INSIDE THE VAULT:  How to Get Free Houses to Build Generational Wealth w/ Dana Christian

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what advice would you give for that struggling person who's trying to figure it out so I would say believe you deserve more yeah and want more and fix your credit to get access to funding because even though we're in recession but banks are still lending out money but to people with good credit right right and invest in yourself if you can't afford a mentor or if you're not sure who you can trust because I hear they say people scam and stuff like that um go down the person page you know book a call with them and see if they trust what they really see what they doing hey wait wait wait wait I know you want to watch this next video but listen if you are an entrepreneur business coach business consultant or a small business owner who has a story and wants to learn how to create multiple streams of income from your story I need you to text me right now my book to 646-687-4152 that is my personal number I have been an author for over 12 years I've written 10 books four of them have been best sellers and I've sold over a hundred thousand books but I've also helped a lot of my clients take their expertise and put it into a story then create multiple streams of income from that so I want to help you do the same thing so text my book to 646-687-4152 I I let's go back to the video thank you so welcome to another awesome episode of inside the Vault with Ash Cash the greatest money mindset show on the planet listen according to the latest Consumer Debt data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York Americans total credit card balance is 887 billion dollars in the second quarter of 2022 that's a 46 billion dollar jump from 841 billion in the first quarter what are we doing with this money well hopefully it's something that will have a return on investment and set your family up for Financial Freedom and today's guest is going to tell you how to leverage your credit to Bill wealth we have the project multi-millionaire Miss Dana Christian is in the building uh I appreciate you I I love this uh this interview for so many different reasons first and foremost I got my custom abundance Community jacket on specifically with the AC you know I got a few patches on here you know what I mean Hollow apparel the NY you know you know uh ever since 1980 to represent you know I'm saying my birthday but on this side you know what I'm saying you know I got the AC abundance Community I got the you know the the NYC and the check but this patch right here says a lot it means a lot to me uh because you know I grew up in the St Nicholas housing projects uh in Harlem and when I found out that Ms Dana Christian is also from the projects um you know grew up in Grant projects correct in Harlem um and to know that you recently retired from your government job as a millionaire um that is that is awesome so listen when I tell y'all that this show is going to be for everybody who ever thought that they had to quit their job in order to build Financial Freedom build wealth this is the the episode for you for those who you know who come from the bottom or whatever the case may be and you think it's not possible I'm showing you that it's possible but also for those who think that they have to have all the money to do it right Dana is the queen of business funding and we're going to get into that her students have made or or have had access to over millions of dollars in business money so we're going to talk about that but before we get into all that who is Dana Christian in your world okay so first I want to say I resigned I didn't retire right so I gave it up oh right but Dana Christian is a girl that grew up in Harlem in the projects um a teenage mom by the age of 17 High School Dropout and learned to leverage credit to build wealth through real estate yeah I love that and and I and I love that you cleared that up right because uh retirement means you you did your time you know you work there you get you know but but resign is like listen right so like it means like I it's time to go and and so I love that distinction um and and oddly enough though talk a little bit about that right because um you were you know I saw it on Instagram and I was shocked I was like she still like you know she worked for the Post Office and she and because I always knew you as you know like like you were making you know you were investing in real estate you were making your Millions your students are making you know millions and using credit to leverage and build wealth um you know you know you know what made you say you know what it's time to go and why did you hold on to the job that long okay so uh got injured on the at the post office in 2017. 2018 I went out of work and I was receiving workman's comp for two years and um in 2020 to July um I was like Dana why are you still holding on to this job like you're not receiving any benefits and you need to let it go so you can move forward because sometimes I realize you hold on to plan B you can't really succeed in your plan a yeah and it was just that fair Letting Go which and even when I was working at the post office um my tax business was making four times the money I was making at the post office but it's just the the security the fake security I like to call it wow so it was time that I really um Let It Go and it just put me in the mindset of when I first got hired at the post office and I hate to tell my age 1996 right but the first thing I thought about was they're gonna cut off my food stamps right so it's that mindset of being stuck so I had to really just let that go to spread my wings even as a millionaire you still had that because Justin I was still holding on just in case I needed to go back knowing that it wouldn't work right right because I know that I can't go in there and they tell me what to do like for this little bit this you know I want to say a little bit of money because it serves this purpose but compared to what I'm making now in real estate it didn't make sense so I needed to let that go yeah and I and I love how you know you've been able to purchase over 26 rental properties using zero percent credit cards talk about that that's that's big yes so I invest mainly in the Cleveland Market I do have houses here in Atlanta in Baltimore but in the Cleveland Market the house is the entry point is much cheaper where you can get a duplex for twenty thousand dollars I bought an eight unit for thirty five thousand uh seven unit thirty five thousand of course they need rehab but all using business credit cards right so it's just a power um having the knowledge of how to leverage your credit to get the zero percent interest credit cards in the purchase of real estate wow wow and so now with a uh rental portfolio of over three million dollars um talk a little bit about how somebody could could do the same right like be able to uh get a credit card zero percent access the funds to be able to buy an asset that asset is now providing you cash flow so even you know when when you you got to pay back the credit cards you could either pay back in full or you could use your cash flow that you just gotten from the asset to pay like talk a little bit about how somebody could run that same place so when you're using credit cards it's really like cash right because you're gonna liquidate the credit cards and the first thing we think about when we're using credit cards is cash advance fee but never use a cash advance fee it's a site called plastic with a Queue at the end and you can use them to pay Anyone who normally does not accept credit cards so once you get your purchase purchase and sales agreement right once you get your purchase and sales agreement you send it to them and they take the money off the card and wire it to the title company if you buying it buying a house from a wholesaler why the money to a wholesaler so really anyone can do it it's just about having the knowledge right being able to get the credit cards and you know because in my head that was what I was wondering like that and I know there's people out there wondering like wait how can I use a credit card to pay right because that because you know I'm I'm thinking that too I'm saying if in order to liquidate the credit card I'm gonna have to do a cash advance the bank is going to charge a cash advance fee uh which is usually a higher interest rate as well so not only do they charge a fee but the interest rate is going to be so high so is it even worth it uh but what you're saying is that there's you know there's a website where you go to that website you use the credit card and they liquidate it for you and that and they do the wire transfers to whoever you need to go so so literally you're turning credit Into Cash correct now they do charge a three percent fee yeah but you zero percent interest right so I always like to say I have free houses right right because if I borrow money from the bank purchase these properties and then my tenant is paying back the credit cards these are free houses that were cash flow for the rest of my life my children life so that's building real generational wealth wow on somebody else's dime wow wow wow and so how did you get right so you you know you have over one million dollars in business credit business funding available to you so even if if right now you know the Mercedes-Benz Stadium comes up and you and you could invest like they need a million dollars you could use your the funding not even your money yeah you could like how did you like how are you able to accumulate a million dollars in business okay so I do have multiple entities right so multiple llc's right so I have a total of 15 entities right but when I first learned the power of business credit cards right away I went and got 10 entities right because I'm thinking all right if it's a bank like Bank of America that has four business credit cards and if I have 10 10 entities right that's 40 credit cards from Bank of America only the average credit card is twenty thousand dollars right that's a million alone that I could get from Bank of America what about Chase what about PNC what about truest right so I'm not I'm not finished yet right right you know we're getting the credit cards right so it's just a matter of first you have to have good credit right people always want the shortcut yeah right you know how can I get business credit cards with bad credit you cannot right so fix your credit and then you can get access to the funding right so it's easy to get say 250 000 on one business so if you have four entities that's a million dollars and then so so so what walk me through that process of getting the credit card like setting up a entity and then getting to getting the credit right because I think that a lot of times people think it's a simple simple as all right I'm gonna start at LLC I'm gonna pay my hundred dollars start the LLC and then now give me two hundred thousand dollars or Twenty Thousand or whatever uh but the truth is your business has to be set up in a specific way to get access to that funding so correct that way so when you set up an entity the first thing you want to do is stay away from from those Harvest names anything real estate Trucking right so you want to use names like Enterprises Consulting unlimited management management marketing right so whatever name you want to use and just put that at the end right have a commercial address right so you can have a physical office or you could use a virtual address or I tell people to do a register agent because sometimes that's the cheapest right then have a professional email address let don't end in Yahoo or Gmail right so info your a professional telephone number that rings to your your phone go to dungeon Broad Street get a free duns number you don't need any of the other services and um then your personal credit have to be in position so now once you set up your LLC so you can set up your LLC today so now they're going to look at your personal credit right so they're looking at at least two-year credit history right utilization under 10 right 30 for 10 is better no more than three inquiries per um credit bureau and no late payments in the last two years so if you have those two things in position you can go to Chase and apply for a business credit card right and the good thing about Chase you can apply for two credit cards in the same day and get one inquiry so that's how you maximize the amount of funding you get first knowing what credit bureaus the banks pull from and what credit cards you can apply for multiple products with one inquiry and then so you I mean you you have a program um that teaches people how to do this right correct um does your program because I'm sure uh things change I'm sure that the you know like the bank are constantly you know changing their criterias and things of that nature um does your program um teach people uh you know which banks to go to what you know like like the rules that they need or you know yes so we definitely teach um what banks to apply for but I'm gonna be honest it's no secret in getting funded it's having good credit if you owe somebody some money the bank is not going to lend you money if you late they not going to lend you any money right so we definitely teach that but a lot of times people want to take the shortcut right I was late last week can I get funded no right I owe Capital One from two years ago can I get funded no right because you got to look at it like this right let's just say your cousin and they you know they owe you a system money your brother money by the time they come to you asking for some money and you ain't paying them what you're gonna say all right no no the banks is the same way yeah but the answer to your question yes we do teach that but you know it's real no real big secret right you have to have good credit right and sometimes um you know it's just about making a phone call to the bank yeah right because you know just being honest when I learned about the business funding I was in this program it was a funding program and they wanted to charge us 10 to get the funding for us right and our cause was on Thursday night but Wednesday night we got a call so it was a bunch of uh emails saying there was a call so there's a bunch of us on the call and they sharing information about you know how they do the funding so afterwards I was up to three o'clock in the morning searching every bank that offered business credit cards and then the next week I start applying right so then once I applied and I was getting approved for some like my credit was good though I was getting approved for some some the limits was less and then some I was getting denied so I looked at my credit report I'm like how can I have done this different and I'm like okay by knowing who pulls from what and I know once I get to that fourth bank I even got denied or the amount was less wow okay right so you know it's just really being strategic you know with knowing who pulls from where and so so let me ask is it the same right so like I know you know your personal credit is broken down into five categories right you have your payment history you have your usage ratio you have the length of credit history you have your credit mix and you have any new credit that you have right that new credit is people pulling from your credit you want to make sure you don't have a lot of hard inquiries if from a business perspective when you're applying for these credit cards uh is there the same type of system where every time you you apply with your business there you know there's an inquiry on your on your business profile and then also if you have to have good credit which sounds like you have to like personally guarantee it um you know is that hard inquiry also going to be on your credit report so most um most banks don't look at the business profile so they just looking at the personal because the business profile does show your ability to pay back debt like like when people build those net 30s which you don't have to to get a credit card from Bank of America right that's when just showing your ability to pay back debt so the inquiry will not show on your business because Bank of America don't report to your business credit profile and so now it that inquiry being on your personal um you know does that you know like like now if you're going to different banks and you're getting those different business credit cards now you're gonna have all these multiple you know inquiries um doesn't that negatively affect your personal credit but those um inquiries can be removed from the business in the inquiries that's not attached to open personal account can be removed so let me let me let me just understand you because like you because you nonchalant it's like hold on hold on hold on I don't know like let me just let me just make sure I understand correctly so you're saying to me that if I go to a bank and I ask that bank to give me a business credit card that that bank is going to say okay grace you have a business but I want to check your personal credit correct they're gonna pull my personal credit and say oh yeah Ash got a 750. so we're gonna give him this business credit card but because it's under my business name this credit card now is is going to show under my business profile so it'll never show up on my personal profile because it's a business credit card and so now when I go to my business to my personal credit and that inquiry is there I can have it removed because there's no personal account attached to is that what you're saying correct that's what I'm saying wow wow yeah that's the cheat code yeah yeah because if they didn't remove it and once you go to apply for more um credit cards and they see those inquiries too many inquiries you're gonna get denied you can have good credit and have too many inquiries and they will deny you for business credit cards wow and so what's the what's the process of getting inquiries removed off of your profile so call in the credit bureaus yeah right and saying somebody applied for something in my name and it wasn't me um and how long does that usually take for it to come up um Experian a couple of hours TransUnion Equifax 72 hours yo look what was this right now go check your credit um and I love that and so so you've been able to um you know run this play right been able to get funding and then once you are getting this funding You're Now using it to buy real estate how did you get into the real estate game and why you know you know why fixing and flipping okay well not even thinking and flipping right because you're buying and hold it mainly buying home okay right so I started investing in real estate actually 2006 right because I hated the post office yeah I started in New York transferred down here I also get anxiety right so I knew real estate you know watching on TV those Fix and Flip shows so we fix um flipped our first house 2006. didn't know we was doing but good thing you know we came out made like 17 000 but not the 200 000 they were talking about on TV right then we went into buy and hold them right after like four properties um we ran out of money because I was buying it to conventional way I'm 20 down and really didn't know how to analyze the deal right but was buying properties ran out of money so my plan was to continue working and save enough money to buy one house a year fast forward to 2017 when I got injured I had these same five houses right and I was like you know by now the internet is out started learning really about real estate and came across somebody that was actually talking about buying um houses with credit cards but they didn't tell you how to liquidate the credit cards right so I you know research research and found that part out so um that's how we kind of like got started in it and when I got injured I knew that I didn't want to go back yeah right so that's when I started investing so um was looking in Atlanta because I live in Atlanta but the prices was was crazy right and then I was getting in my feelings right because I'm like these people they're selling the houses in 2011-12 they bought these houses for maybe ten thousand dollars right and now you're trying to sell it to me for a hundred thousand right so I'm getting so mad at myself because I had the money but didn't so then I started looking into the Baltimore market so we bought a property in Baltimore um seventy thousand dollars from an auction the house was worth like 134 at the time attended paying 1200 still have this house till today right and then I started looking into the Cleveland Market because I'm like oh wait they got duplexes for five thousand ten thousand even though it need rehab right and then went into the Cleveland market and just Network you know with people and stuff and grew my rental portfolio in Cleveland wow wow that's so powerful wait let me say wasabi and then fix the only reason I do fix and flips is the pay off those credit cards right because I want to own all my properties free and clear yeah right so that's the reason I do fix and flips to pay off the credit card uh and so just just for clarity for those who don't know right when we say uh Fix and Flip that means you're buying a property that may need some work yes um and then rehab rehabilitation right so you bought a property that needs some work you buy it at a lower amount correct you put the you you put the money into it in order to rehab to rehabilitate it to make it look desirable yes flipping it means now you put it on the market for a higher price correct um and then you you keep the difference so yes yes again give me an example of a Fix and Flip okay so actually I'm doing the flipping flip Fix and Flip now in Cleveland Ohio yeah I purchased the property for seventy thousand dollars right I use business credit cards to rehab is 53 000 and we're going to sell it for two hundred thousand okay so I use all this business credit card so the profit between the 100 and what 23 123 000 between the two hundred thousand besides you know little fee to pay the realtor all that is my profit right so I'm using zero percent interest credit card so it's not um a hard money loan when you have all those fees and you know stuff like that all right because because I'm a math guy so I'm just trying to I just want I just want to make this clip for everybody right so you have right now you have a property that you that you bought for seventy thousand dollars right so you bought this property for seven seventy thousand dollars it's gonna cost fifty three thousand dollars for you to um to fix it up right and with little fees let's just say 60 Grand so now that seventy thousand plus the 60 Grand is 130 000 that you didn't take from your pocket no this is all money that you use from a zero percent credit card collect now a hundred and thirty thousand dollars you buy this property and then one once it's fixed you're going to sell the property for two hundred thousand so once you sell that property for two hundred thousand that money you're gonna take the seven the 130 pay the 130 back and now you made 70 000 cash money that's all yours that you don't got to split that is yours in your bank account real cash money yes millionaire in your account yeah off of off of a credit card correct yeah just how the banks get ritual for us I'm money in there we got to learn to get rich off of these Banks wow yeah wow and so that's Fix and Flip um buy a hole what is what is buying and holding and what's the benefit of that so buying Holden is when the process of becoming a landlord yeah right so you purchase the property you pay the tenant in there and the Tenant pays you rent out the rent money you pay back whatever loan the debt you have and then you keep the rest right so it's a lot of benefits to Buy and Hold by pressing when you think about taxes right um depreciation on your taxes um you know you can write off every single thing um and then appreciation right because the house is appreciate right when I think about a house that I have here in Atlanta that I bought in 2007 from an auction right it's not the house we went for right but I'm like I'm leaving with something right because we used to drive around for dollars that's when you drive around look for vacant houses so we and me when I say we me and my husband so we knew the street it was our street right so they had a list of houses so we bidded on it our street so after the auction we all excited they saying this house is worth 300 and change so we driving down our street driving driving because they was doing Rehab on one part one part of the street we crossed over the rainbow where they wasn't doing work yet Pittsburgh we get to the Block it's four houses on the Block I'm like what did we just buy wow but the house was rehab yeah right he put a four event sign in the ground somebody moved in and they was in the house for 15 years just recently we asked them to move because now houses on the block are selling for 600 000. wow right so now I have that Equity between the 50 000 so now I'm rehabbing that one too yeah so that rehab is about 60 right so 110 yeah but if I wanted to sell the house I can sell a house Well mine's a little smaller but I could sell it for about 450 000 right but that's Equity that's how you build your wealth so when I talk about my rental portfolio if you minus what you owe in the equity between that and what the house is worth that's how you get those Millions wow wow how does it feel like um being a millionaire growing up the way you you grew up right like you grew up in a crack era so I'm talking about like like I'm an 80s baby but yeah I mean you're probably a little older than me but so so and so I so I'm I'm like the tail end of the crack era you know so so I'm like you know like like I grew up during the crack era 88 it was bad but then in the 90s that's where mass incarceration started or stuff like that but like like you like know that error right and to to be in that um and then now A Millionaire talk a little bit about that feeling so it's kind of unreal and a lot of times I don't talk about it right because I'm kind of shameful of being successful wow right because of where I came from and most of my friends is still in the project when I go back to New York we're still in the project so I really don't talk about it um no no now yeah so you know it's it's kind of shameful at the same time I'm still kind of in disbelief yeah right because I dropped out of high school you know in ninth grade and um I didn't know anyone that was a Millionaire right and I always thought to be successful you had to be an athlete a drug dealer because that's what I saw yeah so I didn't know anything about owning businesses or owning you know Properties or anything like that so um like I'm I'm still kind of like in disbelief wow like when people talk to me you know you would you would never even know because I'm not flashy I don't I'm I'm always quiet he's walking around with a stylist behind the scene yeah but um yeah so to me it's like just regular life because you know I don't really I don't see me how other people see me yeah do you do you you know do you think that um do you believe that you deserve billions or like like oh yeah yeah I definitely deserve I definitely believe I deserve it yeah because I work hard you know from from early on um I always worked hard and you know I remember you know by the age of 17 you know because I had two children and I was receiving welfare and I remember the day when you said about 17 you have two children I had two children one is 16 and one at 17. so yeah so I had two children yeah and they they father was on drugs you know and that crack era in the the 88 you know 1988 yeah and I remember um needing two boxes of Pampers and only had enough money for one box of Pampers and first I cry and honestly I went in the bathroom and I was about to slit my wrist I still have like the little more kid and I got scared when I went like this wow and I came out because I heard the babies crying so I came out and was like Dana like what you want to do wow so I went to the store bought one box of Pampers I bought a medium so it was too big on one and two small on the other and I'm like what can I do so I it was a Kentucky Fried Chicken across the street I went there and started working at my sister name so I wouldn't use my lose my food stamps wow wow that was Heavy though it is second that was heavy and I remember KFC right yeah in Broadway yeah wow wow that was I don't even know I was ready for that and then so you know um and the reason so the reason why I asked that though uh really I mean really I you know as a therapeutic [ __ ] for me as well right because um that does become the sign where there's a survivor's remorse yes and I and I and it's in a weird kind of way um I feel like God has been putting people who have a similar background to me uh who's amassed millions of dollars and you know and who's doing well in life but who came from um you know meager not even meager like low nothing um because like I interviewed you know someone recently that also you know they became millionaires a couple from the projects you know what I'm saying so I think that you know I'm starting to meet you know um these people to to show that this is normal yeah yeah right that this is normal that regardless of what your background is regardless where you come from um if you have faith in God if you put whatever the goal that you want to accomplish as long as you put that out on Front Street meaning that there was a belief system that you know what I want to build wealth right as long as you do that it really doesn't matter what your background is it really doesn't matter where you come from right teenage mom two kids by 17. yeah you know almost committed suicide um but now is a multi-millionaire um helping others become millionaires as well talk a little bit about the students and the people that you've helped you know along your journey yeah so one of the reasons I wanted to help people was when I got injured at the post office and I was out for five months before I got in these type of compensation right and I knew people that were still working injured right and I knew that people didn't understand the power of investing in real estate and having another source of income right so that's what started my journey on um helping other people in the mentorship right so just helping people to fix their credit because you know going out we wasn't taught about credit and 90 90 of the people have bad credit so just teaching people and that's 90 of everything everybody not even just black people white people everybody everybody so just wanting to teach people how to fix their credit and leverage their credit and invest in real estate and really just giving them the steps and teaching them how to invest outside of their current market right so I have students that have brought houses in Baltimore brought houses in Cleveland broadhouses in Alabama have started credit repair businesses um started funding businesses and got access to funding and you know when they get of the funding they can invest in you know whatever business they want to but people have started trucking businesses also wow wow wow and so I love that because from a place of uh you figuring it out and you Building Wealth and then now you know you decided all right I'm gonna create this mentorship I'm gonna help other people other people are having this massive success which is also a boomerang because what you give is what you get so now you're giving assistance you're giving help you're giving Jewels I mean even in this episode right now you just taught somebody who's listening right you just taught them how to make a hundred thousand a million if they really was paying attention taking note for free just really just here's this game which is why you know the the money comes back and you're you know you're able to build wealth um when you think about um real estate is real estate the best wealth building tool in your opinion I I believe so yeah right because you know of course you got to do a little work up front as far as like you know locating the property figure out how you're going to fund it right um but to receive that cash flow who cannot use the extra two two thousand dollars a month three thousand dollars a month ten thousand dollars a month right and then you know it helps on your taxes and it builds wealth right because when you go to a bank and they ask you to write down your assets and your net worth it's through real estate yeah yeah right so when they see what your net worth is they will lend you more money yeah yeah wow wow that's powerful that's powerful and so talk a little bit about your mentorship because we do have a special uh you know you know uh you know special program or special offer uh for our insiders who are watching um talk a little bit about your mentorship program so my mentorship is a digital course with on the course you will learn how to start a credit repair business how to fix your own credit how to build business credit solely from the EI number how to get access to personal business funding I give you the exact sequence on how to get 300 000 in personal funding and 1.2 million in business funding wow and then how to invest in real estate from wholesaling Fix and Flip long-term rental which is the process of becoming a landlord and short-term rental also and also how to start a rental car business right because I call it the latter the passive income because this steps to get there right so that's why it's the latter and it starts with credit if your credit is messed up it ain't too much you can do right right so we have to fix our credit but on that journey to real estate because if you get one house is is not gonna make you rich right so I want you to start another business so that you can have some income coming in while you're building that wealth of real estate yeah yeah now I love that because I you know when I think about um you know again like you said the latter right like a lot of people only focus on one stream of income but you have to have these multiple streams even if it's multiple houses correct the different ways you know why why is why is mentorship important though in your opinion because I know how I have changed my life right and I want to learn from somebody else's mistakes right and then when you have questions um you need somebody to go to and sometimes people say Google but sometimes you don't know the question to Google right right so you know mentorship is important because I know how it just changed my life right and I was able to build my mental portfolio how I was able to get access to funding and just having someone there to talk to when I needed help yeah yeah and so you know within your mentorship program is it um is it just the course and that's it they they do it themselves and figure it out now it's now now is the course and that we have weekly calls so every Tuesday we jump on the call for Q a and I also have a mentorship counselor which if you need someone to talk to um that's in place no I love that I love it look inside is the website uh where you can get you know uh access to Dana's program check it out uh special offer for our insiders you know make sure you learn from somebody who is actually have done it like she she recently resigned right so I because because I want people to understand right that this is somebody who is a multi-millionaire who is regular everyday person like you and I and she was able to do this with her job it you know and so whether you're entrepreneur whether you have a nine to five you know this you know following the play is really gonna help you create that Financial Freedom um you know for yourself so take me back now right so not near all that you know right now right multi-millionaire investor you have you have students you have mentees you're helping people you know become wealthy um take me back to 17 year old Dana right um two kids you know uh ready to to just call it quits uh what advice would today's Dana give 17 year old Dana um that one day your children will be proud of you and one day your mother would be proud of you because my mother was really disappointed when I was pregnant so um just just stay the course yeah um God gave you life for a reason gave you those two girls for a reason yeah right at the time well I know why I had them but but now I know like those are my business partners right right so um you know just keep on believing in God and everything is going to work out wow wow you when you say that your business partners like you got you guys have have businesses together you've you've helped them run the play as well yes so my oldest daughter that's my assistant and Sheila she's my credit pair specialist on my team so she runs that business wow and so not only were you able to like you said your mother's now proud of you um you know you have you so so you're not you're not just building generational wealth from a standpoint of I built this yourself here you take it but now your kids are actually working with you yeah in the business um they're learning the business they're able to take this knowledge and you know build wealth for themselves and for their family wow that's a beautiful thing and so what would you say is the the hardest part or the most difficult part of you know being a real estate investor or or entrepreneur for that matter the hardest part I would say really finding balance yeah right balance for myself to really take care of my own health right um just last starting like last week I started getting up six o'clock in the morning walking um just so that I can be healthy and find the time to spend with my husband also so you know you know just being able to really manage my time right yeah yeah and I love that and then so what what advice would you give to anybody right now who's watching the show on insiders who um you know they hear what you're saying they you know believe what you're saying but they're like man like I need you know like times are rough this you know there's a recession or there's bad Economic Times Like and they're trying they got one foot in one foot out there trying to figure it out you know what advice would you give for that struggling person who's trying to figure it out so I would say believe you deserve more yeah and want more and fix your credit to get access to funding because even though we're in a recession but banks are still lending out money but to people with good credit right right and invest in yourself if you can't afford a mentor or if you're not sure who you can trust because I hear they say people scam and stuff like that um go down the person page you know book a call with them and see if they trust what they really see what they doing yeah um and just know that your current situation is in your final destination yeah yeah and I love that I love that and then you know what would you say is the um biggest money mistake that you've made so far in your career living ghetto fabulous what does that mean so between I would say between 2008 and 2017. yeah just blowing money vacation clothes I'm at the post office with a Rolex you know what I'm saying when I could have took that money and invested in properties right when those properties were so cheap between that time so I would say my biggest mistake was buying material things when I didn't really have a savings right and think about when my mom passed um 2012 my mom passed and was working at the post office had a tax business making money and I didn't have any money to get to New York for her funeral wow right and thank God my husband sold the car that day so we can get to New York and that then I came back I said Dana it's time to stop playing wow pay down your credit cards and save money so that you always have a backup plan wow wow wow what would you say is the most extreme extravagant thing you've done with money so far um what the Lamborghini and it's a Euro stuff it's just like a fittest yeah uh what would you say is the most uh impactful thing you've done with money so far the most impactful thing I've done with money um I don't know but I think the most impactful thing that I have done in the common equate to money is letting people into my mentorship that couldn't afford it to help them change their life yeah yeah and I love that though too right because like from an education perspective you know a lot of times people you know if you give somebody money or if you buy somebody something uh that's a temporary thing right you're giving them a fish but like letting somebody get this free game right or that game that's not free yeah but to to get it to change their life you know like that's you know huge uh what's next for for Dana Christian um really I'm on the downhill yeah to you know as far as like I definitely want more rental properties um I don't really have a number but by the time I'm 55 I really just want to really be slowing it down and really enjoy life and enjoy my grandkids yeah yeah I love it I love it all right is in the building um again if y'all want to tap into her mentorship program make sure you go to all the information is there where you can learn how to access business funding because it's not really just about accessing the business funding right because you know again you can access the business funding but if you live that ghetto fabulous life yeah it's really about Building Wealth yeah it's really about Building Wealth and learning how to invest in real estate yeah yeah so now access the funds but then get the mentorship right so don't so here's what I'm gonna tell you don't listen to this episode and now because she gave you the play on how to access business funding you access business funding you worked hard to get your credit right you are doing the right thing you access this business funding now you have this money and then you do something stupid that's not using that money right to gain passive income correct right correct because that's what the game is about that's how you feel well yeah because you know so I always say everybody gold is really passive income if you think about it you work a job for 30 years to retire for what to receive Social Security and every time that's good that's that's passive income right but you don't have to wait wait 30 years right once you learn how to invest in real estate yeah yeah so don't wait right you're gonna wait 30 years 40 years to get that pension you can start getting that passive income right now inside passive make sure y'all tap in Miss Dana Christian uh any last words for the for our Insiders um believe in yourself and work hard and know you deserve more all right John we are closing out the Vault uh if somebody wanted to connect with you uh where can they find you I'm on IG I am Dana Christian all right John I am Dana Christian make sure you tap in with her I am as cash make sure you visit me follow me on all social media platforms at I am Ash Cash follow the show right inside the vault at inside the Vault on all social media platforms our website is inside the I need you to like I need to subscribe I need you to review I need you to rate it I need you to share this with everybody we need this show to be the number one show in in any category because what inside the vault is the greatest money mindset show on the planet all right John closing out the Vault I'll see y'all next time same time same place in God's will all right John peace
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 57,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneurs, employed, millionaire, marriage, muslim, social media, ads, millionaires, entrepreneurship, family, wealth, EYL, Earn Your Leisure, generational wealth, credit, coach, residential cleaning, employed millionaire, insidethevault, prosperity, eyl, life coach, wellness, purpose, sel f employed, balance, leadership, self development, ash cash, inside the vault, itv, author, bestseller, coaching, tax season
Id: ikedpzc0dls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 34sec (2734 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2023
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