DATE FLIGHT! - First time taking her flying!

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airplanes when they're not flying they like to break down so tonight jenny and i we got to take the tbm 850 from miami over to naples florida to go have dinner let's get this started [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] i like everything i like everything [Applause] all right welcome aboard the tbm 850 today is going to be an exciting flight going over to naples and jenny i'm so excited to have you on board for your first flight so we're going to start up the tbm kill boost bump coming on bolts look good 24. we're going to turn the starter on now we have the styro light blinking ignition light is illuminated watching the ng rise up once that stabilizes right around 14 we'll introduce fuel to low idle there it is fuel the low idle now we're going to see our light off watching that itt for a hot start on the engine looks like it's going to temp out right around 7 43 7 44 actually and now we're watching the ng for a hung start [Music] looking good and as soon as that ng goes up into the green there we go continue our flow good start all right the first step we'll go over to the uh atis pick up that confirmation foxtrot time two two five three zero weather one zero seven zero at one zero weather is better than five thousand and five temperature two three two point one seven altimeter three zero zero zero expect the nice approach landing my mind on our left the product runway standard left and runway one two airport advisory clearance delivery is open on mama 9.2 advice on initial contact you have information foxtrot all right we have information it's pretty cool to be able to write that on the ipad instead of using paper we'll go over to clearance delivery here pick up our ifr clearance oh vlog clearance good evening our a51 tango bravo over his signature with foxtrot we're going to pick up fire if i one thing about those clear to the naples airport you get miami eight departure bongos transition as filed maintain thousand expect one zero thousand one zero minutes after departure departure frequency one two eight point six clock zero zero three three clear it over to naples miami eight bongos transition s5 maintain two thousand one zero thousand ten minutes after twenty eight six under departure squawk zero zero three three and a five one tango brother probably be back all right now i'm loving this ipad with the apple pencil it's coming in handy so far all right so we're all ready to go we got our clearance we'll clear out the front we'll uh let him know we're ready taxi we'll block the ground number eight five one tango robert signature with box shot right taxi november e5 one tango bravo block a ground runway nine left to actually be in november six november hours six november to nine left number eight fight one tango bravo all right so we're good to go turn on our taxi light release our parking brake we got a couple gentlemen out there walking in front of us but we'll be doing our turn to the left to avoid them and exit the ramp put our flaps down out there if you look at the wings first notch flap selected which is the takeoff position and indicating turn our panel lights as we're going to be flying into the sunset so jay this is your first time flying in a small airplane crud yeah awesome i'm excited to have you on board excited to be here if you look off the left when beautiful sunset happening out there and we'll check our flight controls for incorrect and we'll cycle our prop twice when we do that we'll see a prop rpm drop and a torque rise pull forward again that sun front [Applause] today i'm using the new ipad mini 6 that just came out from apple and i'm using the pivot case system with has support for the apple pencil and if you guys want to get a setup like this for your airplane real quick and easy to mount on and off look in the description below you can use my discount code to save 15 on any of these products i'm really looking forward to using this in the first place i'm going to be using this case with this new ipad yeah airplanes when they sit on the ground for extended periods of time that's when you'll find a lot of airplanes develop issues so we're going to get up in the sky today and uh you know just cycle the landing gear go over land shut the engine down and come back later tonight back to miami i'm gonna go have a nice dinner over at naples and that will hopefully keep this airplane working properly keeping it up in the sky airplanes don't like to sit on the ground they like to be up flying one tango frog bravo old sort of tango reminisce frequency until advisor waiting on fire release roger who's trying to tangle and remain with you 851 tango brother a nice sunset out there tonight and if you look down here at the ipad you'll see there we are blinking away at the taxi diagram we're gonna hold short of tango intersection which will be right up here in front of us coming up hopefully what do you think so far even though we haven't taken off do you like it yeah i'm still a little bit a little bit nervous a little bit okay it's expected your first time flying on a smaller airplane and here's tango hold short of that so we're going to come to the stop right here one amendment to your tax construction is taxi via golf november november 6th here we go look at the sun starting to set right behind that cloud i think it's going to be really pretty now the sun's actually going down below that cloud layer so it's setting fast what will be really cool is even if the sun goes below the horizon while we're on the ground once we take off and go westbound we'll catch the sunset and actually get back up into the sunset we'll actually see it again getting off the surface of the earth number 85 one tango bravo continue taxi contact tower continuing i will contact tower on our right if i want to take a problem i'll go over to tower frequency and we're going to pull up to the hold short lines here and we'll come to a stop see there's an airplane out there on short final and we'll contact tower pacific julia traffic so see if you'll get off the left wing we've basically lost sight of the sun but watch once we take off we'll get it back in sight november 851 tango bravo oh block south lighting zero nine and zero runway another left cliff take off clear for take off nine wide we'll fly zero nine zero on the heading over a i went on bravo all right here we go jenny ready to go yes all right final looks clear if you look off the left wing look down the runway the runway is clear we're going to line up here on center line november one one november this is our runway right here in front of this journey so this is the center line we're going to line up on that we're going to ease the power forward november x-ray my right hand here would be a tango to found bluetooth you'll see later i'm going to set our takeoff power power is set well temperature pressures all look good in the green this is exciting we're folding that center line with our rudder pedals down there with my feet and we're looking for a little rotation speed there it is now i'm going to pull back on this yo 060. i don't know what to say but julia do you have the camera tap the brakes and we're going to put the gear up here selected four miles uh still looking forward to now we're just going to make sure it indicates let's just explain what julia rogers gear's up look off the right wing here that's where we were parked at right down there departure so long oh departure one tango brother have a good night live departure fight one tango bravo nine hundred climbing two thousand dollars one tank above all money good afternoon radar contact climb and maintain trees out climbing we're going to go is mode we're in heading mode and we're going to turn the autopilot on now i don't have to worry about flying and flying the plane anymore it's actually easier to drive in a car look out the left wing there is a few little showers or can you check four and direct i would like to just put a little time on the airplane tonight so take the long way we got it one tango bubble climber maintained 4 000 and turn uh left heading of three three zero four thousand three three zero in the heading eight five one tango see this we took a little bit of a longer route to get to naples today uh we just want to get some time on the plane you know good battery systems all charged back up gyro's pulling you know everything so today's flight with what we have our flight plan is going to be about 28 minutes if you look down there you're off the left wing you'll see the hard rock stadium where the miami dolphins play great view and then off more farther off our left wing over there's our the airport we just took off from opal again 1000 to go if you look down here at the ipad this is where we just took off doing our left turn out here and we're going to go do the bongos transition out of here rsw runway 2 3 for the approach tonight because the winds are coming out of the northwest entertainment six thousand eight five one ten bro six thousand set up in our altitude selector and we'll just ps that three thousand feet a minute up look at that over the left wing jenny see how we caught back up to the sunset yeah it's beautiful it was dipping down below the horizon we were on the ground and we can all over here contact mommy on the 119.45 you have a great night 290-1945 enjoy your night as well one tango bravo controllers down here in south florida are usually really nice one thousand to go five thousand climbing to six thousand five good evening ray five one tango bravo two departure climb and maintain one zero thousand nine ten one zero thousand eight five one tango bravo so that is our cruise altitude on this floor normal speed cotton chuck mammy center one three we got that set up one zero thousand set in our altitude pre-selector we're vs in 2000 feet a minute up to that altitude and that's as high as we're going to go on this flight then we go into 850 mode the torque is just under 100 we're going to go flat lower up and over the gate now i can utilize the torque past 100 there we go google go about 115 on the torque pretty smooth right pretty smooth ride once we level out you'll get a better view at the front we're pretty nose-up attitude right now on the client then you'd probably need to put your sunglasses back on when tango bravo turn right direct to bongos right direct bound goes eight five one tango bravo to highlight bongos direct enter enter and we'll go into nav mode now the airplane's going to navigate right towards that intersection all by itself wow beautiful night look at that look at the sun let me approach shining off the clouds [Music] now the airplane is going to bring the nose down it's going to plane out so we're going to build up a lot more speed you'll get better views of the front window now yeah get some good videos and uh instagram account in the description below but i'll be linking mine and be sure to click down below and follow along on all my other social medias get to see some behind the scenes of what's happening in between my flights and we do have the sun fun aviation air expo florida coming up first week of april april 5th to the 10th i'll be there meet up schedules posted on my website so look forward to meeting up with anybody it's going to be attending that 3 23. so there we go we leveled out at 10 000 feet 27. now we'll set cruise powers i'm just gonna pull the power back a little bit i'm just going to pull the prop rpm back in 1900 and to stay ahead of this flight we're actually going to go over to the naples airport page there it is and we will get all the information ready to go with the uh atis and get our frequencies set up now we're over the florida everglades you look off the left wing out there you can see a lot of all the water and the sawgrass out there the florida everglades all right so i got the atis and the comp2 set up and then the ground underneath that all set up com2 so we'll be able to get that set up that's staying ahead of the flight makes flying so much easier that way you're not scrambling trying to get frequencies all set up you haven't set i feel a lot better a lot better see how easy it is though actually flying's a lot of fun oh you know look at that sunset just about to go back over to that horizon so how close that today we got we got to see the sunset twice like that the ibm one tiger bravo contact miami center 132.45 32 45. one tango bravo have a good day morning good evening another five one tango bravo one zero thousand direct bongos there you've got one thing of broadband roger for marshall timberdo 3001 and look at the atus there at naples i'm sure we can hear by now [Music] altimeter 3002 visual approach runway two three and use landing and departing r123 all frequencies are combine the tower and one two eight point five advise on the initial contact you have ada tango all right we have information tango that's the current airport information there at naples and if you take a look down here at the ipad again you'll see there we are blinking away that's us right out over the middle of the the everglades and we're there we go check bongos rsw as we anticipated we're going to be using runway 2-3 down there in naples it's really nice the airport right down there in naples is right across the street from all the restaurants and pretty close to the beach so it should be a real nice night to go out to dinner there goes the last few seconds there goes the sun see you tomorrow over there i don't know if you can see it lake okay lake okeechobee two o'clock biggest lake in the state of florida bravo across bongos that maintain eight thousand crossbone goes at eight thousand eight five one tango bravo it's a pretty easy crossing restriction but we'll put it in there goes at eight thousand so eight thousand we'll start down in three minutes and eleven seconds what's bongos mean the bongos that's that first fix on our flight plan which is what we're coming up to and they want us to cross that at eight thousand feet we're currently at one zero thousand feet so we know the airplane will remind us we gotta start descending two minutes and 55 seconds and we'll come down here to the ipad and we're going to actually invert the chart colors for night time we made it go more dark that way it's not wrecking your night vision once the get started or up there we are still in route to bongos so when the computer system knows we hit our v-nav profile we'll get a message alert light there it is right there okay so we got our message and so now we're gonna arm eight thousand and we'll vs it down one thousand five hundred feet a minute which is what we have set up in our v-net profile we're gaining speed right now we're doing about 263 knots across the ground and that's going to get a little bit faster as we continue our descent down if i count that but we're screaming right along point zero five as we approach the naples internal landing lights back on put out there at the wings you'll see little lights came back on eight to five descending via the one north that's one thousand to go nine thousand slanted eight thousand number one tango bravo contact for mars approach one two six point eight twenty six eight montana brother have a good night fort myers good evening the ray51 tango bravo level eight thousand we have tango in naples number eight five one tango bravo fort myers approach fort myers altimeter is three zero zero one turn thirty degrees left vector to final expect the arnott runway two three approach roger we're rolling out a heading of a two seven eight g one thirty off of the two seven eight no but you can just fly heading two seven zero vectors the final roger two seven zero for vectors for final four only two three eight five months number zero joy mike fights we'll go into the heavy mode or on a two seven zero with the heading bug number one tank of our reduced speed to two one zero two and zero on the speed eight five one ten bro again twenty five six and that's actually what we are currently doing we're doing two one zero on the speed so on this landing we're gonna have a right crosswind as the wind's coming three zero zero at niner nothing too much to worry about but uh that is there november one tango bravo speed the two one zero then the center maintain four thousand two one zero speed four thousand eight five one tango number one tango bravo continue uh present heading vector for sequence present heading eight five one tango so we're present heading eight thousand designed to four and we gotta pull the power back because now we're starting our descent the airplane would have started to go faster but we want to maintain two one zero knot if you look off the left lane that's immokalee down there now if you look at the front you're gonna see the gulf of mexico start to come into view see it out there one tango bravo tell the left heading one eight zero left twenty zero one tango bravo it looks like we might be following some traffic in the naples so he's got a zigzagging around out here one tango bravo unable to reduce speed to one eight one eight zero on the speed one tango bravo goes off the left wing down there and we're pulling the power back good back to one eight zero speed then most likely we are definitely just following somebody in landing at the same airport so he's got us doing this just to keep the uh spacing between the airplanes all right it's always fun doing a couple banks you know turning back and forth that's one thousand go five thousand seven four does but pull the power back even more it's having trouble trying to slow it up this airplane likes to go fast almost back to italy there we are we're rolling out 180 heading there we go 180 on the speed now that we're leveling out we can put a little bit more power back in number one tango bravo descend and maintain three thousand three thousand one eight five one ten three thousand set and we'll have to pull the power back again back to flight i also don't go past that 180 knots and we'll put the prop back pull forward number two preparation for landing number one tango bravo roger for now fly heading two seven zero once you get it plugged in direct opto and advised roger 270 and we'll advise want to get that fixed one time brother all right so we're gonna come down here select approach only two three off doy is what he wants us to go to so we'll put that in there and activate it now we're gonna go direct enter enter give us a fresh line and go into nav mode so we'll also know the vise word direct off doughy and fort myers 851 tango bravo we're level 3000 now and direct off joy number one tango bravo roger six from optoid crossoff toyota 2100 and clear darn i have runway two three approach but across off doing a 2001 heart clear for the r and i have two tree approach eight five one tango we got that set up two thousand one hundred we'll go down to that and then look at that beautiful view out from the front that's naples all out there they're 11 o'clock over that direction if you look here at the approach plate you'll see there we are approaching off door and we turn it to a 227. intercept as so that was the tower controller there at this airport where we're landing at naples and you just told us we're clear to land beautiful view out the front window there i got the runway in sight out there starting to come into view three miles to tough due that's we're going to intercept the glide path and continue on down from 1600 feet down to 313. 313 feet above the ground as far as we could go down towards that runway environment if we were actually in the clouds i couldn't see that runway and here we go we're within our flap speed out of 850 mode first notch flap selected we'll go out there at the wing you'll see the flaps coming down and also indicating now we'll get one dot above on this glide path when this little indicator hits this one dot above right here from the little dot that's where we're gonna go gear down and we got our torque right we're about where we want it 25 on the torque there we go we're one dot above on that glide path putting the gear handle down now we're just looking right down here to make sure we see three green that's very important rig ring you didn't see that we'd have to go mist and figure out why our landing gear isn't coming down or if there's an issue with maybe the lights on here you can you can check the lights make sure the bulbs are all working like they're supposed to oh we're good we got the three green jenny and we're going to disconnect the autopilot and fly it the rest of the way and we don't want to have let the autopilot have all the fun right now we have a 17 knot wind off the right so we're going to be crabbing a little bit on this flying sideways a little bit actually a little hazy out there tell you the truth so now we have a 25 knot wind off the right side so we're actually flying pretty much sideways a little bit here it's called the crab we're going to hold that crab right until we get right above the runway and then with my rudder pedals i'll kick out the crab angle and we'll land straight on the runway that's how i like to do my crosswind landings number six whiskey hotel naples tower number two following tbm uh one mile final runway two tree clear lane now you can start to see the runway they actually have the runway lights turned down compared to like the approach lighting 500 500 feet to ground we see two red and two white on the left side of the runway that's perfect see the runway with all the lights out in front of us still 25 knots directly off the right hand side i don't know if it's going to get a little bit calmer with the wind once we get down into the flare but 25 not direct crosswind right now gonna hold this crab angle there we go you can see the great view of the runway here gonna start to ease the power back a little bit there we go we're going to the flare kick out that crab there we go nice smooth landing center line we'll go back into reverse and we'll get off at the next taxiway on the left side is we're going to be going to naples aviation get off here at charlie we'll just follow this little yellow line and that will guide us right under the taxiway properly we'll cross this whole short line here and clean up the plane welcome to naples jenny hope all the viewers also enjoyed that flight there's our whole short line for the snap naples ground number 851 tango bravo clear two tree on charlie want to go to naples aviation hello everyone take a bravo roger takes you to park across three two roger alpha across three two alpha into parking thanks for watching brother tell are you doing a full stop you just appear to be pretty high so alpha is right here off the left wing turn left here we're cleared across runway three two continue as we go across the runway we'll actually just turn on our strobe lights as we just go across this runway and then once we get to the other side of it turn it back off just for safety so what'd you think jenny how was your first flight with me in this tvm850 it was great there we go turn the lights back off and right out here is naples aviation that's what we're going to be using at this airport for services i see a guy blinking over here off our left that's probably our marshall yep i see him out there so we'll follow him in and we'll shut this thing down and head over and have a great dinner tonight over downtown naples at the riverwalk area if you guys did like that video be sure to smash that thumbs up button subscribe to the channel also ring that little bell and i look forward to having you guys on another flight someday soon gotta watch our wing tips we don't wanna wreck nice flight hitting one something on the ground here it is a little bit tight through here keep a good eye out but it is busy here look at all these plants and parked on the back forty out here i think we're gonna be parking right here to our left all right hope everybody's doing well we'll talk to you again someday soon oh finally i didn't know there was another one today all right [Music] you make it look so easy yeah that was that was that was easy [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: steveo1kinevo
Views: 454,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Steveo1kinevo, Flight vlog, vlog, TBM850, Single Pilot IFR, ATC audio, ATC, Travel, Airplane, Aircraft, Career in aviation, Becoming a pilot, IFR, Cockpit, S1K, BOSE Aviation, Pivot Case, Flying, Flight, KAPF, Miami, Naples
Id: f35RheA_TNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 53sec (1793 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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