INSIDE THE VAULT: How Jose Rodriguez is Helping Millions Master The Credit Game

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uh give us a quick crash course on what should somebody do you know who is either just getting in the credit game or if they have like bad credit so so pretty much i would say the first thing is stop wondering about a credit score i think a lot of people worry about a credit score and they get stuck yeah or or they like oh man i don't have a 700 i want to say they're chasing the number when you should be chasing the data start building your business credit now yeah get your llc today yeah right i built i started my company in february 2010 yeah i didn't quit my job until august of 2012. right build your business credit i haven't had business credit at that time yeah right but build your business credit build the foundation yeah get your credit right yeah get your business credit up maybe get get everything out of your personal credit so if you are looking to leave your nine to five right go to bank of america get get the car out of your personal credit get as much personal debt that you can out right and then now when you start your business and you wanted the nine to five you have no personal debt so you could literally build your business you know transfer a lot of your your debt into the business so now when you when you leave your job the business it's crazy hey hey wait wait wait i know you want to watch this next video but listen if you are an entrepreneur business coach business consultant or a small business owner who has a story and wants to learn how to create multiple streams of income from your story i need you to text me right now my book to 646-687-4152 that is my personal number i have been an author for over 12 years i've written 10 books four of them have been best sellers and i've sold over a hundred thousand books but i've also helped a lot of my clients take their expertise and put it into a story then create multiple streams of income from that so i want to help you do the same thing so text my book to six four six six eight seven four one five two all right let's go back to the video pay attention and listen about the teach class inside the book my man ass cast so get your man right thursday 8 p.m change all night me and their minds set the best on earth blueprints of wealth but not a network forget it while you can any standing right here just coming to vote black millionaires all yeah [Music] [Music] all right so welcome to another awesome episode of inside the vault with ash cash the greatest money mindset show on the planet uh and listen i need you to get your pen your pad i need you to look do not get off of social media i need you to pay very close attention to this episode right because the number one question i get as a financial educator the number one question i get is on credit and i am so i'm i'm super busy i wrote a book you know what the fico 12 steps are paying your credit so anytime somebody asks me questions i'll be like yo go get my book but sometimes y'all need more than that right and then the new thing the question i'm getting is about business credit yo how do i build business credit how do i get the personal guarantee out my neck like all of that stuff i bought the greatest credit expert on the planet my guy appreciation rodriguez aka the credit dude yes sir thanks bro appreciate you man you're having me thank you no it's an honor for me man because um you know as somebody who has been man i've been in this game you know over a decade um and so i know you know credit inside and out have written books on it um and i remember man a lot of people were coming to me asking for you know uh you know how to do certain things so i was like i'm gonna open up a credit repair business you know what i'm saying uh open up the credit repair business and it's a lot of work right and i'm like oh no i can't do this this this right this ain't it so i was like so what am i do what am i gonna do with everybody that is asking me for credit information so i was like all right all right let me let me find different people um and when i found you i said he's the guy right because what happens is there's a lot of people who might have read a book right and when they read the book they now think they're the expert um and but you could tell when i'm looking at your content i'm like yeah you don't really know what you're talking about right um and so we connected um and i've been you know sending you clients and and i i'll be honest what got me was your business model um which is like yo let me show you what i could do and it's not like yo let me juice you for monthly fees or whatever but so we're about to get into all of the credit smoke but before we get into that for those who don't know who is jose roger again yep so appreciate you man so my name is jose rodriguez the credit dude um puerto rican raising uh raising new york uh live in jersey right now i went to the marine corps when i was 17. and uh you know back in high school man i was one of those kids that couldn't play sports you know i graduated like 112 pounds i was skinny you know i didn't know what i was gonna do in my life right went to the marine corps um and i was like all right this is what i'm gonna do to straighten me up my brother was a marine so listen this will change your life right so i went to the marine corps and uh followed the crowd right i think a lot of people sometimes they follow the crowd because they think it's this thing to do yeah right so i got in trouble uh ended up committing fraud in the military uh got court-martialed for those of you don't know what court martial is court-martial means like pretty much just going to court for like in like in regular you know judge or whatever the case is and uh i got sentenced to military prison the brig right for you know committing fraud and like fraud it was pretty much if you couldn't take the test i'll have somebody take it for you like wasn't really nothing crazy everybody i followed the crowd right only one that got caught out of hundreds of people and um throughout that time i discovered credit in the military and i was like yo this is pretty dope like i fixed credit boom boom boom and when i got out the military i got court martial i started fixing credit again and uh you know even though i got court martial people didn't really judge me they didn't label me they didn't oh that's the dude i got court-martialed let's like get away from them but people in the military are like yo bruh because you ain't snitched right you know what i mean and i usually could have but i'm like nah let me just take this and whatever the case is because you know if i would have did that bro it would it would it would have been nuts it would have been nuts so pretty much where i started helping people in the military yeah and after that bro was a rap i mean i got through my depression uh you know so a lot of people a lot of people don't talk about mental health yeah yeah right i mean i suffered uh suicide depression anxiety ptsd schizophrenia i was on tons of medication um and this is 2 000 like 7 8 9 10. started my company in 2010 12 13. it wasn't until like 2016 man like a few years ago what would you say so what were you battling with those prior to the military or no okay and i still battle that today yeah i just know how to control it now right you know what i mean and it was what i went through with the military i was making excuses like i was depressed i was like oh my god so i'm a credit repair company but i just didn't want i just thought if i couldn't be a marine that i couldn't do anything else wow so instead of serving the world with as a marine i figured let me serve my community through credit wow and and that's where i found a new purpose in life you know i got off my medication i had stopped drinking for a while you know i got a beautiful wife kelly a daughter peyton she's 10. and this whole time i'm like come on bro like what are you doing like what are you what are you doing like literally bro like you wasting your life and uh and you know and then and then in 2018 i almost sold my company then i met caesar flipping in jay shout out to caesar and uh shout out you know and envy and they were like listen man we need a speaker yeah and it's been a game changer ever since man you know i i made the decision to just keep going yeah and uh and credit i love it man i even love business credit even more which we're gonna tap into you know but i think i think a lot of people man they give up a lot of people they feel like oh if i can't do one thing i can't do anything yeah just find your niche man just and just change just change to change the world with your niche you'll find another one yeah yeah and why were you gonna sell your uh your business you know the whole depression thing i was behind on my mortgage i was like you know what maybe this wasn't the right decision that i made you know i was still battling some demons you know and i was like you know what maybe i'll just sell it and maybe just become a loan officer mortgage banker realtor or whatever but then i was like nah i could have i i don't know but then literally bro the day before i sold my company i got the text message from caesar and then what what was that like uh you know was it was it a random text like like what what why the issue so i had known caesar and lucci for years yeah right through instagram yeah right that's what people always even if you got five followers yeah keep going right because they were like yo we've been watching you for years since 2014 and we like what you do we like how you charge you like how you do stuff yeah we want the right person to help educate our people when we do our seminars yeah but i started crying you know i mean like i said i was behind on my mortgage i was still behind on my mortgage when i was doing the seminars right you know what i mean but i was getting up early good and after it but i just think i'm like why me why why jose the credit like why right like i'm court martialed i'm depressed like yeah and bro just it's been a blessing the best thing that ever happened to my life oh no absolutely because now you know the you know you are the credit expert right right you know for the you know dj envious caesar's uh you know seminar um you know you know thousands of people uh breakfast club interviews uh traveling people get to hear you um you know and then so now you know you have this flourishing business uh you know for those out there uh basic give give us give us a basic one-on-one um on credit you know because there's a lot of people um who have bad personal credit uh you know we're not taught credit in school uh we're figuring things out ourselves uh give us a quick crash course on what should somebody do you know who is either just getting in the credit game or if they have like bad credit so so pretty much i would say the first thing is stop worrying about a credit score i think a lot of people worry about a credit score and they get stuck yeah or or they like oh man i don't have a 700. i want to say they're chasing the number when you should be chasing the data right so i tell people whether you are starting like if you're just starting off or if you have a 700 focus more on the data that's on your credit report what does that mean what are my limits on my credit cards what cards am i applying for what are the balances on my credit cards because think about it why don't people get into bad credit because they couldn't manage the debt that they had right right that's usually the number one thing they charge off their credit cards repossessions things like that so it's like just just make sure that when you build credit that you that you take away the credit score aspect out of it if you know you have a 500 credit card just don't overspend that if you know you have two 500 credit cards just don't overspend that you know you can get a secure credit card you know there's credit cards like pedal have you ever heard of pedal p-e-t-a-l so it's pedal card very new car like we found them when they when my jewelers club and new coast direct those cards kind of like vanish and stop reporting yeah pedal card is another card that you can get when you establish a little bit of credit history there's kickoff k-i-k-o-f-f kickoff gives you like a 500 limit um and you just got to buy something on their website and you're good um secure any secure credit card at a credit union you know those are good to build uh but you want to just build something you want to show that you have a little bit of of credit power capacity too because if not if you can't show that you can manage a 500 credit card why somebody gonna give you a ten thousand right yeah you know so and the thing is why do people want the the higher limits because they're always worried about a credit score just get out of the credits oh i don't want you to run my credit i'm like bro you have a 530 credit score right but but you don't want nobody to run your credit right like come on fix that stuff or build a little bit more yeah and that's it man it's just build a little bit of credit if you have a family member obviously adam as you know get added as an authorized user yeah if you know them right and that's it yeah i i love that advice because um it's just like anything else right when you get attached to the number you'll never really uh get to the goal right and so you know if if i'm like yo i want to release 50 pounds me just looking at the number is not gonna get me to release 50 pounds i have to do the action steps so i have to know i got to eat right i got to drink tons of water you know i got to work out right these are the things that's gonna help me release the pound and so as i do those things then the number is gonna show up and so what you're saying in that sense is like yo stop focusing so much on the number oh 700 700 yo treat your credit right right right you know 35 30 15 10 10 right you know pay your bills on time you know and and so and and so because you said something about uh how about to start teaching you know i'm a credit guy i'm not great yeah no it's not you um you know you said something about credit cards right um how much does somebody be using on their credit card right because i think that that's the other sort of like misnomer where people are like i got this credit card uh i'm gonna you know i'm gonna spend it all and i'll pay it all back is that the way because i hear this all the time somebody like somebody might call me and they're like yo ash i just got this new credit card yo my man's my man told me yo just use all of all the money and then pay it back each month and if i keep doing that i'm gonna build my credit is that the right way to do it yes yes and no if you're gonna use that strategy the one thing you want to make sure you do is that you pay it off before they actually report the balance to the credit bureaus so that's number one yeah so how do you find that out just call your credit card company call capital one and say hey when do you report my balance to the credit bureaus right i think people get stuck on like the statement date that do they just say in layman's terms our terminology is hey when do you guys report my balance to the credit bureaus the 15th yeah just make sure you paid off in full by the 13th right because now when when it reports to the credit bureaus it shows a zero balance and so and so not the statement date nothing's right it's a different date so like if like if like if if capital one says you owe right this this bill on the 28th yep and then they say but we report to the credit bureaus on the 15th then forget about the 28th right okay pay on so so usually the statement date and the report they are usually the same thing right but get out of just all you really got to worry about is all right i know the credit bureaus report on the 15 yeah pay in full by the 13th or pay it down by that by that time because now your credit score stays the same that's probably one of the biggest questions i get a lot of clients all over they don't have bad credit right but when i look at the credit report all their cards are maxed out but they tell me yo bro i pay this card off in full every month yeah i'm like you do but you're just paying it pay this day yeah and then they call me back two months like yo but that's crazy right i didn't change anything all i did was pay it two days earlier or five days earlier and my credits got shot up 100 points yeah right right you know what i mean and then the thing is don't be afraid to use your credit and i think that's where people look at oh i just do cash i can't handle it this thing you can make so much money with your credit yeah so if you have sixty thousand dollars in available credit use it to your advantage right start a business you know if i would have had 60 grand to start my company yeah oh my god yeah we're not and then so net so let's pivot to that right because hey how you guys doing hold on don't press that button because that's what i do every time i'm looking at an ad that i don't want to see this ad just happened to be life-changing i just happen to own one of the biggest home health care companies in the state of georgia i can help you create your own just to give you a little bit of insight i send out registered nurses lpns and cnas to take care of people inside of the homes that cannot take care of their sales but guess what you don't have to have any medical background and you don't have to have any medical knowledge so if you wanted to change your life and you have a passion for actually taking care of people then go ahead and sign up for home health care blueprint i'll see you guys later you know and just for those like the 35 30 15 10 10. um you know that's that's the five categories right you break that down for us a little bit yep so 35 is your payment history uh and your credit scores range from 300 to 850. yeah so you have 550 points that's pretty much manipulated by those five categories right so 35 of 550 is 192.5 points right so that's payment history so you know shout out to derek harper one of my boys he's the one that taught me that strategy of get out of the percentages and teach them the points because if you teach them the points they'll they're like ah just 35 of my credit scores aren't that bad but if you tell them yo bro if you're late it could affect up to 192.5 points oh crap you know what let me make sure i'm not late ever again yeah right yeah and then you have your 30 which is debt utilization and that's 165 points so put those two and two together you're over 350 points if you're late and maxed out credit cards i'm using that's a gem you know what i mean and i think people just like ah you know what it's only a 300 limit right but if you max it out it doesn't matter if it's not a limit it's still going to affect your credit score up to 165 points yeah you're the same saying so it doesn't matter about the limit it matters about how much you're using of that limit 15 is eight is time and file right and that's about 82.5 points so the the sooner you build credit the better your credit score is going to be i got people that come to me they have zero credit y'all want a 800 credit score next month ain't gonna happen and that's why people buy trade lines is to help out with the 30 right and the 15 right right but the thing is just get a family member to do it and if you don't it just takes time yeah you know what i mean 10 is mixture of credit and here in this category if you have a mortgage if you have a car and you have a credit card they're going to give you those 55 points in that category right so think about if you have one they're only going to give you 33 of those of those 55 points yeah right and then the last one is inquiries where everybody gets wrapped up on yeah inquiries affects your credit lease right but everybody focuses it more on they're like y'all don't run my credit but you got to repossession the collection six late payments and maxed out credit cards but you don't want nobody to run your credit ready come on you know what i mean and that affects another 55 points in your credit score yeah so it's really not a lot so you know how some people say you know i went to the car dealership and my credit score dropped 100 points from them checking it it's impossible right because the the most amount of points you can use for inquiries is 55. that's it right you know what i mean so that's that's a quick little breakdown of it yeah just worry more about the the the actual numbers yeah that it affects your credit score or versus the percentage yeah and you'll you'll you'll you'll treat your credit a little bit better which then the data drives the score so we take care of the data the score is in a sense going to reflect higher because you're doing everything right just like you said you're eating right you're drinking water doing whatever the case is when you get on that scale it's like oh crap yeah i can't believe i just lost all this weight right but it's like if you do all this stuff it's like wow i can't believe my credit score went this high well yo you're doing the work though right so you're good yeah i love that i love that and so so now right somebody has their personal credit uh good um and then now it's time you know they they they you know want to start a business um you know or they have a business and they want to build their uh per you know their business credit um and so in order to build their per their business credit uh they have to without a doubt build their personal credit first is that is that is that correct yes and no okay so you will get higher approvals right on certain accounts if your credit is good um but you don't need to have a good credit score to build business credit i think that's one of the biggest misconceptions because there are a lot of accounts so first thing to build business credit what do you need you need a business right you got to get a llc believe it or not bro i get a lot of people can i build a business card i don't have a business i'm like you got to get a llc but it's just because people don't know yeah yeah you know what i mean so you can you could create a llc you're on your own get an attorney right uh get your ein your employer identification number your tax id that's free go on the irs website those are the two things you need right right once you get those two things now you can actually start building business credit but you don't need to attach everything to your personal credit so you know back when when i discovered business credit it was too late i had filed bankruptcy back in 2013 14 right and it's because i had put all my personal debt on my business debt on my personal credit right so i had like a hundred and like 40 50 000 in debt on my personal credit that was for my business yeah and when i filed bankruptcy you know my credit was shot right but then i started building business credit and a lot of this stuff i didn't have to personally guarantee even though my credit score was in the dumps i was still able to get some net 30 some credit cards lows home depots things like that sam's club bj's that wasn't tied to my personal credit so even though my personal credit was shot i was still able to get it but i couldn't get the american express cards i couldn't get the chase so those are where if your personal credit is good it'll kind of accelerate you're getting those those high limit credit cards that even though they run your personal credit it doesn't report to your business you know i mean and so and so now right um you know you just told me you know have a business uh ein number and i'll start building business credits so you know i'm today as soon as right as soon as they finish watching this episode uh you know go online or wherever open up the llc get that uh i'm gonna get a post office box put my cell phone number and then i'm good nope nope so that's good so that's i'm glad you i'm glad you mentioned that because that's one of the biggest mistakes too that people make yeah how can you really be a business if you're using all your personal information you know what i mean so the thing is is uh you ever heard of regis is one of the best ways you can start truly positioning yourself to be a business owner and be deemed as a business because with regis what you do is you're you're in a sense renting their location yeah for like 60 bucks a month 70 bucks a month right and then now when people google your business you actually have a building they're not googling your house yeah so it's like if you want to build business credit you have to have a business address and instead of getting a uh uh your cell phone this place is like ring central yeah that i like right that's what we use for for our employees and and ring central you look like a business right it's it's actually a business number that you can register on 4-1-1 and you can put on the google page and things like that so it's like a vo iop a voice over internet protocol it's not a cell number so when businesses are looking your when you're applying for business credit and you have your house address your personal email address your personal phone number all this stuff is like all right we're going to deny this guy right you know for american express it's not going to matter right but then when you're trying to build true business credit yeah if everything that you're doing is your home address you know uh the credit dude 10 at it's like you know instead flip it get a website get an actual business address i mean a business email address you know what i mean because if you're able to get everything in the business now when you apply for business credit it doesn't matter how much revenue you're bringing in they're going to google the credit due they're like oh wow this guy has a has a big office there's a website he has a professional email address professional phone number and you're good and then the biggest thing the other biggest thing you got to do ash is you got to go to dun and brad street right yeah dun in brad street so it's done and brad street right so the website is www.d the letter d a and d b dot com so there's a lot of people charging thousands of dollars for you to get that duns number yeah yeah thousands you know you can get your dust number for free absolutely free free it might take 30 days right but if you go on their website request your duns number what's crazy is people already have a duns number they don't even know because you can look up your business to see if you actually have a duns number yeah and if if the information is correct you can go on there and fix it yourself right you know what i mean but a lot of people are charging you know even dnb charges you like eighteen hundred dollars right to to expedite your buzz numbers yeah you don't need to do that right you don't mean so as long as you have the fundamentals down llc ein a business address and if you started your llc with your home address and you get regis just change the paperwork right change it with the irs change it with the state and then now i i think that's the thing that people are doing is they're applying for business credit incorrectly because all their information is incorrect yeah so now you get a business bank account has to have the regis office if you have a brick and mortar you're good but if you don't have a brick and mortar i work from home yeah we have 40 team members right i work from home right i don't i don't want to go to an office that's just me yeah but i have an office right that that's where i put all my information in you know what i mean business bank account have your business address all those basic fundamental things now you can apply right you know what i mean and now when you apply that's the the reason why a lot of people got to put their personal credit and why people think you need personal credit uh good personal credit is because when you're applying for these net thirties the home depots the lows the sam club all these net 30 or revolving trade line accounts when the business is because your business isn't set up properly so like yeah i'm not giving this guy a ten thousand dollar lowe's card right right he's no you got a person guarantees because we want to make sure we're getting that money back yeah but if you have all your stuff set up correctly yeah now when you go apply for business credit oh yeah yeah no you're good yeah 10 grand 15 grand yeah and if you're going to do lows there's three lows cars or three home depot cars and now you can really get more credit for your business that's you don't even if you have like bro when i filed bankruptcy my my credit score went down to like i think it was like a 510 mm-hmm 5 30. you know it went back up after right but bro i wasn't i was in the low 500s but i'm still getting a proof of business credit yeah yeah and i you know i love that you said that because a lot of times what people are not realizing is that it's not that you can't get the business credit uh is that you have to set it up the right way that's right uh and setting it up the right right way is really about understanding that you have to be a business right because you know even you know my you know as a former banker what people don't realize is that because there's so much liability with businesses um there is usually a person that's checking or like it is not only an algorithm that could give you a decision really quickly like i remember when i was working at that bank uh you know if you want to open up a personal account we just run your things in this in a system if check system says you're good then you're good we open a business account we gotta do site visit we got a call we gotta we gotta go on google we gotta make sure it's a real business especially after 9 11. to be honest right because after 9 11 the rules change everything and so you know now you have cip you got uh uh the the uh i forget the name of it the patriot act where you you gotta make sure you're confirming stuff and so they're holding you know you know you know banks and financial institutions liable so they have to do that that level of due diligence and so um you know i'm somebody now i got my business right you know i i got it set up the right way um how does scoring work right with business right uh because i know with with personal credit it's equifax transunion experian right um and and so is is is that the same case do i have an equifax experiment trade union number and then what's the range of that number or you know or does the is does the number even matter how do you know if you have good business credit or not yep so the first thing you got to do is make sure you're you're checking it first yeah right so there's a website called so right they monitor your business credit and you have equifax business you have experian business and you have dun and bradstreet there's a couple more players out there kind of like with personal credit you know how you have check systems and novice and you have other there's other players out there but the three you really want to worry about is equifax business experience business and uh dun and bradstreet okay and if you sign up for uh they'll they'll in a sense start building your business credit why because every time you pay your your nav subscription every month with the business boost plan they report a positive trade line every month so imagine if you paid for personal or credit monitoring and that built your bit your personal credit with that's it actually builds your business credit by paying for what you need to check your business wow wow it's crazy right so now with done in bradstreet you have your paydex score and that usually goes up to 100 yeah right and then you have your experience score that usually goes up to 100 too right and but with experian business there's a lot of other key indicators right there's a lot of there's a risk factor there's a lot more things you got to go on there but i tell people the same thing when it comes to person to business credit don't worry about the score yeah worry about what you're getting approved for because this thing if you only have one account reporting you're gonna have a 80 paid experience right keep building yeah you know and and then once you start building your business credit up which we're going to go over on which accounts to apply for properly because that's i feel like that's another missing part too it's like yeah just build business credit okay but how yeah right and we're gonna go over that because but once again once you're set up correctly you get now when you start applying for stuff you're gonna see your paydex score and your intelliscore go up and your equifax score right you're gonna see it come out of the red and go in the green and that's what you really want to focus on when it comes to business credit is am i in the red or am i in the green all right if i'm in the red that means i probably don't have enough business credit accounts that means i'm not set up properly am i paying my accounts on time now a lot of these accounts when it comes to business credit it ain't no like revolving you got 30 days to pay it back right so if if you aren't good with paying off your personal credit in a short amount of time yeah don't make the mistake of now starting building business credit if you know that you're not going to be able to pay back in full right whatever you're getting that month because then you're just going to you're doing all this for nothing right you you don't say what i'm saying i hope that makes sense because if you have 30 if you have a revolving credit card with capital one and that's what net 30 means right now that's correct 30 days to pay this all correct yeah and some industries like restaurant industries they haven't had seven net 14 so they have a shorter time to pay it back right and and and even they even go up to like net 55 or net 60. you just got to find out what those terms are yeah and they also have revolving but i say as a business owner you've really got to get into the habit of whatever you use yeah if it's not making you money or if it is making you money pay it back right away right and if it's not going to make you money right away then maybe do it on a revolving card than a net 30 card yeah and so and so what what are some examples of some like net 30 accounts that people could kind of tap into yeah i mean people always talk about the ulines and the graingers and all that stuff i said yeah those are good but the real power man is in gas cards the real real power and building business credit up the right way is in gas cards um there's a company called wex right they're like kind of like the the issuer of gas cards um because this thing you can't really get the lows and the home depots and all that other stuff unless you kind of build a little bit of a credit you can't get an american express card with a 300 capital one right so you can't expect to get all this business credit if you don't have everything established and and seven they have a 7-eleven down here right in in in in georgia or not i think they do they do yeah yeah so 7-eleven right 7-eleven has a business gas card wah-wah right 76 right so so right now you have sev you have 7-eleven you have wawa you have uh 76 um uh you have few uh fumin gas cards right uh you have like um sicko you have bp like those are five gas cards right there and what's crazy is all you got to do is you can literally google it local gas cards local business gas cards right and what you want to do is you want to make sure you go to the bottom of the page and usually at the bottom where there's a business credit application and or just go to and it'll tell you every single gas card that's available and this is the thing if the gas card's not in your area still get it right still get it because you never know like maybe you're going to travel to an event yeah you're going to travel here travel there and you can use that gas card and and gas cards is one of the is one of the biggest ways like uline is good like i said still get those still get those small mom and pop you know net 30 accounts that everybody talks about online yeah that's good and all man but it's a different type of flex when you got a hundred to two hundred thousand dollars in business gas cards yeah are you gonna use two hundred thousand dollars probably not you shouldn't be right but then you probably have a problem right unless you're a truck but the thing is if you're a trucker right if you're in the trucking industry you shouldn't be using your business debit card for gas right get as many gas cards as you can yeah and i'm telling you man like i have probably like 10 to 15 gas cards um i just got approved for a fuel min gas card right no personal guarantee but a lot of these gas cards you know what they do they still make you put your personal information they don't run your credit though right okay they just want to verify that you know you're legit because the thing about it you're they're they're giving you a high limit right um bp murphys these all these all give like eight nine thousand dollar gas cards and that's what i'm saying the power is in because yeah you can get in that 30 with a 200 limit but why not get an 8 000 gas card that's where the remember the mic jewelers and the new coast directs they were powerful because it didn't matter what type of card it was they're reporting a 5 000 exactly right right so think of the same concept when it comes to gas cards is that you're gonna have eight ten fifteen like i had one of my clients who had a a five eight it was like a 580 credit score and he got approved for an eight thousand dollar bp mastercard wow under his business right he had to personally guarantee it but he's like i don't care right i'm gonna get eight grand right and you what can you do with that you can do all the truck stops right you can purchase stuff inside maintenance yeah and usually wherever mastercard's accepted at gas stations you could run it up just make sure you pay it back right and that really honestly bro is is the way you really want to build your business credit yeah is not with those net 30 u lines because like i said that's saturated right now yeah to be honest yeah everybody's saying uline granger you know office supplies isn't that but there's also office depots yeah there's staples yeah there's there's a company called bank exp it's funny we're in a vault of bank they'll let you get things for your business on on on a net 30 account but they're gonna let's say if you want to buy like if i want to buy you know 100 hoodies 100 book bags right they're not gonna in a sense give you a limit they'll just let you get it you gotta make sure you pay it back right like those are the type of accounts that you want and we can dive deep into each category because i even did i even did a shout out to my boy jamon who was my trainer he was like yo i need you to give a class to the to these personal trainers i've never spoke to a gym industry ever right but i said yo give me the the names of the companies that you buy things with so when you buy your equipment when you buy your meals when you buy your vitamins when you buy your flooring at a gym give me the names of the companies did you know every single one of those companies that he gave me had business credit wow wow every single one of them yeah so now gym owners are actually able to come in yeah and buy things on business credit right wow wow so it's crazy whatever industry you're in yeah instead of using a business credit card i mean a business debit card or amex or whatever the case is look on their website call them hey do you offer business credit yeah hey i just started my own photography company do you offer business credit yeah you know what i mean and you want to make sure that you're using as because like i said those ulines are good right but there's more power and building true business credit what it is that you need yeah yeah if you need something go on their website go to the bottom it'll say business application or just call the number yeah and that's it yeah and i love that because what people don't realize or especially in our community the black and brown community is that you know whenever uh you know there's entrepreneurs who are you know focused on building their business uh you know they there's always this saying uh it take money to make money right and and you know we talk a lot about lack of of access to capital but sometimes it's not lack of access to capital sometimes it's lack of the knowledge to access the capital exactly yeah and if you get access to the knowledge and and it's crazy i was doing this this this webinar for my boy jamaan with the trainers right yeah and it's funny how the business applications are usually at the bottom of the page to the right yeah because they don't want you to know it because why would they want to give you so so one of them was called um rogue fitness why would rogue fitness want to give you 20 000 gym equipment without a personal guarantee right they don't want to yeah and and that's the problem with a lot of these uh a lot of these companies is the business credit's out there they just don't want you to have it and do you want to know the main reason why yeah please tell me is because when it comes to credit you have the fair credit reporting act you have the fair credit billing act you have the truth and lending act you have all these acts that govern and protects consumers right and protects business owners there's no laws when it comes to business credit they don't have to report the accurate information they don't have the truth there's no there's no type of regulation so it's an unregulated market yeah so why would they want to give you 20 grand in business credit when your business can go under and i can't come after you for it personally because your business goes under so it's like different you know think about it if you even if you sign like a merchant cash advance your personal guarantee can still come after you it's still going to go on your personal credit right you know what i mean but because you're personally guaranteed it now you fall under the fair credit reporting act now you fall under it but because there's no personal guarantee thing and there's no guarantor assigned to that there's no regulation when it comes to business credit and that's where i was like man i missed like you know even in my business i'm missing something like it can't just be credit repair right right right and that's what i discovered in 2014 and that's why we're focused so much on business credit because it it's it's a gold mine yeah you know what i mean it can truly take your business to the next level where now i'm just using uh the gym owners as an example is you have no money to start your business that's fine let me show you how to get all the money you need to to do your business from the beginning and now you can't say like to access the capital right you can't say lack of access of knowledge because we're you're getting it you're giving it to you yeah now you just got to go apply it yeah yeah and and you know you know i want to ask this because i i know that there was um you know i've seen posts um uh flying around you know talking about um using credit instead of like debit cards and things of that nature uh because there's advantages of using credit right can you talk about that a little bit i mean there's a there's a lot of advantages when you when it comes to using credit i just say it depends on what you're using it for yeah yeah right if i always say if if if it's gonna bring you a return on the investment use your credit as much as you can yeah you know what i mean and if you're not using your credit to any to return anything like if you're just going out and you're spending money on food on this on that or shopping it's not bringing you anything yeah yeah you know so the advantage of using your credit also is is you know protection yeah yeah so so if i drop my debit card and somebody steals it the investigation takes longer right because the liability like is crazy right right right but if i use it if i use a credit card my admix my capital whatever credit card i use i can call them up and say listen i lost my credit card i i was in georgia i was in atlanta whatever the case is uh i lost it right there they give it back to you there's no investigation they'll give the money back to you and then say all right or we did the investigation you know what you're right whatever the case is but credit protects you a lot there's a certain layer of protection and just imagine how much protection you even have more when you use your business credit you know what i mean and that's why i say it's like use your credit card smartly right use it you use it wisely i mean but but also like don't be afraid to use it but use it to your advantage like if you know the the credit is not going to bring you any money back don't go out there you know spending 30 grand if you know a month you only bring in five and you're not doing anything else to bring in that extra 25 right if that makes sense right right you know what i mean but don't be afraid though yeah and it also though right there's points right so like when you use your debit card there's no rewards you're not you know gaining anything um so even if you use your you know your the like if you have the money to pay on your debit card if you have the credit use it on the credit card absolutely then pay it back on it right because you could like accumulate points absolutely that's when you start traveling for free yeah like my go-to's are usually american um you know my american express card but it is linked to delta yep and it's linked to marriott so that's why i usually only fly i usually fly delta right and i usually stay at marriott because now you start building reward points you start building stuff you can travel for free you get you know you get free nights so it's like now you're using your credit to where it's like all right even if you're using even if you're going grocery shopping using your marriott card yeah even if you're buying something as a gift for somebody maybe use your delta card yeah so the more points you get now you start traveling for free you start doing stuff you get rewarded differently you can start saying first class right you never know who you're going to meet you never know who you know a ceo of a bank could be sitting next to you like yo what's this guy all right this guy must be doing something in first class he starts conversating with you so it opens up a lot of doors yeah especially when you start using it to your advantage yeah no i love that i love that and then so uh give us some uh other examples of uh types of uh accounts that someone could open up you know to help build their business so so once you start building the foundation right i just i always want to reiterate it because one you got to build the foundation first right once you build the foundation once you get those net thirties uh once you get some of those gas cards right everybody uses amazon right i think everybody here uses amazon at one point amazon has two business cards they have a credit they have a revolving one uh which means that you can pay over time and they have a net 30 account actually it's a net 55 account where you have 55 days to pay it back so those are two right there you might have to use your personal credit if you don't get approved in the beginning but but it's okay right they check equifax right um home depot lowe's um any local um and i'm just gonna i'm repeating myself just to make sure in case people are any local gas cards right once you get that what you want to start doing next to really build your business credit is is auto credit um right and and i know everybody loves turo everybody loves you know a lot of people not into touro yeah but they used to need a car right right so one of the best ways to build your business credit is by getting a vehicle right and if you have to personally guarantee the first one it's okay it's okay right but once you start once once you put a 50 000 auto loan yep on your business credit it's gonna shoot it up yeah and then now when you get the second one the third one it's all in your business credit so it's like yeah just get a car yeah on your business credit yeah but how you got to build the foundation yeah build all those gas cards build those net 30 accounts right and then now you're good and believe it or not man all i say is whatever industry you're in google that industry yeah because there's so there's only a certain amount of cards that are for everybody like i said the staples the office depot like walmart and target they used to have it they got rid of them right but there's a lot of places like even jcpenney has a business credit account tiffany's like the jewelry company they have a business credit account so all these business credit accounts that you want to get is really specific to what you need um is a big one so you can literally just google dell business credit right you can apply for dell and you can get anything that you want electronics under your business wow right apple credit um i have right now was crazy because we have 40 team members right uh each team member gets a laptop a macbook and an imac so right now i have 80 macbook products or mac apple products that's all on business credit wow right and to go to them you got to go to sit bank right so you can contact sit bank and you can get now uh uh funding equipment financing for your business right to get apple products right um and that's it man i mean it's really just depending upon what you want yeah right because if you're a landscaper or what do you want you need trucks right you know you might need a back goal you might need this you might need a pickup truck so it's like imagine you as a landscaper going to get a truck under your business that's it on your personal credit and and wherever you get your papers all your equipment the lighting the everything just ask them that they have business credit you know and like i said this goes for any industry you're in now now you can actually just multiply the amount of credit you have available and i would say even if you don't need it right now get it if you don't need a home depot card right now get it anyway yeah yeah because you know what's the hardest thing to get when you need it credit credit fax yeah yeah yeah the hardest thing you can if you don't if you when you need it the most yeah is when you're not gonna give it again and and you know i mean you're absolutely right with uh the auto loan that's clutch because i because i remember that that's actually what i use uh to build my business credit yeah uh i bought a car i think it was 2017 i personally guaranteed it the first time yep uh i you know i put it under my business name honestly now i got multiple cards under my business name and they don't even like it's it's so easy now right because i you know i built that history with them now i go anywhere and i'm just like all right let me let me get this and then they they'll they'll give it to you so i love that yeah and so how um can can credit um help you save money right because because there's so many plays that people don't really understand i mean first and foremost having a business in general can save you money right right but then now if you have a business and use business credit it could save you money right give it give us a few a few plays so especially with business credit right think of it as like you know you haven't been to macy's or victoria's secret or any department store credit card and say hey have you used your business credit card so the thing is if you use your card what do they say oh you get 20 off yeah you get 15 off right so the thing is if you could buy more things with what you need on a credit they usually give you a discount right so once again i'm just you know using certain industries landscaping right you need to buy certain things for your business and you use your business credit card and you use it with that company not only can you get a bulk pricing but you're going to get a discount because you're using them over and over again bj's sam's club you know all these places right and you could literally save money because now you're paying it over time right so it's like now if if you're like all right if i can get this for 10 000 i know it's gonna make me 20. but you know what i don't have 10 000 cash you know let me go ahead and use my credit card it's going to help you eat not even save money but make money yeah and that's the biggest thing man is if you can use your credit wisely it's not gonna ultimately save you money too it's gonna actually help you make more money yeah for your business yeah and i love that i love that and so what what is uh you know we we talked about not having the proper address not setting up your business the right way what are some other big mistakes that people make when they're trying to establish business credit yep i would say the biggest mistake is is honestly not asking if that company offers business credit that's that's the part one is is they don't ask that company if they offer business credit but but the second thing is is always using their personal credit when they apply the even just because it says social date of birth doesn't mean you have to put it right right it usually says optional next to it right right it usually says do you want to personally guarantee this car do you want to personally guarantee this credit card do you want to no you just don't fill it out and see what they say yeah you know what i mean and then the third thing is is is this is when you have good credit the mistake that i see people doing is you apply for an american express business credit card the mistake that i see them doing is they get approved for one and they're like i'm set yeah why are you stopping at one let american express tell you that you're denied for your third fourth and fifth card keep applying yeah and that's the thing is if that company offers more than one credit card why are you only applying for one wow yeah lowe's offers three business credit cards home depot american express i think has like 14 business credit cards yeah so once you establish a relationship with them right they'll be able to approve you from multiple credit cards either with one inquiry or no inquiry right right so it's like that is probably the biggest mistake is keep going let somebody tell you you're declined yeah and because imagine this imagine if you have good credit right just imagine you have good credit 700 plus you apply for an american express business card they're approved for a 20 000 credit card yep and now you apply for another one and another one and another one and you just keep going right and the magic with this with this ash is when you apply for the business credit card it's going to say either approved or pending in blue if you get the pending in blue that means you're going to get approved all they got to do is verify information they're going to do a little bit of a check on you they might have to ask you to upload your bank statements whatever the case is and you're good keep going right when you get the pending review and yellow with american express stop because that means you decline you know i mean we tell this to our clients these our clients are getting three four five six credit cards in one day with one or zero inquiries wow you know what i mean and just keep going because what what's the purpose of just having one credit card [Music] get as many as you can so keep applying for as many things as that uh company is offering because you never know when you're gonna need it and so and so what would you you know what advice though would you have to that person uh who's just afraid of credit right because i know people who are like yo i'm i'm not even touching credit right i'm not applying for credit like you just saying apply for all you can just just triggered them and they like what is he saying you know right and the thing is is is like usually when they're afraid of credit is is is because they know someone that had a bad experience with credit or done themselves had a bad experience with credit yeah so it's like now it's like you can't force them i'll just keep applying like alright man listen let's take a step back why are you a fly why are you afraid to apply for credit yeah and ask yourself that question yeah right why am i oh man my dad didn't know credit my grandmother my brother all right that's not you right oh i had bad credit in the past all right well now you have good credit right you know what i mean right if you're scared to apply for credit and you're scared to do things it's usually either one you have bad credit or you don't know how to manage it right you know what i mean and once you once you get the knowledge of it you're good yeah just don't be afraid of it and so and so what about um you know the the gurus out here the uh the dave ramsey's who um you know you know uh um say that credit is bad like do not get credit don't touch credit credit is the devil right the market of beasts like what's i mean dave ramsey i hope i hope i get to meet him one day right and have a little discussion with him about credit yeah the thing is it's not realistic man you know if you're telling someone to save up a hundred grand to buy their house yeah or to get a car you know it's easier to build a hundred thousand dollars in credit than it is to save a hundred thousand dollars yeah if you're making 40 50 60 000 a year but you got somebody like that telling you to save to buy the house cash yeah that can take you forever yeah and you know what i mean you have to live in a place so not only is it going to take you forever the money that you could have been putting towards the equity in that home is going to someone else right right and so and so while while you're saving you're really not saving because if you um take i don't take out a mortgage and you're paying 1500 a month in that mortgage payment that 1500 a month is not going anywhere no that's that's paying down the loan which is building your equity right but if you're paying if you say you know what now i'm gonna listen to dave ramsey or whoever right right um you know the debt free community um that 1500 that you still are paying to rent is going out the window and it's never coming back yep yeah so you have somebody like grant cardone yeah who loves debt yeah he's like give it to me right i think he has like millions of dollars in debt and he doesn't it's good debt yeah you don't mean his assets it's still producing you money right so it's like if you're afraid or if you're listening to someone that says spend you know save up yeah and don't use your credit you you got to use your credit right right to get a mortgage like unless you buy and it's the thing i would even tell you you know you have a lot of you know a lot of celebrities rappers athletes whatever the case is they get they come into millions and they buy a house cash yeah bad moves bad move yeah so even if you have the money it's still a bad move yeah you know you want to get into that into that predict into that habit of using your credit to your advantage just because you apply for a mortgage doesn't mean you're going to be in debt forever yeah you know what i mean exactly and just because you get a car note doesn't mean you're going to be in debt forever yeah like like if you know you're going to get the car repossessed yeah put it on touro right right put it put the car on tarot you know you could if you know you can't afford your house anymore put it on airbnb and live with a family member so there's now there's different ways of thinking yeah nowadays whereas before there weren't these options there's too many options for us and i'll speak on that too specifically to the rappers specifically the people who have money the wealthiest people on on these on these planets still use credit right and i'm a and and we'll we'll give a uh uh i'll give you a quick uh lesson on how using credit is losing money right and so the greatest rapper of all time uh jay-z mult you know the billy goat as we like to call him um and his wife uh you know beyonce carter uh nose carter they bought a i think was 115 million dollar place right uh in california right um they uh paid 80 million in cash for it and the rest they finance and so you might say to yourself hey why would they like these are you know they're billionaires why would they finance 50 something million dollars right so things like 130 right so why would they finance like 50 million dollars right the truth of the matter was that the mortgage that they got was a four percent mortgage right which means that they financed 50 million dollars at four percent right but guess what you know how much you can make on 50 million dollars in the market right because at that level of money right you're putting that money into things that's giving you way more than four percent right and so let's just use this as an example they did a 30-year mortgage on 50 million dollars right they're paying four percent on that that 50 million for 30 years but if they put that money to work and they're getting eight to twelve percent them locking the money up in the mortgage is actually losing their money right right and so you know you know that's really an example that people don't really kind of think of um because you know credit makes them nervous because it gives them anxiety because uh people have been credit shaming yep right and so you know someone if someone's credit shaming you because oh my god you have this cr like no listen right hey yo i'm running the number up on touro right i'm not using my cash what i'm using my cash for okay when i can use somebody else's cash and i don't even pay the note right my my clients the people who are buying who are renting uh yeah yeah i'm giving i'm giving out too much games so we got we we we want to we want to we want to flip man because um you know you know i think that um you gave up you gave a lot of games so yo if y'all haven't been taking notes you know writing it down listen go back and make sure you pay attention uh stop hitting me up like after this episode do not hit me up ask me about no credit no personal credit or business credit you know what i'm gonna do let me start sending you this link i'm warning you right now um and so now you know you know as somebody who um you know um you know uh filed for bankruptcy was able to build back the business uh you know now you're making millions of dollars you know you have 40 employees you like living the life um if you can go back to your 18 year old self what are you telling jose what advice are you giving him so if that's jose right there yeah you know what i'm telling him well listen buckle up you're going to go through the depression yeah you're going to kick out the military yeah you're going to you know you're going to go through a bankruptcy you're going to have hard times you're going to go through this but just buckle up because there's nothing that i would there's nothing that i would tell my 18 year old self to change of what happened because i what i went through is what got me here so if i would have told my 18 year old self anything to like yo do this differently do that differently i wouldn't be here oh right i wouldn't be where i'm at and i think a lot of people go back and they say i would have told my ato self about credit no i wouldn't have wow because then i wouldn't be the credit dude i would have had credit at 18. right you know what i mean so i would have just said yo listen bro buckle up yeah because guess what you're going to go through a lot of stuff yeah that you don't know what you're going to go through but just let you know when you're 38 yeah i'm going to see you there and i'm going to shake your hand and when you're 38 you're still not done so don't just think because you're 20 years later yeah that you're done because you're not yeah but just just be yourself and just strap up because it's going to be a bumpy ride no i love that i love that perspective though too because um there's a movie i always uh reference this movie the butterfly effect right uh one of the best movies anybody who ever is regretting anything in your life watch the butterfly effect with ashton kutcher where every time he goes back to try to change something he makes something worse and i think that uh going back and regretting is the most disrespectful thing you could do to who you are today that's all i'm saying right because the truth of the matter is that the past doesn't even exist anymore right the future don't even want you because it keeps running from you nobody's ever lived in the future the only thing you really have is here and now and so because you have here and now you have the opportunity to keep moving forward and so if you ever say yo i wouldn't i love that perspective because that is the absolute truth like everything you've been through every you know depression anxiety the pills all of that everything it's made jose a multi-millionaire i wouldn't change it that's it yeah yeah all right and so with that being said um what would you say is the most extravagant thing you've done with money so far you got some nice things man yeah so i would say the most extravagant thing was my current situation with my house yeah uh was where i was able to i bought my house a few years ago uh four years ago and i was able to make a three hundred thousand dollar profit on it uh whereas when i bought my house four years ago i was knee deep and dead again wow right 2017 remember i almost saw the company in 18 right so 17 i was in debt again yeah but it was because i forgot about credit um yeah i forgot about i mean business credit yeah i was using my personal credit for everything so what i did man i just started using my business credit more more and more i mean i paid my health insurance for my employees through business credit yeah cars i got seven seven cars under the business right now um and the best thing i did man was just making sure that i use my business credit for everything and and using it more to my financial gain versus looking at it as like oh if i take out too much debt i'm going to be i'm going to mess up yeah you know what i mean so it like you know they say it takes money to make money now bro it takes credit sometimes it takes credit yeah and business credit to make you some real money yeah i wouldn't be sitting here today if i didn't have business credit right and i love that and then what what's the most impactful thing you you you've done with money so what do you what kind of calls you got i saw you got a nice little yup so i got a so i got a rolls royce wraith 2019 i got a uh rx350 uh lexus yeah i got a uh f-150 truck yup what kind i got one two uh platinum the limited whatever the the whatever whatever the biggest one is my wife she wanted it right limited limited or platinum yeah um i got a uh two jeep cherokees um and i'm missing one or the range rover that's wifey's yeah and then i got a i got a one coming next week um uh 2017 or 2018 maserati levante oh i want another white one again and uh purple okay and that's going straight on turo ah purple yeah purple i heard the levantes go yeah yeah okay so so those are the cards that man all of them besides the besides the no no all those now are on business credit yeah because i had a lexus uh es350 yeah and that was on my personal credit and i traded it in uh for the for the f150 truck wow love it love it love it and so what would you say is the most impactful thing you've done with money um the most impactful thing i've done with money man i'm gonna flip it a little bit bro and say credit i'm gonna fl i'm gonna kind of tie both of them in the the most impactful thing that i did man was was was was um putting my family on right through my company right um i hired my mother yeah i hired both of my brothers yeah my sister uh my brother's wife his mother-in-law my best friend from high school yeah his wife yeah their friends right and and those 40 people man and it's not putting on right it's giving an opportunity man because if i didn't have credit yeah i wouldn't be able to make the money to pay payroll wow yeah you know what i mean and i think a lot of the times like like my company is u.s based my company's here right my company's not overseas and everybody has their different ways of doing things but my thing is what's impactful is being able to give an opportunity to someone that can be home with their kids every day right right because if i didn't have those 39 other people the credit dude couldn't be here right right so the most impactful thing is really giving is giving an opportunity to people yeah that want to just be home with their kids yeah that want to just travel the world and still work yeah and think about it everybody gets wrapped up but you got to be in an office i don't want to go to an office yeah so let me hire people that have that same mentality if you can work from home yeah this is what this is what i'm going to be able to help you do yeah you can go to the beach and work go to the parking lot go to disney do this whatever the case is yeah so that's why i kind of flipped it where it was like the credit and the money allowed me to do that yeah yeah you know what i mean and and health insurance yeah we cover 100 costs wow and that's one of the other things that we do yeah when it comes to being impactful is we can pay for things now for our team members with credit or money yeah and and that's the difference man is just giving back as much as i can not only to the community but the people that that in a sense grind every day to help me be who i am absolutely no i love that and so you know and i appreciate your you know your honesty and vulnerability to talk about mental health and depression anxiety and the things that uh you went through um and so what advice would you give to somebody um who's you know you know having to make decisions in tough times right because you know um pandemics and you know there's so much um uncertainty happening right now people don't know if they're gonna lose their jobs or you know entrepreneurs i think you know and so there's there's entrepreneurs right now making some tough decisions um what advice would you have for them so one of one of the biggest things that i would say is is look yourself in the mirror right and and and if you don't want to be an opportu entrepreneur yeah then go back to having nine to five yeah that's number one yeah because you're you're you're in a sense wasting your time with really truly being an entrepreneur so if you don't if you don't really have what it takes to become an entrepreneur it's okay yeah but if you do right and you want to be an entrepreneur you want to get through whatever it is you're getting through there's a phrase that my coach his name is ryan stewman says right is f-y-e it's f your excuses and i have it tattooed behind my ear yeah and in a day nobody cares about you nobody cared that i was going through the bankruptcy that i was losing this that my dad was on drugs and you know that we lost houses kids that i went through the brick nobody cared yeah yeah no nobody cared and if if i made excuses for every little thing that came my way yeah and if somebody would have and this is the thing if i would have told everybody my excuses this thing you know what nobody wants to hear man man every time i talk to this guy he's oh my god it's just like oh complaining about everything yeah listen don't complain about it find a way to solve it so that when i go to your leo bro i was going through this but i solved it like this because now i can help you help that person yeah at the end of the day man is is f your excuses yeah because you can't pay the bill with them yeah you can't pay your mortgage with excuses yeah you know what i mean and that's why i love that phrase at fye man because at the end of the day you gotta do you gotta put your big boy a big girl pants on get to work and if you have mental health problems like i did seek help yeah go to a therapist right that's the one thing that you can't play with yeah you know if you got to get on medication get put on medication it's okay talk to people right but don't talk to your boys and your friends about it because they're not gonna understand what you're going through unless it's like another veteran or another business owner whatever the case is seek mental health if you need it yeah but also fya at the same time yeah yeah yeah yeah i love that and then so you know what what advice would you give to that uh that person um who has a nine to five they looked in the mirror and they're like yo now i wanna i need to be an entrepreneur and so i so so i'm uh you know i'm a side hustler or you know i got this business uh i got this nine to five five but i wanna be on like what what advice you're giving that one start building your business credit now yeah get your llc today yeah right i built i i started my company in february 2010 yeah i didn't quit my job until august of 2012. right build your business credit i didn't haven't had business credit that time yeah right but build your business credit build the foundation yeah get your credit right yeah get your business credit up maybe get get everything out of your personal credit right um and i'm gonna say one thing bank of america actually allows you to refinance your car from your personal credit to your business oh so if you are looking to leave your nine to five right go to bank of america get get the car out of your personal credit get as much personal debt that you can out right and then now when you start your business and you wanted that nine to five you have no personal debt so there's a lot a lot of things that hold people back man i got all this debt on my personal credit i can't leave my job yeah well yeah do it do it but the thing is what i i had a lot of ways but that's that's a heavy bar though right that's heavy because i i don't know why you missed that so you're saying right you're saying that if you are so side hustle right got a job want to be an entrepreneur open up my business right now start building my business credit bank of america allows you to refinance your personal car your personal car into your business name so you could literally build your business you know transfer a lot of your your debt into the business so now when you when you leave your job the business it's crazy oh that's a bar so so that's what i would that's one thing i would have did differently but i'm glad i didn't because i wouldn't have found that play out right you know what i mean so if you're contemplating leaving a unit of five job like don't just leave yeah like you know they say like oh like still just have one plan but when you're gonna jump that just make sure you have you don't have to have money yeah but have credit yeah and you'll be good yeah now i love that i love that uh fit finish finish this race for me i am yep finish it whoo i am i am i would say when it when it comes to that i've never been asked that so that's pretty dope so i would say i am powerful yeah right because when it comes to being powerful it comes to every aspect of your life right i'm powerful to my kid to my wife to to my employees team members i hate staying employees uh clients the community because every single person in this world i feel brings a different value to to the world they bring something different so for a long time and i was depressed i was i was always hiding i was always under the sheets i didn't want to leave home and it wasn't until i felt powerful that i felt like i belonged that i knew that i could really hit my apex and hit my peak man so i guess i'm powerful that's pretty dope i've never actually had anybody ask me that so i would say that's what it is man i'm powerful i'm i'm better than what i think i'm not cocky i'm not conceited but i know that i bring value to to whoever i'm speaking to man and and that's why i like that i love it i love it all right speed ram real quick um so what we do is we take uh you know phrases and terms and we flip them yeah um and so the first term we're gonna use is deposit slip right uh a deposit slip is the the form that you fill out you put money inside the bank here inside the vault a deposit slip is a money slip up like like a money mistake okay what is the biggest deposit slip you've made so far on your journey i would say putting all of my person or all of my business debt on my personal credit yeah which is what caused me to file bankruptcy yeah yeah yeah so that that was the biggest thing is i put it i had no idea about business credit and and being that i didn't uh you know i thought i had all this money and i didn't because the revenue wasn't coming in yeah um i ended up putting everything on my personal and and it kind of took me out for a while yeah yeah second second term is charge off okay a charge off i mean you know where to charge you okay i'm gonna say it anyway charge off you borrow money from the bank can't pay it back they try to get the money eventually they say all right you you don't owe it they charge it off um what kind of here's how the vault we say charge off is what type of people or mindsets did you have to charge off during your journey wow that's a that's a powerful one man i like that it i would say i had to charge people off that used me or my wife right um and i say my wife because a lot of the time you see the people you love yeah get hurt and get used and they sometimes don't know how to break that right so um i had to family friends everybody right that that i felt was using me yeah right and and didn't really provide any value to our relationship yeah i cut them off yeah right because it it it's not one like if i'm only if i'm calling you every day but you never call me yeah that's a problem right yeah right if all you're asking me is for money and don't give me any type of benefits in return which is a relationship or a friendship then then there's there's no there's no real relationship there if that matter if that makes sense you know what i mean yeah so it was really just getting rid of the people that i felt that were using me and my wife or that or that didn't seek us yeah the way that we were seeking them and and they changed the game forever man no i love that and then last but not least trust account okay a trust account is where you take your valuable assets you put it there you protect it um what kind of people or mindset are in your trust account that help that has helped you during your journey people that i know that i'm gonna call them and i'm gonna cry on the phone i'm gonna speak my problems i'm gonna say everything and they're not going to judge me yeah right um it kind of brings it back to when i spoke about the marines that uh even though i got court martial i kicked out yeah uh people didn't judge me when they asked me for they still wanted my help and they didn't judge me the minute people started judging me acting like they were better than me no yeah but the people that i call like my circles which is real tight you know i speak to them every day my brothers and a couple of friends that's it yeah you know i mean because those are the people that i know i can go to with a problem yeah and they're going to help me get through it not judge me yeah and then when they see me tomorrow they're not going to talk about it right they can throw it in my face right you know what i mean and those are the people that i trust the most man because you can't get through this life alone yeah you need people man i don't care what nobody says you need people man once you have the right circle yeah they're going to help you elevate to the top nah all right there you have it jose rodriguez the credit dude yo i promise you i look first and foremost we didn't lie we told you to get your pen get your paper so much game giving but if somebody fell asleep somebody wasn't paying attention and they wanted to connect with you or they should be connected with you anyway right but where can they find you i would say the best thing man is is hit me on instagram yeah right social media right now is is is is a perfect way for people to know like and trust you yeah and i will say listen there's a lot of credit repair companies out there there's a lot of people out there educating and on business credit credit listen follow me on instagram the credit dude i'm a family guy i want you to know like and trust me look at my page look at my story look at what i've done for people and if you feel like you're you're you're going through something that you can't get through yourself pick up the phone or actually click the link in my bio right schedule the call and we'll pick up the phone and call you and we'll see what you're going through and it's a 30-minute free consultation and if you feel like you need our help we'll get started the great thing is i know credit repair we only charge you if we get results you know what i mean there's no course you're gonna buy well you gotta do everything on your own and we listen we have like i said 40 team members and we're going to help you walk you know if you need help with credit repair business credit we're going to help you and uh and that's about it man all right there you have it let them know inside the vault sent you make sure y'all tap it with my guided credit dude jose rodriguez brother i appreciate it appreciate you bro man thanks man so much power you are powerful thank you brother so that was the right answer yes sir you are powerful thank you very much i appreciate y'all thank you all for tapping in another awesome episode of inside the vault with ash cash make sure you follow us on all social media platforms at inside the vault follow me ash cash at i am we are closing out the vault we'll see you next time same time same place another powerful episode in god's will [Music] you can peace it right here [Music] you
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 365,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: earn your leisure, business, finance, sports, entertainment
Id: V4Pha394pY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 45sec (4545 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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