I played ALL of Paper Mario: The Origami King

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oh we're just getting right into it is that thing street legal did they use a class of kindergartners to decorate this festival toad town and there's not a single person here this is my kind of festival honestly you are invited to an origami festival in fabulous toadtown d xx oh oh that's not a date are we so far removed from the real world in the mushroom kingdom universe that we can't use an actual date so i see we don't care about just polluting the mushroom kingdom i guess that's okay if anything at all this is proving that paper mario could work in mario kart which makes me believe that he will be a playable character in mario kart9 quote me on that watch come back to this video when mario kart 9 is announced i'm going to park the cart i don't want to tip the valet hello luigi's cheap kind of spooky in here and where is everybody uh-oh i know like the game is entirely paper but like the lighting and it's just it's a beautiful looking game mario is that you here she comes she mad princess peach have you gained weight answer me this shouldn't the mushroom kingdom unfold and be refolded unto glory uh yes make the mushroom kingdom great again and what of those toads shouldn't they be silenced for all of eternity yes please last question will you crease yourself and be rebo give me the kool-aid doesn't matter this is all gonna happen but i agreed with you just know in the end i was on your side okay bye oh he's gonna make a flashy entrance yeah i landed on my face i'm pretty sure my nose is broken this dungeon themed waiting lounge is a huge upgrade from the last festival i attended very classy you have to admit that whether you like these games or not whether you enjoyed color splash or sticker star or any other paper mario game the writing is always good all right here's the 3d boys but we're team 2d in this house and let me know down in the comments section are you team 3d or team 2d relax goomba what was that did something light up at your feet is it a magic circle keeps the sea bears away grab you you better believe we're not using motion controls i disabled those things immediately oh god what are they gonna do with that koopa troopa oh he's dead i'm gonna make a bold statement here i want this bowser for smash i know everyone wants paper mario but give me wet floor sign bowser this is kind of like the the ouija board i'm not moving it you're moving it why is the goomba like the big baddie like he was being escorted by the shy guys like where what's the hierarchy of villains i never got to see toad so i heard good things about this battle system i know it's like a little hand-holdy at first but uh i i heard it does get better so i can see it i mean i know it's not turn-based combat like we've wanted but that it's different it's interesting mario styling on that last jump what time is it oh you better believe that is hammer time it was the origami king the entire time brother now that is dysfunctional i'm no longer your brother ali i love that his name is ollie because one of our cat's names is ollie king ollie got too excited and he shot his streamers all over the place right here this shy guy showing up in the clown car the goat the mvp the true cameo that we needed oh luigi's dead mario just secured the bag hooray um come on come on out come oh we're playing the matching game whoa i got a star what does this do okay i i have a star although i don't there's nothing to kill that that's one sad looking fire flower uh i don't think that's how electronics and water work oh my god it's birdo what are you doing [Applause] it's the fountain of youth you can't sit on an old grand sappy's head mister grand sappy that's right he's the elder of the forest well i think they cut him down i just can't wait to get past the whole hand holding because i'm ready to fly on my own if i'm paper should i just be able to kind of slide oh it's broken over here okay this is where we're gonna trespass oh the sign it's sentient i mean the trees were so i guess it makes sense i like how we just kind of promote littering that solves problems right this toad is just being asked to be put out of his misery honestly of all games this is making me want to go back and play super paper mario which is a game that i think was misunderstood at release but is definitely one of the better ones is this final fantasy vii we're taking an l on this one guys we've got rescued by mario but you know what the writers are very to date on their uh their hip lingo huh doesn't look like there's anyone here and i still have a question is luigi dead god this is horrifying i mean i guess we're gonna fight the giant goomba right oh we done pissed him off oh god oh i can just break ouch i might die now we good so what have we learned here if somebody's door is locked you just hit their window with a hammer that's how you get into someone's house oh wait that's called breaking and entering i i don't like these hitboxes they're weird you're safe little shy guy now give me that sewer hook well we all know we have to make a sacrifice to get the soul stone oh how convenient we just get two attacks in one turn just i didn't know that was going to happen did you how lucky of us what happened oh god oh they ripped his flesh off he doesn't look too good yeah he's missing a face don't worry grand sappy we'll patch you right up huh what happened felt like some rap scallion whittled me down again did i just dream it it's like i'm super happy now i'm feeling big and burly and it please let this little golf course be a hint that a new mario golf game is coming we're due for a mario golf game we got a new mario tennis game i need i need some birdies in my life partially i like mario golf better than i like mario tennis i like them both don't get me wrong but i prefer golf and we're due for one okay i know what i have to do here i don't i don't want to i can't look i'm sorry you get really good at solving these puzzles i feel like you can probably win most of these battles without even taking any damage just got to be big brain like me oh oh yeah oh you thought you had something there did you you sir with the mustache fancy a fair deal i don't know why i read that in like a 1920s barker voice but yeah i i have j they really want me to don't buy but i got the money i really just spent 10 000 coins on a green shell stone oh god it's one of these zombies again all right these paper mache eating come on ow they buried me the deepest because i'm the one they were afraid of that's what i do to my feelings yeah all right i guess uh we're not going this way it's star time it's it's star time is there is there more for me to kill i want to kill more oh here comes sonic the hedgehog oh my god i'm dead aren't i yup you know i was uh i was joking earlier about the battle system and it seemed a little easy but uh i it goes to show that these uh little minions they can deal some damage oh the red streamer connects to the blue streamer what is this the subway in boston a little bit of a geography joke for you because in boston their subway line are their colors they need to upgrade the the green line though the green line is archaic it is so old however they have a very clean subway system i mean i live in new york and ours is it's disgusting pass it to me pass it i'm open now try to i don't do not like monkey in the middle i never liked it even as a kid i'm having flashbacks to my childhood i don't like this why was that so hard um i'm just gonna get out of here now is there anyone piloting these things are they just big sentient paper mache puppets come on jaws i know you have it turn around just turn around he's a big boy he's a big one give me that shell this koopa trooper watching me get the blue shell stone back only to be denied because i'm keeping it oh it's just a dry bones holding the last shell all right now that we have all the shells we can finally go summon captain planet jeerup you said little turtles because daddy mario got the last shell open the door to the temple so mario can learn earth bending simple origins 10 coins now i gotta pay for lore see this is how they get you i'm gonna have to go to every station and then i'm gonna have to pay 10 coins this is a rip off they get you like this because you know you paid for all of them already why not pay for the last one what's another 50 coins at this point yeah like you think it'd be easier being that it's turn based to commentate while playing but uh i feel like this requires a lot more brain power than smash does so look at this i i screwed this up royally let's use the hammer kill three of them i guess [Applause] do you like at one point they'll just line up for you because they're like oh mario's an idiot just we got to help them i mean we do have 50 health which i guess is kind of good but uh i'm going to be burning through mushrooms at this rate if there's a lot more platforming elements i mean this isn't super paper mario which i feel like the platforming was a little bit easier this is like that one twitter mario maker level that uh someone posted i don't know it was crazy there were fire bars all over the place come on go in yeah we know we got to do here all right here we go we're going to finally enter the mouth of the beast wait it's just a big empty hole always was okay so we're in the sarlacc pit now we need to oh it's not a koopa troopa it's just a giant turtle it's an actual turtle look even olivia's saying hey this is our first boss battle i've been itching to try one of these so we gotta use the arrows i watch the the nintendo treehouse live i i know what i have to do here all right so if we move the smash invitation this way mario should get invited as the next dlc character and then uh [Music] i know i'm blocking and everything but that's still a ton of damage i think i got this there's way too much brain power oh oops okay okay you got no legs now what are you gonna do mr no legs oh you're gonna you're gonna almost kill me oh this poor turtle i'm gonna put it out of its misery i'm so sorry all that for a stupid book imagine reading a book being a nerd what is this anime music that is playing as we're transforming into developmental okay this is some power rangers megazord they had a turtle at one point it was like the second or third version of power rangers i fell off then no no no this is too much power for anyone to harness any mortal should not have this much power i'm strong enough now to kill the goomba without having to fight them that's some quality of life improvement right there thank you nintendo i know it's a little late for this but i kind of like the ability to just you know throw confetti whenever i want so you can celebrate things it's like you graduated college you got that new job the divorce is final a power so great that the frame rate can't even handle it when you plenty confetti well don't worry because plenty of confetti is my middle name it's it's mario plenty of confetti mario top floor please [Music] she almost got impaled all right this is the first boss fight i think i mean we fought the turtle thing but this is like the first first boss fight excuse me excuse me we have to get to the top floor oh we're going down oh god we're gonna die i don't think we have enough confetti hey you need confetti i got some confetti you got money oh gross they're on the they're all over the place they're in the food you know there's some restaurants out there that are just like this and you don't know about it because it happens in the kitchen where you can't see it oh crap oh my god finally the name's jean-pierre colored pencils the 12th i represent the legion of stationary the shiny hammer just has to be a metal hammer right close that trap shut your trap what are you gonna do you got no colored pencils you can do that i guess you're enjoying my biting critique hey i'm supposed to be making the puns here these artists are so sensitive i'll step on the targeted panels if it means figuring out the puzzle because i am dumb never underestimate a dumb person oh 17 big boy damage now all right that is also big boy damage so the funny thing is i i have to draw it out with my hands like as i'm doing it if only i wasn't cutting out the entire thing and you guys saw exactly how much time and money it was taking me to actually get through some of these puzzles even if you block it you're still taking like 20 damage okay we get an extra action here so we should be able to do it this time this this will be the end of mr pencils crush it come on one more here we go good night he needs to sharpen his skills sharp does everything cost money this is what we paid for i can't zoom i can't look around uh you know there was a there was a ladder there right let's use our shiny boots my shiny boots that's window just like the stars in face if chip skylark's shiny teeth isn't a bop then you have awful taste in music you guys did it i'm free you want to go to autumn mountain now i know it hasn't been that long but i can't wait to operate this tram again it's tramtastic tramtastic because it's a trip it's a little cramped in here so oh we're gonna get our first buddy now is this your first time out of the house or something oh were you asleep i'm so sorry i didn't mean to wake you i'm just very we have a voice i feel like he's gonna have a real gravelly voice me well i'm a ba bomb you know the memory loss thing what's it called ambrosia amnesty thing keep thinking panic whatever you call it i've got it big time so i'm on a solo journey to try and remember well anything it's on a journey to find himself i really hope he does a little bit of self-enlightenment never hurt anybody here we are autumn mountain so is this mountain just autumn year-round it seems like a global warming problem okay those dudes are flat but i don't trust this one he hit me so i feel really dumb now because i um i kind of thought we were able to use these buddies in battle because i really wasn't paying attention to anything outside the trailer he's just kind of chilling there doing nothing oh look at this magic circle it's got a real water vellum mental look to it don't you think so it looks like the whole game is going to be finding different elements so mario can just become captain planet [Music] uh bobby get away from that thing these things are going to haunt my dreams no bobby i'll teach you to throw my friend off a bridge arts and crafts more like arts and trash we have over here a hidden cave i'm not gonna not explore the hidden cave i like the ones that are just stuck to the wall oh he's chilling he's vibing we made it to the water of elemental shrine hooray at the end of this mario is going to become the avatar this looks like a toad door it's a toad something toad wi-fi this is one of the censored labs satellite offices located right here in autumn mountain we develop advanced sensory tech to help adventurers like you okay so we unlocked the uh the fax machine which is how i'm guessing a lot of you played smash on quick play just like the ouija board i'm not moving it you're moving it that's real classic mario villains here so let's move you guys here and i feel like the koopa trooper should be the front i guess that's not happening you already know we're gonna use our sparkly boots so i have an honest question and this is in no way trying to bash this game so if there's no experience and there's ow so if there's no experience what is the point of fighting some of these enemies like you could basically just skip every battle finally a rescue i was so lonely down here all on my own well it's a good thing i came wrong oh wow that was worth it this dude straight up gave me a heart piece goat toad old move mario jumping off a bridge to save poor bobby see when your parents said if your friends jump off a bridge would you too yeah because we gotta save bobby i'm out of paper i'm shooting blanks oh how convenient is more not bobby not bobby you know this would not be a mario game unless there was some kind of element that required you to dodge rolling rocks oh crap oh crap oh crap it's like you're one friend that always gets lost every time you go somewhere i think i might be that friend in my group how do wait you don't even have arms how'd you climb that get down here oh there's three of you oh it's the tomato goombas from super mario world oh he does attack oh i'm so stupid i just can't control him let's kill this random single mecha koopa that's just kind of chilling oh you can't attack us is it because you're upside down that's right bobby you get him wait why'd he go to sleep run bobby run [Music] bobby uh oh so that's how golumbas are born take out the angry boys first you should be able to solve every puzzle in one turn right i enjoy how you find viewers or watching me struggle to solve such easy puzzles it's all part of the content you're here to just watch me struggle that's what this whole channel is based on here's the rule of paper mario if it looks like you can hit it with a hammer chances are you probably can hit it with a hammer please don't die again uh here he goes probably gonna break my shinies here my shiny fives but it's worth it anything to save our friend bobby who uh just living a carefree life we have to show him how relieved we are by giving him a nice gentle wake-up tap okay i thought he's gonna maybe fall in the water or something here we go into the water temple as we know nintendo has a very very poor track record with water temples okay i got two moves which is telling me that i probably can't jump on them because they they're looking a little pointy looking like a couple of pointy boys so we're going to take out the good hammer all reliable [Music] where'd you come oh i already seen the puzzle oh that was hilarious because i spent all that time avoiding the red ones i just realized that i did not equip the uh the things that i just found so i'm kind of stuck with the hammer and my regular shoes i can do this i promise i promise i can do this okay we're missing a piece don't think i don't see you over there i see you just oh he's got it we gotta get it from the come get back here there's scooby-doo and me okay you see this right here this is a beautiful callback to super mario bro actually no just mario brothers not even super come on give me that puzzle piece there we go we did it look at all that water where do you think that kind of smells funny you think it's sewer water i did always see the glasses half full and i guess the mouth is half open i commend nintendo for stepping up their water temple game us fans of ocarina of time we will never forget we will never let nintendo forget how awful the water temple was i feel like that was somewhat rectified in ocarina time 3d though because you were able to at least put the boots on with the tap of the touchscreen as opposed to going into the menu every single time which was a much needed quality of life improvement and they realized that oh if you hit the dragon on the head it cries that's a mood right there here it is like i know i'm making jokes here oh my god that's a lot of crabs oh my god i'm about to earth bend oh i know what we're gonna do we're gonna destroy the frame rate oh this is sick what the hell that was awesome oh man if only the switch could handle it hang up hang on okay now that should open the water developmental dragon mouth and we probably gotta go fight another boss now open wide yeah this uh this seems kind of bossy getting some boss vibes here all right i don't know if we have to hit him from a certain way when the water of elemental takes flight bring it down with the jump and then follow up with your hammer does this count as flying yeah you wish you were going to wash stuff away oh he's looking a little chunky okay let's not make the same mistake twice we're gonna use our shiny boots even though they're probably gonna break that's what we're supposed to do come on take damage why do you deal so much damage oh my god uh he's gonna blow he's looking a little bloated oh you're gonna kill me uh hydro pump oh my god all right if we don't grab this heart over here then i am going to die i mean i'm probably going to die anyway get down there slimy dragon all right what if we use some developmental power what's that going to do for us turtle against dragon lastoys against charizard only enemy here is the frame rate we can talk about this right we we can we can talk about this please block oh god this dragon's looking like me after an all-you-can-eat buffet man i miss buffets down he goes or she or they whatever pronoun this dragon prefers yes mario it turned into another bibliofold just like the last one all right so more books can i just like download these on my ipad this is an anime intro i don't care what anyone says college kids after three drinks you think all the cheap cheaps are gonna be like ew this is backwash i came here to party do you know where the party's at yeah follow me pal this was basically high school an early college like you know where the party's at and just going to some stranger's house oh yeah welcome to the canned food party amigo been waiting for you to arrive what is that ravioli they're having chef boyardee that's something i ate as a kid but would totally never eat again this is uh this is kind of peaceful i agree it's very nice to unwind after a stressful day you think your day was stressful i was a monkey oh royalties pricey i don't know kids i don't think we can afford it commoner getting very big avatar the last airbender vibes on top of the fact that we have to gather a bunch of elements mario dono babunosuke dono let us make haste to the castle i bought this game specifically for this and if i wasn't able to put this helmet on then we would have had problems nintendo uh we're not getting metroid prime 4 for a long time looks like he's firing beams from his hand that's pretty cool but not exactly big m style it must be some other m we gotta get to we're gonna get to 21 this is like a game of corn hole there we go oh wow thanks for the baseball that is signed by you we just got to rub him a little bit just give him a nice face massage hey where's the sweet spot found it okay rip off the facial mask oh he's mad mario run okay i think that's it i think we're getting our ninja rank now congratulations you survived the deadly house of tricky ninjas you are now fully trained in the shroom style ninjutsu from this day forward you are a ninja i kind of forgot the reason that we came here and that's to find luigi oh he is not in good shape whoa okay shogun studios master key we can finally go places open sesame well that's about all i can do okay everyone don't mind me just another stupid goomba coming through hey bowser's great right man i love being 3d today's program first floor special second floor special third floor special fourth floor man they didn't have a concession stand i didn't get any popcorn oh okay so that's my cue better save first think you're gonna stand in my way law man oh mario has a gun oh a tough guy eh all right have it your way oh we got him fastest pistol in the mushroom kingdom birdo you might you're in a bad neighborhood you might want to get out of there hey there good looking wanna go start some trouble oh here comes the other gang oh they're gonna show them through interpretive dance scram sam she's gonna be my main squeeze tonight we just gotta we're gonna kill them jump on them then camera time i'm kind of hoping we're gonna do a little dance who knew shy guys were so graceful look at that releve the shame we're gonna have to you know beat each other up soon oh oh god oops imagine like going to see the christmas spectacular in radio city in new york and you got the rock heads up on stage and then some dude with a hammer just comes and smacks all of them now the hero of our show come and take about this is 100 a trap no no no the star of the show isn't mario you uncultured hacks the real superstar is me is this a giant yarn monster the elastic entertainer rubber band okay so we can definitely jump on him oh he can regenerate okay i am dead i won't lie this one was super confusing but once i got the hang of it like i think i'm good now like i'm i'm here to yank some hair damn oh where's all your bands buddy good night rubber band man rubber band man wild as the taliban nine in my right 45 in my other hand are we turned into a livestrong bracelet oh we still gotta hit him what is this 2006 oh what the [ __ ] died time oh yes i was kind of hoping to get to fling it away get out of here even though i died twice that was a cool battle you've been exposed you're cancelled oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you very much oh thank you thank you of course i'll sign that for you bobby's seeing the explosions and he's like i was meant to do that okay we're heading towards the yellow streamer now and i just remembered i have to take food out of the oven here we are sweet paper valley i just assume all toads sound the same oh good there's a bench because sometimes all you need is just take a seat why don't you have a seat looks like he'll need to go through that tunnel and of course there's a mine cart there nintendo just loves mine carts who is this oh king ollie so we meet again yes it's been a while hasn't it oh you've stolen peach's castle wrapped it in streamers crumpled up countless toads why must you keep doing this it's so mean ah sister you have such a flat outlook on life all i am doing is creating a glorious kingdom for origami like us oh he's just gonna crush us all right so the path is blocked now can you imagine we just had to like sacrifice bobby and just blow up the boulder man mario's had some crazy success in the last two decades i mean look how he stepped up the warp zone all right so we're gonna head to the pier and we gotta probably find some crusty old sea captain you don't look very crusty isn't it also called the great sea and wind waker all right so we just gotta pull up on the the princess peach a very creative name for a boat where is everybody this is a sad looking cruise ship oh no you don't though we're on this boat in the first place because bobby said we have to find some kind of special item to help olivia which i i don't know what it is i feel like bobby was just kind of eluded okay good job bobby all of my weapons are falling apart i should have did some shopping we see look shiny boots broken i have nothing left why is bobby so useless he misses about 50 of his attacks and the other 50 he's just taking a nap okay shiny hurl hammer time oh my god we just wrecked them oh we got a flashy hammer ew i stepped in something oh it was another toad i used to dream of being a ship captain oh or an admiral i bet i'd be a pretty cool admiral oh why are they teasing us breaking case of emergency i would say this is an emergency yeah i know i know it's the other way you've said that 15 times my guess it's like a giant blooper or some kind of octopus or something okay uh spiders with sneakers on okay that's a lot of spiders that's more spiders than i'm comfortable with in fact the amount of spiders that i'm comfortable with is actually it's zero it's none oh there's another wave that's just what somebody wants to hear i don't think i've ever heard a more frightening term in my life another wave of spiders okay a couple spins of the crank able to power an entire cruise ship that makes sense oh god black goop someone inked all over the place getting heavy super mario rpg vibes i mean this is a mario rpg but bringing me back to having to fight king calamari on jonathan jones's shift yeah that's a big blooper taking a page out of super paper mario's book pages books paper puns it's funny that you think a little bit of ink is going to stop me i mean don't you know who i am oh he's got no limbs now we completely memed him he's attacking us with his nubs so i like to call the no damage run because i am a professional paper mario the origami king player you don't find skills like this anywhere else on the internet all right that's the last one he's got a little sad flag on him bomb got a super important olivia saving item okay we're just gonna collect his flesh really quick just between the two of us just me and you don't don't tell the other viewers i cannot stop farting thanks for leaving me and taking me to the great sea or i feel like everything he's saying is a goodbye monologue a while back i was traveling aboard the princess peach with my buds my bomb rads my friends oh that's right if you look at him he doesn't have a fuse i was like why does he look kind of weird oh i um i i i'm starting to put two and two together now oh no bobby no bobby there's there's another way we can go no please no bobby don't thank you mario for everything please no no [Music] um he's he's really gone oh uh you might want to sit down for this one did it you found the cave of break dancing just kidding it's a bathroom and i'm dancing for a non-bathroom related reasons what do you want from me i'm on my break all right rude getting very goron city vibes from ocarina of time i know olivia i feel the same way but surely donkey kong will cheer you up right come on you like dk right i love opening these tabs on the granola bar boxes ah it's like an orgasm boot car type b output 150 yoshi's top speed golden mushroom i'm telling you there's gonna be some kind of paper mario element in the next mario kart game whether they put paper mario in or this boot or both i run stuff over oh i can we can commit manslaughter or uh koopa slaughter yeah that's a good idea let's climb this horrifying one-eyed toad tower but first i quite enjoy not having to fight enemies and just running them over with a car wow there's so many beautiful lights over there rays of light like that can only come from one place las vegas hello by unfolding me you've subscribed to a service that i like to call ask a cactus oh unsubscribe please reply stop to this message bootcar parking one spot only i do not trust this i don't really like to give my car to a valet oh it's a hotel it's not a casino it's giving off heavy casino vibes though oh professor toad can help you with that i suppose i can give you the key to his room if you're working together this very very poor hotel protocol this is important we need moltres to gather two triforces and spit fire at the toad tower i wouldn't knew this whole time i had to talk to the front desk to try and get them to deal me a little sun incense like it's a drug what's up with that black hole sun black hole sun won't you come but i swear man if we have to put incense in a bucket of sand i don't know how that makes any sense oh that brought us in the eye of the storm a giant tornado this would have totally been a great callback to have mario fight the sun from super mario brothers 3. hey remember the mummy movies of brendan fraser this is kind of like that right look at these jukes this car can stop on a dime oh my god let's be honest with ourselves here this individual pokey head is kind of terrifying oh here's professor toad look at that chunk of confetti that's weird so we're just gonna go with ancient ones like final fantasy vii didn't do that already sweet sweet flesh okay we can finally figure this out now when all four toads align their eyes a shroomy temple shall arise so there's four different towers we have to go to step right up step right up you could win 10 000 coins and it'll only cost 100 coins to enter wanna play i sure do carnival barker a few moments later why do i have the feeling this is a scam i will tear this scam down oh we're gonna rub it okay this is weird luigi the genie you have two wishes left why do we have so many keys keys to everything but not the key to my heart come on look at each other pretend like you like each other sing a song uh oh uh go with the flow okay not that song [Music] whoa this is a bop dude are we at like a k-pop concert why don't you wait here and try not to catch on fire while mario and i definitely catch on fire because we're made of paper okay i've been playing a lot of fall guys and this is just tiptoe that's all it is oh am i gonna do this on the first try because i just gotta stop them before oh my god they're on fire these are the most dangerous shy guys i've ever seen in my life this is like that this is fine meme but just put mario in there oh an ice flower that's new i'm about to die right now aren't i can you please stop i'm kind of trying to repair the bridge over here so everyone can use it all the toads in the background are just cheering for mario to murder these poor fire brothers the whole ring combat gives me some ancient roman coliseum vibes and all the toads are here to see the bloodshed okay i really hope that was worth it it wasn't oh here he is moltres get the master ball mario time to catch one of the legendary birds i don't know why i said that that's literally moltres we're fighting maltress i don't know why i said master ball we all know we're using the master ball on mewtwo i don't want to be the guy who has to get the hint envelope but i think i gotta get the hint envelope thousand-fold arms can't touch the fire of elemental while it's on fire stop it with iron boots mario found a baby bird on the ground so we have to do what we do when we find baby birds on the ground oh cool it's paper ice mario [Music] oh that was a waste the one toad that's simping for olivia in the background it's cool how he could just while he's half dead attack us and it's called mild wings his hot wings are too spicy for some people oh we gotta grab what we have to break its neck oh wait we just pulled the feathers off its head i'm a little embarrassed to say that this fight took way longer than i expected it to because i'm dumb and i didn't know you could equip gear while you're fighting and also i kept letting it regenerate alright book three mario has now mastered fire bending just listen let me just keep making the avatar references just roll with it we're way too deep into this got some strange triangle rock we gotta get all of our shapes we're just on a quest here to get all the playstation buttons there's a square and then all we need is the x button you know some people call it cross and that just that doesn't sit right with me if you call it cross chances are you've committed war crimes they gave us a diamond jewel which is just another square jewel turned on its side you know because geometry okay that's all for so it looks like we're gonna use the earth developmental powers now and we're gonna summon the shroom temple might as well start off our journey in the ancient temple by destroying some artifacts hmm yes it seems that this may be the final resting place of the ancient king shroomses supposed to be like ramsay's but shroomsies it's funny to me that professor toad has the whole shovel knight thing going on like he just pulls coins out of the ground with a shovel and and chucks them at enemies tall toads are things that nightmares are made of i really hope the boss of this temple isn't just a oblong toad that we have to fight oh god they're they're feasting on him on its flesh and that's okay all right fine we'll help it what the [ __ ] oh there's a triforce in this game i was joking about the zelda references but there really are or maybe oh what dude i'm not playing this game anymore i'm not playing this game anymore what is happening this place is secretly a nightclub so funny enough when i lived in boston there was this place called bodega and when you walked in it looked like a sketchy bodega and then you walked up to a snapple machine and it was actually a sliding door when you walked behind it there was a clothing store and it was pretty dope and i don't know why i felt the need to bring that story up groovy music so i'm gonna cut a rug too do i look like i'm 100 years old i'm a dj man excuse me pardon me break it down dj toad i feel like i'm trying to play a song for it who's that dude who reviews all the music on youtube anthony something he goes by melon you know what i'm talking about i really gotta go summon 40 faceless toads wait a second is it like a giant hole punch they're all stacked they all have a hole in their face i figured it out i cracked the code it's a giant hole punch this is the remake of saturday night fever we all needed a lot of you probably have no idea what saturday night fever is let me just be old and reference old things the disco devil hole punch we've baited him out with the power of music good lord my hole punch doesn't do that it only helps me sort out my taxes i've said it before and i'll say it again the soundtrack in this game goes so incredibly hard every track is a banger that's one thing that this game has going for it this hole punch is currently on the verge of going super saiyan i don't know what i have to do but i probably have to stop it before it does something oh the hole punch oh god not my face i look like swiss cheese the giant ass turtle only did five damage at least we're safe from yeah okay cool you can't win anakin i have the high ground and we're even going to use our flashy boy covers off he turned to dust let's keep it going anyway disco forever count it down my guy's gonna dance himself into the grave i'd respect it just like that all the toads faces were restored and i'm not gonna have nightmares tonight this is what it's like when a gamer steps outside you know because they uh don't like going outside allow me to introduce myself i am indeed the toad known as ode captain t owed to be precise he's a he's a sleepy boy a little sleepy toad wait so that's it we're just gonna let this ancient one roam the earth now like what if he gets into trouble what if he kills someone you know there's gonna be consequences we let him free oh look there's the purple streamer what's it doing way out there on the great sea so we're gonna go to i mean it looks more like a pink to me a magenta i think olivia might be colorblind oh does it just go under the water hey the sign says no piling the mourinho you're in direct violation of the sign ah my precious merino still beautiful still formidable and yet time marches on i'd see i knew we were not going to just leave this dude behind we need him to part the sea like moses or something i don't know i kind of fast forwarded during that dialogue oh the skull that's got to be a bad thing anyone know any good pirate chanties we have arrived on bonehead island which was named by somebody's dad this poor sniffer is just stranded on an island still charging absorbent prices yeah i need the gold time plus because uh i'm dumb i bought it just in time time only dad jokes on bonehead island uh that guy on the right don't look too good or problem is mario you know like spoon hey you got something in your nose well i mean you don't really have a nose are these supposed to be the you know what i want to commentate you guys do it are you supposed to be the blue goomba from like one two of mario bros oh wait i fought more time by accident what are you guys just doing hanging out in barrels what do i do here just i guess just hit a bunch of things with a hammer until something works that's paper mario in a nutshell okay that's the puzzle this is how to light his other eyeball he's out here looking like discount sands okay we're in a skull cave so of course the first thing we're gonna do is hit a random button that we have no idea what it does i mean it's cool we'll take our chances mario could be impaled by spikes or crushed by a boulder but no hit the button anyway i don't know what it is i just i can't get mario out of my head are you still watching oh is that the fan from sticker star is he back man that game had so much potential and then they were like hey what if you had consumable weapons that you needed to attack and what if this game just sucked and we're stalking the streamer like a tier three sub you see the joke there was i was not talking about an actual are these islands gonna be just like little puzzles where we have to find things kind of reminds me of the captain toad game which i never actually played but i would totally be down to do some captain toad content i really think hands down munchers are one of the most annoying enemies in any mario game is there any item i have can i just like use mario's final smash and just wipe all of them out i probably gotta use iron boots if they're facing up others gonna bite my little toesies i don't want them bite my toesies you guys ever play mousetrap man what a piece of crap that game is oh the heart was a toad all along love is all around us here's a heart what if love is just the toads we found along the way oh wow this one's shaped like a moon uh so we gotta hit four different islands to get to diamond island i didn't read a walk-through that's what you were thinking anything to do here what is that it looked like a turd oh it's a tail you know i actually don't think mario filled out the proper paperwork to go fishing because uh these side steppers are endangered like a 10 000 coin fee if you get caught fishing these things we got a big one you show them olivia set those rising tides back a couple thousand years i mean the world is just sinking little by little anyway one day we'll just all be living underwater like jar jar binks is race what were they called not that it's important it doesn't matter forget it hey bro got the key come find me on the mushroom-shaped isla how is luigi involved in all this i swear if this is just one elaborate prank and mr l is gonna come back and we're gonna have to fight him as the final boss that would be awesome i would like that very much next up spade island so uh it looks like they decided to make diamond island the main one why not make moon island the main one and have the four suits as you know what i i don't want to tell you how to make your games uh i'm curious as to what's going to happen when we get all the toads in the slots okay so we need a blue a green and a yellow okay there's blue something's telling me green's up in the up in the trees maybe it's a coconut he got hit in the head with two coconuts oh i was right i'm always right have i ever not been right i know that was like two spongebob references in the same sentence it's all i know man it's part of my dna by this point uh yes we must first insert the four toad keys i don't know what it is about deep sea that is so peaceful for me but like i love the deep sea episode of planet earth they're just so relaxing to watch however i would likely never go deep sea or scuba diving because i'm terrified wow man i love walking around tall grass aimlessly looking for two more toads this is great game design they really just expect you to walk around with a hammer just hit every square inch oh there he is i don't know why but i'm fully expecting to just see an island out here that has gummy house on it what is this a pyramid head whoa okay that's a lot of fish let's crush these fish or flush let's flush the remember like when you were a kid how sad you'd be when uh your pet fish died and you have to flush it down the toilet i have repressed some memories all right we gotta find the key on this mushroom island where i guess luigi is but why is this entire thing frozen maltress use flame thrower does moltres learn flamethrower well at least he's good at something he keeps finding keys he keeps saving me the fetch quests does anyone really enjoy fetch quests i mean i think that's why donkey kong 64 which don't get me wrong i enjoy is a game that is not looked back on too fondly because it's just all fetch quests this toad house has some kind of like post-apocalyptic bunker a luigi's follow me around please tell me we're going to be able to bring luigi with us god is that you we want to read the forbidden origami the kama sutra of origami there's something just slightly terrifying about having a limited view like i really expect a jump scare this is a trial of power overcomes three challenges to earn a sacred or this really is just paper breath of the wild oh man i would pay good money to play a paper zelda game nintendo huh huh it's gonna break all the blocks i'm a mario veteran nothing far into me you know i made a comment in the last episode saying uh that there were a lot of zelda queues and some of you were like you have no idea and now i kind of get it something's telling me one's not okay we gotta do it again oh we're getting close to the end oh no oh no come on they give us 30 seconds for this nailed it that's the case let's hurry inside i want to see how cool this one looks cool okay no one make any sudden movements i'm not looking to fight we just gotta rip its teeth out oh i got your nose still no pickles see oh okay jumped right in the hole that's fun i i hit that yeah okay great back to the beginning you know it was a great game on nintendo 64. snowboard kids did i fail to mention that snowboard kids is the best kart racer on the n64 since mario kart i put it above diddy kong racing which might be blasphemy but if you play the game it's excellent oh it's the ice filamental it's time he's a polar bear i'll admit that these puzzles are really clever and they found some pretty cool things to do with each uh specific developmental but they're also confusing as hell what was that run he did back there's like a peter griffin run ice maze okay that's a new one dude is out here like goku getting new attacks because he's getting beat glacier beam is that a pokemon move i mean what's really stopping me from just making my own path and just getting straight to the point oh ice that's right olivia says how are you going to beat him easy by using modern technology to cheat all right in the fourth element ice which is just frozen frozen water why was it not air why not just just go straight avatar at this point just go all the way don't fall mario quick grab on to me wait why would i not want to fall why why would i not want this which one is this this is courage for this trial you're gonna have to play through sticker star whoops yeah i don't need the air i don't need the lines i know i failed oh they're raising the bar well i mean that's not a good thing in this case in this case raising the bar is bad second question this is just all hey how much of the story you've been paying attention to jurgen studios has a photo studio a tower and a theater all these locations theaters though i don't know that nope okay this one this is an age old one ton of iron is heavier than one ton of cotton they're both the same they're both a ton so we could all three figures and find out who is lying yeah this will be fun this is just like uh one of the puzzles you have to do at the end of super mario rpg which i will reference over and over again because i want a direct sequel i want to know what their motives are i feel like it's gotta be b because a is saying he's not the liar he's not the one accusing other people b is instantly deflecting you gotta be the liar i i got it even people work this way well done you have i i already forgot the voice that i gave him it's been a couple hours you've conquered the three trials of power wisdom and courage congratulations traveler what do you think these three openings are for i don't know the three orbs that we just got i i don't i don't okay i'm scared i'm i'm scared i'm scared i think i'm kind of over these sliding puzzles like they were fun at first but they're just kind of annoying now dude what this is like the simon world championships uh uh up i guess nope that wasn't right okay i got it now it just it took me a couple turns of being stupid to figure it out i got to do a little loop-de-loop over here and then we're going to go this way and then up and look at that all right time to do what we do best give this chicken an enema still don't know why you guys watch my content no clue no clue why you're still here i wonder who taped these toads up here that's a lot of toads it's also a very bad tape job like this is something a five-year-old makes in kindergarten during arts and crafts hey would you look at that we reached the top now where's the boss because we're not just hitting that streamer and getting out of here unless hey i'm elevate in here he's from new york by the way whoever this villain is oh that it's the okay i should have known by the toads taped to the side of the building the shifty sticker i thought that said this hey you mario i got a message for you from the boss how about you come over here so i can give it to you all right what i think we need to do is we need to take the uh the tape and stick it to itself you know because that's annoying this need to like peel it off and it doesn't come out the right way and you end up wasting tape you two got some noise busting up my precious taylormade dispenser like that it was worth the fortune not to mention the sentimental value i like that not only they made it sound like a brooklyn italian american but they also made him kind of stupid when in doubt always go developmental attack oh that's how you do it you just gotta you gotta waste it all right that's being wasteful mario you know what go ahead take the last of my money get the toads to help me they will murder for a small price and is he finally dead we kind of just ripped them limb from limb piece by piece oh they really said forget about it they threw the forget about it in there someone who grew up in brooklyn i am personally offended by this stereotype all right so i assume now is when we have to use all of our this still doesn't make sense to me earth wind fire and ice alright so we're gonna use our avatar powers now and we need to make all of these statues look at each other now they're all going to fire their beams and then we're gonna form the megazord you and your weapons are no match for me i'm pretty sure all four of these animals have been one of the power rangers zords at one point in time all right mario here you go to heaven now being that we're human we have to make sure that we destroy everything in our path whether we're on heaven or earth all right we're coming to the end of this game and i always get a little sad when we end the series welcome to the shangri-spa mario would you like the couple's cbd massage okay we gotta go to the four springs and we need to collect four stamps the spring of purification effective against rips and tears well lucky for you mario staying young not a crease in that paper i mean i guess get in with all your clothes on that that seems like the way to do this all right that's one stamp we we're just gonna relax there's gonna be no battles just gonna have a little bit of r r what is a legendary hammer uh what's that doing up here maybe we should ask someone like this groundskeeper no no no no that's kamik after escaping in the clown car this is kamik's voice by the way lord bowser returned his castle where i awaited his command but just as he arrived we were overwhelmed by folded soldiers bowser was captured again i stood in a corner and i cried oh okay scissors is you just get all out attacked by the phantom thieves holy crap they killed him wait we're gonna pick up bowser junior's mangled body and we're gonna throw it in a pool of water that's the plan we're shredded all right protein why do things yourself when you can pay people money to do things for you all right now being that they're so big they just they're crowding me it's almost a little bit intimidating let's see what this thing can do oh damn the premise of this game is actually pretty wild because it has just evolved into us having to take bowser jr on a spa day oh so you see i think uh i think i figured out what's wrong with it we're only getting blood why is everyone trying to sell me stuff for 10 000 coins i do i look like i'm made of money i've been wearing the same poop stained overalls for the last 30 years holy crap it's the deku tree yo that was sick why are you the strong how come we can't have please just bring partners back in the next game it's all we want right i feel like we should have the forest maze music playing that is a big ass piranha plant is it possible that i was right twice in a row i mean yes because i'm a genius but you guys already knew that um please tell me donkey kong's back there it's donkey kong isn't it man that would be the best surprise ever i mean dk like already got a cameo in this game but like imagine if we had a fight like a giant paper mache donkey kong typical piranha plants camping with patooi oh man if that thing came down and crushed us i mean we're made of paper so it probably wouldn't be that painful i don't know if paper mario feels pain and that's how you kill them from the inside out what's over here okay okay wake up deku tree we're here deku tree you can wake up now maybe we need to put paper on his wounds you think he's just sitting there like hey it's me oh wait did he he actually did oh gay time to go climb climb dude it's like a horror movie you turn around for one second and like bears the chain chomp we got nowhere to go go straight up indiana jones and he's dead or we just like plug it up with paper i mean that's probably against the recommendation of any plumber spring of rainbow sounds like something nice but this is like this is dangerous i i there should be no danger in rainbows rainbows should be a nice thing the spring of rainbows is literally just an adobe photoshop color wheel ladies and gentlemen welcome to wild and crazy kids bow tie shy guy is my favorite shy guy sassy bow tie mc shy guy excuse me i stand corrected got four categories with three challenges each that's a grand total of 12 mind melting puzzles i'll take race in place for 50 alex this is just mario party they just took mario party and implemented it into paper mario actually it's it's much easier than i thought it was going to be i by some miracle i think i might have gotten at least i got way i got them both dude it's actually crazy how many cues they're taking from super mario rpg dude all these mini games though just it like how awesome it would be to have a paper mario party wait no hang on the hard part is going to be doing moving the puzzle no i'm not ready hang on teacher i just need more time oh i did it congratulations you're today's big winner and oh no shy guy is this week's biggest loser this font reminds me of like chatting in an aol chat room in the 90s and you would spend like 20 minutes typing out a sentence and then changing all of the colors of each individual letter [Music] i'm old my god he's beautiful oh hell yeah everyone in the clown car this is dangerous everyone gotta see there are enough seat belts for everybody oh we have to go fight god like this is cool why couldn't we have more mario type villains as bosses why do we have to fight like a stapler and like a whole bunch of office supplies but excuse me while i torch these they're not charging chuck what's their name like thunder todd or something wait okay i'm gonna run this path to win only because it's hilariously long come on we're about to murder this guy you think the stands would be sold out like some kind of ancient roman coliseum mario your paper just just float just float down attention everybody did anyone see my lunchbox it i it has it's a minecraft lunchbox that i'd never mind that i just needed something to carry my lunch in and i wasn't paying attention to what was on it oh wait look at the look at the picture of him on the wall is that for mario 64. and what's in here yep that is a room the artist or photographer here is probably like all right now give me a sexy face oh god it's the engine men slender what this is terrifying um i i don't i don't want to play this game anymore for the sake of my dreams tonight i need you dead okay no no you're there even no uh you're even scarier when they're smaller yeah i'm just gonna sneak around them oh oh jesus uh why didn't we do that in the first place oh what the [ __ ] this is just a more painful way of waiting for the dvd logo to hit the corner of the screen oh he's putting the scissor guard on come on goku take off the weighted clothes okay so it's telling me not to break the cover so i have a feeling we got to use the thousand-fold arm so we can aim i i did the opposite thing i need my legendary hammer to stick around as long as humanly possible i don't know does it break because it's legendary i wasn't ready all right so now the blades are on top so we gotta hit him with the hammer hopefully he don't flip around oh please no dude this is great olivia will be the one to get dismembered not me i do have to say that this became infinitely less stressful when i didn't have death just constantly looming above my head don't get too close to those things he's dead you know this is typically where we would end the video but we're gonna save bowser and then i believe we're going back to peach's castle where we're going to take on the final boss mario welcome to my weapons closet all the bullet bills just chilling on shelves for once i actually get to ride on an airship instead of having to destroy one this is like a dream come true also the best part of it is just you know not having to walk all the way back to the damn castle yeah we're we're gonna go with the lipstick don't be ridiculous it's crazy how like the best star fox game we've gotten since star fox 64 is paper mario the origami king [ __ ] get this guy off me switching to all range mode this whole part of the video is just going to be a star fox 64 bit so enjoy my emperor i've failed you oh here they come oh lord they coming sacrificing himself this is what happened in spider-man 2. i'll never forget you kamik you noble noble man we need the key to peach's castle ahem i said we need the key to peach's castle look at this mad lad showing up and if he doesn't have the key we kill him it's okay we're just gonna do a backwards long jump all the way up oh wait they patched that out look at this look it looks like a dm screen any dungeons dragons players out there you know i'm talking about this is cool okay this is where they put the entire budget the entire budget for the game was just in this cutscene okay legendary hammer legendary boots we got the end game stuff and let's kick some origami ass i think this is a pretty cool like final area i think my favorite might be uh is it complex castle it's been a long time since i've played that game but if you guys like this video enough assuming you've even made it this far into the video maybe uh i'll go back and i'll play some other paper mario games this this feels this feels very boss like feels very embossy here he is oh no he's standing to the side okay it's stapler time did we fight a stapler already maybe i don't know if we're supposed to grab it when it's like flipping out like this but calm down just calm down that's too many bites so stop stop look at these parries call me daigo and then the comeback to win it we're just we're going straight in i'm going i'm getting straight in there we're getting real sappy here but you know what it's been a long journey i'm ready for it to be over more importantly let's do this for bobby will you're finally here took you long enough as a matter of fact it took you so long that there's nothing you can do to stop me now oh she just we splatted her on the wall she's part of the wall now it's not peach's castle anymore it is now peach is the castle all right so we can pick any of elemental power i feel like we want to freeze them besides polar bears are way cooler than turtles then we just got to give this iceberg a big old hug i got a feeling this is not his only health bar though all right he's fired now so we're gonna put the fire out with some water pokemon style i got a bad feeling i'm about to take a lot of damage yep yep yep yep come here birdie grab the feathers oh pull him out of his damn head i really hope at the end of this like mario's finishing blow is just him like ripping ollie piece by piece just shredding him alive his final form is gonna be a sheet of paper i knew he wasn't done oh no all the toad that's my hype team let me fold you oh that means something else in fighting games bowser is going super saiyan this is like a bowser megazord i'm just furiously you can hear me just mashing the a button he's gone he's going down he's we got a thwomp where'd you come from we're gonna do before it kills us eat gravity jerk yeah push him off bowser should get the last laugh here he should have a little bit of the glory he can't maintain this form it requires too much power oh he's enormous all right here we go got to use all the powers this this has to be the ends there can't be anything after this so he's about to go down whoa okay this is awesome holy crap i'm i'm going to die there's way too many things happening how am i supposed to really how am i supposed to do that in time bro i'm trying to figure out one this is like a rubik's cube i'm just here trying to figure out like one side two hours later wait i think i got it this time i just need to not die because like i i think i figured it out and i'll rotate all them yeah this this is it am i i can't even tell i can't even tell how close we are wait we did it i did it okay anything else dodge that and now we need to lift them don't think so this is it it's our turn thousand fold technique infinity percent olivia's gonna turn into something here oh she's turning into the god hammer she she literally turned into me older he won't come to his senses so it's time to hammer it in [Music] he's done goodbye king ollie sorry brother but i had no choice hope your poor body's all crumpled now maybe ollie could be a good can we put ollie in the next mario kart i kind of like him as a character please accept these 999 cranes i've been hoarding them for a while maybe you can just recycle them i don't know oh i see where this is going one more crane and you get to make a wish just gonna wish for everything to be okay yet fold him one last time because we already just folded him and with his dying wish olivia folded her brother into a crane wish regina and smash wish virginia in smash pagino and smash and it would not be a mario game without fireworks and that's the end of this series thank you for watching everybody uh if you want to see more paper mario games i'd be down to play let me know which ones you want to see down in the comment section i'm not gonna lie it was not my favorite paper mario game but it definitely wasn't the worst so make sure to like subscribe and we will see you next time hey [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Choctopus
Views: 1,056,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raid boss smash ultimate, raid boss smash bros, raid boss amiibo, choctopus raid boss, choctopus pumpkin, super smash bros ultimate amiibo, amiibo smash bros ultimate, choctopus raid boss pumpkin, smash ultimate, super smash bros ultimate, amiibo training smash ultimate, amiibo training guide, amiibo training tips, amiibo smash ultimate, smash ultimate amiibo, paper mario origami king, paper mario origami king walkthrough, paper mario, paper mario origami king full game
Id: uAPCBs6x51Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 6sec (4386 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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