What's This Watermelon Soaked In? Taste Test

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(rooster crowing) (animal growling) (dramatic music) - Welcome to Good Mythical More. Is it a good idea to soak watermelon chunks in things? Let's find out by guessing what these watermelon chunks have been soaked in. - But first we have a voicemail that we're going to check. - [Woman On Phone] Nicki Minaj is the queen of rap. That's it (laughing). It's not up for debate. Bye. - Well, okay. I mean, excuse me, did we give the impression that we thought something else? - I mean, does she mean like current queen of rap? Because I mean, Queen Latifah. It's friggin', queen is in her name. - Right, right right right. But you can't be the queen forever. - You can't be the queen forever. - You reign for a while and then you pass on the torch. - Nicki Minaj, and you know, she's still legit. Too legit to quit, to use the parlance of our time. - Yeah right, mm hm. - So we're not gonna disagree with that but- - You said it like we have asserted something different. The only thing I'm taking issue with is it was, you know, sort of, it seemed like the context of the voicemail was, as opposed to what you guys have been saying over and over again, Nicki Minaj is still the queen of rap. - Yeah, well, let's just see what Megan Thee Stallion has to say about that. Megan, let 'em know. (knocking) 'Cause I know you're watching. (laughing) - Okay, anytime you wanna come on the show. - We are going to taste- - It's an open invitation. - These chunks of marinated watermelon. And we're gonna guess what it is, with a little three, two, one. - So three, two, one. There's no like taste and guess. It's taste and wait. - The reason why we can't do that is because our rate of taste is different. I think we should remove that. - What do you mean rate of taste? - How quickly we eat and taste. - [Stevie] Link is a lot slower to chew than you are. - Rate of eating and rate of tasting are two different things. Eh, this one is real obvious though. - Actually, I know what it is, but I cannot think of what it is. You know how that happens sometimes? - Yeah, that's a good time to guess. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Coffee. - Coffee, that is strange. - That's correct, right? - I have to think it's correct. - [Stevie] What? Oh, I'm sorry, yes, yes, that's correct. - This is coffee. - Oh, what, sorry, I have the answers? Yeah. - So do we, it's right here, coffee. - Yeah, coffee doesn't taste good when watermelons have been soaked in it. - Yeah, that is not. But what if there was cream on top too though? Would that work? - Ah, I don't know about that, but I like putting, hey, have you done this? - Don't do that. - Do y'all just sometimes, just as a little light dessert, you take some heavy whipping cream and you put some fruit in it and you just eat that? That's a nice little light dessert. - Heavy whipping cream? - Whipping cream. - Like, do you whip the cream? - Well, yeah, my wife will take the whipped cream, the heavy whipping cream, and she puts it into the (whistling) and she makes the whipped cream. - The blender? - She puts it into the chickwachickwa, KitchenAid. - That's a blender right? - No, it's a- - [Stevie] Food processor. - No, KitchenAid, it's a mixer. - [Stevie] Oh, oh, mixer. - What's the difference? Oh, a mixer is not a blender, you're right. - And it's so much better than like the Reddi-Wip. - Is it. - Oh, it's so much better. Reddi-Wip's great, and we have that on standby at all times as well. - Well, we know this is yellow because we can see it. - Okay, I'm not gonna be able to eat that. (laughing) - Oh (gagging). (laughing) - Yeah. - Ah (spitting), aah, aah! - Okay, I got a guess on that. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Sardine juice. - Sardine juice. - [Stevie] No, it's more general than that. - Fish juice. - It's buttery, though. - [Stevie] One might take this as a vitamin. - Oh, fish oil. - Fish oil. - [Stevie] Yeah. - Oh, gosh. - Oh, it's just straight up fish oil? - Oh, gosh. - Yeah, you shouldn't eat that straight. It should go in a pill. And then that's why I just smelled it, and then didn't eat it and let him do it. - Ah, you didn't even taste it? - No, 'cause I smelled it and knew that it was so fishy I didn't want to. - I didn't smell it. (laughing) - Okay, you didn't smell it, that's weird. - Well, that's not part of the game. It's a tasting game. - I couldn't help but smell it as soon as we put it down. - Oh, and look at how it's separated. - Yeah. What is that? - Watermelon juice, fish oil. I didn't know fish oil had watermelon juice in it. - Must be with the watermelon fish. - That was not nice, David. - That ruined that fork. - Yeah, I thought about throwing that fork away. - I thought about it. (laughing) - Okay. Oh, yep. - Well, I'm going to sniff it before I. - Oh, oh wow, that's something very specific. What is that? - Yeah, I kinda like it. - What is that? - Whoo! - What is that? - [Stevie] I will say you don't have to be afraid from here on out. I felt really bad about that last one. I almost said something, but then I was like, you know what? That's not the point. - What is this? It's so familiar. - [Stevie] You can enjoy this freely. - I have a guess. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Vinegar. - Fresca. - [Stevie] Okay, it's a mixture of the two things you said basically. - Vinegar and Fresca? - [Stevie] Yeah. - Salad dressing. - [Stevie] No, it's a drink that people drink in L.A. a lot. - Kombucha. - [Stevie] Yep. - That's what it was, it was so familiar. - Kombucha. Ah, you can get a watermelon flavored Kombucha. I'm not really into that. - Fresca and vinegar mixed together is Kombucha and we just came up with that. (laughing) - That is not how it's made. - Oh, it isn't? They don't just take all that excess Fresca? I used to be into Fresca before LaCroix. And now when I see people enjoy Fresca's in media, I feel guilty that I left it, that I don't drink it anymore. - [Stevie] I kind of want to mix Fresca and vinegar together and see if it tastes like Kombucha. I feel like it would. - Yeah, do that on your channel. (laughing) That is a nice thing to do as a chaser to like drinking straight up fish oil though. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Kombucha, it does help kinda like eradicate it. - We know what this is probably without tasting it, but while we're thinking about it, I do want to, listen, I want to clarify the announcement that we made in the main episode today. Okay, celebrating two years of Mythical Society, two year anniversary. - If you join third degree, any tier, first, second, third, annual, quarterly, no matter what, in the month of February. - Then you can be randomly selected. - [Stevie] Wait, no, you just messed it up again. - No, I didn't. - No, he was moving to the second part. And I was gonna do the second part, and then do the first part. - [Stevie] Okay, well, since this is a clarification, maybe we should be very clear. - Yeah, but let's go in the order that we have it in our heads. - Well, clearly I don't want to. - (laughing) Okay. - So what is, what's happening? - So if you upgrade to a third degree annual plan, okay? And that could mean renewing for another year of the third degree annual plan. It could be that you're currently in any other tier or any other type of third degree, and you're upgrading to the third degree annual plan. - No matter what. - You automatically. - If you pay the third degree annual plan in the month of February. - You automatically qualify to receive your choice of one of the past 2020 quarterly items, okay? - While supplies last. - So those four items from last year. While the supplies last. - If you missed the "I'm on Vacation" vinyl, if you missed the bobbleheads, if you missed the Cloak of Mythicality, if you missed the... - Viewfinder, viewmaster. - View-Master. While supplies last. Get in early and you can have da dibs on that. - The other thing that Link was about to tell you is that if you purchase any type of third degree plan, anything, it could be monthly. It could be quarterly. It could be annual. If you do that during the month of February, then you will be potentially, randomly, we're gonna select under 30 people to join us for a digital meet and greet. And listen. - A one-on-one meet and greet. - This is a one-on-one thing. We kinda said it like it was gonna be us and everybody together. - Like a classroom. - But really it's gonna be us with individual people. So it's a bunch individual calls, okay? - Mythicalsociety.com. We're giving the heads up. February is the month to make it happen. - I mean, I kinda like the taste of this. I associate it with relief. - [Stevie] You know what this is. - I mean, if you're afraid, like if you need to give your kid Pepto, this might be a way to get 'em to do it if they refuse otherwise. - Pepto dipped watermelon? Our guess is Pepto. We both agree it's Pepto-Bismol. - [Stevie] Yeah, yeah. - I think Pepto-Bismol remains the king of a gastrointestinal relief products. Anybody on that team with me? Now, what other things do you use, Maalox? - You know, I don't use anything. - That's your problem. - I don't have a problem, that's my point. - [Stevie] What's the one that makes you go, Imodium? - Milk of Magnesia. - [Stevie] Yeah, one time I took that when I needed Pepto. - That's the wrong move. - [Stevie] It was not, yeah. - But there is, the Maalox is white. And it does the same thing as Pepto. Maalox, it's minty. - Is it the same thing? - I think it is, yeah. - 'Cause bismuth something is the ingredient in Pepto, which makes your tongue turn black, if you've noticed that. If you ever take Pepto, you wake up the next day and your tongue will be black. And your stool, which is not what you sit on but what you poop out, will be also very dark. But it's okay, it's okay for it to be dark sometimes. If it's dark like a week later- - [Stevie] That's the name of our new children's book. - It's okay for your poop to be dark sometimes. (groaning) - Sometimes I'll take it, and this is probably not healthy, I'll take it preemptively. Like if I have like a big Mexican meal, and I'm like, I don't want to deal with this, I'll pop just one pill of Pepto after the meal. I mean, I'm saying I might do this monthly, just monthly. I also like seeing how dark I can get my stool. - Occasionally, 'cause it's not a bad thing for your stool to be dark occasionally. - It's like, whoa, man, you could write with that. You can make ink out of that, you know? - [Stevie] The book is like a cutout book with an interactive feature. - There's a dooky log cutout in the book and you place it over your dooky log. - What. - [Stevie] Yeah. - Why do you place it over your dooky log? - [Stevie] To see how dark it is. - Your dooky log perspective. Did you know that the new iPhone, and this is not an ad for the iPhone, but I demonstrated this feature with you. You can just film somebody with one of the apps built in and it gives you their exact height. I wonder if you can measure your dooky logs? Dookymeasure.com. (laughing) - All right, three. - Hold on. - Two. - Hold on, I just took it. - One, it's obvious. - Need more time. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Soy sauce. - Coke. - Coca-Cola, soy sauce. - [Stevie] Soy sauce. - I started and then it hit me, Coke, Coke. - Ah, this is pretty good. If you eat it quick enough, it's a little, there's still got some of the effervescence in it. I wonder if you, and maybe you've done this, but like the most effervescent thing on the planet, Topo Chico. I wonder what that would do to some, just adding effervescence to your watermelon, what that would do. Maybe you've done that. Maybe that's coming. - No, you know what you can do? You take water (whistling). You put watermelon in it. And then you SodaStream it, and you'd do a lot. - You put watermelon in a bottle? - In a bottle with water and then you SodaStream it. - I don't want my water to taste like watermelon. I want my watermelon to taste like water. - Exactly, you want watermelon to be effervescent. - I want my watermelon to be fizzy. And I can't get that out of the bottle. - Just taking watermelon and putting in Topo Chico is not gonna do it. But take watermelon, put it in water, and then effervesce the whole thing. The watermelon will get it. - But then how do you get the watermelon out? - A toothpick or a fork or something. - That doesn't sound tenable. That's the best one, Coke and watermelon. - Stevie, you still using your SodaStream? - [Stevie] Every day. - Every day? - [Stevie] Yeah, because- - I ain't got time to pump. - [Stevie] Well, yeah, I mean, that's actually a good point. But the bottles, it's just a good way to track how much water you're drinking throughout the day. - Well, my wife said take it to the creative house. And when she says take something to the creative house, that means she has banished it from our house. - Well, yeah, it doesn't go back. - Did you know it was at the creative house? - I set it out somewhere where we're not gonna ever use it. Maybe we should. - So if you ever want something effervescent. Oh, gosh. - Oh, okay. Mm, yeah, there's nothing like making watermelon taste not anything like watermelon. I know what this is. - Whoa, this tastes like another fruit. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Cantaloupe. - Pineapple. - Oh, pineapple, that's right. - [Stevie] Yeah. - This is good. - It made a weird thing happen. - I went through a phase, and it was probably middle school, that was my pineapple orange juice phase. Wouldn't drink orange juice. I'd just drink the pineapple orange juice. This is a good, it's a good mixture. - You remember from Dole, pineapple mango orange juice? - That was, I went there a little bit. - Uh huh. - Too much, a little too much. The bite of the pineapple is nice with the bite of the orange. And the mango just kind of takes the edge off. Don't like it as much. - You remember Bob Dole? - Yeah. - Do you think that he drank Dole? Is he of the Dole family? Is it the same family? - That is a pertinent question. - The Dole family? There's like a documentary about them. - Is it good? - Talking about the Capri family. I don't know, we probably disparage. - I'd rather watch the Capri Sun family. - We probably shouldn't disparage the Dole family without facts. But I'm just saying I think that there's a documentary about them. - Dole family has no fingerprints. - Right, right. - I'm having deja vu about this. - [Stevie] He's not, but his dad. - Is. - [Stevie] (laughing) No. Had a creamery (laughing). - His dad had a creamery. What does that gotta do with anything? - [Stevie] I don't know, there's cream there. - What about the Dole family? - [Stevie] What do you want to know about the Dole family? - Just do Dole family documentary. - No let's, I want to find out the family that we've been talking to, the Capri Sun family. That's who we really need to be worried about. - [Stevie] James Dole- - 'Cause they are not happy with us. - [Stevie] Is in the Dole family. And he's known as the Pineapple King. And he developed the pineapple industry in Hawaii. - Ooh, this is good. - There's no documentary. - Mm, this is my favorite. - [Rhett] Maybe we should make it. - [Link] This is my flavorite. - The Dole doc. You heard Rhett and Link, they made the Dole doc. - Do you like this one? This one's good. - Yeah, I think I know what this is. - This one's the best one. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - [Rhett And Link] Horchata. - [Stevie] Yeah. - That is good, y'all. - Horchata, man, I love it. I mean, it goes so well in things, like watermelon. - Try this, thank us. - Yeah. - In a letter. - What about the Capri family? - Yeah, we need to know them because we made enemies today. Are we done David? - [Stevie] It is a German juice. - (laughing) It's a German juice. - German Jews? - [Stevie] Owned by Capri Sun Group Holding in Switzerland, which is a privately held company of Hans-Peter Wild. - Oh, Hans-Peter Wild. - So we're picking a fight with Hans-Peter? - [Stevie] And Kraft Heinz is the licensed production partner from North America. - At least it's not Hans Wild Peter. - [Stevie] Oh, and in the Netherlands, France and the U.K. - You got a wild peter, keep it in your hans, man. - [Stevie] It's distributed by Coca Cola partners. - Oh, so this all goes back to Coke, the Coke family? - [Stevie] This all goes back to Coke. - So if we meet Hans Wild Peter, it won't help us at all? Because I would love to go to Switzerland and just track down a man named Hans. - [Stevie] Hans, if you're watching. - Give me a Han with your Wild Peter. (laughing) - [Stevie] Please comment. (upbeat music) - Yeah, we want to come over. - [Link] To celebrate two years of the Mythical Society, during the month of February, any third degree plan purchase will have the chance to be randomly selected for a digital meet and greet with us. Details at mythicalsociety.com.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 855,082
Rating: 4.939724 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: 0YMfXUYh-x8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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