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what's up adventurers it's me this sping welcome to the world of baldos Gate 3 and I don't know why no one playing this build I'm enjoying it lately so let me show you how to demolish your enemies and almost never get hit at the same time while doing incredible amounts of damage and basically having a lot of fun so when you creating character it doesn't matter what race you pick basically you can pick any race you like because we starting as fighter fighter gets Proficiency in all armors and Shields and weapons so we don't care about anything else for our fighter style of choice it will be defense or great weapon fighting our main ability is strength so we want to Max it out as soon as possible because we will wear heavy armor we don't need a lot of dexterity so we can almost like forget about this ability then our constitution it will give us HP so 14 is enough or you can go into 16 if you want MO health because we don't need any other abilities no matter what that's cool part about this build basically allocate abilities As You Wish Level Two fighter with additional action search you can use it to gain additional action very cool third level we pick our subass it will be Battle Master which gives us superiority dices to use our Maneuvers and for our build we want to have maning attack our main maneuver in case you will see enemies that is hard to hit Precision attack is nice choice and again just in case you can use pushing attack and as strong choices will be disarming attack to disarm your enemies or trip attack to make them prone that's basically everything you need to Peak when you're leveling up so that's maneuvers of choice and level four that's where we're getting our feet our feet of choice on level four will be P arm Master first of all we can make opportunity attack when target comes into our range and also we will get ability to use bonus action to inflict damage with the backside of our weapon on level five we get an extra attack from fighter of course level six will be fighter again with additional Feit from fighter that's where build comes online with SP arm Master we add in Sentinel basically that's super common and basic build for DND which is real set for baldos Gates 3 but I haven't se a lot of Builds on YouTube for some reason with SPO our must and Sentinel but this build with this gear works really incredible so Sentinel gives advantage on opportunity attacks now when target comes into range and we're attacking with B arm Master we attacking with Advantage at the same time when we attacking this opportunity attack enemy will be stuck in one place and that's kind of main idea of the build you want peon that got extra reach there's a lot of weapons like this I will explain all load out and what you want to from this character later but for now basically extra Rich weapon just have increased range and it's increased Mill range as you can see it's pretty high so when enemy comes into this range you use an opportun attack with advantage and this enemy will be stuck in place at the same time on different enemies you can use menacing attack because you got only one opportunity attack per turn other enemies can be disabled with menacing attack which will do additional damage and also frighten your enemies so they will will be stuck in one place and after you do a normal attack basically on your enemy you will have bonus attack with your bonus action so you got usage of every action bonus action you got at this part of the game so let's level up further level seven it will be fighter we get an additional Maneuvers so pick whatever you haven't picked before trip attack and disarming attack for me actually you don't need to disarm a lot of enemies before level seven and right now it's nice to have this and now we're getting our feet so Fe heat of choice at level eight will be Heavy Armor Master first of all it increasing our strength by one and that's why we started with 17 into strength incoming damage from non-magical attacks will be decreased by three with a lot of heavy armors you like taking no damage at all and then we're basically finishing leveling up our fighter so level 9 fighter level 10 fighter with additional Maneuvers right now we like completely don't care what you pick so pick whatever you like level 11 very powerful one you got improved extra attack so now we can do two additional attacks instead of one with one action very powerful and also level 12 our final feat it will be ability Improvement plus two into strength to increase our damage and ability to hit targets so build is ready what we do and how we play also what gear to choose first of all our ger before the end game it doesn't matter what J you will have on this character in the end game you can pick something like this Amulet of Greater Health it will make your Constitution score up to 23 so now you can completely dump your Constitution change your other abilities and you will have really balanced and cool character in early game you will find rink of protection probably you will equip it by other classes but basically and think that it will increase your armor class because you're not wearing any Shield or other stuff will be nice also because we not taking a lot of damage rink of regeneration is really okay you will regain some health every turn in case other characters like cleric don't need it you can equip it then our helmet we got two choices here Helm of balron is a really solid Choice it will heal you every turn you will get plus one bonus to Armor class you can't be stunned which is a really nice ability to have when you kind of controlling fighter and also you can't take a critical hit also nice to save your health points but there's another really strong choice that you can acquire before end game because Helm of balron is really super late game helmet so bone Spike helmet it's helmet for barbarians because when you rage there's a lot of cool stuff going on but we don't care about it we can't arrange as fighter but we can use this maning attack melee so that's completely free maning attack that uses no superiority Dice and you can do it every turn with to your action so it not have any additional damage like your superiority dice attacks for example mening attack will have additional 1 to 10 damage still it's a completely free action uses no superiority ties you can use it once per turn so this helmet will save you a lot of dices because you get three attacks in one turn and it can be really easy to just use all superiority dices in one turn you don't want it so this helmet is really nice for our cloak slot pick whatever you like so clocker displacement will work it will give disadvantage on attack RS against you it's already pretty hard to hit you with 20 plus AC and this will make it even harder for armor slot it will be any heavy armor that you like that is super powerful that you can find but this armor is really nice because it gives you resistance to every physical attack possible so as you can see slashing blood Jing piercing damage will be resisted and he will take only half damage from these types of attacks so you really tend guy for our glove slot I would go with gauntlets of warm targets have disadvantage on S throws against your maneuver and weapon actions most importantly against our maning attacks so as you can see we got this heightened maneuver even with our maning attack melee without any superiority dices very powerful stuff it will be easy to frighten your enemies and basically make them stuck in one place for boot slot I will go with Boost of persistance that gives you freedom of movement for free basically and the long Strider is nice too freedom of movement give you protection from difficult terrain you can be paralyzed or RIS terrain long Strider increases movement speed by 3 m insanely powerful stuff when you need to run a lot and Chase your enemies so now most importantly what weapons do we want as I told you you want weapons with extra reach in the early game I would suggest to go with unseen manace this weapon is invisible what does it mean it means it has advantage on a crosss and it score critical heit when rolling 19 but it will lose this property for two rounds on missed attack roll it will be really hard to miss considering we got Advantage still you can do it but weapon is really powerful it got extra reach it's two-handed so why not and then in the end game you want to switch to Drake throat glaive or just close it to the late game game first of all this weapon is plus two enchantment so it's got high chance to heit it got higher damage but most importantly it got Elemental weapon transmutation spell included so you just equip this awesome Spear glaive and you will get access to this draconic Elemental weapon and this will add additional plus one to your attack roles and you will do additional damage with element of your choice for example cold weapon will do cold damage fire weapon will do fire damage and so on so just cut it and you will get additional damage until long rest very powerful stuff also don't forget it's not counting as deep in fire so you can also deep your weapon in fire for additional damage and also if you will roll on this additional swans D4 something like one it will be rerolled so as you can see I rolled one it will be rolled and I rolled four for really nice damage and don't forget every maneuver attack can have range version so just in case you respect your character and you got pretty high dexterity you can use Titan string bow for example and do really nice damage with bow it's not super powerful but bow will take damage from your strength modifier so it will be one to8 plus one from enchantment plus your dexterity plus your strength for really nice damage output in case you can't hit your target with your spear most of the time you will be able to hit because range is incredible so how to play this scary dude let's go most fun fights will be against low amount of enemies one of one is actually perfect style of fighting and everything we need to do is to just attack and that's it basically so let's go and have a fight while you always can try to do your mening attack and I recommend going with menic attack with your weapon with your helmet I mean yeah that gives give to you by your helmet also you can use disarming contar in case you want to make your enemy drop his weapons you can make this enemy prone for one turn so your allies will have advantage on attacks against this Target and you will get advantage on attacks against this target too and also pushing attack in case you want to push someone of the cleave or maybe far away from your allies most of the time you will think about your Alles when you're fighting as this type of fighter but actually most of the time you just do normal attacks if you're fighting like one enemy especially and just spend all your attacks to inflict some type of damage some amount of damage don't forget to use your bonus action and this bonus action not only doing one D4 action one4 damage sorry but also adding your strength so my strength is 22 it's plus six bonus that's why even P arm Cloud bonus action is really powerful attack there can inflict some damage and then all you need to do is to just get away a little bit from your target we can see it in tactical view so our circles clash with each other we just need one M away distance it's more than enough actually something like that will work so now our range covers all this area and when enemy will try to walk look what will happen so she is coming and we got B arm Mastery opportunity attack so we using this attack and enemy will be stuck in place so as you can see damage is really laughable basically this lady doing one D6 slashing damage we are resistant to slashing damage so it's only half it's only three damage and we reducing this damage by our magical plate and additional red reduction goes from heavy armor Master Fe so we basically receiving zero damage coolest part if enemy just walks to you just walks you know nothing like special enemy will be stuck in one place just look at this lady come here she's dashing now she's in our range we're using our opportunity attack and we're doing this damage now we can basically do our three attacks our four attacks with bonus action and then again we just making one little step away this means basically any enemy can't come to us and can't do any harm it's basically impossible to do damage to us because to make some damage they need to have nice range yeah of course it's only against melee weapons but she got no range against us so we can just make her stuck in one place and destroyed her and that's really tanky and cool dude who's doing nice amount of damage three attacks in one turn and also action search which gives you mxs so she's finished now she's AR let's do it one more time and let's find group of enemies oh here we are group of enemies and against groups your actions is kind of the same just don't forget you want to make every enemy fear and it's easy to do with these gloves gloves that gives enemies disadvantage and saving throws so we will try to push this big guy let's do it okay critical Miss happens one more time please goodbye it's really hard to push this guy but with disadvantage it's easy then just make best position possible and make sure never use pull our Master opportunity attack when you're entering range of enemies some enemies got this future so just don't react and now we can just use maning attack with a lot of damage if we using with superiority dice so let's frighten this lady it was easy and damage is nice she's frightened now she will be stuck in place we get no actions so action search for even more attacks just no spor to dice normal maning attack and it's lucky with nice damage she's frightened too and now you can just chill in range of enemies just a little bit outside of their range I mean so when they move you will use your pole arm master attack against them but don't forget these guys can't move because we just frightened them enemies is not a problem and also you got a lot of cool actions with the spear with most of Spears Cliff is my favorite you basically Cliff enemies when they nearby and it's really easy with this play style to suck enemies nearby do this amount of damage sometime even critical hit them or if you're out of movement speed for example like I'm over here and I want to move closer to still Watcher you can use Rush attack not a lot of damage but you can can just keep some distance and travel around the battlefield throwing your actions bonus actions frightening your enemies pushing them away so really nice control from this type of fighter another cool way how to utilize this fighter is to help your teammates for example you can cast something like cloud of ders or any other area of spells that will do damage every turn so let's just do it Go of Duggers on this lady for example now she's taking taking some damage and then you just need to come close and run away to provoke opportunity attack if your fighter is nearby it will force him to use sentinel and this will make this lady stuck in one place like these guys they frightened they basically stuck in one place and yeah you can definitely do it other way just go and use your manic attack against these targets and make them stuck in these danger zones if they will be stuck here they will take damage every turn basically and will be destroyed really fast like you see or just push enemies away to this danger zones to do even more damage so that's the build I hope you enjoyed it and you will have some fun playing this character Sentinel po arm Master is really classic in dndd but in BOS Gate 3 he's looking awesome too thank you for watching and see you in the next videos guys
Channel: Spud The King
Views: 11,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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