WORLD OF LIGHT (Nuzlocke): The Supercut 2

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i woke up the other day and decided i wanted to ruin my life so i decided to start the world of light nuzlocke all over again last year i gave this run three attempts and two of them went horribly and one went so well until it didn't i needed to take a year off to like you know recover from that but everyone has been asking me when are you gonna do a light lock again so i decided to do it but i'm gonna change a few things last time i would use my best characters throughout the whole game you know to be better at the game but now i'm realizing i can make it through with the bad characters and then just save the good ones for when i need them and what if i try this little thing called reading the descriptions of events like i think if i just come in with a more tactical mindset that could make a difference and also since it was kind of controversial last time i'm going to allow dlc just because let's be honest you want to see minecraft steve right i don't think i'm going to play well but i think i can play smarter because that's i don't know that's all i got oh and um i also stream this entire run here on my youtube channel and if you want to watch the full unedited version of it be sure to subscribe to alfred replay where i upload all my streams and stuff wow that's so cool and just like that the journey starts all over again don't let a single one get away this cutscene is supposed to be beautiful but it does nothing but instill the thank you for the optimism pit but i've seen this cut scene too many times to agree with you i have hope and that's all i need so i booted up the game this is a completely new save file i only have eight characters unlocked we know how spirit works trust me stress me uh chat might disagree so no please that was so desperate oh come on [Music] that's what every dlc character looks like they just make their range further you know i always play smash with uh my reckless attitude in mind but i'm now remembering how that has uh ruined me in the past ah okay just fine fine can't get anything funny dude i remember as a kid i would see this and it would just blow my mind because i was like that's just jigglypuff i was trying to figure out what my controls were oh that's right that's how rest works it's like i get hit once and i'm just like all right this is how the run ends isn't it i have no confidence after what happened last time okay and now we're gonna unlock mario which uh you know one of my best characters and we're not just gonna throw him away we're gonna stick with kirby until he meets an unfortunate demise i hit him with the little brother did anyone else think i was about to lose that because something deep within me said we were about to have a very unfortunate first run but this one's going to be different this is uh this is going to be the winter pov just so everyone knows so okay dodge that so my strat which throw does the most damage wait okay watch this watch this watch this he's going to land on that no no no wait oh i was scared for nothing nice i think i'm just like trained to be scared of that one because of my past with it so now we get to make a difficult choice of i always fight bowser first and that's what i did last time but bowser is scary oh come on okay okay i accidentally inputted a fastball and like my heart sank for a second because i was like what what if i fall and hit the blast zone before villager i need enough near-death experiences to happen that i need to scare myself into playing careful you know that's how i've always been so give me a little longer um i mean i'm gonna have to break up both these trees eventually so might as well just uh start with that one let everyone take damage for a little bit i'm just gonna sit here and base some approaches uh-huh see this is what it looks like when you play careful maybe maybe move it over a little bit all right does not allow that such a thing all right please stop leave me alone all right keep it up keep it up see look at all the free percent i got and it's over i know there's like an isabelle smee sword fighter in here lucario pikachu over there uh i think i'm just gonna go down for the time being liliana um you guys want to see the strat you want to see the strat oh how does he do it how does he do it okay things are looking good now oh perfect disrespect you know the thing i shouldn't go for uh i could probably cheese it but there's no there's no reason to go for that right now um is it equally as dangerous from this side oh so i learned something today um i can't inhale him but i would like to say last time we also had an unfortunate start come here come here come here you're not ready for me you're not ready for me did you know that if you uh keep throwing the boomerang it gets stronger every time you throw it like i could have done exactly that with kirby if he just uh chose not to die milk tank milk tank is a good catch right here i'm just gonna not even entertain this idea um please i'm so smart i am so smart i did it guys i did it the absolute the number one mario main in the world is this too close for comfort oh oh they want me to say it's so bad oh i'm biting my tongue on this one all right and now we got link we have a type advantage uh this should be good uh bye bye mario even gave us the youtuber expression just linked it what and now i'm gonna go the skill tree you can see i'm actually looking at spirit advantages disadvantages uh i'm working quick towards double final smash which is right there so let's go on this path i'm playing so oh so much lamer than last time but it's efficient play lame win game and him okay so let's go this way now so i know that there are a couple in here that are a little scary if you uh go easy on so what we're not gonna do is sandbag hello stick funny stick they dyed a funny stick watch this trick this is gonna be a sick trick oh that was almost really cool okay just toss the wand behind that was almost a really nice combo though who's gonna be the big player in this nuzlocke i don't know but isn't that the exciting part like everyone knew about pat god and sonic who came out of left field no one expected that but aren't we just excited to see who's the big helper in this run it's never kirby because he dies too quick jab jab jab uh killing a flower pot yo let's go yo let's go let's go flower pot oh yeah forgot about this cutscene uh oh now we can't go over here i forgot about that but that's okay i might as well get lucario right here no no stop that what a fun edge guarding tool you know you never know if it's going to hit you but the answer is that it probably will i want to be optimistic but i also don't want to be disappointed but i think i have to be optimistic to be disappointed you know so let's be optimistic because i think we can do this i think if i take everything i learned from the last one in the year i spent contemplating it i think i think we have a good chance at this i think for now i don't want to go straight to bowser i actually want to collect spirits i'm just playing gonna play scavenger for now okay you have chosen death what an awful play all that happened because they up into the only place they shouldn't have oh he's much stronger that way uh do i get zap resistance here no oh but he's just so strong over here i am uh i am i am staying up here mega man if you want to fight uh feel free to yeah you can play your game i'll play mine yeah saying uh i can do this confidently has definitely been a downfall of mine in the past but uh nope i don't have any way to defend that it's just true look at that combo frame trapping i like how he dodged the first bowling ball so i just say what if i did another one like this is a good strat but if it works you know then i'll just feel stupid and foolish if it doesn't look at that green shelf that green shell could have been awful oh my god all right one switch done now we got to do the others we could probably knock out all of these before we do anything right yeah i really think the strat right now is to just gain the strongest spirits i can get as many characters as i can before even attempting a single boss fight this is a boss fight as far as i'm concerned you guys just don't want to be disappointed again and trust me neither do i well like where is the sense of thrill you know how boring would it be if i just did everything optimally is that really what you want don't say yes don't say yes you're not allowed to say yes there how did i lose how do i lose that bomb save me oh got him oh that was so badass [Laughter] that was so sick okay okay we got through that and now we're gonna get a pikachu okay throw this out look at that oh look at that [Music] [Laughter] pikachu busted yeah the [ __ ] up maybe oh he has beware actually we're just gonna camp beware out trust me this is for the best yep goodbye 12 seconds later all right all right we can play the game now oh that's crazy yeah i don't oh uh well played okay you're gonna get fight no no no no no no no please please falcon live this somehow somehow somehow yes yes yes no no no no no no [Laughter] [Music] oh thank god we got four stage i'm sure glad we risked falcon's life for that one oh these are the belmont such spam acts how funny you know that could just be said by looking at elite smash haha uh i'm waiting for my opening it's just like a bullet hell okay found it that's all i had to do just wait for my one opening okay okay now we're playing that same game again oh look at this jukes oh how does he do it how does he do it how does he do it i love world of light it just the ai is so fun to dick with okay i want to get a combo but like but why am i wasting my time trying to get something cool when i could just win uh the answer is because it's not about sending a message wait no it is about sending a message uh it's not about winning it's about sending a message there we go this is this pup is awful come on come on that was easily the worst ai we fought and it wasn't even close i think coming in with a different strategy has been the biggest difference maker because now we're just you know scavenging up everything we can find uh okay let's see how can i get something cool here bullet bill's a sick item oh god okay sure okay i remember being in my room just dancing on my bed singing this song thinking it was the best thing since michael jackson you know i actually thought michael jackson couldn't hold a candle of this to uh the displeasure of all my parents when i said that out loud he wishes he wishes he could do something like that and now it's pretty definitive we know that he will never do something like the jesus christ [Music] one of these will work got him [Laughter] yes yes that's what my plan was all along how does he do it okay warrior can't do anything about that he just sits there and takes it actually come on oh i thought that hit oh no no no no no no no no no no okay okay okay i thought they were like in a whoa okay okay okay wait oh i only had to kill the dog oh how did that break your shield um no no not like this uh sure not not though the best punish in the world but not the worst either oh oh we get to kill with funny pummels we're getting there oh that's so raw you smack them on the ground and you oh me sort of that's a freestyle on the track no reason that should have worked but it do all right so now we unlocked our 10th fighter wow that's so crazy i wonder if we'll unlock seven more by chance oh wow dlc slay wow oh that's so cool oh oh thank you for that oh boy yeah so now all we have to figure out is who is the most worthless character on our roster that i don't feel bad about playing i think midman but let me at least do one game so i can put steve in the thumbnail you're going to brazil imagine an rpg and then you just have steve like this just looks hysterical right this is a good strategy of just playing it nice and safe not even safe we're just gathering an army come here come here inkling i got a funny trick to show you very funny trick [Laughter] all right well i don't uh i don't think i saw that one coming we want to see the most violent death hold up oh god he didn't even let me do it is this going to be a vid yes most streams turn into videos if a stream does not turn into a video that means the stream was bad uh i'll go down there in a little bit let's uh get we fit first oh stop that i mean steve honestly kind of strong now that like i know he's strong but like come on dude hi clean and now we get to this is this one's dr mario yeah and i'm feeling uh pretty good about it just because i'm just gonna swing funny arms yeah i spent six dollars for these arms they might as well do something god that look he gives me i just don't like it does mario have cataracts minimum with item that's weird oh why don't more minimum means just do that oh yeah we got doctor mario okay so i gotta go all this way for inkling actually that's one two three fights and i do need the spirit to traverse through stuff later [Music] um [Music] yeah yeah okay all right bye bye bye midman gone but not forgiven that was an honest god whoopsie um who should we play with who has i think yoshi is a character who has like some punch but again not upset if we lose and i think that's who i should be playing with right now okay okay i can avoid all this with yoshi oh smash no no no all right i'm taking my ball and i'm going home all right if you didn't want me there that's all you had to say that's it that's all you had to say buddy the message received needless to say what i was off by like a few okay thank god okay i just had to hold my breath for a second i saw that happen and uh oh i would have just been needle camping if i knew that was gonna happen yikes yeah i have impact run turned on don't i yep that's okay oh she disappeared oh oh we did it do you see how slow she falls i think like with puff i'm just gonna try and edge guard every character because i have six jumps and i'm floaty now so like the world is really my oyster yep ggs oh wait we unlocked fox that's right put him on the board we might actually get all these buttons before we even fight a boss which i i'm kind of scared because then if i fight a boss and then i lose everything then it was all for nothing come on it's an infinite oh my god how does this infinite work oh it's inescapable it works every single time [Music] it's every single time without fail oh uh good thing it's an infinite good thing it's an infinite it always works every time you need it to you know let's just uh let's take care of this one real quick oh nice nice swing and a whiff oh do you want to try again uh now i just get to like run a lap real quick so we are again the rest of the side we just got to get one green switch which is down here things are looking good come on i i wanna if play in any other world i would be roll outing right here but like i i gotta i gotta play it right what are you doing donkey kong i tried to narrow and the game did not let me oh uh okay oh let's fight midman however how ironic i can't even do that with minmen oh oh what what what the [ __ ] like if i died of that i would have been so mad oh [Music] what did i get whoa whoa what you're you're done i i that's okay sure i tried to go for like the craziest swag strat but it did not work whoa whoa whoa [Music] okay okay that we we all agree that was too too close for comfort right oh how do you evade all that okay well he's actually dying this time [Music] he really died he died a lot okay they're comboing me got it oh oh oh oh i if i was gonna kill him i had to do at the beginning this looks a little dangerous here wait wait wait a sec it'll it'll all work off work in a second all right bye-bye um i know we're getting close to some good stuff this one is obnoxious okay this is this is scary this is scary i don't think this was a strat oh that was so close i think that's what i got to do though wait no god damn no no no no no yes yes sonic you did it you did it come on come on just that was a desperate play but it could have worked out of the corner out of the corner wait okay okay okay go falcon we [ __ ] falcon he's not gonna kill no no no no no no no no i can do this just let it rip just just see what we can get out of it just any amount of damage please [Music] oh that's actually not how i expected to have have won but okay i'm just gonna spam this move because it works i mean they're not hitting me are they they're just air dodging through it perfectly which is honestly pretty impressive does he even want to fight okay you just wanted to dance isn't this donkey kong oh my dude well i can do the wave bounce side oh oh wait no what's uh uh what was the way yeah there we go there we go see it's technical it's cool it's cool because i pressed buttons [Music] oh that's stamina oh no he's just a [ __ ] got it but donkey kong i get to put donkey kong on the school oh i love donkey kong so additional mineral jumps over here don't really have any anywhere to go from i think i'm just going to save up for double final smash for now and because that's like really strong so might as well start with the strongest ones we can get i do think giant is really good for like the [ __ ] bosses but if it's going to be like a battle of stamina you probably don't want giant on but i do want to get giant fish just so i have them because it's it's valuable xenoblade 2 best girl so i forgot to read there but i i think we're okay all right i had to kill her yeah we're more than okay how long does the stream uh the stream ends when i get disappointed sheriff assist killer important we will uh we'll break him out when we need him and trust me we will need him wouldn't it have been nice if we had him uh when we lost two spirits ha ha that would have been cool wouldn't it huh if we had him yeah okay so we get zelda and pit in here no simon as well right or they're invincible oh that's cool uh i'm just gonna i'm just gonna okay i'll lose that uh silence silence all of you just look at that and work silence you too bye bye simon uh i don't think there's like ever gonna be a time where i just like deny characters like i see one i'm like oh it's not worth it because i think i always want it right oh that's it that's it oh no victory [Applause] everyone take a deep breath lord lucas is okay and uh with lucas still intact but i think lucas has proven his worth beyond what we believed was realistic so i i think i kind of want to want to save him want to cherish the boy and replace him with dr mario sure dr mario down here that's fine i was like either i get the funny down air or just we we go back down there that that oh god who's ready for that oh final smash okay oh what's down here oh yeah chest [Music] oh they got me oh that's that gets me every single time and i always appreciate the gimmick every single time okay doc go save pit while you're here okay okay it's kind of nice it's kind of nice now oh thank you banana the most untrue true combo you've ever seen i mean that was real i promised that was real oh this doesn't really mean anything for us because we haven't even done a boss fight yet like that's the scary thing we haven't done a boss fight yet my mind says if we can just rack up enough spirits and characters we can storm through the boss fights easy peasy maybe maybe hopefully hopefully hopefully yeah it's a hopefully oh i keep i can't tell which dog's mine sdi sti look at that sdi it was so good okay so this is scary oh god bump i tried to pick the bomb i tried to pick the bomb up i wanted to pick it up before it exploded but what can i say the better doctor one who do i want to try who do who is going to beat all the projectiles if i can just get bounce actually uh bounce there we go now we just play the game that all right that didn't work look at this look at this look at this expert gameplay this is phenomenal i just get to blow up bombs like it's no one's business okay i need i need to make magic happen before bounce disappears all right bounce disappeared wait no no oh please that's a hit that's a few hits right there that that was good bounce was absolutely the play there and then i f smashed and then i asked no okay it's i it's not over yet is it he he funny man go beat b oh okay that got me out of there that got me alive okay kaboom yeah that was an explosion an explosive game we needed a hero and with that being said i think we realize how valuable hero is to us so i'm gonna grab him take him and put him back in the reserves because he is a very val this this is a hard battle but it's a good spirit this is a very very strong spirit so the best thing i can do is not let him approach me and boomerang is just another projectile and it only gets stronger oh all right see i'm out of there stamina stamina is being dealt oh okay oh you want to come in oh come come through i dare you he's just getting vibe checked out of his mind oh okay that's fine that's fine yeah we we all get again and down smash every now and then come on come on oh big look at this look at this stack it up stack it up suck it up suck it up oh okay okay okay no no no no no no no no did you see that he tried to end me he wanted the game to end in that moment that's that was a combo no it wasn't it was not a combo but this is damaged please do not get your final fashion return uh i don't even want to try and edge guard him you know like it's just not worth it back shield wait oh no i lost i lost boomerang come on it's not working no do not kill me do not kill me i did it no no no no no no no no no no no no please please one points 1.6 [Music] yes oh oh my god ah that was that was so hard that was very hard like that wasn't even i'm gonna cheese him kind of hard that was like i am going to play the most toxic belmont i possibly can oh [Music] let's go that was such a sneaky little spike right there okay mega man is never going to be like the hero for us because i do think mega man is like my worst character in the game but he'll be there when we need him um okay so this is a little pseudo maze puzzle door one we open up one of these is hard the one with sheriff what is the strat do we take the sheriff uh spirit did we just use a cyst killer on that i'm trying to remember what made it hard because they get some some of them do that and then some of them have us do we do we actually need because i know that one has a spirit in front of it do we need to turn all of them on uh i can't play him on stage so i think i'm just oh god oops get me out of here please what wait what what what how what because lucas is out for blood um okay 20 skill spheres so right here is dr wily and the fun fact about this one is that it's optional i think ice climbers are like one of the coolest characters not in the game but with items on because like optimal ice climbers is like theoretically some of the sickest [ __ ] ever oh did you see that that was honestly insane coverage okay so now i go down here uh we're doing good progress in here which uh now we can go to the boss fight which is a little scary i'll be honest all right you know what i'm gonna use joker either it's gonna work or it won't he's ready he's doing everything he can but boy am i going to spam back here oh i could have spent a little longer oh yeah that's it that's it our sent counter yeah no oh it disappeared he disappeared disappeared smash smash smash smash smash smash smash get out there joker no god damn it i could have counter i could have countered i don't regret my game plan i don't regret my game plan i think that was a good strategy i i think that was a good strategy i it was the right strategy i just played poorly um before i just go and get snake because i think i need someone with strong aerials so i can just fast follow it because i do think that is an excellent strategy okay or kicking in or kicking in oh god that was awful i was so safe if i just kept spamming back here i was safe and then i tried to go over him but i just upbeat straight into the explosives that was so i think joker was good that one was just bad oh i thought it air dodged that i thought it air dodged that oh get get another plant whoa god no no no no no no that move always scares me oh no god i did the same thing again just back air him you coward wait actually it has like no lag hold up i can i might do something crazy here because up air is in a lot of damage okay okay don't die here don't die here oh god oh [ __ ] oh that was the answer mega man he destroyed mega man is the boss fight character instant drop up here is it that's that's the truth that was insane mega man mega man my absolute worst character oh my god god rest in peace zakaria rest in peace plant but i think i'm gonna get snake and then i'll probably call it good for today because that was like three and a half hours he even at naruto runs there is so much power exuding dare i say emanating from this mega man so like why did i not give him credit before if i listened to him we could have saved joker and that would have been huge because losing joker it hurts i'll be honest okay cool i did i did the right play wait i can just hold up excuse me excuse me leave me alone leave me alone please [Applause] yeah maybe like using the characters whose can only use specials and like a limited amount was not the best idea when my game plan was to not use specials okay we'll take that bounce oh okay that's good that's good give me my fairy bottle bag no no no no no no no okay i saw metal slash okay well i wasn't okay a fairy bottle got it no no no no i'm being wobbled no literally everything that went wrong did no no okay i just want out there's one out bang wait the foot yes yes and you know what i think it's donkey kong time stop that cypher oh i thought i would break it oh he didn't have a c4 oh we did it if the army we've already constructed isn't appetizing enough for you well we found someone who might change your mind who's this what's your game plan oh oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa if i die did that what was that gimmick from pack god you guys want to see the hype is kill of all time how is he doing what do you do about this come on that's just invincible um so these are the early levels because this is like the start of a path i'm just trying to get to this olimar right here look at this crazy kill yep oh god that's olimar all right peach you get to live what the [ __ ] was that we all thought she was gonna go down right oh yeah i'm trying to get marth real quick yeah yeah martha's up for grabs and then i say we just go straight to bowser god he's so floaty he's just an actual helicopter but anyways who am i not scared to lose uh me me swordfighter is definitely on the list but i don't have the customs the layout i want so let's say let's say puff for now okay stop that oh oh come on oh stop falling so fast thank you oh okay okay okay okay you know what you know what no no no no no no no no no okay okay okay okay okay i'm i'm chill i'm chill bro i'm chill like he's insane like he he has no reason to be this crazy oh wait he might be dead yep okay thank you coming through oh okay let me just get hit by this oh oh my god that was just bullying boom boom i do remember this mission because i underestimated it incredibly so so what am i going to do here that's different uh grab i need someone with good grab not good grab good throws a lot of bass knock back like a ness um what was the crowd range hello he could have killed me off that easily oh nice boy ah into bowser as we go again another run killer coming up which is just the entirety of the molten fortress but i'm feeling good ish stop that stop that oh i think all the ai in world of light all they do is uh oh no no no oh no no banjo oh no what happened there if i air dodged immediately after upping i think i would have recovered too it was just it was just an accident i'll play terry i'm fine i'm fine oh come through nope coming through i was like he's that kill percent this will work just start mashing okay back shield has terry let's use it all right game doesn't let me use it oh i use the back shield i'm so sick how do i do it okay bye-bye oh ho spirit um pretty sure it's optional i don't remember for sure though um yeah i think it's just a convenience thing to open that bridge up but this one this is a hard one in the past but now i have spirit like decent spirits beam sword might be good oh oh wait wait wait oh my god because of the lava i thought it kept being able to up you for a second oh that was almost that was almost so sick if i just laddered him off the top with the terrycopter that was so funny yeah honestly i lost the i lost multiple runs of the previous attempts to that spirit so beating it with one fighter or with zero fighters lost even uh feels really good so i'm i'm happy with how that turned out god my arm was too strong okay watch this i tried to cancel it how did i cancel it there we go [Laughter] that one's just for show though all right snack l lion let's get attacking and we'll make it we'll make it work waves of cod let's go oh my god that actually worked i was just gonna pop them up as much as i could that was kind of raw though that was kind of sick um yeah yeah that's good but i think i'm gonna wait for double final smash yeah fire explosion resist which is good because we're about to fight bowser it's like they did that intentionally yeah let's do me sword fighter come on like me sword fighter is never going to get a redemption yeah he could be the sacrifice today that's fine like he's gonna go down a goddamn martyr and he's okay with that oh we're also gonna lock bowser i forgot that's a thing that happens right here all right misorder okay that's what that move does see look at this all right okay jump over the fire breath whoa oh oh okay i think i died that wrong okay that's actually why did i remember that boss fight being like such a run killer because that that was honestly really tame i feel like i could have just led with mega man that was wow that was uh that wasn't that bad okay okay i'm just gonna get out of here real quick [Music] there's i'm punishing that on nope okay yeah mega man wasn't the answer oh rest in peace mega man me sword fighter honestly did better oh barely got out of there okay air dodge out air dodge out jump over the fire whoa whoa whoa whoa don't let go like that no no no no [Music] okay okay let's be cool let's be cool i tried to air dodge over him okay i'm just gonna go to ledge real quick no damn it that was it that was it damn it i didn't think you would to frame me with a funny punch uh okay let's talk about projectile character is it is it light lock lucas are you gonna lead us to victory okay i think i can do my aerial strat okay hear me out hear me out this is what i'm gonna do same thing i was doing last time just aerial do that and then i'm out but can't i think i can absorb that and then just do this just for damage purposes damage and now i'm out and then i can heal look at that look at that actually light lock lucas to our rescue yet again get out of there get out of there oh you want to use that flame breath so bad don't you oh yeah look at that actually why did i roll there that was honestly the world's most it was the worst and world's worst sentence actually and okay oh that was the wrong move get out there he tried to pk frieza's back i i feel keep flame breath yeah see and it's all we're all back to zero it's like nothing ever happened wow oh you guys ready to cheer for the jv hold up hold up oh oh zero percent lucas how how does he even do it that's a victory you know at the end of the day that's a victory oh bowser welcome to the roster buddy wow things are turning up pretty well because i remember last time i escaped bowser i had only peach and when last time i did gallium i'd only snake in bowser so i'm happy i'm really happy where things are right now i'm saving light lock lucas that was crazy now i i've never seen someone like can you believe what he did to bowser all right let's mine brother uh mining away gold bye bye no nothing funny there it's just the fact that minecraft steve is here um i still gotta find captain to get there i i wanna open the doors oh buddy we meet again remember when he stole everything from us absolutely everything whoa whoa whoa i almost got reversal right there okay let me just time out these bombs all right not that one oh his bomb stay even after what happened to you i was just minding my own goddamn business and tuling found a way to end it all uh there we go i just love down smash that animation's just funny oh i forgot we unlocked a character by doing that what what what are those jukes from snake yeah that's not gonna kill i got close though oh he woke me up thank you [Applause] can we talk about that snipe that flashbang snipe okay so we're moving on i'll forget this is plane oh that's where like ryu and ken are if i'm correct remove the clouds i know there's like samus right here there's gaming watch in there yeah we're just opening uh the possibilities for tons and tons of new characters this is promising i am honestly surprised that the first run is going this well you know knock on wood die please samus you me you made your point very cash money and everything just please be cool be cool um okay whoa whoa whoa what are you doing down there samus come on i just asked you to be cool come on come on thank you thank you thank you thank you oh he is now scared or they i don't really know what gleam is galeem is that the right name i think know the right thing i don't i don't even remember anymore it's been a minute it's how do you hit these bastards okay come on come on this this isn't even funny anymore just just stop being cringe just come on just just die please i would like to play the game if anyone cares not the birds not the birds not the birds fine just end it uh who wants to die please all of you and that's game and watch right there all right let's switch to grab and float all right don't edge guard don't edge guard if we learn anything it's that you're not allowed to edge guard no okay everyone was scared for a second right just just for a second we were all a little worried yeah we were all scared for a second right right i feel like that nine everyone's heart just sank or was that just me i i don't know where this guy died but okay fine fine we can play this game and how is he still walking i'm gonna let them kill themselves yep yep that was my plan i just had to check in and it worked why why would i risk something like that what do you want to do i'm going to f smash he wanted to spin you know i was just asking him a question oh i don't have lapras yet i forgot we got to go over here and i think we also get another fighter i think i don't remember who all right you you want to play this game all right we can play this game i saved oh i tried to save them um down here shine sprite is a mad good spirit this okay actually um i can do this i can i can do this pretty easily hold up hold up so i fiend like whenever i'm bored you know just like sitting on the couch with my switch i fiend spirit board but spiritless and i've done this spirit list several times sometimes with me brawl or something with dk and i actually think i can do this so what happens is rosalina starts out i can't really do anything because she's invincible she starts with final smash and i just fly above her and she activates it and uh i can air dodge out on reaction wait actually let me get that okay she narrows okay now i'm out i'm out she weighs her fine what that grabbed me that was not supposed to grab me but i'm alive it's okay now i just need rosalina to come over to me okay [Music] okay no no no that was not supposed to happen that was not supposed to happen none of that was supposed to happen no he read the rule okay you know what this was optional i'm not going to do it goodbye yep did you know you could do that oh god i forgot that was neutral because i didn't grab it um just stops i i am slacking right now i don't know what's okay jesus [ __ ] off isabelle god please burn in hell thank you come on come on come on oh there was some genuine anger in that one like jeez i just did not like how they were toying with me i have not touched them in soul body bloody i'm gonna have to ask you to calm jesus christ what happened to this charge i almost zero death them and now he's out for blood this is insane wow that's just for weapon attack where's the other whatever it's fine it's fine it's fine we're moving on pokemon trainer that's a big get though okay high key i think button samus is like one of the coolest characters in this game like like i p people sleep on samus because like you know i can just uh go to ledge not ledge i can just go to like edge and just do this and get my my 30 combos off like weak charge shot but like button stamps is so cool oh my god i'd be sword chill chill i think i'll fall for nope nope don't play with me oh come on come on oh oh final smash clutch dear god thank you thank you so much also i gotta get lapras right isn't lapras down here yeah there we go i i gotta know gotta remember how this one works can't go for a swim i do gotta play this one uh fairly not button samus oh moonwalk from nana don't don't do that please thank you that one always scares me a little bit okay so we got lapras now we can move on to the island and that almost does it for like the base world of light [Music] this is hard mode by the way if anyone is curious all right to the island we go um we're going to ignore those two spirits uh let's just kill cream and cheese real quick like there aren't any witnesses please coming through [Laughter] so things are pretty good and this is uh me gunner oh no no no no oh please please please please this is good that's good just thank you thank you thank you double final smash oh look at that combo never seen something like that before in my life thank you spirit tree there we go that's why i was looking uh turn around this time please stand us there we go all right all right that looks a little bit better thank you thank you oh forest hill so this is the wrathless fight we gotta kite him into whatever i don't remember i i think charizard ai is probably one of the scariest things in this game please please be cool be cool oh just char shot i'm gonna let it rip oh my god you're crazy you're so crazy why do you do the things you do okay i gotta kill him before he gets final smash because i think i'm just like dead to it what if i did both uh hello wrath lewis it's me don't run oh oh oh oh there oh you don't you hate it when that happens [Music] thank you play steve for my cousin he has cancer and he watches your well [ __ ] 12 seconds later okay donkey be cool oh my god this is not cool this is so not cool this is so not cool um what what is it what what what am i supposed to do no oh wait i got someone i got someone hold up zero suit see your suit um um i'll eat that i should have i should heal for that personally speaking [Music] okay okay i hit falco i hit falco hold up i've been too scared to spam no no no okay okay i can't even get hit by laser no no no no [Music] no no we haven't done mario in a while we're gonna do mario this actually game set match right there that one's just for you zero zook just for you oh there's also link right link comes out now any second now okay what if he just got spiked oh no i'm just just playing oh he caught the boomerang oh god oh i caught it i caught it back perfect perfect perfect okay every everything's looking good hold up link's link's almost dead that's that's a dead link right there whoa i'm alive okay there is my boomerang all right don't die don't die don't die okay oh she exploded that herself i could die here oh all right that's over that is that is over and now it's just tune link i'm giving him a lot of respect right now and i don't think i need to all right and we got toon link uh we traded steve for tune link uh i don't know if that was a great choice but at least it made someone happy you know so to rathalos we go um we want power and we want a lot of it all right there is he is ready for me come on i am ready to spam backers and throw deku nuts like it's no one's business okay off to a great start deck you're not there we go there we go uh that's a lot of damage bowser bomb oh i got so lucky i got so lucky i could have thrown everything away he juked he juked me last minute okay wow wow first try boss fight not bad not bad okay wake up get collect scavenge a few more fighters and then we just take it to the first like chapter boss fight you know rest in peace minecraft steve i'm just saying lightlock lucas he would have won infinity war we didn't even need in game so with all of that being said i'm pretty confident we won't lose a single fighter this episode oh i thought that would work no no no i fast fell i shouldn't have done god i need a hero god when the world needed you most he was there he listened thank you uh okay toadette there i know there's like i think that's ice climbers there flame thrower oh look at all that damage watch this reed oh did who would have expected that happened [Applause] literally never there is never a good time to get comp god dude all right come here [Music] you might not like it because that's what optimal gameplay looks like i went to this region because it was supposed to be like easier but i'm still feeling good about it because all i have to do is defeat zapfish and i get little mac and pichu or don't i only have to kill doc yeah yeah i forgot oh goodbye bye mega man he's got places to be i guess no we have rules just because you want to see minecraft steve again does not mean we're going to oh poor pichu oh no [Music] he died um victini oh yeah that's the thing the teeny sheik's not really going to do me a lot this run so if i throw away sheik that's fine roll i rolled i rolled the fact he lost his final smash is so big oh oh what was that what was that people said i shouldn't try and get victini huh and now i get hyper smash decks yeah okay okay so let's get this and this one is hard to say the least we gotta go grabs and this one's strong it's giant i don't even know what else we take sheik's kill power is mess sure but like [Music] but like i can just do this like i just make sure pikachu doesn't play all right i'm not doing a great job of it right now that was almost nice oh i thought i had i thought i had that oh watch out for that up here i'm scared i'm scared oh wait that's it that's it that's it first try pikachu oh what a run this is turning out to be and now after that we get to go back outside and pick up a little mac along the way god chic so good so good oh chic oh my god giant sheep feels five percent oh that's crazy come on come on you know you want to there we go i was like it will die if i touch it it's a perfect plan all right well we don't have to pick up any of those anymore all right anyways now we fight mac which this one should not be hard little knack is just air docking like an absolute scrub even the ai doesn't know how to play this character it's one of those matchups where like yeah sheik should win right but what if i get hit twice oh annie a super armor and a stamina okay okay okay we get it bro [Music] victory but i found a way oh oh it's it's sheep versus chic you know what one of my favorite things about this game is like all the all the little things because like look that sheik's still holding needles just because like i have neil's charged so she's like holding them at all times that's so sick like look like you know isn't this image just raw uh and now they're gonna get their final smash and this is this is kind of close oh that was such a nice grab oh my god i got desperate i got so desperate i was like after after a bouncing fish please throw a bouncing fish i killed myself but like the gamble was there i don't think that was like a cocky play dude didn't accidentally go in the blast zone i knew if i missed that i was dying hey hey hey bro watch this trick watch this trick it's a condom [Applause] uproar to final smash is a true combo for pac-man why is that funny okay so now we can find a zero suit up here and i know i know there's a nest right over there wait can't i just go this way coming through stop that stop that jab jab oh i can't even connect the jabs that's so sad well you know that was a true combo as far as i'm concerned i mean it works therefore is true okay shield often [ __ ] [Laughter] yes all according to plan okay so oh master hand that's right hello buddy all right we got master hand and who wants to be the one to take him down maybe the hero of hands that's his name right ah mastering do you do you know how many times i've been in this exact position throughout my entire life okay oh got a full hop oh f smash is so strong oh move deals like 40 for some reason block those okay well it was an experiment you know it's called a hypothesis for a reason uh i wanna kill him with a cool kill cool kill nope oh boomerang what boomerang so he is having a little seizure and he's just disappearing kindly did not die he just burned through you know hard a thousand flames something like that anyways uh galeem oh look at link all stanced up and ready to go i'm feeling good i'm feeling good i i don't think i have any reason to be scared of this boss you know i say so confidently oh god oh god no no spike that spikes that's huh so i think i don't think he's a bad option and we have so many characters go through um i i'm down for this no no no no no no no no i'm really dead break my shield break my shield break my shield wait no whoa don't spike me again god damn it light lock lucas can you save us one more time we can't waste a little mac we there are some heavy hitters that we can't waste yet all right light lock lucas show us what you're made of it all comes down to this it'd be such a shame to lose him after everything he's done for us oh god oh god do not kill him off that please what is this what is this okay i'm safe i'm safe but he's gonna do again oh i was safe i need those golden balls those yes that's what i'm talking about thank you thank you thank you oh lightlock lucas in full force yet again look at that reed okay okay that was the power i needed okay okay you know what why why even doubt light lock lucas okay that's why that's why in the midst of all this no no no no no no no no no come on you you want to throw the gold ball so bad you want to throw the gold balls so bad oh golem you want to send those at me oh please and thank you oh lightlock lucas coming to my rescue yet again like what could they possibly do to me now don't get too comfortable though you know that's one mistake we don't want to make yes he's the mvp no one expected it from him right but here he is taking every boss down why even throw someone else out there those deaths were in vain because lucas was fully capable of being our secret weapon and also if you don't know uh this cutscene happens and then we just say remember this boss what if that was dark you get it um so while we're here we can uh rally up some fighters real quick i'm just gonna spam up smash someone's gonna get hit by it got him got him look at this edge guarding how do you deal with something proficient like this [Music] he is gonna die i'm sorry that's what optimal gameplay looks like oh and a flying man protecting of course of course uh i'll get rid of flying man real quick now i'll get rid of ness you know just taking out the trash oh i do gotta kill them all oh well i was not playing like i had to so let's uh let's go down here i thought all i had to do was kill ness oh god in there final smash no no no hate this hate this hate this hate this so much no no no cancel cancel i get another one i get another one oh my god if i if i had both if i had both no no no no no no i didn't mean to jump no it's not a huge loss it's just the fact i didn't have to lose it that's what hurts oh that was a that was a careless loss oh no no all right that was a strut i say as i just that was just a misinput that was just a missing but god bless dude you know what i'm just getting bored we're just gonna go jigglypuff and edgeguard them now okay no he do you see that he tried to scoop me holy [ __ ] no i can't even trade i can't even trade anymore no no no he tried to give attack that would have killed me i think he's dead i think he's dead i think he's dead okay he's not dead but neither am i [Music] no i knocked him off god damn it okay okay okay that was scary that was scary we got 73 health we're playing this very cautious very cool and we're gonna hold on to this final smash okay okay we're not actually no okay okay okay okay can't no he he got the little villager face popping up okay wait doesn't spike me through the stage oh thank you thank you they they have had mercy on me by standing right in the center they they won't know what to do it's not going to kill that is not going to kill but this is it this is big and like i want to go fight him because it's so close but like i i know i know what happens when you try and fight him no no no he punched he punched so good lord rocket oh my god i don't think like that fight was necessarily stressful on its own but like given what was at stake made that so emotionally terrifying oh i can't help but feel bad about what just happened oh i can't help but feel bad what's he gonna do nothing just sit there hair dog oh he just took it all right well we got ness i i call that a pretty good victory honestly let's uh go up here get isabelle you know not like super necessary but she's good fodder because that's what we need a lot of we need the characters to fight the battles and if they lose we send in light lock lucas you know okay so isabel come through and then we're ready to go victory they just didn't touch me i didn't let her play the game nothing exciting happened but she just died i see him once come on come on um what the really ai camps oh okay we got timer hold up hold up hold up that's why he's came jesus christ he can't oh no oh no oh oh my god there we go that's it no no no no no thank god i now understand why he was camping to get ice climber which is the ultimate fodder for me of course they're grabbers um nana dies today oh wait hold up hit her this way oh there there we go you just gotta keep them separated i can't go up the hill don't i just have to oh wait now i can because i got the ice climbers of course um if i can just get one up there who knows where that might lead to you know maybe maybe another one oh he almost died one more though please oh no uh no no [Applause] i got i got so schmixed i got so schmixed unironically shmixed oh my god uh all right you know let's throw ice climbers in here okay we haven't got anything to lose but i got two ice climbers i used to think they were broken in melee because like you know that just means you get to jump twice you you got two guys that was such an easy mission like it's honestly upsetting like we have so much more power than him but i just honestly god gets schmix like he just outplayed me come on off the wall off the wall no no no no no oh oh they did not want me to win that one did you see that they separated them and i got hit by ridley uppy intentionally i got hit by it just so i could uh uh recover that was 100 a galaxy brain recovery and okay come on please please that was so scary he does not want to die thank you thank you ice climbers uh okay got a whole shield for that there we go all right so uh now we gotta fight falco and uh i'm gonna say ice climbers because again i just don't mind losing them we can play this game all day you're gonna get wobbled all over again just take you back to your glory days which is honestly it it falcon glory days involve him getting wobbled which is so sad if you think about it uh so this is where i'm at i think i just want to build up the path there just to make things easier i mean these should be pretty easy but like at the same time i got mixed by mario that one time so like i i never really know all the good runs have started with kirby dying first and that's just a fact so i think i just felt very confident when we lost kirby immediately because i knew that meant good things oh i so wish that they acted like brawl and melee ice climbers like the thing is they are very lame characters but they have potential of being so cool you know what that's kind of nice though spike them to the ground all right well nana with that out of the way we are in the dark realm perfect perfect yes nice nice good ice climbers and i think we go down here we get incineroar so i remember doing this last time and i did not have lava floor turned on so i'm gonna be a little bit smarter this time and turn lava floor on um everyone's coming over here don't like that all right uh i'm gonna go over to the lava oh oh god no that pikachu just sauced on me dear god okay okay okay so they they play well together that's the thing that's the scary part i i don't even know how to like gimmick it i think i just have to stay alive for my final smash come here someone get hit by it thank you oh god they're going crazy for no what what continued savages complete savages you know what yeah i'm just really smart that's where it all boils down to you know oh thank god thank god thank god thank god okay we can do this we can do this i get two of these i get two of these alrighty then okay that is how it's done folks patiently play lame win games i'm so scared i am so scared of her right now come on one bowling ball yes oh that was clutch villager that was clutch get in cinema and bring them home now please go go bye-bye fight that's it yep that was the homie di he was like i'm not i'm not even gonna try to recover from that one i was ready to do the falco thing which is uh up till until something works which robs can relate to because they have they have down tilt and boy do they be using that move nope can't touch the ground sorry one just died on its own and that's good for good by me okay into the lava it's perfect perfect no don't do that don't do that don't do that okay he's at zero that's not good for me oh i thought the slowdown was like my death i don't know okay come on come on come down here no no oh please please in the lava in the lava die die okay okay what's in here please please i got lucky let's be honest i remember this one i i think i'm falco so i can't just outplay him real quick if you guys don't mind yo can we talk about that i'll play though go off stage go nope fight the urge fight the urge yeah i was like i know i shouldn't it's like the spongebob i need it i need it come on should be safe be safe be safe go offstage though no no no no i'm stronger than i'm stronger than that how many times can be stronger than that though see i edge guarded them yeah we did it okay so here we are in the triforce dungeon oh there's so many puzzles in here i just forgot about wait oh well it's fine everything's fine guys and now we get no penalty of continuous dodging which is nice for like boss fights and now we're just gonna work our way to air attack oh oh i remember this one no victory victory i did it yeah i defeated calamity ganon on my first try okay we get uh me brawler zelda in here right and then that's cloud um krom over here ish krom yeah ready come here no nice try [Music] victory buddy was badass uh wishing lives trapped in time i know that like there's a time it's like 12 40. okay well there we go zelda i think zelda's a pretty big catch oh oh how does he do that did you see that never before seen falco combo oh oh i'm so nice on the sticks oh oh oh how is he doing how does he do it i tried to do a cool combo there but instead i was playing falco oh it's a triangle okay let's go find the brawler what if i just did this whoo hello goodbye oh no no no no that would hit free patch that would have absolutely hit pre-patch they nerfed zelda final smash huh crazy all right bumper there i'm building something there see oh my god that was a galaxy brain item com i i think that was good enough to be clickbait uh there is no one who wastes your rival shut up are we talking about sonic the hedgehog i'll talk about sonic the hedgehog protector of the master sword i mean haven't you played sonic in the black knight oh that's dead that's so dead falco is kind of he's kind of tearing up today uh yeah let's clear this path just so we don't have to do it later is there any gimmick beyond just uh killing these two because if it's if that's the case i'm just going to be spamming oh yeah that's it oh it feels so earned and deserved all right and we can't go in here yet uh so we will wait for mr strife 43 right from the get-go oh he he's going you want to get falco combo if you're going up there oh [Laughter] lights north west north then continue north oh should we dive in the water all right i hate tiny kong this spirit sucks ass heavy winds uh i want to throw a character i don't really care about you know what sonic's fast sonic can catch this little [ __ ] who runs away from me oh no no no no no please no sonic you died in vain god damn it you did so well last run and you just you were born to die this one sucks that's it interception whoa i won evo 2019 i don't even know what happened evo 2019 so peachy was a surprising plate i i can't believe we got sonic just to throw him away but you know what he served his purpose last run so we will not forget what he's done for us there we go okay i just need to get him off me for a second wait final smash do something there we go easy wow okay yeah that was a scary game to play peachy with okay and now out of the chest we come and we unlock chrom uh this will work look uh i [Music] don't i don't know how he was gonna get by all those whoo why did that work no get me out of here i got scared all of a sudden whoa no dude that should have worked this [ __ ] he has two swords oh please oh oh f smash thank god okay well we got krom probably one of the best characters in world of light which means we are not using him until the end god if we get celebi it would be good like celebi is just an incredibly good spirit but like [Music] oh i thought i f smashed him [Music] i missed actually this is a good zelda mission because if i don't know where i am i just spam neutral beat because that's how you play zelda that's it celebi easy see i wasn't even worried celebi for boss rush is kind of nice but it's just cowardice young link i forgot yeah okay sure why not so good so good at the game so good at the game so good at the game i'm not gonna go for more i was like i thought about it i wanted it but i chose not to two triangles what could this mean oh that's gonna be link we're gonna unlock link again right surely that would make sense if we fight link right there right wouldn't that just make a lot of sense it's cloud strife who would have seen this coming oh nice such a good kill oh i'll tee back the ai for that just they got outplayed what can i say okay big character that's good solid run so far collecting all the characters zelda pull the master sword it was your destiny for it is your legend after all i don't remember a cutscene oh well now we know what a triangle looks like and i think that's really cool okay so this is the way we got to go you know we get like yeah bowser jr right there it's like a completely random character what does this sign say ascend the path yeah okay i i planned on it ah i just get sad oh that was brutal that was brutal but what a good song like if i only did one thing with my channel and it was spread xenoblade propaganda then i lived a good life whoa calm down whoa whoa hold up hold the [ __ ] up no no no no we can still win this we can still win this hold up hold up hold up i can still win this i can still win this never doubt the power of zelda final smash [Laughter] it was my hail mary and i knew it [Music] i knew it i knew it some might call it cheese but i call it being clutch that was straight up cheating and we we all know it right that was definitely too close for comfort i but here we are surviving 440. that's fine cool bro let's unlock bowser jr he's going to upbeat oh oh i can clip him right here yep i knew it i love it when i know like random [ __ ] about the game and then it works like i think i'm so good at like coming up with something like this should work right okay now we fight ganondorf oh okay yeah whatever and then we fight evil ganon or like you know i'm talking about oh that broke through it no okay okay now i have to actually play he has ruined the jv possibility huh well i was a little more scared than i needed to be i think i respected ganondorf for some reason i thought we had to immediately go into like the ganon fight not the ganondorf fight but we have to get all three triangles to complete the triangle triangle that's what it's called if you played zelda you don't know let's look it up and then a castle appears i'm just stalling for commentary until we get into the boss fight you know how it goes bowser might as well the state bowser jr right i mean i got nothing better to do what does the skill tree say uh maybe we get some more air so this fight gets us more aerials probably all right so this is just uh we're just gonna get out of here real quick all right bye bye hit that tail got two hits on it uh oh we got a very strong shield though so like i'm not super worried okay shield okay let me get out of here real quick i did not like where i was at yeah oh god laser where does that go all right well then i'm glad i found oh no no not the source now the sword hits me it hits me whoa we air drops through we aired off through it okay okay um okay let's play a little bit more defensive because we've we've been a little crazy for a minute and we're almost at the end so like why get crazy now uh coming down oh look at that look at that take it slow oh that little scene okay huh i i don't want to get ahead of myself but this run just looks so so promising okay we could go this way i'm going to go this way this is where all the clocks are i don't remember what's over here but yeah oh she bat within that's so sad please please die please it's just like i'm now seeing how sad of a character he is next to another sad character that honestly makes it even worse but you know what we have kill power at least all right hold your shield strong just being able to shield i was going to say anything but nearly everything i guess is really really really fun oh my god that was a bad match that was a really bad match also the thing you got to do you got to make sure you full hop your aerials otherwise you uh get less damage which is a fun thing they introduced to this game that was weird that was that was just a weird interaction how that i mean i'll take it i'm just i'm just confused at what his game plan is because he's just this guy is throwing for content i'm sorry like i appreciate it but i'm just confused by it because why would you ever do something like that so now we just move on to the clockwork area and i think we just keep on doing what we're doing can i get one of these please oh shield poke i did not think that was going to happen what dedede where are you ddd okay i didn't want to play either thank you thank you very much they just keep bouncing oh okay sit there continue what what happened bowser jr no nope sorry wait where are they [ __ ] [ __ ] i think i hit him i think i hit him that was just a guess we lost bowser jr which i think he was winning that fight but the the game decided yeah okay this is fine just fine got him oh easy thank you for the bomb like killing great fox is so hard no no no saving grace saving grace please please word i'm just trying to kill grave fox if i kill his sheik that's just cherries on top you know oh i do remember this one though wait i can sit right here i'm very smart 12 seconds later yeah yeah this is this is not gonna work is it i thought oh there wait wait wait hold up hold up oh i thought i had i thought i had a masterful play in there i almost laddered him i could try again try again wait hold up this might work i'm so no i'm so sick it almost did almost almost oh what a strat i had though and now we just do it again oh he just oh wow wow what a good gimmick though oh hello it's lucina isn't it yeah oh do you do you really want to do this with cena do you really want to use this move on me do you really want to break out the curry against zero suit stop that bye bye oh what a good air dodge reed oh okay zero suit sausage just just enough and back to dracula's castle we go um so yeah you guys know the game i can't have to explain it we've all been here fire wolf huh i'm mad with power i dare you i dare you to try and have curry against me they really gave me three enemies in a row who have that same power and i could not be happier all right well uh i thought i could gimmick them but this dude is like this looks like just a quick play belmont right okay whoop stunt on him oh love that pose okay so who's that this is wario right or daisy that makes perfect sense oh that almost worked that oh what are you doing girl what are you doing stop that daisy huh uh and they they don't stop coming he's almost surpassed the characters that we lost and that's that's kind of insane jab jab my jab actually works [ __ ] watch this my jab interrupts your jab that's so sad poor samus it's stamina though oh well uh i'm gonna let that that one live for now oh oops damn it oh rough i did not mean to do that uh okay wario hello [Music] i had to fight every urge to down air him then because i was like oh almost got him wait i would like to get this assist trophy if you wouldn't mind oh yeah i think like what what what uh oh that's how you unlock ridley or is it ken i know both those characters are around here um there we go yeah i was like i just the final smash cut scene so long i didn't want to wash through all of it we knew we were gonna get ridley anyways right no one was scared that was just like nothing was happening that battle that's all the thing is we don't know if i'm gonna win this or not and akuma is honestly a kind of tough battle and but a strong spirit so let's uh let's just uh deal someone wait hold up i know i know no not my shield wait yeah give me final smash yeah yeah that's what i want that's what i want oh yeah yeah come here baby yep [Music] disrespect oh i accidentally sit okay ggs he could have killed me with that shield break and i got a little scared like if he hit me with a two-hit combo i was dead uh and now i can go up here and get ken see it all works out in the end i keep wanting to go off stage i have to like fight every urge within me to not go off stage i just like it's all going to be okay just be calm and we'll unlock ken so that was a nice little optional side quest but uh it got us a character and we got uh akuma and it honestly didn't cost us a single thing um 140 yeah poison smash that sounds funny uh dark fit like we don't even that's the thing like we're at so many characters where i could feel comfortable saying no i don't need another one there's no little clip little clip come on come on [Music] oh i love that combo love that combo it just feels so good zelda can be cool something i know i said it out loud and then it just felt wrong you know i don't all right i think he might be oh no what do you do oh that was badass ain't intentional yep absolutely intentional all right uh now we do that i think we just put one in here right oh i i get i have oh yeah i gotta i gotta make some big plays what does this one do where does this one go oh oh oh oh i remember we have to backtrack a few moments later and now we just gotta take out this one and that's why i like dracula's castle because they give us so so so so so many so many and now we get robin right here just for free no no no no no see see that's why i don't go off stage i almost had like a very cool kill and then i went off stage and then i almost lost everything for it just play safe you know just get my confirms and just whoo okay all right everything's okay yeah i do remember last time we played we put robin in a fight and they died immediately that was so close no no wait wait no robin you're suffering the same fate as last time you deserved so much better okay so alucard's gonna come here and i'm just gonna focus our card okay damn i guess not oh final smash this is good oh uh this time for sure uh it is a bell oh alucard's gone huge massive okay this is like this is like some some grand final neutral not the axe i didn't think he was gonna axe there no not even my cheese works no it was so desperate but it almost pulled through i tried to kill alucard okay okay go oh he almost beat that would have killed me okay wait this is good this is good oh wait a car still goes crazy during this no no okay this that's fine that's fine i'm going to focus on hitting him real quick what who was ready for that how did i almost die from that oh okay big big i'm at ten percent this this was this was a good idea oh no i'm safe i'm safe uh-huh uh-huh what are you gonna do big big big yes oh thank you daisy oh i'm sorry robin god i'm just i am i'm sorry robin you out of everyone deserve better because like i'm such a scent for robin and i let her die like that just i am finishing this run for her okay okay please oh no okay fine okay fine we'll use it again we'll use again yeah we're all having fun here aren't we richter uh four oh match well earned thank you richter join the party i am stressed now after like having lost three characters in a single match it it uh it strikes some fear in me and dracula is not an easy boss so this boss fights hard just because there's two phases like you've got to be prepared for it and you know what we're our past fighting honorably like there's just no room for it wait light lock lucas you know that i i saw what i needed to and goodbye goodbye one more or one one oh god i thought that was gonna be it whoa whoa whoa whoa not a fan of that no siree okay uh i was wrong that was indeed not it okay uh bomb give me a bomb that'd be cool okay okay not very cool okay okay actually okay be cool be cool okay he's gonna do something crazy like break my shield oh third strike is not ready for that no why did i drop [ __ ] why did i drop shield for that am i safe up here all right i just don't know okay do your worst okay say save here just hold shield but if it breaks that's fine i'm not dead oh god oh i'm so surprised i didn't wait one more oh first try dracula 2 10 daisy we didn't even need light lord lucas light lock lucas lord lucas god whatever daisy did it honestly a little surprise because that's a good spirit and that just kind of worked this run is so alive poor robin and you know everyone else who died you know that's also unfortunate so this is the last part of the dark realm and of course we're starting against dark nut where's my boomerang go uh can i just get him oh what he just oh stop that just just toad toad into kill him toad oh it looks so much more painful that way all right another master hand or crazy hand fight uh you know what i i feel confident we can do this one uh okay wait hold up uh excuse me i'm just gonna wait over here if you don't mind i think yeah there's a short on there oh god oh get out of there or just take all the damage that's also good yeah yeah oh god that was wrong oh god uh please there we go i was doing i just panicked analysis paralysis i had all the moves and none of the brain power to use them okay bye bye crazy hand uh i know we got a rosalina up here no no no wait hold up we got him ladies and gentlemen we got him oh no he didn't die oh no oh no he didn't die oh oh no what if he died this time though haha but like what if you know okay so now we just go straight into rosalina very boring minutes later just gotta keep catching it from her oh okay okay see that was patient it was optimal it was safe that was it it was boring but it was safe okay rosalina down another one on our party we didn't have to trade that time which is pretty good i know my way around here i'm pretty sure we just go far right well that was a good game and now the real final boss arrives and uh the real final boss says left whoa it's the question the mysterious dimension isn't this like which one's purple oh which one float no it's a flying pikmin yeah i remember this do they spawn like up there here let me kill this one uh how do i do that just like this uh yeah yeah that was a good idea honestly that was the correct answer um i i don't think i'm gonna get any of these wrong right like i've been through this enough times take this oh that was nice though don't down there don't downer you know like i just have to fight those urges if it was like anyone else i would just go for it but like you know who is this what do you know oh it's rob i guess that's also cool damn it i love that's my favorite belmont thing [Music] i had an idea there and it didn't work but we unlocked rob anyway so it's a bad day increased shield durability what uh uh no i don't think so let me burn daisy alive oh my god um oh it's greninja please all right well i never thought we would have more than 10 characters much less over 30. hey man i'm just playing the game you know i wasn't gonna do reflect it oh oh okay well okay i i guess he's gonna reflect it later i'm gonna sit right here in case the earthquakes again or i win yeah see that's it that's the game okay so this is gonna be one of those games where we're gonna play lame and we're gonna win the game and i'll probably switch off belmont because i realize we haven't been getting the most exciting of matches lately it's a stamina battle and uh boy i'm i'm surviving oh bomb festival oh god no the bombs can spawn down there interesting we learned something today no no no no this is our day this is how i died the sour guy [Music] no i was so everything looks so scary for one second okay i was yeah that felt good i deserved to lose my that's how i was gonna go um yeah i just have to tank final smash which should be easy damn it that almost worked i thought she was gonna die they got close though and see we're not gonna take any damage from this she can use it again on me i don't really care yeah let's just rip that band-aid off before i take any damage stop that beep beep beep you're never safe what a fun and interactive game okay so now core in time but like for real okay do that that's fine [Music] what an honest game plan like snake stayed true to what his intentions were he didn't hide anything from corrin oh i'm fine losing belmont because again that was a fodder character who was honestly not very fun to watch so uh this is fine krom should be dead all right robin your turn huh oh how does he do it just spam the same move oh i'm gonna sure yeah yeah that's fine we can do that okay okay okay you you had your fun let me just dodge all this real quick all right gannon come over here we're gonna have fun we're gonna have so much fun [Music] what what what continue oh that was not very fun then oh no oh god i'm gonna get hit by one of these aren't i no no no no no no that was so sad that was so sad because like i just tried to not have that happen to me oh oh let me just keep dodging this no no no no no there we go there oh no oh no oh no [Music] i can't do like any wario stuff because uh because of the gravity but fight oh items yeah yeah like i'm like the battles are fun and then like they throw out items and i'm just like i'm i'm in my element oh god oh no dude don't do something crazy oh he's doing something crazy this is a recovery option oh and it happened to hit him well that's just cool okay let me just this is just a recovery option you know i'm just trying to recover here and now i'm just gonna throw this oh i lost my item no that item was so good oh please oh okay so let's chalk it up we traded falco for wolf you know and when you put it that way it's sad but it's not the end of the world i don't like how wario sits he just he just looks like he's not he's not supposed to be doing that all right now we got ike i don't know i want to stay wario go go go away oh that's good [Music] who does that whoa whoa whoa whoa mike fine he trade up deleted wario all right oh and sword ridley with sword another fire emblem character got him oh that would have been so much cooler if he didn't just sd like that absolute buffoon you know what my ike is way better than my uh character i just traded see i even forgot wario so like i'm honestly i'm happy with where things ended backshield there we go yeah let's use it huh there we go so he just wants it down to oh wait oh thank god i almost let him use his final smash and that would have been problematic oh you know what i like how i was backshield you know just spamming back air and the whole time this rob was just mashing down tilt and it worked it was a genius play actually he's very smart oh please get me out oh no i do not want to go down there oh come on come on [Music] yeah what's the play here i'm probably the one of the biggest hurt boxes in the game and i got three little curvies on me i'm not dead i'm not dead i'm not dead i'm not continue i'm dead whoa please leave me alone i i would just like to nair oh wait wait hold up let me live let me live this please oh that one's die i just died for fun he blew himself up come here come here kirby oh you want to jump into this so bad don't you the hypnosis worked god i need to stop trading though like i know we can get away with it but it's just like uh uh it's hard it's hard hello mewtwo oh oh so cool such a cool combo just would you like to get hit by this one again please haha okay that makes sense just had to wait for the air dodge that time what why isn't my up here working come here just come here come here please okay oh no whoo that kills now at least we have that going for us oh wow wow what was that oh did you see that whip charging up for me okay i got the probably the the one i shouldn't have hit okay paul tina jumped into it so that's good all right everything's good everything's good right now yeah yeah we'll take that oh alucard's here oh that sucks oh i've been here before i yeah i've died to alucard before uh a few times this run actually oh god don't be cool be cool be cool bro be cool come on come on come on oh no that was such a good attack that oh that's good dead dead that's dead all right ike slide on down take your prize which is probably spirit points yeah okay and what is this please be easy risky boots nice [Music] oh big damage stack it up what that didn't sound right none of that none of that felt right but here we are this is a hard yeah this is hard to use the boomerang just because of the ship um okay i'm gonna do this and he's dead into the ship what a combo [Music] welcome aboard k-rool luigi has left mennonites past ike which is this is where i found i oh oh who's that hello who are you mennonite oh you want to jump into this so bad oh you want to jump into that so bad don't you oh and he's dead just like that well so i remember this one being hard so i'm gonna i'm gonna save uh a link or like excuse me let me set center stage you can hit me yep there we go all right see that's how you play the game we both got at the same time but the difference was i was ready nice okay so now we just gotta fight good old luigi and of course he is a grabber as well just one hit oh okay that's fine wait oh he delayed that that was so good but why did he attack me again all right thank you luigi ah okay so now we just got an honest few battles ahead of us and then we are going to what is the end of the world of light nuzlocke like we are making history right here and this this is just subspace right just yeah who created the subspace army and the answer is taboo who is like right here i think that's not taboo this is taboo okay so this is metal bayonetta and this is where i make the joke there was like oh of course they knew what the strongest smash character was taboo hat more like smash for bayonetta am i right i made that joke three times now so laugh here's the thing last time luigi lost an embarrassing death so i'm going to give him a redemption luigi this is your shot oh boy is he's sudden damage is about to kick in so that's scary there we go luigi oh luigi you're doing great no that that was not the the move i meant to do oh no luigi luigi luigi no oh god oh god i'm inputting moves and they're just not coming out okay come on come on wait wait that's big that's big luigi redemption art redemption art everything you've ever wanted everything no that was a fireball what what what oh luigi you did it you sick bastard wait wait wait did he [Applause] that was the saddest thing i have ever seen he tried so hard no no luigi oh wow wow okay um hmm bayonetta how [Applause] it's honestly poetic that daisy avenged luigi she did it for the fans i just think luigi was a bit too scared he remembered what happened in the past and he just didn't want history to repeat itself and he got a little flustered you know i can't say i blame him but uh thank you marks i appreciate you sucking me in to fight but uh i would prefer if we could go uh do this medusa fight real quick you know just a pretty good spirit imo imo please 0.5 funny turnip funny turnip from downtown nice all right okay so this is the marks fight what do i want to bring i think i just want air attacks buff because i'm going to be spamming dummy aerials with who i could just stay daisy she has done a boss fight in the past but let's get meta knight i don't think you know what i haven't played cloud yet let's try that one and there he's staying i don't know this just feels really funny to see cloud strife stanced up and then his marks like this is what ff7r is going to turn into nomer has gone [ __ ] crazy he's off his rocker man oh laser i i meant to not get hit by that believe it or not what is this what is this oh oh oh okay please stay for that i just want to use all my limit once oh a funny move okay well pretend that killed pretend the finishing touch was the finishing touch it would have been much cooler if it was you can't say i didn't try though that was mark's that was the last boss fight on our path because we still have like i know mark's is easy but we still have a couple crazy hands and then we still have the end and we have some spirits ahead of us which might as well be final bosses like there's still a story ahead of us but i am feeling pretty damn good oh hey buddy you wanna a little run back from what happened last year oh that's scary tentacles oh always a fearful thought in a game produced in japan ah i didn't die yes i did that was i thought i was safe from the bombs i'll be honest all right got one hit did a lot of damage all right we took uh 87 from that no no no that was it i got greedy i wanted to break them i was like because every time i don't break them everyone's like why didn't you break them why didn't you break them and then i was like you know what i'm going to break them i'm going to break them i'm going to be really good i'm really i'm going to break them turn up maybe get the read oh let's talk about it okay just dodge right here yeah see not taking 80 from that is a huge difference this is so good oh not a fan of this oh relatively safe it's that safe that's good daisy keep it going oh i mean which time hold up see this is where ganon died last time i'm gonna sit right here yeah see not even trying to break him it's a learning curve you know uh go down here whoa i'll take the hit i'll take the hit uh show them the ass daisy oh that was good pretty good run all around you pop them off daisy and now we're going to the end i only lost a few characters you know nothing nothing to complain about things are turning up we gotta get to the end we made it this far we're beating it today we are beating the world of light nuzlocke so we gotta balance this out there's like roy here dark samus paul tanabeo i think those are the four characters we unlock here so let's just start our path this way not daisy because look we can save daisy and peach for the final boss fight you know i thought we were gonna bring nes and lucas but like the princesses pack a punch yeah nice try yeah okay ggs fun game this is a pretty good strat let's get that airborne endurance real quick that's a very valuable thing given how often we are in the air look at this bastard he thinks i don't know what he's capable of oh oh who looks foolish now i remember don't think i don't remember what you did last time yeah we're going for true ending it doesn't count if you don't ruining we're gonna completely shift this over so who cares okay don't don't which time me buddy i think she missed she missed she missed she missed you're bad you're bad kid you're bad you're bad you're bad do something stupid like oh not that stupid uh this is just a recovery move yep thank you ggs it's a recovery move it's a recovery move oh my god oh i did not expect that one to happen like lucina is so good at edge guarding because like i just had to hit him what that was scary i had to like i was like do i go on the offense here or do i go on the defense now that they have final smash we're moving on garen that's a that's a that's a good one but we'll go back up in this oh no we have to do this one this is a there's a good spirit too just to have floor is poisonous so uh let's read real quick because trust me this uh it makes a difference wait edge guard [Music] okay and so is the life of ganondorf even in stamina mode even when he's at 30 the entire time [Music] uh i'm just gonna have smash don't don't worry about me whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay all right everything's good everything's good hey we're all having fun over here aren't we yeah uh that water was just a little too close for comfort imo all right let's this is roy correct or this is this is dark samus okay um yeah let's do that real quick all right big lucina big lucina it's a sword dude like you're not gonna escape it some moves just aren't meant to be avoided you could yeah i could just peep over real quick well we'll make our way over there eventually let's uh clean up crazy hand for now yeah this is good this is uh this is really good i'm just gonna be crazy aggro oh that was not intentional oops oops okay okay not crazy aggro uh relatively aggro tea bag for the for the fans oh god that breaks my shield it should oh okay you know what yeah just just end it no no need to style for the fans the fans are here the fans are watching they're just supporting silently all right big lucina one more f smash oh that i feel like that would just would have won me the game come on just come on come on you want you want to get f smash so bad come on all right bringing it back slowly but surely after this we'll go up and fight the other crazy hand this was mithra i'm pretty sure oh they have really good team synergy though that's the thing oh this is annoying please get get both of them off no that was insane okay recovery move time okay that's good that's good coming oh no no i'm alive i'm alive i'm alive i'm alive i'm alive am i alive okay okay well that was just that was just unfortunate bye bye lucina like i don't know why but what what what what what see it's just how well they synergize is insane and they grab like if they didn't grab it would be so much easier come on core and die oh god see i can't even like edge guard them because like they just they're look at them they're all over it okay come on come on no don't don't hit me don't hit me oh my god oh my god no no i ran out of gas i couldn't use my final smash i wanted to use my finals god damn it ah see like like them comboing me is way less scary when i can just like get out of it look at this slow super armor absolutely the strat oh okay she got final smash uh so don't die to that please wait hold up it's a recovery move thank god thank god i was so scared of her final smash i don't have any of the evasion thank you thank you thank you thank you please kill victory okay so who do we want to save paula tina with uh let's just throw some random characters out there like some meta knight he hasn't seen a lot of love today she's crazy man she's oh no no no no combo whoa was so such good item play all around you know who well i caught that like that was that was raw okay she reflected it i caught it that was that was sick oh and now we're no i forgot there's there's master hand right here that's uh that's right we got to do that spike balls yeah i'm just gonna be meta knight up here if you don't mind oh he throws four i expected rules of three right i just got wombo combo damn all right yeah he just didn't let midnight play okay if the people want pac-god the people shall have pat god what is he gonna do differently you may ask uh he is going to spam smash attacks and they're actually going to do damage see all i need oh forgot about this one i think like i go to ledge roll yeah okay that was that was close too close to comfort honestly okay jab that's what i was looking for f smash just a few more smash attacks and that should do it okay wait big brain big brain i can do the geometry in my head [Music] oh no not lasers uh get him pac-man yeah welcome welcome [ __ ] okay so that clears up one half we are getting there we are uh trekking through to the end and we still have a lot of characters and we lost a few on some to be fair pretty hard boss fights and i'm feeling good i like where we're at right now and master hand is gonna finger bang the universe real quick oh this one little duck hunt oh i'm not even gonna hold anything it's up to you if you deliver die well what why all right guys this is actually more obnoxious than i thought oh no oh no no no no no continue and just like that pat god fell i i need someone good apparently i need someone lame you know what uh we're gonna go corrin uh oh god he dodged that all right well i know how i'm gonna cheese this actually i'm not doing it with corin i am uh i'm doing it with zelda [Music] you guys respect it you know like you it hates us you hate to see corn go out like that but i i wasn't winning without a little bit of cheese actually i need a little more damage a little bit a little bit there we go there we go gg gg falcon this one won't kill but that's fine this one will though he's dead right no no no no no no like it's not like this not like this no no no no zelda no zelda zelda no i should have gone as far as i could we just lost continue that was massive that was a huge loss right there yeah just go the other way jesus christ i lost pat god that should have been the answer we cheated so many in the past with zelda so i just thought like you know today is no different that's a big that's a big big loss right there oh please please thank you maybe the other people jump into this one yeah see that's exactly what i wanted and now we get roy which this is this is a this is a big get for us i wasn't ready for that one air dodge please [Laughter] just a little all right yeah thanks roy uh i think he wanted to join our party you know got that i like giant isn't like the best for the boss fight but i was like if i can just get like some damage in here i tried to perfect shield because they reflect all right don't fall off don't fall off uh using up smash to unstale [Music] i can shield this too yeah barely barely but that was pretty smooth master hand fight all in all you know so now we have to go to the bottom left god we lost zelda that was i was gonna take zelda to the end with me like that would have been so big it would have been so big so i you know we have peach and daisy and we have nes and lucas i think i'm gonna make two separate teams like put peach and ness on one team put lucas and daisy on another team just so like if we have a backup we can you know essentially redo the same strat probably do that with roy crom as well i took that giant killer on i didn't even realize this giant oh do i have giant killer on no i'm just big we got one more who is this one fierce deity link uh easy launch reduced defense and he has increased attack power we are giant though ready i'm gonna nair up tilt [Music] okay see i dealt 74 okay i i think that was a good strat okay all right and now we gotta save bayonetta real quick uh we're gonna switch spirit ooh i just don't even want to like mess with the recovery she be spamming that dash attack oh oh no no no no no siree that's a no-fly zone in here whoa she's dead and that is the last character that we are going to unlock because we are just going straight to the final boss after this crazy hand fight wait hold up hold up i still alive i still alive just a few more hits oh wait come on yeah the freshest dash attack okay it was close it was close but we did it guys everything's okay we got a few more spirits keep in mind like we are not going straight to the final boss it's we have it's complicated okay we have a few more things we got to do and some of the spirits that we're about to fight are the hardest in the game so so things are scary okay nope come here oh god he is he was a he had a he was prepared he was going after her air dodge yep all right good job peach you only got impaled by a sword at the last moment but everything went fine oh no i was going the wrong way actually so you know what i'm going to clear this path up and then i'm going to go back and do some light ones i i remember doing this last time but i don't remember what the struggle was i just remember cheesing with bao so let me go a throwaway character for now just like feel it out uh the the faceless me me yeah well faceless me gunner yeah we'll do that oh i remember i remember now he he's just really strong and like he doesn't die until 100 as bao or like zelda you know that could work too because he's not going to die otherwise oh oh that sucks oh he angles it he knows how to angle it oh god he angled see he's gotta give him to a hundred i actually i can't have him have final smash though so i just need to take some damage hit me please hit me thank you there we go thank you you did a great job lucas i i could not ask for more wait what what the [ __ ] what why is it what what what what what what why didn't yeah yeah i was about to say i was like why didn't that activate that was uh that was almost a pretty big throw okay then moving on so we got our path right to the end now so we've been waiting for this moment this is the beginning of the end everything we've done up before this was simply warming up for this moment and now we get to play at master hand and everyone asks me hey alpha what happens if you lose that master hand i don't have an answer for that so let's my plan is to just not lose this is the move see like this is why i'm not like too concerned about losing like you know and instead of just like complaining about how strong this is i'm just gonna ask a question like if this is already in the game like i can control master hand why can't i do this in multiplayer not like master hands a playable character but like it's like a little boss rush mode when if i'm the bad player of my group of friends i can just play master hand against everyone it's like everyone tries to fight me wouldn't that be cool like i'm just confused like they have it in the game why is it not in the game oh what if i st what if i actually sd that would have been so embarrassing okay just oh come on mario just just come on take the hit take the hit like a champ you know we can fight one of them individually or we can get the true ending because trust me we are not settling for anything less than the highest achievement world of light can offer this is not about victory this is about redemption think of all the fallen we've lost and they will be avenged right now [Music] which three are we gonna start with okay so this is the adventure the labyrinth the boss rush so it doesn't really matter we don't need to bring out the big boys just yet um i say we need some some mobility i think right now we can uh i think right now would be like let's say like mewtwo we can throw him at the board um where's he at mewtwo uh we can throw paulatina i think she's a good choice um and you know these are not the ones to fight the final boss at the end this is who we're gonna get there with you know what i'm gonna actually put um i'm gonna put inkling in there all right mewtwo you know you haven't seen any usage this run but you are perhaps one of the most important players right now it all comes down to you oh yeah taunt on taunt for them show them what you got um i'm just gonna throw one of these oh okay please please all right okay no damage no damage doesn't gleam come out now gotta say always love the rainbow aesthetic in the background it's so perfect it's it's beautiful like i don't think world of light gets enough love or just the design of it galeem is not like the most interesting villain in like aesthetically because we don't even know what he's about he has no motive as far as we're concerned he's just here to [ __ ] [ __ ] up but i love the aesthetic that's the part i love and look at these stages why couldn't we just have like some of these stages in the in in the game you know like couldn't we just have had uh like one it's just called like temple of light you know something like that it just changes between like six variants like uh you know the minecraft stage uh mario maker gamer you know something like that just dance for the people me too that's all they need right now just quality entertainment power up and now we go up i know there's like a little bomb section up here yep this one this would be the one uh we're just gonna play a bullet hell real quick and not get hit by any of them okay that's it just killed diddy kong he's a little pissed off that uh we did not take him into a run but uh he understands right right buddy wait that's it though right okay who are we fighting first um i'm just up airing this and we'll see what happened dracula i don't know if that was the first boss i wanted to fight it's it's dude's kind of hard dude's kind of hard you know we got a lot of characters though so like i'm not scared about okay let's just sit here we got strong shield oh okay you know what mewtwo kind of destroying dracula right now doesn't stand a chance against the ultimate life form all right just throw a shadow ball in there okay it hit it hit look at that damage look at that damage oh big parries big heels okay okay that was not no what mewtwo gone but not forgotten brother you did your best you did your absolute best oh no that was a shame he came in here so strong and he just got like comboed to death oh my god mewtwo rest in peace brother it's all good all good all good uh just uh one of these who's gonna get hit uh gallium all right you know what we're getting rid of the hard bosses first so so that's good i actually like this strategy a lot shield that just a few more back errors i'm gonna play this one safe all right i did the opposite of that okay you know what we're fine though we're fine oh what if i up snap what if i had the read on and come from above this okay okay this is good this is good paul tana gets a full heal right here right right right right full heal perfect and we're going to fight doesn't a full heal okay we're fighting uh rather loose okay easy boss fight this is good this is good okay just just avoid these oh no okay we can take the fire damage take the fire damage don't get hit by him okay he's gonna turn around on us okay that's fine and turn around up smash that's it paul tina moves on we got rid of this okay this is scary though who's the easiest boss fight uh i think i think i think mark's i think mark's i i got panic because i saw the balls i think uh i think giga bowser was the right play but you know marx is not that bad either i can avoid all the marks laser laser we can shield it no we can't okay well rest in peace paul tina that's unfortunate that had to happen like that because like it didn't you know it didn't we could have we could have moved on and everything would have been fine come on inkling come on inkling come on inkling and we're gonna get healed after this okay okay let's get right here oh lasers lasers oh god what what's where's the right place here that's i do have a heel i do have a heel after this okay we only have a few left we only have a few left um i think bowser is the easier one okay and he's gone i think bowser and ganon are both easy so like let's can't even hit bowser okay come on come back around we're doing ganon i guess [Music] okay what no oh i always this is this is problematic actually because like i always press b to hold shield so it doesn't move but it actually does something with inkling so that's that is like hard you know because like i always use this for like tactical reasons and now it uh it it hurts me i kept wondering why i was getting hit when i was shielding last game and so it just that makes me so uneasy that that works like that okay we're moving on though everything's okay everything's okay what does shield be do outside of inkling uh it allows you to like move your shield around freely without don't don't don't don't die on this stage okay okay come on come on come back around please thank [Music] you oh i don't like where i'm at where's lordlock oh where's lightlock lucas when you need them okay [Music] i'm gonna get one hit whoa okay dodge that yeah i knew if i go above him he was going to do something okay what is he going to do that's fine that's fine a little damage right there whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa was not ready for that no no no no okay we still have like a lot of health we got to get through okay i'll i'll take that trade that that did nothing no get out there continue [Music] that's not what i meant to do that's not what i meant to do that's not what i'm meant to do i failed on the boss rush i failed on the bus rush that's pitiful that's so set okay i actually don't know where i have to start from that's so sad um i'm gonna go ingling wasn't damaged neither was paula tina i stupid stupid should have gone uh i'm going k rool i'm going k rool and i'll i'll anchor it i'll go snake you know if we don't use them then when are we ever going to use them that's that was a much better team you know what if we had auto heal i'm sorry if the game wants to gimmick us we're going to gimmick them back come on cloud we got this i am not sorry for playing optimally you know if this is the game i want to be i want to do the world of light i want to complete it look imagine if we lost it and everyone said well you would have won if you completed it with auto heal you know and and i try to be stubborn just because i'm prideful you know what i do not need to be prideful i need to be a winner and that's what i'm trying to do today okay okay whoa oh my shield broke my shield broke that's fine that's fine i can mash out of that oh and you're gonna grab me again jesus christ he's going ham on me limit cross slash thank you thank you thank you i don't think we heal after this so it's going to be a shame if we lose cloud just so early wait can i just sit here in auto heal auto heal oh auto heal come on slowly but surely i think i i think like 40 is fine because then i'm just going to go into the other phase all right going ganon [Music] come on ganon you did not expect me to be so uh low heal low damage after that last fight did you oh okay you know what actually i i think we could use a few heals now now that i'm thinking about it okay that's fine he comes back in okay he's down he's down why did he use finishing touch that deals with one damage that's laggy and he deals with one damage why did i do that and let's just waste that limit while we're here okay please i'm just gonna oh i show my show my shield my shield i can i can die here i can die here oh he's just uh having mercy on me whoa whoa i'll be out of shield somehow and i got the airborne endurance so that that wasn't too bad oh please let me limit through let me through there we go 44 we're good we i think that's like a plus four after we yeah auto heal is the answer like it's not honest but it works and what are we trying to do are we trying to be honest are we trying to win i meant to hit marks i didn't need to heal this round so i'd rather save it for the next round i thought i thought i'd limit cross slash that's what i was trying to do there i mean he's dead now i do i have limit though so i'm just going to wait for him to come back alive yeah you know just kind of taunt on him for a little bit all right i just wasted that his hip her box wasn't active yet oh wow can you poison me am i poison i think i'm poisoned oh cloud is tearing up yo this is just his journey i think he can do this alone this is this is this could be the run this absolutely could be the right every single time it's a run back uh this one oh god i was i was ready for like it was too late i would prepare too late and react in time run cloud run run charge limit on the way it's optimal okay [ __ ] now he comes from the bottom this should give me limit i got i got a few hits in there we'll call that a read it looks so climactic every time cloud does it too this is good cloud is just tearing through it [Music] all right do i even need this no i'm gonna save this for next time the run back with bowser we got three on our side and like klaus is here for the show [Music] okay run we got our hit in okay i did not think that would go through oh okay no no greedy hits no greedy hits you get one hit charge limit and this keeps us right above him so it's good okay nice with side beat idiot beside me so good for that because i still get to damage him while he does flame but okay there we go now back it up back one hit one hit we're running away the limit like crosslash is so good in that situation [Music] oh cloud is destroying them i mean might as well get this we have one left oh my god if we can come come on okay he's just being petty now he's like you you avoided me for so long not going to make this easy on you i'm just saying final fantasy 7 r2 definitely it's definitely got to come out soon because we're seeing a sneak peeve right here like you know there isn't a sephiroth boss fight in this game before but like suddenly there's just going to be and no one's going to know where it came from also what's really satisfying is watch the limit gauge every time i do an aerial because like it feels so fast i think i think clouds kind of goated on the sticks right now like i didn't need any other stocks i just needed cloud [ __ ] stripe oh come on [Music] come on come on yeah we're actually safe now oh oh history baby history is being made right here and now this is it this is it heal baby that's it that's that's it god i did not know that cloud was going to be such a beast on this we didn't even lose one in that run you know this is good this might like we still have a backup team you know because this this is the final fight this is the absolute final fight and this isn't even our a team but you know what cloud strife alone might be our a team okay okay we got hit a little bit that's fine [Music] let me cross slash oh i forgot there's two health bars two health cards we got to worry about okay let's uh get up smash right here okay i just went out of here okay okay we dodged all that good play good play is this about to be the legend of cloud strife okay okay oh that's scary that's scary for a cloud main you don't like to see that one but you know what we're gonna give an honest try because like honestly cloud might be able to do this alone don't like that okay so look at that damage i forget i can do that so he i think he starts to like do his little pointer thing at me yes yes and now he hits that yes i mean hit me too which was not preferred but i'm gonna focus dark and i think it's better just focus one of them okay i don't like this so i'm just gonna platform camp and charge limit trust me it's always been the gameplay okay oh god oh they damage each other oh mario please leave me uh is am i safe here am i safe here barely barely fairly safe here oh no oh god he lifts he lifts oh wait wait wait no no cloud he stays strong he stays so strong okay oh my god do we need anybody else did we gather 30 fighters for nothing is cloud i i thought we were going to take daisy i there were so many other characters i thought we were going to bring but we didn't even need them okay galileo's at half health too this is it this is the run no why do you do that get down get down cloud cloud let's not forget about all the work cloud did he might have gone down but he left he made it easy for us oh and carol's at 100 percent danish shield's broken uh oh okay you know i did not expect to bring carroll into the final fight but uh here we are oh no oh no oh no oh oh that was so smart it damaged dark on instead oh no okay okay i just didn't even know carol was going to be here you know hey what is this the wave not the wave no not the wave we live the wave though we live to tell the tale of the wave okay wait darkens down oh come on i'm a big body okay snake come on come on brother brother look how close we are oh you want you want to hit him so bad oh yeah yeah wait wait dark home door comes dead oh for now for now he's alive but we look look at this look at this history being made right here folks [Music] oh oh it's all up to snake now all up to snake okay okay we can do this uh right here we're safe right we're here safe right here safe right here a little bit okay okay don't don't like that though i would like to hold shield once huh he's down he's down yes yes [Music] although not the wave not the wave not so many waves so many waves but that's not going to stop me we're at 132 this this could in any second now keep in mind not our a team we still have so much work we can do oh oh oh oh oh big that's big okay f smash smash big damage big damage okay just run away from these no oh yeah get out of there get out of there buddy [Music] oh god how how how do you how do you not die oh wait wait wait no wait [Music] uh i'm just yeah i'm gonna run away i'm gonna run away i shield my shield my shield don't die don't die don't die don't die don't die no don't die don't die wait i can't i just i haven't hit him in so long oh no okay okay this is just this is fine this is fine this is fine oh my god my heart's being so fast oh no oh no yeah we did it boys year two baby that wasn't even our a team that was the backup we did it this planed me for a full year and then i do one run one run and it was the practice run that wasn't even our a team that wasn't even light luck lucas that wasn't nest that wasn't mario that one punch mac never even got to see the light of day we had roy we had chrom everyone's sitting on the sidelines and we did it with three six nine twelve okay so like six twelve eighteen twenty four we had 24 characters remaining oh my god let's go let's give him to the mvp clown [ __ ] strife okay snake was the cleaning crew and cairo was just kind of there let's be honest wow wow and just like that i'm free it's over the world of light nuzlocke has been completed [Music] yes yes [Music] let's [ __ ] go let's just talk about the fact we had such a good team sitting on the sidelines and we didn't even get to use them oh let's go it's done like all year i've just been thinking it's gonna be hard it's gonna be hard to do it again and then we did it so easily [Music] wow wow just wow we did it we we awakened 69 fighters in our journey wow just wow so now what [Music] you
Channel: Alpharad
Views: 5,907,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpharad, super smash bros ultimate, smash bros, not, not alpharad, alpharad smash, nintendo, nintendo switch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 36sec (9096 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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