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by the time roblins yes we'll probably be about 20 texts ahead of them well I mean you're gonna be launching your your first spaceflight rocket and they're gonna be like looking at stone ah hello there ladies and gentlemen I'm the spiffing Britt and today I've been given the wonderful opportunity to show off Imperator Rome to you ahead of its release now just a few disclaimers this key was given to me by paradox but it is in no way a sponsored video however because we are still under embargo are not allowed to give you a review of the game of any sort I'm instead just going to be playing it for my amusement and your entertainment now we are also playing on a pre-release version of the game so things may differ from what you're seeing here today but I decided I jump into a brand new game which isn't even released yet and break it because I know so many of you in the community like look if you break all of these old games can you break new games yes I can break games before they're even released as games honestly with powers of T anything's possible so make sure you have your powers of T as well and in fact tell me what are you drinking today because today is going to be a glorious day for us tea drinkers so sit back relax and enjoy the video make sure to give two like it really does help me out trust me each individual like makes is huge different in YouTube's whimsical way of deciding what actually gets thrown into the algorithm and if this video does well in the algorithm then don't worry we get ever so slightly closer to the second British Empire so if anything hitting the like button saves the British Empire although I imagine by saying that I'm going to accidentally cause all the American viewers to hit the dislike button of no right we need to bring back the subliminal T campaign again don't we Queenie anyway let's dive into this video right ladies and gentlemen I'm the spiffing Britain today you join me an Imperator ohm last time we got kicked out Phrygia and we're now in a much nicer nation ok the brig antia they are basically the Brits and we're going to have a fun time bleeding to success so welcome to the live screen ladies and gentlemen where you can see our glorious nation the brig antia as you can see in the last session we expanded into the Isle of Man and colonize it we also colonize parts of Scotland and Northern Ireland I know perfect isn't it but there's so much more to be done you see we need to expand and take over the inn entirety of the United Kingdom and only then will we be able to defeat Egypt also known as many a true nerd many a true nerd more like many a true smell oh we got him guys as no he's gonna be able to recover from that yes this is our aim today ladies and gentlemen defeat many a true nerd and lead our people into success so today I'm going to be doing a little few exploits basically to show off a few of my favorite glitches in the game what I'll be doing ladies and gentlemen is exploiting a few mechanics where I have the ability to basically generate infinite research the Brigante nation is led by a lovely frontier eco Verde Gnaeus let's be honest he's not the best the Briganti are we're a tribal nation which means our armies cost more fight worse and are just generally a little bit trashy but we have one advantage and that is that we're a small nation which allows me to do a tinsy winsy teeny exploit which a large nation like Phrygia just can't do finally okay so the game is underway it's paused nice ok so this is gonna give us a few minutes to set up ladies and gentlemen allow me to talk you through our nation so we are the Brigante we're gonna probably go to war against Cora Nova now Cora Nova have absolutely no allies as far as I'm aware so we can just declare war on them and we're going to a solo take them by ourselves so yes we're going to Daewon declare war we're bad their entire army is positioned to it now it does look a bit scary at 14k but don't worry it should be quite easy and tasty to defeat what else will we be doing well of course we want to colonize Island that's something we'll be doing probably deal with this area here the nation of Cavite oh they control a decent amount of land that really should be ours and then we'll slowly expand self probably taking over Wales and the de Bonilla aye senior so as expected the AI did not fund their army for morale meaning part armies are going to smash them ah perfect ladies and gentlemen yes my Warlord's fight the incredibly under equipped units perfect perfect now one thing we're going to do is take a look at this lovely system over here now this is called technology now regenerate 3.8 research points per month and at the moment we generate about noir point five six percent per month on each research so that means it takes about two hundred months to finish a research level and unlock brand-new technologies now you can increase your research efficiency by having proportionally more citizens over everyone else in your empire at the moment we have a population of 91 if all 91 of them were citizens we gain a 300% increase on our research rate which means instead of researching at no point five six we start researching at three percent per month which as you can imagine completely destroys the game so naturally that's something we're gonna be doing so as you can see this game has various parks we have say a freeman here he generates local manpower but above him we have citizens who generates gold from Commerce and also research points so if naturally we're gonna take this Freeman we're gonna spend 15 oratory power and he's suddenly gonna become a bomb a citizen and now if we go to a technology page our research efficiency is actually slightly increased and so is our research points so now we research ever so slightly faster naturally we're going to increase this a whole lot more as you can see about 26% of our population are citizens probably the twenty one Freeman's we could really do with convincing them to her to not be Freeman's and instead be citizens because the nation of Cordova which I'd quite like to attack is sadly a vassal state under Carinthia so that's a bad idea but in the north we have Kivar Tia and these guys seem quite nice you know they've got 24 pops 14 cohorts I think we should probably go to one of them Nashville Commerce income is increased and monthly wages for characters decrease yeah I love this technology is really strange in this game because there are technologies which just allow you to pay your characters less I don't know the logic behind that it's the idea that makes no sense like they're doing the same job but we're just paying them half the money for it that doesn't particularly seem very fair to me if I'm honest right so my clan chiefs are just gonna run around and deceive my lands the only issue is they their loyalty is so loud they will no longer follow any orders which is a shame it's not much I can do sadly it would be very annoying to get the Civil War so I do need to be careful and make sure that the Civil War doesn't fire at the moment they're very very spicy boys something else I need to do is promote the rest of these freemen to be citizens and our citizens could also do with Oh what is it we need to do civilization effort yes we need to try and civilize this region and by civilizing a region we make our citizens happier books at the moment they're not too happy they do get quite depressed oh and the siege is one popularities increase and we've fully managed to occupy them so naturally we're going to take all of their land thank you very much and as well as all of their gold so thank you for all of that and that seems perfect BAM ah so there we go we've got a ton of gold and a ton more land which gives us an excess of stone which is nice I like this oh this is very good now one thing you can do in this game is cheese the unrest system so how unrest works is basically if you have unhappy people they don't produce as much stuff they get grumpy er they're sad and so on and so forth but there's a way that you can basically break it if unrest is high loyalty of your province Falls but in your capital province that's the entirety of this region here your loyalty can never draw so if you bring in a load of unhappy people you can effectively research an incredible rate even though all of your researchers are cripplingly unhappy so that's what we're gonna do we're gonna upgrade this Freeman here to being a researcher and even though he's unhappy at being a researcher you know he's still gonna do all of our research for us now one thing we want to keep an eye on is our technology efficiency basically at the moment you see it's 58% efficiency this is going to improve ok it's going to improve a lot so we've got some citizens over here I would like to move them now where can we move them to what we want to move them to this settlement over here cart ozium and the reason why is it borders our capital and then the next time we move them we can move them into the capital so we select all of our citizens here and so now we want to move the citizens from here into islam' our capital say yes we move in the citizens the unhappiness is quite tight but hey we've got a lot of sciency boys lying around and this should slowly as we upgrade our people early to happier happier more productive people right so we've got any freeman lying around oh my goodness this is a ridiculous amount of Freeman right Freeman are useless so we're gonna move I've got the cost 20 we're gonna need a lot of civic power lying around as soon as we get that it's all good we need a new war chief ok you can be the war chief said ago cohort recruit speed is now faster nice Oh Cora Nova is getting invaded maybe I should do something about this maybe an invasion now one thing we can do to basically break Carinthia is if we attack their subject nation instead of them we basically have a super duper easy war due to the fact that they won't call in any of their allies no learning tiny little crappy subjects that's exactly what we're gonna do we're gonna get our army lined up on the border but we're gonna need a bit of manpower first but soon as we've got the manpower sorted and what success what's well research efficiency has gone up to 62% us of course we just need to improve even more have you got any Freeman lying around yes you okay you need to be promoted ma'am and of course you promote one increases the efficiency that's how this game works and I'm gonna promote my Freeman over here oh my goodness look at them 8% happiness yeah I'm gonna definitely promote them to be citizens and now if we check our technology we can see we're now researching an efficiency of 87% a significant improvement over what it once was he'll go everyone's the cities are now lovely stuff lovely stuff so now if we check our technology efficiency 124 percent efficiency hmm so now we've research at one point four percent which you might remember is about 50 percent better than when we last checked hmm maybe we can check the score levels yeah Egypt is currently one thousand score of Rome is second and Mira's first got Arcadia and then phrase and Carthage okay quite interesting but yes Egypt is indeed fourth whereabouts are we we're 20th [Laughter] why don't we 20th okay we're now nineteen you know what I'll take that take that not bad at all maybe we should go to war but for that we're going to need some oratory power and as soon as we have that BAM it's war time okay ladies and gentlemen we must sally our defenses against many a true nerd the greatest threat to the British people have ever faced oops it always started cool that's fine looks like we've got a civil war to deal with now oh great that's fine yeah civil wars are pretty annoying but we can deal with them apparently i wants to attack me oh well the Civil War is failing this is great oh my goodness yeah the Civil War really is failing right I guess I need to chase these Civil War armies down and defeat them before they can get their morale back up well I'll get these tiny little one stacks here to do a bit of light seating for me right I think we're ready for our walks we've got some good armies here and good armies here fabricate claim BAM I think we're almost ready for our war oh this is gonna go well 1550 ember we can declare the war ladies and gentlemen and now let's go toward declare war bout take Corrin over away we go it's war and of course you have no morale why would you even have morale yes why would I even expect you to worry about difficult concepts like morale your army is gonna be destroyed because of this just so you know oh there we go that's their army dead what a fight this is shaping up to be yes why men are objectively better but our numbers just aren't high enough really definitely they have the numbers advantage Jesus Christ can I get some mercenaries please this is not a good sign that's a defeat oh no oh no oh no no no okay maybe I need to do a piece up super piece I'm gonna hazard a guess and say this once perhaps the defeats so my plan ladies and gentlemen we're gonna leave regard due to its own devices so not in the best day at the moment given the whole you know massive war against the AI so instead we're gonna move up here to taxilane eeeh and the reason why is this is a very unique nation it has 32 people and as you can see 11 of them as citizens and 14 of them are Freeman so what we gonna do is we're gonna play this nation and convert everyone into being a Freeman and because it's all one big region this is one big region we will have no unrest problems whatsoever and we're going to snowball research into the stratosphere ladies and gentlemen get ready to sit back relax grab your cups of tea as we go into the greatest brand-new nation to be fair both the times I've lost it's mostly due to my inexperience and under valuating the AIA is a bit stronger than it looks so yes sir we will find a way to defeat them ladies and gentlemen and ride our people to success and glory yes look at that top hat spam it's perfect right I am very excited to see what we can do so nation because yeah there are a few cheesy little special things we can do I mean 32 population is crazy other things we'll be doing is will be um yeah we'll be basically choosing the population growth mechanics of this game immediately to begin with we need to take a look at our technology as we can see we've researched currently as a rate of one one eight so we're at tech level four which isn't bad at all in fact we're twenty one years ahead of time so that's actually brilliant 21 years ahead of time but we can improve this okay so we're going to go to lovely macro builder and promotes all of the freedmen in our nation so we go promote all of you so go all of our pops have been promoted up and so now if we check our technology we can see that we now research a rate of two hundred and fifty four which translates into two point seven percent research per month that is incredible maybe we should promote some of these tribesmen to 79% ok let's we do want to get this up to three hundred percent promote this tribesman and now if we check our technology to nine seven percent good stuff oh so our military technology we're researching at two point nine percent per month despite the fact that we have thirty four years ahead of technologies is fine everything is fine we'll make an army over here it wants to be called the first war band we're gonna call it instead the hundred step man army how are we doing at the moment hundred ninety nine percent increase over base research that seems quite good and of course our lovely little researchers here they preserve a skill they also added a bit of bonus so good old Gwendolyn here at a hundred and twenty five percent increase in research that's not bad at all that's an O three percent ah so that means we can do a tech that would normally take an empire 200 months in about thirty three most despite the fact that we've thirty three years ahead of time on all of our technologies hmm Oh moral education plus ten percent research yes I'm getting that bad boy now it's gonna go even faster okay so yes now our omens come to an end we can do a new omen and our omen powers 126 percent due to our incredible religious unity meaning we can increase our research points by twelve percent so we do that I go to research and for now generating nine point three research points and we're researching efficiency three hundred percent our research is captor a efficiency rate of three hundred percent but by just being at this efficiency rate of three hundred percent and just having more citizens the total research points that your citizens are producing is increased so we're all we're on tech six Carthage is still on tech zero if I remember correctly how's egypt doing egypt's on four four four four frase free seas on one one one four hundred 4.55 RAL yes perfectly balanced all right you know let's do a bit of colonization aren't more researchers basically so that we can increase the fundamental points we're generating so I'm going to grab one of my citizens I'm going to move them down to Pixar Leah because I've managed to move ten citizens into here we can now start the colonization process we're going to colonize this region here using the citizen bound therein that's an extra two tribesmen under our belt but of course you don't want tribesmen we instead warn term oh wait barbarians have arrived God we'll have to deal with that actually wait not barbarians are fine because they have no morale so go free more citizens added into the Empire yes I'll research budget up to eleven point three very nice I mean we are 46 years ahead of time Oh God oh there's our tech level of tech level six now so two Tech's ahead of the Egyptians and got all that money they can't even compete with me but look at our glorious nation oh hang on a second ninety seven percent citizen there's one single tribesman out there somewhere we can't have that where is he eyes over here there we go I mean I suppose we could technically have him there's nothing wrong with having him it's just he's not contributing to the technology so boom and move there we go and now we have enough to colonize so boom you guys have said we should do it it's let's take Scotland they have 16,000 men though and placing bets on the fact that their army probably isn't fully maintained let's see what their what was their army bases there are we maintenance was on zero yes grab the RV oh this is lovely yes can we start with their army nope oh wait yes that was a sack word we did it we got a surprise paradox seven look to you exactly they haven't looked at the fact why technology is really high I mean like look at Egypt scrubby Egypt with level four military advances whereas you got Chad of Scotland over here with technology level eight military mmm seventy years ahead of time basically ahead of time is based roughly on when the Romans should be getting it so Scotland is about seventy years ahead of technology than the Romans so go so that's a whole host of new land given and our technology efficiency has decreased because of it because guess what there are non-citizens in these lands if you can believe it I know look at all these Freeman what are we meant to do with Freeman that's useless nine more citizens and now if we check our technology or two six nine percent efficiency good basically if we occupied this province with ten men we can colonize this province this province and Orkney so that's three men here actives that's five and an out of fervor two so that's seven men in total we'll be getting from colonization which is huge that's seven pops I think like base morale at the moment is somewhere around five so my armies can fight basically to the death they're gonna run out of manpower before they actually retreat which can be useful my I'm able to go down the army traditions faster because of also taking up my maintenance is lower on basically everything and my research becomes faster and also i unlock kind of like new inventions as I go along so it's kind of a slow snowball basically yeah really quite useful I'm probably going to pour in a second logically advanced and roam exactly how it was exactly scientifically accurate by the time Rome Lance yes we'll probably be about 20 texts ahead of them and it should create for an interesting situation well I mean you're gonna be launching your your first spaceflight rocket and they're gonna be like looking at stone yes yeah I by this point I will have made contact with the blog honestly if they invade the UK we'll just leave we'll go to space all right goodbye alliance friends yeah I'm so glad I've been able to help you out when you come back to Europe west come back on your shiny shiny new rocket remember us okay how about it will do right there we go ladies and gentlemen I've done my bit today ladies and gentlemen we've broken the game to a happy amount I'm very proud to see what we've done the technological enlightenment of tech celeea it's good great let's go really really well 400 percent efficiency 17.5 see how we gain oh good eight sixty-six years ahead of time this is brutal absolutely brutal right we need to get some inventions going to increase our technology speed I think that's gonna really help us yeah like that's gonna give us extra 10% research points so that's going to help us out massively it said those are the things we'll be doing next ream I'll see all of you and next one have a lovely day farewell dois bye bye [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 444,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny clips, imperator, imperator rome, imperator rome gameplay, rome, roman game, historical game, video game funny, imperator funny, funny moments, spiffing brit, rt game, imperator rome funny moments, perfectly balanced game, the spiffing brit, perfectly balanced game with no exploits, Imperator: Rome IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME, technology only challenge, video game challenge, funny challenge, funny, montage, british, video game cheat, video game exploit
Id: mjzwmApOJC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2019
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