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there's too many pineapples we now have a million sat in the bank okay right that's fine hello the ladies and gentlemen it is I the spiffing Brits back with tropical six oh it's wonderful nothing gets me happy like a warm cup of tea and a lovely simulation of British colonial rule Oh tis a majestic thing some of you might be sad they're thinking what do you mean tis a majestic thing you make it sound like it's still going on well that's because ladies and gentlemen if you look out the window now the second British Empire is just starting yes the Queen's planes are flying through the skies dropping pamphlets saying make sure to LIKE and subscribe mwah Thank You Queenie nonetheless ladies and gentlemen here we are in tropic of six so what are we doing today books I mean this is the third time I've visited the game the first time we stayed very nice and loyal to the crown at my oh my it was a majestic thing the second time we destroyed the economy by mass-producing Banks and lo and behold mwah we became millionaires but today we're going to do something even better I discovered an extra spicy exploit in this game and of course I love persecuting the local population with hefty taxation I know a certain colony who loves hefty taxation why did they break away I was taught in my guidebook outer wall over colonies one at one the bringing up harsh taxation was a great thing but apparently just led to people dumping tea in a harbor oh goodness it makes me oh so upset nonetheless here we are today and we're going to introduce past taxation in the form of toll booths so that's exactly what I'm doing here today we're gonna place down a ton of toll roads generate a ridiculous amount of profit and Wow just generally be majestic so ladies and gentlemen without further ado make sure you are set back that you are relaxed that you have a warm cup of tea in hand and that you're ready for tropic oh my so let us simply begin a new game we're going to want to start a sandbox and we need some kind of majestic map I want a map with a very large area thank you know what how about we make her own water huge size with a very high amount of landmass with abundant plateaus to build on and we'll have a few islands you know what we're going to make the climate very dry because today ladies and gentlemen I'm going to prove to you that having a climate is completely and utterly not required yes tons of people would be saying well spife you can't technically grow your favorite foods without the correct climate I mean come on what if global warming turn the entire world into a desert you couldn't exactly grow a pineapple could you spit that's where you're wrong ladies and gentlemen for today I'm going to show you the greatest pineapple farm ever created and of course there's only one kind of victory we ourselves want to guess not by surviving til the end of the game not by running a successful tourist industry and certainly not by accomplishing anyone's tasks we instead want money lots and lots of money not Swiss bank account money I want two million dollars now technically ladies and gentlemen I think I could probably make this in a matter of seconds but no today mwah we're going to actually sit down relax and take our time enjoying some Tropico so let us begin oh my goodness I must say absolutely love the music of Tropico not that you can hear it because the music of Tropico will give me a massive copyright strike and trust me I've had a fair few too many of those as of late now I was recently reading a news article which I found quite exciting it was very jazzy to say the least it was a news article that really struck me for the sole reason that its headline was something along the lines of coffee will one day be extinct and the sole reason due to this is because of fantastic global warming the error in which coffee beans can actually be grown has greatly diminished this means technically ladies and gentlemen eventually the coffee and the coffee drinkers themselves will be extinct meaning global warming is our greatest friend now I expect thousands of you to go down into the comments section go my god I didn't realize global warming was so good but just before you do that I also heard some devastating news it's also diminishing the land area of which can be used to grow tea Oh God so there will be no emissions in this world when it comes to voting rights of course only the wealthy citizens can vote as is British tradition for armed forces well we want a massive militia just unorganized chump squads that we can charge into the enemy that's exactly what we want in a separation of powers come on ladies and gentlemen it's the British Empire we should only have a king or a queen perfect oh and meteor independence our we should probably research that so that we can just set the meteor independence option to be only watching the spiffing grid videos and liking them oh yes that's what I need to research anyway this is a perfect Constitution in my opinion so ladies and gentlemen welcome to the wonderful world of Tropico as you can see we have a decked out palace with a Presidente let's take a look at him oh it's so Presidente look at this majestic sausage with his mighty top hat mmm oh he's so handsome so attractive so British but what do we want his traits to be we could have him be apologetic we could have him be quite a nice charismatic person maybe someone who's corrupt maybe he could be manipulative or pyromaniac a spatial sense prodigy or just a workaholic well naturally we want him to be a spatial sense prodigy for the sole reason that this means we're going to be better transporting goods and by God trust me we're going to be transporting a lot of goods so as I mentioned the environment we live in is at risk however thanks to El Presidente's genius well and also my own I've discovered that actually it doesn't really matter you see we have these lovely islands here but we're going to be able to do something quite magical now to begin with of course we want to make sure that we are exporting goods to the outside world so Vlad I'm going to build a nice road and connect it up to the center of our town perfecto now then we want to run a road off in this direction and I'd like to start growing a kind of crop so what kind of crops can we grow what we can set up a few plantations but as you can see the environment is not necessarily the best corn actually isn't too bad what about bananas they're not the best over what about pineapples oh my god we can have tons of pineapples and so ladies and gentlemen that's exactly what we're going to have god I love pineapples they're kind of like a fruity version of tea except they taste completely different look completely different smell completely different and I honestly they're they're just completely different things but nonetheless I love pineapples and so I will place down a very large amount of pineapple plantations and also I'm going to do something quite evil I'm going to be placing down these part plantations literally on top of each other but fear not ladies and gentlemen el Presidente has a plan because the more pineapple plantations the better in fact pineapple plantations are just completely Nottoli overpowered and it's going to take a while for me to demonstrate the true powers of the pineapple plantation but in the meantime allow me to build a road now in this game a farm produces goods of which the people of Tropico who live in these lovely semi-detached properties yep they're beautiful what is that Shack no no no Shack stands for something completely different Shack stands for suitable housing actually completely cool but cool of a K like ke WL so yeah it's actually completely lovely the people love to live here don't you random uneducated broke human being who's unemployed and living in a shack was your approval so low why why do why aren't you happy no goodness oh well sounds like they just want more pineapples or something so for them we're going to be building more pineapples right we'll do a quick build here and a quick build here and a quick build here where BAM we have pineapple plantations now pineapple plantations are lovely and like all things in this game they operate on an efficiency this particular pineapple plantation has an efficiency of 95% I'm afraid that just won't do I want more so how do we increase efficiency well we could do the pollination parcel this increases the efficiency of nearby plantations by 10% and as we can see it has a small area of effect so that it should affect these plantations here but not this one on the end so you know what we'll just work on the pollination parcel so first we check efficiency ninety-five percent we go to here we have the pollination parcel and now this efficiencies up to 105 percent perfecto and given time pineapples will start to grow but before we can start our true pineapple Empire I'm going to need money now this game has many ways of getting money but my favorite ways of getting money involved choosing the entire system so for that we're going to need to activate the urban development edict this lasts for five years and allows us to build houses at a decreased cost so I'm going to wait for some time to pass and I'm going to build some houses the most expensive ones in fact those would be the convent hello absolutely lovely housing places that aren't just a large quantity of shacks put together look at them they're beautiful look they even have corrugated steel and these can be filled with happy taxpaying citizens so naturally we want a ton of them so we're just going to slap down some here here and here and thanks to our wonderful edicts it won't cost us four thousand it only costs us mm now that's brilliant anyway we're going to allow some more time to pass and whilst we're doing this we're also going to activate the pollination parcel but all 13 of our pineapple plantations meaning the efficiency of this building has suddenly been raised to a moderately suspicious 165 while I'm sure it's fine ladies and gentlemen we shouldn't be asking too many questions another edict of mine which I absolutely love is the penal colony however we're going to need to research that bad boy ah and lovely as more pineapple plantations come online the efficiency of our existing plantations can be seen this lovely pineapple plantation over here has an efficiency of 226 now technically this doesn't add up because its efficiency should only be increased by 10% 20 30 40 and 50 so really this should only be about a hundred and fifty percent maximum however this pineapple plantation over here for some reason thanks to the upgrade is able to affect this pineapple plantation over here meaning that this tiny plantation which realistically should have even had a harvest yet has 1,700 pineapples waiting which is exactly why we need our Teamsters to go over and ferry them speaking of which I'm going to upgrade our Teamsters offices and make sure they have a loose load limit simply so that we can pack more pineapples into each trip as you can see we bomb they deliver pineapples to the dock and when cargo ships arrive we can fill them up with pineapples now is there anyone who'd accept exported pineapples the answer is no we can only import pineapples from Mexico that's a terrible idea I want to be able to sell pineapples to the world and now we're coming to our first issue the fact that the storage of the dog is at nine thousand seven hundred eighty eight out of a maximum of 10,000 meaning we have the largest physical supply of pineapples possible lying in the dock now that means we're going to need to probably open up a second dock as as you can guess there's a lot of pineapples sitting around anyway the trade is complete and our pineapple exports has netted us fifteen thousand very tasty so let's build a second dock down here also we have the cattle ranch over here this cattle ranch is absolutely fantastic because it too has an upgrade called the manure fertilizer which is meant to be in that blue ring you see there the manure fertilizer increases efficiency of all hydroponic plantations and plantations by 10% as you can see it should only affect all the buildings in this radius of which there are no ranches over this pineapple plantation over here is it 229 percent then we come over here do the upgrade for 500 and suddenly it's a two hundred and thirty nine percent mmm ladies and gentlemen the area of effect in this game uh it just doesn't really seem to exist Oh developers oh you shouldn't have given me this power and as you can see the pineapple trade is starting to take off we're now at thirty three thousand when previously we were in debt no that means that means more housing which we haven't even started building yet but don't worry we're just going to start painting this entire region of the map with houses lovely tasty houses who cares if we can't build them yet given time I'm sure we can you know it's better than two docks that's right it's a third dog ladies and gentlemen oh we're going to need a lot of these bad boys where we're going now please do ignore the line of construction sites over there in the distance trust me we don't need to be worrying about those bad boys for quite a while besides we've still got our edicts going and this edict hmm it's a very spicy meatball indeed you know it's better than two hundred forty percent efficiency on our plantation I think it's even more so how can we get our efficiency to be even higher well how about another plantation but this time a sugar plantation sugar is of course very important because I needed to dunk into all of my tea so a sugar plantation it is now we slump down this bad boy and with a fancy upgrade of fibre fertilization nearby plantations can be increased by another ten percent so we'll do that lovely stuff so that means this pineapple plantation is at origin fifty percent as you can see we're producing around about six thousand pineapples a minute oh and as you can see in the top left our urban development has ended meaning all of our houses if we want to construct them it's going to actually cut set us back $3,900 ah but luckily don't worry I was aware of that and we placed on these buildings at a cost of only 50 so we can finish them off alternatively we can cancel the construction now logically we place them down at the cost of 1950 so in the top left our money should increase by 1950 hang on a second that increased by 3900 Oh spiff what have you done well ladies and gentlemen if you remember we place down roughly about 30,000 worth of buildings what happens if we demolish them all oh we certainly have 128 thousand well ladies and gentlemen I've gone and done it again haven't I I've broken the gate I didn't mean to Tropico didn't mean to it's the people's fault so what do you think spiffs going to do next will he a managed to somehow get tea into this game be produced even more pineapple plantations see start a ridiculously large housing complex ordy place out of ridiculous quantity of toll roads vote now in the comment section and who knows just like the people of Tropico your vote might actually matter and the votes are in and the people call for more pineapple so for that whoa we just need more pineapple plantations I mean there's no other way really I want pineapple plantations literally everywhere if we can fit a pineapple plantation in there should be a pineapple plantation so I want them lining up this entire cliff face over here yes technically it's not very efficient because you know they're quite far away and so on it doesn't matter which can build one great big Road it's going to service all of these pineapple plantations and you know what I think we're going to need another dock as well I mean one was never really going to be enough was it so how about four that sounds much better and also we could probably do a few more Teamsters because uh this is going to start getting out of hand very quickly you know what I think we need more people on the island and more pineapple plantations serve which is going to really quick build through all of these pineapple plantations for them wha-bam come on more pineapples honestly doesn't even matter if we have the population to sustain these pineapple plantations or not all that matters is that they exist now they exist we can upgrade the efficiency of them again as we can check with our sample pineapple plantation over here at 250 percent efficiency considering how far away it is these pineapple plantation shouldn't affect it so we're going to upgrade 12 old buildings and now this building is at 350 percent efficiency oh my god and we need more people employment on this island it's gone absolutely crazy so we check the almanaque yet there are no unemployed citizens although admittedly there are also 99 homeless citizens we should probably put them in houses eventually speaking of which let's activate that edict for urban development again and we'll also start penal colony because nothing says you want to move like a place than renaming it to Australia and filling it with a bunch of criminals anyway we have Urban Development activated so let's start spamming out some of those lovely houses again but of course I promise you toll roads as well and toll roads are quite a complicated thing we're going to need to make sure to actually research them first they start off being called security checkpoints I know apparently we're providing security to our population I have no intention of that also we have this lovely Island over here which you know we should probably start using and what are we going to fill it with well of course pineapples pineapples aren't particularly fertile on this island but by god we're going to fill it with pineapples the fact that the efficiency isn't that high honestly doesn't really matter all the masses that we get as many pineapple plantations down as physically possible and over here on our new pineapple Island we are of course going to have to placed out a very large amount of teamsters offices the Teamsters are very important to keeping the entire pineapple economy going pineapple island is really starting to take off and become something quite magical indeed we're even starting to place down a natural active population admittin we are cramming them into tiny houses but still will even give them some entertainment in the form of a circus because how nice I'm being to this colony and as you can see we're starting to have some of our major issues arising because of our ridiculous efficiency as you can see of our testing plantation we ran out five hundred thirty five percent efficiency because of that we are maxed out in our storage of pineapples physically we need to grab these pineapples and sell them and how are we going to do that well I'm afraid our ports they're kind of starting to fill up and in fact we need even more Teamsters to be able to deliver all the goods so we need more Teamsters we need more ports we just need more everything really anyway we need more ports so let's slow down yet another dock here let's add in two more perfecto lovely weave on new Teamsters buildings we should be able to do that perfectly and lovely our open development is ended meaning we can work on that lovely demolishing tool and start getting to work removing all of these houses we built over here please of course it generates a ton of money I like to think that we somehow committing some kind of massive insurance fraud exactly is in keeping with the spirit of Tropico but basically every time we do this it means we can double whatever money we have any way we manage to build even more pineapple plantations and so we're going to upgrade them again with even more efficiency so that's an upgrade completed let's go back to our first pineapple plantation there now it's an efficiency of seven hundred fifty five percent oh god we need more Teamsters offices I mean we're reaching a point where each individual pineapple plantation needs its own dock because at the rate it's taken out it immediately refills itself I think we need more Teamsters oh my god certainly the pineapples have filled up the dark Oh God right okay we need more dogs yep we need more dogs there's no way we could keep up with this otherwise so I want a dock over here and I'd like to add in another one but I don't think I'm actually able to help it conflicts with the existing ones right can we put one down over here fact we might be able to put down a few more yep that's perfect we were able to add four more docks into the equation so we're now reaching the point that I like to call the pineapple snowball as you can see we have hundreds of ships entering and leaving Tropico almost constantly and our pineapple plantations are almost always full oh it's perfectly majestic isn't it even in areas where there is basically no pineapple fertility we are able to somehow magically grow pineapples allow me to demonstrate this region of the map here there is no place for pineapples it says if we were to grow pineapples here they would have an efficiency of 31% so we will do just that and yet because overall our efficiency is absolutely broken even in an area where there is - 81% fertility we were able to grow pineapples you know what I feel we needed more pineapple plantations surely we can reach 1,000 percent efficiency so for that let's just slap a ton over here on this island over here I'm afraid is going to start needing more dogs and Teamsters offices we are starting to run out of actual space where we can place docks so I need to make sure we can get down as many as we can so there we go there's another five docks which we'll start bringing in more boats and of course to get the goods over there we need even more Teamsters we're basically operating an economy where you're either making pineapples or moving pineapples do you know what I think is technically a perfect way to live your life full of oh god it's too many pineapples we now have a million sat in the bank okay right that's fine which do the Urban Development and slap down a millions worth of buildings wow this is getting crazy you know I'm also going to start the industrialization edict this one only lasts two years and you know what it works the same way as the residential one it halves the cost of industrial factories now the residential one was wacky because it allowed us to double our money by dropping down buildings that cost 2,000 and selling them for 4,000 before they're even built the industrial one allows us to do it on a slightly larger scale with placing down buildings that cost 11,000 and then selling them for 22,000 so yep we're going to fill this island up with vehicle factories and there goes all of my money perfect that's exactly how I wanted it to look on also we can activate agricultural subsidies which lo and behold increase the efficiency of all agricultural buildings by 25 percent so we're gonna do that we're also gonna start activating freewheels and we can finally start a chelate while demonstrating the main aspect of this video hook which I'm pretty sure was setting up toll roads to start setting up our tow wonderland we're going to need parking decks parking decks are magical creations because they allow people to pick up and drop off cars now how's our efficiency doing we're at 929 percent not quite a thousand so uh four we're doing something quite magical now something I've decided to set up over here is a large area of residential buildings they have everything they could possibly want they have a circus they have a tavern they also have a clinic a fast-food joint which is absolutely lovely a church a grocery store and a police station why wouldn't you want to live here well everyone does live here basically and as a result because everyone lives here if they decide to use the parking deck now normally poor people aren't actually able to drive only people who are able to drive in this game are those who are well off all better now that's where we started to do something ever so slightly different thanks to our Edict of freewheels even poor citizens can use cars and in fact it's about to upgrade fact I think it's upgrades next month and now it only costs of $750 a month and it means even poor citizens can use cars now the poor citizens are using cars we have people living in these massive shanty towns shopping over here and when they want to go to work while they exit this building they come all the way down here and they start working in the plantations which is exactly why you start seeing this huge chain of vehicles now what can we do this huge chain of vehicles you might be thinking well ladies and gentlemen we have this security checkpoint so I'm going to buy myself a security checkpoint and place down oh just as many as I physically can and this game says you know what that's fine so now that we have all these security checkpoints what are we going to do with them well we're going to set their work mode to random toll meaning each and every single passing vehicle pays $1 now that doesn't sound too crazy but when you take into account that a vehicle exits here and let's I don't know follow it on its journey to where the toll roads end just about it say the vehicle wants to set off from here and you work in this Teamsters office right about here well that's fine you leave your house in the morning you go to the parking garage but even though you're a full person you have your car so you grab your car and you pay $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 dollars just to get over here $26 and how much we're paying them per week I will pay them $11 per month so you're spending twice your monthly wage simply to commute to work each day ladies and gentlemen that sounds perfectly fine oh and also our industrialization edict has come to an end as you can see if we want to them now it's going to cost us a lot of money so let's demolish all of our fantastic industry Oh ladies and gentlemen in front of pineapples infinite money infinite industry nothing is more balanced and there we go ladies and gentlemen we have completed the game two million dollars in the bank well done Smith well done he's done it ladies and gentlemen oh god that feels good that does feel good but do you want me to continue do you really want me to continue I mean I suppose we could we could see how just just how high we could get that percentage now you know what as long as you all go down to the comments section and rejoice at just how marvelous tears and how terrible coffee is I think we can give it a go I'm back again ladies and gentlemen and things have progressed to say the least we have even more pineapple plantations they fill up all the way over here and all the way over here we have more toll roads I have calculated the roughly from about here to the port over here will set you back now $80 yeah it's quite a lot of money indeed each of these security people they get paid four dollars a month meaning if four vehicles pass through here we turn a profit and it's safe to say considering we sat at 5.4 million we've turned quite a hefty profit indeed oh don't even get me started on the pineapples this region of land over here it is not fit to grow pineapples it is completely devoid of life for all pineapples that my grow head but its efficiency is it 1282 we literally built this a few months ago and it is completely full and we've hit an issue in that we can't actually place down anymore docks the space of beach in this entire region has just been taken up the weather we can't there's just nowhere to put dogs down meaning we physically can't export all of the pineapples we're producing it's just there's so many shacks and all the people that do have houses they all drive cars and pay ridiculous toll fees and we've kind of reached a point where I just have infinite money like five point eight nine million what are you meant to do of this if we want we could double it no problem we just start the industry did it and place down a ton of things but money is useless I mean we can start doing attack cut that's gonna make everyone on the island happy Oh at this point we can kind of just build as much as we like like I don't know multiple aircraft carriers apparently we can only build one that's fine what about just a ton of army bases like an absolute ton there we go place down one here one here about another there and there and there and there there we go six army bases that means we are covered if genuinely anything happens the entire population of this island can rise up in rebellion but these six army bases are able to defeat anything the game confer you you know I think I've done actually everything I physically can there's nothing else to be done in this game ladies gentlemen it's been perfect sure we could go on and actually win the game but we've done everything we wanted to achieve here today also even though your Saturday thinking my god spiff but you did this in the Cold War era could I do this in any tropical game yep any tropical game you can saw in the colonial era and you can do the exact same thing just might take you a smidge longer yeah it's just completely naturally broken I love it I really do I love finding exploits like this but of course this channel is community driven so what kind of video do you want to see next I have a few other videos planned we could have a ck to 100 stat man video a 100 stat kenchi video with a ton of exploits because my god Ken tree is also perfectly balanced I would also like to do a Skyrim is perfectly balanced video I was also wondering maybe I should play game dev tycoon board how I mean there's just an absolute ton of games I'd love to play so it's up to you ladies and gentlemen hop down into the comments section and advise me on what you'd like to see next you know what I think this has been it I've been the smithing Brit thank you very much for watching if you've enjoyed it then make sure to please give the video like it does massively helped me out and as always a massive thank you to all of my majestic patrons can make these fantastically silly videos possible genuinely each and every one of you are majestic thank you so much mwah mwah ah yes you all deserve cups of tea infinite cups of tea in fact although the same can be said for just about all human beings oh and if you're wondering what to watch next then trust me this video on-screen now I've chosen it especially for you you're going to love it it will be absolutely fantastic and just your cup of tea and your now that we're at the end of the video um I guess you should probably go grab yourself another cup of tea Dave if you're watching this and you haven't grabbed a cup of tea then what are you doing I'm gonna tell the Queen about this and trust me you wouldn't like to see the Queen angry the Queen knows every time a Brit or a member of the Empire doesn't have tea so trust me you're doing yourself a favor if you grab on anyway I've been this flippin bread I'll see all of you in the next one have a lovely day [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,010,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TROPICO 6 IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS, TROPICO 6 IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS - Excluding Toll Road Only Challenge?, TROPICO 6, PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS, tropico 6 funny, tropico funny moments, city builder, management game, spiffing brit, funny clips, rt game, the spiffing brit, perfectly balanced game, tropico 6 exploit, video game exploit, strategy game funny, Infinite Money glitch, montage, tropico, comedy video, lets play
Id: h5VqMu7lCMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 16sec (1756 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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