15 Men Battling To Impregnate ONE Woman

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forty-three seasons in the last two decades of The Bachelor and its subsidiary spin-offs like The Bachelorette bachelor in paradise etc and people are still gobbling this [ __ ] up it's no secret that reality TV has commandeered the broadcast airwaves the last 20 years or so and become one of the highest-grossing and most popular TV genre --zz that exists and taught me how to eat a KitKat now I'm not gonna sit here and throw shade at people that enjoy watching reality television to entertain themselves at the end of the day how people choose to entertain themselves is their decision and it doesn't really matter as long as it's not hurting anybody I might like to play call of duty but my wife watches Keeping Up with the Kardashians sometimes and that's fine some people even go as far as to watch Lee on lush on YouTube which you're actually doing right now and I'm here to congratulate you because your IQ is in the top 1% and most people that know you probably want to be you but all that's to say I just have this peculiar aversion for reality television just I hate the relationship ones the bachelor/bachelorette get 15 Chad's to battle it out for the heart of this young lass waiting in the decision room with a bunch of Rose is trying to sell this fairy tale story to the poor suckers at home watching this thinking that says anything to do with reality or real life or what being in a relationship actually is like on surprisingly a huge percentage of these relationships do not work out because a lot of the people are probably there just for cloud money and the people that are actually there to try and find true love are stupid so now that you have some background about how I feel about reality television not only can you die happy now we can get into the today's topic of the video which is a new Fox television show called labor of love which is a direct ripoff of The Bachelorette except instead of 15 Chad's fighting over a woman for her hand in marriage it's 15 Chad's fighting over who's gonna be the dude that dumps a load and this woman because she's 41 and really wants to have kids and her biological clock is ticking and she's desperate to have a kid this is Kristi former contestant on The Bachelor in 2007 shocker after recovering from a failed marriage that lasted only six months she's now 41 lonely and childless and thought what better way to find a suitable father for her future child than to let 15 cloud hungry boomers try and convince her why their dad material in this contrived pile of [ __ ] excuse for what real life is actually like before we jump in just a quick shout out to Amanda from the YouTube channel swell entertainment she popped up at my recommended this past week which is why the show was even on my radar she does a nice summary talks about the show's first episode when it first came out a couple weeks ago but she doesn't actually really show any clips from the show is an a-plus move on her part because if you even whisper the name of a major network television show you get choppers flying above your house trying to copyright your whole life to [ __ ] but I'm gonna take a chance at it because here on the Leon less youtube channel we're fortunate to have some very strategic brand partners to keep my coffers bursting at the seams when corporate greed tries to hold me down that's why no hat and no hair product Leon is on deck to talk about today's video sponsor of Mac Weldon as a 6-3 270 pound unit finding comfortable and stylish menswear for everyday use is kind of like finding the Holy Grail since Mac Walden reached out a few months ago about a partnership I took the opportunity to spend some time with their products and get to know the company a bit and I've been nothing but impressed in my experience with their product line so far I can tell you that the comfort and the quality of their fabrics is insane I'm not gonna explain chub-rub to you because if you know you know but the air net boxer-brief has 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guy that likes to feel comfortable well looking sharp like myself you got nothing to lose you head over to Mack Walden com choose some clothes that you like and use my promo code Leon lush at checkout 420 your very first order you won't regret it I appreciate you guys our story starts with Christie so they reel you in with a beautifully crafted intro that introduces the premise we found 15 sexy and sophisticated men who are ready to skip the dating and go straight to baby-making then they tease your taint a little bit with a taste of all the best moments yet to come in the season we got challenges how Christie on her journey we had the men show up their parenting and a partnership skill drama he's pretty pissed right now somebody else got the credit for my initiative there's a fish in the house you gotta stop talk you need to know this easily becoming this it has to [ __ ] say it to my face bro you're what like five four pathetic and most importantly for all you softies out there romance you are the one of you this real for me this is beautiful right oh my god this is the most romantic date I've ever been on here's to a love star yeah I think I might be falling in love it's except what I always dreamed about I'm Kristin Davis welcome to labor of love oh and also it's hosted by Charlotte from Sex in the City which probably means nothing to you unless you're a female or a gay man in your 30s my name is Christy I'm 41 years old I live in Chicago and I'm currently single thank you so much I made the difficult decision to file for divorce six months after standing at the altar they felt like I was never gonna get to have my own family come on Christy stop it you're gonna have a family someday that's why you're on the show I mean statistically speaking it's probably just gonna be you and your kid because after the press and the 15 minutes of fame dries up dad's gonna fly back to LA to continue pursuing his acting career and indulging in his weird habit of getting drunk on Chardonnay and texting dick pics to 20 year olds but that's still family technically I know that was a little aggressive I really do want what's best for Christy I truly wish nothing but happiness for her but shows like this I just do not trust him I'm definitely a little anxious about my test result yes I mean at 41 the levels look very good better than your chronological age so there's hope there's hope so we get to know Christy a little bit then she heads to the fertility doctor and the docs like hey you're 41 but you're still fertile and by the way smoke show for your age he didn't actually say that but come on she looks good for 41 and then they ship her off to Atlanta they pack her into a Tesla and they scuttle her up to this weird mansion in the middle of nowhere where I'm sure the 15 men will be battling like gladiators for her to become the womb that carries their child thank you so much oh my gosh I'm freaking out Charlotte with my girl so this is when she meets the host and just freaks out about how she's Charlotte from Sex in the City for a while like I said she's 41 obviously a huge Sex and the City fan if you're under 30 probably have no idea what I'm talking about I'm Marcus I'm 39 years old I'm an anesthesiologist I'm traveling I'm tennis instructor I've got a huge family having three older sisters is made me like the woman whisperer like a horse whisperer but I'm like a woman Whisperer so then the bro start rolling in and it's just one handsome Chad after another I mean there is enough chiseled jaw lines and expensive suits in this crowd to make even dwayne johnson feel insecure I imagine this is exactly what a GQ men's calendar shoot would look like we got the token small-town southern boy I'm Jason I'm from Huntersville North Carolina and on my own flooring and renovation business the former professional wrestler that you can tell is five three just by looking at his face I'm Matt I'm a former professional wrestler all right wrestling connects me with my dad when I was seven years old my dad asked me if I wanted to see someone fly self-proclaimed CEO my name is Stuart I'm 40 years old from Los Angeles California and I'm a CEO what's the point having all the money in the world we have no nobody share settle flex much the Italian guy my name is Angela I grew up in a tough neighborhood mr. hot explosive and intense yeah I can be explosive I can be hot sometimes but I'm quick to every emotion the women who like me like me because I'm intense and obviously a guy from Queens Mario and I own a business and health care I'm the kid from Queens with big dreams maybe it's just me but I don't think I've ever seen a reality show without some dude from Queens in it they are like to reality shows what chewing tobacco is to baseball and there's a bunch more but my guilty pleasures here okay if I'm being honest or Gary and Gary and I own my own company making baseball bat baseball bats Gary whose offspring makes baseball bats for a living what an absolute long dick legend this man must be you're watching this right now you can't look me in the eye and tell me that you know somebody or know somebody that knows somebody even that makes baseball bats for a living that is a one-in-a-billion Gary is absolutely precious I hope this man wins mmm my name is Stewart I'm a CEO hi I'm Gary I make baseball bats for a living so he obviously the taller is gonna like will be like the short blazer Lancer and my personal favorite of the bunch they don't budge I'm sorry what did you say bud exactly bah bah Oh budge okay I'm sorry as in like as in I'm trying to roll over this hippopotamus but it's too heavy and it won't budge like that like that kind of much [ __ ] yes I love this guy my name is budge I'm a conservative man with morals and we're here to hopefully be a father or maybe find the love of her life so I prefer not to have a cocktail and he's straightedge not giving in to the obvious pressures of this awkward situation this is the man you want to raise your child because you know that when push comes to shove when that baby is born and [ __ ] hits the fan he's not gonna budge budge will not budge he will not even budge got it [Applause] so finally Christie shows up comes down the stairs all the dudes collectively papa chubby and then there's a little bit awkward mingling that goes down are you guys comfortable sharing with me what kind of made you decide to say yes I was like you got to like open yourself up one day and so like I'm here to take that giant leap I'm thinking a lot of the last couple years like how do I really find the girls I just loved that was heavy stuff part of this process is figuring out if you're all fit enough to be fathers it's dude wasting no time right now I mean the dude showed up they mingled they size each other up they met Christie for like 10 seconds and then BOOM right off the bat they're unzipping their $1,500 Armani suit pants 2jo into a specimen Cup Classic reality isn't it those are specimen cups I did not see this coming no pun intended I tell you I just cannot let a good pun go to waste ha ha ha might feel like I'm involved in a scandal right now about collection center no we should make this less awkward I suggest we just get right to the time well this is all good but this is an absolute necessary step for anyone who wants to be a father you know how about about doing this I'll just sit there come on budge you were my guy bud what is the matter with you you want to convince me and more importantly Kristy that you're man enough that you're ready to father her child and you won't even do the first thing that she asks of you budge welcome to red flag city population budge and you probably think that Jay Owings is sin - judging by your aversion to alcohol but sometimes if you want to get the girl you got to get your hands dirty budge you know what let's just keep watching and give budge a chance to come around I have completely lost something like this in the past five days yeah what's today this girl hey by the way every guy that's not putting their hand up is lying except maybe budge I haven't figured him out yeah okay okay all right my gosh I mean so many things are going through my head so the next several minutes is these guys who's going into this trailer six at a time enjoying next to each other while the trailer rocks back and forth and everyone's outside waiting and watching yes [Music] [Applause] look I'm a professional wrestler my sperm will be able to do backflips off the top rope bodyslam 400-pound guys and entertain millions and millions of people around the world I've got this all right please tell me the producers fed him that line because if not this guy has got to go let's go bud come on at this point I'm thinking there's no way in the world but do not let me down much but okay she's the reason I'm here I can't wait to spend one-on-one time with Kristi so this drill is gonna get a little messy yeah this hung yes budge finally decided to come around you finish that thing off your samples gonna have cross eyes on there of course backwards Billy's already legless drunks learn to speech 15 minutes into the show definitely father material let's go I would like to turn it over to an expert Dr Kaplan would you do the honors oh well when we do the analysis we looked at four things we looked at the volume of sperm so apparently it wasn't embarrassing enough to have these guys Jo in front of everybody else they turn it into a competition they bring out the fertility doctor who was tested the results and they turn it into an award ceremony and give a first-place trophy to the guy with the most dense sperm with 317 million active swimmers showing off goes to Alan you know Sam yeah I gotta say before the joy even kind of found its place it was shocked I was what okay listen I am firm in my stance that reality television for the most part is absolute dog [ __ ] and I will not budge but that was fantastic television she proper dining room area the cliche house tour is next then they happen upon this cute and tasteful fatherhood wall piece that's awesome right this reminded why we're here matter fatherhood that means making babies means raising babies burned too safe very good party time though is it onset then backwards billy gets even more drunk and ends up puking on my haha first impressions are a real [ __ ] there's a barbecue set up for you out back wow so it's the next day and it's barbecue time now I mean they got cornhole they got Jenga they got croquet I am Heike jealous I mean Kristi's next door right Vanessa she came over and joined us a barbecue how do we like serenade her serenade her to come over we all know his song and we can Saturday's Cyndi with to get over here sandy sorry then mr. tall and handsome makes the fatal mistake of forgetting her name and gets lamb basted by the rest of the crew then they proceeded to implement this horribly contrived piece of writing where she acts like she's just sitting in her house on her iPad not knowing what's going on and they all chant from next door to get her to come down to the barbecue I mean it is just chefs kiss let's just yell her name [Music] [Applause] you know I get it sorry brother I said talk to you you as well Ellen everybody hello Jason okay where did you pull these from your rebellion site so more mingling and drinking and then they move on to these you know one-on-one sessions where they all have a chance to get to know we're a little bit briefly before they get stolen away and the other guy moves in I'm feeling really conflicted because Jason was really drunk at the party and he definitely didn't give off the best first impression facts but the Jason I'm talking to you tonight I could see him being father material yeah everyone can act like their father material when they're sober and then they go out and drink a fifth of whiskey and come home and beat the wife and kids seen it a billion times you really cannot trust somebody until you've seen how they handle themselves when they're hammered that is a fact all right well maybe you can trust them as like a friend or something but if you're trying to put them on the fast track to become the father of your child and they got pants [ __ ] drunk into orientation of the little reality show you're doing probably a little bit of a red flag you know you know Matthew I hate to break up the Tea Party but it's what I got it is so much trying to date 15 guys at once just wait till halfway through the season when they're all trying to pipe you down it's tougher than I thought but I'm dating to fall in love with the guy who could be the father of my children can we go inside I'll show you the house right now warmin I'm sue dad brought my jacket and I never wear perfect Philip he's so nervous but he's really cute I hope you like these I truly believe these are moon rocks because they make me feel really Phillip moon rocks get that fairytale [ __ ] out of here she wants a family not a horoscope you feel like you're ready to have a family yeah what do you think of Jason Jason I will be the first to say I did not like his behavior at our first meeting yeah I mean it really concerns it really concerned me tails should we go with profile page yeah I know so finally we're getting towards the end of the show and we arrived at what's like the equivalent of the rose ceremony except this time she's on an iPad that's linked up to a TV that all the guys can see that are in a separate house and she's just in there dragging their profile pictures to like the keep or the not keep or like need to chat with and they're all just sitting in the room getting to watch it just absolute torture I imagine well it may feel awful for you guys standing here it's not necessarily a bad thing We Need to Talk could mean Christie wanted a chance to tell you that she appreciates you or it could mean you're going to go home so I'll spare you the drawn-out sappy ending to the episode basically she sends one of the old Chad's home because he's boring I don't see us starting a family together you're boring unfortunate of course that we couldn't communicate a little better unsurprisingly Phillip gets heated you were one of the guys here that I was most looking forward to getting to know but I just don't feel like we're on the same timeline starting a family together nice moon rock trick idiot Stewart gets head fake because she invited him to the chat just to tell him how much she appreciated how nice she was to her Stewart as you know there's a lot of men here that I need to get to know you've made me feel seen appreciated and like a lady please join the other fathers to be downstairs then small-town pickup truck backwoods Billy gets a little sit down at the end to have a heart-to-heart to talk about his drinking Bravo I think I still need to understand your drinking I had too much to drink okay I mean that's all it was like I have a drink seems okay and I'm really not playing in Hana okay yeah join those guys downstairs basically she was like Philip I didn't like that you got drunk and he's like Dodds cool I won't do it anymore and she's like okay you can stay I'm sure that's thanks buddy yeah and I'm thinking to myself oh here we go again then he starts guzzling champagne at the end of the episode so that concludes the pilot episode of the show and as I'm recording this now that I believe there's been four episodes out but they're all obviously pretty long there's no way I could get to all of them and in no way did I want to the main reason the show piqued my interest initially was because of the actual premise seemed just a little shady to me like with the bachelor and the Bachelorette who gives a [ __ ] you got these cloud hungry money hungry Fame chasin people want to go on and find true love trying to battle fifteen other people for blah blah blah it's nonsense right you get in People magazine you get a bunch of people following you for a while and then eventually your relationship fizzles out and dies you wash your hands of it you've maybe made a little money and have a couple extra Instagram followers great but in this case the whole goal the whole point is to bring another human being into the world to have a child with someone to fast-track a father figure like skip everything else and just be like hey can you be a father cool dump some seeds into me and let's have a kid because I'm 41 and I'm running out of time that just seems a little bit selfish and maybe not the best forecast for the future of that child's family life if the history of all these other bachelors shows are any indication of how it's gonna go down that being said obviously it's not uncommon for kids to be raised by single parents or by parents that are co-parenting after having gone their separate way and abettin other relationships nothing's wrong with that but to me the whole premise of the thing kind of just feels like it undermines the seriousness of what it means to bring another human into the world and then the subsequent responsibility you have to try and raise that human to be the best they can be typically with the other parent if possible call me old-fashioned call me old call me whatever you want just don't call me brief because good damn this video was long as [ __ ] I got a call it we got to get the hell out of here thank you guys for watching I hope you had a giggle maybe a laugh I hate that I just said the word giggle but I'm not cutting it out I appreciate you guys if you don't mind hip thrusts in that month [ __ ] like button for me subscribe if you haven't that would be so wonderful we'll see in the next video peace [Music] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: undefined
Views: 909,882
Rating: 4.9694924 out of 5
Id: bc00VqM18Qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 5sec (1385 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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