Impractical Jokers - New Season August 8! (Live Stream) | truTV

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hahaha it's not enough to seize it on a bad foot these are so my favorite day yeah you know we gonna do tonight you gonna run the New York City Marathon yeah the marathon yeah the marathon already happened today is the marathon you start here on the Brooklyn side of the Brooklyn Bridge and run over to New York that's all right that's it I can run over the Brooklyn Bridge I've done it before okay all right is that it other things will happen shoes come on are you serious all right buddy you ready to race [Music] ok I get it I get it here we go it's like 30 degrees out right now no there's no arch support in these things could be worse than flat feet like Sal [Applause] surprise one was that he had to run surprise two was the outfit surprise three were the shoes he comes surprise for coming right up we don't put warm water of those cuffs either this is payback for Busey buddy when you see freezing out run go hurry up the clock's ticking Marv you want a good time just so you know the heat is on in the fam coffee [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] there you go buddy mari how marathons work you're right the marathons don't work that way this is a marathon [Applause] reduces Kelly max was fired my crew loves me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you think today's the day he realizes we're trying to kill him yes I think this old TV show is just an assassination attempt on his life this is my Foreman thanks dick we should get going yeah homestretch here we go [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] what what this is not how you run a marathon everybody tonight is coming to see tight fright there are metal bands here in Brooklyn all right baby boy you're at the front door you collecting cover charges you got that fanny pack stacked with cashola yeah official staff badge you're all set how's it going man that one here we go good good we're collecting for the band tonight all right thank you Thanks so what Q doesn't know is there's no cover tonight this is a free show we all collecting for the bands alone thanks brother thank you very much enjoy the show thanks very much the power of a damn lanyard oh that's getting fast oh thanks so much enjoy the show sir every single person's giving you money oh thank you well that's a lot of money I never thought I was gonna say this but am I gonna get punished anytime soon we're punishing you with boredom yo this place is jam-packed all right Q you could you could come on back here great job up excellent job there you go shifts over shifts over not to work the door you know good day see guys now what go back in the cops heads back out you'll know what to do when the time comes am I saying you might be good luck Taif right [Music] [Applause] there is all right get it be out that's fine settle anybody settle here we go here we go time Friday's gonna come out here just a few minutes but I have a quick announcement that uh so brought to my attention that somebody was outside collecting money for the venue here but no one here is a free night there's no cover charge tonight so you find that person please try to get your money back [Laughter] [Applause] somebody's done you are in the lion's den now places you know up low right now [Music] in the fanny pack in the somewhere else oh no I'm cool and I watch the show it's getting a little hairy in there buddy don't worry the bag of money's at the bar okay I'm gonna go by the bar there's things over there only find out I mean looks like the Vols in town oh here we go my psychic or did skip people their money back damn you guys covered in beer go to the crowd headquarters guys and I got the money here [Applause] I'm sorry about this big misunderstanding I thought I was gonna get away with this I didn't think I was gonna get caught it's a big misunderstanding last thing you do jump up on the stage ask it right you're all square [Applause] guys who are all square right we're all square but you do look like a for-real ass [Music] well Jojo are losers so today we brought you to a fundraising event at the Algonquin Arts Theatre which is a non-profit theater company that teaches children all about the are you gonna be giving them a full presentation about how you spent their money I'm guessing we miss out located fun I'm good I'll tell you that much oh wow you got a lot of people suits here of a serious-looking donors here hi everyone we raised so much money thank you all for making it possible the Algonquin has spent the past five months raising money to upgrade their theater and they just raised 125 grand at their annual gala from these people they will want to know where their money went we're excited to introduce two gentlemen who are putting the money to great use our new treasurer and our new secretary there we go hello everyone how are you we're gonna take you through some dough we've been allocating the funds over the last few months okay state-of-the-art coat room motorized coat organization and delivery system tell them about the app there's a downloadable app that lets you check on the status of your code during a performance this was $60,000 $60,000 to do this you don't want to lose the coat because then your nights ruined and you're literally out in the cold she's furious okay how about we have an in-house choreographer in residence Enrico our executive producer when you have to outsource choreography they really hit you over the head so we decided to bring in Enrico McPartland protege an ex-lover of Twyla Tharp we just got him fun 95 thousand a year and we're putting him up for nine months at the Four Seasons in Lakewood any other thoughts on in Africa it's gonna be great yeah how about there's a new handicap ramp there's an ornate spiral design we hired one of the greatest local architects in the tri-state area that was about a hundred K the way off the ramp is a little bit harder than the way down you wasted all their money all the legacy circle you were excited yeah our goal is to have all the elderly supporters yep make a lasting commitment to the Algonquian by making a planned gift for when they expire yeah a possible donor that we've identified as Bar Barbara County Caligari who's currently 98 years old she was recently diagnosed with pneumonia and is in Hospice we've reached out and we're waiting on word back Bob's will do the right thing here's what we're doing guys we're spending money to get money yeah this is a new deal with the partner theaters we've teamed up with a multi-level marketing company to help theaters across the region because just helping us is gonna help everybody else right so we give unsold tickets to other theaters and then the tickets are sold from our theater to other theatres as part of the two-for-one deal we Google the pyramid scheme and and went with that don't be scared by the shape this is just an upside down triangle bottom line your donations of 125,000 Curtis expenses right now is 2.4 million but while working on them working on that we need to say this year that we're coming to you right now saying we're desperate Sal reveal the thermometer to your right it's covered well we're gonna just show you right here so here's here's the goal and tonight we're starting here guys take the collection basket out from there we want you to go around the room collecting this will help us we're gonna go we're gonna go Sunday Church style super healthy anything you can give us [Music] [Music] Murr is our loser so for your punishment today would be pumping you full of histamines I'm allergic to histamine everybody's allergic to me so we got an allergic reaction yes right and then what and then we'll take it from there [Applause] you guys don't know what Australia's Thunder from Down Under it's the hum train yeah can I you know alright well ladies I want you all to prepare yourselves because you are in for one truths all right bar here we got oh my god it's so icky I'm so excited Reilly's thunder from Deana that wants you to know that there's a new sheriff put your hands together for [Applause] [Music] look at the confusion [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] then Emery fell down the stairs and start there it's a tile because we want them to see your disgusting flesh close-up on throw now and throw up everyone stand for their life I'm literally getting itchy right now mark you're gonna dance with that one stage [Applause] just follow the lead keep up with him buddy look out discussing you are finished [Applause] [Music] hey hey all right it's all big Lou I just peruse years ago what do we got you ever see the movie Indecent Proposal that's where Robert Redford pays a lot of money in order for that to sleep with the girlfriend that is correct have you ever seen dirty dancing yes that's a Patrick Swayze Jennifer great vehicle very popular today you're gonna be a dance instructor and assess now I'm gonna go around there just Big Daddy some proposals to the couple's and we'll see if we got any takers what if someone takes me up on it well good luck are you going for losing the winner today we're going to learn a little bit of salsa and I'm going to introduce to you Sal who's my teaching assistant indecent assistant the punishment sofa after you have indecently proposed to every couple in there March March March March March [Music] this is a tell of sound when he's nervous as always yeah yeah you got to do them all but you have to do them all sound so start somewhere I understand Anderson well look don't be too hard on yourself yeah you know what I mean speaking of hard speaking of hard I I will tell you guys I have a passion for passion and the money to back it out you're a ghost and I have the money to back it up just swirl that around the head yes okay well no no so that still stands there huh I'd love to see a couple try news that's rough you caught wind about what's going on here hey with the most respect I just want to say and help you take is a comma you guys a very nice couple I'm independently wealthy and like meeting new people and I'm open to a number if you guys requested to to be open to a rope and a relationship of any kind no snap judgments just let you know that if there's a number I would meet it and the offers on the table and good link-up thank you okay thank you look at her face oh stop did we tell you about that briefcase yet yes out by the door there's a briefcase full of money for you to offer people show everybody that money but I think that's about wrapped up we're gonna wrap up shortly again I spoke to most of you but this is on the table if we have any takers happy salsa Joe is that he's big losers so for his punishment we've taken into the bustling heartland brewery the tables upstairs are ours and they break go break the tables the other ones that are noise what happens to those alright buddy is it's lunch time it's a busy New York City crowd and among all these tables only eight of them break everybody soon okay yeah good great I'm manager so anything you need so the people sitting at our tables are with us the rest of the customers are real and have no idea what's happening but Joe all the tables look the same I was hoping that would have been a misstep no I mean I gotta try to stay longer to try to stable with the dude you there he goes everything okay where'd you get that good beef stroganoff meatloaf sorry about that you know I could I could find out if I can get you another burger yeah I can find out we might have some in the we were getting a delivery just gonna crumble if you put 5 pounds of pressure on it we're gonna need you to go full-bore airborne oh my god yeah broken glass up front we'll get you another water there we'll clean that up well good thing I got the raincoat on cuz you got a little wet with the water sorry I gotta clean this up this a little slippery Oh floor slippery careful I realize there was so much water on there he went down like a dead body that's unfortunate we're gonna need another table I'm a manager two people are in disbelief and this place is dead quiet you're not done yet that's just one on the manager yeah just check and make sure it's sturdy that's good that's solid that's it for sure ski but he just laid it in their plates and everything good yes great excellent good I'm not sure about this one he's only one way to find out though all right I just got to do it like a band-aid I'm okay I'm a manager that one stung I'm gonna try this table behind me please do jump right now on the table top I'm a manager get them a cheesecake halfway there buddy Jota once your love looks pretty peculiar cheers guys call my dick anymore patting you on the manager how's the bread is that one was easy guys just messing with me there I'm always easy bad Joe what is this look some tables are harder break than others sometimes you need to get off the top rope you can I mean that's what I want to see I mean that's it if that's not a hint I don't know what is does that table this is a ladder break or not that was only one way to find out huh just anticipating the jump do you want to back up I mean this is happening [Applause] I get you to check Ballack you are our losers and gentlemen your punishment do is sell this beautiful turquoise ring yeah we got your dress steel up in your Sunday finest you're gonna go into your office and just make some cold holes and sell this ring cold call the hell out of it gentlemen oh you can't leave the room till it's sold there she is the jewel nobody's going to buy it whoa it's hot it is hot oh wait you guys are cold oh it's 89 right now and we just walked in I gentlemen I hate a point is out but it's only gonna get hotter in the room we better get to work all right one two one smart Nicole man yeah yeah no seven - OH dial tone comes up quick training do you want me to join in - I'll wait I'll wait you bring me on as your manager [Laughter] this ring even how are you I'm so glad to talk to you my name is Brian quit I'm calling from the Staten Island turquoise ring company the holidays are coming we wish them were firing off these I want to put my manager hi Aidan this is Sal Vulcano we are cold calling turquoise rings today for sale for the holidays okay you haven't heard it's from the Philippines AIDS baby why don't they call mates Aden it's over 125 like our flesh is expand got a number all over try 88 this is the pizzeria I used is it when I was a child you guys are getting desperate Amba she knows hey Ann frisina oh my god this is amazing this is Brian Quinn I order from you guys all the time I'm on that TV show Impractical Jokers wow this could work listen man I have an overabundance of turquoise rings and I know then Ambrose e knows pizzas my favorite pizza instead out best pizza man great stuff great so what happened is Sal and I came into possession of a surplus of turquoise rings I'm unloading them for the low low price in 1990 Mike that's one nine nine nine you're damn right it is and guess what we can deliver it we can deliver today we could deliver it to someone's house we can deliver it to someone's job at residential office building all right here it is very happy because we've been trying to sell it all day all right so 1999 good now you got me a little weary here what could we do but could we do to prove to you that this is real Mike think about it why would I call this pizzeria unless it was the cue that comes in there all the time so don't you shouldn't you say what you always order i order the hot cherry pepper on top of that I don't care whether I borrow a dollar slice or reward we're all pizza I'll throw I'm throwing money in that tip jar you know that I like you listen just cuz you said the hot chili pepper I'm gonna do it for you [Music] so your punishment buddy we took you to Little People party in Brooklyn New York where there's a gaggle of toddlers downstairs playing amongst them as a dirty diaper you gotta go in there find that load you can't pick up a person's child you can't and that's why this is what it is all right there he is the guy with the serial killer Sonny Khan will get around the kids play space let's start jr. I'll be right there so is what happens here is they might suspect the huge appearance and his kid is somewhere about yes but sooner or later they're gonna see that no child ever goes down I don't know what kid poop smells like so I'm just assuming I'm gonna know when I get it hi hi how are you gonna find that diaper buddy Oh God my life is so weird [Laughter] yeah I'm just walking around mumble into myself I do that a lot I'm Brian hi how are very nice to me me me something how is these sir these onesies on odor protection this is sort of thing that you're just kind of like you pick it up anyway all right well he's my first time and it's uh my my friend has kids and I'm thinking about one day maybe having them so I thought I'd just come oh no no I don't know I just came down to see like what it is like no no no no anyway good to me now is getting tense where's my little cheeky monkey - I just wanted you to concentrate for a second yeah we told you to find the dirty diaper yes I'm working on it we didn't necessarily say damn you to take a good look at the crowd a little bit too left maybe oh my god I think that she's with you guys but she might not be that is what the issue is ah she just pointed think I'm really talking about you guys this is gonna be my job harder bizarre she just said bizarre yes he's not here with any children that's not safe my god quite frankly she's right there you go oh my god she's reporting he's getting tense now she's reporting these are the child cops I'm gonna confirm boys all right buddy here we go wow this kid pooped his diapers I found them Elmo you have some recent experience with wigs not by choice okay well somebody in the Delmonico's is wearing a wig is it you is your hair for no it is not you have to find that wig all right there he is oh yeah the newest waiter oh my god it's a packed restaurant so many heads so many choices buddy 200 people is restaurant yeah is one way oh my god it's him it's right here for sure look at that holy fake get in there mark all right god I'm going and quick just do it and live with it hold on it's definitely hard look at how look at all right it's definitely not hard it isn't no way up let me get let me squeeze in here there we go I'm sorry here we go oh the hairdresser alright I wouldn't do it I would and it's all yours I'm literally sweating feels like me out there these people seem suspect the older lady and and the guy with a blonde hair both these people are great wigs on whose do I pull she just gave you two hands buddy you guys let me let me refill these I'm gonna try and get Bob off can I give you a suggestion for dessert by the way so my favorite of the menu is the creme brulee out so you want look what they do is the oh my god oh my god you're hearing both real I feel like a fool take care gonna pull every person that was our guy so we don't know what's gonna happen now [Music] every what to do I gotta be honest I don't care this is 200 people oh wait what you had that mark the great hair okay I think I might not have enough okay I can't believe he thinks it's the woman over the guy but it's already and it didn't come off howdy hard drugs tug to get it all how hard you have to tug to get it off nobody else really all right here we go guys everything hot and delicious and forgive me I just wanted to make sure everything's good and just one last time everything [Applause] this restaurant [Music] well Mari is a loser see you're dressed up that's K we have you at Yonkers City Hall and you're gonna be giving a speech to the mayor's Advisory Board yes well what am i advising them on let's just say you're an expert with a great speech I know what you think we wrote the speech yeah promise you the speech is fine yes please the question what's not fine this is straight-up City Hall like we're penetrating the government these are real advisors serious business advisory boards a woman's advisory board a Muslim advisory board and they invited murder to speak Mary the speech is on the table but there's also a stack of cards with random lines on it when we say line at any point you read that line no matter where you are in the speech okay welcome everyone here at the City Hall the mayor's the only one in on it with us although Murray doesn't know that I'd like to introduce you to change who'll be overseeing our new advisory board give a nice Yonkers welcome to James [Applause] okay Thank You mayor Spano and thank you to the City of Yonkers I'm truly honored that you asked me to speak at this milestone event who's gonna say like first we're gonna say it first importance of these advisory boards to make decisions about local government without the council of different representatives would be foolish line my bald head is filled with crazy thoughts in order to determine what is best for your city you must consider the needs of all who reside here line I only touched his throat in my opinion diversity brings together so many people from various walks of life into one room is often the closest thing mine I washed it what happens next is up to you I think it is beautiful to see so many people here today don't man who cares so deeply about the community they represent a community is like a quilt interwoven with many different parts line show of hands wouldn't year were you born the road ahead is not easy but it is in the hands of people who care it is your job to give your community of vision it's your job to help them overcome adversity line we've all slept on a wet mattress that we don't know how it got that way I have never been so happy to be back here working together is caring together like my father really messed me up emotionally liner it itches and big burns but I still show up for work and removing that's when I developed a mantra that guided me Malcolm X has streets named after him for a reason capeesh all the women in the world aren't worth a goose drop to a Flemish man line I've been attacked by monkeys on three separate occasions I love to share a personal anecdote like home is where you do to the hardest when folks on a platform as visible as can be seen it's a huge inspiration it looks like a room where people have just been laying fought after the thought and everybody's too polite to say anything about it before I turn things over to mayor Spano I'd like to close by saying fine there's water on my Cooley [Laughter] [Applause] I'm gonna take my notes this work very nice work there's no way I can't go out this way oh I'm sorry can you mind if I [Music] surprise surprise Sal is that loser we brought him up here to monarch rooftop for a networking event here's what you gotta do but it's very simple we want you to give out your business card to who we think is the most important person in the room and here is your only business card only there's only one person that party that's getting that card okay you won't know if you give it to the right person till last you've given it to them we've told you right on what happened and if you don't get it right you've got to take that card back all right I understand everything okay so we're invading New York Cares event this is real charity people real charity these are good people you should look them up they're all important but Sal's gotta find the most important person in this room now he only has one business card and here we go hey Tim how are you how's everything good this guy's like a badass Colonel Mustard with the Ascot on point Oh coach sword a new Korean food yeah oh my goodness that seems like very important today for over a decade putting in the time I try to sell us operator boy it seems important you're right you might be the most important guy in here I might have stopped yeah an ascot on let me let me let me tip let me give you my card there you go that's a Salvatore burner over there sounds pretty cool Antipas an entrepreneur I love it if you keep in touch you got my number in my email thank you I'll see you in a moment okay do you see that soon No so when do we want to pick her the most important person in the room is let's give it a man I'm gonna feel it on my hey how you doing nice to see you what's going on yeah me too I'm an entrepreneur and a philanthropist I worked in technology bring that did this totally disenfranchised communities [Music] the Xbox what do you do like son this guy seems to purport do let me do my card if you ever wanted to sum and do something with the school and we can do like a technology initiative yeah but just want to play locally just want to play cold DoDEA whatever oh I see no cars left hold on one second let me let me grab a flee and so it begins oh there is Timbo so yeah oh this is gonna be tough this is gonna be tough so so so Tim I met I met a person over here who who I would like to this sucks give my business card to well well why don't you remember eyes the rub tip I gave you my last one if you wouldn't mind thank you so much okay that was tough but Elliott there you go that's got my number and email on it I'd love for you to reach out yeah south he's not the most important guy in the room that they brought back oh I I'm just seeing that that guy over there is from a publication that I've been trying to to get with the quite some time and you have my only card you have my last card is there any way that I might be able to have the card back also I can give it to him yeah Thank You Elliot how's everything going guys give you my card philanthropist and entrepreneur really that's actually my last card I'm an exhibitor Patrick yeah Lucille Bluth does not like that Oh put it for the blind that's very god so if you don't I just want to Robbie I'm gonna give that to you you know what is I only had the one so I'm trying to figure out you know who is the you know more you know import yeah there it is now spoiler alert neither than the important man get that card back oh it's a pleasure thank you here's a hint one of the people you've already given the car to was the most important person in the room it was either Tim or Elliott they staying together [Applause] correct in the before weekend so can you see there one second Tim thank you one second there you go Eliot Jos he's big loser hey buddy we're in a Woodbridge Center and all you gotta do really is just give massages to people shopping in the mall all right get out there give them some rub downs a little bit more than just giving us your in a massage chair thanks for the update yeah yeah do you do you know what do you think the climates like in here it's it's a it's a balmy 97 degrees I'm ensconced in pleather Joe where are your arms can you move them right here where are your legs they he anything like when people sit on you it's gonna hurt probably this so when they put their arms in the over the bag you're gonna massage it with your hand I don't know what I'm gonna do talking me like I've done this before oh you mean the last time I was massage chair here we go here we go Oh take off buddy turn on yes not massaging Joe she thinks it's real she's now she's squinting like this is a little weird all right Joe use your hands time is up there is a thin layer of pleather between me and someone's fists at the sides I punched the chair that grabs them we're hoping vibrate combination [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] he's already in sales the smell this chairs gonna start smelling I'm sweating like an animal in you Joe this machine makes noises no use the hands bud [Laughter] alright Joey Joe give her the old whirly world leaderly setting what if the chair gives compliments you look beautiful today [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] time is up you're welcome guys is this not alright one last person that battle do your flew by Amba in from Japan flambo weighing in at about 387 pounds god Hey [Music] the episode so we brought him to the Cresskill Swim Club today what you're gonna do is empty that pool you know kick all the kids out for being bullies I don't like bullying everybody out of pool so I'm the bully yes matter what they say doesn't matter what their parents say get him out this might be the first day in my life and then I don't have fun in the pool everyone at the pool is now safe Sal Vulcano all lives have been guarded right now this is cool believable [Music] honestly I don't know here we go I just I just noticed the bullying Canton can't bully okay guys five minutes five minutes I I need you to take a seat for five minutes okay it's five minutes okay thanks guys [Music] moms looking talked to this kid as he's walking excuse me she's gonna who are you with over here are you with anyone over here okay what's your name Collin I gotta need you to sit down for five minutes call me just sit down for five minutes for the bullying okay why did you watch that all you want ten minutes you want ten minutes okay word is spreading that this lifeguard is not like Sal the punishment ends when the pool was empty once a bully Sal yep so this kid on the slides when he comes through blow the whistle right get him out of that pool well maybe they did something let's go canal I need you to come out buddy how was that you showing off trying to make everybody feel bad trying to make everybody feel bad about themselves classic bully technique oh no no he wasn't you're out for five minutes you don't talk to someone less they want you to speak to him that's bullying go sit over there please on a bench fight bully 5 waiting all right okay five minutes all right you know what five minutes can't bully people [Laughter] because people are bullying people and I can't stand for that bullies out of the pole and bullies out of the pool for a reason so says you this kids throwing somebody on the right right on the right yeah I mean that best boy right there see that hey buddy I can't have you bullying people like that and throwing people I can't have it out out now do me a favor just come out of the pool for five minutes please appreciate it get it begin oh here we go I just didn't want him to bully anybody so I took him out of the pool for a few minutes did you ask is that your brother well he'll be back in five minutes I'll let him back in a fight why just I can can't believe children that's all all right father yes baby back in all right so then five minutes and we're here I interpreted it as a bully so I just gotta give at least a five right ma'am I'm feeling bullied make us sit for five minutes I'm sort of feeling bullied a little bit right now I'm gonna have to get get the F of five for five minutes these kids are here and someone else throws them and I don't want to be thrown I gotta know you know so I just like take care of your kids only cuz I it's only another two and a half minutes at this point I mean at this point it's only two and a half minutes you have time served so yeah I only told me it's for their protection really one of us a lot of [Music] it's the bully whistle I I can't do this anymore guys you gotta let me go you've gotta let me go city Sal bully is a disease this whole pool apparently has caught the disease you have to clear the whole pool that's it no I really I really gotta stop this everything's bullies everybody are you gonna bully come on please get three is come here let's go I can't do it I cannot do it come here here right here right here I need you I'm gonna stay here guys I'm gonna take you I'm up to dim here he Stella's ruining summer five five five five five five minutes if I hear any lip it's ten he's cleared the whole thing that's it room summer buddy I'm gonna pass out well done guys well there we go let's go swimming boys [Music] she was our loser and today he's volunteering at the Long Island cares Food Bank and he's hungry I'm gonna need this buddy take you two seconds come over this one one for that one for you here's the volunteer extraordinaire Brian cube Quinn coming to do some good over here don't like civic duty all right so now Q's hungry and that's actually the punishment help yourself important to note for everyone think you ruins we're replacing it with three brand-new items so we're actually doing some good work up a hunger looking at all this food you know here we go yeah sure a breakfast oh you don't need the food for the needy No it is well we put a fork in your pocket there's a fork in your cargo pants she's steaming rightfully so alright q sir we can't eat the donations that's cool one of our producers he's our Inside Man we can't be eating the food Sato thought it was dinged I don't see a ding sir he put a lot of what everyone's doing well alright new guys fired up do guys time oh my god disapproving looks being shot everywhere [Laughter] feel like a human raccoon is couraging for food they hate me I feel that hate for me yeah humming off in waves get hungry bud just whisper what's this place kotte what else this place cut open you can on the table jelly corn milk ham dude your ass is gonna be making a donation in a few minutes [Laughter] whole thing dole things all Danes [Laughter] [Music] Joe loss so we are here at a busy shopping plaza parking lot for Joe's punishment Joe that's a good one you're gonna be helping people today I like how well they want you to or not not I don't like all right so when people get out of the car and go into the store you were going to start washing their car they come back out to find you doing that and then Oh strumming they're gone right of course that's why we conceived the idea and that's what you do it's already too hot Joe I don't know if I've ever seen you less than 60 it is 104 degrees out you tell me how you think my body's doing we do my balls alike right now I mean you've got cleaning products oh look at that a pickup truck coming on in lots of surface area buddy lots of services you have to race your punishment finishes when you clean an entire car oh he's watching you oh I'm watching your car I already started he's like I don't know one day you know being very thorough the show you can't stop until 100% of the car is clean it's not here yet this you guys forget I'm Italian from Staten Island how many calls I washed here we go you're welcome buddy my pleasure to do it it's a nice mobile what is this a Tonka I'll just need about 10 more minutes are you never gonna make this I mean not even at 30 percent of that are we gonna make it Joe hit that window by his face with the water like for a couple of seconds welcome you're welcome [Laughter] I think you know I didn't get more all of it though ha it's like a hundred degrees out here we knew was gonna be a scorcher today so that's why you picked today so I sweat my face off correct but we all see your friends yeah I love you you don't want to Killian overheat yeah can be dangerous in the summer you want to strip down probably oh my god I do not this is backfired officially hold on this call I think in that one mic pack in his ass what is that it's my I got an Audi you want me to clean that I'm looking I can just wash it while you waiting I didn't know so you're checking out the goods I started checking out the goods I figured no free it's merely service I got five years of it I get this for about five years we'll be straight oh good you got out let me get it the interior real quick you gotta get the inside because if you go I'll just get the rug for you real quick here's the host there you go his videotape right are you videoing me that's kind of weird chop this up in scotch organ pop that real quick honey [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] happy j-q a city's big loser and what a monumental day it is you're gonna go into this building right now buddy an attempt to shatter a world record time is of the essence yeah here you go just go don't ask questions who here likes turtles raise our hand if you like turtles yeah so here's two of our producers so yes I'll see these eggs today there's a hundred and forty-four turtle eggs that are supposed to hatch today so they're being told that Q is a scientist who's gonna come out and help little baby turtles out of all these eggs what we're telling Q is that he's here to smash these eggs over his head as fast as possible yeah you see the problem yeah hey bud do you have any semblance of what you think you're about to know I was zero clue as to what this is it's fun buddy I'm sure for you are you guys ready to meet the doctor sure you're gonna go out there say you guys ready here we go an attempt to break the most eggs over your head in one minute thank you remember giving time speed is of the essence how's it going all right here we go decided three two one go [Music] [Applause] [Applause] obviously these are store-bought again [Applause] going as planned [Applause] okay Q yeah now turn around and give this presentation although you have egg on your face [Laughter] where are the Turtles you guys yes we just caught some therapy bills boys now we're gonna tell the kids eventually [Applause] no amount of chanting will bring these Turtles back to life turtles turtles packs in captivity are 100% safe from natural predators and each turtle weighs up to a thousand eggs so if we have a hundred and forty-four turtles here we 144,000 turtles in the future it's mayhem Oh No cute this is my turtle Myrtle that's Myrtle let's it's baby turtles this is dark man go free kids just grab one no here you go be careful don't break it I actually don't trust your weather let me hold it all right actually let me hold it just to drop the hedges he's a very delicate throw it to the ground [Music] while we track that punishment Murray is that big loser that's right today we're at tumblr and the CEO is giving their weekly meeting and Murray you are a new hire very hip and young you're gonna tackle the whole thing yeah just before we get rolling here I would love it this week CEO is the only one in the room that notice he gave us permission to film with tumblr Murray does not know that intern experience beza mana I'm originally from Turkey and I've been working on is core team yeah like a boss it was amazing it was wicked I organized a like a boss yeah [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] more obnoxious they'll go boughs I had meetings with other teams so it was really great like a bow before I start anything about my project I needed to plan it I had a us experience before but it was with objective-c like a boss just mumble tumblr police on their breath tumblr Shoetique mono I mean who doesn't come up who doesn't come up in this meeting doesn't come up seems like the whole company's coming up reminder Brianna's on participation trophy for everybody it's like a participation trophy [Applause] Shuki tell us about your experience this summer rookie sure kidnapped [Music] sugar sugar now hey I have an idea want to zip it until he's finished okay thanks security all the employees using a interpersonal I am called slack and they're on a call for security to come get them out so Murr just say I'm on slack - I can see what you guys are doing here I'm on select - I know what you guys are doing we have a special surprise for y'all we just found that a little while ago how big a fan they are of Guy Fieri and it turns out Joe has his contact info and we called guy and SM to call in [Applause] [Music] [Applause] everybody flavortown hope you having a good summer yeah Guy Fieri you suck by the way you are huge on tumblr I don't know if you knew that or not our team really loves you a lot we have a big Guy Fieri sucks hey watch yourself out no you're at the top of the everybody buckle up Casals I'll lose it tonight yes we don't even know how to explain this one to nobody so if you look how the COPE work a desk and see what happens nothing's gonna be revealed to you no no Sal your punishment is right across the road yes that's okay boys there you go buddy here comes all loser start your shift pal all right your clients will be arriving shortly what are you doing they just told me to come in here and sit down the best ingredient in any Sal punishment is when his dad is here to witness it I'm excited what uh-oh what's that the fax coming in there's a gas coming up there's a fax coming through what's that say it's catch the chicken catch the chicken what does that mean child you got the facts catch the chicken what is this for oh they don't bite come on son you could do is look at my goddamn clothes though is that a velociraptor gotta move a little quicker than that sound oh my God he's everywhere he's gonna all over me Ricky boom okay buddy come on let's just go in the thing so this is not a good look for you shop please my friends watch it oh there he goes there he goes get him get him get him that's not how you catch a chicken bud at what point do you realize that this doesn't work Wow if your sister was here she'd have their chicken in a crate so he's got nowhere to go Sal get him that's it that's it [Applause] good job buddy that's coming now there's another fax catch catch all the chickens just call him buddy they're the same white guy right get in there just just pick them up oh we just growled at me about you I think these are fighting chickens what [Music] the longer you take the more chickens get thrown in I'm not gonna hurry up grim grim shell rip now now now that's it that is gonna on me what happened so close yo he'll go now what your friends trauma meant it was all the charm shall set them with the show go in the field [Applause] [Music] today Murr is our big loser so we welcome you - thank you so much we'd like to introduce you to our between fourth and sixth grader Jake now it is widely known between us that four years of Murr has stated if he ever had to go up against between fourth and sixth grader in trivia he would demolish and destroy them here's how it works every time Jake beats Murr he gets to choose an item for murrs apartment the game's over when Murr beats Jake three times and Murr will not be reimbursed for any of the items that Jake wins Jake look at me he's very nervous right now yes okay question number one this city was the first capital of the United States answers logs great Burt what did you have not only do I know the answer I live down the block from the first capital of the United States would you get New York Jake what you get Philadelphia it's all right Jake just get you together next question in the game of chess which two pieces are involved in castling Oh Murray's got a neck twitch saying to me that he this answer I don't know Jess Queen and the rook that is not kind Jake let's see you have the correct answer chained in the room [Applause] everybody here we have a live feed in Mars apartment look he will be guiding Jake through the house and Jake gets to pick anything you want some battle lightsabers they don't break okay 80 inch TV Jake what would you like for murrs apartment I choose his shower heads the shower the shower heads over the TV what kind of kid is this was that the kind my buildings taking it off yeah that guy works there we paid him serious you understand the apartment is a rental I have to pay for the every now you know you just cost me serious money kid all right which one of these states was not one of the original 13 colonies Georgia was not one of the first 13 that is incorrect Jake what do you have Oh hot and I'm like Swami right now what possession of Murray's would you like to own now I would like the front door handle hazy we're gonna go for the front door handle please oh man many of you will note that the front door handle is needed to both enter and exit apart do you know how much my security deposit is there you go okay here we go who wrote the outsiders some classic stuff you're an English major and an author I do not know this Jake what is your answer he is correct what do you want to take now Jim I would like the Georgetown diploma going for the jugular congratulations Jake you just went to Georgetown [Music] yeah Hugh has lost the episode so we brought him here to the unbelievable white post farms what kind of punishment is bringing me to a zoo this is where I'm the happiest good well we're gonna make you an exhibit here yeah you will live amongst the squalor and swine until we say otherwise they have goats zebras alpacas giraffes and now a cue it's great the collections complete so in its dawning on me that I am gonna be in a cage yes what do you mean it's dawning on you we just told you this is this is dumb we have this lovely zoo abode you got shade there you got a blanket in the pillow this lukewarm tempered cesspool sphere for your comfort even what kind of throw in a bathing suit what am I supposed to do you live here Olivia you know you can hang out you can check in with friends we hung it towards you you got your cell phone that we took from you earlier hanging oh my god is it a hundred degrees yes does it smell like hot manure yes we uh we're gonna go my buddy we're gonna leave you with a companion there it is that's a camel what's his name peps Oh Pepe stinks yeah it's a camel okay bye bye buddy when do I go home when it's over [Applause] [Music] what do you think fat BAE we don't pose no no don't eat the toilet paper ah hey is Pepe allowed to eat my air-conditioning if I don't eat my pool hey no Pepe no Pepe now oh you already started pooping this camel in here now hey trying to sleep here pal you know Pepe is really go to town on the equipment guys Who am I talking to Oh thank you [Music] oh my god tempest in there happy oh I hate you guys please shut up food in my pool looks pretty boring hey I used to be a fireman pepper used to be useful hello hungry new treats um in pepperoni yeah yeah yeah all right I'll tell you thank you for that see you later thank you for coming in and don't step in the puddle of camel piss yes thanks for coming in here and just throwing food to me I know what point do I get let out okay so bored Pepe flies everywhere Pepe everybody's staring at me Pepe Pepe is gonna bet not what you need are you okay you want to clean me with me you dolly all right no Pepe go for friends man well my baby baby-by hey Siri FaceTime Joe Gatto hey I can't take it I can't take it anymore I can't I'm losing it I know get me out of here oh you okay I'm an idiot I probably could have left ten minutes after they left and it would have been fine and instead I'm an ass that stayed inside of this thing all day and I'm going and I'm done and I'm out of here [Music] we're here at MLB Network Studios Joey's playing a producer on an actual show co-hosted by Carlos Pena and Mark DeRosa Carlos and Mark are taking the viewer through just some basic baseball tips and tricks hey Joe DeRosa and Pena are the only ones who don't know what's going on here three two one hey Mark DeRosa here Carlos Pena as well we're inside studio 42 alright so for your punishment you just got to keep doing push-ups while they're trying to make this show it's over when you hit 100 give me when I'm dead it's that simple we wanted you to do some of it on camera one two back it while it's on the nothing as long as my hands are taking that path to the inside half of the base good form Joey we're going into he's zoned in it his body is awakened like never before this is blood coursing through his veins yeah Evan is slowing down seventy two more to go hands you run out of length here comes a barrel so it's also just little prick I'm impressed he's not done anything in years use his heart is that like four hundred beats a minute right now perhaps there's a yeah trying to keep up [Music] great job guys really good he's out of breath you're banging out five right now you want to be shorter without oh no I mean what the more you say is it better actually why are you can you stay locked in all right boys let's get back in the bus in the shop you're getting in a really narrow shot just he's in the shot like [Music] he's in the shot my back let's see someone important let's go let's finish this oh my god they're laughing and then they're now they're getting annoyed Joey there's a coach coming your way he's gonna help you out no we're talking about it dad you spend an easy to go in there and be very very disappointed and Joe you're embarrassing me Joe we got another dude you just come see a star star who are these people there's no idea I'm his friend's dad I'm over here yeah Shawn had its own kind of off the air so I get locked in with [Music] I'm gonna call it I call it come on come on I even work here seriously hi Joey's a loser and you might notice right over there is the Holy Grail Yankee Stadium why are we here us because it cross the street today at billy sports bar the legendary Tino Martinez former Yankee is doing an autograph signing Tino yes you know do you got a did one ruin some autographs he's a legendary yang I've got a legendary loser yeah look at him he's magnificent I'm a fan man could you sign that this is his punishment Tino don't do it I hear you're a champion those are those of three losers you lose you lose it here how do I get my balls busted by Tino hello Hawaii sir I'm bill thank you so much for all clothes here nice meeting you it's pretty simple q you just got to ruin every autograph yeah oh boy No thank you very much appreciate you coming oh this is a mega fan how was it yeah I was I worked here they won't let me go over there and say hello to him would he give you oh that's me a kid that's a kid's name all right Q crease that photo man that's a pigeon fold it in half on me oh yeah oh my bad here you go buddy hey done all right oh my god man [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] there you go Q how was he how was he distract and this isn't real don't mess with the New York women I've never seen a person react the way that those two women ruled is crazy that is a fun-loving gap big fan thank you thanks so much uh here we go you got three dudes look at you look how was he here you go let me see that picture hey hey you gone there what do you got what are you right to so much oh wait till you ask me sign it huh my knees I told you said sign it we're here at six Hills Golf Course where people having just a great day playing golf I don't have to explain this to you no let me just ruin people's coffee yeah yeah hated them - and - I got four there you go yeah you got four swype beautiful beautiful day here at Dix Hills course right sun is shining birds chirp and nothing could ruin this day just gonna mess up every game look out here comes a ball that's a shot how there's go play that ball south Oh God Golf is all about rules and etiquette right don't violate missions and then this out destroy all of it in one fell swoop I'm so nervous and I don't know what to do I I hate this I hate this a lot right now oh my god wave it at no one this one here's the top flight though wait you picked it up all right thank you hit again thank you I appreciate I don't know I thought you said that that wasn't your ball well I man I am glad this is not me oh my god oh there's the ball the move right where that ball went I want you on a a business call a big merger buddy Bob I don't have time for this I'm on the link I say we merge I don't care I'm sorry hold on Bob I had a Myrna I'm sorry I'm sorry I was not a quality I'm sorry you can't go on the green with the court oh I'm sorry was on a call I'm so sorry urghhh guys merge the two company just put in circles no after today after today the two companies become one yeah well I have stock options I don't know when they mature I'm getting nauseous here we go Sal teeing off all right Sal grab the book of the balls in the back of the cart go dump them right around there oh they're watching you Walter oh [Music] yeah yeah absolutely that's not try my best so I was because your note you're writing away in a Bing that as well as well me too no trouble I was I was also playing Devon I woulda got Betty all right I would have got that one in I would have 200 oh my god get in this out how's your game going so far today I'm playing two balls okay he's teeing two balls I'll take a closer one I could pick up the closer ball if you want oh you want to pick that one yeah take that home yes so you take the shot it's over [Music] ride off into the sunset champion I teach everything I know is to a beautiful friendship hey I'm coming to you live for murrs punishment where he's going to have to take out a roll of dirty professional that's right in every lap where he does not take out someone we are going to use his computer to send an email from his account and what's an email has been sent he cannot negate it he cannot apologize for it that email stands that's right are you ready Murr No [Applause] [Music] [Applause] these ladies gonna absolutely destroy him oh okay they come come one more lapping the first email gets sent by them let me check someone mark check them - chuckles there you go mark here we go Marie's approaching from the rear oh come on you went around but you didn't check anyone that was the rule there you go Mary this is the email that went out sending Carson your assistant hey Carson I want to get one of these for each of the guys we can order tonight please you could use my business card and that is for a home massage chair one for each of us my friend how much are these chairs there [Applause] show it off oh I like this taunting check someone I can't not I need speed bar you can't Maurice is waiting and they're trying to grab them yes [Applause] so we're gonna go to his sent emails and then follow up on something he's already emailed to okay who's Todd my lawyer for my will you will start that on a cash yo Todd Stern who's what do I have to suck to get a reply come I'm important hurry up James s Murray TV star and send your assistant back sure thing some of the addresses I'll get these orders thanks for the massage [Laughter] serious the next one's tough can I'm speedy speaking up see go hit her go for where you got speed now Jack arrived [Applause] congratulations we're proud of you thank you for coming out ladies and gentlemen we've been the Impractical Jokers [Music] today we are Krav Maga Kadim II and NYC's teaching self-defense and fitness well getting on Maga we're gonna have to do and say what the other guys tell us if you refuse anything you lose take it easy we all had one student so we gave you like ten you just have to pants one of them let's have you guys take a seat [Music] be clear you're not mmm you sure okay it's a bad choice because we looked at the episode math and you have lost this episode my friend your punishment starts now okay so we're gonna we're gonna I knew he'd say no so we planned a little surprise right little is the right word all right show this is this is taking a turn so we were actually gonna have a little bit of an exhibition today we're gonna have a little bit of a exhibition today between me between myself someone who's coming in right now that's Randy Couture okay so in case you don't know this he's three times UFC heavyweight champion three-time UFC light heavyweight champion four-time greco-roman national champion this man is a living legend Sal your punishment is pants Randy Couture but Sal this is an added bonus Randy is gonna be trying to paint you the whole time [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] now what is pinball wow he's sexy oh you had to do is tap out buddy [Laughter] there's a little something for you happy holiday South off front Jeff from Wilson berry counter let us borrow a couple of his buddies to mess a lot Big Bear I'm on the pest house it's about 150 degrees in here I'm claustrophobic as it stands I'm gonna pass out I got something that's gonna wake you up coming right about oh my god there's your friends take a look shop just how can you see this are you facing the direction of the bear [Applause] so we're gonna just stick some chicken in the cage yep oh my god be careful shall they smell fear you don't understand what their breath sounds like he's right in your earlobe you almost on there almost Oh in the chicken this is up this is up you guys are lowlifes oh my god he's six inches from your crotch watch the chicken nuggets buddy I'm out of chicken don't worry we got more chicken for you oh hey happy holiday salad boy [Music] but you kidding me right now it's like a colorful game I'm getting really good at it came from throat that honest that's it so hey so we're at the Prudential Center at the Monster Jam event to punish Sal and Murr in a grandiose fashion the two of you were gonna take a ride in a monster jam speedster okay and whoever handles it worse he's gonna get their stuff crushed by a monster GM truck which is about 12,000 pounds that's right and what do they compete in the same well it's Al's one of a kind your practical jokers pinball machine versus Murs fleet of segways how is this even a fair comparison this was made for us one of these exist yeah and you got it and we can't stand it so impression off boys ladies and gentlemen thank you for joining us live at the Monster Jam and Prudential Center [Music] Judy is getting some air that feels good on the undercarriage when you land [Music] already see the fear now Islip 222 this rubber of El Toro pumping you would flip that [Music] it's pathetic what I've seen gallon [Music] honey mouth points for sound this Justin someone has shot themselves up both both shots did it cheers to you guys we'll tally the scores are what the Biggest Loser is everything everything gets crushed in this situation we get it on the crush both of our stuff we get it yeah get crushed my she think I don't know you're gonna crush it alright zombie start your engine [Music] [Music] tape oh dude that sucks no multi-ball madness on that one [Music] alright so I'm happy and free of punishment today but we're gonna have you play a game called close everybody else's laptop okay so the point of this punishment was everybody there's an open laptop right there just go close it the girls over there keep looking at your screen and I want to protect your privacy so be careful okay yes I'm just looking out for her that's me privacy Jimmy bless me privacy Jimmy be careful who's next closing calls the Gaza calls it battery police gotta keep that closed save the battery right save it [Music] [Laughter] gentlemen this is gonna seem strange just watch he's got out looks like he's got to email up this punch hey uh go sorry just a favor real quick you could you just please don't kill me oh I just said please don't kill me and you didn't so we're all square cuz I I didn't want to back into it is the thing I don't want to think I was being rude or anything you know to mean okay so I was just I was trying to ease into it sir by that angry to confuse - laughing hey Martin you know how like this ends when we say it ends yeah if you gave Dan cast a big kiss every time you pass them it would lower the amount of time that I that I feel you need to be outfits downcast being one of our beloved crew members boos all right so let's see me do a drive-by hands up hands up hands up hands before God right now yes doing in it all right I would like you to walk by slowly and but don't touch it but just let her let her God go up as you walk by [Laughter] I'm sorry yeah oh it you know what it was the left was open [Laughter] she got passed and cast you know the rules I'm sorry Martin then the new PA said next day the new VA with the beanie hat right there welcome here oh hey happy day south today's big Lucy yeah so today we've invaded the co-working space joint sure and you'll be playing a delivery guy this lunchtime buddy how are you gonna be delivering people's lunches gratuity is not included and no tip you gets gonna be good so I had to tell them that yeah all right I have experiences a delivery person and y'all saw but now there's an it's delivery time hi I'm the delivery guy I have a vest bicycle helmet and hat I have the clothes all right Sal so everybody's lunches are in this big bag here you just go one by one and deliver the lunches that's it the tip is not enough no matter what it is peanut for yes yes yes he's young he's not gonna tip well Sal patty I appreciate that [Music] Julius this is good to attend oh so this is a tip and it's all here that's him yeah count it count it I'm glad you said it Oh glad you said it is it depends on the decade it said oh it's a double-header this is Francesca and then Emily Sagar Trudy was not included and then so gratuity was not included that's just uh oh thank you so thank you oh okay yeah thank you so this is okay stop bad-mouthing the tip you got from her she only hit me with two she hit me with the - thank you three better than hot thank you three better than she did Thanks thank you sir if you see Emily back there let her know how much it tipped me if you see Emily back there let them know how much you tip me we need to turn it up just a little bit more let's try to be a little more direct this tips not enough buddy let's be blunt thank you this is a terrible tip yeah it's okay you know it is what it is she's very very sweet and polite yeah you weren't here we go hi picking up for gotcha [Music] this tip is this tip of [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] okay key card key card issue oh gosh did you leave the key card with the rest of the tip so the key clots with the rest of the tip all right all right tonight Joey's out big loser that's right bud you were working the coat-check at a really Swank event right here at 235th rooftop farm working the old coat check everybody loves to coaching everybody loves it there's more to it yes hold for hold gotcha here's where we swipe it's a nice jacket oh thank you just keep checking jackets Joe keep checking jackets did you want to leave the bag as well Joe's been working working hard yeah working too hard too hard enjoy your evening let's get to the postman let's do it finally all right well uh Johnny's gonna give you a so much jacket just slip that bad boy on all right so but see the curtain guy buddy just walk on through yep here we go boys Joe you're actually the only model at a real Fashion Show for the designer happy fish yeah except everything you're modeling is every person's coat you just took that's it baby work - hi Joey come on show me the next hot look the GoPro or get wearing it keep it sexy nobody checks pants [Laughter] [Applause] we're all weighed down with authority you may get torn apart out there but so far none of these have been cheap jackets now they have now Joe start dumping every coat at the end of the runway guys I got you every coach every code we want a pile at the end of the stage we lower in disbelief well that guy just called the genius maybe we're onto something here Joe hits it someone like a t-rex [Music] dump that coat and get back out there man I got him he's magnificent add to the pile I'm done with this did a squatty potty what a mania Joey give me an eagle I want to see an eagle [Applause] [Music] take your shirt off but sure no one has to tell me how fierce how many coats all the way you do me oh you collected 77 you want to throw those coats on the floor Joe just drop them on the floor laughing and then now they're getting annoyed I'm so sorry and someone's scarf number 56 responsible loss of damaged items we're not responsible for loss of damage on 24 Q is our loser and forest punishment we came to one of the longest-running shows in New York Blue Man Group let me ask you guys a question you ever had a show and you're sitting in your seat yeah and then some jerk comes up and claims you're sitting in their seat and then demands you get up tonight buddy you're that jerk I'm just a weirdo going to go on a shows by myself yeah I love going to shows by myself I eat by myself go to the movies by myself that's cuz you're not very friendly but you can there are many different ways to be a jerk yes oh man she was gonna try all of them oh that's right q you see this woman sitting and standing oh you mean the woman who's comfortably settled into him yeah she's hidden your seat buddy they're literally surrounded by empty seats excuse me um I'm sorry do I look like a jerk to you [Music] and why would you be sitting in my seat oh my gosh a J 105 okay Q recognize the error what time is it Oh 2 p.m. and matinee tickets oh my god it sucks FF 112 buddy this is FF this is row FM cuz I got FF 112 it's a group of 4 is in the middle of a girl before yeah who's in 112 who needs to get to steppin oh I can't I can't even take this gets to me something is wrong I just want my face let's see the ultimate jerk move you know I don't have a husband to pay for my tickets for me so I paid for this oh it's my takes March 1st Oh March this is for March I do not envy you right now Wow alright buddy P 101 we want him out this is like battleship almost yes I need 10% more jerk huh well I don't care how well-dressed you are I'm gonna need you to shoe because this is my seat right here your next coordinates ll 107 Qi I think you can be a bigger jerk still yes blue suit hey blue - blue - hey blue tooth what see you in yeah it's my seat lol 107 yeah that's my seat hey these are the lamp in you off c8 you're my seat get the up oh my buddy NN 110 that's big red there buddy huh right our friend big red oh my god big dude big dude shut your mouth hurry up it's almost Showtime buddy let's go big red chop-chop bungalow you and my seat bo sleeping bag these guys have even no part of it at all what's today's date [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and you loser have to come here to complete body gym where you're gonna pump some iron I'm ready we've written a bunch of insults on pieces of paper and shoved them in that fanny pack while you're working out you got to pull them out and say them to people with tattoos so the insults are about the tattoos clearly and if anybody knows about insulting tattoos oh my god I only see one tattoo this is a second tattoo thirds heads oh come on all right now just make your way through every insult in the fanny pack you know how far away we are if anything goes down and you also know how ineffective we'd be if anything goes down looks you're right oh my god it just got so real for you didn't it a lot of his favor I thought like that this guy's got a great attitude and this a guy with a tattoo working out right next to mark all right here he goes let's load one up mark this could go bad you know I I know a guy that can fix that for you the tattoo I know a guy that can fix it this great work fixing tattoos yeah oh it's alright alright okay no problem did so personal yes it's you you chose it right you got hate on you till the day you pass on you wear it with pride normally here comes this this guy like they're looking at you now on to the next one and there's also this girl to your left look to your love's right now Oh God she's ripped oh my god yeah while we get in there oh my god the tattoo the it it looks like a child did it oh I don't even want to listen to what's about to happen that's that one he says it did you have like a young person to different it was it a Chuck and that there wasn't it wasn't oh I don't know this was asking hey it wasn't challenged oh I didn't realize okay okay great that was crazy almost there pal almost there oh my god dude did you get that did you get that in prison no tattoo even get it in prison where'd you get it California I knew it was either California or prison all right Murr there's the last line the fanny pack buddy huh you know God can give that guy another line for the bag die fast Murray oh we're good this is this is my death right here you haven't gotten killed yet it's a it's a cute doodle that was very bad [Laughter] [Music] Joe has lost so today Joey we're at J Suites we're down the hall is the conference meeting going on with some important business people important people you're gonna go in there during that meeting to do some handiwork but in the interim you're also gonna find a bunch of eggs hidden about the room your job is just to eat all the eggs during their meeting you hear the words that are coming out your mouth right we want to throw this one very later whether I made the sale or the employees of the company tiny beans are attending a public speaking workshop none of them have any idea that we're filming here today just lower the moderator in the room is our accomplice Nicole wells [Music] you're not gonna find the eggs that easy Joey one side and what a lot of people do but a lot of times when you're doing presentations your secret doors or new parameters for gestures no so I'm not there's not an advocacy of like well you should do three gestures you want them to be full what are you doing as a handyman we're taking up space we're just getting warmer we're making eye contact no the other thing I really want you to know how long before the room starts getting that egg smell to it right now and I just relaxes like this is the plain view of everybody you know I always say to you don't ever do a presentation after lunch right you guys are digesting it's like the worst time so this way this is worse than a turkey like challenge for me yeah I want to be able to do this and that's the other thing that confident influential people do they're present was that because I have something really exciting to talk to you about right like your body language and your voice what most researchers have found to be got people literally locked in on you were you to be effective and to be persuasive carnitas woman is bursting he's got the egg sweats three eggs is usually where you tap out for an egg meal yeah really - you know who's really getting punished today is Bessie when he goes to sleep tonight zeg thoughts start coming out Joey spots something or if I'm standing up is there an egg taped to the sea you don't have to like walk on eggshells [Laughter] a little bit easy right down to the last one and it's definitely one taped onto the table oh yeah what is this our first date so much of us have a pot last thing we want to do is have that quiet moment [Laughter] [Music] Hugh has lost tonight's episode that's right and today we're at New York cake and there is a cake decorating contest being held here you'll be posing as a judge and slightly ruining the contestants cakes that's right a slight rule a slight room welcome to the New York cake Academy challenge this is serious cake decorating contest yet they've given one hour to decorate these cases these contestants are competing for 500 bucks and entry into the biggest cake competition New York City and if you get judged by the man who knows cakes Brian Q could start judging oh hello what do you have here this is lovely the theme of this contest is New York City and she's crushed it speaking of crushing it I just got to do one last one last quite the old love let me just give a little love great work hmm this is so uncomfortable look at the face are you we're on Oh what do we have what do we have here I love that show I'm so Samantha I'm gonna need you to pull off the Sex and the City just those words please let me just this is just the old cue I want the word sex off that cake is a family show um so we'll just go back in and get that excellent job very good work Oh jerk oh this is brutal oh I cannot take it Karthik you move on hi I'm Brian I'm the judge Wow cute I need you to take a bite out of the Apple the only thing is you know how does it taste [Music] [Laughter] keep it moving judge - he'd put your finger in and you spin the cake and just wipe out the entire thing 360 this fantastic just gonna do a little test that I do top box top box move on top marks Oh God this is insane word is spreading like wildfire that you've ruined cakes by the way and that place perfectly for what we have thank you the thing is you're not a judge you're a contestant Table five is your cake peel off that my hello my name is judge thicker that we gave you we're gonna bring out the real judges now what happened here yeah we're the judges the apples been redone oh my god I just heard her say happened the paddocks setting in look at you [Music] drama besides the touch-ups almost perfect no dogs say no more it's literally perfect seriously okay guys look she stepped out to watch stop popping okay please stop okay great group picture tell everybody good luck tell anybody good luck that's some good luck good luck beste lock [Music] q is lost so tonight we're here at 235th rooftop bar that's right in the folks at frenzied events are letting us crash your networking event tonight now Joe what do you do at a networking event you network with people that's right and what is Q doing tonight he's networking with person you're gonna latch onto someone from the beginning in this event and you're never gonna leave this side it's gonna get real awkward real quick yeah stalkerish all right q check Q scoping out the area trying to make a new friend how's the networking going get your hooks in this guy buddy I'm a holistic doctor all the doctor all right Q dial in D awkward alright you you cannot leave this guy's side smug I will be back follow watch it again do you want to do you want a drink you know benefit holistic medicine holistic medicine yeah like acupuncture and stuff like that [Music] to them there you go cute you know that feeling when you're around somebody and you don't want them to be around you that's what this is right now don't get shy buddy children his face says a billion words we gotta get going we gotta get moving well it was nice talking to you take it easy good luck good luck okay you're going to see any breath how's it going Davis how you doing I'm Brian this is Christmas this is Vanessa no brief label yeah Chris got something in his eye that he has weren't able to get huh yeah he's trying to get rid of you he will not get rid of you did you tell your holistic doctor this is all your holistic talk - well that was some bad networking my friends networking all right kill that was sufficiently yes [Music]
Channel: truTV
Views: 8,547,951
Rating: 4.7554317 out of 5
Keywords: Impractical Jokers, Impractical Jokers Funniest Moments, Impractical Jokers Season, truTV, impractical jokers truTV, practical jokers, jokers, impratical jokers, impractical joker, impractical jokers new, new impractical jokers, impractical, impracticle jokers, impractical jockers, the impractical jokers trutv, impractical jokers Pranks, Sal, Joe, Murr, watch impractical jokers, Impractical Jokers New Season, impractical jokers live stream, Impractical Jokers premiere
Id: IKa6aPyC-U4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 15sec (8415 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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