International Taco Bell Desserts Taste Test

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The revelation about the caramel apple empanada was devastating. My Taco Bell order will forever be incomplete.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sneakynin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 12 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Would love to know the voice behind the voice mail, it reminds me of someone...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DrPants1412 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Aweh, South Africa represent!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/xplct πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 12 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Honestly I was kinda let down with this episode, was hoping for a lot β€œMore” with it. I do love Josh, however, and want to see more content with him.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bardi44 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
(rooster crows) (lion roars) (wheel clicking) - Welcome to Good Mythical More. - Check your voicemail we've got a voice mail, let's check it. - [Voice Mail] Two men one show one voice actor, they must do whatever it takes to take over all of YouTube. Get ready the most epic show after the show ever. Good Mythical More starting now. - Whoa, I got chills in my thighs. Like chills went into my thighs. - I'd like to get that guy to do-- - What voice acting does. - I'd like him to just introduce us everywhere we go. - That was good. Let's introduce Josh, Josh is gonna come in. I've been told I got some, some sauce spraying apparatus on my jacket, which I'll show you guys. Speaking of jacket, nice jacket. - Yeah nice jacket, I wish I had one. - How are ya, okay? - Every time you guys eat something and then I like take it away, I'm eating it off to the side. - I noticed that. (laughing) - Yeah. - Like no matter what it is, like y'know we just leave carnage. And I just look over there and he's just. (imitates eating) - Yeah. - I relate to this, I relate. I relate to seeing food and always wanting to eat it. - Yeah. - Any circumstances. - Yeah if there is food in front of me I have to keep putting it inside me until it's gone. - Yeah, right. - Yeah the crepe, the Crepadilla. - Oh that was so good. - I couldn't stop. - That was good. - It was just the perfect consistency. - Yeah it was less chew to a tortilla, its like less of a barrier to get all the beef in your system. - Right. - I liked it, it was great. - Gum it down. - What have we got here. - This is the Kit Kat Chocodilla from Spain and the U.K. It was tested in the U.S in 2017, this seems like a good idea. - Mmm try it. - The wafers and the tortilla is not the best combination. - They clash for me, they clash. Whereas the crepe was good for the savory application for the Taco Bell ingredients. Tortilla. Like this could be a crepe and it would be a fun, little crepey dish. Y'know, but no, not that great. - It makes me think of the, the Taco Bell dish, I guess its the Crunch Wrap, no the one that has the crunchy shell, with the soft shell around it. - The Cheesy Gordita Crunch. - Yeah. - With the pita type bread. - Yeah, I never understood biting into something soft, just to hear a crunch that I'm not feeling. - I like it, and I'd like to use my platform today to talk about Taco Bell discontinuing, the Double Decker Taco. - Do it. - Because Taco Bell recently revamped the menu, and I would never y'know, try and say that I know better than Taco Bell corporate. They've had some amazing successes over the years, and we've shared in those successes. - Right right. - But to take away the Double Decker Taco and the Double Decker Taco Supreme sub Fiery Doritos Loco Tacos which is one of my favorite items. - Uh huh. - To me felt like a personal affront. - Right, I get it. - Y'know maybe it wasn't moving, y'know units. And that's fine, but for me it really had, an emotional connection. It was there for me in hard times, it was there for me in good times. - And there's beans between the two shells. - There's beans between the two shells, not to be-- - Do you need other reasons to enjoy this thing? - I'm sorry man. - Thank you. - I'm sorry, I mean for your loss. - Wow. - Don't squeeze too hard. - Heard around the world. - This looks like if Taco Bell sponsored a stuntman. (laughing) the way Red Bull does y'know, but Taco Bell got in on the game. - Just to be angry, since we're angry at Taco Bell I'm gonna squirt this. - Please do. - And punish it, because my jacket is made to do that. (imitating gun) And then if we don't like the next one, I'll squirt that one too. - I once stomped on a Taco Bell Fire Sauce packet and got the sauce in the eye ball of an 11-year-old. So I was-- - An 11-year-old? - I was coaching youth basketball. - And you were stomping on stuff. - Well we were at like a public park and there was a Taco Bell sauce packet, and I kinda stomped on it and it hit poor little Ben, our starting center, right in the face. And got in his eyes and-- - Did you make him play anyway? - Oh yeah. Of course. - Centers don't have to see they just have to squat over and throw a hike. - Yeah, well no this is basketball. This is a different sport. - For some reason maybe because you said basketball, I knew you were talking about basketball. - Okay, - Oh. - But that's the only reason though. (laughing) - I didn't realize there was a center in both sports, until right now. Like I knew both separately, but I didn't know them together, like. Two different having the same positions. - You need to make some brain connections. So these are these Cinnamon Twists right, which you can get at Taco Bell now. - [Link] Yes, this called an Ice Cream Twist, it's also from Spain. - If you say so, man. - I was told that you made these but you didn't know anything about them. - Correct. - That's why I'm the one sayin'-- - You are absolutely correct. - Okay. - You don't need to like, y'know know the root entomology of ice cream on crunchy thing. Y'know? - Right. - There's nothing Spanish about this that I did. I didn't put some like y'know, I don't know boquerones on it or whatever. - But what you do need to know, is what is that landlocked country inside of South Africa. That I though was a lake. - [Josh] So its, I believe that is Lesotho. There are two landlocked countries within South Africa and I believe the lower, the southern most one is Lesotho? And the upper most one is Swaziland but I believe Kingdom of Swaziland. But I believe the king just changed the name, and I cannot remember what he changed it to. - How do you know that? - Oh I have a lot of family from South Africa actually. Yeah, Johannesburg what up, represent. Actually Krugersdorp. - What? - They're from Krugersdorp. - Yeah, Krugersdorp. - Yup shout out, K-dorp. - You ever been there? - No I never have, I'd like to though. - Do you write 'em letters? - They're cool. - They're cool not receiving letters? - Yeah. - Just enjoying them from a distance. Now this is very good. - It's kinda like pork skins under-- - It does taste a little like pork rinds. Now can you get ice cream of any kind at Taco Bell? In America. - No you cannot, they really doubled down, on their menu of Freezes. So they have candy flavored Freezes like Starburst. But I'd also like to use my platform today to discuss, another discontinued Taco Bell item. - Do it. - Which is the Caramel Apple Empanada, for a long time Taco Bell only had the Cinnamon Twists and they always left a little bit to be desired. When the Caramel Apple Empanada came along and really I think changed your fourth and fifth meals, at Taco Bell for the better. And now that too is gone, and only you can bring it back. Because that worked with the Beefy Crunch Burrito. There was a massive online movement and then Taco Bell brought it back. - Hey lets start the movement. - I'm sorry for your loss. - I feel like you gotta choose your battle. And right now your getting sad and getting hugs for multiple things, I feel you gotta zero in on one thing that you're really upset about. - Everyone grieves in different ways. - You want me to squirt disappointment on this? - Squirt all over it. - That would be this one. Here we go. - It's like the lamest web shooter. (imitates web shooting) - That was pretty accurate. The fist squirt is always the most accurate squirt. - That's good. - All right, what's next? That's hot, why did I eat that? - Try it with the hot sauce on it. It's good. - Makes it better, huh. - It actually does. - I like hot sauce on ice cream, oh gosh. - Check these out, huh? - Gosh these are fun, hi. - [Man On Right] He renamed it Eswatini. - [Josh] Eswatini? - Eswatini. - [Josh] It's like an E boy of like an Eswatini? - Yeah the E is not capitalized but S is. - Ah Eswatini. - That's what Swaziland's? - [Man On Right] Swaziland. - The King changed its name to Eswatini. - [Man On Right] I might not be pronouncing it right 'cause I didn't look up the pronunciation guide. - Okay, oh my gosh these are-- - This is like a mini. - This is called a Chocomarsh, also in Spain and the U.K. If Josh and Nicole have time, looked like you had time. (laughing) Thank you for making time. - We did not know it was an option, we would not have done this. - Well then I just deleted it. - Yeah delete that, yeah. - Okay so this is. - That's really good. - [Josh] (laughing) So I'm laughing at Nicole laughing. - But she's crying now but... (laughing) - Do you need a hug as well? - But Rhett loves it. - I think its good, I'm glad we made it but there's usually-- - There's chocolate and marshmallows right? - Y'know what I don't like, I don't like two bite foods. - Its a Taco Bell s'more, this is three bites for me. - I think that two or three bites for me are no mans land. I want either a popper-- - You could have easily done that in one bite. There see. - No, it's a two biter. - Does that mean I spit it out now. - That was too much. Now it's a three biter but I agree with you. - I like the flavor though. - You wanna use your platform. That we've given you right now, to complain about something else? - Anything else on your mind? - A lot of things, Olive Garden, salt your pasta water why don't you do that? - Wow , they don't salt their pasta water? - They don't salt their pasta water. - Barbarians. - Someone even brought it up. They were like 70% of people said your pasta's tasteless. You will literally make more money if you salt your pasta water, 'cause people will enjoy your food more. - Salt's an expensive thing. - No they said it would erode the pans faster. - Pans are expensive. - Olive Garden, salt your freakin' pasta water. - Here you can give it a punitive squirt. And Rhett, I prepared one for you too. Well Lucas did. - Five Guys doesn't salt their burgers, y'know that? Can you believe that? Wing Stop, stop putting sugar on your fries, what are you doi'n? - Stop. He just hit the freakin'. - This was a faulty one. - Did you notice that when I did it I was like this. You're like... - No it was a smaller hole, man. The smaller the hole the longer-- - You're aiming it up. Oh gosh All right, man, I gotta go into cleaning mode. - I did that so you would start cleaning that monitor. - Can you clean a monitor with a wet wipe? - I dunno but you should probably start cleaning it immediately before it dries. - Soup Plantation get bigger soup bowls I don't need these little cups, I want a big old bowl of your Kettle House Chili. It's delicious. - What else you got? - That's pretty much it. - Okay, well if those three things can happen Josh will be happy forever. - Oh here's another thing, McDonalds, make your McRib barbecue sauce available for everything. They use different barbecue sauce than the McRib. - They used to use the same barbecue sauce I think, cause I noticed that it changed. And they also don't put enough barbecue sauce on the McRib. - Put more barbecue sauce on the McRibs, McDonalds. - Yeah. - Actually I did have a McRib recently and noticed that. - Yeah , I want a real saucy one. - I think were going to have to wash off what I washed it off with before that damages the monitor. - Can you clean me? - There was another side benefit with saying yes to the huge project of writing a novel. It really got us back in touch with the roots of our friendship.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 955,881
Rating: 4.9461765 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, gmmore, good mythical more, good mythical summer, International Taco Bell Desserts (Taste Test), International Taco Bell Taste Test, international taco bell, international fast food, international taste test, different types of taco bell, different taco bell
Id: 8yAYP7VeLB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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