitely keep trying what it what well my leg's just really asleep right now wait you know what's so weird i like fell asleep right there i started doing this to make my pins and needles go away while we were standing right there like dead ass i don't know if it's just because like we were sitting crisscrossed but i did not feel like that bad until right now i felt it there your legs just fell asleep next to that yeah yeah i think it was because we were sitting down yeah i'm pretty sure i'm sitting down but what are these thuds there's a storage room right here but like maybe on this side there's like another one we haven't heard him since true i heard it it's even true it's only when we ask questions again that might just be the way that like she wants to communicate i don't know through thuds and like whatnot isn't that what happened to you guys before i think let's keep trying like obviously something's working we usually like in most like the old seances that we did like had all the lights off oh you try yourself for that can we close this bathroom door so my back's freezing i'm freezing i'm hot as [ __ ] what i'm saying you guys are cold i feel like just normal oh my gosh i'm so cold the girls are cold yeah i'm like really and we're not let's turn this one off oh god that my shadow's gonna scare the [ __ ] out of me i'm feeling drop now actually i just want you to look right after that i feel ready let's do it all right i mean it was responding to you patreon awesome maybe start us off okay miss lake we feel like you're here and we heard a noise and we saw a movement can you please do that again for us you give us another sign mislead please are there any spirits here i mean miss lake included is there any anything out here that wants to talk to us you'd love to that that chair just moved don't you just move oh it sounded like it what the [ __ ] that creeped right there i just thought it was you you thought i was you guys me no uh spirit if that was you moving this chair please uh give us another sign that's awesome we'd love to talk to you excuse me miss lake we just had a few questions for you that we hope you could answer if you're here please give us a sign there once again miss lake is lily here with you did you hear that it was like did you hear that too it was like almost like a low home singing [ __ ] oh she sings i got chills that was that was my mother there's a huge thud you didn't feel that i feel like the ground like tears on her scared me i think lily's with her because she that's when she answered and then you heard the singing which she's saying to the kids right yeah so maybe do you like um seeing people sleep maybe ask her if she could sleep for you yeah can yeah i'm good i'm gonna cry that'd be awesome that's scary excuse me miss lake if you could sing or make that same sound just a little bit louder [Music] oh my god holy [ __ ] that was huge miss lake do you mind that we're all hearing your office what i just got so cold like i'm uncontrollably shaking right now actually yeah just another side wait i feel a draft i got a straight bruise on my face right now yeah i did right here straight closed i'm starting to feel it a little bit too i mean there is a window right there it's closed it's closed there is that thing moving again what did you say right before it moved maybe it wasn't answering us we didn't say anything we were just talking about maybe what's this delete what didn't you ask something i just said if if she liked if i would i forgot she liked the word here you were like do you mind you might yeah oh what the [ __ ] did that just happen guys guys that book i'm [ __ ] shaking whoa whoa what was that what was it what was that holy [ __ ] why did that did that just okay we just just asked we asked if you minded if we were here and then it fell right in front of us so what is that supposed to mean wait wait wait how did that happen i don't understand that's the same book that's the same book that's the one that you which but what are you talking about no that was the book that was that was the one that she read earl there's the note oh the one with the note yeah this is the note oh dude look at my hand i'm [ __ ] shaking this is dude it is the same book because how did this wait we were messing with this book you know where was it was it that was it was literally right here oh it was on the edge it was right here so maybe it just randomly fell oh but was this moved like i don't understand the shake i don't get that but no we felt a breeze a second ago we were all just like did you guys feel that gust of wind on your face it got so cold and then everything started moving holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] dude i think like i don't know it was close on the edge i'm pretty i think it was like a breeze or something yeah it was so dizzy no i'm like shaking guys i think i need to like leave this right yeah i'm gonna leave too i'm like freezing but okay so that is where yeah i'm [ __ ] shaking too really yeah i don't know i think i'm really good okay okay okay let's just talk about this real quick but don't freak your phone are we okay i feel like really really yeah like i'm like not okay is that really like throwing me off actually no but like i don't usually shake like this but like it's better it's i know i'm now i'm cold i literally said the entire time you get like i was hot as [ __ ] and now i'm really shaking i just don't even understand but it's okay it's we're like really loud let's go back up we can go to like the our other room so just four or seven i no you i think you had it i remember you i no i i gave it i put it down guys come on okay go go go go go i got kicked out of this game okay okay deep breath deep breath for like two seconds yeah where would that have come from like we felt cold breeze on our face how would a draft just bring that to the ground i don't i don't i don't get it but the only other thing i can think of is earlier like like about like 10 minutes earlier there was that like vibrating noise that we heard coming from the other room right and then we looked at the lamp was tilted it was kind of like shaking what if that like something like that happened and like since was on the edge maybe it just fell i don't know yeah yeah since the if the lamp could move definitely the the book could move the book was you i mean we were messing with it and we just set it on side so it's just like the walls are shaking but that's but that's [ __ ] creepy too why would the wall shake from there because it's the outside but it wasn't just that too like like we said like when we were what were we talking about we're talking about her being in the office there was the creek then there was like something moving right there it sounded like a ton of things moving all the same time you said there was like a shadow behind me or was that like before that well that was before and then you got super cool to get i i even started like reaching out like this and it was definitely like getting cold there was a breeze in there for sure we all felt it so what's weird is that we only felt it for a second you know like if it was like a breeze like a window being open we would have felt that the whole time yeah but yeah you were saying like cold earlier but then right as we were talking about leaving this office it was like boom a breeze what was the last question again what did we say he was like yes i said do you mind that we're here like in your office and then that falls so does that mean that she minds or she like what was that what does that mean well i mean i don't think i don't think she'd say anything if she mine if she didn't mind yeah i feel like she doesn't want us in there she does yeah or or so much has happened with that book like guys you're right that was the same book that you open up randomly and there's a note from this hotel and when you were reading that book that's when you felt the hand on your back so maybe oh my i gotta [ __ ] chills but maybe just maybe there's more on the note or like there's a reason like hey like read this it's basically like hey boom i have this like note for you like do something significance with that book then yeah or something like something yeah like yeah downstairs there was like the ashes in that one book and the other page was just folded on like the random secrets of life yeah and guys again with the research and everything that they say that literally miss mary lake is only here to educate people she was a principal she's trying to be good i don't think this is like a evil get out i think it could be being like yo read this read this read this like maybe it was a sign at first like hey yeah read this and we didn't get the sign so when we did the seance it was like no like look at this freaking book i say we go back wait well do we even see what the book was about or did we just read the note inside what was the book i think it was like a travel book i don't remember let's i'd be down to go back you guys want to go look at the book real quick yeah i i even have a stomachache and that never happens but like i'm kind of like intrigued about this and i would really want to see what else is on that note i mean we okay we do we do run away a lot when [ __ ] like that happens so like me how i'm down to go back to like oh at least i 100 think we need to like i mean come on it's it's not like this this spirit or whatever is not supposed to be like evil or bad so why not yeah let's go if she is trying to educate us maybe something's written in there that she wants us to know yeah let's just go look we can go grab the book if like you don't want to go let's look really quickly oh [ __ ] so dark here turn on the light turn around okay yeah no i think so this was it i'm still shaking guys what is this look at this this is really heavy like this would not mean you're from a breeze it's not even it it's it's a it's a trap [Music] holy [ __ ] [ __ ] no that caught that dude 100 do you guys just saw that yeah did you hit that with your hand no no no no that just i saw that on camera too that flickered as soon as we touched the book no these things were shaking again that was shaking just like a tiny bit i think there's like there's something in here that's like moving moving the thing dude i can't even hold the camera straight [Music] what is this book did you did i miss that jewelry maybe it was this book no this is just [Music] a bunch of this is super weird my one and only forever in my heart you will be forever in my heart you will stay forever me and you alike as one soul mates that will never be undone there are just words that cannot fully be expressed but with this i say i love my one and only who's her one and only or was it a note to her james wrote it yeah james faire wrote this to his mistress yeah to my one and only i mean he loved her so much he put her in higher school whatever's in here wanted us to read this book because i'm guaranteeing it's not wanting us to read a travel book yeah you know it's definitely because of this letter or honestly just saying putting this out there obviously we didn't write this but like there could be just people messing with us but at the same time every time we touch that like weird things like flickering or like back touches happen i want to like watch other like videos of people in 410 and see if this note is always there yeah because it's hard to have gone through these books yeah did this just flicker again or am i oh my god i don't i didn't see it what huh i just saw smoke under it smoke i just saw smoke under the light what the [ __ ] was that is that coming from outside was that outside see all the other noises were in here but this was like clearly this dude right here what's he doing oh god what the [ __ ] was that where'd he go he's on the sidewalk walking away dude when we were sitting here and hearing all that [ __ ] that's how you know it was in here because that we could clearly tell that was on the sidewalk yeah if that was like something down there it would have sounded like that yeah and those now sounds definitely were not yes it was over right here and it was way deeper yeah and it wasn't like distant you know oh man i don't know this is crazy this room feels different actually you guys are like hiding in this corner like [ __ ] scared we don't have to stand here we can go back in here all right guys it's been about 20 minutes we have been just chilling in here trying to process still what exactly happened i mean even even like just looking at the note itself obviously this whole hotel or whatever has like so many books and it's so like woman and book oriented and whatnot like that we think definitely this miss lake is here to educate people and or teach i'm not getting like a bad vibe from this at all like yeah i can definitely feel like it's paranormal and like things are like weird but i don't feel like s not scared i guess but like in danger i don't think she's threatening us at all either the note is just placed there by the hotel to scare people because 410 is known as the haunted room or what if it was like a james sort of a note because it was like a love letter like what if it was him showing and like confessing his love to mary yeah because if that is uh so it had like dash j on it is what we like you know thought the signature at the bottom was after looking at it if it's not just the hotel screwing with us and it is like meant to represent that then yeah like i bet she wants people to know that it wasn't just a mistress affair thing it was like he really did care about her like he really wanted the best for her and her school it's just it's hard to believe that a pencil writing note from 140 years ago is still like around well definitely i don't think it was 100 years old yeah or it's just like a rendition or something i don't know like it could be a note that was written again maybe that's what she was trying to show it's interesting though because i don't think we've ever honestly like this is the first time it's happened to us that we've got or came across like a good spirit yeah most of the times it's like people that are like annoyed or trying to tell us something or like hey get out sometimes even like in the queen mary it's been like devilish i genuinely feel like this miss mario lake still wants this to be like a happy place well what how do you feel because like i know you were obviously like scared at first i mean i don't think she's bad but i think that there could be more than one and like i think she's good but i think that there could be other people here that maybe aren't as good as yeah true that's what feels or maybe just the the paranormal in general can produce like a heavy feeling because it's just like a totally different energy and it can be like a good spirit but it could still kind of feel heavy on on a normal person definitely but either way it's just like so strange that all this stuff happened however so many things did happen in 4 10 yeah that we think uh in order to stay the night at this hotel we're probably always going to crash here together yeah that's too scary cuddle puddle in this bed or like am i taking that chair over there i think i i got the bathtub you got the chair and we got the bed fantastic all right i'm leaving goodbye miss mary lake this whole house i'm all packed up all packed up we got all over the airport i got everything i need just water which you can't even take on the plane we made it there it is goodbye queen and hotel goodbye we did it we stayed overnight after break-in we kept high spirits i think it was a success high spirits i see what you did there yeah honestly i didn't know if i was going to sleep last night because of the bathroom thing i like actually got locked in the bathroom and i thought you guys were playing a joke on me i was like uh hello can you open that i was stuck like the door would not move like she got locked from the inside inside super weird and none of us were like around no that's why i thought you guys were i was like calling for them all right guys if you liked that video and you guys want us to do more haunted hotels please actually like the video just go down there like and subscribe see if you can get a hundred thousand likes for another hotel video and guys you gotta go get the explorer make it count merch because somebody stole mine i'm gonna have to go get down below and get some too yeah be like holy go go check out stas and katrina all their links will be down below that being said we'll see you next week with another video i use [Music] you
Channel: Sam and Colby
Views: 3,537,664
Rating: 4.9696245 out of 5
Keywords: sam and colby, exploring, abandoned, overnight, treasure hunting, sam&colby, sam & colby, sam golbach, colby brock
Id: luGuDby_WIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 9sec (3429 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 05 2021
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