INSIDE THE VAULT: Using Other People's Money

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lot of people especially in our community they're afraid of debt right and they feel like you know there's even like Financial gurus who are like yo stay away from debt stay away from debt but for you know people who understand wealth um debt could actually be a wealth building tool especially for people in our community who may not have the capital to start with talk a little bit about that yeah so like that is powerful right as long as you have a good day and we know we got to buy assets right the average house across the country is like 250 to 300 000 how many of us coming from the hood got 300 000 to go buy an asset to go buy a house so if you start from the bottom you need to leverage other people's money you need to be able to leverage that and I look at it in the sense of net worth right that's really what I want to go for so if I'm able to leverage other people's money to buy an asset and controller and add to my net worth I can now continuously go out there and buy more assets and create more income So for anybody that's like watching this right now I want you to get it out your head that is actually good right wealthy people leverage debt we abuse that we maximize debt so that we could pass it down to our areas and it can be able to build wealth as well yeah hey wait wait wait wait I know you want to watch this next video but listen if you are an entrepreneur business coach business consultant or a small business owner who has a story and wants to learn how to create multiple streams of income from your story I need you to text me right now my book to 646-687-4152 that is my personal number I have been an author for over 12 years I've written 10 books four of them have been best sellers and I've sold over a hundred thousand books but I've also helped a lot of my clients take their expertise and put it into a story then create multiple streams of income from that so I want to help you do the same thing so text my book to 646-687-4152 all right let's go back to the video foreign [Music] so welcome to another awesome episode of inside the Vault with Ash Cash the greatest money mindset show on the planet when I tell you this episode is a special episode that you do not want to miss stay to the end watch these brothers are going to give you a million dollars worth of game tell your cousins your brothers your aunts your nephews everybody to watch this interview this is inspiration but not just inspiration that's going to leave you empty this is inspiration of three young brothers who are getting to the back and now they are teaching you how to get there as well we got my man billionaire B in the building Ramel bull um they're helping you fund your dreams welcome to inside the Vault fellas man how y'all feeling man y'all feeling amazing yes sir oh you're gonna make me fall oh man I I appreciate y'all for being on the show um you know one of the things that that like I was like yo it's necessary to get you on the show especially as a unit um because when I see what y'all doing online I think first and foremost what y'all doing individually is powerful right so so I'm a fan of all of your movements and what y'all doing um is is is phenomenal um and then when I show y'all come together um I said oh this oh this is I need I need to help amplify The Voice um because you guys um are showing that collaboration is the new currency that if you know if if we're powerful individually let's come together and teach the community right and and I think especially for me um you got you know I'm a young OG now you know what I'm saying at some point at one point I didn't want to I want to get get that up but I realize now you know I'm a young OG and to see my younger brothers who are killing it on another level um I salute y'all um and and I said I was like yo whatever I could do to amplify your voice I want you and so you know before we get into you know this experience y'all got this five day challenge that's going to help people you know fund their fund their freedom um individually if y'all can just introduce yourself and let the people know who you are yeah absolutely y'all you already know what it is kid billionaire B AKA Brian Walsh from Brooklyn New York man I'm just happy to be here I'm just happy to be part of the stage happy to be a part of this movement man I'm just happy to be a part of my brothers y'all yes sir that's a fact it's right now the young Mogul Straight Out of Brooklyn credit expert commercial real estate investor and I'm just here to be at a shared experience with my guys and teach you how to fund y'all Freedom so that's what it's about that's the fact Derek boom boom Philadelphia 28 years old real estate extraordinaire we're killing it in Philly with real estate but more importantly doing real estate with other people's money which we're going to be showing you guys today yeah and I love it and so you know I'm gonna start with Ramel because if y'all are insiders y'all know we had some commercials in there with my guy you know you know teaching you um how to um you know you know you know buy uh storage buildings uh and build wealth from there so let's start there because I think that was one of the things that I was like you know when when I first got got in contact with you I was like yo this is different right because everybody you know taught to you know buyers residential buy commercial buy but but you win a different approach speak about that a little bit Yeah so um I've been in the real estate business for eight years so when I started out just like everybody else I was buying two families three families four families single family houses right and I got to about 40 units and when the pandemic happened in 2020 when everybody started losing their jobs money is tight you couldn't evict people due to monetary reasons I had a good amount of my tenants that stopped paying their rent right so I'm stuck with the mortgage payment I still got to pay the water bill taxes maintenance but I'm not getting the cash flow so to be honest with you like I'm debt heavy but I'm not too cash heavy This Is 2020 so I started selling off a lot of my properties the liquid didn't get some Capital right and one tenant of the month I wanted to sell the property wasn't trying to leave so I offered him two thousand dollars cash for keys I'm like yo take this two grand leave I just want to get rid of the property so I got them out but in the midst of that he said yo I need to put my items in the storage unit can you pay for that for 90 days I said all right let's do it I started looking for a storage unit in my area everything was sold out so I'm thinking like damn like what's going on why is every single storage unit sold out I need to be on this side of the business all right so that's when I started Googling YouTube and diving in paid 25 000 joined the Mastermind throughout the Arizona and learned this whole new world of self-storage bought my first facility and it's crazy that it's actually easier to finance a self-storage facility than it is residential real estate which is crazy right and um you know so I want to teach other people how to go out there and do it because you can make money in real estate without the hassle of tenants living in your units right I don't got to deal with plumbing kitchens bathrooms and I still get the appreciation the equity and the tax advantages and the cash flow wow wow wow B talk to us man vent space right so you like the the young God of event space yo you already know what it is the event space goat man started back in 2017 had my first spot I used to be a server got fired at my job and I started helping out uh with a smaller space here in Brooklyn and I'm just like yo people paying like a couple hundred dollars for a few hours at a spot like this is crazy like this is I gotta I gotta be on the other side of business you know what I'm saying so I stayed with thirty thousand dollars in a year for my job and I'm just like I'm gonna go get my own space got my first space trying to figure things out didn't have a mentor or anything like that because I I so I just didn't know it took a lot longer because I didn't have nobody showing me the ropes figured it out eventually and I'm like yo hold on I just made like 15 grand in a month like this is crazy like you know I'm saying like I ain't trying to put down real estate or anything like that but most I know typically like when you get a house or whatever like it's not cash flow like this this you know what I'm saying so I'm just like yo this event space thing is pretty smooth saved up got my third one then I got my fourth one got my fifth one started doing like six figures in a month off this thing and I'm just like yo this is crazy so now we we purchasing property and stuff like that to put the spaces in there and just run it up even more so I'm just I'm blessed and happy to be here to show other people how they can do the same exact thing using other people's money wow wow wow boom talk to us we got a whole episode of you that we gonna drop later on um but for those I mean they by the time they see this episode they they're not gonna see the other one yet but you know talk talk to them a little bit about you know who you are and and you know how you build your wealth yeah so in 2017 I got started in real estate right before that I was working a retirement home making ten dollars an hour like I don't have because I have no money no extra stuff a lot of people have college degrees and all this stuff that wasn't my situation I just got kicked out of college a whole bunch of stuff but what happened was I actually got into real estate as in sales first because I didn't have the money to buy a house I didn't have a good credit none of that so I got in the sales first ran it up crazy off the cells but one of the things that really changed the game for me is when I bought my first property and what a lot of people don't understand is I'm big on other people's money so a lot of people don't know you could do something called seller financing so basically I bought the first property but I worked it out with the family member where I basically gave them a lumps on my front and I paid the rest off monthly but then this is the thing I utilize someone else's money A lender and I told the lender that I needed money to fix up the house so I needed about 60 000 to fix up the house I told him I needed a hundred so they wired 100 over I kept the 40 and then I did it with another house and another house and I just kept taking more and more money off the top from each property and that's how I kept flipping about more house to buy more houses and then we still sell a lot of houses just direct sales and that's how we kind of ran it up wow wow all over somebody else's money yeah and I love it right because like y'all y'all came together helping people fund their dreams right fund their freedom um talk about that Dynamic like like how did y'all like like what made y'all say yo we we killing it in our individual spaces but we want to come together and and create you know what I'm saying like the locks of real estate so loss it was crazy right so I'm big I think all of us are bigger we all talk to everybody's story all this big one joining mentorship joining programs but more importantly joining rooms I'm big on getting in the room and a lot of people don't realize that a room doesn't have to be something physical it could be something virtual like our Friday challenge that's a virtual room where you can build with and put things together please and honestly getting the rooms that you have to pay for are the best room to be in because you know everybody's serious it's not like we had the bus stop everybody just here we in rooms where like everybody's paying x amount of dollars to be involved so you know they're serious to some point so now we joined we all joined this room and the next you know we like oh you doing your thing I'm doing my thing he's doing his thing but also you're serious you're serious you're serious even our screensaver all has the same thing a dollar amount we trying to like we're serious we're locked in so then that's when B came with the idea like yo listen how about we come together and we actually did a live and it just kind of like it just synced like people was like like y'all y'all the [ __ ] basically so we kind of just went from there and we said look how can we add more volume so that's the biggest thing that we all want how can we add more bottle like not into just talking fluff not into just you know just shooting breezes B always caught like how can we actually give real game and the crazy thing about it is people get so much credit cards lines of credit business lines of credit just funding to do whatever business want off of our lives off of our last challenge but also people actually came together like we came together off that room people would did deals together like two people just made twelve thousand dollars off a transaction literally last week for my last year so it's like the getting in the room is important and we prime example of how that can happen no I love it I love it talk a little bit about you know Building Wealth from credit right and so you know I I know a lot of people um especially in our community they're afraid of debt right and they feel like you know there's even like Financial gurus who are like yo stay away from debt stay away from debt but for you know people who understand wealth debt could actually be a wealth building tool especially for people in our community who may not have the capital to start with talk a little bit about that yeah so like that is powerful right long as you have a good day and we know we got to buy assets right the average house across the country is like 250 to 300 000 how many of us coming from the hood got 300 000 to go buy an asset and go buy a house so if you start from the bottom you need to leverage other people's money you need to be able to leverage that and I'll look at it in the sense of net worth right that's really what I want to go for so if I'm able to leverage other people's money to buy an asset and controller and add to my net worth I can now continuously go out there and buy more assets and create more income So for anybody that's like watching this right now I want you to get it out your head that is actually good right wealthy people leverage debt we abuse that we maximize debt so that we could pass it down to our areas and it can be able to build weapons yeah yeah and and you know one of one of the things that people don't even really talk about is that you never pay taxes on debt right and so you pay taxes on income right and so the money that's coming in if you're making moves with the money that's coming in that's a that's taxes but if you are bought I'm giving too much sauce B talk to us man talk to us yo just add on to my brother man the thing about it is that we only have so much Capital yeah right like for example I had my 30k as a server I saved that up in a year my entire life savings 22 years old my entire life savings and when I look back at it now I'm just like bro I could have ran it up even then if I just learned how to structure my credit report get a loan build with these different credit unions I could have probably made that same amount of money that I'm making now back then as a 22-23 year old so the thing that a lot of people understand to add on to what my brother was just saying is that credit and debt is a wealth multiplier you you you can only go so fast alone but you can go so far together and when I stay together I mean with other people's money like for example like we're each like what Derek was saying we're each great in our own Dynasty our own genre but we're the three-headed goat right now so when it's on top of us when we come together it's just like it's a whole different Beast imagine the type of person imagine the type of wealth Creator you can be when you learn how to leverage other people's Capital yeah yeah and I love it and so you have this experience five day challenge where which I love like I like I mean if you're an Insider you've watched this show plenty of times before you know I'm a big fan of the five day challenge and the reason why I'm a big fan of it um is because um you know we I've watched it during the pandemic um people get on live um they sell you a product or service uh they do a webinar uh or they they put a lot of money in their ads and they're trying to sell their course but then you get inside and they're not really they not really who they are they're not really giving you what they what they you know what they say they won't give you um and for me the five day challenge was the answer to that because you can't fake for five days you can't fake for five days if you if somebody pays a low ticket amount like 97 or 297 to spend five days with somebody by day by day number three you know if they if they really about game or if they just trying to take your money from you um and so that's why I've always been a big fan of of that model um you guys have you know a five-day experience where people can spend time with you uh what can the people expect you know spending five days with you well first and foremost you you said something good by day two day three you already realize that they the real deal or not imagine day one that same night day one hey in the Facebook group hey we got approved for twenty thousand dollars hey we gotta prove fifty thousand dollars like I got screenshots for days like we can keep this episode for 20 hours we still keep scrolling uh people just getting approved from day one like what's the return if you're getting approved you're paying 297 for an event and you're getting thirty thousand dollars that night zero percent interest for 12 months and then on day A2 we show you what to do with that money like it's so crazy because our last challenge people was on the child and said how can we pay you more money can you send us another invoice link I can't make this stuff up so like you said by day three it's like yo you know they really do what happens if it's day one like and that's what the challenge and I love that because I'm big on be always tell me I'm big on just over delivering and giving as much value as possible and it's just crazy what type of experience we're giving off of Just day one like day one they're like yo mom I got my money back shoot the Facebook group when we chopping it up in the Facebook group we going live AR and he going live as eventually I'm going live my property he's going live in the store like this can't fight yeah and to add to that right just re-giving in my experiences so a lot of this stuff you can't Google you can't YouTube right you got to get it from people that actually done it right so not only are we teaching you how to get the money because the biggest thing is what to do with the money right A lot of people go get approved for a twenty thousand dollar credit card fifty thousand fifteen but what do you do at that point so I we want to teach you how to do it can I can I get on some games I want to give him some games right so with the self-storage facilities a lot of people don't know that you could leverage SBA we only heard about the SBA because of the pandemic right ppps eidl loans that's when our communities are here they ran it up off that SBA is something called the SBA 7A loan that's specifically designed for a newbie Self Storage investor so somebody start from the bottom that never been in the commercial real estate business never bought a self-storage you could actually qualify in a financial up to 90 so that's why I love it so all you got to do is come to the table with 10 so I just bought a self storage facility it was 750 000 I only had to come to the table like 90 grand right but I leveraged that well for business credit cards zero percent interest right so now you win the game no money out of your pocket you own the ad set you got the equity the value and we break it down on how you build multiple streams out of one asset right so now you own that facility where we get a move-in company as well now because when people move coming in the unit they need a move-in service well I'm gonna provide that service right they need to start they need trash they need Transportation right well guess what we teach you how to go and get vehicle loans in your business name you can go get a van right cargo van now running out Vans because that's the service that people need so now you got three streams of income or for one acquisition right we got people moving in and out of the units we get hot we get tired we get hungry well guess what we put vending machines on the facility as well because if if I see the vending machine I'm already thirsty now just by seeing it that's another stream of income you could buy it with a credit card so these are just simple plays that we want to teach you not only how to get the money how do you take it and park it into different vehicles to get wealth to build up your family last name and really fund your freedom right that's just like a few play that's just a few crazy when I heard someone say this before is information is information but you can't do nothing without strategy like we're a challenge not only just information based but it's strategy based we actually line you up with actual strategy actual plays to go and run behind it otherwise you just ended the challenge with a hundred thousand dollars that week and you like what do I do now you're leading going into Miami now you just in fact and and that's why I love listen yo look I'm I was gonna wait to the end to drop the link but yo make sure y'all go to join them because I like I I love what you just said because that's the dangerous part though of using other people money right because you know if like you get 90 grand that's enough to to go get to go get that Lamborghini get that Urus or whatever and then now you now now you created this this liability for yourself trying to figure out how you're going how you gonna pay it right how to pay it back but if you learn how to take 90k now you have a a asset work 750 000 right that you didn't pay anything out your pocket and immediately you're able to start cash flowing on that property and that cash flow Canal lend itself for you to start other businesses now that ninety thousand you have you have the cash flow already to start paying that 90 000 back and then now now as you have that cash flow you could keep running the play over and over and over and over again and build wealth that means you're never have to like you'll never have to worry about a pandemic you'll never have to worry about a recession you'll never have to worry about your nine to five firing you none of that never 100 just to add on to that and I feel like that's the great part about our challenge is that we not only are giving you the place to get that Capital we've shown you off rip three five ten different ways to go and run it up for example even with the event space like we just bought a building and it was no money out of pocket why because the thing about is that like when a lot of people leverage an LLC I know a lot of people know about that getting an LLC putting your your assets in a business entity right what you go ahead and do is now you want to get that funny LLC right we use something called a stripe Capital loan a lot of people don't even lose that a lot of people use like a stripe as their payment processor but they don't even realize that stripe QuickBooks Square they give their own loans everybody trying to get a bag right everybody trying to get a bag so what I realized I'm just like yo I'm running up all this money from stripe they turn around and made me an offer so now it's like all right I bought a property for half a mill right just to use numbers right I bought the property for a half a mil so I got to come up with my 75 right because I didn't use the SBA loan right so I had to put my 25 down right I got my 25 from the stripe Capital loan so now I have this entire property zero money out of pocket but now guess what my mortgage is only about two grand right I got the guy next door paying me to rent out the parking lot 1500 a month I got a billboard upstairs they paid me 500 already my mortgage is covered then I got two spaces right there 1600 2400 square feet each one going on average do 10K a month even wow so I got an entire asset no money out of pocket and it's gonna On The Low End net me 10 grand wow just by using other people's money wow just by having an LLC wow yo so so so let's talk a little bit about like um how good it is for y'all to be so young with all this game right I'm I mean it's good for me right but I I would love to hear your perspective on like being young guys get into the bag not teaching the bag like what is that feeling you know what is that feeling like it feels honestly it feels amazing because now you say funny story uh so what our team does with cold call houses all day right and we had a hot lead so then I jumped on the phone I'm trying to close a guy up and he was like yo you sound young like you're doing your thing I was like you appreciate he said man you get to me he's out on like eight or ten house or something like that he said you get to my age 70 80 years old you'll be able to own eight or ten houses so I'm just sitting there thinking like the way we're using funding and the way are we utilizing our age we don't have to wait till 70 80 years old to go own 10 houses you could do that in a month absolutely utilizing other people well seriously right utilizing other people's money and being our age and having the skill set we understand like honestly time is just it's just time you got to figure out how you're going to utilize it so now we'll be able to put together things by I'm 28 and we get to have all millions and millions of dollars worth of real estate about 28 like that's crazy where this guy's saying yo by the time you 80 bro you can get my point like this is not back in the day after 10 years like you got to save up and then but no we don't have to do that and another thing to add on now because you're young and people see the results you can Inspire other individuals so one of the things I'm big on is partnership right because we all know not all funding requires a good credit but a lot of it requires good credit so let's say for example you have let's say for example I have a 580 credit score but let's say you have a 700 credit score okay look that's how about we partner I'm good at finding deals I'm good at putting things together and I know contractors all right look you have a 700 credit score I'm going to send you let's say Alliance Credit Union I'm gonna get you approved for 20 000. you have two Locs we're gonna get you approved for 40. well in order for us to buy this house we need forty thousand dollars so look let's put this together you come with the money to buy the house I found the deal I structured the deal my contract is gonna fix the deal up we're gonna sell it we're gonna make let's say a hundred I'm gonna give you back your 40 and we're gonna split the change right over there but literally we just did this all for money I just sent to you right off of someone else's money but now you're willing to do that because you're like yo how are you young man so we can Inspire more people when you hear somebody older they say this like all right let me see somebody 28 they saying they're like he on the song right right 100 100 and so you know when you when you think about this this five-day Challenge and y'all coming together like what is the um you know like I mean you you said y'all have like a lot of receipts of people getting you know funded what are some other like um benefits or other um success stories that y'all have seen in in your challenge so far yo I I'll take this one actually I had a lady join our program and literally two weeks she found a space next two weeks she made 10K wow like and I've like me personally like when I started in this game I didn't do it but then it's just kind of like now that we have the benefit of hindsight like the thing about like they don't when somebody joins a challenge like this not only do they get into the room they are learning from the experiences like Romel said you can't learn this stuff on Google and YouTube try it you can search event space on YouTube I'm the first person who comes up I know it's on YouTube right so like the thing like you not be seeing your commercials too I've been trying to check my interviews out you know what I'm saying but it's like Derek has bought millions of dollars of real estate you can't find that in a book Ramel has bought million dollars of commercial property you can't find that in the book I've done millions of dollars off event space sales you're not gonna find that in the book you have to find real people who are doing real stuff and have real stuff to back it up like why is it that like I have men too so and like it's so funny because I was on YouTube and a lady commented and I found and I found it like don't ever put your limiting beliefs on other people don't ever like and I and I hate and I and I don't like to use the word hate but like I really really it really grinds my gears right when people try to say like you can't do that right I just like to say watch me because the thing about it is like a lady commented she's just like oh you can't do 20 000 in a month off of space I'm just like look listen I'm gonna watch me right I just had a mentee he came up got his first space I showed him like yo that's what you're gonna do you can put the upsells like this but the system's in like that 20 grand his first month month one wow it's not that it's impossible it's just you haven't done it yet so when I tell people get into the room I'm not telling you for us I'm not telling for me I'm not telling you for Derek or Romel it's because this is going to change your life but you gotta let it first yeah yeah another thing I don't care but would you say something really good like you can't find this stuff on Google like hey how to find houses Zillow comes up but we're talking about how to do backdoor funding strategies you can't Google that there's no way you can what we talking about you can't go how to go ahead and move close dates around how to go and transfer balance transfer the money how to go ahead and get the money off the credit card into your checking account how to move it around you can't Google this yeah try it it's not gonna work and you know what the other thing I like about you know you know what y'all what you guys are doing and the opportunity really that you're giving people is uh you also give them like those who are premium who you know get into VIP you give them access to be able to talk to you right so it's not just 5 days of just learning and of you talking and then that's it but there's also a component in which you're answering questions people are asking you like specifically like how did you do this how did you do that um B you know somebody right now is trying I mean you you kind of gave it to us but somebody who's trying to you know start and you know get their first event space you're like what what advice are you giving up one of the biggest things that I see people doing wrong is that they give up too early they think that they're just going to jump into the world and be like ah my dream space is going to be right in front of me like it has has a deal ever been right in front of us no you got to make it a deal you gotta find opportunity where there isn't always opportunity so a lot of times I tell people I'm just like yo look listen it's a numbers game you contacted one to two Realtors before contact 10 to 20. I guarantee you're gonna find because all our people who have found spaces in record time it's just numbers it's just scale it's like do whatever you were doing at a faster farther rate and just to add on to what you were saying I feel like like how a lot of people come to to these rooms they're not only coming for Access especially people who are of a let's say higher income bracket premium people they come for curation I want what you did in record speed like it took us four years to have our first 100K month I'm gonna I had a student one year 50 000 in a month because he had everything that I learned everything that billionaire beats has ever garnered in all these years in a nice little box with a bow on it right so when you get into rooms like this not only are you paying for Access not only are you paying for questions answered you're paying for Speed you're paying for that desired outcome you if whatever it is you want to do you want to retire by 60 we're going to show you how to do the next 10 years you want to learn how to get your first 10 properties and you in a year we're gonna show you how to do that record time a couple months but you got to put the work in you know what I'm saying you got to put the work in you got to put the time in you got to invest but it starts with getting inside the room first why you work so hard cause I'm trying to get some money Punk man why you keep calling these people cause I'm trying to get what I deserve if you haven't wrote down your goals if you never Envision it it will never happen so if you haven't wrote down your goals you need to manifest that in speaking to existence because the Bible says speak those things that are not as though they are everything that you've ever wanted everything that you've ever desired Any Dream any aspiration all of it is now going to take [ __ ] you know the importance of keeping your job because your job is your first business partner Wall Street looks like us now it's a Battle Cry Wall Street looks like us now it's The Equalizer if you can start training your brain to start thinking about solutions to problems and challenges rather than letting them slow you down you're going to dominate this life and when I learned that selling is not about convincing people to do something they don't want to do selling is about empowering people and freeing people from their inhibitions so that they can do something they already desire to do I've tried too much to settle I didn't make it through covet to settle I'm ready to step into everything that God's got for me yeah and what's your what's your thoughts about um you know you guys are all entrepreneurs I mean a lot of the people who you know watch our show uh may have you know side hustles or may have a nine to five you know what's your thoughts about um doing this you know as somebody who has a job is it something that you know you would advise or you got to be a entrepreneur to do this or you know can you be successful in any of what you're doing while still working yes I'm living proof of that right like I literally lived there I feel like I've done the traditional route right I don't have as like a major Rags richer story from prison and this like you know so I went to college but listen right so I'm the first person to wear a go first person in my family go away to college right graduated with my bachelor's business manager in mining Communications went and got the corporate route a lot of people my FEMA they thought I made it like you're making 50 60 000 a year they thought I made it because compared to everybody else in my community that's like a great expectation but I knew I'm 60 000 I'm worth 60 million that's how I feel in my mind you guys you got to believe it first right I always say your lifestyle was your mindset turned inside out right because what you think and what you speak becomes your actions your actions become your habits and that's that's your life you know what I'm saying so I always wish to speak I want you to speak to myself listen I'm worth 60 million I'm worth 70 million I'm worth 80 million and every single day that I walk into the office I say yo I don't work for you you work for me that's how I looked at it I had to change my perspective so now I'm going into the office and I'm leveraging my W-2s because you need that to get approved with certain mortgages and different lending products so every I get my W-2s and now I would go buy property every single year I would buy properties and build it up all right next year I'm gonna buy three the next year I'm gonna buy five until I built it up and now I have passive income that supersedes my living expenses it covers all of my my employer income right so you can build it up that way and the Beautiful Thing I love about real estate is because you can do it even when you have a job and you don't have to be a full-time entrepreneur you just got to be able to understand the strategy and go after it so I want everybody to understand if you've got a nine-to-five job that actually can help you to be honest because it allow you to get more funding faster to buy more assets and then get you that freedom yeah yeah as a fact so just want to add in what you said the W-2s for people that do have jobs the W-2s will help especially when you're going over that 50k Mark so what a lot of people don't know like Key Bank Alliance a lot of these places they'll do no documents for your approvals anything under fifty thousand dollars so let's say for example Key Bank is one you'll go there you can apply for a line of credit or a personal credit card and as long as you will ask for anything under fifty thousand dollars which this I've helped a lot of people do that and I personally did it they don't ask for no documents at all you put how much you make you put this you put that and they're not asking for a single document from you all I think they need is your social security number to run your credit when you go over fifty thousand dollars that's when they start asking some questions but if you have those W-2s you have that paperwork to show you can get access to that so for people that are I don't have a job I'm just starting my business the under 50K route maybe for you but if you have multiple LLCs then you could run it the people that do have jobs people do have W-2s then you can go and tap into that so like it doesn't to not get funded doesn't make sense like it's a route for either or you have a job or you don't have a job you have good credit you don't have good credit we got options for you all across the board the game guys no as you was talking water on the Sun as you was talking I was trying to hold it but I was like man I can't hold it foreign [Music] take your time bro I'm good I'm good you good big fella yeah yeah I don't know all right it was too spicy no too much spice too spicy too spicy appreciate it I appreciate it might check my check I don't know what the [ __ ] this happened though because I'm just like talking and then all of a sudden like as as Moon talking my [ __ ] I was like oh [ __ ] of course too spicy bro hey you was holding it too long surprise no that's what I'm saying I was holding it so I was like mike check my check my check my check one two one two one two all right I think I'm good all right and I so I love that because you know the ability to be able to you know like you said use other people's funding regardless of where you you know whether you're entrepreneur whether you have a nine to five what is the biggest mistake though that you would say people are making that's stopping them from getting you know funding or using other people's money limiting beliefs yeah it's a few things you got to believe like you said but also it you got to understand underwriting guidelines right data points and these are the things that we're going to teach during that five days knowing exactly what the lenders are looking for you got to know exactly where you need to qualify and I'm gonna give like a simple concept but it's so powerful and this is how I've been able to really build my own private fund of investors right not going out and finding a bunch of you know millionaires no people every day that's around me so every single year I would have what I call a family Legacy meeting right and I have my aunts my cousins my brother my sister my best friend everybody come to the table and I put together a seminar as we would do out in the public but just for just for family part of the requirement is you got to make sure that everybody go and get their credit pulled so when you come to the meeting I want to see everybody's credit profile right so now I can see who got a 800 your credit score who got a 400 credit score who got a 700 and now we can strategically place people on these llc's to go get them funded and how we do it we do a family Susu so we'll put up 200 each month so we got 12 people 200 now that month I'm gonna go fix Auntie credit because her credit is 450 this month that's what we're gonna use the money now all right next month we're gonna fix Cuzzo credit right so we move the money around to fix everybody's credit make sure everybody got an LLC and I took my cousin right he he worked he's a correction officer right he worked 50 60 hours a week pay his bills on time he never checked his credit he just a responsible person because I had the family Legacy meeting we pulled up his credit he had 800 credit score didn't even know it say yo let me put you on my business on my operating agreement I want to show you how to go get some money in 24 hours got them forty five thousand dollars in business credit he like yo let's go get more how do I do that right so now I want to set you up got his own LLC put him through the same process got him 250 000 in funded and that's how we raise the money together and now we got over four million dollars in business credit and that's what we used to go by facility after facility so you can do that literally with your family is a simple concept but the execution on it and the impact is crazy wow like I don't even I don't even think y'all understand the game that was just dropped here and how like that's the answer right like you talk about Legacy like I like I hear this all the time people always about generational wealth build generational wealth build generational wealth but not understanding the tools and the keys and how to actually do it and man you you start adding life insurance into that yeah like that's the next level game right and so you know what promise is it right so like they spend five days with you guys we know they're gonna get business funding we're gonna you know learn how to structure it like what else will somebody get by you know spending spending five days with you guys show you how to structure your credit report so like we said some funding you don't need credit but a lot of fun that you do and the biggest thing is people paying thousand two thousand dollars for credit repair a lot of the credit can be fixed repaired on your own it doesn't even require thousands of dollars I know a lot of credit repair companies they my friends but you know how to pay them like I'm gonna show you how to do it how to do it from our Challenge from within and once that credit is fixed then you can go ahead and get your 30 your 40 or 50 100 200 250 000 and that's one of the major things because we want to give you guys not only the front end but also the back end too the front end how to fix your credit front end how to go ahead and apply what to put on the applications that's a whole different thing what things to put on the app so you can measure a better chance that you're getting approved and then the backing we're showing you how to go and get set up with event space how to get set up with a commercial real estate how to get set up with the residential real estate and some other things we don't even want to talk about on here but so it's like the 297 is like at this point right because that like I mean if you're watching this episode up into this part you already know like these young Brothers already know what they like you've gotten a million dollars worth of games so far right like you've already got a million like literally if you run a play that Boone just gave you if you want to play that Ramel just gave you you want to play that billionaire B just gave you immediately like just buy free information you've gotten enough information that you can set your family on the next trajectory spend five days with these brothers and really just get the game right get the game and learn you know how to create generational wealth um what what is what is what is y'all why like like like each each of y'all individually like why why like why do you do what you do no I guess I'll start um I was raised by a single mom so I know I know a lot of people you know they heard the story whatever the case may be or like they might be in the same thing but like I see my mom come to this country uh with 100 in her pocket and like she's and it's like God gives his strongest battles to his strongest soldiers right and I see like what my mom's been able to do she's been holding a job for down for years she's got her own property got her own car I ain't trying to put Mom's business on blast like that but like she's done a lot for herself as an immigrant woman as an immigrant black woman yeah so I just everything I was I feel like my god-given purpose on this Earth is to just take care of her yeah for the rest of her life like like you good like I just want to be able to see like yo mom you're good like you don't got to worry about it like I pay my mom's mortgage right now but I wanna I wanna fully just like you work for me now you're working for nobody else right now so everything that I'm doing every single day every breath that I take is just it's just for that so yeah my wise opportunity like that's really why I do it because growing up poverty welfare food stamps Brooklyn like we don't see no opportunities outside of thinking we're going to be the biggest drug dealer the biggest gangster or we're gonna be a rap or athlete right so I want to be able to show people that you could do different things you could be everyday millionaire because like that's literally what we all right doing business with people that you walk up the street they be in Walmart and they have multi-millionaire so I want to be able to provide opportunity right my dad is in my business like he said his mom wanted him to work when his mom to work for him my dad worked for me in my business right he's retired though but he's making 10 15 000 a month in my Empire right like my brother so I want to be able to just show other people that there's an opportunity out there beyond what we've been seeing man the representation it starts with us coming together and showing people no egos we want to come together to really show the people that they could do the exact same thing for me my wise freedom honestly just being able to move how you want to move and freely so one of my things is like my son my son means like the world to me so when I was growing up my parents never was together so I was always I've been in custody court since I was the child I've always been going week to week to week but I always realized when I was at my my dad's house he wouldn't get off work till nine ten o'clock at night so I'm literally taking care of my brother and sister until he comes home but also he can't really see a lot of stuff because he's at work or he might do overtime on the weekends so what I realized for me early on is I want to set up so much stuff now my son is one now so when he turns two or three I don't have to miss a single game I don't have to miss any single like whatever you need me to do I'll be watching you for 24 hours obviously you can't do it as though they get older but that's like he's literally my world to me so I want to be there non-stop how you got another game you got another practice look we practice all day long if you want to be the next I don't Michael Jordan or if you want to be the professional pianist like I'm here at every practice at everything and getting funding getting properties getting all these different things will help pay for those that passive income so like oh I'm gonna be in the house for this whole year we training for the Olympics that's what we're doing and I don't got to worry about that because the passive incomes pays for the entire lifestyle so like yo we taking five years off you're going to be in Olympics or we take a five years off you're about to be the next best drum like whatever it is he wants to do I could be there and take whatever practice or be you know chaperone or whatever the case may be so that's for me I don't want to have to just leave just to and I'm a kind of I'm a kind of I'm gonna blow Boone spotter real quick uh one of the biggest things that I love seeing about Derek is that he brings his son around so I told you I was going I was gonna blow it up he brings his son around all his properties now I I like I know a lot of people like they might follow him on Instagram things like that and just you know it's all property I want to do I want to do that but for me I see exposure yeah and I love to see that because his son as he grows up like he's not caring about Jordans he's not caring about Gucci he's not caring about part he not caring about all our regular stuff and that's not to put that stuff down but he's been growing up in an environment that's based on wealth yeah that's all he knows like his mind is just gonna work in terms of I I cool all I gotta do is I gotta buy this duplex I'm gonna get the funding from over here so it's gonna be like second nature to him y'all talking ABC's he's talking duplexes triplexes and quads you feel what I'm saying so I feel like for a lot of people you can be in a whole different environment by just being in a whole different environment it's like I read this article I read this article and it's just like by Nature people who are raised in wealthy households it's almost predestined that they will be wealthy yeah like they could not go to college they could not do any like they could just like f up their life yeah but just by mere habit and exposure yeah they are predestined for greatness wow so I just want to first of all just give my brother his flower just let everybody know just like like you will literally be in a whole different world you just got to put yourself in a whole different orbit yeah and I love that and that and I think for me like that's one of the reasons why you know it was uh important for me to have y'all on the show um because you know you know we see a lot of these rappers like that's their dangerous species right like I'm talking about every other month or somebody getting killed like and it's crazy and these are young brothers who got families that were who are dying and I always hear people say well they need they need better examples they need better examples I'm like nah the examples are out here we just need to be able to to amplify their voices and you know that's why I say as a young OG you know I said I you know what let me use my voice let me use my platform to amplify what you brothers are doing right because I know that you know like when somebody sees a 28 year old millionaire like see young multi-millionaires like and they lightweight he you know he could say jacking all the time right like he's talking I talk you know what I'm saying not me but I'm saying he's like a young person is like yo he talk High talk and I could feel him I can understand him what what message would you have um for young people right and and obviously your challenge is not only for young people because I'm actually going to join because I'm like you know I need to I need to learn how to access business funding more um so obviously you're you know your your challenge isn't just for young people you could be you know 50 60 years old and still learn you know how to how to access other people's money uh but specifically for the young people like what message would you have for those who might have one foot in one foot out trying to figure things out so for the young people I really want to give a message of you can be anything that you want to be the second thing is and I'm not against college but for a lot of young people they feel like because they're pressured by parents that don't know and there's no disrespecting anybody's parents but they don't know anything about entrepreneurship they only think about business credit they don't even know anything about funding or any of those things they only know go to college get a good job do X Y and Z so we're peer pressured in our home more than outside so now we're peer pressure go to college go to college go to college and a lot of young people they're like oh that's what I'm supposed to do and I want to send a message of like there are other options I believe in the word options like having multiple options to do different things and I want the young people to really know like okay because College didn't work out for me so but I showed proof that that's not the end-all bill and the other thing I want young people to understand that it's cool to talk about finances it's cool to talk about credit it's cool to talk about wealth it's cool to talk about businesses like all these other things that a lot of people talking about really don't matter and then the last thing is is your your environment is so important like a lot of people and and I get I get so passionate about this stuff because I feel like you you what you see in which you're around end up becoming you so a lot of us we're around a lot of things that's just BS a lot of nonsense and we end up becoming it if you put young people like for example if like let's say for example my son he's already seeing a lot of expensive stuff so if he's hanging around his friends his friends like let's go rob let's go Joyride and Mr John's Car like why would I do that my dad has the car like so if we put we show young people that this is what this environment looks like I took my it's a it's a real expensive neighborhood in Philadelphia it's called glad when right outside of Philly all multi-millionaire houses I always take my little cousins and stuff to ride through those nail they're like this is nothing like why like why do I want to stay down you know in this neighborhood when I can just go take a 30 minute drive and just check that out for the day we just remove them from a lot of negative stuff that could have happened in that crazy neighborhood by showing them this other stuff out there now you know on Sunday like my little cousins they literally like yo it's Sunday can we go ride up in that neighborhood that instead of hanging on the corner let's go ride around there that you already changed literally someone's life probably save someone's life just by showing them different things so that's that's that's that's my passion just want to show them this other other routes and other things that are just as cool as buying Jordans and stuff if not cooler yeah yeah yeah and I love that because I feel like I mean that's my story you know what I'm saying like the moment I was exposed like growing up in the Hood the moment I was exposed to a different type of Lifestyle um and I knew what was possible it stretched my mind and those possibilities kind of you know helped me going the right trajectory man what would you say yeah I agree with everything you're saying um I want to say two things uh the most powerful thing in the world is a made-up mind like once you make a decision whether it's going to be to go left or right right like if you make up your mind when you want to be in the streets you want to do this like you're going to get that but if you make up your mind and say I want to join a movement like this I want to be like Ash Cash I want to be like billionaire b or whoever you like you can do it make up your mind stick to it because if you do that nothing is going to stop you right and and the second piece to it is understanding that failure is the cheat code to success right we gotta fail right we gotta go through that a lot of us be scared to fail like I speak to a few people my family and they'd be like I don't want to invest because it's my last two thousand like they scared of what that's like right they don't want to leave their job because they scared of what it would be like going on this journey of Entrepreneurship but you got to understand that if you fail you're gonna be able to learn from that experience that's how we got where we are today and then getting mentorship because that's the way of of understanding somebody else's failures right they say a smart person learns from their mistakes but a wise person learns from the mistakes of others so I learned from your failures right and I'm gonna take it and I'm gonna win and you know a lot of people we mad about our situations we upset we we and you know just circumstances that's just not right but I said listen if you mad you got to make a difference that's what that means if you're mad enough make a difference and do something about it [Laughter] that's what I would say I really mean it because you know we all come from the same circumstances right but we had to truly be mad about it make a decision and do something differently you see the results and you got a pocket of these quotes look he's fitting the bars he's like I'm gonna use this one today now I peeped it in real time I saw when the light bulb went over your mind I saw his face he's like yo one of the biggest things that I feel have changed my life as a young entrepreneur is trying as many different things as possible like I didn't get a job out of school I went to college I didn't get a job at a school I tried the serving thing I tried the event space thing I tried the real estate thing I tried the Airbnb thing and like Romel was saying is just like the faster you fail the faster you learn so I'm like I'm learning at a rapid Pace simply because I'm trying so many different things people be so afraid to just dip their hand in thinking that they're gonna fall or not but you don't even realize you could float so it's just like now I'm just I'm I'm All About exposure like I don't care if it's my last three grand I'm going to this conference I don't care if it's my last five grand I'm going to this convention because all I need is one gem all I need is one play like information changes situation but only through implementation like you got to implement these various things but the thing about is that like I remember I was in I was in San Diego for a convention and they talk about like yeah you know I just did 40 50 million dollars last year you did what now and it just kind of like it leveled the room yeah because now it's just like oh this is a different kind of conversation you don't even realize that your brain is naturally stretching itself to catch up to other people which is why I always like being the dumbest person in the room because the only way I'm going is up you've got to throw the rope down for me for me to climb up so I'm just like yo why am I like it's so funny because like especially as men like guys especially when they're around guys who's doing other things they're just always like oh yeah you big bro I don't want to be big bro I don't want to be big bro I want to be little bro as much as possible because I can only grow but if I'm the best I can't learn from the best so I'm always getting around rooms and like I'm this five day challenge I feel like is is a godsend because it's just like people are going to be exposed to things they've never seen before things that they never heard before people that they never met before and in record speed they're going like people are going to be coming on this challenge making more progress than they've done in the past five years of their life Wow wow but the only thing that's not guaranteed is your success if you don't get there period I love it I love it what would you say so so far you know you guys have you know surpassed what I was you know like I I was still I was still working for the man trying to figure out you know you know saying you know I was still you know in the bank um at your age but now we're in the vote now we in the vault you know what I'm saying um what would you say so far has been the biggest mistake that you guys have made you know on your journey and how has that mistake you know helped you to be where you are right now me I would say not invested in mentorship Faster that's just it like I I like I took too much time trying to figure it out myself yo I don't know I don't trust that person right because where we come from you know in the hub we don't even look somebody in the eyes for three seconds like you don't even have the opportunity to learn from other people because we so defensive right and that's what I was I was Defensive for a long time so I had to open up my mind and understand the the biggest mistake I made was I wasted time by not just getting around the right people investing in myself faster learning so I could be where I'm at even further yeah but but let me stay there for a second though right because uh I'm literally my wife and I were having this conversation recently uh because when you find the hood though you have to be defensive because you will die if you're not right so you gotta learn defense um and then what winds up happening though when you get out of the hood and you get into these environments you are who you are though so you you play in that same way right you play right you take that with you which it which which is detrimental to you in different other spaces so how like how did you get out of that defensive mode to now play offense and now yo I got the rock and I like I'm gonna be you know what I'm saying like hot like like what what was that transition like so I had I had to be isolated so I I learned it when I went to college like if I didn't go to college I wouldn't have been able to grow right but when I went to college people were saying hey how you doing we're just speaking I'm like whoa what's going on right and now I'm looking like the RB what's up yeah I'm looking like the odd man out now I'm the weird person because I'm not speaking to people I'm not communicating I'm not showing love so it took me to go to a new environment to see what I was doing in my old environment is not real that's that's only going to keep me where it was so um that's that's really how I started to change myself so so what you're saying is anybody in a you know environment who's trying to Pivot uh put yourself in a different environment you know comfortable get comfortable being uncomfortable but be in that environment so that environment could shape exactly eventually you hit it on the head got it got it got it biggest mistake bro biggest mistake for me was not going at the fun day early so and I'm not even saying that just to say it but when I first got started on real estate it was all sales I was trying to like I want to buy a property let me go ahead and do these trans transactions no money out of pocket help you build wealth so I can run up my bag and then I can go buy some cash and I thought about it after two years and I'm like yo like I could just go get funding and I can skip this whole sales part and go straight to being a real real estate investor instead of helping you become a real estate investor I'ma just be my own so my biggest mistake I would say is like 2017 when I got started I should have went straight for funding and went became a real estate investor early on because my first year I did like 17 18 deals and made of Autobots 17 18 properties I still would own like I don't regret it but also at the same time like dang I wish I would have got funding right out the gate so that's my biggest mistake yeah would love it be one of the biggest mistakes that I feel like I made is not asking for help sooner like just being rich so not only do I come from like a single parent household but I'm also an only child so I was raised in a very independent household like cooking and cleaning by the time I was nine years old or anything like that because my mom was always at work trying to put food on the table so I was raised in an environment of just trying to like Ramel said figuring everything out but then I realized it's like one brain can only go so far two brain took only so far three brains could go a lot further so that's when I realized and I started learning about like yo collaboration and and growing and mentorship and exposing yourself to different environments because a lot of times like like we said you can't learn a lot of these things on Google and YouTube you have to learn from people's experiences like ope other people's experiences right so now it's just like yo you might speak to somebody and they're just like oh yeah you know what I'm saying I I got this i got this this property over here and I use this loan but you would have never thought about that because you never met this person you didn't ask for help so one of the biggest things for me is I just wish I learned how to just learn from other people sooner yeah fall farther and faster so I can get at get back up a lot quicker yeah because the biggest thing is like I said like one brain is like and don't get me wrong like I think I'm a smart person but the thing about it is just like you don't know what you don't know and experience tells all and teaches many so it's just like why am I not exposing to myself exposing myself to other people as much as possible so that I can grow a lot further yeah yeah no I love it all right y'all listen if you don't spend five days with these young men these young multi-millionaires I don't know what you trying to do then we can't help you yo they got a five day challenge five day experience you could go general admission but I would suggest you go 297 you do that VIP you get to ask them questions directly about your specific situation you'll get access to all of you get access to them you'll again five-day experience um any last words for the people can I pay for everybody's ticket oh so I said I I don't want to disrespect everybody so I said something earlier but I didn't finish it yeah so I remember I said Alliance so one of the credit unions that I utilize now we helped fund a lot of people over this us is Alliance Credit Union so when you go to the website you click business loans business credit cards you apply for the cash rewards cards at zero percent interest for 12 months they pull from Experian and then they only need about a 670 680 credit score all you need is your EIN number you're not expert no paperwork no documents so you can apply right online and get between 10 to 30 000 right there online so you can use that money to pay for you and everybody else ticket so that you can get the other Banks to get the other seventy thousand dollars that you utilize so we can start this business this business in this business so if that works for everybody then wait hold on hold on y'all exclusive game changers so so he not even telling you he just gave you a play he just gave you some money he just gave you a play just now that as you're watching this you should hit the pause button go do what he said then come back and go to join the challenge so he can show you how to get the other 70 so you can run the other plays yo come on y'all playing around I know he's going to come that slice of you if a lot of people are scared to give information because they don't know if that's like words yo man look listen you already know what it is man and me and my brothers we just like my man Boone said like if somebody is stingy to give away the places because they ain't got enough right like on on a on a whim like this is this I feel like we gave away like my brother ashcatcher said a million dollars worth the game imagine what the paid stuff looked like yeah period Point Blank period let's get it all right chop make sure y'all run over join these young gentlemen for the five day challenge uh if somebody wanted to connect with y'all you know online individually where can they find you yo definitely tapping with me on Instagram Brian mnkn tap in let's get it yeah Mogul lifestyle underscore on Instagram Diaz boom DS b-o-o-n-e all right y'all another awesome episode of inside the Vault we are closing out the Vault make sure you follow us on all social media platforms at inside the all me I am Ash Cash make sure you visit me I am follow me on all social media platforms at inside the Vault I'll see you next week same time same place in God's will all right y'all peace [Music]
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 45,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: earn your leisure, business, finance, sports, entertainment
Id: _wsLOlj7jTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 12sec (3852 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2022
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