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all right so you guys asked for it and we did a video of us playing subspace and everyone said they wanted us to do it on insane so that's exactly I'm sorry anyway you guys wanted us to do this on insane so uh and we're intense whatever I don't know this is gonna be awful no it's gonna be great we're good at smash oh that was a that was quite the throw okay no I don't know what to expect on intense because I haven't actually laid this on intense oh yeah even when the game came out pulling the crap out of Kirby that's it I got no problems bullying Kirby it's just everyone else I'm worried about okay shoot him yeah we've caught the gun the alley-oop the gun is cysts and we're struggling this much with Kirby right now the rest of the game is going to be pretty awful did it oh no I did the wrong one notice how we're both chasing him to do that there all right there we go it had to be the dunk it had the pits watching us from a toilet we can skip this one too we actually when PD comes out I forgot we actually have to choose who we save okay we're doing all right so far it's gonna get really bad but I don't have night boy I forgot so how does it's not like a one-hit ko it's oh it should kill in one hit it's golden let's go let's go I got one too you know if they want to give us you know stuff like that it's gonna be easy there's double gold hammers and stuff oh man are we saving because you have to break one of the cages at this point I just want to survive again a lot of damage I'm going for peach oh God you gotta come with a plan like he spiked me but onto the floor so oh Jesus I'm dead no damage taken right now oh jeez okay so it's not down to me it begins and just downs Derrick so I'm trying to do I'm not exactly at a comfortable percent right now at the edge of the stage he's trying just body-slamming this doesn't quite reach okay and it happened it's okay we know what to expect now which is pain this is karma for me making fun of Petey piranhas a final smash because it's absolute garbage and ultimate nice this is the best match in the game we talked about you got to appease and not stop piss them off crap my listen this is every man or woman for themselves so well you got another I think we'll be all right the so much oh okay it's on you just hit Zelda one more time oh no no I have to survive okay so it doesn't matter how many lives we have if I die it's over it doesn't seem right you just basically need to be the meat shield here burning Oh speak of the shield you know it's funny I'm doing much better in world of light Nuzlocke than I am here I'm just hanging out on the ledge over here basically all I can do I'm just whacking them with oh god I'm joining you on the ledge now arrow saving Zelda [Music] please we've done it sorry peach I'm sure she'll understand all right so we're moving on to actual platforming stages look at that clear percentage after like 15 minutes of them yeah two percent like the worst type of milk see I'm not so concerned here I think we'll be okay in these stages but it's just the boss fights the boss fights is worth working on massacres for sure lighten up you know Porky's going to tear us a new one oh yeah so many cutscenes skip we're still trying to collect all the trophies though it's oh so so this 100% run now well yeah yeah it could be a hundred percent ah so I'm just phoning about scene pit with a for the fire flower just for oh my god the damage okay this thing rekt us last time I remember that we're doing all right now just just jump up in there that's the whole strat he's a creep why do you want who you want uh no matter to me close in my ass I'm just gonna hit there's just a sense of debt in the air just looming at all times it what yeah it wasn't there last night percent it I think is the 30 percent to you oh my god there that I'm just flying just oh okay this is fun see here's my thing about subspace and why I like world of light better and a lot of people are probably gonna disagree with me but I do not think that platforming and smash go they don't Jill I'm a big fan of that permanent oh okay we have another life we're good you'll want to get ahead for again that I would apply the crap out of like not I've been making a lot of Nintendo fine on them and there's all the Warriors type things I don't want any Fire Emblem anything anymore ever alright alright let's go it was so unnecessary very pointless that's the game it's like was she good in this game we say about say that about melee he said have a brawl say about smash 4 she could in this game Sheik was good in melee maybe not amazing in brawl and then good in Smash 4 and then bad in Ultima you've seen a pattern here is it throwing soda cans out of or garbage out of its so what ends candy and lollipops I want pants volcanic oozy all right we haven't died in like ten minutes you had to say something see they they're very small but in numbers they are very dangerous oh this hole I am at a hundred and thirty seven percent one hundred eighty seven percent can I just torch the wall oh crap I didn't remember the hazards getting worse I remember only the game being okay I am going to spam from a safe distance I am going to try not to die okay I think I might have needed that life that you're about to say Anwar ditch it's like fighting a bunch of tiny mr. game and watches only that's in there and they have stupid strengths this is actually the seventh layer of help and we're trapped in it yeah that's a move that Kirby has that isn't dude they say that the only thing worse than one group is two groups holy crap yeah well if everything we've got I must take the creep down as quick as we can okay I you know what that's a win I'll take it that is a win okay oh I am giant DK this is like rampage I mean be like the same as every other rampage game sure I mean like that the high budget high budget rampage you mean the movie with the rock we're getting rocked by a Goomba he's gonna be DLC six give him like a baseball bat oh I am so sorry that's not my fault oh you got saved to find intervention we got some music remember how exciting it was getting those CDs that was the only way to unlock it you know you're playing on intense because we're having trouble with goombas and koopa troopas all right we're good we're good wait the bullet bill come from I like the bullet bill spike I just looked really funny open that I'll drink this bottle of water or I won't we were struggling with regular goombahs so here's giant goombahs you stepped on him real good it's fine well they don't want his help forest like a Kingdom Hearts boss I keep getting these damn fish I'm breaking through the wall right now let's go yeah I'm trying to get to you to eat the pizza that helped a lot he'd say keels you as we've learned in video games but not in actual real life that's the biggest lie in video games that pizza and burgers will heal you ninja turtles taught me that it will make you a good ninja it's a mine it's gonna blow up he's not lit he's later this privat has the hands printed for DLC five six seven I would not be opposed to it I have to be cool that there that would make a lot of people mad but I would not be opposed I think I think you're gonna get your G no I think it's gonna happen listen I I'm the only one left who still believes I believe I'm seeing the the Geno gang swindle one by one every single day you could make the argument that Geno would be another Mega Man or me gunner that's why people think he's gonna get another costume he is a magic boy here's the way I see it they kicked the door down they said we want Gino and they're like okay but you also have to take hero they're like fine oh we are going to get destroyed here oh yeah actually we might be able to do this Here I am just throwing banana peels expecting it to do anything but I'm gonna feel that a dragon how did it know I was going there and that's it and you killed both of us oh wait hang on you had the life yeah I died first the benefit of being worse okay that kind of work and all part of the plan absolutely intentional come on come on scissors come on yeah hey miss okay that's that's a dip we are close yeah maybe let's get me spam a little bit well I would explode Botox almost took me I'm dead where am I oh oh okay so it's up to me I thought it would be the dud come on give me a smart Bob I could explode before why did that do no damage you got this I believe I believe in diticom our Lord and Savior that's not no that's not right how much they're just gonna blow em up do it do it we we need no explosives and Fox is like I did everything by I don't think we need to go in the blue doors I think we could skip the blue doors nope you're low doors what we have to jump down to our death down here oh yeah it's like changes the time of day oh there we go I feel like I've died a lot more than you recently so I probably need the max tomato Oh what's happening oh I think the good thing is even if I speed ahead of you you just it brings you up to me do we go in this one I'm gonna find out definitely almost is good hey no you could pick that guy up neither did i okay okay I remember this right do not go in that door yep yep well maybe Amy just wants the nipple suckers are back that's a great name for them I mean that's what they're called right okay still not the top and let me go this way yeah it's not that it's like the third time top door they'll be like I'm in here fight some stuff all the food that heals you bacon hot dogs burgers pizza yep yep the healthiest stuff known to man nope nope nope though maybe need to go in the blue door again if you go back to the blue door and then go through get off my nipples I don't know what that did but I did it clicked the door so I think the doors now is now the door we need okay it only took us out one failed attempt there nothing like an old-fashioned water raft level did is use to these like turtles in time I have a gun here to play that weird 360-degree haeckel turtles in time I didn't play it all say it was good or bad it was weird cuz the original was still better in every way so it was bad that's no fun this is going pretty well even though her own intents doing pretty well right now I mean we haven't died in quite a while I would my customer over coming back any game I get to customize robots and fight them is here was a game for the PlayStation one that I used to play all the time this is I guess pre custom Robo is called Robo pit he's pretty terrible game but I loved it what is happening here hey how's it coming physics of that kind of Disney Afternoon cartoon BS is that evil Bowser I like her there's no introduction you just get dropped into evil Bowser and as she worked on almost worth reason oh he has it stay away I wouldn't know what the thought process was by not giving Bowser a - and just having him just kind of scrape against the floor they were trying to figure out how a turtle would actually move and that's that's what the house has been in other games but in lots of games here's the most menacing they tried I think they like tried to make the villains met like literally menacing in North oh we got him off stage I wanted so fine throw him off stage I'm trying to have to be off stage myself throw the damn thing he's dead poor he's gonna roll us you know that right oh yeah alright so we just need to outrun porky ease it a peak power PK thunder that what okay that's uh it just dropped which I get to a checkpoint what happened to all the animals is what I want to know it's a zoo it's a ruin zoo I mean there's an animal well he's probably not part of the zoo now forties get some huh these things are the other literal your help like that I'm the one dying he comes back doesn't he yeah he does oh alright we've taken no damage so far twerp nevermind eugenics didn't because of the direct chinks why do we only have one extra life here as opposed to the two extra lives that we've always had I have no idea actually the universe died like loki see like you think he's dead and then he just comes from the sky after falling in the water which makes no sense so you're telling me I died and we were right there a step away classic horror movie move I would I would crap my pants if I see this giant thing coming that is a sperm Oh I guess all right we got nothing left to lose right stance man what's his weak point this face the human being inside of the of the spider how about something we could actually reach are we gonna be porky on the first try the second is say we're doing okay instantly die now don't worry about it what is that what does happen today that's now work we are now out of lives women right from are you okay the buster wolf how did you stay back here with the star rod or I can Jai what are these things is there a smaller exploding Porky's this dude is straight up our garlic does that these are all things I think this is what people want an ultimate this is your God I mean how important play I don't know but if we're gonna get anybody in some kind of Mick robot I want dr. Eggman that's a good yeah how was I man not in the game just gonna crack him with a bat whoa damn it he's gonna jump in and near him over and over again I'm trying to touch the ground he can't flash the attack that nobody uses now dude I've seen people do some crazy stuff being a flash lately like there's been new tech discovered I know I'm gonna get all the nest players in my comment section telling me they've made the sickest play ever with PK flash oh okay come on oh this is the key right here just point at them attack the human inside the mech he can flash seems to do more damage than freeze so I'll just kind of keep my distance we got it all time this is the one I don't know come on all right it only took us like five tries first try we could edit it and make it seem that way I just want to watch this again because this was extremely avoidable oh my god this scene is true it's just like my hero say Lucas could have moved here it said yes sacrifices himself what do you want I mean my trainer all right we're slowly but surely making it to where we were I'm just gonna through this I know where you are but I'm leaving what is that bankbook these things are actually kind of disgusting they're like gross volt orbs gross cousin if we've learned anything it's just run as fast as you can away from everything until you have to fight this is a good life lesson run really fast into life get good at trying till you have to fight see that he's a fire attack I didn't die from squirtle it makes perfect sense okay we both clearly stuck the landing there whoa and I'm dead wait oh I they knocked us into the cutscene amazing I'm fine with that didn't even take a life away it just leaves I like how rob has been demoted to like a glorified minion but I hate the bed they get so sad they're like well boy they're gonna die they didn't sign up for this this is basically like smash ultimate now this is worth a lot of fighting games like launched with like eight carries Nedim later but Fire Emblem has enough characters to be their own fighting game that's died I don't know why does everyone have swords wizards will have laser swords holy crap these primitives hit harder than anything else in the entire game Jedi let's beat forward the game is amazing I haven't played it yet but I have it because I like buying games and I don't like finishing my games same struggle I feel that I feel that struggle however I've been very good lately I've been slowly working on I've been at least starting my games I have like a few games are lose 200 boxes I'm back I thought that's it Almighty I mean we have Captain Falcon who is basically all mine that's true are you gonna get a one's justice - nope because I got burned by one's justice one because of that all this shucks that kid okay I threw the key at the door and it worked okay come on again can we can I just one of the fastest cars think it's wrong and then we do a shield role here or noski defy everything it's fine and then this boy's gonna come out of nowhere no I didn't kill me though that didn't kill me either it killed me alright listen there's a wall there and it killed me thanks it's got Scott Scott from help so for this that's where he came from okay so that's wrong we broke through this door before confuse me I feel like that'd be a Zelda villain porn face yeah either that or a Silent Hill I can't keep running from our our problems sure we can there's no wait hang on here we go so if I die which I probably will at least I feel like we went through a checkpoint or go through another checkpoint this is all you gotta do this is it oh my god this one many oh yeah there's a lot no I'm a little in the chocolate yeah there is some kind of wins killed bucket robot [ __ ] got very creative names here oh no yeah watch half of the big what else it a creeper the greep I agree I just got greed and I'm dead we were doing well they were only at more left I just feel very sluggish with this wind resistance yeah I'm not a fan of that nice give them give him some of those I just it rains on there's grease on his way I could feel it it sense it I'm dead you know just remembered that I have a counter you are the inventor of the counter yeah punch em up okay creeps here oh you got grief there's life no no they call it the griefing oh all right you're expendable get in there I'm trying I'm trying is that it now go start we did it we did it you can rest easy man if you think about it they made a lot of unique characters or enemies for subspace yeah then I'm cool with that I mean a lot of them because then you have like goombahs and koopa troopas but like you have whatever the hell this thing is which means something toughness coming up cuz they have us for max tomatoes of course this single premon yep just keep moving whichever candy pants candy pants was my nickname in college all right another great I died in one hit as far as everybody didn't like reuse any of these things at in ultimate they should I mean you can get a spirits there's a prima Dirac that's true I know and cuz I unlocked it in I was at subspace unlocked it in a world of light taboo is a spirit as well that was a hard-ass fight let me tell you that spirit or taboo himself the type of spirit alright we will not die against creep this time we will not die against creep we've I almost died against grief keep saying it a little she's got to keep shielding and rolling those make bad habits work you know that's fine now we get it that's a lot of fish eyeballs I tried to Lance it and it lanced me will hit the bottom any day now Oh a minecart level is your DK Oh in Tendo woman loves mine carts yeah they do why I have no idea they're fun so you kinda have an advantage here because you can fly I have to make my jump see it looks impressive no we're not that's right here we go like it's like it's like an autumn oh that's cool I was running fast really but I never got that anime speed so close this is Ike's intro that was dope as hell sille ice-t's good intro for Ike Oh his that's right his off air sucks in this game I think I could just suck in this game we don't need it if we get it we're just letting them know that we're weak remember this sounds like the sound of like sorting things is very satisfying like very crunchy he does have a crunchy sword what is this is that thing you have kinky rules - because you lost icons and I'm about to lose Martha I think getting bucketed on is that a sex thing uh-oh I was trying to break some kneecaps oh yeah I got nowhere I'll make it up so now that I think about it we were actually much further and I thought we were we weren't doing our intense last time now we're men maybe we were only we were only sure boys hmm that combo I gotta finish Luigi's Mansion three did you finish Louise Mary I did and it is a great game and the final boss fight is a lot of fun but he has a thriving video game franchise now he's doing just fine he's got like multiple mansions they're not his I don't know if we saw this cutscene before or not honestly they ignore the sleeping dinosaur nothing to see here nothing to see here link seen worse yeah it's more Ganondorf reigning villains and monsters upon him you get like boom mics and stuff oh well I went boom I think one person in the comment section was like don't forget about stickers I was like we're not using stickers these puppets are literally the scariest thing in this game it's a bit so here we got one light well as long as I don't died and I bring you back is there any way I think if you just happen I need the dragon wise I think we blasted through this so easily before that it was so unmemorable don't worry I'm gonna get us there let's just holding you back Lane Yoshi oh so I'm still on the Kingdom Hearts this is not gonna last very long but I'm happy that I at least I'm still alive yeah you speak the devil's name and I spoke it into existence they came up with all these creative names and then they just have a puppet spelled with an i there should be a subspace stage just one you know yeah yeah let me awesome I will crush these mites the bane of my existence I mean PTSD right now PT MD post-traumatic it's my handle oh how did I die I don't know I'm trying to hit the switch and it's escaped you know when you think you're gonna live but you don't live what's uh what's our bet for this one like tell me how many times are we going I can do it sub 30 sub 34 just this video we're total total okay okay links got a gun now now we're ready to wait for that day that they make a weird futuristic Zelda game the link has a gun I feel like it's gonna happen eventually the arrow suit infiltrating I just gave you straight-up booty shots two of them and then they nerfed her ass rest in peace more importantly their nerve snakes ass I know I don't say this is the the the level boy everyone's ass got nerfed did we discover snake here no we discover something Reiko is in there or Pikachu that looks painful and the Raoul's me building all these Rob's is there an injury now there's a master Rob putting other Rob's together I wanted to have a buddy in your comment section we'll get the reference of the master rub by the way cuz I doubt it I didn't get it there's a big-ass end oh oh okay we're not gonna go that way he's already I mean look at him he's a thick boy is fairly chunky in this game I missed this Pikachu I prefer it see what you want Weight Watchers Pikachu Giganta max's consists for that that's us that was the real thing reason they they take me oh it's not really a fan service it's just force feeding you tomatoes at this point they know that was always like yeah we don't know are you oh I was so close to the tomato what is the hitbox on this up tilt look Pikachu look it's Rob from miles away that feeds you don't need no more buffs you choose Buffalo this is they just spinning around okay fire flowers does he do it you just put them in an infinite spinning death Pikachu just carrying a smart bomb in his mouth probably not the best move ah take care of hitting let's go let's go let's go now children grows a lot of damage wait are there two row turrets it has two bars this looks more challenging than actually yeah now that was actually not that bad oh shoot be like the person who built is like alright they're gonna take the elevator this way and then you're gonna press the button and then the entire ceilings gonna drop down oh no guys go let's go through the balls this remember this is where we got stuck I remember I remember not as you know it's a lot now it's open ah that's right take all the damage yeah and they're infinite spawners that's it okay remember ignore the balls the big balls that's how I go about my life ignored the balls this long oh geez I I got massacred why am I here well I am what okay I have one more life do they do that ax man even I I'm trying your fledge guarding sub-30 you said sub 30 debts yeah Oh like seven to go maybe there's I got two over here don't worry don't stagger okay that thing saved me I'm not sure oh yes giant pikachu i Dynomax i grabbed it for massage oh thank god the golden door of love a medium that just saved you hey what are you doing man oh crap I think links the one who's gonna need saving I mean it's not ultimate Zelda so it's not as toxic you didn't get buff yet oh the dunk Oh teamwork this 100 links is running in I was really fast why team are you know he thinks Mario just killed Zelda their co-workers I swear Mario's gonna go to HR after that you think yo she'd be the one who's pissed here he's the one who should be going after Mario my record was not kind to oh [ __ ] I'm get my ass kicked by the way oh I forgot come on intense he's a level 9 see views they don't have a dodge I was throwing up we're stalling that last life from I almost guys right he's got the tornado boomerang was it called - gale boomerang it was the Obermann you are linked can't kill both of us that would be an absolute disgrace take that hit ready aim rather he ain't ready for Frozone - bye wait why think it'd turn the statues because we did yeah but we beat them we don't have that ability I think if you just kill when they turn four statues like he's making out like a bandit here I remember this is a good shot that's the most anime thing that has happened yet we got the Hult we got all the boys here you need to give up on it I get just link you get everybody else that sucks oh god no no reaps today we are like four characters I'm just gonna do this just roll behind that's the play here did we not get a game over to this creep oh please please kick dying he won't die he's a God among creeps all right just me we almost got a game over his degree I thought that was food oh no this is this is where it is oh that looks like that clear yeah you can glide how am I still alive no one picked Kirby present it's we're still going on these basically zero lives that we have it feel like on top Oh God's name these days okay look like a Dark Souls enemy not more minecarts that's right run over all the mites let's go let's go let's go boy you guys hey y'all go I hesitated I feel like that will crush you and immediately take a stock it didn't but oh ok if I go hey yeah just go just go I'll teleport it there we go how do I have two hundred eighty-five percent I get flicked them don't know Dark Souls any minute you're dead there goes link I feel like they should have kind of like the simpsons arcade where you can do like team-up attacks like Mario can jump on Yoshi an underpayment some sake never played The Simpsons arcade it'll make some real progress man this is all looking very strange and scary it's been a while since we've died which I know I shouldn't say oh here he is Doria this is pre Doria this is true I like Princess Ganondorf is the ugliest Ganondorf yeah I didn't mind it in Twilight Princess and smash just looks weird like I'm glad and ultimate they decided to use like other style designs like only between worlds Elda it's time to catch pokemon i like a pokemon trainer is specifically out catch Ivysaur and Charizard and he has pictures of them instead of using his pokedex alright it's ok squirtles got his his best attack now a gun I pour mushroom head over there I he teleports he can actually phase through things what are these these cakes they're not doing anything no which is I'm ok with that this is fine yeah this is fine but just kidding once they do just kidding they can shoot lasers you might as well just dies so he can get on the crack out of a boathouse I'm just gonna go over and take it you're gonna forward out into submission it's working it was working oh god no oh god I want to go out this way others never go into a fire level of course looking for charms or it'll make sense can we just take a second to take a look at my damage don't question it ignore this no one's gonna sneeze on me and I'm gonna die extraordinarily little I don't care it's going down hit him well they're like going down and they'll just fall I love the stress yes please what was that hello my trainer I'm telling your face he's a demigod okay at least this is a checkpoint I feel like I'm constantly saving us need you to step it up oh here's Wario Lucas just has a giant meatball head he's scared I'd be too if I saw this thing coming at me he's a Super Saiyan God here we get someone to draw that Super Saiyan Walker ego his mustache is just like red Super Saiyan God they they you know they have a little bit a little slimmer there he was collection of statues part of the DVD Club now and that I just fell asleep like a Boy Scout badge Oh Bowser just crashed the party with all the boys literally crashing the party oh okay that is a giant letter older oh you just got crushed all right let's drop straight down okay now is not that oh it's going up this time oh Jesus they were playing Mortal Kombat mythology's remember that game that's a game that you play if you really want to hit yourself I believe that came from powers as a kid - it's so bad yeah I owned it I think I might still have it but developer making game in the gun let's not do that again and then they made Shaolin monks and it was okay that was them trying to cash in on the Mortal Kombat name alone and people like we don't like this they try to get you to go down but you actually have to go the Rue ha ha not oh yeah not right not touching the fire ok here's how we handle this we don't oh that's bull son I gotcha Oh quick enough no III got the little soft boy Stockman maybe don't say that in public oh man oh my god I would have threw my controller here's the golden yeah all right Beth bounce back Mario coming he's like hang on he's like I got this Mario does that same move in one of the cutscenes for no it's the commercial for smash ultimate this boy how are they talking like that what are they saying - sign language in Italy falling look at that ball ooh it spawns me up there you saw that yeah that's messed up I wrote Terry got hurt us oh my God thank you what oh yeah oh my god are you proud of yourself soccer I I think he is he I'm telling you he was mad when he made this game tripping traps Meta Knight drop I'm teabagging I'm trying to drop down a third grenade a little Oh metal prongs yeah heavy boys actually if we only get oh no he'll I was okay oh jeez I think we can just go because no we just go hi I would like so much to go right now I should never ride squirtle was one of them oh yeah all right I'm at 319 percent if one of these falls on me do I die I almost want to test about problems yes it deals you know that was not fair it came down and crushed me wait PK Thunder is Opie against these guys they got no uh busy got no not fastly to stay in it oh he was blocking the door and now enjoy know we're on the right into Charizard that's right his side Lee was rock smash not flare blitz he's just head-butting a rock yeah very smart if you think about it we're struggling against Charizard he's not that he's dead and then just really because yeah very is it I'm fighting back this is not the Pokemon gym Oh II this is the boss from ultimate yeah this one this one made the jump its gallium you know what I would love to see when we're done with this whole thing like like a like a scream compilation I've made sound there's gonna be out on playing this there's gonna be some kind of death montage I can't see if one's coming that oh that's a song the level design in this not very good okay I say sub 30 I'm in sub 50 sub 100 don't want to listen knew it was built we're gonna watch out what yeah I felt too fast oh geez I thought you were dead would have been the end I was this thing what is this some jelly bean in a in a tank this looks like a Kirby anima don't insult curvy edges I just know p-wing Super Mario Brothers this thing to work and magic just gonna keep going just gonna keep going we're gonna get he brush my reco he's gonna Massacre us although I just beat him recently in world of light so I feel like I know his patterns alright so yeah he jumps it's exactly the same this was their brawler friend only he's way faster yep it would go over who's just shown us is that this might be the end he's just gonna push me off stage that death that's death we're doing well oh yes take that arm of a metal book way to go he's not gonna add of me who's it myself and is there a Z by I need you to do as much damage as you can because if I die it's over oh no just don't get I got this just don't go no I believe in you you can do it we did on it achieved great Nazis wait didn't we fight we've fought him but there's like is it like a second fight with his ax version like mettaton oh you're gonna be the same I think so oh come on he'll trap me and bow Louise you taunt just killed us both Coombs I'm just trying to be a little trapped over here just a tiny bit let's go I'm just maybe like spam safely from back here get right back into it off to a good start all right that was just the warmup that was the warmup we'll get him this time Oh God okay confirmed Ivysaur oh I can't change Pokemon in the air I didn't realize that yeah what do you think this is ultimate we could do this though in this game the slowest glide of all time to fill the whole hole but down the down air we got end with the down air I just oh boy I need to not die I'm in the danger zone I'm gonna jump in down an mo how PK Thunder seems to be the move here so I guess don't take too much damage Oh as I get rocked by his know what their rights former mode there we go there y'all stay behind them in throw something this is it this is what we have to do spam use the elements I feel like you should have lived there yeah Ivysaur as though as a heavy boy he said he's a thick he's a he's a loaded salad how how how that even happened why does PK thunder just look like an electric sperm no you don't learn this kind of stuff in health class you heard him with the supernal hood I just I'm very vulnerable if it happens we're doing okay this might either one this be the quickest we defeated a boss if anything hell yeah yeah oh boy and I'm now a boys are the fastest we've defeated any boss but you're no gods of subspace well you're no gods of subspace the lie detective determine that a lot oh no he's gonna self-destruct yet with us is he going to the moon he's Iron Giant ding did the Iron Giant go to the moon and explode you know if he just stayed on the ground and like there was nowhere for us to go I don't know what Lucas thinks he's gonna do and nobody will pick Kirby I feel very prepared for this right now I feel good about this run all right if we can just run throat come on aah listen I've been playing a lot of hollow night lately so uh feeling good about this oh I'm gonna play all night I've had it forever and ever got around to it is a great game it gets increasingly harder the we just blow it lay I think we broke it here we go okay on this one hey take three we're supposed to go on top of it ah links carrying a bat to break some kneecaps people own roofies this is going alright so now we stand inside of it and not on top of it just right just right we need to get through this doors if we die like this what's happening this is not good because if I die you know one reason that's I'm making you laugh a lot lately all the Ysabel do means oh yeah I've been laughing so hard every time I see one of those oh they're great I recently dropped a piece of Isabelle merch and a lot of people are mad about it what is happening yeah we just got to get to this door go in go in no he's doing today what is he doing - what - no okay go gah I learned something coke for the creeps verbal hints I say goes the head as I struggle to get it there we go I just got deleted by something there the wind trying to push us into the spikes is very disrespectful I just go with the wind whoa or not you're gonna keep running cuz I see a golden door in our future I let me a future now I died Oh hit the cutscene okay that's horrifying I know there's little little lasers all the badass is a true anime sequence right here he's just furiously beating the hell out of the Rob's they just casually get dragged away and I okay this is nice just a casual stroll through with this swamp swamp I've ever been in okay this nation makes by foot oh alright that was was the point of that I just got spiked by the Koopa Troopa I don't see us surviving this to be honest yeah Becker I am a prophet candy pants we're frying no did we make it through that only to die to a Koopa Troopa no Goomba Oh No Brent we're gonna die too mega mega man spikes this is not going well this is a visible this poor run is is getting worse I saved you you're welcome what's happening I have no words it's the platforming I hate your life farming in Smash so much the hammer brothers are a problem so let's I mean the whole game is a problem we don't hammer brothers are really a problem don't touch the spice they're instant death no they're not I feel good every time we get to a cutscene it's a good reward and he comes hey how's this a real shot here this the funder who was in like a really tall sniper tower I'm gonna chain grab him to death that's very stylish that was he's like yeah instead of shooting Bowser he's like let me shoot the gun he's too big just like just like Ridley he's taunting us a little help here Fox Jesus here's the boost to get through look we got this guy keep doing it I'll light them up from over here is how you do it got a cheese this is it is the TEC is it good stuff okay so let's not hit that thing this is years of Donkey Kong Country training right here of course all right what doesn't hate it might as well hit all of them what is the life now oh I can get foot stuff right now yeah that bullet bill killed me I don't I shouldn't take him with me he's gonna blow it get rid oh he had it coming it wasn't your dope me it was you're playing with fire my friends that's a big-ass gun but it's jump on free yeah now I'm just going for the door no CH my boy the trophies not going anywhere like the chain come from Mario RPG how long am i frozen for Disney I know what to do I know it oh you don't know what to do Robster dumb as rocks look at them what did they f smashing down we go that booty is looking at pictures looking straight up he's got a good view the way this is a power suit there I don't know I never thought that retire it okay shameless port that's actively playing through Metroid Prime right now hoho this is the segment where we plug other video series that we're both doing that you all should go watch you think they're eventually gonna release that uh that rumored Prime trilogy yes that's why I waited so long to replay if I'm so tired of waiting I'm just like now I'm just gonna do itself oh that's not a spike what why did I go Jesus was that our last life yeah oh all right I'll take this one and you I don't know kill him there's no strategy just kill him she does this Samus is dead she's going back should that ended with the wall of thunder which sounds like it would be a Metallica album it's a great Metallica wall of thunder is that a real metallic out come on vinyl I don't know if you're messing with me because I don't listen to Metallica did you what what just happened I don't know but it worked it's dead and the army of Rob's know why they explode Oh as me this is the same as like that oh that is deceptively fast you know it sucks about this game how much you get punished for stupid things it's just like old-school Mega Man what your digiverse skin told you to do here's death are we gonna die to this bottle Lance don't ask questions you already know the answer to oh hey Doug yep this is not fun this this feels like absolute garbage oh my crap this right here I don't know okay I don't know where we have to gosh oh we're good we're good we're good bye ultimate look at this now we're pros here we go I just keep that's gonna fly like that hey looks like the boss room we gotta fight Ridley died I was just gonna say I think it's Ridley telling ya it's Ridley time he's too big for smash he'll never hit it look at this head his head is huge it's kind of cute here this is pre-med Ridley a cute cuddly Ridley Brecht we got the ugly ass Ridley and ultimate he's got the master hands attack he's got the master hands in fact can we beat Ridley on the first try I want to believe and until I accidentally up bands to the side bit thinking oh why haven't I been doing that but that's really not me not me not me he's perfect although I think I did because I am perfect okay do you think ah first try I remember this cutscene because this is where Rob was announced for brawl and everyone thought it was a joke okay whatever we can go around this guy and I have done Duncan we can try to go around this guy Alomar cannot go around this guy we need to not die here they're like you ever see like rabbits with red eyes like I don't know why rabbits need to have red eyes why take something cute and cuddly and make it look like a horrendous monster don't die you see like little Pikmin ghosts yeah they've been victims like loki dark yeah I don't know what to do here because I'm gonna die to another damn shell pod you know I just realized we're both captains that's the whole theme and we're gonna die a captain's dead go down with the ship I don't I don't want to do this anymore I don't have the mental stamina you know before we saw this we're like oh yes this place okay this is great you should totally make another subspace now we're like now we know I'm making me regret playing subspace heavily I'm gonna say it I like world to light better the checkpoint I don't know what's in here but I don't care at this point what is that it looks like a grenade with the face I'm invincible now we just got a checkpoint yeah yeah now I can die happily I'm carrying us like the orlimar god that I am who's this that doesn't look safe I found it hold over that's it takes a guy's boat back that's definitely what are these things are very scary these things are enemies from dark souls 2 dlc i remember them vividly it's okay you could see their weak point yeah you can you couldn't see that week one dorsals two there watch out for those snow god they can't see him thumbs up I was gonna say the same thing he gave a thumbs up but no one saw that I don't know what they think they're doing it's like we're gonna climb this mountain because that's what we do we only know how to do one thing and they named us after it they dropped the ice climbers and smash with you and then they brought them back because it couldn't handle it and no one even plays them now you know what I'm gonna go over the ice climbers now just for principle just the sentimental someone's gotta it's just a spinning vortex of death and pain how'd I die that early ignore and climb oh I don't have a I don't have Nana door here here right here this is his team spin to win this is how you do it I have a boy legend why would he did not just put the door on the okay I don't get it why does soccer I keep doing this now to planning peek it out Oh for real oh no if you think we're gonna survive this fight yeah they're like oh here a bottle of water I'm alive not for long climb that ice no ice find that ice hey it's all I know how to do it's what I was meant to do not this time shade ass yes common we did it we think of one thing that we had to do climb and Lucario is just chillin at the top Lucario beat all of them there without even trying he's pulling a Vegeta so this is like when goku vegeta fought rolling in the tundra is it the great fox attached to the halberd yes it does so I want to leave off with the ice climbers dead that's some Power Rangers stuff right there who isn't Power Ranger stuff this is another onslaught of enemies I actually had the character I know how to use I wonder how well you remember taboo because uh there's a literal nightmare fuel well I I had to fight a taboo spear in world of light nose lock and that was awful it was also Bayonetta we've got the B Squad now hey can I eat these guys oh just you know there's still like 30 enemies we have to fight I got the strat locked down get in my mouth I cannot eat them maybe you don't say that in public well this is it okay so it's down to oh you have Kirby I mean you have your shot yeah okay we're nowhere close to finishing this and I'm dead let's just combo it into a Bolivian gotta not be off and they just gonna up till easy be working that thing's name is fire I thought it said fetish why aren't you doing that this is gonna be rough we got the fat now ready breaking kneecaps line them up trying to catch them has them would do pretty good here right down it'll run they're all going after you to the oh crap about me oh my here we go line them up we're getting close to the ends here he is this whole time snake was just hiding out on the halberd I didn't get there as a real stealth man would do he's have been on a halberd for years he's just eating bugs he had rations man had rashes have any rations how I was like for real like really bruh you don't have to do this I don't know but uh probably go I could just do this it's okay you know the car gets stronger every time he gets hit just like yeah he's max now it's a it's an enclosed room we can't die that's the case hammer the B button till your heart's content well that was pointless maybe a door oh no oh you silly goose Sakurai I know afraid of the mites them anything else yeah yeah there we go it's done it's done there it is okay if you survive this amazing if not I'll probably but I am NOT going to survive this here's five this is like Anakin Skywalker they all just commuting water sixty-six yeah we're dead execute order 66 it's a good thing that snakes got these long dancers legs I think we have to fight a PD piranha again or we fight the princess is within unless we are gonna fight the ladies you can't possibly stop a snake and his luscious cheeks and a puppy and well maybe they can it's okay I will carry us I feel like Garen and League of Legends I don't I don't I don't know that one I'd say get in there you're expendable I guess they didn't want to hire David Hayter to do any more voice lines you know what would make this worse enemies they'll be amazing if they make total playable character and like the trailer was like hurt him just separating from peach you know eventually we're gonna have toad in Smash I mean they're gonna get to a point where they're just gonna keep adding characters I mean 20 50 smash 11 is gonna come out and they're not gonna have anyone else to add so we're gonna get towed I don't know where I'm supposed to go but I tell you it's Brian out that way I think it's actually exactly that way I'm just gonna for that away with them go go go why am I stuck on the wall this looks this looks horrified this is the cloning room it is through this deep smash Ward's where they make all the enemies or candy pants over there free him did you watch Castlevania I did not sure oh dude do it daddy yeah I caught it look at that combo didn't work yeah give me a full meal in there run for it I got a windy sport before well yeah and we're getting close to the end I don't know if there's any scaling damage but I feel like if there is it's gonna be here what I don't know you still alive I'm dead I'm still alive whoa whoa where I was I won't jump oh please oh god please oh please is this where Falco crashes into the plane just kamikazes it if that umbrella is gonna do it what is happening no wonder he's having a bunch of game and watch is operating the damn thing it just tackles them all there's death what is the strategy here come on what kind of five-year-old design this today see big Lucario no Lucario well the extreme speed was an extreme enough his wind-up hit me and knocked me out the actual attack so was that oh my god okay come on sacrifice there we go oh that's what you had it - he's got it the heck back at the helm where he belongs and suddenly the sky is blue again okay this is definitely not the room what oh my god this is the depth room and as instant ugh oh my goodness well that spirits howling uh-oh just like that Rosetta gown I couldn't even tell you what the death count is that right now I have no idea we got to be in the 60s it'd be very poetic if we can end this with 69 deaths I was gonna say the exact same thing it's funny like how stiff some of the animations are compared to like what we have in ultimate now like look at this it just there's no movement here he is the next DLC character right a lot of bums I mean phone the elf was a playable character so just orlimar we didn't put out Finn until four I prefer elf over calamari I I need to remember that this is intent instantly you know it's been a little while since we played so we just need to witches going on instant disintegration this is what we need to remember our place in this world I never kind of walked into the missile the last time we recorded it was the different worlds we were not in quarantine oh my god oh I have a I'm a fear of metal permits because they're always like I was know that was like - its oh why does not all March not have his front remember what boss we haven't fought yet I think we directly my dad I'm dare mine I'm surprised that the Angry Video Game Nerd has not made a whole episode about this well I don't think he's played on intents I don't think he's subjected himself to that kind of torture so what if I just throw Pikmin oh come on all right this is the best we've done so far we have all of our characters at the take that the rub carousel but don't get fancy all right just throw the damn Pikmin on throw the Pikmin I need to leave I throw that one we're both done I am afraid of what lies in oh a door please just go in the door please Oh hold on okay wait now that helped me that actually helped me where am I where am I wait oh is this like a if I go into the warp zone screw the buckets screw the buckets oh okay at least it didn't crush us remember one guy fries I expected instant death oh yeah the whole world remembers oh geez we need different colored keys isometric Vania now boys Katy Vance help me green I got the green I got the green let's go let's go he's got that let's get that door don't you die don't you die all right every door is a victory because it's another checkpoint Laden what that's jet flame Jets in this prison death what do you think the gas bill is like for whoever owns this place they're just running this thing 24/7 okay I have a feeling that that is bad so I'll test yes yes Ben what in the name we'll wait what killed you I mean this single friend that strap on your Oleg knowing you're trapped in here with me just thing away from me throw it well wait well if we lose it I'm getting my lungs in the face right now okay anymore I'm getting balls to the face we beat the level Oh Frank just DK's pounding on the door why did he do that to start that's the the hologram of Ganondorf like when Tupac died oh no he's had to change him hard he wants to save the world now never he was gotten to him see I'm making persona 5 references now since of play in the game no minister he's a friend now he's on fire his on fire face was just learning down yeah change Ganondorf gonna watch him burn to death his decayed wait hang on a second so it did he come pickin dad didn't look right he was a Rob all those a wall whole time oh what a choice how did I not remember that it was a little bit that's the fight to the death that's died probably I looked wait for a second if you did I wouldn't be surprised I'm surprised as any of us died I'm your boy now change characters can we swap we go into the settings we change the controller assignments I mean we unplug the controller and switch it because we're in I go to your house really quick and then you go to my house all right let's go let's go let's go DK with a gun I already have a gun yeah we shoot you it's gonna hurt the sad part is we are not even halfway through these enemies why does he think it's long to die oh we got one chubby they are okay so just Oh mushroom on the right mushroom that was dirt it's done bad oh so dirty I think they might be on to something here I tried that before it didn't work Oh max tomatoes like someone eat it is gonna do virtually nothing for us there there they're doing team combos right they are doing team combos just gonna shorten chuckling oh god boy oh it's the jelly bean thing I don't think it's going to help these things have a lot of health well the tiny mushroom and down B might be the key because the hitbox is still massive but I'm smaller so I can't be hit on top of the fire flower oh my god urn hey everyone Oh home run bad hang on to that thing with your life I'm trying so hard it's this now let me hit the stupid ghost again I can't get a regular mushroom if you somehow pull the softer god yeah I'm not hurting myself I don't know I'm trying to get it I'm hungry no a hungry boy the bird did it okay I got a poli-sci on a booth I thought it was going to wait a second oh he just slowly turned around I'm scared I'm scared oh he's him right now okay boy get him one more time I'm trying how's he alive I don't like where I am right now I don't like this please hide the curse continues I don't want to get too close finish him finish him you lie out of this mine yeah this is how I know BK's just trying to rip one solo Rob's head off he's thinking back on Igor he's taking us into the velvet room wait he's taking the Rob with is this the same Rob or did you take up a new one that other one was busted let's take a new one a fresh Rob that's only hang on hang on Oh down we're good we're good now we have that fall down no fine fine it's fine nothing's fine I mean this seems like a very meta ridley s corridor hang on hang on the last time he fought Ridley we beat him on the first try and that was the only boss we're able to do that with can we do the race he'll be completely different Oh Oh God hey that's you have insurance captain talkin but then that I respect about this really fight though it's actually pretty accurate to a Ridley fight like in Metroid and that's really cool will um build this Franklin badge reflect those try thank you actually I actually think it well alright don't jinx me with one Oh super scope though justice totally sure his daughter did perfect our that hey it's me I'm furious really to me I wasn't paying attention to the time okay we're back where we were I don't know what the hitbox on that was but I'll take it gang's all here we only pick our character now I think this is where everyone squads up not just British shut a money shot to the face who's driving by the way they are designing a face yeah they're dead ah that old Lord what's your favorite what's your favorite ship there probably our we know I got to go with Sam's gunship man all I forgot about that he's gonna dive bomb on the Dragoon nothin just dive bomb it he decapitated it like you he pulled the last Jedi bring camel wash come from wait where did came and watch come from stop blowing me horn face beam boil antic get him killed before he closes I'm dead am i dead we're both dead speaking of not knowing it's there we're doing very well right now that's the trick I don't pay attention to the games talk about other stuff exactly just talk about what games quarantine has been making us binge because we have nothing else to do 45 no I'm 52 hours in persona 5 royal oh hell yes yeah I die no making me I'll take it down you gotta hit him in the jelly man I don't think it matters our nemesis he's our best friend now he's gonna help us that's creepy why is everyone so big everyone is huge I was like yes I am Super Mario okay now what you got to do do the twin that makes you bigger wait how do I now I'm huge Mario sandals gonna betray Bowser right now I think he's going to he is scumbag why even what a scumbag that's a total Ganondorf main move to a wait and then mr. hands is in this game I don't think we fight him no I think it's just like Andres pledging his allegiance to the Master Hand Oh taboo is controlling him oh so do I know Master Hand bleeds we can kill but I got him all right now Dora Dora I can't even go through the floor I'm gonna go the long way but all this thing's just oh my god everything I just I love the the mystery of where the hell are we going to go after we die yeah I guess we're all just wondering that in real life as long as it's not subspace no I I think I'd be fine what he'll tell is better than this I think it's just kind of messed up how we're just fighting right next to master his corpse he's dead finally what's the point of this and then we gotta fight him again obviously because he's angry at us oh did that the first time Yosh Yosh I mean at this point he's free which is the only way it I'll take Yoshi okay just play like they do on quick play oh okay didn't work oh my god both of us in one shot I heard mr. mosquito hand was funny I don't know what the hell mr. mosquito is but I can tell you buck bumble you're a mosquito the true hero buck bumble for smash-up you know what yeah buck bumble for smash I'm gonna start the petition you drop another one there's another one I just I ate one out of panic yeah I wrote and Tomatoes I panicked cook it making some pasta sauce nope that's a panic panic Brochu you know I love a nice panic for Jude it was actually not a lie I mean they're free there we'll take what we can get the teleporters I mean we care about we don't care about snake stairs I don't know what caused the stairs to appear but light haven't you been looking is that what has I don't okay like don't revive him madam this is very anime I thought Kirby indeed they didn't like each other DDD is misunderstood very on brand for Wario stuff and pick his nose as they're going into the final battle that one might not work that would never work oh no boss rush here so they lied to us it's not a great maze right under him this DVD couldn't grab the damn ledge I killed him in times I don't know that words what does I mean come on we've learned things certainly we have learned that did a lot of damage I want to believe every boss fight is a checkpoint right if it's not we are screwed hey link okay snap out of it link okay that's one you know something just about linked is eating a full hamburger is hilarious nice they have hamburgers in Hyrule [Music] that's not a floor do we have to get all the characters yet we have to do all that person we got a role they're standing in the way The Mikado Captain Falcon Heat Falcon punch me backwards you Falcon punch us these taunted us it's good wild there we go I come back now cap we're in the 70s for a dentist by the way I don't know if you knew we are we are in the 70s I gotta fight me on brawl orlimar neo Olimar didn't his whistle oh come on for as much crap as you can talk about the maze it's at least somewhat nice it's forgiving I mean not super forgiving but it's forgiving you know I should be doing Donkey Kong things yell boomerang I'm trying to cargo him but I can't grab them he's too slippery Wario has no business climbing a ladder this fast we've got to lead the the missiles back to him oh wait those are different bombs those are not the same those were chosen one I'm gonna come give him the donkey punch okay leave wait no no oh that's unfortunate I'm hopeful that never mind I was gonna say if we could maybe do this on the first try maybe not come on give me the booty ah so he's got this really dumb run yeah there we go that was easy no don't worry I got the strategy although I oh I just remembered that I can't do down be in the air with brawl Donkey Kong that's very sad don't let him recover oh we got him yeah did I smack those cheeks I am the keymaster by the gatekeeper gun no you could just be give me one of the Ghostbusters otherwise it's weird Captain Falcon said wait look at him if they just put a bevel on it went to Photoshop and they just put a bevel on mr. Game & Watch it kind of looks like bubble buddy from Sponge Bob we're all game and watching us and ugly as sin hey go that motherf lifer I just want to see the cutscene of DK just falling off the halberd okay all the characters are dead thanks to you so now we've got to fight him with one life it's not my fault but we blame up jump oh it's not gonna matter because I'm at 219 percent Oh first try huh you know god he's small exploding Porky's back those things are actually kind of horrifying I can actually wait no do it oh god I've done it we actually did it told you first try he's Yoshi just give his recovery already on alright let's play the game how long can I live at 253 percent my favorite game you can do it you can do it one hit and I'm gone I miss the days when the information you got about gaming was from schoolyard rumors the analysis Twitter yeah it's Twitter the schoolyard now right down to the mentality yeah I was gonna say a fake someone actually like was making the argument that's that Sephiroth was an employee of Square Enix oh yeah hey he works in HR that'd be even funnier hey I haven't played Mario maker and so long I'm like and if I don't like the Zelda update I put like one level and that was it Zelda is fantastic and I mean this one finally adds the super mario brothers - Mario where you could like pick things up I mean coming I still told me to bring back the amiibo costumes oh I'm just going gangbangs over here by for prints okay Pikachu and death I was gonna say is this supposed to be Ash's Pikachu and smash ores it's just a Pikachu I think it's just like a pretty chill Pikachu maybe don't wanna that's very dangerous for the lore of Paper Mario I feel like in any game the star rod is dangerous because it's in Paper Mario and it's in Kirby like the ultimate weapon every pipe every Mario someone who's been years two dead yeah tipper oh that thing launched me why did get rid of this item it's awesome I don't play with items anywhere near enough even though you should items are fun to play with okay they died pretty quick so I think we could do this on our first try as well unless I do something stupid like that okay so I got the fan you know what there's another item they got rid of that's the best one oh that's okay cool yeah that was fun that's the stuff it's amazing more generous too many stupid things it's not only platforming it's like how did I die I don't know how do any of us die look at this this is double I hate to see whoa I'm okay right now I'm kind of behind him just doing my thing alright I know the strat the Stratos hit him a lot of times it didn't work well okay you could stop stomping on me now I'm dead Oh God come on please please no I got that he just got hit by a car down the country about in modern day real was real life in New York City it's not just the jungle anymore see urban jungle I pay good money to have dr. Tanya nut in urban setting I mean just goes into those stories just chilling there now they removed him for Bowser oh you're right damn it I meant to block it with my shop your locals mushrooms is unlike anything I've ever seen that it's kind of like the 30 I've seen you get yelling one big one it was a real unfortunate series of events wait a sec wait a sec wait I will not even work i waste them always the both of them but there's another one oh wait he has like two hits finish him finish him oh I kicked him in the balls told you it would work Oh Mario whoa Louise oh hey that's why Louisa's that brother fits Spanish Wario just like a Pokemon dead I've done it coming down is not that thing about the okay oh I I can't how so it was this one we had to go down things said right before disaster stuff thanks Neil Fox special I didn't do it we need oh my god you're gonna get him right now sue you know this fan is broken look at this alright I just I love the comical sounds you get with bunny hood this slide whistles and what not this what does that mean can now see where things are Luke is just charging at us like we're the ones holding them back from getting localized we are that was fast man I love being frozen for 15 seconds that's fun this is a good mechanic so good which one's the real one that's the real one the dead one come on I think oh my god this is so stupid see here's the thing people will defend Subspace Emissary and you'll say it's better than world of light but then you have BS like this oh my god before the flight is infinitely better argue with me in the comments section so I can tell everyone they're wrong printed please that's the new strenght just by yourself out of a cannon but Evel Knievel niblet Eva had the right idea Evel Knievel still alive I don't want to look it over they collect all the ups up I was gonna say I don't think I can die here but I was quickly proven wrong it beat him right now you're a god if you die right now it's Ganondorf it's pretty Dorian oh hang on I am a god oh maybe not oh ah that was the first hill at the mayor the disgrace is working it's working alright that was intentional well that's certainly not what I wanted to do this game dude this level design is terrible awful Oh we spoke way too soon and then you died again it wrecks my precious car there we go they like back this in this face oh that was a spike she's tea bagging me there we go oh my god yes oh yeah it looks like the night king I was gonna say one of those avatar guys but with wings someone who is Oh Sonic shows up now right yeah yeah he's not just shooting him you come from I don't remember embrace entry Oz with your wings I'd do like I have to pick Sonic now is either going to be really hard or really easy and there is no in-between it's taken down if this was really easy be a very anticlimax if it's an entire series he's doing the DK down b well then what oh okay I care for laser beams can't reflect it I wouldn't expect you to be able to hey DK is gonna die so uh well just try and get a couple hits now don't one-hit ko we go oh he's giant he's s he's pulling an and Ross we're just passing the showman that Campinas he's gonna turn into a fish watch this is the run we're gonna be him second try we're gonna beat him third try you know mission totally made this guy playable for Ole Miss I'd be down for it next DLC character oh no this is it up yeah oh yeah is there any way to touch that you're a lot of yeah you know what I'm just gonna die I'm gonna choose death oh he grabbed me I died in one hit that was one I died at zero he could have killed me there what light no we haven't seen that that's a new one all right you know what we have to do here there's so many like you're on your own man if you solo this oh you know I'm dead you can't survive the chains oh I did it I think there's only gonna be two I've done it is it not a falcon punch and you say end it like I'm close like I'm not gonna die to that attack I thought ability actually looks like the sands let's do am I crazy no it looks just like yeah - early just get this thing away he activated the spiny and just driving me crazy this is brutal oh come on come on that's the key 37 percent one attack and I'm done like this one okay this one's okay all right it's like a winner foot trainer final smash oh no matter leave in there tonight no no oh this is the one this is the one and iam neatly the ass no no no what what more iconic weighted win is that would be the met it with Meta Knight oh come on release the god of roll roll oh my god holy crap yes there's nothing more poetic than doing it with Meta Knight see that's where that entire ocean went that was his ass the endless ocean of tab whose ass explains why he's so blue thanks so much for joining us on this journey it was a lot harder than we thought it was going to be so make sure you give some love to Kai his channel link will be in the video description if you're not sub to this channel I'd appreciate it if he did that and if you're looking for more go check out my full world of light nose lock challenge see you later [Music]
Channel: Choctopus
Views: 270,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: subspace emissary intense, intense subspace emissary, subspace emissary, subspace emissary coop, super smash bros brawl, super smash bros brawl online, super smash bros brawl online 2019, brawl online, brawl online 2019, ssbb online, how to play super smash bros brawl, how to play super smash bros brawl on wii, how to play super smash bros brawl online dolphin, choctopus, nintendo wii, smash bros choctopus, choctopus nuzlocke, choctopus world of light nuzlocke
Id: I40CmnIQemQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 11sec (4691 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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