Ruin your life in 30 Seconds or LESS

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people are wildin right now man I don't know if it's cuz 20/20 has just been the most catastrophic year on record in a long time I can't prove it but you've been living it with me you know what I'm talking about her I don't know if it's because people are just getting crazy crazier than they ever have been or if it's because we're just recording it more and I'm not doing it cuz I woke up in a free country then we used to because everyone's got the phone now maybe it's a combination of all those things but all I know is every day I log on the internet someone is having an absolute mental breakdown in public over some dumb [ __ ] and oh boy it is sad and entertaining all wrapped up into one Jew just doing her job I don't know how people don't know this yet maybe cuz a lot of them are boomers but they're learning very fast that you got to keep your [ __ ] together in public or someone's gonna pull out one of these they're gonna throw that [ __ ] on the internet you're gonna get caught by the Twitter mobs you shits gonna go viral you're gonna lose your job your life's gonna be Loki ruined over some real dumb [ __ ] because you were not able to keep your cool in public and I'm not saying that I like it sure I think there should be accountability to some extent for people but what you see on Twitter what you see online is just things getting taken out of context all the time retweeted by thousands of accounts people's lives getting ruined without anyone ever doing any sort of vetting and the implications there are pretty insane and when you can flake keeping people accountable with the fact that many times the people holding the cameras have this burning need for social validation things can get a little log nine out of the ten videos we see start somewhere in the middle of the altercation taking place so we have no clue how we got there we just see what's happening and if it confirms our biases like retweet hell yeah let's ruin this person's life because we've seen 50 seconds of their actions out of their 45 years alive on earth part of me hates it because there's no due process in the court of public opinion and there's always gonna be collateral damage for people that don't deserve it because the way the internet works but the other part of me understands that sometimes [ __ ] people are just being [ __ ] people in public and then they get caught on camera and actions have consequences good or bad that is how it is now so in 2020 being able to exercise restraint and having poise in the face of great adversity when you feel angry is now a superpower unfortunately for this woman she does not have that superpower what do you want to do post it for you how about that [Music] not a good idea nope Oh for the love of God during a pandemic a lot of a woman in the distance I'll no no that was okay you can do the double birds but you don't COFF on someone intentionally during a dot damn pandemic and her daughter's there with her what AG what an example woman holding the camera absolute poise like I said restraint boys just I'm just gonna film this woman being psycho classic Twitter video there's no context leading up to why that woman did what she did regardless unacceptable right but doing a little further research you find out he's up front the whole time screaming at the clerk because they wouldn't let her return an item that she did not have with her that's the level of stupid that begs the question how has this woman even existed for seemingly 45 or 50 years as a functioning member of society up and to this point I have no idea the only thing I can imagine is she has brain worms this dude just went viral earlier today and already lost his job that's what we call a little bit of an overreaction by our friend Dan there again not a lot of context I imagine the dude was maybe giving him [ __ ] for not wearing a mask in a store where he's supposed to be like his girlfriend was like everyone else there is I mean just look at that stance that is a stance of a man who has probably gotten in plenty of fights that were totally avoidable but he's just an insecure [ __ ] that feels like he constantly has to prove himself because he wasn't validated by his father enough growing up I'm just spitballing here but what did Dan not dude that you're supposed to do then didn't exercise restraint and keep his poise and within a in within eight hours he lost his job Gigi's Dan fractal go put your phone down here's another mask induced frenzy Wow yeah someone get this woman a straitjacket whoo everybody else do it everything he's doing I can't do it because I'm a blonde white woman it's just uh just a lot to unpack there so she wasn't mad at someone not wearing a mask she was just mad at the masks being sold in Target I'm quite sure that those employees don't let other people to face their store like that I imagine she's referring to the rioting and looting somehow tying that into this but then to immediately pull the white woman card and then flex the $40,000 Rolex at the end anyways fast forward and the police end up showing up at her house to arrest her and she decides to livestream the whole thing which was questionable decision late in the fourth quarter hey dude everything that Donald Trump was elected to do you could read about it on Twitter you can read about it in the news all the all the deep state politicians all that stuff has happened okay so I was hired to be the Qun on spokespersons oh I cannot it's a secret what do you mean like I can't give you any classified information you're yeah okay so she definitely just has brain worms this woman's absolutely unhinged it's like her husband god bless her for bed or is that like her caretaker maybe I'm not really sure but he doesn't look uniformed I think we have enough here he's laughing though for me you know I'm not gonna put down my phone I like I said I'm wire all this is being broadcast live it is yeah everywhere all of the world all the role on Instagram yeah millions of viewers so say cheese you're on candy cane millions of viewers she says well I think Instagram would beg to differ but you know maybe she just assumed that she'd go viral because she's psychotic what oh my god I'm sorry no right here we go it's because I'm um it's cuz I'm a white woman with a $40,000 Rolex your Range Rover oh my god there's no words that can describe this woman I I don't get it like part of me feels bad because I this woman should be institutionalized she seems so unwell but at the same time she's over here with a $40,000 Rolex and a Range Rover like what's she doing to get ahead in life how is she existing in this kind of wealth with this type of psychosis I don't maybe I'm like maybe I'm ignorant the best part too is that after all the talk I've been doing about people pulling out their phones to record idiots no no this was a complete self owned this woman recorded the whole thing herself well here's a good one here's a grown ass 77 year old woman she's got the mask hanging around her ear refusing to put it over her mouth as she's in checkout you know close to people refuses to follow the policy and then this is the best part when they try to escort her outside she dead asked she sits right on the ground like a little toddler not getting the toy that they want that's like that's a that's a move my son does right there but he's not even two yet god bless these retail workers man do you think that any part of them wants to have to enforce this mass policy no of course not they get no joy out of this if you're going into a store just throw that [ __ ] on you're in there for 10 15 20 minutes it's not difficult you can breathe in it just for everyone's sake everyone even if you don't think the virus is real or whatever like someone's no one's taking your freedom right just throw it on slip it on a couple minutes you're out of there then you don't have to be embarrassed in front of a whole [ __ ] store you don't have to make her life a living hell because you're acting like a little toddler sitting on the floor with the mask dangling around your ear wait let me show you how to make this whole thing go away just going this there it is mask is on problem solved it's that easy 77 years on God's green earth and this is what you want your legacy to be sitting down throwing a tantrum on the floor of a [ __ ] Costco absolutely just brain worms god bless all right let me tell you right now having been in customer service for the better part of 15 years this guy hates his [ __ ] life right now let me show you how this went so she refused to wear masks while she was checking out and then you asked her nicely but she still wouldn't then she threw a tantrum and she's sitting in the middle of the entrance and refusing to leave that is it did I get that right yeah okay all right God Almighty with everything going on why me why God why God why do I have to know how anyway hello how can I help you husband show my 3,000 follower Instagram post we won't everyone I work for Costco and I'm asking this member to put on a mask because that is our company policy so either wear the mask and I'm not doing it I woke up in a free country so you're gonna take this car for me full of stuff he pulled the free country on that [ __ ] at in our warehouse you need to leave Thank You Pierre you put it on I'll give you my card he's gonna take the card away cause he's a walking away with all my stuff there he goes because I'm not conceived another total self owned my man pulled out his cell phone and said I just put you on blast to my 3,000 follower Instagram feed I work for Costco and I'm asking this member to put on a mask because that is our company policy back of the century gets right up in the camera what's up everyone I'm asking this absolute reject to put on a mask because not only is it safe for everyone else here it's also a company policy but he's too [ __ ] stupid and has a too big it has too big of an ego to see how simple it is to just throw a mask on for the ten minutes he's in the store shopping with us because it makes everyone else feel more comfortable and I'm not doing it I woke up in a free country that was the moment that Tyson immediately know he's like yeah this one's not worth it I'm just gonna I'm just gonna take your cart and bounce bro see you later have a great day Oh Tyson accidentally becomes a little bit of a legend online there and now this dumbass goes on to post another video after receiving some backlash to try to further explain himself he says I've got every begin right to not wear a mask anywhere because this isn't about the mask this is about control I was one of the only people in that way Oh No why don't you have to go there what are you doing dude I have no idea again obviously it's an online video what the context was leading up to this but that is some of the funniest [ __ ] I've seen on the Internet the commentary oh [ __ ] she looked like zombie apocalypse is what it looked like I have to imagine that woman was blasted out of her mind drunk I don't know if they're like not letting her into the bar I don't know what the situation is but that is some quality content oh no she got the cuffs dude she got a lot obviously belligerently drunk what a what an absolute treat that was holy [ __ ] grandma what is he well that woman certainly did not exercise restraint and keep her poise very likely alcohol-induced no idea why it was what it was for but Wow wrecking it there's so many berries oh my god quit you're the one coming up to two young girls because we wanted to eat some berries oh yeah all the berries you want just don't take the bush with you it's not the bush it's literally it's another age I'm just saying if you take a left by the weeping willows and you end up in Karen's berry forest and you think you can just start taking berries off the branches all willy-nilly you're gonna have to answer to Carrie I'll tell you I did not have Karen doing a fortnight dance on my bingo card that one came out of left field boy there's more footage of the cueing on psycho [Music] did not see that coming that wasn't like a that wasn't a care and that's like an L a model wannabe that's led the collagen seep into her brainstem honestly you spend a couple minutes on Twitter you think the world's gonna end and you think that everyone has lost their damn mind and I don't think that's necessarily the case I think we just in the last decade or so have now curated the crazies in to feed style content that we're constantly scrolling through day in and day out just pounding into our brainstem and it kind of skews our view on the whole world so the moral of the story here ladies and gents is restraint in poise let me tell you how every single one of these people that went viral on the Internet lost their jobs lost their reputation had their lives mashed up by a potato masher let me tell you how they could have avoided all in fact nay let me show you how they could have avoided all of that watch this this is all they had to do ready this is it this is all you have to do if someone pulls out their phone and starts recording you and you're acting a fool just don't do anything literally just don't act that's all you have to do and you can save your life you can save your job you don't have to be made the laughingstock of the internet restraint poise a modicum of self-control use your [ __ ] brain stop going crazy and you won't get laughed out online that's all there is to it it's that easy thank you guys for joining me on this carousel of craziness there's a billion videos I could only get through a couple of them but I just wanted to try and understand why people act like this in public I can't figure it out I have to imagine they just have they've just hit like a breaking point and don't understand what they're doing in that they're basically self sabotaging for what this little bit of gratification that they're freaking out on somebody they disagree with I don't know restraint poise read about it love you guys we'll see you in the next video make sure you do me the favor before you go hip thrust that [ __ ] my button piece I will be my magic fingertips Amy Oh
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Views: 1,215,904
Rating: 4.9054775 out of 5
Id: -tSYivBwJLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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