Manage Your Money & Achieve FINANCIAL FREEDOM | Wallstreet Trapper

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in prison uh I had a fight with two of my homies in prison we fight for like four hours Chase back to back I'm just fighting one after another one like we just fighting um and I go to solitary confinement and at this time all these prisoners considered like one of the worst Parish prisons in the United States of America right and I go to the sale and I meet this white guy that was the turning point of my life I get myself with him and I'm frustrated like I'm kind of bust up um and he sees me and I guess he's in awe of the idea of so many black people are in this position he says something to me he says man y'all playing the wrong game and so in my mind like I'm fresh I'm like man what the [ __ ] are you talking about like we're like don't make me whip your ass in here right now like he's like no no he's like listen bro I don't mean no harm no disrespect but y'all like why so I guess he's like perplexed by this whole dynamic of all of these black men in here and I'm like man what are you talking about man like this this ain't no game like this it's real and so he says something he said that's the problem like y'all don't even know it's a game [ __ ] and so when he told me that I'm like like it's something about when you mad and you in the moment but like something when it makes sense it hits you like a ton of bricks so I'm like what he was like man listen man there's a game that's being played and you're playing a game that you can't win for a minute I just start thinking about the people who I knew that was in the streets everybody lost everybody suffered the same fate there was nobody in the street that I knew had 16 at one everybody I knew had either been to prison been shot got killed their father like everybody suffered the same fate so my rebuttal to him is this well if it's such a game you know the rules while you're here with me it's a good question right he says I'm in here 2.8 million dollars embezzlement I paid 800 000 restitution I kept two million have you ever seen 2 million I'm like man get the [ __ ] out of here you [ __ ] lying so one thing about prison and in jail you can show your paperwork like you can lie all you want but your paperwork tells me um so I said let me see your paperwork day so in in New Orleans I had a red band so a red band means attempt murder on robbery kidnapping call Jack and violent offense he has on a red and white band at the time the Red and White Band means you're in federal custody and it's crazy because in prisoner in jail like if you get a federal brand that's like a hierarchy like you know something that we don't know you next level right so um he showed me his paperwork and it's right damn black and white and immediately he got my attention because the red and white man makes me respect you a different level at 16 but then when I see it in your paperwork I had never seen 2.8 million dollars written down nowhere right so that changes my idea like damn so tell me how do I do what you do so how do I do that he was like nice sniping about that so he tells me these the first three things was he said listen man wealthy people do three things man they stop trading time for money they make their money work for them and they give as much value to people as they can I want to stop you there for a second yeah I know where you're going with this we're going to go there but one thing I love about your [ __ ] story dude you don't say one thing that white people do is no one thing that wealthy people getting people to see that to me that's the game is recognizing that this isn't it doesn't break along uh racial lines the way people think it does and my time working in the inner city showed me this is not about that but this is about class for sure and getting people to understand that they can move between classes Ah that's the [ __ ] game sorry I just had to say that's so important there is a shift but and there's the exposure part so like just coming up in the streets you only see the game from the lowest level and you look at everybody else in part admiration and part like jealousy because you see it and you're like damn I'll never get there right and so the only way that I think I can get that is through Sports a hustling that's it that's the only a rap and those are the only three options that you have and so you you make a decision on which way you want to go right and so you look at it from like damn and so me I'm at the time like when I came rap damn [ __ ] when I can't play sports so hustling is what I got you limit yourself and nobody comes along and teaches you anything different so giving us three things again the wealthy people so you say wealthy people stop trading time for money they start making their money work for them and they give value to as much value to people as they can the caveat I mean you know we got a little deeper into that he said the reason why you give people so much value is because if you give them so much value they'll never leave you they'll always be there for you and you will never need for anything as long as you give welcome value to people and so I learned that as I got older that part really didn't make sense to me at the time but the money working for you part and I was like what the how do you make your money work for you again all I know is how to go get money that's all I know so later on in that he says wealthy people do three things so this may be in a Cell for about 45 days so all of his conversations now that you said it's never was black or white every conversation with him about money and transition it was always wealthy people do it was always it wasn't white people do it wasn't black people it was always wealthy people who do this right wealthy people do this and I was like damn and now that you said that this now makes sense to me again so he says wealthy people first they get into stocks then they start a business and then they get real estate so if when people ask me how do I get into stocks is because I follow that rule or like first let me if you say real estate business I would have did I'd have been the real estate but he said stocks first and I was like damn and so I just my my rest of my time in prison I wanted to be that I wanted to be a part of that wealthy conversation so in prison it's easy to get you know I took my time I researched the Warren Buffett's and the Peter Lynch's and I'm not gonna lie in the beginning that [ __ ] was like Chinese to me right right this is a foreign language and so what happened to me was it started reminding me of being in the streets everything about it and I heard this term one time that said the real gangsters are on Wall Street the real gangsters are in the government and I was like damn and so once I started getting into the stock market I want to [ __ ] with that idea for a second I'm thinking through this in in real time so forgive me if I'm seriously but this is one of the things about you that I think is so interesting when I hear so I'm good at making money I'm not good at investing money so when I hear you talk about stocks you make it sound [ __ ] edgy and cool and makes me want to like learn about it and get into it and there is this idea of um making something cool that I think people try to uh wash it away but when you think about the phrase the real gangsters are in Wall Street it hopefully it helps people break through some idea of like oh well they were born into that and that's why they have it that isn't true they were taught something which they happen to be taught because they were born into it but once you latch onto they were born into it you think then it's not for me once you realize no no it doesn't matter how or why they got taught they got taught and that's what allows them to move like a gangster to give that word a you know there is definitely some negativity in their people in the the financial system that really are like [ __ ] gangsters in their [ __ ] Sinister but if people can let go of that idea not everybody with money in Sinister and getting money doesn't make you Sinister and that's why one thing that I think is important and I know we talked about before we started rolling you're a little bit conflicted how much do I show my growing wealth and I think that I normally hate when people flex and I I I won't say that I never flex but I never go out of my way to flex but it's important for people to see that you by living the way that you live you don't just get a talk cool you actually live in a different way which is really [ __ ] interesting anyway so the real gangsters are on Wall Street yes I love that and so and what happens is and just let me say this right quick the reason why people think wealthy people are people with money or Sinister is because that's what you kind of taught in the hood like you kind of taught like the people who really have money like they did some Wicked [ __ ] to get it they did some backstabbing and cut those [ __ ] to get it and you'll never get that right and so that same mentality now happens on a lower level right the hustle and the dope dealing so now you think like yo I gotta just do send a [ __ ] to get money and then the people who are successful in the drug game they're looking at the people at the top like damn I want to be that but the people at the bottom will never get a taste of that and so now we just kind of living off ambition and so now the people who are in the middle who work and they're like all them people with money they all Crooks they all because being at the bottom teaches you to envy people at the top right it just happens it's a it's something that grooves down there right it's kind of like you cook I don't know if you had gumbo before right but it's kind of when you cook food right the base goes to the bottom and so most people live in that bottom never knowing how they'll get up there right I remember so when I was working in the inner cities I remember having this moment where I was like wait a second this is not an intelligence problem intelligence is evenly distributed like in I remember saying to my wife the next [ __ ] Elon Musk is going to be found somewhere in Compton the problem is he doesn't believe in himself and so he's not going to do anything and so I became obsessed with this idea that generational poverty is not about money it's about mindset now it will manifest as money but it is that so I remember I had one kid come to me and and I was the first person that told him you can be successful like what the [ __ ] why do you not think you can be successful it didn't make sense to me and he was like well my mom always told me that the world didn't want to see people that look like me succeed I was like I'm sorry what I'm like even if your mom had good intentions that is the worst [ __ ] advice ever because if you think you can't be successful that will govern the way that you move right so Kobe Bryant people that have listened to me for a while have heard this quote a thousand times but booze don't block dunks the world the world can hate you all they want but if you're good enough think about this the best basketball players in the world were paid millions of dollars to stop Kobe Bryant from scoring and the [ __ ] scored 81 points in a single game 81 points when you've got five people paid millions of dollars actively trying to stop you and they can't because you've gotten that good that to me is the game of money people can not want you to succeed all they want but if you out invest them they can't stop you they can't stop you they can't stop you and so getting people to break through that so that was the first time I realized whoa wait a second we've got people thinking in a way that governs their behavior such that and now I'm going to quote you which I had never heard this before but this scares the [ __ ] out of me if you want to hide something from a black person put it in a book [ __ ] so that's heinous in ways I can't even explain and I'll say that it really again doesn't break along racial lines it breaks along economic lines so if people are not encouraging you to read you're not going to read it's [ __ ] hard in the beginning it feels like you're learning Chinese how do you how did you break through that so there's a few things where we can get into that so there's this economic thread that weaves itself through the hood and one of the things we do got to understand is that there has been intentionality when it comes to preventing Black Culture from thriving economically so we look at like Black Wall Street we look at Durham North Carolina we look at Rosewood every time affluent black neighborhood gets in that level where like yo we about to do it and they set the tone for the rest of them that get bombed it get pillaged it gets that happens and so now that becomes discouraging right it's like yo like every time we try yo like [ __ ] man right and so now what happens with that is that mindsets get that mindset gets impregnated in the Next Generation for fear of survival right like yo don't try to become this as a collective because they're gonna bomb this and I don't want to see you dead so we'll low-level things like that is intentional what happens is now no one now believes that it's possible once you keep passing that down you start accepting the lower level and then there's a few of us or a few people who say no I'm an outlet you're like I'm about to go for it and then whatever happens I'm with that [ __ ] you feel me so for me again one of the greatest things that happened to me was my mother telling me like the world is raw and you got to get this share how you live but I also saw my grandmother be a legal entrepreneur so I saw it from Both Worlds the greatest thing that ever happened to me was going to prison because I was able to sit down and mature in that environment whereas had I been in the world I'm not saying I wouldn't still be this but the path would have been completely different did you do all 10 years I did eight years and nine months God damn 85 of it and so had I still been on the street I would have now been struggling with survival one of the things that happens often in the culture of black people is survival mode you never get a chance to play offense you're always on defense one because of mindset because you don't see it again the dog dealer and the rapper everybody who's working is struggling and so you never want to be that you never want to be that you're like damn like why is everybody struggling I need to do something different so while I'm in prison I I pick up a habit of reading that was the game changer for me on the streets I never had the opportunity to just sit down and read because I'm always trying to survive imprisoned there was no longer a survivor mode there when we look at it from when we break everything down we break everything down and we look at it from a skeleton I have a roof over my head I have a bed it's not the most comfortable bed I have a bed I get three meals a day whether I like it or not I have the the essentials right um I started hustling in prison so I was working in the laundry and so uh your clothes don't really get clean so I found a hustle like yo I wash your clothes when we do it but it's five dollars or twenty five dollars a month so that gave me a whole another set of money and then I started being like a numbers dude how Vegas have the numbers the betting I became a numbers guy so I had actually you know that's it self-taught I used to get the USA Today I said look at this guy Danny Sheridan he used to put out the line and then I would take his numbers and put those numbers on my ticket and my ticket was called Braveheart so now I did college football NFL football and laundry I had a whole thing going I checked this out there's five units in prison I had people in each unit selling tickets for me as in Distributors so the streets was the same in there right and so in each unit there are six eight domes so one person was spraying he had Runners and everybody worked for me and so that's how I survived but I had time now to just sit down and read and I would rewind my first book ever reading was Sister Soldier Coldest Winter Ever changed I was like damn this is dope so I went through the reading the hood Classics and then I jumped into like let me understand assistant Soldier like the hip-hop artist yeah she had a book the coldest one to ever sure phenomenal book I read it and I was like damn like this [ __ ] is dope so I went through a phase where I was reading like the Hood books and then I was like man I lived this [ __ ] already no matter how many times you tell a Hood story it's still the same I've lived this [ __ ] for real I don't keep me to read this and so I used to get up in the mornings and watch CNBC so Mario people in prison they love to watch The Young and the Restless and so I would have to get up before them to watch like Squawk Box Jim Cramer I'd be like damn these [ __ ] making all this money and they not risking their life some gotta change for me like something got to change and so I just started listening to him every day and I started comparing it to the streets a good business is just like a good Hustler a good business has great product they have great clientele a great Hustler has a great product he has consistent clientele a good business on the stock market has what's called a moat a Competitive Edge that keeps his competitors away a good Hustler on the street is going to have that Competitive Edge where they'd be like nah yo I ain't rocking on you I'ma just wait to trap come back right so there's the Competitive Edge a good business has a good branding my name is good right so a good Hustler on the street yo trap got that blue magic I'm good on you like if I can't get trapped I'ma just go try but trap got that blue magic that's what I'm rocking with Brandon move right that's it a great business on the stock market has more assets more liquidity than debt a good Hustler on the street is if you don't learn how to fund your business if you're operating well all you have is re-up money you're not going to last long so those components reminded me the same in this on the stock market or in the world if a company's paying terrorists that's the equivalent to a business a dude on the street going paid draft to go hustling somebody Hood like you can't hustle over here unless you pay me draft it's the same as a terror it's the same thing yeah so once I under once I broke the game down to a way that I can understand it it wasn't about me just being brilliant it was like yo how do I make the game winnable for me people build a business yep the business needs something though that thing is capital yeah it's money so the people building the businesses in the beginning they often don't have the capital and so they need a way to go out and get the capital or it's going to get a little bit complicated faster but I'm gonna go through come on let's see if people can hang something all right you're building a business one of two things is true you either don't have money and so you need somebody that can help you get the things moving that you need to then generate the capital okay I'm sure people have heard the phrase it takes money to make money she's entirely true but certainly as you scale that is very true you have to pay employees and all that okay so it takes money to make money so you're building a business you need the capital you can get somebody to give you money early on you can make a little bit of money and reinvest it yourself but what most people do is either they need that money or they've managed to get the company going this is what happened to me at Quest so you get the company going you don't have to take money from other people in the beginning but all of your money is in the company so I was worth hundreds of millions of dollars right and I couldn't access it I'm driving a beat-up car and so it's like I'm rich on paper but in actuality not so much okay so one of those two things is true either need money to get this thing going or all the value that I've been able to build is trapped in equity in the company so to unleash some of that value they create shares you're now a public company and this is what you're talking about so hey you've got this JPMorgan realizes I'm not an entrepreneur I'm not going to be able to build something but these entrepreneurs are in a tricky situation they're maybe brilliant with business but they have another need yeah and so as they go public which is just turning creating shares out of your company that's a very technical bringing it down to Pieces exactly break it into pieces now you're going to sell those pieces to the public they can then buy a piece of that entrepreneur's endeavor right a piece of that company and so now the entrepreneur or the business depending on if they're selling their personal shares or if the company's selling treasury shares either the company has just gained a ton of money or that individual has taken money off the table and now they've actually got real wealth which always makes me laugh when people think that Jeff Bezos has 190 billion dollars his company is worth that he doesn't have that unless he sells the shares right so anyway so now it's like whoa whoa so as an average person I can go buy a piece of these storied companies but what I really want people to understand you just went and learned that yeah like you I can't tell you how late I came to this game you figured this out before I did I was building businesses already this is why I'm so [ __ ] enough when I think about how far down the road I went I learned the game of building businesses you learned the game of buying businesses okay maybe people don't want to do the thing that I did some days I wonder and you went down another road which is available to everybody okay so now the people have their little primer and how all of this game works right one how why don't people do it in fact let's start there we'll we'll definitely talk about how to do it well but why don't people do it I think because America has painted this picture that is dangerous so think about TV I'm going to lose my money I'm going to lose my money uh stock market crashes right and then every show that you've seen about Wall Street is about people that are crooked that take advantage of people's money and then get rich you know and so people don't associate with that right people feel like you know what I don't want to be a part of that I don't know enough about that right when investing in the stock market isn't an IQ game it's not about it's not about being the most brilliant person in the world right it's about understanding basic economics and basic economics is what we know every day you understand this supply and demand right supply and demand says that if Michael Jordan drops a shoe then the line is going to be wrapped around the corner right but if you find a way to get that shoe hold on to that shoe and then later on you can now sell that shoe at a top tier Price Right supply and demand right if we can understand that you understand certain parts of business economics right you understand that if Michael Jordan were to release a hundred million yep shoes won't be worth much it won't be worth but if he releases a thousand exactly now price gonna go crazy and then over time it becomes worth even more because most people will wear the shoes lower the value but for anybody that holds on to them so now you've got decreasing Supply which creates a even if the the demand stayed steady if the supply decreases now you've got um a positive Dynamic 100 and so that's and that's that's the that's the most amazing part about investing is everybody won't be able to build a billion dollar business right but everybody can invest in one and that's why I love it right so the three the three things in my wealth pyramid is stocks business real estate I believe you should have all three right but you can get away with two how are you differentiating between stocks and business so when I say stocks and means like me buying shares of a business yeah business second is me creating a business and then real estate third so you think everybody should create a business no no no that's why I say you can get away with two out of the three you know what I'm saying so everybody doesn't have to create a business because it's just not for everybody but you can see what we do know is as America evolves through this business as business evolves there are some brilliant people that says for that business there's a problem for that problem I have the solution that's a business you like to invest in right and so if we can invest in the solutions I always say that if we invest in the solutions we cannot help but win invested in a solution okay making Amazon was a solution to so many things getting us information faster getting us books faster getting us it changed the game it revolutionized how we how we got uh packages if ever it made somebody say you know what I could go to the store today but I'm willing to wait one day to get this package the truth is hitting your career goals is not easy you have to be willing to go the extra mile to stand out and do hard things better than anybody else but there are 10 steps I want to take you through that will 100x your efficiency so you can crush your goals and get back more time into your day you'll not only get control of your time you'll learn how to use that momentum to take on your next big goal to help you do this I've created a list of the 10 most impactful things that any High achiever needs to dominate and you can download it for free by clicking the link in today's description all right my friend back to today's episode can I just say for for the young people in the crowd who grew up with Amazon yeah there was a time you'd have to wait four times six weeks to get something in the mail exactly exactly that's insane if you can order something in the morning and get it in the afternoon and some places you get it the same day and so when we think about revolutionizing the game evolving that's what I love about investing right I'm thinking think about Tesla and I'm not advocating for anyone to invest in these businesses but I'm just showing how how the world has evolved and you can build your wealth for me 100 if you're bold enough to bet on the future if you're bold enough to bet on the future and be patient enough to let it take place you will win and you will win big that is that's without a doubt so we we see the evolution of Tesla and we see what's going on with this business even if you don't agree with everything that Elon does you say okay well Rolls-Royce just dropped its first EV car for four hundred thousand dollars right they're saying they're going to be all electric by 2030. General Motors and they're going to be all the electric by 2032 Ford is drop electric cars now what is that telling us right now the landscape of vehicles is changing right so what do I say okay I want to be a part of this Evolution I want to be a part of not only the electric car Revolution but the charging stations the batteries right these are the components the supply chain that makes this whole um sector possible and so for me that's betting on the future and if we can't understand if we can truly grasp that that your money is not doing you know Justice in a bank it's not especially now right it's not doing you know Justice in the bank why not well because the more they print money the more your money loses value right the more inflation goes up the more your money loses value so a hundred dollars spent in 2019 that same hundred dollars now takes a hundred and nine dollars right so your money is lost you need to buy the same so buy the same thing right so if you bought this mug for a hundred dollars in 2019 I mean it's not in the mouth if that's what you did but yeah it now costs you 109 right you need that much more money so we understand that One Lie we've been told is sitting our money in the bank so that's probably should add that to the equation earlier right putting our money in the bank thinking that the bank is the safest place to have our money right that's probably the most dangerous place because I always say a dollar that's not moving is a dollar that's losing right so sitting on money in the bank is not the place to be right so what would be how do you make your money move how do you make your money move by making great Investments or just investing so I'll give you an example for me personally I literally don't have but like twelve thousand dollars sit in the bank all of my money is in the market 90 of it is in the market so I use What's called the vo which is the Vanguard index fund for the spot um S P 500 I use that as my savings account so every month or every week I'm putting money in a well trap what happens when the market is going down well my money wasn't making no money in the savings account anyway so I'm putting it in there right and then what happens when the market rebounds we won't be here forever we won't be here forever what happens when the market rebounds well talk to people about realized losses versus unrealized losses okay because I think this really messes good that's good that's good so unrealized loss is when let's say I have a hundred dollars on something and that goes down to 89 right if I sold it today I wouldn't be able to sell it for what I paid for but so you you buy something at a hundred dollars it goes down to eighty dollars if you don't sell it you have an unrealized loss of twenty dollars I mean you didn't sell it your Equity just decreased if you sell it you realize that game you have now made that game realistic I mean at loss you've realized that loss you've made that loss realistic so you've now essentially lost that twenty dollars right that's a uh that's a realized loss not realize gains is the complete is the exact opposite right so if you go up to uh I buy something for 100 it goes up to 150 unrealized I have a hundred I have fifty dollars in unrealized gain so it's there but I didn't sell it it's there realizing it is saying I've cashed out I've cast out on it think about like you talked about Jeff Bezos right his net worth is what 180 something billion dollars something like that last time I checked 60 of his money was an Amazon stock 60 of it so this is why you wake up one day and you say damn Jeff lost 18 billion dollars well that's unrealized because he didn't cash out so he didn't lose it it's still there wants to stop getting backs up he recoups all of that and so that's the adult part about the mark yes it fluctuates yes it goes ups and down but that's also the most scariest part about the market because people who come from a lower income working class environments the worst thing that can come to their mind is losing money that I bust my butt for that's what makes the market so scary for them and that confusion keeps them out of the market yeah so this is where now people have to get into the intricacies of money so it's probably worth belaboring the point a little bit about the people don't even get to the starting line so I forget the percentage of households of people that live paycheck to paycheck but it's ungodly it's astronomical it's more than 50 72 that's so ridiculous so this is for people even making six figures like most people live paycheck to paycheck 100 if you're living paycheck to paycheck one you're not going to survive any difficulty financially so if you get sick and now your hospital bills the number of people that go broke because they're already they have no savings and now they get sick your car breaks down I remember that when I was broke and your car breaks down it's like well then I don't have a car it's not like I can even choose to go get it fixed so of course people in that situation are not thinking oh I need to go put money into the stock market I'm not saving money anyway so that's number one to your point about people spend money that they don't have so whatever a dollar four out of every dollar that they make the only way I found where I could do it where I could save I had to gamify it I had to make it fun I had to get myself obsessed over watching the number go up so that I would get more of a dopamine rush out of looking at my I used to use mint I don't know if they're still around into it a stock they dig at home yeah yeah exactly well said well said so I would because it connected to my bank account every time I made a deposit into my bank account my dashboard automatically update and I'm like oh damn like I've now got five hundred dollars 527 and it was like cool is it going up is it going up is it going up and so people need to find that hook whatever that is to get excited about beginning to save money but that's interesting I like that you use the Vanguard as the savings account so do you is your money automatically allocated no so I do it one because I have I found on that Financial discipline and myself so this now is a this is my routine how did you how did you develop that so growing up you realize that there's a thread that runs through just through especially poverty-strick in America right and it is that we have no Financial structure right if everyone is living paycheck to paycheck right so let me go back a second for a second Reaganomics cause so much Havoc to that low-income black community right why why so let's think about this in 1982 yeah I was born they were written Ronald Reagan took one million people off of welfare he took another half a million people kids out of a free lunch right the economy went through a real recession in 82. but then in 85 but I was getting into all of it around 65 tons of cocaine pillaged lower income Black America in a form of crack cocaine 85 tons that came from Nicaragua which then was a result of Ronald Reagan being told he could not put illegal guns in Iran so he supported the South American contract go look that up this amazing story right that wreaked havoc so a lot of times in my culture we look at slavery and we look at that and that's cool but this generation can't identify with that right they they it's too far but what we can identify with is that everyone from 82 to now has been touched by the crack era cocaine crack abuse it's separated families and so now think about the mindset that came with money during that era right everything was lack right you have people trying to work you have functioning families now broken up by drug abuse followers locked up mothers now with the term crack babies now another way to separate black women from kids so it pill is cracked pillaged the black community especially in major cities La Miami New York pillage them so now the idea of money is separate I want you to think about the mindset that you have to have as a man as a as a friend I grew up with this brother I grew up with his mother and now his mother is buying cracks for me right for me to sell my friend's mother crack what type of mindset monstrous mindset that has to have and then that becomes the norm right and send them from that error we go to Bush where now the War on Drugs is important but how can we have a law on drugs if we are now pushing the drugs in this community right and then we get two non-mandatory minimums and then we get to Clinton where we get three strikes you out so now before we can even deal with the money mindset we got to deal with the pillage and the breakup of the family that happens and so now when a family is in survival mode we can't think about money because now we're trying to how is this next meal possible right Financial trauma Financial trauma now is anchored to who we are so for me when I was in prison when I got exposed to damn I'm playing the wrong game I had to look at the pieces on the board like in my a night in my bishop and my Rook I damn sure ain't the king so I mean I'm a pawn s always get sacrificed so I'm always being sacrificed how the hell can I win this game something got to change and so one of the things I knew that I had to change was my relationship with money because that's how you change what piece you are on the board that's how you change the piece you are and then what happens with the poem on a chessboard is if the pawn can find a way to get to the other side of the chessboard he then could become whatever he wants and for me it's the two things the information and learning how to use money I can become any piece on the chessboard and so now for me once I learned about money once I started healing my own Financial trauma it was easy for me to now start talking to people about it but also improving my life because now money is not the thing that dictates me it's the vision it's the how do I become successful for the next Generations how do I help the people that I know heal their financial trial we can't even talk about money we can't talk about wealth we can't talk about winning in this world if we don't disattach ourselves from the things that's keeping us from being successful and that is for me Financial trauma that is a harsh pill to swallow and just a form of that is just think about it like this why is that a hard pill to swallow well because if you think about it most people like to reflect I mean deflect right it's not my fault um um you know think about the years of slavery think about this people like to deflect they never want to take full accountability for it right but healing that Financial trauma saying yo check this out we talked about it earlier if you have more money under your bed in your closet than you have in your investment account or your savings account and that's Financial trauma if you are saying things if you're doing things like you know you're badly making you know you live in check the check but for Christmas you go spend money you don't have to say well my kids can have a great Christmas that's Financial trauma because what you've now taught your kid is it's okay to spend money you don't have to have a good time and then come back later on and have to pay that or digging yourself in a deep hole so somebody has to break that Financial trauma if not the family the generations that follow will all follow the same suit you need one outlier you need one person that's disrupt disruption you need one person to do that and if nobody ever does that you can look at a whole lineage of the people of a family and realize why nobody has never changed it and so for me to change was if I can become Financial literary if I can become financially conscious if I can increase my financial fortitude then I can not only change myself and my life I can lead by example and change my family and then that can have another effect that people around my friends you know so on and so forth but it was me being able to heal that Financial trauma in the beginning man that was important the only one I hear talking about something that I think is actually really connected which is values and knowledge to get the outcome that you want when did you start like hearing you talk about the disruption of the family um the more I look so I think you know my background yeah but so my story I saw Big Brother room for a kid in South Central and I'm I was just too young to understand what was happening and so I have no idea why he's acting out why everything is just a mess and start getting older Star Quest thousand employees that remind me of the kid that I and I Big Brother for him for eight and a half years so it's a long time yeah from the time he was eight till he was 16. yeah crazy yeah uh and seeing then later when I was finally old enough to understand what was going on a bunch of people that were growing up in the inner cities it is this is this is the fiery debate right now is it culture or is it that the deck is stacked against me and I felt like a man screaming into the void trying you've you've given such a cool analogy if people play chess so you've got the pawns the pawns are always sacrificed but if you get to the other side of the board you can replace them with something else That's The Human Condition uh-huh traversing the board is knowledge but if you learn and no one can stop you this is the age of free information if you can learn then you really can become whatever you want booze don't block Donuts no one can stop you from doing the thing that you want to do and so I was just like screaming and screaming and screaming like no no the only thing that separates you and I are ideas I found a better set of ideas and those ideas govern my life it's what I call frame of reference so if your frame of reference is poverty and I remember saying this before the internet was like really popping off and so there was nobody there to freak out and yell uh but I was like the day I realized oh poverty isn't about money it's about mindset I was just like whoa and then you encounter the first person that's like offended by that idea and I was like whoa what do you mean I don't I literally didn't understand why that was offensive I'm like this means that you can set yourself free you could do whatever the [ __ ] so getting people to understand okay there's taking it back to the family for whatever reason the predictive nature of a two-parent household is crazy if you have one the odds of you doing well are really high and if you don't have one they begin to decline [Music] why well so there is a disparity in what poverty is lack of information lack of resources money is infinite they never stop they've never stopped printing money the problem is getting the belief to understand that getting a getting a belief that you're capable of being something nothing against rapping and entertaining but for a lot of people that come from my culture that's the only way out Stone the way out that's it if you can't rap you can't play sports then you're probably gonna sell drugs or do something illegal because 87 percent of crimes are behind money origins of a mediocre just leave and so nobody wants that right and so now we we understand that there are better opportunities in better segments just in White America just 100 but what happens is that can't be the defining part like I know what I said all right cool but what stops me well what stops me is me what stops me is me playing the blame game all my life what stops me is me keeps saying well I'm black they White well that's you're not going to go far doing that what stops me as saying I didn't have the opportunities they have that's going to keep it from going there if you can get past the [ __ ] inside these are real issues but the biggest issue is the belief of myself the biggest issue is I need to spend more time reading and researching than partying I need to spend more time reading researchers and chasing women I need to spend more time reading and researching then you know trying to go hang out playing that being on Netflix all day playing a game all day I need to speed more time developing a skill set okay boom as I evolve as I learn how the game is being played as I get exposure to their game my confidence builds up so the reason why it is more the success barrier is high in a two-parent home a healthy two parent home that's important I think though the stats are and I'm sure just because the sort of average to healthy ish uh homes it just overwhelms it is the the number but the the statistics and I don't remember the exact number but your odds of living above the poverty line it's over 70 over 80 something like that if you in a two-parent home structure so in a two-parent home there's a form of structure there's a hierarchy and then there's you know there's a man there's a woman and then there's kids so now you have an infrastructure to when you don't have when you don't have this is good but you don't have a two-parent home not saying you can be successful but now there are so many other different influences in your life and I'll give myself for example right like again I'm homeless at 16. right but was your dad around when you were growing I never even met my dad never ever in my life right so now the influences became like anybody who I saw had so when I'm looking at the hustlers I'm like all right yo like he got the girls he got the respect he got the money that's what I want to be like and so I'm getting that from him I'm learning I'm getting it from the hustlers and then boom dead jail but because that's the only image I have this is what I'm holding on to right and then when I go to prison you know you get with the OG's and they start telling you yo don't do this don't do that okay cool now I've pivoted right I've pivoted from this to this because this information is going to get me through prison this is the information is going to keep me alive this is the information that's how I carry myself this is how I talk that's how I maneuver that's how you you know okay cool I got it but then you come home and I come home and I'm a 26 year old man but guess what I still never had a father so I'm still missing something in my life still missing something and honestly that void didn't feel so I had my daughter right but then I'm missing that voice so now I'm still influenced by anything that I feel has structure right so that two-parent home even the father may not be the best or whatever but it's structure you understand his position in life you understand his position in that family structure you understand that Mother's position structure is so important it limits the mistakes the less mistakes you can make on a journey the easier it is to become successful yeah this to me so this is a really important idea this is what I talk about with business and mindset I always tell people you have to understand how the game works and and what I mean by that is there's a physics to everything so there's a physics of business so thinking from first principles how how these things are actually structured and I think the big breakthrough and I've heard you say this I think this is really smart there's a difference between the basics and the fundamentals yes the basics is just one-on-one yeah so here are the sort of words and phrases you're going to need the fundamentals are the physics this this is how it works and once you know how something works then you can get good at it but if you and and I really think the vast majority of humanity and I don't care what class you're in the vast majority of humanity does not understand how the world Works therefore they are at the mercy of the world and the people that figure out how it works can change things you know I mean we'd use a negative word say manipulate but it really isn't that like this is power close your eyes imagine a world better than this one open your eyes get the skills to make that world come true and go actually make it come true that's [ __ ] power and that imagine being able to close your eyes imagine something open your eyes and actually be able to create it that's [ __ ] power so to whether that's to change you know people growing up in the inner cities whether that's to create generational wealth in your own family whether that's to learn architecture and build a bridge or a house whatever like that is the point but to be able to do that you have to understand how things work and like yeah that's that is to me what is so powerful about you you understand a game that a lot of people that are disenfranchised understand the streets and you're saying [ __ ] this is just physics let me show you the correlate over here it's all the same [ __ ] it's the same that's it and so that's that's important for me the understanding the basics and the fundamentals like once you start understanding the fundamentals you give yourself power because you now understand like you said you see how the machine works right and so most people look at the machine in Marvel and say Eva I'm like most people look at the stock market most 98 of the people who I know look at the stock market say yo that's not a game I can play I'm staying away from it and so the ways the way it's set up is the world is set up well listen cool I don't even want you to play just give me your money I'll play it for you so we look at like Banks like we understand that Banks don't necessarily work in our favor right so Banks only give us 0.05 interest on the money we have there but we can get eight percent just by putting our money in the index fund so why would I just set my money in a bank and let the bank make all the money because all they're going to do is invest the money for you so they're not operating as the plug they operate now as the man who I'm gonna front you this I'm gonna make my money I'm gonna take the cut I'm gonna give you just enough to keep coming back I'm gonna go to the plug who is the plug the stock market man right and so once I understood the fundamentals of like the most important thing too is we don't understand how money works that's a whole different language in its own the relationship with money in my community is you make money just enough to pay bills and so once you get tired of paying bills you say you know what I need to treat myself to something right no matter if I got to go in debt no matter the fact I need to treat myself to something to take this misery away so you treat yourself to something that you can't afford at the time right but it makes you feel good in the moment and so because it makes you feel good you say you know what I'm living this is a reprieve from everyday struggle let me get back on the hamster web and so the sacrifice now becomes hard because now you're saying I gotta work work work and never get that reprieve I'm not willing to do that right and so that's the mindset comes in and say everybody around me had the same problem no one represented the solution so if I don't change something I'm only going to end up like everybody else I know somebody has the solution somewhere there's too many people out here living the life of their dreams that I'm watching they know something I don't know and the only thing that they had was access to a different type of information so once I went got the information I now wanted to sing from the mountains I was like yo look at this dope thing I found everybody gonna be a part of it and then when I showed it to people it was like that ain't it bro I'm not about to do that and so I realized how powerful it was for me to one become economically like powerful in my mind the thing about investing especially in stocks is that piece of ownership of everything that I use now makes me say well if I own that apple God I don't care about buying an Apple phone if I'm gonna wear Levi's and I'm gonna wear Timberlands if I can own vfc Corp then I own the stuff that I'm buying I'm okay with that like that subtle shift in my mindset changed everything for me because now I was after just owning everything that I consumed in the beginning that was my introduction to the game let me just own everything I consume and then I'll feel okay and then one dope thing happened to me in 2010 this Anthem home from prisoner right I'm home from prison um I'm back in the streets hustling because even though I have the information I don't have the money right and I'm like well [ __ ] I gotta get the money my door gets kicked in in 2010 they get uh eight pounds a week ten thousand dollars yeah eight thousand eight pounds a week ten thousand dollars a 223 a 40 with extended clipping a beam and a hundred X pills so the cop tells me you ain't heard your lesson are you gonna learn your lesson and I was like damn that was some dumb [ __ ] right like I got knowledge I got information but I still fell victim to the same [ __ ] that everybody around me knew so therefore the knowledge that I had wasn't powerful because it wasn't applied so I was fortunate God blessed me um I wound up getting found out guilty because it's called fruit of a poisonous treat so they kicked in my door but they didn't have probable cause because they stopped me in my truck didn't find nothing on me so they went to my house kicked the door and with no surgery on so now everything you find is null and void that's purpose man because that's not supposed to happen right I'm thinking for that all the time and then um but that put me in a situation because now even though it costs it cost me sixty thousand dollars to beat that charge I don't have no money so now I get into the robbing game so now I start robbing dope dealers right because OG told me that a person who works a job every day they not a part of this game so they not fair game they you don't mess with them but somebody who sells a nickel bag he's fair game a shotgun cab is a tuna or whatever if you're in the ocean swimming you feel that game and so I started robbing dope dealers at the time because I was like yo if you want you can't call the police if you won't see me see me I'm with it and I got in a situation where um I was good at it me and my partner God bless it so and then one day I almost got killed and I go to my pot and I say bro I'm out like I said done deal but when they kicked my door in something happened so they took my truck they took my money but they didn't mess up my stock account it didn't freeze it didn't I said hold up they don't think I'm smart enough for this in the book 48 Laws of Power it says uh never underestimate your opponent and at that point I realized that America underestimates us and it's not it's from a class issue because we've never said we're capable of doing this it's a game we just didn't play so I say okay God what do you want me to do all I know how to do is be a hustler in the voice from 1999 comes in my head and says you're just playing the wrong game okay start working as an ironworker building stadiums building power plants it's crazy because I was making good money two thousand dollars a week that's good money this one like yo two thousand dollars a week yo that's it two thousand twenty five hundred like it was amazing I started saving and investing 70 of my money ah damn I was living bare minimum I was like if I'm Gonna Change I gotta make like the hard choices it's hard for people to make sacrifice because you gotta now go go against and do without some of the things that gives you that momentary gratification that simple that Ah that's what keeps you alive that's what keeps you going just to go on vacation one time a year to get these pair of shoes that may cost me a thousand dollars and I know I can't afford them but I've worked so hard I need that just to keep giving me something and so I was like okay and once I started doing it man and I started showing my homies in the street that it was a game changer it changed my life you're showing them your portfolio no I was showing yeah I was like yo look I'm about to end this before Robin Hood even existed right so I'm on E-Trade at the time and I'm like right check this out and we go get we go to the club bro and we buy bottles Hennessy we buy I'm a wet we buy Louis Vuitton we buy Fendi yo we can own that it was like what like yo there's a stock called lvmh Louis Vuitton wet Hennessy but you can get it on the market it's lvmuy because it's in France and it was like what I'm like man look I'm like listen bro we upgrade our iPhones every year we can own apple and so now we all have we own iPod bro we wear Timberlands every day and so that was like they got it but it was like I see it but I don't know and I was like all right and so then I had an idea I said check this out we know the end result of being in prison I've been shot you've been shot you've been shot we've did some shooting we've all been in jail who suffers like your kids your moms your girl I said at least what we got to do is if we gonna play the game we gotta at least reward them for us playing the game I was like so what we got to do is invest our money for them so we making ten five thousand dollars a week if we can do that if we can make twenty thousand dollars but we got to give them something if it ain't cash we gotta at least put something up for them because if we gone for 10 years what they gonna do we can at least have that one and then I was talking one of our problems I was like listen bro you need to invest the money because he was making more money than me I said what happens when you get knocked off because one thing is you know is your time is coming so you live the game until it's your time you understand that what happens when you go do a 510 your bed and you come home and nobody can't give you money at least if you got it in the stock market when you come home you up your money been working for you for 10 years five years you gotta ask nobody for nothing you go to real man what you got he was like damn that's smart bro and so my idea was like how do we get how do we start changing the mindset and some people might be like why would you tell them that because what happens is you got to start somewhere you got to make the game winnable in the language that we can understand and so once you learn English now you say you know what I want to learn Spanish I want to learn French I want to learn that because now you understand the Power of Words and so once they started understanding the power of the game it was like okay I can play this game and so it was powerful for me when my home is in the street started investing in money that was a game changer for me when my home is in the street who didn't finish school who didn't go to college started telling me man I bought some apple bruh I bought some Microsoft bruh I bought some Nike bro cause I'm about to get them new J's so I'm out like that was powerful for me yeah we made the game winnable dude you have a phrase Wall Street looks like us well she looks like us now there's another phrase you say but you should like put that same like [ __ ] stamp on it is I own that I own that because you talk about stocks in a way that sounds so rad where it's like you refer to yourself as an owner of the companies and and the thing is it actually is true like you're not playing a linguistic game it is true but people don't think about it like that but it's so much more powerful than having a cool pair of kicks is to say I own the company that makes those kicks or I own the company that makes that phone or you know Tim Cook the CEO of Apple works for me right it's uh it's really really powerful explain that basic idea of ownership for people that might not quite put it together that stocks really are owning that company so I actually got that term from Warren Buffett um in one of his meetings I want to say it was the 1995 shareholder meeting and he's said that he owned great owning a stock is like is owning a percentage of a great business and so once I understood that concept I understood that the key to wealth is through ownership like that's what that's that was one of the things that made it click because I studied the wealthy people like I studied them um and I was like damn even you go back to Black Wall Street old W Gurley the reason why he bought he has the 40 acres and those acreages one of the things he did was he said I'm going to sell these pieces to my people so they can have ownership I was like damn when you study Reginald white one of the first black man to make a billion dollars on Wall Street it was about he wanted it to have ownership so I said the key to Building Wealth is not how much you can work you can't work your way to wealth you got to invest your leader in all wealthy people black white asian Chinese they own a whole bunch of [ __ ] the people who aren't wealthy is because they don't own nothing you only have your money sitting in cash if your money is just sitting in cash realistically you're becoming poorer every day right or they own depreciating assets and that's what cash is it's a depreciating asset because the more money they print the more money that money loses value so if it's just sitting it's the reason why the bank wants you to have your money there so they can take it and use it and invest it so much and be like hey assistant I'm gonna give you 50 cents on whatever you had in there right and so the idea of ownership was you know we can just start owning everything that we no matter if it's just a stock like that's powerful because if you can start owning the businesses that you now consume every day you turn a one-time transaction to a lifetime of profit and that was Major for me because if I go to the store and buy a pair of Nikes that's a one-time transaction in order for me to get something from them again I got to come back and buy another pair of Nikes but if I own the Nike stock long as I've owned it it's a profitable um vehicle for me so that one-time transaction can become a lifetime of profit if I own that business if I'm gonna buy Apple if I know I'm an Apple user if I know I got the phone I got the airpods I got the MacBook I got the PC I got excited when Apple's about to drop something why wouldn't I own it as much of it as I can right like if I if I understand that concept if I know people gonna America has one of the biggest trash problems in the world right so if I know that waste management is a company that's going to be here forever because we aren't going to stop throwing things away why don't I own that company because I know everybody throws things away and so now instead of me getting excited about Apple lime being around a corner because it's a new phone I'm like yo y'all about to make me some money right so when I hear cutting like Waste Management has bought 40 acres of disposable land for another landfill I'm excited about that and another great thing about the stock market is for me it now makes me pay attention to the world and so now I understand what's going on in the world I started learning Business site was Market Cycles you know I'm like because now I can understand yo this is okay things are going out of business okay we're we're in this cycle okay people are hiring okay we're an expansion cycle and so now I started to take I took an economic class on my own without just understanding the world and so you start understanding when something is happening in China okay something happened in China so I own apple apple is has 20 percent of Revenue in China okay they might take a little hit right now you know what I'm saying so the stock market helped me start understanding how the world moves the fundamentals right right and so that's important you can reboot your life your health even your career anything you want all you need is discipline I can teach you the tactics that I learned while growing a billion dollar business that will allow you to see your goals through whether you want better health stronger relationships and more successful career any of that is possible with the mindset and business programs in Impact Theory University join the thousands of students who have already accomplished amazing things tap now for a free trial and get started today I really hope people I don't know I really hope people pay close attention to you because even in this interview they're not going to understand how much you know and I've listened to hours and hours and hours and hours and hours of your footage and I'm just like [ __ ] so one thing I want to I want to be on record is saying and you can play this on a loop on your [ __ ] website whatever is that I can afford any money manager I want and you are as knowledgeable as the money manager that I have I'm very impressed with your ability to explain these Concepts and so that's important to me for a couple of reasons one there there are certain people that are only going to listen to you so it's great so they now have access to I'm telling you world-class information and then number two is the journey that you've been on you started on the streets we're homeless in prison like really caught up in the lifestyle and through knowledge you have transformed your life and your family's life and if they can believe that you can do it they have what I call the only belief that matters the only belief that matters is this if you put time and energy into getting better at something you will actually get better at that and that is true for every human now why is that the only belief that matters because your behaviors follow your beliefs and only behaviors matter so if you invest in the stock market even if you don't believe in it your investment could still go up if you believe in the stock market and know it's the surest path to wealth but don't invest in the stock market you'll never reap the games so getting people to believe that they can get better because what you've done is just read and study and research and spend time watching CNBC and then you look like I heard you once explained oh I'll see a ticker symbol go by that I don't know it I don't sit there and waste time that I don't know it I just go look it up yeah and so now that's another ticker symbol and for anybody that just heard ticker symbols like what the [ __ ] is a ticker symbol don't look it up yeah right so you're such a powerful example of the power of knowledge I think that's really really interesting so yeah I I hope that this is for people that didn't know you before coming into this interview hopefully they'll spend more time because they'll see just how much you know all right thank you for that and that's I understand that uh knowledge is what gives us leverage in life it's not about how strong you are it's about what you can learn and then how can you actively apply that I Have This Acronym called fear um finally exiting average reality right and what happens is until we can overcome the fear some people actually fear success success comes with a lot right but until you can overcome that average reality that you live in no matter what you're on once you become comfortable there it becomes average anyone can live in average everyone can live in mediocrity right then there's those outliers who consistently push themselves to go to the next level LeBron spends one million dollars on his body working out eating right agility Mobility because he will never be average and the thing about the human mind in the human body it will go as far as you push it right there is there's science that says that Gandhi levitated before the power of the mind so you may look at it like man nobody can't levitate out of your mind but there's a level of meditation concentration that you can lock into that can take you there as long as you believe in it like you said the only belief that matters is what do you believe you can do I personally believe that there is nothing I cannot do and for me it's all about impact purpose fulfillment like the money is a byproduct of everything else that isn't my focus my focus is I have a knowledge and information that I know that can change lies not just one life not just like lives and so the way that you change lives is by consistently learning finding new ways to put that information out there being able to open up being able to be vulnerable because people need to connect people connect to knowledge in the way that they can see two things that help people imagery and vocabulary what they see and what they hear right so most people won't connect to a certain knowledge because the people who speak it don't relate until can't speak the knowledge in the way that they can eat it so for me it's always about how do I obtain as much it's always a challenge for me how can I attain as much knowledge as I can because I love learning like I love learning but then how do I take that and be able to not reciprocate or give it to somebody who may not understand calculus or trigonometry but if I can give it to them in this way they can say oh yeah I got it and there's more people that struggled in the world that has become successful so struggle has to become a language that I'm I struggle so that's the language I'm great at so if I can break down things into a struggle language now I make it the game winnable for everybody and that's the goal to make the game winnable for everybody who's bold enough to step into the batting cage if you bold enough to do that I was bold enough to jump in a goddamn 152 foot tank with sharks in Dubai if you bold enough to do it there's an experience that comes from that and that experience is so exhilarating it will take you to the next level because now you keep chasing the next level of you and that is when you start understanding life at a whole nother concept when you start understanding that yo for the longest I was just low level living I was low level thinking now that I've been exposed to something and I say this often whatever you haven't been exposed to isn't your fault once you get exposed to it you now are accountable for it and so once I've become exposed to so much knowledge and information once I expose you to it you accountable because now you can no longer say I didn't know what do you say to people that don't think they have enough money to invest so the important thing for me to tell them is thought well you are you build a house Brick by Brick I mean of course you can get a house put together all at once we live in that we get the idea right but you build a mansion you build an Empire you build it Brick by Brick like you start with 25 if and we have to understand things uh R.I.P and nip man the great he says something that's phenomenal he said we're on a marathon we didn't get into our situation overnight right we looking back at our situation you see that was you inherited that whatever it is that poverty you inherited that that mindset that idea scarcity that idea that you don't have enough money you inherited that Building Wealth becomes a revolutionary Act because now you start saying I'm going to go against what I was taught right and so I said by starting with 25 if you can do 25 a month that's cool if you can do 25 a week that's cool but what happens is once you start understanding the power of how your money works you start saying yo I don't need to do that because that's taken away from this let me that 25 will now become fifty dollars guaranteed that 50 will not become 100 because you're going to start doing more with less my focus is how do we now contribute to every person's family increasing their purchasing power right the interesting yeah I gotta tell me more about it what do you mean so you're not interested in focusing on the wealth God that's just the wrong thing yeah I think that's the wrong so how can we how can we and and so I'm always because it's about comparison why not focus on that so well you think about this so you say okay the wealth Gap is growing okay well when you look at it if someone has someone has a 200 year America as it was built right so the slaves now have to catch up to where the slave master was if we're looking at it like that like that's it's hard it's a race you can never win so if you're coming from poor you trying to close somebody a group of people who've had a 300 year head start on you like if you even if you looking at it like that you can't win because you coming at it from a defeatist from a victim Viewpoint man they have four years head start on me I could never catch up no that's not my thing like the wealthy people already know how to build wealth they gonna keep on compounding it well they're gonna keep on making sure they make the right Investments they're going to keep on making sure they build businesses they're going to keep on making sure that they're ahead of this curve okay the economy is going to crash guess who's going to win more money than all in a recession the wealthy people why because poor people are panicking right now if we talked about inflation going up well guess the the average person in America spends more money on Transportation bills and food no matter who you are those are the big three right well if you're poor then now because inflation is so high that instead of eating a 50 of your paycheck now it's eat up 75 percent of your paycheck right but if you're already in the upper echelon you was going to do that anyway it didn't matter because you still have Investments you still know how to maneuver in this type of market so why waste time to me why waste time on saying yo how do we close the wealth Gap no that's not my fight my fight is how do we get the information that help us participate in the game and the values how do we get that yeah I I see you pushing both which I think is really really interesting and super important not closing the wealth Gap so it's interesting I also think it's the wrong place to look I won't deny so when you look at right now baby boomers have a lot of wealth in their bank accounts there's about to be a huge transference of wealth 25 trillion since my since I was how old was I that's a lot that's a big number that's a big number uh when I was 21 I received the last dime from my family that I ever received and I graduated with college debt and my dad literally did a countdown I'm actually grateful to him for this so he did a countdown five more months four more months three more months two more months every time you send my rent check so basically paid my rent through college and then that was it and he wanted me to know the day you graduated that's it there's no more and so when I think about okay after that I got an education 100 fair enough but this is why my punch line is going to be it's the information yes not the money so I was literally broke the scrounging in the couch cushions is actually a real story at the time I was so traumatized but now it makes such a good story I am so glad that that actually happened um imagine being so desperate which I know you will not struggle with being so desperate to put gas in your car you're like maybe change has fallen out of people's pockets in the couch and I can get 75 cents or whatever to put gas in my car crazy uh and so I was super poor and then turned my life around I should say I was broke I was broke and then completely changed my financial situation with information so I struggle a little bit with the idea of um the the wealth Gap is increasing what I would say is the compounding effect in any one life of knowledge and the the knowledge that's driven from the values that you have that's where this gets problematic because any one person maybe statistically but any one person barring a big inheritance which my parents are boomers and I will have I have given my parents more money than they will ever be able to give me so that certainly is not something that I'm gonna reap any benefit from but in my own lifetime I was able to you know gazillionx my own return what was that switch though when I went from thinking of myself as a finite entity that what you know is what you know you're as smart as you're going to be and so that's that to realizing that I could learn and get better and so it's a little bit like imagine so in in poker I forget the type of Poker where you start in fact it's it's just like um Texas Hold'em so your delt 2 cards and then they're gonna lay three cards down in front of you that is life so now you're like okay the river 100 I've got something and this this may suck what I'm holding my hands May suck but how do I play it am I good at reading other people am I good at bluffing whatever so some ability some luck that 100 is life but according to the science fifty percent of who you are is hardwired fifty percent is entirely malleable I agree and so it's what are you doing to make use of the 50 and so I just want people to obsess over that like you can get a hundred times better at anything I'm never going to be better than LeBron James of basketball right but I can be a hundred times better than I am today if I completely gave myself over to it was like I'm going to get good at that one percent better every day that's that's literally my thing like how I'm always so this is a switch I had to make in business so I had to because I see so we have this thing like because so many people have has have gained so much success um during these last couple years one of the things I did on Instagram was I unfollow everybody I don't follow everybody because I started seeing how it was shifting my vision I started seeing how I started comparing myself I started seeing how like we was doing great things we building the team up like I'm I'm stepping into the CEO mode you know I'm going out I'm going to the different conferences I'm going to the different masterminds I'm getting the information I'm applying it and I'm seeing the 10x results but then I'm saying bam I'm comparing myself to this person damn what I just did damn this ain't enough and so what I started I just unfollowed everybody and I said I'm only following Fitness people and TD Jakes that's the only person I follow all right because Fitness is important to me right now and then TD Jakes because I love to get there I think he is the greatest speaker of our era just for me I think he's the greatest speaker of our era the way he can deliver a message he's not just a pastor about God he talks about life he talks about business and what I did what happened to me in that moment was I was able to lock in on me because what happens is we can get comfortable I always talk about this fear finally exiting average reality I always talk about that because even if you amassed so much success or you imagine hitting different levels after a time that becomes your average and you'll get comfortable there and if you get comfortable there you can only stay there for so long before you lose it all because Comfort nothing happens in a comfortable space but sleep sit once you get comfortable you get tired you get comfortable you doze off and so for me it'll allow me to gather all my information and apply it and then just build and then become better and then I started looking at again looking at people like you studying what you're doing as I build out this platform study people like you study with CNBC doing studying people who are operating at a high level and saying what I know is nothing and be embedded in who I was yesterday like how do I be better than a trap from yesterday what did I do and I do this every day now I've been doing this for the last 90 days at the end of my day I analyzed what I did in that day how much did I do to help me what did I do that didn't help me go nowhere and then how do I get it the next day and attack Full Throttle and then I came up with Phil fear always interrupts Legacy fail be willing to do it be willing to get past the fear because the fear interrupts the Legacy that you're trying to build that you're going after and so if I'm going after Legacy I got to do more than be consistent we talked about this earlier I got to do more to be consistent that is part of the equation but in the consistency how do I keep growing how do I stay motivated and what are those tweets that I have to make along the way I can't make those decisions I'm always looking at everybody else and so I've learned to be like all right this is how we operate high octane high level 93 this is what we doing every day and so now not just being a great communicator but Building Wealth for my family mastering the markets like in my mind I read a thing that Warren Buffett said he reached 500 pages a day that pisses me off because after about 30 pages I go to sleep I get tired I'm like how does he do it right so he's listening to audible books so now that's the challenge because he's the Apex investor right he's the Apex investor to me like he is top of the food chain and what I'm loving to do I love the stock market so if he's Apex and he does this it shows that I have a lot of I have a lot of stuff to grow toward right because he's 90 something he's always still learning again we go back to information right he's accomplished something that most people would know he's the richest man in the world at one point in his life right how that means at 40 years old I have a whole bunch of learning to do and so I become the learning machine how can I read as many books as I can to become better how can I can easily become comfortable with what I learn and invest in like I've we've done great things we was a mess we've taught a lot of people how do we get better and if we focus on getting better every day a Compound Effect how do I not only compound my wealth how do I compound the information how do I compound my growth because who I am right now is a compound effect of what I was three four five years ago and everybody needs to understand that who you are now is not because of the decision you made yesterday these are compounded decisions that you've made that evolved in what you are right now and so now I want to compound what do I compound to into the future how do I compound the best version of me in the next three years five years how I become an apex track how do I do that like that's that's the goal that's that's what we shooting the aiming for and then how do we impact as many people as we can how do I go in every Hood how to go in every ghetto how to go in every prison system and say yep I was homeless too family yep I got shot too family yep I went to prison for attempt murder on Robert family yep but guess what I did I learned how to play the market it's the best game you can ever learn because they don't care what color you have um they don't care about none of the excuses don't care if you got three felonies don't care if you got two feelings it don't care what you got can you play the game and if you can play the game at a high level the return on investment is infinite and if we can play that like that and if I can do that and if I can keep being that that person that people see and be like yup he did it he relatable that's why he talk about stocks but he do it in a hoodie he do it in a t-shirt he do it with the sunglasses on he talking in a way that we can understand it then I could do it too and that's representation that's me being the best version of myself that's me showing that weld is attainable one share at a time why one becomes two two becomes four four shares become eight shares eight shares become 16 shares people don't invest in the stock market because they don't feel like they got enough money that's why my Mantra is one [ __ ] at a time right and then from that it becomes attainable people people don't want to go out the world because they feel like it ain't fun the belief system we talked about the financial trauma what other beliefs that you anchor to that keep you from being moving forward how do we cut those beliefs how do we unanchor ourselves from the lack of the scarcity how do we unanchor ourselves from that but we got people in this world where billions of dollars that mean the money is there they got information they got structure they got community right when I look at you look at your team you got people right you ain't just building this by yourself and I'm pretty sure you thankful for them all the time more than you know I'm becoming more and more obsessed with this yeah yeah so look I've I've built things in my life and so I know the power of people but the longer I stay in the game the more I'm just like dude you the amount that you can do by yourself is amazing it'll startle you right but right as you get into real scale you realize wow the amount I can do by myself is really paltry compared to what I really want to do and it it really does come down to people like how awesome are your people and this is the hard part man I love to see people succeed but the problem is that leaves me open to creating space for B and C players yep to make me feel like they're gonna make it they're going to change and then I'm I'm fatiguing myself by carrying them and that's hard that's hard because it's like damn you don't want people acting out of fear you don't want them being um you know thinking that you want them to know that you care about them right people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care word okay I subscribe to that but let me tell you there's an advanced class to that and people don't perform until they know that there's [ __ ] standards and those standards are going to be met culture values what you celebrate it's it's a tricky line to walk man that's a real tricky line to walk because I want one I attract people that have seen the content so someone Godly number of our team here saw the content first came on board so they they saw me as a Beacon of Hope and then they get in and I'm like yo we're [ __ ] Warriors here we don't play around yeah and so ah man it's uh it's so important to make sure the people around you adhere to a standard it's important to give them a chance to grow and get better you gotta have a standard man that's a fine line standard it is it's it's hard like even now at this stage in my career you'd think I like have this down pat it's hard yeah because I I know as I'm building you know just on my journey I think again I'm never comfortable right because I always again when I see you I'm like yup he's still going and I study the game and I think everybody should study the game that they play um right study the people even I tell people that's in Wall Street like study the game study the rules instead of the plays right when I mean but I study the game what is the broad goal of the game what is the goal what is the ramifications that's it then study the players who's playing at a high level in the game that in the field that you're going because that's going to be what you're looking at you can see the strengths you can see their weaknesses and then what plays do they love to run right like every team when you think about the Lakers you go like you're the head coach for impact Theory you know what I'm saying and then your team everybody has strong suits so when I look at when you look at the Lakers under Phil Jackson triangle offense mastered it right when you study Bill Belichick he did what's called um bam I forgot what it's called but like every he didn't run plays they ran plays based on whatever wherever they were on the field and how much time was on the clock that's how he called plays and so you look at the players in the game what are their strong points so when I look I'm looking at okay Pam damn time doing a million views all right like what is the sauce that he's doing what is it that they're learning what is it that he how is he impacting people I'm always looking when I'm looking at Investments what is Warren Buffett really good at what is Joel Greenback really good at what is Peter Lynch really good at so I can study it and then I want to study everything they told me when they messed up the mistakes they made like that's how you get better this is why football players and alleys get better because they study film we want to become successful investors we want to build wealth but we don't want to study the film we want to Freestyle our way to vote and put 100 right here it's gonna make me a million dollars nope that ain't gonna happen fam I can guarantee you that ain't gonna happen right but how do I study the film how did you compound to success right it wasn't one thing how did that 10 years turn into overnight success because that's what people don't know you see the successful Wall Street travel but what happened when I was homeless like real homeless not just I moved out my mama house we got no homes because you don't got nowhere to go because my mom went to prison and because my family members at the time they had their own thing going on so I had nowhere to go what did I do when I was sleeping in an abandoned house what did I do when I was sleeping in the corner in a crack house but everybody smoking crack out of Coke cans out of crack pipes I'm in a back room like what did I do in those moments right what did I do when I was sleeping in an abandoned house what did I do when I was sleeping in abandoned cars what did I do in those moments those are moments you don't see but those are the moments of when I'm figuring out damn where do I go with my business and I'm stuck those are the moments that give birth boom here we go what do we do then we never gave up right and so being able to use those dark moments in your life as a moment of empowerment instead of victimizing yourself how long will you hold on to the victim and talent and most people are so great at that most people are so great at holding on to the victim aspect of anything when it comes to building world you can put it up right I put up a clip on my Instagram the other day where um God was saying that um you know white white Americans are successful in America not because of anything other than they know how to maneuver during certain economic um environments politics um recessions they understand and I was like and so many people in my post was like well let's not forget about slavery that you'll never become successful if you hold on to that yep that did happen but are you going to hold on to that for 400 more years are you because if you are stayed up but if you can say hmm how can I learn how can I learn from something that maybe the people before me didn't learn from where is the gap where is the where what did they didn't what didn't they get when I look at civil rights leaders like every generation has to transform into something else I was civil rightly when you look at Malcolm X motherly King Fred Hammond two of my favorite black men of all time they didn't even have time to get into the money component because they thought about civil rights right and so now when you evolve we those leaders no longer exist no there's no leadership and so now everyone is trying to Freestyle their way to success freestyle their way to freedom and all they have to look at is the past bam slavery we can't keep going back down right we can acknowledge it we can get history and culture from it but we can't anchor ourselves to it we cannot I can't anchor myself to the fact that my mama did drugs my mama so drug I can't let that be a reason why I don't be successful yep it's painful yep I went through it like imagine what it looks like to see your mom get shot in front of you that is a painful traumatic experience right and then the color back of maybe five six years later and you see your mama overdose on drugs she didn't die that's another painful traumatic experience that I can anchor my life to that and then we can add on to the fact that I felt abandoned right that nobody was there for me I can hold on to that I got all the right to hold on to it right I got another I never saw my father if I don't know my father for me let's hold on to that too right and so now I've anchored myself to all these traumatic experiences and now I've given myself an excuse not to be [ __ ] I never had a father so I'm I'm not going to be a good father to this beautiful little girl I gave birth to I can hold all of those traumatic experiences in a ball and let that be my core instead I cut that and released that [ __ ] they say you know what because I didn't have a father I'm gonna be an amazing father because I saw my mama do drugs I saw some of my mama sell drugs that was her traumatic experience I went through some of it but guess what I'm gonna be better than that and I'm gonna show my mom a better life I'm gonna show her that I appreciate everything she went through but here's a better life right because my people went through whatever they went through I'm the reason to say I want all of my ancestors my I want them to be proud and say you know what that's it right there he stood on integrity he stood on it he was honest he built a different type of culture not just his family but for the people around him somebody got to be the Pioneer somebody got to be a Trailblazer somebody got to be willing to take the risk to change and so that's what I represent that's what I won't stand for and I'm gonna do it my way I'm gonna do it my way man you know I love my kid whatever but they're really struggling in life how can I help them my answer is usually you can't and then the person's like no you don't understand like I love him so much they're my kid like I can't give up and I'm like okay for real for real you want to know how you're gonna change their life yeah yeah tell me okay cool uh you're gonna have to kidnap them you're gonna put trap and I actually mean this seriously this would work it's the only thing I know that would work you're gonna kidnap them you're going to take them to uh remote place in the [ __ ] desert whatever you're gonna take them somewhere away from everybody else I usually say a deserted island you can take them to a deserted island but on that deserted island must be a group of people that they respect if you are around people you respect yeah you will want to win their respect yes to win their respect you must conform to their behaviors if their behaviors are honorable you're now conforming to earn that respect to honorable behaviors and now you get where somebody will turn their life around to fit in now they can turn their life around to fit in and go in the wrong direction just how you get influenced on the streets or you can get influence in the exact opposite direction so you have to be careful about who you emulate come on but I like that before you go I like that because that's even not even in with kids but even as adults that's what I had to do yeah like I had to get around a different set of people who helped me evolve because even in that where you're being influenced you don't evolve in that space right you adapt and you conform to whatever that environment is and so if you get around that's why the old saying around five six million as you become the sixth one is because you start to take on those uh values you start taking on those principles that they stand on right those conversations become like impregnated in you those behaviors like damn time gets up in the morning he does this he does that damn I need to do that trap does this trap does that damn I need to do that that's why I love mentorships that's why I love masterminds that's why I do that I asked you one time hey yo give me a mastermind I can get into it's because when I'm around successful people I'm gonna go into the room I don't care how much a success I've amassed I'm going into them like I don't know nothing because that's what I want to evolve to so that is you're not pushing a line you're only touching the high stoves to people who are fighting for beliefs that don't benefit them ah damn most people fight for those beliefs dude yes they do it's really interesting to me so okay I've thought a lot about this because I spent a portion of my life fighting for beliefs that didn't serve me and I really so I and I don't know if this is a useful story to tell myself but it makes me chuckle and it feels way too close to the truth I'm just dumb enough that I have to learn everything the hard way and I'm just smart enough to be able to figure it out so I actually do learn and then I can articulate it to people because I'm like oh yeah this is what I tripped on tripped up on so for a long time I had a set of beliefs that were really stupid meaning that they moved me they actually moved me away from my stated goal they were moving me towards a silent goal I know you Journal I highly encourage people to journal so you can figure out like what are the subconsciousness you're driving you but I what I wanted out of life subconsciously was to feel smart and I valued I had a certain idea of what intelligence was and everything that lined up with things that made me feel that I was intelligent in the way that I subconsciously defined it I kept doing so I ended up in smaller and smaller rooms so after graduating college I was working retail in a game store selling video games and like not minimum wage but like not not a long way from it and I remember thinking why am I doing this and I'm doing it because the boss of the place is like why do you work here he's like you're too smart for this and I was like that makes me feel good now of course I wasn't thinking that my head it just made me feel good and so I kept doing it and I realized looking back okay what I do is I structure my life so that people tell me I'm smart and that is super dangerous because it's led me into these really small rooms and so things didn't turn around until I was like oh wait a second I don't read a book so someone will tell me I'm smart I read a book so I can get better at something and I really want people to understand that skills have utility they let you do something so if you go to get good at investing you can make a lot of money yes if you get good at architecture you can build buildings you can build a bridge that people can drive cars across do you know how crazy that is yeah you can be the next Elon Musk whatever and understanding oh wait a second I don't need to be smart I need to be good at learning oh yes and that that changed my life but that becomes the value system what do I value in myself do I value being smart or Worse do I value people telling me I'm smart because what if I was smart but everybody was telling me I was dumb I would have done different things back then just so that people would tell me I was smart because I didn't believe it myself and my value system was people that have this kind of intelligence kind of the way that people fetishize money I fetishized being smart and so it was like I just want to be smart like that I'd be so cool and once I realized oh that's a value system I can change my value system and now pursue something else and get all of the sort of neural chemical rewards and feel good and be excited about being the learner and so then once I started doing that then I actually started getting good because I was just obsessed with learning setting my ego aside walking in like I know nothing and just saying oh my God like make me better now the reason that I got so obsessed with that was because I realized they actually can make me better and then I can go do something somebody else can do and I can get ahead in life and I can get wealthy and I can build what I want to build and I can control my time and I can impress people if that's a thing and so it's like whoa this is all about skills but skills are controlled by values so I I love that because in setting yourself up for success and setting yourself I say you have to be intentional about something right and so for me the intentionality was what do I have to learn that takes me away from that like what do we have to learn so I don't go back to prison what do I have to learn that I don't become dead before a certain age and then I I got past that and then I'm like what do I have to learn to become a great father like right now I'm learning how to be a father right how to be a great father we talked about journaling one of the things I tell my daughter right now is okay write down how you feel and then we can talk about that right it's easier for her to do it that way than sometimes having that conversation with me so write it down and then we can talk about it well those values now help me keep evolving because if I want to be the best version of who I am if I want to be the most impactful person then I have to install in me a certain set of values integrity right honesty the commitment to being better why those well because where I come from why honestly you could lie lie if you honesty is so important because if you tell people the truth and if you are committed to um understanding other people's truth then people have no people don't like the truth because how it makes them feel but if you tell the truth they have no no other option but to face it right they have no other option but to say damn okay it's truth is like a harsh reality that everybody wants but nobody wants to give right but honesty comes in there saying you know what that's a value system that so many people don't have and for me if I can be honest then my name can go a long way if I can be honest then my my uh presence will precede me right so honesty is something that that people often don't want to do they'll say something like a lot of you because I love you you know uh I don't tell you the truth because I don't want to hurt you right well if you're honest to me then I can make that decision if you're being honest I can make that decision on what do I want to move forward or not if I'm honest with you then I know I can do business with this man because he's an honest man I can do business with this woman because she's an honest woman because I know there's no uh back-end stuff there's nothing they're trying to do behind my back honestly it's something that's so underrated but for me even in the streets like honesty is so not there because everyone wants the edge everyone everyone wants murder is not off the table you know what I'm saying it's not off the table most people in the street get killed by somebody they know you know what I'm saying and you feel me and so that Honesty part is not there yeah so for me it's it's heavy on my list of just being an honest man man one thing about honesty that I find incredible is so you said you can do business with somebody that's honest that's where I think people really get why honesty is so critical [Music] if I so a relationship to work well to be a high functioning business friendly relationship I need um a sort of deposit and withdrawal system so no you should never do it for the deposit withdrawal but there is a reality to be facing Human Relationships if all you do is give give you have given the person never reciprocates it just humans are not wired for that and so it won't work the relationship will go your Separate Ways but if when I make a deposit I'm like I'm going to be able to make a withdrawal here at some point in fact trap you know where I think this comes from this is [ __ ] interesting when I heard this laid out I was like oh my God think from an evolutionary standpoint there's no refrigerator do you know how you store calories so let's say that you take down a buffalo okay you can't eat it even if you said ah everybody back off this is my Buffalo get away from my Buffalo I will kill you and your whole family if you touch my Buffalo you can eat it as much as you can literally until another bite and the lining of your stomach will tear okay you're stuffing your face it will go it will rot before you can finish eating it so now you have this dilemma even if I want to be selfish I can't eat the whole thing but if I let other people eat it I don't get anything out of that but you do because by feeding them you're now storing calories in them they're eating they're full they've got fat what happens when you don't kill the Buffalo but they do now they're like my brother please come to my table and eat so it all that I'm gonna say that again you can store calories in another human being I like that by feeding them when you have an abundance I like that they get to eat and now they will do the same for you I like that that's honesty it builds trust that word if I feed you you're gonna feed me next time and so this is where you get into reciprocal altruism where yes you're doing something nice but it just comes back to you and people are I think they they feel icky when they say part of why I do this is to make sure that I'm taken care of but that's awesome that's how people cooperate as a as a group that it's give and take always so honestly I think the reason so many people gravitate towards it is when I can trust you one Evolution has made that feel good so it just feels amazing I've told I tell people in the company all the time it really hurts to tell somebody something hard it really I don't like saying it and I know you don't like hearing it but if I tell you the hard things you know you can trust me because you know exactly my mental map of who you are and so now there's no like unease about what's what and so I know if you're quiet it means you have nothing to say versus to your point murder's not off the table it's like well is this going somewhere bad so you can do business with somebody when I know if I make a deposit today that I'll be able to get a withdrawal later at some point huge okay so honesty integrity was the other one one how do you define integrity this is the one thing I tell my daughter doing the right thing when nobody's looking if I'm willing to do the right thing if I can do it right time is my guy so I'll give you an example so a couple friends of mine had a huge event that they put on and somebody hit me up and was like yo I would like to be a part of that event big person and I would um because they thought it was my event and I was like yo that's not my event I'll put you in contact with who that event is for that's Integrity because I could have kept that to myself try to do something in the middle try to make some money off it bitter bitter man I didn't no look it's my guys here here's the information y'all do that don't put me in the email no more handle your business integrity Integrity is me being able to do something without me even expecting something on the back end but on a strength that I know Tom is a good guy a Time here's my people man here's an alley-oop yo I don't need nothing from it that's Integrity we talked about business earlier and I'm sure we'll get to but we talked about the human capital part I mean the capital part that people need in in building a successful business the next thing next to building a successful business that's more important to me than money it's building integrable relationships building relationships with other successful people are building relationships with people that's based off Integrity can help your business get to another level because some rooms you can't get in with money some rooms you can only get in based on who you know there's some rooms I can only get on because time says trap is my guy there's some rule that that okay how much money you got that's not the value system here the value system to get in this room is based on the people in here do good business the people in here are integrable this is the room you need to be in money can't get you because everybody here got money what are you doing money is no longer the option you're going to be based on what integrity and honesty truthfulness those are the things you can be based on and so even in business integrity and honestly is important massively yeah it's uh it's it's really interesting I mean this again goes back to culture rides in the back of values what do we think is good what do we think is right and when I look at you so it's interesting for people that haven't seen your show come on man trapping Tuesdays come on man uh watching it was really interesting because you you're attacking it from the point of value so you'll talk about your family you talk about your daughter I heard you tell the story about your daughter and there was friction at school and how you helped her through it and you're like like I know I haven't talked about stocks yet and I was like you haven't but this is why your show is doing well because getting the value system right understanding how to think knowing how to sort of move becomes really important and so that idea of that a culture is malleable that you can create a new culture um being a part of your group will have its own culture right same with impact Theory it's like there's a culture there's a culture to being an employee there's a culture to being in the impact your University and when you think about you've got your your frame of reference is being built around all of these things it's the fun house mirror that we all see life through there's a guy named Donald Hoffman who says everything that you experience is real life the only thing I can tell you is it isn't true at all and so we were sitting at this very table when he explained to me Tom when you see the surface of this table what's true about the surface of this table is its mass the number of photons that are reflecting off of it all that if you try to live life by going oh that has a mass of this and there's this many photons bouncing off in this part of the light spectrum he's like you can't get anywhere way better to go this is a table and it's sort of Gray and he's like that's what humans have evolved to do but that actually isn't the underlying reality okay so your brain is creating a wild simplification of the truth and this is my favorite example that he uses and I am going to answer the question about reading right right uh but the example that he uses is is let's say that you're in a VR game of uh Grand Theft Auto [Music] you think oh when I turn the steering wheel in the game The Car Goes left if I turn left the car goes right if I turn right he said what's really happening is electrical volts are toggling back and forth a trillion times a second or whatever inside of your PlayStation but if you had to go toggle the individual voltages to get the image the pixels on the screen to move in a certain way that it looks like a car uh going left he was like you'll never be able to play so you need the just ridiculous level of simplification in order to play the game that's life that's your frame of reference but it is so abstracted from the reality that so uh I'll put it into my terms I grew up lower middle class in almost rural Tacoma so I didn't have cows but my neighbors did yeah to give you an idea uh and I was taught to be a good employee to keep my head down do as little work as possible and avoid punishment at all costs um that it's all about make as much money as fast as you can you know trading time for money like they wouldn't have even known to say don't trade that you are trading time for money that's just the only way they knew how to make money so that was my frame of reference part of it the other part was oh I feel good when people tell me that I'm smart but I don't realize that so this is the Distortion that my brain is creating over time and I don't realize that these are things that I've chosen to believe that they aren't accurate representation of the way that the world really works and that I can get so good that people can't ignore me that even if I am uneducated today that doesn't mean I have to be uneducated tomorrow that even if I'm frustrated that I'm not as intelligent as I would like to be which I'm not by the way but I can get 100 100 times better at anything which anybody can so my frame of reference began to shift from I'm stuck in this brain and body that I'm not very impressed with to oh actually you can grow and get better that change in frame of reference took me from scrounging and my couch cushions to find enough change to put gas in my car to building and selling a billion dollar business come on man so ideas frame of reference so I now see the world through a different fun house mirror it still isn't objective reality but it's really useful okay so you've got this frame of reference critically important to understand all right so because I know frame of reference is so important I'm constantly trying to get new information to alter my frame of reference however useful my frame of reference has become I have not reached an end state right so you can constantly re-warp that glass to show you the world in a way that's more effective that's the easiest way to think about it so effective as defined I have a goal is my behavior my beliefs and my values moving me towards that goal yes or no if yes you are operating in a way that is more true or accurate right you you can predict the outcome of your behaviors that to me is truth [Music] we could really derail on that I won't for now uh so all right so my I'm trying to shape my frame of reference so that the way that I think and act moves me more efficiently towards my goals you get what you celebrate I think about this a lot as a CEO that's good dude you get what you celebrate that's good and so if you celebrate being a badass this is the same with inner city same with being in prison it's like you get all these different cultures and you're going to get what you celebrate oh God I'm going to keep derailing have you read Up From Slavery no I have not Booker T Washington I have not controversial figure I like it I can't figure out why but that book he was born a Slave and he was like there's a way out of this I can get so good people can't stop me becomes the punchline but he starts a college trap he was born a slave he starts a college that's still running today let that sit in right quick uh-huh right when I think about will impact Theory University I'll live me about not as of yet insane how does he do it culture do you know that he made the students in his university the students in this University had to learn jeromeo please brick making they had to learn how to make bricks trap why so that they could build the buildings so that they would have respect for the knowledge because he was like if they just roll up and this is all easy and he was like people would show up outraged outraged you're gonna I was a slave I'm sending my kids to your University and you're making them build bricks like what and he was like I'm telling you right now if people build the stuff themselves the level of respect that they will have for the hall the way they will hold each other accountable and I was like forget what the culture was because it's different now and of course it's going to change structure certain somebody said that at the beginning of this episode structure there are things that we do here and there are things that we don't do here he instilled a value system that allowed them to say because values tell you who's in and who's out oh you made the burst and by the way they became known in like that region of the South for making the highest quality bricks so now they can sell bricks to fund the school dude it was so insane I'm reading the book and I'm like this is [ __ ] genius [Music] values creates a culture you reinforce the culture by what you celebrate and what you tolerate that culture becomes so profound that you can defeat Nations so going back to the slave rebellion in Haiti I need to memorize this guy's name forgive me I'm in the middle of reading this book I literally just no but I don't pronounce it wrong and I won't be different no please please please no no no I'm just even as people um I don't want to say it wrong um I I remember because I went to DC so I don't want to say it wrong uh say it as wrong as possible I can't even remember it's kind of French sounding yeah it's a French it's a French name uh I don't want to say it wrong uh I'm not going to say it wrong all right fair enough let me say this though please we were talking about you were talking about watch this the bricks the people who build the bricks for the college they'd appreciate it more the exact same thing goes with Building Wealth the person who builds the wealth in the beginners I use myself as an example I become the pioneer I become the Trailblazer I become the person who says that my family will eat for a lifetime based on the decisions that I make today based on the information that I've gained and applied because I'm the one in the beginning stage building it I will respect the wealth more if I don't install those values in my daughter if I don't install in her the respect for money if I don't install it in her why investing is important then what happens is she inherits a lot of money but don't know what to do with it and so now she may live well but the generations behind her don't benefit from it because they never had an attachment to the money they never had attachment to the wealth they just got the wealth they obtained it and so when I think about Cornelius Vanderbilt we never talk about him in the pioneers of America the richest men in the world we never talk about him why because after he died his son did enjoy the money but no generation after that did because they went broke t-shirt to t-shirt and three generations they went broke but we still talk about JP Morgan we still talk about the Rockefeller we still talk about the Rothschild we still talk about Sam Walton who has five of his grandchildren and kids on the Fortune 500 list always why because there was a culture that the culture was about building that Walmart brand but then but we don't realize about passing well done is this is not just about passing money down it's about passing down information it's about passing down bylaws it's about passing down structure it's about I just so I just lost my great aunt um and I talked about on my last show I just lost and she was The Matrix to my family right she was the major she held it together in 11 months before that we lost her sister right so there was they were the last two and I honored them they did so much for me on my journey um and now that both of them have now gone our family now has to be restructured we have to now install New Traditions not saying it always run well but for instance we were all good at her house for Thanksgiving right we were all everything she put things in place so now that whole entire generation is gone to the generation that's available now is my mother's generation so it's my mother her brothers and then I'm the Next Generation and then my kids so on so forth so now we have to do now is we have to now put new values in place we have to put New Traditions in place we have to put a new structure in place and because I now have the financial literacy now I'm talking my uncle the other day he like trapped like yup I'm the leader but you're up next and that meant a lot to me in in a minute I got scared because I thought about yep I teach people about financial literacy all the time I talk about being a CEO of my family I talk about turning My Family's last name into an asset but now I am now because once you I always say this once you get the information you are not responsible like it's okay it's not okay but I'm saying it's using this figuratively it's okay that I mean literally it's okay you know you blowing money because you don't know no better right but once you become cognizant and once you have the information now you are held accountable and so for me now more than ever I am held accountable one because I went from homeless to being where I am now right nobody else in my family went through that I went from not just once but twice so building a business to learn how to invest to giving my daughter a custodial account who I'll she'll be a millionaire before she's 15. right damn these things are so important to me so now we set new rules we set new rules of engagement what are those rules and give okay so now everybody my little cousin just had a little boy I said bro we got to open up a custodial account now like now he's a couple weeks old we got to open a custodial account up now my wife I got to do that because because if we start investing now we can now increase him being a millionaire but also we can start implementing impregnating him with certain things right we can start talking about money once he gets two years old like my daughter she's six her ABC's for me come in the form of a is for asset BSN Bank C is for credit right this is how the ABC's coming up does she know the word fiduciary she know what it means dude that's incredible right so that's how the ABC's and I'll talk to her e is for Equity like that's how we now you got to give me a okay so what does it mean now not just the norm what does it mean now right and so now when you go to Disney World you you know you own stockiness right when I bought for her birthday she made six I said what do you want babe she's like I want to buy some Roblox stock right so normally for me it's breaking down the business going through my whole process but for her it was like let her get the exposure to it so yep let's buy the Roblox stocks how many shares you want she said I want 16 and then when I pulled it up on my phone she said no I want a hundred cool we bought 100 shares for her birthday it don't matter that the stock is down right now because it was her identifying that instead of getting me this this is what I want so now for me it's that my great aunt is gone this now has to be a she's transition this now has to be the value system that we stand on so everybody that has a kid as soon as you have a kid we opening up a custodial account but then we're going to double down with it and say when that person has a kid and open a custodial account everybody now is responsible of putting the first fifty dollars to it right so now we implementing new rules we're implementing things now that every family now has to take on right and now everybody Embraces it and so changing that Dynamic of my family implementing new rules becoming the leader if we look at a lot of people's family no one has a real leadership in their family but when we look at successful families there's leadership there I don't care how much more like the Kardashians or whatever how you feel about them that mother leaves that tribe right and then if we look at it okay she leaves that we look at The Waltons somebody leaves that tribe like we look at every Rich family and then after the lead is gone someone has grown to step up and take place so the family structure doesn't fall the Vanderbilt didn't have that and so now their families never talked about right so for me it's how to you know just with my family how do I now Implement those rules because I am not a leader and the most the most scariest thing anyone can do ever coming from lower class middle class poverty is the the most important financial decision you ever make is how much of your money that you make from your paycheck you're gonna get to work for you it's the most important decision you ever meet financially because if you never know how much money from your paycheck that you worked hard for that is going to work for you then you're always going to have to work for every paycheck and if you gotta always work for every piece of income that you have physically put in that labor you have a cap on which you can make that's just the truth of the matter and so you know just changing that when you just gave that book of T Washington scenario that's what just jumped in my mind of you the family members don't appreciate the wealth if they didn't contribute to building it so now how do we set a culture that makes everyone contribute to building the wealth of the family I for me I don't want to focus on closing a wealth Gap I'm not that's not my focus when you say you're knocked to your knees you're embarrassed you failed you lost money it's just hard it's boring you'd rather be out with your friends your kid is sick whatever all those things that are going to come for you when you say why am I doing this you better have a physical feeling to the positive when you answer that question
Channel: Tom Bilyeu
Views: 793,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Inside Quest, InsideQuest, Tom Bilyou, Theory Impact, motivation, inspiration, talk show, interview, motivational speech, Wallstreet Trapper, Trapper University, Conversations with Tom, Health Theory, interview show, mindset, trapper, trappin tuesdays, finance, investing, stocks, get rich, build wealth, building wealth, why you’re broke, how to stop being broke, living paycheck to paycheck, build wealth with low income, low income, how to make money, how to get rich, money
Id: NxtUBGtLq3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 11sec (7631 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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