INSIDE THE VAULT: - Learn how to delete ANYTHING from your consumer report.

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[Music] but what a lot of people fail now to comprehend is that FICO Advantage their only algorithms they have nothing to do with your credit they are a risk model that takes the information from your Consumer Report most of the stuff that you wrote nine times out of ten is what most people knew about credit yeah so if you can just touch on some of the things that you wrote in that book and then I'm going to follow up now with the consumer with the consumer law portion of it and show now how there's this big separation between a FICO score or a vantage score versus what's really on the consumer yes a lot of people go to Credit Karma right and they see a score on Credit Karma and they're like yo that is my score that is my score well not really it is a risk score yeah but it's not what 90 of banks use 90 of banks use your FICO you're the FICO two FICO four five eight nine ten ten T based on the different model that that institution has hey wait wait wait wait wait I know you want to watch this next video but listen if you are an entrepreneur business coach business consultant or a small business owner who has a story and wants to learn how to create multiple streams of income from your story I need you to text me right now my book to 646-687-4152 that is my personal number I have been an author for over 12 years I've written 10 books four of them have been best sellers and I've sold over a hundred thousand books but I've also helped a lot of my clients take their expertise and put it into a story then create multiple streams of income from that so I want to help you do the same thing so text my book to 646-687-4152 all right let's go back to the video foreign [Music] so welcome to another awesome episode of inside the Vault with Ash Cash the greatest money mindset show on the planet so listen Americans total credit card balance is 925 billion dollars in the third quarter of 2022 according to the latest Consumer Debt data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York that's a 38 billion dollar jump from 887 billion in the first quarter of 2022. today we have someone who will show you how to use consumer laws to delete any account from your consumer report this is your chance to reclaim the control that is rightfully yours whether you're a consumer who needs to repair your credit or a business owner who wants to learn about consumer laws welcome dorane delvonte in the building what's up brother man with an intro like that you would have thought I got nominated for the Grammys y'all I mean you might as well right because the Grammys is just um promoting or celebrating people who have great music and I mean I know that you know the right sounds and the right things that you say to yourself can help you build wealth but what you're doing you know as somebody who understands that credit is an important part of Building Wealth credit you know loans and you know those things could literally change your generation for years and years to come and with what you're doing in the revolution like revolutionizing um credit for how we know it um I think it's important uh that we give you that type of intro because listen y'all y'all need to pay attention right because a lot of us you know like there's a lot of Consumer Debt there's a lot of errors on credit reports there's a lot of people who have bad credit there's a lot of people who are who are um you know stopped from living their you know Financial dreams because of that and so as somebody that's that's on the Forefront of helping people uh I think it's important that they know like this is this is going to be a good show you know what I'm saying yeah for sure for sure um so let's start you know before we we dive into um you know all of the the great content and the information um that you're gonna you know Enlighten us with um for those who don't know who is Doreen delevante so what's going on guys my name is Dorian delevante I'm your favorite consumer expert I help people repair rebuild restore their own credit using consumer laws I also help credit repair business owners to scale their credit repair business to an extra 100 to 250 000 and I just launched a program for affluent and busy entrepreneurs like yourself where now I personally will be repairing rebuilding and fixing y'all's credit because I've gotten the requests so much I'm like you might as well just do it bro wow wow so yeah so so let's let's Dive In to credit right because like for me you know I wrote a book about um man about a decade ago down right yeah 2013 decade ago wow man Thomas wow I wrote a book a decade ago called what the FICO uh 12 steps to repairing your credit um and I can imagine that um things have changed since 10 years ago uh but still it's a good book so y'all should check it out uh but but you but you're you you talk about FICO um in a way that I've never heard of it before um can you can you discuss like FICO in a role that it plays in your consumer report all right so that's a very good question before we get to there um your book uh the reason why I want you to bring this up a little bit more for the simple fact that most of the stuff that you wrote nine times out of ten is what most people knew about credit yeah so if you can just touch on some of the things that you wrote in that book and then I'm gonna follow up no with the consumer with the consumer law portion of it and show now how there's this big separation between a FICO score or a vantage score versus what's really on the consumer yeah so you know what the FICO 12 steps to repair your credit you know really talked about um the different um uh parts of your credit right and so I call it the 35 30 15 10 10 35 30 15 10 10 35 30 15 10 10. um you know that breaks down to 100 of your score uh 35 percent of your score uh is your payment history which means uh you know are you paying your bills on time uh 30 of your score is your uh usage ratio so your utilization ratio I've been so if you have any revolving uh credit uh you know are you are you keeping those balances 30 or lower um then you got 15 of your score which is the length of credit history uh which is how long uh have you had credit uh then you have the 10 which is any new credit that you you have and in order to you know keep that on par you just don't unnecessarily uh apply for for loans and things of that nature um and then lastly uh you have your credit mix which is the different type of credit uh that you have I am utterly impressed that you'll see me over here smiling right yeah like if you're not really in the credit uh even people in the credit game when I say 35 to 30. we're about to tripped up though I got you that's why I'm here I got you I got you but the fact that you're able to say it like that it means that you literally you're you're from a place of authenticity right so it it like there's people right now that's in the credit game where if I say 35 30 15 10 10 they have no idea what it means yeah and they're like bro what are you talking about I'm like okay 35 30 15 10 10. and it takes a while for it to click yeah so for you just to give that off the top of the Dome on a book you wrote over a decade ago bro you are the real deal so that that's my point like you are the real deal thank you brother thank you so it goes even further it goes one step further right so when we look at 35 30 15 10 10 well it translates to points as well so FICO right ranges from 300 to 850. yeah that gives us 550 points to play with right so for the 35 percent which is the payment history that equates to 192.5 points when we go to the 30 that's 165 points when we go to the 15 it is 82.5 and then when you go to the 10 and the 10 those are now um 55 points each which total 550 points right so when you know now how the system itself works and what categories gives you points it's easy to manipulate how you want those numbers to go this is how when I learned this this is how I built the 800 credit score three times in one year and you're gonna hear a lot of people say oh that's not possible you need mortgages I got the receipts go to my Instagram the credit hero look in there you'll see the testimonials and you'll see mine yeah right but what a lot of people fail now to comprehend is that FICO Advantage their only algorithms they have nothing to do with your credit they are a risk model that takes the information from your consumer report that information from your Consumer Report put into that algorithm spits out data dot data now becomes a risk score so a lot of people might be saying right now Doreen what do you mean Vantage what is Advantage what is a FICO I've never heard of those before well you know a lot of people a lot of people go to Credit Karma right and they see a score on Credit Karma and they're like yo that is my score that is my score well not really it is a risk score but it's not what 90 of banks use 90 of banks use your FICO your FICO two FICO four five eight nine ten ten T based on the different model that that institution has that models now for different things right so I'm not going to go too deep into like the square buckets and all these crazy stuff what people really need to know is that the information is what generates the score right so when we go to the definition of what a consumer report is which we will in a second um we're gonna see that I'm going to prove to you around four things right and if I can't prove four things to you by the end of the episode I will sell you a thousand dollars and I'll make sure everybody see we sell you a thousand dollars and so and so I'm gonna challenge you on those four things absolutely and I'll prove all of them gotcha so the first thing I'm going to prove to you is that a FICO score or a vantage score does not exist on your consumer Port they're independent right the next thing I'm gonna I'm gonna prove is that late payments are illegal and utilizations are illegal and then that's and when you say illegal you mean like it's not supposed to be they're not supposed to be on your own report I do tell okay all right and then let me see if there's a bonus thing I want to give to y'all I think of the bonus energy but these are those are the four main points that I'm going to prove okay so the first thing and you know I don't want people to say the rain you memorize the stuff so if you don't mind would you pull something up for me yeah 15 USC all right so we're gonna go uh 15 USC correct 1681 a so we're going to the Fair Credit Reporting Act and this is the law for those of you who don't know what the fcra is the fcra is the law that governs everything that gets reported to your credit so 15 USC 1681 a it should bring you to definition rules of contract yes sir all right scroll down to number two to the exclusion all right so so number two um I should say exclusions just not wait hold on a second so we got uh it's like ABC consumer report so in general 1681 oh exclusion I got you right here all right so exclusions um accept as provided in paragraph three the term Consumer Report does not include does not does not include so if Congress says Ash what you're about to read this report that I'm talking about this is not included what does that simply mean it shouldn't be honest it shouldn't be on there right like can we all agree that it's not supposed to be there yeah all right please continue all right so it says um uh a subject to section 1681 uh S3 of title any report containing information solely as to transactions or experiences between the consumer and the person uh making the report right good so now there was an there's three definitions we're going to look at right yeah the first one is the consumer report what is the correct definition of a consumer report so if you click on the word Consumer Report Congress is going to give you the definition uh it's a hyperlink um so Consumer Report says uh in general uh the term Consumer Report means any written oral or other communication of any information by a consumer reporting agency bearing a customer's credit worthiness uh credit standing credit capacity character General reputation personal characteristic or mode of living which is used or expected to be used um or collected in whole or in part for the purpose of serving as a factor in establishing the consumer's eligibility for a credit or Insurance to be used primarily for personal family or household purposes B employment purposes or C any other purposes authorized under section 1681b of this title No in what you just read did Congress mention the FICO score or Vantage score no no one so that is the definition by law of what the consumer report is yeah so no is it fair to say based on the definition provided by Congress that the consumer report is independent of a risk score model or a credit score which is a FICO score or a vantage score I would say yes right because because if the consumer report is saying that uh this report is any written or rule or other communication information by a computer uh um credit consumer reporting agency right to try to see their credit worthiness credit standing credit capacity character General reputation personal characteristic or mode of living right and it's used to collect uh the part so it's saying that's what the consumer report is it's written oral other communication yeah so it doesn't it doesn't mention anything about your FICO score or your advantage score which is a which is data collection yeah all right so see the reason why there's 343 million people in America the last time I checked yeah and for every nine every eight to nine people out of ten have incorrect our inaccurate information on your credit yeah so you're taking about 70 to 90 percent of that 340 million right that's the amount of people right now that's suffering with bad credit yeah or inaccurate items under your credit because they cannot make a distinction that your consumer report and your FICO score or your Vantage score are completely separate entities so when we go back to the exclusion sections right earlier you mentioned from your book you mentioned 35 30 15 10 10 yeah and we know that the biggest part of the FICO score is the 35 which is the payment history and the 30 which is the utilization which makes up um 65 and that 65 percent translates to 357.5 points yeah right so a lot of people that don't know consumer law they're losing about 357.5 points on their credit because they don't know the things that they don't know and the people that do know the things that they don't know use the things that they don't know against them right yeah so when we go back to the exclusion section yeah right it says except as provided in paragraph three the term Consumer Report does not include and then when you go down to A1 it says what reports are reports containing information solely as to transactions or experiences between the consumer and the person making the report okay so let's find out who the consumer is can we click on the word consumer so consumer is the term uh it means an individual correct you and me we're the consumers now if I was to ask you what does the word person mean without clicking on it yet what would you say the word person mean uh I would say a person is also a individual all right yeah what if I told you a person who's also a corporation um let's go to the definition let's see what it says right so and the person making person a term person means any individual thing oh but partnership Corporation trust estate Cooperative Association government or governmental uh uh subdivision or agency or other entities all right your Wells Fargo Bank of America Department of Education uh Sally mayor whoever who all these entities these are all persons well you see because we have a definition and we think that person only means you and me a natural person of Flesh and Blood they're overlooking the fact that a corporation a Wells Fargo Bank of America um TD Bank whoever these are actual persons too so it says transactions yeah it says the term Consumer Report does not include and then A1 says transactions or experiences between the consumer and the person making the report yeah well your what is your payment history um let me ask you a question though right because you know when I when I hear this it almost feels like it's saying that it should not include um information or transactions experience between the consumer and the person making the report so is it Bank of America or chase or the the bank making a report or is it the uh credit reporting agencies like TransUnion Equifax and experience who are making the report well tell me that a lot of people don't know see TransUnion Equifax and Experian they don't make a credit report they report what is given to them by furnishers of information your Bank of America yeah your Wells Fargo your Capital ones so the person making the report is your Capital One your Bank of America you're a Wells Fargo they got your information and they're making a report on you or they're Furnishing a report on you to these non-affiliated third parties right so if your transaction between Doreen de Levante and Wells Fargo is then a part of the consumer report well Wells Fargo can't report me late see Wells Fargo only reports me late if I let them report me late see when I tell people that a late payment don't exist it doesn't exist to it only exists to people who let it exist so in December I did a challenge right and on that challenge we got about 450 accounts deleted and we're doing one again in February the point is this a lot of things that a lot of people think that are factors of their credit or their Consumer Report are not true because they've been consumed by misleading information see it's all in the writing break the writing apart see what they're saying once you see what they're saying you know how to operate so one of the big things is the transaction or the experience well your transaction is your payment history your payment history is 30 35 percent of FICO which is a 192.5 points right the next part is the experience the experience now is how you're using that line of credit are what you called earlier your utilization I got a ten thousand dollar line I'm using three percent that's my experience with that line of credit that's 30 which is another 165 points combined that's 357.5 points that you can claim just by knowing consumer law wow wow wow and and so and so the fact that they can't report it but they are reporting it well how like how do you get it off because if you go to you know if I if I go somewhere and Bank of America Capital One Chase whatever Bank says no you're you're late and then I pulled my credit report and saying I'm late and and I could pull up you know this this exclusion all I want and when I'm going to be look I was late but they're not supposed to report it how do you get it off the report then I can't speak for anybody else but I can tell you late payments are one of the easiest things first today we've gotten on the last challenge it was about a hundred late payments one guy Wes he lives here in Atlanta West got 128 negative items deleted from his credit wow right so whatever all through doing similar see when you use consumer law this is the law Congress put in place this isn't something the rain made up yeah this isn't something Ash made of this is something that is in law it's called a Fair Credit Reporting Act anybody can look it up right and when you go there the law is very clear um exclusions the term Consumer Report does not include they tell you it does not include it so if you let a corporation like Wells Fargo Bank of America and these companies report you as late that's because you want them reporting you as late see when you know better you do better so learning consumer laws you were able to use the laws leverage the laws to get these accounts deleted it doesn't matter what type of account you think you have I can show you the consumer law that can get it deleted the next thing I want to bring to your attention do you believe that Banks firms or any other institution can report whatever they want on a person's consumer report no like they have they have to it has to be accurate it can't be erroneous it has to be you know like we think about like you mentioned the Fair Credit Reporting Act uh it has to be reported in in a fair way in an honest way if uh if there's any mistakes you know it has to be removed so what if I told you that in order for any of these firms to report anything they must get permission from the consumer and in this permission three disclosures must be provided from the could be provided to the consumer that the consumer must get before any of these information can get reported but don't you give them permission when you take out the loan or whatever like sign that paperwork you give them one it's three every contract that I've looked at including mine yeah there's only one disclosure that was given the law says you're supposed to get three and even when you get these three the consumers still have the right to opt out if the consumer does not want their information reported wow okay so so wait let me get this right so if something is late and the bank or whoever you took the money from reports it um they're reporting it illegally correct okay well we just read it yeah I didn't make it up it's in there it's in their laws yeah yeah right we're just a good spirit of information reading and learning the information and bringing it to the public yeah now is there an account on your credit right now that you don't want on there yes you have the ability to get that account off yeah I go to the bank name but um number tell you so crazy right like there's a credit card that I really don't use and every time like they don't do a good job telling me like like like like the one time I think I think the one time um it was like a a a fee like an annual fee or something like it was a fee that I I don't use this card then all of a sudden I get a I don't get no calls no nothing then I get a a alert that my credit score changed and I look and it's like you know what I'm trying to say it's like it's like it's like fifty dollars and they're like yo it's a late payment for like fifty dollars and so they hit me with with one thing it was like two years ago did they did then they hit me with I'm like yo I got I got two late reports me I got two late late payments on my credit report on this one bump card that I don't even use and the only reason I'm not closing it or everybody close it is because I had it for a long time age you want to present right I need my fifteen percent and how many points is that you said fifty percent of 15 is 82.5 I mean by 82.5 points that's what means I didn't close it like do you think you're the only one that's suffering from this oh no I guarantee this other thing your financials like I'd like to think you're financially Savvy yeah I'm very financially responsible yeah but you see because you don't know the things that you don't know the people that do know the things you don't know use the things that you don't know against you because you just don't know it yeah right so how do I get it off though so first of all delayed payment yeah right um the late payment letter I have the late payment letter yeah so what I'm going to do for you is I'm going to get that situated and we're going to send that off right yo listen yo inside us we're going to do a new a new series called behind the Vault so even after this episode he go look we're gonna talk if he Captain if he don't take my two off I'm gonna let y'all know but come on so I'll get that done on the challenge so so I'll I'll do that no no the next thing is this remember the three disclosures that I told you about yeah all right I want to show it to you for yourself yeah um the first thing before we even get there did you know that Banks and institutions are supposed to protect your information and not give your information to nobody I want to say I mean I was a banker which yeah absolutely all right so 15 USC 6801 so 15 uh USC uh he says 60 6801 all right there we go protection of non-public personal information hmm and so private privacy obligation uh uh it is the policy of the Congress that each financial institution has an affirmative and continuing obligation to respect the privacy of its customers and to protect the security and confidentiality of those customers non-public personal information confidentiality what does confidentiality mean uh that means like private that means private yeah so the information that you're that you give to your institutions your Banks this is private information see Banks when you call they'll say oh we have a right to report it to no you don't yeah that I've heard this many times oh we can report your information the law gives us permission to report your information to the credit bureaus first of all credit bureaus don't exist that's number one there's no such thing as a credit bureau and then number two no you don't that law says you have a ongoing obligation to protect my personal information it is confidential and you cannot give access to anyone my information if I didn't give you permission to do it but you see we've been given the script backwards saying that oh we can report anything we want that is a lie it is a ball face lie and like like people you have to wake up you have to read like it is important that we learn this stuff because right now the same way you got hit with those too late payments those two late payments shouldn't even be there from the jump because what under the exclusion section your transactions and your experiences between the consumer you and the person whoever bank that is making the report is excluded from your consumer report but not until you you exercise these consumer rights then I'm like all right you know what let's move away from this one we got a live one here guys yeah yeah yeah he he know the law you know the law but when you don't they just take you for anybody else right so now let's move over to the next section right 15 USC 6802 and this oh my God this section is how you get anything deleted all right let's see hey yo the rain came with the with the smoke uh 6802 and then we got the obligations with respect to disclosures of personal information right and so notice requirements except as otherwise provided in this sub chapter a financial institution may not directly or through any affiliate [Music] disclose non-affiliated third-party um to a non-affiliate third party any non-public information unless unless look there we go unless unless such financial institutions provides or has provided to the consumer which is probably you and I a notice that complies with Section 6803 of this title so now let's go down to the opt-out B opt out in general a financial institution may not disclose non-public personal information to a non-affiliated third party unless such financial institution clearly inconspicuously discloses to consumer in writing or in electronic form or other form permitted by regulations prescribed under Section 6804 of this title that such information may be disclosed to such third party that's that part right there is 90 of people only get that part there's three parts to it yeah there's a there's B and there's C right and then B says the uh the consumer is given the opportunity before the time that such information is initially disclosed to direct that such information not be disclosed to such third party and then see and then see the consumer is given an explanation of how the consumer can exercise that non-disclosure option all right so let me break that down a says before you report my information you have to tell me right B says okay before you report the information you have to tell me and I'm gonna give you a yes or a no and then C says if I say no you now have to tell me what I need to do to ensure that you don't report this information um read it again now all right so a financial institution may not disclose non-public personal information to a not non-affiliate third party unless such financial institution clearly inconspicuously discloses to the consumer in writing or in electronic form or other form permitted by regulations prescribed under Section 6804 of this title that such information may be disclosed to such a third party B the consumer is given the opportunity right so given the opportunity before the time that such information is initially disclosed to direct that such information not be disclosed to such third party and right the consumer is given an explanation of how the consumer can exercise that non-disclosure option and is what I'm focused on and because then they say one or the other it's saying all three of them wow okay so do you ever and remember it says it must be what conspicuous conspicuous yeah have you or can you ever recall ever getting those three disclosures no I mean I I mean I I I know I've applied for credit cards I just sign them but yeah I don't I don't know what does conspicuous mean that means they got to be obvious whether you're rushing through it or not it must be readily available for you to see it and in plain sight so now if an institution student loans oh my God I'm giving you oh man so you know what people say you can't delete student loans from your credit that is a lie wow we've gotten over 150 student loans deleted wow right so let me make something clear guys deleting a student loan from your credit does not mean you don't have the obligation or the alleged obligation right taking stuff off your credit is you control what gets reported so let me make this very clear you control what gets reported yeah what gets reported goes into a FICO algorithm there goes your 700 there goes your 750 and that's how I built a 800 three times it's information wow and and so for my insiders out here who's hearing all those in this information um all it takes is knowing the information and then being able to have the right letters that you're sending to the bureaus so that they could comply with with this information see all right so the first thing I want to just correct and Bureau let's let's dissect this word a little bit 99.9 of everybody in America calls TransUnion Equifax and Experian bureaus right now if I was to ask you where did you learn this word from what what would you what would your answer be um probably is from something I read from a from uh yeah I can't say really the bank is I had to add it read it somewhere but this would be the answer everybody in America gives me yeah because of misinformation their strategic word fear right you know you got Warfare there's word fear and word fear is how you use words subliminally that seeps into the subconscious mind that resonates a feeling of authority right so when we think of a bureau who do you think of the FBI to be honest no is Transunion and Equifax an Experian a government agency they're not they're not private institution self-proclaimed credit bureaus because they knew words have power just like the Federal Reserve Bank that is not a bank and it's not even Federal right play upon words people federal bureau ah FBI FBI yeah so when we think we think these credit bureaus exist it has a a certain level of fear that's a associated with it because you know I'm scared of the government right you know government come and they lock people up we don't see them again for 30 50 years right well if the so-called Bureau is telling you that the information that they're Furnishing is accurate you're not going to challenge it because you think they are a they have more power than right they're the authority there you go wow so when we take away the word and use their correct name consumer reporting agency the same way they are defined in the fcra the same way they are defined in the fdcpa we can see that they're just like any other company that's the difference wow it's the words wow words are so powerful in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the word became what flesh as a man thinking in his heart so is he yeah speak the things you want onto your life so the the power in words that we don't even look at their meaning subconsciously has an effect on the way we operate [Music] and I learned this study in consumer what I think a word means is completely different than what it means in consumer law wow totally different wow and so again all of these credit reports so I guess what can be reported on a credit report then whatever the consumer wants you control what gets reported and so because let me get this straight right so let's say for instance um I have a credit card that I have good credit history on dear reporting it without my consent right because you know most most credit cards are not given consent um how do I get it on my or or I mean it's on there already and so the only time that this is valid is when I see something I want to take off you get what you get where I'm going with it I like like I'm wondering because most people who uh open an account they don't intend to pay late or they don't nintend for something to mess up and so and so when they do open this account they want it on their credit report and so let's say for instance they do follow the steps to get it on the report well what if when it's on that report they are late uh do they have the opportunity or do they have the right to say you know what I forget it I don't want it on there no more and get it off so you asked two questions and they're both correct whatever you want reported can be reported if the account doesn't serve you you can delete it if you want it absolutely can yeah so what I do is this right if it's only a late payment I just get the late payment off I keep the account I keep the history if it's negatively affecting me yeah I delete what that negative thing is because you don't have to delete the whole account you can just delete delayed payment leave the account you get like you're like that one yeah you keep the years right because you want to maximize on the FICO points because you know that's what the banks are looking at right right so we keep that to maximize on those points in those categories but at the same time that late payment well I know 15 USC 1681 a d2a1 says that a under the exclusion section the term Consumer Report does not include I am going to use that to my advantage Congress gave me that right so when you know it's like it's it's playing chess yeah right when you know where the pieces go yeah you have to Checkmate yeah so consumer law teaches you how to maneuver the pieces do I want this on the account do I want that on the account and earlier in the beginning you brought something up um about debt collectors right and um the credit card debt and all that stuff you know a lot of people have so many debt collectors calling them and what a lot of people don't know there's people online saying that um you you you have to pay debt collectors and you're supposed to send Goodwill letters to delete late payments don't ever like if you are hearing the sound of my voice right now do not ever send out a Goodwill letter don't do it see like forget everything you thought you knew about credit everything you think you knew about credit that your auntie your uncle your brother somebody told you about credit forget all of it the real truth to credit is consumer law the things you are able to do with consumer law you cannot do it anything else for instance 15 USC 1692 CC right we're in the fdcpa the fair day collection practice act and under the communication sections when you go down to see it says in a writing a consumer can refuse to pay a debt collector this isn't the rain making this stuff up you can pull it up everybody can look it up 15 USC 1692 see well I'm Reggie hold on he said U.S uh U.S or 15 USC 1692 CC oh while you're finding it too A friend of mine says to tell your soccer Marvin Francois he's a great friend of mine I would love to meet you yeah yeah he's like tell my Haitian brother when you see him that's a sub salute salute Marv I appreciate you brother oh and he didn't teach me that God see he know he gonna know he didn't teach me that one 15 USC code 1692 c c and then you go down to C C so communication and connection with debt collection right and so if we go down to C it says season communication uh if a consumer if a consumer notifies a debt collector in writing that the consumer refuses to pay a debt or that the consumer wishes to debt collected to cease further communication with the consumer the debt collector shall not communicate further with the consumer with respect to such that so so I know that but that means that means stop calling though well that's one part so you'll hear some gurus online say don't pay their collectors don't pay their collectors but when you ask them why why not they can't tell you where yeah it came from this is the law that supports don't pay a debt collector yeah when you put in a cease and desist right or a refusal to pay a debt collector can only respond to you in one of three ways and it's listed there yeah right one of three ways if it's not any of these ways it is a violation of that law and you can sue that debt collector for violating that law you want to see a collection delete quick put a Nintendo send them a c synthesis yeah yeah because there's one thing that I'm sure still happens now and I wrote this in my book um a decade ago um I gotta update the book now because now you're giving me some stuff to write about that's pretty cool but but um you know um there are a lot of what what we call debt scavengers who don't even have the right to collect on your debt and they're using Scare Tactics to scare people to pay old debt that that you know that that are old so there's things called statue of limitations exactly right yeah there's things called resetting the cycle or starting the time over again yeah right there's things called Time bar debt yeah like how do you restart the cycle so they could do it before but there's a new law now for that collection right on um 12 CFR 1006 um regulation F you memorize all of this I I read this stuff every day yeah right so um with the new laws the new laws say a few things right a debt collector cannot park any alleged debt on a consumer's Consumer Report without first getting in contact with the consumer to whom this alleged debt is in related to wow so they can't just surprise surprise collections no that's a known goal right the second thing is that um within the time right so there's a 14-day period if a debt collector sends out a notice for that validation or or something of that nature and the consumer does not challenge the debt within that given time have you ever heard people say your silence is acquiescence so in that Congress gives them a 14-day period where if they send out a letter and you don't respond to that letter they can assume the debt to be valid assuming that that is valid doesn't mean that it's valid means you can send out your cease and desist and do what you need to do after they put it under but why let it get there you can hit them with a refusal to pay right a volunteer non-fit injra you can you let me explain that so to a willing person it is not a wrong so this is a maxim of law volunteer non-fit injured and what this simply means is if you know that you bought a pool of bad debt you knowingly and willingly Put Yourself In Harm's Way to buy this pool of debt you can't cry damages when someone refuse to pay you so the law is like me being a boxer and I got hit right and then I'm gonna sue the person that hit me because I got hit right you signed up to be about it's a part of you about to get hit yeah so if these hands aren't good bro stay out the ring right right so to a willing person it is not a rung see consumers don't know and debt collectors know consumers don't know they don't know volunteer non-fit Indra and that Maxim stands true so when you use these inside your debt collection letters these are the fastest ways like if debt collectors are calling you I send out any of my letters I am I don't like making promises yeah yeah right because you know legally we can't make any promises right but from the results I've seen yeah with all my students with everybody that's used my letters debt collectors I got one student shout out to my guy Edwin Edwin I call him the collection killer Edwin has gotten over 500 collection account deleted when you know like in the letters they know who knows what and a lot of people don't know that if they go to the Federal Trade Commission which is another government website and they look up band b-a-n-n-e-d banned debt collectors some of these Fly by Night debt collectors are dead buyers they'll pop upon the list all you got to do is let them know you know who they are bro you're on the banned list what are you doing College wow a lot of people don't know these resources are out there right right all right wow but then they get swindled into these collection into these these cameras bro they get swindled into these fly-by-night companies wow and they they paid and then they come to me and send the rain you know I just paid this debt collector what well you already paid them bro yeah yeah yeah and so I mean this is this is like I'm gonna have to re-watch this right because you know we you know I I want to go back to some of the laws like I got to do my studying now um to kind of figure it figure this thing out um but you also mentioned that um you know earlier in the show uh that you use the information uh that you learned from consumer law to also help others like credit repair agencies um sort of like scale their business talk about that a little bit so I train other credit repair businesses right because um you know shout out to our Mentor um I've developed a new skill and that I've used in my business so over the course of a year we literally scaled from zero to 1.5 million right based on the teaching and guidance of a coach and you know you you'll hear a lot of um old gurus out there I'm not gonna call no names telling you that debt is bad and you're supposed to join the 40 before the club where you work for 40 years 40 hours on 40 of your income that's not in adjusted for inflation and do all of this crazy stuff where you can get a mentor cut that time down in half reach your financial goals because it is so easier to make a lot of money in a short period of time than it is to make a little bit of money over a long period of time all the time no drop drop the word fast in the chat yeah I know y'all in the chat shop it makes no sense for me to wait 40 years to make a million dollars when I have coaches and friends that's doing it in a day yeah I've seen where our coach did 3.5 in 27 minutes 3.5 million million yeah in in 27 minutes like we got the code wrong all right I deployed right in 2020. I made about 85 000 deployed so you Kuwait I'm in the military okay right so thank you for your service I appreciate it thank you for your support right and when I deployed the whole year I read 140 books I was averaging between six to ten books a month wow right and this is one of the pivotal moments that changed the way I think wow right so my whole deployment I made her like around 85 000. a whole year you know gone right then I came back home paid a mentor to teach me how to do it faster my first month after paying that Mentor I made ninety seven thousand dollars that's when I knew the math was one month one month wow one month after the training I made 97 000. wow that's when I knew the math was wrong right right and then every month after that I'm averaging between 100 to 120 000 a month wow wow we had the math wrong because we weren't doing math yeah yeah right and I like I have something very very special too for your audience right because I'm gonna give them something that's going to change your consumer report right I call it um The Voice credit special right so for everybody so for everybody that watched the interview till now I'm gonna make you an offer right but this offer comes with a free ticket to my challenge wow right because what you're doing is you're changing the dynamic for the culture yeah and I want to get the information out there to as many people as I can so for everybody that takes the Vault credit special they will get a free general admission ticket to my challenge right if it's not for platforms like this with Kings like you we are we're able to bring this having the information for me okay great I built it 800 three times but okay how do you impact other people to do the same yeah and this is when I figured out the math was wrong when they were telling me that oh you should you should you know ride out your career doing this and then when you're finished now set up for retirement in your tsp and your 401k and all that great stuff well the other day I'm sure I saw it on the news you might have seen it where we are in a default with the national debt and they were talking about freezing pension plans for postal workers and other um government workers isn't this the same pension they told me to save towards and retire from how you gonna freeze my pension because because somebody else can't pay their bills right yeah but do you do you think the country do you think a debt collector is gonna right right right you think that the collector is going to buy is going to buy that one and then call to collect her right right right right and then call to collect on it like these are the things we got to think about so if we know that we need to operate with integrity and we know that we need to use laws this isn't laws that's hidden you don't need a passcode to access the fcra you don't need some secret handshake to get into the fdcpa this is our law that every single person can read yeah yeah see you know one of the greatest things that a lot of us fail to do and I was guilty of this earlier on and this is why when I got my first card it was a Nissan Altima right 2007 75 000 miles 18.9 interest rate yes I didn't know anything about credit yes oh I was a victim of subprime London oh man yep he said it was a Nissan Nissan Altima two first car 2013. see if I'd read your book thanks if I had read your book at that time maybe that would have never happened to me but I didn't know anything about credit I wanted a car so bad I was averaging sixth overtime per pay period because the payment for the car was like 575 and then I was a new driver so my insurance was another 400. I was paying almost nine hundred dollars no disrespect to anybody out here who's paying 900 for a Nissan because I know how I could be but I didn't know nothing about it and what really got me upset after that which pushed me to learning consumer my friend Kevin shout out to Kevin I called Kevin to be a co-signer I didn't I didn't comprehend what a co-signer was or when a person say I am going to co-sign this for you the level of responsibility that person takes on if you are here in the Sodom of my voice do not do not ever in your life co-sign for anyone send them to go fix their credit never ever ever do it my boy Kevin was he's like a brother to me right and I was responsible I paid the car off and stuff but bro if I had knew that Kevin literally is saying I stand sole responsibility if the rain decides to not pay anymore I am the one that's on the hook for this payment I would have never did it but I never knew I knew nothing about credit and I put my boy in such a spot and he didn't even comprehend what he was doing too wow he was like yo my friend need a car all right I got some credit you know my boy can get a car but how many of us ignorantly do that for our families friends right and we put them in such a situation now where you know what stories get me the most the girlfriends and the boyfriends you know oh my God they need a car I go to the dealership I'm gonna get you this nice whip partner one don't qualify yeah and this is why I don't like some car dealerships some shady ones so the good ones out there shout out to y'all but y'all Shady ones all right you go there with your partner yeah your partner is disqualified you know who they're looking at you the person beside why don't you co-sign first so now you're like do I wreck this relationship by saying no yeah or do I be the Knight and shining armor now and co-sign but then five months later yeah that person became an ex they're an exodus you're alive but that account is still present and that person sometimes they become they become your your your husband or wife for the right man and he got potential if he got his head on strong see there's a thing called um Acres of diamond I'm not sure if you've ever heard the story before yeah yeah she knew what she was looking at yeah see a lot of people don't know what they're looking see people don't know what Diamond looks like in its rough form they only said she didn't know though I walked through and she and she like she told me the story later I walked through and she was like oh I'm gonna marry him um [Applause] she did something for her she already knows that oh because she recognized what an unshaped diamond look like so she knew all she needed to do was polish that polish them up baby that's what's up yeah right okay but a lot of us not they're not able to see that and then they co-sign that person became an ex you're left with the account shut your credit on they got the car with their new boo thing in there oh now what a lot of people don't know is that even co-signed accounts can also get deleted oh reposit oh my god wow we need like a whole webinar wow I'm telling you brother hey yo y'all need to join so you can look you say you got something special for my insiders right how can they tap into that all right so if they I just got a new text number so let me pull it up because I don't want to butcher this number yep right so I got a new text number and I made a very very special offer just for you Ash so the number is this it's Vault right because you know I I love inside yeah man right so they text the word Vault b-a-u-l-t let's go right text the word Vault to 917-993-5238 and what this is It's The Vault credit special right um I'm giving them three ebooks yeah and I'm also giving them a course for only ninety seven dollars the thing about this offer now is this everybody that takes the offer gets a free general admission ticket to my channel don't don't because I want to give your platform as much value as I can nice and having someone get the results and they're gonna come back here and say Ash the interview you did with the credit card I was able to get this deleted hey yo yo listen in the chat y'all I need I need y'all to take him up on that offer I need y'all to let me know you know what I'm saying is he the credit hero because I'm telling you y'all I'm really I really need those too late payments off my credit score you know what I'm saying because I'd probably be at a 900 and I was playing ain't no 900. but you know that could be like y'all be out of 900 but I need those I need those two off so look I need y'all to tap in tell them tell them that that number again and tell them 917-993 993-5238 right text the word Vault to 917-993-5238 they're going to get the Vault credit special it's three of my ebooks yeah um the 24 hour inquiry deletion guide this this one ebook it's only ninety seven dollars you spent ninety seven dollars this week already but let me tell you what it so and then you ished it out the course I'm giving them the course is a fifteen hundred dollar course that I've given just to your audience yeah for only 97 with three of my ebooks yeah so it's my 30-day credit Mastery consumer law Mastery I am giving them that on my website and in my offers alone that one is 14.97 1497. but for everybody that stick around to here they're getting it for only 97 along with a free general admission ticket to my Channel I want to get value and I want him to come back in the comments yes come back in the comments and let you know yeah on the challenge yeah if this stuff works or not yeah yo listen the credit hero Doreen Del vonte is in the building man yo you gave us a lot of information and definitely I want my insiders to rewind this pay attention take him up on his offer so you so he could dive a little deeper in the information that he taught you but like like you know when you hear new information what I say is first of all if you watch the show he gave you all of the laws right so all of the U.S laws you know you can go in and verify it yourself don't take his word for it you look him up and make sure you verify it but then take take his offer right because once you take his offer you'll be able to to start to implement the things that he's saying and again I know the power of credit how credit can help you build wealth and that is what we're doing here we want you to build wealth we want you to you know you know you know access other people's money so you could you know invest in income producing assets and get to that next level of Financial Freedom um if people wanted to connect with you uh where can they find you definitely definitely so they can visit my website that's I'm also going to send you the links and stuff you can throw it in the description so for those of you guys who are looking you can just click the description below and you'll see uh my Instagram the credit hero so that's t-h-e underscore credit underscore hero beware of fake profiles guys please beware like these fake guys come out of nowhere like 10 per week yeah so just make sure that you're clicking the the credit hero link that Ash is going to put up it's at T H E underscore credit underscore hero there's no dot there's no extra underscore it's the THC underscore credit underscore hero my website consumer law Secrets University the rain Doreen delevante Google me I am very googly let's go y'all we are closing out the Vault and yo this one was a lot of gems so we gotta close out the Vault make sure y'all go to inside the follow us on all social media platforms at inside the Vault me imashcash make sure you visit me follow me on all social media platforms at I am Ash Cash and join us inside of the abundance Community go to we got the rain in there dropping more look if you think he dropped some bars we got behind the scenes he's dropping some more bars some exclusive content that you're not gonna see here so make sure you join us God I appreciate you thank you so much for making inside the Vault the greatest money mindset show on the planet right top 200 podcasts let's go every single week 26 countries we rank everywhere not in the US y'all let's go put some respect on our names thank you fire in the chat thank you for making us the the greatest money mindset show on the planet I'ma see you next time same time same place in God's will peace [Music]
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 281,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: business, entertainment
Id: rCij0Il4efE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 37sec (4057 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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