Super Mario Odyssey: The Complete Run

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the skies above Peach's castle dinosaur pimp and a plumber beating the hell out of each other which sounds like an acid trip seriously how's it looks like a pimp and I guess Mario owes him money I haven't played Odyssey since launch so in honor of Mario day and this may or may not go up on Mario day depending on my work ethic I want to replay it watch out Mario oh god we lost him oh all right I guess killing him wasn't enough I don't think weddings work that way I like how Bowser stepped on the hat and it's just pristine oh never mind all right it's seriously been a hot second since I've played so I'm gonna have to refill your eyes myself with the controls now that Mario games are much different for the whole cap throwing and slide jumping and you know all this cool stuff that the speedrunners do that I can't do sorry for running away like that you startled me and I do startle easily so what happened earlier you've been through quite the wringer well at least your hat has oh yeah Bowser just don't put that crown on we remember what happened on the internet last time you did wait my hat is like here I have this little piece don't worry I'll be your hat that's more like it all right and we are all suited up and the adventure begins oh that's how you do it okay we got it down Oh time to possess a frog change no that was a Dragonball Z reference so does Mario like go into their brain or their subconscious and if it's their brain why is this frogs brain just filled with water doctor we've done it the transformation is complete is now wait for it frog re Oh who's the real jump man now that's right I am oh god we're stuck as a frog for it oh never mind you can really feel the texture of this hat hey hey the boss warned me that there'd be a fella with a moustache coming along I don't know why they sound like a bunch of cartoon goon villains from the 90s all right I think we gotta knock his hats off yes and boom and hats off to you that's right we'll have to hit him twice instead of three times and off we go hang on a second who built this extremely long wire and what purpose does it serve Super Mario Odyssey here we go oh I'm sorry here we go that looks incredibly painful Mario is in excruciating pain I don't know what it is about the first level of a 3d Mario game but it is pure magic Gasquet kingdom is no exception all right how do we do that there we go okay that's the jump I need to get down because I'm gonna have to use it a lot and bam baby's first power moon we did it Kaffee we got our first moon Oh Mario gets real shiny when he gets wet he's a shiny boy okay here's the Odyssey we're gonna dump in our stars the Odyssey is a piece of crap take my energy well that's all I got all right we have to get a couple more moons so we can get the Odyssey working do you want to go that way oh no I've got a better idea I don't know if there's a moon in here but I think we have to cut through here to get to the top it's murder a Goomba unwarranted and we're gonna play billiards that's physics so we got a fight Big Bertha now that's not her name I don't know what her name is what's this you say you need to repair some silly old airship why I could never part with any of my precious power bodes well [ __ ] you're gonna all right now for the easiest boss fight in the history of any Mario game ever right in the face I like at all you have to do is outrun her but she hit run as fast as her pet come on yeah that's right you're out of breath diabetes got to her oh wait the Chain Chomp is dead where's this gonna take us okay there's just a moon chilling right here all right so we have five that should be enough I think we'll probably stick around and get a couple more moons where we head to toast arena so you all you're telling me is we needed to get five moons some lazy schmuck could have grabbed five moons that were just chilling and they could have powered this amazing spaceship but they chose to let it sit here and rot for who knows how many years they could have been traveling the universe yeah we're gonna grab a couple more moons because I like doing just above the bare minimum that's how I've been getting by my entire life so why stop now and there's some purple coins over here I don't know where the shop is though I think last time I play the game I kind of just skipped it I went straight to toast arena but I could be wrong oh hang on if we grab them we can aim for this bullseye Oh only coins I think most of the reason I'm replaying this is because I firmly believe that we're going to get a Super Mario Odyssey to pretty soon because I've said this multiple times we got galaxies and galaxies to pretty close to each other and the switch is so early in its lifetime that it wouldn't make sense to not have another one you know my only real complaint with Odyssey is that they kind of forced motion controls on you like I got a wave around my pro controller like an idiot to do this attack oh that's a lot of coins what are we going are you kidding me oh that's right the Scarecrow's the time challenges not much of a challenge though it's like hey can you do absolutely nothing oh no no no no no oh another moon that's just out in the open I'm telling you there's at least five of these just hanging around and anyone could have powered the Odyssey instead Mario is the only one who's not lazy enough to run around and grab some of them here's captain toad or not captain toad I marry no actually that's gonna get annoying real fast to help out Princess Peach I'm doing survey of power moon locations having trouble finding power moons I can help you out 50 coins well that seems like a scam but I'll do it I guarantee I probably could have found that by myself how do I do like cool speedrunners stuff hang on let me had it there we go see that all skill I would be a terrible speed runner because I am walking at the bottom of the ocean but that you they aren't getting these coins now you guys have probably seen like a thousand Super Mario Odyssey playthroughs on YouTube because this game is oh my god it's two years old already but if you do enjoy it and you like the video make sure you go hit the like button that'd be appreciated plus if you want more I mean I'm probably gonna do it anyway but I guess let me know down in the comments section and we'll do more I love that they added this it's such a nice touch and I'm curious to see what they're gonna do for the sequel and I'm saying that very confidently because I'm pretty much expecting a sequel at this point let me know what kingdoms you go um oops and let me know down in the comments section what uh kingdoms you guys want to see in the sequel I mean I would love to see Mario go to space cuz I don't think galaxy 3 is an option here so I'll take Odyssey turning into galaxy what a galaxy Kingdom that'd be cool okay that's not the way that's the way to death look it's like quick play remember IV gave Mario the anime run okay we gotta hit those bull's-eyes with a little bit of physics and a lot a bit of magic kind of feeling for that change hump that's just chillin in the poison oh this one's all about the angles this is like someone staked them down there that's not cool I wonder if anything's up there because you have the you have this thing here oh yeah that kills you instantly well that's it you can't turn the camera to get back now you just kind of have to jump blindly look at this exceeding expectations see I'm not a complete failure alright onward to the next Kingdom no preflight safety announcements nothing you have a little safety gate in case you fall off from tens of thousands of feet in the air which would kill you instantly wait who's driving there it is the sand Kingdom just lots of sand in four houses why is it cold because the planet is dying Oh Joe watch out watch out wait they're hanging up like concert posters oh we can take it down we can vandalize it look at Mario wearing a captain's hat with his overalls a ridiculous outfit that's more like it now that we're Bandido Mario there's something more fun about throwing a giant sombrero you know it's messed up possessing a bullet bill and then jumping out of its body right before it hits the wall and explodes 8-bit Mexican Mario is a mood and now I am really craving tacos alright here's a moon waiting for us up here but there's still plenty to do in the sand Kingdom this is top tier content right here this guy's got the right idea everyone's cold and he's doing cardio to stay warm hey you want to see Mario throw up tell me this pyramid isn't defying the laws of gravity by just being upside down and not going anywhere aliens I'm telling you I believe welcome to another episode of Super Mario Odyssey where I'm going to talk about alien theories it's vibrating ok we did Graham pounding oh there was one in the sand so we about to do this we've got to get deep and philosophical down in the comments section if you believe in aliens let me know down there and if you don't let me know why you don't as I look for these moon shards which I can't find I am NOT a fan of the sands kingdom the sand kingdom is easily my least favorite kingdom in this entire game it's just so blonde expansive and nothing and there's just so much sand I mean we can't be expected to believe that we are the only living things in the universe hen we miss there's still so much we don't know all right that's enough of that back to telling dad jokes and being bad at video games oh here they are here's one there's another one I think we can throw our hat I don't remember can we be this guy I want to give this guy in Elvis voice yes he can walk on the skip maybe he can't oh that's right okay but I got it already so it doesn't even matter and we're gonna do this without Easter Island ahead because we're a pro we're a pro gamer look at his gamer moves if I wasn't a gamer would I be able to do this okay that leaves us with one more piece and that piece is over there hey the last one the smaller cuter 16-bit looking moon this game has been out for two years and I still don't know if I prefer moons to stars I mean the moons are a nice throwback to super mario worlds but I like me a good star there's just something about substance to a star okay we're opening up the alien pyramid what is it with nintendo and rewarding people who like to spin their joysticks i mean unless we're counting mario party in which case there was no reward there there was only pain and lawsuits there are a lot of lawsuits if you think you're having a bad day just look at this guy whose taxi is in the middle of the desert frozen and buried in the sand there should have been no lawsuits over the hold mario party blisters by spinning the stick people just need to toughen up if you were willing to get a blister by doing the joystick rotating minigame then you deserved it i gotta say it's much nicer in here although there's not really much curbside appeal to the whole pyramid so whoever bought that thing i hope they didn't pay a fortune because i'll hold up this the whole upside down i love this again please just give us galaxy 3 or in odyssey to give us a galaxy land this is i say this every time i do some kind of video regarding mario because that's how badly I wanted galaxy 1 & 2 that was always my favorite part of Super Mario 64 jumping on the little things where Mario go point and then he would you know that part that was my best impression very nice a Bowser to wait here and then send his minions after I got to the little empty platform are we have to get the ring now that's right this game is all about collecting memorabilia for a wedding oh wait we have to knock it back at her okay goat poor design Everage is like run directly into the bombs you ever do that again spin around your your flail drop it that's not even remotely near where I was wait hang on a that my head how'd you deal damage to me I shouldn't be struggling at all not in the slightest bit okay head alright just do the damn thing one more time get bro down over here and hmm wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hey so we're about I don't know two minutes into this video after all these cuts and I've died three times already sounds about right just please don't make fun of my super mario odyssey abilities because I'm very self-conscious chalk it up to carelessness I could do this with my eyes closed but here I am being forced to entertain change to this desk against my will or a quick note to self don't stand directly next to it unless you want to get smacked in the face giving Bowser's sick of having just a bunch of minions that can only tolerate being hit three times I think on the next job interview for some of his baddies he should be like alright how many hits can you take because for some reason I keep hiring people that can only get hit three times it's really cutting into profitability okay and you're done you think you also handed out triple moons to all the big baddies is like alright you're you're a manager of the San Kingdom you're gonna get three moons as well but if Mario beats you you got to hand them over fair's fair I don't make the rules oh crap oh god okay we've got the stack add one more and then we will OH we're one two tall now no it works jump out hey wait you guys want to see a funny thing you want to see me kill a bunch of Goomba at once why is he wearing a visor you're just coming out of the thing with visors like they're stock oh no I four Jets that's cuz I forgot these bullet bills have a timer and I need to refresh okay let's get this other one who's manufacturing all these bullet bills more importantly who's like you know what they need protective visors wear ring I know take ring I swear I know take ring get punch the ice you [ __ ] Oh Hans here we go boom stop hitting yourself watch out for that come on nope you get out of my way we're out here throwing hands literally throwing paint while we're possessing hands first and then we're throwing them Hey alright this should do it the rule of three am i right oh that's how you beat aliens I came really close to death there and I've already died four times mostly to stupidity may I add so I love dogs don't tell my cats I said that he'll be very mad although alley our boy cat thinks he is a dog have you ever seen a cat that likes to play fetch because Ollie does Reuters traveler and why does he sound like Fat Albert never mind greetings traveler and to your hat as well can you answer my riddle what does the thieving bowser monster desire from this island well it's a ring although I heard the freezie treats here pretty good we're gonna go a ring was there no moon in here oh there it is okay for a second I was gonna say we're robbed I mean in some cases I might do more than the absolute bare minimum but like I said earlier I do not like the sand Kingdom it is boring as hell come on you know it's gonna be the wood Kingdom by a mile I mean the music here is just too good this might be my favorite track in the entire game [Music] do we just have to kill this hammer bro like that yeah we do am I getting my hat back I uh did I did I break the game we're gonna have to continue without our hat if that was the case which is a challenge that I'd be willing to do we're a little while before I got frustrated because I can't do the jump ow stepped on Ivan oozes you know what I'm not gonna finish that sentence always make sure to get a good stretch before you work out what is this thing anyway I don't remember like some kind of onion how does this working and more importantly why do we trust it I just I feel like I can outrun it so I have to slow down you know Nintendo is running out of ideas for Mario Odyssey because they're like screw it onion with legs I mean it just makes you think if we do get a sequel or whatever the next Mario game is like what kind of enemies and power-ups are you gonna see they're gonna run out of things for Mario to do eventually all right Mario becomes a lawyer I'll get to fight another bunny he sounds like Pete from goof troop oh and he throws up I mean what would the lawyer of Mario's powerup even do does he throws subpoenas this is probably the most optimal thing to do so I can clear faster if only we had blood you know blood remember remember that game why does everyone hate on Mario Sunshine it's not the best Mario game but it's not a bad one it's gimmicky yeah but it has its charm and if you think that this is the only Mario game I'm gonna play I'm going through sunshine we're going through galaxy we're doing it all baby come on stop puking on me like a college girl during homecoming now do I just beat the rest of the game with the sombrero or do I maybe buy something else [Music] yeah I saw that lands aliens I'm telling you you guys can come back to this video and Dave you're like chalk was right this mechanical spinning watering can is just the videogame form of anxiety oh do we have to do here you go pick up the nut we got to give our nut what happened to that guy the rest of the teams just like hey what's wrong with Carl follow me hang on I have an idea just come here for a second just stay right there okay don't move all right we're gonna get them to make that sweet sweet Goomba love I think possessing one of these things only to ultimately make it destroy its colleagues is one of the most messed up things that you can do and then we're gonna play brick breaker man that was a game that used to be on cellphones before you had all these fancy I'm waving my cane around you guys can't see all these fancy mobile games ahead snake and you had brick breaker I have no idea what brick breaker is go to youtube oh you're on YouTube right now go after this video obviously don't click off mine just look up brick breaker a hold up I gotta use the flowers to reverse Sonic Adventure 2 okay that's one two three very nice a Bowser to put his face on these little plates so we know exactly what we have to shoot defend the flower field against a chandelier that looks like a boob oh hang on we gotta just yeah we gotta use our our head that was oddly satisfying dead that's an insult so I'm gonna start calling people bipeds I mean I know it means you have two feet but it just it seems more insulting than it actually is ha can a fivehead do this I mean technically yes because I'm the biped and I'm doing it I don't see the point of adding more blocks if it's just going to do the same thing when I walk right under the blue thing and hit a what's the point of surrounding it with more blocks wouldn't it be better to I don't know raise them higher you can fly you're a flower boob spaceship okay so we only need three more moons to get to the next world to the next kingdom whatever you want to call it but first let's do some shopping and let's see if we can get some some new duds initiating first grading dialog there are two types of coins coins and nuts nuts I think we have enough for much stuff here we give the Explorer head or the Explorer outfit but I'm really like either of those how about you what do you have oh I could just be a dirty cheater and by the moon's but we're not gonna do that how I don't like any of this either let's play in our underwear you know they really sat down at a board meeting a development board meeting and they were like alright we're gonna give Mario nipples in this game what her Mario's nipples gonna look like and there is like a bunch of sketches and concept art that came along with it it was a tough decision you know there are definitely some drafts and revisions on Mario's nipples I think there's one in here now we got that one already the cool thing is a lot of you have been saying that watching this playthrough has made you want to replay the game even though it's three years old but who cares the game is still very good and I really do hope we get a sequel I mean I'm hopeful that we will get one and I'm actually pretty sure that it's gonna happen I mean what else are they gonna do with Mario okay REO just doing some quick gymnastics and oh I'm too good at this game okay so that only leaves two more moons before we can move to the next Kingdom and I'm looking to do absolute minimum right now and if you guys want more once we finish the main playthrough we can always do that this is this is poor design there's gonna be some lawsuits I don't think Bowser's minions signed for this for poor work environments there's another one cracked nut on a crumbling tower that just sounds like a bad Friday night all right we have one left to go and I'm not going to be buying any moons either because I don't want the easy way out I want to earn my moons all right and here's the last one all right we're just cracking a bunch of nuts I guess that's it absolute bare minimum the nut round the corner we could make more nut jokes here if I want but I'll leave them to you to make in the comment section ah the beauty of fast travel okay that's it and I don't remember what the next kingdom is you think cap is uncomfortable with the fact that Mario is just in his underwear it's like hey fella why don't you put on some clothes besides a hat my goodness that monsters minions just stomped in here uninvited and they stole our kingdom's finest NOK lady dress it's a tragedy nothing like a free moon I forgot how much I disliked underwater levels I mean this one's not awful at least this one has ambience it has atmosphere come on go go oh I'm going to drown now for the sake of getting Moon's you know what I don't care I don't care anymore okay I'm embarrassed to admit that this has taken me three tries you're looking for the water Plaza the way in is right behind me oh it's a zipper okay I remember now I remember we need to unzip the level hey at least there's bubbles under here so we don't have to watch Mario died a horrific death where he suffocates oh you are terrifying forgot about you this actually makes it a lot more tolerable so you know what I take it back sand Kingdom still the worst this is not so bad oh we got to get out of it or we suffocated let's do our cheatin jump over here to get this one don't ask me how that works I have no idea because that is defying every law of physics ever never mind we're actually just gonna skip everything and go straight to the brutal fight I'm sorry this brutal is just a ripoff of goofy each one is like their own Disney character I don't remember there we go okay we knock it over it becomes a grapefruit looking thing and then two hours later we jump on his head that just seems excessive can we cut the middleman out and I just jump on his head literally falling at three miles an hour very easily dodge able and goodnight okay we're gonna try and get out of this kingdom as quickly as possible so we can get some more interesting and fun kingdoms aka not the sand or lake kingdoms [Music] okay thankfully we're only three away because I think we only need 50 yes we need three more this is gonna be a quick in-and-out speaking of in and out oh man could I go for a double-double animal style from in and out right now we don't have in and out here on the East Coast because we suck I've been playing too much animal crossing there we go it's exactly the same they used the same mechanic I actually prefer this to animal crossing because oh we got real in it come on he's a big boy because when you throw your line in Animal Crossing the fish most of the time don't notice it because they're stupid but what I really want to know is why are the fish under the sand I mean that doesn't make any sense they're not tremors that's a bad movie from the 90s tremors I feel like there's one up there so if I possess this stack of Goomba there's got to be one in here no there's a heart I was wrong I'm never wrong ever oh hello oh never mind it's fine we just have a moon that's just chillin on Nessie's back dory sorry Nessie's the other one I think okay I'm gonna leave this dreadful world and go somewhere better oh we can fast fall that that's what I should have did against the brutal okay I forgot we have enough power now to make our way to the Metro Kingdom times across that vast ocean okay we're going to probably one of my favorite kingdoms in the game Oh something out of the ordinary is happening it's Bowser's ship I would love to see Bowser's genuine reaction right now as Mario just kind of jumps onto his giant flying ship and Bowser realizes that Mario's in his underwear I love everything about this I love the tiny piranha plant bouquet that peach has this whole game is a masterpiece okay you got to grab the punch me hat we got to run up and we're gonna throw some hands and over the fire flames punch him right now balls I also loved how every different Mario game has Bowser at a different scale like he's giant here but in like other Mario games he's smaller and here he makes Mario look like a bug hey watch out for the shadow jutsu destroy those oh I am Mario destroyer of worlds and apparently nuts up jump over them Bing forgot he does that and that's one strong hat something tells me that should have been plan a you know all the exploding cannonballs against a human dammit now we don't even have a hat now we're just straight up in our underwear this is a great Kingdom that I really think should have got more love it just it feels so short and so small compared to the other ones this is the equivalent of the Super Mario Sunshine levels where they they take Cappy away thank ahead lands you for idiot the ground pound ones are always my favorite because they're completely free that's what we need a lot of moons here that's okay I like this place so we can stay here for a while there's a lot of fun moons to get here yeah I know I know there's two types of coins everyone's telling me everywhere we go I'm even called like crazy about these either okay this I remember this powerup is incredibly janky to use and we just died I feel bad this dude was just kind of vibin and we came and were just about to ruin his day oh wait hang on hang on I didn't see that one okay here is oh boy oh crap here's a way out of the slingshot okay I was gonna say we had no way back you know what's messed up we're kind of just gonna leave this dude here he's not gonna be able to sleep he's okay though he's still vibing stretch on over here just a Gordian worm thing that grabbed this too good at this game over the fuzzies above the swamp the grandmother's house we go I've decided that if I ever release music and one day maybe I will do that if I could muster the time and energy to write songs my first EP or album is going to be called touch fuzzy get dizzy you know they also had to design sprite Mario in his underwear too right you guys remember Stretch Armstrong is that still a thing I mean probably not but man those are great toys when I was young and then there was like this red monster looking thing that Stretch Armstrong had to fight like the back monster or something I got it I'm gonna look it up it'll be in this video somehow somewhere like if I was just able to do this and let go and just die like that'd be poor design let me tell you I would be an awful speedrunner because I just I don't have the patience something tells me that there's a moon in yes I see it okay we're gonna get this bomb bug to destroy it okay you're useless let's get the next guy you're all expendable I like how the Odyssey somehow got destroyed even though it looks like it made a very clean landing it's not on any trees it's not upside down little did we know all the Odyssey needed to be fixed was the power of friendship I remember it the first time that I saw the trailer for this and that I was just so taken aback because it's weird to see actual humans in a Mario game I know this isn't the first time that has happened like Pauline coming back is cool but just like these other random dudes and suits it just it was so off-putting at the time you know kudos to Pauline for stepping it up after she was kidnapped by Donkey Kong I mean she went into politics became the mayor of Metro City you think she's like a crooked politician though like you think she's taking like under-the-table bribes and stuff see something about this construction site doesn't really make sense considering Beers cranes over nothing this poor taxies man this is someone's livelihood someone's job some taxi drivers gonna wake up in the morning looking for their car you know hoping to go to work and they're not gonna have one I like the goombahs with the construction hats that just looked like the little enemy from Mega Man games I forgot the name of them you know what I'm talking about I always said we were doomed nobody ever listens to me swaying in the breeze this oh god that is incredibly dangerous we almost fell to our death yeah that'd be dead who's this random dude up here I think it's trying to suck up all the juice from our city I think it's poor designed to just have one building that emits power to everywhere I mean it just did do they have backup generators is there any other plan B in case something like this ever happens again I remember this boss fight being a lot of fun but this thing also kind of reminds me of that wiggler that you have to fight in Super Mario Galaxy bullet-hell Mario is the genre of gaming that we never knew that we needed almost almost he just needs to arrive in pain before he dies we need to torture him just a little bit the thing exploded and there is absolutely zero collateral damage to that building not a scratch and the city is saved thanks to Mario in his underwear and another thing that doesn't make sense why would that affect the weather hey how you doing where's the UH there it is okay I won't do the jump rope okay jump man get it because I'm jump man that's Mario haha how do I do this again walk what is the secret you're seeking I know it I know it ha ha it's somewhere and no peeking go find it you didn't help me you just told me there is a secret moon which I knew there is a secret moon how do I jump rope I just really love new dog city I mean it's also really clean for a major city wait I lied look at this filth how come when Mario jumps on the hood of a car he gets the bounce really high but when I do it my neighbors call the cops yo dog city really means the world to me I just can't thank you enough she had laryngitis right before start speaking for all your help Mario I'm going back and forth consistency you really must join us for upcoming festival I'd love to show you my gratitude to both you in the city with a surprise all right so we gotta get the band back together okay drummer yeah you got the saxophone player I'm sorry no this is the guitar player okay we get it I would totally move to new dog city although I'd be a little concerned with the falling into the abyss I mean it doesn't seem very safe all you have blocking a free fall into the abyss is these little plastic blockades okay let's go find these other two musicians so we can get the show on the road like what's going on over here all of new dog city's construction just seems like one code violation after another where'd you come from why is there a dinosaur in the city okay that was completely unintentional but I'll take it it seems like Pauline is just kind of allowing this in her city damn liberals just a little little quick pit stop to do some gambling to get a free moon if we get well not free I had to pay for this oops take my money this is an addiction after all and if you have an addiction make sure you call one eight hundred three [Music] but I didn't I'll grab that moon thank you morning would my right fellas why are you playing music on the edge of the roof play me off Johnny there used to be these two buildings when I was young and there was a little wall between them and I used to climb it and pretend I was spider-man and looking back that was super dangerous and I'm an idiot I'm also not making it anywhere right now well actually I am just a very slow of dammit all right will do the not fun way I think the most appealing thing about new dog city is there's no traffic cuz this like eight cars in the entire city could you imagine it will get wherever you need to go okay here is the bass player oh yeah I forgot we had a play a concert a festival is happening obviously jamming on the bass in the park by myself that's all the musicians we need Thanks I mean no these people had cell phones otherwise that would have been probably the best way to contact them but I'm amazed at your persistence of course we can't just go to the damn festival now I need to find the underground power plant and just go that can I jump rope now before I have to turn on the city's power because apparently we don't have a team for that oh you just have to get into it okay it's gotta get into it at the right time but if I get 30 jumps then I think I get a moon so look at this I'm the jump rope champion you ever see some of those competitive jump ropers that do like lips and stuff there we go all right we're going can we hit a hundred can we had 100 just an easy breezy hundred jumps and then we're gonna stop I promise I could stop anytime I want ha thank you two moons do we keep going jump rope here oh and what's this one jump rope superhero genius I think it takes more dexterity and endurance genius I don't know I like turning into a manhole cover I've got super disoriented because my chair started just way to give me my hat back my chair started to spin while I was spinning on this thing so it was a it was super disorienting to my brain in my body see how Kathy clears this ink or sludge whatever it is Mario would have did very well with Kathy and sunshine neppy don't give us sunshine too but allow Mario to have Cappy and flood although that might be you know what scratch that idea that might be just way too much I want to get a first-hand look at the problem here down at the power plant power more like power piranha plant please laughs you get out of here you savages I want to see our Lord and Savior Donkey Kong okay it's time to hit the comically big button and turn the power on to the city that can only be turned on by doing a butt stomp imagine just a regular employee if you like are I gotta turn the power on the first and work today let me do a big old butt stump thank you Mario now that you've ahem powered up the city it's time for the festival to begin and now my favorite part of the entire game that damn near brought me the tears when I played it for the first time cuz I was so excited and once I saw the girders I was kind of expecting DK to be there and I see him I see him up there okay you know I didn't get the coins but I don't care too excited I feel like this is the climax of the game too like how do you play this stage and do this and then follow up with the rest of the game they should have did something like this to end it like new dog should have been one of these the end game levels but this part right here and seeing DK in the background and then going up and seeing the actual Kong himself unmatched by any other part of this game I don't care argue with me you're wrong I'm coming DK oh oh wait you got him four times there we go and all of his underwear - very impressive alright that's new dog city I think we have enough moons to kind of skedaddle and go somewhere else if not we just need a couple more which way is forward you know we're just gonna do to reverse screw it easy I would've failed my driving test multiple times and it's actually funny because I did fail my driving test the first time and it wasn't my fault the driving instructor gave me a really tight spot to parallel park into in downtown Brooklyn and I couldn't do it there's another water oh we can we can choose here okay do we want snow or seaside I like both of these I think seaside is the better of the water levels I like snow kit yep screw it seaside I appreciate sea sides very calm elevator music put Natalie Mario but myself to sleep bubble Eden used to be a beautiful resort until that foul creature showed up one overweight octopus I'd like to thought of Bowser just going for a nice long walk on the beach a romantic stroll in the sand you ever wanted to fly the laws of physics just pick this little squid that and use a water bubble as a spaceship God you guys are terrifying I don't remember how I'm supposed to get up to see this giant squid or octopus or whatever it is this entire game is just me telling you guys I don't remember things so please bear with me hey his bubbles here but why get the bubble when you can just get the cheep-cheep that's gonna be a week oh okay hello hello you know what's it like to have gills I couldn't tell you and certainly fish can't talk I think there's something over here it's just a bubble what a waste actually I think we had to do this one first okay let's hit the button that's going to oh now we're gonna piss them off it's trying to enjoy his milkshake okay don't be such a hothead okay I remember things now we got to get all the fountains so I get up there and then we gotta go to that one someone's gonna clean up that glass right because glass on the beach I was gonna get it in their foot and it's gonna be a whole hassle and I have to go to the lifeguard yeah I think I liked this level in theory or maybe the last time I played it and I completely forgot that I kind of need to travel to the four corners of it to get all these these fountains and I'm not about that this is Mario Sunshine accept the consequences are much much greater because it's not sludge it's lava you think after maybe like the second time this squid would be like alright who threw that cork Jesus wishes you seemed a little tempted to check out the shops and buy some new clothes from Mario but at the same time I'm also committed to beating this entire game in his underwear because I've never done that and I just want Mario to be naked that's too much to ask for telling you the fourth time he's not not joking around anymore yeah now he's pissed or he's dead got a cool his head off which seems like it'd be more beneficial than it would painful come back here you overgrown calamari this almost feels like a leftover sunshine boss hey dogs the horny shell come on come on running out of water who's boss have a name he's kind of like the Mario equivalent of squilliam this is he's a very fancy squid that's one fancy boy we did it the only way you could stop him by pouring water on his head and his brain exploded my goodness what a pretty sunset and it's so nice that the fountains in the sparkle water are back it's booze just say booze yeah I'll buy a hint you thief oh that's fought you know what screw that one okay okay I want to play some beach volleyball okay it didn't give me a chance to get ready it's kind of like the Top Gun beach volleyball scene only nowhere near is sexy remember how they made a whole Dead or Alive beach volleyball game did anyone actually buy that game to you know play it just give Mario the same jiggle mechanics that better alive extreme beachvollyball head and that'll be a game that nobody would want to play regardless that's a fun word to say just say it out loud jiggle physics jiggle physics check the treasure hidden in this room is so cunningly hidden your eyes will be of no use okay we got to feel the vibrations it's pretty strong you guys can't feel it but you have to trust me here I was wrong it takes two Oh Mario's gonna be cold here his nipples are gonna be like diamond cutters and now for one of the best tracks in the game Chavarria town the music is ace EQ scared us well thank you for inviting me into your town please don't mind as I destroy things and vandalize we need a round your body if you want to race are we body shaming Mario that monster stole our racing prize the frosted the frost frosted cake that doesn't sound tasty at all yeah we got to get some moon so we can help the walrus people shake the pro controller to blow harder what I want to know is why are there multiple barriers here why did the Bowser just come along and install like a three gate security system so these poor walruses can't race I mean they were bothering anybody Bowser's wanted to be a jerk he came along and he took away the one thing they loved and then he took their boring cake which frost frost it doesn't sound like it's appealing at all you get married and you say you want a frost frosted cake they're gonna leave you at the altar one of the gates is why they just hanging out here they don't have a very good track record I mean they've have lost every match so far but yet they keep waiting for Mario to come along to foil their plans I'm gonna fight the goofy one again haha oh you got double the hats that's not efficient although fighting on ice does make it slightly more difficult okay that's one but we only need one they just waiting for me the rabbits like scientifically have bad peripheral vision because all I did was jump over his head and uh he doesn't know where I am where did I go I'm right there buddy see like you know Bowser probably had to have some handyman come in and install this right it definitely took some time it's not something that took these walruses by surprise an installation of this magnitude probably took a couple days you know they're very heavy plates we're talking about you think Bowser has like a crew of handyman that he has stall his evil gadgets Oh watch out for the snow snakes there's no snakes yeah I mean why couldn't they do this it's not very hard you're telling me that they couldn't walk through that gate and collect five moon fragments I swear they're just waiting around for someone to come help them when in reality they could have just did this themselves Oh oops and I accidentally killed the Goomba from Beasley two coins okay let's get these Goomba only because I don't want to walk on the ice anymore come on make that fall shake too high jump like maybe Bowser has a union and if he does you think he pays his union members well oh hey well I thought there's a back I thought there's a guy into the abyss we go get one more icicle to fall and then the big icicle falls I did that because I mean alright there's your four moons get back to your damn races now finally we're able to race once again the balland bowl Grand Prix he's happy bear flesh on ice that cannot feel good so anyway here's okay here's what I want to know these people are down here the whole time is there no back entrance are you telling me that that was the only way to go pitching to get this race to start they're missing one racer if only there were someone here someone who could race what's up with his little nipple head race I don't want to the other racers are too serious I don't stand a chance the phrase it's just a game is such a weak mindset you're okay with what happened this is me after I eat too much Chipotle we don't need no training where we look like a rookie make this a moat in the next Mario Kart game just have like all the characters just have fat versions of them maybe Wario can just be himself there we go we got a bound off the look at this I'm destroying everybody I'm the bound Bowl Grand Prix Champion Oh what you think I can just be stopped you think you can just creep up on me and win don't you know who you're talking to I'm like the Dale Earnhardt jr. of bound Bowl and it is done I'll see you on the podium what a race you were like a SuperSonics tobin it's the voice he has that's the voice I'm giving him your prize is a faulty booed sorry I also have a cold you can't even stall stairs you gotta make me bounce my way up wait a second he's an imposter how would you look at that the apocalyptic snowstorm has gone I guess all we needed was a race to clear things up this doesn't make any sense Mario's gonna freeze to death Oh No oh wait wait wait I need help I need I need help Mario just pale like a ghost hey looks like we've collected enough power moons to get out of this Icelandic hellhole maybe that's not the right word because I like Iceland even though they were the bad guys in Mighty Ducks too my wife and I went on trip to Iceland back in 2017 and it was one of my favorite trips ever I love that country do we have any viewers from Iceland because that would be awesome if you're from Iceland please let me know on to the luncheon Kingdom Bowser can't run forever my goodness they're here the brutal yeah like we didn't like we didn't know that like we don't know they're just chilling waiting for us this is a pretty good Kingdom - I mean I know there's a lot of people out there that don't like it but I like the luncheon Kingdom oh yeah we're gonna go make a love to that sweet Goomba huh watch out for the hot tomatoes it's a weird food to make hot why couldn't they be like peppers or something nope nope nope here I am my love I have returned give me that moon and give me a smooch wait you tricked me oh there a lava Tomatoes okay don't put those in a salad why does hot always have to be bad I mean I like spicy food and there's people in the world that don't like spicy food and I don't know how you live with yourselves oh that's right he can't touch the ground the floor is lava oh here we go brutal fight again which one who's coming out whose turn is it of course it's the big boy because it's the food kingdom that's discriminatory quick these hearts and the jelly beans out see he's also kind of throwing up the same thing that's hot so did he eat a lot of spicy food and he's puking under the cheese rocks I love this who could not like this kingdom this kingdoms great you got the hammer brothers with the frying pans why take the stairs when we can take the fun way up big welcome to math Volvo know ohms have the hugest neighbors anywhere god this is a wet dream for Guy Fieri what are you gonna do with the Stu again do we jump in it hey Mario get in this soup you tasty little morsel are we gonna get some veggies so we're gonna pull some turnips mostly the gold ones for some reason we're gonna melt solid gold and eat it and you want some weird bed platforming how about you just try to jump on all these little soup geysers jumping around like a kid in a toy store just kidding there are no more toy stores destroy the cheese this message signed by those who are lactose intolerant I guess you could say I am I cheese this moon I choose did because we had to break the cheese cheese I got a maneuver we only can jump on the tomato lava this just makes me incredibly nervous because if you accidentally jump out of the fire ball than you are Daniel Mario is going to get cooked fix all the spots that crack open but just my luck I can't walk in there getting knocked on my melon food puns don't worry little fork person I'll take care of it for you I'm Mario I'm here to help that's what I do I help cheese uh-huh watch over the peppers then all that for three measly purple coins there should be a moon down here there it is help me I'm gonna throw up please make it stop another time challenge where we cannot use our hat eh okay we're good I'm too good at this game wait how am I supposed to get those you just have to do nothing Mario's turn the wind by doing nothing I don't think I've ever gotten this moon or if I have I definitely don't remember that one Budhan spinning things don't go well together that was close I'm being incredibly reckless here but it paid off I almost over jumped it we just gotta get a couple more moons but once we fight the buzzard up top in the soup we should get another triple then we will only need four more cuz that's how you do man press B to twitch dot TV slash Chuck let's go follow me there this is a slab of meat is that all we are to you just meat it's meat what a mustache alright now for one of the more creative and fun boss fights in this game I really loved the boss fights in this I could have swore we had to fight someone in the suit make sure you blow on the soup before you eat it it's hot hang on a sec I just want you all to know that this is called the meat plateau I know I make a lot of puns when I record videos and I apologize if they're a little corny there's salt everywhere what is this one of my quick play videos here we go amazing jump thank you Thank You Kathy that was an amazing jump ok now we do the boss fight I know is here somewheres I could have swore we're gonna have to do it first oh that's right we have to go up the puke stream this bird might want to seek medical attention a little concerned for all these spiked balls this soup is gonna be disgusting waiter there's a spiked ball in my soup come on I'm not making any progress here we go go go just come on No there we go please drop another triple moons three more please this goose is cooked the Bowser and Bowser Kingdom is that are they talking about the Bowser oh it's just Bowser chilling on a dragon I'm surprised Mario hasn't soiled his underwear by now yeah how are you still alive how is this ship still intact you know considering the Odyssey just got shot down by a dragon and it's plasma breath it uh it doesn't look too bad at least let's pull these ONC's out of the ground these look like unk's like something you used to resurrect in medieval mmo's pink bowser has a lot of money he's like the big baddie but is he rich the most unlikely of scenarios just a naked plumber fighting a giant dragon oh that's convenient just pull me out of it so you're gonna just loosen the crown a little bit and then Oh would you look at that it just so happens to have a weak spot under the crown climb up look his likes tears on his face dudes built like a house okay I don't know how those got back in there but that's fine you know capys kind of delusional he's like we can do this if I was Cappy I'd be like I you're dead I'm out of here oh boy come on one more do it no okay let's try this again I feel like that's about fair losing for the giant dragon at least once now I'm just stylin now I'm just getting fancy because I'm getting confident here we go the no damage run you can't stop me right right on this soft spot like a baby still got a soft spot on his head poor baby dragon did he keep the moons in his head this thing has broken multiple times this is like the first car you've ever gotten and if you guys have had a crappy first car let me know what card is down in the comment section but it's like that car that you keep fixing over and over again because it keeps breaking down here we are Bowser's Kingdom which for some reason has a Chinese warlord theme I wonder if Bowser hired an interior decorator or if he was just like I do it myself they want to like Home Depot he picked out I don't know I guess he probably had to import a bunch of this stuff got to get all the goombahs hats he was like alright you know we're gonna have to order some hats and uniforms for everybody what I do it all these guys I don't think I have enough Kasai I murdered too many of them well uh sorry boys okay easily one of the most fun enemies that you can possess in this game is this little flicky pokey nose bird cuz she's just kind of like fun you climb with its nose and I just I remember loving this part on guard so it's a battle you want well it's a battle you will get when Bowser saw a peach in that wedding dress is my content funny that's it you want me to just run in a square easy these spy knees only job was to stop me from getting the notes to get this moon and they failed they're gonna lose their jobs I don't like oh you're gonna go on his head that's right because they don't uh it'll flop in their bellies you asked me that is a huge flaw in the thwomps design anyone can take them down redirect bombs that seems dangerous it's like very very dangerous bowling we glitched them yeah he's having a bad time it seems like a big waste of energy that they're just pumping out bombs that are just gonna explode as soon as they come out also just a huge waste of raw materials you're like even if Mario wasn't here these things are just rolling and exploding this is an expensive operation though Bowser has to have a lot of money I mean look at the suit that he's wearing it's probably designer probably like on our money suit all these colored clouds remind me of when I was a kid and we used to spend our money on smoke bombs which now that I think about it was a huge waste of money and I'll never forget the time that I was told specifically not to pick up the smoke bomb because I would burn myself I had me like seven years old and what did I do jizz oh all in a row it sounds messy look at this waiting for Mario's arrival nice red carpet a nice checkpoint where the other other other Brueghel's are dead we killed them oh rapunzel rapunzel let your hair down and then I will hit you in the face with it the female brutal got the sweet end of the deal she got like the UFO hat that can dropped lava bombs the chubby boy just kind of pukes everywhere I mean I don't know what the budget is for new equipment but I would imagine Bowser's is not very high considering all the money he spent on useless garbage come on and slam and welcome to the jam that wasn't even close were you looking at where I was standing you gotta anticipate where I'm going don't swing where I am see like that definitely cost a couple million coins these things have to be solid gold - this one just got like multiple hats I mean he could have just went on Amazon the ordered those the UFO thing was a special order that's a lot of hats very very nice analogy to give us so many check points if I was a supervillain not one single checkpoint none it seems counterproductive like that feeling you get when you stick like a thumbtack into a cork board alright bird friends it's the end of the line for us I value your friendship and thanks for your hard work so I built this huge elaborate castle and Bowser's just standing on top he doesn't have like a throne or anything up here just standing on the roof you're too late we already went to Vegas and we eloped at the moon we go where there is no atmosphere no oxygen makes total sense oh he's back they're all back forgot about this fight get on your knees and tell me you love me okay ditch you that's one this thing spits out bombs but it also spits out this enemy which is kind of like giving someone a disease but also giving them the cure take a rest take a seat get your breath get off your feet here I come so you better be ready I'm a plumber and I like spaghetti oh how beautiful they built the fireworks into the robot just in case anyone is good enough to beat them we want them to enjoy themselves afterwards and it's time to go to the moon where we're gonna fight Bowser and we're doing this thing this is the end uncool how they forcibly made me put on a suit I was enjoying myself my underwear am I not allowed to bust into church wearing my finest boxers do you know this is more like it for Bowser they cut out the BS no flashy gold statues just lava stone and a whole bunch of enemies finally living out my dream getting to be a dry bones but they even put hats on the little uh little tanks that's cute okay Banzai bill look they got a giant hat on him Oh Oh God that was oh that was almost death that was close but because I'm a professional video games player I'm able to survive in situations like that here's a huge missed opportunity why didn't we get to use charge and chuck until now you've been so cool to use in other parts of the game fun fact I died so many times trying to jump over all of those because I didn't know there was a charging chuck there so I was trying to jump over every single rock not no one just had to scale that just a little bit Big Bertha I'm bet always got three hats on he only needs to wear one she thrown it now excuse me elyda t this is abuse call PETA or the Mario Mushroom Kingdom equivalent to PETA we've defeated diabetes brutal nice stack of coins they must have missed it when they passed out the collection basket I went to Catholic school when I was a kid so I know how this thing works whose idea was it to put a church on the moon anyway I mean this is this is one giant church - I mean you think they have a lot of parishioners that come to Mass every week open up that's not gonna fit her finger I don't know how you think she's gonna wear it why is Pauline here Pauline and this random dude this Ryan Gosling lookin ass just slide out peach just like slide also your outfit isn't half way fancy enough for the occasion not that it matters since you weren't invited so now he's he's dissing my fit sit down Mario I'm gonna show you my punchy head all right final battle huh you didn't learn after last time that I can wear it I don't know where I'm going Wow I wasn't ready for that these Bowser players like to spam their neutral bait huh I wonder which one it is okay he's gonna do it twice this time watch it he thinks I don't know he thinks I don't know oh we were ready uh-huh you didn't think I knew about that watch out for the shadow hats looking like the phantom thieves logo this might be it Oh what the hell is going on over there why are they fighting over the ring peach doesn't even want it you're going down you big smelly lizard one two come on here's last one three all right oh you wish we knocked him out of the suit peaches like oh wait hang on let me just slip out of this they slip into something more comfortable on my first playthru I saw this happening and I was like Bowser's right there is like this is going to be epic and it was it's very noble of them to choose to save Bowser but I feel like here they really don't have much of a choice I mean it's a double-edged sword they don't save Bowser they don't survive cuz that would have been my first thing it's like screw Bowser you know many times he's tried to steal the princess shoes leave him here or have to deal with him anymore but Nintendo was like him he just killed Bowser the one person in the the board room was like right come on break through here we go you know when you're playing a game and a vocal track kicks in for the final battle for the final stage you know it's going down it's falling apart I'm gonna get out of here come on Bowser use your fair use your Bowser bomb F smash see like this is the part where they could have said all right let's get rid of Bowser Mario hop out and then phaser we'll just I'm just sitting here shaking like a wild man now she's gonna completely stand Mario up on the moon and a friend zone him harder than he's ever been friend-zoned before after he traveled to space Mario shouldn't have to compete here this should not be a consideration I love the pure comedy of Mario and Bowser's like we both failed oh all right and then she says take our car and bounce crazy ex-girlfriend look at stuff peace you guys didn't think I was gonna leave you high and dry right there right of course going to the Mushroom Kingdom adding the Mushroom Kingdom was a really nice touch for postgame stuff especially that you can get Yoshi but I kind of just wish they expanded on it just a little more I mean you can go in the castle but I mean I wish you could explore the different rooms I wish it was just like a one-to-one remake of the castle in Super Mario 64 and also adding the stars was a nice touch so story time some of you may have already known this about me and some of you may have not but I tell this story pretty frequently when I was young playing through mario 64 i could not get the last star to get on the roof to see yoshi it was the red coins in the rainbow crew's level i couldn't do it so what did i do 119 stars I decided to microwave my copy of Super Mario 64 and I never got to that roof I do hope that if we get a sequel to Mario Odyssey which I think is gonna happen eventually that they build on this whole Yoshi mechanic and we get to use Yoshi more and more levels just they did that with galaxy 2 they figured it would be too much to throw into galaxy 1 with everything new that was happening so Yoshi didn't come until the second game alright so we're gonna grab this last star and we're gonna end here and if you guys want more like I said I'd be glad to do more postgame stuff we can explore more moons we can do dark side and darker side of the Moon but if you want that let me know down the comments section be vocal like the video and we will see you next time
Channel: Choctopus
Views: 530,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raid boss smash ultimate, raid boss smash bros, choctopus raid boss zero, raid boss amiibo, choctopus raid boss, choctopus raid boss playlist, choctopus pumpkin, super smash bros ultimate amiibo, amiibo smash bros ultimate, choctopus raid boss pumpkin, super smash bros ultimate, amiibo training smash ultimate, amiibo training guide, amiibo training tips, choctopus, choctopus mario, choctopus mario odyssey, choctopus super mario odyssey, super mario odyssey supercut
Id: mT3mQjkMAoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 33sec (4293 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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