How To Get $150K In Business Credit With A New LLC 2023

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all right guys so welcome back to the channel this is Matt Garland in MLS number five eight seven zero zero better known as mg the mortgage guy we are live we are blessed thank God for another day instead of giving you guys a pre-recorded video here 4 P.M Eastern Standard Time on a Monday I decided to go live but first make sure you guys like comment share subscribe hit that Bell for notifications you already know the vibe and most importantly y'all didn't know what it is go to pick up the latest and greatest books by Yours Truly house economics and the Real Estate Investors Manifesto both available on now today we're going to talk about a very very great topic and um a lot of you guys are always hitting me up on how to get real estate deals done and funded especially if you don't have no Capital so I say you know what let me bring on my guy Herman the Haitian CEO he's funded 65 million dollars in business funding in 2022. my brother Herman what's going on today I appreciate you thank you for having me man welcome welcome to the studio brother yes call the media welcome next week you got here yeah and we also got super producer no that's I'm thinking Jordan no we got production manager extraordinaire tux production they want to check in also too all right oh I do have oh you got a thing okay oh so you see this guy he got his own little [ __ ] [ __ ] jokes y'all I didn't even know we had that for him this guy he's always ready all right so this is going to be a good conversation we're going to talk business credit business funding even if you have a new LLC how do you get a hundred and fifty thousand dollars worth of funding with it but first I know my God tooks he's a business owner as well he has a lot of questions about business funding credit card business credit Etc so tooks the floor is yours my brother all right so first question is going to be uh so where do you go to apply for business credit like what's the difference between applying for business credit and personal so business credit um is in its name it's the funding that you get in your business name not in your personal name so something I like to teach a lot of my mentees or anybody who comes to the page like hey get everything out your personal name get it in your business name whether it's your car note whether it's your personal credit cards putting your business name because a lot of us when we get a great idea I'm gonna start a t-shirt company I'm getting in real estate we go get a 10 15 000 car in your personal name right and then the problem is you max out that card right your credit score drop this is from personal experience when I first got into real estate in like 2007 right before the world came to an end the first time right maxed out my credit cards to flip a property my credit score dropped to like 610 because it was maxed out so I couldn't refinance to get the cash out the property to pay back the cards because I wasn't given the game so it's really important from jump to structure your LLC so you can get the month as much funding possible get into your business name you max out that same 15 20 30 50 000 credit card nope the banks don't know they can't can't tell because it's not sitting on your personal credit report so that's why it's crucial to do that right so um let's say so how so when you get business credit yeah is do they look at like your personal credit you have to like sign for it like is that how it works so it's two ways so you can get no personal guarantee business credit or you can get personal guarantee business credit so to get to the bank faster a lot of people personally guarantee their business first right it's kind of like um you know we saw my kids a little bit earlier it's kind of like you're 16 17 year old they trying to get a car the bank's not going to give a 16 17 year old a cardinal an 18 year old a car note so Mom and Pop got to go co-sign for it same thing with your business your business is new it doesn't make any money but you want 50 000 from the bank the bank will look like you look at you like you crazy right right so the business owner has to personally guarantee the business because in the United States which is a corporation in and of itself it looks at at the business as its own person so since this person has bad credit and it doesn't make money then the person that has good credit got a co-sign for it so you're co-signing for your business so when you co-sign for your business you get good funding the the numbers could get crazy it gets to 150 200 thousand dollars to better your personal profile is so is there a like so what are like the what's your score have to be in order for like so at minimum right to get some nice decent numbers you need to be at a 680 FICO score so now what not what Credit Karma tells you like I'm not gonna trans credit karma but FICO score uh Credit Karma gives you Advantage 3.0 score but the lenders are using your FICO score so you're gonna have a minimum 680 credit score and I always tell people if you want to walk into the minimum world you're going to get the minimum funding so try to Max it out once you get to 700 the world is kind of your oyster in terms of the limits that you can get even for a brand new LLC so for a brand new LLC right you have a 680 then 680 minimum yeah how much money can you get with that so somebody comes to me with a 680 I'm I'm gonna answer the question then double back somebody somebody get a 680 I know I can get them at least 50 to 75 000. okay right but that's just what I mean knowing much so it's not just credit score this is important it's not just your credit score it's your credit profile what does that mean what's on your credit report so lenders I want everybody who's listening to me to think how a bank thinks right so you want fifty thousand dollars but you never had a personal credit card before you've never had a car note before you never had a student loan you don't have no mortgages so you're coming to the bank for this big bag but you've never proven to anyone that you're able to handle handle this type of money but you want us to give you a bigger back on the business side that's other pause there's another um wants to see that you did well with your money first before it gives your your business money so I always tell people you need to build up your personal profile too okay so that person with a 680 I want to make sure they have at least two credit cards on their credit report that's two years old two years at least two years old and each of those credit cards minimum they got to be at least twenty five hundred dollar limits on them right okay if if you have at least that for me right you don't have a bunch of inquiries you got at least that I know I can get you 25 to 50. okay right then because this is the funding place I do with my team then we get those inquiries off right and then we run it back again and they get you another 25.50 right so that's how I get you to that hundred thousand dollars on a new credit profile if you have a 680 credit score right you gotta not you gotta have the 680 and you have to have a solid profile so when people come to me the higher their credit score is the better their profile is like not he got three he got five credit cards those cards are four years old it's five thousand limit on those cards yeah that that person's getting a quarter million easy on a new LLC quarter million So based on so the more credit history you have the more credit history you have the more money you can get for your business so 100 you said a hundred a quarter you said a quarter so quarter million yeah you over 700 you're in the 720 you had a nice profile you got three or four credit cards three to five and they're over two years old yeah it's a beautiful thing so what are the rates on like when you so the beauty the beauty this is the beauty where I want everybody to get everything out you personally about your mama name I want it in your business name um is that the rates on these cars and I just posted on my page a couple weeks ago because success has receipts I got a I got a 25 000 business credit card from Chase right um it's zero percent interest for 12 months so if I give you twenty five thousand dollars and you can't flip it right in 12 months at zero percent interest in you in the wrong ball game and the beauty about that Herman so what's that equal so I posted on my page too so 20 so about a zero percent interest cards you can you can you can look at it about it'll total about one percent payment per month so like a twenty five thousand dollar credit card they sent me my first bill the the first bill was 249 I got to pay every single month because I maxed out the car for a deal I'm doing right right so they I have to pay 249 a month for 12 months if I never pay down the card that's what it's costing me right so if I give you 25 bands and you can't make 250 a month then again you're doing the wrong game interesting so it's a change a Chase Ink card it's a Chase bank card yeah shout out to chase yeah shout out to chase so you get the chase end card yeah 25k 25 and it's gonna cost them 250.50 a month so how does somebody all right you say you need a 680 credit score for this so for the chase cards you need at least the 700 a 700 yeah but but where I got fund them from Mostly for my new people who's coming to me I go to credit unions First Credit Unions they're more friendly their underwriting guidelines are not as strict as the big boys so you chase your Wells Fargo's your Bank of America so I'm gonna take you there first to get you a quick 10 15. you play right you go open up a Chase account start a relationship with them you know once your scores go up Chase is gladly going to be able to serve you so someone with a new LLC right how do they get everything established what are the steps what do they need to do to establish their LLC it's brand new brand new it has no income coming in okay how do they start this process okay so let's remember let's say for instance the goal is to get at least 25 000 per card right so let's just put that 25 here for a second I want to make sure your LLC is set up as properly as possible to maximize as much funding as possible just as seriously as I want your credit profile to be as serious as possible so number one you need to have a solid business name right okay it's very important name my company's Bella Stone Enterprises named after my firstborn right um you want to make sure your business doesn't have a restricted industry in the title right Banks don't like to give money to real estate Trucking um I'm sorry to cut you off what do you mean by that what do you mean by it so they call them High Risk Industries so when you're in a high-risk industry instead of them giving you that 25 000 credit card they probably give you a 15 000 credit repair right nah they don't some credit per companies they only want to give you money they'd be like nah we denying it right you could have a great credit score it could look great but they're not interested so your business name is important right so it's a vanity player named it after my kid right that's number one again structuring it as much as possible because I want to maximize that 25 we got up here right right um you want to have a a good business address right what do you mean by that Herman well remember think like the banks do okay who would you give the most money to somebody whose business address is their home address or somebody whose address is a real office right because they're going to Google you they're going to look you up you're like oh what's your business address and they're gonna put that in and they're gonna see it pop up they're like oh that's a real that's a real office space right yeah so business address you want to have a legitimate phone number right because you're a real business I want you to look as sexy as possible on paper so I got a 1-800 number for my for my business my other customers they get the 609 number which is a Google number right I got a legitimate website remember I'm making the business look as sexy as possible got a legitimate website I mean it'll be findable right in order to be fundable you want to be findable oh right clip that up Jordana take the time stamps so you want to look as again as sexy as purple so you got a real website Instagram Twitter all that that's not enough when you're going to the big boys when you go into these lenders do you have a website right can I find you when I need to put you when I need to do you right um and then we're talking about Google for a second put yourself into Google Google go to business right if you Google my business Fellas on Enterprises the reason why I'm there is not because Google found me and they got some Engineers that going looking for businesses no right I put myself in there they send a postcard to my Virtual Office I went to my virtual office opened up the mail I put the code back into right okay that's really your address because you you had access to the mail and now I'm on Google they publish me right so that's another way that the banks are going to look for you another back door that a lot of people know about is a website called a man of a certain age so y'all probably don't know what 411 is or the Yellow Pages but he's looking at me crazy remember 4-1-1 I'm 31 so I think when I was younger 4-1-1 is like isn't that like uh information yeah yeah so before remember the yellow book I remember yellow book yeah like seven right so before it was Google you have to dial 411 yo can I get the number to mg I remember Yellow Pages right so those are one of the back doors that Banks still use like did this company do enough due diligence to put itself everywhere so putting yourself in it costs 60 a year it's a write-off guys don't be cheap um and then you know set that's that's you setting up the structure then you go put that information on your LLC business name business address business phone number because when we first heard about business funding or we first got an ID I'm gonna start a t-shirt line when we filled out that LLC application we put in our personal name my personal address yeah all that stuff here's another thing that you want to watch out about um is your safety because you can go to any Secretary of State website you can look up a business so say for instance Bella Stone Enterprises were born in Pennsylvania yeah all they got to do is type A bellisone Enterprises in the secretary of state and they'll see all my business information what if I put my home address as my business address just like that anybody can look you up yeah right we spoke about that that's that's the safety issue so you want to make sure it's a legitimate business address you can go to it's a good place to get a virtual office when I got people coming in time yeah I'm running the address but it's a legitimate office I can rent a room like this for like 100 bucks yeah and I'm in I'm in business sometimes you come to office I look I look sexy and legitimate so the credit profile looks sexy right your your personal profile is halfway decent at 680. all right it's time to go shopping it's time to go get it back so they actually do research on like like there's a lot of businesses so they actually research and see if you have a website have like all these all these things in place or is this just like something that you want to have just in case so how you do anything is how you do everything that's number one right so so build it properly first number one right because nobody's that comes to me is in this for like five minutes right right you're in here for the longevity play so build a foundation that's number one number two no all banks are not going to do that okay right some banks are just going to make sure your credit is together you got a couple you got your LLC or Ein you're going to get funded but in order to get to this big 25 000 number right here I want your stuff to be sexy as possible so if you don't have a good business address they're going to take it down to 22 000. you got too many inquiries they're going to take it down to 19 000. you don't have a website they're gonna go down to 15 000. right you're in the wrong industry they're gonna take it down to five right so setting yourself up properly on the person on the credit profile and setting up the business properly gets you that Max so I'm trying to get you the max right right no more minimums in 2023 we're doing the max in all things in all areas so now you have that 25 let's say right how do you how do you like double up on that how do you get the next 25. so here's the here's the play right so here's the sauce with this and so people like yo you get a hundred hundred thousand hundred fifty.200 you talking crazy no so let me give you a quick example so American Express or I'm just giving examples here I know I know for a fact they pull from Experian um um don't hold me to the rest of examples I'm gonna give you but Navy Federal they pull from Transunion and Key Bank they pull from Equifax right okay so I go to American Express I'm a hey American Express I need some bread right they maxed me out at 25k bet I go to Navy Federal they pull frame TransUnion they don't know I just got 25k because April from TransUnion they don't pull from experience right right boom I'm up to 50. um I run to Key Bank Key Bank pull from Equifax they don't know I'm up 50k they give me another 25 you can get up to 50 000 from Key Bank right so I'm up 75 000 to 100 Grand on a brand new LLC in one day and it only cost me technically one inquiry but you got three inquiries over three different credit reports but it's really right I got a hundred thousand cost me one inquiry you go to uh arrest a a credit restoration place they get those inquiries off for you guess what you're gonna do run it back oh that's the place we'll do it again I just don't want this to go over nobody's house all right so you basically saying that each one of these banks are pulling from only one credit bureau right right majority of them are probably from one credit all right so majority of the banks when you're going for business credit they're not using like a mortgage we use all three right exactly they're using one one you've just Mastered on knowing which Chris Banks pull from which right things and then once your personal credit let's just say a 700 you open up your LLC you know that day you're gonna run your credit to these three banks these three Banks because you know each one because you already did a soft pulling yourself so you know all three of your score is above 700 so let me go to key let me go ahead let me go there all applications done online done online yeah you do it online yep back to back takes five minutes yep and then boom if you get approved boom boom basically you up get the inquiries and run it back and here's how you definitely maximize your 25 right here's how you maximize the 25 also you want to make sure you have relationships with the banks right that's it is really really important so like my clients like we're giving them 50 60 000 in Chase right but we tell them before you come up to us go open up a business checking account with Chase first right put like a hundred dollars in there 500 in there start the relationship real quick and they listen hey Herman I'm all set I'm not good so when you go and ask them for bread you already got a relationship with them that's how you really Max it out so that's why I tell my my clients my mentees anybody within my my voice go to the credit unions in your neighborhood first to get a bag right type in zip code your zip code and then type in the word Credit Union it's going to give you 10 to 15 Credit Unions you even know is in your neighborhood you're going to go open up a bank account there business check-in business savings put a hundred dollars in each account right form the relationship pump fake like you about to get up think about ah you need some funding it's funny you say that and then because that's going to get you to the 20 that that Max because you have a relationship with them and you're gonna do that three times on a Saturday go to three different banks so right now same play how long does it take for you to build relationships with the banks the day you opened up the bank account you formed a relationship so it just takes like just yeah 100 and you're checking hundred dollars in checking 100 in the savings open it up give bring to give them your LLC your EIN your operating agreement you know what I'm saying your profile is looking sexy you're like you know I want a couple dollars listen what's the most you're gonna give me well they're gonna ask you how much you want I was like what's the most you can give me on a business credit card it's like all credit cards goes up to 35 000. well I would like to submit for a 35 000 credit card then and they're gonna they're gonna look at your credit report they're gonna look at your business and they're gonna be able to tell how much is a 35 they're able to give you listen Mr Dorsey we can give you 20 000 on this the max out of 35. well we'll start there I'm gonna max out the car because I'm doing a real estate deal I gotta buy some wood I gotta do all that I'm a cash out refi anyway I'm gonna pay it back in four or five months right when you pay back after you max out a car and you pay it back you know what you look like to the bank you look sexy you look good that means that means business is good they're going to increase that card to 35.50 before you know it because business is good right and you still at zero percent interest because you got another six months to go so now you got a 35 50 000 credit card at zero percent interest and you got six more to go to run another play why are these Banks uh given new LLCs with no proven track record of doing business right this much credit yeah the same reason why the same reason they're giving an 18-year rule thirty thousand dollars for a for a car because it's co-signed by the parent so it's co-signed by your good credit because you demonstrated to the bank based on your personal credit profile that you're responsible with money so if you're responsible with your money you're definitely going to be responsible for your business money they're making that bet so if I put on this application [Music] this business started January 9th 2023 didn't make no money income annual income zero but me personally because it's going to actually your personal connection and your personal information yourself I this is I work here I make a salary of a hundred and fifty thousand and they run my personal credit right I'm 720 yep they're basically Linden or from me right but given the business giving the business the money in the business name not showing up on your personal credit report Max I joined out you still got a 720 credit score tomorrow and this credit card this business credit card won't appear on my personal credit 99.9 of them don't it's probably like two I could I know off the top of my head I know the Capital One spark card the airports are on both but 99 of them don't you could just confirm with the bank like hey this is only on business it won't show up on my personal list and they'll confirm it with you but 99 of them don't interesting yeah interesting yeah all right so that's how you get basically you just run the place to three different banks you will make sure your personal credit is up make sure your personal everything is looking sexy sexy right you got good income good job history you know you're solid Financial from a personal perspective right but you just need help with growing your business basically correct now what about lines of credit for business well before I go there all right you got the business credit card now I want to go buy some real estate yeah how do I pull the money from a business credit card to buy real estate you try to get clicks on the video chop it up so I'll tell you I'll tell you one way that I do it right so um my favorite tagline is orders your circle right okay so mg is in my circle yo mg I just got this 25 000 credit card I need help liquidating it because I need to put 10 000 on this property in Philly because you ain't getting nothing here right ten thousand people right um like all right mg send me an invoice from mg Global International from your business LLC um stripe PayPal whatever you send me an invoice for 10 fans I'm gonna pay with my what the credit card business credit card right when you're gonna go to your account right and because I trust you because I ordered my circle you part of my circle you'll run that back so you're gonna give me you're gonna give me the 10 bands I'm gonna go make display my name's off the card now I'm paying a hundred dollars a month for that 10 bands this is in the first 12 like this is when you first sign up though right because yes the moment you get the card in the mail right so you have no interest in for 12 months yeah no interest for 12 months that's if you get a car that's another that offers that special yeah um no interest for 12 months but I got to play Devil's Advocate yeah of course right right I have to huh that sounds good that sounds good so you come to me you say yo map everything you just said now that's reporting to me as income right it is now I got to pay taxes on that yeah you do as a business owner that's a problem for you right why the hell in God's green earth am I going to do that but what did you do when you got the money what did you do it with it I'm I'm giving it back to you as you said so you refunded it to me right so you want me to run your credit card give you an invoice on stripe or something like that Consultation Services like whatever it is right whatever we we put on the invoice now I go ahead run that card and then I give you the money basically under the table so to speak now you give back legit you can run me my check like yo bro I'm giving you back your bread under the table it's all legit you got me online now because look we are in the internet streets so I got to play devil's advocate here because I gotta know if this is like some real [ __ ] that won't get nobody jammed because it's all about because now I'm refunding you right and I don't have to refund you as a credit right back to the card I could refund you in any way you want as a business owner I can refund you anyway I don't want you could give me the cash back you deposit it you could whatever as long as listen with taxes I've been audited before okay and the tax rate was actually really nice to me she's like listen just have your paperwork in order yo Herman I'm gonna email you letting you know that I refunded you ten thousand dollars and that's your paper printed out put it on your taxes you made no money because you refunded it and you have the bank account statements to say that okay but the goal that makes sense yeah but that goal is not to do this forever like yeah no 100 the revenue you know what I'm saying you're gonna you're gonna get the lines of credit yeah the main thing is just to get people started with business credit and Sean number Avenue that they can use to potentially buy real estate what I always like to tell people and I want to look in the camera and tell you look be use your common sense yeah this is a bill yeah right business credit line of credit I don't give a [ __ ] what you call it you still got debt and if you do not make wise invest in decisions then you are responsible to pay back this debt whether it's in your LLC name or not you are taking money out from a bank so be be cautious with that don't sit here and because I know a lot of people in the world they just like to do [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah and like oh it's not in my name it's not you know what I'm saying so I don't want people to think we're promoting the BS you know what I'm saying like no we're just trying to show you options to build up the credit so that way whether you're going to buy real estate or you're going to fund a business for real for real you have another alternative because the fact is the banks will give your business more credit than your personal name yeah and that's just what I find it for me yeah like they would fund your business and give you unlimited amex's no preset limits and and then when you get a personal AMX but oh twenty thousand okay right like how do you give me this and I just got this on the business side I got a Best Buy personal credit card it's maxed out at 10. I got a business credit card with Best Buy it's 35k because Best Buy is like there's only so many flat screens you're gonna put in your house yeah but on the business side I got employees I got laptops iPads I gotta buy for everybody so the limits will always be higher on the business side so I've been preaching you know get everything in your business name start the LLC and run it up and run it and run it up all right so I'm a fan of business credit I have several business credit cards I was gonna pull out my water this is I got like mad business credit cards I love business credit me personally I personally don't use business credit to buy real estate I use it to do construction right right because I like to run up the points and everything like that and and most importantly if my contractors are playing games with me I could always pull my money back yeah God bless Amex God bless Amex I love Amex I think Amex is just like one of the best cars in the world because once you call them and tell them like yo they like okay yank You Yank that money right now money right back yeah right back so for me I use it pretty much for my whole life my my AmEx business cards or even my personal cards but mainly for the real estate construction I'm I'm redoing my personal house I'm doing one of my investment properties right now everything is swipe swipe swipe swipe everything is swiped because again like you said building up that relationship I pay these cards off at the end of every month so I don't swipe if I can't pay it off at full and full anyway yeah because you're still playing against I use the Amex and my business credit cards as if it's money in my bank bank account I use it like it's a true debit card in my mind I don't like to spend money I don't have exactly like I'm not like Wishing on a Star hoping like yo somebody's gonna come in from whatever then I gotta go pay it off you know what I'm saying so yeah how do you how do you um manage because I think that's a lot of the issue with a lot of people I think managing your money so how do you know what to spend like basically what do you mean what do you know to spend like you said you don't swipe unless you can pay it in full correct but if you have money coming in like at a certain time of the month how do you know because sometimes your income can fluctuate if you have multiple different businesses right so is there like a cap that you put on well that's why I have multiple different businesses and every business have a different card you know what I'm saying so like for like what we let's talk about the studio right you matter of fact you still got my Chase Ink card do I yeah you never give it back to me you had it for like two months July say a word yeah oh I do hatch right exactly it's right there right you add them as an authorized user and I actually was going to do it I was gonna I wasn't asking a question about that too yeah I actually was gonna do that because I'm like this [ __ ] got my card like get my car back no I don't need it now because anytime you need anything for the studio you got to order me a fireplace like anytime you need stuff because that's the corporate apartment right so I didn't find a place in the corporate apartment right so like with um business credit I love it because I can just run it up so like again the chase ain't call I know I gave that call to you I think they gave me like 25 000 on that card right right so I know you always want to order equipment and lights and all types of [ __ ] that you like to like not [ __ ] because it comes out great right I just be like oh [ __ ] this guy again texting me about some equipment yeah yeah [ __ ] out of here too leave me alone bro so I'm just like yo here hold the card for whatever you want so for me I know any charges I see I know it's you yeah it's nothing else you know what I mean like when I'm doing anything else so I separate it so like for the real estate stuff is on a different type is for the real estate business so I swipe that only for the real estate projects that I'm doing for my personal house I use my personal credit my personal Amex but I got like four of those joints so I know this special this Platinum um AMX card and then whatever I know that one is only for the construction of that house you know what I'm saying so I kind of since I have multiple cards I kind of um divide and conquer so okay you know another another way to answer your question um because I get this a lot right so how do I know how am I going to pay it off and right you started a business yeah right well I mean even for I guess personal credit even even for personal credit too right so personal credit I tell people because they'll buy sneakers on on a on a credit card right yeah 100 Jordans right how you gonna pay it off right with your job right income comes from there but those sneakers make you any money no no it's not right so on the business it could be an investment it could be an investment so on the business side we're thinking differently anyway so I spent the 25k 250 dollars a month because I know the return I'm gonna get in four to five months I know what's coming so in the meantime I'm like okay well I can cover the 250 for five months right so when you're starting a business you have to think differently than it was if you were swiping your personal credit cards correctly swipe their personal credit card and never ask the question you just asked how am I gonna pay for it no I just want these Jordans I'm gonna buy it I'll figure it out later yeah yeah they never ask those questions but when I'm teaching the business how are they gonna pay for it I don't know how'd you pay for the Jordan you got you know what I'm saying like you got the flat screen for 5 000 on Black Friday because they said it was zero percent payment but you bought the flat screen anyway the zero percent runs out and now the the payment is seven eight hundred dollars a month on the flat screen so you're gonna pay for more for the TV anyway right keep that same energy right when it comes to business how am I gonna pay this card off what's the play What's the investment and how am I going to flip it so if I don't have to max out the 25 I could just max out the 10. let me go buy five pair 10 pair of Jordans at 100 each because I know I could sell them for double at this conference I'm going to so boom I paid off the car so I didn't have any money the banks created money to give to me now I'm up 10 000 because I sold them outside of invest Fest right right double so have you have your when you're playing this business credit game business funding game have your essric strategy in mind it's called a business plan right so I'm talking to real business owners out there yeah right have your business plan have your business strategy because people come to me there's like I have a play but I don't got no money I was like the money's the easy part what's your strategy what's your plan how are you gonna get out of it exit strategy is the most important I'm talking to real estate guy yeah and anything yeah you know your numbers before you sign the contract [ __ ] actually shot this is the most important thing in life in life oh yeah you got to know how to get the hell out of Dodge if you know how to get I don't walk into a spot without seeing the exits right right it's a fact like I'm going anywhere I'm looking at the exits like I'm not sitting a certain way no this is real time I never sent my box to the door like cause I'm looking at what's my extra strategy and if somebody like some [ __ ] happened I need to know how to get the hell out of Dodge so that's how I approach everything in life is an exit strategy so everything that you're saying I one thousand percent agree with and that's why I said earlier yo this is credit most importantly this is like a it's not a it's a loan to me right right you know what I'm saying so the banks it's like if you say yo map I need a hundred thousand dollars because I'm trying to do x y z and I see your two you know what we got a good relationship here's 100K but I want my money on Monday but you don't pay me on Monday I'm like I don't I can't trust you and then if you pay me late it's like uh give it back you're gonna give me some of my money back but now as you give me back now I'm I'm I'm going I'm now I'm capping you now yeah because your history is just trash to me right so again exit know how you're gonna pay your debt off because I think and what I see on the internet a lot is people always glorify these things uh and especially on the Internet or credit is a Hot Topic right right and people glorify how easy it is to get these things but I don't think too many people are not spending time on educating on like the damage that this can do too this can ruin you this can ruin your life because remember you personally guaranteed it right so even if you don't pay it back in this in your quote-unquote LLC name and it's not on your personal credit when you start off it will definitely pop on your personal 90 to 120 days if you don't pay it and they're gonna come out to you personally and it can ruin your life and I see people get jammed up so much with over extending themselves with um I don't think you can over leverage but I think you can overextend right and people you know like my uh um my my father used to say yo your eyes are bigger than your stomach right it's like you know you hungry you get a big ass plate of food you eat half of it I think it's the same thing with like credit people they work hard to get 7 27 40 or hit the 800 Club then they get all this credit because now you got all these mailers right right and it gets overwhelming yeah the eyes be bigger than their stomach so I just want people to just be cautious you know what I'm saying first and foremost of when you're taking out debt have an exit to pay back that debt off because hey we can say buy real estate with this this flip it through this but flips flop every day right baby tenants don't pay rent B like [ __ ] happens can I get deep but not too deep pause you said that was a super pause um life is all about the exit right she wasn't gonna let that slide down remember what you said um in life it's all about that we're all going to die right at some point right so how we the strategy to exit this life is super important right so I tell everybody you know the the things that I'm doing right now for my children right Bella Sloan Olivia Monroe right um I'm gonna exit this situation so my exit strategy is to ensure that my kids are in good position right so they got both got llc's in the name I'm building up the credit for them right I'm leaving in properties and assets in their name um put everything everything got insurance policy on it everything is put in a trust so it's so they're being protected from the taxes about to hit them right because I'm gonna exit here so my exit strategy is to make sure that the people that I'm leaving behind are in position right so and in in this game guys where there's business credit where there's credit whether it's your job whether whatever career you have think about always think five to ten to 20 years ahead of you nine five ten twenty minutes in front of you do you think um so I know you mentioned uh your children right are you um like are you able to kind of build their credit before they hit 18 is that like a absolutely there's there's several credit cards that you can get you can give your kids um you could put them as authorized users like when they're 15 16 years old there's different banks you could do I don't know many off the top of my head right now um where they'd allow you to put put them on your personal credit card as an authorized user and they generate a personal credit score so by the time they're 18 and they apply for a credit card they have two years history on their credit report and their first credit cards are a lot higher than they would have been before that right so we started teaching financial literacy to teenagers in high school and in colleges because Damaris the new CEO of my company we noticed that there's a lot of 20 30 40 year olds where this business credit stuff is new to them but to us we've been doing it for so long you know how do you not know about this because a lot of um a lot of cultures this is brand new information to them right so if we can get it to the kids a lot younger like hey now our strategy our goal is to educate 17 18 year olds on credit and on business credit because you can sign for a credit card at 18. so by the time you're 20 you'll have a two-year-old LLC and a 700 credit score and you'll have the education over the past two years so that's what we're going to be doing with you we're going to be educating you now that 20 year old is going to be have be able to have access to 25 000 credit card right in their business name right so literally you be before you leave College you'll be able to have access to 100 bands with the education with the right mentorship and your your light years ahead of anybody that you're graduating with at that point right right that makes sense right so education and capital is very powerful it could take you very far education and capital yeah thank you very far bro can take you very far let's talk lines of credit okay because people are always asking how do I get a line of credit in your business name because credit cards is I think is probably the easiest easy thing to get right right so how do you get a line of credit or business loan so loans are very hard to get right because you need to have taxes and you need to have um Revenue you need to have bank statements because the bank States ain't giving that money so a quick hack though right okay how to get a loan a quick back door way to do it there's a lot of banks um that do that in a Wells Fargo Bank of America these bigger Banks say friends you had 5K in the bank just sitting there you go to the bank and you open up a CD see these are trash though but get a CD hey hold this 5K give me four percent in six months right but now you can go back to the bank and be like hey bank I need a five thousand dollar loan you could put my CD up as collateral they'll give you the loan because they got the money already they're not afraid of anything right so now you pay off three months of the loan right because you got the five thousand pay of three months up and then pay the rest off on the 90th day now you have a paid off loan with that bank it's a good little back door way to get along with the bank and now you built a relationship with them but getting loans are very difficult because you need a lot of paper a lot of taxes lines of credit are a little bit more easier to get lines of credit The Business 85 percent of these Banks they want your business to be at least two years old your business is just two years old you're able to unlock the oh I can get lines of credit now with the same information that we were talking about before you got some money coming into the bank account they see you deposited regularly so my mentees they're taking a couple dollars from their paycheck they're putting 500 in the in the account right it's just money sitting somewhere just make it sit in the business checking account so they have the relationship their LLC is two years old they got good credit now the bank is giving them a line of credit of 10 15 25 000 and you know that's a lot easier to move without invoices and all that stuff you just transfer it right into your checking account and the rest is history interesting I want to go back to the loans okay with the CD play the CD player yeah so you said that not all banks not all banks right certain amount of banks if you and you guys can inquire with your bank if they do this if they do directly if you open up a CD put 5 10 20K whatever you're not gonna use for the next three four five months yeah you and you tie up your money they'll use that as collateral that's collateral because Banks like credit even collateral even if it's a new um business right even it's a new business because you got to think about it this is this is a zero brainer for the bank they already got your money of course they're gonna give you the loan what would be the benefit of tying up your your Capital that you already have your cash in the CD just to get a loan basically for the same amount relationship okay it's all about the relationship play with the bank so this is not for everybody but not everybody got 5 10 15 laying around but when I first started I ran the play to start the relationship with the bank so they see that wow he paid this loan off quickly right because I paid it off in 90 120 days I'm making regular deposits from my business anyway so when it was time for me to double back and ask them for a loan or more money uh we got so I have a relationship so the bank lender is like okay I'm not going to need I'm not going to need two years of taxes give me one year of taxes and you still got your CD money sitting and myself yeah I got the collateral yeah so now you got the collateral you got the payment history you show that you can pay off the debt debt fairly quickly right and remember what I said in the beginning you know when you paying off so quickly like that the bank is gonna be like oh well business is good I just use their own money to pay them back hmm that's what I did interesting yeah that's actually a good play yeah it's a great play yeah using tying up your own money to just to build a relationship because you know your money is going to be sitting there you believe in whatever you're doing with the money right right to bet on yourself basically right and you just paid them off quick and you build a relationship and then hopefully you get to a point where you can take your money out of the CD yeah and not have the collateral no more right and just go on the strength of your payment history payment history in a relationship with the bank exactly so they said money money go sit money goes to the banks to die right that's why I tell people go to the banks to die or sleep money that's not moving it's not helping you that's why it's called currency it always has to be moving the moment the moment money stops moving you pay taxes on it so keep it so keep it moving right so you got 10 15 sitting in the bank for a rainy day that's great we'll put it in a CD then it's there it's safe now now use it to get you something else also right right so that's the play I usually tell people if you got it there just play with the bank like they playing with you so what if you don't have 5K and like how else do you build a relationship without having money sitting in the bank um so again at minimum get a hundred two hundred dollars right okay to put into the bank to form the relationship with the bank that's how you're going to get the credit cards you do that because this level's to this game not everybody's gonna get in at the same level right um you run that credit card play you run your business this is good you pay off the credit cards now you go back to the bank hey you see me pay off a credit card business is good I've been making some deposits over the past year or two can I get a line of credit they're going to give you the line of credit because you have relationships they probably ask you for Less docs because you have relationship with them when it comes to the line of credit and because a lot of credit might be lower it's a 10 000 line of credit we got you just we'll probably give it to you on the strength because you have relationship with the lender like I have relationships every bank that I'm at I know the bank manager like I know that I have their number so I do my VIP days in Philly I take I take my my mentees to the same person yo two I'm coming in with it says she coming she flying in from New York there's a PNC in New York so there's PNC in Philly so we walk you right in there and she's like all right Herman you vouching for this person all right let's get it because it's all about relationships that's well that's how the banks are playing now they're looking at the bank statements the money is there they're like oh he's doing good let's make this happen so you could basically still establish a relationship just by paying on time I want a little bit of money in your account yes over how long roughly does it matter as long as you know Banks work in 90 day cycles okay so you you doing a good relationship with them in 90 days you pay off that CD or you're making deposits for 90 days straight you can go back to them and ask them some things that you couldn't do if you just asked them the day you opened up the bank account right right so like I know I can get a credit card the day I open it up right but if my business isn't over two years old I'm not going to get a line of credit right okay all right so let's go first of all guys uh make sure you guys hit that like button we got almost 500 people here watching this live hit that like share it with 10 people and um if you got any questions make sure you Super Chat your questions shout out to Darius Bridges his question is how do you pay your vendors if you if you don't have income coming in just yet in your business but you have a good amount of personal cash from your W-2 how do you pay your vendors yeah how do you pay yourself it's basically he's saying he doesn't have income coming in on the business yet but he has a good amount of personal cash because he is a double has a W-2 employer so here's what I would do number one definitely open up your business checking account um you're doing business do not pay your vendors out of your personal account separate everything that's super important especially when it comes to tax purposes um say friends you know you're gonna spend five thousand dollars this month put five thousand dollars in your business checking account right put five thousand in your business checking account and also train your vendors to send you an invoice right and then and then you take that money out your business checking account or you can use an app called plastique p-l-a-s-t-i-q right right plastique and you can pay your vendors from there because they'll connect that plastic account to your business checking account and you can send you can put your vendors information in plastic and it'll it'll pay out your vendors are these are these like uh applications are there any it's like is there like a safety thing with those because a lot of people are kind of skeptical about putting their information so plastic is is tried and true I would never come on mg's platform no of course but like you know just just yeah in general like there's a bunch of websites right and you can put your information in and have things paid with your credit card but is there any like Risk to do any of that with these sites listen on the internet anything can get hacked yeah right so so pursue a caution with that but plastic stripe those people are out yeah right yeah they're very um they have a track record okay right great question yeah something so good questions uh there are a lot of good questions there's a lot of good questions in here yeah there's some there's definitely some good questions I need them to Super Chat them damn questions stop playing with me but but nah um but I'ma um speak Sakaya she had a good one she says respectfully I hope I didn't butcher your name Queen she says respectfully relationships are important but Banks not just giving you loans because they know you you need to have your personal Credit in order right facts facts yeah that's what that's what we said there's a couple things you need to have yeah yeah yeah I think they got to be in order gotta because remember that yeah because I remember I said that the magic numbers are 25 000 right so you have a good you have a good credit score great I'll give you ten thousand you have a great credit profile where you have a couple credit cards anyway now you're up to 17. your business is set up properly all right now we maxing you out the 25 so there's there's several things that we're looking at to make sure we're maxing you out in each and every bank that you go to absolutely agree what else you got in in the comment box um um there was some stuff up top uh I think actually I had a question go ahead so about the uh virtual uh address right how do you um like how does that work exactly like how do you go about setting that up to where you said it's better not to have it in your personal address of course for safety but also right so um how do you how do you get that like where's that you can go to to get that right so r-e-g-u-s this is a region yeah this is a Region's office yeah when we walked in who's that old snap yeah um or another one is Opus that's another one you can go to or you can just use Google University Google right virtual office and put in your ZIP code so you'll find um virtual offices that are in your neighborhood and these are just like actual like like addresses with like Suites or like right so not all virtual addresses are the same okay so you want to do your research so that's why I'm giving you the big boys like Regis and Opus yeah because some of them just use a virtual address yeah and it's like a UPS post office or like a UPS right that'll get you flagged immediately so do do your research I use real virtual address businesses where I can rent the address but I can also use an office in there if I needed to because those are legitimate business offices that are less likely to get red flag because it's a real building it's a real commercial space and how much on average does it cost to like um 50 to 60 a month some okay some that are in more prestigious neighborhoods go up to 100 a month that's not bad it's not bad at all how do we get how do we scale our business credit to to get in about a half a million dollars so when you get into the half a million dollar world you're a real business person you're not tripping there's no way there's no Instagram you got tax returns you got everything tax returns you got that you get half a million um on on the flip side of it you saw the strategy that I did um where we went to different credit unions and stuff you could you could hack your way to half a million like there's a lot of credit unions out there yeah right you can hack your way to it so there's a couple of my guys they reached 350 400 how they do that was they went to the credit unions first ran the bag up right went to like 10 in their neighborhood got the inquiries off then they went to the regional Banks your Regional banks are like your key Banks your citizens your truest they're they're they're in a lot of places but not everywhere they're not National Banks so we ran it up in that sector got the inquiries off then they went to your Wells Fargo your Chase your Bank of America your U.S banks right then they ran it up there um and now they're up to four hundred thousand I was like congrats can you you did that played us I'm very proud of you but those guys they needed that 400 for a really big play right I'm not telling y'all to go out and do that no no I don't know if anybody on this call need 400 000 right now you just need a quick 10 15 20 to flip learn the game right pay the car back get some business revenue and continue to grow your business from there so you keep saying flip right I've heard you say that in this how long you been on this hour now um I think 51 minutes 51 minutes you probably said the word Flip Flip Flip like a hundred times what do you mean by flip like what are we flipping so first of all credit was invented to flip okay business credit existed before personal credit did right so when the kings and queens were giving out ships and gold to people to go explore they were given their extended they were extending them credit so it was it was invented to flip not to buy [ __ ] right we've become a consumer Nation where they they give you credit to buy things that don't make you money and they charge you 20 25 of it that's not what credit was invented for it credit was invented to make money so there's different ways to when I say flip there's different way to flip right so like like we said offline um people ask me what you want to invest in what should I invest in if I get the 25 and something you should ask yourself before you got the 25 but I'd be like yo invest in yourself flip your knowledge that's the first thing you need to do there's some skills I didn't know before now I know and I could use that to make money for example Big Five slim five right slim 500 took his course um I think his his was like probably 2 000 at the time okay I learned a skill right because I'm flipping my brain I learned the skill it took my funding business to another level because I was funding but he taught me some crazy game so I'm like all right but now I'm teaching the game hey we're gonna go to we're gonna talk to him the three credit union hack let me go raise this hundred thousand for you real quick because I'm doing the work all right let me show you this invoice for 10 bands because I'm charging 10 successfully I just made myself ten thousand dollars so you see how I flip 2K in credit into ten thousand dollars in cash because I flipped I invested in myself first so I flipped my brain first what else can you flip you can flip money in real estate right I won't suggest a lot of these things I'm just saying it I know people who take my who knows stocks they know it they flip money in stocks they flip money in Forex they go and they buy sneakers and flip sneakers right that's the purpose of credit is to flip it yeah I know a lot of people who do uh credit card with uh sneakers right it's like it's and they get points with rewards yeah oh we didn't even talk with the points yet that's it they do I forgot there's a site where you can go in there you can buy um like any purchase you get it adds like you build up like money you build up money yeah exactly that's what it is yeah the cash back and the points is just a beautiful thing when you when you especially for my real estate people out there they buying that Lumber they doing all that they're taking the draws pay down their card but yo they still got points on there and they flying and traveling for free so you get more rewards with uh with business cards with business credit cards or uh yeah they're usually a lot they usually a lot better yeah I I use my business credit card a lot right so we travel the parents and I were traveling all over all over the country teaching right and giving games and so we're using the points to do that God bless the Trap yeah gotta love the points y'all I love me some good points um all right so we got somebody in these comments talking about what's this [ __ ] called Zombie debt assignment you know what that is no not for me okay I don't know what that is either so I'm not even gonna talk about that um somebody told me you can do trade I don't like to talk about trade lines and [ __ ] like that asking uh is there a way to get a business line of credit when you don't have business income yet um you can it's just harder it's harder to get so focus on so if you can't get a business line of credit don't get it because that lets me know you're not ready right just get the business credit cards run the place run your business six months a year from now you get you put those deposits in business is good then they're gives you give you the business line of credits don't don't let's not always jump when we're not ready the banks put certain barriers in place for you because they've been here a lot longer than you have yeah so just run the place we've created some hacks just on this call where all right you can't get the business line of credit but I just showed you how to get a hundred thousand go get the hundred thousand everywhere and run it right and then go get them on man yeah slip your mind I like that the best because no that was a whole [ __ ] gem right there right like he was like no look it was already successful shout out to Marcus and 500 you said you saw it you saw Recession Proof yeah you invested 2K on credit on credit he taught you things that you didn't know in 30 days in 30 days and then then you went ahead and you flipped that 2K to 10K 10K like I I think that was a brilliant and I hope that didn't go over nobody's head that was incredible because now once I showed once he showed me that funding thing that was just one client yeah right what do you think I've been doing for the past three four years yeah you flipped your mind yeah it's been 10x it's thousands of clients coming through like on the low so I'm gonna give y'all a play right now all right right now because you guys are on this live so I know for a fact that Navy Federal pulled from trans you and this is on the personal side right um because this playoff ran up crazy I know they do that Navy Federal if you apply in the middle of the night the computer usually makes a decision for you it's not a it's not a live underwriter right so that's kind of a blessing so I was applying for people for their Navy Federal credit cards I got their power of attorney I got their funding contract everything was legit another thing Marcus taught me right make sure your business is legit um and you're in good position and their credit score minimums were a lot lower it was like 6 20 6 30. so I'm getting people 10 15 000 credit cards right get in there approval I'm charged their 10 yo I got you a ten thousand dollar credit card 10 invoice for a thousand got you 25 send an invoice for 2500. that's a great side business you can start right there because you know how to find you know how to fund people properly um I'll pick up somebody taught me that game and then I was making ten fifteen thousand dollars a month because I paid this man two thousand dollars and he showed me he showed me something so that's why it sounds like a Cheesy answer but invest in yourself first flip your mind first I like that stop trying to flip houses yeah flip your mind first I'ma start using that flip your mind I I like that we got any any other questions in here before we before we sign off because we've been on here for like an hour and some change and it's getting hot as Africa yeah all these damn lights and [ __ ] man I don't think I understand I mean I have sweating soon so I'm just gonna take a shot on this one make sure y'all like comment share subscribe man don't play with me please so thank you very much for a new business for a new business getting business credit cards on an application how much income should you put your business is projected to make and what your monthly expenses are projected to me I'm glad you said that that's that's the projected yeah projected to me so projected to make I usually say no more than 250. 250 250 year because they're going to ask you that what does your business make or what is your business projected to make so you always want to be truthful on these applications you didn't make anything but my projected income based on what I do right now 250. okay because banks give you 200 they give you 10 of your projection or what you actually made 10 so if I made a million dollars last year any One bank is going to give me a hundred thousand dollars my projection is 22.50 I know remember that magic number I kept putting here I could I'm there they're going to Project based on the projection I gave them twenty five thousand why are they going to give it to me because my credit is good so they're just going to listen to what I just said all right but once I bring in hard taxes you know I'm saying I need a hundred thousand I need 200 000 and be like all right did you do 2 million last year I did well can I see that here's my here's my bank statement here's my taxes okay here's the 200 000. because you you ran up a million or two million with no with no credit no funding you did that from the muscle tag imagine if we gave you 100 or 200 000 here you go yeah okay interesting question yeah all right let me ask you this is there a way we can use our credit cards to pay our mortgage he's doing it again I thought I thought we just did this so so no we didn't that was off rocket that was awesome that was off record you can't even talk about that bro nobody knows it yeah so yeah you can I wouldn't recommend it though okay because um credit card interest is high right um so if you're in a jam the play we talked about earlier to liquidate the credit card so why wouldn't I because I wanna I wish I could pay my use my AmEx to pay my mortgages to get the points yeah because I'm thinking about yeah because I'm paying my mortgage regardless regardless right so if I use my AmEx on the first and have the auto pay come out the amen Amex so you're turning yeah I get what you're saying and then I'm just paying my AmEx off but here's why I wouldn't work with the play I say earlier because of the merchant cost the three percent fees so just with it it wouldn't make sense yeah because points like a dollar or something like that one percent or something like that but you're paying three percent right so it's like it doesn't is it really is it really worth is it really worth it I actually did find a company that's worth it this for my car note so I got arranged that I I ran out in um in LA and I think the bank is integrity they let me pay with a credit card yeah so it says debit but one day I was like let me put in my AmEx in there I actually did a video and posted I put my AmEx number in there and it took it so every month they charging that thing twelve hundred dollars and the the fee they charging is only four dollars so that's worth it to me that's worth it yeah yeah that's right that's not a bad thing it's not a bad fee so I'm like yeah I wish I could pay this cars and freaking credit cards because this I I just like I love to use credit right cash not cash I hate when I see my cash just like it gives me anxiety every the first week of the month see the mirrors it's good it's like good and bad because I know I got rental payments and stuff like that coming in from tenants but then I also see cash moving yeah and like for me it's like it's so freaking then I got payroll and all types of [ __ ] searches money I just wish I could pay credit credit that way it's just like then I can just make one payment versus because it's just be so much activity like it blows mine it gives you anxiety yeah it gives me anxiety you have another you have a number that you like to see in your checking account I like to see numbers in all my all right carols like whatever go below that you get a whole yeah and go find me some dare right chilling at a damn River yeah quick see it's not just me now I feel good no no no I can't really relate but I mean late why can't you relate to making money no making money yeah but I'm saying like in terms of how you guys are using your like I feel like it's coming out regardless if you're paying with your credit card but it's not coming out of your bank account right yeah I just like out because again it's the point play too oh yeah bro yeah it's like using the dollar twice yeah so that's that's why for me I wish I could just pay my mortgages my my cars I wish I could just pay it all on the Amax and just call it a day so like all my utility bills my my car I mean on my um the gas I use I use the credit card to pay it because I know how the money's in there anyway right right so I pay back the cash credit card but I also got the points now well I was talking about more from like the money just depleting out your account because it's still going to go away anyways right the person bro it's like whether you pay your credit card or whatever it is it's still going to come out of your bank account to see it man listen so we live in a world where money comes out almost every day whether it's Netflix car no every day so everybody gotta make money every day that's why I got to get paid up everything the bills are coming out every day I tell people all the time yo I got to get paid every day like if you just relying on a commission check as a real estate professional like you you too close to being broke to me like I need money every day you know how do you how do you make it happen how do you make it like a everyday thing because everybody's trying to make money every day well yeah because everyone's like on a bi-weekly or a weekly pay schedule so how do you convert that into like an everyday thing God bless the Trap like look this is why I always say multiple streams of income is uh is a necessity right now one stream of income is too close to being broke so like for me like thank God I have multiple streams now because look what my business think about the real estate industry right now rates were three percent one day then they were eight percent the next right so think about how much think about how literally right think about how much business slowed up for everybody in my industry I don't care how big of a producer you were to stand out there all of our businesses have slowed down to a certain extent yeah are we still making money to good ones like me yes but it's slow yeah but if I was solely dependent on that I couldn't be moving and shaking the way I'm I'm moving and shaking I couldn't have multiple businesses I couldn't be doing content every day I would have to be on the phone with smiling a dollar trying to get some loans right but since I have multiple streams of so many different things and your intellectual property um Shameless plug your intellectual property is the easiest way to create streams of income no I'm giving you a game right now this is the easiest way to create a stream of income is your your IP whatever's in your brain everybody in this room watching this live or on the replay has no knowledge of something right so now you have to figure out how do you take that knowledge and put it out there for the world the interview we did today right what he says you want to run you want to make a bit you want to have a billion dollar company solve a 10 billion dollar problem wow big Jim that interview is gonna be crazy right he said if you want to have a billion dollar company solve a 10 billion dollar problem right so if I want to make a million dollars a year I gotta solve a 10 million dollar problem if I want to make a hundred thousand dollars a year solve a million dollar problem it's all numbers it's all zeros it's all the same [ __ ] right so our audience is real estate people I put out books I put out content every day right all of this is monetizing whether it's free for them it's not free for me because I got paid for all this [ __ ] right but it's still monetizing and it's creating some sort of money so whether I'm making a hundred dollars off a real bonus a thousand dollars a month off a badge just I'm making a thousand dollars a month on YouTube it's money coming in I don't care what the dollar amount is I want every freaking penny that I deserve yeah because I deserve to be rich and happy like my man Ian says I deserve to be wealthy type it in chat we all see Ian like I deserve to be wealthy I deserve to be rich I deserve to be happy well you goddamn right right yeah why not and what's important to what you're saying also right just to give us some structure to what you're talking about we always hear multiple streams of income seven streets of income but how you get that seven streams is important too right it could be siled into what you do so you know NG my mortgage he does mortgages right he's in real estate he has a real estate book right Shameless plug right um he has real estate courses right everything is under the real estate umbrella but he's monetizing it in different ways and created seven seven Industries within the real estate industry that he's doing right now so we're in financial literacy so we have the mentorships we have the business funding right we're going into schools and colleges to teach we have the speaking fees that I go when I speak it's all within my financial literacy space but I've I have a book too so we all we monetize in different ways and there's seven streams coming in one of these things is making me money every day absolutely I'm not going nowhere well I'm not gonna say that I go some places where I'm not paid to speak but for the most part if you see me on the stage you pay me yeah you paying for my Transportation but that's that's again me monetizing and creating streams every like and it's all how do I say this oh [ __ ] it stop trying to be a jack of all trades and a master none right it's too many times people think you need to have different businesses right right because she agrees with me like she agrees with me because it was this conversation I had to be like no because this is real [ __ ] like it's because times too many times how many people do you know took for example they do mortgages they they sell sneakers they do this they do that right they got like four different things and none of them are successful yeah I do really I do mortgages right I am mg the mortgage guy I'm not mg the investor guy so I don't need to tell you about my properties and all those other things I can mention if you my private goals from time to time I talk about it but I'm not teaching you how to be a landlord I'm not teaching you how to flip homes I'm teaching you about real estate funding right and offer that of me teaching you real estate funding has birth multiple streams of income Within the circumference of mg the mortgage guy now if I wanted to say hey I'm doing a rehab on one of my properties right now let me do a property uh what do you call like a property tour let's do a VIP you come and watch the rehab in the center third yeah I could do that it could probably pay for my rehab God's honest God's honest truth but I'm not the quote-unquote investor guy on the internet right so I'm gonna leave that for my my brothers and sisters who came into this game as being known as the investor guy right so when I say um don't be a jack of Trades and a master none I feel as if I've mastered my business to a certain extent like I'm still learning things every every day in my business but I don't try to break out from that I'm not trying to be something else the only thing that I'm doing differently outside of this is the media company because that has nothing to do with quote unquote real estate or mortgages but the media company was formed in birth to support the mortgage business and the content and everything like that because I don't want to Outsource nothing no more I want everything in-house so that way I can do it the way I want to do it on my terms nobody else's right so that's the only business that I have right now that has nothing to do with my day job right which is originating business so that's what I mean by don't be a jacket trade a jack of all trades and a messed up that's a great play you are you familiar with Ryan Sarah yeah 100 I did bro it's the same thing he left I just found out he left a million dollars worth listening of course because of my company now I watched this whole video on that too and I'm shout out to Ryan we're going to get him on the show one of these days right so what look he started and he got in the business you know during the worst time yeah 2008 2009. got lucky I'm not gonna say he got lucky because I don't believe in luck I believe in faith in God so when you prepare for opportunities God is going to always bless you with those with those opportunities he was prepared for Million Dollar Listing he was on hand modeling and doing all this other stuff and he's tried out for a Million Dollar Listing and took off started his media company has his books and trainings and podcasts but everything's around his transactional business you know yeah and it just turns into multiple streams of income so you don't need you can still invest in trucking companies you can still invest in other things but I don't that don't need to be the Forefront of what I speak about or teach people about you know what I'm saying and I think that's where if you look at a lot of creators online you get confused by them they talk about so many different things like what do you do you're confusing me bro three weeks ago you was talking about this and now you're talking about that right right what is it what is that I understand you do everything but like can we keep it clean here you know what I'm saying so that's what I mean by that we got any more questions on this because again how does Helen help uh well I need everybody it's like 520 people in here y'all need to like comment share subscribe please uh we need more likes on this video uh my man Herman's over here dropping major gems he don't give y'all play if you come in here late then you just need to rewind yes this will be saved so on YouTube make sure you go to the live tab all right because when you're looking at your YouTube it's going to say videos shorts and live so all the live replays will be in that live tab on your YouTube so make sure you check that out um so Groove Street Racing just got here well you're gonna have to rewind this player because this was a lot of information how long we've been on this two hours now I feel like yeah hour 20 minutes I think this is way too long 112 I have room 112 with a play is dwell it might be time to get out of here all right go ahead so you got a question um no I think that was pretty much it I'll just tell them where to find you because I think people were asking in the uh oh so you can find me um on Instagram Haitian underscore CEO h a i t i underscore CEO on Instagram there's a lot of fake pages so make sure you type it in right right um You can check us out at bellasloan tap in I'm always dropping this stuff on our Instagram page every morning at 6 30 we giving our new gym so definitely tap and we'd love to be a service to everybody while you're giving out you wait hold on you said 6 30 a.m you drop a video every morning every morning five days a week why 6 30 why 6 30 a.m yeah I need to know that we'll be transparent yeah 100 everybody taking a [ __ ] in the morning they sitting on that toilet that's what they doing they on Instagram that's a fact and bro people tell me this like bro you on the algorithm every time you're the first thing I see I was like this on purpose yo toots so I trained them so every morning I'm the first thing you see wait so are you are you on the toilet too at this time no no probably I'll probably just finish up my workout and then I I I'll post it real quick you get your caption ready today before you post it put it on your story put on your new feed give them a little motivational quote in the story then you out of there I drop at 12 again because it's 12 o'clock what you doing you got lunch you had lunch so I got you let me give you something because you're paying attention to me then I hit you up about six six thirty I dropped something else in the story about six six thirty because at that time you just come home from work and you about to get on your you know what I'm saying because you're not using your phone to make money I am so I'm gonna I'm gonna make money right so I'm I'm posting because at some point you're gonna click that link in the Bible and purchase something because the free game is the free game but the page [ __ ] ball game that was a gym I called you up well ladies and gentlemen if you are gonna start now seeing my content while you taking the [ __ ] 6 30 a.m baby because I'm already up yeah oh man so it's very purposeful and intentional shout out to my team Tamaris and all them for teaching me that game and you came up with that [ __ ] I mean you gotta get a good black woman good CEO next to you to teach you this stuff man too bad we ain't got a fourth camera it has a camera that was a gym 6 30 a.m while they taking a poop yeah post a video post a video because they only phone sit on the toilet with 6 30 though like what happens at six so it's what happens you know we were testing it right but we saw we got the most likes comments around around that time so if I posted seven o'clock it's too late right right you probably eating breakfast you ready to run out the door there's no point in me posting it yeah I get more traction because I need more people to see this information which listen it's impacting income right so if I give you this information it'll help change your life you're gonna stick around and watch right and we're going to be able to change some people's lives that's the point of this game in the first place and I I just happen to make money from it wow 6 30 a.m I usually post like eight nine it's too late it's too late way too late just yeah bro bro I'll be in Dubai what time is it in Philly it's six it could be like two in the morning four in the morning if you went to London I would have woke up at four in the morning and I posted and went back to sleep in La last week I was waking up 3 30 every morning in L.A because I know it's 6 30 on the East Coast because majority of my people are on the East Coast yeah it depends on your audience it depends on your audience too so I know where my audience is you got a business page look at the um the insights it'll tell you everything you need to know to to grow and monetize it even more 6 30 a.m yeah so that worked for me let me put this [ __ ] in my calendar okay now two more things before we get out of here Divi divy and capital on tap Google those two cards Divi divvy and capital on tap those are two great no personal guarantee business credit cards they don't care what your personal credit score is but they um because right now um Everything Changes right in business so right now they have these Banks called fintech Banks so they look to see what money your business has been generating how they do that is they don't ask for taxes they don't actually know that stuff they like hey what's the login to your bank account they can't do nothing just read only so they're watching the transactions over the last 90 days because remember Banks think in 90 day cycles right because all right 90 days he made 10 000 and 90 days he had five thousand sitting in there at least they'll give you funding based on what's been moving in and out or what's been staying there right so no personal guarantee business credit cards if you need a quick 5 10 7 500 hours to start real quick but these are charge cards you have to pay them back in 30 days but hey it's money you didn't have 30 days ago so divvy or capital on tap those are two no personal guarantee credit cards tapping Haitian underscore CEO on Instagram I let it be a service look I need you to throw some gems in the comment for my brother Herman man throw some gems in the comment like the comments up make sure you go follow my guy Herman Haitian CEO This was um man good guys I thought it could be a service we got somebody from Italy in here too good shout out to Italy beautiful country yeah I never been I need to go but somebody said they're watching from Naples Italy shout out to you Keith beautiful country yeah yeah I like that um look the format in the chin I told you are we going to give y'all all this content every single day Monday through Friday I was gonna do seven days a week but you know we're gonna let y'all breathe on the weekends to catch up yeah right Monday through Friday 4 P.M Eastern Standard Time make sure you guys are subscribed to the channel hit the bell for notifications we got new content coming out follow Harman follow Tukes follow me on Instagram so if you never tell people where to find you because I'm not um oh you low now he ain't low he's called famous I'm not yeah I just don't his car got like a million views like this guy but I don't know I feel like for why like what are people going to reach out to I mean I don't know maybe bro stop thinking just tell them to find you [ __ ] uh two Productions two spits on Instagram isn't it underscore in there no it's just too there's no other Tukes really it's just me all right weird I love it my last name by the way this guy so that's my last name this guy all right follow talks too please because you know y'all be running up on him at airports now maybe I shouldn't follow him because now his head getting big paws he be on here like slap yeah I'll be running up on the guy at the events now like oh YouTube's Productions YouTube I'm like oh boy they'd be like can I take a picture with Tukes but make sure you're tapping man uh like comment share subscribe hit the bell for notifications go get the books go put the mg bookstore thing back on there go to make sure it's not working okay it's not working but you already know what to do we're gonna put Herman's information in the description of the video and all the links and if you want to apply for a mortgage go to apply with mg there we go there we go there you go you got it up you got it up playboy let me get the books up there yeah make sure you go get those books and um yeah we outside Auto 2023. I'll go out there and be legendary y'all and yeah I think I'm done with this um we're gonna be in Atlanta this week oh yeah let me talk about this I'm gonna be in Atlanta this weekend um at the multi-family General wealth conference shout out to Julian Gordon so um would love to meet you guys in Atlanta pull up on me uh what else we got going on this week that's about it yeah that's about it this week we're going to be in Atlanta so if y'all wakanda let's let's connect all right like comment share subscribe Matt Garland and MLS number five eight seven zero zero better known as mg the mortgage guy peace
Channel: MG The Mortgage Guy
Views: 640,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: business line of credit, business credit, how to build business credit, business line of credit without personal guarantee, how to get a business line of credit, how to get business credit, business credit guide, business credit hacks, business credit cards, business credit card, how to build business credit fast, building business credit, build business credit, how to get a business credit card, how to build business credit in 2022, business credit 2023, ask sebby
Id: SIEumjBVy_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 11sec (4811 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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