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praise the Lord everybody listen the Spirit of the Lord is already in the room so all you have to do is lift up your hands silence that you realize his presence is here come on clap your hands all you people and shout him to God with the voice of triumph why am i shouting because I'm free to bless his name glory honor and praise his ways of living under Preiser come on that to me that's what my rightful that he's an awesome god this mommy we want to say great money to all our streamers this one you are more than welcome to praise God with us it's a good Sunday to be in the house of the law how do you just look down your row and shake the blood still works oh I think you were talking to the wrong neighborhood look behind you and say the blood still worked put your hands together come on [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] another blood [Music] blood the blood Heavenly Father we just come to your throne right now father God first of all thanking you Father God for the blood father God for we know it still works it is evident in our lives day in and day out father God father God we give you thanks father God for our virtual members father God and every congregate here today father God father God we would ask that your spirit father God will make a special visitation to every member of newburgh every screamer father God visit them father Don bring them the peace that they need in their homes father God the peace that they need in their minds father God father God and if there is healing that needs to occur father God let your spirit brings that - father God let your spirit leave them with joy the joy that only you can offer father God Father God and we ask father god father wash their homes in the blood Jesus we say thank you father God we want even thank you for our pastor father God dr. Jamal Harrison Bryan father God what is my mighty mighty soldier that you have given us father God so father God father we pray that he received rest during this holiday season father God and father God we pray father God that in his time of rest father God that you gave him a word not just any word father God but a Rhema word father god that would bring transformation to the nation's father God that it would not just transform new birth father God but it will train us from other countries father and father God we want to say thank you in advance father God for every soul that will be say father God father God let the truth of your spirit father God bring your children home today father God we ask all these things in the Masters name of your son Jesus Christ amen amen and amen would you look at your name as a neighbor the blood still works just one more time say neighbor the blood still works its first Sunday I'm asking if you would just rise to your feet those of you that are streaming this morning we will take it back just a little bit we're gonna sing I'm mourning him this morning just to get service started like we used to what your roster you feed everybody as we raise Gori to his name come on down at the cross where my Savior died come on help me down away Berkeley and synchros in I cried they're to my heart love singing would you have your hands everybody I'm seeing it glory to name let's do it again Reza's name come on everybody [Applause] I am so wondrously come on I am so one trust we see bronzey she sweet [Music] [Music] Oh put your hands [Music] come on everybody I'm singing God what's my tell mama tell everybody promote I'm singin glory - I've seen it singing glory to God now can somebody declare the name above all names this morning somebody declare the name above all names somebody declare the name above all names Jesus we give you the glory Jesus we give you the honor this morning Jesus we worship you can we just lift our hands and worship our King today come on somebody just lift up your worship to the King today praise God from whom all blessings flow praise him all creatures here below praise Him all love heavenly praise Father Son and Holy Ghost praise God who loves great Oh go stop reading the [Music] [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] to God be the glory for the great things that he has done you ought to be giving God glory and praise and thanksgiving for how God has kept you through all of 2019 if you know you owe him a debt of gratitude would you give God glory for it even now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we owe God a debt of gratitude as we are able to share the sacred sacrament of communion we're mindful that this is the last communion of this decade to that end I want to pause right here I want all of us collectively would you please extend to God a sound of Thanksgiving for the last 10 years [Applause] come on I say give God glorified who's opportune over the last 10 years of your life [Music] [Applause] literally we can say millions didn't make it but we're one of the ones that did thinking about the family members who were alive 10 years ago but are not here on top of the ground 10 years later thinking about all of the trials all of the attacks all of the sicknesses all of the enemies all of the circumstances and I want you to know if you can hear my voice you survived it all y'all didn't hear what I just said if you can hear my voice you survived it all and while we were yet sinners he died for us I want us to be mindful that the sacred text tells us that if you confess your sins he's faithful and he's just to cleanse us of all unrighteousness so many times we shout we celebrate but very rarely does the modern-day Church call us back into repentance can you take one moment with whatever hand you have free would you lift that up to heaven would you just cry out under God before a lamentation of repentance if every word that I say in every place that I win everything that I participated in that it was not reflective of the holiness of our God today I repent he who knew no sin took on the sins of the entire world knowing that we should have been dead but the gift of God is eternal life I would that you would join me in being mindful that Jesus come and did the disciples into a room he pulled out a loaf of bread and we pulled out that loaf of bread he broke it in front of them said this is my body that is broken for you how much you get that way for in your hand I want you to lift it above your head and right in your hand I want you to break it the last ten years the enemy's been trying to break you and trying to make you crumble trying to make you fall apart trying to make you lose it but it is the love of God that has kept you together because of that would you please take a knee Jesus then pulled out a flask of wine he lifted it up in front of the 12 disciples and said to them this is my blood it shared it for you I want you to know no matter what it is that you're going through the blood is enough it reaches to the highest mountain it flows to the lowest Valley there is a something that psychologists call sad which is seasonal affective disorder between Thanksgiving and New Year's so many people contend with depression deal with anxiety entertain thoughts of suicide slip into controlled substances but I want you to know in the month of December the only thing you need to take the edge off is in your hand right now because what can wipe away my sin what can make me whole again nothing but the blood of Jesus for the blood of Jesus that was shared for sinners like me and you would you please take and drink the disciples said to him master how art we pray because there's some days that I don't feel so good some days I don't have my energy don't have my strength they said master teach us to pray and in that moment he taught them the Lord's Prayer together new birth let's pray it our Father amen would you hug three people and tell them things are gonna get better for you [Music] it better [Applause] [Music] look at your neighbor telephone again if you're watching you oughta give this in your spirit wherever you are singing over [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's the Lord clap your hands if you love our God you may be seated in the presence of the Lord of the only people who I want to standing now of those who have a birthday in the month of December would you stand to your feet if you've got a birthday come on new birth don't hate celebrate essage you'll remain standing up for one moment I wish I could get to every single one of you a new birthday there's somebody standing new you would you embrace them and tell them the rest of your life is gonna be the best of your life the rest of your life is gonna be the best of your life hallelujah some members of friends are gaining entrance into the sanctuary today is a World AIDS Day it is World AIDS Day it is my contention that the body of Christ called church has been woefully silent while so many people have been impacted so many families and in this hour while it is that Atlanta finds itself I in a dangerous place the Bible for wonders that our people die from a lack of knowledge new birth stands on the front line to fight against HIV and AIDS in our community somebody give God a hand clap of praise would you I want you to give your attention to the screen for just one moment I want to share a small presentation with you that I believe warrants your attention I was diagnosed with HIV in 1991 December 1991 here in Houston Texas at the University of Houston I was a college student and I had received a phone call from a girlfriend of mine and she starts off the call like we all do and girlfriend land we say girl and she told me that she had heard a guy I dated was HIV positive and so right after that I of course once I kind of figured out what it was and what it meant I went to the University I got tested and learned my status man Candace was born in 1985 1995 so five years I got married and she was she came along and you know HIV negative you know we tested her at birth and I did the whole perinatal plan where I took some medication while she was inside and she's spoiled but great and healthy I'm such a you know talking person I've you know communication I love it I just kind of stole HIV from it by telling everybody but I I really do have to be everything that I am and HIV is just a part of who I am I'm a mother on different things and so you know I just I I put it in my hand instead of being in it I would tell my friend in there are not alone in this situation boys have safe sex and to always talk to their parents of the needle the most important message I think I would like to pass on to the younger generation is to actually talk and share information if you can talk to your parents great I'm grateful that she tells me all the things that she has going on in her life I'm grateful that she shares it with me and so we can have full and engaging conversations my mother has HIV but that is not define who she is positive and negative black/white Asian and Hispanic rich and poor young and old we can stop HIV by working together in supporting one another last stop HIV together get the facts detective come on give God a hand clap of praise would you I want to introduce a one of our members Kim moon to just extend the greetings on this world world to AIDS Day and to introduce our guests good morning do the head thank you so as he said my name is Kim moon and I am a HIV advocate education consultant activist and all of those good things I was diagnosed with HIV a very long time ago very very long I was raped in 2001 and from that I am HIV positive now I tell you that that I was raped but I can't dismiss the fact that I have three kids so that says I've had sex at least four times I'm protective right right yeah now I'm not I'm not making light of the rape but I had to tell you that I have four kids because it could have happened that way and I just encourage any of you all of you that if you're having sex to get tested because guess what HIV is 100% preventable if you have conversations if you get tested and if you use protection and if you're diagnosed with HIV take your medication because what I want you to know is this all those years I've never been sick not because of HIV not because of HIV yeah depressed about it for a long time and then the words of pastor Bryant encouraged me and helped me to move forward see HIV was supposed to be my stumbling block but God made it my stepping-stone thank you so right now I want to introduce to you chairman Pitts I work closely with him I am the metropolitan Atlanta HIV Health Services Planning Council Vice Chair and we work closely together we get I think roughly over 20 million dollars to serve the 20 County EMA DeKalb County included we're trying to help people with services with HIV to you know help them with services chairman Pitts he is the CEO of that he is also a former Atlanta city councilman president of Atlanta City Council he's a former chair commissioner but now he's actually the chair he was the only political official that was elected to go to London to speak for the Elton John or to attend the Elton John fast-track initiative helping HIV I give to you chairman Pitts [Applause] Kim thank you so much pastor where are you all right and I want to thank the pastor for inviting me here this morning and thank you also for your presence and your leadership at the press conference that we held on Tuesday press conference where we talked about the gospel of age and I will never forget your inspiring remarks on Tuesday joining me today is my deputy chief of staff janae Wilbourn but also miss Sandy's Thurman who is a representative ambassador of the Elton John AIDS Foundation as well as a representative of the state's Commission on Public Health so please welcome to two of them and a special thank you to my dear friend Brenda Cornelius for help her help and putting all of this together my friends today December 1st is World AIDS Day the day on which we call attention to hiv/aids epidemic worldwide and I say worldwide because we in Atlanta Fulton County our sister counties the cab Clayton Cobb and even Gwinnett we are known around the world as the hotbed of hiv/aids especially in the black community and it is getting worse not better we in the black community must recognize this fact acknowledge it own it and face it head-on we cannot blame this one on the man it is our problem and we in Fulton County are leading the effort in partnership with the Elton John Foundation and the fast-track cities initiative to end the HIV AIDS epidemic worldwide by 2030 and with the assistance and strong support of our religious leaders worldwide we will succeed the black church has always been at the forefront of social change and must do so once again and I have no doubt with the continued leadership of your pastor we will succeed and that is specifically why I have asked our local religious leaders to deliver a message today on World AIDS Day in whole or in part and encourage their congregants to do just three simple things number one get informed number two get tested and number three get treated it's my pleasure to announce today that my office in partnership with the AIDS Healthcare Foundation and Newberg will be testing here at new birth this year and we will return next year on February 7th 2020 which is National Black hiv/aids at is the Gospel of AIDS thank you [Applause] come on would you give our Commissioner a big hand for fearless leadership we appreciative sir thank you come on give God a hand clap of praise for [Music] on New Year's Eve we're gonna be bringing testing up mobile stations to new birth house so that people can go into the New Year knowing their status and getting the appropriate treatment that is needed and necessary I want those of you whose family has been impacted by HIV and AIDS would you stand right where you are your family has been impacted by HIV and AIDS I want you to stand right where you are because a lot of times we just hear numbers and hear data and don't realize how relevant how probing and how real it is I want you to know those of you who are standing we're standing in the gap with you and we declare by the grace of God not another member of your family is going to be impacted new birth make some noise right there come on you got to do better than that make some noise right there if there's somebody standing near you embrace them and tell them we got you we got you music ministry I pray for you you pray for me and watch God's name [Music] I pray for you you pray for and what's gonna change me come on pick it up come on some random ticket [Music] I prayed for you [Music] somebody I'm ready [Applause] I was reading the Word of God last night and a parcel of scripture just jumped out at me last night and I said Lord I can't wait to get to new birth this morning I'm telling you Kenny y'all never read the Word of God or heard something from God and it just met you right where you were right when you needed it the most I needed you to hear this word I want you to go to Isaiah chapter 60 I'm preaching yet I just got to share this with you Isaiah chapter 60 verse 22 I'm reading the word minding my business getting ready to come to church today and that this would the Lord dropped in my spirit saw Isaiah 60 verse 22 the smallest family will become a thousand people and the tiniest group will become a mighty nation all I really want y'all to get was to this last clause at the right time I the Lord will make it happen [Music] all I really need is that last clause right there at the right time I the Lord will make it happen y'all got a spirit of disobedience I'm coming Isaiah 60 verse 22 at the right time the Lord will make it happen I need somebody in this room to just shout out loud this is the right time for the Lord to make it happen our y'all didn't get as excited as I thought you would let me back that thing up and give it to you again whatever you've been working on whatever you've been waiting on whatever you've been praying for God to do God woke you up on December the 1st just so your spirit will hear the announcement from heaven this is the time God is gonna make it happen now if you believe that I need you to give God glory that is time for God be seated please [Applause] we gon fight Thomas I need you to look at your neighbor and tell them in the next 30 days look at your neighbor come before this year is over God is gonna make it happen now some of y'all can't shout cuz you ain't been waiting but if you needed God to do two things off the top of your head God said if you praise me it's your time if you give me glory yes your time after you suffered a while you are about to ride with here is your time we seen it please Hey hey be seated right where you are be seated please it's time for you to buy that house it's time for you to get a promotion it's time for you to get a raise it's time for you to go back to school it's time for you to be happily mad God said and at the right time i'ma make it happen we seen it we see that please it's time halleluja halleluja i want you to just pull on somebody's hand and tell them you are not running behind schedule you are not late god I can't hear nobody he said today is your time you didn't watch everybody else get a breakthrough everybody else get blessed but it is your time now you don't sacrifice for everybody else you don't push everybody else's dream but is your maybe seed it I want somebody's hand in your hand you may be seated softly thank you it's your time now you see that we see that be seated that I named the sermon yes I don't know who needed that word today but I've been waiting on God to do some stuff I'm sick of being in the same position I I hate struggling in silence God said here's your time it's your time now something amazing is getting ready to happen for you I feel that with every fiber of my being I'm telling you this is no ordinary day but something significant is getting ready to happen for you today 64 years ago 64 years ago today 64 years ago today is when Rosa Parks found herself on a bus 64 years ago today she found herself on a bus and refused to move to the back 64 years ago today is when it is that they begin the Montgomery bus boycott God didn't put in my spirit I don't know how many of you all are gonna receive it he says 64 years later you don't even realize that Rosa Parks bail was just $10 her to get out of jail with just $10 that's how much it cost you know what the Lord woke me up early this morning about 3:20 this morning he says sixty four years later Jamaal and you all still don't own the bus company god I can't hear no matter you you satisfied just with Randy said Jamal but say this the new birth say this for those who are a part of your cyber community he said get ready because 2020 is the year you start owning stores god I can't hear nobody in here I think I just prophesied to somebody I said 2020 is the year your name is or deeds and all property and on business is an LLC 2012 is the year you start owning no more no more hi-tech sharecroppers no more working twenty five years for a gold watch say get ready for ownership I feel like somebody in this room is get ready to develop some property I can't hear nobody somebody is getting ready to start flipping houses somebody in this room is getting ready to open up businesses and franchises this is the year that you begin to start said I don't want you to be arrived I want you to be a driver that you're going to begin driving the economy you get ready to drive favored for the rest of your family you get ready to drive the imagination into manifestation this is not for those of you that got small dreams but those of you have been thinking about something being would you lift up that hand and open up your mouth here it is Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat I'm telling you today you not gonna lose your seat at the table wherever it is that you are supposed to be I need you to hear this they will not be able to close the deal till you're at the table they will not be able to move forward until you are at the table for 50 y'all that won't shout here it is he said whenever they try to do without you will fail because they need you at the table your seat is secure for what God has given me to do in your life have no idea why it is that God will give me that scripture then drop in my spirit about Rosa Parks said because this is the time for you to find your seat this is the time for you to find your place this is the time where you are no longer wandering worrying about where am I supposed to be God says I'm about to give you divine confirmation for what God is getting ready to do in your life some of y'all don't need it but those of you who just need a little bit more oxygen just to breathe at night just to be able to sleep about where it is that God has shown you and revealed to you but has not confirmed for you says now is your appointed time I want all of us collectively hear me very carefully all of us who believe in by faith that I'm getting ready to own something I'm getting ready to possess something that the same prophecy that he gave to Joshua I now embrace for myself that every place that the sole of your feet shall tread upon I'm getting ready to give it to you would you look at your neighbor tell them it's gonna be your horses I didn't ask you whether you were qualified I didn't ask you about your credit I didn't ask you about a cosigner I'm telling you about the favor that rest on your life it's about to be yours I want us on this the last communion sunday of 2019 last communion sunday of 2019 I want God to know how much faith we demonstrate on this day Russians very quickly I've been through the whole service off Russians very quickly if every person would get your tithing envelope in your hand let me get back to where we're supposed to be every person after how God has blessed you this year I have no idea how it is that you won't express your gratitude how you won't extend Thanksgiving on this the last Sunday of the year every person in this ministry ought to be tithing every person under the sound of my voice are to be giving God 10% of what God has given to you I'm gonna challenge those of you who are on streaming those of you who in the room even our visitors I want you to come into agreement with me that above your tithe those of you who are not tithing I want you to make a sacrificial seed of $64 on this day but I'm believing I'm getting ready to drive it into my destiny hallelujah I am NOT gonna let people ride me the way I don't want to be did y'all hear what I just said I am NOT giving up my seat cuz I'm not the favorite hallelujah I'm not gonna brown-nose to be in your goodwill I understand if God want me to have it I'm gonna get it and I believe I'm gonna get it all I'm gonna challenge you even both you're giving electronically push pay give laughs I text to give on our secure website in uber for those of you who are non-tithers I want you to stretch yourself to a seed of $64 on this day those of you who have outlandish faith believing God for the ridiculous I want you to get a gift above your tithe of $64 how friends who are watching online come on let's do it today let's crash the internet people got no idea this afternoon you gonna go driving and Gaga and show you your next house it's gonna show you where your business is gonna be I'm telling you the thing that you thought would never come to pass God is gonna give you a sweat --less victory I want you to get it in your position get it in your hand every person is tithing tithing is what percent of my income what percent bless the Lord God loves to what kind to give her a cheerful Giver I'm glad to give because I remember when I didn't have nothing to give and for some of us it wasn't that long ago but I want you to get that best gift as close to 64 as you can all of our tithes you know what God requires of us in Malachi chapter three he says test me in this see if I won't prove myself to you as Jehovah Jireh the Lord who provides once you have that seed in your possession would you indulge me and lift it up above your head lift it up above your head repeat after me Lord thank you for what you did last year what you did last month what you did last week what you did yesterday but the seed in my hand is an expectation for what you're gonna get done in the next 30 days amen our men are going to help facilitate us in the enterprise of giving as after they would have passed you if you feel so inclined that you want to sow your seed for yourself at the altar as is the culture of our church you're welcome to be able to do that otherwise that's that you'll give rapt attention to our screen for this morning's announcements now new birth your video announcements men of new birth please join us for our nation of Jesus men's breakfast Saturday December 14th at 10:00 a.m. we'll be celebrating the many successes and achievements of 2019 come out and enjoy great food and fellowship register at new birth org doctor Jamal Harrison Bryan presents a volunteer gala Monday December 16 calling all new birth volunteers come and get treated like royalty with valet service red carpet insurance Sixers with pastor and ministry department comedian Palmer Williams is 3rd bar DJ dancing and more it's all going down Monday December 16 valet service starts at 6 p.m. and a tire is all black volunteers don't miss it join us for our New Year's revival every Tuesday in January at 7:30 p.m. and our sanctuary our dynamic guest speakers include apostle Jonathan Ferguson dr. Jasmine scholar dr. John guns and dr. Shawn McMillan get there early and enjoy our time management classes before revival at 6:30 p.m. in our Chapel get ready it's that time of year again where we come together and celebrate for everything God's done in the biggest service of the year join dr. Bryant and the entire Newport family as we celebrate the old and embrace the new in this year's 2019 New Year's Eve service [Music] Tuesday December 31st with two services 12 noon and 2:00 p.m. with this year's special musical guests the Andrea Johnson you don't miss out on the biggest service of the year its lubbers 2019 New Year's Eve service and in both of our New Year's Eve watch night services we encourage everyone to wear black as a show of unity and for those of you who have 20/20 goals please bring them to service with you along with the self-addressed stamped envelope for your convenience steps and envelopes will be available for purchase in our call to conquer bookstore a 10-year goal plan is recommended and also we will be corporately sowing the seed for three hundred and sixty-five dollars its new Birds 2019 [Music] everybody I believe come on look and send it with us say it's my season come on declare it over your life say I believe somebody say it loud say it's my time go ahead and get your breakthrough so right crews in the road come on speaking until you see an anticipated God he's staring ready to move yes she has all the worshipers right here lifter heads with me [Music] [Music] [Music] y'all believed it come on look at your neighbor tell them that's what it's gonna be [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on give God glory if you believe that hallelujah you may be seated new birth it has been an enchanting weekend to say the least we opened up for the very first time our Kwanzaa Plaza down there Samson's gym we've got one hundred minority vendors from all over the country I have converged onto our campus to do business they here from Chicago from DC from Memphis from Nigeria they are here from everywhere as a part of our online community and family immediately after service as that you will please meet me down at the gym we want to help us circulate black dollars and support minority businesses in our community give God a hand clap of praise for them as a joke please please please let go they've all come from near and far and I want them to leave out of our campus with absolutely no product left even if you don't need anything for you valued for a co-worker for a friend for a next-door neighbor but I want you to please do it I want you to support them as you'd want somebody to support you amen because soon your time is coming so I want all of us to meet down at Sam SANNs gym as soon as a service would have it dismissed we even got our food trucks down there today our guest vegan is here outside as well it's gonna be amazing so su chio please join us how many of you are excited about your 20/20 you're excited about 2020 we tried something last year and it was absolutely effective so we're gonna do it again we're gonna do two services for New Year's Eve the first one will be at 12 noon at 12 noon for our seniors those who don't want to drive at night for our families that are raising young children are you able to do it and those are y'all there at midnight plans amen so as that you'll please that join us at noon and then again at 10:00 p.m. at 10:00 p.m. our guest for New Year's Eve is Lea Andrea Johnson amazing voice amazing gift to the body of Christ so as that you were please as many of you that can and will I invite every person you know to bring in the new year at new birth amen we're asking everybody just as a sign of unity or all of us are wearing black on that day cuz nobody gonna be in the red in 2020 amen amen are y'all just miss that yeah all of us are gonna be economically solvent going into 2020 so I want everybody to be in lockstep I'm asking you to do two things up for New Year's Eve I want you to please write out for yourself what is your lists of deliverables for yourself for 2020 what are the things that you want to accomplish what are the things that God has burdened you or to achieve and to be able to complete I want you to please write out that list or type out that list and then put it in a self-addressed stamped envelope put it in a self-addressed stamped envelope and you're going to bring it to church on New Year's Eve I'll randomly randomly throughout the year we're gonna be mailing you back your own list to remind you of what it is that you're supposed to be doing but in the interim before we mail it back to you our intercessors are gonna be praying over everything that you want to achieve and everything that you want to accomplish I'm telling you brace yourself because you don't get mail how many how many of you want a blessing every day of 2020 every day I can't hear nobody how many of you want a blessing every day of 2020 I to that end I want to challenge all of you and all of our friends who are part of our cyber sanctuary that on New Year's Eve we're going to make a sacrificial seed a gift together a 365 or New Year's Eve that's what we're gonna ask of the entire church to do 365 a dollar for every day of 2020 because we're believing in advance that God is going to bless us our Russians are going to give you those envelopes now that you're gonna bring back on New Year's Eve not today but on New Year's Eve as that you'll please that take it with you I we're asking are all of our young people for a gift of 36 50 those of you who are in between the employment that you will give a gift of 36 50 this for New Year's Eve not for today we're just giving you that ve'lo porn today even for your loved one for your family member I ask that you will please do that because I am believing 2020 is gonna be something like what Paul calls an indescribable gift the blessing is gonna be so outrageous you're not even gonna know what kind of adjectives to put in front of it all you know is that God is gonna do something for you that you have never seen before and he's going to exceed your expectation how many of you have that kind of faith you have that kind of faith our music ministry is gonna prepare our hearts our minds and our spirits for the word of God while they are so doing if they're those of you that brought coats on today there's our last day of collection of you brought coats today to help our homeless community as that you'll please bring them to the altar now a new birth let me thank you that we have already collected 1500 coats for the homeless of Atlanta come on give God Hank let the praise those are you that a team Popeye's you on this side those your team chick-fil-a are you over on this side I hate to tell you but chick-fil-a is beating us to the one esse Jill invited somebody to worship with us I wish streaming live around the world at new birth org were streaming live around the world at new birth org I want your friends I want your family to get access to this word because I believe that God is gonna speak to them in unique and in defining ways our music ministry is coming now to prepare our hearts for the Word of God [Music] is anybody grateful for God's goodness and His mercy in the house today oh I need 60 people to holla back at me anybody grateful for God's goodness and for His mercy somebody gotta lift up your hand and say God I give you praise I give you praise come on quiet say Oh Lord we give you praise [Music] you wanna join us Oh Lord we bless your name [Music] we lift our voices and your mercy sachem toward us we offer breeze boy your goodness date and your mercy we offer you right today [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on everybody let's reason Oh Lord we can you raise you on its hand Turks head Oh Lord come on he's been good all of 2019 you your voice like an Amazon Lord we bless your name [Music] we lift our voices [Music] why it's for goodness [Music] now you want to sing it like you really mean and your posse [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] and achieve [Applause] [Applause] hey Josie you see this [Music] we are [Applause] [Music] [Applause] somebody on and if you play in the Jesus and your mercy I wish I had [Music] [Music] we are lift your voice and say we opposite [Music] [Applause] you [Music] at the time at the time keep on missing keep we keep [Music] we are [Music] we we are just one more time lift your hands up as high as you can and just lift your voice I said we are come on give God a hang [Music] [Applause] come on clap your hands if you love our dawn let's say would you secure your Bibles meet me at John chapter six John chapter six how many of you are thankful for his mercy I said you'll stand to your feet our bookstore has in stock our book-of-the-month new birth we firmly believe that readers are leaders a book for the month of December is the anatomy of loneliness how to find your way back to connection there's so many amongst us who contend and deal with loneliness because the reality is you can be lonely even while you're around people y'all not saying anything but as it you'll please please get a copy of this book I'm delighted to share with you you all know by now we periodically do popcorn with the pastor wears a as an outbreak of connection we go to the movies together we were able to secure another 100 tickets for those of you who want to go with us this afternoon to go see Queen and slim at 2:30 this afternoon we take an over stone chrismole movie theater we've got a hundred tickets available left immediately after service as it you'll please secure those in the lobby you got another hour and a half that you can spend in Kwanzaa Plaza before the movie starts amen if you hungry just go to Arizona's thank you John chapter six John chapter six verses five through 11 John chapter 6 verse 5 through 11 would you just look at your neighbor tell them I like my church look back at him and say I love my church John chapter 6 amen John chapter 6 verses 5 through 11 would you read silently as I read aloud when Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him he said to Philip where shall we buy bread for these people to eat he asked this only to test him for he already had in mind what he was going to do Philip answered him it would take more than a half years wages to buy enough bread for each one to have a bite another of his disciples Andrew simon Peters brother spoke up he is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish but how far will it go amongst so many jesus said have the people sit down there was plenty of grass in that place and they sat down Jesus then took the loaves gave thanks and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted he did the same with the fish look back at verse number 9 he is a boy with five loaves of bread and two fish but how far is it gone go when there's so many you may be seated I wanna preach a little while this morning using as a subject I'm not gonna let you take advantage of me I'm gonna let you take advantage of me but you look at the person beside you look I'm square and I come on square up with them let them know like you mean it come on look at him and tell them the pastor told me to tell you I'm not gonna let you take advantage of me I'm not gonna let you take advantage of me there's a woman I met in the 8th grade who is lied to more people and anybody in history her beauty is undeniable and her stature is breathtaking she said her picture taken more than any supermodel including Naomi Campbell or Iman she's in such demand that she's never hit the runway but she commands crowds to come see her in fact between 1892 to 1954 12 million entered this nation by way of her shadow looming over Ellis Island beneath her feet is a tattooed inscription that reads give me your tired your poor your huddled masses yearning to breathe free the wretched refuse of your teeming Shores a new birth so many believed her statement to be true that they poured in by the scores from Poland Sicily Ireland and Germany regrettably her back is turned away from those who were dragged in on slave ships or crawled in from south of the border God knows coming from the Middle Passage we were tired having our identity names and culture stolen we were poor and with shackles on our feet and around our necks we yearn to breathe free our Hispanic comrades in contemporary times share our frustration with their children being stuck in cages for the crime of warning dignity and being found guilty of thinking that this is a place of actual democracy The Lying lady known as the Statue of Liberty only pretends to wear a blindfold because even Stevie Wonder can see that the treatment of immigrants illiterates indigents and the ill are inhumane oh say can you see that some things in this society aren't right Charles Darwin's survival of the fittest has come to life the world in which we live seems to prey on those who are weak weak finances weak education weak bodies and weak spirits and I would gather that after you have had some weak moments you come to what Malcolm Gladwell calls the tipping point will you just get sick of being taken advantage of Elizabeth Mitchell in a signature book entitled Liberty's torch the great adventure to build the Statue of Liberty exposes the fact that Ulysses Grant authorized the original intention of the Statue of Liberty to be a lighthouse which Ulysses perceived would give the imposing figure justifiable government funding unfortunately the engineers have been unsuccessful in being able to lighted hear me and hear me will the Statue of Liberty was originally intended to be a lighthouse and even up to this day they haven't been able to make it work so it looks good but it does not serve its purpose so now it just stands not living out the reason it was created Matthew 5 and 14 reminds us we are the light of the world a town built on a hill can't be here let your light so shine that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven and I am afraid that I have to report to you today that the body of Christ in the 21st century Church could be charged with treason against the kingdom because the church is now acting like the Statue of Liberty the church acts like the Statue of Liberty because in far too many of our churches our churches seem to be blindfolded to the AIDS epidemic that is taking place in our community and in our city in case you don't know African Americans are thirteen percent of the u.s. population but we're 43 percent of new HIV diagnosis and yet in churches around Atlanta and around America today they are saying nothing data from downtown Atlanta is parallel to Harare Zimbabwe and such an extent that Atlanta from a health perspective could be greeted as a third-world country in fact Atlanta is second in the nation for HIV cases Grady Hospital Grady Hospital has three new cases a day highest risk ZIP codes in this city a three oh three oh two three oh three oh three three oh three oh three oh three oh nine and three oh three ten which is by enlarge black community's gay and bisexual black men a 66% of those who have in fact contracted HIV and AIDS heterosexual men is seven percent and the fastest-growing demographic of those who are contracting HIV and AIDS is african-american women and yet the church says nothing we don't promote testing we don't offer care or counseling and we don't assist with housing which makes the world second guess who is this god you are shouting to because if you believe that God can heal people from cancer from leukemia from heart failure why do you not believe that God can heal somebody of HIV and AIDS what is the church prepared to do for the 19 year old who gets put out of their house because their family doesn't know how to offer comfort and is operating out of a function of homophobia that they learned at church what do we do for the 53 year old woman whose insurance won't assist but we become so highfalutin that we don't want a hug don't want to embrace because we believe somehow or another we're better than somebody else how will we silent when it is that we allow brothers on the down-low to operate in reckless abandonment with no call to accountability while it is that our daughters and our mothers are being impacted and infected and yet we say nothing Jesus said how you treat the least of these is what it is that you have done to me one out of seven or carrying HIV and AIDS one out of seven don't even know that they have it and yet we say nothing about being tested we say nothing about treatment I want you to lift up your hands right where it is that you are because I want you to know how my faith functions how my faith operates and how my faith goes into praxis one out of seven people in our community as a consequence one out of seven in this room don't know they have it right now I serve a God who can heal you before you ever get diagnosed I know some of you don't have that kind of faith but I need those of you who come into agreement with me that God is a healer would you open up your mouth and give God glory for healing that can happen in our community that can happen in our city and all the more I want you to give God glory for the healing that is going to happen in your family this is the hour that the body of Christ called church declares war on HIV and AIDS in Atlanta we are not gonna roll over and play dead and if no other church is gonna address it new birth is gonna be found on the front line because we understand he gives power to the faint and to those who have no might he increases that their strength those of you who believe it that God 2019 years later is still a healer would you give God glory for it now if you believe that by 2030 God is gonna change the data in this city would you open up your mouth and give God glory now if you believe that the body of Christ has a responsibility to love to educate to inform and to care for those who have been impacted will you give God glory for it right now the church the church isn't supposed to be an amusement park for the affluent but it's supposed to be a service center for the disadvantaged I got to tell you right now we got to get over our self-righteous stigmatization because some of you have full-blown ignorance and you believe that it could not happen to you I want you to know that the church owes our community a debt of repentance because if you can take my tithe but won't take time for my testimony something is out of order and woe under you hypocritical self-righteous arrogant Saints who feel like that you don't have enough christ-like love for the lbgtq community when the reality is all of us have somebody in our family y'all ain't saying nothin to me if you ain't wrestling it with it yourself woe unto you cuz I need you to know you got to get out of the eighties mentality that hiv/aids is not a white male gay disease but it can still impact goals of us a heterosexual and uncovered and unprotected but I thank God for the blood of Christ that is available for everybody here nobody in here while we were yet sinners he died for us some of y'all are sitting there with your arms folded legs crossed lips twisted eyes rolled that's cuz you ain't never slept with nobody but anybody here that can remember I did some stuff but it was the grace of God that covered and protected me you are a thank God there are instances by which HIV can go in your body seven years undetected and you sitting here like you always been saved like you ain't never had a one-night stand like you ain't never been in a hotel by the airport Amen lights but 50 of y'all ought to be thanking God that even when I didn't make the best decisions when I didn't make right choices God still fought for me I say a word to those of you who are in the room who've been diagnosed with HIV and AIDS I need you to know that you ought to live with no shame you ought to live with no embarrassment I can't hear anybody because HIV and AIDS is no longer a death sentence the reality is it is now a socio-economic condition and our people are dying because they are underinsured or have no insurance but we're thankful under God that God does something peculiar because there's something about table which you need to know the thing I found out about tables is tables will turn because the first will be last and the last shall be first on the church for being silent while Atlanta finds itself as the epicenter of this crisis and we doing all this speaking in tongues but won't speak to the issue yeah y'all y'all ain't saying nothing I know you saved but just because you say don't mean you ain't been sexual I need some real people in here I know you love God but it don't mean that some nights you don't have a weak moment I need some real people that can digest that I love God but I still need a fall ready over my flesh we've been taking advantage of the situation because we don't speak to it until it impacts us or until it impacts our children you ever been in a restaurant you sitting in the restaurant mind your business you realize everybody around you is getting served you see in a way to come out with trays full of food are you looking and getting excited and they won't right past you are you thinking when are they gonna come see about me and you screaming to yourself and the people at your table are trying to keep you calm until you just can't take it no more and you gotta just blurt out what do I have to do to get some help around here you don't even understand that that level of frustration and that sentiment is that which is shared by those who have survived HIV and AIDS they sitting in our churches and they watching us preach about overflow preach about entrepreneurship preach about blessings but we won't preach about this disease that is impacting our community and they waving their hands are asking the church asking the body of Christ ask an uber what do I have to do to get some service around here they expect us to do something and we keep walking right past them I'm not gonna love you cuz you don't dress like me I'm not gonna love you because of where you got piercings on your body I'm not gonna love you could you walk differently than me and God is saying who made you to judge we are called in the earth to be a witness and not to be in the jury and God is sick of these self-righteous church people who feel like they can put people in hell then cast people into heaven you barely getting in by the hair of your chinny-chin-chin you ought to thank God for grace get to a place you feel like you've been taking advantage of taking advantage of you I never felt like that whether you got HIV AIDS or not you never felt like you were being taken advantage of well I ain't talking to your neighbor I'm talking to you have you ever felt like I mean they were using you too they could use you up and you begin if you're not careful you begin to internalize it you're gonna internalize it could you you're so used to being taken advantage of that you begin apologizing for stuff you didn't do getting taken advantage of and they begin to plant seeds into your subconscious to convince you you not good enough been so taken advantage of that they expect you to say yes and when you say no or I think about it they get offended taking advantage of you doing everybody else's work and then they want to grade you on the curve and got the nerve to call you lazy when you do on your part in their pot taking advantage of people treat you like a doormat they're coming in and out and only call you when they need something but never check on you to see how it is that you doing huh I need some real people right through here taken advantage of you counting my money as if I work for both of us you you are grown and able-bodied I can't hear nobody just cuz I have it don't mean you got access to it I'm tired of being taken advantage of being taken advantage of by people who know I got a relationship with God and because they know I'm a Christian they think I'm a pushover and I'm just gonna roll over and play dead and then when I check them they back up and act shocked and surprised and and say I thought you were saying tell them yeah I'm saved I'm not Timothy I'm Peter I'm a different kind of saved but I still got gone get to that place you just get tired of being taken advantage of tired of not being counted made to treat feel like you too outside child like your opinion has no merit like your sacrifice has no do that what it is that you had to contribute really has no significance and what's crazy is that many times they don't acknowledge it until you stop doing it don't make me threaten to leave before you love me right value me while I'm still here I can't hear nobody in here that you got to get to the place where I just get tired being taken advantage of John chapter 6 Jesus isn't coming across the Atlantic Ocean he's just coming across the Sea of Galilee when he comes across the Sea of Galilee he goes up into a mountain and he sees a crowd converging on him because they had seen him healed to see and because they had seen him heal the sick they keep crowding up on them because they know what he can do they've seen them doing I want you to know that I'm here today and I'm crowding around the altar cuz I've seen God healed before and I keep crowding on them because I want to see them do it again I'm believing that some of you are standing here and you'd look at Calvary because Calvary for you is your real Statue of Liberty he has seen me when I was tired he saw me when I was born and he saw me when I was saying and a great thing about God is he healed me even when I didn't have insurance He healed me when I didn't even know what was happening in my body he He healed me when I didn't have strength to get out the bed y'all ain't saying nothing he he healed me when I sat on the bier trying to gather my strength and get myself together he he healed me when I didn't even want to tell my family what was going on with me he he healed me when I got scared to even go to the doctor God said I'm gonna heal you and some of you are to be giving God glory why pastor because God said before this year is over whatever is out of order in your body is going to be strengthened whatever is not functioning and His divine assignment is going to line up with my intention for your life I speak healing over every person in this room that's got sickness disease discomfort and illness in your body if you don't believe that don't worship with us but if you believe that God is a healer I don't want you to wait for you to happen but I want you to anticipate it in advance that God is a give a mossad healing people i'ma start healing people in your family start healing people that you care about I feel this glow over coming now hallelujah I'm trying not to cry feel healing in this room hallelujah thank you holy God huh I said I feel healing in this room somebody don't even know that the surgery is about to be canceled cuz healing is in this room I don't know where you are because it watch me start to wean you off medication because healing is in this room watch me stop the hair your pain that's been in your body watch me disrupt every blockage that is in your bloodstream and shrink up every time and every tumor because healing is industry they saw converging on him they saw converging on because they know he's the healer and Jesus says I understand that we've got to be holistic in our approach and so not only do I have to heal them I got to feed them I got to do something that will minister to their physical body not just their spiritual realm and the disciples said master to feed all these people it's going to take six months worth of my paycheck I'll just missed it so for what I'm trying to give I'd have to save up six months to get it and the Bible gives us an insertion in the New International Version that God really didn't mean it it was just a test he wanted to see whether they would start counting money or start counting on favor says for somebody who's in this room brace yourself because what I'm getting ready to do for you you don't have the money for what I'm getting ready to open up for you they told you you would take years for you to get back on your feet but you don't even understand what would have taken you six months worth of paychecks I can get it done in one day I can't hear nobody in here I said six months worth four paychecks you don't get a deposit that is equal to it in just one day I just wanted to see do you have the faith says I'm getting ready to do it because I saw where your heart was your heart wasn't on I need this money to buy some information he said I knew that you were making sacrifices to take care of somebody else and I'm getting ready to do something to bless both of you I'm talking to somebody in this room who your greatest liability as you love too easy you forgive too quick I can't hear nobody you give folk your lasts and they'll keep taking from you and they got no idea I don't even feel a certain kind of way just the way I'm built I love to give back I hate to see people struggling it bothers me to see folks with a disadvantage and God said I watched you watch you because of the way you love the way you give you only realize you being taken advantage of you don't even realize they don't value you they don't really love you they're not really interested in you they just want what you got to offer and they'll just keep taking it until you stop supplying it and then when you stop supplying it they really relationship another disciple shows up shows up and says I found this boy with two fish five loaves of bread I got to show you something you know this text you know the scripture you read it your whole life and it amazing that the Bible says they took the little boy's lunch I got a park right here they didn't ask him for it they didn't negotiate they didn't make a deal they took it from them and the only way they could took take it from him watch this is cuz he was a child if it was a grown man they would have never taken it there are people who will take from you but they'll only take from you during your weak moment they'll only take from you when you don't have your full strength that's why you can't make decisions while you're vulnerable you gotta wait until you get your strength before you decide what you gettin ready to give the Bible says when I was a child I spake as a child I understood as a child but when I became an adult I put away childish things I'm only preaching to 500 of you you ought to let your enemies know whatever you got from me keep it but in this season of my life I put my foot down I am NOT gonna let people take an advantage of me I got too much time and so much to give they took the two fish five loaves of bread from him this is how bad they use them is even in Sacred Scripture they never even give the boy's name he's never given the appropriate credit for the sacrifice he made i wanna go a step further and it's gonna upset some of you he was taken advantage of by church people god help me and here the person that took his lunch this one somebody in the street it wasn't somebody who once saved this was somebody who walked with God and still they took his stuff I'm speaking healing for 300 of you that will hurt my church people who miss hande don't you and didn't understand that the call of God on my life does not require a title or position you gotta treat me like a child of God your greatest wound your greatest wound didn't come from a stranger your greatest impact didn't come from somebody you didn't know it came from somebody you were familiar with who felt entitled to take your stuff they thought they could take your dignity take your self-esteem take your self-worth take yourself respect and take your joy how about I came to tell that no-good lying devil this joy that I had the world didn't give it and the Wow Jesus took the bread he took the bread that twelve grown men couldn't get twelve men who were saved couldn't get on their own Jesus took that bread he lifted it up he broke it and he said thanks I want to say this word I don't know who this is for I don't know whether you're lying I don't know if you're in this room I'm know if you visiting family for the weekend but God told me to tell you thank you for helping people who didn't deserve it [Applause] thank you for representing me and dark places yeah they thought they got away with it but you knew they were using you but you're blessed away thank you he came across the Sea of Galilee I'm almost finished came across the Sea of Galilee and some significant happen those of you who are standing you gonna help me preach those of you were sitting we preach them for you those of y'all staying to stay with me don't nobody pop up and jump with us just stay with me those are y'all standing up this word is for you it's now for the people sitting I'm talking adults y'all standing don't let nobody standing up which you sit him right back down the Bible says that Jesus crossed the Sea of Galilee cross the Sea of Galilee went into the mountain read your Bible when I get home and they were in the desert they were in the desert those of you who are standing I need you to mark my words stay with me those of you who are standing I'm preaching to you stay with me those are you are standing I'm talking to you Jesus crops to see a Galilee goes in the desert those of you who are standing you are who I'm talking to listen to me be seated right where you are those of you who were standing just those of you who were standing be seated right where you are be seated it ain't a test I'm preacher can I show you something Jesus crossing to cross the Red Sea walks into the desert said how am I gonna feed all these people where stuff ain't growing hallelujah those of you who were standing I need you to stand again don't try to jump in on our ship now when he crosses into the Red Sea what's this he walks into the desert and he tells the people tells the disciples tell them sit down those of y'all who are standing be seated right where you are some crazy has given me a habit Jesus walked across the Red Sea goes into the mountain when he goes into the mountain he's in the desert and he tells the people what's this be seated those y'all who were standing staying for the last time he says I want them to be seated that's what Jesus said don't do it yet says I want him to be seated and then when Jesus says it they in the desert he said tell the people be seated now for the last time be seated and the Bible says read it when you get home when they sat down they sat well in the grass when they got there it was a desert but because they were obedient to what God spoke over their life everything around them begin to shift I came to make an announcement to 500 streamers I gotta get out of here but I need you to pull on their neighbors [Applause] yes change [Applause] you don't hear what I just said it's time Kevin [Applause] lift that hand I want to say this to you he gave thanks and he gave it away the disciples hear this new birth the disciples didn't even get an opportunity to eat what they took the people who took advantage of you won't even have an opportunity I really thought y'all we're going shout better than that I said the people who took advantage of you will never be able to enjoy what they took from you because there was an apple [Music] [Applause] hone open the doors of the church with no delay with no hesitation with no pause as quickly as you can those of you who are you in this room the same pastor you don't even know you just read my life story I'm tired of being taken advantage of I ran out of tokens I can't keep taking the high road I ran out of cheeks I can't keep turning them wherever it is that you are in this room and your same passes is the kind of church I need to be a part of kind of church I need to be connected to that's where you are in this room I'm telling you with no hidden agenda I'm telling you straight up and down I want to be your pastor I got no bones about it I don't mind telling you I want new birth to be your church whether you are in this room I want you to come join me right at this all to wherever it is that you want you same paestum I want to join I want to be a part I want you to come meet me right here knew Percy all they've gone celebrate them [Applause] a bowl excuse yourself get down here I need you here I need you here I need you here for real I need you here for what God has given me the mind to do I can't get it done without you I need you to be a part of this come on give God glory come on I need you here give me hear me will [Applause] wherever it is that you find yourself even if you're a part of our online family you want to join the church you're able to do that I want you to know you get ready to sit in a brand new territory you can write be in a completely different environment and the world is not ready for which you get better to become 10 of you wherever it is that you are I need you to hurry up and come please I need you to hurry up and come we got to get to Kwanzaa Plaza [Applause] listen are y'all going shall new birth y'all know better [Applause] [Music] [Applause] listen to me there ten more people who get ready to come they're gonna meet me at this altar ten more coming I have no idea where they are but ten more coming I need y'all to go to work for me would you just ask the people on your roll fine ask the people in your section find out for me are they saved ask them do they have a church home if they start stuttering bring them to me if they avoid eye-contact bring them down to me y'all still ain't saying nothin I'm waiting on you that's how valuable you are if there's somebody here would you give God glory I'm waitin on nine you ought to be investigating your section here come 8 & 7 give God glory form bless the Lord listen even at the risk of getting on somebody's nerves I ain't gonna let you leave here the same way you can you've been through too much this year to go home the same way you came I need you to do me a favor please please they're gonna have attitude but it's alright if they save they won't be offended by you asking come on go back to them ask them are you sure you saved ask him you sure you go to a church that's lit like this come on wherever you are come on I need you to come if there's somebody else somebody else that needs to come because you are watching online it don't matter where it is that you live you can still be a part of this poof oh god here comes six y'all ain't laughing yes six in five your right hand into faith there's six five and four hold on I gotta get my last three I can't come that far and then give up I need three more please wherever you are you know I'm talking to you you know I'm talking to you [Applause] we're out [Music] here comes three here comes two listen here comes one yellow to give God flower [Applause] here come the Hopa flower y'all gone south [Music] that's his name shoot you right in the face you know make my heart happy glad my heart be happy too late if I just get one more man to come I won't see one more man for Jesus one more man that Network I'm telling you never do something for me some father some husband son brother come on where it is that you are if there's a man near you would you ask that brother a you sure you say come on ask him ask him come on give God some praise I didn't believe it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] alright let's try it one more again here come another man that y'all gonna shout for [Applause] all right sir say right-hander faith some of y'all I had this much cardio all year since I right hand of faith repeat after me you in the right place at the right time John in the right church serving only God and I know this right show you right come on if you know right give God some praise right there new birthday came as friends but they leave it as family would you give God a shout that Thanksgiving for all level as the joke follow us out this way you may be seated hurry up and sit down so we can see who's sneaking up hurry up sit down and they came late but you may do something amazing that I don't want you to to miss I know that I'm running over schedule this alright we'll do something amazing for Christmas there's a little bit unconventional that I'm excited about I want you to give your attention to the screen if you'll help me please give your attention to the screen and we can write go home in just a few moments this holiday season new birth has partnered yet again for another great cause Oh [Music] as we partner with our IP medical debt let's give families hope for the holidays as we cancel theirs give them a fresh start for 2020 after oh my god that is good and I thought a crime will be paid one point five million dollars toward clearing medical debt for the families living in zip code three zero zero three eight new birth won't you partner with us don't you know that it's better to be a blessing than to need one if I can put in ten to twenty dollars in into the program for more information log onto www.koco.com come on give God a hand clap of praise we're partnering with a company out of the Midwest who is going to match all of the dollars that we raise to pay off the medical bills of those who live in the zip code of our church come on somebody give God a hand clap of praise what is amazing is they don't even have to be members of our church to be beneficiaries of what it is that we're doing of the week before Christmas are they gonna receive a Christmas card from new birth letting them know that we have paid off their medical bills come on somebody give God a praise for that it is amazing how many of our people are dying unnecessarily because they don't have access to affordable healthcare we want to stem that tide and change the trajectory all in alignment of what it is that we're doing for World AIDS Day I'm gonna challenge those of you who in 2019 you spend at least one night in the hospital can I see your hand 2019 you spent a night in the hospital raise that hand for me those of you in the last decade spend a night in the hospital raise that hand last 10 years had surgery the last 10 years been an ambulance last 10 years how Lou you ought to be giving God glory cuz you know what that net looks like [Applause] I need you to help me we are if we able to reach our goal on this day I won't have to come back to you any other Sunday this month I'm gonna be able to do it and just knock it out the park to be a blessing to those who live in this greater Stonecrest community how would you get a sacrificial substantive seed in your possession can I challenge you to do that some of you can give a hundred dollars some of you can give a thousand some of you can give ten I'm telling you it's not equal giving it's equal sacrifice but anybody in the room who has ever been intimate with illness knows how critical this Christmas blessing is going to be anybody in here who said a senior had to pick between food and their prescription knows how critical this is everybody in the room got somebody in their family they've been sick but just refused to go to the doctor because they didn't have any coverage most black people don't go to the doctor do they come through the emergency room I'm a Wiccan ready to shift some things in terms of healthcare for our community I want you to give that gift in your hand our friends who are watching online I know you can do it I know you're gonna exceed our expectation I know that you're going to meet the mandate I want to thank you new birth whatever it is that I've challenged us to do we've been able to exceed it we were able to be a blessing and I publicly want to appreciate all of you that we were able to be a blessing we stroked a check last week to Hosea helps so that they would be able to do the work last week for $20,000 and we were able to do that in just one setting it is because of the brazen selflessness of our congregation I want you please once you get that gift our rushers are moving amongst you to be able to facilitate your need you want to sow your seed I want you to do it as quickly as you possibly can come on I want you to dig deep I want you to be a blessing you have no idea what you do today may change something for somebody tomorrow [Music] for overflow overflow I'll anticipate [Music] I'm anticipating [Music] Oh [Music] my cup [Music] everybody [Music] everybody is staying everybody was standing would you point your hand to the closest basket I want to pray for every person who's gonna be blessed about this gift pray that whatever diseases and sicknesses running their family will come to a screeching halt pray that God will perform modern-day miracles in their body pray that God will not let a doctor touch them who he has not touched pray that God will cut down the number of treatments that will be needed and necessary pray that God will give them complete restoration and every fiber of their being because that new birth we believe that God ears they he'll learn if you believe it clap your hands all you people pastor Devonte he'll raise your hand we're glad to have you worshiping with us give God a hand clap of praise for him all of those of you who are visiting us from out of town would you raise your hand you don't live in Atlanta you just hanging out with us for Thanksgiving come on give God a hand clap of praise for all of them we're thankful for each and every one of you as we leave this place but never from God's presence can I please remind you I've got a hundred tickets left I want all of you let's back out that theater as we always do I want you to go hang out with me this afternoon at 2:30 but I need you to get the tickets today I only got 100 of them left let's fill that theater the full capacity and said you'll please get it as you all know I believe you can't be a shepherd if you don't smell like sheep amen you can't be saved and stuck up and so I don't want you to think I don't switched up because your family is in town that I'm not going to shake hands I want to meet all of you I want to meet all of you down at Kwanzaa Plaza all of you let's hang out together this afternoon and support all of our vendors vegan is outside for amen for my senior Saints somebody please explain to the church mother what I'm saying when I say it vegan I don't I don't want her praying for me after church but is the vegan is in their car outside as that you'll please go support the food truck and support all of our vendors don't forget our Book of the Month and I hope you are mindful that we have no Bible study for the month of December December 31st we have two services for New Year's Eve 12:00 noon and 10:00 p.m. Leanne Joe Johnson is gonna be our guest next Sunday I want y'all to please come here in strong numbers next Sunday I want to press down shaken together running over next Sunday will be my 1 year being that new birth next Sunday funny how time flies so next Sunday I want you are here we're gonna have a party for real we're gonna turn all the way up amen I've been put your running shoes on amen it's gonna be like whoa so please make sure that you hear on next Sunday we gonna have a great time of the Lord as we leave this place but never from God's presence repeat after me walk with God and he'll walk with me talk with God and he'll talk with me listen to God and they'll listen to me build for God and he'll build for me love God because He first loved me lift that hand as high as you see yourself going I don't know whether you realize it or not but it is now your time you get ready to start owning stuff you get ready to have authority in areas that you had never even fathomed or imagined I don't know whether you realize it or not but the drought is over God has given to change what you've been sitting in now wonder him who's absolutely able to do anything but fail may God make you sleepless until you help somebody may God make you restless until you help yourself may God irritate you until you have enough sense to worship Him and may God bless you until you have to give stuff away henceforth now and forevermore and the blessed people of God said amen god bless you I'll beat you in Kwon's applause [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: New Birth Mbc
Views: 51,238
Rating: 4.816092 out of 5
Keywords: New Birth, Newbirth, Dr. Jamal Bryant, Dr. Jamal-Harrison Bryant, Dr. Bryant, Pastor Bryant, Atlanta, GEORGIA, STONECREST, LITHONIA, KWANZAA
Id: Eva7w5W6KMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 52sec (8632 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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