Insufferable Instagram: Where Are They Now?

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often heralded is the single greatest in most unique and original series on YouTube insufferable Instagram is now almost 20 months old and clocking in at 15 earth-shattering episodes so today in lieu of adding a 16th name to the wall of Instagram deplorable I thought it prudent to offer a call back to some of those who have so valiantly and generously helped me along in my youtube career by providing me with some of the most steaming hot piles of garbage to make videos about do you want to take these last couple lines do do you want me to all right run it you smell what pork for the love of so I implore you to join Nigel and myself as we revisit these legends of internet lore who have had at least one year go by since their initial appearance on the show as we find out if they're still getting after it or if the it God after them notice one on this very special episode of insufferable Instagram where are they now hello everyone and welcome back to a brand new twice baked potato wrapped in sheepskin Leon lush here and I'm so grateful that you joined me I truly believe we're gonna have a lovely time here today but if you will have him Leon with a hat is on standby waiting to give us a word about today's video sponsor expressvpn expressvpn is the king of Virtual Private Networks all right it's half-assed and it gives you a safe internet experience with zero restrictions allowing you to download and stream content wherever you are I personally use it not only to keep my data safe but to circumvent any geo blocking nonsense like HBO now for example is one of my favorite streaming services I love HBO but it's only available in the United States so a if you're not from the US you can't watch it unless of course you fire up expressvpn and connect to a USA server and you're watching it in minutes problem solved and this is exactly how I watch my favorite show Game of Thrones when I'm traveling out of the country rest in peace to the Game of Thrones ending Hulu prime video 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sometimes slow and steady wins the race I mean he is growing and occasionally the tortoise beat the hare in the marathon and he stayed true to the mission of money in every single picture pretty much the money fan here although I do have to mention the whole money guns thing which is really what he was all about money guns money guns money guns money guns money guns money guns okay something must have happened I know if he got grounded or like his mom said slim she called the mobs is slim no more guns on Instagram cuz everything looks like everything before November of 2018 was deleted on his Instagram account this is his earliest one and there's not a single gun in sight what's the deal okay see this picture would be way cooler with a pole on his waist but nothing wow cool watch bro where's the strap see what kind of beats he's putting out here [Music] so Slim's about his cookie cutters it gets when it comes to skinny white soundcloud rappers and the one thing that used to give him the edge was how hard that he was you know I'm saying every picture it was boom money racks boom Glock in my right hand just pointing it down your throat and you're thinking oh man better not mess with slim don't want to get popped and now there's no pictures with the tutu's you know I'm saying there's no pictures with the four fives and it's like slim just lost his edge now he's just this little dude holding a bunch of money that he probably took out of the ATM and then goes in deposits after his Instagram photo shoots so he can pay his bills do you hate to see it December 21st 2017 with 1.9 million followers at the time supreme paddy was on a rapid climb up the New Age jackass style content ladder squeezing lemons in his eyes rolling golf carts over risk in his life for clout and utilizing scantily clad twerking females in his videos that serve no purpose other than to get horny fifteen-year-old high school boys to click Pattie was serving up the perfect recipe for the Instagram algorithm so now with 6.6 million Instagram followers supreme paddy has clearly been on the grind okay and a little bit of a letdown here but he private account for some reason and I'm unable to see any of his post unless I follow which I did for the for the sake of trying to see the post and you still can I guess you got to wait till they approve the request I was just checking him out last night doing a little research for this video and it wasn't private I was able to look at all his stuff an interesting thing to note not much has changed still supreme paddy doing a bunch of dumb stuff for views he's got the the girls twerking in the videos but his account recently got terminated I guess in may well some of y'all may know Instagram got deleted disabled his words he said that he was taking an Instagram story and accidentally a little bit of his dick slipped on camera and he didn't notice it and posted it anyways and he got heated took a video I say in a video in my face flip the camera around went to get the view and I posted it without even watching it and I guess I had my dick in it a little bit so so I got disabled for nudity but clearly since he's a big Instagram star he got his he got his account back it's a tragic story honestly one second you're just trying to say good morning to your Instagram followers and next thing you know your Instagram accounts deleted because whoops my dick was out what I've provided nickel for every time I unknowingly posted an Instagram story with my dick in it I'd have like 0 cents how does that even happen anyways I do got to put a little respect on his name because he does show a little bit of humility in this video which is one of the keys to my heart and then I mean we started doing the videos and it just kind of blew up so changed my life definitely you know so I'm very happy for that it's nice to be able to like help my family out and support them because we never really had too much so I want to thank you guys a lot for that it means a lot can't hate on a man for helping his family out January 24 2015 at five hundred and eight thousand followers at the time Dan was well known for his anti-authoritarian sled videos often times dodging security just to find stair cases he could sled down helping create the quote-unquote sled gang moniker he began to call his fanbase if inflicting pain on oneself for the sake of likes in views was modern-day art well then Dan was the proverbial Picasso of our time so Dan the meme man's an interesting story around the time I made that video he had just really messed up his face he like broke his jaw lost a bunch of teeth from doing a video where he slid down this huge set of stone steps and took a real bad spill at the end and just oh boy oh is it gonna end good anyways after that he kind of disappeared for a while somewhere in the mix his account got suspended kind of fell off the face of the earth he came back with an account called young boy Dan wherever there was a brief period where he's trying to rebrand himself as a rapper he actually reached out to me and asked me if I could maybe take down the video or something cuz he was trying to get rid of his old stuff to rebrand and that since fell through and now he is this account called Dan the meme man oh gee and I don't really know if he's doing a lot of new content it's just like it's a handful it's like 15 posts a lot of it's like repost from a while ago like this one I some of you guys think my content is trash well I'll show you trash for those of you wondering this is why I have brain damage still cute though so that was the caption this video was posted over 12 weeks ago and it was a throwback Thursday so it doesn't look like he's posting new content right now that the you know the account is 391 K the new account since his last one got suspended which is pretty formidable he's still gonna follow me he's just not maybe the brain damaged like he can't post like he's got serious brain damaged if he has another head injury he could die I don't know but he still stays active in fact completely unrelated to this in totally random just yesterday I posted a photo and and an actually comment on it he said I'm not homosexual but look at that sexy beast so thank you Dan for the compliment and hope you're doing well honestly if you watch this which I think he may take care of your brain buddy I'm rooting for you February 12th 2018 with a hundred nine thousand followers at the time Joker gang was quite literally everything weird you've heard about Florida personified into one human being his face tattoos spoke for themselves but it was his budding music career an impressive arrest record that really set him apart from the crowd so Joker Gang Gang one of my favorite Florida boys is now at a hundred and fifteen thousand followers which is not a whole lot more than he was at over a year ago so safe to say he's not been on the Instagram grind but I do believe that his account was suspended for quite some time I got some DMS back in the day that were like oh look who got Luke who got suspended and it would make sense cuz a lot of his posts have been deleted he probably had to delete like all of his posts with weapons or whatever and there's just not a whole lot of content since a year ago but there's a couple ones this one from five days ago actually let's see how he's been doing here yeah so safe to say he's been doing pretty well March 8 2018 with a modest twenty nine and a half thousand followers at the time the Gucci Barry was physically the most impressive on this list I mean imagine if you took a toothless crackhead be pool full of slime and a 400-pound trash bag full of adipose tissue and microwaved it on high for a week and a half open that [ __ ] up and out pops the Gucci berry if oddly-shaped Hicks with horrible tattoos hitting themselves in the nuts is your cup of tea then you my friend are going to be a very big Gucci berry fan what can I even say about this legend he's got to be one of my favorite on the list another one that cut suspended big surprise there I don't know how long ago or how many followers at the time but since he's recreated an account on his alt and has 490 thousand followers I mean just look at this top six right here of course you're gonna follow the Gucci berry for Christ's sake he's hanging out with little skies what are you doing Brian well last night I was out with someone's mature woman and you know how they get that dance that you just can't get off even after a couple of showers well yo goose is gonna do it the hard way let's see how I get cleaned today now wait oddly-shaped man that looks eerily like the penguin from the original Batman gets hosed down by a pressure washer sign me up this is my kind of content just wondering does anybody know how much he weighs are like a close guess I'm just wondering because I can't tell if he's really fat or just muffin-topping what kind of comment is that I decided today that I needed a snack nope I know right where that's headed and you can kindly keep that to yourself thank you Brian anyway it's tough to dislike the guy he even reached out when I made the original video said he watched thought it was hilarious the man knows how to take it in stride clearly which I appreciate about people so uh keep up the good work dude April 5th 2015 with 255 thousand followers at the time nine-year-old lillte was the self-proclaimed youngest flexor in the game garnering attention through verbose videos of her flexing expensive assets like supercars and mansions that turned out not to be hers by the way shocker the contradicting nature of her age in her aggressive demeanor drew attention internet-wide ultimately leading to her blow-up that would eventually be her family's downfall so as of today little tase Instagram account now has 2.2 million followers but she pretty much disappeared off the internet not about a month or two after I made that original video just over a year ago now there were a lot of questions when she initially fell off the face of the earth but since then a lot of light has been shed on the situation I mean you're talking about a then nine-year-old girl that blew up seemingly overnight in thinking about the money potential there and coming in a family structure II of mom and dad separated you know both probably seeing dollar signs and both on very different wavelengths it just became a pretty huge internal family battle for them mom thinks she knows what's best - were bringing her out to LA to meet little pumps manager and blowing her up on Instagram seeing dollar signs dad's thinking well my nine-year-old daughter missed a half a year of school I don't know if this lifestyle is necessarily the best for her he's probably maybe seeing dollar signs too who knows what the internal dynamic there is but you can just imagine that created a little bit of tension within the family and god bless her as she's only nine at the time right also there was leaked footage at the time of her brother who's a little older than her feeding her lines which is no surprise there her persona was obviously manufactured I don't think anyone was surprised by that but I do kind of feel bad that she got caught in the middle of this you know shitstorm around this over and I blow up but there is hope for all you little Tay fans because recently I believe it was in February this dude named Rocco Piazza who's like a five-year-old star or something released a music video and little Tay was in it roll it so hold onto your shorts cuz little Tay might be posed to storm back onto the scene like a bat out of hell if mom and dad could just settle their petty differences and decide on who is better suited to make their eleven-year-old daughter a social media exploit May 9th 2018 with a hundred and thirty two thousand followers at the time little skits was on the come-up as someone who's only marketable quality was his willingness to be a [ __ ] for views Breaking and Entering harassing retail workers and just being a general nuisance to society he embodied what I consider to be one of the worst side-effects of our Klout obsessed generation being an [ __ ] because it gets views so fast-forward to now in little skits has two hundred five thousand followers on a new Instagram account shockers because his old one got suspended seems to be a running theme amongst this list so not a whole lot of new content on his Instagram honestly a lot of the stuff is reloads from his old account I think this year he's only uploaded like seven or eight I'm not even here alone only six video clips on his Instagram I think he's shifted his focus to YouTube got a buck 66 on YouTube now things like trying to hit a pinata while blindfolded gambling in public social experiment smoking shisha and public experiment with a you Drakon the thumbnail pretty pretty typical YouTube stuff here so the whole video is just them playing dice in public to a copyrighted song that I'm not gonna play I do have to give him props so the camera works nice I feel like the you know the production qualities definitely is definitely gone up if he keeps it up but he keeps the blatant harassment to a minimum you know what good on you man I would suggest however maybe try using a non copyrighted song then you'd be able to make a few bucks from the video but you know you do you man if you don't want to take away from the artistry I understand June 27th 2018 with 1.1 million followers at the time hammy TV was your classic prank vs. prank couple pulling off massive Instagram views with they're blatantly fake pranks now the secret to their success is apparent when you look at their page as every thumbnail is usually the couple in some very sexually provocative position generally highlighting some select female body parts that tend to drive clicks now it's hard to knock them for doing what works and if we're being honest I did chuckle at some of their videos but I digress hammy TV still on that Instagram grind now at 4.4 million followers still with a catalogue full of massively provocative thumbnails and just popping them out I think they've become even more self-aware at this point where like before it was like you couldn't tell if they were joking like they knew it was fake and they were their audience knew it too now that's just you can tell they're doing skits mostly [Music] [Music] so almost every skit is adult themed at this point with the majority of their content boiling down to them embarrassing each other in public I guess which is you know there's an audience for that you know so why do you always blame it on moon that's what I don't clip your lab mic much my god anyways you know I got a Pullo respect on these two just because they're they live in the same state we're pretty we're close you know so I just in case he ever sees me in public he's ex-military I don't want him to smoke me in the throat well I'm not looking so congrats guys keep up the hard work August 8th 2018 with 283 thousand followers at the time daddy long neck was already well on his way to becoming a household name with a neck longer than a Minnesota winter and limbs like popsicle sticks he was able to make the stupidest videos ever and still blow up because people had to know why his neck was just so damn long and in the most unlikely of partnerships he would later team up with the Gucci berry to create some of the most visually jarring video experiences in existence instagrams perfect yin and yang content duo so last but definitely not least another one of my personal favorites probably because of how close he's become with the Gucci berry and together I mean the juxtaposition between the two is just outstanding they are a true Bonnie and Clyde couple [Music] no no me this this is content I could shut the blinds and lock my doors and spend night and day for the rest of my life working to make my Mona Lisa and no matter what I turned out it would not hold a candle to this poetry in motion this this Toccata and Fugue in d-minor if music was for the eyes just a beautiful and culturally relevant masterpiece oh but Lea what's the cut in Fugue in d-minor what are you talking about roll it and he's on their cake and this is for the people they're trying to spray all around the wrong not about London got a thing about you me yourself doesn't matter skinny fat a look man I even sound different on this you know people mean yourself and never give up okay I'm gonna be honest with you that was pretty awesome I'm gonna I'm gonna let Daddy longneck called the W for that one well played y'all are doing how can you compete with that you you can't you can't compete with that daddy longneck just killed in the game right now I expect big things from him in the future what a cast of characters half of them suspended somewhere along the way some of them got their accounts back others created other accounts and continued the grind some of them thriving others not so much you know what my tolerance for this type of thing has gone up over the years probably due to my willingness to immerse myself in it to make content in my own the only my only rule really is as long as you're not being a blatant disrespectful dick to other people or just going out of your way to ruin other people's day or interfere with their day for your own Klout in your own memes but other than that man I say have a ball so I want to thank all you guys for supporting me over the years those that have come back time time again to watch these insufferable instagrams I do a fun making them I don't know how long I'll continue to do them because obviously making videos on Instagram you know it's already probably passed its shelf life but occasionally I still have fun doing it if you knew and you enjoyed the video would mean the world if you'd subscribe love it when you guys leave comments I do like to read through those and one last thing before you go if you don't mind just run downstairs pour yourself a tall 20 ounce glass of ice-cold milk then head to the bathroom do a handstand on the toilet bowl and give yourself a swirly then go back to the kitchen wrap your hand in three layers of tinfoil and just drag and punch that glass of milk as hard as you can so it spills all over the kitchen and the glass shatters all over the place and you just want to get down lined your back in the glass and milk and do ten to twelve snow angels unzip you're flying you hip thrust that [ __ ] like button for me thank you guys so much we'll see in the next video peace [Music]
Channel: Leon Lush
Views: 3,537,368
Rating: 4.9038901 out of 5
Keywords: instagram, comedy, comedian, instagram comedy, supreme patty, lil tay, dan the meme man, gucci berry, daddy long neck, long neck, instagram comedian
Id: 0wps-e3nC9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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