You're Carrying Something - NEW BIRTH LIVE

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so Christ come on st. lift up your voice it's in the name of Jesus ha it's in the name of Jesus yeah it's in the name of Jesus it's in the name of Jesus it's in the name of Jesus huh that holy name of Jesus the righteous name of Jesus that we have power access to the throne of God we pray that now let every save saint seiya amen amen amen whoa Oh aha [Music] [Music] he's already [Music] this one is one his word [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] the name of the Lord hallelujah hallelujah father God we thank you right now we thank you for all the doors of your great Kingdom Lord God we thank you Lord that we've entered into a place for God that we do not take lightly Lord nor is the place of healing it's a place of respiration or God limbs are going to be healed today father God because it's in your name or God we figure lungs will be filled today Lord God because it's in your name or God eyes will be open ears will be open for God Lord we thank you the week will be made strong look on Lord we thank you today for your wonderful word that's going to come forth for my pastor dr. Jamal Harrison Brian Lord God we pray for him today Lord God we pray that you undergird him strengthen his arms of God Lord increase will God increases Snatcher even in our own sight Lord God that he may stand tall and whisper the words from Kingdom Lord God that we might hear and then we might run Lord God with the word with the message or God of hope Lord we thank you for the beauty of your holiness or God it's a place or God that we cannot wait to walk in Lord God what we pray today for all those who are suffering all those who are bereaved while God all those who can't find their hope Lord God this is the house of Hope Lord God this is a place of restoration this is the place of healing look on you said on this place was ours you will establish the rock Lord God in Christ Jesus our Savior we love you today look on we give you all the praise we give you all the honor Lord God now Lord have your way in the earth have your way in the earth have your way a new birth in Jesus name we thank you and we give you praise hallelujah hallelujah yes sir let ray [Music] from being tired from being inside of me may you deal of and being shy and being shy see you from the inside from the inside me chat me from the inside ha [Music] ha [Music] may you delight this law [Music] ha in the entire from Incheon that slaw and set me on fire [Music] come on sir we just want them to get the glory [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you [Music] that's it lift it up come on let's lift it up bigger that's it come on sing it to him make a joyful noise up to the Lord everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so we have all please stand for our litany reading I am a part of the Fellowship of the unashamed I have Holy Ghost power the die has been cast I've stepped over the line the decision has been made I am a disciple of Jesus Christ I won't look back I won't let up slow down back up or be sealed [Music] I no longer need preeminence prosperity position promotions plaudits or popularity I do not have to be right first topped praise hallelujah regarded or rewarded I now live by faith lean on the Lord run with patience lift by prayer and labor by Holy Ghost power [Music] [Music] I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice hesitate in the presence of the adversary negotiate at the table of the enemy ponder at the pool of popularity or meander in the maze of mediocrity altogether I won't give up shut up let up until I have data stored up prainha peda worked up for the cause of Christ I am a disciple of Jesus Christ I must go till he chose give till I drop teach till all knows and work till he stops me and when Jesus come he will have no problem recognizing me because he'll remember I was the one he gave power [Music] good morning new birds one more time good morning New Bern maybe I'll have better luck in the middle good morning New Bern all right thank y'all so much it's so good to see you all this morning give yourselves a round of applause all right I am so honored first of all to be here in this place of power and just such a prestigious moment and I'm just honored and so thankful just to be amongst all you beautiful smiling faces this morning I want to first give honor and glory to the first lady matriarch to this church elder Vanessa long I would also like to extend all of my deepest gratitude to pass there Carla Stokes this morning for giving me this opportunity to feel before you walk today I say all right let's just jump into it well my name is Alexis Wilson and I'm a part of new burst newly formed millennial media ministries so we are yes bless the Lord yeah so we're geared towards getting Millennials and just getting everybody excited about connecting with God and growing closer to him amen and man so I am also a 15 year member of this church amen yes my father brought our family here when I was about four or five years old and I want to say that this is the best decision that I believe he's could've made for our family so bless the Lord for them I think they're here with me today hey mom hey dad thank you thank you all so I want to just go ahead and dive deep into our welcome this morning so if you are our first-time visitor today can we recognize yours you want to raise your hand and wave at us today oh it's so good to see you today we thank you so much for choosing new birth to worship with us this morning you are here at your new home we are your family we are dedicated to seeing you grow financially spiritually and closer to God and overall as well so before we get into our path to peace I do want to say it is the spirit of giving and also it is final exam season so I'm also a student at Georgia State University I'm a senior majoring in political science so I'm really excited to do great things with the Lord first and for our community for the nation as a whole so I just want to make sure that if you all have students or you're around students just make sure during this time that you're giving them your strength your support and your love and without further ado let's go ahead and get into our past apiece so the way we do it here is we're gonna embrace the people that to our left to our right in front of us and behind at this time make sure you take a selfie of a seat make sure whatever you post on Twitter Instagram Facebook you are tagging New Birth Missionary Baptist Church using hashtag new Barden now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the salon come on let's give God some praise happen if you know me Wayne from the rising of the Sun to the going down of the same how God is worthy to be praised would you tell your neighbor one thing you love about God one thing tell it one thing that God has done for you this is the day the Lord has made we rejoice and we are glad in it he didn't have to let us live but he did and because of that we give Him praise if I had a thousand hands I couldn't clap it up if I had a thousand tongues I couldn't worship Him enough but with the two hands I have I will bless the Lord O my soul I want you to lift up that hand I don't know what you've come to do but I came to give him glory I came to give him praise this has been a challenging year but you're gonna survive it you've had to do with some storms and some disappointments and some shut doors but you are going to survive it I want with that hand lift it would you just open up your mouth and just beginning to bless him come on begin to magnify you all praises be to the king of kings to the Lord of lords for he is wonderful come on you only got five seconds left [Music] - the king - the king come on everybody all prey [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] she flipped that hand if you're grateful just to be in his presence come on I say clap your hands if you're glad to be in this presence you may be seated in the presence of our dawn I really feel a burden of prayer in this room today I don't know how many of you feel but I believe that prayer changes things I heard somebody once say if prayer doesn't change and think it will change the way you look at the fact I want you to take that neighbor by the hand who you're seated beside on this day you don't like them as your fault you said there musicians very softly I prayed for you you pray for me I love you and I need you to survive I won't harm you with the words of my mouth how many of you believe their prayers gone change something for the persons [Music] you pray for me me too [Music] [Music] I'm prey [Music] I want you for just one moment would you just pray for the person whose hand you're holding I want you to pray for their health I want you to pray for their finances pray for their family pray for their future pray for their assignment pray for their calling I need you [Music] I need you to [Music] let the church say man let the church say [Music] God has spoken let the church say if you believe God's gonna answer the Fred you just woke up on everything [Music] say Oh God not the church come on lift up that hand way that it [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] listen you just prayed for your neighbor but how many of you need God to do something for you come on you don't gave to so many of the people this week I want God to hear your voice in accordance to your faith with that hand Nifty would you just talk to God and tell them what you need tell them what you going through tell them the circumstances prevailing in your life [Music] [Music] I love you Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] lift up that force [Music] [Music] about me [Music] [Applause] [Applause] lift up [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] to say yeah [Applause] all together world - yeah [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I give myself [Music] we're worshipped [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I [Music] [Applause] come on clap your hands if you know he's come on I say clap your hands if you soul you are in the present allowed on come on clap your hand now open up your mouth come on do your [Music] [Music] be seated [Music] the principal Lauren with the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty I'm telling you whatever head you found this week is gonna have to back up off you whatever was stressing you out is now under your feet would ever hit you in a chokehold the gates of Hell shall not prevail against you you know how to shout for cars and clothes but we're took now what the Holy Ghost the Leonid a that rash Fabio [Music] you may be seated feel the presence of our God come on speak well of him decide for your neighbor this is just for you I said speak well of you I'm waiting on the Levites to show up I know I got some spectators but if I got any worshipers would you open up your mouth and speak well of you [Music] [Music] [Music] you may be seated in the presence of the Lord I get joy when I think about what he's done for me he didn't have to let me live but he did I gotta give him the law ready when do you do it without think of the goodness of Jesus and the Hardys done for me oh crap [Music] [Applause] my church in here today [Applause] I [Music] [Applause] I need you to just help all your neighbor tell him he's big good come on that's the wrong neighbor I needed a hug somebody and tell them you got no idea how good he's been to me he woke me up this father [Applause] now what go down so far be seated if you would if you're happy and you know it clap your hands [Applause] I don't know what's wrong with y'all to death [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for some people who are looking at our shout they looking at us worship and they want to know why we go in this crazy tell us gotta feel it then have it back it's gonna be alright [Applause] - may be seated let's try it again he's seated please I'll know what's wrong with y'all this moment [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I feel the war cry in my spirit I'm trying to leave it alone but I feel something get ready to break whatever the heaven they thought he was God dude it's over [Music] hey listen I need you to pull on your neighbor and tell them mrs. Newberg we mean war we came to go in the enemy's camp and we don't get back [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you may be seated [Applause] [Music] [Music] you for you all [Music] come on everybody we give [Music] [Music] come on one more time cry it out [Music] [Music] come on clap that hand if you love our on [Music] maybe say that maybe see [Music] God's been so good to all of us did you hear what I just said I said God has been so good to all of us just just returning from spending this week in Ghana West Africa for the commemoration of a close of 400 years 400 years since our ancestors were stripped from the mother continent and brought here as slaves there's a dungeon in which they howl 65% all of the slaves before they came to America over their head was a sign that said the door of no return they suggested that they would never ever make it back home 400 years later we didn't come back on a ship we came on a plane to find everything that was spoken I was honored humbled this week honored humble this week amazing hospitality and graciousness I need you to know that new birth is well-loved all over the world all over world council of tribal chiefs had a meeting and had a meeting and decided to bestow your pastor the honor of making me a king in Ghana unless we first first time that they'd done it for an African American since Isaac Hayes [Applause] came through a whole lot it was about four three hours from my where it is that we were staying in Accra about three hours to get to a place called a die where the council of elders meet and we were a late didn't get there until you Levin o'clock at night and the tribal chief is in his 80s goes to bed at seven o'clock at night and we got there at 11:00 how might the Americans want to see you and he would not get out to bed until he found out whether we had all four did you bring me something I said lord I didn't know we supposed to bring the King something he says Oh what does he want to watch he said no I want some schnapps bring me some gin I got some cranberry juice in the car because I I need something strong they suggest your intentions are heavy don't don't bring me water don't bring me juice because it doesn't need time to develop bring me something that has to sit awhile so that its strength can be filled once it's consumed I think y'all are missing it if that's what a natural King requires what do you think the king of King request from all of us many of us will we get into the presence of our God we want him to bestow titles and blessings and doors and opportunities but we bring nothing and yet we want him to respond and God is saying in this hour that I'm not gonna move until I know that what it is that you bring as a sacrifice as something that has sat with you something that has permeated every fiber of your being something that will be so significant that after you release it you'll know that it's gone I'm not talking the Tiber's I'm talking to tithers tithers who are in this house ought to know that when I bring my sacrifice into the presence of God I realize that I am a wrestling something in heaven to put a mandate over every prophecy spoken over my life and I'm believing that God can do anything but fail he is no shorter than his word how many of you know God promised you some stuff for 2019 come on be honest be honest keep it 100 and all that he promised you don't have yet but he is for those of you who has mustard seed faith to know God still got 15 days to get it done did y'all hear what I just said I said he's got 15 days to get it done today I'm making a sacrifice in his presence to let him know god I expected and not only do I expect it I expected before this year ends our young people who are ushering they're serving on today you're absent of an envelope I want you to lift your hand they want to help facilitate your need they don't want you void of the opportunity to be able to so to be able to share and to be able to give God loves what kind to giver what kind of giver I'm glad to give because I have something again once you write where it is that you are right where it is that you are I want you to get a sizable of substantive and a significant seed in your hand we presented the King's gift do you know what happened I gave him the gift it was small it was what it is that he required and I turned around and then he beginning to speak and I needed a translator he said you can't have a Thai dollar in this country and you not have property since because of what you gave me I am now giving you property for you to develop for you to build y'all not saying anything for you to be able to do business the only people who really feeling me right now are tithers when you give to the king ain't no way in the world he's gonna let you out give what it is that he gives some of you ought to get excited because I feel in this room 2020 is gonna be the year for new property this is gonna be the year that God don't give your houses you didn't build and give your property as far as your eye can see said I'm gonna give you property but not only am I gonna give you property I've got to give you a new name gotta give you a new name because once you walk into this level you will no longer answer to what you used to be called I want some of you to be get ready cuz I'm telling you you gonna have a new name with Equifax some of y'all are slow I'm telling you your credit is getting ready to go to a whole nother place your your name is gonna be good where it is that you're endeavoring to do business I want you right where it is that you are want you to get that seed in your hand those of you who are watching us online I want you to partner with me on this day I want you to believe God for something supernatural I want you to believe God that God's got the authority to change your name to release property and all of it begins to open up can engine on your seemd I want you to get it in your hand I want you to get it in your hand you can't spend more on other people for Christmas than you do for Christ amen don't spend more on other people for Christmas than you do for Christ it ain't their birthday amen he's the reason for the season I want you to have that seen new birth where a tithing Church because we're a type in church we are blessed Church and we have first-hand account that you can't beat God's giving no matter how hard you try we're mindful that we're moving towards a cashless society so those of you who want to give electronically we've got four different platforms by which you can give whether there's give the fire push to pay text to give or on our secure website you're able to do that once you have your gift in your hand would you lift it above your head please lift it above your head repeat after me Lord thank you for what you did last year what you did last month what you did last week what you did yesterday but the seed in my hand is an expectation for what you're gonna do before December 31st amen bless the Lord our shows are coming to facilitate your need of those of you who are watching online as that you were give we believe that the same power the same favor that's in this house is getting ready to come to your house for the rest of my life I'm gone server those of you that want to sow your seed at the altar you're able to do it wonderful [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh I [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you've got anklet appraised wonderful is his name our media ministry prepared a documentary about our trip to Ghana we're gonna be broadcasting it live on all of our new birth platforms Thursday night at 7:30 those of you who are not following new birth on Facebook or or your pastor on Facebook for that matter on periscope we're gonna be broadcasting on all of those platforms on Thursday night at 7:30 so those of you who are interested are able to get access to it and to be able to relive that experience if you're glad to be in the house of the Lord clap your hands please I wasn't supposed to come back until today my sac try to get to my church but I love my church I'm telling you I do our last last Sunday we celebrated one year together and I'm grateful for it and amen it's been it's been great [Applause] my father told me whatever you did to get them you got to do that to keyboard you applied in however you want but amen and so uh Kiana where you from Baltimore where are you maybe a day out in the lobby but anyway I bought a gift for all of you just to let you know how much I appreciate all of you for letting me serve you as pastor after service I've got chocolate-covered strawberries for every member of the church so as it you'll please please it took a lot to get them down here so please do not leave them they'll be at both of our front exits on your way out just take it as a small simple gesture of thanksgiving of how appreciative I am just to be with you amen give God Hank lepre praise hold on don't say I never gave you nothing here's a coconut smile amen I set up to make sure please know that I safeguard and value this sacred desk and whenever it is that somebody stands up before you know that it is always gonna be God's best I am NOT gonna have you on a diet of filet mignon and then give you Burger King amen want you to know that always you're going to eat from the best when you're at new birth how many of you all know you got a strict diet so I asked my covenant brother to come all the way from Michigan to beat the snow how to come to Atlanta and be in the heat in the stand today dr. Jerome Dillon this is his first time here but I'm telling you you are gonna be blessed I like him I like him a lot but I love his wife I'm thankful she's here first lady won't you staying I'm glad to have you give God a hand clever frames here's a strategist I love him because he is a thinker he is an innovator he is a coach and God has put a unique gifting on his life and I'm appreciative he is with us on this day our music ministry is gonna prepare the atmosphere for the Word of God and then after they would have concluded my covenant brother and friend is going to break open the bread of life would you stretch forth your right hand to faith towards dr. Glynn and declare out loud give us everything God gave you amen [Music] for the word of the Lord but your mind lifting your hands one more time into the atmosphere and while your hands are lifted speak well of him into the atmosphere we're here for a word from the Lord yes Lord so this is what happens my heart is ready to receive a blessing from you yes Lord yes sir but let's sing it from you come on let's lift it up family everybody sing it let's do it yes Lord my heart see from you yes Lord yes Lord bless in the slaughter from [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for my blessing Aquos fear with me come on foremothers [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] - my hands are lifted my heart is ready - Rishi my hands are lifted and my heart is ready to come on my hands [Music] [Music] [Music] come on if your voice is my heart is ring that's right come on my heart is ready come on yes guys we surrender this one [Music] [Applause] [Music] we need a blessing from [Music] good morning new bird come on can you clap your hands and give God praise for what he's doing in this building come on if you're ready to receive why don't you give God praise forever your life now come on get one thing on your mind that you know you can have done for yourself and release a sound of praise along with your handclaps of Thanksgiving we bless your name [Music] good morning good morning greetings new birth I'm so excited to be with you today and to share in this very powerful moment this is in fact a destiny moment and I I agree with God on your behalf for all the wonderful things that God has already done in your life and what he's about to do in your life anybody have great expectations from heaven on today Alleluia if you will please help me to celebrate the very iconic and impactful dr. Jamal Bryant who is inspiring us all come on come on God didn't God gave you heavens best he's inspiring us all the nations are watching I honor you and I celebrate earlier this year he he had me on the work network and when we got done he said I want to introduce everybody I know to you I want you to I wanna I wanna I want to introduce everyone that I know to you and that he would have me come before the year was over and lookie here just in the nick of time hallelujah look at somebody and tell him we got 15 days left 15 days left we celebrate we celebrate him being postured in positioned and purpose and all that God is doing is he continue to build on the great legacy of Bishop Eddie Long yes we laid this incredible foundation and vision and dr. Jamal Bryan is the manifestation of that dream over 16 years ago I sent right about there in the balcony on a Sunday morning as bishop was right here preaching I had the ring in my pocket y'all trying to wait for the perfect moment to ask the woman of my dreams to be my wife for life by the time Bishop got through preaching to me now is the time I said now almost I almost pulled the ring out in church but I waited I waited to that evening but I didn't let the day pass and I asked her if she would be my favor for life she said yes can you please help me honor my lovely wife my nurturer of my nation the woman that bursts more than my children but she burns my dreams pasta Erika Glen can you clap your hands for her please [Applause] gentlemen if you're single make sure that you find a woman that can birth more than just your babies make sure she can burp your dreams I have the capacity to carry what you're thinking about without losing her own dreams in the process you understand coz pillow talk is a powerful thing sometimes the wife is the first person you tell your dreams too and she overwhelms she'll shut you down but if she tell you go ahead baby we can do it and you can get it done but you know you're gonna be alright and ladies don't say yes to just any man but if you say yes to a man make sure that he has the capacity to be more than not just a covering but a catalyst you don't want a man that's a ceiling that's jealous of who you are but somebody that'll help you let you shine the shine that the brothers you shine the brighter it makes them look is that Alright amen it's Advent season in God's house and we are just celebrating all that God is doing in this season leading up to Christmas that word Advent in itself means the arrival or the appearing or the coming that is the time when we celebrate and identify that something precious new and coming something we've been waiting on and anticipating is about to break forth and take place if you're in alignment and agreement with God can you just grab hands with the person next to you and we're just gonna pray and just I want you to just begin to pray that God would bless and deliver unto them everything that he's assigned for their life that they come in perfect agreement and alignment with the will and the purpose and the plan of God and that the will of God be made manifest and it's in Jesus name father we release and agree with heaven now and we thank you for such a time as this it is done and it is so now breathe now give my mind your mind your thoughts think through me your mouth my mouth speakers your Oracle's and I'll give you glory honor and praise in Jesus name we pray amen if you believe God clap your hands there before you be seated we're gonna get to the word but to all the elders the Deacons before you be seated we're gonna get to the word to all the elders all the Deacons or the protocol I don't know the call god bless you today I do honor you and I celebrate because nobody can accomplish a dream alone ministry takes a team a man in our Constitution which is the Word of God it reveals to us the birth of our King and the revelation of his government in the earth this process of purpose is expounded on in the book of Luke because it gives us insight to the identity and the plan of God aw Tozer makes a statement that said anything that God has ever done he can do now and anything that God has ever done anywhere else he can do here and anything that God has ever done with anyone else he can do for you Luke the first chapter in the 26th verse says now in the sixth month of Elizabeth's pregnancy the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city in Galilee called Nazareth to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph a descendant of the house of David and the Virgin's name was Mary and coming to her the angel said greetings favored one the Lord is with you but she was greatly perplexed at what he said and kept carefully considering what kind of greeting this would-be angel said to her do not be afraid Mary for you have found favor with God listen carefully and you will conceive in your womb and birth the son and you shall call his name Jesus and he will be great an intimate eminent and will be called the son of the Most High and the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David and he will reign over the house of Jacob Israel forever and his kingdom there shall be no end Mary said to the angel how will this be since I am a virgin and have intimacy with any and have no intimacy with any man then the angel replied to her the Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the most high will overshadow you like a cloud for this reason the holy pure sinless child shall be called the Son of God and listen even your relative Elizabeth has also conceived a son in her old age and she who was called barren is now in her six month for with God is or ever shall be nothing shall be impossible then Mary said Behold I am your servant the Lord may it be done unto me according to your word and the angel left her I want you to look at three people around you and tell them you're carrying something you're carrying something you're carrying something come on look at look at three people tell them you can't point at them and tell them you're carrying something you may be seated you're carrying something how many of you know that you're carrying something today pregnant with purpose full of possibilities the kingdom of God is expanding in your life on the left and on the right kingdom of God gives us the principles that are not just in the person of Jesus the Living Word but also in the practices of who he is within a specific fear or order by which God now bursts through us the will of God from heaven to earth the kingdom is not a religion for religion is just simply man trying to get to God but rather the kingdom is a culture or it is the culture of heaven in fact that invades in the earth in fact the kingdom of God is a country that is now blooming and blossoming by the plan and the will of God in the earth that is coming through man in the revelation of the person of Jesus Christ our King when God wanted a kingdom he came to earth and through that earth realm he birthed the person of our King Lord Jesus through a person because when we who have now possessed or accepted Jesus as our Lord and personal Savior how now embrace the principles of the kingdom of God we also should birth into the earth solutions for our society our family our governments our education business health wellness and entertainment all should be impacted by the ability or the influence of God's reigning government in the earth I declare that King Jesus miraculous birth was setting a precedent for the unprecedented and the reason why God revealed the process because he wanted us to understand the process by which purpose manifests we are now in the realm or a place where we are sitting and standing in unprecedent and my assignment here today is to build capacity in you and to help you birth out everything that God has assigned for your life I came to provoke what's in you and to literally cover whatever you're carrying just nudge your neighbor and don't look at him say you're carrying something I like to use this story as an allegory in the allegory as a story by which the characters or the events and the symbols stand for ideas of a human life by which we understand revelation most men can understand an allegory but few can create them literally become or live in the manifestation of that idea whenever God speaks a word faith is also released with that word in order to activate and accelerate that word into manifestation that's why preaching time is so powerful because it's not just three points in a poem actually it is the activation of the revelation that God has placed in my life and that thing that we used to be dormant now comes awake and comes alive so it can manifest in purpose are y'all all right today now Luke 1:26 tells us now the six month of Elizabeth's pregnancy that the angel Gabriel was sent forth by God into the city of Galerie Galilee called Nazareth to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph the descendant of the house of David look at somebody tell him right place right time right place right time her name was virgin was Mary and coming to her the angel said greetings favored one the Lord is with you I love the fact that God knew her name but he didn't call her by her name in fact he called her by her assignment are you hearing what I'm saying just because you around me don't mean you know me and know everything about me cuz my name might represent my history but God's got something on me that's gonna reflect my destiny are y'all okay today and so God the angel came to the Lord and said you are favored one because you are favored because there is a favor that is connected to your assignment he does with the purpose of who she is because purpose is the reason why something exists favor is always connected to your purpose while God is not a respective person he is a respected purpose and he only gives you favor for your assignment God never gives you favor just for you but if you are favored is to be a favor for somebody else I got a secret if you won't favor just give faber and faber got to come back to you oh my god my voice is changing when you find favor find means are gaining approval or acceptance of the benefits and the blessings of God you see what haven't ever been assigned to your life is attached to your life and it does not matter who likes you or not because if God has favorite you God knows how to make even your enemies have to bless you they didn't like you but they had to favor you because the favor of God required that to be upon your life you see favor if your - don't always feel like favor have I got a witness here sometimes favor will come upon your light and temporarily inconvenience you but it will permanently bless you have anybody ever been in position by the plan of God but when you look back over it you say no I didn't like how it felt to be told I know that it was what's good for me I dare you to clap your hands for the favor of God that's on your life just put your hand on your neighbor's shoulder tell them it's on you it's on you it's on you I love what paper does because God gives you favor connected to your purpose because favor has an assignment not only does it have an assignment for someone else it cancels out fears this is why the angel said o Mary do not be afraid because the Lord has favoured you and she started getting nervous about what type of greeting it was because anytime car comes to interrupt your life he came to interpret something in your life that everybody else don't see you can't become nervous about the favor of God and what you're supposed to do with it because and God gives you favorite it is to position you into a place of power and promise the first thing that favor does is favor starts to deal with your fears favor starts to cancel out your insecurities and wrestle with the fears and the reason why you counted yourself out and say you'll never make it and said you wouldn't be able to do it faith fear is always birth in the process of your imagination fear comes to threaten you in the place of your ignorance and impossible standards but when favorite shows up favorite cancels out fears because you can do something with favor that you thought you couldn't do by yourself have I got a witness up in here favor gives you a supernatural strength and a power to overcome your unproductive seasons and so when the intimate win when the angel comes to Mary and says Mary you are blessed and highly favored do not fear I have an announcement for your life that's connected to your assignment and the very fear that has been embracing you is about to be broken because the favor came to release what the future has been holding I wish I had somebody up in here that knew that God got something greater for your life than what you possess right now and I dare you to put a demand on the favor of God that's on your life to accomplish the assignment for your life and release a sound that sounds like praise even if you don't look like your favorite I came to tell somebody the flavor of God is hunger and Sonia Sonia Sonia you came to announce it interrupt her passive life she was in the process of being married to a man engaged and yet it still did it all right and had not slept around and kept her virginity and here she goes the angel comes and says you got a favorite and you're pregnant and we gonna have to explain this to Joe y'all you hear what I'm saying don't worry I got you I'm gonna give him a revelation so he could see what I already told you so you won't have to fight your battles for you all you need to do is be willing to birth whatever I put inside of you I gotta talk to the people around you so they're to help you even if they don't understand you I feel like preaching up in here today and so God comes to give her announcement that releases or reveals an assignment can I tell you you are one announcement away from your next assignment ah you better pointing somebody in prophesy and tell them you are wanna now spin away from your next assignment you are one this ain't gonna be a red notice God's about to give you a breakthrough notice and the next assignment that's gonna be revealed in your life is gonna change your life and your destiny forever not only does he deal with her purpose but then next verse 31 and I got to move on says listen carefully you will conceive in your womb and you will birth a son and you shall call his name Jesus he will be great and imminent and will be called the son of the Most High the Lord your God will give him the throne of David and he will reign over his house of Israel forever and the kingdom there shall be no end after he solidifies the purpose the next thing you have to do to birth out what you're carrying is you have to change your perception your perception is so relevant because your perception is connected to your revelation however you see a thing will determine what you receive from that thing so if the enemy wants to fight your identity what he does is his wrestles with your perception and so what mary had to get a revelation of that this thing that god had just released into her life was an average or ordinary but in fact she was about to birth be kingdom sent the kingdom of God in the earth she was about to birth the government of God a new system a new way of doing things a new way of believing acting and behaving she was about to set a whole nother order in the earth what she was carrying was a regular or ordinary in that it was extraordinary and it was gonna produce results that was beyond the moment I believe that the same thing that God did do Mary that God wants to do through you that way he's about to birth in and through your life next it's gonna have impact for the generations I wish I had somebody that know you were pregnant with power and possibilities to open up your mouth that release a sound of praise that sounds like what come on let your praise release a sound of expectation I believe that what God would do Mary he wants to do through you and Mary then gave birth to one thing that start to give birth to everything she gave birth to one thing that gave birth to everything you do know that what God does is he can give you the one door the one opportunity the one moment and after that moment perpetual cycles you shift from obscurity to notoriety huh you shift from being nowhere to now here you shift from one season to the next season because when God comes to make an announcement about your future there's nothing that being and he can do to fight it she was like us she was dr. Brian she was like us she was unusual she was unlikely she was unexpected she was unpredictable but yet she birthed be king of the world and the solution to our society don't let nobody count you out cuz just because you're not showing yet don't mean you ain't carrying snicker oh God people love to look at you on the outside and try to determine what's on the inside but just because I ain't showing yet don't mean I ain't carrying nothing cuz I got a promise about to give birth I'm about to give birth high five your neighbor tell him you carrying something you're carrying tell him I see you I see it I see it up I see you're losing weight I see it I I see your money getting right I see it they can't see your credit score yet but they gonna see your house like hey y'all hear what I'm saying they can't see your grand opening yet but I see the vision huh God did give it to you thank God she was unlikely she was unexpected she was unpredictable but yes she birthed the savior of the world and whenever God talks to you you got to understand the revelation of the Word of God God's ideas are not suggestions I said God's ideas are not suggestions God's Word does not bring a suggestion it brings transformation now so whenever God says a finger you gotta learn how to grab hold or whatever God says and hold on to it until you bring birth it's a manifestation I thought I was that new Bertha up in here huh look at somebody and tell them it's time to give birth that thing you've been talking about all year God says it's time to give birth you don't have to wait to 20/20 you got 54 days for you to release it to the earth what God has already planned for your life idea every idea the perception the perception of God's revelation now brings illumination and transformation the truth is my life should then reflect my revelation when you see me you see what I believe nobody can behave beyond their belief and so when you see my life you see my revelation so you can't wait the other way to see the manifestation of the revelation you have to see the revelation of what God said even before you see it in the earth the unseen was the scene it is what happens in the unseen that manifests in the scene and if you wanna station of what I'm carry doesn't waste words come on sit down I don't know how you preach with the hike crowd right here they bout to make me jump off this stage and do it crowd dies God doesn't waste words God doesn't waste words when God speaks he reveals when he when he speaks he reveals and he reveals to manifest I say it over the side when God speaks he speaks to reveal and he reveals to manifest God don't tease you every exposure that he gives you is raising your expectation god help me over here anytime God show you something that you didn't see before it's because he wants you to have it not because he wants you to be teased by it that's why you can't afford to be jealous when your neighbor get blessed you gotta learn how to sow riding your new carcass that just mean God won't mean I have one I shall when your baby gets a cause that means so much it's all the way [Applause] doesn't he doesn't speak sir he doesn't speak he speaks to reveal and he reveals to manifest and so when the angel comes to make a pronouncement upon her life that is the Spirit of the Lord speaking her crazy church up in here just as Mary burn something into the earth I believe that God's about to burn something through you that we can live in we believe in your dreams we need your purpose to be made manifest you can't die poor you got to die in - good God Almighty can I get somebody up in here that no one's coming out of me is greater than what I been through the greatest thing history and your stories should not be the testimony of what you came out of where we thank God for delivering you the greatest testimony is not what you came out of but what's coming out of you God Almighty if you thought the way God got me I was something wait till you see what comes out of my life you gonna celebrate and dance with me cuz you're gonna say how did that come out of you because God decided I five your praise Martin I tell them you carrying something you carrying something come on come on you're carrying something I came to provoke it in you quit talking about it that book get doctor get Ritenour that business I gotta opener that ministry I gotta get started [Applause] she asked the question she said she said how will this be since I'm a virgin no I had no intimacy with no man how how you gonna do it come see some of y'all over there you can't praise him because you stuck in the half get your neighbor set up get out the house and get in there now you better get somebody else tell them get out the Howard get in the now you're trying to figure out how but God says right now is your time don't worry about how I'm gonna show you how so we're so preoccupied with bible says that the man determines his flame but the Lord will show you how to get it done y'all again you better hop out one crazy partner tell them God don't show you how God don't show you how what's important is that you I got to push the deals he deals with her percent her perspective y'all okay perspective because now you start to reason with your reality she says how how am I gonna get this done since I know not a man push your neighbor don't look at them tell them shift your perspective shitty and how I'm gonna get this I don't reason with your reality stop reasoning with your reality because your kingdom is not from here what you do is you are my reality God help me up in here they cause those things that be not as though they were which means I don't care what it looks like right now I need to get a hold of my revelation until my revelation becomes my reality somebody oughta give God praise for what you see and what you know not what you [Applause] [Music] tell them there's something inside of you that's about to change everything around you I don't care you're not too young I don't care somebody told you you're old you're not you old cuz if you was done you would already be dead somebody give God y'all ready to embrace the I'm gonna agree with the plan of God but I'm gonna agree with it that's it [Music] [Applause] somebody do this the power the Moses go over shadow you [Applause] no razor whatta enemy couldn't kill me cuz the power was overshadowing me the rain a lot of here they can't destroy makeup yes come on to look at your neighbor tell them is something over your hatch is something that we all had it's a window over your head it's a glory over your head the angels are always shot on you the Holy Spirit is about to help you the Pericles yes [Applause] you got your prize partner tell your praise mother tell them the Holy Ghost gonna help you come on the Holy Ghost go help the Holy Ghost gonna help you get your money up the hall legas gonna help you open up your business the holiday girls gonna help you get out of debt the Holy Ghost gonna save your work now all the girls go say Mimi don't worry about it uh gasps gotcha [Applause] you are not just walk in your house this afternoon it go man just like this you had a gonna work to power up it I will what's that you do it that's the whole is errand of a shadow and me [Applause] [Music] why why is the holy ghost why didn't he let a man help you why didn't he let you get a hookup why didn't he let somebody hook you up coz if they were to hook you up there with a counter credit look at your neighbors Elam don't tell abandoned God protected you cuz he they won't nobody that get the glory but him somebody oughta give got the glory cuz they overlooked you I feel caught up in here somebody that I felt like you were hidden gotta shout cuz you're coming out about security it's another body and God is about to reveal the best of you the governor the governor from our country is coming the governor from our country who is the holy spirit he's coming he's coming the governor is coming he ain't bring you this finally the governor is coming and he's coming and when he comes he's releasing all heavens resources the bank may have charged you down but God is going to release to you that which belongs to you take about 20 seconds and give God a sound that sound like you believe [Applause] [Music] I can raise up for you not the sound of your crank reflects a revelation let the sound of your bride reflecto revelation somebody tell um yeah I need you to get three people around your tell if your carrier something nefarious of the Eukarya something you carry is something you carry is something you carry is something important for your generation your carrier something important for your grandchildren you carry is something is wonderful your Glock you carry is something important for your neighbourhood Carius of an important for this region Eukarya something applaud and what's your carrion shake head my ciutat vella motion the governance comes the governor's come the governor's coming the governor's coming the governor's come the governor's coming tell somebody around and tell him the governor's coming the governor's coming the Holy Spirit is coming he's the governor of our country rock with me he's the governor of our country he's coming to give me a supernatural advantage about to live somebody shine I'm gonna live beyond limits I got a supernatural Adonis I got a supernatural advantage [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the governor's coming the governor's come yet the governor's come away watching it's important hear me it's important that you do not try to accomplish in the flesh what has been assigned in the spirit I'm running out of time you cannot try to accomplish in the flesh you can't come to church and hear the prophecy and then lead church and then you're gonna do it by yourself when I stand connected to where you got pregnant [Applause] don't try to accomplish in a place what was assigned in the spirit you gotta stay in the spirit stay connected to it so that you can burn out with the supernatural power of God the anointing of God is coming over you the anointing of God is coming over you now come on Sarah see the anointing the anointing is the power of God to activate and to walk in my purpose guys about to make easy was somebody else thought was hard just because somebody else failed at it don't mean you're gonna fail at it cuz you were born for this here's my point y'all okay here's my point after per sec after perspective god sends a person whenever God wants to change your life he sends you a person you can tell by the plans that God has for your life by the caliber of people that he sends you that's why you ought to thank God for this gift right here cuz kiddin anybody just be your pastor [Applause] [Music] people are so important whenever God has a plan the enemy has a distraction or detour he says you a person if you look back on your life you'll like me the way I put down by the person that was sent into your life she's full of promise now she's like okay I'm gonna believe God I'm gonna try to walk this thing out I never done this before this is unprecedented and then angel says don't worry about her I got you look at your neighbor tell them I got you I got you uh-huh you got the wrong neighbor if they touch your hand reach over them get another neighbor get your neighbor that's they look like they believe they tell them I got you come on I got you come on I don't let you I'm gonna I'm gonna leave you where I met you I got you come on we bout to get up out of here by your praise partners say I got you I got you I got you [Music] here's what's so dope here's what's so dope about it he says he said I know this is crazy to you I know you've never done this before but I got somebody six months ahead of your future that already been through the process that you about to go through can I need you to make sure you hook up with the right person that's why that's my new birth you're so rich to have a multi-generational Church you got Mary's aunt Elizabeth Jean helping up in here you got Mary Ann Elizabeth's God put you in the house with people that's about to do something with people that already did something y'all hear what I'm saying and you cannot waste the treasure of the relationship of a multi-generational house some of you are about to burn something and some of you have already given birth to something that becomes a model for somebody else to birth you better find you an Elizabeth around I need you to look around you might want to get out so row and find somebody class about it from another generation find somebody from a segment of society finds somebody I gotta be done he said sure powerful don't miss this I'm sorry I gotta remove you from the familiar to the unfamiliar because sometimes is the familiarity that tries to kill your god-given identity cuz thank you connected to who you used to be instead of who God is about to birth in your life somebody order such a God for releasing you proper billion look at three people around you teller get to a lizard's house come on tell him get to Elizabeth's house had to be done get to a lizard's house get your leather pants house get to Elizabeth's house your revelation is only as great as your relationships get your relentless house Scotsman moving people out your life don't try to hold on to always been phobic let God let him go got about to put you in a new circle is about to put you in another see them [Music] your network your network your network is your network did you hear what I said your network is your net worth your rolodex is the wealth of your revelation you gotta connect with the right people you need people in your life that can evolve with you I don't mean no harm but if you can't grow with me you can't go with me I try to leave you I want you to go to the next level what if you can't grow it me you can't go with me the greatest and arancio revelation is your relationships the greatest hinders see your revelation is your relationships when God show you you going back to school and you tell somebody that didn't graduate and they tell you why you can't do it get to Elizabeth's house when you tell somebody you bout to be you about to be wealthy because God shows you that he's about to break the curse of poverty but everybody around you is cursed with poverty up get to Elizabeth's house we got tell you that your block is about to be bought and transformed and you can't do the buying and they tell you why you can't get it done get away from ribbon to Elizabeth's house I they somebody the bulb up in this place and find yourself at Elizabeth's yeah I'm walking I'm walking I'm walking telepods stirring in the room I feel something started in a row get you a phrase Hrodna get you a prize partner [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I said get your fries father you better round the wrong people too long if you apply somebody that I gotta plays on a lips set if you ain't around somebody that I got a prize or Nalin said God's about to connect you to somebody that ain't jealous of you got about to connect you with somebody that ain't jealous of you got about the connection with somebody that can gather what you'll be carrying somebody that say you're dragna with purpose and they're gonna help you push where your praise my dad grab the head and lift it up I want you to shout a sound come on release a sound to thread [Applause] Sam I'm asking come out come on come out [Applause] come on [Music] look a suppo a Mia Bhama hell you went through us flabby body that counter to outbursts get to another this house you wanna get out your oh you wanna get out your oh and declare your neighbor you're carrying something you're carriers of that you're showing now you're about to burn the blueprint got it about to release but it's a sign for your life don't give up don't give in [Music] what's that sound sound like something's about to be birthed in the atmosphere I thought I was at Newport this room is about to become a wound I said this world is about to become a world when you're praised for then I'm done pass some overtime on come on hold your hair Elizabeth got to Mary and Mary got to Elizabeth Mary didn't have to explain what just happened cuz when they got together what was in her y'all preaching up in here stop [Music] what was then half stop [Music] what's it has started liepman you gotta be around somebody that you don't have to explain yourself to coz when you start talking about your dreams they start later [Music] you gotta be around somebody that's connected to your purpose you might be carrying the promise but they carry your prophecy you got the promise I got the prophecy but when we get together John's gonna be the forerunner of Jesus and what's coming out of you it's gonna complement what's coming out of me I jealous of you I'm not in competition with you I celebrate you I can't a couple of men not to compete John never competed with Jesus it complemented Jesus and if we don't make it black people we don't have to get together and watch [Music] laying with me rock with me something being nice in new birthday I'll set something being burn something do in their daddy something we applied [Applause] something something something be released in the earth something being birds well something fear bad be released in the air we release them as we released Iliad [Music] [Applause] I rock your weapon come on rock with me boy your neighbors they lazy tell them you coming it's coming it's coming out of you it's coming out of you it's coming out of you let's cut it out this house it's coming out of you you're carrying something you're carrying something you're carrying something look at your favorite I love your various something tell your neighbor you care you're carrying something you're carrying something you're carrying something [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Rock Masaccio Mary beside you a bit sad [Music] [Music] [Applause] something is superb Oh something be be released in me Shakopee where's a beer bar shoppers out that what's gonna happen to it be released give me some bad luck [Applause] ban family spirit least barrel experiments families families when they smear me [Music] spirit very nice very late very lazy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] get out [Music] [Applause] [Music] right raucous I ran out breakfast I read out breakfast time [Music] [Applause] promise besides [Music] besides [Music] rock massage the purpose of God prophesied Rob besides besides [Music] [Applause] NAB you believe is about to come to pass this Saturday for you dissatisfy your name I want you to praise God for what's coming out of your neighbor like just tripping out of you [Applause] get out lame lame lame [Music] they [Music] [Music] and southeast WIC is not bad yeah [Music] the Hartmann scrawny [Music] I got to go the earth is groaning for what you're carrying God is setting new birth as a model in the earth it's always been a standard barrier and it's not going to change in something new is being birthed a new birth the chairs all over the building [Music] a model to the nation's economic development postured poised to possess the promises of God the plan of God is being birthed in the earth irregardless of your history your destiny is not in your history you see your decisions today you decide to align with purpose I don't care if you house some of your greatest accomplishments in your history be realigned the grandchildren your great-grandchildren I need a grandmama to shout right there come on [Applause] we will not participate we will not participate into the warfare perpetuated by society that's connected from generation to generation our God is a generation of God silent baby boomers Millennials zxy we all go get together and learn from each other and build on top of what's already been built [Applause] notice when I first named the message I didn't tell you to tell your neighbor I'm carrying something cuz we know how to be self-centered I told you to tell your neighbor your Carius i prophesy to you you carry a something and whatever you carry and I'm needed in my life father I still this messes with the spirit of promise everyone that's watching all over the airwaves in this building right now there is something that's being birthed out of Newport that's going out to all the world out of this region out of Atlanta it's no mystery that you call movies back to Atlanta business back to 11 Civil Rights was birthed out of Atlanta power is in Atlanta and new Perth is in the center of it all back that into the heart of this region a kingdom mandate that models your government existing in the earth and today I gather together with these Kingdom citizens connected one to another that we will pledge and promise to birth out of our lives purpose and power until you get the glory the honor and the praise your kingdom come your will be done reach up and grab it ah ah come on bring it down on earth where's our backup as it is in heaven clap your hands and give God come on oh god [Music] the highest level of agreement that you can come in with God is to be born again how shall this happen well yeah oh we ain't explaining nothing to nobody when God give you a dream that's big and people doubt you do this [Applause] somebody thought that man it went over your head but actually a man is something on my head that you can't get off the highest agreement you can come with God its purpose agreeing with the plan of God Jesus came to be your Lord your Savior and your king and in order for you to come to his kingdom you gotta come through salvation salvation is the plan of God it puts you in the system of God salvation is not the end it's the beginning that's why when you get saved you don't drop dead cuz you just gettin started Oh contrary to popular opinion heaven is not the goal heaven is the reward the goal is to have Dominion in the earth cuz in heaven you have no power but on earth you got all you can't walk in that power unless you come through salvation you want to know what we shouting about come on down you want to know what we praising about come on down you want to know what all the noise is about come on down if you're under the sound of my voice and you hear first things first I just want you to slip up your hand hi I need to give my life to the King enough is enough I need to come to the kingdom I see that hand I see that hand oh I see that hand oh I see that hand I see that hand nubert I see that I see that I see that I see a hand back there I'm about to take my rightful place come on it's not just about person my dreams it's about birthing God's dream for me I see that hand I need you to do something bold while this entire church is clapping and celebrating I want you with your hand up either get out the out and come down here so we can pray you come on don't be scared come on we gonna pray with you come on don't be scared yeah yeah I see em they're coming they're coming they're coming they're coming they're coming they're coming come on coming kings and queens come and walk in a purpose come on come on two weeks before Jesus birthday come on you got more phrase in you happiness around the case [Music] [Applause] that's my man here she come Jessica very calm very calm [Music] here we go I told you new parts something is happening in there [Music] father I thank you for these who have decided to come to your kingdom for such a time as this plant them in this house that their purpose can be birthed and that the plan of God will be established in their life forever we thank you that greater is He that is in them may he that is in the world as the altar workers take them where they go to pray with them and to birth them out no weapon formed against them shall prosper surround them with new friendships and relationships make them influential and powerful in Jesus name new birth I need you to clap your hands like that show like that's so child on the altar come on clap yeah [Applause] Israel is real come on nobody is will get that message bless you is some big shoes filling in for your pastor thank you but not making it hard that's a preaching machine right there did you learn something new birds I love y'all I love you thank you for receiving me I'm not making it hard to preach today thank you so much I need you to get a seat in your hand listen to me this isn't this isn't about your tithe or your offering you gave that already seized is the word of the Lord and seize that song listen to me I want you to sow a seed I'm not gonna tell you how much I need you to be mature let your sea match your dream but I need you to plant a seed in this moment if this word bless you I need you to plant a seed in this moment that looked like the promise that you're carrying if you're married consult with your spouse and say how much you want to drop right here how much you want to drop right here cuz this is big we need to sow this seed thank you we need to sow this seed into God's kingdom I'm gonna pray I'm gonna pray and then I want you to move wait a second I'm gonna pray and then I want you to move if you need an envelope wave your hands so they can come they can serve you quickly but the electronic gifts back up so they can give electronically I don't want you to just shout I don't want you to just shout I want you to so sewing is an opportunity for you to show that you believing what was spoken I'm gonna release a scene that looks like my dream looks like my vision this seed is from my child this seed is for my book I'm about to write this seed is for my movie that I'm about to be in this with this seed is for the movie I must direct this seed is for the restaurant that I'm about to open this seed is for my children the seed is for my new house I'm about to the property I'm about to own the thing that God shows me I want you to just plant a seed based on your revelation place on your revelation father I thank you for a sober mature Church you don't have to beg and plead you don't have to twist their arm this house is built on sowing and reaping they understand the law in the principle now I pray father in Jesus name as they sow their seed electronically digitally online streaming no distance in the spirit that this scene will take root in the lives of your people and manifests in the earth what you have promised this seed is just a sign that we agree with you and we trust you it will reflect our revelation in Jesus name we pray amen come on quickly all over the building come on quickly I want you to give quickly all over the building come on [Music] don't leave we got a lead together benediction is the blessing [Music] that's what [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody's standing on your feet please everybody's standing on your feet [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] new birth y'all didn't push me out of my jacket I wanted to look cool the whole time listen thank you for your seeds that you saw listen the difference between your now and your next will be who you know and what you know the difference between your now your next is who you know and what you know I'm an author I wrote about ten books I brought about seven of them with me usually when a preacher get up they talk about their books first but I was more concerned about you so I saved it for last but I do believe that these books will bless you this book I wrote is a quick book called train your brain it's a 21 day devotional to talk about how you think nobody can go above the level of their own belief system renew your mind with the renewing of God's Word its transforms your thinking and your understanding train your brain this one is called soul sessions so sessions is a book about your soul because in church we talk about flesh and spirit but we don't deal with the soul the soul tracks attracts what the soul is and the truth is that's why we get a new relationships with the same people new persons different same person different name it's because our soul is connected to certain things this helps you break so ties and takes yourself to soul therapy you set your own self on the couch and deliver yourself this is a book called g-rated sex that's right it got quiet but all the married people know sex is from God hallelujah sex is not the devil the devil could not have made something such as sex sex sex sex sex sex because we learn sex in the wrong places it's called g-rated sex because sex is really a god thing when I wrote this book I put a king-size bed in the middle of the stage and I preached it for five weeks people walked in church and they were uncomfortable I said yes that's the same way you got feels every time you take them to a marriage bed that's not yours this helps you reclaim your sexuality and what to do with it when you're not in a season to explore it unfortunately your sex drive do not go away in your single life well you will not go away you have to learn to control so it's for both married people and single people just go out there and get the green book I know you I know you don't want to go by no book about sex so just go to the timber like give me that green book this book is called unlock your changes coz there's genius in your genes you are made in the image and the likeness of God God is in your DNA everybody's a genius you just have to find out what you're a genius for and when you discover that you unlock your purpose unlike your genius this one is called unlock your dreams we need your dreams in the world truth is your dreams can no longer be hidden in a dungeon we need your dreams in the world we need to live in your dreams it's time for us to live in your dreams I'm gonna see what the dream is these two books my wife and I wrote together in some relationship series this is called love the 30 day love challenge because love is does love gives at its own expense without expecting anything in return now that sounds great when you're receiving it but that's hard when you gotta do it but Jesus says that they shall know us by the love we show one another it's just one day one challenge for 30 days and this one we were together called kingdom relationships it teaches us to reveal relationships and Gazza a plan and God's identity so we can restore healthy marriages and healthy lives relationships is the equity in the kingdom and every relationship is birth in a family into the earth and your family is created a dynamic for the future thank you new purpose betrayal you can get all seven for sixty-five eighty-three for twenty five and eighty five for forty-five god bless you so much thank you [Applause] when you are blessed today about were you blessed today [Music] give everybody rise we get ready to go home you know by now we don't have any or group therapy Bible study for December we commence again in January New Year's Eve we are bringing in 2020 right here at new birth how many peopie excited about it to opportunities of worship at 12:00 at noon and at 10:00 appear I gotta stop ready again was there preacher incredible I come on now [Applause] [Music] some of y'all a lot of repent y'all was mad when I said I wasn't preacher you were trying to figure out how to get out the door he meant but God blessed us we had a one-day revival I needed that how many of y'all you're harder just pull right through here amen we're just grateful grateful grateful unto God please don't forget to get your a small like gift we have them right outside in the lobby on your way out we have so many announcements but I just want to go home from here next Sunday is an ugly sweater Sunday so make sure that your present and accountable some of y'all wore yours a week in advance is that amen this next Sunday next Sunday and if this was not your ugly sweater my bad amen amen so as that you'll please be present and accountable accountable dr. Glenn is gonna be in the lobby signing books I want you to please buy our everything and everything that he has in case nobody else tells you please know your pastor loves you I'm praying for you every day amen you ought to click your heels three times there's no place like home cuz there's no place like Newport if you know I'm right give God a shout about it now bless the Lord every person right where you are would you lift up that hand I'm coming back to that side this side this is rough I'm tired amen lift that hand up i'ma come see y'all next week I got jet lag thank you as we leave this place but never from God's presence repeat after me walk with God and he'll walk with me talk with God and he'll talk with me listen to God and he'll listen to me love God because He first loved me lift that hand as high as you see yourself going now unto Him who's absolutely able to do anything but fail may God make you sleepless until you help somebody may God make you restless until you help yourself may God it you rotate you until you have enough sense to worship Him and may God bless you until you have to give stuff away his fourth now and forevermore and the blessed people of God said amen please combined support pastor Glenn's books they set up even now thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: New Birth Mbc
Views: 43,727
Rating: 4.792336 out of 5
Keywords: New Birth, Newbirth, Dr. Jamal Bryant, Dr. Jamal-Harrison Bryant, Dr. Bryant, Pastor Bryant, Atlanta, GEORGIA, STONECREST
Id: BWavqi81TQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 47sec (9467 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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