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listen I don't want to have to bring out the billy club for a second time in the last three videos but some people on the internet just need a good metaphorical whooping now this pandemic in addition to sucking a fat one has you know it exposes people it exposes the crazies it exposes people with low levels of intelligence and it exposes people's character and it's all happening in real time on the internet through Twitter another social media platform back when things were just starting to get serious in the u.s. I remember as in a group chat in a few of my bodies we were joking about you know Oh who's gonna be the first youtuber to get coronavirus and cliff baited for to get a bunch of views and stuff haha funny jokes and obviously we joke about it but in the back of my mind knowing that obviously people were going to do that and whether it was clickbait or just you know misinformation there's all kinds of camps of coronavirus content now I imagine the overwhelming discourse around this virus is reasonable and respectful right it's people just wanting to be part of the global conversation individuals and organizations chiming in because everyone is affected on a global level nobody is not affected by this with few exceptions but as history has proved time and time again it always seems to be the idiots that somehow have the loudest megaphones you have the blatant misinformation being spread by these conspiracy theorists and weird ass online gurus the type of content that made it so YouTube had a demonetized all Kovac content across the board for the first several months of this because they were scared that advertisers were gonna get scared when they saw like one of their ads run against a video of someone suggesting you drink bleach to cure the corona virus or some [ __ ] which did happen by the way [Music] then there's the incessant to politicize you just cherry-pick whatever information they want to help push whatever agenda they have that week and continue to drive a larger partisan wedge down the center of the country see that a lot on Twitter and it is exhausting but that's all I'll say about it because politics is definitely not in the wheelhouse of this YouTube channel then there is the certain religious figureheads like my boy Kenny Copeland which if you watch the channel you know we touched on recently total legend and you'll never be back he uploaded that one just after my last video went live and I was so pissed that I missed it but this man I mean he just keeps on hitting homeruns the rings of God on you there's also the 5g is causing coronavirus conspiracy theorists I guess you gotta lump them in with the blatant misinformation camp and I'm not gonna talk about them at all beyond acknowledging that they exist right now personally I think if you possess the capacity in your wet noodle to believe something wholeheartedly that is so moronic you should just do the right thing and scoop your brain out of your skull with a rusty ladle and donate it to your local genetic scientist so he can find a way to prevent your gene pool from existing in the future just do the right thing so all this is going on I'm sure there's a ton more I'm forgetting but it is just a sea of insanity in content my head is spinning but my wheelhouse on this channel is typically other youtubers or other social media personalities so that's what we're gonna stick to I can off the top of my head I'm thinking about the video that daddy made I know I've seen some tweets about Eli so cray whoo God we'll get into him I can only imagine how my god now will not believe what I just found god I've been lifting weights and all that become wrong no I'm put some weight so I've been pushing past the Garonne mom say Jesus I also solicited you guys on Twitter last night to see if you had any examples of people making erroneous content concerning Cova 19 so we got some stuff to get through right off the bat we have Ricky Berwick promoting himself par for the course honestly if Ricky Berwick wasn't making 15 videos a day about the pandemic I'd be worried that he actually had the virus billy club not needed that is on-brand for Ricky Wylie here link the pastor spell stimulus challenge 214 likes to 20,000 165 dislikes this ought to be good hashtag pastor smell stimulus challenge could you at least ask God for a dead cat for your [ __ ] camera mic please free room April the nineteen twenty twenty it begins rule number two donate your stimulus money rule number three donated to evangelist North Americans evangelists who haven't had an offering in a month missionaries I'm donating my entire stimulus $1200 my wife is donating hers - congratulations my son is donating is fabulous six hundred your son hates you then hashtag this knob had tried to create a hashtag challenge to get people to donate their stimulus check that they desperately need to live off of to get them to donate that to him in his church because he hasn't had an offering in a week or two righteous this is the idiot whose parishioner and friend died of Cova 19 he still won't take responsibility for keeping the church open and is still saying it's a politically motivated hope speak surprise there he tried to continue having congregations and services after the lock downs and someone died because of it and now he wants all of your stimulus money my friend Bobby Duke would the hard call out of Willie and Osman on as we tested positive video now my initial reaction was maybe this is a joke I can't remember I think maybe they're friends but I thought I'd investigate anyway so you understand how bad that is for someone for a doctor to tell you that you have a cold but we can't test you for the V a lot of you may know well Osman he makes very interesting and funny YouTube videos and I actually had the good fortune of sharing a late night Denny's dinner with him last October with a group of people seems like a lovely guy during the second test I asked about me what about me since I've been in contact with her if she has it I have I experienced nothing how would you describe your experience with it I'm really busy right now so it was a question oh how would you describe your symptoms in general for me it started out with really intense body aches it's the worst body pain I've ever had before and I didn't I didn't want to freak you out because I really didn't want to go the hospital so I tried to downplay it but I was kind of scared yeah here's the whole timeline healing symptoms so as it turns out Bobby was joking about his recommendation and in my opinion William Osmonds video isn't a good example of how to do it right if you're gonna make a video about your experience with the corona virus they documented the process as it was going on they didn't run to social media the second something happened before they had any details or confirmation whether or not they had the virus and then weeks later after getting confirmation and things started to settle down we'll sat down and narrated the story and included the clips and made a nice cohesive video where they talked about their experience and he expressed his frustration with the process in the lack of testing capabilities and access to testing and just the general confusion and the uncertainty going around the world and in the medical field right now as well tactful execution no billy club needed then we got this matpat game theory video who will survive the censored virus I remember this flash-in-the-pan controversy like a month ago you could say that this topic is infectious you won't believe your ears when you hear the conclusion of this episode today we're talking about which video game character is least likely to survive a viral outbreak a purely hypothetical totally not inspired by real-life events global pandemic a topic that just randomly popped into my head at the top of 20/20 and I wanted to come so as the severity of the situation starts to sink in and March people are dying matpat makes a fun quirky game theory video about which video game character would most likely to survive a the virus right immediately goes into plugging is March and then later the video is sponsored by North Vee PN now this rubbles a few feathers people think it's insensitive that he's using this very topical pandemic to make a video that's gonna get a bunch of views and he's gonna make a bunch of money from it maybe it is insensitive personally I'm indifferent don't really care I will tell you what did offend me though how [ __ ] cringe matpat has become IV just look at this clip ever since they grew the beard everywhere I go people won't stop calling me matte daddy I find that hard to believe guys please stop do not call me matte daddy and whatever you do do not make hashtag mad daddy trend okay I repeat I totally do not want matte daddy to become a thing it would be awful if that nickname were to stick for me okay so again just a public service announcement matte daddy not a thing thank you very much did you just use reverse psychology to try and get the hashtag mad daddy trending because you grew a couple pubes on your face that's worth two clubs get that cringe [ __ ] out of here Mac well you got this one from social repos called so I caught it on but it's only been a day and a half now I haven't tested positive for a you see here it says in the title that you caught it but you don't actually know and that seems to be the the running theme on social media people get the first whiff of a little sniffle or a turned ankle and they run to social media to shout from the mountaintops that they're about to die from Kovach 1900 I don't really know much about social repos except a few years ago he was in the news cycle for something and it's hard to forget because he was he dresses up like this which looks like fun I think it's important to note that Cova 19 didn't just magically come in and exterminate all of life's other illnesses now in his defense this was two days before he was supposed to release a new album he is a musician and he was supposed to send out a bunch of physical copies and he didn't want to do that if he had an infection he was gonna get on the package so he was in a sense updating his audience that he was sick probably could have tied it a little better and then two weeks later he makes an update video this kind of went awol for minutes to to recoup myself and yeah I'm I'm not dead isn't that right anyways I watched the rest he seems like a decent guy and if you're into emo and being sad all the time his musics not that bad but he still gets a lazy Club for click baiting without test results next up we have I think I have covered 19 the infamous video from Deji from a couple of weeks ago got an overwhelming amount of tweets about this you guys it's veggie I'm making this video not to alarm you or you but I'm not sure if I have covered 19 like what even is that intro like hey guys I got a bit of a scratchy throat and I don't want to alarm you but maybe or maybe not I possibly I do but I probably don't I might but I know I have 10 million subscribers but I might have covered 19 so I just wanted to make this shut the [ __ ] up my mum she was sick no she had it she's fine now so his mom gets sick she's fine now he's feeling a little shitty nobody's been tested let's go ahead and just make a video call I think I have covered 19 for my 10 million subscribers brilliant movie you fill agent bottle shove it is curve in 19 I don't want to wish for the worst because I'm not you don't want to wish you had Cove at 19 I would certainly hope not the fact that even said that makes me a little suspicious that you do cuz you know think of all the attention and the sympathy that you'd get just to be safe I am self isolating I will keep you updated alright appreciate it and keep you updated thanks I'm scared to test what it is curve at night because I thought I don't wanna I don't wanna know anything I know you guys have told me to get it tested but it's more of a fear thing I am too scared what what a [ __ ] dude yeah that's one club right off the back you're gonna make a video for your millions of subscribers cuz I think I have a cove at 19 but you don't have the Nazi but you're too afraid to get tested for it that that radiates more [ __ ] than only fans calm all the things I am going through I can handle it I'm just I'm just trying my best classic sympathy farming I have you heard of here folks if you think you have covered 19 step 1 make a youtube video even though you don't know for sure step 2 water with lemon you'll be back to full health and getting in very public fights with your family in no time but I'm not gonna wish for the worst why do you keep saying that so on his follow-up video two days later he's fine imagine that they're doing a fun little skit where he's pretending to chase down his girlfriend full of germs covered in his hazmat suit hilarious hey guys it's veggie Cove in nineteen honestly there are people saying I'm doing this for views and everything it's disgusting and it's sad it's actually perfective he's a sad that a lot of people think that's how that's why I would want to do that I'm matter on a profit off of the co good 19 virus disgusting I don't want to wish for the worst okay but is it really a stretch for people to think that given the current transition from two days ago to how you're feeling now the fact that you go on in this video to basically say it was asthma related or something and I'm not I'm not wishing for the worst but maybe you should have thought about that before uploading a video saying that you thought you had Cova 19 to you 10 million subscribers I'm not wishing for the worst I'm just saying not wishing Sam she uh she gave me my inhaler before waking up my parents she gave me my inhaler to use that did fix it so that was that's a good sign to show that my inhaler you know can absolutely you know can fix it I don't want to wish for the worst I've said it already but apparently his inhaler fixed it which is good news because that was what I didn't wish for the worst which would have been his inhaler not fixing it because he actually had Cova 19 but that's not what I wish for it I don't want to wish for the worst and we did not get what I did not wish for thank God no I'm beating up on him a little bit right but I don't I don't genuinely think he was like ill it's uploaded I have kovat video to get a bunch of views and money I don't think that I just think desi was susceptible to the climate of fear in the world he let it get ahold of him and he just lacks any sort of critical thinking skills that could have been like maybe I should think twice before pressing upload on this one right maybe that no critical thinking skills I don't think you're a bad guy but you get one club for being a bonehead in this case and finally that brings us to the ringleader of lobotomized internet dullards Eli so Craig you may remember my video about this guy a couple years back he's the guy's guy you remember that Josh no will not believe what I just found God I was walking through the park on my early morning jog let's see how he's handling this pandemic we don't have our son anymore my son is alive I think I got the coronavirus guys I'm sick prank on girlfriend I don't have the coronavirus anymore my girlfriend is not feel well she has it and my personal favorite being a father myself my newborn son has the illness followed up by ten signs you have the illness and how to get rid of the illness now I simply can't bring myself to put you lovely guys and girls through more than just a few clips of his content to provide context so I underwent the self torture of going through the videos I just rattled off so we can see what we're up against here these two videos I just cannot be bothered click baiting your one month old son is is so epic I think I got the coronavirus guys hey you wasn't and current gang it should when I was creating the building man comment.child with a video man um the perfectly timed cause it's all about the title your boy have not been feeling well lately man it's crazy right now because I don't know like what's going on or what I have you know like it could be a regular flu could be a regular cold because I'm a girlfriend birthday I was driving my car with the top down and it was a little chilly out there we take them we put the top down and get a little chillies or that window just hit me in a face or a name I think I got the corona virus guys or it could just be the cold cuz I was driving in my girlfriend's car with the top down last week the princes saying I die so you get the point and then he says this so yeah it was the only three minutes bro she if this corona virus isn't ten minutes long I can't slap 20 min rolls on it that's another thing every time I wash I feel like it gets worse I feel like there's something outside in the air bro no Kat shut up I think that's what I gotta say yo that's all I gotta say let's get this dome down well you what let's get this don't know let's get this thumbnail you're gonna leave in you're gonna leave in you making faces for the thumbnail you're gonna leave you're gonna leave that part in the video okay yeah sure well the video ended at 5 minutes and 52 seconds how are you gonna put 10 min rolls on it oh you just you just leave four minutes of black screen until you head until you hit 10 minutes that's what you do if you rely so cray you make a [ __ ] video where you say you think you have the corona virus talk about absolute nonsense [ __ ] for five minutes and then do another five minutes of black screen and select 15 min rolls on it that's the that's the YouTube strategy we're employing right now [Music] what's good yeah this video of you click painting your five week old son having the coronavirus that's that's probably what's good I think can't get a goddamn haircut man you feel me because this goddamn world suck that man's quarantine [ __ ] man let me save you the time the first two minutes he talks about not being able to get a haircut then he spends a full minute taking an advil yes my son July a man yes this is not click base absolutely 100% not lie about not like this you wouldn't he had the corner fire oh my god key word had that's terrible how do you know oh you got better already that's great oh hey yeah he was just cry like a lot like more than he normally would we feed him burping change him and he was to just cry alike and different times a night like weird Tom's and stuff like that you feel me so I knew something was wrong so you mean to tell me that you know your son had the corona virus because he cried a lot even even at night sometimes he would cry a five week old baby would cry sometimes so he had the correct get felt a little warm that's how you know he had the [ __ ] corona virus how are you a father I knew Joanna would get better and I knew he would get better you know I'm saying and like I said we all got better you filled me so you got just take care yourself don't be scared just have faith you know Sam I feel reality of glory the honor proportion making things seem worse than what it is but in all reality just take care yourself and just have faith in God you know I'm saying you won't be fine very just incredible advice thank you for that Eli one advice will come at me locked in the crib and I'm saying zombie consummate simple you feel me so that's what it is that's what it is but if you guys want me to make a video basically saying how to know if you have this virus smash the leg but let this video get 500,000 likes and I'll make a video um tell you guys how to know if you got it and what to do if you have smash that like button guys 1000 likes and Eli so cray over here I'll tell you what to do if you get the corona virus yeah like it's weird it's like a certain times that at night we feel weird Shing it's always that night bro like three in the morning for the morning me feeling weird for some reason it's like what the lay is weird broke that it's that is one of the symptoms I think I've been on plugging my foggy and [ __ ] like that everytime I plug that five genes this internet box right I feel better girls over I don't know you don't say baby guys should you say thing if you feel weird I don't know I'm just saying it worked for me but anyway stay tuned for the next video of course it's too perfect it's too perfect I unplugged my 5g Internet box and I felt a little bitter I don't know guys it worked to me I unplugged my 5g Internet box and the icing on the cake the final two minutes of black screen to stretch to 10 minutes so you can slap mid rolls on it paradoxically though this 2 minutes is without a doubt the most enjoyable part of the video so I had some notes on this how to get rid of the illness video from Eli but I just I can't do it but to give just to sum it up number one is man you guys already know the Boz may take some medicines take medicine now I will prefer if it's during a day take some dayquil if it's at nighttime take some nyquil Eli so Cray would prefer that if you get the coronavirus if it's during the day you take the dayquil but at night to help you sleep while you're while you're [ __ ] dying from the coronavirus take some nyquil that is what Eli so cray prefers that is number one guys you know the vibes take some medicines yes this is good for the body I've been lifting weights and all that with the controller no I'm sad I've been pushing weight so I've been pushing paddles in to corrode you know say a nice gonna stop the gains baby so I always saying work I don't know a lot of people you see just but we don't want to work out man but me I was still working out ok can't get out of bed on a ventilator in the ICU lift some [ __ ] weights [ __ ] make some gains that's what do you guys so crate day bye guys I'm tapping out I feel like I just got rear naked choke by Eli's immeasurable stupidity and that's I have to tell you know what would make me feel better though a bit of a challenge here I challenge you guys to try and finish this video without cutting your eardrums out with a reciprocal saw you think you can do that you know you know what I take it back I know that you couldn't complete that challenge humanly impossible and I care about you guys too much to see you lose your hearing like that anyways I do appreciate you guys and I have to apologize in advance cuz this is gonna take a while it was approximately three hours before Leon collapsed to the floor is a sweaty exhausted mess and the only thing that gave him the strength to get up once more was the fact that Eli so cry had over one and a half million subscribers and although he tried to clickbait coronavirus almost 10 times couldn't even manage to pull more than 10,000 views of video magnificent [Music]
Channel: Leon Lush
Views: 956,400
Rating: 4.9372835 out of 5
Id: Z1_zryYjMoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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