Rick Ross Talks Business Investments, Wealth & More | Assets Over Liabilities

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[Music] you're actually involved in educating the process yeah without a doubt i got to show you every day i'm hustling from the day we came in the game and we still are and there's so much more to do and i won't be satisfied until i've done something that's never been seen [Music] check check check that out [Music] [Music] it's too easy what's up brothers good brother how are you we blessed baby we blessed that's it we're here as long as we're here as long as we're here you know what i'm saying it's only right welcome to the promised land toast to all the hustlers your daughter said the last time we met we was we was uh on stage together yeah we was on stage in miami yeah 500 yeah very magical moment he's gonna make some more history that's my boy i told him to pull up today but he can't make it he's getting some money somewhere that's a good thing you already know that long as you stand busy stay busy that's a fact stay busy that's a fact ain't got [ __ ] to do makeup something that's a bar i got here i thought of the palace of facade you always heard about the palace of versailles growing up and i'm like this is like our palace of facade like it's like a destination yeah it's a moment why not exactly yeah why not exactly i was gonna spin on it call it el palacio that's crazy like you hear the stories i i watched the horses that i came in i remember when you was in the trees looking down at the whole landscape so it's like it's incredible and then the lake in the front i'm like i remember you telling us that i'm like wow this is actually happening right now i actually had the lake dug up right took out everything i ain't want so we could refill it up what i'm saying put the fish in and we want so we could pull out exactly what my mama want to eat [Laughter] are we filming it well we are going i just want you to take a seat like standing up you know yeah that's how you get the best out of rosie oh it is those it's zones though yeah yeah you got to create the feel free to take a seat and it's just going to be a natural conversation well let's do it let's sit down she's the boy yeah i see we just follow direction boss meet the boss all right first and foremost the biggest boss rick ross rose thank you for inviting us for having us at the promised land this is a this is an extremely inspiring moment for us just pulling up you know coming from new york we come from a very close environment like you know i mean so you don't really get a chance to think but this looked like central park like when i was seeing the horses i seen the lake i'm like this is really dope for us to see you know so thank you for having us man it's very inspiring thank you oh man you guys earned it we got uh 12 bedrooms 21 bathrooms and a plethora of other things that's going on the largest swimming pool in the united states the biggest residential pool in the u.s drake and kanye couldn't invite her they haven't met let's get into the rose so you know our slogan assets over liability that's what we live by so what is an asset what is a liability to you like how do you define an asset how do you define a liability i'm gonna be honest you know i think depending on the role you play and who you are what's a liability for one brother could be an asset for another you understand let's say me owning a a private jet 15 passenger you know let's say if it was 5.5 million dollars for one individual that could be a liability but the position i mean it could be an asset and not just based on the money i get of my salary but the individuals that surround me that i know would also lease this jet when i'm not using it you know what i mean so it's money we can get we could take care of maintenance the pilot the steward everybody based on letting you know another dude or two make a move once or twice a month yeah that's very fitting because the way you acquired the property it was somebody's liability right it was foreclosed jp most definitely owned it and you came in and purchased it but a lot of people don't understand the liabilities that come with having a state of this magnitude so what are some things and some costs that people may not be aware of that touch the containers just simply the air conditioner how are you doing this yeah let's talk about that your light bill homie your ac bill here you can't fake that that's not gonna you know how the youngsters say cat that cat you can't cap that this [ __ ] is real so where we from like the ac bill might be 500 but we're talking about something like this so what would i know there was some reports that it takes a million dollars just to maintain this on a yearly basis what are some of like those those costs look like man you know i'm gonna be i'm gonna be totally honest rose don't even get to see the cost the way my team's set up and that's really between my mother and my sister the way that they get handled you know you know when we when we begin the year as simple as you know my sister may let me know yo your residency or what you what you're doing with this individual covers the expenses for living for the entire year everything else right there is just that's cushion i call that confetti that's like being in club live at 3am it's just falling and i love to look up and let the dollars hit me in the face [Laughter] you know what i'm saying so but it's it's easy you know what i'm saying when i first moved into this spot and we first got it up and running that's before i fully moved in you know i i saw you know like bill 17k 18k you know that that ain't that yeah i think one of the liabilities too and i think you kind of flipped it to being an asset was that you saw that there was some debt in the landscaping right there was some i think five hundred thousand dollars in debt for landscaping and according you were like hey i can cut the cost i could mow the lawn myself which let you get into john deere and saying all right we're going to cut costs we'll do it and also allows you to provide jobs can you talk about that a little bit most definitely that's that's basically how i look at everything around here when you see my my homies the ones that's driving me the ones that's these are dudes that's from my hood these are dudes that's from my community and like i tell my dogs that's around me you're not just gonna get rich being next to me doing one thing you got to be ready to do five seven ten things so whatever you did in the hood that's cool you was respected for that but over here we got to do this we got to do that we got to do this so when i get out there on that john deere tractor we all out there we cutting grass we're doing everything that needs to be done and for me it's better to remain hands-on i want to remain hands-on because you really paying yourself remain hands-on you get to see things from a whole different perspective you know what i mean walking into your chicken restaurants and actually sweeping learning how to cook the chicken i could whip up a mean time you know what this reminds me of nippy hustle went rest in peace to nip he was saying he was saying that um in his early stages of his career he did everything from engineer to produce so he was like during that process when the engineer told him something wasn't possible he said it is possible because i did it so if you can't do it get out the seat and i'll do it for you and he was like that really helped him in his journey because there was no part of the process that he didn't actually do himself so nobody could pull a fast one on him or nobody can tell him this is this can't be done because he knew that it could be done because he actually did it oh man it makes you masterful imagine creating the film you wrote the film produced the film directed the film edited the film distributed the film can you imagine the process in which you learn doing that it takes you to a whole nother level when you're in the room full of other directors who could be great directors but it's a whole nother vision it's a whole nother insight when you actually hands-on let me ask you this financial literacy something that's popular now but it wasn't always popular especially hip-hop you know when did you realize okay i'm actually turning some liabilities into assets i need to actually boss up and actually look at this from a real business and it's not just entertainment it's not just get a bag and just blow the bag like when did you really have that transition or was you always on that type of time i can't say i was on on that type of time at all times but most definitely as i progress as i elevated myself as my finances grew i understood what was at risk and your whole approach changed once you have more things at risk the same dude that you see right now that only got a box chevy that's riding up and down the street here a totally different person when he got five million dollars at risk you understand so um you know as uh as i grew as i moved on you know where i'm from in miami one of the homies that i looked up to and one of the ones that inspired me the most he actually was featured on america's most wanted he's serving three life sentences right now and i i still um i still have uh you know i still see a day of him coming home we didn't give up yet but when i speak to him and i asked him for advice as well big homie what's one of them what's one of the uh things you wish you could've um you could've changed and it's a dude that's been accused for over 80 homicides and one of the things he told me was rose i wish i would have um learned to give a pass that's something i never knew how to do was give a square pass give a mark a pass if you did anything out of line it won no pass so you got you understand when he was 26 being featured on america's most wanted that's one thing but now when you're older you realize my life was at risk emotional intelligence emotional intelligence something that what they were telling us about that he was like you know now at this point in his life he realizes that it ain't even really worth it a lot of times and i feel like that way of thinking not only can save your life from being dead or in jail but financially as well you in that moment and you realize this may make me feel good in the moment but if i put this money into real estate if i put this money in stocks i'm gonna feel good for that's not even a comparison if it's something that i admire if it's something i want if i wake up and say yo i wanna call jacob and get that three million dollar watch we get it we're in that position now but when i when when i'm grinding and i'm climbing up the mountain and this either we could go to vegas and spend a half a million this weekend or we get a piece of real estate it ain't even nothing to consider yeah i feel like the real estate that was your mindset earlier because i mean in your book the perfect day to blow up you you mentioned that you talk about how i didn't spend my events i didn't spend a dollar from touring until i saw a port of miami hit the charts where it did right after that moment did the mindset change like all right let's spend a little bit of bread what happened then well i said to myself this [ __ ] real let's do some investments we gonna most definitely enjoy it let's go get that lamborghini you always want to squeeze your fat ass in that car boy you're upset squeeze your fat ass to that car boy custom lambo you feel me but most definitely uh it was still let's take it to that next level because we we've seen this honestly am i impressed there's very few things that's going to impress me because we've seen this and if it's something we've seen i mean i can applaud you brother but that may be the most i could do because we we've seen this so you know the goal is let's do something we've never seen that's what's burning the fire with within me yeah you know what i'm saying we've we got some goats that's that's ahead of us that still can inspire us but if it's something i've seen all right it's cool also speaking something that you've seen my mom always tell me she said a smart man learned from his mistakes a wise man learns from the mistakes of others so it's like we also have seen a lot of entertainers athletes go broke without a doubt was that something that was like scary to you of course every time i come through the gates i say damn the homie that you know owned this previously before me made 50 million a night 550 million plus came through his hands what's gonna separate me from the mistakes homie made and i began going down my mental list well that's what i'm gonna do different yeah your man cave has to step up you gotta step your man cape up at this yeah that is a fight my man cave ain't looking good who knew ross had every marvel and dc character ever created don't let that go over your head who's your favorite character batman real [ __ ] man if bruce may be on this [ __ ] that car was something else that batmobile boy that's voltron that's gang that's wow that's gangster you got voltron what the [ __ ] are you doing voltron oh it was every young [ __ ] drink i had to watch that yeah so during corona obviously your number one asset was touring and that got paused and i feel like you had an epiphany moment when you started actually walking around the property and looking at things you could turn into assets what was that process like because i know you talked about the baseball field that you said you know what i could turn this into an amphitheater and have comedies and people tour here what was that process like for you well really it was just once again you know having more time to spend on the promised land than i have ever maybe you know what i mean so i'm walking around i'm getting up getting on social media i had to ask my homie show me how to use my story he showed me this how you do it you hold it down and then you can spin it around okay cool i just began walking around barefoot so on and so forth just talking a little [ __ ] but at the same time it's time to capitalize on the moment this will separate the real boys and men it's a lot of dudes i saw live a certain lifestyle that came to a cease as soon as that [ __ ] fun gets hit the fungus among us the fungus still among us still around us you feel me a lot of [ __ ] lifestyle cease it wasn't like that for rose yeah so so while you were walking because i know you you purchased 87 acres of land that's adjacent to this property right is that part of that walk that you were having like wait right right i see this land right i can have it what are the plans for that because i know you they said a rumor that you paid a million dollars for the 87 additional acres what's the plans for for the additional 87 honestly honestly i don't want to say yet to me real estate has always been an asset you could you can make a new car you can't make that corner you got to buy that corner and if my last name on it you got to come see me so when you talk about your mom your sister your friends how i envision this is like a corporate structure most definitely and it's like the ceo the cfo the c-o-o and it's like a lot of things don't necessarily have to get to the ceo why not right so talk about that exactly you know how did you envision that and am i correct that's how you kind of look at it like most definitely most definitely and that's the that's the only way i can see me having 20 current partnerships without any stress without being burnt out actually looking forward to this [ __ ] you understand we're looking forward to sitting down with the homies you can imagine how many interviews i do how many zooms i call them rooms and i look forward to the [ __ ] and how can i do that it's because the small talk shouldn't make it to the boss you should have somebody on your team that's so hungry that [ __ ] ain't gonna even get past them of course they gonna check in and running by you because that's what you do out of respect for the boss but you already know what the play is and if i was the little homie next to the billionaire it's very little that would get to him i'm sure you remember like your first call do you remember your first investment that you made maybe it was real estate or maybe whatever do you remember the first time you invested in something oh man man that [ __ ] man i'm sure was something that had to do with the streets that was my first investment legal illegal limitations that was my first investment man in some kind of way i always been a good businessman you know what i'm saying i always kept my face clean and said what it was and and still to this day i think that's that may be my most valuable asset it's my dogs and my homies that i sat down with it is what i said is and that's what it's going to be let me ask you this what's what's the actual story behind this house because we know you know obviously ivana holyfield used to own it it's called the promised land it's crazy everybody always talks about it how did it come across your desk like i know i believe it was auction and it was like 7 million but you paid 5.8 so you paid well under the asking price and that's crazy that you can get something like that for that price so how did that even come about well the story about the the actual real estate it was owned by um the homie that played in uh smokey and the bandit that's who holyfield actually purchased it from you know what i'm saying and um he spent 25 million dollars right building the entire crib and so like i said homes was something i was always fascinated about so when me and my homies start coming up atlanta we used to ride by here all the time stop pull over smoke one and just god damn you know what i'm saying after i got my deal in my situation i bought a million dollar home maybe two minutes from here that i still own that's right around the corner just so i could ride by every day while i'm in atlanta and that's what the play was actually riding by one day i saw a red sign that was on the gate that wasn't never there before i told my homie turn around call my sister head with his number call these people you know what i'm saying and that what the play was um i wanna go back just for a second because you said obviously you're you're an amazing businessman and you have a lot of assets but what's something a liability that you encountered during your career that you like you know what damn i shouldn't have did that one man you know i had two yachts at once in miami yeah a hundred footer in the 80-footer just because just cause when you get when you go on a run like i was old man you just it was just cuz and the experience of owning a yacht you know before you've ever really kicked it with somebody who owned one is you don't realize how much time you really await from these boats i go out of town by the time i come back it's something need to be done this that this that the captain that this that you know what i'm saying i remember i took french montana out [ __ ] we was out 10 minutes and we both was handcuffed you know what i'm saying i had to finesse us back out you know it's just you realize later on you know what i mean when it's just something that a passion is something you just desire something you just want you i ain't really putting no business thought behind it you understand where the person i am now those same yachts i be getting more money with them you know at that point i was like man i don't want nobody on my [ __ ] putting ashes everywhere turn into an asset now of course there it is so we got to credit ross with the pull up la marina in the yacht you inspired that line do you introduce them to the yacht life of course yeah it is of course french tell you we had a lot of good times so let me ask you this we we here we see all we see all of your different brands that you are affiliated with from bel air to rap snacks to of course wing stop um how particular are you about putting your your name on something like i'm sure a lot of opportunities come through right right right what is it where it's like all right this is something i'm gonna rock with this is something that i'm not gonna rock with really it should just be something as soon as i see it i [ __ ] with that if you've got to sit there and try to sell me on it and usually i doubt if it come through but if it's something that i just naturally [ __ ] with it should be a goal it should be a goal it's not just about the paper it's something i always speak on i walked away from seven figure seven figures up front for a cigarette campaign i told them on smoke squares homie i can't help you on that well we don't need you to smoke them i can't do it at home yeah and what's the approach is it a process going through the team first or is it something like sometimes you're saying i like this brand find out how i can be involved yeah i've done that a lot i don't have no problem doing that same way i went and bought the john deere tractor i cut the grass a little time a couple times and i said it's time for us to do some business yeah y'all reach out to john deere let him know i started putting them on my snap we had a conference call two weeks later nice what's the vision i came up with one right there in 20 seconds it's easy we need to get black farmers more involved with the culture we need to get this that this that this that this that we need to support more of this that this that yeah it came naturally to make sense it makes sense makes both sense and sense of fact um you did one of the dopest things i've seen in a long time for your son's 16th birthday right i believe you um you brought him a wing stop right talk about that because that was something that was very unique very dope very entrepreneurial like talk about that a little bit you know my son you know he's a very mature individual you know what i mean he's uh he's actually uh um uh a great student a great son you understand and he's an amazing football player as well and he's very he's very mature you know what i mean he's grew up watching me run in and out of wing stops he's always been come on finna go to wing stop let's go come on i grab a broom you get the mop come on let's go he understands that he gets that so i just wanted to reward him as he coming into a young man his maturity his maturity level and let him know come on let me give you some of these responsibilities as well it's not just money and paper but it's also responsibilities the phone calls you sit in on here and there let me get your input on this and that's because it's valuable i'm just letting them know how valuable he is and you're grooming them for the future that's how you provide an asset that you know he can have later on down in life most definitely that's why that was so dope because like you could have just got up something that's a material item but to actually get them a business and groom them in the business now it's like you know mentorship on a whole different level on business uh right i think us as us as fathers and men we got to teach our our youngsters how to come into manhood and be responsible and take care of yourself and not only yourself but your family that you're going to create so you're not just thinking for yourself you got to be in a position and um on a level to think and take care of others [Music] i don't get the number wrong but because every time we we read about it there's another wingstop location that you've added to the portfolio know that mcdonald's owns majority of the real estate that they put their franchises on is that something that you guys are envisioning long term like we're going to get the land and put the ring stop locations on it or are we leasing what's the process now for you it's really depending on the situation because there are spots where we own the land as well as spots where we lease the land a lot of times when we came into positions where we bought three or four at a time because a lot of times you get offers from other franchisees you know we know each other we communicate with each other there's other franchisees that want to make a move or do this to do that cool they reach out to us what situation when sometimes they own the real estate sometimes they don't you know what i mean so you got wingstop tie stop two separate things or is this like a new venture or is it a branch off from the process it's most definitely under the wingstop umbrella but it is something totally different you know what i mean gotcha which which was really dope it was a concept the team brought together i gave them my input charlie morrison the ceo he seen the vision i told him let's shoot the commercial at the promised land it shouldn't take us more than two hours homie we lined rose races up and told them to come to the website and it exploded so it's something that we most definitely extended when really it could have just been a limited time only last night watching the lakers game the commercial ran so make sure y'all you know what i'm saying go to that that that stuff said and so to me that's what's real cool man once again something you've never seen right something we created during the pandemic so you know it's just we got to brainstorm we got a network we got to communicate on the music side like we hear a lot now about owning your masters on your publishing and all that who educated you on the importance of master's publishing because i feel like there's not a lot of mentorship which is why a lot of it's not artists it's not and as a and as an artist and not to cut you off but that's something i had to learn myself and the sad part about it is a lot of times just being a young artist i used to make songs dissing you know ceos or anybody i was doing business with when a lot of times they wasn't even in position or they weren't even owning their masters so it's something that you actually gotta oh okay so you know the first situation i was in was x amount of records and of course as i'm delivering my albums you know i'm i'm learning i'm asking more questions okay okay the bigger i got as a artist the better attorneys i got the more okay this is the play okay you have two more albums under this contract after that we finna renegotiate boom you're gonna own your masters you're gonna do this okay so this to play and so as a young artist a lot of times you you coming in the game you're not gonna own your masters yeah because not who's there to really educate them all right so you went from the artist obviously for let's start you didn't start as an artist you started out writing for people right right i started out as a writer as a writer ten years the process of getting to the to hustling which is the song that catapults your career but i want to talk about 2014 because you said you had to make a decision based on being the owner of a label the biggest star at the time mcmill outside of yourself right he's about to go to jail and you compromise your creative process can you talk about the mindset behind that and then looking back saying like you know what i should have never did this well you know everything i've done as a boss in that mmg man i i enjoy it and i'm proud of it most definitely meek mill walley just the whole team gun play all my squad because all my homies can still be creative based on a time frame i give everybody their freedom to do whatever the play is you want to do you your own boss you know what i mean even in this partnership you your boss whatever it is let's go i'ma support what your vision is and you know i don't have no regrets perfect day to boss up so what made you get into the literature game and actually wanna you've been dropping gyms for a long time like your interviews always go viral clips on instagram all of that people always look at you as one of these business thought leaders um what made you actually want to say okay i want to actually put the pen to paper and actually put it in the book form it goes along with everything else i'm doing you know to me it was really simple one time for neil belkin you know what i mean my homie who actually you know sit next to me and just put the pen down as i'm you know talking my [ __ ] 6 37 in the morning and that's what it is i feel the film is next i already got the first scene of the the film i want to do you right you right now of course already got the first scene the first scene gonna be dope right the first scene gonna be dope you know what i'm saying i'm gonna be getting ready i'm finna the [ __ ] chick right of course so and so i've been out in the street all day i take my money out i put my pistol on the dresser and then i got a [ __ ] bag so i take the [ __ ] bag off put it on a dresser some of this [ __ ] kind of spilled the chicks you know like a capital romantic comedy no no no we shouldn't be getting to the money you know i just feel like you know when it comes to being creative we all need to take advantage of our assets let's take advantage of it that's something we could do if we could communicate we most definitely are authors you naturally are off the home and then if you most definitely got something that's valuable for others to absorb your author so let's not leave that let's not leave that untapped one of the things you've done you said that promising pays for itself you've turned it into an asset and since you brought up film obviously we know superfly was shot yeah and we we all know coming to america uh too right was also shot here what are some other ways that you you use this property as an asset to generate more revenue i mean just from from of course film different films videos visuals the automobiles and the list just goes on the list goes on you'll be amazed how many offers i get every week for marriages and this and that yo we just want to rent it how much is it per hour it's just you know it we've we've we've um you know put it in a on a platform and in a position where it's just something that people from different countries want to come how can we experience this you know what i'm saying for people who visit in the city who visit in atlanta they come out here and just i had to tell the security let's not waste energy trying to stop people from taking a picture in front of the gate it's like buckingham palace we can't [ __ ] stop it you know what it's really it's a really smart idea because it reminds me of vesachi mansion in miami where now people get married there they have bar mitzvahs there so it's like all right you have this amazing you know estate and now it's actually turned into a tourist destination people have parties here and it's like now once again turning the liability into an asset and now you actually can make money most definitely visuals you wouldn't even imagine the video lists could go on and on from skip marley they was playing soccer you you wouldn't knew that that was on the promised land you know what i'm saying it's incredible yeah yeah the list just goes on you know what i'm saying so and and that's one thing we're about good business let's keep it simple let's do good business that's what it's about how important being a boss everybody always says boss but they don't understand the responsibilities of being a boss so how important is it to be diplomatic as a boss because it's like as a boss people have all kinds of issues they come to you with everything you might want to actually physically attack somebody but you can't you got to deal with this person this way that way like what's the we actually we actually spoke of it in in the book you got to manage your emotions you must manage your emotions you got to master the art of taking the l cause being the boss you're gonna lose you're gonna win you know so you gotta be able to grow and take from from whatever the situation is regardless of what it is and sometimes i may not be the best at dealing with my emotions sometimes i do it's like that though but overall you know what i mean um i leave my door open for good business and that's more important than the way i my emotions you ever just wake up like what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] i do it all the time that's what i'm trying to tell you [ __ ] look over there look at this [ __ ] [ __ ] this [ __ ] y'all [ __ ] crazy but you know it just remind you it ain't nothing nobody can't stop you from doing it i don't know how many cars we got that [ __ ] so clean that station wagon come on man i hadn't even seen one of them before i ain't grow that one that one not that one yet that's the real old school that's a real old-school station wagon for real for real i spend a hundred on the old school every month hunting every much i don't even i call in that man it's how i like it senate you know one of the things you said about the the assets uh generating revenue was cars i know a lot of times you do them for shoots and sometimes for films have you ever thought about because most people think cars are depreciation assets uh liabilities but they can be an asset right have you ever thought about renting them out like on a platform like tour or something like that no i haven't you know i'm saying my old schools my classics i really haven't you know i mean but you know the way i look at them they becoming more valuable you know my chevrolets the 55 56 57's i just think about the position my my son you know my kids will be in when they celebrate that 100 year anniversary for those 57 ballets and how much will they be worth then i'm sure to be in the seven figures old school costs more than no school yeah yeah and for everybody that's watching if you got old schools if you are if you do want to sell your old school i'm going to give you some game i don't give a lot of people gain like this but if you got an old school you want to sell let it get dusty let the dust settle because when they come to buy a tow you know hasn't been driven in three years so i'm here i'm hearing talks about the motherland i believe it's pronounced tanzania you're looking at some real estate over there there's some rumors about that man what what i had was i actually had an interview and i was speaking with one of the the cool dj's over there and you know he invited me over and you know i put it on the table and i told him yo if i was to to come out there and cop a crib what areas should i look in what areas should i look at you know what i mean and he told me a few areas and you know i just i just left it at that you know but you know um i love to travel i want to see the world you never know i may cop something over cj and i got a little traveling to do though one of the themes throughout uh perfect day the ball stuff is growth and you spoke about it when you said you know keeping your cool um you talked about the incident with the the reporter who said that they created the story of that yo he's a correctional officer and how that ended up costing you hundreds of thousands you spoke about the incident at the breakfast club where you said you know what i was trying to make a joke that just didn't come across correctly what did it take for you to get to this point um of of growth and maturity because now it becomes like i think for a generation of people it's like yeah rick ross known for music but at this point he's a boss and now he's a mature man and a father were there some some processes that were going on in your life that brought you to this point it's so obvious you got to have respect got to have respect you gotta know your role you gotta play your position you gotta know what the deal is you gotta honor the set man that's how i go and when you're one of them people who you honor the set you understand your role hey maybe some things come a little easier when i see [ __ ] who live a little reckless sometimes you could block your blessings man you could be sitting right next to the next play that could have put you in a position where to join the three-camera club i think i think one of my favorite lines you ever said was the bank account called the holy ghost yeah and so what what number was the holy ghost number for you or how many times you know you know to me you gotta understand the type of mother i got you know what i mean [ __ ] real ball she she you know she bought a business you know she put me first you know what i'm saying when she call you and say god damn son god damn this [ __ ] really like what i'm saying because i never i never got those calls from her and i've been getting money a long time now but it's like yo it's different when she called you and said i said i told you this [ __ ] real you know what i'm saying because it there there are numbers right that when they come you got to stop what you doing in like yo levels this [ __ ] real yeah i mean you said the line twice so i knew it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the banker caught the holy ghost i want i want to ask you two questions about that my lawyer did too [Laughter] the first one as you can see we listen to rap a lot so once again nipsey when he was like when you freak when you make your first million cash you're gonna feel the pressure how was it when you made your first million because we always talk about a million dollars like growing up like it was like a millionaire and unfortunately the vast majority of people never going to be able to see a million dollars so when you saw your first million how did that feel like was that just an ill moment for you and when did you when did you start feeling did you start feeling that type of pressure like damn i'm on the other side of this thing now when i sat down with jay and l.a read you know i got a seven figure advance right off the rip for you know my first album i wasn't satisfied though and most definitely that might have been at the top of the list i scratched that [ __ ] out you feel me but it's too much more history to make so like i said i got that advance and i i hadn't spent [ __ ] already had a crib i already had my 745 beaming you know what other little whips i had just from doing my thing so i just stayed focused on the ground that whole first year when you go back and listen to all my records really from oh six my voice horser than the [ __ ] because i was doing shows and verses every day i ain't giving [ __ ] i wasn't leaving nothing on the table nothing and that's still my mentality right now that's still my mentality right now me and jeezy was just having a conversation about this a day or two ago i'm still that same person regardless of how whatever the [ __ ] we got if somebody come over here and they talking about i'm gonna tell them come drop that off and bring the rest the next day that's just rose that's just it don't matter nobody gets out as far no why not let's do something we've never seen make history that's what it's all about they've been in history that [ __ ] small talk home what's the like where you at now uh crazy amount of money i'm sure you got you know accountants you got estate planning attorneys all of that but how important is it to actually keep an eye on that because we interviewed fat show shout out to shelby he was telling us he went to jail because his accountant was supposed to be paying his taxes for him but his accountant was actually stealing the money he didn't actually realize it and by the time he realized that it was too late all right to that [ __ ] all right that [ __ ] on the pole some of that for y'all oh man god bless you [ __ ] god bless you [ __ ] you crazy well i mean do you do do you think about stuff like you have like people that's what accountants watching accountants like how do you make sure that that doesn't happen you don't really need accountants watching accounts you just need the right one too many [ __ ] watching [ __ ] this you expecting problems i ain't gonna do that once you've been put in position you're liable and you will be held accountable and you're responsible for your job that you're getting compensated for and we're only here for one thing we want to win i want to see you win just as much as i win brother now if you can't handle this if there's too much paper for you bow out check out cause they ain't gonna call me and tell rose that the money been gone and the people [Laughter] i'm gonna say i'm from the hang up you call back in five minutes and tell me you made a mistake and called the wrong [ __ ] nikki torrentino like a trooper from uh casino remember remember that scene [ __ ] give him 10. uh so the promised land model because i think this could be replicated and it can't be replicated no no in the sense of in the sense of for you in the sense of you found a property that was undervalued you bought it you turn it into an asset and i'm thinking long-term or even now is this something that you look to do in other parts of the country because you got one here in georgia i'm sure you got property in miami or the other parts of the country that you you're interested in doing something similar to this i mean you know this is a unique situation and i'm sure you know um it'll be hard to recreate this but am i still looking for real estate am i still looking for property investment so on and so forth of course brother wayne will never stop doing that i've worn on every piece of real estate i have even though i wasn't i didn't get into it to flip it and no i just got him and copped him i still got him i bought a crib that the homie amari started my soul i still haven't slept in that [ __ ] once but guess what the value is i could sell that same house from possibly maybe three million dollars more than i purchased it and when i walked in there i told the lady this my house the real estate agent was like what do you mean [Laughter] baby this rose how you doing give me my [ __ ] girl said and that's what it was you know what i'm saying and for me real estate has always been a good thing and that's something my mom always told me because what we grew up at them houses might have been fifty thousand dollars at the time those same houses [ __ ] a half a million dollars now yeah we've seen intensification happen in miami wynwood they're so crazy uh i was in wynwood years ago and i was driving through wynwood i had never really seen a neighborhood that bad like it was like it was like crazy i'm like it's like the 80s fast forward five years later it was like the hottest speakeasies taco spots taco spots tequila joints everything they moved all the bombs out all the [ __ ] out all the blacks out all the hispanics out forced the homeless [ __ ] to go on the other side and ain't getting to the money that's a fact and rose sitting here saying okay we got to know how we look at things now we can't look at it for the current state that is in what's the potential what's the potential cause owning a shitty building on the corner that they knocked down 15 years later and put a high rise on could have made you 25 million dollars yeah that's what jay said i could have brought a building in dumbo five million years later it's 20 million dumbo yeah that's a fact so is that something you're looking to do definitely go back to or feel the responsibility to go back we most definitely have more education those definitely [ __ ] we buying [ __ ] without a doubt okay and we we being that example whether it's in miami whether it's in uh mississippi where wherever it's set it don't matter we getting in all of all the areas that we [ __ ] with cannabis shout out to my partner berna we finna do big things i look forward to opening my first goddamn dispensary on colin's half and that [ __ ] gonna make a million a day does that separate from cookies or is that a partnership yeah there's a partnership i did with bernie what i'm saying that's been my favorite strands for 15 years so once yeah it's a no-brainer [ __ ] easy yeah we we've been well there's some people that we know that have uh frequently visited cookies uh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but it's a it's a gold mine right it's a cash it's a cash business man that [ __ ] is a billion dollar enterprise without without a debt without a doubt it's a billion dollar you know and it's obviously something that you're interested in oh most definitely i love it it's too easy have you have you um ever thought about like having some level because you're so wise so smart but unfortunately a lot of people are still coming into music or just entrepreneurs in general some level of mentorship on a wide right most different academy most most definitely and that's what we just had a couple weeks ago we called it the first annual boss up yeah we was out of town for that but a couple of our friends went yeah yeah my partner alex bostic he's sitting in here he'd be back in he over there somewhere and once again he played several roles on the team but um that's what we did we got 40 other entrepreneurs in the room together over a weekend and we all just shared ideas mastermind that's all we did and man it was so valuable i learned from them and vice versa we learned from each other now let's share each other's platforms let's share each other's connections let's share each other's resources we watch certain people growing up and we we idolize them number one because of their talent and music number two because of their business acumen but unlike them you're actually involved in educating the process and and going through the process with the people right we watched you grow into this we always said you was the boss but we've actually seen it come to fruition right were you super intentional about that from day one like yeah i'm the boss nobody made a sound but let me show you how i am the boss yeah without a doubt i gotta show you every damn hustling from the day we came in the game and we still are and we still are and there's so much more to do and i won't be satisfied until i've done something that's never been seen and that's just not a dollar figure it's also yeah most definitely it's plays being made this is a special time that we in in life when you look around and you see crypto and all this [ __ ] this just like when the commodore 64's was first created and [ __ ] got to see a computer for the first time that's where we are we in a revolutionary part of life right now and it's time to be a part of it and that's just one of the things you see the platforms media and all this [ __ ] you creating your own tv channels right now yeah we know the thing too about that you know what i'm saying so man i'm in the spot that's a fact your partner tommy duncan and uh jet dock he told us he said every industry is up for disruption right now because of social media there's nothing that can't be disrupted right now right right right it's too many there's too many ways to make a the goal used to be a million it's a b now nine ain't even a billion no more that's become local mark mark cuban said that to us he says if you have a million dollars you should be walking on eggshells right now you should be scared you should be scared because you're a millionaire if you have a million dollars oh nick yeah you got one ticket well you gotta [Music] need at least ten to be comfortable yeah no team you should be scared ooh okay that's when you plan when you pitching on the mound like rose and no excuses gonna be accepted we ain't accepting no excuses we really coming to get it it's one thing when [ __ ] rapping making songs and talking about this that this that 20 million [Music] this [ __ ] real right here this [ __ ] real we accumulate [ __ ] all that fancy [ __ ] cause it's a real big difference in who's doing it and who talking about doing it it's the evolution like i feel like our heroes growing up they never got a chance to mature like when big said the rings and things you sing about bring them out that was what he knew he was 23 years old but it ain't really about rings right it's about no we most definitely no but i'm saying that's that's important that's important i understood exactly what i'm saying that you you yeah this is what i'm saying now it's like the evolution of the businesses the money that you're talking about bring them out without a doubt we never we never got to see him and we never got to see him grow to that point but he most definitely gave us the vision absolutely and and said it yeah cause that that was the pace big was on you know what i mean yeah he inspired me in a whole nother way that's what i said yeah vig reincarnated he said he was saying the way he inspired me and gave me gaming there's no way just listening to his level of maturity his vibing his rhymes you could have told me even though i knew it you couldn't have told me big was 23 back then the influence he had on the game man that [ __ ] was priceless but we most definitely he was letting you know because every time i i was watching youtube back then and he was in a burgundy land cruiser i was like i need a land cruiser i want a land cruiser you know what i'm saying yeah you you brought up crypto and i know um you actually were in a space and somewhat maybe a partnership with jishiba you talked to us about what what the partnership is and the purpose you know they they came through you know what i'm saying um they put some things on the table they was with a homie of mine and um you know i just embraced them i embraced them showed them a lot of love you know what i mean but you know right now it's so many i'm getting approached about crypto nfts this that oh man rosie you can make a million on the nft i say i'm not really inspired homie i'm one of them dude you got to drop the bag on the table [Laughter] other than that you know because it's a lot of talking it's a lot of talking all that [ __ ] stocks all that [ __ ] it's a lot of talk oh rosa well we made so much money then why are you even telling me about it cause if i was making all that money you were talking about it i wouldn't even be telling you [ __ ] i'd be running that [ __ ] off so much seeing that that's what we run into the problem though if we don't if we if we have education right no i'm just saying because because when are you going to show us the dudes that's really all i've ever seen the dudes from the stocks and all that i've seen the bernie madoffs and all that [ __ ] and for years they thought them dudes was winning big but once again i i've never really had experience in those areas so guess what the things i knew how to do was by going by real estate something like a touch right you know what i'm saying and that's what i stuck with now i've been approached by some homies that's in good positions and i see them they get in paper they get money they telling me about the the crypto to this and that this and that but i'm not afraid to say rose moving in that area extremely slow go with what you know oh man straight up that's that's warren buffet's philosophy cheers you know what warren buffett with the third richest man in the world second top ten top top ten he made all his money from stocks and investing so during the dot com boom when everybody was investing all these dot-com companies he never invested in.com company because he said he just didn't understand it and everybody was saying like he's old he's outdated he don't know what he's doing dot com crashed everybody lost money he didn't lose any money and his whole thing was like i can't be swayed by the whims of emotion i'm i'm this is my lane i can't go into something i don't know i don't feel comfortable and i'm not i'm not afraid to say that i'm not afraid to say that now you know will i shoot the dice of course not got homegirls this and that oh yeah this and then dodge corners i mean i'll give you a couple dollars to share you know do a few things but i'm not even gonna ask where is that three months later because more enjoy the time they don't even bring it up no more there you go there you go and they ain't gonna come out and text me like yo that [ __ ] you gave me that [ __ ] is that i want to ask you you know just being here i'm i'm thinking about like the rockefeller estate and different this is the kind of ideas that i'm getting so this this legacy of rockefeller names like that is that something that you're actually thinking about when you you know when you no longer have your family carrying on tradition like the kennedys the rockefeller like i said this is the inspiration that i'm getting just sitting in this in this vibe like that well most definitely this is bigger than me and that's my goal for this all to be much bigger than me you know what i'm saying if it was just for me you know we we were tapped out already we said we're good this [ __ ] bigger than me you know what i mean william's legacy generational wealth why not why not let's create something that's never been done man but how is import how important unfortunately they say most most family wealth is done after the second generation the third third generation but for black families it's like one generation yeah education is a big part of that how important it's like it's one thing to just have money but then if the people behind you aren't educated they're just gonna [ __ ] it up it kind of it kind of goes with that theory where like so the first generation goes through struggle right they go through hardship but they lack the education second generation saw the struggle but they provide the education they generated wealth the third generation never saw the struggle so they kind of fumbled it so in that light like what do you do to ensure that generations have the knowledge have the education to keep the name going well i do you know what you see what i did with my son at 16 i think those are the best examples you could do because of course i speak with them i talk with them i let them see what we got going on you know what i'm saying i say some cool [ __ ] that i feel you know that they could tap in when i sent it to them i sent them links i sent them this listen to this check this out i understand but most definitely they gotta want it as much as you do you know what i mean i let them see i let them see what's going on you see the cars you see this but you gotta see the hard work you gotta see the grind and you gotta want it more than i do if not it's not gonna last right that's i think that's a challenge right because yeah you got a warning yeah it's the passion yeah you can't just because if you could build a a 25 billion dollar empire but if whoever next in line don't really want it [ __ ] it's regardless if you're my child or not if you don't want it [ __ ] i'm gonna put somebody in position that one because we got to keep it because without a doubt but it's all about the passion and if you don't want it that's fine too i'm not calling you a failure because everything ain't for everybody you understand some people may just want to play tennis on saturday and sunday and do yoga and [ __ ] like that but you see what we're doing over here you see what we got going on that's so important family business and educating having people work the ranks yeah we should have a rose a succession and you gotta want it you gotta want it at this level how we playing you see that in your obviously your son uh but do you see that and you chose you know maybe even other relatives like do you see like all right this person is gonna be a star he gonna carry it he gonna be the ceo you see that well i'm gonna be honest you know when they come to my kids you know i always see the best in them anyway you know what i mean and i don't put no pressure on them um you know because they are still young they all still young right now i ain't putting no pressure on them right now to be in this position but most definitely you see what we got going on and are you ready to get some money and they don't know i made it clear oh i gotta get me some money i ain't even tripping and that's what it's about and you gotta find a way to enjoy it let's enjoy it so you actually could wake up every day and come do this [ __ ] let's enjoy it that's what it's about we gotta enjoy this [ __ ] let's enjoy working hard let's enjoy winning ross always a pleasure my brother it's too easy my bro thank you for the hospitality biggest boss that we've seen thus far yes yes and we just we're just getting warmed up man let's make more history yeah we just made more history why not why not why not [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: REVOLT
Views: 3,523,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: REVOLT, TV, music, rap, r&b, hip hop, AOL, Earn Your Leisure, Assets Over Liabilities, Finance, Money, Investments, Business, Interview, Podcast, Rick Ross, Rick Rozay
Id: 2KFYvz6xmgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 50sec (3710 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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