Impractical Jokers: The Best Season 8 Moments to Watch at Home | truTV

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a loser and you loser have to come here to complete body gym where you're gonna pump some iron I'm ready we've written a bunch of insults on pieces of paper and shoved them in that fanny pack while you're working out you have to pull them out and same to people with tattoos so the insults are about the tattoos and if anybody knows about insulting tattoos oh [Laughter] my god this is a second tattoo Thursday come on all right now just make your way through every insult in the fanny pack you know how far away we are if anything goes down and you also know how ineffective we'd be if anything goes down look you're right oh my god it just got so real for you didn't it pull out of his favor I like that the size of Murray this guy's got a great attitude it is a guy with a tattoo working out right next to you mark all right here he goes let's load one up mark this could go bad you know I I know a guy that can fix that for you the tattoo I know a guy that can fix it with his great work fixing tattoos yeah oh it's alright alright ok no problem it's so personal yes it's you you chose it right you got hate on you till the day you pass on you wear it with pride normally here comes this this guy like they're looking at you now on to the next one and there's also this girl - you look - you loved right now oh god she's ripped oh my god yeah why we get in there oh my god oh my god the tattoo the it it looks like a child did it oh I don't even want to listen to what's about to happen that's that one he says it did you have like a young person - different it was it a Chuck and that there wasn't it wasn't oh I don't know this was asking hey it wasn't challenging oh I didn't realize that okay okay great that was crazy almost there pal almost there oh my god Siri did did you get that did you get them in prison no tattoo even get it in prison where'd you get it California I knew it was either California or prison all right Murr there's the last line the fanny pack buddy huh go back and give that guy another line from the bag die fast Murray oh my good this is this is my death right here you haven't gotten killed yet it's a it's a cute doodle there was very back [Laughter] [Music] q is our loser and forest punishment we came to one of the longest-running shows in New York Blue Man Group let me ask you guys a question you ever had a show and you're sitting in your seat yeah and then some jerk comes up and claims you're sitting in their seat and then demands you get up tonight buddy you're that jerk I was just a weirdo gonna go to shows by myself yeah I love going to shows by myself eat by myself go to the movies by myself that's cuz you're not very friendly but you can there are many different ways to be a jerk yes oh man she was gonna try all of them that's right Q you see this woman sitting and standing oh you mean the woman who's comfortably settled into him yeah she's in your seat buddy they're literally surrounded by empty seats excuse me um I'm sorry do I look like a jerk to you then why would you be sitting in my seat oh my god oh my god [Music] Jay Jay 105 okay Q recognize the error what time is it Oh 2 p.m. and matinee tickets that was Yonex sucks FF 1:12 buddy this is FF this is row F F because I got FF 1:12 it's a group of 4 so he thinks is in the middle a girl before yeah who's in 1:12 who needs to get to stepping oh I can't I can't even take this gets to something is wrong I just want my face let's see the ultimate jerk move you know I don't have a husband to pay for my tickets for you so I paid for this [Music] [Applause] oh it's I think it's March 1st Oh March this is for March I do not envy you right now but Wow alright buddy Pete 101 we want a map this is like battleship almost yes oh I need 10% more jerk huh well I don't care how well-dressed you are I'm gonna need you to shoe because this is my seat right here your next coordinates ll 107 Q I think you can be a bigger jerk still yes Lu su hey blue - blue - hey blue tooth what see you in yeah it's my seed ll 107 yeah that's my scene these are laughing you off c8 you're my seat get the up oh my buddy NN 110 that's big red there buddy huh right a friend big red oh my god big dude big dude shut your mouth hurry up it's almost Showtime buddy let's go big red chop-chop bungalow you and my seat Bo sleep Meg this guy's having no part of it at all what's these D today is a bad bad day for us we just missed out on winning a store giveaway and now we're gonna have to guilt the winning customer and to giving us the gift card they just won without asking for it outright but the reason for the guilt trip will be given to us by the other guys if you can't get that gift card you lose it's Q and Sal in a joker vs. Joker challenge all right Q I miss I'm a manager here so we'll let you know that your hundredth customer you want our $2.00 gift card you're welcome for the mean 200 customer right you in there I was right here III could have told you I was gonna win because I didn't have a chance with anything I'm just a lifelong loser funny - mechanization lushly funny that you mention that this was on my bucket list winning a prize like that was on my bucket list well I still got three to eight months left to try every date months left to try it before I before I I'll just keep trying I get another time oh my god so what are you gonna do with that ten books she's gonna get more coffee coffee's a name my dog that just ran away [Music] I love coffee so much I named my dog coffee he just ran away I mean I guess he knew that the end was coming anyway so he just he just took off that is literally the nicest thing that anybody has ever done for me you really checkmated her your life here it comes here we go how are you I was told to check out with you I just beat your first and last name first name colonel last name sandesh don't tell on the secret of the 11 herbs and spices don't you dare my experience was finger lickin good I can't believe group c4 crispy good day to you ma'am have a seat she knows something's up well I mean you have to voice down is amazing I am Colonel Harland Sanders all right all right tonight Joey's our big loser that's right bud you were working the coat-check at a really Swank event right here at 235th rooftop farm working the old coat check everybody loves the coaching everybody loves it there's more to it yes hold for hold gotcha here's where we swipe it's a nice jacket oh thank you please just keep checking jackets Joe keep checking jackets did you wanna leave the bag as well Joe's been working working hard yeah working too hard too hard enjoy your evening let's get to the punishment yeah let's do it finally all right well uh Johnny's gonna give you a somebody acket just slip that bad boy on all right so but see the curtain God buddy just walk on through yep here we go boys Joe you're actually the only model at a real Fashion Show for the designer happy fish yeah except everything you're modeling is every person's coat you just took that's it baby work - hi Joey come on show me the next hot look try to grab the coat bro or get work it keep it sexy nobody checks pants [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] we're all weighed down with authority you may get torn apart out there but so far none of these have been cheap jackets now they have now Joe start dumping every coat at the end of the runway guys I got you every coach every code we want a pile at the end of the stage we were are in disbelief well that guy just called the genius so maybe we're onto something here Joe hits it someone like a t-rex dump that coat get back out there man look at him he's magnificent add to the pile I'm done with this into the squatty potty what a mania Joey give me an eagle I want to see an eagle [Applause] take your shirt off for sure no one has to tell me I'm fierce guys how many coats all the way to me yeah Oh you collected 77 you want to throw those coats on the floor Joe just drop them on the floor Oh laughing and then then now they're getting annoyed I'm so sorry and someone's scarf number 56 responsible also damaged items we're not responsible for loss of damage on 24 all right happy day Sal tonight's big loser yeah so today we've invaded the co-working space joint sure and you'll be playing a delivery guy this lunchtime buddy how you gonna be delivering people's lunches gratuity is not included and no tip you gets gonna be good enough so I had to tell them that yes I have experience as a delivery person you know son but now there's an it's delivery time I am the delivery guy I have a vest bicycle helmet and hat I have the clothes all right Sal so everybody's lunches are in this big bag here just go one by one and deliver the lunches that's it the tip is not enough no matter what it is here we go pick up four yes yes he's young he's not gonna tip well Sal patty appreciate that the Jews took - yes this is good - anytime oh so this is a tip and it's all here the temple yeah count it sound out it - I'm glad you said it oh good you said it it depends on the decade it says oh it's a double-header this is Francesca and then Emily so gratuity was not included and then so gratuity was not included that's just uh oh thank you okay yeah thank you so this is okay stop bad-mouthing the tip you got from her she only hit me with two she hit me with the - thank you three better than huh thank you three better than she did thanks thank you sir if you see Emily back there let her know how much it tipped me if you see Emily back there let them know how much you tip me take Ariel stomachache we need you turn it up just a little bit more let's try to be a little more direct Thank You this tips not enough buddy let's be blunt thank you this is a terrible tip yeah it's okay you know it is what it is she's very very sweet and polite yeah you weren't here we go hi picking up for gotcha justice key card pecan issue oh did you leave the key card with the rest of the tip so the key contract with the rest of the Tim this is so crazy my daughter's diary is in my bag somehow and you're reading it well I didn't I didn't read it I did not read it but as a dad I'm tempted I gotta be honest how old is she she's 13 it's right that you would read it yeah she's in your quandary is being solved here in the food court oh this might be my 16 year 7 year old daughters cuz it says yes little head back into a parked car on this page might search general doesn't drive unless she does I hope my dirty rolls not driving yesterday back into a parked car I did everything dad told me to do in that kind of situation and I made sure I made sure nobody was looking walked a few blocks away change into a different hoodies when I got out I hope I didn't forget me that's the advice you give her you dope yes she doesn't listen because she she hit the parked car and then she I didn't exactly tell him to make sure I was looking for he walks away changed a hoodie we have a red hoodie in the trunk yeah so I shouldn't read one more crazy here comes I'm just gonna text what is this hey buddy hey hero how's it going with volunteering in Haiti currently not in hate at all Haiti great I love it I don't hate it it told some friends I was going to volunteer in Haiti but it all fell through I just told my was that you never sent those pictures you promised send me a picture of you and Haiti guy only there was someone that could help any chance that you are Haitian improving it's kind of close oh wait wait wait hold on you don't the be Haitian to London Haiti of course if immigrants we could be in Haiti you could just be my friend from Haiti right well maybe I can just send on by myself freak oh maybe this looks just maybe don't think the system Haiti Oh oh this is good can you take you take the phone oh thank you so much ma just crop out any any drywall just looks like I'm in that Oh perfect thank you that's a thumbs-up from here Joe there's a suitcase on the table to your right open it up okay this is the part right after the intersections we do thee and hand out pizza to everyone pizza Murray just keep talking about what a huge treat it is it's a great treat no napkins or anything to drink or anything like that just bags no one no one has even motioned sort towards a pizza it's a huge treat why is no one eating this is a huge one guys in the pizza yes talking about [Music] there you go get in there amazing I love that guy - you cannot deny pizza you know who the big loser is now awesome want some pizza four-way stops Joe you done eating the piece of just putting that plant next to you to the right a lot of people do their own thing at a stop sign okay so try to read the situation mark get upset that he did that and go kick the plant you shouldn't have done that but it's not it was a trash can looks fresh can is a place shouldn't and that's our presentation guys you maggots have any questions yeah any questions on go enjoy the pizza so I'm happy if we have punishment today but we're gonna have you play a game called close everybody else's laptop okay so the point of this everybody there's an open laptop right there just go close it the girls over there keep looking at your screen and I want to protect your privacy so be careful okay I'm just looking for that's me privacy Jimmy bless me privacy Jimmy be careful who's next [Music] close it close the Gaza calls it battery please gotta keep that close save the battery right save it [Music] [Laughter] gentlemen this is gonna seem strange just watch your hands he's got out looks like he's got to email up this can be punched hey uh go I'm sorry just a favor real quick yeah could you just please don't kill me I appreciate it oh I just said please don't kill me and you didn't so whirl square cuz i I didn't want to back into it is the thing I don't want to think I was being rude or anything you know to mean okay so I was just I was trying to ease into it I'm sorry that angry - confused - laughing hey Martin you know how like this ends when we say it ends yeah if you gave Dan cast a big kiss every time you pass them it would lower the amount of time that I that I feel you need to be out there downcast being one of our beloved crew members alright so let's see me do a drive-by hands up watch out hands up hands up hands before God right now guess doing in it alright I would like you to walk by slowly and but don't touch it but just let her let her God go up as you walk by I'm sorry yeah oh you know what it was the left is open she got passed and cast you know the rules I'm sorry Martin then the new PA sitting next day the new PA with the beanie hat right there welcome [Music] get me the hell out of here Hugh has lost tonight's episode that's right today we're at New York cake and there is a cake decorating contest being held here you'll be posing as a judge and slightly ruining the contestants cakes that's right a slight ruling a slight room welcome to the New York cake Academy challenge this is serious cake decorating contest yeah they've given one hour to decorate these cakes these contestants are competing for 500 bucks and entry into the biggest cake competition New York City and they're being judged by the man who knows cakes Brian Q Coyne start judging oh hello what do you have here this is lovely the theme of this contest is New York City and she's crushed it speaking of crushing it I just got to do one last one last quite the old let me just give a little great work hmm this is so uncomfortable look at the face are you we're on Oh what do we have what do we have here oh I love that show I'm so Samantha I'm gonna need you to pull off the Sex and the City just those words please let me just this is just the old Q I want the word sex off that cake is a family show um so we'll just go back in and get that excellent job very good work Oh jerk oh this is brutal oh I cannot take it Karthik you move on I am Brian him I'm the judge Wow Wow Q I need you to take a bite out of the Apple the only thing is you know how does it [Music] [Music] [Laughter] keep it moving judge - he'd put your finger in and you spin the cake and just wipe out the entire thing 360 this fantastic just gonna do a little test that I do top box top box move on top marks oh god this is insane word is spreading like wildfire that you've ruined cakes by the way and that place perfectly for what we haven't our cue the thing is you're not a judge you're a contestant Table five is your cake peel off that my hello my name is judge sticker that we gave you we're gonna bring out the real judges now what happened here yeah we're the judges just write out the apples been redone oh my god I just heard her say happen the paddocks setting in look at you he's going to a trauma besides of touchups almost perfect no doesn't say no more it's literally perfect seriously okay guys look she stepped out to watch stop popping okay please stop okay green group texture tell everybody good luck till I break it luck that's a lot [Music] [Laughter] good luck good luck best of luck well you know what good thing you have the best wingman in the business all right buddy what's going on just pay attention to how naturally didy geeky and impish Murray becomes throughout the whole thing he's got no game go up to her and go up be up and she'll put you in the corner baby up e baby uppy uppy uppy uppy uppy uppy uppy [Laughter] she's clearly recording them trust and turn to this woman and say are you recording my man are you recording my man oh she doesn't know she's on the show says she thinks she just got nailed by Maurice real-life girlfriend I'm just kidding you're gonna have him just get are you gonna have it's my boom so we just got married like a month ago that's great yeah no for real fool Tristan I used to be attracted to jocks I used to be attracted to jocks now I'm settling concessive humor right he's no Sal he's no Sal's Hugh is lost so tonight we're here a 235th rooftop bar that's right and the folks at frenzied events are letting us crash your networking event tonight now Joe what do you do at a networking event you network with people that's right and what is Q doing tonight he's networking with person you're gonna latch onto someone from the beginning of this event and you're never gonna leave this side it's gonna get real awkward real quick yeah stalkerish all right cube check Q scoping out the area trying to make a new friend how's it networking going you get your hooks in this guy buddy good I'm Brian I do speech pathology I help people I'm a holistic doctor all istic doctor acupuncture a little bit oh all right Q dial-in D awkward talk to them yeah man here for network all right you you cannot leave this guy's side smug I will be back follows Marshall again do you want to do on a drink you know medicine holistic medicine holistic medicine yeah like acupuncture and stuff like that yeah he's gonna speak wink don't talk to them where do you live [Music] we're like we're in New York what are you in [Applause] there you go cute you know that feeling when you're around somebody and you don't want them to be around you that's what this is right now don't get shy buddy children his face says a billion words we gotta get going we gotta get moving Wow it was nice talking to you take it easy good luck good luck with the event okay how's it going Davis how you doing I'm Brian this is Christmas this is Vanessa yeah he's got something in his eye that he has been able to get huh yeah he's trying to get rid of you he will not get rid of you did you tell your holistic well that was some bad networking my friend all right Joey yeah I should I should pay for that for you yeah I should cuz I want to show you I could be a good provider because I'm because I want to show you that I could be a good provider provided all right here we go all right the lady behind you lady behind you you know is is this yours I should get this for you I'll just get it for you no gosh you got a few yeah no sure I should why I'm flush with cash on account of my grandpa's murder yeah I'm flush I'm flush with cash on account of my grandpa's murder so I mean I'm doing the right thing somebody killed the old coot real oh yeah yes I'm gonna kill the old coot it's fine no further questions we're all set great I don't want to say it's you guys but I'm at a hundred percent after all that pastry here will you stand up okay why don't you administer a hearing test to this gentleman with your own mouth let's just start with your hearing just raise raise arm would I be hearing it okay okay all right good so you don't have hearing problems per se okay what did you tattoo say on the back though writing math says born to rule hey bud put those gloves on to examine him there you go buddy you have their fingerless you're now infecting all the equipment's you just breathe in slowly and when you exhale just say born to rule when you as hell could you just say warns rope Kevin Lee seemed like and you're in good shape I'm an less part of this is just I'm gonna need you to look into my eyes and fought what send the doctor in all right but I'm actually gonna pee for real all right Sal one second anyways here we go here we go sorry no I actually because I will listen I feel alright yeah but I wouldn't necessarily go in that one get it out buddy but yeah you're already gonna wait just based on the merits of my performance of don't go in there I don't even have to deliver the reason so you didn't play the game you know that's nothing you actually lost that don't you dare take that away from the rules of the game or you have to say delorean he he recoiled after my introductory I did not say the line when he told you to I actually see it there within you I thought I was so convinced that even listening like I wouldn't go with you the rules are out of play okay to say the law knowing what's real what's really behind yes I'd say right now I know the rules on my end but when I sent him I wouldn't go and then he looked at me and goes okay and walked away that's on him I'd even get to the new games my goal was to get him to not go in that bathroom no oh yeah all right rewriting rules don't matter rewrite the rules how is that rewriting the rules I I defer to anybody in here you're supposed to say I don't that I I delivered the language such you didn't deliver the line though such a little while I was a raw I was like the lumen though in line unbelievable this guy oh I'm just saying I didn't get a chance to tell the guy the reason he was he left because my acting was so good here we go yep I wouldn't go in there if I were you that's it q wins one all right Sal's our loser so we came to Coney Island and be careful buddy the jellyfish are out I gotta get pissed on there he is this is what we're doing this time no this is what your dollar suit you're doing is it weird that I have a jellyfish bite on me before even entering the water it's hard to separate it from your awful tattoo though get it on buddy and then we're done yeah get bit get bit all he's got people's attention be careful these jellyfish I just got stung yeah I'm all right but it hurts really good fire away captain any chance you have to urinate and wouldn't mind directing it toward me what first thing their right mind is doing guys stop we don't care get pissed on a jellyfish [Music] you have to pee by any chance sound no I know you're in it buddy you're trying to get beat hot but let's not ask little boys we could put it in a cup okay any chance you have to pee okay no thank you no thank you you try keep trying I can hold the towel if I hold up a towel and I look the other way would you pee on my leg you'll pee without me holding a towel you don't give up all right I found the guy all right do me a favor let's go over here you can be just got harder hey I got stung by a jellyfish and it's killing me right now okay someone just just take a hot piss on my legs you don't want to do it you said you were doing oh come on come on you said you would do it thanks guys thanks enter Thanks all right Sal you tried you gave a valiant effort buddy it looks like you escaped this punishment this rarely happens on the show where we get nothing we have to end the day without succeeding at our goal he was embarrassed but he didn't get peed on No okay so done when you're done laying it on as thick as peanut butter tell me tell me who's which one of you is peeing on not us we hired an acapella group to pee on what I am what I don't know what's not clear Sal we hired an acapella group to pee on you [Music] our friend Chris is in an acapella group no no but he's the only one that would be on yeah let's do this I've been holding it for awhile I can't believe this this is crazy this is for kiddin see and you make sure you get oh my great on it I know that heard you needed help q has lost so to anybody you're working in a Health Conference thrown by our friends at wellness you'd be signing up attendees for a raffle and as you meet them you have to find people whose first names begin with all the five votes yeah the first name begins with a vowel good news it's checked off the list but if the name starts with anything other than a vowel bad news is you have to say whatever we tell you directly to their face so now you're trying to pick vowels who looks like a vowel oh you as a clipboard with every single attendees name on it and next to it we randomly generated a line some might be an insult so I might be somebody hard for you to say hi sir did you sign it for the raffle yet free rabble no what's your name how are you you are good first one oh my god excuse me did you sign up for the raffle yep okay what is your name AE combos impressive cuz that's not it did you sign up for the free raffle yeah did you join me what is your name Jonathan Jonathan yes flip the page and read the line next to his name odd that you have no bulge in your pants at all yeah no I'm just curious because normally I see the phones and then I saw that you're yeah good luck with the round let's find out you're all signed up Wow that was tough yeah it was a good one hey did you or do you know if you signed up for the rav the free raffle yeah what is your name gilma you this is insanity thank you I hope you win Wow sir do you know if you're in for the for the free raffle yet what did you mean this man small talk is not gonna get you a list but it can be one of those little dance or else I'll let you buy the yo if you tell him speaking all this won't you stand up for a sec speaking hold s why don't you stand up for a second we'll check it out you know I'm saying only in I laugh who looks like an eye what is your name your balls are showing what is your name it's nice to see a few ethnics you ready okay what is your name wow you smell like cats what do you think how is he gonna having some work done you should guy alright so cute here's what we're gonna do we will let you buy the ice okay if this person has an eye anywhere in their name you're done what is your name wait what is it in the parks are you gonna sunbathe today we need you covered head to toe in this sunbathing lotion right here okay sees the thing though you can't put any on yourself I can't put any on so who puts it on everybody everybody of options [Music] my children will watch this give me the unborn children in his stomach right you busy a little bit mister now it's no big deal just can reach I was asking for a little little help with this thing it's alright we're gonna work harder than that hi pal how are you Joe will allow this fan to do it for you oh they're not here I'm just in the park today we're off tonight wanna get a bigger picture with you sure why are you comfortable here taking on the most fun part now is to watch Joe's somewhat subtle approach come on in take a picture get him this trip down you know be really funny pop you top off awesome great here we go it's it's crazy how he there's a big fan of the show but believe Joe that we're not filming here you have the Yogi's no oh no that's twisty pick it out took it out right what's what's right up here there's on the right in you should put some sunscreen on me come on put on my back [Laughter] you want to give me give me a phone we'll do a video of you putting this thing on my chest that's it that's the white we want so we're just hanging out in the park me and my friend aren't cat me ananka as long as you keep a fine I can keep talking to you yeah cuz then we're both getting something out of it yeah I have so much good gossip so many things and you with your big blue I know my big boy we're going full on inner thigh it's private when you get in a swim in punishment he wouldn't get the other backside I don't know why they marry yeah I know they never really they never really reminded to you that this guy is on his lunch break from work I got so mad at her that she came in and tell me you Delia I've never been to people say it's really nice maybe you could come by chef when we're filming one day because we're not so much satis of the erection Joey soft well do you ever use zinc oxide or no Java user no so he doesn't think my goodness Joe looks ridiculous right now I mean we have a lot of fans I'd like to like to see us where us where us yeah we buy us like I mean this is me nobody's forcing me do this I would just do this on my own I can tell you're very zen and the back of the legs if you can do anymore and I didn't I lost some weight yeah yeah you know anything about grapes can you do that I'm already in trouble here cuz the security guard here hates my guts there you go because he's always pissed I'm eating burritos in the store I don't know what is your name I'm sorry Brian I got a brine quick very nice to me if you see the security dog a favor just just yeah cover me just scream out uh I'm not saying she's a gold-digger just screamed out like a cold like I'm not saying she's a gold-digger when I hear that I'll motor run all right okay great thank you thank you he might get this okay send in the security guard here comes Terry are you doing sir things okay over here yeah Oh are you good here things okay didn't even blink didn't scare they were security didn't say anything didn't look at him knows what good good what's up I understand you guys stay the cohort Oh what's a cold word hey what's the code word the cold not saying she's a cold he's just watching just watch the whole thing in silence as he sampled grapes [Laughter] I'm 43 how old do you think I am I would say 57 you're only off by 20 years get out of here no get to YouTube I'll show you me on YouTube really you don't want you to I used to be a superhuman athlete a superhuman athlete there is whoa I'm going in I was an Olympic hopeful in gymnastics got three consecutive national championships Dave Jenkins holy cow man cuz shake a hand Superman athlete oh my god I seen you on YouTube holy Sh you put on no no I show you the New York I just didn't know come on stop pulling my life I'll be right back what that sword on their own that's amazing what happened was yeah dirty guy do you he doesn't you know it was my lookout guy we had a miscommunication I end up running all over the place yeah are you kidding me are you saved Jacobs what's going on are you kidding me right now he said he didn't know him he's holding my you put on your nice where's him mr. Jacobs my guys name Jacobs in the flesh this is hens got the photo you mind if I take a selfie with you Dave oh my god can we you guys want to get it you're all set it's everybody go take some time on watch these same birthdays yes all right say Dave Jacob two-two Dame Jacobs [Music] you [Music]
Channel: truTV
Views: 8,296,216
Rating: 4.8910217 out of 5
Keywords: Impractical Jokers, Impractical Jokers Funniest Moments, Impractical Jokers Season, truTV, IJHD, impractical jokers, impractical jokers truTV, practical jokers, jokers, impratical jokers, impractical joker, impractical jokers new, new impractical jokers, impractical, impracticle jokers, impractical jockers, the impractical jokers trutv, impractical jokers Pranks, Sal, Joe, Murr, watch impractical jokers, Best Moments of Season 8, impractical jokers mashup
Id: fRquwrA-rTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 27sec (3327 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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