BACK INTO THE MADNESS | The Evil Within 2 - Part 1

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hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to the evil within - hi how's it goin welcome back everybody or should I say welcome back to myself I'm right here can't you see me I'm not late I'm not late you're late everything else is late except for me so welcome everybody to the evil within - thank you for joining me I know it's been a while since the evil within one or its many expansions and I know you guys have been eagerly awaiting for me to play this game but I'm finally back from vacation I'm finally in my new recording room and I'm finally able to play this game with you right here live so let's get into the game right now cuz we have no further ado - wait for I don't even know if I use that correctly but I'm gonna keep pressing forward as if I know what I'm talking about so the evil within - oh for those who want the basics of a survival horror experience keep an eye on resources approach situation with caution don't get overconfident I'm exactly as confident as I need to be for how great I am what are you talking about recommend for players who enjoyed the difficulty of the I did enjoy the difficulty of the previous game I will say that oh I will say that ah alright okay alright maybe maybe maybe maybe but it before I it before I get underway I got a I got to do one thing real quickly here I forgot and there we go I think that's gonna be good okay so what do you guys think hard nightmare nightmare mode nightmare mode might be I'd be the right way to go about it but I'm not arms insurer so oh okay all right okay all right a lot of people want nightmare mode but also I'm gonna go for it I'm gonna go for it I know it's probably a mistake I know it's probably a mistake home engulfed in flames tragic fire kills child man oh but that's horribly ironic oh no a fire consuming the newspaper that they're set a fire consumed the house of it oh no yeah yeah okay we're going nightmare we're going nightmare mode and I don't know where it's gonna leave buses now I see people like no don't do nightmare no you fool too big idiot listen to the sign it's clearly there for your protection no no this is not happening that it's clearly happening what are you looking at of course it's happening it's not a mistake I know what I'm doing Oh whoo look at me run go Sebastian did you think that that was Lily just blowing up right there no this is his this is Sebastian's past I believe like his tragic backstory that we were kind of touching on in the first game but I'm not 100% sure all right let's go this way Lebowski damn it damn it damn my family for being so secure and locking all the doors I'm in good I'm in good I just got back to vacation but let's take care of this this situation first yeah [ __ ] alright fine men well this is no good ooh backstory do they both have guns but it what did I both have guns do you see that in that painting they both have guns there Oh maybe is it because like they're both officers wait no that was here wasn't happening god I spent so long since I played the original game but I put yeah apparently but yeah that's right because the his wife is still alive now I remember yeah because oh geez oh come on out what Lily where are you I'm here dad's here you weren't here from you dad all righty then okay yeah I didn't I knew that was gonna be bad look from the very GetGo how his hand is still bandaged up from when it got stabbed well I mean it got stabbed and shot and broken BRABUS hello hi how are you doing hello Sebastian it's been a long time three years I've been trying to track you down for three years then you thought you'd find me at the bottom of an empty bottle is that it and why are you here now damn it you didn't find me because they didn't want you to calm down Sebastian you knew what was gonna happen in that hospital didn't you what happened at vegan is in the past you need to forget it you sound just like that psychologist that force shoved down my throat but he didn't have answers you do you're gonna tell me about Mobius yeah oh that's probably not good I think those guys are straight out of the matrix yeah because of this did you get this you know what you know what's super weird Kidman looks exactly like his daughter and I don't know if that's intentional but Kidman looks exactly like his daughter I'm not the only one that sees that right I read the police report I was at her funeral we can rewrite history if we want to staging a death is child's play why would I come out of the shadows just to lie to you Lily is alive and she's with us but she's in danger we need you to help save her safer what have you done to her you don't mess with Sebastian oh wow why what did you do that to my pork neck Lily needs you okay his agent Smith and Agent Smith back they're gonna help you with that okay my thought is at the end of evil within one it was never clear whether or not he was out of the whole system right good oh hello yeah oh oh no I'm in a chair y'all mighty Moebius be careful about what you say you don't know how powerful they are I have an inkling cyber suspicions have to kidnap a washed-up ex-cop to help them at least your terrible sense of humor is still intact terrible enough of this [ __ ] where's Lily right - all your answers are right here see ha ha I called it I think she's a lily Oh God not this wait no this was a hospital it was an unfortunate setback who's talking but we used the knowledge gained to build a new and vastly improved stem system and I don't like that Oh was that harder imagine it millions of minds connected together no no thank you happiness for one is happiness for all that trickles down happiness going on miracle will allow our species to achieve greatness no no no no we needed to start with a mind that was pure and clean enough to support thousands of personalities the mind of an innocent child you connected lily to that machine her daughter is quite special the most stable core candidate we've ever tested thanks to her the new stem has been a smashing success until recently over a week ago Lily vanished just stop sending signals what's this turn right at her began to collapse we thought it was just a technical glitch an easy fix so we sent a team of Mobius agents inside but then we lost contact with them and stem went dark think about this mr. Castellanos I am providing you an opportunity nice absolutely I see your daughter again but to save her life something you thought you failed to do before you can save her or let her die oh thanks for the choice it's your choice you know what [ __ ] you wanna see I'm gonna climb into one of your dirty bathtubs and and go find my daughter who is a brain now and I'm just accepting this or whatever good luck Sebastian and please try to cooperate with any team members you might find him there right okay yeah sure you don't trust us but they have the same goals as you do no I'm probably gonna shoot him in the face I'm fine by myself just remember to call me the moment you find Lily so that we can begin the extraction process huh I'll be out here for you yeah yeah I don't think I'm out of Mobius to begin with like that's how it's got to be right like Castellanos has to be oh I'm glad in this wonderful future worth it all in the brain they still have you as B ports are you ready be careful in there Sebastian of all the things like that Sebastian should not do mr. Castellanos please get your head together you've been looking for this person for three years then they suddenly show up because they want you to see them to one and then you you you know in your head but your daughter is gone but you suddenly have a dream about your daughter I know you couldn't save it right before Kidman shows up and tells you that the only way to save your daughter's to go back in this machine to rescue her from this fate to pay up to it's all [ __ ] Sebastian you should know better I've been falling for 30 minutes this is Bo oh okay I'm crying upwards now am I in the middle of a markiplier video there's so many tears in here okay I believe this no where am I going now this doesn't look good this reminds me of the big hall of baby heads Oh title sequence nice boy boy I mean of course there's a certain level of like acceptance to get into it you have to like accept to certain things this guy Sebastian Castellanos is very very desperate of course but I don't think I don't think that Sebastian was ever out of the stem system in the first place number one like that's that's no good number one like the technology levels that they have here is just very basic that looked like Disneyland I'm not 100% certain about that oh it's a hospital it's Beacon Hospital all right sue the barn this seems to be a lot of elements of fire because in the first game every whoo-whoo in the first game I remember that uh the the main guy what a ruthian or whatever it was he got burnt in a barn fire to be tied to fire you have my memories huh if that's the case then where my wife and child this place looks like my old office at crimson city Biddy your self mattress that built it you should ask yourself that question let's get down to business we sent some information into your room these guys right here cuz they're part of your team there are photos of a bunch of Mobius agents here your lost team why so your experts need rescuing - thanks for the vote of confidence why would they make this mod like the the horrible like futuristic mind prison that is this place look like a small town straight out of Silent Hill why would they choose to do that that's a horrible has anyone ever been to a small town I grew up in a small town it's no utopia let me tell you Valley true this picture of me it was burned up along with everything else in the house okay alright my first commendation feels like another lifetime yes because it was I don't know about that alright anything else here my jacket can I have that coat the coat looked good on me look damn good anything looks good on me admittedly I don't know figure I don't see anything Union of course not Union huh looks like any town USA exactly calm and relaxed the exact opposite of be control it doesn't seem like you've got much control this time either look I don't know what you're going to encounter in there if you need information I'd suggest you try talking to some of the locals you know canvass the area just like you taught me back at kCPT for a real detective kid okay sure all right whatever I got talked over to all this stuff and now me we're all stuck inside stem I still don't understand why you can't just take them all out of their pods and wake them up it's the matrix Moby's has got some stellar backup plans but why is that my responsibility I'm the one who already mourned the loss of my daughter Baker team leader uh-huh he's the guy I should try to find first why why him why why we'd why I guess that makes sense I guess combat specialist huh hopefully he can take care of himself you'd think that all of them would be combat specialist considering they all seemed to be like either ex-military or some like of that psychology and surveillance this one could be Katie hmm all right fine Matt one last attack but at least he has some small arms training uh-huh okay why don't they all have small office training I'm stuck there we go our Liam O'Neill Liam Oh Irish was not even expecting trouble if they sent in all these technicians I guess that's true that could be what it is yeah if they expected everybody just to be technicians but I mean in what world is this place even reeked of technicians like what IT guy is gonna go into stem hey Larry climb into the bath tub of milk and go into this brain oh boy I don't know remember owning a cat I remember a cat I remember it cat very much hi candy how you doing Oh know if that was Kidman's cat that was rice like projector in the in Kidman's dlc thing when Kidman was doing the thing why is it covered in blood all right fine okay slide projector excuse me kitty go away I put this up on the screen of blood okay ah back yeah you know the uncanny valley where things just look creepy if you look at them that kids smile it's a dead demons mild I ever saw one all right I guess that's all of them right okay talking getting you there you always really if your damn machine didn't go on the fritz I would have spent the rest of my life warning her and you wouldn't have cared I cared I'm not sure I believe you to manipulate me to get me to perform like a good little soldier these babies to me before all friendship was built on a lie yeah you'll never know how I feel until you've lost your family okay better to have loved and lost is that what you're saying taken okay all right then well that's bat and that's bat everybody's got emotional baggage just get over it I'm guessing it is that brain goop is this some sweet brain goop oh it's been so long since brain goop oh it's corrosive it comes from dead enemies that's cuz it's brain goo thanks Kitty forget this your brain goop Kitty all right oh I didn't do that in there just like bacon there should be a way out okay yeah I seem go but we just make regular doors yeah you know what I don't know about that one same terminals I'm gonna need a lot of these because we're on nightmare mode on this one and it's just not gonna go good but I I'm already on chapter 2 hey I got through chapter 1 with flying colors I didn't even need to worry about no thing nowhere and at least I got a radio on me just like a real detective here we go again into the looking glass oh that would have been a better name for this video into the looking glass is such a good name I can change it I'll change it later anyway so we're gonna get brain goop and we're gonna put it in our brain and our brains gonna be bigger and better don't ask how the cat got that you don't know you know I know how the cat got that a few too many chomps to the brain Euler region of another enemy [Music] mom can fix it for you she can fix anything yeah yeah no I'm not insane it's on nightmare mode because it said if I like the difficulty of the first game then I'll like this mode and I did like the difficulty of the first game because it was infuriating to the nth degree oh good clearly not lady be more praying goop I've got a wonderful family an amazingly smart and beautiful life why wouldn't I be alright whoa there Sebastian whoa there mr. Castellanos Oh Oh careful I've fallen into a many hole before usually doesn't end well for me oh I get the feeling that combat is about to start wait this looks like the house from Resident Evil 7 am i crazy about that wait I'm not crazy am I same flooring same doors a little bit a little bit not a lot but a little bit ooh I don't like that at all I don't like that at all oh my god it's the Cirque du Soleil show in here where's the ribbon dancers oh I don't like that hello this is all a little disconcerting very disconcerting in de de all right hello okay all right I'm gonna yeah I'm not crazy I'm not cry a mime absolutely crazy I'm going under presenter what is that what me well actually probably look oh ah oh this place no yeah you're right resident eNOS it's a lot like resident eNOS this place isn't so awful at all it's totally fine what the hell did what well that didn't make much sense that don't make a lick of sense alright well alright let's go back through the door then okay I have a body mounted foot hip mounted flashlights the most utilitarian of possible flashlight locations okay I don't think be tableau is gonna help me in this certain circumstance sir or madam boy you know it's always a good time in classical music starts blaring out from a inconspicuous and dark hallway nope don't like that not one not one bit no I didn't like what I saw in the window what are you so uh one of the search team Baker what is that why did it reset like that what the hell that might be the craziest thing I've ever seen good god no no don't not not didn't want to touch it I don't like that I don't know I wasn't there was a camera out there Oh God Oh God let me stop and step out of that real quick and look at this oh geez who who did this ah that's horrifying that's horrifying I'm sorry Oh God oh god that's so weird okay well weird leader a good observational skills Sebastian real detective Lee worked out Castellanos oh geez [Music] whoa God is like is his mind like trapped in that one moment of death like in perpetuity cuz that's awful that's awful oh that's so bad and I'm gonna turn up the the game volume just a smidge hey there we go alright back to the game yeesh my vacation was great it really was it was good to kind of like relax and get away from things and then eagerly anticipate the return of coming back to things such as the like as this also I want to mention that as of right now as of exactly right now there are brand new shirts available for sale with this awesome holographic logo you may have seen me wearing similar shirts in some of the van videos that I've been doing but if you go to markiplier comm right now you'll see some sweet sweet shirts both in the small print and the Big M on the front something Bad's about to happen hello I'll take this please ahh file mystic whoever did this must have enjoyed it nothing on the back alright okay you Shh so who in here would be sadistic enough to do this because it seems like there's other pictures on the wall and also some dirty gloves over there I'm thinking the doctor from out last one is something to do with this what I wasn't looking at that oh it's great B's block the way out okay all right well I fixed that one no I remember some timely shoves back in my day I gotta say though the graphics in this one versus the first game are vastly improved it's amazing what happens just a few years but uh yeah it's pretty cool Oh does your hand hurt after three years your hand still hurts buddy don't you get over it yeah this I'm not crazy this is this looks a lot like the house from Resident Evil 7 and I know that's probably not intentional probably all decrepit manners look a bit similar but uh I don't know something about the rule hello Castellano speaking these darn pranksters they're always calling me up in the middle of the night right before I get in the bath nothing whole lot of nothin over there a lot of something over here boy hello why can't I go in there it's it's waist-high I can't possibly get over that alright let's go upstairs hello hello Oh wonderful painting Oh God is that just dead either body parts are ahead I don't know which oh good the red room upstairs all right thank you tutorial really appreciate that preciate that and appreciate you congratulations truth-seeker thank you for taking our spiritual acuity test we're pleased to welcome you to the next level of knowledge please report to the nearest mu Center with this letter to ascend from probationary applicant to the position of MU disciple this lever guarantees you the exalted position at the next cleansing therem ceremony handwritten on the back lies all lies and a symbol I'm sure that symbol is gonna come up in the future all right well got that now that's fun for the whole family what is that grand is that like the Grand Hotel or something like that maybe hey I don't wanna Hey okay goodbye what's going on here I don't know what's going on with you okay all right well see ya yeah have a good one whatever you do and whatever life you live that's what you do can I sit I love this chair Oh chair for looking out on this ominous hallway this way whenever someone comes up the stairs I can go boo and stab them with a knife and then I'll be hilarious and get them good all right carry on to the Red Room the Red Room everybody everybody like the red oh good another spooking chair Oh another chair to go boo and then everybody who walks by will go Oh God hello and then I'll carry on my day knowing that I brought a little joy to people's lives world needs more spooky I think this might be another spooking room I have a good I have a guy this is definitely a spooking room boy oh boy oh boy don't trust that hello you oh no that's the opposite of good ah you took my idea as terrible as terrible nothing it ooh space to enter cover ooh all right that was to move all right you didn't see nothing sir no ye oh ye oh ye ye how very suspicious yeah good thing I got all these couches Oh good bye was that uh he's got a magic camera well I guess he's powerless if you just don't let him murder you here and such a poor guy though good God just like the search team member well no the search team member was shot in the head there's clearly a knife to the entire torso get it together your detective all right moving on boy I love this red room this is really nice oh god what is this don't like any of this I mean I'm one for Modern Art and all that and modern architecture which of which this is impossible by the way out of here yeah good luck with that when you got the Mobius strip of stairs going up there and all these clogs you never know what's gonna happen over here oh wait no oh no tonight you'll be dreaming I'll be sitting in a spooky chair everybody just imagine me in a spooky chair popping out from the shadows just all right and then something's down there oh no that's the cover I got it they'll never catch me hiding behind this chair we'll get him real good he may have a camera but I got a boo-boo okay all right anyway I'm gonna carry on like I'm not an idiot all right so I can't see anything down here worth Cleto Hey don't do that don't do that don't don't do that don't do that dannion oh no that's no that's not good how did blood get all the way up there I wonder I wonder before I be torn asunder hi hello someone in there who's in there all right whatever you say okay oh now I can climb over obstacles oh okay three of 40 is I'm collecting most of them oh jeez it's just another angle oh no oh my god well lit and InFocus it looks like a gun was used to shoot him in the head it looks like oh my god it looks like you stuffed a hand grenade in a skull oh yeah ye this person ain't cool but then again like you do know death doesn't really mean the same thing in this place like these people might not actually be dead I mean they probably are but considering there's been a lot of weirdness I wouldn't be surprised if Jojo walked around the corner and haunted me from the grave yeah that's what I think about that oh boy this I don't like no that's the opposite of what I wanted on my day here today ah nope okay all right then well I did Li hummed oh where are you gonna go oh geez I can't go there alright well I like the placement of your spooking chair it's very good would have got me if you had been sitting on it but you chose to be a spooky eye the end of a hallway yeah oh thank you Oh clunk Oh indeed oh very nice ah huh can you stop moaning for a second I was observing how much I love this pendulum it's a really nice decorational feature and very soothing when you listen to it that's awful whatever I'm looking at I don't even know what I'm looking at but I hate it why is it you're so high oh oh no that's a neck ah I see what it is now and it's even worse than I ever could have imagined oh no just no look if I had to pick I'm gonna go with no I'm gonna go with a big old no alright is it the only way to go seems blocked off over here I can't possibly get over here it's impossible it's uncrossable alright fine if I climb up the pendulum I might make it right don't even think about it oh my gosh yeah my sec I ever able to teleport everywhere that's the weird things oh no the shirts aren't limited time you can get them whenever you want and they're gonna be there so check them out go - markiplier comm they're really nice by the way I mean I know like it's what the Frick just happened hey hey you guys listening out for me right you guys are gonna warn me if something bad happens oh this guy's just sleepy that's not so bad or dead I got mad why did that happen I saw that you can't fool me i SWA why no no no no no no no no no I don't I don't know about no let's go with no I'm gonna go with no on that one yeah oh oh whatever that is it's awful I don't like it Christ you know what this reminds me of via in the original BioShock that guy the guy in the theater the guy who like froze people no don't like that no not at all rebirth okay yeah sure rebirth rebirth oh no wait that's too many ARMs wait I don't trust you at all this looks like an arena no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh that's what opened up okay all right ah good a killing box hope there's a spooky chair in here I don't trust that at all I don't trust that at all I don't trust that at all at all well that's the thing right it's it's it's beautiful in a really horrifying gruesome way art it's kind of like a dissonance of emotions like oh the presentation is so nice oh it's bodies oh it's all bodies oh it's pot ball but the composition of this and the lighting is ours corpses oh god it's corpses you know like that whole thing and that's kind of what gets you oh the use of flowers is wrong I don't like this room I didn't like the last room and what the sweat off my brow no no this room is literally the worst this is the worst room I've ever seen please don't come to life and spook me [Music] no oh you moved you moved your mouth why'd you move why'd you move why'd you move you didn't need move and you moved I'm closed off oh no no no no you're not gonna kill me and take a pic of me no I'm gonna bypass your [ __ ] here all right right right hey sorry Oh No okay you know what I'm not gonna do that I see what you're doing here trying to funnel me in for a good old kill I know what you're up to Oh God nope bad yeah I don't I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it he got me got me so good those darn photographers wait so what happened where did it go where did it go mm all right I don't like it oh good a mirror what am I taking oh it's my pick I look like a handsome son of a [ __ ] genuine surprise on my mug hey no hey all right no I don't know oh my god oh it's you what happened to you oh my god oh my god oh my god oh no oh yeah yeah yeah you're horrible I mean you're beautiful in a horrible way it's like oh look a pretty eyes corpses bats all corpses everything about you is corpses crap yeah yeah can I look behind me Sara way to look behind me if I just run like the hall that's how you do it yeah hello okay goodbye the vault you're gonna kick that door open Lebowski yep oh god where did I go dick pick captain no I'm not you don't know that oh boy wait was this Oh or maybe no way to take the most time in the world possible to climb up that not like there was any urgency Sebastian I've trapped it here but there's no way out baby not like I don't know why that was so funny to me though just like oh that's fine you're fine you're cute you're not my giblets not my giblets No all right okay all right okay all right here we go it's all good I'll give him everything's fine I think I got away from her I think that I think I got away from her this time I think she's gonna be gone forever I think she's really going guys guys I think - uh-oh here it rude rude rude okay I can't run anymore which is a bad sign but okay I'll go down the uh-oh nope nope don't like this no I was why did I go calmly run run you big [ __ ] imma turn around huh I'm looking back I'm looking back I'm looking back oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy hey no no no oh no no no no no no [Music] I'm struggling I'm struggling I'm struggling I'm trouble take that yeah how'd you like that knife to the face not so good ain't it yeah all right excuse me pardon me hey I need some healing juice to put on this wound I'm never gonna be able to survive that I am NOT rubber nacht I very clearly survived oh that was my shadow I was like excuse me automatic health regeneration when your health is critically low the life Cades will turn red while the life gauge is red it will automatically regenerate it up to a certain point it will regenerate more quickly if you stand still so try to find a safe place to hide and recover when in critical condition oh good no probably need that oh but at least I get a knife all right wait how do I get it how do I use the knife well how do I have it equipped okay all right then nobody get in the way of my stabbing I gotta find me a good spooking chair so I can get him in and just pop out from the shadows and be like yeah I got you he'll never know what hit him no I mean after I hit her now where am I she'll know that it's a knife oh it's Daredevils apartment the origin of the medication in these portable syringes is unknown but they provide moderate health restoration it's beer LSD it's crack it's heroin all of the above shove it inside you who cares where it came from it feels good so why not this place is like bad lessons oh yeah I'm in here now Sebastian Castellanos detective with a knife yeah everybody want to mess with me Journal an abandoned house the hand written in handwriting in this journal is neat and precise the final entry reads as follows just got the call now another reason for all the weird [ __ ] that's been happening the last few days it's the worst possible scenario but at least I don't have to pretend anymore the things I've seen they've all changed it's too late to save them it's time to put my training to practice may God have mercy on their souls and mine is that mr. small arms training is that what I'm seeing over there I think that might be mr. small arms training oh yeah hey there Sebastian Castellanos have to kick down that damn door again well here we go how about you oh sorry this one needs a more gentle touch apparently hmm Oh convenient ah my favorite book gun never you and I needed you I should have been reading that's what they say that's what they always say I got a read more a gun great maybe this is the right place I do need goop juice I think she's out there I'm pretty sure Kidman's Lily this photo I thought it was lost to the fire forever I remember when we took this Lily's breath smelled like cotton candy Myra never looked more beautiful but what about how she betrayed you at the end of episode one about how she worked for this whole corporation do you remember that at all Sebastian Sebastian Castellanos mr. mr. mr. lon Oh Stephen Goodman I don't know there's a killer running around in here doing things that are all over again what the [ __ ] did you just send me into yeah why is this plant glowing oh okay it's collectible an herb and herb this is Silent Hill it's so Silent Hill oh hell yeah oh hell yeah alright now it's three it's like the weapon oh oh let's put you it let's put you at six oh that's good alright maybe you should be one but I want the knife to be one not that the knife is an option maybe the knife is like always a default although how do I use the knife very confusing but at least I got my stab a knife so if I had to oh how do I get my knife out how do I do it hang on I gotta where's the where's the controls here we go wait well a button assignment no type-c what is it keyboard bindings here we go where's the knife sneak kill is F got it putting this all on my brain right now e e this game is so scary e good where's the knife where's knife there's no knife option male what doing stupid what is this what is what I'm pissed alright I need to find a button for melee attack because I'm gonna need that not just Mouse one freaking dummy all right how about what have I got well we got left ER q skew being used gives not use let's do Q alright male it's cute for some [ __ ] reason melee its Q alright bye happy with that it is nightmare mode I'm doing promos yeah yeah I'm a queue at the ready yeah oh wait maybe I can bind it to Mouse wait hang on everybody if I hold on your pants things are about to get wild in here alright instead of Q Oh mouse for who'da thought mouse for was even a button but yeah alright now I always got that I got my gun oh you think I'm gonna shoot ya stab took a little longer than I thought it would but I got it alright let's get on the way not being silly [ __ ] [ __ ] didn't mean to get so uncie li that quickly like this geez well who left you to rot like this and Here I am I'm gonna leave you to rot like that goodbye sir I'm certainly not gonna clean it up don't worry Sebastian it's just a small town oh yeah yeah too quiet Oh too quiet I Love You Sebastian you're so right hey oh no no no no hey she was speaking in multiple voices I don't like that there's a clear sign that might be dark applier over there I think she turned gray when the lighting changed a little bit when she went forward a little bit turned a little gray oh this is bad hello I can very clearly see how bad this is you see all the bad [Laughter] [Music] you're very clearly not want to waste that bullet your we don'twe to mess it up the oh boy oh boy oh boy that ain't good I should have said something cool they're like you finish your supper see here's your dessert like god I should have said something cool god damn it we saw here it goes wait I must say i'ma say it wait damn wait you forgot you forgive you forgot about dessert ah there we go cotton sack but stab I'll take that juice you're human let me scrape that off the ground there oh that's not good okay you all right in here buddy you very dad how dad are you on a scale one two dead oh oh oh that's not good allow me to find a safe haven next to this a horrifying TV it's like the TV in my van thank you thank you for that all right well whenever they get in here I'll take care of them tree I'm doing nice dinner I've got plenty of food all right I guess they're not gonna get in here I thought I thought that was the whole like circumstance that was happening that they were gonna burst in and there's gonna be a problem but oh well oh yeah oh I got oh no the spookin chair fine I'll be in this chair help me in this chair you guys go on go on good job all right whatever stupid jokes stupid all right going upstairs doodlee do I go on upstairs doodly-doo melee yeah come on I want to really Whangdoodle these things I think that door so strong Oh bullets oh yes please thank you very much okay let's reload this bad boy but I'm gonna try to get by with just stabbing for a bit because I have a funny feeling that I'm gonna run out of a stabbing or I'm gonna run out of gun stabs in any moment here hello oh who is it God right when I get in the tub of boom Oh get stabbed but yeah yeah oh that's not good can I struggle you forgot about this up god damn it you forgot about desert it just doesn't feel as good then Jesus alright fine whatever come on I want to really loose key those things let me really let me really Whangdoodle him alright fine I guess cuz we know how this is gonna go alright hang on one second Oh boom okay one stabbing no no aah dot and bam pop oh you forgot about we have no food left aw Frick [Music] alright I'll stop goofing around I'm sorry was it alright for realsies this time okay a new tutorial it has been added is it a tutorial not how to be an idiot what it is you know what I'm probably gonna do I'm probably gonna run by it because I don't need to waste bullets I think and oh god my health is low what right whoa hey I wasn't ready for you oh god I'm just gonna run Jill Repp BAM [ __ ] okay I'm out of here you alright excuse me alright don't run out of stamina oh that's not good woah you're a little speedier than I thought you'd be dinners in there dinner's it served in there take a ticket oh whoa alright hey excuse me I know how to mail a thank you very much alright hey yeah twelve centuries old and still just as effective I don't believe that for a moment hey yeah I forgot about the whole break-in thing bread flour Oh Pocket flour I meant to bloom of smoke when exposed but can I just like have that in my pocket and what someone's at my door I'm just like ah like when I get my sneak in chair when I get that all set up think that's I know he's got goop juice in them but maybe I just can't afford all right you know I I guess I'll go finish him off hey buddy hey buddy hey buddy oh he's gone All Right see ya okay never mind all right we're gonna carry on anything in this car we got well okay I'm on top of it now which is not my intention but here I am anything in here Oh climb well all right that'll be convenient to know oh it looks like Silent Hill we're glad you're here no no it looks like a brain that trees a brain the trees the brain trees brain that tree is brain good well let's get into this horrible place I know how to sprint is there anything hidden in the woods that I should know about what now is that small arms training I hear oh [Music] oh well that was your first mistake oh he's so well trained oh no he wasn't trained hard enough oh geez not Liam Oh Irishman well that's good huh no no no no no no no no squeeze squeeze squeeze ah okay I got it I'm gonna sneak kill this person here oh you're gonna get sneak sneak Oh nope yes ah you're too far away I should turn off my flashlight how about that alright well someone's gonna get sneak snogged all over get ready for a sneak in net I've been sneaking now I've been snacking that you guys better watch out cuz the snick snack is back oh yeah I'm gonna sneak kill somebody you guys you guys watch out of that unaware enemy right there's about to get a face full of media oh yeah oh he's chopping on the emo Irish boy over there peekaboo wait no uh God uh here's your appetizer Oh oh that's no no no no no no no no no not what I wanted no one heard that doner that ha ha I'm behind a fence you'll never find me oh man a stamina cool herb oh that's not good where is he oh it's right there okay let's see if I can lose him I don't know if I can oh good I gotta get this goop juice oh sweet goop yeah oh sweet there's a lot of goo it probably that's a lot that's it funny pranks we're all pulling on each other here just like this hilarious prank I'm about to pull on your neck yeah here we go here comes the prank somebody get the camera I'm about to pull a hilarious prank on this guy never mind there we go sparingly all right this guy he's volunteering to be pranked how good hey what's that no no dude dude listen all right it's just a prank bro oh do you like the bruschetta there we go I think all my kills should be food-related all right you read this there was something in that van and there was something on the dumpster I got to grab before I get out of here carry on ooh do I have to nobody listen to this yeah no nerd that no climate a little old victory climb let's give me the Gunpowder all right and then there's some bottle of something over here it's just a bottle it is literally just a bottle that would have been incredibly useful for me to have right before everything else happened dude this guy have a gun on him is that what the deal was for this guy oh no no this is this is Billy every teen this isn't actually one of the members of that club there all right let me take care of this guy boy I sneak slowly I sure hope I can upgrade my sneak in speed just like what my spookin speed this is spook mode it's not sneaking mode it's spook mode the soup of the day is herb lentil there you go there you go anybody else if I can get like oh this guy didn't have any goop juice he didn't like the soup all right is there any other that I could get like a freezie kill now there's probably too many out there all right I'll just go in here I'll come back for him it's like it okay never mind I won't kick it real good I got oh they weren't there before that's weird oh I'm so strong hell yeah but if I slap my hands on this window it'll work all right well that was awesome in hilarious I love when games are unintentionally hilarious all right let me hang on I think I might have to think I might have to engage spooking mode to get over here [Laughter] funny to me but this tube sneaking over this lamp down this way excuse me that's not funny oh did they break in watch out for the lamp it's a doozy to sneak over oh jeez I'm sorry that's really not funny I'm sorry Shh into my gun okay Wow Wow whoa hey calm down don't shoot Lin it's me I'm not gonna hurt you see Oh Danny Boy the pipes the pipes are calling you can lower your gun I'm on your side you're not Mobius you might not be one of those things but that doesn't mean you're on my side you're right I don't work for Mobius but I was sent here by them try this machine with those things out there what they can do No yeah I have lucky for you your partner was willing to sacrifice himself so you could escape think he was willing he was just a member of Union security detail protecting me was his job and my job is to solve a hardware issue dying inside here is above my pay grade I'm not a soldier I'm just a technician I know stop all right well Liam sorry that went that way but it had to be done I like your soldier would have taken the safety off ha ha ha Ricky miss told you we're on the same side let's try this again I'm Sebastian Castellanos oh no no that's not right it's Castellanos get it right next time Sebastian I'm O'Neill Liam oh no it's Liam Oh iris oh I'm sorry Moebius but they sent you in here why I'm looking for my I'm trying to restore the core just like you are yeah good luck with that mm-hmm I'm done I'm just gonna hold out here until extraction they can't extract you not until Lily is found it was Lily look everyone is stuck in here until the course okay can you help me out if you're asking me to go out there with you you can forget about it this is a safe house so I'm staying safe got me but I may have a lead on the core I detected some signals nearby that resonated the course frequencies got opinions we were trying to track them when we got attacked here listen to this it sounds like a little girl right was that her the car I think so but I've been picking up all sorts of weird signals on my communicator since we got here no way to know for sure until you track it to its source how do I do that your communicator can pick it up too once you're out there check it you'll see you'll probably pick up other signals while you're out there it wouldn't hurt to follow them to find out what no way the core first it's the only way we're getting out of here suit yourself let's pair up our communicators that way I can tell you if I find anything yeah okay can't hurt I guess sure all right why wouldn't they be oh oh I love trees ah some of the stronger eggs are pretty tough takes a lotta ammo to get them off my back you got something stronger in here stronger ammo here but bigger bullies I'm out there this place was designed to be peaceful but Mobius and firepower go hand in hand weird about where I can find some of this firepower it's a pretty chaotic out there you're not gonna find a pile of heavy-duty weapons altogether but I did see something useful next to an abandoned APC just outside I'll mark its location for you but be careful there are a lot of those things hanging around it all right let me let me turn up the volume real quick because I think it's still just a tad quiet let me know if that gets too loud but I don't think it will be alright so opinion first before I move on to the other stuff here I have a distinct problem with him not knowing who Lily is and not recognizing the name Castellanos considering he's in the bathtub where right next to the bathtub on a big plaque and big bold letters says Lily Castellanos it's all a ruse it's all a lie I don't know this guy's ignorant or untrustworthy O'Neil makai Rashmi I'm not gonna give you my potatoes and not gonna happen there's no way that he didn't know the name Lily going into this thing if he's a technician of this thing then he knows how it works right he would know that there would be a lily inside and it's not Lily inside they're using that to make Sebastian it's more dangerous out there than I expect that's my theory any idea kit mean is actually weapons and supplies I tried to tell you about this one signal but you didn't want to hear it well I'm all ears now I picked something up from to Mobius security team members who were talking about weapons caches maybe you can follow it and get some gear maybe they're out there can help you out now let's think about it come on man I'm all alone in here I could use some protection maybe if you hadn't let your last guard take the fall for you whatever we have to signal on your communicator whatever follow it or don't follow it I don't care Wow O'Neill okay all right excuse you oh that's cool live members of you it's like it's like sub mission forces greenie in here to help us but yeah there are five search team members wait did you just say were I found Baker he's dead huh doesn't surprise me he locked onto a powerful signal and went to investigate I told him we should just request extraction and report our findings leave the dangerous work to somebody else but he wouldn't hear of it being team leader and all always had to be the brave one [ __ ] oh there's a thin line between prudent and cowardly - tomato tomahto I'm not saying I'm great tomorrow with what kind of [ __ ] do you think I am I hope the others are okay I'll let you know if I find anybody else why couldn't they've made him say potato pudding so you've been stuck in here a week already has it been that long damn sometimes a little fluid in here this is supposed to be a simple in-and-out job like home in time for dinner simple but this is different than anything I've ever seen before what do you mean wonky stuff usually happens when a core goes AWOL but what's happening is more than that this place is falling apart of the seams we use the stable field emitter but it's not working like it's supposed to what's the stable field emitter if Mobius since you in here shouldn't you know this stuff already uh we're not gonna talk about that also did you guys notice how his nametag it says Mobius on it but instead of like Mobius it says like with the way everything is over it looks like mofo like if that's not if that's not foreshadowing something or trying to paint them in a certain picture I don't know what is I must save here plop this bad boy in their new slot please yeah I didn't mean to that but alright double save for double security rule number one of the zombie apocalypse double tap or something call the method of health regeneration is a good old cup of coffee that is freaking hilarious I didn't need to use that health thing if I'd have known that there was a cup of joe waiting for me around the corner excus takes a while for another pot to brew takes the edge off it really stitches up these bullet wounds God this knife in my shoulder feels a lot better now god I love this game I love it so much that is freakin hilarious I love it I love this game alright Wolff crafting or weapon upgrade all right let's see what crafting ass bullets are always good I could always use that I don't think I have three of those but I have a lot of gunpowder what's that spicy gunpowder down there of the farty variety all right let's make some bullets how about just three ah yeah let's do that I'll probably need him okay that just made three bullets it takes three stats so much my weapon upgrade what do we got here ammo capacity fire rate I don't have any weapon parts so I can't do any of this but yeah that seems pretty similar to the last one the crafting of items is cool because I don't think you were able to do that before field crafting icon from the arsenal to craft items without a workbench field crafting requires more resources than crafting at a workbench and you cannot upgrade weapons of your field crafting that's handy all right I can assign it to a shortcut apparently let's put that bad boy eight let's put that bad boy eight oh I can't set a shortcut oh that's stupid I'm gonna set this bad boy at one get all my bottles in one so I'm really wearing doodle I'm out there willy-nilly at random Oh weapon Bart's oh sweet I'm still not gonna upgrade prolly well let's see if I can give me a bunch what excuse me I'm gonna just there's one corner of the benches all I'm really gonna work on let's see what we got I think fire power would be the best application of this 90 90 90 oh all right I can't upgrade anything right now I'm going to save it until I know exactly what I should go for you're not gonna go for anything so high yeah hope no one heard that excuse me not what I meant yeah all right so let's see what's going on over here hey Liam who is that there's something weird out here you know what I'm gonna go for it hey I'm Eric I'm Eric come back look at you real hard you got coffee in there really use some cup of joe who is that my wife again my wife this is leading me into who a sneaking chair a broken chair oh you got my portable spookin chair Oh finally that's not good huh so we'll do it that supposed to mean this is the goop juice chair not good oh I made a horrible hair oh yeah I know you oh you could craft bullets in the old game yeah hey let me out of here no oh no you're not my wife detective Cassady Janos what a pleasant surprise welcome back you again how are you here I could ask you the same question regardless it's nice to see a familiar face even if that face has seen far too much you don't know how much my face is seen detective no I can help you get back in shape don't like where this is going just like before thank you okay just like before where's the coffee play into this can I get some soup really could use some hot hot soup Oh athleticism that's what I need pretty much everything stealth Oh my spoken skills can I upgrade my spooking skills oh no that's what I wanted but it's just one away no enhance spooking is right there ambush my super spook ah my grabby hands brow brow lured you I'm gonna be so good at spooking oh man I can't wait predator spoke inator I'll pay the full spooky oh man I can't wait that's exactly what I wanted okay I'm saving up for the spook oh man that's so it's not it's not at all all right I know I don't even need to look at anything else hey lady hey lady this place give me an idea what's going on you it's just like beacon but this isn't beacon this is Union is it it all seems familiar to me these walls that chair you for me it's as if nothing has changed at all is this what I brought in here my office is relaxing but it's no place to loiter all right I find that now am I ever going to get these nails right didn't you keep interrupting my manicure uh don't you think it's time that you moved on to the task at hand no lady no I know my off all right fine whatever okay all right well I can't upgrade so I'm a stand save the goop in for another day I need a lot more juice where's all my brain goo bat anybody want to give me brain goop did I get any more slides I don't think I did no I don't have any more slides I don't think anything else would have spawned in the air I don't think there's any reason to go back in here oh but one of them is deceased two of them actually aren't they wait who was the other guy oh that was he did say that there was a security detail already in here so tip of the knife is a dangerous job yeah and he's dead now anyway I have a very dry sense of humor let me cook my way into that mirror by cat buh buh don't kick you all right let's go back in here but keep moving forward is she a program that I don't know she might actually be inherent to the stem program I mean just because she has like she remembers me doesn't mean anything at all there's definitely some pooping potential out here all right let me put on my scooping shoes okay let's see if I can find this signal okay let's go for this suck it up James we've been through worse than this and we're better armed this time or at least we will be once we read the supplies come on that must be a signal O'Neill mentioned James what's this one looks pretty far away but it's the only lead of God if it's any one not that Lily I'm gonna get there and then turn right back around because it's just [ __ ] alright I'm gonna go for the road signal first all right back into spewpa mode yeah all right sounds like that's that that's disconcerting everyone keeps in her up in my spooking mode I got much mooking shoes on problem or advice you go in that building and tell Liam pick Irishmen that there's a bit of a problem out here Oh Sebastian look out Sebastian no don't do it oh boy if it keeps breaking apart like this there won't be any Union to search yeah try to find that signal and I'm gonna take my time all right i'ma take my time hey lamb uh you might be dead in like two minutes just just fair warning whoa was that hello I'm under here hey what's going on in here Oh coffee Oh gunpowder ah blue glow and gunpowder I should have known okay there was something going on in this church I want to make sure no that's where the other signal was let's go to see it was uh whoa now what about this other one what fallen Moebius operative do I have a map or anything no I don't it's all from the communicator and there's some herbs here all right Oh i spooking mode engaged whoa why is there an glowing yeah damn bottle okay how do I approach this go get my bottle out first and foremost okay so the angle of approach for these spookin has got to be as thusly I don't think a head-on approaches good Oh what are you doing up on that roof get off of the roof stupid boy oh you have an ass I want that oh I want that real bad oh there's something on you whoa hey hey Wow okay all right well convenient convenient I'll say convenient Oh press tab oh that's so Andy oh there's a Mobius operative in there are so Andy okay thank you thank you thank you all right I'll come back for that it's gonna get this whatever is here do you have a gun on you gun three bullets three let me Pat that ass real quick ah good bullets excellent oh that's right wasn't that a thing like all the corpses like eventually you can just like you can slap them real hard and search for more ammo and stuff like that wasn't that a thing I'm pretty sure that's good good dog all right what do we got here that's weird anybody in here Mobius hello hello Oh another bottle oh maybe there's a way around back or something Oh what the hell excuse me while I dig around in the trash for a bit there better be a bullet in here nope Rock stupid did I'd get a rock I've ever gotten a rock is that over there hey what's that over there another bottle perfect okay so there might be saw way in up here please excuse me roof ruff up on the roof anybody up here I got a bottle anybody want some huh maybe this is it good got to put on spoofing mode hey buddy hey buddy hey buddy stop no don't like that where you going now you're too far away to get spooked oh no you might turn around I've been in this situation many times before lady sir all right okay all right okay all right no stupid piece of [ __ ] I know I'm a loser hey boat engage sneakin hot sneaks knocked he's stupidly you don't know where I am all right okay oh yeah where you go Wolfe I have no idea where she's going okay no no aah see I knew it was gonna happen okay here we go all right [Music] don't you notice me how could she have noticed me Oh where'd I go that's weird [Laughter] I'm sorry that was terrible it was terrible terrible performance from start to finish just awful this is a sniper rifle oh it's broken god damn it with the proper parts that could be repaired but previous owner is no longer able to say where those might be found okay barrels toast but the rest of it looks okay need to find some parts to fix it oh geez so funny so funny okay a communication log found on the communicator we're on the roof of the building next to the visitor center I blew out the barrel the sniper rifle need replacement parts stat the parts are in the supply shed across from the Union auto repair that's all the way up in the northwest corner of town it's right on the edge of the break come on man I don't care where they are bring them to me before these things find their way up here [ __ ] man why do I always got to get the dangerous jobs oh come on McCoy even though probably both of you are very dead oh wait a minute is that where is that no don't throw a bottle there silly Billy okay alright well got more handgun bullets can i Pat this yeah I think on you alright fine that one are you guys really saying that one one monster zombie lady thing was able to take all of you guys down alright whatever I want a bunch of wimpy these Mobius guys they ain't very good they ain't no Castellanos that's that for damn sure I know I know no it's not funny it's it's not funny I'm laughing at completely unfunny things but that is that is my want in life and that is what I do but before I carry on any further unfortunately I'm all out of time for today but don't worry because I'm gonna be back tomorrow with another live stream of this fresh at 8:00 a.m. Pacific Standard Time is when I'm gonna be starting these things I love this game so much this game is so fun it's everything that I loved about the original and more like I think I think it's slightly self-aware too because it's really cool and I like it a lot so I will be back tomorrow thank you everybody so much for watching this are this will be uploaded very soon and don't forget there are brand new shirts available right now if you go to markiplier comm you can find them there this awesome pocket holographic print of this cool M logo and also there's a big one where it's all over the chest if you want that tons of stuff check it out double save just for safety thank you everybody so much for watching and as always I don't see you in the next video bye bye bye bye bye bye bye guys bye bye good bye good bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,890,473
Rating: 4.9328008 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, the evil within 2, gaming, gameplay, scary moments, jumpscares, horror, scary, video game, pc, lets play, playthrough, walkthrough, part 1
Id: 0_qN3BkmA6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 24sec (5544 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2017
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