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no now hello welcome to the vlog guys can i summed up the purple purple yeah but inside it Why Why is it like that huh why is it purple why is the oh my that is not even like this tastes like potato okay look at this potato it's completely purple it does kind of look blue on camera looks blue question of the day watch potato purple or blue whatever you see it does look bluer per I can't tell what color is it oh is the potato blue or purple oh you rip it out over somewhere okay guys welcome we are going to jump outside we're gonna do a crazy project today that Vicki Britain's mom over there she came and showed us like last week you know I was like yeah it looks pretty cool so we're gonna try it out you come join us I'm ready dude I'm ready you got this all I think I think it's fine I'm out here it looks good that's Kane's job he's a snow shovel that is one scary chainsaw huh flash get it flash get that chainsaw like he won't go near it what is that flash get it flash so I hope you guys are having an awesome day just kickin ours off getting started I move this truck pull the x3 out and then we're gonna work on we're gonna work on a little project that I have never done and actually have only seen pictures of that Britney's mom brought over so this could be a total like today could be a huge failure we none of us have ever done it or ever seen it personally in real life so it could go really good or you go super bad either way it's gonna be a fun project so let's dig in I think Clifford Clifford needs to come out and play dude like we have so much snow right now it's like we're gonna drift in this guy do some donuts some rent that's right I'd say the next best thing is is this guy and now I still I still I was gonna do this this winter but I never I never did it cuz I never got brave enough but I was gonna take the GTR out on the on I can't imagine try flip out on me even I'm like I just it's not it's not even worth like even even there's no video cool enough it's worth it to me like I fit was like a lake and I had studied tires and I could just blaze down like I would do that but like a little pond we're all like a new circles no no this is my little gt-r now right here come on flush come on get in with me don't be a chicken oh my gosh wicked I love this thing come on let's go party I'm not gonna lie to some brand-new brand-new camera it is covered in water and snow right now so that's good way to start this guy out [Music] [Music] and there goes the brand new camera completely full of water melted snow I'll be back gotta get a new camera dang it why do I do [Music] okay well she's Brent I think she's gonna be fine I always call him like they're females everything she my camera he's gonna be fine there's just water up under the lens like the snow packed in and then melted kind of like my hood right now I got snow in the hood yeah it's all full of snow and then it melts and went under the lens so I'm on an old camera doesn't actually leads me to this I want to show you guys this so this is just a small small piece of it but look at this you ready you ready graveyard of vlog cameras that right there there's a lot of footage not even close to all look here's one right here broken look at my lens crooked broke bent it's kind of like just the price of what I do filming as much as possible crazy stuff family stuff they all break with the family stuff this one back here come on I'm getting a massage chair get up lady get up lady I'm taking a nap and come out okay look at flash look at him he's digging all the way he's pushing his head under the snow all right so Brian's out here basically bigoted and looks like a UFO landing where the UFO is gonna land doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo also you can dance for everybody about time put the mullet on a dance baby [Laughter] dude it's amazing we could totally build a hockey rink a hockey game this week we'd be so fun out just cut out a big rectangle or square and we just play a little ice hockey so here we are outside on the pond and we seen Vicky Brittany's mom brought us these videos and photos of these guys cutting circles into ponds and frozen rivers and then basically turning them into islands that spin basically like a carousel so imagine this being cut out and then us spinning it like a top for hours with the show don't mind the quad in the background with the shovel on it I feel like I feel like it's a bit of a bigger project than we expect it to be it's like we got to run a center stake right run of stakes in the entire rope to a chainsaw and that way we can get a perfect circle to go around right you're the expert I just talked to the camera and gotta be round square square one how about a bunch of squares and you got to run across them dude we should do that like an obstacle Icicle course little thing and have country draw and then he has to do it no matter what yeah so like the one bad chip thing that we do yeah coming to help all right we're gonna see how thick the ice is I'd say it's pretty neat so here's the plan drill a hole run a pipe into the center tie a rope to the pipe tie rope to the chainsaw cut a circle it's that simple I rented the chainsaw yeah so it's even it's like oh what's it called stencil wow that's crazy cane it's already breathing the hole we just cut just like a thick layer of white ice and then there's clear Isis the bolts of the top right there's ten inches whew ten inches of ice that is thick this is gonna be a mate how much how much is that one weight like what's this disk gonna weigh when it's cut out slush bomb shoot your weapon your weapon oh hey I'm missing is my hairdo do all right we're gonna grab some rope I measure out like I don't know maybe ten feet just run it ten foot running across and then just I know it's kind of weird to imagine what is that that's ten that's ten you think that's good enough but should we go bigger like twelve yeah let's do twelve that's great all right loop on the pole loop on the paint do we need that straight spray one's the shoe straight out yeah that's good just do a circle right yes it'll give us a good idea no I just dropped my camera in the snow oh it's clearing up clearing up his ice all right sweet you know what I do now just cut that all out that's perfect that's amazing well not only is my camera all frozen it's okay but the insides like got ice in it already his blade is completely first into the chainsaw so we're gonna warm up Bo fix everything and go out and finish this thing [Music] my camera it's foggy how's it looking it's dripping ah I think was frozen okay well we're two cameras in like 20 minutes so this one I I flew back now let me switch cameras so switch cameras look at this - now these aren't totally destroyed cameras once they dry out this should work just fine but uh it's just ridiculous that I've already went through - I'm still trying to get out you are crazy tell your mommy go outside she's distracting okay camera three let's go cut this ice do you need the wind there now this one does have one screen we're just winging it it's not windy out is it [Applause] please to mana crack well well you finally met it's just the snow stuffed in there yeah positive step on it do it deep flush trying to push it he's like do it go go it's like a horror movie [Music] Jason flashy yo he is really falling in love with the snow this year he is like and you he's really easy Oh mommy with the take down mommy with the take down like the last oh did all thing just lift it that's it Oman how do we make it spin third it's better and you can see how deep the ice is right there when you take a chunk out crazy everybody push push you get this island spinning nothing oh well she goes she's spinning its spinning dude keep it going keep it going oh that's moving look at it oh right here it just slammed but we're getting close getting close yeah [Applause] [Music] she's really moving dude no dude oh my god I love it it's beautiful that is beautiful man row row row your boat gently down the stream it's spinning and it's so cool in person we're gonna try to put the studs on there see if the bike can spin a little bit maybe she's just a baby oh yeah you guys sit on it dude whoa on top of the wall like you do this this would be a good perspective this will go down as one of the coolest things we've done on the pond yet in my opinion it's surreal it doesn't even make sense we were just talking today like what else can we do with the pond and this is something that's like I would've never done this in my life is so weird so cool though still spinning it we haven't touched it for a while ready it's amazing just hop on it's like you know escalator does feel weird when you first step on it's a smooth camera dolly you said beans and burgers already beans and burgers oh I'm coming in that sounds great job well done guys that's awesome dude fist bump it that was great Hill on the drone that's fun man I can't believe it's just sitting like it oh man we just come inside to all this delicious food dude a - burgers and beans like yummy rootin tootin cowboy in a few hours right warm up inside of my pants well I sure hope you guys enjoyed that pawn experience as much as you enjoy my hair right now because it is awesome I'm very envious of the situation in here this looks real nice Clark reona bagels I'll give you pickles I'm gonna eat and in push-up time eating push-ups after I eat let's do it you know I said after we eat after we look at Cain he wants what do you at came what you at 20 dues are okay today's 22 we are starting to get up there for some of you 22 is very easy and for some of you 22 is very hard so we're just gonna jump into it we're gonna do what we can you don't have to do push-ups that's just what I do you can do sit-ups you can do squats you can do you know anything that you like doing just add one a day that's all we're doing tomorrow's 23 and then 24 so here we go you meet mr. cameraman no all right here flash film for me thanks buddy thank thanks oh no we're not gonna film right you don't have to be mr. cameraman tonight I can do this on solo mode I'll put on slow low select oh geez alright flash you gotta let me do this this is the hard part it's not the push-ups it's not the push-ups it's a flash attack all right guys you ready knock out 22 here we go to be difficult to 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 17 18 19 it's wall-e 21 to my life starting to get difficult for me I'm not gonna laugh I think County I think counting Oh makes me lightheaded too because I'm like instead of just breathing I'm like 21 22 poopy it's blue pee third wide like I read my face you got the biggest pile of poop on your head buddy yuck I don't know how flash did that that's impressive okay well got my girls over here I try my gosh there's poop on Texas head oh well the good news is both the cameras old and new are drying out and they look good I think they'll be completely usable tomorrow which is awesome this one's my new one so that is that's gonna wrap our video up today guys thanks so much for hanging out with us here at our home as a family what little buddy all you want to show him your dance your little chicken dance Chicka Chicka Brock we love you guys so much thank you for everything again and again we proceed tomorrow I think today is like over 70 vlogs in a row yeah just give it up it's good but good job good job little mama good job little mama tell you no it's certainly not you see guys tomorrow you're beautiful you were one of a kind home tickle me I thought for sure you're gonna take me out of it as soon as I said that smile more you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 5,684,047
Rating: 4.9279122 out of 5
Keywords: Roman Atwood, Roman, Atwood, roman atwood vlogs, family vlogs, roman vlogs, atwood vlogs, noah atwood, kane atwood, brittney, roman soldiers, kid-friendly, kid friendly, family-friendly, family friendly, family fun, Vlogs2017, vlog, vlogs, vlogger, vlogging, day, daily, Everyday, Smile more, Roman atwoods, House, Home, Kids, Noah, Kane, donkey, Empire, flash, Husky, Dog, Girlfriend, Britt, ice, winter, 2018, spin, rotating, spinning, cutting, frozen, circle, cut
Id: hgS96Gop9wE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2018
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