Minecraft Build Swap - GRIAN VS MUMBO

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and oh yes are you ready to place and built up I believe so excellent it's been 10 months since we last played build swap can you believe it since it has been 10 months and this is a Minecraft building game of my own creation maybe I should just sort of skate over the rules again this time it includes this gigantic wall of fun the last time I believe you didn't get to experience yeah I must admit I've never seen anything like this before to be honest with you I think Dom is trying to impress you because they're never used to be all these bits of redstone going on I think yeah I think he's trying to show you what he can do I especially like I don't know if this is counts yeah I think he's trying to impress you yeah he made this he's proud of himself I think he's also upgrade he's also flying for some reason anyway we won't look too closely at Dom's creations cuz they're a bit a bit hard on the ice so this is the build swap arena and on my side is the red side and your side is that lovely blue side in each of these chests is a theme and we're going to build that theme and then the judges are going to decide who wins and then each chest represents a different round once we've done that round we're gonna swap round and so on and so forth for three rounds until we get a winner it's time to introduce our judges today who were a pleasant moon and Dom Rao himself the creator of the wall of thing oh look what he's done to your scoring as well nothing's happened to mine I think he's like actually tried to yeah we I have some I have some I especially like the spelling the Spelling's good I don't know he's sensitive about his spelling he spells perfectly okay right you don't quite know what's going on because of the wall and stuff but let's just jump straight into it shall we I think it's I think at some point Dom Rao's gonna let us know when it's time to use the misfortune wall anyway what is your name on your sign today my name is grumbo so it's kind of a mix of mines mines grimbo so Rimbaud and makes that sound horrible well you got I've got a sentient spoon which has discovered its purpose but like a spoon that knows it's a spoon and then it's discovered its purpose in life which is to be my guess move things okay I've got a rustic mouse and you're free to use whatever means you want to build this and there's a time limit but the judges can be a bit lenient if you if you ask them nicely ready when you are judges bouncing okay we can account right good good his spelling is contagious yeah fry 3 2 3 are we gonna get a 1 where is that meant to make one what's a window that's winning just go just go you know straight away I instantly started spamming books completely incorrectly remind me I know I'm going to maybe help out with my build wait what no he's just jumping around no way he is no he is building he's building something on your clock yeah yes he straightens fine by me why is he you know what would should we leave him to it yeah I think leave them to it it seems to be stretching across into my plot though so I think this is like a combination of of the two I think we have I think we have a double going on here it's wait what was your theme again you've got some yeah discovery this purpose in life okay and I have a rustic Mouse a rustic madness I think I'm super difficult are you like it looks like I I am allowed to look what you're building online yeah course you are I was gonna say this isn't there's no secrets no no secrets no secret well I mean I was I was wondering whether or not you were gonna go for like a computer mouse or if you were gonna go for well that would have been smart I've not done that at all I mean we have to remember that you are a professional builder by trade that's not rose I not true this is actually going quite well I think [Laughter] okay that's dumb Rose Way of telling us that it's time to use the wall of misfortune okay so okay so you've never done this before write these notes over here they represent us Dom RAL this is the best way by the way this is what I personally felt was the best way of doing a random generator so Dom now is going to directly in the middle put a wolf and the wolf will then choose went straight for me and then a smart idea by the way yes so I couldn't figure out how to do a redstone like number generator type thing so just used a wolf and two sheep and they represent us that means I am choosing one of these squares and inside one of these squares is a chest and in the chest is bear paper and it sets swap clothes swap clothes right mumbo take give me your clothes give me your suit right now give me a sumo gimme gimme as you can you see ya I'd this kind of comes with me man like this is I've never taken off my suit done what does this mean take it off literally attached [Music] I came out like this find away uh-huh okay this looks interesting changing room my machine is this this is part of his redstone shenanigans I'm sure get in there all right are you going in that one yeah I don't think it matters which one okay all right I mean just get it I've closed the door I'm prepared all right I'm ready I'm ready have we changed I think so I I mean come out I feel different can I say you look brilliant I thought I don't think I've ever seen you looking so good well says you look like you're about to go to a wedding you know I mean it seems slimmer on the arms that's the only thing that I will say is that oh you know he doesn't like my clothes quite fit you creepy I have to fit arms I'm not as buff okay I haven't been to the gym in a while I do yeah I feel like this is this looks like me after a long day's work cries get out of my suit and I'm just back in my casual clothes just chillin I can't Eilish I can't tell you how wrong this feels and looks yeah this is really odd I don't have to look at you anymore I don't I don't really want to at this point in time they're gonna be distracting having you over there by the way I did it yeah you look it looks like it just looks so wrong it's it's wrong in every single way shape and form I don't like this I don't like this at all no not not in the slightest what are they up to I don't even know I don't want to know what that pile of mess is well way to go you've got a cup so what did you say it's a sentient spoon okay yeah it's it's a spoon that's discovered his purpose I'm trying to instill happiness oh it's happy yeah he's very happy because he's just discovered that he can pick up stuff from from that cup that's kind of the that's kind of the goal would you be happy if you found out you're a spoon wait you are a spoon oh yes you know the number of spoons that I receive when whenever we go tonight any form of event I just get I get inundated with spoons I'll never have to buy another spoon in my life in 22nd on says 20 seconds probably is that potentially accurate or potentially not accurate it could be more or less very big my smile this is actually looks like something that could be a Halloween decoration at this point in time what yeah because it's scary yeah it's gone about 20 seconds guys 20 seconds about 20 seconds ago I think we might have an endless 20 seconds going on here I think I am pretty done oh wait no it wouldn't be a rustic house without the chimney you know what's really funny though okay so here's the thing you know how like building a rustic house is like kind of a meme on my channel everyone jokes about rustic houses yeah yeah I've done one rustic house tutorial in my entire channel career really so yeah it's just it's one of those things that is just yeah it's just untrue it's just untrue funny I've done one rustic house like proper like titled rustic house when people have just taken it from there but yeah well just run with it just run with it I don't really know why cuz I've done way more modern and suburban houses than rustic houses and the rustic house that I did make was like 3 years ago and it's still good it's still stuck that's so strange and I'm loved this is this is a rustic Mouse I'm happy with this well oh well I was expecting like a happy smile but this is terrifying why have you done this oh why thank you I think of it and I think giving it teeth was a mistake yeah do you think seelix he looked happy is this his mustache yeah - its bend him in his mouth I don't like this mumbo that's terrifying I don't I don't approve of this but he's happy he's found his purpose what's going on here by the way well if they bill is this a no cat this is a cat look at this look how genius this is where are you Mambo look at this look look at the claws they're dragon heads backwards now that's very cool that is whatever what's the cat doing I don't know it's eating is it is that Dom I think it's eating Dom okay well whatever whatever would we'll ignore that okay come on judges what's over it what what do we think rustic Mouse versus sentient criminally insane spoon mum yeah I think I I mean I I got from Dom why does mum know when this really captured the happiness of the spoon he is really scary though yeah he's a creepy one okay wait I just want to just backtrack a little bit your theme was a spoon that has realized its purpose and this is the expression that you gave it so those teeth I'll give you a bit of backstory about this this spoon is hidden those teeth away for his entire life easy he's very embarrassed of them and then he's discovered his purpose and the one time he decided to add them out you have just Buchanan on him okay I apologize what do you think of my rustic Mouse then I mean I do like it a lot this is very cool it's I yeah I I said earlier on I like the whiskers I do like the eyes even though the eyes are very it's got a super dead eyes like that looks like the sort of mouse that that looks very heartless it's nice the interior could have done with a little bit work though I mean it's not a rustic house you've got a chimney but then I never that's kind of a meme as well I never do interior hold on I need you I need you to do something for me here take it take put this on that's so much better that's very rude of you to say imagine that if I if I came up to you in real life and I could somehow pass my face onto you and money yeah you just look like a slightly bigger green because you got bigger arms and a bigger head okay okay right right it's a round one you got the point and know if you got you got one point do you wanna do that do you want to do the honors here oh I missed it there you go you successfully believe nice all right now we sit over congratulations on your point Brown - what was your name on yours bum boson oh nice no Tom just said reminder this is a redstone round great correct all right so I sleepin up I am GRE in as Jory police say yep I mean mine says using a magic money machine okay that if that's what it says that's what it says my bow all right you've got a you've got a magic up a redstone machine that makes money of course I forget that I have to build it off of your build yeah of course about that part of the process yeah well my ones making a song how do I make your spoon make a song very easily look he's even got like the opera moustache compare guy okay alright let's get our blocks steady steady eleven eleven I'm not counting down from 11 are we please not counting Gavin teeny okay mumbo just start don't nonsense just go I think that means I win the round no it doesn't that's not how this game works I think I'm I'm in a I'm in a creepy mood in the minute because obviously you are mumbo not gonna lie you clearly are in a creepy food like me I I mean I I didn't see anything wrong whatsoever with with with my build I don't see anything wrong with it either I just I loved everything I was expecting out of you this afternoon it wasn't this it wasn't this I see I see well you wait till you see this dudes hands I think I'm gonna give my dude well your dude some maracas some are a lot however you have you've built it like top down it's really odd so like yeah it is a bit of a tricky one I must admit oh good angle yeah it's a bit of a tricky one do you know how notebooks are something that just they're they're bit beyond my my skill level they're beyond your skill level yeah they certainly are right well I can't make music so oh yeah we're gonna be we got a beat oh you've got some tunes going yeah we got a beat we got a beat okay now we need like the next bit oh this is okay cool cool I got I got this I'm about to make some magic you wait I bet this won't sound nearly as good hold on we can do this we got to just set up the timing I have no musical expertise whatsoever as most people will know yeah I mean that's exactly the same boat so you know that lighting okay let's make our way over to the wall I'm quite happy with how this is going I I'm experimenting it doesn't sound good at all well I haven't heard yours yeah [Music] wait who's who's doing the wall is it I guess it's your turn since I did the last one all right okay um you choose choose whatever one you want oh I've chosen purple go and read it out x marks the spot x marks the spot what does that mean it's dig in time what's what if you're just going to oh yeah it's just creeping that's just an excuse to grief there's treasure here dumb I assure you we are in a flat world and there is no treasure there is job there is just I build dumb look keep going look dig down DOM there's nothing there yeah that's what I thought um there's no treasure wait what is going on up here mumbo what is this well those are his hands those are is oh okay I'm gonna leave you to it because I'm making magic over here this is gonna hold me these two builds are gonna haunt me quite heavily I think I'm gonna wake up in a cold sweat thinking about this it looks like he's found the treasure wait what I stand corrected I guess I apologize profusely I guess well don't I technically that's on my plot so technically technically that's my plot well give it see yeah well this is my plot and it was found while I was in possession of it but have you seen what's going on if your plot what are these yeah I have noticed that there's some stuff going on I should probably fix up this build it this is just madness I don't even know what these are right I think I'm happy with the making the music does a struggle oh I don't think he knows what he's doing [Laughter] this looks like something I would make just saying oh I think I understand how this works judges hopefully hopefully a few days of course look I just want to say I just want to see some of them be fired I'm afraid that they kind of run the show and also who made this cuz I definitely didn't make this face on this cut did you do this no but I feel like it's a welcome addition stop please is the end but yours actually does he it has actually got a magic money-making half this is really disturbing diamonds coming out his fingernails yeah it's a little bit freaky I think so I think so go on who wins I love money but I also love sick beats Dom rail woulda loved this sick tune I should have given him some feet but I just found some treasure oh so he doesn't need money oh yeah it's true and it's on my plot yes grim wins I mean theoretically arrests around you definitely should have won this because this is actually pretty cool but you know judges judges judges see nicely done alright let's do the final swap okay so I'm back we turn this one take off because this is insane it's driving me yeah this is driving me mad that might be Oh oh sweet heaven oh sweet heaven okay all right you ready yep yeah what's your name giggles mine is mr. man Joe man mr. man Joe yeah which i think is going to become my new name wait what okay what have you got first and then I'll tell you mine well mine is the easiest one ever because mine is preparing for Halloween you don't have to do anything no exactly I might just be done no you got to do something I mean I will don't worry any worry okay mines attacking the other build which he's kind of already doing with money kind of yeah all right I guess I'll come up with something when is this gonna run out when is this gonna run out of money yeah that's a lot of money I wish I had this on her me craft yeah they were just stacking up down the bolt yeah mine well I saw I saw a free so I think we might be counting in Oh oh wait I thought that was like free money okay wait free with that - okay that was Kevin about - money I think that means one op1 that means go okay I'm gonna need another arm from this mouse house as many as I need mumbo as many as I need I'm surprised you're still going how much is left no I think I think it's out its out of money so I saw well I'm turning it off yeah that's probably for the better huh right oh sweet relief if you haven't figured out what I'm gonna do to your base yet to your build your building at EMP well my paper specified attacking the other build oh yeah I understand that yeah okay well we'll have to showcase mine before we see yours then I'm guessing well I've got to do a few test runs goodness me I haven't made a TNT cannon in a long time is a very old-school cannon yeah I recognize that from 2012 leave me alone okay I'm minecraft but yeah I made I made what I call the lays out which is short TNT on my word you're actually testing it for some reason that didn't go well why did you think that that redstone there was gonna power that cuz it lights up when it's next to a block no no look look at this redstone line right yeah okay is it in any way pointing towards that TNT well how do I make it do the thing well you could I mean if you play some if you if you ran that into a block then it will power the block you mean like this no oh well it works okay well I'm done I think I'm done what he can't be done yeah I mean I mines nice and I yeah I think I'm pretty much Donna I can't see myself myself anymore it's 20 seconds left I'm pretty sure if I'd asked how long is left at the start of this it would have been yeah yeah I'm impressed by your eyes bazooka I'm alright well I'm interested to see you test if that's all I'm gonna say I think it's gonna come out of this anymore I think I've made that right well gonna test away are you actually gonna test it right now is that is that your move alright okay I'm sure it's fine I'm sure I'm sure I'm buying yep yeah right yes success creeper I'm only doing my theme that's alright because this guy up at the top is perfectly safe oh that's cool you do it you do have to go up high and look straight down to get the full effect yep but it works this is the broom serving for the maximum okay all right oh wait are we done I think that's I think that's all three rounds now yeah all right oh wait I didn't see this there's now a dinosaur involved what has a dinosaur that's come in this this round a build swaps gone a bit nuts this is like this is full-on Japanese game show right now yeah yeah we've gone we've gone growl no let's make this interesting okay I'm interested to hear what grief green bazooka hits the which perfectly green but you know it won't that's not fair ahaha well you should have put a little bit more effort into your TM team I have I don't know what I'm doing yeah well you should you should have tried a little bit harder on the old TMT launcher okay I'm gonna go for it I'm interested to see what you're doing here I don't know well I don't know what I'm doing here you know as well as I do that this isn't gonna work [Music] [Laughter] teach me how to red stone that mouse is armed by the way like can you imagine the pain again now look at the bazooka well I mean doesn't have feelings this poor chap he's suck I mean first of all he's been mined he stuck in his rustic house you give him a bazooka blows his arm off oh no I can't believe oh why am I such a I was trying to like add loads of teens and no it was not yeah it wasn't it wasn't it wasn't pretty to watch I saw that coming from Madoff I've done it a few times myself [Laughter] okay well that's funny that's an instant win because I think I think you'll find that two points to me the redstone doesn't work oh it did take a while nice congratulations do you get fired I think you normally get fireworks after this but I don't know where the fireworks have gone okay I think well I think we spent all the budget on this redstone yeah I was gonna say yeah it seems like everything's been spent on this yeah it is very beautiful all right well congratulations on your victory your victory although you did kind of win by default in the end yeah yeah yeah I was a lot of fun thank you so much okay well thank you very much for watching everyone thank you to DOM and pearl for being our judges today and we also filmed a bill to up on mumbos channel and there will be a link to that video in the description if you want to follow on and watch another one of these silly antics things I do hope it doesn't end up as wacky as this one though because this year on a bit out of hand alright catch you over there thank you bye
Channel: Grian
Views: 1,155,022
Rating: 4.9541273 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, build swap, mumbo jumbo, building minigame, minigame, minecraft minigame, buildswap, build battle, mumbo grian, mumbo, minecraft video, mumbo vs grian, grian vs mumbo
Id: LtCUoZma7iY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 13sec (1753 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2018
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