Age of Calamity: The Complete Run

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oh she used to try for she done bloated up this is what happened 100 years ago sacrifice oh it's the baby guardian oh i don't know its name but he looks like a little egg i love him i would die for him i really enjoyed hacking and slashing a lot of bokoblins oh my god that's a big slash they're just flying all over the place oh i got a rapid fire bow link's got some fast hands this one dude he's just like back off we could talk about this i'm trying to do my special attack oh okay damn so from my understanding this is basically the rogue one of zelda games we know where it's going and i kind of like that i mean there'll probably be some surprises but whatever give us the breath of the wild lore like more of that please oh for a second i thought he was hitting his own moblins and i was gonna say those those dudes are on your team dodge b and guard we don't guard here in this house all right maybe i should guard oh okay just we're gonna just roll up into this outpost we're just gonna kick the door in we're not gonna take our shoes off hello i'm here and by the way you left the door open they don't even want to fight back like look at this dude oh where are they feeding that pacoblin this one he eats his veggies these bokoblins are just like the stormtroopers of the zelda universe just swinging wildly hitting nothing oh that's what i was waiting to do okay i was doing it wrong this whole time oh i just i love how they ragged all off i didn't play the demo so this is my first time jumping in because i wanted to experience the whole thing because if i would have started the game and i loved it and i finished the demo i didn't have to wait so i was like why torture myself when i can just play the whole thing when it comes out oh he got a spear or a stick maybe like carve the end into a point i don't know just a just a general tip and in the midst of everything all the chaos link manages to find some beauty in the world save him you better protect him link forget imba save the egg boy oh there it is the chica slate catch it looks like a child's ipad with that weird cover that all like the parents give their kids i will never be that parent so if you guys like this content you know feel free to let me know hit the like button and uh i mean i guess we're gonna have to play through breath of the wild are we not is that something that we want oh i can jump and glide what's the point of this let's glide over to these dudes that look like they're having a heated conversation break it up boys i know you guys are like fighting and everything but i kind of want to loot this chest i'm gonna go on record to say that neither side is very good at fighting [Music] okay so i'm not a genius but i kind of yeah you know who's not a genius though them for just standing around an explosive barrel you think after like the little ones saw me destroy the big guy they would kind of be like all right we don't want to mess with this dude oh my god jesus i'll help you don't mind me just going to escape my way through the crowd [Music] so who's canonically stronger the red or the blue pacovillans i mean we saw the blue one second so i feel like they gotta be stronger right that's how video games work i keep hitting the b button expecting to jump but instead we just kind of dash forward which is fine oh yeah break that guard finish off big bobby koblin i can play his impa now okay i'm i'm starting to see why people want impa in smash and i think this iteration could be really cool how come the whiz rope doesn't have a neck don't really know what i'm doing yet oh no i don't want not you link oh your impa is going to die we must protect input all costs oh what's my special attack oh she's doing the naruto thing remember when you go on twitter and like every reply was the whole like i don't know about that chief gift i've realized how easy it is to get caught up in just fighting mobs that you forget to actually do the mission i can wall jump but i can't glide over things that makes sense all right just going to pull up into their crib i think we're locked in here now i'm not trapped in here with you you're trapped in here with me so can i just like switch back to link and just ditch input here i can just leave her high and dry so what point does little egg boy start fighting he's just kind of like he's running around like doo doo doo like i want to see some like little beams come out of that little guardian eye the lizalfos they remind me of sting chameleon from mega man x and they run the same way too they get on all fours and they they run up to you very smart of them to be like you know breath of the wild sold a ton of copies let's make it a trilogy so the only thing that is killing this for me just a little bit is the frame rate and i really hope if nintendo releases a stronger switch next year like rumors say they're going to i really hope it fixes a lot of those issues here's an idea maybe like stop having giant barrels of gunpowder like right under structures that bear weight oh imp is here all right we're squatting up now yeah we stan infant in this household so what i can ride the ice that's awesome how do i do that can i do that now oh the pioneer used to ride these babies for miles where you going egg boy it's dangerous out there stick with us he's like pick me up please i have no parents pet him i'm just a little confused how they can look at the guardian be like oh a guardian and then look at the little egg guardian they're like we don't know what this is i'm like one hit away from death come on find an apple on the battlefield somewhere we'll take what we can get at this point would no i need food why is wood pronounced wood but food is pronounced food shouldn't they be pronounced the same shouldn't it be food you prance your ass back over here no neck heaven we got him he's dead oh oh god okay why are you in the middle of battle i'm trying to find something to eat it's a miracle that i haven't died yet and that is an apple that is a very shiny apple thank you apple gods you best believe we're gonna flurry rush i like that we can just magnesis the hammer like out of its hands oh right so this is where i die isn't it what this game lacks in frame rate it makes up for in sauce this game is it's very pretty it's very stylish oh no i hit it by accident please forgive me i'm sorry oh they're charging right at me you saw it that was self-defense they were coming for me have i taken any damage from any of the coblins like any at all i'm afraid to see what imp is up to because i was doing so well and for all i know she could probably be dead so i'm just not gonna check because if you don't want any problems just don't check things it's my motto in life your car doesn't need an oil change if you never check it i remember getting struck by lightning for the first time in breath of the wild and it scared the hell out of me and i was like man this game is cool you can get struck by lightning and die they thought of everything these dudes just standing around they're like uh we don't want to fight anymore i actually did make breath of the wild content funny enough like three or four years ago when the game launched but my channel only had a couple hundred subs at the time so they didn't really get watched but if you guys like this content i'm probably gonna reboot it i'm gonna start over i mean with breath of the wild two coming out it would only be fair to play this first yeah that works they called for uh ice we sent lightning whatever notice how i've just been like dangerously close to death for the last half hour this um we're gonna we're gonna float right oh geez don't scare me like that i was like link we're gonna glide right you got the glider you have it right like this zelda would be dope it's actually a shame that link doesn't have more breath of the wild in his moveset it's just kind of like you have the remote bombs but that's it like down b as like a stasis counter would be pretty awesome all right what's her special attack she's gonna take a picture of you she's gonna be like a karen in a grocery store looking for the manager this is all fun and games but wait till we get the the goron champion he's gonna be a fun boy to play you know why because he's a heavy and heavies are the best i just feel like i'm not optimizing attacks and characters as well as i could be because there's so many different things you can do so i'm kind of just face rolling my controller and it's working though don't get me wrong i'm doing something right question mark question mark question mark well i'm not gonna not hit why oh it's a korok tell me there's 900 korok seeds in this game too you can spin well guess what i can also spin get away he's gonna win milia windmill and back it's the only way wait are you hitting your own kind the blue ones and the red ones not like each other some kind of moblin and bokoblin race war that i don't know about very bold of you to throw something at me when you're within flurry range excuse me sir please come with me do i need to hit him to get him to follow me okay come here come on no don't do that come here here i got something to show you you're gonna like it just a little farther just a little can is he gonna fit through the door he's gonna break it isn't he yep fire all right he's he's weak he's going down this is our first big boss fight they're probably only going to get bigger i want to play impa i feel myself always going back to link because like i'm so small brained it's like why would i do something hard when i can just swing the sword really fast oh i don't have any more apples i don't have any more anything zelda you're really my only hope which sounds kind of weird to say considering zelda's always the one being saved go behind the wall behind the wall behind the wall come on so close so close do the wall jump do the wall [Applause] what you'll learn about me is refuse a sincere request so of course i'm on board with your plan i love him deruk is best boy what's not to like he's like the shrek of the zelda universe you know what we want to be him only wasn't so slow though but i like playing the heaviest oh i'm sonic the hedgehog i forgot that seems kind of broken oh i can throw magma balls he's a little big to be doing flurry rushes for a big boy he can move to root okay let's break that shield give me a slice of the pie what is the best pie flavor i really like strawberry rhubarb i also like not dying so i'm gonna switch to link or impa okay i have no food so we're just gonna survive this by leveling up egg boy could you make yourself useful please we have a bow and arrow so i'll just spam over here we'll just camp it out a little bit afraid just can't okay he can throw that giant warhammer well i can throw bombs come on fall you know the saying the bigger they are the more you have to worry about dying get him gorons i love watching the ai fight because he's just so checked out it's like one of those axe throwing places and i'm the target whoever came up with those things brilliant just get a bunch of pieces of wood some axes and charge people thirty dollars an hour oh wait hang on i have a special yes we captured the outpost and now we feast i said now we feed you don't feast you surely look like a chef you all look like chefs where is it somebody make me a pizza if anyone gets that reference i will give you my channel i'm just kidding i won't give you my channel here's a korok i'm about to just eat the korok but not the seeds cause those are poop how i've managed to stay alive this long on one heart is beyond me come on like no bonuses for 200 kos not like congratulations have a piece of cake here's the octorok i don't want to die to that we gotta get all up in there just knock them over like a bunch of bowling pins they're very top-heavy they just topple over all right we got some uh we got some ice charges that's good well it's a good thing we just picked up all that ice cuz you guys are gonna need to chill out no uh deruk i can't see dude you're not made of glass [Music] oh god jeez i'm playing with fire here literally [Music] all this loot nothing to eat could i have something to eat no age of calamity more like the quest for an apple am i right we don't need no apples we'll be at one heart each me my homies hate apples they don't even do anything just standing around like a bunch of idiots waiting to get their ankle slashed you know this is on hard mode right you can hit me this ain't easy you can fight back see the only reason i'm not twitching characters is because impa and daruk are both under one heart this is my highest health character just look three quarters heart one fourth one quarter of a heart please please please please please apple you know at this point i will take food over rare gems and i don't want to go in there because i know it's waiting for me but i'm so close to the next level so i i think i just have to do it so let's just chuck in some bombs there we go all right full health leeroy look how adorable he is oh oh i'm too fast too fast never mind i can't even commentate this because like i know how pissed i'm going to be if i have to go back to the beginning so we did it we got a spicy i can't eat the pepper cutscene maybe it'll reward me it'll be like here you go yeah no i'm going to die is there even a face what is this thing okay just away from the belly flop damn it dwayne johnson is that you you know because it's a it's hard to tell if he's like holding a rock he's gonna throw or if that's just like his arm like i i don't know the anatomy of the rock monster don't squash me one hour later oh my god now you know be hilarious if i died on my way back sorry i let you down he caught me in between using my charge another one of these guys well i'm full health now oh and a whiz robe hello how do you do there's a lot of explosions there's a lot happening i'm gonna ignore the robe he means nothing to me i'm fighting bowser and that's just like kamik trying to interrupt what's really stopping me from just holding shield the entire time like honestly if it's impenetrable why do i not i don't know why i haven't been doing this all along can i break it oh we're gonna give him a nice weak point slash right now and it's done that's it we're done you can rest now to rook run daruk i part of me thought he was just gonna do a swan dive into the volcano just go for a nice dip to relax i know he just hit the hot springs but sometimes you need something a little stronger uh how am i supposed to fight that thing oh i am that thing dude these poor i don't know they look like ants they all look like i'm just gonna walk through them i didn't know i get to be the divine beasts this is awesome what's my uh special oh it's just a goddamned hyper beam okay somewhere alderaan just got blown up magma rain i'm trying oh i'm gonna die i died okay i think there's one guy left if he kills me and we got a problem just die just die roll over into your rocky grave let me do whatever divine beasts do best you really proved yourself hey little guy such a chad oh that's right imp is in this game i love it he's just he's like swing me right round baby are they not intimidated by this massive unit dude remember when the internet was going crazy for urbosa when she was first announced and when i say crazy i mean uh you know who's got a little pot belly all right let's see what herbosa can do and she can mess up all these deadpools okay lightning gauge powered we can shoot lightning attacks that's dope that is one buff giga that he drinks his protein shakes i don't know what she's doing but i like it i like what i'm seeing please like and subscribe oh you just missed me yeah you gotta kiss me yo she don't even move she just salsas her way through all the weak points i mean i need to know i haven't gotten to all the champions yet but who's got the most sauce because right now urbose is in the lead oh the pokoblins or is it bakoblins because they are technically like goblins right so which one is it let's see her flurry rush nice nice nice dude after this we're gonna have to go back and play breath of the wild we're going to do a trilogy play through on the channel we're going to do asia calamity which we are doing right now then we're going to do breath of the wild again well we're going to reboot it because i tried it once i wasn't popular then and by popular i mean i don't know why people watch me you would think there was a black friday sale on eager costumes or hooked blades what are they called are they sickles you're gonna tell me that the yiga clan costume is not a ripoff of deadpool's the eagle clan ran away in the terror of mulduga i mean to be fair they have a good point freeze forget it cause it's stasis i almost said a yiga clan member would be cool in smash then i realized that uh that's a me costume that already exists and i own it ervos is so cool she doesn't even look at the enemies when she murders them opens the gates i'm here oh we gotta fight master koga now uh we gotta freeze him right that didn't work that has worked zero times okay now there we go oh we're so close to leveling up we level up we heal so let's fight the underlings and now link shows up nice you to join me i mean don't get me wrong i really want to play urbosa but i also don't want to see chowing down on bananas because that's where his power's derived from that's donkey kong in that suit i like how link's showing up with a wooden sword and shield just complete garbage weapons it's got the king k rool dash attack master coke is like the wario of the legend of zelda universe like the comic relief kind of misshapen funny guy oh this guy's got two swords that's how you know he's gonna be tough to beat oh he's got weapon x suga you're late i nearly got peeled like a banana that thing looks like it hurts your head you don't have a nick there's always some kind of weird like relationship that we don't talk about between these two they love each other they do you can tell nobody wants to say it just the weird elephant in the room all right i want to use mipha i want to see what mifa can do she's got the staff guys are climbing attack oh i got to give credit to nintendo because uh so far i have enjoyed playing as every champion that we've unlocked and with that weak point slash oh it didn't center the camera i don't know what's happening the zora captain is fighting a difficult battle listen pal we're all fighting difficult battles fine i'll do the thing mifa used hydro pump super effective everyone's on the verge of defeat how how am i supposed to get to everybody i'm just one lowly zoro okay so i'm slowly learning that i need to move my party around so one place doesn't get overwhelmed i get it like i get it now whoa the big boy yeah yeah this dude's first day on the job looks like akuma with two more legs freeze mister big toe come on charging chuck oh that was the wrong one oh god oh get your fist sticks here and he's done take a nap lionel yo the finisher though oh he's dead that guy died this is what it's like to be really good in overwatch and only play mine we need to get some kind of power ranger sequence when we get all of the uh all the divine beasts this really just is zach's zord this is the mastodon this is the foot of the megazord i i'm okay i'm dying very fast i'm dying very fast i i'm trying what if i did this oh we did it with a quarter of a heart because it would have been said if we were unable to complete this on the first try um uh you know like the like the the other one he's falco he's just a carbon copy of falco nintendo don't even try with this one what the hell am i doing plain as link why would you play as link in this game when you can play as literally anyone else well uh that seems dangerous if they're birds why do they need a bridge don't get me wrong i have nothing against link it's just why would i want to play him when they made all the other characters so damn fun carved my way through birds it's like that scene uh where mr krabs takes smitty worbin jagerman jensen's hat and he has to fight his way out of the graveyard his body's flying everywhere i'm wholeheartedly convinced that spongebob is part of my dna it's at least 25 of me damn she's strong seaweed 50 c 50 weed also college kids on spring break listen if we run out of food uh we could just you know there's a lot of birds here is what i'm saying no one would notice if one or two went missing if the birds eat fish do they eat the the zora because then we got like a food chain thing going on here oh we torched them fried chicken anyone he's like please put me out please i'm burning i smell good though watch ravalli be like more fun than mifa you're just progressively getting more fun come on break the shield oh oh oh god all right we're gonna switch the link out of my control now amif is almost dead but you know who is dead rivali who may think you're good he's falco he's exactly falco did he cut his wing off please please tell me this can be so wing separating in anime fashion this is the part where they're like oh wait we're supposed to be friends pardon me imp is like what about me you unlocked me ages ago he's like hey i need about 350. just some nice easy training just going to kill some bakovlins nothing to see here just genocide of the pokovalens i just i got to get my levels up because i'm going to go to the next thing where it's like recommend level 16. i'm already struggling i don't want to talk smack about link but i think link has become my least favorite character to play he's very straightforward and after playing all the champions it's like why would you ever want to play link also our bose is a boss in this game because she's got here watch lightning all over the place and just like that urbosa killed everybody okay i don't really know what ravali can do yet because he's got the he's got the falco f-smash or i thought he did maybe he kind of does i'm just looking for falco parallels since he's basically falco fly into the air you got it i hardly call that flying that's my favorite champion in the breath of the wild universe ravioli dude why is this a better star fox game than star fox zero the training camp is now available oh now i can just buy level ups i'm a rich person now here in my garage we have so much money a few moments later here we go everyone's level 15 now all right link you need to upgrade your stuff walking around with a wooden shield and training sword thing and i guess that's on me up the eager back now how can urbosa ensure that she doesn't shock any of her own people when she does this because like it's pretty wild you can't control lightning that's right salsa on his ass you love the thanos snap at the ends before they just disappear orbos has got a lot of sauce she might have the most sauce out of all the champions look at this you rock urbosa rock because he's a gor i haven't really reached the point in this game where i'm like this is kind of boring and repetitive yet does it get there i hope not i'm hoping i can beat the game before it reaches that point because i like it it's a good appetizer for breath of the wild too whenever that decides it's going to happen all right let's switch it out because i got no food oh good we just jump right into another match with big boy maublin i think i like playing me for the most out of all four champions it's official daruk is my favorite champion but mifa is my favorite to play as in this game i feel like i can do that which is cool what's your favorite ability to use from the chica slate mine might be stasis but i also really like cryosis i meant cry honest i didn't mean cryosis i was just it's really fun to freeze people in time but also literally freeze people more battles for me oh you shouldn't have feels good to hit a flurry rush it's like hey i did something right at the right time which never happens says electric moblin and key enemies so fire moblin is not as important clearly that's two and now i gotta go yeah we could just switch the third one right oh i switched and i died you know how i was talking about doing things like at the right time i was so graciously greeted with karma he's just waving his hand around like somebody who touched the rack in the oven by accident like ooh hot ah open d gates or not do i have to run the long way i think i have to run the long way all right you know what we're just gonna we're gonna test our luck here and hopefully i don't die i mean i'm really close to filling up another yellow bar so if we can just get that like right there we're so close oh there it is i'm confident now it's boss fight time look at this moblin he knocks his are just giant ugly mobbling i feel bad i mean i i kind of don't because he's trying to kill me look at him just kind of doing somersaults the slowest somersault i've ever seen in my life break up that pie and this he knocks looks like he likes pie all right here's what we're gonna do we're gonna get a weak point slash like that we're gonna use a special attack like that now don't throw your temper tantrum you made this bed and now you need to sleep in it by the way the bed is a six foot hole in the ground probably got to be bigger to bury a henox they're like 20 feet that that's about 20 feet right okay the bigger they are the harder they fall which means he's about to fall very hard we saved the town even though it's currently on fire oh we're not done yet i thought we were done they're like all right you got to play link now you were having fun with all the champions but now you're gonna play link i do like sugar suga's cool but is suga cooler than master koga master koga's got like the dad bod of all the eu clan by the way did i mention i'm playing this on hard just so casually doing well because i'm such a good gamer nope too good at this game you tried it you really tried it though dude just did a standing back handspring into a double back that is some athleticism even egg boy is shocked oh he's back round two tell to get out of the way [Music] egg boy oh geez you can't do that to me egg boy is ready to sacrifice himself he's a good boy though time to go the yiga clan poof's faster than playstation 5s in everyone's cart and they all had a good laugh after escaping certain death link with a spear and this armor is just it doesn't nothing about this is link but how cool would it be to be able to use a spear in smash but then again that might just be violet i'll be completely honest with you guys i don't know how much more age of calamity content you want to see since it's kind of just more of the same with more cut scenes in between but i'm going to finish the game i don't know i feel weird i got this completionist thing going on so if i start a series on the channel i feel compelled to finish it and you know you guys might want to see me finish it what does this thing do uh liz alfoss kebab anybody i'll throw him on the barbie don't they say that in australia they're like oh put some shrimp on the barbie all i had was my undies on i've walked out the front excuse me coming through pardon me and that's that why is this one lone moblin the boss i just beat 400 enemies what makes them think that one maublin is going to be able to stop me look at him he's facing the wrong way he's an absolute dope look we're just stumbling around stupid idiot all right we got the whole squad together ravali's like leave it to me i'm clearly the best this is just the sand bird level from mario sunshine that's all did we make star fox jokes already i think we did because this would be the perfect place to do it well guess we should have waited on that one special attack huh articuno ice beam oh jeez it's like the horrible eighth season of game of thrones no one's really putting up a fight i'm kind of just unleashing hell he wants me to bury her but i don't need to because the best defense is a good offense am i right switching the all range mode oh wait i was in all range mode this entire time i had no idea that i was just able to kind of move freely on my own because the other ones haven't been like that so uh i was just going in a circle a still better than star fox zero am i right you're lighting up all over the map they're like this way stupid pov you're on the last outpost and you see a giant laser bird flying towards you at three miles an hour we did it gang we freed the korok forest i mean not that they really needed freeing they kind of just hide in the dirt seriously they just hide in the dirt they're like hey go find my poop and we'll give you a special item my god that is one jacked korok why is this korok so big he's huge look at this absolute unit i would not want to find this korok's poop protect tetsu you don't got to tell me twice i will protect him at all costs i'm prepared to lay my life down on the line for broccoli man i haven't really been using impa much so it's time to see what impa can really do uh that apparently she just like throws kanji out there and everything explodes oh wait you deal lots of damage okay so that was impa then you have zelda the god she's like magneto can't we have some kind of chain attack like in uh xenoblade chronicles don't we have that kind of synergy whoever's in charge of this forest they might want to call their landscaper because something's up with this soil it's filled with the undead all right i gotta come clean here i think the real reason why we're gonna finish this game is because i want to go into my breath of the wild reboot that's got to happen at some point because four years ago choctopus his content was not very good not that it's much better now okay as if he knocks aren't scary enough we got to fight a henox skeleton and on top of that i'm pretty sure that's his butthole and not his eye now listen up mister i'm the princess of hyrule you will do as i say which includes just stand still for a second while i eat this apple so i don't die let's see did skeletons like fire apparently not and all the time hetsu is just kind of standing around like i'm like almost dead but you know what so is he so i don't want to start this fight over again all right who wants to break the wishbone success oh what is this oh weird mud okay wait i can play his head too now don't mind if i do wait what can i do oh my god we're like the children of the corn when's the last time we got a samba game i feel like uh sega is kind of due for making a new one we could shake the joy cons like maracas and stuff i don't know what's happening but i'm not going to complain because i like it uh hetsu for smash it's just something that i didn't know i wanted until now so apologies for kind of reeling back on my other picks because uh i want hatsu now oh no i don't want to have to hurt you get her my children attack i'm dealing like no damage and i'm also just dying maraca more like i'm a raqqa that jaw did we do it are we safe we've done it the weird okay there's only a little bit we have a problem uh i don't have any food and if literally anybody dies it's over okay the good thing about using zelda is she's kind of zony so i don't have to worry as much okay throw it back right in her face oh she's done oh she done done oh crap uh this one is going to be a problem ah go go go jelly boys attack oh he's allergic to jelly yeah yeah i have like uh a sliver of a heart that was a lot of health we took away i i'm so scared he can spit on me and i'll die need i remind you that i'm playing on hard so i'm not like completely bad at this game come on break break i'm actually a god wait what does my uh special attack do it totally heals me right and kills everyone no no hell please i don't want to die i don't want to die i don't want to die i'm going to but you know what change oh never mind uh jeez does anybody have healing abilities or we're just gonna take a selfie zelda's like hang on let me instagram this please just drop an apple a cracker something a crumb just spare me something to eat a piece of moldy cheese i don't care i'm not picky wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait no no come on if i just keep never mind okay well the good news is i don't have to start from the beginning because that would have been awful and a huge waste of time still don't quite know uh what petsu does but he dies oh wow hollow volley is terrifying i didn't even hit me okay the ultimate challenge can i no [Music] you know what this looks like a job for broccoli but out of genuine curiosity for anyone that has beaten the game on a difficulty that is not hard do they give you more food i'm a starving boy all right i'm just gonna keep dashing from side to side and hope for the best and occasionally throw out some bombs a free flurry rush you say okay the weird mud is gone there it is the thing you know you know the thing oh it's not gonna be that easy to get is it link's like if i could get to that sword you're all done that's what's gonna happen here isn't it his sword's broken oh how convenient you fools he's got you right where he wants you he's like huh oh this whole thing all right dude you don't got that much time we don't have time for theatrics here just pull the damn sword he's like oh you messed up i got the master sword now look at this like a hot knife through butter so wait we're gonna fight all four oh wow we are destroying them with the master sword you stay away from her link's such a simp who the hell is this dollar tree gear of him oh that answers my question so he's the prophet of doom huh give me all weak points slash his name is astor like every other child out in southern california born after the year 2014 is that a funny joke uh oh uh i underestimated this fight yep i wanted to get hit with every single one of those actually he kind of reminds me more of agony than he does gear him but homie here is not taking any damage i guess maybe he's like a fusion of agony and gira him i'm just sitting here wondering like how i uh i'm gonna do this when if i get hit like twice i'm done you actually you don't realize how few hits that you can take until your corpse is on the floor and it's getting cold we're getting down to the wire now gotta be vigilant gotta stay on our toes because he could like take me down in two hits come on break it please die astor more like pastor you know because he's like in the past oh wait no that's like a priest is that the deku tree it's the deku trees no it is the deku tree i was gonna make a joke about being a relative but it is he's like allow me to tell you the story of the master sword you know the sword that you get in every single i know they're different versions of link i know they're not the same link in every game forgive me a deep slumber beckons and even i cannot refuse okay good night [Music] are you gonna get down for oh wait there's a ladder never mind you see what if you get tired halfway down the ladder and you just kind of fall you're dead wait i can make the egg guy jump in the loading screen like the dinosaur in google chrome is eager clan they never learn typical video game goons always coming back for more all right somebody's got to hit me because if you don't the master sword can just shoot beams or i guess gusts of wind in this case you know i was talking smack about link but i'm actually uh i'm liking them i i am but i probably should not die freeze mister big toe i guess link just needed to get the master sword to be interesting that's a lie because he has a lot of cool weapons he can use yes he's going to get in please tell me we can control the guardian i have waited so long for oh i don't know why zelda just wants to study old things i mean she's a badass mage who wouldn't want to fight if you had these powers why would you not want to use them i mean seriously she's like an earthbender look at this talk who activate the simple ancient furnace look at these dudes just chilling good fight come on you have knives stab me let's switch it up impa more like simpa because because we stan impa you know you know like when you shouldn't be struggling with a basic ass villain the way you are you do anyway that's me i call upon the fire god wait i got my new bananas how do i use bananas go ahead come on do it you didn't know i had special power oh god you can teleport where's your teleporting now teleport man why do we need a furnace outdoors or are we cooking things is like a like a pizza oven when you hit the yiga clan what do they sound like a bunch of dogs barking who let the dogs out excuse me sir can you get out of the way i gotta turn the heat on oh you want the heat i got you info you almost did allow me to help out what's your favorite color maublin do you like blue moblin maybe you like red maublin let me know down in the comments section so are they called moblins because they're always in a mob they're not a very good mob all right once again link's showing up to save zelda what else is new easy why do they sound like mickey mouse there back off buddy who would have knew their weak point was getting stabbed all along link is just a glorified plumber all right now to run over to the akala citadel okay we're in now what oh here he is the big man himself okay get back oh he got back up come on get up and fight me get up where'd he go no so if it's a game of hide and seek you want it's a game of hot no not you i really don't have time for this everyone else is just standing around watching all his buddies are like yeah we're not going anywhere near that we know what richard gets like oh it was on cooldown it was on cooldown literally ha cool down because it's ice i was trying to use you think this is funny you think after the first time he would know don't use the explosion sword attack i guess he's not too smart i guess the brain is not that big under that mean are you kidding me sit down mufasa seek out and defeat suga the only thing being sought right now is attention he's gonna run away again isn't he come on no stay here stay stay no look at all that food the only thing holding me back is an actual piece of string a secret string i found him pause wait am i fighting wait i gotta fight to you now nope i'm stuck behind the banana cart there's always money in the banana cart i'll be honest i have no idea why i even made an arrested development joke because i don't even particularly care for that show it just came to my brain [Music] ha you missed me ow oh crap how can any of the ego clan tell each other apart you know like when they get the group together do they have name tags you're just picturing like a meeting and they have like donuts and coffee and all the yiga clan are planning like a baking fundraiser hey listen those suits are not cheap all right soogy boy you're done oh what a magnificent view we're so high up that was exactly how i felt when i first started breath of the wild you walk out onto the can you get off your phone for like one second poor is trying to instagram the view no filter you and i must now ride into battle without the luxury of training that's right baby it's camel time destroy the yiga clan like we haven't been doing that for the last hour like we oh god that yeah that'll that'll destroy them see what does the rush button do do we just charge them some high budget animation right here everyone's special attack is just a giant laser that's no fun give me something different look at this just lincoln mifa on their way to destroy the yiga clan like a romantic little date okay so you thought you were just gonna you know what let's use the special attack use my ultra master sword nighty night i know i've said this in the past but this game is incredibly repetitive but i feel like it does it really well because i have yet to get bored it just is reminding me to go back and pick up persona 5 strikers which is just it's this game it's this game but persona i don't know if this moblin knows but uh he's on fire yo okay nobody told me there were gonna be traps come here ah good job you stupid what is this they're actually giving us apples koei tecmo have you been listening in on conversations it's nice to actually have health and still have some apples in the bank i don't feel as pressured lincoln mifa that's the ship we deserve forget zelda look she's a beast she um wait no stop oh i just manifested that ice put him on ice he's done wait do we have to fight in the water oh you geniuses this is where i thrive this is like fighting superman really close to the sun well i guess you'd probably burn up if you're not superman although i'm sure there's plenty of dc villains that would survive my dc lore is a little weak i guess the better analogy would be fighting aquaman in the water but we like me for more than aquaman am i right this dude again don't you learn yeah suga more like loser master koga is just like everyone's weird uncle at family parties is like hey pull my finger now master koga i know this will come as a shock to you koga would actually be a really dope character to play as can we just get age of calamity but like the villain side you know do it like the whole sonic adventure 2 thing let us play light and dark although i don't know how that would work catch [Music] again you know you can really go for a nice room temperature apple right about now at least suga is like half health because it'd be unfair if he came back full help oh flurry rush just in time we gotta get more health back so i gotta fill this far up okay help switch i'm uh probably gonna die if i'm being a realist unless i could magically nope crap come on i feel like we're close enough to getting some health back no get out of there come on koga give up you have you surrounded you got like a sliver of health finally man of course he's going to run away look i'm just sitting kicking his legs like oh man they beat us like they just lost a little league baseball game oh but just wait there's one more thing i gotta show you por is an anime character she's like there's one more thing i gotta show you and then and then they enter the digiverse zelda's next birthday we'll mark the date of calamity gannon's return wow what a crappy birthday no sweet 16 for you come on let's go on a girl's trip let's get out of here let's go to miami forget about that ganon guy you don't need him when courage fails courage ain't about to fail unless you're talking about the cowardly dog in which case uh yeah no he fails most of the time zelda is exhausted from training she didn't do anything what did zelda do so when's the dlc with this game come out again because i feel like i kind of have to play it for the content but also i would like to over here you ice king looking ass discount adventure time frolicking weirdo villain yo yo where'd that fire come from oh maybe the fire moblin you know if i just had to make an educated guess please feed me after this because i am taking more hits see every time i pick this game back up i forget that i need to be more patient in battles and then i end up getting killed please a morsel a crumb a fire rod a boy mobbling here swinging like a wild man your parents always warned you about it like don't swing that you're gonna hit someone right in the eye he's ice already yeah that didn't do anything that was a waste so we thinking uh zelda's going to be playable in breath of the wild too and what do we think they're going to call that game don't mind me i just need to uh ruin nature it's really it's what i do best so tired no now is not the time for a nap you get up we'll be at the holiday inn express real soon oh excuse me stay away she's a princess oh come on now's not the time link link switch oh god there's there's too many things zelda you're on your own what if we just decided to peace out i mean luckily i'm the hero of time amongst many other titles so i ain't going anywhere it looks like you're allergic to ice sheesh i remember when i said sheesh in that mario 3d world video and kai was like did you say sheesh now all the kids are saying it i guess you would say uh i'm ahead of my time i'm a trendsetter oh we've got company that's always fun to say like when enemies appear and the main character or side characters like we've got company good old-fashioned 90s one-liners what this channel is built off of this is the absolute worst escort quest i've ever done the ai is so bad so you want me to turn this thing on without actually knowing what it does alright i got you it's like a mini varuna uh-oh it's a big boy what you think i'm not about to just pull this dude's eye out come on link get up there yeah stab him in his toe they'll show him oh wait we can shoot him in the eye why did i do that earlier oh he's busy wasting my rods see when i i can't make the cinnamon toast crunch joke because i just did it in a recent video just like shooting him in the eye and then you know oh he's starting to do somersaults my boy's doing some quick gymnastics it's gotta be really inconvenient having one singular eye because you get an eyelash in it you're screwed oh he's dead everyone all right yeah no thanks to you you're like i'm gonna pray and then i think i'll take a nap in the woods but how could we be mad at zelda so many are awaiting my inner power believing in me everyone's like come on come on we don't got all day inner power let's go dumb idiot you almost broke it he ran over like a kid holding their ipad with like the weird giant case on it you know when parents don't want to babysit their kids oh things are about to get good the calamity is here calamity strikes well it's about damn time what are you waiting for it's a good thing i took some fire resistance for this mission because uh i have a feeling there's going to be a lot of fire a black moblin that's new it's about time we're getting some variety i feel like every other moblin has elemental powers do you not have one is it like decay are you tomer shigaraki comment section about to be like ah yes all my favorite elements fire ice electric and decay oh all right just a matter of time before we had to fight a guardian the guardians are terrifying because they're just like robot spiders name one thing more terrifying than a robot spider well that was easy link is just straight up tony hawk in this game zelda's like link who tony hawk just like busted 900 on the guardian no i can't he's old he can't do a 900 anymore he can barely 540 but he's still the goat hey uh you guys mind if i speak too soon really quick i really thought a guardian would be i don't know a little bit more formidable oh i guess we'll yeah see you gotta speak too soon sometimes oh bring the eyeball oh crap guardians have appeared you don't say what what would give you that inclination can i go up the stairs no no i'm just gonna i'm gonna die here oh crap oh you're terrifying dude where can i help help i hate everything all right let's play the patience game let's see if we can do something with that now we'll freeze them oh freezes both of them okay that's cool i guess he's gotta break his legs we gotta break his kneecaps oh there we go weak point slash that's really all it takes oh where's your buddy oh oh you don't got nobody you don't got no buddy no body oh that didn't kill me i didn't think that hit me you're going down this time i'm pressing the y button faster than i've ever pressed a button in my life not this time uh no food here we go give me that sweet sweet level now i can't be stopped that's the door onto the great hall let us be swift you know where's the guardians i just want to talk i just i just want to talk oh it's a guardian scout remember these little dudes little green ghouls buddy guardian scout one implies that there are more and i'm not going to deal with their who just appeared oh you guys are tough not tough enough though a few moments later oh no get away we got him now we got him right where we want him i wanted him to think that he was gonna beat me when in reality i'm the best age of calamity player on this planet come on right through the skull ride him cowboy a pinwheel korok chilling in the castle listen buddy you got to get out of here all right now we're out the castle blows up behind us and looks real cool hey hey buddy hey horizor up here the king please tell me we can play as the king my daughter no don't do it don't do it daddy no we are in the end game now yeah you did fail um waiting for my power to awaken my power hasn't awakened yet wait it was just tears this whole time we just had a short circuit egg boy little did you know all along your power was hidden in your depression uh who are you you're terrifying everyone do be battling their own demons and just like that daruk and mifa were wiped out until no simp side on the sim winning smile i mean true he does have nice teeth who are you i'm you but better yanobo why does younobo look like the gluttony version of goron from full metal alchemist a lot of you in the comments section were like shaking my head press x i do press x i just like pressing y and a lot of you are questioning why i wasn't even near you what are you swinging at oh look i gotta use the u uh more like know you where'd this ice wizard come from from ice town more like ice clown you know i'm gonna say it parks and rec is better than the office making my way downtown link is fast moblin's past and i'm gannon bound love having little health and no food unless no that's money you think with all the money in the world all the rupees can we buy like a sandwich is there a starbucks nearby get like one of those little breakfast wraps oh not one but two apples is it christmas every time i play with impa i'm like i should watch naruto because i've never watched naruto then i remember that there's a definitive list of naruto episodes that you should watch minus filler what i'm saying is maybe eventually i'm going to watch naruto appears the little one's power has allowed people other than the pilot to enter varuna how did i get here so quick and more importantly why didn't they give me full health for this one new objective don't die f i'm afraid to get near him that giant ice mace that thing probably hurts just a little bit oh oh i got stuck see i'm not only fighting water blight ganon but i'm fighting the camera 2v1 this is unfair finally you know what don't blow up and kill me oh just a treasure chest and then the treasure just has a bomb in it yo we get to be side on now i like how we're so far into this game and they keep throwing characters at you and uh some of you thought it was really cool to spoil the game for me and tell me that you can play master koga so now i know that's coming up that's no good yo i got some dual tridents i'm a shark uh i like sidon a lot oh i see okay so i have to hit as all right that's dope wow he's strong do we play baseball with the bombs i like the whole time to texting kind of gives me that whole mario rpg vibe we need more rpgs with timed attacks we're gonna drop him like a ton of bricks you know because he's a rock please just die i never have any help i'm like the kid who always shows up the class without a pencil oh finally uh now that everyone's almost dead at least i'm not activate mastodon sabertooth tiger tyrannosaurus fire blight ganon is the scariest look at the raw strength of daruk oh my god all right so we still have some ice probably a good idea to use that and uh we we got a lot of apples so this might be an easier fight firefly again is just like an angel on fire you see the thing about fire is it's chaotic and i don't know where it's going so kind of trying to keep my distance here but on the other hand i really really just want to finish this stage you know because we gotta fight two more gannons so whatever oh oh i'm running and of course the only thing i have is a fire rod which why would that work it has no reason to work and it won't you know i gotta say it was a real nice nintendo to line up the release of the dlc with this series you know they were keeping track they were watching the episodes like all right chalk's finishing up uh we should probably get ready to release the dlc this way you can keep going and i'd like to thank nintendo for being true fans of my content you know you could have just released it when you wanted to you don't have to wait for me to finish the game he's going to fall and it's going to feel great look link's putting the sword away now he's just flexing you really came through little guy now isn't it crazy how herbosa just straight up messes people up and heals she got like the thin stilettos on too ooh thunder blight cannon damn nature you scary i am ill-equipped for this fight oh it's got that pikachu upbeat so real talk question for the viewers what do you think the name or the subtitle of the breath of the wild sequel is going to be because i don't think it's going to be breath of the wild 2. they would have came out and said that was the name of it if that's what it was going to be so i think it's going to be something else kind of getting like big skyward sword breath of the wild vibes being that you're going to be traveling through islands in the air give it here give it to me or you hurt yourself with it oh well that's weird that wasn't supposed to work that way but hey actual first try this time i guess thunder blight ganon while he looks the coolest he is definitely the easiest patricia rampage sounds like a wrestler wait can i really just do this the whole time i mean probably not the best idea considering i have to uh i don't know go save rivali let's get this final again and fight over with why's he got a cannon that kind of looks like zergs from toy story he's a big boy can you give me an opening um i just feel like i'm under utilizing my bow when it feels really nice for interrupting attacks the weight is invisible will this work apparently so oh caught in 4k this time so i realized that i'm going to die not really much i could do about it he has a lot of health and now i have no health all right this is the time all right what do we got what are we using what flavor you want we don't have much you know i can go for a nice italian ice you want a cherry blue raspberry lemon what do we got might as well just burn everything pun not intended you see what happens when i show up prepared it only took me uh tries you know now then now then she's like we're finally done i owe you my gratitude i know how hard this has been speaking to read you i didn't think riju was that fun to play felt like i was swinging around a chain chomp the whole time well we would have been just fine you know i really thought ravali was just gonna be like you're all right kid please tell us what happened at hyrule castle zelda just starts having more flashbacks the two of you can actually be of some use for once in your life oh you fighting shadow link now here we go we get to play as the you guys spoiled this for me so i knew this was coming oh i would not want to be that one guy you're just banging on the door try something else you have guardians on your side from the western waters all right we get to play as godzilla now relentless is a waterfall kind of sounds like lyrics from that mulan song i'm kind of still waiting for all the uh guardians to just do like a big megazord thing i don't necessarily know if it'll work now don't get me wrong here i like age of calamity a lot and i'm glad they kind of gave us something to tidy us over until uh breath of the wild 2 actually comes out but i think towards the end you're kind of like all right this is just incredibly repetitive my favorite thing about these stages is just like the moblins on the floor like what do they think they're going to do oh that's not good surprise motherfu who was that we shall cover the perimeter we're in the end game now and i'm far too good at the game and watch this i'm gonna beat the rest of the game and i won't even die once oh no i accidentally picked the wrong gerudo i wasn't paying attention and i picked riju instead of urbosa and now i gotta swing this stupid animal around this has to be some kind of animal abuse she's using it to like water ski or something the hylian captain is injured yeah well he was like in the way of my super attack i don't got time for you buddy all right i'm here now what [Music] what do we what are we waiting for oh apparently i have to use mifa to talk to the hylene captain because link doesn't say words wow wow owen wilson you are now healed you may stand proudly oh you're a fire guardian so you're not using this that's fine this i'm a water princess go away go away go away go go go away back up back up back up back back up clearly this idiot has never played a pokemon game because don't they know that water beats fire now she's just showing off doing flips i feel like silver moblins have to be the strongest ones that we've faced so far but they're pathetic look how sad they are charging first into blocks of ice oh no there's debris blocking the path we can't oh it's gone wow what is that voice line who recorded that wow nintendo let me voice some extras in a game comment section vouch for me you know i could do it use me for the rescue robbie i'm coming robbie uh wherever you are robbie you're not an easy man to find robbie oh you are a corrupted guardian corrupted malice same thing back up what are you going to do you couldn't even you were stuck inside a room all right hey don't hit my friend oh you hit him that's the malice guardian strategy belly flop on the floor don't use the giant eye laser robbie get out of the way robbie look at this windows millennium piece of junk skip up you can't hurt me your best weapon is a mere gust of wind against my back of course robbie didn't get the memo though oh that's one two more again oh crap you know why didn't we do that earlier you know what now the hyrule taxpayer rupees have to go towards fixing the bridge that might be why they're probably trying to avoid raising taxes well we burned everything except for oh it's skeleton time isn't it we didn't consider the we must skeletons until the battle is done oh you poor poor naive child that's not how the world works it just gives me a little bit more time to procrastinate before i reboot my breath of the wild play through maybe we'll do skyward sword first who knows i don't know let me know in the comments section you guys are still here you're still watching would you rather breath of the wild or skyward sword first i feel like people would probably rather watch skyward sword now that the hd version is out and then we can move to breath of the wild i just gotta buy time until the sequel comes out oh he's back your thread will be cut here your highness at least he's respectful he's calling zelda your highness being very formal impossible oh no they're back uh tell me i gotta fight all four of them at once or maybe maybe i don't maybe link can just you know beat them in a in a cutscene princess come with me we can't leave him your link's a beast though link is such a good swordsman this cutscene is actually pretty dope don't skip it let the viewers watch it [Music] dude look at him 4v1 [Music] oh here it comes [Music] uh where was this for the last 20 hours of this game [Music] zelda's like the light will destroy two things darkness and world of warcraft players wishing he's doing the ymca and they're dying [Music] okay this is pretty sick wait i can fly see what is what does this do okay zelda's broken please nerf how do i how do i leave this stance let's see what's her weak point slash oh just calls a comet down yeah no problem dude there's so many giant enemies here you know how i said i was gonna survive uh yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna try block yeah i meant i was going to die only once that's it wind blight cannon more like full of hot air i don't know light the forge we did it all the guardians like oh well i guess we have to go home now frank i told you we had to get out of here we did it patrick we saved the city everyone hear me now they're all like uh what calamity gannon [Music] will be sealed away forever there he is the king what kind of dark sorcery is this someone's playing a sick joke on her it is all thanks to this or he's like this is my little time coin this little thing saved me it's like huh oh it's glowing oh you're screwed now buddy uh psych i got this you know the little puzzle like the the marble in it and you have to like move it around that's what that thing is zelda you are my pride i believe you will see coca is just like this is so beautiful no one has ever loved me all right let's get a move on here we have uh we have a calamity again and to fight avengers assemble um now that i look at that's uh that's not that many people yo i could play as the king now hell yeah ow change guys oh that's right i could just i could look like an executioner why did they wait so long to let me play as the king himself it's like a cool ass axe wielder now what's the point of changing my clothes different weapons i guess because now i have a sword as opposed to a double axe oh wait maybe this cool combos i can do what's that weak point smash be looking like he tosses his cape aside like piccolo oh he's got the mithra side b too oh that's right we also have koga you guys totally spoiled this one for me though someone in the comment section was like we probably shouldn't tell him that he can play his master koga like i don't read the comments i like how he's got the the walls he can push like mr mime look at his little bowling pin body just kind of scurrying around oh he can fly zenyatta looking ass you're telling me the only thing standing in the way between calamity ganon and myself is just the malice henox is that all that's the best you could do mr calamity santa claus is fed up man so many people on the naughty list he actually kind of reminds me of uh has anyone seen that christmas movie klaus which is supposed to be like santa's origin story oh i'd better change okay kindly open the gates now i've defeated all your minions [Music] they're just gonna blow the castle up they're like yeah let's take back the castle you know what on second thought just blow the damn thing up divine beast you know you're not supposed to cross the streams oh blood moon time just don't look directly at it it feels like it took forever but we're finally here the whole squad we're ready to pull up on ganon you probably gotta fight this dude again oh no oh no egg boy's evil or there's an evil egg boy anti-egg boy what a ragtag team though i have people with me that just were not with me this entire journey we have the king we have master koga uh harbinger ganon you're uh you're a lot smaller than in the pictures dude just straight up lies about his height on his tinder profile he kind of reminds me of general grievous got like the forearms each one's got a blade just show up he's like general link you just show up and he has like a chronic lung infection why does general grievous have a cough he's a robot i'm sure there's an answer for it i just don't have it it always bewildered me yeah try blocking that try blocking this when i shove it through your eyeball coward oh shadow link yeah that's new and original why don't you try something else you think i haven't fought some kind of malice link before what do you think you're doing something groundbreaking i'm not even really worried about the malice link is a non-issue it's a slight inconvenience like having a splinter like easy okay cool the idiot my man's got the death ball he wants to be frieza so bad coca's got him trapped in the corner like he's not going anywhere hopefully we could just keep it this way yeah again that's the strategy just box him in crap this fight is so close nobody has any help him included just got to break that shield like one more time all right here we go let's get in there take him down that was so close the story of my triumph was written long ago oh wait no he's gonna evolve now or he's gonna leave you bit this dude would teleport to the roof he's so dramatic the great calamity cannon selected me this humiliation cannot be my destiny it cannot be um spoiler alert it kind of is because there's another game oh gross it's like you are nothing to me now you are part of me all right here we go oh lord he coming no egg boy run run egg boy run oh no no withstand it you're stronger than this supposed to get the red ring of death man remember xbox 360s and how often they just broke he hatched he's got little weapons oh no he's evil i don't want to have to kill him oh no i this is what i have feared the most i don't want to have to fight little egg boy my heart you can't take this egg boy you were supposed to help bring balance to hyrule not join them he's got a little laser sorry about this and to think we're doing all of this on a quarter of a heart hopefully we get a refill before we have to actually fight ganon egg boy's like i'm gonna win milia windmill and back it's the only way oh he killed me all right it's time to come back to the light side you've had your fun oh no please help him do something [Music] wait i listen i've seen enough movies the tears of zelda will bring him back to life that's how this works come on cry more it's working oh [Music] [Music] oh no oh my god this is so sad this is almost as sad as a specific death in the origami king what is with nintendo lately and just pulling on heartstrings [Music] i'm not crying right now you're crying he's gone you deserved a better little egg and i'm gonna avenge you oh she did the arthur fist she's mad this battle right here is like 40 hours in the making oh yeah just defeat climbing again and that's it just the greatest threat to hyrule in the history of hyrule and you know he's gonna have multiple forms that's a given how do we hit him so we just have to run around and survive until zelda figures it out [Music] really i mean i know link's a boss but just the shield bring him back bring him back bring him back bring him back he's like i have unfinished business [Music] here he comes run egg boy run you run as fast as your little feet can carry you oh no oh my god no more it is time to end this all right shields are down which means he's going down maybe maybe he's going down i mean clearly i am going down i know we have plenty of characters but i kind of feel obligated to do this as link it's funny because coming into this game i was like yeah link's fun but there are more fun characters i don't know link just feels like home to me is that weird all right how much damage can we do with a weak point smash this that's going to determine how long this boss fights gonna take man calamity ganon should have been an all for ganondorf and ultimate he's so damn cool nope bombs we got bombs you want bombs i have bombs i think i stole them so far so good i mean the blight cannons were more of a pain in the ass but then again we're still early on the first half of this fight seems pretty straightforward but i'm worried about what that's going to look like in about two minutes you know when everything changes because this is a final boss fight climbing again in with like the red spiky hair kind of reminds me of the villain from the incredibles i don't remember his name because it's been a minute you know what i'm talking about yo chill okay you know we gotta switch i know i'd like to you know do this my way but uh i also want to do this the first time why does the king carry the axe around over his head like he's about to swing blindly at a pinata and that pinata just so happens to be calamity ganon come on homie you're a final boss stop being so damn predictable there's all these patterns just at this point i'm just ready for it this has been a long time coming listen i took on fury bowser which is basically just the mario version of this that's a good series if you haven't watched that you should probably go watch that one that one's very popular is this the one is this the weak point smash to take him down yeah shoot him in his butt all right now we'll do a link coming full circle here the full hexagon oh man you're about to get sealed for about a hundred years and then i'm gonna take a nap [Music] take a nap holy cut them in half [Music] so [Music] and after a long fought battle dawn dawns and hyrule has been saved once again for the 25th time look at this nature is healing all right and so wraps age of calamity i know this series has uh taken quite a while to finish but if you enjoyed it hit the like button and let me know down in the comment section if you would like to see skyward sword or breath of the wild next and i think we're going to do both of them eventually and if you made it this far and you're not subscribed uh consider it do a lot of playthroughs on this channel and until then we'll see you next time you
Channel: Choctopus
Views: 122,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raid boss smash bros, choctopus raid boss, super smash bros ultimate amiibo, amiibo smash bros ultimate, amiibo training guide, amiibo training tips, amiibo smash ultimate, smash ultimate amiibo, age of calamity, age of calamity review, age of calamity gameplay, hyrule warriors age of calamity, age of calamity korok seeds, master sword, calamity ganon, raid boss ganondorf, age of calamity dlc, calamity ganon fight, age of calamity full game, age of calamity full movie
Id: jzqkjwylnOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 32sec (4832 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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