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we're gonna do it this time this is a light lock challenge for those of you unfamiliar we're going to play this like any nuzlocke challenge in a pokemon game if a character dies you lose them forever i tried this last year and i failed at the end but not this time if alpha can do it i can do it too yeah we know the story already let's get on with it so the very beginning of this game is the most dangerous because we don't have any characters if kirby dies the run ends we have to kind of play careful until we have mario and at least another fighter or two and some of you have been asking for this ever since i ended the last one so here i am trying this one more time is it going to happen i don't know but i feel like i've learned a lot since last year just slip on the banana peel come on it's funny there we go can you imagine though if if we did lose here oh man that would be funny such a lonely character select screen see you know what the problem was last time it was my first time playing world of light but this time i know what i'm doing i also lost a lot of characters some really stupid decisions last time and mostly not reading the capabilities of some of these spirit battles but not this time but like i said these first couple fights are going to be incredibly tough gonna have to play them very carefully as i am already almost dead that's our first primary spirit two puffballs just gonna duke it out for our lives if we can hit each other if if you would come down here it says your favorite down specials not being a coward oh that's my opening too easy all right the fog is cleared and it is time to unlock our first character it's a me just gotta get through this so the uh the instant death run is not there anymore we don't just have the feeling of loss looming by the way we're playing this on hard for those of you who haven't seen the last light loft challenge this has to be done on hard there ain't no room for bubble blowing double babies imagine showing this to somebody in 1538 oh fun super armor okay so just stay above him because he likes to use neutral specials and i think down smashes we can't even like up till cheese it oh god not not now not here not not immediately can i what i can't eat you if you have okay that's fine oh all right cool kirby's dead all right back to one character i guess i probably should have uh leveled up a spirit i forgot how hard this dude hits i wanted to hang on to kirby just a little bit longer well that's not fair this just isn't fair kirby didn't deserve that all right here's our first big decision last time we went marth first and we headed to the left i feel like sheik is an okay path but we can get our first boss out of the way if we do go villager since i went this way last time i'm going to go right dude i'm so mad that we lost kirby immediately that just chalk that up to an oopsie just not need to lose the villager just you know get back on that two character train not not this certainly not what's going on right now oh geez see that parry though god like parries there we go fight fire with fire because he was holding a fire bar and i can use fire that's gonna lock off the other two at least for now all right now skill tree we're gonna go straight for unflinching smash attacks just get that super armor if i can find there it is okay so that's the path we need to head oh we have quite a lot of snacks okay let's max out evie to start kirby made it so much further last time and then he died in one of the first few battles now that we do have villager though i'm going to save mario since mario is my better character i'm going to be a little nervous until we get through this first boss fight and we can actually unlock some characters blow him off the stage my favorite item in the game where i'm there hang on there's a lot of things i'm pink i am pink oh they're giving me a lot of guns i'm pretty sure these weapons aren't allowed in splatoon a game where you're just shooting paint and i'm shooting explosives okay now i have a better understanding of the map i think this way goes to captain falcon but if i go down i can work towards link i'm definitely going to want to pick up all the characters in this area before i fight bowser though oh a bayonetta starting to get some flashbacks from fighting taboo that's right just just walk into the unira and everything will be okay don't you be doing those street fighter combos on me okay this works this this totally works the street fighter character who's jury oh that's right i can't drive the car yet so you know what we're gonna go down and we're gonna pick up link down here now one of the important questions is what are we going to do about dlc characters because last time i didn't use them until like the absolute last resort and i still ended up losing but let me know what you think down in the comment section do you want to see dlc characters this time around do you want the light lock challenge to be true to last time and not use them i mean i feel like i could use them this time around but that's going to be a huge spike for me once i get 10 characters i think it's 10 and then you unlock dlc okay so we want to try not to fight any unnecessary battles here that is a three star we could beat this guy i don't know if that's a one star under it though but i'll fight the easier ones come here thank you see it kind of sucks that i had to use a lot of my snacks on earlier spirits but i need to have at least one of each that is leveled up but that's a big net just go off the go go off the stage okay miltank ironically a one star but not whitney's miltank and pokemon gold and silver could we maybe get some f's in the comment section for kirby because i feel like our poor pink boy is going to be forgot about he died so early ever forgotten this guy's name is don is this like mr rossetti's cousin i don't know too much about the animal crossing expanded universe wait you a hammer i didn't know that does it go away does it ever go away okay it's gone we're gonna throw some hands see it's funny because luigi kind of looks like don see tell me i'm wrong that's animal crossing luigi the whole goal of this run is going to be avoiding any unnecessary hard fights if it's possible because now that i have a better understanding of the map i think we can make it through melt that boy man i can go over some curry right now you guys like indian food indian food is like top tier doing pretty well so far with you know with the exception of kirby being dead and all come here just walk onto it in the skill tree we're really just gonna gun straight for the unflinching smash attacks i just i have to remember who's able to drive the wild goose this is certainly not that guy wheezing professor chops looks like he can drive a car 20 miles under the speed limit i really do think we're gonna have to go this way though to find him the snake man is just snake who is also a man says the fighter is distracted by items who isn't to be honest who doesn't see an item on the ground when you're playing casual and you're like oh shiny thing got to get the third piece of the dragoon so i could sauce in my opponents a lot of things that go boom on this stage way too many things that go boom if i just let them blow themselves up i mean that'll be okay too that's one wait he's got 0.1 health clear the fog and let me walk the path oh i can't go that way either hello is there anyone who can drive a car i'm just a child even though i have a mortgage how old is villager somebody's telling me it's this guy i don't quite remember oh wait hang on he's got a little car next to him it's this guy that's the the cool thing about this stage and other stages like this you kind of just let the stage do the work all right our uber dr okay it wasn't him i gotta say this you nera mvp junira unira how do you say it they would make wario wheezing because i'm sure those farts are very deadly his diet is just like eggs and cheese face first into the bowling ball all right i just gotta find somebody who can drive a car hello god is that you okay the the light wall is up can't go that way but there's a character right above us and i think we maybe who who can drive this damn car okay i'm 100 certain that it's this guy because he's from f-zero so although maybe the other guy was also from f-zero i never played f-zero but it's not like i'm ever going to be able to because there's never a new one coming out ever all the f-zero games are out captain falcon is just fated to be in fighting games for the rest of his life no more racing bowser can totally kill me with an f smash so gotta make sure that doesn't happen okay i was right i love when i'm right okay it's lucario time i'm uh i'm still mad about kirby oh nice tech that was a beautiful tech i couldn't do that i probably just accepted fate and died oh okay see the thing about lucario and i'm sure you know this is if we don't kill him when he's at a high percent he's going to wash us he's going to shove the aura where the aura doesn't shine snipe them come on snipe them with the lloyd snipe them they do say dogs are afraid of fireworks okay another character down i think we're gonna head down now and gleam we're knocking at that door you're going down this time okay we can hop in the car now everyone put your seat belts on let's go get captain falcon i also unlocked an insta drop spirit but i refuse to use it because with my luck i will just insta drop off the stage that's not a joke that's something that will actually happen see again just like let the stage do all the work okay that's another one don't blow your fingers off of [Applause] you want to fight a motorcycle or do you want to fight a gyro wing i associate the gyro wing with star fox zero which had so much potential and just turned out to be not a good game it was just bad okay to go after captain falcon i either had to fight zach levin or i had to go after someone who was using a zap floor and i don't have zap floor immunity yet i don't know where to get it i don't even think i can get it on this side oh i almost died to that if i can just take ken down i think we can probably get through this we can kill all the other yoga moms swooning over the yoga instructor there we go that that should do it ken's dead i was afraid for nothing we got this in the bag just need to not take one of those belly button navel lasers to the face who's the the belly button naval laser guy in my hero he's we fit trainer imagine after winning that fight we just lose to captain falcon right now dude this little spike ball he is my best friend this is my companion i'm going to take him as far as i can why do you get a scary glow why do you look like you just absorb someone's soul okay we got the star rod it's game over now dude we are beasting right now villager is carrying us and amongst the sea of other villager uh it it gets a little confusing villager more like killager okay we gotta get to that button i'm pretty sure because that unlocks some of the uh the gates but we're getting close we gotta go there and then we have to fight bowser he's gonna be the first boss so we're gonna just see if we can go directly to him okay we're gonna hit that and that will unlock the first gate there's any other easy characters in this area i do want to try and grab them now if somebody wants to be so kind and just make the comparisons between this run and the last run as to which characters i may have had or may have lost because i think we're doing better i mean this run will definitely be a lot shorter because i know exactly what i have to do like i said earlier i just i played world of light for the first time and decided to nuzlocke it you know because i'm normal now we gotta fight dive man remember when they put a female robot master in mega man and they were like all right that's enough no more of that we need more female robot masters hell we need more mega man everything i punched him in his robot balls okay we're gonna go meteor smash uh and we have really only two more until we get super armor that's gonna help us so much i feel so ready this time i feel so educated this is going to be the run i'm gonna do it this time i'm getting tossed around by this monkey and i'm so afraid of beware he's gone now beware can't hurt you anymore villager ck he didn't come to play let's snipe him and spike him well well well see here's the thing when i did this last time i was not good with yoshi but yoshi has since become one of my better characters in fact i think i've just gotten better at smash in general since last year and it's going to show you know why because we're going to beat this damn challenge with mr saturn or not if i do happen to lose to yoshi here it just it it is karma from just years of making fun of him [Music] well okay so we have two characters dead now because i speak things into existence hey that was a pretty good run for villager it's kind of sad that it's over that was probably the most villager i've ever played ever he got me with the damn final smash because i didn't close things out okay go for a swim doggy that did nothing whenever the win condition is take your strongest team into this no frills battle i'm always scared because i don't know what to expect i i like frills in fact to give me more frills not more balls i've got plenty of those why are you in no frills battle you best believe i'm coming for those turnips okay we gotta get further up the river so we can go get whatever character that is uh unfortunately we have two characters dead right now a little early in the run for that but what are you gonna do we just have to adapt go ahead hit me i want you to it excites me i'm like goku you okay i'm not like goku what are the odds that peach pulls a bomb they're really low actually i know they're low but against me they're exponentially higher you know it just it really is just my luck only those things happen to me die all right three characters down um and we gotta fight yarn yonyarshi yarn yoshi so we can go further down the river and get whoever that is it might not be worth it but we need the characters you know what yarn yoshi looks like they might be a little tough 9 200 is a lot i don't have anyone to uh to match up to that yet so maybe we'll just make our way into the castle and see if we can take down bowser this way we could unlock some of the other routes but i'm really not looking to lose any more characters to uh to some harder spirits i do realize that this looks bad um but just consider it a little hiccup in the adventure just a little bump in the road i can fight these tiny donkey kongs all day they're adorable i mean i feel bad about it but you got to do what you got to do sometimes why does he look like a fat version of the dragon from mulan that is that is a big charizard into the volcano you go make a sacrifice to the woohoo island gods woohoo island is my religion it is my church it's where i want to be okay a couple more and then uh we're gonna get into that castle they should have chose green charizard to be flygon not ugly ass ridley this fly gun is kind of cute i feel like that joke might have been used in the first world of light nuzlocke but hey you're gonna get recycled jokes it's been a year oh it's a stamina battle then we are going to play extremely lame kind of sad about lucario didn't really get a chance same with kirby they died way too young we're gonna pick it up here don't worry wait a second i might not have to fight yarn yoshi i might be able to go down the river this way time stamina battle the enemy prefers not to move well i guess we got something in common i remember this one he just stands there you gotta beat him really quick i thought he didn't prefer to move oh you have a black hole deal with that so i like to say periodically well that was fast that i have never played sonic 06 but i have the understanding that silver the hedgehog is just kind of like the trunks of the sonic the hedgehog universe but i know that uh you guys are probably going to want me to play sonico6 on the channel i already have plans to play sonic adventure and sonic adventure 2. so if you want me to throw sonico6 in there i guess just let me know in the comment section that is big yoshi big yoshi we got this we got this all right time to go for a swim i don't remember who's over here i think it might be pikachu after whatever spirit battle this is oh you are three star and i'm scared i oh geez i have nowhere to go okay so uh i forgot to hit the record button before that last fight but there were some funny shenanigans and we did pull it off on the first try but i was saying how i was going to use mario because i have more spirits that benefit mario than really anyone else right now and if we lost him it would be kind of devastating oh i almost got spiked there oh that would have been terrible oh fire beats electricity uh that could have been really bad so you know how i was talking about not making stupid mistakes like i did last time well big squirtle is a nightmare i know what you're thinking oh man chalk lost three characters already he sucks well there's like 80 more right oh like you're hard to launch because oh you don't deal that much damage you're kind of weak i mean that they're probably not going to make a difference after you up smash me into hell oh i was getting nervous i thought we're going to lose link there okay so we still don't have enough we need 10 more sphere skills sphere things skill balls but we can probably level up some of these spirits i know we can enhance boom boom he might be decent to use but uh we don't have that many snacks available i feel like this may have been a waste all right so we're going into the castle heading towards our first boss right now uh i think there's two characters in here we get bowser for i think beating giga bowser and i think that's peach oh you start with the bombs i forgot about that oh geez okay they're almost all gone where am i where am i there i am that was scary for a second i'm not gonna lie a bunch of tiny bowsers with not so tiny bombs hey one spirit down i know there's a tough spirit in here that i'm going to avoid i think it's ho-oh it's he's like up here somewhere and i think it's not necessary man screw these stamina battles although i prefer them because i'll just do this okay that's two come over here and die like a good froggy froggy come back froggy yeah uh that's the battle we're going to avoid what i feel like i might have lost somebody here last time it's a giant fire breathing duck hunt it's actually terrifying you know be more terrifying if they had the duck breathing the fire i think i did i remember just getting hit with an up smash or something somebody refreshed my memory the fire just makes it hard to see oh yeah watch out for that thing that's a big ass can okay so we have to go hit that switch i think but this just connects us to hello again so we can choose to not fight him in multiple ways okay who's over here this one should be pretty easy and look at that we have lava floor resist i thought we had resist what was that okay so uh that was a lie that was not resist i know resist when i see it it looks like we're gonna have to fight a three oh no we're not no we're not but we're gonna have to fight that three star but i think we can go around it i mean unless we want to go for the fighter in which case we're probably gonna have to wherever we get the blue switch keep throwing these one and two stars at me oh i remember this one but bombs will rain from the sky after a little while that yeah that's totally a one star spirit battle just here comes the bomb rain festival how how is this how is this anything but a five-star battle oh crap just watch out where they going this needs to end now charge got a couple more spirit battles and then we can fight bowser and maybe afterwards we'll go for peach the floor is lava well lucky for me as a kid that was my favorite game and now it's like a game show or something i could have made millions this is the move just zone him zone his giant turtle ass no no no no no i thought we're supposed to have unflinching smash attacks not let's whip all of our smash attacks oh no oh gee ah crap okay well we lost link wasn't being aggressive enough oh right in the face that one was for link okay this isn't even the enemy i think like we have a giant enemy on the way because it said the enemy is giant and you my friends are not give me the cherries you son of a this isn't even the guy that's the guy [Music] okay well that was unfortunate we are doing much worse than we were last time this is this is worse but we're gonna pick this up i feel like if i knew how to play pikachu better this would have been a breeze but it's not can we confirm that this is the hardest route this way i feel better because i i don't feel very good or confident right now oh that that is okay i could have been punished there big time this is gonna get better i promise who would have thought that this battle was gonna be this tough and take out a couple of my characters we didn't fight the boss yet this is this is why he's one of my better characters oh okay oh boy how to be the fire emblem guys all right upstairs we go we're gonna backwards long jump and we're gonna fight giga bowser our first boss all right things seem grim right now but listen to me keep the faith we're gonna be super patient here and we're gonna do this thing yeah you whiff that you idiot we got to be patient the second we get greedy that's when this thing is over because giga bowser is actually what ended us last time in the boss rush patience young padawan patience oh i felt the heat there we're doing this slowly but surely oh god really one wrong move and we lose mario oh god oh god legend invincibility one more hit oh oh that was close yeah you know what i'll end it with fire and bowser goes down that was a lot easier than i thought it was going to be all right so if we want to get peach we got to take leaf out it was a three star and i'm pretty sure this is going to be our most powerful spirit until we uh get more powerful spirits does that make sense do i want to evolve of course i want to evolve primal groudon is scary oh i have a core okay let's give him that okay now that we have unflinching smash i think double final smash is gonna be the next round okay i have three characters left i have bowser i have mario and oh my god i put insta drop on bowser's i thought it'd be stupid and i'm probably going to need it here okay that's good that's good that's good throw that up okay that was a waste i would like to say that probably one hit two hits and i'm dead so let's just f-smash him that one had my heart racing we're gonna get peach now melty monster and sumarro galaxy and galaxy 2 have probably the best mario soundtracks in any mario game ever all right bowser we're not trying to kidnap this princess we're just trying to kick this princess's ass is that really what just we're gonna do we're just gonna f-smash everyone oh that shield's getting so small come on chill this one [Music] okay we're up to four characters now i feel a little bit better and some of you keep recommending that we make a graphic to show what characters we have left but i'm not gonna do that so here take a good hard look okay time's up look how fast bowser can move i think we can go back and we can head left maybe into marth's path and start picking up some characters dude who needs a car when you can run like this i feel good about this run i really do honestly after we get marth it might be a good time to bank bowser for a little bit since he's our only heavy and maybe we'll use peach who's probably one of my worst characters you know because you got to manage turnips and stuff oh ho would you look at that dlc characters are now playable i don't know if we're going to go down that route yet i know alpha is using them i would like to do it without them but i also really want to play characters like banjo and steve so we'll see what happens i'll make the decision depending on how bad this run goes oh good endless smash holding so now i can just hold them forever oh it's a princess battle you want it's a princess battle you will get of course they're playing like every wi-fi zelda spamming side b i'm gonna take out the reinforcements too i can't just kill the princess and move on here let me spray a little perfume on you or wherever this thing works [Music] how come i don't get to pull the bombs out uh never mind [Music] oh that one definitely hurt because the spike went through his oh he likes to taunt okay i like to taunt too peach is one of those characters that i wish i was good with just so i could post clips on twitter she's too technical though oh this is stamina i i no i read that i read it but i um i forgot light them up oh that's broken shield which means i was gonna let's frying pan them how do you like your brains scrambled [Music] this is drugs this is your brain on drugs i just i want to go on record to say that insta drop is the way it really is i'm just so afraid to use it because i'm gonna be the one who insta drops off the stage one out here abusing bulbasaurs come here i still don't know why it's called bonus fruit when there's a key and a bell in there [Music] oh wait oh god oh i was just gonna say how it's not as good as miss pac-man who is all fruit and for some reason a pretzel my favorite fruit man i almost lost peach in the absolute dumbest way possible but we clutched it at the last second because this is the run you are too fast oh gee oh he has a final smash ah he needs to die he needs to die now taste the rainbow look at his belly button in all honesty that's truly how this is going to be won with all my worst characters sorry little z [Applause] i feel bad when we gotta fight jigglypuff because they always give jigglypuff the short end of the stick those battles are always the easiest this poor beetle he's adorable and he just wants to avoid conflict and i just have to hit him okay let's watch out for the pikmin because they'll sneak up on you you'll blink and next thing you know you got three white pikmin sucking your blood or soul or whatever those scary alien things do see right there i feel like i would have accidentally fast fell to my death i'm afraid to go off the stage with insta drop the second i do whoa stilettos right to the chin pull that sweet peach chin music the last time we did this series i think it took like i don't know 12 videos it was long my goal here is going to be to do this in as few videos as possible so they might be a bit longer than what you're used to why is the floor sticky wario what have you done [Music] i figured that'd be the funniest way to do it gross surely my boy dk is waiting on the other side of this rabbit kong i've actually never played the uh the mario rabbids crossover game i heard it's really good and it's always on sale for like 20 bucks maybe one of these days we'll do a very belated playthrough or at least a stream so if you want that i guess go check me out on twitch or just beg for it in the comments section donkey the mites are giving me flashbacks some ptsd from the subspace emissary the playthrough that i did with kai and we did it on intense if you haven't seen that go check it out i'll probably put it up in the eye or we'll put it in the comments section or you can find it if you're lazy just by searching on youtube [Music] oh we could just impact run into them okay this is fun oh my god okay goodnight everyone oh he tanked [Music] [Applause] i can't believe how far peach is carrying us right now and now that i said that out loud i will lose her especially to a bayonetta my god baynet is the one to do it where'd you come from another no frills battle i want more frills okay i i feel like that's what's going to kill me unless i can dodge it yeah okay you know i how i said i was going to lose peach this is it come on there's too many too many rockets okay one down don't forget about the rockets like that rest in peace peach rest in peach rest in peaches this is an annoying battle this is more annoying than it has any right to be oh diddy kong's dead okay we have a chance here please die oh boy that was an unnecessarily easy way to lose peach but that's okay because like i said we're using our worst characters because they're expendable they're like we need a character who loves to jump i know how about little mac he's great in the air his recovery is amazing oh you poor thing okay if we can't beat this stupid elephant we're gonna end up in the water aren't i or oh they could push themselves this friendly fire or friendly water i guess come on be distracted by items like you said you were oh wait there are none oh just did he's got the sauce can we just ladder him can can you come back down here you cheeky little chimp good night uh okay so far so good why is this a no-frills battle when it's a one star they scare me okay we gotta fight this venusaur i don't think no way around this because we do need to get that green switch i if i remember correctly i think we died here last time we definitely lost somebody here giant pokemon always do it yeah like especially with uh oh my god he picked up the flower okay we're gonna go with marth here uh i still have a couple good characters banked we have mario yoshi bowser we got the mario crew still hanging strong and pac-man am i just not being aggressive enough do i just need to rush this plant boy down there we go okay he should be no he is not i'm trying to counter when i should just really oh my god come on you're a big target no i didn't see it bro i'm i'm so mad right now you don't even know you don't even know this needs to end we gotta we gotta take this guy down bowser's the break glass in case of emergency character right now another gate down i feel better knowing that that was mandatory though it's time to do a little reevaluation we're gonna have to get some characters before we even try to progress here otherwise the run is going to be over it's okay 10 we're not dying to deku link no matter how much nut he has some of you were very clear in the comment section when i somehow confused resist for immunity so i hear you loud and clear and i understand that they're not the same thing i mean go big or go home right finally i'll feel better knowing we have dk on our team i'm gonna feel real good about that one we got the main now i realized i probably should have changed it from mario and start using some pac-man only because i'm not as good with pac-man as i am with mario which doesn't really say much i'm not too great at this game in general [Music] good thing i can hold that forever oh okay come on don't avoid conflict come play with me oh it's the fatal frame this one is terrifying man this is a terrifying assist trophy [Music] just the screams oh god i would not want to live here this thing will fall apart with a stiff gust of wind whoever bought this mansion they got ripped off that's one and and you know what i'm just gonna stand here oh i didn't know it was timed no i'm gonna lose this challenge you know what i'm actually not entirely sure we get a timeout i mean it's a defeat so we yeah i guess we lose them i'm an idiot you know i could very well just have my editor cut that part out but i need you all to see what a smooth brain i am so it stays but you know from here on out no more jokes no more memes no more twitter clips just we're going for the w that's it stamina battle is good because we can just oh man keep back with the eggs mac likes eggs all that protein he drinks some raw [Music] if i'm being honest here i'm probably gonna end up using the dlc characters but there is just something in me that wants to do it without it so i will only use dlc if i run out of everyone else but i'll count them as part of the roster but i'm not going to pick them first but there is just such little room for error now i really am playing this game like i have 100 characters on my roster right now and i don't okay i don't remember who that is but hope it's worth it we should be able to do this pretty easily with yoshi i think he's gonna get increased attack and defense but we got yoshi up bears man we got them yoshi up airs which will mean something if i can land them yeah right we'll go this way oh that's a lot of mega men that that's all the mega men oh no don't do that you know i gotta hang down here we're gonna hang down here where we can't be up there into oblivion where they can't just cheese us if i just stay under them i feel pretty confident i don't i don't like this dude with the beam sword though it's this stage this stage is causing problems okay that's one or two or three i don't know there's a couple left come here i gotta fight plankton's wife okay this is either gonna be huge brain or tiny brain so we take serious damage after a little while and i have the rage blaster and we do that oh yeah we fit trainers over here i was actually reading a couple comments of people that told me to restart the run hell no if i'm gonna go out early i'm gonna go out with grace and dignity and probably a lot of memes so funny how the beam sword is so much better thrown than actually swung that's probably not true don't quote me on that all right time for some wii fit trainer psyduck is so relatable because i too constantly have a migraine oh screen flip you say not today oh had that foot taste i mean maybe psyduck has a weird foot thing we don't know he's so small and now he's dead okay what kind of wii fit trainer am i if i can't beat my own board who can't even manage to hit me never mind spoke too soon oh spicy food good for the calorie burning i i don't know if that's true oh we need him right in the groin who's best koopa kid by the way certainly not morton i would say it's probably like roy or can't stand right there thank you or lemmy or ludwig huh the doc is in actually i probably should wait until i get doctor mario to say that the dock why is why is tingle three stars i was gonna say why did they make tingle villager but then i saw the balloons and i saw okay yeah that makes sense who designed tingle who's like this is a character that should be in this game okay just kill you real quick i don't like the slipperiness it's weird although i gotta say i wish we could play smash with some of these conditions on that'd be fun as hell panther carroso sounds like a star wars character keep breathing don't forget your deep breathing we are poppin shields i think it's the fist up to be honest okay we have three fist attacks up so we should be able to one shot this politano hopefully or not yo this ganondorf is such a simple look at him protecting this palutena i really dislike spirits that avoid conflict because i just want to punch things all right one more character standing on our way fox that's pretty good fox will be a nice asshat to have i mean i'm not the best box player but i'll take it all right so now we'll finally be able to clear that third switch and then we'll be able to go to heaven or wherever it is would i have to ko i'm a captain probably look at me trying to do a meme here see this is all chaotics but why is everyone invisible that's only espio's thing is it dude chaotix are some of my favorite characters in the sonic universe like how could you not love vector someone broke their shield i don't know who it is though okay it was sonic good payroll will be easier to kill in case you couldn't tell i'm just i'm trying to get through this run faster than i did last time because i feel like the more i attempt this run the sooner fatigue is going to set in and here's who we got left not including dlc we have six characters seven characters gonna play against not one but two wi-fi zeldas oh they have invincibility okay run away look at that we fit trainer run look at that jog wait come on okay there's no timer on this one which uh i don't want to talk about that last match where we lost pac-man we don't talk about that i just like how this entire run we've just been hanging on by a thread can i stop reflecting it accept your fate ow okay i'm trying not to get deleted here by prom oh good lord okay hang on hang on hang on that's a lot of swords that we can throw come on throw them [Music] okay put a little damage oh he's air dodging out of the way so i'm curious what level cpus are these if you play on hard or is it just dependent on the actual spirit battle this is going longer than i needed it to which means i gotta kill him otherwise i'm going to get axed or whipped no it's happening isn't it oh no not to simon please snipe okay good he has a bad recovery that's right there we go here forgot there were two parts are there any other characters i know pit's definitely in here i don't know if there's a second one okay stamina battle which means it's time to be kind of lame those of you who know me you know my disdain for the clock tower level are you supposed to even play this when you have to look at a scrolling background just get a migraine okay somehow um i saw this being easier in my brain maybe not easier that's not the word i'm looking for maybe less annoying do you want to put one in the coffin just to end no he dodged it i wanted to do the cool ending instead we're gonna break your kneecaps with a star lollipop how toxic can this match get or can i just it oh okay that works too i don't like that they favor down specials which means it's just going to be a bunch of jet hammers to dodge but then again they are very weak now we can head over and we can get our boy pit oh no oh oh i'm taking some damage come on oh you got tippered this spirit looks like zuko's girlfriend at the end of book three my it's my i've actually been meaning to do a video talking about me finally watching avatar like a decade or more after the show came out it just it hurts so much when you lose to a character because then it just it cancels out what you were trying to do which is you want to be plus characters and if you lose one and then use your second fighter to unlock a character it's almost like you went neutral no i'm saying okay we gotta like break the stone now this is why we can't have nice things all right the light wall is going down so now we can access the right side of the map we gotta find our boy hal who's over here somewhere to get into the military base there he is i can really just spend this entire time trying to unlock characters but i'm going to save some of them i'm going to just try to get the bosses out of the way since i think that's what's intimidating me the most come on i gotta kill hal here metal gear you cut it out him being metal definitely doesn't help i'm just i'm just trying to play in the waiting game here i'm trying to be patient oh no over the chocolate kill me up oh see the waiting game you know i really don't think i'm gonna skill this i think i'm going to get lucky multiple times and then i'll finally be able to complete this challenge they're so small look how small they are oh crap oh no okay okay we're good we're here we're good oh no we're not good okay we're still good oh he's dead he is so dead we're gonna watch him die all right now we're gonna head into the secret base so we're gonna get hacker man to do his thing [Applause] oh there's a character right there and i know sigma is going to be a huge pain in the ass but you know what we're gonna wait it out right now because i'm not that desperate dude i just love crushing shields such a good feeling right one after another and that's it oh right in the butt you see the old octopus last year's model would have tried to go for every character but now that i know where we need to go i'm going to try to get through this as painlessly as possible oh like i said painlessly dude i remember like virtua fighter being such a cool game when i was a kid because i didn't own it i always wanted to go to the arcade and play it in virtual fighter come back he's done that well placed back air [Music] can i kill him both at the same time two for one just enjoy coupon code death it's funny how annoying duon was in subspace on intense and it's just kind of been spiritified here wait we can kill just nana or popo that doesn't make any sense okay here's the problem with this one i don't have zap floor immunity yet and for the sake of saving time and potentially characters considering i don't really know where one is i'm going to try and do this without it which i'm fairly confident that i can as long as i just stay on the three platforms i just need him to come up so i can get one well-placed smash attack or ariel yeah we got him that saves us a lot of time okay i could go straight for the boss now all right we're able to beat giga bowser on our first try so can we do the same here all right patience is the key i just i need to remember his patterns too okay i forgot that we can't use the fairy bottle until oh he grabbed me that's pain we can't use the fairy bottle until we hit 100 so i just need to keep an eye on it okay so far so good oh wait did the bottle go away okay well that was a waste i'm waiting for him to just dash at me here he goes dodge that he's coming back where is he oh he's doing the funny dance what are you doing geez i'm afraid to get close to him because they know like one hit and i'm screwed that almost broke my shield i'm in a bad spot i'm in a very bad spot oh come on we are so close we're gonna do this with bowser though see if i would have had that fairy bottle i would have been gucci just remember don't be greedy greed is what kills you and i think i was just in a bad spot i was doing well wow that's in 40 percent i just getting a couple of good f smashes bowser is a big boy he can take some hits i'm not as worried oh okay that could have been avoided as could this one two and he's done nope [Music] and for mega man 2. i mean i guess i should have known that he was there sigma would have been such a cool character for this game i mean i was really excited when they announced him for marvelous capcom infinite but then i saw how infinite turned out and i just never played it also it came out when dragon ball fighters also came out so it was like uh i'm gonna be playing dragon ball fighters and especially now with marvelous capcom three making such a huge comeback like is it worth even picking up and playing infinite there we go super fighting robot all right we have 150 orbs now which means we get that double final smash all right i feel like we already took down some of the harder bosses so now we can head to the right side of the map oh speaking of chic i need to go unlock sheik so we're gonna do that after this i gotta say this run feels good and pitt said let there be light and samus this is gonna be the episode where we get a bunch of characters because the first two episodes they were a little painful a little painful to watch i mean we've lost characters to really dumb things but uh-uh not gonna happen anymore old octopus here is about to complete this challenge and you know what i'm gonna do without dlc unless we lose in which case i will use dlc okay we can't lose pit here we just got him because we can do stuff like this now you know you're not dodging this who is it oh it's gleam and he's pissed off we have one more boss okay that's rathalos which i feel like is probably the easier of the three bosses that we fought cheek time she's gonna get some redemption here because last run i think we lost sheep like pretty early on or if it wasn't early on i know sheik didn't get a lot of spotlight and we got a pretty solid amount of characters right now what do we have like 11 characters or bullan oh oh god oh starman why does it have to be starman okay we got to take care of this dude actually can we ko starman like can that be it oh wait hang on hang on i can reflect those [Music] this is going poorly but thankfully mewtwo doesn't know how to recover now i remember this i gotta find my way through the maze what's the easiest way i almost feel bad about hurting this one this is where we lose him isn't it how did that bomb not touch him go go there we go that's the underwater theme [Music] oh sorry blooper who would have thought man pit is taking us far not to take it for granted or jinx it like i just did i could just spam smash attacks all right so where do we want to go next because we have some orbs i think fast final smash meter might be good because we have double and we haven't touched the entire right side of the tree yet so let's go this way oh what's the matter you can't reach me from all the way over there fish man yo fish man's got some fish hands i guess that would be fins technically left is right and right is the left no it ain't does insta drop like the counter to low gravity is it the opposite because that's what it suggested when i uh when i hit auto select can you please [Music] come on just die [Music] oh lord please if i recall correctly yes it's me gunner which means we're gonna get the funny skeleton boy oh nice using that back shield somebody finally did [Music] you're in for a bad time i want to go to woohoo island i wish woohoo island was a real place just hoping one day that nintendo decides to port the wii sports games to the switch okay a bunch of wario's crawling on all fours is something that i never want to see ever again it's nightmare fuel by the way i'm curious about the last episode when we lost pac-man now i need the ruling on this because it was a time out do we still lose him i mean i counted it as a loss but you know any opportunity to get pac-boy back would be nice because in the official nuzlocke rules for pokemon if a pokemon flees you don't lose right i don't know let me know in the comment section what you think on pac-man oh it's like they are the train you know i never actually played spirit tracks i loved phantom hourglass but spear tracks came out and i was like ah i don't know if i wanted another zelda like this but i should get to it one day one day when i'm not being rushed down okay you're done that's it my name's well actually to be fair his name is rick oh hang on hang on hang on i am ice floor that's not good for me because i don't have ice floor immunity so i i got to be careful i mean i'm doing okay you're dead he turns himself into a pickle funny i've ever seen in my life all right we're going to dragon land there he is you keep your mouth shut you'll get yours boy am i feeling good about this one i'm not going to lose a single character to wrethloss doesn't matter i'm just gonna keep spamming smash attacks until they walk into it come on you gotta go down two we gotta go fight dragon boy or girl or non binary dragon tricky that reminds me of the chick from well it's not a chick it's also a triceratops from lamb before time or is the name sarah three horns never play with long neck man i hated sarah all my homies hate sarah sarah's always so mean too we stand ducky oh wait he's gonna fly away right yeah we gotta chase him now i genuinely think this might be the longest stretch we've ever had with any character who would have thought it'd be pit i don't ever play pit i mean probably you could tell you weren't watching this video and you were like man chuck is really good with pit who knew come here oh no whoa whoa whoa whoa i didn't know you flair blitz me just raw level three i too have a funny mushroom i guess all mushrooms are funny yeah how about you try recovering idiot he fell on the banana peel peak comedy oh okay getting ganged up here um no we're supposed to keep pit we can't lose pit right before we fight rathalos it's the god honestly after all this pit should get some kind of promotion to god whatever paul tana is okay i'm a little nervous because rathalos is the one that i remember least about the patterns but like i said no characters lost oh get away from me okay good 23 and we haven't even touched yet but we can reflect those that's right i've done my research where'd you go okay he's gonna do the fireball thing to which i will use my upbee and avoid it completely oh we gotta get the deku nut take a nap oh it didn't work grab that how come they're not working stay back indeed oh grab the nut oh from downtown take a nap dragon boy as long as we don't get greedy we can definitely do this gotta keep our distance where are you at okay we're doing this thing again okay we can probably yep we can shield that pit is really cut out for this he can reflect fireballs he can use an upbeat to fly over when he goes scorched earth [Music] it's about playing smart not better because i'm definitely not playing any better this time around every time easy work light work and shield i'm surprised that shield hasn't broken yet but it's okay we take those oh he's shooting multiple fireballs now where you going big boy oh that's not it oh he broke it okay this feels good we're gonna do this we got this i'm feeling cocky now oh no okay remember okay i'm sorry oh this can go sour so quickly so fast but not this time dude if i died here with him having such little health i think i might cry you might hear a grown man cry in his own video but rathalos goes down that's all the bosses not a single character lost oh he's just gonna explode you know what that means that shield is broken and it's time for the world of dark [Music] yes [Music] hello remember me so if you guys remember in the last world of flight run we struggled with master hand and crazy hand or maybe it was just master him now specifically in the world of dark but this time i know what i'm doing okay that's a tiny shield right now it is my saving grace seriously i might have to start maining pit pit is single handedly saving this run and i haven't even started searching for characters yet dude trying to thano snap me there down again we're taking the gloves off in this case maybe only me because i don't know master hand can take the gloves off he is only a glove oh unhands me get it light work all right galeem you're next so when he dies does he get carpal tunnel all right we gotta make it through here and if pit happens to go down then he had a great run this is more than i could have asked of any pit ever i think after fighting both of them at the same time this is easy mode we're going to do this i am filled with determination look at this we're breezing right through it's actually not fair how reformed i am how good i've gotten at the world of light all right he's mad now he's starting to get upset he better get him to some nice spaghetti oh play it cool we're high percentage but we can still do this oh boy [Music] whoa okay come on oh my shield's so small all right pit you had a good run you can rest now it's time to bring in our boy you know we got to get some respect on pit's name in the comment section because pitt took us further than i ever thought he would and now it's up to mega man and the reason why we're going mega man here is because i have gleam experience with mega man plus you can't argue using those upbears it's all about the reach all right taking no hits so far he's going down this is the run i know in my heart and soul this is the run oh can't shield those gotta remember that i just know if i can get past master hand this time in world of dark where i struggled and lost so many characters we're gonna do this it's gonna be easy gonna outrun these guys oh you want to beat galeem you can't reach him throw those tornadoes oh that's not good bring your boys out you're scared i'm scared where are they oh god oh no oh no oh the air dodge thankfully mega man has one of the best recoveries in the game bar none name a better companion than rush oh crap he's down this is it and golem's dead all right world of dark time and you throw your light bright temper tantrum you can't stop us here come all the hands out of the shadows i i love this i love the the battle of the hands crawling out of the woodwork where are you this whole time you coward now because galeem is vulnerable you think you can step up i'm coming for you too and poke you right in that eyeball oh we're about to be unstoppable all right we're in the world of dark now which means there's no turning back unless we turn back to get more characters in the world of light grab grab it grab it now it is i who has the final smash how does lucario's aura work with stamina instead of having high damage you have to have low health come on lucario you're getting destroyed i mean i know we fit trainers in great shape and all but you're supposed to have the power of the aura okay we're going right into this this is where we're gonna prove ourselves we're gonna make it through and i'm gonna show i don't even need all the characters i don't need all of them screw everyone is here how about the important ones are here ow oh god crazy hand is a little less straightforward because i've bought him less times however we're doing okay this could be going worse bombs bombs no let go of me please oh we knocked him down again oh i got a flower on my head not cool not cool crazy boy i want to use my deep breathing but okay now it's probably a safe time out of this way so close come on whoa that would have killed me but i'm killing you all right we didn't lose anybody crazy hand down [Music] i love her jab and how it just varies so trolly [Music] which mega man x game was axel from was it x4 i remember having a mega man x game on the playstation 2 and i think it might have been x4 i didn't think it was any good i don't know if anyone does think it's good i don't know if it is good but i didn't think so it's so cute bye-bye i mean if you're playing a 3d mega man game and it's not mega man legends and what are you even doing why is amy the same difficulty as a legendary pokemon fan of spirits they scare me they frighten me especially when you take serious damage after a little while like i'm just gonna be at 999 percent for no reason you know what the not fair part is that i have earned 138 percent and bayonet is just gonna get it for free unless we end things now i wish my anxiety would disappear the way that the clouds disappear oh okay we start with 300 damage well good luck um that works uh okay we're doing doing all right god i'm deathly afraid to get hit right now how many of you are there okay that was the last one did i just risk my life for medium snacks medium snack was my nickname in high school against these tougher spirits i just i gotta be smart uh invisibility on top of clock tower is the worst no no no oh let me get it let me get it damn it [Music] nope my turn get out of here oh thank you final uh oh we have another one okay do over and now i have dr light so i got that zap floor immunity it's a little bit disturbing how deep pichu's voice is when he's big okay don't quite remember where i'm going but i think it's the right way quick man quick man was my nickname in college i control the boomerangs i control the world uh no no you know i need to survive what if we did some yoga i want to know who's responsible for giving me nightmares as a child was mewtwo really the right choice for a redead they're breathing fire but i'm breathing funny guess rambling mushroom and the bellows are easily my two favorite items in the game just for sheer trolling purposes let's work that balance wolf seems like the kind of guy who needs yoga too he just always seems stressed and angry wait look how funny she slides down the ladder you know what the medusa heads remind me of i've been playing doom 64 lately as i recommended in a recent video people always ask me for game recommendations so i was like hey let me just make a video with 10 hidden gems that you guys probably haven't played and doom 64 is one of them and uh the skulls the flying skulls easily the most annoying enemy in the game everyone take a stretch break i really like having double final smash it was a good idea to rush this try bowser do i want to fight this right now i know let's do a quick google search to see what character that is and if they're really worth the headache a few moments later yep that's daisy goodbye now listen here i'm not saying daisy is not a good character nor am i saying that she's not worth having what i'm saying is is it really worth the risk i mean i'm not great with daisy if it was donkey kong or mario or someone that i actually knew how to play yeah i might go for it but in this case it's probably not worth it i look like buzz lightyear what is this is creepy i really want to see again shield this how is your shield just that weak or is that attack that strong imagine just being like the final boss to some place and your name is alan this is what i get from making fun of allen allen's everywhere are getting their revenge [Music] or are they one more cannonball to go the only thing standing in the way is knuckle joseph you're a three-star i'm scared so we're gonna run away like a coward if i could just get ryu off the stage i feel like that's gonna be games i can easily cheese this come on man no don't put me to bed no nighty night for me see how flexible you are in the bag oh you start the battle with cuckoo that is terrifying i'm more afraid of the cuckoo than i am of the three characters attacking me getting attacked by a bunch of tiny characters but i have no problem murdering them i'm hitting my stride i'm feeling myself nobody's gonna stop us watch we're gonna beat dracula first try to if we can get past this diddy kong the cunning god of death oh he's gonna just try to side b right off the bat i think ridley killed me or i think ridley took a character last time come on die please die i think wario's on the other side i hope it's wario so then the sex appeal of this video is about to go way way up just gonna keep f smashing until one lands ah you know i won't complain because pit took us really far so it'll be nice to have pit but again i'm waiting for the serious damage because we have the rage blaster and it's gone you know what i didn't need it anyway however i do need to be careful because death scythe could just delete me like that all right we still have a bunch of characters left i i guess we're going to use dark pit okay i have a fairy bottle so we'll at least heal up assuming i can hang on to it stay back a little bit okay there we go i just cheated death but if you cheat death then you guys have seen the final destination movies right then he just chases you who would have knew that death was weak to koopa shells wow we're really crushing shields and spirits where's wario i know he's here somewhere unless i'm completely wrong but i feel like he is he's probably on the ledge when you have to go flip the the gate he's probably over there i'll make it a point to get wario because i like wario which is funny considering i neglected all the wario games when i was younger i didn't play a single wario land game but i have promised myself that i'm going to go back oh nice tech too bad you're just gonna die too bad you're just gonna die look at dark pit this boy is spitting okay now i remember the alu card fight being just a nightmare so i'm gonna try and okay my curry's gone i'm always sad when curry is gone what if what if we did that oh my god we just oh we just cheesed him with an f-tilt all right dracula i'm here you big stupid nerd oh no i forgot he's hot oh don't break my shield i don't remember that attack but i do remember we have to hit him only in the head out okay walks in okay the broken shields might have actually saved me there breaking my own shield is the big brain play there we go thank you for the assist this is the easier dracula in my opinion uh in my opinion go oh yeah i i don't know about this maybe we'll just hey jeff's doing more damage than i thought it was going to can i block these oh oh i can i tried to reflect that one all right i'm not a great ridley player but ridley's got some good air attacks so we should be fine here just keep poking him in the eyeballs i really took too many unnecessary hits with dark pit you know what dark pit he had his 15 seconds of fame hit was the real hero here two ugly boys just solving their problems by throwing tails that did 80 why am i up to 87 that's too much percent oh okay yeah don't don't try and shield that one we can still do this no i have two hundred percent what are you gonna do no no no no oh my god that dude looks like grim from the grim adventures of billy and mandy oh everyone's got a death site you get a death scythe you get a death site did i make a mistake here have i made a grave mistake maybe but also maybe not and why do you have a jamaican accent so we're running low on characters which means we need to start this video by getting some starting with our beautiful gassy boy wario i really do need to get a bunch of characters and there's a lot on the table which means there's potential because we're already one boss done in the world of dark but i got wario's destroying me just want him to walk into an f-smash like that starship mario has had it he is done with everyone's shenanigans oh he caught that catch this oh never mind you may know everything that i'm going to do but that's fine because i know everything that you're going to do i prefer the air you know where i'm feeling most confident in the fact that i've played so much smash in the last year that i just think i've gotten better at the game and that's going to help me immensely roasted bird anybody dude what is this donkey kong what is this dk i was just tanking the ice and he's got super armor great you know he doesn't have advantage against any character in this game i've never seen a polar bear do this why is a polar bear short hop fast falling please oh he hit me first please be weak oh thank god that is so weak because you're going down that's going to be a very useful spirit to have look at ridley's sliding you know what screw it now i'm using the super slow armor come here what are you gonna do about it bless this super slow armor i should have used this way earlier oh i can be so lame and you can't do anything about it [Music] oh wait i can't get to the fighter from here i was just getting dixie kong's hat where are you come out you coward this is the content you came here for right me just f-smashing over and over again i think it's funny how slow ridley moves but his dash attack somehow goes fast fighting toad and today two characters that people probably really want to be in smash there's a big fan base for toad but i feel like toadette would be the alt they couldn't put one in without the other i came all the way here for duck hunt but you know what that's okay because every fighter counts here except isabel and we have a total of 16 characters now and we're going to keep getting more but first we're going to use some of our skill spheres because i have 274 of them [Music] is that dracula i know nothing of castlevania lore i was kind of hoping we would one shot pizza there that's right build up the damage oh it's the owl who spins his head around don't worry spin your head around for you that was that was supposed to be a threat putting super slow armor with impact dash just seems kind of counter-intuitive three times the wind resists because i ain't losing to no wind speaking of losing to wins hold up hold up hold up okay yeah even the playing field a little bit it was at this moment that he yo this evolved dracula spirit is opie did i not use this one in the last run because this thing's broken kind of like snake's neck futaba time finger futaba i am so excited for persona 5 strikers to come to the west it's coming i think like switch steam and ps4 which is rad because i i mean i'm still playing persona 5. i've been playing it since april but i'm almost done so i'm just i'm ready for more persona 5. oh that shield broken we're going to walk you to the ledge so we can be disrespectful over here he's from wii music right remember that game me neither don't push the button huh okay well that didn't open okay i just decided to return to the world of dark because we're we have a pool of characters we can still get in world of light and i don't think we need to go there yet i think we got plenty right now i still don't know why they call it the bomb festival as if it's a celebration oh hans so we're doing pretty good against the hands so far we got to keep that energy little itsy bitsy spider walking ass i'm gonna block this one i get nervous when i shield because i'm like is this the one that's gonna break all right we got explosion attacks up which means we're gonna spam that f smash oh oh okay this is this is good this is good we're in good position right now there you go he's down and this should finish him how many bites does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a crazy hand let's find out one two a three hold up hold up ain't about to lose to no easy ass spirit battle i might i'm getting trapped in an infinite oh my god what did i sign up for [Music] you know what i ain't no coward but i'm just curious why is this not a stamina battle like every other mega man fight i swear i'm gonna play the mega man exe games one of these days oh you have a bomb again throw it throw it how many do i have to fight and are they gonna be harder than this yo i forgot that we had a reflect on a perfect shield and we sent it downward oh that was so trippy is this the last one it seems like it's a little easy for a four-star battle maybe i'm just too damn good ridley yeah that that's got to be it well nope oh i can't see i got a conch shell on me oh magic conch am i going to win this match [Music] i always come strapped to a fight in that case just mr saturn but they say never bring a knife to a mr saturn fight wow you got you got those perfect shields and the combos dude you're done you dodged it i'm afraid i'm afraid of karate joe karate joe's got the sauce look at him is that something that you want to mess with all right we're in the mysterious dimension which means it's quiz time look how cute the little wings pikmin are who could hurt that'll them get old what's up with all the shoto ai just being godlike just knowing all the true combos look at the cancels they're so real dude he's gonna kill me i'm going to die to poo which sounds kind of gross he dodged oh dodge oh ultra instinct poo dude no no no it can't go out this way your spirit usually sells furniture uh red sells paintings and other fine art so it's got to be this dude well you know what to be fair red doesn't sell anything he tries to scam you well i mean i guess he sells whatever he's trying to scam you you know he's a con artist that's what i'm saying wait no hang on uh well you know what this is pre uh animal crossing new horizons so i guess i'm wrong do i forget for forgetting about new leaf oh it's robert got a good feeling about rob this run rob's gonna be a sleeper get your johnny five looking ass over here which spirit is a no pun it's whatever the uh character no from monster hunter is i think it's torah yeah it's torah did i say monster hunter i meant xenoblade or is it monster hunter [Music] [Laughter] i love breaking jigglypuff shield all right so maybe that's incineroar or greninja greninja okay it was one of the two pokemon i think i lost someone took her ninja last time i could be wrong someone remind me in the comment section because you're all so nice they're all like chalk definitely isn't bad at this game and i know someone out there is keeping track of both runs this we all know i'm not oh really died hey ridley's another one that surprised us though he went much further than i thought he was going to now it's rob's turn is there no big the cat spirit fight i feel like there should be and froggy should definitely be one of them as greninja oh what's the matter you've fallen you can't get up what i really want to know is who the hell is this frat boy why are all the mother spirits the worst like i'm not even touching jeff with a six-foot pole and this one has a bomb rain again here we go here let the fun begin if i just hang out down here they can't reach me the bombs not not these guys oh stamina battle okay but better turn this around real quick i'm only using final smash to save myself from the bomb ring so either huge brain or tiny brain i gotta camp down here it's all i can do well rob was a huge disappointment moving on which group hails from inkopolis well it's got to be someone from splatoon right what's scarier than one character with super slow armor how about two of them oh man i don't remember this one i remember this one being confusing because they're all fire emblem characters or anime i think it was lissa i can actually just spam side b that works unless i accidentally do it off the stage this is not foreshadowing because i'm gonna stop doing it right now just walking so menacingly see they're trying to throw you off now they send me all the way over there i think that's incineroar wrong again just going to do this he doesn't know how to counter it he doesn't know what to do against such high level play i mean can you blame him i am very talented at this game it's actually kind of hilarious how good i am [Applause] where's our boy fire cat where is he hiding fire cat where are you hey i may be on to something here how frustrating you think this has to be like even for ai i want the ai to just be like you know what screw it just rage quit like i'm not getting paid for this oh you can spin too let's have a spin battle have a good old-fashioned beyblade battle i'm just kidding i was too old for beyblades i aged out by the time they were cool i'm just kidding because they're still cool he's got fast charging final smash and that kind of sucks because i can't get close to him at least not quick enough come on before you get the final smash meter ouija time you know what i just remembered i don't even have a little mac yet oh man once we get little back this thing's over little mac is world of light on easy mode and i saw what alpha did with cloud strife don't think i wasn't taking notes he's resilient i like how they have that scary black and red aura in the world of dark and i just i remember i don't even need to think twice throwing the softball questions at us now no i'm too afraid to jump over the pit with the super slow armor so you know what i'm just gonna chill over here they'll come to me it's fine [Applause] you know i'm not gonna use the final smash because it's garbo just out of curiosity what was the other one again yeah pidgey that's warts army okay this this is the hard one okay the strategy here last time was f smash with little mac i don't know if that's gonna work this time around i mean smash attacks are gonna they're gonna do ow okay all right fun yeah play like that you loser crap crap crap i have no idea what the play is here because i used little mac last time but i have an idea okay i don't know if i should have taken bowser since i'm not like great with bowser but bowser's a good character to have because he's big however this is working this is this is it come on couple more f-smashes come on just need to tough it out like one more attack oh oh wait oh oh god oh we just got yeah oh we did it oh that was close oh it's boss time we're gonna go fight marks now i like how it swirls you in just to stop all right here we go another boss after this we'll be only one away from fighting the two of them again i probably should not have taken bowser here but it's whatever it's fine actually i think marx is probably the easiest ball so i'm not really concerned look at this we're only taking a hyper beam to the face do the weird oh no not that i was waiting for you to do the weird vein thing that kind of creeps me out see like this thing that that's creepy don't do that it took like the cutest kirby character and made him horrifying easy you know i was worried that i wouldn't be able to play geno when he came out as dlc in world of light nuzlocke because i haven't been using dlc characters but i don't have to worry anymore my dreams are dead i was actually gonna play sans me gunner but i feel like i i owe it to my blue puppet boy but wouldn't it be tragic if i lost him right now i refuse to let that happen come here ah oh no oh okay final smash final smith come on die sakurai can we have gino okay so we're working our way towards the sacred realm is it that what it's called that's where the last boss is gannon which will probably be a walk in the park i feel like he's the easier of the three in the world of dark god damn it i keep rhyming i don't mean to do it every time i see the mega man vulnerable spirit i'm like oh yeah i need to replay mega man legends one day and then i go about my life imagine if that killed me you know how mad i would be not as mad as gino being a me fighter again but mad i'll make me come up there yeah oh i almost i didn't see the lava come here just want to talk to you i really owe it to geno to take him as far as humanly possible you're just going to down smash the whole time nope create does i don't know i don't play metroid games i've never actually played well i've never finished a metroid game let me rephrase oh god oh no no no no no he has it he's using it but i'm gonna use it two i really thought he was gonna kill me there for a monster that's a cute little apartment okay i benched gino gino in quotation marks i benched geno for a little bit because i don't want him to die we have a lot of hard spirit battles coming up you know i never actually thought to use very immunity spirit against inkling fights i don't know why it's perfect i can't be killed via ink roller see look why didn't i think of that earlier we had a good roster too i got a lot of characters and i didn't even unlock everybody yet if i need to i can go back and get some characters that's the luxury of missing your final smash take two it's just gonna stand still what's with the k-rool spirit battles always just standing still should i just do it okay last time i cheesed ganondorf really hard so that's gonna be the same play here i just i gotta protect zelda i gotta protect myself okay i was playing too reckless there way too reckless i just i gotta get him off the stage and i need to keep him if i can even get that far come on just off the stage okay come on come on zelda i'm doing all the work here you're the one with the powerful piece of the triforce [Music] all right we gotta use more expendable characters because i'm losing good ones [Music] this is it this is it oh he was off i had him i had him right where i wanted him no no no no don't you dare touch my girl okay that one's done with that's a powerful spirit for us to have i'm pretty sure we had to do that anyway so now i feel like i can traverse the sacred lands peacefully he wants me to take my strongest into this no-frills battle do you know i just slayed calamity ganon i'm trying to think if there's any other super hard spirit battles standing in our way before we get to the end there might be a couple but i honestly think that most of the super hard battles are out of the way and now i'll just lose to dumb things like this isabelle's like don't talk to me or my daughter ever again something so satisfying about ko and isabel that reminds me i need to go back and find isabelle ah mr l this is where they've been hiding him he really should be an alts for luigi they really capitalized from capcom they were like yeah all right every single robot master is going to be a spirit battle speaking of mega man and robot masters what do you guys think of mega man 11. i played it i didn't beat it but i don't know like it's a good game i enjoy it but it just doesn't have the same feel maybe i just don't like the double gear system it doesn't feel very mega many yo why is tiny kong three stars wins you cannot bother me i took triple win resist and this is a timed battle let me remember that because we all remember what happened with pac-man i didn't know it was timed no which was very stupid because he could have taken us get down here wow i actually hate this fight i i hate this not today time not today switch back to geno because i don't know i just i feel like i'm obligated to play him i feel like i'm obligated to get good with me gunner now i don't even like me gunner that much but now i have to play him watch yoshi cheese me i took the improved escape but watch me get neutral bead like off the stage this is annoying this is very annoying oh watch out for the water watch out for the water watch out for the water and watch out for the fire and finally additional mid-air jump we have done it trifecta oh haha this is like the lost maze in the forest and i'm geno because that's where you find them i couldn't even put the damn song in the game let's get this one this might be the time north west north these kanye west kids north west north dive in your puppet you don't want to get mildew so make sure you dry off here's zarya this will be easy gotta keep gino alive here aka me gunner aka i'm very sad oh no oh you isabelle saved me not that i wouldn't have recovered but it's just hilarious that i was caught via fishing oh my god i'm getting crushed i need a final smash like now before they get theirs let's end this wait where did you come from i can't believe that just happened found in the forest maze and died in the forest maze i i can't believe that just happened i can't believe that crab came out of nowhere i have no words this should have been an easy battle like that it's poetic it makes sense but it's just sad you know what the extra sad part is i didn't even need to do that you know just he can't get a win he can't ever get a win and i've i've accepted that i've accepted that that is gino's thing he just he can't get anything no love but it's okay because i loved him oh wait maybe i did need young link never mind so he sacrificed himself that's the lore a noble sacrifice by gino and that's why he he couldn't be here to help us because he needed to sacrifice himself oh you want to throw hands okay don't mess with the bull if you don't want the horns oh wait hang on hang on hannah i'm going gonna use my favorite item the bellows oh it's all bellows this is an all bellows match you know before he actually cheeses me with it and i and i die because i don't have the recovery that villager does well this one tell us 12 10. got it what spirit is this again impa zelda's temple so we're going straight to weenie hut jr oh that was easy one of my favorite memes of all time is just the map of zelda's temple and has everything labeled like you got hyrule fight club you have weenie hut jr which is just hanging out over here unbeatable tactic right here ike up smashes which fire emblem game is like from which i could easily look up but why not abuse the power of commenting for the algorithm and ask you guys so i think out of all the fire emblem characters ike is probably my favorite so maybe i'll go play his game maybe or maybe i won't i'm gonna switch to some zelda after this get some zelda cheese in there zelda cheese is something that they would sell at the london ranch 100 whole milk banana gun kill always the funniest okay that's two pieces oh wait i was supposed to change to zelda hold up sonic has really creepy eyes here like he almost looks like metal sonic maybe that's what they were alluding to i can't see anything turn the lights back on i will be able to see through the light of my sword you come here little bunny boy wait cloud is here that doesn't make any sense you know what it didn't make sense the first time either and it doesn't make sense now you know the guardian of the master sword cloud strife he's got two swords he's double bladed he's dual wielding get ike pull the master sword i would love to see that wait i'm giant that's not fair i don't know what this is referencing but i'll take it that reminds me i probably should go get some uh some giant spirits i need to get the zap fish and little mac nair up air the ike special okay there's a lot of stars here so i'm a little scared i should be abusing super slow armor more than i am in fact i'm not really using it at all oh hey hang on hang on hang on oh oh one just died one just st that doesn't mean i still won't lose to just corrin that's still very possible come here come here come here come here we're just fighting back-to-back hard spirits fine whatever recommended just immediately through the or club at me so i'll take it i forgot what i did last time remember this fight though big tornadoes he blocked it okay he's dead you have a lot of health i'm gonna die yep i am going to die unless i can crap okay i don't remember what i did last time i think i spammed pk fire with ness but let's use bowser i'm gonna double up on the fire because if i can kill akira come on you stupid assist trophy die okay that's that's akira i mean it doesn't matter i gotta kill ryu he doesn't know what to do i missed i missed but he's self-destructed i can't believe that just happened daddy's home and he brought you flowers okay so when i pick bowser jr which cooper kid am i playing with let me know in the comment section who's the best koopa kid time to go down for a nap son you not the worst when you have to sneeze and then it just doesn't come out put your teeth man strong winds can't stop me don't you know who i am i'm somebody with three wind resist spirits damn it there's too much wind if that would have killed me i'm staying away from that tornado because the next one will kill me go away go away maybe he'll touch it yeah get kill him kill him all right here we go it's ganondorf time so we need to fight ganondorf then we need to fight ganon and then finally we're going to make our way back towards galeem and darkhan the rematch and this time we're going to do it i'm not gonna fail i'm not losing a ton of characters to master hand i'm ready triforce is complete where are you beast gannon all right we're gonna bench some of our better characters and take some of our lesser knowns out i just need to remember i gotta hit him in the tail let's get out of the way okay or i can take damage that's fun does he have anything i can reflect i think so because i do have a down b reflector ow there we go knock him down don't stale don't stale i maybe could have reflected that but i'm kind of afraid to find out patience is key i say as i get a sword to the mouth nope can't reflect that i've been doing well with bosses so we just gotta not lose anybody knock him down one more time oh okay as i was saying you know now that sephiroth is out i think i want to use him for the final battle but i think to make it fair since i haven't been using any of the dlc characters i'll trade somebody that i'm pretty good with i think that'll be fair because of the whole world the light thing in his trailer and his reveal i kind of like i want to use him i think it'd be cool you know for the content you know it's really dumb losing falco because i lost him just because i was impatient because look we're breathing now we're freezing it was always about fox okay that was incredibly close i would have died at 40. i think at some point i'm gonna have to go get celebi i'm gonna need celebi for the uh for the gauntlet there we go gannon goes down all right that's the last boss before the gauntlet so now we're just going to do some reps and we're going in not losing this time man beast cannon is ugly it's happening it's happening i'm coming back you know what while we're in the neighborhood i know how annoying this fight is so i gotta try to end it fast i'm gonna try and put a lot of damage on fast not me just celebi who's very slippery and small like a slug i just know i'm going to need this for the boss rush oh wait final smash come here hit him with the old drive-by [Music] i told you i'm not losing this time not to anyone not to you oh he grabbed me british people be like unhands me i remember seeing that on twitter and i thought that was hilarious i'm making mistakes i need little mac i have to go back we're gonna get him in preparation for the final battle because i need little mac i mean do i do i really need little mac shield oh imagine all that just to get poked oh no oh i'm mashing okay we're safe we're safe we're safe we're still safe i just you got to go down one more time pal just one more here we go a little close for comfort here but this was never about being comfortable all right here we go dark han round one so creepy man i really think after fighting the two of them i'm prepared to fight them one-on-one i feel like i should have taken mega man again come on go down stupid eyeball boot lego mega red okay so the furries are gone bringing mega man back out because he's got the experience with these fights plus mega man up air is the way to go because you can reach anywhere i want this run to end i want it to stop haunting my dreams alpha's done this what four times i don't know how he's done it i barely did it once i don't want it anymore i want this to be the end not like literally i don't want this to be the end i want me finishing the you know what i'm saying the x1s are a little bit trickier oh god i almost fast fell to my death you guys got to be here i'm trying to deal with the eyeball man i was doing really well i was gonna do a no-damage run there you ruined it now it's all going to crap okay this is gonna be close as most of my boss fights are already close just fall just fall you know you wanna you know you wanna take a nap i'm tired too we're all tired everyone's talk don't let me die to a wario clap which sounds like an std here we go all right i would just like to thank everyone for supporting me this far uh oops i taunted too many times imagine if i would have died there this is it but we have to do a couple things first first off we need the zapfish spirit next up we gotta get our boy little mac and finally the most important thing we have to do we need to make a sacrifice to the nuzlocke gods i know that's going to piss a lot of you off alright we have plenty of characters now i'm ready you know i feel so incredibly good about this because we have a lot of characters but not only that we also have a lot of characters i can get in case we get into trouble oh you got the big punch huh well i got that two i'm also gonna make sure to keep the balance here so we can get the good ending that's how it works right and i will spare no expense we're gonna use little mac right off the bat get real eager about that rematch with master hands cause that's where i tripped up last time but it's not gonna happen this time that's right stay aboard the sinking ship or as i like to call it sega [Applause] oh you're a big boy i mean in reality little mac is probably small compared to everyone else i just feel like i'm on a rampage right now with little mac yeah i'm angry i'm fed up i'm done i want this to be over damn that was a lot of damage for one f smash i also need to remember i'm little mac so let's not go off the stage i do have an extra jump though so maybe i'm not little mac all right let's just be careful of the holes in the the bridge that i don't fall through them and lose little max stupidly or get pushed off the stage [Music] oh like that i wasn't i wasn't looking anyone else want some oh that's right there's characters here let's grab roy real quick add him to the roster well all that for 19 all right so now it is favorite darkness which means we need to shift it the other way we could do this truthfully i saw a lot of stars and i was like okay that's scary plus it's ganondorf but uh it just reflects ganondorf we don't have anything he can reflect he's a big old target [Music] all right crazy you're up first see you know what the problem was last time i didn't use any of my good characters until it was absolutely necessary i think i got far enough using my subpar characters so we're gonna bring dk out oh long finger besides i need better aerials than little mac for this throw your temper tantrum over there i don't like how we're already at oh that's new already at 100 and okay no worries we still got this banana slamma one more hand to go [Music] that's right the agents of light so we're not even gonna be done after this i just want you to know that i'm more ready for this rematch than i am for gleam and dark on because if you remember last time master hand claimed a lot of my characters and that's not gonna oh okay i'm at 60 already that's not gonna happen this time even though it already kind of seems like it we're taking him down pretty quick oh survive okay so uh our main is gone you know what that's fine you take one big boy out we got another so it was just an unfortunate series of attacks why do i keep thinking i can shield that i realize i'm already at 97 percent but we're bowser takes a lot more than that to take down the king of nintendo oh yeah we're freezing through this this is it kind of sad we lost dk though because i wanted a little bit of glory with the main but you can't win them all i guess that's right master hand you only claimed one life today okay so the agents of darkness and the agents of light are both on the field they're blocking the way we got to take them down but also there's some characters over here it's crazy how almost exactly one year ago how different things were in this run but with time and experience i've gotten better right maybe i almost died to something stupid is this one gonna be a pain in the ass it's another bayonetta bayonetta spirit battles terrify me especially when they're stamina yup isn't it ironic how bowser can do so well and then die to something like this oh hang on hang on is this enough is it it's probably not [Music] yep it's not gonna be enough [Music] why's it always the damn bayonetta spirit battles now i gotta pick lucas so you see what you made me do i just rely on lucas up smashes then i feel like that's the way cause i can just hold it forever and then they can parry it and then they can witch time it i'm assuming that's a character from bayonetta it's got the same shoes that's just another bayonetta ooh ridley's gold that's exotic it's like a cheap gold though it reminds me of you remember when uh i don't know if it was burger king or if it was kfc they did the pokemon promotion like back when pokemon came out am i going to lose maybe we come on all right you know what else is gold cheese well yellow shut up oh boy just back-to-back tough fights huh this is probably a really bad idea yeah of course of course i get all the nerfs i'm easy to launch my defense is lowered as if it's not bad enough that i'm pichu ha got him okay maybe it was a good idea i don't know where we should put our orbs next i guess maybe some endurance so we're not as easy to launch we'll put here here then we'll work on the right side a little bit who is this okay now you're just taunting me whatever at this point we'll take every body we can get okay i'm at death percent for pichu oh but we have a final smash uh did someone order a pizza i'm not crazy about the fact that we have to fight crazy because his name is crazy hand i've been at this too long keep your hands to yourself or hands one one hands oh god what are you what are you what are you what do you do what do you do what do you do i don't remember uh but that saved me i'm getting smacked [Music] that's exactly how i expected that to go i forgot that we also have ganondorf which is going to make this very simple ah i don't remember this i really don't remember getting drilled by the glove over and over again all right let's max out on damage here okay uh this could possibly be it or not but we're gonna beat him now go away forever crazy hands all right so that should be the end of crazy hand forever am i right you're free now genie so now he's gotta go destroy master hand and then we can all live happily ever after oh he's down here come here tails you stupid baby remember this one distinctively being a pain okay we're fighting against side b incineroar god he launches so far no bad kitty all right i'm just gonna stand here and swing my sword if you run into it it's your own fault look he's really gonna camp me out you know last time i had no idea why they put palutena all the way over here but i guess i just realized that she's guarding the light side which is master hand and bayonet is guarding the dark side i get it now sorry light waifu but darkness will prevail all right one more hand fight gotta get through this hand fight and then we get to be the hand i figure we'll take oh hang on hang on hang on out you've got to know the hands you've got to taste the hands you got to date the hands you got to be the hand i don't know why i took sonic here like that's a good idea at the snap of his fingers sonic's gone is there any way of escaping that or am i just destined to be hit by it every single time maybe roy was a better move than sonic here because roy is not only fast but he hits hard oh that's a crush shield oh we got him this time we got him i'm so feeling good about this maybe stop breaking my shield [Music] okay final battle time yo i'm getting jumped by a bunch of characters what just gotta muscle it i remember the hinawa fight being one of the worst just fighting against three toxic wi-fi characters it's a good thing you're all easy to launch but so am i okay that's one that's two oh we got them both this battle actually blew me away for the first time last year because i had no idea that this even existed and it's kind of hard to lose this i'm just going to continue to face roll my controller this might be the most creative battle in any smash single-player mode anywhere you can just smack everybody they want to act up just smack them i forgot what moves are the best but it just seems like down smash is the way to go stage clearing this is me in the backyard during the summer just swatting at mosquitoes i like this because it's the least stressful battle in the entire game you can just kind of have fun with it i can't believe we're all the way back here again this is a year in the making peeps now let's do this this is it we're going into the final battle and i don't have every character but you know what i don't need it this time and you know what sephiroth came out just in time so we're gonna pick him i don't know trash one of the other characters i want to say almost exactly a year ago i was in this position i was making this climb but i was not anywhere near as confident as i am right now and i realize you know we haven't been using any dlc characters but sephiroth came out at the perfect time i'm not not going to use sephiroth who is the original raid boss we also got the celebi spirit on so we're going to be healing get out of here i'm so ready i'm so ready to fight the two of them but let me tell you i do not miss the boss rush not one bit roll right into the up smash max tomato who needs a max tomato you know what i'll eat it anyway dude so creepy get out of here imagine just taking a stick to the eyeball and not even flinching over coming up to that bomb rain you have to watch out for that come here fellas let me introduce you to mr upsmash once you get to the end of the game it really just is like how brain dead can you be and i think this is pretty up there oh i'm sorry did i break your shield allow me to break your knees as well dude the dark sonic actually kind of looks like shadow and i'm here for it probably the closest we're gonna get to getting shadow in the game don't start the witch hunt i want him in the game i would love shadow but if you want to see some fun shadow content you can go check out the sonic smackdown videos i've been doing just what better place to make a shameless plug than the final battle of something that i can't afford to lose again a light voice here get out of here [Music] forty percent all right gotta get gonna get rid of you quick are there no tomatoes okay perfect i'm at 157 percent uh which means one bomb will literally kill me we made it the top let them fight each other for a little bit i'm so vulnerable right now heal up a little more it's right get rid of the belmonts belmonts are trouble oh god speaking of trouble bowser's ass dude it's a miracle that lucas is still alive but he's going to be critical to winning this joint you know time it isn't boss rush time but first let me make sure we go in full health two hours later all right marks you're up first oh we accidentally got ganondorf i thought i got marks but it ended up being ganon now in order to do this the right way we have to alternate back and forth between light and dark see those air dodges call me air lucas damn up smash too powerful one down alright giga bowser we need to be super patient here because i often lose because i'm not patient and if i recall correctly giga bowser is actually the boss that finished us off last time and stopped us from completing the run but not this time imagine being this weak you might want to change to the fury bowser let me tell you i really hope they changed bowser's final smash like they did for cloud because fury bowser looks incredible this is broken this strategy is actually broken and they say hindsight really is 20 20. well lucky for me hindsight is 20 21 or does that mean your vision's messed up you know what i mean all right time to fight hot dracula you already know how it is yo that was a lot of damage oh my goodness holy crap why is lucas a god but if i'm not careful i'm gonna end up losing him i gotta be a little bit more careful just i would like to keep him all right round one i think dracula actually might be one of the harder bosses but if i just buy some time ah crap oh no lucas i need you to stay alive ah this is going badly this is going badly no sorry we got ganondorf ganondorf is one of the bosses avenge that little boy ganondorf i know that's something you don't normally do i know you killed them all right rathalo's fight we can do this one pretty easily i'm just cutting this dragon up i kind of wish i still had lucas i feel like i probably should have held him off for a second oh no oh oh no i've taken quite a few hits come on go down so i can give you the reverse warlock that didn't do as much damage i thought it was going to all right give me the old doria right to the cranium [Music] oh damn it well that means it's time for you know who and he's the only one i have to do all of this he's right behind you sephiroth oh my god when did you get the hyper beam dude what are those it's like those super balls you get in the quarter machines at the supermarket they don't stop bouncing come on i want to be like sakurai i want to do this with sephiroth what did everyone get new attacks everyone got shiny new attacks final boss before we go to the final final boss how strong oh gigaflare is pretty damn strong like i said i don't know if i'm gonna be able to beat darkhan and galeem with just one character but we can try come on give a player hit him that should have did way more damage come on close to the end we're gonna do this oh boy imagine like me losing sephiroth right there before going into the final battle man that would hurt my heart is racing my adrenaline is pumping i'm sweating from pores that i didn't know could sweat and i'm probably not going to be able to do this on the first try but i gotta go for it now do i focus one or do i switch off i mean it's kind of tough because once i can knock one down at least i'll be able to get one to attack the other i'm going to try and evenly distribute the damage it almost feels kind of poetic that we're using sephiroth and i kind of just want to end it with him for the thumbnail if we can oh geez oh there we go someone's down doing something right hey let's go that's right you stab him in his eyeball if i just keep the damage low i can do this just gotta let celebi do its thing shield oh boy stop oh there's too many things there's too many things no oh i got lucas back oh my god i completely forgot that we get a character back so it was all for this it was all so he could sacrifice himself for lucas [Music] oh damn it this is the dream team it's actually kind of crazy how i've saved mario all this time i mean i really wanted sephiroth to do it it would have been great if he was part of the squad but uh i guess it just it wasn't meant to be but he took us a long way and i know cloud was essential to alpha's run and it looks like he's probably gonna help us end it here too cloud you had quite a year all right go ahead hit him with the hammer all right halfway temper tantrum we have three characters left mario still healthy which you wouldn't think because he eats a lot of pasta do you think his cholesterol would be pretty high things are about to get wild actually crazy how confident i'm feeling right now but also how i know that can turn around in the blink of an eye specifically the blink of dark khan's eye and mario's dead ah we got a little mac it's okay we got the heavy hitter look at this are we not even going to need cloud is max just gonna do it for us look at these dodges ultra instinct little mac if only you could reach 40 oh my gosh holy crap it's okay we're still good we're still good we're still healthy still healthy still healthy all right cloud it's up to you you've had quite a year final fantasy 7 remake came out your buddy made it into smash you won the light lock for alpha and now you're gonna win it for us i'm about to end this once and for all that's one you son of a [Music] hold up i celebrated way too early he had a sliver of hell oh my god could you imagine if that was it oh it's over oh it's finally over i spiked the controller and i thought it was over but he had like a miniscule amount of health and if i would hit with one of those spikes and i had to do this all over again i probably would have lost everybody but it's finally done to all those you who've watched this far you watched the original nuzlocke challenge you watched this one thank you we can finally put this chapter to bed and for whatever is next we will see you next time you
Channel: Choctopus
Views: 588,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raid boss smash ultimate, raid boss smash bros, raid boss amiibo, choctopus raid boss, super smash bros ultimate amiibo, amiibo smash bros ultimate, choctopus raid boss pumpkin, smash ultimate, super smash bros ultimate, amiibo training smash ultimate, amiibo training guide, amiibo training tips, amiibo smash ultimate, smash ultimate amiibo, world of light nuzlocke year 2, world of light nuzlocke choctopus, world of light, world of light nuzlocke supercut
Id: slOemgJpz7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 2sec (6902 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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