International Taco Bell Taste Test

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I don't know why. But I love the dart episodes. There is something truly satisfying to me about watching them try to hit their guesses. Please keep these types coming. I love them! :-)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 39 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wacky_wombat61 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I want all the camera angles of Link hitting Portugal before I believe it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Semper-Fido πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Framing begging for more likes as an "experiment" is quite something lmao. "We just want to see what will happen" well you know what will happen, you'll get more likes on your video.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/IsMiseOzz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Any idea on the brand of jacket that rhett is wearing at the start?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Debonzite πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Where do they get all these international fast food items? Is Josh making these?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nicksmith2095 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The double-almost-bulleye, the jacket switching, Link dropping Rhett's dart then make a big comeback... today's episode is more than awesome.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Novocaine96 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 12 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don’t always love food episodes, but International Taste Test is by far the best.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ForgetfulLucy28 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 12 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Rhett should have won. They’ve previously established that the distance is to the center of the bullseye and not to a border. Meaning link had distance to travel inside Canada.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Rick-Dalton πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 14 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
- (speaking foreign language) international Taco Bell. - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) - Good mythical morning. - We have a weekly podcast called Ear Biscuits. We laugh, we cry, we get real. - Yeah. - Listen on iTunes and Spotify and watch it on - Ear Biscuits. For years, Taco Bell has been a lighthouse to hungry college students searching for ground beef and almost cheese in the middle of the night. But, it's more than that. Taco Bell had a pop-up hotel in Palm Springs - Mm-hmm. - And, you can get married in a Taco Bell chapel in Las Vegas. - I plan to. But, Taco Bell's empire is not limited to just the US. There are Taco Bells all over the world serving menu items that most people have never slid their taste buds under. So, today, we're tasting the best of the best and seeing if we can tell if they're from the East or the West. It's time for β™ͺ Where in the World Do These International Taco Bell β™ͺ β™ͺ Menu Items Come From? β™ͺ (air whooshing) - All right. We'll be eating one-of-a-kind menu items that are sold at Taco Bells around the world. We'll guess which country each item is from by throwing a dart at our guess on the map. - There it is. Chase, the Taco Bell-hop. Whoop whoop! Chase, of course, is gonna measure the distance to the right answer from our guesses and the person with the lowest score at the end will win a Taco Bell hot sauce packet jacket! And, since you have gotten better at this since I gave you that dart tip, I lost last time, which means I'm going to get the special advantage dart, which is the gordidart. (man bebopping) - What do we have here? - Is this an ice cream cone with Taco Bell ingredients inside of it? - [Link] Oh, my goodness. (food crunches) - That's chicken. - It's fried chicken. I've never had fried chicken at a Taco Bell. - [Rhett] Me neither, and it has cubed potatoes. - Man, this is good. - I'm enjoying myself, can you tell? - Mmm. That's good! Now I gotta figure out where I'm gonna dart it. Hmm. - Oh, yeah, that is part of this, right? - All right. - You don't just get to eat it. - I'm guessin' this is Argentina. I don't know why. - Neither do I. - I'm gonna go with Argentina. - Okay. - Don't cry for me. (dart thumps) Ooh! - Oh, wow. You almost hit the compass. - All right. What are you thinking? I just think, I don't know why I thought Argentina. It just called and - And neither do I. - beckoned to me. - I mean, most of the time, when there's something that I would describe as almost culinarily audacious, - Yeah. - again, we talked about this last time, I have this tendency to feel like it comes from the East, you know, 'cause it's just like, "Whoa, ice cream cone "with chicken in it? "I don't know if we can do that in Iowa." You know? - You know, if you go east far enough, you get to the West 'cause it's, - Don't confuse me. - 'cause it's a circle. - Don't confuse me. - It's not actually situated like that. - So I'm thinking this is Indonesia or Japan. - [Link] Yeah. - And the fact that it's pink, in Japan, I haven't been, I really wanna go, but they'll do things like, "You know, let's make it pink." - All right. We're definitely gonna be on opposite ends of the world here. (dart thumps) Wham! - [Rhett] Whoa, and I went, wow! - Way north. I mean, those are two very unsafe, unhedged guesses. - Stevie, what do we have here? - [Stevie] You just ate a Volcano Tacone, which is a taco shell - Uh-oh. - shaped into a cone, stuffed with crispy chicken and potatoes. - [Rhett] Uh oh. - [Stevie] Tacones are served at Taco Bells in Kuwait. (Rhett laughs) - What? - Wow, so, - It's not in Spanish. - I don't think anybody is gonna be... We're starting off with some pretty high scores here. - Tacone. - Well, Link, these are all going to be - What are you laughing at? - [Stevie] from Taco Bell, so-- - Hey, tacone, like cone of ice cream. - Oh! (laughs) - Tacone, definitely Argentina. - [Link] We're both way off though. - Yep. Link, you had 56, and Rhett, you had 38. - Oh, well you were more off than I was. - Yeah, I was. (air whooshing) (man bebopping) - Wow. Birthday surprise. - [Link] So, is this a dessert burrito? - [Rhett] I would think so. It has sprinkles on it and chocolate. Oh, and that's a banana inside of it. - Oh and like a chocolate-rolled situation. - Dink it. Sink it. Some things are just beggin' to be dinked. (soft chewing) - There's nothing Taco Bell-y about this except for the tortilla. - That's nice. - That's what they say when they think of something crazy at Taco Bell, they, the person in charge comes in and then he says, "But is there a tortilla?" - (chuckles) Antonio Banderas. Here you go. - Hold on, I got chocolate on my ha-- Oh! (Stevie laughs) - Can't hold it forever, man (mumbles) - You just dropped a dart! - I wanna let you know that like-- - Six inches from the wang! - I'ma try to hand you stuff but like, I can't, I'm not always gonna be here for you Rhett. (light thumping) - Where would they do this? Where would they do something so audacious? - Your wang (chuckles) don't say your wang. - Okay. My tortilla. (laughing) Ah, okay. Where am I gonna go with a banana-filled tortilla, chocolate and sprinkles? Something about this feels like there's, because of the banana, I'm feelin' like a Latin American influence which feels like it could be Colombia, Argentina. But, could also be, the way bananas were exported to Portugal. So I'm gonna aim in the middle of the Atlantic and head's my bets. (dart thumping) Oh. - [Link] Look at that, you buried it in the word Portugal! One of my trainers at the gym is from Colombia. She speaks really fast, can't understand a lot of what she says so I just kinda nod my head and do more push-ups. - Right, okay. (chair shifting) Hold on. And that's why you're-- (crew members laughing) I mean, just because you know someone from a country-- (Chase chuckles) I know someone from Canada but, I didn't aim for it. You know, so, make the connection. - That's your problem. (crew member laughing) (dart thumping) Ooh! A little low, they got bananas in Colombia. - Yeah they do. - Right, Stevie? - Definitely. - [Stevie] Well, before I tell you the answer, I think we wanna do a little experiment this week. - Oh yeah, we sure do. - Oh, yes! We've got an idea to do an experiment all this week, starting today. Now, we ask you at the end, er, we thank you at the end of every video, for liking, commenting and subscribing. - Right. - But, we want to see what will happen if we ask you to like this video, if you do like it, to actually (pop) click the like button. - We know there's a lot of people who watch who don't actually like, you don't even have to be logged into an account on YouTube to like somethin'. And, so, we're really wondering, if we got everyone who actually liked it to like, and if you've never liked, now's your chance. Let's see what happens! Who knows what we'll learn, how it'll interact with the algorithm, I don't know. - So, thanks for liking. - Let's learn something. Thank you. - [Stevie] Okay, now you guys can have your answer. You just ate a bananarito, ban, ban-a-rit-o. Banana (mumbles) rito? - Yep. - Yep. - [Stevie] Yeah. Banarito. A banana coated in nutella, wrapped in a tortilla showered with chocolate sauce and topped with sprinkles. It is served at Taco Bells in, Cyprus. - Cyprus! - Cyprus! - Cyprus! - Dang it. And, you know what? When I was in Thailand on a zip line, I met a mythical beast from Cyprus. - Pshh, well, yeah, you shoulda picked the other person you randomly knew. - All right, Rhett, you had 19, and Link, you had 41. - Wow, link, - Dang it! - you're fallin' behind. (man bepooping) (air whooshing) Now, this looks familiar! This looks like a quesadilla. - No, this looks like a crepe, my friend. - Oh, wow, yeah, you got a-- whoa! It sure does, doesn't it? Oh! - What's inside o' this? - I'm gonna keep it folded. - So it's ground beef and cheese in a crepe situation. (wet chewing) - That is really, really good. - That's a savory packet of joy! - That's not a tortilla, though (chuckles) I think we might need to call the person who makes that decision. - All right. So, you're winning so you gotta dart first. - [Rhett] Where do they like crepes? Well, let's see, I once-- - [Link] I think everywhere where they've tasted crepes. - I once met someone from South Africa. (crew members laughing) - Oh yeah? - Yeah yeah. - Were they eatin' a crepe-- - He talked so fast, I couldn't understand a word he said so, I'm gonna aim for South Africa. No, I'm not going to aim for South Africa. Crepes are a European thing, man. Takin' a little trip the the West Coast of Europe, Portugal. - Portu-- (yelling) - [Link] What?! - Hey that's a, add that, I hit it, I hit it, y'all. I hit it. (crew member laughing) I mean-- - Is this the first ever bullseye? - I hit it, I hit it. I mean, that's on top of the bullseye. - Chase, where were you at, man?! This is the moment! You're just sittin' over there with your legs crossed! (Rhett laughs) - I was makin' eyes at the camera! - Oh no, watch the game! - I got excited to Ben, I got, Ben and I had a moment. - All right, you know what? - I blocked you out of Portugal, you can't even aim there anymore. - I know, it's like, I can't even see the-- - I don't care if you have met someone from there. - Can't even see the hole! Now, if I knock your dart out and then nestle my dart in where yours was, will you relinquish and take the maximum number of points on the board? - If you can knock my dart off and make a bullseye in Portugal, I will take 50 centimeters. - Are you gonna watch this? - I'm gonna watch. - All right. (deeply exhales) - I don't think it's gonna happen. (dart thumping) Whoa ho ho ho ho! - That was close! - Dang, Link! (link screaming) Wow, whatever you did to do that, you should do it more often. - Dang, man. Portugal's like a dart magnet. (Rhett laughs) - [Stevie] Okay. You just ate a Crepedilla, which is a quesadilla made with a crepe instead of a flour tortilla. - Uh huh. - Beautiful. - [Stevie] The Crepedilla is served in Taco Bells in, Poor old Colombia! (screaming) - Dang it! - And I'm a little closer to Colombia. - (chuckling) You sure are. - But, man, I'm so far behind! - That is really good, I wanna eat more but I gotta pace myself, we got more rounds. - [Stevie] You guys see what I did there? I mean, I'm not saying Colombia's poor old I, you know, you see what I? - Yeah. - That's, I wanted to clarify. - You just, you, It was just, you were just deceiving us. - What, yeah. - You're toying with our emotion. - [Stevie] Yeah, there we go. - Rhett, you had 24 and Link, you had 23. - So we're still pretty, (mumbles) (Rhett laughing) - Wo wo wo wo wop (man bepopping) (air whooshing) - Man, okay. So, this is the last one. (paper crunching) I'm down by 40, 39 centimeters. - Not lookin' good for you, Link. - I know you've got the Gordita. - Gordidart. - Maybe you wanna think about givin' it to your old friend, (wet chewing) The Linkster. What is this? - There's somethin' orange in there. - What is that orangeness? It's like, yam colored. - That a cheeto? - Is that a cheeto or is that a yam? - I think it might be a cheeto that turned into a soggy thing. I like it, though. - Soggy cheeto worm! - But there's no crunch at all. - It's just odd. - Maybe if they had just made it two minutes ago and brought it out to you, there'd be some crunch. - You're in the lead so, you get to go first and you do have the gordidart, which I can't take. - Are you asking for it? (crew members laugh) I just need to find Chase, you already had a jacket. - You can have the gordidart, and you can put as much sauce on it as you want. So, you might wanna go ahead and start saucin' that thing up because any place sauce hits counts as your answer. Which gives you a very big advantage, by the way! - I need it, dude. Thank you. - Where're they gonna put cheetos? - The place where they know no boundaries. Where they think outside of the bun. - But have cheetos, it seems like the kind of thing that would happen in Japan or Indonesia. But it also is cheetos, which feels like such a like, western snack. You know what I'm sayin'? The fact that you're gonna probably get right on whatever it is makes me think I've gotta aim in the middle and play defensively here. Because if I go for one answer, West or East. - Go for the gusto, man. Leave nothin' on the table. Assert yourself. (dart thumping) Whatever. (crew members laugh) Cyprus has been taken. You're just bein' in defensive. All right. (wrapper crunching) Oh my goodness, look at that. That thing is juicy! It's juicy, I'm just gonna flap her, I'ma flap it open, just like, spread it out. - That's good, I already ate the whole thing. - I think this Canada. Because they're just throwin' Cheetos in things, you know? Just like, oh, that'd be nice! We're nice, that's nice, let's do it. (crew members laugh) - Okay. - But I, but again, I've gotta like, spread the board. - [Chase] Oh yeah. - [Link] This is not the most spreadable thing. - It looks great, though. - Wha bam, wha bam, thank you, ma'am! (loud thump) Okay. - [Rhett] You knocked my dart off. - Knocked your dart off but it was, where was it? It was right here. And then, I got a little thingy there and I'm goin' all the way over. - What, first of all, you got sauce in Canada so, if Canada's the correct answer then you got zero. - Yeah, that's right. - Hey, guys. - If it's on the East-- - You okay? - Yeah, I'm good. Help me push up here. Thank you, thank you. Stevie, what we got? - [Stevie] I wanted to make it clear 'cause you can't see me, that I am wearing the jacket right now. - Okay, good, good good. - Okay, of course. - [Stevie] I'm gonna have to toss this one to Daven, though, to reveal. - Oh no. - [Daven] Hey, guys. You just ate a Cheetos Crunchwrap Slider made with seasoned ground beef with nacho cheese sauce, shredded cheddar cheese and crunchy jalapeno cheetos, all wrapped in a flour tortilla. And this is served at Taco Bells in-- - Indonesia. - [Daven] Canada. (Link cheering) - Hey, what, what?! What's your connection to Canada, man?! - He was speakin' Canadian! - Ahh, - Don't play with - we did it again. - my heart like that! - Do you know any French? - Okay, so that means link got zero! So, I just have to get less than 39 to win. - Yeah. So, Link, you had zero. And, Rhett, you had 43. - No ho ho ho ho! (ding) - You know what? (Rhett screaming) Thank you for giving me the gordidart. (Rhett grunting) I wa-- - I'm 43 centimeters from canada?! - Bring in my jacket! - [Chase] 43 centimeters. - Let me see my freakin' jacket! Here we go, come on! - I'm not givin' up my, I'm not givin' up my, my advantage dart next time. I'm never playin' that way again. Never doin' it again! - Thank you, Rhett. I won a Taco Bell hot sauce jacket! Oh, it can't get, well, it looks great. I'll put it on later. (crew members laughing) - We'll get it on. - Thank you for liking. Mostly liking. For the experiment. - And commenting and subscribing. - You know what time it is. - Hi, my name is Jessie, this is Taco. We're from Ohio, and it's time to spin The Wheel of Mythicality. - A chinchilla named Taco, - Chase! - only in Ohio. - Chase, they got a Chinchilla! - Click the top link to watch us try crazy Taco Bell desserts from around the world in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the wheel is gonna land. There was another side benefit with saying yes to the huge project of writing a novel. It really got us back in touch with the roots of our friendship.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 4,960,412
Rating: 4.970809 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, season 16, International Taco Bell Desserts (Taste Test), International Taco Bell Taste Test, taco bell, fast food, del taco, taste test, international taco bell, international fast food, international taste test, different types of taco bell, different taco bell
Id: _RSojioTtUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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