Imaginarium Crusade -with Pastor John Hannah

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we know we know you're sitting on your throne with Jesus seated at your right hand side in full glory we know that you've called us as your children Lord God and we pray for Souls tonight Lord God we thank you that you've made away the souls shall come forth that no one shall leave here the way they came that each will leave with an impartation from you that each will get an answer to a need Lord God because you said that you know our need before we even speak of it Lord God so we thank you that you're a loving God you're an all-knowing God you're an Almighty God you're Almighty God your Almighty God your Almighty God your Almighty God we praise You Lord God we praise you and lift you up and give you glory and thank you for the blessing of be able to come in worship and in our worship Lord God let it be a pure West worship let it be a sweet-smelling sound to you let it break yokes Lord God let it extend us father God to the new flat souls to the new levels and we thank you Lord God that you have made it so in the mighty name of Jesus we pray Lord God amen hallelujah I was glad when they sent it to me that let's go it I just need all the ones that are have an expectation in the home to give God your grace [Music] the lava stop the heart [Music] but Ollie doesn't offer children because [Music] hallelujah yes Lord I'll praise your name we're gonna praise his name tonight because he's worthy of it he deserves it tonight we came to give her my friend come on put your hands together real good [Music] not [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] hands are lifted up and my heart is ready to receive up a lesson from you anybody waiting Oh your blessing tonight are you ready for a blessing from you come on sing it together everybody my hand is ready to resign [Music] a blessing from just Lord I'm excited about the blessing that's coming [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] somebody said a blessing from you the slaw just like I tell [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] ooh [Music] everybody the best way to be appreciative of any blessings that the Lord gives you is to just tell them thank you as anybody just grateful sometimes it's just the fact that he woke you up this morning so we don't have to think back at nineteen twenty seven but this morning he provided us with food on our tables this morning we were able to get in our cars and drive to church so for that reason we messed up our hands and we tells our thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so my hands are lit up my heart is ready to see a blessing from you yes longish lon a blessing from you [Music] all over the building come on everybody say my heart is ready sounds mighty good in the buildin I'm blessing from you'll say now Church I'll take it gonna lead the way come on everybody take my hands I lived it up there [Music] I hear you come on say I said even in your card no home come on everybody's here let's it from you a blessing from a lesson from you now everybody just take 30 seconds can we just lift up my hands and just give me the top words tonight somebody just lift up your praise praise tonight come on somebody named the viewership [Music] and [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] would you lift your hands and worship right where you are come on would you just bless him with the fruit of your lips come on give him the sound of your adoration come on everybody let's sing together [Music] I [Music] [Music] yes [Music] I want somebody's hand in your hand please you stretch out even across the aisles come on all of your worship [Music] [Applause] [Music] I want you even before I pray would you take it as your intercessory assignment that tonight you're gonna pray for whoever's hand you're holding gonna pray for their mind pray for their imagination pray for their creativity pray for what it is that they have been ordained to do in the earth realm come on open up your mouth beginning to charge the atmosphere would you pray for even right now come on y'all night prayer good [Music] on the name of Jesus I pray that you will feel this place I pray that you have filled the place with your presence and with your power I pray they will be baptized in the Holy Spirit again I pray dear Lord that your oil will be irresistible I pray that you will touch blinded eyes that claim they can't see you touch deaf ears that can't hear you I pray that you will grasp the hands of those who haven't been able to feel you God let this be a day that will re organize the steps of over the rest of our lives I pray that tonight you'll exceed our expectations let the enemy be embarrass I pray that the portals of heaven will now tilt in this direction and we promised God to give your name glory give your name praise and to give your name Thanksgiving and those of you who are expecting an encounter with the Holy Spirit lose that hand and give God your best sound that Thanksgiving come on I said give God your best sound [Music] while you're yet standing while you're yet standing I want you to embrace be intentional to find three people that you don't know tonight find three people you never met before go find them embrace them and tell them God is committed II bless your imagination is getting ready to anoint your imagination [Music] Oh [Music] les lord if you love him clap your hands even now I said if you love them you don't sound like you love them I said if you love him clap your hands now you may be seated in the presence of the Lord I get joy when I think about what he's done for me it didn't have to let me live but he did and for that I know I got to give him glory how many of you can thank God how many of you got a reason to thank God that even with the rain would you thank God your brakes didn't fail would you thank God you got a roof over your head thank God you had food on the table we dare not wait until the last Thursday in November for Thanksgiving but every time we get into God's house we ought to be mindful of how it is that God has endlessly loved us in spite of us they keeps blessing us keeps making a way out of no way I want us to extend tribute on our God I want us to extend our thanks in a tangible way I want to challenge you both those of you who are in our physical campus and those of you who are worshiping with us virtually I want to challenge every person to get a seed in your hand as close to $40 as you can get it in your possession get it in your hand as close to 40 as you possibly can if you have 50 we don't have change there's as close as you gonna get amen get that seed in your hand those of you who are unable to be here Sunday you have to work your other demands as that you will please share your tithe on this day how many of you were blessed by worship on Sunday you were blessed by worship on Sunday leaving all week long God is going to bless us in immeasurable ways as soon as you have that seed in your hand even if you're gonna give electronically through any of our platforms through gibla fire push to pay text to give or even on our secure website you're able to do so at new birth org as that every person will please share every person with so every person would give there is no registration for us this week amen God has blessed us and as a consequence we want to let God know how much we appreciate and we dare not insult the father with the spirit of ingratitude bishop echo van said what if everything you don't thank him for today you don't have access to tomorrow and so we got to thank him today amen got to bless him on this day as soon as you have that seed but you lift it above your head please sir please ma'am lift it above your head our virtual worshippers I'm asking you to do so in lockstep repeat after me Lord thank you for what you did last year what you did last month for what you did last week for what you did yesterday but the seed in my hand is an expectation for what you're gonna do before this crusade is over amen bless the Lord our music ministry is going to lead us in the spirit of giving our shows are gonna serve you as is the culture of our church if you want to sow your seed for yourself at the altar as soon as the ushers pass your role you're able to do that God loves a cheerful Giver so if you gonna come come with a smile on your face amen no one comes come like God did something to you Amen come on music ministry meet us in worship [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] let's elope come on give God a hand clap of praise if you believe great things are in store for you y'all not clapping good I said if you believe great things are in store for you wish you clap your hands even now I'm not talking to your neighbor talking to you I said if you believe great things tonight begins our Imaginarium our crusade and we are appreciative and expectant about what it is that God is going to do over the course of this week um if you believe God's gonna do something mazing y'all don't believe that man I wish how's that new purse let me try to get I said how many of you believe God's gonna do something amazing amazing on this week I'm telling you I am Renee including on this day tomorrow you ought to be here elder Reverend Marisa Farrow is gonna be here on tomorrow night give God a hand clap of praise for her and not only she gonna be here but her car is going to be here tomorrow night it's gonna be amazing and then on Thursday night Thursday night is our ordination service it is our ordination service we're ordaining a new class of a ministers and elders and deacons on Thursday night we now have for upwards of a hundred and thirty who are gonna be ordained on Thursday night and as a consequence we're gonna start 30 minutes earlier on Thursday night so that we can process and ordain all of them appropriately without it becoming a watch night service amen and so we're gonna stop we're gonna start on Thursday night I want you to come I want you to bring your friends I'll bring your family apostle matthew stevens is going to be with us from Chicago as well as pastor Jason Nelson he is the twin brother of our minister of music elder Jonathan Nelson and so it's going to be a night you don't want to forget we're gonna be broadcasting live around the world on the word network on Thursday night and so please make sure that day you wash your face brush your teeth a menu you can be on TV amen so please make sure that you are present and accounted for on Friday we begin our International Film Festival which will be housed here at our sanctuary give God a Handclap of praise for that red carpet reception all of you are welcome to get involved to attend and to participate up films will be going on all weekend long as right after our reception on Friday night and we have some of the titans of the industry are gonna be here Robert Townsend from the five heartbeats bill Duke from carwash I and so many other living legends are going to be present on Friday night Saturday I was gonna be just a bevy of master classes I in films for you to please take full advantage of we want you to please make sure that you register for that on your way out on that this evening we've got a few vendors here this week I ask that you will please a bless them and support them on Thanksgiving weekend known in Commerce circles as Black Friday are we're transforming our Sampson Jim into Kwanzaa Plaza Kwanzaa Plaza is come being a complete I hope you also get excited about it it's gonna be a complete black mall every vendor in there will be minorities and we want you to please not go to linux not go to Phipps but we want you to please come to Kwanzaa Plaza on the Thanksgiving weekend bring all of your friends all of your family all of our entrepreneurs would you lift up your hand all of our entrepreneurs you ought to make sure that you have a booth at that weekend because I'm believing by faith everything you got is gonna be sold out amen yeah I better say that again I said by faith everything you have is gonna be sold out so I want you to please make sure that you're present and you are accountable to it and for it we've got an amazing and amazing a guest speaker and an amazing guest psalmist on tonight I and I want to introduce them but before doing so we have some other guests that I need to introduce to you I am over the moon they did that my parents are here of this week to hang out with me a Bishop John and rebel Cecilia Brian would you give God a hand clap of praise for both of them all the way from Detroit you all know him you see them all the time on television help me thank God for Bishop Greg Davis who is with us on tonight my soul sister pastor Dana won't you please stay in love you give God a hand clap of praise for we've got an amazing when I tell you an amazing preacher in the house tonight amazing he is just back from preaching in Malaysia just back from preaching in Australia and then just back from preacher from Southside Chicago Amen he he pastors one of the greatest churches in the world and I'm telling you he just reeks of the oil of Mount Hermon he's just coming out of his pores and I mean it's just unfair how much anointing is on that man's life and in prayer I knew that the kind of oil he possesses is the kind of oil that New Birth appreciates come on give God we don't like no warmed-over stuff here huh how many of y'all like fresh oil you like he's been my brother for many many years my mother calls him her light-skinned son so hehe de messed up the whole gene poll and uh and I'm just appreciative for him before he comes we got a guest psalmist when I tell y'all who's introducing her tiffany tiffany come on man when I tell you this woman can sing I even supposed to introduce it Tiffany gonna introduce her but I'm taking this girl is just Lethal Weapon 3 she is just she's just bad I may have Tiffany tell you about but I'm telling y'all she is the 21st century Mahalia Jackson she is I mean she got it I mean it's a trumpet somewhere in her throat Tiffany gonna introduce her but she is bad I'm telling you just Tiffany please thank you I'm telling this girl can sing this girl Lord I'm telling you she can sing she can sing she came two weeks ago Tiffany's introducing her she came two weeks ago and did it and and did my show power to the people for the word network I called Tiffany and Jonathan on three-way I say y'all can act like you sick if you want to I got somebody sitting on the bench I mean I mean this good come on Tiffany just girl is bad and John Hannah good - okay Tiffany is gonna introduce our guests on us and then we're going to the word ago they said I don't have to say anything else right if you watch Sunday best just recently you will remember her face there are some artists that want an introduction and don't need one and then there's some artists that neat one and don't want one so she's definitely about to introduce herself new birth if you don't mind will you stand up on your feet and give her a standing ovation and while clapping your hands let's welcome Tiffany Andrews [Applause] praise the Lord everybody praise the Lord everybody could you do me a favor and just open your mouth and tell God some good things right where you are come on sucker worship him right there we get the blue jeans [Music] telling some good names halleluja halleluja giving out it to god protocol has already been set because you help me celebrate your wonderful pastor the doctor Jamal Bryant I appreciate you sir and to one of God's choice vessels who preaches all over this world he doesn't know it I wonder his number-one fans but the dr. John Hannah could you make some noise for him [Music] all right let's wash up together for a minute my testimony is I could say a whole lot of stuff but I survived what should have killed me because of that I give God glory I stand in a little bit of nervousness tonight because a friend of mine is on life support tonight so even in the middle of this we believe God for a miracle ha ha yeah but I'm grateful tonight travelers right [Music] [Music] [Music] so good so good to me [Music] - I [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] you've been saga saga saga saga [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the questioning [Music] [Music] [Music] cuz you to me [Music] [Music] the wall [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll try [Music] single assault it's in hell but I have to tell you you're looking at a girl that dropped out of high school you're looking at a girl that at a young age was raped and molested but somehow [Music] God delivers my mother died at 13 yeah you could go with what people say you ain't gonna be nothing you're not gonna make it you're not gonna do this you're not gonna do that but I learned in my walk with God it doesn't matter what anyone says [Music] Jesus breaks they don't sing Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my god we gotta pull out the cat [Music] Travis I'm not gonna trouble with you that's my brother you gotta oh my let's go I want to leave you out with this anybody know you'll never be defeated they might know that come on let's try right there and because God is the greatest hour come on we shall never never be come over to watch it and become [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the devil is alive God is exalted I will never be defeated [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the greatest you will never never be defeated because God is the greatest we [Music] [Music] wrong sets up this wall because [Music] [Applause] [Music] I need you to make sure you're looking a standing next somebody that looked like they got victory the worst thing to do is to be in war with a punk you need to make sure you got a warrior sitting next to you I need you to make sure you got some warriors around you do me a favor won't you can you lift your hands and close your eyes for one minute and I want everyone that gets something on your mind that God has done for you let me not stretch your mind too much just this year can you get one thing on your mind that when you think of that one thing you know that nobody did it but God come on with that one thing on your mind and with your hands lifted automatically your lips should be moving you should be giving God glory for what he's already done come on there's a sound that needs to be in the building of appreciation we honor you we magnify you we glorify you you've been good you've been God you've been great you've been wonderful and we came to say thank you thank you for just being God you've been the God that it's protected us you've been the God that shielded us you bring about that called us you've been the god that went before she would be the god that delivered every mountain and we open our mouths and we give you glory come on there's a sound we open our mouths and we give you glory for what you've already done because you've proven yourself to be a good God here we stand in the last quarter of the year and God you've carried us on eagle's wings you brought us over the highways and the hedges and what do we do we open our mouths and we give you glory we open our mouths and we give you glory we open our mouths that we give you glory we open up our alabaster box we pour our love on you because you've been good you've been kind you've been great you've been loving you've been wonderful you've been patient you've been God and what do we do we open our mouths and we give you glory we open our mouths that we give you glory we open our mouths and we give you glory we power in your presence we blow you kisses we clap our hands we shout to the God about salvation why because you've been good can I hear you you've been good glory to God come on y'all release a sound in the building Hey hey come on knees seven a break before we go further halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah clear the atmosphere get us ready get us ready get us ready we're ready to eat we're ready to feast we're ready to be told what's coming next we give you glory we give you glory come on push he double saya they say taro told Appa he che terrible tow ready on that of a higher we give you clothes already god come on y'all there's a reason for the sound the sound of a dimino his season is almost open your mouth Hey that's her match her match her match her tonight come on Street that matter match her mater mater Matt break to McKinley my deliveries my healing deliverance [Music] why standing here Jason open your mouth we deplore a messiah he called on to the Messiah Hey it's kid ready to happen something big something great [Music] Kevin isn't just say tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight I need you to put that in the atmosphere I need you to open your mouth I need you to put that out there tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight not tomorrow but tonight [Music] yeah bye the Chateau Bible safety he will total baba Baba paya but under the bus say take a look I take authority in the spirit world as its authority every demon comes subject you'll see sinners up if I can get you to open your mouth and speak their pain back pain I don't care how long you've been dealing with it he can do in one night what you been waiting on for years I'll bring your bumper just say tonight tonight we all do on your way to your seat pan you a prayer partner grab the NSA tonight I believe God for you you believe God with me if we touch and agree about anything it's about to go down tonight tonight you need backup Hey hi about some notable sinking have a ocular word of the Lord come on we go move I gotta get you on the edge of your seat I gotta get you in the seat of expectation come on on your way to your seat assume people until 8:00 tonight tonight today today today today don't be seated today today today today today today today today today tonight that's where you've been cool hello we because he knew better [Applause] this explains this explains why the eating me tried to shut you down I got the revelation now go ahead and have a seat it's a neighbor say tonight tonight sit down sit down tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight okay hosting tonight oh my god tonight this is not gonna be your normal week this ain't gonna be the normal conference heaven is about to hit her that kingdom come come on how you start the week is how you go finish it raise the pot Messiah [Music] I'm sorry eat my shower massage oh I honor the Lord for being here on tonight and I'm grateful that my steps have been ordered by the Lord I don't know about you and I don't have time just to be going places just to go places but I need to be in the right place at the right time and I need to be around the right people and I'm so glad that he ordered us here on tonight I honor the Lord for the men of God the Shepherd the overseer the angel of the house can we celebrate the right reverend pastor dr. jabal Brian I honor you I honor you I honor you it's so amazing that we are here my church is 15 years old and in the first year of me pastoring out of 15 years I've only been out of my pulpit three times on a Sunday I call myself a stay-at-home parent but in the first year the Lord told me I need you to leave your church and go to Baltimore and he says I need you to go because I'm going to show you your journey and when I went to you you were in your church you had went from a party room to a school and from a school to a church and I was in a party room and the Lord told me that you would lay hands on me because you had the oil to defeat what I was about to come up against and you laid hands on me and we both fell out in that pulpit and I say to you that the oil worked I went from a party room to a school to a church the exact steps that you took and that was 15 years ago that we've been together and then I met my biological parents your mother and father who dropped me off at the temple and left me like they did Samuel but I found my parents hakuna matata all the other pastors in this city that are here on to all the bishops the apostles to the prophets the prophetess you see everybody they think you're somebody god bless you you want to make sure you give all of these accolades and I just I'm just glad to be here um in the lobby afterwards you'll see a table the press car so therefore anyone that follows me um you know that God has literally called me to prayer he called the church but the church is not responding so what God would do is that God will raise up individuals to usher the church into prayer but the church is supposed to go to prayer and many of you all you don't pray because you've never been taught how to pray we just assumed that when you got saved that you would know how to pray but even the disciple says Lord teach us how to pray so the press car said that the press car says something that the Lord gave me we've been doing for a temporary meetings for 10 years at 4:00 a.m. every second and fourth Tuesday and you know in Atlanta if y'all get it just rain a little bit of snow Olivia I'll be like roads closed but regardless of the snow rain asleep it has never been cancelled one year it was 40 below zero and the Saints came to pray because we've pressed in prayer for many of you all God is raising you up to be a intercessor if I can explain to you why you can never sleep that long because God keeps waking you up you are the sameö that tries to sleep but he keep calling you out of your sleep calling you to a place he's not calling you to check your Facebook or your Instagram he's calling to the reveal to you what he wants you to pray about come on here and for many of you all you've been asking that I don't know what my calling is he sent me to tell you to pray amen you've been called to intercede and if you don't enter see then they won't get it you need to know your seat the Bible says that God that Moses got between the tools of Israel and when he began to talk to God watch me and God relented what does that mean you could literally make God change his mind would he hear your voice I wish he was sitting next to somebody that God was familiar with it was when they say God do me a favor [Applause] such an evil say I decree and I declare that the last three months are gonna be better than the first nine come on innocence I need you to release that on your neighbor I decree and I declare that the last three months of this year I don't be better and greater than the first so you can stop the Scriptures all andhe scarce we encourage you to wrap yourselves in this car scarves all over the world so we pray that everybody that have a scarf that they'd be your prayer partners the scriptures on the scarf because when you wrap yourself in his word he doesn't see you but he sees his word and his word cannot return unto Him void I need you all to pray for me this is a word that the Lord gave me for tonight and if you have your Bibles I want you to go to first send me the 17th chapter very familiar passage but the revelation of the Lord gave me I want to be able to speak it on tonight I'm grateful to be back new birth I preached a new verse before I was even a pastor when Bishop long was alive I was invited to preach at one of the youth conferences that was held in this in this building and just show let me just give give a work to some of you all one door can be your runway one stage can launch you for years and that's what God is doing that he's preparing you for your open door everything right now is practice [Applause] everything is preparing you which is the title of my sermon for your public victory I need you to touch your neighbors to keep your eyes on me I'm gonna have a public victory come over here I need you to release that I need you to so great cloud of witnesses are watching keep looking boo if you have your Bibles let's go in 1st Samuel 17 and 46 it says this day the Lord will deliver you into my hand and I will strike you down and cut off your heat this very day I will give the caucuses of the Philistine average of the birds and the wild animals and the whole world know your neighbors say your international I hope you got your passport listen the whole world wouldn't know that there is a God in Israel here's the line I want you to get in verse 47 all those gathered here looking come over here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the lowest says for the battle is the Lord's and He will give all of you into my hands I need you to touch your neighbor say you're gonna have a public victory so here we are and we're going to talk about the second king over Israel please listen it is important that you understand that God really never intended for the children of Israel to have a king but they kept looking at their neighbors and they wanted to be like their neighbors so they began to pray and ask God to give us a king they entered into please listen what we would call please listen the permissive will of God permissive will is where he permits you to have what you're asking for but you're not in His perfect will that's why you gotta be careful what you pray for because you just might get it can we talk for a minute the Bible lets us know that the first king over Israel his name was Saul I heard a preacher say that Saul was um appointed but David was anointed that's not true that's not true Dave saw was actually oil was actually poured on so he was anointed but that he allowed his issues to break through the oil he had issues of rebellion he had issues of pride he even had issues with me of jealousy please listen he was jealous of a boy you gotta be careful that you don't let the enemy make you jealous of people who don't have what you have he's literally intimidated by a boy if some of y'all are trying to wonder why people don't like you you have not done anything to them they can just see that your oil is bigger than theirs come over here can we just talk for a minute the Bible lets us know something that mess me up here is the first king of Israel who is wounded on a battlefield and what does he do he encourages his armor there to take his sword and to kill him his armor bare does not kill him but the first anointed king of Israel gets his sword and falls on it can you be anointed and still struggle with depression can you be anointed and still have suicidal thoughts here we see that the first king of Israel who is a leader falls on his sword and commits suicide unless I write them for every leader I need you to be careful with every decision that you make because every decision you make there's somebody gonna follow your lead the Bible then says that his armor-bearer took his sword and did the same which means that somebody is watching every move that you make when you want to be a leader when you step on the stage your life don't belong to you no more y'all are gonna sing you want the spotlight you want the attention but you don't want the pressure can we talk for a minute the Bible lets us know that before soul commit suicide that God had already raised up the next if you don't mind do me a favor can you touch your neighbor say you're next you're next come on touch them again say you're next you're next you're next you're next you're now gonna have to kiss anybody behind or do anything like that you never have to run behind nobody it's called favor on your life can we just talk for a minute I need you to come over here some of y'all you've been feeling like God was gonna do something amazing so God sent you to this conference to she know that in the last quarter of this year hear me clearly 2020 is about to go down for you oh my god you got to take off like a rocket I came to get you ready to give you revelation of why you've been going through what you've been going through so on December the 31st you all go in the New Year's Eve like that should be will around you tell him you're next you're next you're next you're next so the Bible says let's go Bible if you don't mind the Bible says that God literally speaks to Samuel it said I have already listened carefully chosen who's gonna be next although the seat is already occupied the other here without you see it although the seat is already occupied let them have the seat while I give you the oil can we talk for a minute the Bible says he tells Samuel I need you to go to a man's house by the name of Jesse the next King is in his house please listen when we go into his house we get the opportunity to see how David has been suffering privately let's talk for a minute because many of you all have been going through some things behind closed doors and we've been taught what goes on in the house stay in the house we don't tell our business outside but you know what you've been having to address the Bible says come on y'all let's go Bible that literally Samuel goes to the house and tells Jesse get your boys in line the Bible says listen carefully he can't secreted them please listen he comes secreted them and then he invited them to the sacrifice but the thing is he only brought in seven when he got eight and we talked for a minute everybody was invited but David can we talk the Bible says that they walked in and the first one to walk in was Eliab he whoa he looked like he was gonna be the next king but Oh God say ho ho don't look at the outward appearance because there's a lot of people that look like they got the oil but don't have the oil it's a lot of people that look like they run everything running nothing he say don't look at the outward appearance because man look at the outward appearance but I can see what's going on in the heart hi y'all please do me a favor just two people next week say you're next you're next you're next you're next you're next you're next you're next he said watch me watch me he says yes he said all shoot I left him in the field cuz he's a youngest and I didn't think that God will skip over seven just to get to one y'all didn't hear what I just said it's the people that's been on the job longer than you but that's about the simple of all of them just to get to you it's the people that's been a member of this church longer to you but God's about to step over all I ain't scary y'all I'm go back to Chicago look at here come on get touch the neighbors say you're next you're next you're next now let me give you revelation have a seat have a seat have a seat have a seat so this is a private suffering so how do you think that David feels that everybody gets called in but you don't get called and many of you all in the building you have had to struggle with the spirit of rejection you have had to struggle with the spirit that you felt like you were abandoned you've had to struggle with the feeling that you don't feel exists you have enough and they made you second-guess yourself y'all ain't got a thing unto me it is one thing for it to happen outside your house but it's another thing for it to go in it in your house and there are many of you all in a building it's your family they tried to jack you up y'all ain't gotta say nothing to me it's your family they don't like you it's so brother than your sisters they have an issue with you and you wonder why they have an issue let me explain boof let me give you revelation about your life because they thought that when you got left in the field that she would have given in to the rejection they thought that she would have given in to the abandonment but all when they called your name please hear this the Bible says that Samuel said we will not sit down until he comes for some of y'all the breakthrough won't happen until you get there the healing won't happen until you get there the take-off won't happen until you get there now watch me the Bible says watch me they sent for David now let me give you revelation something I wonder why you can't walk with the crew God literally has you walking by yourself because when you enter in he want to make sure that nobody is associated what he's about to do for you no man is gonna get the credit for what he's about to do are you ready you suffered in the house privately but he's about to anoint you in front of everybody in your section I need you to hear what I'm about to say to you I need you to pay attention those of you that have gone through any form of rejection or abandonment of feeling as if you are listening can I see you lift your hands and worship you worship your God for five seconds right there five four three two one the Bible said it be called David in and when they called me God said watch me all you got to do is show up [Music] you ain't gotta say not just show up your presence is gonna demand the oil you didn't hear what I just said that's why the enemy tried to get you to stay in the field because he know that once you showed up can I say that's how I say thank you listen listen what she he shows up in the Bible says and God said there he is open the oil and pour please listen you suffered privately but you about to be anointed in the house behind closed doors behind in front of a select few watch me and he poured the oil watch me commentators say that he did not announce hear ye hear ye the next king of Israel but he got in is this a hey you're next I know you young but I need you to prepare yourself because greatness is on you and you gonna go further than anybody in this house and some of y'all you felt this in your spirit that God is about to take you further than anybody in your family anybody in your community anybody even on your own I'm only talking to a few of you of Westry please listen please listen and the bouncer and he began to pour I watch me you can have the position I need the oil you can have the money and either oil you could have the title and even oil how would she will sit next to some oily people next to you because if I got oil in you got all we should be having or gathering listen many people get positions with ain't got no oil and the Bible says and he begin the poor I need you to make sure you sit in a greasy section I need you to make sure you sit next to somebody that's oil is on there like somebody hello can you do me a favor please do what I tell you to do I need you to have five two people tell him you're it you're it when I touch you this should be a splash when I touch you this to be a quickening in our spirit you're it to change your family you're it to change this city you're it to change your circle you're in to break generational curses please y'all obey me in this tell somebody you suffered privately but you're gonna be anointed in this building let's forget to say you're it you're it you're you might not have the education but you got the oil you might not have the clout but you got the oil you might be young but you got the oil come on here you might not be from Atlanta but you got the oil I wish you could he was doing a gift it's a gift that he has we never find out that he went to go learn how to play it was this natural some you are naturally you can't even explain how you do what you do but you know that it came from God come over here and what you've been doing is you've been working on it privately but what you don't know is that who's been watching you on the small stage because your name is about to be brought up so why he's playing privately is a conversation going on outside can we talk there's a conversation going on and God allows an evil spirit to get on song which means that this is mean this is your opportunity please listen to me your name is about to be brought up why you been practicing somebody's talking about you out here the Bible says they said listen we need to get a musician to go and play for Saul to get this freer to Buffy let's stop right there that's revelation for anybody in music ministry anybody to tell you that a spirit does not attach the music is a lie because the Bible says that it's all to play the spirit lifted which means that even the musicians need to be oily you know man we seek a higher musicians we need some all the musicians we don't need another singer we need an anointed singer we need to get somebody we need to get somebody to go play for song and somebody says hey Jesse has a son his name is David the Bible says that Saul saying go get him as a matter of fact tells Jesse to send me his son while he's in the field practicing his name is being brought up out here hear me clearly why you're in this building you're about to release your name when you release your name in the spirit realm God is about to take your name and drop it off in the right area that you've been practicing in when your phone rings I need you to show up like you're ready to do what you been called to do I'm gonna give you a chance to call your name if you don't call your name you ain't getting nothing but I'm gonna give you an opportunity to release your name and then put a praise behind your name when I count to three say your name one two three Jordanna [Applause] I need you to make sure you sit next to somebody we're gonna call their name 1 2 3 singing name again just reviewing around you're telling me you're next you're next you're phone is gonna ring your phone is gonna ring I hope you got your passport I hope you got your sermon ready I hope you got your song ready I hope you got your business plan ready I hope you got your vision ready I hope you're ready to walk in I want you not to be intimidated but who's in the room I just need you to show up and do what you always been doing those of you that know that God is hooking you up give me two seconds of worship right here go 10 9 8 7 [Music] to one [Applause] some of y'all still haven't said your name and I'm trying to get you out of that place that you in you waiting on somebody to bring you a job that's a release your name and I'll give you exactly what you been waiting on you ain't know somebody to give you an opportunity if you release your name I drop your name in the spirit of somebody that you don't even know you gonna get a phone call that you're gonna hit these words I've been looking for you all I need you to do I need you to speak by faith I just need you to release your name pastors preachers teachers evangelists prophets lay members everybody business owners don't say your name say your company name on the count of three release it one two three drop it off chop it off your talent is about to fill up your calendar is about to fill up you've got to be booked for a whole year you've got to get a contract that you didn't even know you had coming a door is about to open [Music] we never sit on you wait till you see something is getting ready to happen in the five affairs without kissing somebody's behind without running up behind somebody he was sit for and when he was sent for look at me he only did what he had been practicing and when he did was he had been practicing he got that he got the gig he got the job and some of y'all you've been practicing for years your job has not been a waste of time it has prepared you for what's next I want to thank God for your supervisor that did not acknowledge you I want to thank God that didn't promote you when they were supposed to promote you I want to thank God that they didn't give you the money that you wanted to have because this next assignment is gonna be more than enough I lift your hands for five seconds worship let's go so you suffered privately you suffered privately you suffered privately you suffered privately let's talk for a minute you practiced privately let's talk you serve let's talk serve let's talk sir for some of y'all I'm so glad they didn't pay you [Music] I'm so glad you did it for free cuz it only sets you up for what's next y'all I got a signal of it can we talk for a minute let's talk for a minute let's talk for a minute so when you go to the 17th chapter the Bible says something there's a war going on between the chosen of Israel so now in the Philistines let's talk let's talk you gonna get this tonight ready there's a war going on when the war happens the Bible says that all of David's brothers are sent to the battlefield and David is left at the house if you said it the scripture in the 17th chapter the Bible says and David is running from Saul's house to his father's house if a some of you-all you'd had to multitask you have to keep running and physically you're tired but God has given you the strip to do what you have to do you gotta go from place to place and take care of business is summer Yan did you watch me watch me watch me anybody else would have fallen out by now but because you got the oil the order here without your fear because you got the oil people keep looking see they crazy they done lost they mad they taken advantage of him you don't even understand this is called a deposit and in a few more days I'm about to get a withdrawal y'all ain't seen them to me some of y'all have even served praying for people you serve encouraging people when you needed an encouraging word for yourself you've interceded for people when you needed somebody to intercede for you you saying people little a spirit word you needed somebody to sing you into a spirit but you did it for the glory of God you even spoke to those that will sit next to you tonight but they didn't touch you but you released a word on them well you need a word for yourself I need those of you that have been serving I need you to lay hands we gonna say I decree and I declare cost about to do something amazing in Our Lives let's go let's go so here you I you servant privately you servant privately okay this is my assignment this is preparing me for something and I don't even know what's next it's something y'all are tired so God sent me to make sure you get your strength back do me a favor lean on your neighbor grab they had to think I decree I speak strength right now I come against the spirit of quitting you should not quit you should not lose your shrimp you're not gonna get sick you now gonna have a nervous breakdown I'll call your blood pressure to fall in line I come against aneurysms and heart attacks you're not going in the emergency room you gonna live a long healthy anointed prosperous life I called any sickness in your body check it out for you right now you should do the work of him that is called you while it is day holed up by SIA come on y'all you're not going home tired you're gonna go home revive you're gonna go home with the strip you need come on a few more seconds rest in prayer you've been helping people out privately you've been giving people money that you don't even have to give but you've been dropping people off but you didn't even have enough gas to get home for yourself you've been encouraging people just doing it just doing it you ready let's go that's and if they keep doing it keep doing it cuz the door is about to open keep doing it keep doing it keep dancing keep worshiping keep praising keep giving keep walking keep speaking in tongues cause something is about to happen there's an opportunities about to present itself the house didn't kill you y'all ain't stayin in the beach I'm almost done have a seat I'm almost done have a seat have a seat you suffered privately you suffered privately you suffered privately you suffered privately you didn't even tell anybody you suffered David I need to add to your responsibilities I know you've been running from my house too so house now I need you to run to the battlefield which means that you about to be added some more responsibilities but I need you not to break with what's been added to your plate golly sand in the V ah can we talk this is a test of obedience because if you go were you supposed to be next your opportunity is waiting on you and for some of you all in this building it seems like stuff keep getting added to your plate if you know that I am talking to you and there's a part of you that feel like you gonna break but his strength is made perfect in you we this those of you that have been feeling a little weak because edit responsibilities keep piling up can I get you to lift your hands I got my reasons open your mouths for a few more minutes you got this you got this you got this you got this you got this you got this you got this you ready so he goes to drop some food off and when he gets there as a champion named Goliath that steps down in the valley it's been coming down for 40 days twice a day but everybody keep running but won't nobody address it touch your neighbor say you're it you are Slayer come on here I need you to speak this y'all please do what I tell you to do I need you to obey me touch your neighbors say you're it you got this you got this you ready let's go let's go let's go when he gets to the battlefield here come the lion who've been coming down 40 days david turner in other words he can't man i got a problem cuz they nobody get mad at searching the ball we just let never walk up in here any nobody get an attitude who is this devil they think that he could have our children who is this devil i think that he can come after our sons who is this devil they think that he could attack our finances who is this devil that think he can attack our marriages that devil is a liar and he ends up with saw and then salsas you can't do this here we go again trying to use you against you trying to use you against you trying to use you against you you're too young he's a champion question what does the devil keep bringing up to stop you from though what you're supposed to do can we talk for a minute you're too young and then david allows us into some private victories he said listen let me tell you something when i was watching my father she i got attacked twice I didn't tell anybody because it was private but I won there's a lion came out and a bear which means there's something that would have killed anybody else but it didn't kill me let's stop something all of sit next to some people who got some private victories and you wouldn't know that they've been through what they went through and let's say told you what they've been through they don't look like the hill that they've been through now the problem I got is that some of y'all sitting here like you did not kill depression you didn't kill suicide you didn't kill molestation you didn't kill rape you didn't kill poverty nobody would ever believe that you've been through watch me that you've been through what you've been through unless you tell him the only way I should be able to tell us that you've been through is by your praise you'll praise should match your victory if you sit there that mean you ain't get no victory but if your praise is radical I'm gonna give you a chance to testify which oh praise on the count of three let's show praise reflection victory one two three is that all is that all he did is that all he did is that all he did out of all the peas have been through come on here I said I had a runner by then I should have had somebody to start walk-in the altar comes to nobody know what you escaped when I think of the goodness up [Music] to God come on vignetting under your seat sensor neighbor say to God be the glory [Music] go ahead and have a seat to God be the glory for the t's he has done come on yaar don't say account I'm telling you to say it I need you to say it like you testified on your waiting you see look into them say that I'd be the quarry [Music] [Music] [Applause] I escaped every trap the big attorney said come on we go boom your turn your turn your turn your time the pain is about to open [Music] your turn to God be the glory we gotta go your grace and that's your victory your grace if that show victory young lady said that your victory you're crazy your victory you better forget about what somebody think about you they work there wouldn't a pair showed up Sonia come on we know how you praise God now determines what's gonna happen later [Music] you got to have a permanent victory you got to have a public ignorant [Music] this what God sent me from Chicago to say to you [Music] gosh seen me through Chicago to say get ready [Music] Oh everybody get on your feet [Music] your turn [Music] [Music] you ready everything that you would do in private let's repair you from the public [Music] [Music] do me a favor look at somebody a tutor say you ready you ready ready [Music] all right everybody stand test the neighbors say do private prepare to you come on need you to tell somebody to tell him you're private prepare to you tell somebody else to say you'll practicing in private prepare to you look at somebody and say you serving got you ready and your private victories and your private [Music] [Applause] [Applause] nobody would ever think you wrestle with depression but shall private everybody just pay close attention I'm almost done so he ends up now all eyes on him I ask God why did you give me this word for new birds and for pastor Jamal because all eyes on you new birth and pastor Jamal Oh on you you have a huge audience waiting to see what's about to go down [Applause] and he told me everything you've gone through has prepared you for now so how do you win you ready you could only win by continual by continuing to be original the ideas that God give you nobody else has them that's your sling and your stone so if anybody say to you that's not the way that we've been doing it that's them trying to put Saul's armor on you it's a handicap you want to slow you down from what God is calling you to do so this is why you have to take off the pass [Music] [Applause] that's how we won then but this is how we go win victory can only be won by the words that come out of your mouth [Music] everybody you gotta hear me now one of the greatest line into the ramen is when he told the cheeto Moses go back until the chosen Israel I am going to give you exactly what I heard you say and what I heard you say you did say publicly you said in your house so I've monitored your phone calls your text messages are in your inboxes and I need you to flip some of the way that some of you all have been confessing and I need you to begin to decree and declare I'm gladder is about to be greater ah I wish you could find somebody next to you that you could set off on I need you to look at somebody and say is about to be greater haven't seen in years man what God is about to do for us the tale with a little power we were spheal top and never at the bottom the survival best Bible [Music] everybody listen please you can't run [Music] you can't run because you have opposition the Bible says in David rent orts which means that we don't run to another church we don't run to what's comfortable we face opposition because we got the oil to deal with it I need you to make sure you stand next to a greasy person please make sure you send it to a greasy person reach over grab it even by the hand and just squeeze it to say that's oil that's oil come on squeeze that hand say that's oil that's oil that's oil that's oil that's oil that's oil that's oil that's oil that's oil that's why you've been under pressure because the pressure produce oil I need you to squeeze it and again that's why you'll clear Smith actor the fool that's why the devil been messing with your body sleaze that hand and say that's oil this oil this oil this oil for your public victory [Music] hold that hand oh that head [Music] and I'm not just talking to pastor Jamal leaving us and some other pastors in this building that you in this city that all eyes are on Atlanta because there's been so much negativity out of this city that God is ready for his glory to be revealed and he Judy he would have about to say to you and I know my time is almost a please listen for everyone that is here you have the anointing to deal with the spirits of the city please hear me the Bible said when the demons when the man came running out the only time that Jesus had a conversation with a demon and it even said please can you make us go into the pigs and Jesus gave the peace get the demons permission to go into the pigs he said before you put us in there can you not make us leave this region can we stay in this city and for everybody pastor Jamal you've been sent here because you got the oil to deal with the spirits of this region everything you went through squeezed oil anybody else with a left Church anybody else would have put the gospel down but instead of you putting it down you grab the clothes why because oil has been produced in everything the good the bad and the ugly squeeze that hand and say that's oil that's oil for a public victory public victory [Music] EEMA rotary me see random a buffet Abbate russo Torrini and a he's shaking rudaba but and alofi he say Cairo to Rama Matt inaudible facing T here and anima hiya but on Dorothy hey say T here on Dada I cancel every word curse I cancel every negative statement has been made in boardrooms and classrooms I coming his witches and warlocks I come against demonic spirits that wanna see you go down but victory is about to be public [Music] Emma hey motion Hey [Music] Hey [Music] if y'all free me up I can go forever if you free me and nobody get a friend that I can go in the spirit and really show you what he showed me if you free me up if you free me up if you free me up if you free me up if you free me if you free me I can really show you what he showed me yeah [Music] listen let me give it to you - way the Lord gave it to me he's at his church new birth alone was drug through mud new birth alone was kicked and stomped and left to die that's new birth but then you passed you've been drug through but you've been kicked stomped and left to die and the Lord say I looked at both of them and said it's a perfect match for my glory to be revealed because I saw you polluted in your own blood and I looked at you and I said and there are many of you in the building you were kicked you were drunk you got nowhere to sit you to bring back to life lift your hands in this building [Applause] [Music] and this is why the devil tried to kill some where you are this is why the enemy's been on your heel this is why the devil has done everything he could to shut you down because he knew that the day was gonna come when the curtain would be open and the world will have to acknowledge your resurrection hi hold it I might know him in the power of his resurrection that's about to resurrect some things that were thought to be dead lift your heads [Music] please don't get it and that's real get in the spirit and he what the Lord is saying those of you that know that she shouldn't even be here those of you that know that your life has not been that easy you had some private some private struggles lift your hands [Music] [Music] glory is about to be a release in the building and at this release we're about to slice some stuff hear me clearly some things are no longer gonna be your issue you will have other giants but this won't be one there's some things that God's gonna slay before the year is out and I need some of y'all to be okay with death I need you to be okay when certain people quits you and certain people walk away from you I need you to be okay with certain people abandon you because that's the death of them in your life but how did they die you'll praise knock them out and cut they head off there's a travail that's about to be released in this building there's a holler that's about to come out of you Billy there's a shot that's about to come out of your spirit and for those of you that even have businesses you've been having some warfare in your company how did you hear me whatever roof you under the oil comes from the top and gets on you so sometimes you understand then in the house get a break through them is a breakthrough is coming in your house so that's what when the church get a victory you got a victory when a church got a financial blessing you got a financial blessing I need you to know that that anointing is about to go from the top down now listen grab your neighbor by the head grab anybody [Music] squeeze it and say that's oil [Music] yeah Danny hey I have obeyed you I have obeyed you have a beige and now the stone is about to be released I have obeyed you and all eyes will see what true restoration look like it has been said that black churches don't restore but you my brother you are about to show people that he's the god of another change and you also go show them that show ladder will be great what you lost can't be compared to what God has in store you've been assigned to minister to the wounded please don't take your responsibilities like squeeze that hand and say that's Oh squeeze again say that's fresh hope you've had all before with what you about to get right now you've never had before squeeze at hand again and say that's fresh oil shake my shake mondo mondo doable say here inaudible SIA so the Bible says that David ran towards the lioness he reached his hand into his sling he pulled it out he placed it in the sling he has to whine you cannot aim and run and wide at the same time all you can do is release and the Lord say I'm about to put a shout in your belly and when you release this shout in the praise when you release this shout hold that hand and say don't you let me go until something is slain don't you let me go until we feel a breakthrough I feel a travail about to come in this building here inaudible shake a roto baby under the Messiah I got some senior passes in the building all ministers and preachers and teachers can you meet me on the altar because there's some things has been attacking you in the spirit of RAM he gots about to destroy some things for you I come against everything that you've been facing you about to get a breakthrough right now come on get on this altar hey Ron da da ba se da da da da da ba CK under gallery under Messiah but and an Andorian blow the Messiah batando hey shake a root or a bay he an da da Messiah but under him very inaudible say he co baby I'm da da la da Messiah heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven hood and on about say a inaudible sia but time that energy available see under the other inaudible sia you passes in you menaces grab hands grab hands you are familiar with this Goliath you all are going through the same thing you just need somebody to help you swing you just need somebody to understand what you've been going through you need somebody to help you swing you need somebody not to judge you but you need somebody to help you swing you need somebody to help you on the count of three we bout to call down the glory of God we've got to call down the weight of God you got to get another wave of glory new birth I pray that another wave of that you've never even tapped into before they come in this building I pray that you be open to first win I pray that you be open to fresh oil I pray that you be ready for what God is ready to do in this building hey da da da Messiah he could be a messiah mutton dosai squeeze that hand say that's oil that's oil that's oil that's on you to squeeze that hand say that's glory it's glory glory glory that's glory okay okay okay okay I need everybody to listen to me and I'm done that to this stayed at jamalo coming down there with you stay there I'm coming down there with you I will meet you right where I met you 15 years ago because I came to get the survivor oil off you now I want to beg God for everything you've been through cause everything you went to produce more oil hey everybody here I need you to you what's about to happen I can't explain it but the Lois I need you to take this Christian I need you to release this at new birth he said the glory of this present house the glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house stop now some people get a fin in which mean we got have glory stop we gave you an accolade you did have glory it was called the former glory you had it nobody can deny what was going on in this city nobody can deny you had it but what do you say to a guy to say but now I want to do a new thing [Applause] do you keep holding the former against the present and some of you have been rebellious and I hear the Lord saying repentance I hear the Lord say the mission is before you and if some of you all don't repent you won't live long because God's gonna prove he's God through your death but the glory a fresh glory is about to be released squeeze that hand and say that's glory oh that head and on the count of three we gonna call down the present glory new strategies for your business new outreaches that you've never even thought about people move in here just to be a part of the move of God squeeze that hand who's your don't you play with me don't you let me go until we get a breakthrough we need the present glory to feel this building every preacher you need fresh revelation you need fresh dreams you need fresh fresh members you need fresh financial situations you need fresh prophets and apostles you need the fresh gifts to flow in your house I need you to squeeze at hand and on the count of three we're gonna shout glory don't you let me go until we get a breakthrough wanna go grab us a heat shot or a base a heater Brandon and Athiya baton DeRosa - here we go Brandon a Bisaya hey a roto [Music] [Music] [Music] come on don't you let me go don't you let me go Cory go [Music] a junkie [Music] squeeze that hand again take close my son de Lobos I never see co-wrote obey me Sheikh Baba Baba Baba he Soto return return Appa Bassett Oh Oh Reb a here under a messiah he shall talk [Music] good come on y'all we leave it pressed oil [Music] fresh soil soyal [Music] [Applause] [Music] turn to somebody else grab their hand is it chloride there you go Bejo there you go there you go there you go you said tape Jeremiah he told Robles I hear trouble sir hello yo como yo if you're a baby if you obey me go to somebody else grab their hand and shout glory [Music] there's a new Torbett opens you ready you ready you ready [Music] come on y'all I'm Sara children it might not make no sis but I need you to do what I tell you to do go to one more person know your arms around them Hojo itself good [Music] come on buh-bah Chaya [Music] come on come on come on come on I need something big to happen for you I need something big that happy for you and these sub it'd be too heavy for you you need something big to happen you need something big [Music] come on we going tell somebody as a quarry [Music] come on on your way back to your seat come on on your way back to your seat on your way back to your seat on your way back to your seat [Music] come on I need some of you Millennials to get ready for dawn is about to do it for you somebody say come on we leave it come on we leave it come on we gotta go on your way back to your seat tester you on your way back I just take glory come on touch of us take lower come on touch us a glory come on touch of a single over come on touch of a single over come on touch of acyclovir [Music] everybody lift your hands can I hear worship in the building [Music] can I hear your worship can I hit you or something can I hear your worship you ready you ready you ready can I hear your worship can I hear your worship can I hear your worship I need you to reap what you didn't even so I need your family to reap where you didn't even soul I need a god to get your timecard out I need God to hand up your hours I need God to see your sweat lift your hands cut the music nothing but worship for voices open your mouth [Music] [Applause] Oh perfect match for victory perfect match for victory if your hands close your eyes and repeat after me how about to receive a public victory [Applause] everybody hope you will say and all of our needs will be met [Applause] new birth I need to hear you say it I need to say it I am in the middle of building a church you are in the middle of keeping a church and all of our needs will be met I need you to say that again and all of our needs will be met we will lack nothing we will lack nothing we will lack nothing we release a cash anointing in the Builder here and I'm not messy shaky grow to read me mushy Beshara Bachand OC there are a hundred of us and we are going to sow a seed of fifty-three dollars for every business owner every manager every supervisor every hear of anything there are a hundred of us why am I doing this because we sold into our future and whenever the anointing is high we have to sow into it my assignment is complete new birth you owe us a victory if you receive the word of the Lord that was released in this building everything has prepared you for now those of you didn't know that God has prepared you I need the envelopes up here please I need a hundred of them in my hand a hundred of them in my hand why am i getting them because you have to get it out of my hand because the same all that is on me is gonna be on you and it is called what kind of all you got I have what they call a cash anointing what does it mean I am 100% debt-free which means that you the same all on me will get on you is to me even your house can be paid off y'all don't believe God even student loans can be taken care of come on here and there are a hundred of you like me you're going to come up and when you get the envelope out of my hand you're gonna repeat after me I have a cash anointing start walking right now move get it out of my hand I have a cash anointing I have a cash anointing I have a cash anointing is it cash man okay there you go there you go take it it's going to happen and your bills will be paid and you will be 100% debt-free you won't owe any man tuition will be paid day care will be paid your staff will be paid okay hold on yeah I have a cash anointing we got more we got more I have a cancer noting I have a cat all of my bills are paid and I would never be broke another day in my life and I would never be broke another day in my life and I would never be broke another day in my life you got never be broke another day in my life and I will never be broke another day in my life and all of my bills will be paid and I will have wisdom on how to deal with money I will have investments I will have multiple pieces of property I will have checks in the mail I will have multiple streams of income and all of my needs will be met in all of my needs will be met hold on I got y'all I got y'all calm down come on and all of my needs will be met and all of my needs will be met and all of my needs will be met in all of my knees will be met and all of my bills will be paid and I will lack for nothing and once God get me out of debt I'll never be broke another thing in my life and I'll never be broke another day in my life because the coffers of the weak and later for the righteous and my God shall supply all of my needs according to his riches and glory try me now in see if I know if I will not open up the floodgates of heaven and pull your blessings that you don't even have roomy enough to receive and open up the floodgates and open up the floodgates and open up the floodgates that means there will be multiple streams and open up the floodgates and open up the floodgates I'm afraid that you begin to raise up millionaires in this church I pray God that you begin to raise up the millionaires that are in seed form I pray God that if they begin to eat the word and begin to tithe and give that they begin to grow into millionaires we call millionaires to be birthed out of this ministry in the name of Jesus come on I got y'all come on we out here come on here and all of my needs will be met I pray for single parents afraid that you lack nothing I pray that you lack nothing I pray that your one check add up to more than two checks I pray that you lack nothing I pray that you never have to won't thing anything I pray that your kids never have to walk for anything in the name of Jesus I come against you arguing over child support and I pray that God will show you that he is your Jehovah Jireh your provider and all of your knees shall be met none of your bills we've come up short your lights will not be cut off you will not be put out you will not lose your house God is about to show himself strong in your situation come on I'm speaking by faith come on let's go come on in the name of Jesus come on we are here now we are here now I need you to open up say I'm next I'm next I am next and all of my needs will be met because I am sowing on good ground and I am sewing on good ground and I am sewing on good ground and I am sewing on good ground and I am sewing on good ground and I am sewing on good ground come on here we are here now we are here now and god I pray that before the week is out I need there to be 10 testimonies out of this service of what you did from this seed that is sown on tonight I need 10 people to get a testimony out of this service for what you are doing out of this service on tonight and it is in the name of Jesus come on hallelujah you are from Chicago y'all see some I woulda brought y'all some heroes chicken it ain't like Chicago they that's imitated the chicken from here that ain't no real Harold's chicken i rebuke that Harold's that sauce won't even taste right come on here and all of your needs shall be met and all of your needs shall be met and your business shall be blessed and you will get the right employees and you will get the right employees you would get the right help that you need to do what you do and all of your needs shall be met and all of your needs shall be met and all of your needs shall be met I thank you for this opportunity I pray that you intercessors and people that know that God has called you to pray I'm afraid that you will stop at the table and get the press cars meet me in prayer with the press cars I think offer passage of all right my assignment is complete and I thank you for this opportunity for trusting me with this assignment I love you Atlanta and god bless you [Music] would you celebrate the amazing gifting a pastor John Hannah [Music] those of you that received the envelope if you'll come release it quickly please all of our friends who are virtual worshipers as a chill please so let's see even from where it is that you are the power of God in this place has been undeniable [Music] even if you didn't have a seed of 53 I want every person to seize a gift nothing will be withhold from withheld from you in this hour I need you to come quickly please come on every person every person you don't want to miss this flow of what it is that God is doing bless the Lord for you bless you god bless you just to think that this is our first night together it is just the beginning where we gonna be by Thursday [Music] honor to have pastor T Renee : with us god bless you under you love you bless the Lord every person who has not yet given whatever denomination you're giving tonight I want you to - so tonight I want you to share tonight or - to give tonight I want you to release it tonight [Music] that's that I'm here 53 but I want to want to give 20 I want to give 10 I want to give time it's not equal giving it's equal sacrifice every person ought to be giving every person ought to be sewing every person ought to be shared [Music] every person every person [Music] we worship [Music] who you are [Music] everybody is standing everybody is standing we give [Applause] [Music] [Music] everybody is standing new birth you know there's no way we're gonna leave this place without somebody having an opportunity to get saved as somebody who joined the most amazing ministry in the universe with all that I have seen all that I use have heard there's no way that you can go back the same way that you came you here in this room are you saying pastor I don't know what happened I just came for service had no idea that I was gonna be United in holy matrimony of ministry some man some woman some sister some brother friend co-worker neighbor relative I want you to join this church tonight I want you to get connected to this ministry I want to be your pastor but most importantly I want you to have our God that's who you are that's where you are in your saying pastor I feel that in my spirit would you come meet me at this altar come on give God glory as they come even on a Tuesday night wherever it is that you are I so desperately want you to be a part of this move of God help me please sir please ma'am if you'll indulge me would you talk to just two people around you and ask them are they saved ask them do they have a church home ask them have they given their lives over to God [Music] sit up there's somebody else I want for you to come today come on it's just me and you in the room God's been waiting on you all kinds of forces and powers tried to block you from getting here fatigue can be a drain time to make you leave early but you wonder Angelica wrist that you had to stay right here till you change gang and to stay right here until God got everything that he needed out of your life the Bible gives us evidence that the angels rejoice even one that is found I'm thankful for this one but my soul can't rest contented do a row check for me real quick but you asked the people on your own you say if you sure you saved a scam you sure you got a church home you sure you giving your life over to God you go to a church with a blow whistles I want you to come please whoever it is that you are be a part of what God is doing even our friends who are viewing from around the world I want you to get connected I don't care wherever it is that you are the presence of God is gonna meet you right there new birth if you love your church would you give God some glory for it our sister came as a friend but she's leaving as family she's with us now come on give God a major shout for [Applause] [Music] the Lord again helped me salute and celebrate pester John an amazing [Music] if none of y'all needed it I needed that tonight away were you blessed tonight come on were you blessed tonight [Music] it can't even be explained it can only be experienced this is new birth this is how God shows himself strong right in our myths I want to challenge you all of you do not miss a night of what God is going to do every person who I'm bringing before you this week has been divinely appointed and assigned for this week this is just the beginning we're going higher and higher tomorrow night please join us Kirk car is gonna be with us tomorrow night at 7:30 as well as the elder Marisa Farrow I want you to please please please please make sure that you show up there drag 15 people with you amen and I know that you all thought you were gonna melt in the rain but you survived and I need you to live it go tell somebody else about it a Thursday night by a friendly reminder Thursday night we are not starting at 7:30 we're starting at 7:00 starting at 7:00 on Thursday night my covenant brother apostle matthew stevens is going to be here as well as pastor Jason Nelson this is going to be a hallmark moment in the history of our church for a new class that are being ordained let's give God glory [Applause] for the latter glory that's coming I want this spirit of revival to carry with us I don't want it to end and so I'm gonna save the benediction until Thursday night would you extend that hand right where it is that you are pastor Glynn if you'll come and join us we want you to fellowship with us pastor bishop I'm sorry Crump if you'll join us as well we'd love to spend some time with you somebody who is in deep travail you and deep travail you left your phone at the altar amen and when have you come to yourself amen please come and get in amen repeat after me walk with God and he'll walk with me talk with God and he'll talk with me listen to God he'll listen to me love God because He first loved me have a great night in the Lord I'll see you back here tomorrow night [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: New Birth Mbc
Views: 40,693
Rating: 4.8248973 out of 5
Keywords: New Birth, Newbirth, Dr. Jamal Bryant, Dr. Jamal-Harrison Bryant, Dr. Bryant, Pastor Bryant, Atlanta, Georgia
Id: gnjcsIS0_CY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 158min 24sec (9504 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2019
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