International Candy Taste Test

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- Hey mythical beasts, we're on the Tour of Mythicality. - Now we know that you may not be able to make one of the shows, because of where you live, or the fact that it's sold out, but we do want you to be able to experience the Tour of Mythicality, so we have a solution. - We're gonna be live streaming the show that we're having on November 5, at 1 p.m. Pacific time, this is a one-time only live broadcast with no replays. - Uh huh, so if you want to watch the live stream, you need to purchase a pass in order to gain access to it. So go to in order to get your pass. - There are some early-bird discounts, so if you go over there between now and midnight, November 1, and use code Beast you can get the early-bird discount. Also, there are still some tickets available for the matinee show in Los Angeles on November 5, so you can see the tour in person. Go to to get those while you can. - Do it. Today we taste candies from around the world. - Let's talk about that. (playful theme music) Good Mythical Morning. - Mythical beasts, we are super excited to let you know that starting Monday, November 6, we are upping your daily dosage of Good Mythical Morning. That's right, whereas usually you would get one video each morning, plus a Good Mythical More, now you're gonna get four videos assembled into an amazing episode for your viewing experience pleasure every single day. So if you're not subscribed, make sure you subscribe so that you can get it in your subscription box. - Yes, please do. Now Halloween is right around the corner, and what better way to prepare for eating all that candy than go ahead and start eating some candy right now. That's what we're gonna do, but we're not gonna limit ourselves to American candy, we're going global. It's time for, - [Together] Where in the World Do These International Candies Come From? - Okay, we're gonna be tasting some international candies, and then trying to determine where they come from on the Earth, how are we gonna say where they come from? Not with our mouths, but with the darts that are going over here, you're already nervous. Chase Cartographer's over there, we throw 'em at the board in order to give our answer and then Chase Cartographer, that's what I'm calling you now, is going to measure the distance, basically all that means is the person with the lowest score means they got to the right places more often. - Yeah, we understand Link. - You know what I'm saying? - We understand, here's the thing, - Lowest score wins. - I've been decimating you at this game lately, I mean it hasn't even been close. So in an effort to shift the balance a little bit, - You're on a winning streak. - You know how we introduced the fart last time, which is the throwing the four darts at once. - Yeah, didn't help me. - I'm gonna give you my fart, okay. You're gonna have two farts, I have no farts, and I'm gonna go beyond that, and I'm gonna give you a plart. You're gonna be able to, for one of these rounds, get up, walk over there, and place your dart exactly where you want it, okay. - Pandering, maybe, will it help, probably not. Am I going to accept all of your offerings, yes. (upbeat chanting) - Let's bring in the first candy. - Oh yeah, I'll let you reach first since you gave me all, - I'm going deep man. - [Link] Oh did you get one for me? - Yeah, I touched it, sorry. - It's a burger. - It is a burger. - With chocolate? - Mmmm, coffee flavored. - Doesn't taste anything like a burger, I'm thoroughly disappointed. It tastes like great candy. Who's going first, you or me? - Whatever you prefer, man. - You know what, I want you to go first. 'Cause that gives me an advantage. - Man, this is really good. Because it's a little burger, it's like creative. The Japanese love to get creative with their candy. And it's coffee flavored, coffee-flavored burger, really small, with little fake sesame seeds on it, that's Japanese all day. - You're close, now, hmmmm. I was thinking Japan, too. - Okay, keep thinking. - I think we've had this on the show before, and I think it's from Japan. Stuff from Mexico's more spicy. Everything else I have no clue about. So I, too, am going with Japan, and I am not using any of my advantages. - Okay, alright. - Except my advantage to throw a dart really well. - Whoa, nice, even closer. - About the same, It comes down to the measurement. And as I thoroughly explained, the closer it is, the better you are. - The better. - But the larger the score. - What do we got? - [Stevie] You just gobbled on some Bourbon Every Burger chocolate cookies, they're mini sesame seed and chocolate-flavored snacks from, you guessed it, Japan. - Japan, we're both right. This game is bringing us together. - Well, not for long. - Alright Chase, what we got. - Alright Link, you had eight, Rhett, you had nine. - [Link] And that's what, centimeters? - Centimeters. - Early lead. (upbeat chanting) - Alright, bring it in. Bring in that can--, can I reach this time? - Yeah, sure. - Oh, I got, I found 'em, there they are. Here's one for you, and one for me. It's a paper-wrapped thingie. - Eat the paper? - Somebody's whispering eat, - Somebody said eat the paper, - Eat the paper. - I don't know if it's a joke, but I'm just gonna do it. That's like a nougat, man. - Oh, it is nougat, isn't it. I looked at yours, and I could tell it was nougat. - You're up first Neal, where do you think it's from? Eat the paper, what kind of country do they eat the paper in? - Now a fart is four, right? So I'm gonna aim at four different places. I'm gonna aim at, I don't know, this seems like a European thing to do, I don't know why, like nougat. - Yeah, uh huh. - I'm just gonna go for, - It's good. - [Link] Iceland, Finland, Netherlands, and Israel. - He's pulling out the fart. - Using my fart, actually this is your fart. - You're all over Finland. - What do you think? - I was thinking, - Pretty good, right? - I was thinking Israel. - Oooh, I hope you're not right. I'm choking on nougat. - [Stevie] Okay guys, you just ate some Massam's Almond Cherry Nougat. It's an almond cherry nougat candy that's wrapped in edible rice paper and described on Amazon by user TropicalFish as disappointing, and it's from South Africa. - [Link] Oh, so you're still closer. - My secret's out, I don't need to fart. - South Africa, so how much is he beating me by? - Rhett you had 20 centimeters, Link 28 centimeters. - Okay, alright, so now it's just a seven-point differential overall I think. (upbeat chanting> - Okay here we go. Ohhh, not gonna work, see, I was about to reach, can't reach, it's on top. - Oh what is this? It's a shot glass full of, this is just sugar. - I would, I would do that. It's sour. - It's sour. - Where would they do this? - Is it salty too? - I believe, I go first, right? - Yeah. - I believe that they do this in Mexico. Could you move that foot? Wow! - That was almost dead-on to Mexico. - If you land in the country, that's zero. So I hit it right, I hit the country? - Yep, you are like one centimeter away. - But I mean hey, but I don't know if I'm right. I mean, I might be off. - The question is, is this spicy enough to be Mexico, and if I aim for anything else, and you're right, it gives you a distinct advantage. - It could be Argentina, though. I was torn between Mexico and Argentina. - You're right, it could be Argentina. - It could be Link. - What is this? - Well you have to throw the dart to find out Keep in mind you can place one, and you have another fart. - I think you're right, I think this is Mexico. It is not spicy, but it has like a little lime spice thing to it, and I can't let you get this far ahead. So I'm going for the gusto. - Oooh, you hit the US. - [Stevie] You just tasted Pico Diana Mediano, an orange-flavored chili candy powder by Diana. I don't know who Diana is, but she is in Mexico. - Yes, zero. - Both right, you're just that much closer. Good shot Rhett. - Alright yeah, Rhett you had zero, and Link you had five centimeters. - That's the first zero ever in this show. - I'm really upping my game, because I've given you all the advantages man. - And I'm gonna take all of 'em, cause you're going down. (upbeat chanting) - Reach down deep, and pull out. - Two little hard candies. Oh, there's a hair on one. - Can I have the one with the hair? - Yeah, sure. - Now this is a greenish looking, - Almost black. I know where this is from. - Ew, what's that, licorice, dang. - You know where this is from, bro. - That is nasty, I can't even eat that, it's so salty. Oh, I know where this is from. Could be Finland, or it could be Turzistan. - I don't think that's a country. Is that a country, did y'all misspell something? - What'd you do, make up a country? - [Stevie] That is not a country, you are correct. - Oh, I'm going for that then, Turzistan, the no country. What's really under there? - [Stevie] It's Kurt-dizistan? - Kirkistan. - Kirkistan, you know. - So I can use a fart or a plart. - Yeah, if you wanna place it, man, do it. - I'm going to place it. Oooh, that's satisfying. Oooh, that's good, Finland, right on, and I nailed it. - You know usually the guy that's been given two farts and a plart doesn't rub it in like that. - You see that, I hit right in the middle. - It's like the time he scored in soccer in high school, and Josh Young came up to him and said, next time, act like you've been there before, what did he say? - Act like you meant to do that. - Act like you meant to do that. - Yeah, you messed up the story, but that's okay. Can I at least act like I threw it, like, yeah! - I thiNk you could, it's either Finland or the Netherlands. I know they like the very strong licorice candies in the Netherlands, too. So I'm gonna try to go for the Netherlands, 'cause we had some when we were there. - That's a small locale, man. Oooh, that's close. Not as close as I was to Finland, I'm just saying. - [Stevie] Okay, I'm gonna try and pronounce this correctly, but bear with me. This is Fazer Tyrkish Peber, original hot salmiak and pepper candy, I spit it out immediately after I tasted it, but it is from Finland. - Yes. - Okay, alright Link, alright. - Link you have zero, and Rhett you had 10 centimeters. - Oooh, how can you still be winning? - I'm a natural. (upbeat chanting. - Bring it. Goody bag, goody bag, give me that candy, candy. There we are, we got, oh, look at that, it's chocolate. It has a - Cows on it. - Has a cows on it. So I'm gonna bite you. Hmmm, crunchy. - It's like a Nestle Crunch. - Tastes very good, milk chocolate. - There's something in there, that's like a-- - Shards of something. - A seed of some sort. - Does yours have a seed? - Seeds of some sort. - Oh, it's got pop rocks in it (popping sounds) I'm just gonna get closer to the mic, nothing's gonna happen. I'm gonna put another one in there. - Yeah, pop rocks. I'm first again, right? - Mmhmm. - Okay, well. - I'm gonna pop rock in your ear. - Argentina is a fun country, they like things that pop, and they're big into their beef. Of course this is, probably just has a cow on it, because milk comes from cows, too, didn't think about that. I was so sure about it being Argentinian, now I'm second guessing myself. You know what, go with your instincts Rhett. I'm going to Argentina. Oh, and it wasn't even a good throw. - Alright, now I'm gonna use my final flart, fart. My fart's gonna take flight, and that's what makes it a flart. Now, hmm, I think it could be Argentinian, as well, but it could be anything, it's just pop rocks and milk chocolate. Again, because you're winning, I have to, one of my darts has to hit closer to Argentina, but then another dart has to hit what might be the right answer, if it's not Argentina. - That is the advantage of the fart. - So I'm gonna try to spray the board, ending in Argentina with one final dart of the four. So I plan to go all the way from Turzistan all the way, - What is going to happen? - To Argentina. - Please don't kill anyone. You see Chase is now behind us. - Just cover your eyes. I mean if I poke you in the body, you'll probably be okay, but I don't want you to lose sight. Where is Chase? - Hey, how's it going? - Oh, you're right there. - You got it man. Oh gosh, sidearm, he's sidearming it. Oh, I'm so nervous. - One went off down there. It's stuck into the floor. - You hit Argentina, I don't believe - I hit Argentina! - I don't believe there's any way that I can win, because you're closer to every other country that I'm close to. - Yes! - Yeah, perfect fart! Alright Stevie, what we got? - [Stevie] You just ate chocolate parra pitz putzhim, which is a milk chocolate bar with pop rocks from Israel. - Ooooh, and I was close to that too, 'cause I was thinking maybe Israel. - Alright, Rhett you had 40 centimeters, and Link, you had 20 centimeters. - Boom I won, - Congratulations Link. - On a level playing field, I came out the victor. - That means that I'm going to be TPed in Good Mythical More. - Thank your for liking, commenting, and subscribing - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Nevin. - And I'm Erica. - And we're on our last day of our honeymoon in the Finnish Lapland. - And it's - [Together] Time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Eat your candies while looking dandies with my beard oil, available at Mythical.Store. Smells great, looks good. - Buy it for the bearded person in your life. And click through to Good Mythical More, Rhett's gonna get TPed and we're gonna try some more candy. - Lonely hashtag. This is when we find a very lonely hashtag on Instagram, and then we add to it. This one is #Mothballers, mothballers. Post your photo that makes sense with that hashtag so it's not lonely anymore. - The sweet, sweet smell of mothballs. - [Rhett] Thanks for clicking subscribe. - [Link] Click on the left to watch the show after the show, Good Mythical More. - [Rhett] Click on the right to watch another episode of Good Mythical Morning. - [Link] And be sure to check out our other channel, This Is Mythical, by clicking the video on the bottom. - [Rhett] Thanks for being your mythical best.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 7,834,454
Rating: 4.8803964 out of 5
Keywords: candy taste test, rhett link international candy taste test, international candy, international candy taste test, gmm internatiomal candy taste test, international taste test, good mythical morning rhett and link, mythical morning, candy, international, good mythical morning, rhett link taste test, taste test, gmm, rhett and link good mythical morning, gmm taste test, rhett and link, gmm food, taste, Season 12, candy taste test challenge, candy taste test game
Id: 9SAau93gpDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2017
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