I Quit // I Quit Complaining // Pastor Mike McClure Jr.

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we're in the midst of a series right now entitled i quit somebody say i quit somebody type i quit i told you man i've been living and in ministry long enough that i have seen the adverse effects of people not quitting soon enough and because we live in a society that pushes us to tough it out let's just stop right there that one statement tough it out tough it out tough it out tough it out is not an um blanket statement that you can apply to every area of your life tough it out is i think conditional it is situational and i told you our working definition is simply what to do less so that god can do more i'mma say it again to quit based off of rock city's definition is to do less so that god can do more who would have thought we would go from 10 services a week to one service a week seeing thousands of people in person to seeing nobody based to seeing 10 to 12 people in person and the church would survive sometime god can do more with less all right i see a principle i see a principle give me ten percent i'll give you another hundred percent because i can do less with more uh if you have faith the size of a little bit i can help you tell this mountain a lot of stuff to be moved send me a prayer i'll sing you miracles did you catch what i just said because god can do less with more so so we've been talking about i quit somebody shout i quit but in the midst of talking about i quit we started this series and we're going on a journey by saying i quit excuses it's been one of the coldest series we've been in i quit excuses today i kind of want to deal let's jump right to numbers chapter 11 verse 10 and 12. on your screen it's right there it says moses heard all the families standing in the doorways of their tents whining and the lord became extremely angry moses was also very aggravated prior to this i quit series quitting has been treated as something to be demonized when in actuality it should be weaponized and i would like to submit to you the definition for i quit help me class is to intentionally do so god can do i'ma say it again to intentionally do so god can do what and i would like to start today off make take really good notes screenshot it if you need to okay here it is proof of an authentic relationship with god is an elevation in your conversation i'm gonna say that again proof of an authentic relationship with god is elevation in your conversation in other words put this in the chat you talk different i'ma say that again proof of an authentic relationship with god is elevation in your conversation meaning you talk different not only do you quit excuses phase two you quit complaining y'all miss what i just said show me a person who's full of excuses i will show you a person who is a serial complainer why pmj you quit complaining about what you don't have you quit complaining about what doors aren't open yet you quit complaining about who betrayed you and you quit allowing others to constantly complain around you proof of an authentic relationship with god is the elevation in your conversation which means i talk what different here's what's crazy how look at the look at the ambiguity and the and how oxymoronic your life is you want to see different but talk the same you want to have this have different but talk the same put this in your notes please put this in your screen please put this in your in in the chat right here if you want to see something new say something different if you want to see something new say something different and because why is that important because ultimately elevation is not about god bringing stuff down it's about him bringing you up okay i got to make that make sense why pmj i just told you that proof of an authentic relationship with god is elevation somebody say elevation in your what conversation so look at that word elevation now let's take that word elevation and expand on it elevation is not about god bringing stuff down it's about him bringing you up okay dre i need your help real quick so on the screen i need your help right quick okay so right here dre put the problem okay you have the problem right down here dre put you okay so when you are a complainer you look at the problem and because you're so used to complaining you ask god to bring the problem down when god is saying in this season i'm not going to bring the problem down i'm going to lift you up i'm going to use the problem to grow you i'm preaching to somebody in here i am going to use the problem to grow you everybody's not going to say amen everybody's not going to say thank you jesus nobody gonna say he's preaching to me in the chat but there are three of us who have lived long enough to look back retrospectively over our life and realize it wasn't the praise of people that grew me it was the problems god planted in my life that made me better somebody look around you and type to somebody in the cat and just say hey problems made me better somebody shout problems made me better and i would almost suggest that some problems are an indication that you've evolved michael some problems are an indication that you have evolved and today i want to lead us in making a commitment to quit quit complaining we quit excuses i quit i quit complaining i quit why pastor mike put this in your notes the more you complain the less you obtain the more you complain the less you obtain i quit i quit i am guilty of complaining too much now pastor mike as you begin to lead us in today what is the first lesson you want us to know about complaining please put this in your notes complaining is a sin now that's that's critical we have to understand that deacon quran complaining is a sin make that make sense pastor mike complaining about your circumstances is a sin because you don't give god a chance memorize this truth found in philippians 2 14 and 15 do all things without complaining and disputing that you may become blameless and harmless children of god so if complaining is the sin that means complaining is a spiritual issue not a physical issue you can't stop complaining because you think if i get physical stuff i'll stop complaining which means the more god gives you it never changes your complaint because a complainer will always find something else to complain about because there's nothing on earth that can fix the complaint complaints have to be dealt with in the spirit so if complaint am i helping anybody if complaining is a sin that means complaining is not soothed or fixed by substance it is soothed or fixed by spiritual warfare i'm going to free you real quickly if you're connected to a complainer i want to explain to you why nothing you do will ever be enough nothing you do will never be enough because you cannot fix a god issue the complaint is truly not based off you the complaint is based off what they feel god has not done through you for them see the problem ain't you ain't enough what they're really saying is what god sent them which is you ain't enough their their issue is not with the product it's with the producer mike i'm talking heavy today somebody say complain this is why philippians 2 14 and 15 says do everything without is that in your bible complaining or what arguing that's so critical why i put this in your notes a negative mouth will never produce a positive life that's heavy a negative mouth will never produce a positive life michael i don't care how much money you got i don't care how much favor you got i don't care couples how much sex you have how happy they make you if you have a negative mouth a negative mouth will produce a negative life out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speak death and life lie in the power where's your tongue in your mouth and the greatest cancer to most of our gratitude is complaining why pmj because we don't realize complaining is a sin that's critical this is why the church is dying this is why so many christians are failing because when we talk sin we only talk adultery we only talk fornication we only talk lying we only talk cheating stealing it is this the secret subtle small what we consider insignificant no thank you god the relatable stuff that's going to kill us because everybody likes a good complaint because it makes you comfortable about what you want to complain about michael and there's a difference between a complaint and a cry there's a difference see here's the here's what we got to do is some stuff can we be honest show our hands put hands up in the comments who got some stuff that bother you hands up who got some stuff that truth be told past my i'm not really sure if i'm complaining or just crying because i do believe you have a right to be a cr to critique your issue god we're in a pandemic i can critique my issue i miss my folks i'm ready to have good old school running church where i can't even preach because praise and worship was so crazy we just slain in the spirit and it's 150 200 hundred five hundred people in the lobby waiting to get in not a parking lot jammed and they mad cause we still in here slaying in the spirit then we walk out two hours later like oh that was good so then they walk in church like oh it's gonna be good then it don't even happen in the next service i'm ready for that i i can say god god that's not a complaint can i arg can i help you real quickly complaints concerns shift to complaints based off the consistency all right concerns make that a screen shift to complaints based off the consistency and i might say intensity all right see a concern becomes a complaint when it's repetitious when it's repeated when it's repeated when you won't let it go it's not see see these are men of the most high god paul and silas are walking around and a girl who's demon possessed is walking behind him saying uh these are men of the most high god these are men of the most high god is what she's saying wrong no they are men of the most i got what's the problem the spirit behind what she's saying the difference between a concern a cry or a complaint is the spirit in which it comes out your mouth [Music] did you catch what i just said that's heavy it's the spirit in which it comes out your mouth see you complain when you don't know why you cry or concerned when you know who see the complaint is based off of the not knowing how to fix it y'all don't like me today see was david crying concerned or complained complaining when he said god why are you hiding from me cast me not away from your presence please don't take your spirit to me restore to me the joy of what was was bartimaeus crying up complaining when he yelled jesus jesus jesus she was jesus complaining when he said eli eli lama sabathany god my god why hast thou forsaken me see you only complain when there is a sense of delusion and paranoia afflicting your ability to cognitively cling to your existential reality because you lack the capacity or the spiritual to spiritually discern if it's god or not somebody said i don't know what he said but it sounds really really good you only complain when there is a sense of disillusion or paranoia uh hindering your ability to cognitively clean i'm gonna make it make sense you only complain when there is a sense of disillusion or paranoia which affects your ability to cognitively mentally hold on to the fact of your existential reality the stuff around you because you don't know in your heart if this is god or not that's why you complain i complain because the bill is behind and i don't know if god is testing me or the devil trying to break me so i'm immaturely complaining trying to see who gonna respond so what happens is whenever you are put in a test or a trial all right whenever you're putting a test or a trial or you're putting something that is uncomfortable when you are not spiritually mature enough to discern if this is god you complain because the immature side of you believes if i complain long enough god will show up i don't think you heard what i just said so like a baby i will holler til mama figure out what i need versus realizing evidently she said no because it's not good for me to have it i don't think you heard what i just said and too many of you are complaining because in your heart you really don't know if it's god or not so i'm i i complain about my husband cause i like him i'm not sure that's who god wanted me to be with so since i moved the head of god i'ma just talk about it not pray about it i'm heavy today y'all don't nobody like me today it's cool in the game i ain't here to beat you up i'm here to pick you up the only time you complain is when you feel that what you're going through isn't fair and you shouldn't be in it so you're complaining because you don't think you can get out of it when mature saints know if god put me in it god can get me out of it hear me when i say this as we tiptoe the numbers we see some serial complainers look at numbers it's right on your screen moses heard all the families standing in the doorway of their tents whining stay right there you missed your first shout i'ma say it again moses heard all the families standing in the doorways of their tents whining why y'all not show i'ma give you one more chance all right moses heard all the family standing i'ma say it slow in the doorway of their tents whining why are you not shouting how they go from bondage and slavery to now they own property how i go from being in jail sales bunked up to now each family got their own living quarters see you are complaining when you miss what god has done i don't think you heard what i just said right there so i want you to catch this they are standing in the doorway of their tents whining what are they whining about they are whining over manna [Music] they're hungry god sends them manna they get frustrated and start complaining many of us watch this and i want you to see slow down slow down mike slow down slow down i almost missed it slow down i got excited slow down they're complaining over manna manor represents provision i'm finna show you this is crazy they are standing out of slavery in freedom out of sales in their own tent this is the 21st century equivalent watch this watch this of getting out of jail and owning your own home not seeing your family being reconnected with your family watch this you get out on your own get hungry and god provide they're not just complaining over manna they're complaining over how god chose the blessing [Music] for many of you the greatest sin in your life right now is not who you sleeping with it's this unmitigated gall the unusual un unusual audacity to actually say to god subconsciously what you did ain't good enough it ain't good enough someone complain that's for every pastor who's mad because your stream don't have 2 000 people what you're saying is this 50 you sent me ain't good enough this for everybody who's so mad about where you work and what you have forget the fact you made bad choices forget the fact you're doing stuff you shouldn't be doing forget the fact you haven't possibly properly postured or positioned yourself for half the stuff you're praying for so god says i love you enough not to not let you starve i know you want to bentley but i'ma send you a honda and now you sitting at the dealership knowing your credit horrible and you should be shouting at the fact that you're driving off with something but now you say you know what i got a little honda imma just try this for two months cause it really don't match me no don't nothing you're right it don't match you because you shouldn't have what you got but god loves you enough he's i've never seen the righteous forsaken nor my seed they choose to complain moses heard all the families now his was critical there is no wasted ink in the bible right no wasted ink in the bible which means he heard all the families standing in the doorways of their tents whining let's look at every line here's my question when i get to heaven leslie when they say all the families are they're talking about the one out of everybody there he heard every family that was complaining or was all of them complaining i'm not sure that that's two different mindsets think about it i can say i saw all the people in service with blue jeans on that doesn't necessarily mean everybody in the room had on blue jeans it could mean i saw the ones in the room with blue jeans but there's a principle that i believe we can take and make applicable to our life when you hang around complainers we all get categorized together this is why i got to get certain people out my life because i don't want god to look down and say they ungrateful no negro hey i am grateful for what god has done for me now i want to take a 10 second praise break if you're not where you need to be but you know god has been good to you you ought to just thank god in type i am grateful for every mountain he brought me over i am grateful for every valley that he took me through i am grateful that my children are healthy i am grateful that sickness was in my body but i'm still alive i may not be a millionaire i may not be a hundred thousand there but with the 26 45 in my account i thank god i am grateful somebody shot i quit complaining he hurt all the families sit down here at all the families go back complaining in the doorways of their tents whining and look at this the lord became what angry the lord i wanna i wanna we're gonna go ver line by line precept my precept principle upon principle okay moses heard all the families standing in the doorways of their tents whining this is critical that's that is a bad posture to be in carlinis is cold-blooded if you've been in slavery and you've been in bondage and he got you out of bondage even if he didn't give you no food you should be thankful for the freedom [Music] i felt god on that that's for ten of y'all who didn't get the job you wanted just thank god you're still alive every morning we turn on the tv and somebody else dying from covenant i want to pause and parenthetically digress and send a word of prayer to that beautiful brother's family from alabama and a m who they found this week dead and i want to speak by faith that i'm praying for you and your family i'm praying that god keeps you that he covers you when you see these people coming up missing and here it is now every time you leave your house and go to the gas station and come back you ought to just say god i am grateful that is an ungrateful spirit that says to god what you did for me ain't enough so look at what it says moses heard all the families standing in the doorway of their tents whining and the lord became put the scene notes extremely angry moses was also very aggravated i want to examine those two two dispositions all right so dre if you don't mind put that on the screen uh the lord is extremely angry moses [Applause] very aggravated okay so dre i tell you what erase that okay so dre over here let's put the lower can you put it big draw a line of that all right all right all right put emotion okay emotion okay give me emotion the red face there it is boom he's extremely angry okay now come over here dre and let's put moses put moses and his emotion let's just put a mad face up there it is boom right see there so i i want to show you something so so the lord is ticked off moses is frustrated the lord is angry he ready to fight molds is just ready to go why are they not the same amount of mad because they didn't have the same amount of responsibility this is why people on my staff will never get as upset as me this is why certain people in your family and your team will never understand your level of anger because while you're mad they're just frustrated why pmj because they didn't produce [Music] yeah they got two different responsibilities god moses is aggravated like y'all still ain't happy god mad because he's like i just made it rain food here it is i did all this and y'all still complaining moses is like y'all don't see see there's a difference between who produces it and who reports it moses is an announcer god is the one doing the action and god says moses is aggravated because he actually thinks god is only mad at them being ungrateful about manna it's the law of perception or i want to call it the law of visibility based off of what you see put this thing knows and i want to teach my team to church everybody right here how to deal with the people in your life so james this was critical so so moses is aggravated because he's like y'all don't want to eat this god is angry because he's saying after all that this and that ain't the same moses is mad it's aggravated about this which is dinner god is frustrated about that which is his resume [Music] that's why i get frustrated personally that's where i get frustrated that's why many of you get frustrated i want you to see this moses is like i'm aggravated because y'all don't want to eat what he did today god is mad because of what he's been doing the rest of the days so so moses like i can't believe y'all going to eat that period god is like i bring you out of bondage i cross the red sea i kill your enemies i do all this now you want a trip cause this ain't what you want you don't want a trip cause i neglected you you want a trip because i ain't meet your preference that that's for seven of y'all who begging focus begging a spouse or begging somebody in a relationship but begging friends to stay in your life now hold on sometimes i'm not please put this on your nose please don't tell me you got amnesia see the heart an ungrateful heart has amnesia selective amnesia because they remember what they did for you they just don't necessarily remember what you did for them and god says i like this because we only view god sometimes as the blesser i like this particular text because now we get to see a side of god that the church runs from god is angry no this ain't cute god is angry not just angry the text says underline it extremely angry why bmj because i've done so much for y'all i should at least get a pass on dinner y'all miss what i just said don't nobody like me today don't nobody like me today don't nobody like me today i want to argue everybody who ain't shouting ain't shouting because i'm preaching about you so that all 7 of y'all who's sitting there like the sermon ain't good today cause i'm whipping you with your complaining self got the audacity to sit there cause god didn't do what you wanted him to do in august what about last september what about 2019 what about 2014 i am here to make an announcement that only grateful mature saints can receive god has been good to me this is why john p key said never shall forget what he's done for me and i come to submit to somebody you complain when you have selective amnesia here's what's crazy look at this look at this look at this look at this let's keep going look at this look at this all right so let's do this this is verse four the foreign rebel who were traveling with the israelites began to crave the good things of egypt they are complaining in freedom because they missed what they had in bondage they complaining how much about how much money they made in the streets versus making honest money on a corporate job they complaining because their wife ain't as nasty as who they dated in college [Music] because they're constantly comparing yesterday to today don't nobody have to like me that's the beautiful thing about virtual church if you leave i don't even know right now seven people just walked out of church i don't know i'm just here to tell you the truth for many of you it's what you remember that's gone dismembered [Music] it is what you remember that's gonna make you dismember what you have make this make sense pmj they begin to remember and crave that's a strong word crave crave looking at food thinking about something else craving the good things of egypt and the people of israel also began to complain oh for some meat i want you to catch this i want you to catch this i want you to catch this and if i had time and devotion leslie we'll talk about the foreign rabble we'll make sure we talk about the foreign rebel and devotees because that's a whole other topic right there that ain't necessarily the children of israel all right so that's a whole nother that's that's folk who rolling with them see nobody ever told you it wasn't just the children of israel right it's a mixed group [Music] some of y'all don't get in trouble because when you allow foreigners to get too close so the spirit of the foreigners got on the spirit of the familiars did you catch that so what happens pmj the foreign rebel who were traveling with the israelites began to crave good things of egypt and the people of israel also began to complain oh for some meat they exclaimed can i see verse 5 we remember the fish we used to eat for free in egypt paul's old complainer look at look at the ignorance and the immaturity the fish wasn't free you was paying for it in bondage and in labor and in pain you'll be surprised how many people are running to back to stuff they thought were free cause you don't realize what it really cost you this ain't free [Music] but when i used to go out with them i never had to pay you paid an emotional abuse you paid in soul ties you paid in doubt you paid in anxiety it's not free we remember the fish we used to eat for free in egypt and we had all the cucumbers melons leeks onions and garlic we want it this is what's critical it is impossible can i go deeper it is impossible to desire the food of egypt and not get the people of egypt see when you have not spiritually cut the ties to the past you the devil tricks you into making your appetite believe you can actually go back and get the parts you want without getting the part that hurt see the food was free the whips on your back is what you paid for and many of you gonna go backwards and get what you think you miss but what you're gonna have to pay for this [Music] so now look at this they get manna which is not what they want amanda they get manner which is not what they want but it's actually free all right can i free you go back to scripture go back to scripture and i got to stop i'm running out of time they had to catch fish [Music] they had to grow the vegetables they had to kill the meat manna comes from where so the food of the past represents what they worked for manna represents what was provided for him see this is why so many saints and so many christians miss what god is doing in their life here it is because you're so busy shouting over what you want cause you feel like you earned it you wanna know the difference between favor and working when i work i get what i earn favor is unmerited which means it's that which i did not work for i i gotta stop but our appetite but now our appetites are gone all we ever see look at this attitude is this manner put this in your notes complaining disrespects what god has done in the past when you complain you disrespect what god has done in the past that's crazy ain't it that's crazy jay boogie this is so crazy why because complainers eventually becomes friends with the past and enemies with the present complainers are friends with the past but enemies with the present complaining put this in those disregards what god is doing in the present [Music] y'all don't miss y'all missing this y'all missing this digging mcniel digging this mcniel i want to show you how crazy this is right here crazy how crazy this is all right you ready you ready all right you're you you say meat fish i just call it meat you say meat you say vegetables i want you to catch it okay ready go [Music] meat is what i see vegetable is what i grow mana watch this if i want to catch meat i see it coming if i want to grow vegetables i watch it come on while they're used to doing this and this god does [Music] i'm for them run that represents a season where blessings come from directions in places you didn't know they were coming from they're so busy complaining they don't even realize they're standing in a season of unexpected blessings jesus i claim seven people out of just type i receive that i am walking in a season of unexpected blessings god's about to use people i didn't even know to bless me i declare i'ma go to the mailbox and it be checks about stuff i didn't even know what's coming i declare and decree god's getting ready to put manna out of my i need somebody to just type man a man of manner manner is the thing i don't know what happened i don't know why but god sent it to my life and if he sent it to my life it may not look like what i think it should look like but it is just as substantive as what i'm used to manna represents god's pro-vision and when you complain we're saying that what the lord has given us is not enough [Music] mikey one of the best trainers in the city throw his instagram up right there mikey one of the best trainers in the city right there here's the problem with mikey if he's not careful if god sends mikey 20 clients then he gets on facebook and sees somebody with a whole shop and starts complaining and my clients ain't coming fast folk don't really want to work out man folks ain't really taking this folks saying folks folks what he's saying to god is you really don't know what's best for me or in other words well here it is god what you're done doing for me ain't enough i want to free somebody who's on a job you hate just quit god rather you quit then complain god god rather you quit then complain i would almost argue biblically i see a grace for you when you quit but indignation when you complain [Music] hear me when i say this guy and i i free like no no no i'm trying to help my church i'm not trying to beat you up i'm trying to pick you up what i'm trying to get you to realize is you like complaining around the people you're complaining about because they're complainers so all of y'all are pacifying each other sickness [Music] complaining distracts your present because it distorts your past [Music] i'm talking heavy today the children of israel started to reflect on their times as slaves in egypt they longed for slavery no pastor mike we wanted the food no you wanted the slavery i wanted the food no you wanted the slavery you think you wanted the food the food was a trap i was walking in a building the other day that we're looking at right we get on the second floor of the building and it has motion sensors lights when the lights come on we see rat traps all over the place right on every trap was peanut butter or some type of food if there is no food on the trap the rat will never be enticed to come the food is the trap grow grow your thinking what you're being fed is the trap because food ain't just physical which is why you call mess tea is something you can feed or drink so what are you being fed that's a trap to lure you out of position [Music] that's why i got to be careful who i'm around because complaining discounts what god said he would do in the future i want you to raise your hand put hands up in the comments say pastor you're talking to me in the comments i want to send i need a thousand twenty thousand hearts right here when i say the statement has god made you a promise if the answer is yes type yes put hearts in it right there has god hands up has god made anybody a promise can i ask you a question if what you have right now doesn't look like what he said when you complain you're calling god a liar can i free you real quickly god told you what he was going to do he never told you when he was going to do it the arrogant assumption that you can determine the wind is an insult to god [Music] if i was in charge of the win my career would have took off when i did my first ep at my daddy church if i was in charge of the win we would be like lakewood right now i would be at the bjcc doing what we was going to do if i was in charge of the wind i would be a multi-millionaire by now this entire apartment complex would call be faith-based housing i am not in charge of the wind i know the what i lean on the who cause i don't know why and i don't know when did you catch that you complain about the what because you're trying to control control you can train about the what because you're trying to control the wind because you still don't know why because at the core you don't trust the who your complaint ain't about the what it's about the who you're complaining about your husband it's about the who sent the husband and many of you are complaining about the who because when you move ahead of god what you get necessarily don't come from him so the residual effect of not waiting on god is manifested in the complaint so because you're complaining is the sin now the devil lured what you wanted the food to put you back in a place of complaining and the greek definition of complain is to become stuck complaining the manifested picture of complaining is this [Music] it is to be stuck it is to be stuck and what you're doing is sitting at home sitting at you sitting at your job sending your relationship complaining and god is saying number one did i tell you to do that if the answer is yes then move the question too if the answer is no my friend you got some hard decisions to make this is a heavy word today ain't it cause every time you doubt god's word you discredit god's worth every time you doubt god's worth you discredit god's worth that's why it takes so much for people to praise god in church it's hard for a natural complainer to be appraiser because they're always trying to be appraisers that's a bar and you missed it that was a bar and you missed it if we were rapping that's a bar and you missed it it's hard for a natural complainer i'ma put it on the screen real slow put it as i say it dre it's hard for a natural complainer to be a praiser because they're always trying to be an appraiser an appraiser always determines the value of something who in the heck are you to try to appraise what god has sent you when you are a complainer it is impossible for a whiner to be a worshiper it is impossible for a complainer to be appraiser because a complainer becomes an appraiser so what you do now is when god sends you a job you appraise it well it ain't the one i wanted and it ain't the money i needed but it's better than where i was so i give it a seven out of ten it's gonna be a sad day when you go to hell cause you complain too much you so busy judging who's sleeping with who and who took this and who did that when god in heaven like yeah yeah but they grateful yeah david slept with something he was a man after my own heart you ain't never happy what's the difference oh i see complaining is relatable so i don't want to hang with a prostitute but i go to dinner every week with complainers i don't want to hang with an addict i don't want nobody no i'm hanging with an addict drug addict or alcoholic but my whole family i love to barbecue because we just sit around and complain i'm addicted to the complaint oh my i am talking i need seven people to just type free me god right there if you're getting set free healed and delivered today i want you to overcome embarrassment i want you to overcome your flesh just say pastor you are helping me today god you are freeing me from being a serial complainer there are some seasons in my life where i complained about everything i ain't making enough money i wasn't happy this person didn't do this devil you are a liar god i want to pause number one and say i am grateful for everything that you've done number two i repent for the seasons where what you did for me was not enough for me now god give me another chance to praise you the way i should praise you i quit complaining complaining is contagious i'ma stop complaining i can keep going complaining is contagious it says the the foreigners started complaining so what happens now now the israelites begin to complain can i can i paint this picture can i use my own imagination my own imagination everybody hungry manna falls from the heaven i want to free you real quickly then one person say man i miss that fish and another person oh that fish it's sort of like it's sort of like dre it's sort of like life number life women life they're in jail then all of a sudden nobody say red rain ray ray what what's that that club you got there what clue somebody told my raise but oh he's on my boom boom yeah the bumbler and he said man i sure would like to see it when you get it up and parody and running and stuff like yeah realize it then claude say man don't nobody wanna hear about no rainbrook then the whole room said well man shut up what happened see that's how you should be doing folk in your family when the complainers speak up we should all attack see because when you allow the danger of being surrounded by complainers is that you become one complaining is contagious it is contagious this is why that's all they got go go to yeah man you should've saw it you should've saw who was in there last night who was in there last night right who's in who to tell me you got in there right there now just just think that can preach he says just just think and every person because they have faith began to position themselves in another man's vision where they saw themselves they positioned themselves in another man's vision so the same person he used to fight with at the door like right i got your security bernie says you know what i'll be on the piano other brother god bless them said i just sing in the choir then another person said i'll get in the back and serve then another person said you know what i'ma just eat and the whole dream is vision the whole dream is broken because another brother runs in there and says y'all go to bed i don't know none about no raise boom room a complaint snapped all them out of division complaining put this in your notes damages other areas of your brain as well research from stanford university has shown that complaining shrinks the hypocampus an area of the brain that's critical to problem solving and intelligent thought keep it right there so complaining is not only a sin it's deadly there are physical ramifications to being a complainer according to stanford university complaining shrinks i hope i get this word am i saying it right the hypo can't say it again hippocampus i'm so sorry thank you for all my medical field people the hippocampus just a little boy from menslee i saw hip-hop i said hyper i didn't know pray for me complaining damages your brain it shrinks the hippocampus what's the hippocampus an area of the brain that's critical for two things problem solving and intelligent thought when you become a serial complainer in the present it hinders what you solve in the future which is why you're in a circle because you complained about your last problem in your current problem which means it hindered your ability to get out of your future problem [Applause] hanging out with negative people is also as bad as hanging out with your own negative thoughts i'm teaching today i'm teaching today whether y'all want to receive it or not i am teaching today complaining put this in your notes i'ma stop rewires your brain for negativity just according to stanford complaining rewires your brain for negativity pessimism and unhappiness the human brain loves familiarity and efficiency so what you feed your brain it will settle for and seek more of it in other words the more you complain the more you make this the default mode of your brain's operation think about it even god said you know what i'ma just give you over to a reprobate as a man think of let's stop whining and worship is incompatible when you worship god what naturally flows out of you it's thanksgiving and praise so pastor mike how do i overcome complaining let's put this on your nose let's go fast number one decide to focus on solutions not problems i quit complaining number one decide to focus on solutions not problems complainers talk about how the problem makes them feel rather than actually fixing it the complaint is more about how you feel not how you can fix it so how do i stop being a complainer number one i decide to focus on the solution not the problem you don't have enough money that's the problem let's talk about the solution let's talk about the solution let's talk about the solution let's talk about the solution can i say this to you and put this in your nose guard your focus you have to guard your that's where i'm at in my life right now i'm guarding my focus certain means i'm not going to take is certain calls i'm not returning in certain places i'm not going i'm just not certain conversation i'm just not having i sink too hard and i gotta guard that did you catch that i sing too hard i've had to tell family members hey i i want to make it very clear i'm not avoiding you i'm just choosing not to talk to you that's how direct i am in my life now i'm not avoiding you i'm choosing not to talk to you it's not dirty it's healthy see dirty is based off of perception you're dirty when you put you first they're healthy when they put them first we call the truth being dirty we call a lie being clean i got out clean but when you tell them how you really feel they say you mean so what i am doing now is i am guarding my focus what you should be doing is guarding your focus why is that so critical that is so critical because oftentimes we are pulled down while god is trying to lift us up this is why nehemiah said i am engaged in a great work and i can't come down the more seasoned pastor mike doesn't see can't come down as physical because can i help you can i help you real quickly who does he say that to sound back to he says that to were they opposition he says to those who didn't have his vision who weren't on one accord with him i'm engaged in a great work and i can't wait y'all missed it y'all missed it y'all missed it y'all missed it why did they want him to come down they had set a trap for him right and they offered him to come down so they can wait come on scholars they wanted to talk to him if you just come down so we can discuss the wall but we're talking. you missed it we already in conversation why i got to come to your level to have the rest of it say what you want to say from there say what you want to say from there i don't have see we look at the text wrong i can't come down ain't just physical i can't come down spiritually i can't come down mentally i can't come down financially i can't come down emotionally that's coal jesus doesn't go in to get lazarus he calls him out i can't go in the tone prematurely because when i walk out everybody get up that's a whole nother message i'ma stop i'ma stop i'ma stop number one decide to focus on solutions not problem number two discover faith partners having the right people in your circle helps challenge your perspective because your crowd impacts your clarity your clarity impacts your conversation put that on the screen for him please because your crowd impacts your clarity your clarity impacts your conversation all right make it real clean i'm gonna say it one more time your crowd underlying crowd impacts your clarity how clearly you see and think and your clarity impacts your conversation kurt odell it's so cold-blooded a lot of what people say isn't their thought it's their circle that's why if you listen to people talk long enough you can tell who they hang around that's why now i talk to certain people like you need to change your team now what you mean that ain't you talking that's you what you've heard that that's who you're around i gotta stop i gotta stop i gotta stop i gotta stop how you say it it's based off of how you see it i'm gonna free you i'm gonna show you how your language is important odell you ready for this you ready for this we have but 50 people there that's a complainer we have but 75 people there you want to hear somebody who don't complain it was close to 100 in a room man see complaining is about tonality tonality i was working with my brother and pastor hollis today uh i was writing the sermon was working on the sermon and i had to teach him and i looked at my brother i said you say some of the coldest stuff i ever heard in my life these one-hitters i said for the next six months i want you working on tonality i said because you say good stuff but sometimes i don't know if you're ending it with a period or a question mark or a comment it just stops abruptly and i had him doing exercise i had him do an exercise that's all right so i think the job was uh i can't remember the phrase i told you it's in the car all right so i want to work on tonality okay so say it's in the car okay you say it's in the car okay give me another tonality say it's in the car okay you say it in another way it's in the car okay so it's attitude i want to show you i'm going to say it for this tonality it's in the car it's in the car it's in the car it's in the car it's in the car tonality is important a lot of you are complaining because of how you see and it impacts what you say how you see it determines how you say it i mean i got a little promotion then why take it then why take it then why take it if you'd have miserable leave if what god is giving you ain't enough go be your own gyro i gotta stop number three do what you can trust god to do what you can't we have a choice either make complaints or make confessions which one you're going to do a complaint is when you talk to god about the problem a confession is when you trust god with your problem so i want to say this today make a complaint it's okay god i'm beyond i don't like my situation i don't like it i don't i don't like it god i can't do it just don't let it become a cycle repetitious god only said jesus said one time why have you forsaken me he didn't say why are you forsake me when he's getting beaten when he first looked god if you if it be right he will let this cup pass from me and he got himself together nevertheless i want you to do three things and we're done when you feel complaint coming over you complaining i'm sorry i want to make sure i fix that there's nothing wrong with a complaint the problem is when you become a complainer and complaining ing is important ing is impo it's it keeps going and because it keeps going it becomes who you are complaining burst a complain or you're not a contractor because you fix one thing you're a contractor cause you fix many things and you plan on being that in the future i gotta stop number three number three paul i'm sorry this is what i want you to do when you leave pause pray pursue gratefulness that's it that's what we're doing this week when you feel like you're about to start complaining i want you to pause think about what god has done already pray god i just want to thank you for what you've already done i want to make sure my spirit and my mind and my heart is right then number three pursue gratefulness just thank him did i bless anybody today did i bless you today man look at me i quit we talked about quitting excuses man it's time to get up out of that excuse and be all god called you to be but now as we evolve it's time to quit complaining because for many of you you're going to get over your excuse it's your complaint that's going to restrain your complaint is going to become a restraint hear me when i say this guy's going to be opening doors you know i know just or just be honest about what you don't want be honest about what you don't feel like now my god i thank you but that right there i'm gonna make a disorder i don't feel like that's god's will for my life and stand on it here's the problem and i mean it's from the bottom of my heart if you feel like something isn't god's will for your life you can't in turn force the people around you to make it work to make it prove you were right you can't concoct and scheme a plan to make your plans right and god's will wrong so we got to make sure we're in the will of god man so i love you today i mean it's from the bottom of my heart man they told me 250 plus people prayed with us last week and i want to thank everybody there those who pray on the weekly blazes and to my prayer team who i trust wholeheartedly to pray when i do things like that i make sure i call in my tristans and my tiffany's and my colleagues my journeys why because two days a week they'll come shut down in the church and meet somewhere and really pray because prayer isn't just communication with god when i call people in that spiritual warfare you don't know what demonic attacks may happen on the call you don't know if if something's gonna break loose and it's making sure you have people that i personally trust to be able to make sure that happens i mean that i want you and look at your pastor when i say this to make sure you are doing inventory about you in the words of miss key my second grade teacher from central park elementary while you're busy pointing this speaker there are three more pointing back at you while you're busy finding the problem in them you could be searching your heart for what's wrong with you i don't want you to have excuses and i don't want you to be a complainer somebody type i'm coming out better i'm coming out stronger i'm coming out wiser here's the best one oh my god i'm coming out freer lord erase my appetite for yesterday that's a cold prayer erase my appetite because it is impossible to feast on yesterday without the bondage of yesterday's people and i want you to be free from all things that god is not doing in your life was that all right today all right so look you guys know i love you thank you so so much we've been rocking on devotion i'm gonna have pastor hollis in the team do something i was praying today uh and they just they're doing such an incredible job with our tech stuff uh they even got on our youtube page where the youtubes are broke down in series so what we're gonna do with some of these devotions i've been doing for this current series we're gonna catalog them right there they won't be when you first click so it's not junky it'll be in a called devo energy and we may group all of them right there then boom group all over i want to pause again and thank everybody who's been doing devotion for the last year and a half waking up at six o'clock seven seven o'clock doing that can we praise god for them i'm excited i'm excited i'm excited while i got you here can you do me a favor i want to celebrate pastor chan i'm looking this camera right here pastor chan you are my beloved son in whom i am well pleased i am so proud of how you have handsomely navigated this pandemic the transition from you to from your father to you how i'm seeing you grow how i'm seeing you evolve i'm peeking in on sundays watching your word brother you are taking that church to another level i speak well wishes and blessings over you eyes have not seen ears have not heard neither has it entered the hearts of men the great things you have in store for him and his ministry happy anniversary do me a favor at his church i know you guys are watching this put some money in his cash out bless him make sure you sow into his life because i believe if you honor the head the cup will run over i'm excited i'm proud of you i know you're watching so i love you so much roc city listen man guys doing some incredible things i don't want you to miss out on it make sure you download the app i'm talking more than i ever talked because i got it every night and check the engine light download the app there are so many sermons that if you go back we'll bless your life all right here it is i'ma reheat it whenever i call a reheat check that's like some good soul food throw it back in the microwave there is a series that i would love for you to go watch entitled focus please go re-watch focus but what we're doing now is going to bless your life to my family and refocus i have a revolt on my hands pastor mike you ain't did refocus in two months well i wanted a break forgive me for being like you i wanted a break after all we were doing with church after everything we were doing musically after me having to do stellars and xyz i just didn't feel like doing it the same way you lie and call your job and say you sick and you have to get on the phone and say hey y'all y'all know i'm not going to be in where we going to eat after i just needed a break but get ready in october it's coming fast it's coming rapid it's coming intense we're taking it to another level i am so excited to all of you who i've been meeting with i am so excited about it we're gonna keep chopping through that number let's get ready for what god is doing i love you so much i'm praying for you and i will see you next week right here at rock city stay tuned for a couple announcements and we'll see you next week let's give god a hand clapping praise right there come on oh wow what a word if that word blessed you go ahead and put the fire emoji in the comments so that word was for me that word was for me that word was for me i hope it has blessed you and challenged you as i'm sure it has as pastor mike always does every single week let's continue to lift up our man again you know the visionary the our head the shepherd of this house continue to lift him up in prayer keep him on the prayer list because we know that uh anytime you're anointed the anointing attracts attacks and the devil don't like the the kingdom business is being happy it's happening through rock city and through pastor mike that's right but i will say there's no weapon come on don't start listening shall be able to prosper around pastor mike first lady and the entire family and for you as well right and so even with that and thinking about just that connection um you know i love this theory so much because it talks about how it's time for us to stop doing some things so that god can start doing some things and i believe that god even now in this moment is doing a new thing that old things are passed away and so if you feel a tug at your heart listen thinking not strange that is god he is trying to tell you something and so come on home y'all you can text one word that's called the 28950 there is also a link that should be somewhere on your screen that you can now take so we have our elders our ministers and intercessors that are on standby and we just want to pray with you we want to touch and agree with you um as you make this next move your best move yes absolutely and family maybe you're blessed and of course we're able to bless so many people all over the world because of your generosity because of your support uh and if you're giving today we have several ways you can do it cash out is money sign the rock city that's the money sign the rock city and also text again that's right you can text iraq and the amount to 28950 or you can visit the website yes absolutely now tomorrow morning don't forget we are going back into the word of god i can do that but no tomorrow morning 7 21 a.m central standard time we're going to study the word of god together and just take this word that we got today and find out how we can apply it to our daily lives i enjoy doing this with you yeah i like what people being here the lord may not come when you want them but he's always right we love y'all see you next week peace [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Rock City TV
Views: 18,832
Rating: 4.9532909 out of 5
Id: Z7iVc02TMSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 10sec (4030 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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