INSIDE THE VAULT: Increase Your Wealth with AI Technology

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you know in our classes and the challenges he'll show people he has over a million dollars in funding yeah like you can't fake that yeah that is information he's helped me get over a quarter million dollars of funding from conversations and that's why it's so important that you like get around the right people because conversation change compensation if you learn how to be a person that can leverage AI then you won't be replaceable because you know how to leverage the tour it's not going to replace you if you know how to use it the problem with most individuals that they're around people that's not like them and trying to figure out why do I act different why do I think different why do I want to invest in myself but then when I start to tell people how these conversations they're looking at me weird where they or they saying I changed I'm acting I'm acting phony well no it's not that I'm acting phony I'm actually focused so I'm gonna let you confuse focus with phony go crazy I gotta level up hey wait wait wait wait I know you want to watch this next video but listen if you are an entrepreneur business coach business consultant or a small business owner who has a story and wants to learn how to create multiple streams of income from your story I need you to text me right now my book to 646-687-4152 that is my personal number I have been an author for over 12 years I've written 10 books four of them have been best sellers and I've sold over a hundred thousand books but I've also helped a lot of my clients take their expertise and put it into a story then create multiple streams of income from that so I want to help you do the same thing so text my book to 646-687-4152 I I let's go back to the video thank you [Music] all right so welcome to another awesome episode of inside the Vault with Ash Cash the greatest money mindset show on the planet listen today we are talking about passive income using chat GPT this show is going to be a revolutionary episode because we are marrying the technology and financial know-how to help you unlock the secrets of wealth building this show is bound to leave you with Enlightenment equipped and excited about your financial future first we got my guide Dion Coop wood he is a trailblazer in the financial industry and a Pioneer in a credit management space known for embracing The Cutting Edge of technology and champion of artificial intelligence the king of Metro to compliance he successfully created a system that makes credit improvements simpler more accurate and unbelievably efficient also we got my guy George action pong who is no less extraordinary a financial advisor with a unique philosophy that balances AI technology and the Irreplaceable human touch he believes that embracing innovation without losing the personal intuitive insights that only humans can provide will be uncovering his strategies to empower your investment decisions and lastly we got my guide the tax professional for the culture Carter coalfield who is an absolute Mastermind in Creative Tax Strategies for entrepreneurs with his firm belief that AI cannot capture the nuances of tax planning and the individuality each client brings he's here to shed light on the importance of personalized Tax Strategies tonight we're going to Deep dive into world of finance and AI we're going to teach you how to get the bag keep the bag invest it back ladies and Gentlemen let's go wow everybody whoever does the podcast man yeah but listen like I'm excited right about this particular episode because I think there are a lot of people who are not embracing technology like they are they think that artificial like so we're literally in the fourth Industrial Revolution like right now right yeah and as we think about the third Industrial Revolution that went from analog to digital and you're right so we're in this other space where when you think about boom and billionaires were made during that time that's the third Industrial Revolution we're in the fourth Industrial Revolution where artificial intelligence robotics the the internet of things all of that stuff is changing every industry right the blockchain every all of that is changing every industry uh and I feel like there are um you know when we talk about the wealth Gap we talk about um how far you know specifically our community is as it relates to finances we have a unique opportunity right now um to Leverage technology with Finance to really get the bag yeah keep the bag invest it back and really create you know Financial Freedom for for our next generation and we and it's just listen y'all this is an urgent episode right and it's urgent because right now it's like a small window to really just embrace the technology embrace all the different ways to leverage it you know technology with finances to get to that next level um so I'm so so like like so I got a lot of questions but like for those who don't know y'all please introduce yourself let the people know who we got today so I go first Dion cooperwood man you already know from the south side of Chicago uh man just just uh move to Atlanta within the last 14 months yeah um and just being just you know keeping my head down just working and grinding um like you said uh I I helped invent and create a software that leveraged Metro to compliance in order to help people get to the back because that hurdle is personal credit right and so I'm helping people improve and enhance their personal credit uh with I'm talking about with my record-breaking times right in order to put people in a position to go get that money so that they can invest that to go ahead and you know start growing scale in their business yeah let's go let's go yeah what's going on family my name is George action pong I've been a financial advisor for the past 13 years um I actually ranked as one of the top 100 advisors in the nation two years in a row just got notified yes yesterday let's go again was a big deal I'm in that space yeah and to be ranked top 100 of financial advisors is important because of your skin color though oh yeah this is a white man's game it's a white man's game it's two percent of us like I know the numbers yeah you can't sell me we know the prices right right two percent yeah so to be ranked top 100 is a big deal to you brother appreciate this bro and uh my whole goal is to help people Achieve Financial Independence three times faster right and ultimately help a hundred thousand people to look like us achieve economic independence so that's what I'm about and I'm ready to rock yes sir let's get it um Carter Coffield y'all know from South Side Chicago The Tax Advisor for the culture when it comes to bringing the tax saving strategies to our people I think it's my responsibility to do so I don't see anybody in our space that's taking it as seriously as I am because like as a black coacher we just start getting money right we just don't understand like entrepreneurship and getting money and that's cool but nobody's teaching us how to keep it and people are making all this money getting this huge tax bill they're giving fifty percent of money away that's like working if you give it 50 of your money away what I tell people that's working the first six months of the year for free that's crazy right so I don't want that to happen so my job is to help us keep all the money that we make with creative Tax Strategies and that's my goal I'm gonna give you some games today yeah let's go and so I want to jump right in right like in each in each of you like the respective Fields right how has uh technology and AI technology affected your field and how do you see from a futuristic perspective of how it's going to help us manage our money faster yeah um I can start um so for me I had to realize that I couldn't keep trying to do everything myself you know I mean you know the human can can only really go so far uh from that perspective and I don't know their anger on it but my angle was you know we talking about you know in the credit space I spent a lot of time a lot of energy a lot of effort trying to put together letters to get my clients the results when I was running my credit repair company and so for me I was like I need to do dig and I need to do some research to figure out what's going to be the next best thing so I can get people to that ultimate goal with good credit so they can go out there and live their best lifestyle and be able to do what they want to do and so for me that's where I was able to leverage artificial intelligence come up with the software that is now a game changer so I'm saying you know what instead of me trying to do every everything by myself and be a solo entrepreneur which is like me just trying to figure everything out not really leveraging technology not really getting any help and I think that's why most entrepreneurs income is so low because they're a solo entrepreneur right it's like you're trying to do everything trying to figure everything else about by yourself but when I was able to leverage artificial intelligence and Technology we started to get results faster we were doing less work and so that's why with the technology that I created with leveraged Metro to compliance with artificial intelligence now people are seeing their credit profile enhanced faster now people who are running credit report organizations they are getting better results and they're doing less work and they can charge more money because they're getting results faster and so for me being able to leverage technology and seeing what it's done for not just my business but for my mentees business that's it's just a game changer for me so for me technology has definitely been a critical part of the investment for my business yeah and I love that though too because when you start thinking about the numbers right I love numbers I love data when you start thinking about the numbers we're 7 out of 10 you know you know you know credit reports have an error in them absolutely right and that's not that's not just culture that's that's everybody right yeah and so to be able to leverage the technology like you know uh you know artificial intelligence and understanding you know Metro to compliance and and knowing like that's the law right and if you and if you infuse what the law is with this technology and it helps you do it faster that's it now you're helping people right access funding access other people's money to be able to build that wealth yep yeah I love it bro yeah George talk to me man yeah yeah man yeah man and for me like I think while artificial intelligence is the buzzword of the past like 24 months I think we got to realize what artificial intelligence is right so it's like for me when I think about investing or research uh the way that uh McDonald's decides where they want to put a new location they put millions of dollars of research to just determine where it's going to have the most traffic what makes the most sense what Burger King does is they just put it across the street from McDonald's so that's how I look at technology right it's like okay well uh Vanguard has spent billions of dollars on Research right to figure out what they believe are the best top performer companies right so if I can leverage a tool like uh chat GPT to say all right well cool let's show me the best performing stocks over the past decade right now that's augmenting all the time I got to do personally to do research and then I use that as the basis of my thesis I still got to do my own research but I've expedited the timeline dramatically by leveraging chat beats GPT and all of the knowledge and all the data that it has access to to be the sounding board for how I want to build out my portfolio because that people say all the time you can't beat the market you absolutely can beat the market right all you have to do is take the core index funds that Vanguard you know QQQ all these companies have put together yeah then you dig into them to see okay what are the top performing sectors what are the top performing Holdings and how can I be a little bit more overweight than they are right and then that's how you can outperform the market so I use technology to augment the research process yeah so I can expedite my timeline on being able to put these portfolios together yeah and I I love I love what you said and let me just unpack that for a second because I think that what people don't realize and I love the the analogy and the example that you give of McDonald's because that's absolutely true right when you look at the success rate of McDonald's when you look at how much money they put into research and development in order to say all right this is the spot we're going to open we know what businesses are going to be here we know the population we know all this information and so we're going to open up this this restaurant here and our success rate is like 90 like we like like we we never necessarily fail right um and so so we're like a 90 success rate and so if the competitor which is uh Burger King is Wendy's and all these other fast food joints all they got to do is look at you know you know McDonald's and say all right they did the research already so let me just go right here right same thing you're saying when investing when you look at these your Vanguard funds you look at these indexes you look at these these people or these these these institutions that put in so much money in the research instead of having to redo what they've done already you could take that approach and say hey chat GPT and and but you got to know the prompts though right you got to know what prompts to ask chat gbt in order to compare it to a Vanguard or these other indexes and that's how you could save your you could save some time yeah and really start to make your money work for you big facts yes sir Yeah man so uh first thing people need to understand is there's difference between a tax preparer and a tax strategist yeah right so a tax preparer which most people have that somebody you give your information to they put it in they put it in their their machine and their attack software and it files their taxes what AI is going to do in my space is going to replace tax repairs because tax preparers make errors and that's why you have issues with your tax return right but you know change when you have ai ai can populate your tax return for you now a tax strategy is something different that's somebody who's looking at your situation day by day month by month and giving you strategies that you can Implement that year to minimize your tax liability I'm a tax strategist hey I'm I will never replace me because it can't think the way I can think about somebody's situation and foresee potential deduction so for me in my space I understand that the good news for when it comes to AI is that people are no longer going to have to go to you know Uncle Ray Ray to get their taxes done because they're going to have ai to be able to prepare their taxes but they're still going to Tax Strategies to give them the strategies you can go to chat gbt and say give me the best tax deductions for a content creator cool but how do you implement them the right way so the IRS doesn't come knocking at your door saying you get the strategy wrong so that's why I think AI is going to work in my space um so it's going to help people with their tax returns but you still need a tax strategist to give you the strategy of how to execute properly because nobody wants issues and trouble with iron yeah especially because they they locking people up yeah yeah you go to jail right right so you go to jail right in jail but Jack GPT told me I want to Circle back to you for a second because I feel like um you know you know in in our space A lot of people are looking for passive income right um and they're they're many ways but few ways right to create passive income yeah um the number one way is ownership right um and when you when you create ownership whether it's ownership in a business ownership and uh you know real estate right that creates that level of passive income if you do it right yeah um and people don't realize that investing in the market is ownership in a business 100 um but it's ownership in a business that um you know that's tried and true that you you know you could it's public you can see you know the financials you can see everything uh but you have this you have this unique way of how you can help people uh invest or make money with the same dollar three times yeah yeah yeah yeah yo talk to me about that um and the ironic part is it actually encompasses all of our worlds right from from a tax saving standpoint and from a credit leverage standpoint so the first thing is I had to dispel the myth for people that Financial Independence has nothing to do with age right we see people retire at 65 70 and we're thinking like oh we make the connection that that's how long it takes to become financially free but the reality is it has nothing to do with age it has everything to do with assets right and so if you can increase your income earning potential and take more of that Capital to invest you can get to that Target a lot faster right so the first thing is you have to have a high income skill set so you can allocate more money towards investing right once you start investing now okay let's say that you just get the typical average 10 percent return that they tell you mine's a lot better than that but let's just say it's 10 to be conservative right then at that point it's like okay cool now even if I'm investing a lot of money hundred thousand dollars a year 50 Grand a year whatever it is that's great but how can I take that money and then expedite my timeline the first thing you got to do is you have to to understand leverage right and so when you have money invested in a brokerage account at almost any institution they're going to say okay well I see you have this hundred thousand dollars sitting here why wouldn't I give you a line of credit against that because if you try to run off on the plug I'm just going to sell you out of your stocks right so you have that collateral so then you're able to do a Dion teach you how to do you're able to leverage it right so now you can leverage that collateral to go buy real estate to go invest in a business that you own but do not run right and that's going to produce cash flow the stock market is a great tool for appreciation it's probably the most passive way to invest but in from a cash flow standpoint it's not the most efficient right like the four percent rule says that you know if you uh withdraw four percent from your portfolio you'll never run out of money which means you have to have over a million dollars just to produce 40K right which isn't bad right but it's not the most efficient so I said okay well what's a better way to produce the cash flow is to invest in assets that have higher yields from a cash flow perspective like real estate like owning a business that you own but do not run like a cleaning business something like that so then you borrow against your portfolio to go acquire that asset meanwhile that hundred thousand in this example is still growing right still accumulating yeah yeah but because you're borrowing it and the IRS doesn't recognize borrow money as income now you're borrowing that money tax-free right but it's so crazy bro he explained this to me I dropped my plate bro like literally because when you borrow against your portfolio right the money is still invested so if you had a hundred thousand you still gonna get the full return on investment of that hundred thousand right then you borrow against the portfolio so you borrow forty thousand you got forty thousand dollars yep tax-free tax-free and and IRS is gonna let you write off the loan interest and then when you pay interest back to the loan itself you get a tax deduction for at the same it's like the closest thing to Legal money laundering that that exists it's ridiculous right and so now you've taken that 40 000 in his example right and you went to go you got in a short-term rental game you got an intro game whatever it is you decided to do but that you you prioritize the asset that's going cash flow right that asset is going to produce cash flow so it's like okay cool I got two options I keep the one start to live off that cash flow or if I'm still on my financial Independence journey I can take that cash flow and I can reinvest it back into the portfolio which is going to increase my line of credit and increase the size of my account which can increase my returns and allows me to rinse and repeat so now I invested in the portfolio once leverage it to buy a cash flow producing asset then reinvest it the cash flow and put it right back into that same portfolio to keep the train so let me because when he explained it to me and I ran the play so you know I say I had two hundred thousand dollars invested I was able to borrow sixty thousand dollars my 200 000 is still making me money I think that sixty thousand dollars I bought a Lamborghini right the Lamborghini now uh I got I bought a Lamborghini right and then I ran out I ran out the Lamborghini Lamborghini makes me fifteen thousand dollars a month now renting it out and the Lamborghini saved me 220 000 taxes because I'm able to write it off because I'm using it as in a business so I I borrow money from portfolio is still making money I got a tax-free loan use that money to buy Lamborghini the Lamborghini is now producing fifteen thousand dollars on my the money that my Lamborghini produces is paying off the money I just borrowed from my own portfolio and I got a 200 000 tax deduction at the same time that doesn't make sense right and one thing I want to do is I want to give context right because you see a lot of people on the internet they're like oh you can make a million dollars a month and like you don't understand like like how the play actually makes sense right and so the first thing you got to realize is when you're investing in your brokerage account to run this play is you want to invest in high quality assets right you don't want to invest in a stock that is unproven right right a penny stock or something like that because it's going to have a lot more volatility right you want to invest in proven stocks like apple Microsoft Google right because your portfolio is essentially becoming your bank right and so you want something that yeah it's gonna it's gonna fluctuate but it has a long-standing track record so that when you're borrowing that 40 right like you're not going to get liquidated because of the volatility right right and then also the reason why you want to reinvest it portion of the money back into it so that as your portfolio is growing the percentage that you're borrowing is actually decreasing right and so that's where the volatility comes from is if you're borrowing the maximum amount that your account will allow so I just want to give that context so people don't go out and try to buy like this highly volatile stock borrow 40 and then wondering why they're like they're getting liquidated out of their shares right and you can use that gbt to let you know with those High qualities 100 like you just did it before you literally right right before we got on I just typed in what are the top best performing stocks over the last decade and it gave me five which are what you said six years so 68 of my Holdings were in that list wow and you could just and I pay a financial advisor you know Georgia my financial advisor but it gave me 68 of what's in a portfolio so it can give you it can give you the start but you still need that human aspect to keep you in the game you see why I hang with them but you gotta understand I'm sitting here geeking out right because I'm like I'm listening to all this stuff and I'm like you know like because I understand the the the concepts and the principles my like my the light bulb and it's crazy because even in this in this scenario this is asset-based lending yeah yeah and so really it's based on the assets that you have and so it's really not really based on your credit yes right because this is all right literally instantly right you deposit the money instantly you have to access the bar like literally overnight so let me give you let me give you a scenario and this is not investment advice right right but let me let me give you the scenario thank you bro you know my old my old world came to me like ash told me to go get a credit card they didn't invest that money right right and then I wasn't going to pay taxes but let me give you this scenario right Dion somebody has bad credit right now yeah Dion does his Metro true magic gets them to fix their credit yep gets them a lot a lot of credit for a certain amount of money like let's say 100K somehow right let's play work for Dion 100k they liquidate that 100K mm-hmm they invested with George yeah in a in a high value portfolio they then borrow from that portfolio and then start to run a play that creates them cash flow right they use that cash flow right let's say they buy a Lamborghini right and now they use that cash flow to pay back the loans the loan right like is that plausible walkway through that okay yeah yeah it's definitely it's all interest rate Arbitrage right like the thing the thing that about debt that people get confused is because they're used to buying liabilities with that yeah right they're used to buying something having a six percent interest rate paying it off and at the end of the day they pay more than for the for the liability than they bought it for right yeah but when you look at it from an asset perspective it's just Arbitrage okay well if Dion got me this line of credit for what's a reasonable interest rate that you can get somebody um average credit line of credit less than 10 right if you do yeah if it's gonna be less than 10 they want to do like a line of credit like a loan where they Infuse the money directors they count maybe three to five percent three to five percent right so what that means is if we can find an asset to invest in that we know is going to yield above 35 yeah we're in the good right so then my one of my portfolios has done 50 year today right so so if we were to take 50. that means if you put a hundred thousand you made 51 you made somebody's salary on accident this is completely passive yes so if we took his lot of credit right in this example they talked to spice right no sauce so separately so we took his line of credit right we invested we got we owe five percent on that 35 we're gonna make 50 in this example it's not standard return let's just say it's 10 and that example it still doubles right right interest rate so now it's like okay boom so now I've been able to understand that I can offset that interest rate and so now what do I do okay well I still have margin there so I can even then borrow for against the value of that portfolio to rinse and repeat but maybe if I have a low risk appetite maybe I want to like you said pay off start to pay off some of that loan of course maybe I'll you know maybe I'm paying some of that back but I acquired the cash flow producing asset and now I have the cash flow I can pay off the loan I can reinvest some of it and I can just rinse and repeat and keep running the play and now off of nothing though it's none of your money none of it was your money in this particular scenario off of nothing right you have not created well for yourself yeah that's what we that's what we came together and started teaching because like it starts with Dion yeah getting them the funding right they can use that funding to start investing and then if they want to borrow against their Investment Portfolio they can use that to buy a tax um a tax leverage asset like a real estate property yeah but if you buy a real estate property with you you can probably write off 40 of the value of the property that that the year that you purchase it so if you use the money and put 10 down on a half a million dollar property that's fifty thousand dollars you can write off about two hundred thousand dollars of that property with a proper uh tax strategy that we call Cost segregation so like get in the bag if that's in the bag and keep it like this is what both people have been doing for years yeah we didn't have access to the information yeah and it's a variation on the strategy that we that we've probably heard of is buy borrow die right it's like if you're if you're if you're buying assets you're borrowing against them the only thing we're doing is we're trying to expedite our financial Independence timeline so after we borrow we're not stopping there and we're going to buy another essay right so it's buy borrow buy and yeah yeah we're gonna be living for a long time yeah and I love that philosophy right by borrow die you buy you borrow from what you bought you can't pay taxes on the debt right and so you have so so you make you have to have like a life insurance policy on your life so now when you die that life insurance policy tax free right tax-free uh you know pays off this debt now you're now the people uh who you care for they inherit this this asset debt free and clear being clear and they could keep running that play over and over and over they can go borrow against that property they just paid off right get access to 300 400 000 and they're gonna use that to start a business and do that again right and but here's the thing though this because it starts with me right yeah yeah we hot hot humble open and transparent people are they're not leveraging credit we talk about leverage your credit it's a whole different conversation yeah and I mean we were talking yesterday we were talking about what is like one of the biggest myths we talk about leveraging credit and the thing is is people are not leveraging credit because at home nobody's taught credit right like we're taught about okay like I asked my mentees all the time when they first started what do you know about credit yeah they say well stay the hell away from it is the first thing they say only use it for emergencies or maybe for gas so it's like okay well stay away from it or use it for emerges that's the that's the first thing that's the beer that I get I got to get past yeah the second thing is when people get access to this credit what ends up happening is they don't run plays like we talking about they don't leverage credit they just use credits yeah they just buy Louis Vuitton Gucci you know they buying a new car they're just going into more debt whereas we're talking about creating good debt we're saying go out there get access to cash and capital and then taking that and leveraging it and running the players that they're talking out and just create generational wealth and create more income for yourself whereas again this is not what we taught in school we're not taught this anywhere so it starts with me yes but I want to make sure people understand like without time I just use your credit yeah so so if we get your credit in a position where you can go get access to Capital and funding then don't take that money and just go shopping it's not about a shopping spree it's about you put position your front your family's life for generational wealth yeah how do you get them how do you get people um to change their mindset about this stuff yeah right because because uh when I when I came up investing was for white people yeah yeah Tech strategies is like it's for it's for the one percent right right like like like like like how do you um get because because I know it's a mindset right I know it's a mindset and how do you begin to to like penetrate that mindset I think the first thing is you have to reframe like the understanding and the use case for investing so for example we had this term retirement yeah and it thinks about um stopping working 40 years from now all retirement means is that you have enough assets that can produce the cash flow so you don't have to produce the cash flow tax right so if you understand that basis you can understand immediately oh wait it ain't about being 65 it's about having Investments that literally mean working is optional so we can do stuff like this that we truly enjoy and whether we make money from not from it or not we don't care we don't need it right and so it's reframing the mindset on the intentionality behind investing right the goal is to buy back your time right and so if you can understand that Apple uh Google Tesla all these people that are working every day right I make the same salary they make but the difference is I don't work for those companies right I make the same salary that some of these employees that these companies make and I don't clock in I don't know I don't I don't attend any meetings right but I get the same money because I own a piece of the company yeah right Warren Buffett gets makes more than the CEO of Coca-Cola off dividends right so when you understand the only objective of investing is to buy back your time so that you can live your life yeah that's the first reframe yeah right and then from there it's like okay well people say investing is risky okay well I say all right well what's the price for not investment right what is the like it literally would have cost me 51 of whatever I have invested right now right a person six figure salaries what it would have cost me to buy into this illusion that investing is risky right it's risky to to not invest it's risky to be on the sidelines and have your money parked in the bank account while inflation is eroding your purchasing yeah that you might see the 50 000 in your account but wait two years ago and try to go buy something ain't gonna feel like 50k right and and it's risky when you don't know what's happening with the economy right right yo we're about to go into an election year you know what happens in an election year people are afraid companies are pulling back and so it's risky to have all of your livelihood how you feed your family how you feed yourself how you like the future of your Financial Freedom is connected to this one job that can go away even if you're the hardest worker you can work so hard and something and something happens in the economy where that job is no longer there now you don't have a way to feature family look at all the layoffs last year right crazy and you think about it's like the same companies that laid all these people off you gotta understand the why yeah when you look at a company's balance sheet like you talked about having access to their balance sheet right these publicly traded companies these what's their one of their biggest line items is Personnel right so in the stock market is not the economy so it's like okay as a company how am I going to look more attractive publicly if I can mitigate some of my big expenses and AI is here let's not forget about that right yeah 300 million jobs they say is going to be lost we're using AI but if you learn how to be a person that can leverage AI then you won't be replaceable because you know how to leverage the tool it's not going to replace you if you know how to use it you know what I'm saying and I think he's had a great question asked earlier what can we do to reframe our mind for me it was understanding what the purpose of money was right poor people think that the purpose of money is just to pay bills so they make just enough money to pay their bills yeah middle class people think the purpose of money is to buy things that make them happy so they get a nice car they get a nice house and they think that's the purpose of money wealthy people understand this fact the purpose of money is to use it to make more money that's it like you want to take your dollars put them to work so they can start making money babies put them in the money Maternity Ward to make more money every every dollar that you get is a soldier to go work for you if you put enough soldiers in the field you don't have to work for the money anymore and to piggyback off of that real quick from a mindset perspective it's poor people live week to week middle class live month to month the rich live year to year the wealthy live generation of generations and the challenge is that so many people are can only see what's right in front of them largely because of circumstance right so it's like you have to get out of survival mode if you're in the middle of the ocean right the only thing you can think about is trying to get to the shore you can't think about enjoying enjoying the beach all you're thinking about is how can I keep my head above water yeah but to take that analogy one step further what I understand is this right if if you're in survival mode right asking somebody to save themselves when they're already feel like they're drowning is a big ax but the worst the alternative is worse that's drowning right so I know a lot of people are in the midst of like circumstances and challenges but at the end of the day like no one is coming to save fast right the best that we can think we can do is be a lighthouse to show you how to save yourselves yeah but we can't be a rescue boat right that's something that you have to be willing to do on your own once you get the light once you get the information once you get the access yeah yeah and so that's for me I think it's definitely mindset too because when you look at the the Empire that I've been able to build a seven figure Empire it was off of my introduction and understanding that while I got 40 000 in credit that I'm able to leverage to be able to go ahead and get me to the point where my business making money like when I left my job I didn't have no game plan I don't have no money saved so I leveraged forty thousand dollars of credit I have mentees who come into my program who are afraid to go to the bank or afraid to ask for a line of credit or afraid to apply for a credit card because they don't they don't think that they should be doing that they they were taught to stay away from that and then when they apply this is even the crazy it gets even deeper this is how how much we don't even realize like what you said abundance is our Birthright yeah I have people that apply for a line of credit they'll get excited over two thousand three thousand dollar approval it's like why would you how is that excited with that same Bank just gave me ten thousand right and gave this person twenty thousand and thirty thousand like I have to reframe people's mindset understand that first of all you can apply yeah secondly you can actually get approved and thoroughly you can actually get access to Capital that will change the game for your financial future you know what I mean so people don't understand that they they shy away from the understanding of credit it's crazy and that and that's why I'm excited that you guys have come together right um to create a five-day experience where uh people could learn how to get the bag learn how to invest the bag learn how to keep the bag uh because especially now right we're we're living in this volatile time where black I'll just say it black Financial Freedom is is under attack right yeah um for years there has been uh barriers in our way right whether it's uh racism whether it's slavery whether it's legal Jim Crow laws and redlining so like for years years and years they've been uh obstacles in a way uh to stop black wealth uh we finally got to a space where uh the majority of us are woke we're we're like oh you can make money yeah right okay show me the way um and then you have people who might have gotten into the game with the right intention um you know they wanted to uh teach the culture based on what they knew uh and then education became a lick yeah right then uh people started to realize that oh I could put a course out I don't have to fulfill I'll just make this money and I'm gonna live tight right so there are some bad actors if you will um that are in this space right but um because you know we're so used to um not having and uh our comfort zone we now have like muddied the waters where where now anybody who's doing a course or anybody who's an educator oh not this person is a scammer right um and that's why in my insiders know this that's why I'm the biggest fan of five day challenges I love five day challenges yeah you know why yeah because if I say something and somebody hears me say something and they go on their Tick Tock or their Instagram or whatever and say the same thing you can't tell who it came from and they stuff might go viral and they might not know I'm the originator right yeah yeah uh and then yeah you can sell a course so you can sell some programs you can sell an ebook or whatever but if you don't know what you're talking about you can't you can't you can't take for five days you can't hold for five days right yeah and so I tell everybody all right cool join the free webinars and that's just surface level stuff but I need you to join these five day challenges because a five day challenge is really giving you the information and you get to like like and I always tell people yo do VIP right do do the top ticket do plaque do the top ticket why because now you get to ask questions right so not only and like I already know right like like like I've I've been a banker for over 15 years yeah I've learned so much from Carter and and Dion right and like like at the top of the level right so for those who know I was a CEO of a credit union so like I was at the top of the top of financial services but still been able to learn yeah the information I don't think y'all understand and just change the trajectory of my life yes like I don't even I don't even leverage my investments at all me either at all I'm talking about do I think I was a banker for 15 years girl I don't leverage my investments at all yeah yeah and so now I'm like bro I'm running I'm running credit plays I just went to a bank bank gave me 30 000 for no reason yeah right yeah and I'm like I'm gonna look but I'm like you can get yours you can give yourself 200 000. hold on hold up wait a minute I got that credit card you have to no I mean and so I you know I need I need people to tap into this five day challenge because I know y'all watching and y'all got a lot of information off of just this interview but I'm sure there's other like nuances yeah yeah first of all time we either grow you or expose you yo I'm eight years in the game listen what they got on here that's that was just a little small piece in my bag the bag is heavy sometimes I struggle picking up my own bag the only thing that you're gonna be able to take for me in this five days is notes and I'll talk faster you got to write fast like you can't listen slow yes so like for me I know I've been I've been in the game this is my eighth year if if it was anything fraudulent or scammish about me I couldn't I couldn't be here yeah right like over time people will either get exposed or you gonna grow I've been growing mom I've been flushing yeah like people have loved information only only reason why I put together books and courses and mentorship programs because I had more people coming to me saying I need your information I need your help I got an idea I ain't got time for everybody yeah so now I got to put together a book so you can get information I got to take it out here put it down now I got to take information I had put together of course and I got to teach you give the same energy effort because your cousin told me about like I can't so so now it's like okay well what can we do how can we give the people the live version of us yeah and give us not just not just a piece not just a webinar not 20 minutes 30 minutes hour yeah five days You're Gonna spend five days with us I'm gonna break down all of them like we like we're gonna break this thing that I'm going to show you how to like fiction like put your credit together but not to the point to where what you've heard and what you saw you paid somebody a thousand dollars you didn't get no results no just ain't that yeah just like like I need everybody to say this ain't that this ain't that like I'm him hit me Neutron him Jones I'm gonna give you the real deal I'm gonna walk you through the process then once I'll show you how to repair we're gonna show you how to like really like go to the bank and get a bag yeah like what banks to go to and why we're gonna break it down what's your credit profile need to look like like line by line I'm gonna show you how to look at your credit profile and tell you what your credit is going to be without even looking at the score like I'm gonna get you I'm gonna break that thing all the way down and that Carter gonna come in and George will come they're gonna do their thing yeah yeah and I told Carter before I even was willing to like you know collaborate on this I was like look I still own a firm right I'm not one of these like people who's just like spewing information from the internet I'm registered you can go check my name you know so I was like if I'm gonna do this we got to make sure we're giving the proper context we're giving the actual Nuance we're Bridging the Gap people understand like what it actually takes to do these things yes we want to let people know that it's not difficult to get in the game but we want to make sure they understand exactly what it takes like we can do that I'm in right and I'm willing to give everything I have like you've been telling me like yo bro like you're being selfish like you gotta get in this game yeah yeah but you gave me changed my life and I know this stuff again I've been doing this for 10 years but he gave me some stuff that I couldn't even conceptualize I'm like you gotta I have to get them from behind the curtain you've got to come in front of them and I think I think there's an obligation there though yeah I think there's an obligation I think there's an obligation specifically for the people who care about the culture right because I mean you know there's been a few times where I was like oh this is um because because they don't know behind the scenes it's a lot of work yeah like it's a lot of work to be a personality is there a lot of work to put the content together it's a lot of work to you know really have mentees like people see are they making money but now you invest back into your MNT especially y'all y'all went crazy you know what I'm saying so like so there's a lot of investing that goes back into our people and so it's a lot of work but at the same time it's like the time that I fall back and then I and then I look up and I see again some of these Bad actors are are louder than me yeah bigger building right and then I'm like ah now I gotta I gotta please retirement because you know at the end of the day uh I think that we have to understand as a people right and I love everybody yeah but I love my people you know what I'm saying like you gotta like when when they say the plane's about to go down they say put the oxygen mask on yourself first you know what I'm saying and so at the end of the day it's like yo like people like if you're a religious person right the scripture says people perish for the lack of knowledge yeah right and so if if I have not if you got now if we all have knowledge and we're watching though right because at the end of the day I'm watching like like my insiders man I know y'all make a lot of money but y'all making a lot of money working on nine to five right my entrepreneurs are watching I know you make make money but you're making the money you work in your business right not on your business not on your business you work in your business right and I saw that I saw this quote recently that was uh my salute to my brother Marvin he we posted this post that said um if you're if you're valuable to your business then your business is invaluable so bar like people don't even realize that yeah if you're valuable to chishness your business so guess what you're working in your business you're working on in your job like like you're replaceable yeah right and so what happens is if anything happens to you you're not going to ever get that income this is why we talk about passive income yeah right passive income using chat gbt using technology but then also you know getting the information from the professionals who do it every day yeah because here's the thing right like rich people do the right things wealthy people own the right things right and so yeah yeah you can be rich and and make six figures make seven figures but like you said if you're contingent upon that showing up doing that the moment you get sick the moment you get hurt like I had a a health situation back in 2016 where I had a tumor in my spine that fractured my nine vertebrae right and I was down bad and and that for me changed the trajectory of my mind said like okay wait if I can't operate then I can't produce this cash flow I gotta create a machine right which is why investing is so important for me because if I would have stayed in my bedroom from January 4th till today I still May 6 figures just from investing wow right not even the business infrastructure right right but just from investing and so it's so important to put money into assets because wealthy people own the right thing it's not it's not people have to understand it's not just about the money you make it's about how you make the money because a tax standpoint is different when you make active income you're paying 30 40 51 on active income where you're making passive income you pay zero to twenty percent wow because this long-term passive income let's unpack that so you're saying that active active income which is money that we work for right right which is the people who are on the ground who are constantly working you pay the highest taxes yeah for active income opposed to money that is passive like the money that you make in your sleep you pay less in taxes than that absolutely I tell people all the time the more you invest the less you pay the IRS right because it's it's different than how you make money and it's crazy because the the sleeping bag money that you make in you got you you pay little taxes on that money but the at work that you're slaving to make that money you're paying 36 percent in federal tax another five to ten percent estate tax then you paying 15 in self-employment tax you're looking at 50 something percent for going to work and make money so you have to start um you have to start taking the money you make and turn into passive money so that you can make money in your sleep right and then you could pay less taxes on that money and again man like the reason I love challenges that you put it before is because some people buy just buy courses yeah but with the five day challenge you get a live course but you also get connected to the source absolutely right you're getting that Source energy you able to access questions you able to um you know really uh get to know who we are like you say if you teaching somebody for five days if you if you ain't got it you ain't gonna be able to hold it for five days right right we are overflowing with information like we fighting over like but we're getting up days like you know what I'm saying yeah we run out of time yeah we got so much game but like you know and another thing about the challenge too is just like at the end of the day I don't know about I mean I know these guys right I know they're willing to show results like this ain't Theory we are like I will show you in a live active portfolio I'll show you current active Investments our last webinar I was like look what's the date on that it was a congratulations on closing it was two days before the webinar so we're not talking Theory right we're showing you actual plays that are actually being executed in real time because I think the disconnect in this education space is people are repackaging information 100 but haven't done the thing right and so we're gonna make sure y'all know like hey the same Theory yeah this is actually happening so you can do it too and I don't feel like I feel like it's like it's like in this education space it's like the game of telephone right like with your kid where people are passing out information right and then by the time it gets to the next person it don't even sound like what the original person said right right and so it's funny because I mean I I watch it all the time like I'll say something and I'll look and I'll hear somebody trying to say it but they said it wrong yeah and and and I use specific words because because those specific word words keep the contacts somebody else says it but but it's like the context is wrong now and I'm like what are we doing it grabs my gears you know what I'm saying I promise like I'll see something and I I can't even I can't even comment I don't even want to I just it's just it's like I know you just I know you don't know what you're talking about yeah right I'm out that's why that's why I tweet so much and I go back in the archives like no bro I was the first one to say right whatever and I love about Dion is like on our classes and the challenges he'll show people he has over a million dollars in funding yeah like you can't fake that yeah that is information he's helped me get over a quarter million dollars in funding from conversations and that's why it's so important that you like get around the right people because conversation change compensation and with this challenge we're giving you that insight into our world like you are for these five days you are a homie you are a family what's up like cousins like y'all my cousins and we're gonna pour into y'all like we pouring each other yeah the reason we're wealthy is because like I know after this uh interview Dion go start borrowing against the portfolio because he probably ain't doing it yet you about to start doing it it's objective he takes the trajectory of my life yeah you know what I'm saying I got money sitting just I mean you know it's it's growing yeah but but look I can look I know the power of electric so I'm gonna leverage that yeah you know what I'm saying and just to piggyback off what he's saying about the importance of getting in the right rooms it's like I heard this quote one time to change my life and the quote was if you have a rich brother and a tall brother you're more likely to be rich than you are tall because environment is more important than genetics yeah right where are you planted right you are born looking like your parents but you die looking like your decisions you know inside the Vault right now and not bring the fire but but it's so important because being around the right people can change your whole universe yeah right we're on the number one platform of one of the top Financial Platforms in the planet right and now all of Europeans money set on a show on the planet 26 countries we know that we appreciate you allowing us to share this space and now so many people just by listening and executing right they're going to be able to change their lives and that's and that's what we're trying to do we're just trying to change like it ain't about the money right we're all good you got money sitting you got money like this is about like this is a call and like think about spending five days with us and then your mindset goes from I gotta work to make 100K a year so I could run plays and get my credit fixed and I can get access to 100K right then I can go and run the plays that they giving me I can save 100K and I can actually invest money to create a whole nother 100K then I can leave my job and now I teach other people how to do it I'm talking about we changing the game this is like but you think you got to work to make money like that's the mindset the mindset is work to make money and you and you know the other piece that uh we we often forget about the five day challenge is also the community that you built oh yeah yeah right like so while they get you know to spend 10 10 plus hours with you guys and get some new information also so think about it I know your brother your cousin right George is just talking about the environment we're so stuck in this in this toxic environment and we're like well I don't know how to get a a group of people who think on the same mindset as me right right so guess what you get into this challenge now you are around other people who who think who think so highly of themselves that they're willing to invest in their learning invest in their future and invest in them get into that next level and so now you're in a group of people who are now your new family now y'all on the same Journey now y'all can connect with each other now y'all can continue to grow with each other you know what I'm saying yeah like so that's you hit it so well because oh my God that was worth it that was worth it but like I was saying you explained it so well because one of my favorite quotes is that you can survive without Community but you can't Thrive without Community facts right so what we're doing what we're doing for our VIP people we give them a special telegram they're in there right now and I saw that they are building Community somebody was like yo who lives in Chicago I do they met up for coffee wow like and they they just got in this exclusive community so you're around other people who invested in themselves and take their future seriously so many people at the crib right now like if I only had that one person right and that one person when you go VIP that's what going VIP is important because you get this exclusive telegram group of high level people and you can start connecting with them before the challenge even starts yeah you can start making friends and colleagues like me and George met in a room and we've made hundreds of thousands if not Millions together from getting that one in that one room yeah so that can be the same result from the people who get in the church and it's the same thing like when I met you yeah you know it's you get to be around like man at higher level people yeah because the problem with most individuals that they're around people that's not like them and you're trying to figure out why do I act different why do I think different why do I want to invest in myself but then when I started to tell people how these conversations they're looking at me weird where they say and I change I'm acting I'm acting phony well no it's not that I'm acting phony I'm actually focused so I'm gonna let you confuse focus with phony go crazy I gotta level up like it's my time to win so in this five days you get you get around people that have gotten to the point where they say I'm I'm done playing small yeah like I want to play big I want to get to that next level who want to play with me so like you said we go VIP you get in this exclusive chat this exclusive Mastermind where you now that you were with us but are you around all of these people that everybody on the same level it's called I want to win and it's like you can't you it's like it's almost like like it's like when we did our last challenge the first day people said look I got everything I needed like it's just they wanted like the money I pay I don't I'm I'm I'm like I'm good so it's like you're going to get way more than what you invested in so it's something special around being around people who actually invest in themselves that's looking to go to that next level yeah yeah no I love it and so what what's the uh what's the site they could go to we'll put it in the description as well but whatever they go to the join the challenge uh get the get the um and and so I appreciate you brother I'm saying because like like I said like like my um goal has only been to to really you're Amplified of the culture right really uh do uh uh as good as your job as I could giving quality information yeah uh I know like I said this interview changed my life yeah so I I already know that there's a lot of people watching right now that this interview has changed their life uh you know that they're gonna they're gonna take action right because these are action takers like I know my insiders they take action they ready to get to that next level uh let's leave them with with one last like gym I know they're gonna join the challenge because they actually take it leaving one last gym that's going like no pressure though y'all yeah like living one last gym what I would say is that I think most people we talk about like credit I think most people have an issue with credit card utilization like that's one of the biggest things that I that I see and so most people don't understand it that is like one of the gatekeeping things that we haven't been educated and taught about um and which is obviously at not children as authorized users to be able to help them build credit while they're younger but I think that for those adults who are struggling with you know credit card utilization that is stopping from being able to go to the bank get access to Capital so one one little easy website that I'll give everybody is just go to and what it does is instead of you let's just say if somebody has a 40 000 line of credit and they've used all forty thousand right or let's say somebody got a ten thousand dollar out of credit use all ten thousand well that person is at 100 utilization so their credit scores will probably go down about 100 points now everybody that comments want to say he talking to me because they feeling this right what I'm talking about so you can go to trade Line supply as opposed to paying that ten thousand dollars off with the interest you can go to trade Line supply you got a forty thousand dollar line of credit for let's just say 700 so what adding that to your credit profile now you got 50 000 available ten thousand only use now your utilization go from 100 down to 20 now that you're 20 your score went back up 100 some points you can go to Legend say a Navy Federal Credit Union you go apply for a line of credit they normally approve people for 20 to 25 000 on lines of credit you can now get that line of credit ad more credit card usage to drop down even more now you can do a balance transfer of your old that you was paying at 20 and now you got zero percent APR for less for a whole year plus so now you're not paying the debt you're not paying the interest on that now now now the banks give you more money go get access to more capital and now you can go running plays that we take but see I'm gonna give all this unless I told you I got plays for anybody that's got credit card utilization issues that's the play that y'all can run and that and honestly that's the that you know that being in this space people with their utilization ratio is the biggest the biggest one yeah I just I just gave them back you just you just freed so many people just now and then and everybody come and said well I still owe the debt yeah but now you got a year to pay that debt off and now you don't have interest that you're paying them um and go run these go run the plays and we're gonna get you with the capital they just pay them no pressure George stop right here I don't know no pressure though I can stop I can just I can just outro I can tell everybody to go to get the back challenge their Paradigm right yeah wealth is made through concentration it's preserved through diversification right you don't have to build well slowly you have to buy it by doing one simple thing right stop trying to chase seven streams and create a waterfall right and then you take that waterfall and then you go buy income right I'm not I'm not doing seven different hustles burning myself out right no talk about it create a waterfall become world class at one thing and then leverage that to buy wealth and that's that's what I'm gonna leave them with real simple so pressure let's go pressure bus pipes or make diamonds come on now I'm anchor for a reason bro okay let's go so I want to teach the people how they can use the five day challenge to write off their mortgage oh wait okay say that then spicy okay so get into it so um it's called the Augusta rule so you can and if you own a home if you own a home yet it's not for renting if you own right you can rent out your house to your business right so you run out your home to your business as long as you're doing business activity in the house those days so if I have a business I can rent out my home to my business pay my uh pay myself let's say a reasonable rate of 500 500 a day for renting a house out so you plan out when the five day challenge happens you create at least agreement leasing out your primary residence to your business charge your uh your your business 500 a day you're able to get that money from your business and all this is tax free wow and so now you're able to use the five day challenge as a way to make some tax-free income while you're learning about other places so so essentially and I'm glad he went last right yeah so essentially they go to get the bag they get a ticket right VIP ticket they're actually so if they don't do it they lose their money they're losing money because they can't run the place you can't run the players you not in a challenge so they get the VIP ticket yeah and then now during those five days because they are watching The Challenge at home they're doing a business activity they're charging rent of 500 per day and so now that they're making or or are they going to charge 200 2 500 and tax-free and tax-free income and they get the right off that and they get the right ticket yeah yeah and the business gets the write-off and you can throw out the ticket and your business gets to write off that 2 500 that you just charge yourself so now you get a 2500 tax deduction you're making 2500 tax free and you get the right off the challenge ticket as well and what if you have employees and you invite them over yeah yeah okay okay listen y'all look I promised y'all this was going to be a revolutionary episode listen we're gonna teach you how to get the bag keep the bag invest the bag make sure you go to get the bag the link is description tapping with these brothers again I know I know that they have changed your life so you want to make sure you tap in so they could further change not only your life but your family's life as well if they wanted to connect with you where can they find you yep on Instagram at Mr phenomenal power on Facebook Dion cooperwood yep yep Instagram at George action Paul Jr Instagram Carter Cofield all right y'all we are closing out the Vault another powerful episode of inside the Vault with Ash Cash the greatest money mindset show on the planet make sure you follow us on all social media platforms at inside the Vault visit our website inside the me I am Ash Cash make sure you visit me I am follow me on all social media platforms at image cash join the abundance Community because we got some behind the scenes footage with them they're gonna drop some more bars so make sure you join the abundance Community go to I am your guy I'll see you next time same time same place in God's will peace
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 26,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: earn your leisure, business, finance, sports, entertainment
Id: tS051g8gt78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 28sec (3688 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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