I DON’T WANT NO SMOKE - Pastor Jamal-Harrison Bryant - New Birth Live

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[Music] come on come on come on [Music] [Music] yes I worship get some praise yes goodbye you [Music] does anybody ever get this morning [Music] Lord Jesus Jesus go to Jesus [Music] come on just take a minute and praise it take a minute it left it take a minute in one anyhow God has been too good he's been too kind for you to just stand there it's been a constant it's been a constant the Holy Spirit is here the Holy Spirit is here celebrate celebrate him celebrate [Music] you could be healed right now you can be Neal right now he's here right now he's here right now give him glory give him honor give it pray hallelujah [Music] fire fire we thank you come on lift your hands all over this sanctuary the presence of the Lord is in this place the presence of the Lord is in this place and we thank you for your fire thank you for reigniting us thank you for breathing on us we stand in great expectation of what you're gonna say and we thank you God for what you've already done it's Anna matchless name of the Lord Jesus [Music] good morning Holy Spirit good morning heavenly dove good morning to the Spirit of Christ good morning to the Spirit of the Living God good morning to the one and only true comforter good morning to the one who is in US and through us and works all around us good morning Lord would you take a moment and say good morning to the worshiper standing next to you here we are gathered all together as the church with one Accord in one place and we declare today that the spirit of the Living God is falling fresh in a new upon us today we declare and decree that this is the day that the Lord has made that we rejoice on this Pentecost Sunday and we will be glad if you're a pre worshiper if you're a true worshipper would you lift your hands would you clap your hands would you open your mouth and bless the Lord all of the free worshipers you're welcome to come to the altar where the radical worshipers in the house of God that don't match world and in the spirit don't mind dancing in the spirit come on to the altar come on to the altar come on we go press in for a few more minutes and give God his glory Holy Spirit we thank you for teaching us Holy Spirit we thank you for praying for us holiday spirit we thank you for the rippling us Holy Spirit we thank you for imposing us Holy Spirit we thank you for bringing us we declare in the free this morning that according to Isaiah 11:2 the Sevenfold Spirit of God is upon us we declare that the Spirit of the Lord the spirit of wisdom the spirit of understanding the spirit of counsel the spirit of might the spirit of knowledge the spirit of fear of the Lord is here upon us we celebrate the present help of the Lord we celebrate the one who is our number he has come to be our comforter we this morning the one who [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] glory to God [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the blood come on yes low [Music] we call your name it's shopping we cannot explain that happens when we proclaim your great name your great ladies come on we love to call your name something that we cannot explain [Music] [Music] that's not true [Music] with me right [Music] oh Jesus [Music] lift your hands if you believe that this morning there is power in the name of Jesus yes there is come on you sing it there is power come up [Music] Oh what we call is what we call because something will change [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Applause] all the times when you make a decision to call his name don't be afraid the corners [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I was raised in a church [Music] [Music] that requires that you do something you've gotta make yourself available but you also have to create a presence [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] release us come on [Music] really so much today we need show worship today it's not bread that the Hollywood spirit would settle down I heard him a pastor from Baltimore she would parade and when she would ask the Holy Spirit to come she would just say something like throw your weight around Holy Ghost throw your weight around I don't know I want the Holy Ghost to throw his weight around the day I need somebody to help me somebody say throw your weight around Holy Ghost no no pinion really take throwing your weight around throw your weight around can we just never release how worship in the house settle down that's what we want them to do throw your right can somebody just send it in the building shadow down [Music] tell me your water hazard I think somebody's daddy come on everybody to three years we went to map a saddle I'm just gonna stay right next to everybody get the sacrum settle down tail teleplay pull your weight around [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody throw your weight around on the day of prima coffee a great workplace with everybody tell the Holy Spirit throw your weight around we should wait [Music] we wanna see you [Music] day we wanna see [Applause] can we pray that prayer together we want to keep that [Music] [Applause] [Music] I want to see the rain man what we wanna see [Music] [Music] so different my prayers give my god Oh [Applause] a miracle [Applause] Computers - Mariana doing a video sharing out you are a miracle [Music] let me Santa's hat a very poor [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm gonna take ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on I want you to take that paper by the hand please stretching out even across the aisles we'll believe in God for signs wonders and miracles to happen who ever said you're holding tell them a miracles got your name on it come on pull on somebody tell them you got a miracle with your name on it [Music] it's Pentecost Sunday this is Sunday then we celebrate the birth of the Holy Spirit in the church for signs and wonders to happen within the body of Christ how many of you need God to perform a miracle in your life [Applause] somebody's hand is in your hand this is what I need you to do please the Bible declares unto us in Acts chapter two they were all in one place on one Accord they're touching and agreeing they're lifting up their boys and when they did that the glory of God began to descend in that room I'm believing that the glory is getting ready to hit this place today I'm gonna challenge you all over the room all over the room somebody's hand is in your hand would you begin praying that your neighbor will get a miracle in the next seven days come on open up the amount begin praying that God will reveal himself that God will show himself come on pray for a miracle in their finances a miracle in their body for healing to begin to take place I need you to begin to pray for signs and wonders and for miracles to happen [Music] come on y'all not praying strong enough you're not praying loud enough I need you to pray like you are convinced that God is in this room that the Holy Spirit is in this place [Music] pray that they are knowing it from the top of their head to the soles of their feet that something supernatural is gonna happen and we believe it to be so and those of you that have the god-kind of faith' would you loose that hand and give God glory all over the room [Applause] come on I can hear you lift up your voice and give Him glory [Applause] that hand is lifted Lord you are welcome in this place have that own way it's not about us it's all about him today come on everybody I want you did not just listen to the choir where one sound today [Music] [Music] Lord you are [Music] come on one more time everybody Lord you are welcome Lord you [Music] in this place [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a lot more child [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here it is anointing fall on me then the power of the Holy Ghost fall on me anybody want the anointing of God to fall on you is not just a song it's a prayer is a prayer request it's a demand than what it is that I need in this hours I need the anointing to fall on me come on everybody [Music] [Applause] oh come on annoyed too [Music] with no music let me hear your voice [Music] real quick would you just embrace three people around you tell them the anointing is on your life the anointing of God the power of God but for some favor of God [Music] come on [Music] come on the NA [Music] see they collect your ends if your preciate it for the Powerball expiry pinnacle Sunday is so special they're so precious to the value of Christ because it is the only Christian holiday that has not been commercialized Christmas been taken over by Santa Claus resurrection been taken over by bunny rabbits and jelly beans but Pentecost Sunday you can't play with the Holy Ghost not this day we are mindful that we are thankful for the personhood of the Holy Spirit since he gives us the power to get wealth I want every person in this room who believes that God is anointing you for an assignment how do you now that no need just to run around the in church you are anointed leader to help change structures and systems and to operate in authority and to know who you are in the body of Christ I want all of us all of us right where it is that you are our rushers are moving amongst you I want you to secure an envelope in your hand our dear friends who are worshiping with us online we're appreciative of your presence and grateful that you are a virtual worshipper on this day as that every person will pull together your consecrated tithe on today pull together your consecrated time on this day how can I say thanks for all the things that God has done for me the voices of a million angels cannot express my gratitude all that I am or ever hope to be I owe it all to God how much you get an offering in your hand that lets God know how appreciative that you are how last Sunday we are gave out scholarships to deserve it young people to go to college somebody give God a hand clap of praise I want you to know how super bad you are as a church we set up as a goal that we were going to raise $50,000 to give away in scholarships in 2020 and we kicked it off for last Sunday and I want to thank your new birth our goal was 50,000 for the year and last Sunday we raised 20,000 for our scholarship committee come on somebody give God a hand clap Oh y'all ain't shouting good many of you participated in our millionaire's Academy where we're talking about being industrious and entrepreneurship aren't circulating black wealth within our community and there were many of you who put your hands to the plow and have begun that process yesterday was our follow up and over a hundred of you showed up because you are committed to really making an economic difference in our community and in this generation I want to ask all the entrepreneurs would you wave your hand please all the entrepreneurs now pull both of those hands together and thank God for your own business how come it if you want God to bless your business you want God to bless your business he said that today but if you take care of my house I'm gonna take care of your house and I want God to be able to bless your house but I want you to make sure that you fortify of the body of Christ called new birth we are a tithing Church in because we're typing church we give 10% of our income under God in it amazing that in 2019 years that there has not been a cost-of-living adjustment still the same 10% I'll think about how much the economy has shifted and changed just since you've been paying your own bills how but God has been faithful even while we have been unfaithful God loves what kind to give her what kind to give her then what is the only time in the service you don't smile this is the only time in the service y'all ain't shouting and giving I have five y'all will shout over the announcements but when it's time for the offering I don't know what happens to you but I want us to be excited about giving I'm realizing that you can't beat God's giving no matter how hard you try how we're moving towards a cashless society and to that end how many of you want to give through electronic platforms whether that is through cash after gibla fire whether you want to give through push to pay how we want you to do all of those platforms even if you old school and you write in a check they do that but we want all of us to be able to give just to give graciousness unto our God for our appreciation for the stuff that we take for granted then in the rain your bricks didn't fail yeah y'all didn't say nothing to me that even while he was raining all last night you had a roof over your head some of us were late to church why because you want your which thing to wear you ought to thank God for options that your cup literally is running over but now that you have that gift in your hand would you lift it up please right where it is that you are lift up that gift above your head repeat after me Lord thank you for what you did last year for what you did last month for what you did last week for what you did yesterday but the gift in my head is an expectation for what you're gonna do before this week is over amen bless the Lord our shoes are going to move amongst you are to help facilitate the gift of giving as is the custom and culture of our church if you want to sow your gift for yourself in the basket you're able to do so while they're moving amongst you would you give your rapt attention to our screen for our morning announcements welcome to pizza cost Sunday that's a cost Sunday begin with 12 hours of prayer getting Friday and we are expecting a high time in the Lord today hey did you know you can download the new birth app that's right it's available in the App Store and Google Play Store look at few live services get the latest news and events and make donations we want you to join us for our global impact crusade Sunday June 23rd at 9:30 a.m. Monday June 24th at 7:30 p.m. and Tuesday June 25th at 7:30 p.m. our guest speaker will be the Honorable Bishop John Francis hey we want you to bring your lawn chairs and join us for a movie on the lawn Saturday June 29th gates open at 7 p.m. and donations are accepted we will be collecting new shoes for boys and girls for our back-to-school drive please bring new shoes to the altar beginning Sunday June 30th the shoes will be distributed Saturday August 3rd during our back-to-school outreach visit our call to conquer bookstore to purchase the June Book of the Month mine hacking by Sir John Hart grave hey don't miss it this Tuesday June 11th in our sanctuary its group therapy that's right dr. Bryant continues this series on understanding the Holy Spirit Tuesday's message will be the demonstration of the Holy Spirit mcDonald's black and positively golden presents the 13th annual inspiration celebration gospel to our Saturday June 22nd at 6 p.m. right here at Newberg this free concert will feature Donald Lawrence keke Wyatt Kiera sir the Baptist tie trippin DJ stand out and host Lonnie hunter please visit Newport org for taking information and that's all I have for you this time you bear [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] if you know it's good come on clap your hands if you know it's good a couple of things I want to share with you in round two the Word of God would you invite somebody please to worship with us online there's somebody who really thought they were gonna melt in the rain today they didn't press their way but would you invite them we're streaming live or online and we want them to become one of our virtual worshipers we welcome all of you who are worshiping from around the world out last Sunday some thirty thousand people watched us online for Sunday morning service come on would you give God a hand clap of praise for all of them I want to share just a couple of things we want to be a blessing again to the students of DeKalb County so many of them are living underneath of the poverty line over seventy percent of them either get free lunch or reduced lunch as a consequence so we're collecting 2,000 pairs of brand-new back-to-school shoes mm somebody give God a Hank Leppa praise mm we want to be a blessing to young people all over this county I'm so beginning on the last Sunday of this month I ask that you were pleased to bring brand-new back-to-school shoes here is my rule of thumb I don't care whether they're Air Force Ones or payless shoes all I ask is bring the kind of shoes you would put on your own children Oh y'all ain't saying nothing to may ask I said whatever you were put on your own children's feet that's what I want you to bring please on that day I want to share our with you we're doing some novel and some innovative things beginning on the 29th we are transforming our parking lot this is because our Motown generation keeps winning all of the contests ain't man come on wait a Motown crew y'all make some noise now [Applause] [Music] so we having a throwback summer we having a throwback summer that my black lives matter group has no idea how it operates or functions but we are turning our entire parking lot new birth into a drive-in movie theater for the whole summer come on y'all ain't excited about it and we're gonna be showing classic black movies from which way is up and car wash y'all remember none of that amen so beginning on the 29th on Sunday I'm gonna give you the schedule of our films for the summer and we ask that you would avoid the Negro temptation and not sneak food into the drive-in theater and the reason why I don't want you to bring food is that lined all around our campus will be black on food trucks in that amazing black on food trucks all around our campus and so we want to be able to support them I ask that you will please please please come and be a part of it it's gonna change everything as it is that we know it I bet he gives us another opportunity to be able to fellowship one with another last Tuesday we started our Bible study on the introduction of the Holy Spirit and I'm telling you it got it got crazy at Newbury I mean we turned up on a Tuesday it was absolutely amazing if you've not been a part of our Bible study we want you to please make sure that you are here on this Tuesday I'll be teaching on the demonstration of the Holy Spirit we're two weeks away as a for mentioned in our video announcements are from our global impact crusade I'm bringing for our against revivalist Bishop John Francis all the way from London England come on give God some praise on that it's a global impact crusade because I believe that the anointing on your life is not local y'all just miss what I just said I said the anointing on your life is not local how many of you believe you gonna make a global impact nations are gonna be putting a mandate on your expertise on your wisdom and on your insights of ants that you're part of our global crusade I don't want you to miss any day not any day I want you to please be a part of it all of the men would you raise your hands please all the men raise your hands next Sunday is Father's Day at least I thought the men would make some noise next Sunday is Father's Day Mother's Day in Atlanta you can't get a reservation know where father's day they take walk-ins so now now y'all y'all got seven days to get it together on behalf of your dad he does not want soap-on-a-rope he does not want Old Spice amen amen and he does not want to cook out where he got a cook so please we got seven days we want to do something special for our fathers on next Sunday and so please make sure that you are in attendance even if your father has gone on to be with the Lord I still want you to be in worship on this day I'm gonna take a point of personal privilege you don't know how grateful I am under God my dad turned 76 yesterday and I'm just grateful I'm grateful he's alive and healthy and saved and he's preaching in Orlando Florida on today and I'm just grateful that the the grace of God is still on his life anybody else in here over 75 let me see you stand up over 75 can you stand up if you over 75 Lord John look good y'all better hope you look this good when you get 75 hey man I didn't see my godparents are here find y'all something me young race ya ya y'all two stuck in from Baltimore thank you give God a hand clap of praise for all the balls over 75 how many y'all want to live past 75 Lord you you should be at all - crying right now Father forgive me for that chicken wing ain't mad amen I music ministry is going to prepare our hearts for the Word of God even while they're coming ask that you were going your bibles to Daniel chapter 3 when it is that they've concluded that's that you'll please stand for the reading of God's Word as fast as about his father being 76 my dad is 85 on this so to make sure that we remember not just the fancy church but can you take it back just a little bit and I don't know if anybody grew up in church and I used to have some servers but maybe y'all don't know this song but back in the day we would say something like try try me low glory to God and now I'm come running up to you which I'll just rate this head to somebody gotta say it feet alone and tell them I'll come round and now I just need 60 people just to lift your voice hit your crazy and tell them I'll come running tell Church let that be your prayer two days here try some Ariana's head try tell them out I'll come running to you they would say something like this they would say something I don't I told my way [Music] I [Music] my way [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] I don't feel my company I live eat all glory to God I feel something breaking in the house today come and quench here we raise it come on somebody relieve that's a church [Music] lift you're crazy [Music] I need you to use your voice like you're driving in your car like you in the house by yourself come on let's worship a little come on somebody's head this third [Music] somebody's saying [Music] see a church [Music] [Music] we had something called all-night prayer to prepare our hearts to receive from heaven and my daddy would break out with I need [Music] [Applause] y'all feel something happening [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'll say yeah one yet I [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] look you're going for [Applause] yeah [Applause] [Music] my daddy will take [Music] [Applause] picture [Music] [Applause] no really God [Music] I gotta take my C but in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus can we make that declaration [Applause] too messy but that Sequeira [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] something that happens with your poll [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] shout his name in the house [Music] Nordic God [Music] hello you would you stand to your feet [Applause] I want you to free your hands of whatever you're holding put that phone down put that pocketbook down would you just lift up that hand [Applause] [Music] glory glory glory hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] with that hand lifted Jonathan long metre I need Thee Oh I need thee every hour I need Thee come on all of us [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] to me with no music come on [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me I'm almost there he touched me he touched me real slow for me come on me [Music] [Music] hand me the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let everealm refugia come on they open up your mouth put it on there right there come on come on come on you can very step into your grandmother's or norton come on come on I hear you're clamping but I don't heat your mouth saying anything come out [Applause] something is get ready to break if I can just get 20 intercessors to charger Vail right through them come on open up your mouth [Applause] sing your border sing your power sing your Nona sing your fire I wish somebody will catch on sight come on that data just lay hand on your neighbor's shoulder and tell them something get ready to take hold of you today the power of God is get better to tax you today [Music] [Applause] I feel his glory if I could just get 20 intercessors and just begin the travail just stop calling on the blood call on the name of Jesus come on I can't hear you Jim better to get back into the will of God [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ready to open up your mouth just great fun but you open up your mouth and [Music] a day to lay hands on your belly and [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] get your Bibles in your hand [Music] get survivors in your hand would you meet me and Daniel chapter 3 Daniel chapter 3 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Daniel 3 would you meet me at verse 26 and 27 Daniel 3 verse 26 and 27 Nebuchadnezzar then approached the opening of the blazing furnace and shouted out Shadrach Meshach and Abednego servants of the Most High God come out come here so Shadrach Meshach and Abednego came out of the fire and the satraps prefix governors and royal advisors crowded around them they saw that the fire had not harmed their bodies nor was a hair of their heads singed their robes were not scorched and there was no smell of fire on them you may be seated Nebuchadnezzar approached the opening of the blazing furnace and he shouted into the furnace Shadrach Meshach Abednego servants of the Most High God come out come here so she had racked me shocked had been to go all three of them came out of the fire all of the church officials circled around them inspected her fire did not harm their bodies not one follicle of their hair was singed their robes weren't scorched and there was no smell of fire on them on this Pentecost Sunday I want to preach using as a subject you don't want no smoke you don't want no smoke what would you look at the person miss I didn't tell him take it from me in this season of my life you don't want no smoke startled by a call from a maintenance worker the president of the oldest historically black college in the state of Georgia 138 year-old Mars Brown last Saturday was awakened at 6:00 a.m. to be met with the news at the primary building on the campus has been destroyed according to the insurance reports they were filed on Monday flames combusted having nothing to do with arson and begin to consume the edifice as they are wired to do the sprinklers were activated within moments the fire was quenched but the water was relentless the fire began 6 a.m. on Saturday but they couldn't get the sprinklers off till Sunday the summary suggested it wasn't the fire that destroyed the building but the water that came in after sometimes were brought you the most damage to your life wasn't the event but what happened after the event the trauma didn't come from you being laid off but the increase in your rent sixty days later it wasn't the break up they broke your heart but the discovery of who they left you for you could handle the diagnosis but you just weren't settled about the course of treatment it wasn't the fire it was the flood or the side effects the inundation of medication commercials serve as a grim reminder that sometimes the side effects outweigh the benefits I've been praying for you this week that God will move you ahead of all side-effects so whatever damaging has happened in your life there will not be a reverberation of it in any area of your future 400,000 years ago prehistoric man Homo erectus changed the trajectory of humanity by learning simply how to control fire the fire allowed them to move to colder climates fire became the primary source of both heat and protection I don't know whether you're mindful of it or not before managing fire our diets dictated that all of us were vegetarian eating seeds fruit and plants it was fire that made man become carnivores he kills parasites and opens up a much wider range of source of nutrients than a natural plant diet simply cuz of what it is that you can kill in 2014 Stanford University researcher Christopher Lyon reported that the sound of crackling wood leads to a significant reduction in blood pressure of just hearing fire does something to your internal mechanisms miscellaneous Lee it is not widely known that the earth is the only planet in the universe where fire can burn because it is the only place that carries significant oxygen with that in mind applying that information helps us to connect the dots as to why it is biblically that the Holy Spirit is metaphorically aligned with fire when the Holy Spirit is ushered into the church in Acts chapter 2 verse number 34 I want you to pay attention to where of the Holy Spirit rest he rested on every believer here this in their tongues when the fire of the Holy Spirit rested on their tongues then they are immediately filled that means friends that the power of the Holy Spirit is fire there comes out of your mouth so you cannot be filled with the Holy Spirit and be silent something then happens when you are filled with the Holy Ghost and you open up your mouth you are releasing fire if I am releasing fire watched the logical sequential order if I am releasing fire then I am getting rid of parasites when I open up my mouth I am releasing fire that makes it conducive for me to live in any environment when I open up my mouth because it is filled with the fire of the Holy Ghost it serves as a source of protection when I open up my mouth and I released the fire of God stuff that I previously did not have access to now becomes available to me you got to be careful I feel so bad for people who are on your row who don't understand why you shout the way you shout Jeremiah said it feels like fire now I gotta say this to you please don't shout the power of the Holy Ghost has nothing to do with cars clothes and money but when it is that you open up your mouth with the intentionality of the Holy Spirit everything that is around you is gonna have to adjust it's gonna have to shift or it's gonna have to back up I'm only talking to those of y'all better filled with the Holy Ghost would you do me a favor just to upset the enemy would you open up your mouth and cry out right now like you need some stuff to back up [Applause] yes fire burns leeches and parasites when you open up your mouth people who are with you for you licit gang who are with you because they got strings attached they don't like you they like what you offer but God said when you open up your mouth I am going to expose every person that is around you illegally and because they can't handle your fire they don't deserve to be in your space I need you to scream that this week God show me all the fake ones show me all the ones that are smiling in my face and all well they are smoke there's bound to be fired critical question I've got to ask of you tonight this morning critical question I've got to ask you is I can't figure out for the life of me why schools have fire alarms but houses only have smoke detectors why is it that at the school there's a fire alarm but in my house there's only a smoke detector smoke here this is the unwanted byproduct of fire smoke is only what the fire could not consume so usually smoke is found around stoves candles or your lanterns fireplaces curiously enough smoke inhalation is the primary cause of death for victims more than fire itself let me say that again more people died from smoke than they do from fire pastor you've got to help me understand why is according to the Department of Health they advise you to stay away from large dosages of smoke because it can impact your cardiovascular condition so smoke here it is messes with your heart you are not supposed to be around a lot of smoke if you are carrying a fetus because it will damage here it is what you carry you cannot have smoke with around uncovered eyes because it will blur your vision you cannot have smoke condensed around people who are elderly because it will cut down on their time stay with me as thinkers therefore if the Holy Spirit is fire and smoke is that which has not been consumed by fire people who are not filled with the Holy Ghost represent smoke let me pull it together so people who have not been burned or are not burning with the Holy Ghost are just blowing smoke and because they are blowing smoke here it is people who are not filled with the fire of the Holy Ghost you cannot have them around your heart you can't have them around your heart because unfilled people will play with your heart break your heart and then blame you y'all ain't saying nothing to me people who are not filled with the Holy Ghost are just smoke so you cannot have them around a fetus a fetus is an idea it is a concept it is a dream because they will damage it before you ever have the opportunity to birth it they'll always tell you why you can't work why you get off the ground why it's not feasible why you will never be a success you've got a safeguard the fetus that you carry because people who are blowing smoke will contaminate it you cannot be around people who do not have the Holy Ghost why because they will impair your vision they will block you from seeing what God is authentically doing in your life and make you believe that where you are is always where you are going to be I think you gotta be careful of people who don't have the fire of the Holy Ghost because then if they are just filled with smoke they'll get in your lungs if they're getting your lungs they will block your ability to worship and praise God so here you are shouting in church on a Sunday and they suck in their teeth rolling their eyes come about you don't take all of that I wish they would sit down and be quiet you don't even understand all they are is small speaking of fire speaking of fire I was walking past Daniel 3 the other day when I was walking past Daniel 3 I noticed something peculiar there are three young men named Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and they're targeted almost like the young men going through Central Park they've done absolutely nothing wrong the King Nebuchadnezzar was intentional on trying to get him why he said bring me the young men who have an intellectual aptitude but bring me the young men who have superior giftings how bring me the young men who have talent I want you to know this that the enemy is never looking for average people you are targeted by the enemy because there is something different special and peculiar that rests on your life no wonder other people don't have to go through the level of attack you got to go through it is evidence they don't have your level of gifting I'm I'm not preaching the regular people I'm talking to those of you who know like Kendrick Lamar all my life I had to fight every time I turn around I got a deal with something yes because of my gift because they're using with potential and he said what I want to do is I want to break up after the house I'm trying to break their spirit so I'm gonna do everything I can to try to break them you look at all that you've been through just in the first five months of the year it is not casual it does not have has it it is not run-of-the-mill the enemy has been intentional of trying to break your spirit and it can't figure out after you go through every hell and high water how you keep walking out of it smelling like a rose that in spite of what people did to you you still smile you're still speaking you're still believing God you still pray in spite of what they're dealing with they won't break under the pressure it is an act of domestic terrorism what they do to Shadrach Meshach and Abednego yes he says because you will not adjust with the culture because you won't act like everybody else you don't even realize that you became a threat the day you embraced your own uniqueness if you would just be like everybody else you wouldn't have a problem but because you think for yourself and speak for yourself that's why they can do you King Nebuchadnezzar is not playing fair he ain't playing fair because he gives us evidence he's a backslider he knows something about the Word of God and it becomes evidence in Daniel chapter 3 pastor how does it become evident watch the directions he gives he says turn the furnace up seven times father now for those of you who understand the theology of numerology you understand that seven is the number of completion so what King Nebuchadnezzar said turn it up until they can't get no hotter than this I'm gonna freeze somebody in this room today the reason why you ought to be excited is because wherever you go in through you can't get no worse than this this is the most frustrating you ever go be it's the unhappiest you ever gonna be it's the brokest you ever go be whatever the devil gonna do he better do it right here because this is the last the problem is Shadrach Meshach and Abednego according to theologians historians biblical they all agreed that Shadrach Meshach and Abednego are between the ages of 14 and 17 pastor why are you telling me this I'm telling you this because one of the signs of confirmation that you are knowing it is the enemy does not wait until you're mature to attack you he attacks you while you are still in your teen years I'm talking to some grown people in here and when you think about what you went through from 14 to 17 if God's hand wasn't on your life you would have committed suicide you would have blew your brains out you would have killed somebody you would be a sappy but you are able to say I woke up this morning pulls them in from 14 to 17 nice to be healing over the life of every person in this room who went through something traumatic in your teenage years I'm praying that God will hear you that it will not deliver to deliberate what it is you're supposed to have in your future says something strange says something crazy look at Daniel chapter 3 verse 21 says that they um they put robes on Shadrach Meshach Abednego put trousers on put turbans on them and the text says and other clothes as I don't know why you're telling me all of this I'm telling you all of this because they put more on them thinking that they would burn quicker that there are people who know stuff about your pants and they keep sewing it in your face thinking that it's gonna wipe you out and disqualify you from your assignment but God said for all the worshippers everything that was over your head is under your feet at everything they they could use to destroy you is going to strengthen you that's they turn the furnace seven times how to put extra clothes on Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and some crazy happens crazy thing that happens here it is is that the ones who are saying to throw them in the furnace there's a backdraft [Applause] there's a backdraft in all of them catch on fire I wanna warn you that this level of giving God glory is only for mature people God said I wonder if you will be in a place of maturity that you will worship me to a degree not for anything material or tangible hear me well I want to see if you will worship me so that whoever tried to hurt you catches on fire y'all didn't hear what I just said that you ever said trap for you whoever they catch on fire but a Holy Ghost can you imagine tomorrow your supervisor has caught on fire your co-workers have caught on fire yeah your baby daddy don't caught on fire yeah your ex-husband has caught on fire I tell you the worship God now like everybody that threw you away catches on fire as evidence Nebuchadnezzar is a backslider pastor how do you know they saw men throwing them in the fiery furnace but watch what they do ISM before they throw them in the fiery furnace they tie up their hands if I'm going in the fiery furnace why is it necessary for you to tie up my hair never can never knew that if them boys start waving their hand while they're in worship god I can't hear no matter that God is gonna have to respond my grandmother used to say if I couldn't say nothing I would just wave before father I'm in the fire I'm a tie up their hands and that should have been enough but not only do they tie up their hands Russia's new birth they tie up their feet god help me if you put me in the furnace why is it necessary for you to tie up my feet because Nebuchadnezzar understood there's nothing more dangerous than a dance in worship that understands I will bless the Lord O and it's praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] he ties up he ties up their hand cuz he don't want to wave their head ties up their feet cuz he doesn't want them to dance while they under duress but I need you to read Daniel 3 when you get home is that the the guards who are assigned to them don't escort them in the fire the Bible says they are thrown in the fire now it's three of them and so this revelation doesn't even require seminary your Bible college education this is just basic aerodynamics if my hands are tied and my feet are tied and I'm thrown there's no way I got equilibrium but what never kanessa messed up about is that when he threw me in the fire he forced me to lay prostrate and just begin to worship I wonder if I got any worshipers here that understand I gotta wait until I get the church to give him I'm coming I promise you I'm coming their hands are tied their feet are tied they're thrown in the fire and it's only then that we figure out never kanessa as a mistake he only made one mistake he tied up their feet but forgot to shut their mouths because there's something about a worship [Music] [Music] screaming and so they in the fire with the hand side with their feet back but their mouths are open it's easy to praise God when you ain't going through when you go into the hardest season of your life with me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I gotta show you something all of that was to get you to our text Daniel chapter 3 everything that I given you up to this point was just the introduction I'm a priest for five minutes and then you can go on I came on Pentecost Sunday because I need to sue your Sunday school teacher god help me all of us went to Vacation Bible School we would luck led astray run amok we've been bamboozled I want you to look at Daniel chapter 3 verse number 26 let's get ready mess you up you've been reading the Bible your whole life you ain't never seen this Daniel 3 verse number 26 and King Nebuchadnezzar looked in the opening of the furnace Daniel 3 verse number 26 and King Nebuchadnezzar look in the opening of the furnace I'm gonna bless somebody real quick Johnson when I read this on the plane I almost wanted to jump out the plane I didn't realize this new verse that the furnished door was never closed god help me in here the people that throw him in the fire never got to shut the door [Music] so the whole time that they were worshipping the door was already open god I can't hear nobody I I want to make an announcement to somebody the biggest door of your life it's already open what what said there's a door already open Nebuchadnezzar looks in and says houston we got a problem how many people did we put in so we put in three Shadrach Meshach and Abednego King Nebuchadnezzar said it must be smoke in my eyes cuz I see four men y'all ain't gonna like it and the fourth will looks like the Son of God I'm in Daniel chapter 3 I'm in Daniel chapter 3 and the Son of God is in the fire there's I don't know why your belaboring this point the son of God is in Daniel chapter 3 when he ain't even prophesied until Isaiah he don't even show up until Matthew but God said to motel new birth if they ever learn how to shout were they in fire I'll bring them stuff I'll lay out I'll give him stuff I had a schedule that there's some stuff they weren't even supposed to have but they praised me under fire he said something crazy he looks in the opening of the fiery furnace why she would never concern us he's a Shadrach Meshach Abednego come here this the first time he had ever called their name sometimes you'll never receive your call until you're in fire you will never hear the voice until you're in fire you don't even know why you ought to be celebrating the day you ought to be celebrating is because when he called them he wasn't one that came out but three came out at the exact same time what are you saying to me today pastor I'm saying to you that God said when you give me glory I'm not just gonna bless you i'ma bless your two closest friends I'm I'm getting ready to pull that out of it at the exact same time they come out church people gather around and they want to do an inspection and here's the inspection the Bible says you read it that not one follicle of hair is sin but you ain't reading the Bible the Bible says that before they went into fire they got on turbans so if they got on turbans how would their hair be singe who wasn't about their hair ladies and gentlemen it was about their mind says how was your mind affected by the fire you win it that's where the enemy can't figure you out yes you've been through hell but you ain't bitter you you've been through the worst of it and you ain't got revenge y'all you're still in place they inspect them further and look at their roles cuz these are not regular roles that they got on their standard issued military uniform and those of you who are veterans in the room you understand that when you're charged with a uniform you're given the responsibility to make sure nothing is on it so they come out of the fire and nothing is on their uniform what does that mean that means that they didn't lose their rank god I can't hear nobody gone god said whatever position you had before you went through the divorce you gonna be right there or whatever you went through before the bankruptcy I'm gonna keep your standard right there and then they get close to one they get close to them and do something unseemly we're told people would say is common they start smelling them because they want to make sure is there any residue from what you came out of on you god I can't hear nobody in here I charge over every person in this room that your testimony is gonna be so profound that when you tell it folk don't think you lie it you leave smell like your testimony because them smells them there's no smoke you don't even smell like the house you came out of you don't smell like the abuse you've endured you don't smell like the bullying that you've had to go under I don't understand how you look that good when you just came out of fire god I'm I'm talking to nobody in here there there's some people in this room you deserve a Nobel Peace Prize cuz you been to it but you have not allowed it to impact your life and I got one problem I got one problem and then I'll let you go home if you'll indulge me I need you to take that neighbor's hand i I just got to give you this last point and then we leave it somebody's hand is in your hand I got one problem with Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and I can't rest allowing their problem to be your problem what does that pastor here's my problem my problem is they only shelled it while they were in it god I can't hear nobody anymore but when they come out of the fire they don't say nothing that debt is not gonna be your testimony on Pentecost Sunday God says here this is that when you worship me for this last time you thanking me for what I bought you out of in every unnecessary door he is getting ready to shut behind you so you'll never go through it again the amazing thing is that when they're in this fire we don't know who leads praise and worship whether they're Shadrach whether it's me Shaq whether it's a bender go cuz none of them need to be in charge none of them need a title none of need a position or Parkins face they just understand this power in agreement I can't hear nobody that if we all praise God together at the same time with the same voice then the fire is getting ready to fall I can't hear no worshipers in here I need you to pull on that neighbor and tell him when I move you move just like that that's gotta be one shot in this room that whatever your neighbor is in get ready to come out of it what whatever trap they're delivered can you imagine that when all of us shout at the same time that whatever the people on your row have been in they get ready to come out of it by 12 noon Oh y'all didn't hear what I just said you coming out of dead you coming out of unemployment you coming out of loneliness you coming out of depression but God said I need you to shout just get right you're crazy I promise you as you make you're crazy somebody's hand is in your hand they are in the middle of their own praise and worship and they get the call from Nebuchadnezzar get out and come here when I count to three I need you not just to shout but I want you to stop pulling on your neighbor like you're coming into your chapter you're coming into your Caesar you're coming into your hour one two three [Applause] you better pull on a maquette hold on I'm a jet you ain't staying in this new a stand and this when they came out of the fire what was on their hands fell off for them what I saw that face you are - out on the God [Music] [Music] [Music] I said you coming out of it I break every objection like every stronghold every soul [Music] clear that out clear the aisle you don't need to talk to your neighbors say it out loud over yourself I'm coming out of it he said I need you to come out I need you to come here the assignment on your life is so heavy that is not just going to affect you but the two closest people in your life y'all didn't hear what I just said I said the two closest people in your life I get ready to be set free at the exact same time some of y'all are stuck up would you do me a favor would you shout for your two closest friends I need you to shout for whoever is close to you [Music] in this room there those are you have been thrown in fire and even you thought you wouldn't survive you thought you would be consumed but the hand of God has rested on your life you don't even know how you made it you came through by the hair of your chinny-chin-chin I want you to know this God gave me this softly Mitchells you don't even realize you are God's addiction to tell you without just saying you are God's addiction he can't stop loving you can't stop blessing you can't stop making away for you even when he don't want to he'll keep opening up a door the three of you in this room who need to get saved the three of you that need to join this church I don't want you to come now I need you to come right now the three of you I need you to come please I'm waiting on you this is your church this is your church I need you to get your way down here quickly I don't care where you sitting I don't care what you got on I need you at this altar listen to me listen to me I need you to come I need you to bring your friend I don't want you to be set free and they still in bondage I need you to come I'm grateful for you I need you to come please listen to me very carefully I read something last night they messed me up they say being a Christian means controlling yourself and helping others and if you are in a church that is only about helping yourself and controlling others it ain't Christian you're not saying nothing I want those of you that need the help of God for you to control yourself whatever your area is whatever your weakness is whatever your vice is you need God to help you control yourself but you also want God to anoint you so that you can help others if that's where you are I need you to come please I need you to come there's no prerequisite for your coming all of us are sinners saved by grace I need you to come on this Pentecost Sunday don't make me beg you to come you know that the fire god is real you know that the power of God is real I need you to come they're coming from every aisle I need you all to celebrate new birth you know better than that [Music] I want to shame the devil today I need you to give God some praise for this young lady coming is what I need for you to do please sir please ma'am here's what I need for you to do how much it helped me open the doors of the church I so desperately have a thirst for souls for people's lives to be changed I don't want you to come to be entertained I want you to be transformed I don't even want you to leave saying that was a good sermon a good service I want you to say that this was a good opportunity for me to change good opportunity for me to be better would you help me would you talk to somebody around you talk to somebody around you who don't have white on they didn't get the announcement as if you talk to somebody around you don't have why don't ask them how they saved ask them do they have a church on ask him have they given their life over to God I need you to do it I don't know why you ain't doing it y'all really ain't gonna talk to nobody don't let just white fool you now now let's switch it in reverse it would you talk to somebody around you who ran white man looks at the outer appearance but God looks at the heart come on make sure that they're saved make sure that they got a church home make sure that they've given their life over to God new birth would you shout under God for this harvest coming right now down the center aisle [Applause] I'm gonna say this for three of you for three of you I need you to come stop playing tell me you won't drive this far you drive that far to go to the game go to the mall y'all ain't saying nothing to me look down now go to the club you will drive five I need you wherever it is wherever it is that you are you live in driving distance - that car up come on now there's no embargo on Mexico you can get here I need you please would you just ask the people in front of you and behind you are you sure you saved are you sure you got a church home you sure you giving your life over to God I'm gonna challenge those of you that are watching online our virtual family we want you to be a part of our cyber sanctuary I want you to join new birth and I don't care whether you live in North Dakota or South Carolina I don't care whether you live on the Eastern Shore we want to be your church and because of technology you can join right now go to new birth dot org and fill out our new members application and be a part of what it is that God is doing in this place would you all pull in just two steps for me two steps I'm about finished I'm just waiting on three more people and then I'm gonna be done the three more of you who know that you have not even scratched the surface of your potential but you keep going to attack after attack after attack what you've been through is enough for three lifetimes and you can't make hair or tail of why it is that God chose you to go through it everything in your life was setting you up for this Sunday morning I need you to meet me here please come on here's one are y'all gon clap for this whole family coming right now y'all better shout for this three-generation family coming they still coming this side is really lit come on y'all make some noise if you were excited about what God is doing on each other's shelf for these young family coming down now now come on give God glory for all of them new birth I'll know what's wrong with y'all y'all know better when you see somebody coming you supposed to be shout the Angels rejoice over one that's fine [Music] [Applause] all right I wish I could see all these young people joining the church all of these young adults getting saved y'all ought to be excited about it they still coming come on open up your mouth they've still come y'all just take one step forward for me please I just want to make sure y'all don't smell like smoke thank you it's three more y'all that need to come then I'm waiting on Shadrach Meshach and Abednego I'm the widow three of them are y'all better shout here comes Shadrach alright I got two more I'm waiting on I got two more waiting on me shack in the Pinta go come on mrs. me Shack come on [Applause] here comes a pin to go y'all oughta turn it all the way up stretch your right hand into faith if you know you're supposed to be here just come now I'm a look away so we don't have to make now contact just come right now you know you're supposed to be a member to church you know you're supposed to join you know you want to sit with us come on whoever it is that you are want you to come right now tomorrow is not promised I'm telling you today is a present you ought to make sure you maximize the gift sister write him to faith for those of you who are here come on repeat after me you're on the right place at the right time John in the right church serving on the God and I know that's right if you're not right say show your right come on pickups to the Savior would you give God some praise I'm gonna challenge you please if you'll follow us out this way make an about-face new birth they came as friends but they leaving as family would you come on open up your mouth is fire in your mouth I want your new birth secure your seats please secure your seats please some crazy happens at Christmas something real crazy happens at Christmas let me tell you the craziness of Christmas Christmas is so crazy why because we celebrate the birth of Jesus and then give gifts to other people it ain't even their birthday on this Pentecost Sunday we thank God for the birth of the Holy Spirit in the church come on I can't hear nobody we thank God Pentecost Pinter comes from the word 50y pastor because we are exactly 50 days since the resurrection time is moving by fast 50 days since resurrection Easter Sunday we've asked all of those who are in covenant all of you who are in agreement all of you who are under the covering of new birth that all of us will pull together a sacrifice on this Pentecost Sunday to celebrate the birth of the Holy Spirit in the church we've asked you based off of your economic stratum that you would give a gift today by the five hundred dollars believing a 100 percent increase in the grace of God or that you would give a gift of $50 if there's a child near you I'm asking you to put in their hands a gift of five dollars if you're in between jobs oven wise known as unemployed I want you to give five dollars in your hand but I want to thank God for the precious gift of the Holy Spirit there's somebody who's watching today somebody who's in this place today who'll give a gift of five thousand don't let me stop you gotta give a 1000% increase when it is that you've got clean hands and a pure heart how much did you get a gift in your hand even those of you who came in after we received our offering I ask that you will please pull together your tithes even in this moment those of you who are watching you're watching from the West Coast getting ready to go to your church those of you who are in Central Time you get ready to go to your service as the to tithe wherever you are remember but as that you'll give an offering here you got food at home but you still eat at McDonald's amen so as that you will please please make sure that you give your gift every person giving a gift of either $50 or $500 if you do not have either of those I want you to I want you to add $5 at the end of whatever it is that you're giving better I don't have 50 but I'm gonna give 45 I'm gonna give 25 I'm gonna give 15 pastor I'm still in the fire all I got is 5 I'll take it I want you to get that gift in your hand even if you're doing it through cash yeah I know that you many of you didn't know that we were gonna do a secondary offering on this day I want you to be able to give those are you giving on push to give those are you giving on give Allah fire and said you'll please do that our Usher's are going to move amongst you and receive it as quickly as we possibly can we're gonna be moving out momentarily in the next seven minutes those of you who want to sow your seed for yourself the altar is open and available for you to do that but I'm gonna challenge you I want to stretch you on this day but I am investing in the gift of the Holy Spirit I want signs and wonders to follow me I want people to get healed just from being in my shadow I want to be able to speak those things that are not and watch them manifest and come to pass come on let's give as quickly as we possibly can archers help facilitate us music Minister give us something to make the people walk fast oh thank you so much thank you bless you thank you you made when my back was against the wall and it looked as if it was and were standing [Music] [Music] me with my back was against the wall [Music] [Applause] and with Stan Oh [Music] listen while we're giving our offering mai tai underscored this is still worship we're not in intermission this ain't the time for you to catch up with your friends this is the time where you're mindful that while we were yet sinners he died for us he made a sacrifice that he didn't know and now we owe a sacrifice that we cannot pay if you must whisper I want you to just whisper a prayer but I want you to stay focused on our worship moment that we not lose the gravity of what it is that God is doing in this place [Music] [Applause] [Music] and was [Music] still to achieve [Music] that's impossible and we're standing here [Applause] [Music] [Music] that's impossible [Music] because [Music] now say you yeah don't know how don't know how yeah yeah don't know [Music] don't know how [Music] don't know - [Music] chuckle a break way ahead of you cradle if you know he made away would you give God some praise I'm not sure if they're still here but the delegates from the born to dance conference are you all still here would you all stand these are liturgical dancers from all over the world are here for liturgical dance conference under Minister lubbers Kol thank you so very much they just concluded their conference and decide to come worship with us today would you give God some praise y'all ain't shout good come on we're honored to have all of you are glad to have up mrs. Rieder Tolbert and mr. Ricky day from United Healthcare won't you all please stand they're doing amazing work in facilitating services to our seniors and they're going to be partnering with Newberg so that we can really meet the need of our seniors in our church and our community give God a hand clap of praise for them yesterday we had our premiere for an amazing film Emanuel about the massacre that happened in Charleston South Carolina it is two days only two weeks two days a will it be airing on nationwide ibanez that you were please please please that was from yesterday but the film is on the 17th in the 19th as that you will please support their film it is an amazing film that talks about the tragedy in the trauma that takes place in our country under the veil of racism June 17th and 19th all over the United States of America how many of you all know God Kimber generational curses y'all don't believe that let me say it again I said how many of you believe God can break how many of you know but oil on you is greater than anybody that has ever had your last name ever had your last name I'll solicit your prayers I am going flying out of here to do one of the hardest tasks of ministry that I've had in all of my years of preaching many of you are knowing my father's side of the family Bishop John Bryant my grandfather was also a bishop in the AME Church my great-grandfather was a pastor in South Carolina but many of you don't know the other side of my family and so I'm flying out today my uncle is was Frank Lucas the biggest drug deal in history United States you know him from the film American Gangster with Denzel Washington is my grandmother's brother and so I'm leaving out to go preach his funeral and I'm believing that God is gonna soul save souls y'all don't believe it I'm not just talking about all of the drug dealers that are gonna be there I'm believing God gonna save souls in my family y'all act like your whole family saved time how many y'all need God to work in some members of your family so asset you be in prayer for my family I'm honored amazed and horrified that they've asked me to come preach to eulogy amen it's gonna be FBI surveillance everywhere but y'all y'all y'all just pray for me I'll be back right here Tuesday for our Bible study on last Tuesday we talked about the introduction of the Holy Spirit today was the move of the Holy Spirit and this coming Tuesday is the demonstration of the Holy Spirit how many of you all want to seek the Holy Spirit at work and so I want you to please come I'm telling you our Bible study class is growing it's done I almost look like Sunday morning but I want you to come I want you to bring on all of your friends and all your family with you would you help me thank God for our amazing music ministry they are off the chain come on yoga with y'all shout for our choir for our musicians come on shout for Tiffany Jonathan our organist our keyboardist our drummer the bass amen only thing we mission now is a tambourine and a washboard amen auditions are Tuesday at 7:30 oh oh oh oh y'all got tambourines all right the three of y'all come up here one two three the three of y'all four five [Music] yes no come on up here sex now is Pentecost all right yeah I like it like that all right Oh y'all they got tambourines bring them next Sunday only bring them if you know how to play them now this don't be in here playing around let's look would you stand to your feet all right me and Jonathan got filled in storefront churches all they did stuff all right so leaving out Jonathan we got to go to one of them songs for you started recording I want I don't want you laying no tracks now amen so I'm getting benediction Jonathan and the tambourine crew is it's gonna lead us out in worship a menace that's what we used to have church mothers y'all don't remember that they used to just walk around with a pocketful of mints amen that was that was all to all they needed all right so imma get a benediction then the tambourine crew Jonathan whatever you gonna lead us in I don't know it whatever you gonna lead us in i'ma let you I'll do that can I tell you this in case you nobody told you this week I want you to know your pastor loves you I'm praying for you every day I want to see you get everything that God has for you lift up that hand come on no I just want to thank you Lord I wanna thank you wanna thank you I wanna thank you with no reason let me just hear the tambourines and Jonathan come on I just wanna thank you yeah thank you Lord I just wanna thank you I wanna thank you [Music] please all right put that hand down y'all know what we gonna have to have our storefront Sunday for the young people we gotta have a throwback Sunday all that is some new stuff is good but every now and again we gotta have some old-school Church y'all ain't saying nothing this is a softly musician I'm telling you the whole spirit just gave me that right there we gotta have storefront Sunday I want all the Deacons and Stacy Adams shoes and see-through socks with bunny rabbits on the sand come on lift up their hand now under him I need two deacons smoking outside who's able to keep you from falling and present you faultless before the throne of grace may God rest all and abide with each and every one of you hence forth now and forevermore and the blessed people of God say Amen chicken dinners in the back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: New Birth Mbc
Views: 19,823
Rating: 4.7788019 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, dr. jamal bryant, newbirth, newbirthnow, #lovelivelead, new birth, church online, atlanta, stonecrest, georgia, pastor, pastor bryant, Acts2:34, pentecost sunday
Id: 9t5Rn1cfThc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 46sec (9106 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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