Killing Players the Way Mojang Intended it

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you are fighting people wrong you see moyang themselves released the combat handbook an official guide that claims to contain everything you need to defend yourself but it doesn't really I mean is this thing just a piece of junk or will it contain the Undiscovered secrets and strategies of Minecraft PVP let's find out now it turns out that the first step in mastering PVP is getting weapons like a wood Stones irons gold diamond sword not entirely sure why I needed all five of those but um above okay I kind of get what they're going for here but I don't think it would be very helpful in a server-wide war because in just a few days the end Dimension is opening up for the first time in the entire SMP is going to fight over it meaning that if I want to learn the secrets to PVP I'm gonna have to do it quick and that iron armor is not going to cut it so in accordance with the combat handbook I went mining for a full set of diamonds and because I'm really really good yeah mining I was able to get everything I needed and just two hours that was painful next up enchantments and because time was running out I couldn't afford to grind for a whole setup myself but luckily I knew the location of a base that would have exactly what I needed okay we have arrived however it would be a dangerous mission to sneak past the players lying in weight there was nobody there and sometime later I was fully Enchanted everything was going fantastically right up until Tiff it's a good idea to keep a spare set of armor in your inventory especially if you're playing PVP mode that way if your armor is destroyed you can quickly replace it and get back into battle and that's actually a pretty good idea but there's um one slight problem okay so what the Fiddlesticks is going on here well this is a server called the slots SMP and every time you die you lose an inventory slot and because I had died well a few times I just wouldn't be able to carry everything I want unless I turned to violin because by killing a player you can regain in inventory slot so before the end fight I was going to need to kill as many players as I could but all of that made me realize I haven't learned a single thing sure I'd been geared up with some useful and some questionable items but I had made no progress towards getting better but finally I turned the page to see player versus player or PVP it's a mode of multiplayer gameplay okay okay yeah I know all right battle strategy here we go an experienced Warrior knows that battle is all about strategy it's not just about blowing people up it's about planning your actions in advance and using your brain to gain the upper hand and how exactly do I do this by crafting a map theoretically this should help me keep track of my location and Surround it sprinting at your enemies and then hitting them also known as Sprint hitting enables you to knock them back farther fill your entire hop bar with mushroom soup now that is positively ridiculous like who would even okay I'm still only gonna bring a few of these because of my cartoon inventory I was beginning to realize that to even proceed at all I would need more inventories so even though I had a lot of the book left to go I headed to spawn in search of conflict I arrived and began to wait and wait and eventually I accepted that nobody was showing up because the invite was the next day everybody was holed up in their bases just grinding for items thousands of blocks away meaning that if I wanted slot spaces I would have to resort to okay so you can craft slots faces they're just really really expensive and remember when I said I was really good at mining I lied in fact after a painstaking hour and a half of excavation I had enough to craft one slot space yeah but wait I can ask my teammates for slime they they ghosted me and by this point I was all out of time so before departing for the stronghold I read up on what the combat handbook had to say about the end it recommends that I wear a pumpkin to the end fight as to not aggravate any internet because clearly the Endermen Are the biggest threat here not you know the army of players anyways at this point I just had to hope that I had learned enough to survive the infight as my teammate and I were approaching the stronghold or at least we thought we were approaching the stronghold but it turned out that we had gotten the court and it's very wrong it is nowhere to be seen so while the rest of the server entered the end we were left frantically running around the surface however the reactions of the other players were very confusing what's up what's happening obviously something was off but we had no idea what it was even as we reached the stronghold nobody was telling us anything about what was going but as this would be the best opportunity to kill players and free up my inventory we had no choice but to jump and oh water holy bro the end was completely flooded thanks to a group of players who had illegally entered early this group was using Riptide tridents combined with depth Strider boots to move quickly throughout the water while everyone else floundered around like sitting ducks and the funny thing about being in water is that you can't breathe probably gotta get to the edge I'm out of here that's awful oh this is terrible oh no black Affair was forcing us to the surface where there were players waiting to pick us off I see everyone here bro our enemies had every advantage and if I wanted to survive I would have to do something drastic in the chaos I'm in just slipped away and while running along the outskirts of the end I came across a chest filled with lungs is being picked off one by one I knew I would have one shot to get out of this alive so I began to bridge as soon as I kill Wilson they're gonna find you oh oh they killed the Dragon I think about I had escaped the fight but my problems were far from oh I was running out of blocks one thousand blocks away from the main end Island lies the outer end and I was exactly halfway between them and even though I was trying to pick up blocks behind me many were still falling into the void that we could have slowly losing Vlogs broth I'm down to like five dog oh [Music] three okay with just two blocks remaining I couldn't go any farther I [Music] let me completely shatter the mood here by asking you to subscribe editing that in fight took like 12 years so just come on okay back to a dramatic floor alone in the void I had some time to think for two entire days nobody had come to save me my own teammates Lord fighter and Wilson hadn't come in fact in the time I've been stuck there they had gone off to make a whole new base one that they refused to even tell me the location of clearly I wasn't wanted they just didn't think I was good enough but what's the point in learning the secrets to PVP if you don't intend to use them I would get out of the end I would complete my training and then I would kill my teammate also help finally arrive the absolute goat named psycho MC went out of his way to come and rescue me I see I see your face but he didn't quite have enough blocks so I would have to jump for it uh that back right now I swear to God and now I can turn back to the actual point of the video to get better at something you obviously have to practice it and to calm that handbook actually told me to do exactly that but if you log on to PVP service to practice against other people well you're doing it wrong because the moyang approved way to practice is to kill every mob in the game like zombies skeleton creepers I mean I guess this is training witches and they're not supposed to use snowballs to kill blazes and I'm out of snowballs and that did like nothing magnitude pigment with their skeletons sorry Adam I don't know what that was and to kill a ghast I have to use a fishing rod so I can just put it in my offhand and then hook onto a gas let me hook you okay I hooked onto it and now I should be able to pull oh my God that was actually like really effective okay just by using a fishing rod I had been able to swiftly kill a mob that would otherwise be extremely difficult to kill which got me thinking could this be it could this be the strategy that I was looking for okay what if I use that but like on players I decided to save that strategy for when I betrayed my teammates where hopefully it would give me a massive Advantage I also killed a villager just because I felt like it and now all of the mobs were slain but before I finished the last step of my training I needed to find the base that my teammates were hiding from that way I could Ambush them in their own home and get revenge as easy as pie or should I say easy as die I'm sorry to find the base I met up with a player named Sharko I've been looking for sword and Wilson's base for the past few days I was um what is um that's ugly ominous shark heels had a plan of how to find the base but he couldn't do it without me do some more thing with them they leave and I followed them back to their base okay okay how about this I'll do it for free I want to kill slogan Wilson and I want to betray them and backstab them and I want you to help me so I'm in and so the plan was set I would convince Lord Wilson to come to spawn where sharkles would invisibly follow them back to their base but hold up pause the video is that a full inventory I see last I checked I was desperate for slots what happened will an at least climactic turn of events ever I just found a barrel full of slot spaces what the hell but I'm not complaining that's like almost my entire inventory anyways shark kills was now in position and slord was arriving at spawn everything was ready all we had to do was wait for him to go back to his base Vlog actually no no Slime 2 edits probably in this entire operation would have been over if shark Hills hadn't been recording with replay mods that's a mod that YouTubers use to get third person shots for videos but we could use it to see the way this Lord had come from I go like back before I oh [Music] and after retracing his steps we came across a portal now surely this was it I mean the portal even led to a village but all we could find was this little underground hole now that couldn't be their base we had to have just gotten the location wrong but after like 10 minutes of searching we couldn't find anything but before we gave up and left shark Hills decided to do one last sweep around the area wait a minute oh wait what is wait what's that wait what is this wait [Music] it's the location of the base pinpointed the only thing between me and revenge was one final page of the combat handbook a checklist it contained everything that I had worked so hard to get throughout this video my armor my swords even the mushroom soup and with all of this checked off I returned to my teammate's face and waited for them to log on but they didn't and after a while of waiting I received a DM from my teammate Wilson who want the flip I don't know what he edited there but this was bad like really bad uh how can I be unsuspicious as possible um what's up okay this is good next time I see you're gonna die and okay thanks for the clarification now obviously Wilson knew that I had betrayed them but how sharkles and I had been careful not to leave a single trace meaning the only way he could have found out was if oh draculous had uploaded and don't get me wrong it was a banger but I assume that your end goal here is you're going to you're going to want to kill sword and Wilson I assume I want you to help me kill them dude there's no way it also revealed all of my plans basically The Jig was up unless it was uh another dummy cat coming name you know all right I don't think that worked but not always lost if Wilson wanted to fight me and I wanted to fight Wilson you know maybe we could work something out here so we agreed to have one Final Duel to settle the beat now I thought Wilson before in the past and gotten completely destroyed that just meant it would be after the training I'd been through to see if I could catch a w and prove that the combat handbook really does work so we met up at his face and it was time to get revenge here's the thing you were supposed to be my teammate Wilson but you left me behind and now Wilson now you will die all right let's go okay hello what is that all right a combat handbook has taught me many things Wilson get back here no running for you oh this is hey you heard annoying oh I thank you healing potions became prepared okay you're finishing about it's actually working there's actually no way you're coming oh my God I'm a breakup you want to beat me so bad I prepared for this eventuality Wilson did you see I actually have a texture pack if this table is the fishing rod bobber yeah I genuinely do speed oh my God [Music] and now it's all over for you [Music] oh my God oh that's bad lava it actually works as you know that is a problem because I don't have viruses suspicious too much okay dude this is so annoying you like the weirdest kind of taste my little items bro wait there's no way you die here oh okay now that you're fished that was so good [Music] bro got lunch oh yeah bro okay I can't see and now you're fish now it's all over for you and there's a fishing rod the fishing rod is so correct I think when you jump it like we'll have to be like 20 times [Music] yes bro I had one but was it because of the combat handbook I mean maybe let's be honest most of the advice was kind of terrible but I did learn one thing fishing rods are so broken like did you see that about this I wanted some fishing world's best everywhere
Channel: Dabbycat
Views: 1,198,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dabbycat, Dabbycat, dabby cat, tabby cat, dabby kat, genocide smp, dabbycat genocide smp, minecraft, Minecraft, mine craft, smp, minecraft smp, lifesteal, lifesteal smp, rekrap2, dabbycat minecraft, parrotx2, minecraft 1.19, bliss smp, How Netherite Ruined my Life, clownpierce, slots smp, willsion, sharkilz, Killing Players the Way Mojang Intended it, Mysteryore, Mystery ore, Beating Minecraft the Way Mojang Intended it, mojang, pvp, minecraft pvp, combat handbook, minecraft survival, slots
Id: wi1fTJ32Na0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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