10 Builds for EPIC Minecraft Roller coasters!

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[Intro begins to play] [Intro keeps playing] [Mumbo jumbo appears on screen] Back in the early days of my youTube-channel roller coasters were about the coolest things you could possibly build in Minecraft People went crazy over them, but now they've kind of fallen out of fashion (so sad) Just a little bit and I'm going to try my best to change that! Today we're going to take a look at 10 different Redstone Roller coaster designs (commence list) Apparently I just can't get rid of these sound effects these are now a thing. We're going to get the ball rolling today with some ridiculously simple this thing is a jump detector rail redstone that gets powered by the detector out Repeaters set the two ticks and four ticks to give us six ticks in total and then a sticky piston with a slime block on Top that's going to fire us off into the distance To fall back down onto this minecart rail right here if you place down the minecart and give it a whirl You can see it works as expected I mean I'd be quite surprised if it isn't considering how ridiculously simple this thing is you know what they say? You have to know how to walk before you can run Let's take a look at some of the more complex stuff This redstone contraption is exciting in a am I going to get hit in the face by an anvil kind of way(that's very intense) I know that if I went on a roller coaster that fired large metal objects towards me, especially in my face I would get a bit of an adrenaline rush Which is kind of the point of these things if you just place down our Minecart pop inside and get on it as you can See yep (screaming internally) That is pretty cool and also it makes an awesome noise while it's functioning The only thing that I will say is is that it is quite expensive on the anvil front You are going to need a lot of iron But one thing that you're not going to need is a lot of redstone expertise because to build this is Almost as simple as the jump you just have to run a redstone signal Into a redstone torch and then redstone both powering this piston right here And then the slime blog(slime blog?) at the end and then the anvils on top and if we just give this thing another whirl You'll see that the slime blocks retract, and then we extend really quickly firing all of the anvils across (scaring the pants off you) Simple Redstone at its best something that doesn't necessarily look quite as simple is if the Minecart loop-de-loop now This is based on a redstone video that I uploaded in 2015 that unfortunately doesn't work anymore :( So I've had to make some modifications to the redstone up at the top but it works just as you'd expect we go up, and then we go up and over and Back down at once again full loop-the-loop looking absolutely fantastic I mean if your roller coaster doesn't have a loop-de-loop. Then is it really even worth calling it a roller coaster (NO) I mean let's be honest that's total rubbish now if you want to know how this entire thing works. Don't worry I will be explaining that later on but we've got plenty of redstone contraptions to go through so hold on to your socks and let's Move on to the next one this one is inspired by some of the rollercoasters I was absolutely terrified of as a kid. I was horrified by them in fact I was so scared of them that I never went on them. I just used to watch my friends go on them. Moment of silence for bumbo cactoni I wasn't particularly brave in the roller coaster partment (because that's a word) But its called a PITFALL!! If we pop inside the mine cart As per usual You can see we ride along and then eventually the redstone lamp turns on and we drop through the floor and in theory we'd travel off to the next part of the Roller coaster, but the scariest bit about this design is that with this one? There's no roller coaster We just we fall through into the void Bye mumbo Now that's proper fear I mean that would be a really scary roller coaster if you died at the end of it Kind of the opposite of the previous one this one. I don't think this one really needs too much of an introduction I mean, we've got a massive structure in front of us and we've got ourselves a minecart rail right here, and As I'm sure you've guessed when we pop inside We will then be launched up consecutively by the slime blocks now You might recognize this slime block elevator because this is the one that we used on hermitcraft Season 4 to get from the drone all the way up to afk platform above my mob farm it's pretty reliable It's perfectly symmetrical which is something that I quite like and also it's decently "fast" I mean It's it's relatively fast when we reach the top we get pushed across by those slime blocks and in theory travel across from there But clearly I've been on a bit of a budget, and I haven't made my mine cart rail particularly very long So we just well we make our way back to the beginning if anything that's that's cooler that previous one was fairly complicated so I thought we'd go back to basics and turn off another simple one this time with just two repeaters set to four ticks a Little Redstone line running into this sticky piston which can access it into the three slime blocks now what this does is it launches us Back in the Direction that we've just come from now This is pretty cool But one thing that I'm imagining is Hundreds of them going from right away up the sky limit all the way down to Bedrock just bouncing back and Forth Like one long Donkey Kong machine (that'd be pretty neat) Someone's got to do that I mean surely for anyone who does want to build it this is how you do the redstone for this mechanism Go ahead I can't wait to see it One thing that always scares me in roller coasters and rides are things that you're meant to go through that open at the last Minute like doors or trapdoors, whatever it is they open at the last second at every single time I ride one of those I think to myself about one second before the door opens. Maybe it's never going to happen Maybe I've got the one time where it breaks And I'm just gonna have to accept my fate and plow through this large metal object (ow) of course every single time I'm proven wrong, and I've tried my best to recreate that feeling in Minecraft, and I would say I've done a half decent job. I mean it was pretty difficult But it does seem to function the door opens up the Minecart rail gets pushed across so we can continue on through and then everything Closes up behind us now. I'm just going to go ahead and say it. This is my absolute favorite design of the video I think it's awesome I love the way that it functions and if you build this in any of your rollercoasters You're instantly going to impress all of your friends if you just pop inside you can see that We travel along land on some slime blocks And then we have got ourselves a flying machine which takes us off to the next section of track I mean can you imagine how amazing that would be in real life? It's pretty cool in Minecraft, but in real life that would be incredible I want to see this sort of thing a disneyland or something but in terms Minecraft obviously you can do lots and lots of things with this you could travel right the way across an entire biome flying through the sky you Potentially drop yourself off onto a vertical flying machine that then takes you right the way up to build limit and then drops you Mean really there is so much so you could potentially do with this I want to see them everywhere inside all of your builds and did I mention that the flying machine is crazily simple We're just an observer facing one direction and observer facing the other direction sticky pistons facing in opposing directions Slime blocks connecting them up and then this platform which you can literally bodge together in five seconds You've got no excuses guys I want them every build not just roller coasters Speaking of flying this thing kind of allows you to do it shooting you up into the sky and then back in the direction you Just came from it's kind of a little bit like the bounce-back I showed earlier on but the opposite way round which means you create a crazy Anti-gravity Donkey Kong (Mind blown) Another thing that I personally would quite like to see if you pop inside and give it a go you can see everything is functioning As you would expect and the best news is is that the redstone is super simple six ticks running into the sticky piston This is actually the jump from earlier on in the episode then we have these extra four ticks and the Redstone Torch tower Running into our sticky piston that pushes us across easy easy stuff But ladies and gentlemen there is one design left in the video and I'm going to be honest scrap the flying machines This is my personal favorite before we had horses We had carrots on sticks This guy is my new rollercoaster and the best thing about this is is that unlike Roller coasters or most other forms of transport, they're completely free will look we've gone open-world Roller coaster It's not particularly fast but Look at this guy, and I've got me. I'm kind of mate following me. This is the best thing ever After a slightly unfortunate accident (HE KILLED MR PIGGLES!), I think it's about time We actually take a look at some of the redstone explanations behind these things one thing I want to say before we begin it is that they're well downloads for every single contraption featured in this video Down the description just check them all into your Minecraft world saves folder And then you can get a closer look at every single one of them Another thing to remember is that mine carts are a little bit of strange and rollercoasters make the mine carts travel at different speeds so if you're traveling really fast You might need to change up the repeater timings and equally if you're traveling really slow you might also need to change up the repeater Timings because the chances are if you're traveling at any crazy speeds either way these designs aren't going to work So just do some fiddling and finally if you sad that with Minecraft pocket edition or console edition thinking how am I going to get? These world downloads unfortunately chances are none of the designs are going to work in those versions anyway due to the changes and Differences in Redstone between them which means you're probably just going to have to take the concept and redesign them from scratch Which is good fun the first design that I think could do with a little bit more explaining is the loop-de-loop mechanism So all we've got is a detector rail Which is hooked up into this slime block with a delay of four ticks But then we also send a signal up through this repeater here once again set to four ticks Through all of these redstone torches into this other repeater set two ticks which then powers this piggy I mean sticky piston which means you get launched up And then launch backwards like another design featured in this video But then the extra detail comes in this little squiggle which then sends us off and down onto this slope which means that we can Travel on and continue off. I've done a quick loop-de-loop some extra details about the Pitfall mechanism So we've got the detector rail Which detects when we actually travel through and then we have this delay right here? Which doesn't actually serve a purpose other than to just build up some tension while we sit on top of those blocks That then eventually runs into the redstone lamp which switches on but it also runs it into this Redstone line right here which retracts at these sticky pistons and then it also runs into this redstone line right here Which retract this 2x2 area of sticky pistons as well pulling "back" all of the blocks which means we've opened up a 2 by 1 Flush piston door so we drop through the floor and travel off into the void in this case But in an actual roller coaster you should probably go onto another pit of track and for the final one We've got the minecart door now with this one that detective rail Just runs into a simple 2x1 door mechanism so we got the redstone running into the redstone torch and then the redstone dust That retract those blocks then the interesting part comes With the Minecart rail being extended cross now the way that I've done that is I've just hooked up to this drop a hopper monostable Circuit which runs the output from that up into this redstone which then powers this piston right here pushing it across Just in time for us to travel across it then retracting it just in time before these blocks get really extended which would of course Break the Minecart well if it wasn't a monostable circuit, so we go that's everything I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please real to that like button, and if you really loved it Then make sure to subscribe, but thanks for watching guys. This is been mumbo, and I'm out. I'll see you later Oh and as per usual check out the latest film on the filmmaker. It's a good one [Outro plays]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 4,988,981
Rating: 4.8953142 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: Nk5c4IaB3FM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2017
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