INSIDE THE VAULT: - How to Use A.I. to Build Your Credit and Leverage Other People’s Money

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if you don't know anything about financial literacy credit how are you going to be able to put yourself in a good position so you need to go get your financial coach you need to get somebody like myself or somebody who really understands what finances is they can tell you how to break down your credit profile I can look at a credit profile and tell you what your credit score is I've got a little over 40 people that are incarcerated who have reached out to me via social media and said bro because of you like I'm incarcerated but now I'm coming home and I got good credit wow you know it's crazy because I used to always say um it's not about the location it's about the person and so for me now I realize that there's nothing wrong with being planning a new soil as well hey wait wait wait wait wait I know you want to watch this next video but listen if you are an entrepreneur business coach business consultant or a small business owner who has a story and wants to learn how to create multiple streams of income from your story I need you to text me right now my book to 646-687-4152 that is my personal number I have been an author for over 12 years I've written 10 books four of them have been best sellers and I've sold over a hundred thousand books but I've also helped a lot of my clients take their expertise and put it into a story then create multiple streams of income from that so I want to help you do the same thing so text my book to 646-687-4152 all right let's go back to the video thank you all right so welcome to another awesome episode of inside the Vault with Ash Cash the greatest money mindset show on the planet we have one of the Premier or dare I say the premiere credit repair credit experts for the culture we got Dion coopwood in the building but beyond being a credit repair or credit expert he is a mindset and financial literacy coach raised in Chicago residing in Atlanta showing individuals and small business owners how to leverage Metro to compliance to start grow and scale their business absolutely what up brother how you doing man I'm all good baby yo so here's the deal man you know I wanna I wanna uh come out the gate swinging right because um you know I've been you know in the financial education space for over uh close to two decades actually um I wrote a book called what the FICO 12 steps to repair on your credit um and it was you know well received sold a lot of copies I helped a lot of people uh you know get get into the right mindset as it as it relates to uh fixing that credit because credit can help you uh build wealth um but you you've been introducing this concept of Metro to um to to the culture um and I think it's it's it's like a breakthrough it's like a phenomenon but then you took it a step further yeah right you took it a step further and you have like literally created software that could really help people like fix their credit like almost like on automation so I want us to talk about that but before we go there for those who may not know who is Dion coopwood man man like you said uh Born and Raised on the south side of Chicago um just one of those people who just want to just give people a better opportunity yeah you know I think that life grants us all the opportunities that we want need and got to have yeah and this really up to us to go out there but I know that you need some pillars in the community yeah who can help you go from where you currently are to where you're looking to go and so my life goal is just to help people just you know Elevate and get to that next level yeah and and what and whoa and why did you choose like what like why credit like why is credit the vehicle or the thing that you've used to help you know push people's lives to the next level all right this is what's crazy um it's you know most people when they are doing something it's kind of like and they not successful with it most times because they just kind of pulled something out of nowhere and they trying to try something new or they trying what they saw somebody else do for me um when I left my job that I was I mean it was great I mean making 130 000 a year working four days a week I just it was something inside of me that said this can't be it I said it's just not it and so I walked away from a great job at that time and I leveraged my credit so I had forty thousand dollars in credit as that I leverage in order to start the journey that you're seeing now and so for me I say you know what if if credit was able to get me to get me through the last seven to eight years I'm going to eight years of Entrepreneurship eight years like I'm mentally unemployable all off of having forty thousand dollars in credit leaving a job I said if credit could do this for me I wonder if I put something together if I make it make sense if I can help other people how many people can I really help so I say you know what credit has done me good and I want to be able to give this information to everybody else so that's the reason why we're here that's the reason why I'm here today because credit changed my life like I always tell people not when people see me they we go places I always say look man I love credit and everybody be just screaming I love credit I love credit man it's like that's my thing that's my motto because I know what it has done for me like it's like it's crazy when you look at statistics and they say that 33 of Americans which means that one out of every three people got bad credit wow so that means that two out of three got good credit yeah but it's crazy when you see people that say well man I ain't got bad credit I got a 700 but yet you financially struggling explain to me why oh why are you struggling and you got good credit why you got a 700 plus but yeah you're not leveraging it right and so for me I leverage my credit in order to get me where I'm at so I said you know what I knew I could take the information that I have and I can I can deploy it to the community and I can help some people as well wow wow I mean that hurt though right because I know somebody's watching yeah who has that 700 credit score uh who's who's proud they wear on like that's like they play that on on like a badge um what what is what are some easy ways for those who have good credit yeah you know how can they leverage their credit yeah well what I'll say is because a lot of people um they they fearful even even people with good credit they fear because they say well I don't know what to do with it yeah what you have to do is you got to learn how to leverage OPM which is other people's money right the very first thing that everybody doing this is a play you can go to bank branch and you can see you can literally go on bank branch located you can put in your particular zip code and where you live at and it'll show you all of the banks in your area like you've been like here to show you all of the banks your area so now you know who you need to be going to to build relationships with who you need to be going to to get money from because if you got a 700 plus and you walk in the door and you got a strong credit profile you're in great position to be able to get some money from the bank and be able to leverage and go ahead and start growing skill your business right but most people don't know where to go so that's where you start but I'll give you I'll make it even easier I'll give a few plays for the individual who let's just say they got bad credit and they say well I want to leverage my business credit I got a business that I've been running I'm making a little bit of money and I want to know where I can go to get some money from all right well from that perspective uh you go to Headway Capital right they can go to Headway and if they've been in business for let's just say a year making maybe three four five thousand dollars a month give or take and they can leverage just a business credit and be able to go get up to a hundred thousand dollars easy money right but let's say the person said I just got started in business I got a business less than a year old and I still want to be able to leverage my personal credit I got good personal credit man you go to Wells Fargo and get up to fifty thousand dollars no doc loan that mean you ain't got to provide no documentation you can leverage your personal credit and you get a line of credit in your business name let's just say somebody say well I ain't got a business I ain't trying to start a business but I want to learn to maybe just put some extra cash or put some security behind just my lifestyle and my goals right all right cool you go to and just with just your personal credit they give you up to fifteen thousand wow and they ain't even gonna run your credit that's going to pre-qualify you for the money so you can see if you want to take the money or not it's up to you so my again my question is is why do people have good credit but they're not leveraging it right wow and so and so I hate this all the time and I'm sure if somebody Googles it right now you know um a lot of times people say man you know there's a there's a wealth Gap yeah um you know there's no access to Capital oh man right and what you're saying right now don't sound like an accident it's the capital problem no that no that sounds like an access to information access to being connected to the right people access to knowing the right place but to me it sounds like if you understand um if you if you have good credit if you understand the rules and and and and how to access this money yeah that's plentiful yeah that you can have them access the capital and now with that access to Capital you can now start using that to build wealth you know whether it's starting your business whether it's getting to that you know uh buying an income producing asset and so um what about the people who don't have good credit right the people who um have made some mistakes don't have good credit what's their solution well the reality is that just because you have bad credit you don't have to live with it that's a choice that's a decision if you decide to live with bad credit that's on you that's the choice you made right it's just like being in a bad relation if you're going to say that that's a choice that you're making yeah right so the concept is you need to be able to get your financial coach that's as simple as that it's just like if somebody said Hey listen I don't like the way I look I want to be able to lose weight you go you need you can't just try to go to the gym by yourself you may not be able to withstand the storm because as time go on your commitment to the process is going to determine your progress yeah so it's the same thing when you're talking about financial literacy and credit if you don't know anything about financial instant credit how are you going to be able to put yourself in a good position so you need to go get your financial coach you need to get somebody like myself or somebody who really understands what finances is they can tell you how to break down your credit profile I can look at a credit profile and tell you what your credit score is so you have to have some type of experience some type of knowledge somehow some somewhere with uh to be able to tell people what their situation looked like from a credit perspective to be able to guide them in the right direction so if they got bad credit they need to tap in with a financial coach somebody can say okay here's where you are here's where you are this is where we're looking to go tell me your goals tell me your dreams and then will give you a diagnosis from a credit perspective on where you need to go just same thing like going to the doctor yeah if we're hurting we don't go to the doctor until the doctor what you're going what kind of medicine you're going to give me you say okay look doc that's why I'm hurting that yeah same thing with credit you say okay look you the credit doctor yeah this is why I'm hurting yeah I'm down bad financially what do I need to do to put myself back in a good position and let them help you out that's what you need to start with a coach yeah and and you you've been helping a lot of people man like um behind the scenes you told me um you know about about your Metro to software uh but you really been using your platform and the tools and your knowledge to even help people behind the wall yeah right helping people behind the wall people coming home you giving them opportunities talk to us about that a little bit Yeah at this point man I've got a little over 40 people that are incarcerated who have reached out to me via social media and said bro because of you like I'm incarcerated but now I'm coming home and I got good credit wow and now I have an opportunity to be able to go ahead and you know leverage my credit to run some of the plays that you're talking about but I just wanted to let you know like bro I'm really in jail I'm locked up and I I'm coming home with good credit yeah and I'm like dang that's crazy out of the 40 plus people at this point now about seven or eight of those individuals have told me like I didn't have a chance at going to get a job yeah because my record is is messed up but again because of your software and because the information that you're teaching I was able to go ahead and stop My Own Credit Repair organization and now I'm making some money and I'm able to feed my family and it's it's no better feeling for me than to be able to show people the way and be able to really help people like that's crazy to me yeah and so it's like you really understand that it gets to the point where it's more so about the impact over the income yeah yeah you you you're looking at your reach and it's going far beyond you your family and you know the intermedieness of you know what you thought could actually be possible yeah and help people like that that's it's amazing bro yeah man now I can imagine man because like I know you know as an author um you know I've had a lot of people reach out to me uh both who are who are still behind the wall yeah uh people who have come home who are like yo your books help me you know what I'm saying so that's a that's a different feeling yeah when um you just put out the work being obedient yes and then that obedience is now allowing you to touch people that you didn't even know you were like affecting you know what I'm saying um I mean but on a personal note how has um you know south side of Chicago uh moved to Atlanta um and you know you I mean from the outside looking in you had a phenomenal year like your growth has been like you know a you know next level yeah you know what I'm saying how has moving and making the decision to like move to Atlanta how does that affected your your growth you know it's crazy because I used to always say um it's not about the location it's about the person and so for me now I realize that there's nothing wrong with being planted a new soil as well so for me it was just an idea of me planting myself into new soil yeah and me being able to you know be fertilized with a great environment I think that um from a from a standpoint of what does success look like you said like outside looking at you like you had a phenomenal year but people don't actually see the work either right yeah and so for me um I've always worked hard I've always you know I'm saying like just put my best foot forward but also what ended up happening was not only did I get like the right coaches but I also had the right environment so that's that soil right so now as opposed to being in Chicago and me being the top guy that really that at the bottom because I was the top guy yeah but it was really the bottom and I said it was really the bottom because when I came to Atlanta and I'm around people like Ash Cash my guy Carter you know the Nehemiah Davis's and people like that I'm coming in from what I thought was the top and now I'm at the bottom and so I'm really seeing that there's another level to this thing I'm like yo wait a minute so you mean to tell me you know making six figures a year that's that's really not that's not good payroll money yeah that's like I'm like yo that's like so now it's crazy because I went from making six figures a year to seven figures a year now I'm paying my teams six figures a year yeah you know so it's like it's a totally different concept it's a totally different way of thinking it's a totally different mindset and so yes like yeah you had a phenomenal year but I I would honestly say bro like a lot of work went into that like it wasn't just oh yeah he just had a phenomenal year he just moved to Atlanta because it's not going I don't want nobody to look at this okay well I'm just gonna move to Atlanta I'm gonna move to Texas and it's gonna happen nah you're gonna have to put in support kind of like me and you when I first met you yeah yeah I'm like no this ash like it's like like what's up like let's exchange numbers like I'm locked in when can I pull up I'm not like I'm working facts I'm putting into work yeah and and that and that you know I I'm glad that you said that because you know that goes back to credit that goes back to success that goes back to running a business everything um you know you have to put in the work right um the opportunity and the proximity and you know uh the access makes putting the work that much fruitful yes but but I don't care if you if if you're around Jay-Z and Beyonce every single day but you ain't putting no work that that Association ain't doing nothing for you it ain't gonna work out for you what would you say is your your number one lesson that you learned uh 2022 wow um wow I think that um I really finally realized that because I because I went to I went to college in high school and it's like I've watched people who went to college and they done more College than me got more degrees than a thermometer yeah and it's like you know you look at them and you like well the greases why why it's not working out for you yeah and so for me our like the biggest lesson I learned is that a mentor and a coach can take you way further than a teacher and a professional yeah it's like you know we go to college because this is we were told to go to school get a good education so we can get it what a good job that's what they told us to do yeah and we followed that system and what I realized is that people look at people like successful entrepreneurs like me and you they said man that's that's a scam yeah well no you just still confused about it that's what scam stand for because you you already grown right and you still broke facts it's like you grown and broke that's the real scam facts you you went to school and people fight for that they fight respectfully you didn't went to school and it ain't no disrespect yeah yeah but you got to look at the situation like all right cool let's say you got 10 friends and six or seven of y'all went to college yeah and if y'all are not in the financial position at y'all in what's wrong with saying you know what I these These Old keys they open up new doors right so for me I realized this year when I got around high level performing entrepreneurs that were on another level who made me feel like I'm like I thought I was doing well and I realized that I can do better yeah I said wow okay well what what what are they doing that I'm not doing and I'm realizing that everybody had a a mentor that was performing at a level that they wanted to perform that they had a coach that was performing at a level that they wanted to perform at and I said that's the missing piece I never had nobody that I can plug into to give me information to get me to that next level I was always the guy that was being plugged into so I was the outlet for everybody I didn't have an outlet yeah and so coming here I realized that I needed a mentor I needed the coach to go to that next level and so having like a Neo and having like a Myron golden who can give me information and give me plays to take me to that next level I'm like y'all this is this is it and so people are missing the fact that all right cool you went to school you got education you might have a decent job but if that's not what you desire to be like then cool you can't go you can't go to a professor no more and think that they're going to okay the professors are making what do you want to make what the professor make if that that's the question do you want to make what you're professor estimate most people say nah I want to make sixty seven eighty thousand dollars I don't right I would like to make that a month if you had to choose okay cool you're gonna have to get you a coach you got to get you a mentor somebody that's going to be able to give you the information to go to the next level that's that was my biggest lesson because I didn't have one yeah I came to Atlanta like all right I'm gonna figure this thing out that no right you need somebody to guide you yeah yeah and I and you know I I hope that they hear you you know I hope that people realize that this is somebody who was making six figures um just uprooted and took his family from you know from from where you were went to to Atlanta and so all these people who who like oh I got these responsibilities you had a family wife wife three kids right and my mom I'll take care look wife three kids and a mama uprooted and just said I have to take a risk yep right so all my all my wrists all my people who are thinking about taking risk it's riskier staying where you are yes right yes because you you uprooted your family wife three kids and a mama you're taking care of come to Atlanta as a person who's making six figures now you're a seven figure earner and dare I say you definitely go go on high eights this year that ain't even cool that ain't even no question because I see how you moving that ain't even no question and in in less than two years you're you're building a 10 million dollar or more business paying your team six figures and more all because you you bet on yourself you know what it was though I took I took the things that I was I was I was really at certain points I was making an excuse to not move yeah and I realized I said man the things that I could buy with these excuses is costing me too much money I was like these excuses are too expensive I said Okay cool so now that I got that figured out I'll say what do I need to do I say I took the things that like you said having a wife yeah having the kids that I'm taking care of having a mom and I say you know what these things that are holding me back and that I'm making excuse for those are the things that actually are motivated and inspire me to actually go ahead and get this stuff done yeah so I said okay cool for my wife I'm a move for my kids I'm a move for my mom like they deserve this lifestyle I am going to upgrade I I'm I'm going to uproot I'm going to move yeah and I'm going to put us in a better environment yeah like even when I moved I tripled my bills and expenses for the month so that made me I put my back against the wall wow and I'm like I gotta go get it yeah I don't like I don't even have a choice at this at this moment right and so for me I'm like yeah everything that that that feared me that made me be fearful of being able to just execute and go do it I took that and I encapsulated that into motivation yeah and inspiration I said all right cool I'm gonna go I'm gonna go make it happen yeah yeah and and and you know I want to Pivot a little bit towards this risk right like Risk in unknown right because a lot of times people have these opportunities um and they see what they believe is is is change or the unknown and don't know how to deal with it right and so lately there's been this phenomenon called artificial intelligence AI um and some people are have embraced it yeah uh some people have have looked at it and said oh my God these ju these are the you know the AI is bad it's going to take over the world it's like Doomsday it's gonna you know stop everything um you know I know for myself AI has been changing my my life like fast like you know as an author you know I teach people how to how to write books right and how to create a six and seven figure business from their books yeah um before it would take me you know maybe a month two months to write a book I use I use Ai and it didn't five hours five hours that's crazy published it in five days that's crazy and now it's ready to sell and you've done something similar with Metro to artificial intelligence talk to us about that you know what's crazy um you said something profound that I don't know if they even picked it up you went for you like you chopped your time down on how to create a book and publish it in like that like dang it 10x the time frame which gave you more time back which gave you more freedom right and more flexibility it's kind of like if we look at if we look at let's say the 1900s that was first building cars because people were started walking yeah people started to deliver mail if you send some mail out two three days to get there all right cool now you can get the car and you can get there an hour two three hours then they started to introduce trains then they start to introduce planes now it's people that still won't get on the plane to this day right okay cool so that means that if you drive or take the train somewhere it's gonna take you 18 let's say 20 hours to get from Chicago to California you well I may take the plane to get there in four hours I'm gonna get there faster artificial intelligence is allowing people to get there faster so when I created the system I said okay cool I am going to give people the opportunity to have a cleaner healthier credit profile faster so instead of you trying to figure out how to put together the letters instead of you trying to write the letters yourself stand up all night listen I I didn't did this I'm speaking from experience we're talking about doing credit and enhancement and credit repair I said okay cool I need to be able to put my mind to something and create something that is going to get people to their financial goals faster because everything about our financial goals start with credit I don't care what you want to do I don't care what business you want to start I don't care what your what your income goal is for the year you need some credit in order to get you to where you're trying to go and so I created uh Metro to compliance system that has artificial intelligence intelligence in it and every two to three minutes it automatically updates itself wow so the letters that are being sent into through my system through the compliance standard whatever results come back from the credit bureaus it's automatically tracking it it's got It's got data results Matrix inside of it's got the artificial intelligence show every two to three minutes they're saying house is getting a better result than home when we send these letters out this is getting a better result than there when we send it out bold is getting a better result than italicize when we send these letters out so whatever gets the greatest results every two to two to three minutes is automatic it's artificial intelligence it's the way of the future wow so I embraced it just like you embraced it and so instead of people having to wait or trying to sit up with our day two three four five hours putting together two three letters to send out to the credit bureau and then waiting on those results I got a system that is doing everything for you one click of a button all you gotta do is download your credit profile upload it to the system hit generate one click of a button we mail the fax and print off everything for you and the letters have been generated in like two to three minutes real time you can print them off and look at them wow but or you could just hit them and let the system do the work for you wow and now you just sit back and wait and now and because we're using compliance Center which is totally different concept and faction dispute now I can break that down too and make sure everybody understands the difference but this is why I'm teaching I'm gonna hold that class fair but I'm gonna break it down but I'll give a little sauce so they can understand it right but the reality is that instead of you trying to figure this stuff out by yourself it's a done for you process yeah like you don't have to put together that Zoom put together that you don't got to mail the facts and because we're using metro to compliance which is a powerful process we're seeing results some people in seven days wow some 14 days now lately the credit bills got 30 days to respond normally when you sit on those little regular cookie cutter letters they take their sweet ties yeah but when you send a compliance letter it's kind of like they'd be like whoa because it stays standard and I'll talk about that too but that's the standard that they put in place so they'd be like wait wait hold on wait they use a compliance standard right let's just let's just let's comply and that's just that's the way that it works wow wow and so I want to unpack a couple of things right because I know that you know you know I've had bad credit before in the past um and I know that you know I I learned like I I became a credit expert by having bad credit yeah yeah right so I learned I like damn I got bad credit that's experience right I had this experience I had to learn I was like all right bet all right there's five categories payment history usage ratio uh you know uh length of credit history credit mix and um new credit and I was like all right these are the five things all right if if I keep my payments low yeah uh and make sure I pay everything on time then that's one bucket yeah if I make sure that that I you know that I have my balance slow and I'm not applying for cards or you know applying for cars those are those are two more buckets if I have different types of credit you know like so so I'm going through all of the things that um that I know but if there's a faster I got more I got I got better things to do right exactly looking at my credit right and and learning the credit game and if I hear you correctly uh you've used artificial intelligence um as a way to help people you don't they don't even necessarily have to learn about credit this system will do it for them right yeah um and and then you and you said you said something about factual disputes and compliance explain that for me yeah so um just to kind of make it make sense the only one true way I need everybody to hear me out on this one this is real facts y'all can Google this the only one true way to repair credit is by way of factual dispute that's on the national credit exam I took that past that all my students take that past that that's that that is the only one truth that's a question on exam so that means if that's the only one true way that means that everything else is is illegal I'm just gonna leave it there right so then the only other way that we could potentially attack I'm using a totally different language we can attack the credit bureaus and say I want these items removed it's not a dispute process we're not using factual disputed we use a compliance standard so in 1997 the credit bureaus the three trans Experian equal facts and Experian right trans equal facts experience and innovis my bad the three plus innovis which is the secondary build they set together at the round table in 1997. they call themselves a CDI cdia the consumer data industry Association they said we're gonna put together standing in place that anything that's being reported to a consumer credit profile it must meet compliance standard to even be reported so we're a factual disputing we'll point now and we're talking about the factual nature the owner whether I own the account if is everything verifiable and complete so we're talking about what's being listed and the factual nature of it whereas with Metro 2 compliance speaks on reportability does it have the ability to even be reported so there's five points to compliance and it's we ain't got enough time to get into the Five Points Appliance but I'm but I'm telling like there's five points in metro to compliance yeah and one of them States is this is one of the most one of the biggest ones for me if if a data Furniture which is let's say the purse you owe money or a t a thousand they they want to report it if they want to report that they must be five points of compliance when you send in the letter and it states that this these items are in compliance to even be reported if ATT wanted to stay there if the credit bureaus wanted to stay there they must send carbon copies back and forth to each other with some real carbon copies handwritten carbon copies and they got to send a USPS mail to anybody that's involved with that account being reported ain't nobody doing that ain't nobody's going to take they're gonna say look this is not even worth the headache this is not even worth the money we good so with factual dispute we talk about what's being reported in the facts of nature whereas Metro to compliance said it can't even it don't have the ability to be reported reportability versus what's already being reported in the factual nature of it right so when you send in that letter you're saying these items don't have the ability to be reported because they are in compliant to be reported anything that jeopardizes anything that's not that's not being reported based upon Metro to compliance it jeopardized the Integrity of what's being reported so it must be mandatory deleted it wow so this is why we send in letters we send in the Metro two letter you get a bankruptcy y'all you're getting child support off you're getting evictions off you're getting all collections off you're getting all derogatory remarks out I don't care student loans okay what's there wow because it didn't mean compliance standards to be reported wow and so what kind of results are like that's crazy what kind of results are you getting from that because that because first of all I think being able to use artificial intelligence to determine you know that look this is this not even in compliance and just just for my you know it's almost like um like if like I watch Law and Order a lot right and in Law and Order you know even if the cops you know and and anybody who know this in real life even if the cops stop you and they find something illegal on you if they can't um like if they stop you illegally whatever they found on you got to be thrown out yeah right because because you know if if this was like if if they busted my house without without a warrant or if if they stop me without no probable cause like there's so many rules that law enforcement has to follow in order for um whatever they find on you to be legal or admissible in court that's what this sounds like right it's like yo there has to be a there's a compliance standard yes bro right so even if it's something that you actually did if the if this if this doesn't meet the compliance standard it it's not even reportable you can't even report it that's it and compliance and Metro to compliance it also supports the Fair Credit Reporting Act and Equal Credit Opportunity Act which means that equal opportunity means that me and Ash have to have the Equal Opportunity yeah Fair Credit Report that means everything must be reported fairly in order to be reported yeah so at the fcra that's the breakdown of like consumer laws and all that right so that means that Metro to compliance not only is it speaking to reportability but it's also still going to point out all the in-factor information too so it's so it's it's still got a it's still got a hint of fracture dispute mixed into it as well because it supports the Fair Credit Reporting Act yeah yeah crazy bro wow and you know you know why that's powerful because you know again there's a lot of credit report that are inherently just wrong oh yeah right and so a lot of us are accepting that we have bad credit yeah where sometimes it ain't it really it ain't really your fault you really don't have bad credit you are relying on somebody else who's who's probably tired who's probably like not be not looking at things the way they need to look at it and you're relying on them to tell you whether you qualify for something that can actually change your life that can actually build wealth here's here's a here's a big part watch this you just said it we're relying on somebody else right so that means that our biggest expense in life truly is what we don't know so that means that if we get educated we'll know here's a piece with Metro two that everybody needs to know when we send in a letter Ash and you notice when we send in a letter to the credit bureaus a human is natural attention humanist open it up yeah well all the time humans opened up the letter but because they tired or humans have emotions what they did was they remove humans from the the determining factor of whether information is going to stay or get reported or not because there's not enough man hours there's millions of letters that go to the credit bureaus every day every week every month so there's not enough humans man hours and manpower to read all these letters and we get tired yeah so what we do is the human opens up the letter yeah but it gets fed into a machine the machine is e Oscar so e Oscar is to determining Factor when it reads the letters and all of the code and it is determining where the items are going to get deleted or they're going to stay on your credit profile to get spit out and then the credit bills just say hey look that's what e Oscar said right guess what you ask it was built off of Metro to compliance wow wait wait wait wait you can Google this wait hold on uh so you're telling me you're telling me that when you sit in a letter of dispute to one of the the three credit bureaus and let's talk about that four I've never heard of that fourth one yeah so we're gonna talk about that but you know the the three credit bureaus TransUnion Equifax experience um most most of the letters are open or all the letters are opened up by a human being but they're not the ones reading it they're putting the letter inside a machine called e Oscar e Oscar scans through it uh to see if it's compliant yep and you've built a system yep that is the basis of what e Oscar is showing yeah called Metro two yep and that Metro to compliance is what's sending a letter out so now it's almost like a cheat code if you will because now once you send a letter that's based on it's like it's like a cycle you send the letter based on what the machine is going to use yes to the person who's gonna open the letter and put it in yes that's that's exactly what I'm saying this is facts you can Google what is the Oscar it says e Oscar is an online web-based Metro to compliance online system wow so it's it's basically it's it's built off Metro to compliance it has all of the coding and all of the documentation so with my system and my system just for everybody who they they watching they say well what is the name of his sister yeah it's called Phenom yeah right my system that I created is called Phenom which is the root of Mr phenomenal right that's me so I created Phenom and Phenom literally generates and creates Metro to compliant letters and it has all the decoding that directly communicates with e Oscar so when you send in the letter it's sending in a coding they're saying this account is in compliance it must be deleted and compliant delete and compliant delete and so EOS could just reason it says it's just a machine it ain't no human wow it ain't it ain't got no feelings wow it just sounds cool it said delete okay delete all right delete all right cool wow the only thing that the print can do at that time because again if y'all don't notice either this is good information for y'all to know when you default or not pay somebody and they want to report it right or anything that's being reported on your credit profile the credit bills are getting paid to report so when you've got a T-Mobile bill T-Mobile is paying the credit bureaus let's just say 25 a month they're saying hey I got to pay them 25 25 and 25. so the credit bills is like dang they sent in a letter they sent in the metro to compliant letter let me try to stall them out so they'll try to send you a star letter because they already know they not complain but they want to still get paid right so they'll try to send you a star letter to try to get you to not send out another round of letters or whatever man keep going if you ever get a stall letter for the credit bureaus you got to just keep going because the truth is that they get paid to report these items so they got a quota they try to make money too they ain't no non-for-profit now I I want to say um I looked at a report that said uh the credit bureaus made like like 2.1 billion dollars off of reporting like you said there was another study and that study showed that it was like 60 000 people in like a eight month time frame that complained and said yo I got inaccurate information on my on my credit profile and that was just a 60 000 that they just ever complaints that they decided to open you know it was Millions but when they read them like 80 to 90 percent of those 60 000 complaints like people that were sending in like if like to the credit bills it was all complaints saying this is wrong it shouldn't be there this is so it's like you got people that's really like you sitting at home and you you would you got bad credit and you okay with that yeah and and you got somebody else that's holding you back for being able to live the lifestyle that you want the lifestyle that your kids want lifestyle that your family deserve the lifestyle that you desire because credit is holding you back right like credit is the gatekeeper I mean I don't know how people ain't getting this like this is real like I promise all of the success that I've been able to obtain is me leveraging my credit yeah having unlimited Amex having a Discover Card like twenty thirty thousand dollar limits you can go and do anything bro like for me to have right now and they say this ain't bragging enough this is I got 1.2 million dollars in credit leverageable credit yeah that so it's like where can I not go right fast what can I not buy and this is just me just having a good credit score right right and I ain't even got 800 right I got a 760. right at 760 has got me in the dope everywhere when I go I get special treatment absolutely they opening the doors if I go to the call a day like we don't need no proof of income tax you clearly doing something right yeah so what why won't you say okay let me start taking this credit thing seriously yeah let me let me stop let me stop just being okay with the lifestyle that I got let me go get what I deserve yeah because it's homeownership out there for somebody absolutely right it's it's it's it's the car that you really desire out there for somebody so that's why bro I I ain't told but I'm gonna do a free class for everybody I'm gonna put everybody on game all they got to do is go to www Just For The Insider's job that's it exclusive exclusive go to www.metro2. live I'm gonna do a free it's gonna I'm gonna spend like two hours with them I'm gonna break down the whole Metro two game I'll break down my software I'm gonna show you how to use it yeah I'm gonna do three things I'm gonna show them how to prepare their own credit yeah I'm gonna show them if they want want to use a system and a software which is super easy I'm gonna show you how to start their own credit repair business because there's people out here need help yeah if one out of every three people got bad credit that's the income opportunity and then if you're already running a credit repair organization use factually student you struggling to get results come on my way I'm gonna show you how I'm gonna show you how to scale your business using myself well I got them bro look yeah in my Metro two book I'm gonna give it to them for free too so they can come to the class just for your people bro I got them let's go so so yo listen y'all gotta go you just said Metro two live yep uh it's the number two Metro number two dot live and we and we'll have it you know somewhere on the screen and in the description so I can tap in tell me about this fourth reporting or this fourth thing yeah is it a reporting agency yeah so there's a lot of secondary bureaus and what the secondary bills is they house the information so what happens is when we send in a letter to the three main credit bureaus they basically go get all of the information from secondary bills so you got like interviews you got like uh Lexus Nexus you got like Sage stream you got core Logics so like Lexus lessons they housing all of the bankruptcy information so like in my software if you got a bankruptcy report I'll show you how to like attack it on the three credit bills but then right on the side there's a tab where we got the secondary bureau's house too and the original data Furniture so you can send a letter to them just one click of a button boop boop just like that so so if you got a bankruptcy we're going to send a letter to Lexus Nexus too so we're going we're going to tell them that it's in compliance to get it deleted so then we'll get a letter back from this is game it's too much this is too much oh long I'm giving up too much sauce right yo this is crazy yo so so like you said results we're getting bankruptcies deleted yeah first round second round just depends on your method of attacking if you really paying attention executing using my software right like so then you got like a company like a like a core logic they they house all of the installment loans so if a person has a repossession and they default on the repossession CoreLogic on how is that oh we're gonna attack them too wow can we coming at y'all here wow we're going we're gonna get that deleted my mentee is getting repossessions off bankruptcies I haven't had one got child support deleted I'm like so you ain't pay yo but you and you know know um why this is powerful because specifically for our community I think our our community have been bamboozled yeah Hoodwinked let astray you know what I'm saying as it relates to credit though because um where you know first of all we're not taught about credit yep and so early on we mess up our credit you know what I'm saying so whether it's you know you know Mama putting furniture in the kid's name or whatever the case may be and so and so we we already off the gate have this bad taste with credit yeah then when we get into the to the working space we're being taught um about how to get rid of credit don't even use credit that's crazy but then when you cross a certain thresh threshold thresh whatever whatever that is threshold threshold now you need it huh right now you start you start like I use credit for everything I'm talking about I'm talking about I don't own a debit card I cut my debit card I will not use cash for nothing can I shake your hand bro I don't use cash for nothing me neither I use credit for everything um I live off credit yep me too right I mean you know attack from a tax perspective I don't get taxed on none of the credit that I use crazy right from uh a points perspective every time I I I use money I get points right I stay in the in the finest hotels yo yo yo yo yo me and my wife went to New York uh for the Cam'ron mace and Jadakiss concert and we stayed at the Ritz Carlton for free I'm talking about Central Park I'm talking about I'm talking about like when you get out they they hold the door they call you sir they yeah you know I mean they got they got shot one champagne and all that like I'm talking about that I get that too don't yeah I got you that level of living for free yeah yeah and people and people people they own they don't want that yo yo when I when I when I'm on a plane I get into the lounge for free crazy bro I get I get free upgrades to First Class bro crazy you know and I and I don't think people understand um I mean but you're you're a mindset financial literacy coach um what help us help us inside the Vault our insiders change our mindset so we can look at credit as a wealth building tool and not as something that like it's not the boogeyman it's not Freddie or Jason like there's it's not the it's not the Candy Man like it's something that can actually help you live a Wonderful Life yeah I think you know you said something which is what I live about too is which is you know we we live off credit yeah and I don't and when people don't understand what we're saying they they're thinking that we're saying uh we just use our credit cards but we don't pay the money back that's not what we're saying what we're saying is that in these regular ordinary and what we would call organic transactions from a credit perspective when we are going out the organic transactions we are leveraging our credit we're just using credit and we're using the money that's in the bank that we were going to use anyway to pay the money back that's all what we're saying but here's what I need everybody to understand just from a mindset perspective we're not saying get your credit into a 700 800 credit range and just go get a bunch of credit cards and just go run them up we're not saying that that's using credit what we're saying is leverage credit so there's a difference between using credit and there's a difference between leveraging credit see most people they just they were top bad stuff because they mom or they data Auntie Uncle anybody in the family when they got a hold of a credit card when they first started using it they just used it yeah so they would go they would go shopping buy purses they would buy stuff that was not going to give them return on their investment yeah whereas we're saying leverage it don't just go use it we're saying leverage it so when I teach people to use their credit I'm saying leverage it in an aspect of if you're gonna get a credit card go ahead and take that ten thousand dollar limit and put it into let's just say all right start your Airbnb business and then you start you took that ten thousand let's say you open up let's just say four units each unit costs you 2500 to start now that ten thousand dollars that you put into the Airbnb units if they bring you back let's just say a thousand dollars let's just say each unit is only give you a thousand dollars back a month that means that if we're getting four units we're getting four thousand dollars back per month that means that by the time we get into days of having these Airbnb used we could pay the bank back ten thousand but now we got four thousand dollars hitting our bank account every single Monday we can't stop that's leveraging credit that's not using credit using credit you go spend it and you got to sit there and look at that stuff like I didn't get nothing back from that yeah I used to win about a thousand dollar pair of Balenciaga then you ain't getting no return on that no go ahead and like Leverage that credit to make it an asset make an asset make it bring your income right then when you get that income coming in right that's producer did you go by the police then you get the then you get the purse then you get the shoes then you get your hair then you take the trips out the country yeah well y'all see people living these lifestyle and y'all say well I want to be just like them yeah that's how they want us when they got a credit card and just swiped it and with no means of paying it back because now that's it they're gonna repeat the cycle this is why the conversation is not being had in the household is not being taught in schools because there's nobody who really understands it yeah the schools get it but that's just the concept they're going to keep the rich rich and the poor poor they ain't going to break that that ain't even gonna happen because they talk about credit and high school colleges and institutions people be like yeah yeah yeah you know it'll be a different type of world it'll be a different type of game but this is why I'm teaching it because I want people to really truly understand that if you leverage credit and you leverage it the right way the lifestyle that you want you can really have it like seriously yeah but don't use it leverage it yeah not and that and that's such a big bar and I hope people are picking that up because at the end of the day that's exactly what it is is that the the goal you know what we're taught in our community uh is that you know we have to work hard for money but we you know the truth is if you're wealthy and you want to create wealth you have to change that relationship you have to make sure that money is working hard for you correct and how does money work hard for you is making sure that when you have access to money right whether it's your your earned money or other people's money you're taking that money and you're leveraging it right that's the key word you're leveraging it to create income producing assets and then now you're allowing those assets to actually pay you that's the people right and then now and so here's a deal here's a deal it's a bar catch this when you use money you lose money oh man yeah when you leverage money I can find something around me you know what I'm saying but y'all get what I'm saying right right you use money you lose money yeah leverage money you something you know the money grows yeah yeah yeah you know what I'm saying so so so all right so yeah look look y'all y'all need to take Dion's free class Metro two dot live where he's giving you a free ebook yeah he's gonna break down this Metro to compliance to everything you need this old way of thinking where it's just factual disputing learning about the 35 30 15 10 10 whereas payment history usage ratio length of credit history new mix uh you know uh uh uh new credit credit mix like yeah that's cool to know like just to like you know all right here's the knowledge but when you learn about Metro two right Metro to compliance like what is it that that your credit has to look like your credit profile has to look like in order to be compliant and that compliance is what your credit score is being judged on when you learn that game you will be in the best position to learn how to leverage credit and I'm sure you're going to go over that as well yeah I got you yeah right how to leverage credit because I think that's also the thing yeah is that we don't want people to have now all these people have these great credit scores yeah and they all know where to go now yeah I speak on that I touch on that in a free class too like and I and I teach that man this is that's big because it's like okay now I got good credit then what right and so the fear of the then what I addressed that too so you gotta you gotta know what banks to go to you know how to apply why should you apply what money you want because like I was talking to a young lady the other day and she was telling me how she made a mistakes like I know I I had good credit yeah second I made a mistake she said I went and got a card and she was like I didn't know that it was a charge card and she's like I didn't I didn't know that yeah and so I teach on the difference between a revolving line of credit and a charge card revolving is okay I owe you some money yeah I'm gonna pay you back you know what I'm saying every single month that's how I pay to balance off charge says Hey listen it's more like those net 30 yeah she didn't even know that it was it was actually a net 15. she said they wanted their money back in two weeks I said that was a net 15. whereas she used that five ten thousand and in two weeks the money was due right so that's a charge card whatever you charge they want their money right back so you know like you said the education piece of understanding that is key and if you have good credit to leverage it is key and so people you know what they need to go to what's the requirements to apply so I go over I break all that stuff down too so so you know you made the decision to like leave you know your comfort zone yeah for sure you stretch yourself you move your wife your kids your mother um Triple J expenses yeah the like the you know they say pressure out of the bus pipes or make diamonds man and fast forward um great decision uh best decision ever best decision ever if you could go back with the Dion that we're watching right now and we could we're sitting with right now if you could give 18 year old Dion um some advice what advice are you giving him oh that's crazy um man I would I would have did a better job of uh not only just leveraging my credit but leveraging um Opa so the first thing I Leverage is OPM which is other people's money yeah um I would have been a a uh advocate for leveraging Opa which is other people's audiences um and then I would also tap into leveraging opr which is other people's relationships and so for me um I just I really just kind of realized the power in all of that I'm looking at the relationships that I am creating uh with new individuals um and then I'm looking at just by knowing certain individuals I'm being I'm connected with other individuals um and then I'm watching people leverage me like like I'm having relationships with people and they're saying Hey listen I want to get tapped in with you and then it gets them close to other people too right and then also like one of the biggest things is and that's why I tell my mentees leverage OPM which is other people's money to be able to like go ahead and pay for a mentor like you take the bank's money yeah pay for you a mentor yeah and then you run out of the plays and you pay the bank back the money but then now you got plays that you running in income right and those play any and you got those plays forever forever wow so I'm leveraging OPM yeah and then I'm leveraging uh now that I've got that coaching that Mentor from Leverage OPM I'm leveraging that mentor's audience Opa right and then that's just that's just leveraging the relationship or other people's relationships and being able to not only get with your Mentor but anybody that they're associated with as well and so if I can tell myself something I would I would have told my 18 year old self that oh that's a that's powerful yeah so like if if we if we if we uh coin this the uh the Dion's you know the you know the Dion method methodology we're going to call it arm audience relationship money you just uh you just put me on something you feel what I'm saying like yo Leverage The R oh that's tough audience y'all heard it here from Ash Cash leverage your arms leverage your arm hey yo look don't try to steal it that's my stuff Ash gave it to me baby all right y'all listen man um again make sure y'all go to Metro two dot live tapping with Dion uh take his free class it's it's free exclusively for our insiders learn about Metro 2 also right because I because I want you to miss this too is that though like once you get your credit right if you're someone that's like y'all I wanna I wanna figure out a side hustle or whatever you could actually use his software yeah matter of fact you're not even using you can leverage let's go right because people leverage his software to now create a different stream of income for yourself so tap in Metro two dot live um if people want to connect with you where can they find you uh Instagram is at Mr phenomenal power as at Mr dot phenomenal power uh Facebook is just Dion Cooper with all other platforms is at Mr phenomenal power all right y'all we are closing out the vault another awesome episode of inside the Vault with Ash Cash make sure you visit us inside the uh follow us on all social media platforms at inside the Vault me I am Ash Cash make sure you visit me follow me on all social media platforms at I am Ash Cash and make sure you join the abundance Community go to we got behind the scenes access we got some some gems that he did not give us on the show so make sure y'all tap into the abundance Community um join us we Mastermind we come together we got chapter meetings all of that great stuff we appreciate you thank you so much I need you to share this video I need you to like this video I need you to tag your friends I need this I need this video to go crazy and also I need you to subscribe to inside the Vault we already in 26 countries but we want to be in a hundred countries so make sure you subscribe you rate your review all right y'all I'll see y'all next time in God's will peace thank you
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 224,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ash Cash, Use AI to Fix Credit, EYL, EYL Network, Dion Coopwood, Fix Credit, Inside The Vault
Id: R9JYt-J3AIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 43sec (3403 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2023
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