INSIDE THE VAULT: Business Credit 101: Unleashing Unbelievable Wealth-Building Strategies!

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this is this is throwaway game yeah yeah yeah you can run this play any one of these players in and go get started but when you spend five days with us you know who's really real who's really not what change you have to change it's not just when a poof happen the extra 50 just not gonna drop in your pocket without doing anything and the only difference between someone may be watching this in a position where they not be happy about and people like us right and I'm not saying we're any different from you the only difference is the information something like this is the best route especially if you can do it from your home right and look and listen from your home is the best route for you to get access to that information get exposed to stuff you don't know you can't do what you don't know hey wait wait wait wait I know you want to watch this next video but listen if you are an entrepreneur business coach business consultant or a small business owner who has a story and wants to learn how to create multiple streams of income from your story I need you to text me right now my book to 646-687-4152 that is my personal number I have been an author for over 12 years I've written 10 books four of them have been best sellers and I've sold over a hundred thousand books but I've also helped a lot of my clients take their expertise and put it into a story then create multiple streams of income from that so I want to help you do the same thing so text my book to 646-687-4152 I I let's go back to the video foreign [Music] so welcome to another awesome episode of inside the Vault with Ash Cash the greatest money mindset show on the planet if you are watching the news then you know that the US Dollars about to collapse they killed the the uh co-founder of cash app because the feds about to create their own digital currency everybody's against the US I'm talking bricks right I'm talking uh Brazil Russia uh India China uh South Africa Saudi Arabia if you are living in the United States you have a reason to panic but I today have a reason to tell you to chill out relax we got you uh you know I said this before but there are ways that you can secure your Financial Freedom regardless of what's happening in the news regardless of how afraid people are telling you the truth of the matter is that when things look chaotic in the economic world that only means that there is a wealth transfer happening and while that wealth transfer is happening you need the right people in place to teach you how to take control of that wealth while it's happening so we got you know some alumni in the building and a new guest yo introduce yourselves so that people can know that you that you can help these people get get get relaxed a little bit talk to us yeah yeah yeah so Ramel new worlds young Mogul commercial real estate investor credit coaching I'm glad to be back bro 100 to give out the game and really show everybody that this is the time wherever there's an obstacle there's always going to be an opportunity and right right now is the biggest opportunity that we have to make millions of dollars throughout this transition so let's get it that's a fact first I want to say man I appreciate you your abundant energy make me feel like yeah but Derek Boone pretty much everybody call me boom real estate investor Philadelphia and I really just want to show people that you can utilize other people's money to get in honestly this is the best time to get in real estate the market is a little funny right now but that's perfect for investors because a lot of my mentees are now buying properties half price because they taking advantage of the market the things that you're saying but don't be afraid of it it's time you to jump into it especially utilizing other people's money yep so it's Kenny Smith um very heavy in this credit space I basically I basically like the angle of building a legacy of borrow money so that's how I built my legacy I built my seven figure Empire off a whole infrastructure of borrowed money so I want to teach people how to leverage that to be able to you know fund a legacy fun day freedom and and I and I'm you know you know welcome again and I'm glad that that you guys are on and one of the reasons why I thought it was important to bring you guys on because um you know I get DMS all the time um about the US dollar about like like you know digital currency should should people be moving their money into crypto and all these different things um and one of the things that that I know as a financial expert um is that you know at the end of the day real assets are real assets right um and and what I mean by that is like let's let's use China for an example right um I want to say in New York City is about 140 000 acres of land well China owns 300 000 acres of land in the United States right and so while people are like oh the US dollar is going to collapse and all these different things there's so much value in the in the land right like in the property in um just being here on U.S soil that even our enemies right even our so-called enemies let me just say that even our so-called enemies like nah we need to we need to double up like we need to start buying land because guess what God ain't making no more land right and and so how do you know those who don't have money you know how they tap into this land but not necessarily have to use money that they don't have so that's how I look at it I think it's easier for you to be able to get approved for a hundred thousand if you save your money or working a job up to a hundred thousand dollars so if we can learn the metrics of how to get approved for it or use someone else's money for it then it'll be an easier route to be able to get and get access to Capital to be able to get into something like that so so if I hear you correctly yes you're saying that right now somebody who has a job is the is in the best position to get access to a hundred thousand dollars right and so that they should leverage their job while they have it right now in order to get access to those funds if they have a job or if not either way okay uh you can leverage the credit game with a business credit game to Fast Track that process as well if you can use that to your leverage 100 use it but I just know that I know a lot of people can't save their weight to 50K 75k 100 000 to be able to leverage it to get into something like buying land yeah buying real estate whatever the case may be so if you can learn this game to use it to your advantage you would be in a better position yeah yeah Mel talk to me a little bit about right like um you know I love your unique approach right specifically for times like this where um you know you focus on self storage units yeah a lot I mean no disrespect I'm not making fun of it but a lot of people lose their jobs a lot of people gonna have to foreclose a lot of people have to downsize and so a lot of people are gonna have to take advantage of those self storage units talk a little bit about that strategy um that's what I'm so excited to even be here and talk about it because this is the time where if you in the real estate business you want to jump into self-storage right A lot of people losing their jobs so what that means when you lose your job you can't afford your right so now you may have to downsize from that bigger house that you once lived in or you may need to get with a roommate we need to come together as a group and figure how can we maximize our resources so when we downsize where do we put our belongings right we put we put them in a storage unit and as these things start to happen now you start to increase the rent so in my storage units I'm increasing the rates 10 15 20 every 30 days because the demand is there so I want to teach you how to get into this yeah I want to give some some exact steps if that's cool I want to get some exact steps on how you watching this right now can get into the Self Storage game leveraging zero percent interest business credit cards leveraging SBA Loans right so one of the ways that we can get into it is the SBA 7A loan set with SBA 7A loan a financial up to 90 percent the reason why they finance you up to 90 because Self Storage has the lowest loan default ratio so if you think about any other industry Self Storage has the lowest loan default ratio so they're still lending during this time you go to any other bank right now you're trying to buy multi-family single families it's tougher to get financing because the banks we see what's happening it's a collapse and people are pulling their money out but if you go to SBA 7A route you put 10 down and you can go get that 10 down from a zero percent interest business credit card right let's talk about Key Bank for example if you have an LLC that's two years old you could actually go get up to fifty thousand dollars in a business line of credit right and when they pull your credit it also can give you a business credit card and a personal credit card one inquiry so you get a hundred thousand dollars Just One bank that a hundred thousand dollars a down payment on your self storage for a million dollars wow so now you in the game and you on the other side of it right you want to build wealth during this recession foreign economic downturn and and I want to take it one step further I'm gonna pass it because the reason why I love some storage not only is it a recession-proof business yeah doing an economic downturn everybody's going to need self-storage but with one acquisition I could create multiple streams of income so when I buy one facility I put a vending machine on the facility as well so now we got passive income then I partnered with U-Haul and now we have a transportation business and we getting commissions from U-Haul and then I partner with a moving company because tenants when they run out of unit they need to move in and out we partnered with a moving company and I'll be getting multiple streams so that's just a few things that we do to maximize the revenue go pay off the credit cards the value of the facility went up I'ma cash out refi and go do it again Listen Hold on so if you look look because I know sometimes y'all doing multiple things while y'all watching this I need you to slow down yeah please rewind this bad boys behind this like I need you to really understand what he just said right yo if you do an SBA loan the SBA is funding up to 90 which means that you would only need a 10 in order to get a self storage unit right so now you go to SBA they'll fund you 90 you go and and you know he gave Key Bank as a you know as an example you get a hundred thousand dollar loan from Key Bank yo fifty thousand dollar credit card fifty thousand dollar loan there's ways and he'll teach you how to liquidate those credit cards you can liquidate the law you get the loan you can liquidate the credit card now that 100 000 ain't even a hundred thousand that you save is a hundred thousand dollars that you got right because you had an LLC that that's at least two years old and then now that a hundred thousand you got a million dollar property that's going to increase in value but it's also with a cash flow because because in fact okay right you have this asset if you like like in New York we say dead ass right you get this dead asset right that's doing nothing right eventually you could pull from that asset but if it's cash flowing that is the pop oh man I won't talk it's crazy I don't want them to miss that and then boom so so hit so here's the deal right so now when we think about real estate um around these times like you said right interest rates are high banks are pulling back a little bit but people still need a place to live right and so regardless of it may cost a little more to acquire a property but at the same time when you acquire that property because people now are downsizing or whatever the case may be they're gonna need a place to live so talk a little bit about that so I won't touch them so this both of my brothers right here but me and him always going back yeah I got to cook them real quick there's a couple different things I want to touch on right you guys you talked about land so what a lot of people don't understand is in real estate we believe in flipping up so we take one asset we do we need to do we take the money out of that we get into a bigger one so for example you talk about land a lot of people don't know what to do with land because in order to buy land what they think you need to be some type of developer I need to know how to dig and build big big buildings but that's not really the case what we go ahead and do is we leverage land and we flip up with the land so for example I got a bunch of lots let me get one for example I bought this lot for 15 what it for twelve thousand dollars actually but lot was actually worth 90 grand but what happens is a lot of homeowners what you guys do you guys want to go to this website called prop stream right so prop stream you can literally search for click the button vacant land type in the zip code and you can find vacant land but then the thing you want to do is look at the zoning button is going to say what kind of zone is for so in Philadelphia you something called something called rm1 which is a residential multi-family so when you add multi-family Lots they're worth more than a regular Lots so now if I go and call him like yo listen I see you got a lot right here you know you want to get rid of me here that piece of grass just give me five thousand for it don't even dig it's worth a hundred don't even worth 150 because you can build a 10 unit apartment build on there so now you utilize zero percent interest credit card 10 how easy to get ten thousand super easy so you can go to this one website fmbo and they'll go ahead and get you a credit card they pull from Experian you can get 10 15 000 all rip right off them without having to open up a bank account without needing any of that stuff also you go to Chase which I know you go deeper in that you can get ten thousand dollars no bank account eat it right online or you can go to this website called Alliance Credit Union you get 10 15 000 right there so now but I always tell people getting a 200 300 400 000 funding is great do that but don't forget about these little small little plays can you take that by the land then we can go and resell the land so developer for 90. so now we just flip the 10 000 credit card and made 80 off of it now we can take the 80 and go right into the single family deals or which I like to do is leverage other people's money on a whole another type of time yeah we'll utilize something called hard money lenders hard money lenders they'll go ahead and give you 80 to 90 percent of the purchase price and you gotta come with the 10 now is the time to go into a lot of these smaller deals where homeowners are sitting on houses don't need a whole bunch of work so for example my one of my mentees somebody was selling this house for 80 000 he got it down to 58 000 because the house was sitting on the market for 60 90 days so what I always tell people to do right now why interest rates are higher so when interest rates High people don't really because it's harder to sell a house because not not a lot of people aren't buying houses on the market longer what happens price drops so now what I tell everybody due to start shooting your offense lowball lowball lowball lowball and what happens you'll at least get some of it let's think about this you shoot 10 offers a day all lowball you'll at least get one right at least get one oh what's up y'all to ask cash the financial motivator if you're looking to spend five days with Ash Cash Marvin Mitchell storm Leroy and let us teach you how to make manage or multiply your money that you need to join us for our five day challenge we have helped thousands of people learn how to get to the next level exclusively spending time with us teaching you how to become your own bank teaching you how to create the systems so that you can have a legacy for your children's children and also how to create 15 streams of income from digital currency so listen I need you to hit the link below up top to the left to the right but I need you to join us the five day challenge we have our general admission we have VIP and we even have a Platinum you could spend time ask us questions so meet us there we'll see you in our five day challenge and teach you to how to get on your path to Prosperity y'all let's go right so that's what happened with a lot of my mentees right now but the thing about it is if you're getting a house for 58 000 right what is 10 of that 5800 5 000 5800 exactly but we just hit a 10 a ten thousand fifteen thousand credit card you can get the night like that right you don't got it loc can be made today right I don't need to own no time when all this stuff can happen today but now you go ahead and buy that property you might only for example for him he just need to go ahead and do new floors new paint and change all the baseboard heaters and now it's worth 130 when it's done take that money then flip up get right into the Self Storage so you take the small place you can make right now the little ten fifteen thousand Flip It Up flip it up and just keep working your way up then you go right into the Self Storage so it's all stepping stones but that don't mean you need to wait until you get to step ten you can start I'm making 20 making 20 each step now 40 and then just keep doubling up double up doubling up and that's what I tell everybody to do because a lot of times people may not be able to go ahead and get 200 000 funding right out of the gate people may not be able to go ahead and buy a 100 unit apartment building right out of the gate yeah they don't mean you sit and wait for that yeah you can start off small look listen and that's another little gym I want everybody to do when you go to prop stream you can literally type in years of ownership so I'll go and type in someone has 10 years or more ownership that means they own a house for at least 10 years on that lot for 10 years at that point they might have got their lot for a dollar ten dollars the thing about elderly people right think about ugly people everybody owns more than one spot where they got it when they got it numbers were super cheap so you offer them if they got it for a thousand dollars five hundred dollars two hundred dollars people was picking up lots back in the day you offered them 10 grand that's a flip that's a crazy flip not to mention they probably will back taxes on anywhere they might owe trash fees and stuff like that so to them you got rid of their problems and getting money so now you take that like I said buy off the credit card flip up and then flip up again and then flip up again that's really how these big developers are doing it they didn't besides Donald Trump nobody's come out of the gate with 10 million ride the gate all the developers I know they start out small and they flip up flip up flip up next you know like we got we got seven just under eight million dollars for Real Estate right now start off a two bedroom house utilizing other people's money and just flip up flip up flip up flip up and then we take it from there yo listen y'all inside us I know look I know y'all in the comments going crazy right now and that's why I love bringing y'all on um because you know you know like I pride myself in me making sure that everybody I bring on there's actionable items right and every time I come on y'all get plays that we have to act on immediately and so there's no excuse anybody who's watching this right now y'all got no excuse whatsoever y'all can run the play now we gotta get you the money all right let's go let's say Alliance Credit Union fmbo credit you you go to those Banks all right before you about to drop some crazy songs look look no pressure though no pressure say no competition be no but Mel just he went crazy right he just gave us a play right he went I'm talking about he went crazy yeah the lot play is crazy because look anybody can do it it's over I don't even want to repeat it but my man said because I know about zoning you're that zoning piece is a game changer so my man says yo find something find a lot but not just any lot find the zoning of that lot and it's a multi-family zoning bro no pressure pressure plus diamonds or make pots I should make diamonds so good what are we doing all right first I gotta talk to my people who got personal debts they'd be scared right oh I can't do this I can't do that yes you can uh so I'll give you a play where we can be able to get money on the business side first to be able to pay your personal debt off so then we can go get the bat so one way I get 10 000 on my business side is going to Sam's Club a lot of people don't know Sam's Club have a business MasterCard that you can get in your business name Ein only that we can leverage that to liquidate that credit card to pay off our personal debt now once your personal debt is paid off we in position now now when we get in position now we want to do what we call zero percent interest credit card stacking and lines of credit stacking so I like to go and go to different amounts of banks credit unions for the most part because they give out High limits uh we like to build the relationship first so we probably putting 25 25 in seconds 25 in the savings on the business side and if you want to go further we're doing 25 in the personal side on the checkings and the savings so now we're building some type of relationship with the bank first before we go get the bag this will put you in a better position so then we want to go with stacking so people be like well I want to go with a 200 000 loan or you know uh that route is not it's a little harder we can go easy and we can break it down so if I if I go to One bank right which we'll probably go to uh Navy Federal this is my best one everybody love it everybody you get 20K out the gate you read the record you build a relationship with the bank they give you 20K so we stacking it we got this mindset of stacking it we can stack up to like a hundred thousand dollars so if I go to Chase which I have zero percent interest credit card he said fnbl oh I got NASA this is my favorite one NASA Federal Credit Union they'll give you a pre-approval from 10 to 25 000 in two minutes uh if you meet the requirements it ain't super hard The Lending criteria is a little low maybe 620. uh then we go you know to multiple different banks uh we don't even have to we don't even have to be super like fabricated on which one we can really go to anyone you're in position but I say um with my other uh Credit Union I'd like to go to uh is I'll have Philly uh Pennsylvania Federal Credit Union as well so we can get a foreign entity to be able to get funded in a different state so this is how you maximize your funding right we get we file what's called a foreign entity in a different state so if I'm in Atlanta right now if I go to Philly if I go to Texas if I go to Chicago and I want to get funding then I can 5x the amount of money that I can get by filing the foreign entity and being able to get funded in different states now so now we're not even going that's on a 500K tip or maybe 750 000 tip but you know what we do is we go to Banks we get a small amount maybe 10 or 25 000 that's one we go to another bank we go to another bank we go to another bank so some people may be scared about increase all right so yo keep going okay that actually was gonna be my question yeah the truth some some people might be scared of those oh man the heart inquiry thing but we got to play for that too uh so when we do these lines of credit stacking in these is credit card stacking they are going to pull your personal credit to give you an inquiry but being as though if you have an account on your personal side right that's attached to an inquiry we don't want to remove those we want to keep it safe be cool because we don't want to mess up that account but being as though when we apply for these business credit cards when we get the inquiry their the business credit card reports on the business side so it's not reported on the personal side so now that inquiry is not attached to anything and it's eligible to be removed so we run into play we might go to five banks right and we might get ten thousand ten thousand ten thousand ten thousand ten that's fifty thousand we got five increase and we strategically do it so we strategically go to a bank that pulls Equifax a bank that pulls TransUnion now a bank that pulls Experian now so now we're going to get three different approvals with one inquiry in each Burger so now we now we're not scaring the bank you know we're we're impressing ourselves we're pacing ourselves to be able to get the bag but it's in a quick amount of time and with less increase but even if we do get the increase they're eligible to get removed because there's no account that's attached to the person's side because you apply to the personal side but you got a business credit card exactly you know so so then if you get 50K that's 50k we can go up to however much we really want you know but reachable we can easily touch 100K by going maybe 10 different banks with different credit bureaus though we do not want to go and get these credit cards within one Bureau because then you'll start getting decline if you if if you don't understand the measures of which bank pool which Bureau right then you might go to all the banks that put Transunion and you'll get the client like man I thought he said I can get 100K well it says it's a strategic to it which we go to different credit bureaus to get different approvals and I love that right because like like what's it uh like Amex and and Chase pull from the same Bureau and so if you apply for AMEX in a Chase they're gonna know but if you if you go Amex and then you go you know Key Banking who pull from different bureaus yeah listen y'all talk about y'all actually actually you just said Amex right I got another one for you all right I wanna I wanna sell them how they can get four to six American Express cards with one pool you're gonna get that for free apologize you gotta apologize first I told you the truth we're gonna bring it back so you said Amex right yeah I'll tell you I'll get four or six of them like this is what I did yeah I like to open up different internet browsers right so American Express they're going to allow you to get four to six credit cards within their system with one pool so being as though they just pulled your credit report right and it looks good you got one approval right they will allow you up to four to six of their products with that one pull since they just got your credit report so I like to apply for at least four to six American Express cards in a row and they only gonna look at my credit report one time so me specifically I got approved for twenty five thousand dollars each one up to one of them no no preset limit right but you know other ones were 25 000 limit so now I might get 100k with one lender with one all same LLC but if you've got different LLCs we could do it with different LCS too so now we might make a break up 10 or 15 American Express cards with three different LLCs because I got I got two amex's or one LLC I got four llc's so so I could literally open up challenge coming up where we gonna really break down everything he just said add some more sauce on top of it but then show you how to take that money and then buy residential real estate commercial real estate and a couple other businesses we're going to creep in this more surprise for you guys but also on the Friday challenge you're just saying something by Amex you asked about Amex he gave you guys the free play you guys can work on the night but when you guys tap into the Friday challenge what did I say don't say the name just want to say in the middle and Max right right yeah yeah yeah I just give out the AmEx right y'all just make a phone call no inquiry and you get a signing bonus that's my exact rep at the thing you get three cars per LLC right wow direct this phone call just say my name relationships resources wow no presets so look so hey y'all know this if y'all watch the show y'all know um I'm a big fan of five day challenges um you know I've been in this you know in this game for a very very long time uh my name means everything that's how do I play with me too right they play with other people don't play with me right that's my fault I just blacked out for a second but but I've been in the game for a very long time and the reason for it though is is like I move in a certain way right I'm not just bringing anybody up and I'm not just giving you somebody who's like yo spend an hour with me like let's just do this you know this webinar real quick and then me a whole bunch of money number one my guys are giving you value already so if you spend no money what whatsoever if you like yo thank you so much you already gave me the game you could literally become a millionaire right you could have a million dollar asset that you own by what you just heard today right now right but but if you take a step further if you like yo these dudes they didn't have to but they gave me the game but imagine what they could give you in five days and so now you have an opportunity to spend five days with them where they could give you more plays in this economy and so you could keep doing what you're doing right now and be afraid and not know what's gonna happen and just say you know what I'm I'ma just watch TV kick my feet up or you can spend five days with my guys where they gonna teach you the game on how come on give it give us give me some more games man and this is this is throwaway game yeah yeah yeah like if you could run this play any one of these players in and go get started but when you spend five days with us you know who's really real who's really not you spend an hour somebody could fake that but five straight days giving you game every single night you get to ask questions is is at that point you know they the real deal right so just to add to that what we like to do with everybody that's happened with us is about relationships right you got you you got to have relationships with your lenders you have to have relationships with your family relationships with your business partners right so one of the relationships that I have with SBA connect right so Direct directly I give you the SBA plug you want to go get the seven and you want to go get pre-approved SBA plug all right we got a relationship with a business bank manager at Bank of America so this is how we connect the dots right so I talked about multiple streams of of income so I talked about multiple streams when you you buy yourself storage facility right most people probably your hair and they probably do different businesses I'm gonna use Torah for example so Toro Carver into business well we send you to our Bank of America connect and they go get you approved for full cars for auto loans in your business name right so that was no money out of your pocket for auto loans you could actually now take those order loans and go get cargo vans and now put them on your self storage facility and now you're running your transportation business yo you know we got a partner with you or you cut them out I'm the big dog now because I'd have went to my connect over here they gave me the cargo vans no money out of my pocket and I'm gonna go run it or if I want to take it a step further I want to go get some cars that I can rent out economy cars luxury cars whatever you want to do yeah well we teach you how to automate your facility where you can run your Carver into business out of your facility so when you download the Toro app and you rent your vehicle and you go and you you purchase um you rent your vehicle out you get the keypad code go to the facility punch the code in at the facility go right to the unit the lock box is in there the car keys now you go and pull off the lot which your vehicle and this is all automated we got a call center that watch the cameras and manage it every single thing you do to self-checkout for your vehicle but literally you got to have relationships to do this because if you don't got to connect here at the SBA connect at boa or even a relationship with us yeah you don't understand how to properly run these plays and I'm saying it because I know a lot of us are scared during this time yeah yeah it is a tough time right now inflation is crazy interest rates eggs is like ten dollars like you know I went out to eat last night it was 300 just me and my wife right he's crazy but at the same time I could go spend that money and not even blink you know why because I got passive income coming in I'm waking up to money in my sleep because this is why they need to tapping with us you know and spend this five days and when can they go what's the website so they can go in uh to funding the and we'll have the link in the description but you know why I really love the Friday challenge so I believe to be honest with you guys right if you don't have someone that you can literally spar with yeah you need to change your environment I agree I love you know doing things with these guys because they're my sparring partners now we can go back and forth like we literally going back and forth yeah who giving the most games nothing negative just all fun put in the chat yo who get who gave the best game so far but I I love you know the Friday challenge but he said you can't fake that yeah I'm gonna be honest with you I talked to a lot of these guys on the side going to need some conferences they like yo bro I ain't even write that book or I didn't even do that game I even do that like you can't so you only got but this much shelf that's what I'm saying you can't fake five days straight game and then on a Friday challenge right what we do is we do an hour before the straight q a we in a hot seat ask whatever questions uh answers answers answers yes you can't fake that type of stuff so I love doing these things because it allows me to Showcase you know why you guys trust me why you guys trust us yeah but then also we're giving our game too especially because the challenge is the five days right like I don't know comment below like how much y'all think this one cl this one uh podcast was worth right we doing five days for 297 like literally five days but I just want to add something those two because he talked about automating right so my guy Smitty just gave you guys a place to get you know 20 20 20 10 10 10 but overall a hundred thousand dollars right and I just told you guys so for me but the average person when they buy real estate who the first person they call a real estate agent yeah I bought one property in my life stage all our stuff is off Market 100 off market and we utilize we do that by something called cold calling and mass texting right I don't cold call at all so let me give you guys a play right you can go to this website it's called online I really shouldn't even it so we go to this website called that's where you get all your virtual assistants from virtual assistants you could pay them between three to five dollars an hour so you literally might pay 150 to 200 for a week and they work eight hours a day every single day so then what we do is we go to this website and we buy them a phone number so that we give them access to a phone number right and then now we give them the list of properties or the list of lots that we found your job is to call them all day long when they call and they're not when we in a five-day challenge I give people the script and so they know what to say on the phone and now you're literally sitting back and just launching the Lots come in all the leads coming you're not calling anybody you're not doing anything yeah but now on top of that right you already got the 50 000 100 000 he gave you you and now we utilize this damn we utilize this website called remitly you can connect your credit card to remitly and remittance how you pay your virtual assistants so now all this is automated off of you and you're paying for everything off the credit card so now you went to prop stream if you go to you'll get a seven day free trial so and just type in Endless props you get a seven day free trial so now you can work on this tonight for free you will download your list tonight for free you go to and you go ahead and get a virtual assistant tonight pay a 4 off the credit card connect it to remitly now they got they list of properties now they can go and call and text message them they send you hey boss we got another lead today hey boss we got another lead today hey boss we just locked up another contractor today then you go ahead and take that and you can either go ahead and buy it with the credit card or you can go and sell it off to someone like me and just add an extra five or ten thousand dollars on top so either gonna make 10 grand you're gonna buy for 10. either way you how you want to do it but then all of this is 100 automated but more importantly all this is utilizing someone else's money wow so now you just sit back and watch everything come in and then on five day challenge we're going to show you more so in detail how to exactly set the whole thing up in detail but if you just always want to run it tonight run it but that's even more hey yo you know and I and I said this last year and I'm and this is my word I said I needed to start another segment of this show called behind the ball and I'm gonna run every play that my guests have said that's smart I like that and I and I like because I know the power at the time right now I want a self storage I don't have a self storage I got properties I got I don't have a self storage I'm running your play and you're gonna be the first episode of behind the ball you know what I'm saying where where I'm gonna say imma walk you all through I'ma say yo this is what Mel told me to do I did I did the these are the steps I took and this is my results and this is the like I'm a like real-time report on it because like this is powerful right and I know it works I know it works you know what I'm saying like I've watched people do these things um and I'm like all right now you know what I'm saying like like I like like because I could see it right and and and you know true true story and I told I talked to y'all about this behind the scenes was that for me um you know I'm starting a non-profit organization that's that's focusing on the formerly incarcerated men and women and a lot of formally incarcerated men and women have to rely on entrepreneurship because when they try to get a job that that you know them letters behind their name not not NBA them letters they you know I'm saying like there's a lot of discrimination that happens a matter of fact I was talking to uh you know one of my brothers uh salute to my brother Zaki um and he was saying how he had a job um for four years and then after four years it's just something came up and they found out that he had a a path I'm throwing a pass like he'd been home 19 years but they heard he had a past criminal record and they and they got rid of him like you I worked for you four years I ain't never I'm a model employee and you found out I had a pet so for me I'm like yo I want to do this work with formally incarcerated men and women and I feel like like what y'all like like what y'all the game that y'all given would easily work for you know for our brothers and sisters who come home who you know need access to Capital you know what I'm saying and to be able to run these plays and then I think that to take it that level further I'll run the play and then you think about this because even from a perspective of like now if I can run these different plays have these different opportunities right so that's why I like Self Storage too because you know what I buy a whole bunch of self storage facilities and I could hire my brothers and sisters to kind of help I know so I love I love it I love it I love it on what you said I love you know what we do real estate funding um all this type of stuff we do because it's non-biased right you don't need a college degree yeah you don't need uh corporate background yeah you don't it doesn't matter if you was locked up and not locked up yeah it doesn't matter if you have kids that don't have kids doesn't know you married or not it doesn't matter any of that stuff you guys can get started now that's why I love it and I love teaching it because if I say hey yo bro um Temple Hospital hiring for doctors you put an app in right yo listen yo this property is being sold you should go get it okay look listen I'll get it funny come on man he gonna get you situated right we're gonna put the offer in the day you won't have you only you closing a property 30 days from when you put the offer offer is accepted you got 30 how fast can you get funded today I said today yeah yeah you literally but you got 30 days to come up with the money yeah right and another thing is if you don't mind I'm gonna put you on blades you don't mind talking about it bro like the funding play is like if you don't have money right now you don't have no job right now like you can literally get paid off of the game we gave you about just doing it for other people like yeah you do the whole funding play yeah so I started a Funding Company too so I don't think it's a more lucrative business out in the world I don't know now y'all could probably rebuttal but if I post them on social media if you meet these requirements right and just one person need to meet them and I get somebody one approval what I do is I charge eight to ten percent of what I get them approved for so let's just say we get you approved for 20 000. we get your proof of thirty thousand I get I get 10 percent of that so I might make two or three thousand dollars of leveraging your good credit and being able to do the service for you and then being able to get you money you know in the back end I get paid out as well so now imagine how fast that could be that could be literally in one day that I can make two or three thousand dollars that people work a whole week for or a whole two weeks for a month to be able to get and 40 hours a week wow and uh you know what I love about credit bro I love my credit is this not only the fact that we can use other people's money and leverage other people's money to do things and invest into things like that but we make money when we spend money like so the people out here that spending cash the first thing you need to do is stop stop you need to stop because when you spend money you don't make nothing in return of every dollar you spend but when I spend money oh we spend money we make money off everything I'm going on vacation next week off of Point speed uh points so uh everything is on my AmEx but when you start doing businesses and investing for real for real and man them things started and then uh so what you could do is I think I got upwards like a 1.1.2 million now in rewards points I'm literally going to show the back end of how I'm gonna buy a whole vehicle off my rewards points meaning come on I'm gonna show the background of I'm gonna go to a lot and get a 10 or 12 000 car off accumulate My Rewards point so that's for free off the back end just because I changed my mindset of running my life through my credit cards to get something in return every dollar I spent instead of nothing right so we got to stop that and then imagine this imagine this I like for people to think right imagine me having a hundred thousand dollars in my hand in my possession I said all right Ash here you go you can borrow it right right you can borrow it and then I told you only give me back the banks are probably asked for a thousand dollars a month would you take my hundred thousand dollars and I said hey you can borrow it and give me a thousand dollars a month and I'll take that 100 I'll take that hundred thousand I'm not gonna invest and real estate why not storage students and things like that and then make money because because that because that hundred thousand you just gave me I gotta pay you a thousand dollars a month I could easily run the play Mal just sold me I'm gonna make way more than a thousand a month so my thousand is not even gonna come back from me it's gonna like so now you give me a hundred thousand I go get an SBA loan I take that hundred thousand and then now I go and I got I gotta I got a self storage unit probably you know all of those units I'm probably making what what's the average you're making for self storage unit the 10 by 10 is about 100 100 bucks a unit right if you're talking about so 12 Grand a month yeah right that you just lent me 100k I only owe you a thousand a thousand a month I take that 100K and I run the play now I'm making 12K a month I take that 1K give it to you now I just made 11 000 for nothing I wanna I wanna break zero percent even even if he talked like think about this though even if that thousand dollars he charged me was 30 interest it don't even matter because none of it is my money at all none of it is my money I took his money I put it in in a play that he that he just gave me I'm making 12 000 a month I'm using that that 12 000 to pay off that one thousand that thirty percent that everybody always all the interest rates too high but now I'm making 11 000 off of nothing like I none of my money I want to ask you something so yeah I want you to run with you about this I wanna can't they just take that same hundred thousand dollars though and put in accounts and to get credit leverage just off of the money they have like other Banks they might not have a pool credit they'll just give you credit based on what's in the account yeah so it's called a certificate of deposit you can do that you can go put this to the typical deposit in a business bank account maybe ten thousand fifteen thousand let it sit and then you can ask the bank for a loan of that same amount so then now this is hold on so you're telling me right so let's say let's say I'm able to go to Key Bank let's just use Key Bank for right now Key Bank you need to sponsor this show go ahead uh we go to Key Bank and we we get a hundred thousand I go to my bank I say you know what I'm gonna take this kind of thousand I'm gonna put it into a CD certificate of deposit I say yo here's a business certificate of deposit here's a 100K I liquidated and I say bank I need you to give me a loan based on this certificate of deposit they say yes now I still have my hundred thousand from Key Bank now my bank let's let's say Bank of America I don't know right let's say Bank of America I I now have a hundred thousand dollars in Assets in that bank they give me a loan and this I'm just clarifying all right so they'll give me a loan based on that hundred thousand and now I can take that hundred thousand and buy an asset and not just multiply my money not even my money not even your money but it's usually for like building purposes too so like if we if we were to do that and put it in there and get a loan out of it of a hundred thousand dollars now now we can leverage that when we take the hundred thousand dollars from them we'll be smart and let's just pay right back off so then now when we when we pay back off right and we get a hundred thousand dollars back in our pocket now we have showed the bank that we can pay off six figures from them now we got a hundred thousand dollars in our pocket and then now we go ask for more money because they've seen us be responsible for the first hundred thousand dollars now we go get access to more money with this money in our pocket with that bank going to get more money and now we leverage all that and then now we're gonna do something bigger yeah this gets deeper it gets deeper it gets deeper yeah it gets the right hook is deeper yeah wow yeah this is like yo five day challenge y'all look fun in spend five days days with my brothers who are gonna give you the game like literally my head hurts right now because I'm like Yo which play am I am I gonna run first um because that's important and I think that you know what's more important what people need to understand is that this is how you build wealth right um this is not like like if if you're still running the old play which is I'm gonna work however though whether you're entrepreneur because I'm talking about entrepreneurs as well my entrepreneurs say yo I don't want to work for nobody and now you create uh uh you know you become an entrepreneur you create a job for yourself and now you work for yourself but you're still working right and so my entrepreneurs out there my nine to five is out there all of you who are still working for money who have to actually physically grind in order to make money that is old because at the end of the day I'm telling you that like AI is going to shake up the job market right but guess what humans still need a place to live humans still need uh you know a place to put their stuff right and so regardless of what ai's doing regardless of what the US dollars is doing like you need some real assets you need to be in self-storage you need to be in multi-family you need to be a residential but you need to also stop making excuses and use other people's money right because you don't want to use your money right you like you worked hard for the money now use that uh you know use the leverage that you can have and and the game that is given to you now and in the five day challenge to make sure that now you're Building Wealth because once you build that wealth now you could borrow from what you just built right if I have a million dollar asset now I could borrow from that million dollar asset and keep doing that over and over and over again and continue to build a conglomerate off of this one piece of asset right Boone just told you started with a two-family house and that has over eight million dollars worth of assets from a two fan home yeah the last I want to I want to break some jackets this is crazy that what we doing yeah I want to give them like a road map right because I know there's a lot of information yeah damn right but when you see us up here just know that we live in proof right and I want to give them like a step-by-step roll back of what they could do so um every single year I have what I call a family Legacy me and this is what everybody watching right now you could go and run this exact play so with this family Legacy meeting everything that Smitty said about starting a funding company but what if you just learn how to get funding you may not even start the business but you learn these strategies that he's talking about you now pull your cousin your brother your wife your husband your sister you bring them all in one room this is what I did I brought everybody in my family in one room and I have a few requirements when you pull up to the meeting have your credit report open so we can see who has the best credit profile we make sure that everybody get an LLC as well so now we're at the meeting we're having conversations around financial literacy all right my cousin he weighs 40 50 60 hours a week correctional officer he don't really know nothing about credit and investing pulled up his credit report he had a 800 credit score didn't even know it he's just a responsible person right pay his bills on time he works I say your cousin what if I could get you some money you know would you be open to it I put him on my business on the operating agreement not even his own business put him on an operating agreement for my own business got him forty five thousand dollars in funding 24 hours right but I'm gonna take a step further I say yo cuz I want you to be a private investor into my next deal and I had a single family like boom right so the 45 000 he invested into a single family deal that we had use hard money the down payment was only 12 Grand the other 37 000 I used to float to the construction fees right and got that money back that's a whole another play right but bought the single family fixed it up sold it made 120 000 profits or document to go look at my Instagram right the 120 000 profit I was able to pay my cousin back his 45 000 pay off his loans and gave him 20 return on that so now he made 20 on other people's money that I got him to begin with well I still been to CEO well I'll be in the CEO doing this thing so now I'm leveraging other people and I didn't use any of my own money right and I made the profit but now I take your hair eighty thousand dollars out of that I went and I put it into my life insurance policy cash value life insurance policy so because when we flip the money we got to pay Capital Gains I don't want to pay Capital Gains right now I got to keep it moving so instead I'm gonna secure it in a cash value life insurance policy right this happened a couple years ago the money just grew so I keep having a money compound interest I just picked up three self storage facilities right 850 000 for three cell storage facilities that down payment is ninety five thousand dollars the eighty thousand dollars that I put into the life insurance policy in 2019 now is a hundred and sixteen thousand in cash value well guess what now I borrow against that that's my down payment on the three facilities that I'm buying and I leverage money that I use years ago from other people in the group and the money that I'm borrowing from the life insurance you're still making money because it's secure so now I'm making money multiple times right but I'm breaking that down I know it sound crazy but that's literally how it goes if you run these same strategies so I want everybody to have your first family Legacy meeting before you pull up to the matter of fact you said something powerful but I want people to think about understand this is the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results that's the definition of insanity yeah so if you know that last year you made 30 000 in 2022 you made thirty thousand dollars forty thousand dollars fifty thousand dollars right working you know eight hours a day you know 40 hours a week and it's been a couple months into the year and you're doing what the same things last but for some reason you're like yo I'm going from 50 to 100 right house wife how's that possible you still doing eight hours a day at the same twenty dollars an hour whatever that meth is and I'm not saying there's nothing wrong with the job but what I'm saying is if you want change you have to change it's not just going to poof happen the extra 50 just not going to drop in your pocket without doing anything and the only difference between someone may be watching this in a position where they not be happy about and people like us right and I'm not saying we're any different from you the only difference is the information yeah so you literally the only um be honest the only difference from you and somewhere you want to be is only the information every time you learn something new you earn off of that I call it mindset Learn to Earn you get your mindset right then you learn information then you go ahead and earn off the information you learn from but it all starts from getting your mind right and then you go ahead and learn but if you're not learning anything new how you want to earn something nice it's literally impossible you can't earn something new if you don't learn nothing new so and it's just insane it actually is almost disrespectful but we went we did five day challenges before and we saw we literally funded 1.7 million dollars in one week off of our Fridays literally it's all documented wow off those five days so many people bought properties some people invested with each other they want to close on deals so many things off of those five days but it's so is is basically disrespectful but we don't care because that type of stuff helps us sleep at night you get all that for 297. your entire life changes for less than 300 yo a lot of y'all like going out casamigos is 300 at the bar let me at the club he just said you paid 300 to go out to eat with your family 300 some of y'all Jays y'all be buying after 100. just in case my God I don't have it in the shop and I said Jesus more than that stockx 300 a married like all this stuff that you guys want to just for a T-shirt and I'm not saying there's nothing wrong with that stuff but if you want change you got to start having to move a little bit different and then be honest with the 300 won't be spent regardless yeah you might spend it to something that gets back yeah you've been spending time after this you've been spending time after time at the time paying for stuff that doesn't bring you anything back like you literally have nothing to lose and everything to gain to finally invest in something that's actually going to give you back you're literally depositing the positive deposit into the stuff that's not giving you anything back finally give yourself a chance like let me go ahead let me just do something for me like how would that feel let me do something for me and then you get a 50 ball back 50 000 that's what that means you get something like think about that so that's just that's just my I just thought about that while you was talking yeah yeah and I'll say from my own experience uh the last time I sat down with a coach for a week I believe that changed my life yeah I'm from Chicago too right so the environment is crazy that we don't get access to this type of information that that I'm around now uh and I I feel like it's messed up because the people that I was around when I back in the day uh I know that they don't have that exposure you know I mean so something like this is the best route especially if you can do it from your home right and look and listen from your home is the best route for you to get access to that information and get exposed to stuff you don't know you can't do what you don't know right so I would not be in this position if I didn't sit down for a week with that coach and be able to uh I've leveraged my credit to start my semi truck company I leverage my courage to start my 10 airbnbs in Miami uh leverage my credit start my ATM business and things like that I leverage my credit to build my whole Legacy in my life to change my whole life and to be able to get out of that environment and that rabbit hole in Chicago bro cause that stuff is judgmental to the mental of your brain almost it's like you assume on people dying my uh a roommate of mine died got killed shot uh two two feet away from me in a in a party you know after us you know just partying with our friends we can't even party with our friend and people that I'm living with is dying so if this piece of these pieces of information changed my life specifically and got me out of something that could have been way worse for me and I'm so grateful that man this stuff is out here and you got the opportunity to do so so take advantage yeah you know so you sitting down and being exposed to this information could really change your life coming from experience yeah yeah that that's 100 because I think I think that's the serious the seriousness of this um is that this information that you so the one thing about knowledge is that once you have the knowledge you'll never lose it you know what I'm saying and so if like I don't based on what y'all just watched here I don't even I can't fathom anybody thinking whether they should do it or not right because literally if you don't got three hundred dollars we we just gave you a fun and play right you could literally like you can get 300 right but the fact of the matter is that this knowledge that you gonna learn is not just for you it's for you it's for your family it's for your kids it's for anybody who's ever made an excuse right this is this is why I do this right I do this because I've I know what it look looks like to live in abundance right being uh you know from Harlem from the projects single parent home um not eight years old having to pack bags because I don't know where food will come from to now like I don't have to think about money money just comes abundantly for me and I know this is the life that I live and I know that if you're listening to my voice that you can do the same I'm not special like I'm just like you and so that's why every day I want to bring in the experts the people who know here's the specific place that you can run I want to to bring that to you so I'm telling you tap it with the Bros you will not be disappointed matter of fact look I say this if you join that challenge and you spend the five days there and you like your ass it was a waste of time hit me up and I will give you your money back info at if you spend five days you gotta you gotta show me that you spend five days with them right so like every day just take a screenshot and was like yo day one I was here and then change your shirt or something day two whatever right prove to me that you spent five days and if you didn't learn anything then email us info at and we I personally will give you back your money last words for the people man I'll leave them with this yeah people the people that think it's hard and it's like too much and all this stuff investing is hard building businesses and building credit and stuff is hard but also staying broke his heart that's harder to me uh staying in the same position as hard living paycheck to paycheck is hard too so I want them people to understand choose your heart would you choose your heart to progress in life would you choose your heart to stay in the same position I want people to really think about one word the word Freedom like really that's what really doing this for it's not about the money it's not about the car it's not it's really for the freedom like for example for me I dropped my son off at school every morning I pick him up from school every single day every single day don't miss a day so for me if I could not be able to do that that would literally like kill me like literally even coming down here to do this like dang I can't pick them up to school today like that's kind of bothering me but we understand what we doing we have to do yeah so we can go ahead and just you know build our business even more but I'm back there tomorrow right right there pick them up drop them off and that's what it's really about so we got to understand like why are we actually doing this like what exactly we doing this for and for me it's freedom and I want other people to understand like freedom is really really what it comes down to and the way you can really build our freedom is by figuring out ways to make more money per hour or substitute your hours with more income so now okay I'm only working two three hours a day I got the rest of my day to myself and ways you can do this by leveraging credit to start business he just said he's going to go ahead and buy a car off a reward points that's crazy crazy so you're worried about not you but you said earlier your word about the dollar losing volume well the dollar is America will use points instead of them right now usually the doctor then we use the boys to buy the car and then now I used to do tour I had stopped doing Toro not nothing anything bad I just doubled in a real estate I had three cars on tour one of the cars I had a Dodge Charger um Scat Pack it was doing 25 a month profit the average American already says this is facts that a thousand dollars a month extra would change their life yeah extra thousand dollars a month you can make 2500 a month off of reward points yeah that would literally buy down your freedom so now look all right and make me take one day off a week because I already made that money back or let me get two of these cards let me just quit my old job all together and I'm not saying quit your job but now you have options the biggest thing we want to have in life is options I feel do I feel like going to work today do I feel like doing this do I feel like doing that and I'm gonna be honest with you all three of us all four of us we're in a position like do I feel like going to feel like doing that do I really feel like and if I ever got to the point where I have to go back to where I can't have that conversation myself in the morning I'll probably I'll probably break down you're not going back do I feel like you're here do I feel like doing that and then one last thing you said something powerful you said you seen your friend get killed right in front of you you know and and sorry for your loss but also on top of that now I'm not saying you don't have 100 worry about those situations but your environment change the way now you and other places where those things don't happen as much right 99 will never happen so because you put yourself in a different expert besides you put yourself in a different environment now you can go to parties on the rooftop now go to restaurants a little bit different so we gotta understand that you know change your mindset learning and start making more money not only just allows you more freedom but it allows you more safety yeah like now I can go ahead and party at different environments where that doesn't happen we're now it's security at the door all these different things the tornado like it's not even just about you being able to ball out it's you like all right I'm a little safer now I can be I'm in a different room now that's the most important part exactly we all want to go out we all want to have fun but now we get to the point where like do I want to go to the place where it's five dollars a door but I want to go to a place where to drink maybe 50 but now I know I'm networking with other individuals there's a little bit more stay at the table the one that starts with G up you know what I'm saying exactly so that's all I wanted to say like don't just look at it I'm just making money but it gives you freedom and it gives you more safety and this time we in right now I'm from Philly yep safety is important absolutely that's all I really wanted to say yeah yeah now y'all crushed it man I'm gonna show all y'all up man I appreciate y'all I appreciate you for even putting this together that's so important but the word I want to leave with everybody here is just ownership and um ownership of your time ownership of your life like being a CEO of your life yeah you know my uncle very close to me he passed away last year but he worked 27 years and he always told me while he was working he wanted to start a business and buy real estate he retired and then he started to do the business and passed away a year later wow so when I think about that it's like damn like we have the audacity to think that we got time on our side we we don't know right so that's why I moved with that sense of urgency so everybody that's watching this if you want to be the CEO of your life you want to control your time you need to move with a sense of urgency and the information is here this is the most accessible time when we can press a click of a button and get this type of information right it's like listen that's it that's all I gotta say man man look fun in the spinning if they want to find you online where can they find you underscore Smitty go underscore that's my Instagram d-s-b-o-o-n-e Mogul lifestyle underscore all right y'all we are closing out the Vault another powerful episode of inside the Vault with Ash Cash the greatest money mindset show on the planet make sure again you follow all three of the brothers go to join the five day challenge you have Opera different levels that you can join uh but just make sure you're in the building uh make sure you follow us uh inside at inside the Vault on all social media platforms uh go to our website me I am Ash Cash make sure you visit me I am follow me on all social media platforms at I am Ash Cash make sure you also join the abundance Community go to we got behind the scenes like some more gems uh of all of our past guests but my brothers are gonna give us some gems as well so yo we're gonna see you in God's will same time same place peace let's get it [Music]
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 265,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: earn your leisure, business, finance, sports, entertainment
Id: jDj8iqzDJI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 44sec (3884 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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