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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we only got about two seconds left for this moment but I didn't come to play no games with the devil today I don't know about anybody else but I came to give God glory today look at your neighbor's head net but I don't know what kind of day is gonna happen but one thing I know for sure it's gonna be announced tomorrow come again let's 11 okay on this one right here this is a hand waving road there's nothing stopping road this is a hallelujah road but 30 seconds can you just open up your mouth and get chisa the château crap [Applause] go to eat Fletcher hold anything can we just lift up my hands before we receive communion we just want to set the atmosphere can everybody just give Jesus your worship come on open up your mouth today come on everybody just open up your mouth this morning every heart those of you that are watching this morning we don't want to leave you out you're part of this experience come on have an encounter with God in your house in your car on yourself I'm on you yeah I've had your computer come on everybody let's just worship Jesus shall hold sprays it y'all your everybody let's knit that brace let your whole but come on [Music] everybody said mighty warriors head just one more time let's raise it up Jehovah is your name [Music] come on let's raise another family y'all everybody's hanging [Music] he's mighty mighty mighty buddy's head please so we know he's got it up in his hand [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now just lift her hands everybody and let's just be gonna invoke the presence of God in the house today somebody declare his name somebody might say Jehovah Jehovah Jireh Jehovah Nissi Jehovah think anew Jesus Rose of Sharon anybody grateful for the blood of Jesus today I don't know who I'm talking to in the houses had anybody grateful for the blood of Jesus is anybody grateful for the blood of Jesus I'm grateful for his blood his blood cleanse me his blood washed me his blood redeem me if you're grateful for the blood of Jesus somebody oughta lift up your brains the day glory to God glory to the lamb of God [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh save yours [Music] only one slain so I can't see the the braids I am who chase away my sea oh Jesus washes me [Music] the blood of Jesus for me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on would you celebrate our Savior for his sacrifice that while we were yet sinners he died for us because our music ministry continues to lead us in worship would you take a moment for introspection just to re-evaluate your life to consider what are the things that you need to change in November what it is that you need to bear God's forgiveness for for October knowing that every time you come to the communion table God is giving you an opportunity to press the refresh button this is not the moment for you to turn to your neighbor it's the tenth time for you to turn with in and really recalibrate how can I be a better Christian in November how can I live a life that is pleasing under God how can God consecrate every fiber of my being that I yield back to hear my thoughts my words and my deeds [Music] what a sacrifice [Music] save my life yes the blood eat is my what a snack why's that save my life yes love it is my for it reaches to the high [Music] yes man [Music] [Applause] and it blows to the lowest [Music] [Applause] [Music] that gives me strength from day [Music] to day it will [Applause] oh [Music] how I love Jesus [Music] Jesus because [Music] hey I worship and adore you Cory to tell you [Music] if your loved one before [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're mindful that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us you'll be overwhelmingly grateful that this is our 11th time this year afforded the benefit and the blessing of celebrating sacred communion be a thankful for Savior that died for you would you give God glory for that now [Music] and on the night that he was betrayed they come and dear to all of the disciples into a small hovel of a room and he pulled out a loaf of bread he extended it in front of all of them and he broke it said this is my body that is broken for you would you open up the first level of your receptacle take that way for out if you lift it above your head and right in your hands would you just break it in your hand that's what the enemy thought he was gonna do to you in October thought he was gonna break you thought you were gonna crack thought that you were not gonna keep it together but the hand of God is resolutely on your life and because of his sacrifice we still remain would you please take a knee ever so carefully pulling back the second level of your receptacle Jesus in the presence of the disciples called out a flask of wine he lifted it up and he said this is my blood it is shared for you I want you to know that alcoholism control substances Odie's move and shift to a spike from November until January 15th people who are trying to escape from their trouble from their trauma from their issues and from their pain but I'm gonna say to every person who is connected to us today that what's in your hand is the only drink you gonna need what can wipe away your sins nothing but the blood of Jesus what can make us whole again nothing but the blood of Jesus theologians coined the expression transubstantiation transubstantiation suggests everything that's in the blood is now in this cup and i believe it for you i believe it for your family i believe it for your health for the blood that was shared for sinners like you and me will you please take and drink the disciple said master we got some difficult days ahead in the moments that we can't feel you that we can't see you how are we pray it is in that moment that he taught them the Lord's Prayer let's pray together the Lord's Prayer our Father [Music] amen would you hug three people you don't know and tell them a new season is coming a new season [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on this great written up day I'm honored to serve before you as your elders over the litany for today so as soon as they place it up on the screens we'll begin well I'll read the leader portion you'll read the people portion and we will complete the people portion together would you please stand for the reading of the litany I am a part of the Fellowship of the unashamed I have Holy Ghost power the die has been cast I am stepped over the line the decision has been made I am a disciple of Jesus Christ I won't look back let up slow down back up or be still I no longer need preeminence prosperity position promotions plaudits or popularity I do not have to be right first tops recognize praised regarded or rewarded I now live by faith lean on the Lord run with patience lift by prayer and labor by the Holy Ghost power I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice hesitate in the presence of the adversary negotiate at the table of the enemy ponder at the pool of popularity or meander in the maze of mediocrity I won't give up shut up let up until I have Stata stored up Breda paid up worked up for the cause of Christ I am a disciple of Jesus Christ I must go till he comes give till I drop teach all I know and work till he stops me and when Jesus comes he will have no problem recognizing me because he'll remember I was the one he gave power to walk in your power and authority Jesus name Amen let's pray father we grateful Lord we come before you thankful look I've come before you with confidence Lord got excited about this day log I thank you for your power that you put inside of us no God and father guy we lift your name on high low gaan we just celebrates you on this Sunday morning the first Sunday in November Lord we thank you for 11 months father God and we've seen father God and we're grateful forward father we're grateful for the peace the joy we think before the love that you've put inside our bodies father guy we're thinking that you've covered our homes Lord God you've covered our children our families little guy and we think you that you've covered our communities and our cities Lord God by your blood we thank you and we honor you forward Lord God your blood that has shielded us Lord God that has covered us that has kept us father God that has kept other directions of ways that we shouldn't go and log how you pulled us back into the right thing and the right we love you care for us father God and for that we say thank you Lord God now Lord God we thank you for our church family father guy thank you for every member father got physical president Lord God and even though streaming online right now Lord God thank you for wherever they are look at you are their father God you are there in the midst in their hearts and our minds and our body in our spirit Lord God thank you Lord God that we are empowered we are strengthened and we are evoked Lord God to do the best that we can for your kingdom Lord God we are your hands Lord God we are your feet father God we where the mind of Christ father God and we walk in your truth this day Lord God and we thank your holy spirit for you are in this place father God you are ever-present Lord God and king of glory we say come in father God King of glory have your way Lord God King of glory be glorified this day thy kingdom come Thy will be done father God in this place that God we lift up our pasture Lord God dr. chabaud Brian we thank you for his hands his mouth look out his feet lord I thank you that you cover and anointed his head with all father God we think about you the anointing father God it runs down his beard into his body Lord God and unboxed us Lord got your people father and we thank you look out that you can trust it him father guy for this hour for this time Lord and we bless you for his family father God we thinking that your nursery thing and care for them right now Lord God thank you look at that the peace that surpasses all understanding that it guards their hearts and their minds in Christ Jesus and not God we lift you and magnify your father and we say thank you and we say hallelujah in Jesus name we pray amen good morning I am here to just welcome everyone this morning with the time that we call past the peace so we're going to give a little bit of instruction this morning I want everyone to definitely hug some folks maybe three November 3rd 3 is the Trinity and we're going to do our thief but we definitely want to welcome our virtual guests our virtual streamers our virtual family members and you can work and do the virtual Aussies as well so what I would like for you to do is to go ahead and take a selfie of yourself streaming the service today your hussy will be multitudes our Aussies will maybe be 2 or 3 so with that being said let's pass the ps3 and get those up season hashtag them to hashtag new birth now [Music] he's intentional intentional [Music] he's intentionally never belly [Music] I don't have to worry cuz is what it didn't for me yep it's working for me it's working everybody lived in upset [Music] [Music] [Applause] there will be [Music] let's the load if you believe it's working for you come on give God some praise [Music] you may be seated would you smile with all the teeth you got left come on smile act like you happy to be here act like you're happy to be in the presence of the Lord hallelujah how many of you were excited to come to church today [Music] how many of you know one of the signs that God loves you is he gave you an extra hour to sleep today that was just a sign how much God loves you a new birth I can't tell you how proud of you I am on how proud we ought to be last night a new birth we were recognized by the n-double-a-cp as the church of the year come on come on y'all know to celebrate it [Music] the n-double-a-cp thanks new birth for providing ethical moral and religious values guidance and services to the community and making a difference outside of the sanctuary I want you to celebrate come on come on [Music] let the works we've done let's speak for us I'm just amazed at how God has unwaveringly unapologetically blessed our church this year 2019 new birth you ought to be clapping your hands that you were able to rescue Vinnie College this year come on give God some praise that for two weeks you were able to feed furlough workers come on give God praise that you were able to bail out nonviolent offenders come on you were able to provide 5,000 pairs of shoes to young people in this community you were able to feed those in housing projects over spring break would you give God Thanksgiving for all that he has done just on last week we were able to give her access to young people in this community access to 41 million dollars worth of college scholarships and y'all not excited about it come on come out [Music] whenever somebody talks about what churches are not doing don't get offended don't fight don't argue cuz clearly they're not talking about new birth when you know your church is representing the kingdom of God in the earth I need you to celebrate God right now celebrate them [Music] [Applause] [Music] none of that even entails what it is that we were able to do for the Bahamas after Hurricane Dorian I hope that you are excited to know that we have extended over to the Bahamas over $200,000 come on somebody give God a Handclap appraised we sent four cargo planes are over to the island to be able to be a relief and support for those who found themselves at victimized by a natural disaster and we're grateful under God that God would equip us to do it but November is a significant season why because agriculturally this is the time of harvest it is the time of harvest this is the time that everything that you have sold begins to reveal itself y'all didn't hear what I just said everything that you have planted begins to blossom I need somebody to shout out loud it's harvest time is that this is the season I'm going to be able to reap because I did not faint I don't know how many of you had a rough year a trying year a challenging year but how many of you believe in this month God is gonna give back to you everything that you poured out everything that you invested everything that you sold everything you gave getting ready to come back to you 20 40 60 80 a hundredfold blessing is coming to heal your life we've got ample evidence ample evidence as we look around our sanctuary to see how God has popped up around us living testimonies that we have never seen the righteous forsaken or their seed begging for bread look at the person next to you tell them it got tight for me look at him telling me got tight for me but I still hate every day I had some difficult days but there were still a roof over my head I had to struggle a little bit but my children were taken care of this is the sound in the side of those who know my first-hand account that it pays to serve Jesus you don't believe that I said it pays to serve Jesus I want us collectively because we have modeled the end exercise our faith out loud I'm telling you who couldn't serve a god like our God on one Sunday we challenge you to raise $500,000 on one Sunday and by the grace of God we were able to close in at seven hundred and eighty thousand dollars all come on somebody ought to be shouting about that so God is all the glory dude and we give it over to him to that em they ought not be a rough Pole there shouldn't be a hippie negotiation it shouldn't be the lost episode of let's make a deal every time you have an opportunity to give when you have seen firsthand well God has afforded your church to do over the course of this year you ought to be zealous to give you ought to be excited to give you should be tackling the ushers trying to get passed up give me my envelope I got to give something to God I just to let them know how grateful it is that I am I'm gonna challenge you we're gonna finish this year strong I'm gonna challenge every single single one of you to secure an envelope in your possession those of you who are part of our streaming family we're thankful under God for you we're appreciative last week I was invited to go to Facebook headquarters in California because new birth is one of the lead viewers of streamers on all of Facebook as a religious influencer come on somebody give God a hand clap of praise they sat down with your pastor and 15 other social media influencers on how it is that they can better optimize their partnership with the faith community and I wanted them to know that we are one week away one year away today a year from now today we're getting a new president of the United States are y'all a happy about that a year today we've made a commitment new birth that we're going to register 2,000 new boaters to go to the polls in the presidential election somebody give God Hank leper praise this coming Tuesday is elections ask that all of you would be mindful that all politics is local if you have not registered to vote please I need you to do all that you can we've got some great people who we want to push who we want to influence who we want to strengthen their hands so that they can be our voices in the high places I want you to please get that seed in your hand why cuz you believe in the vision of this house because you see God's hand moving in this house cuz you sitting alongside people on your wrong who are testimonies about what the favor of God can do some of you all don't know it but a few people in the room understand that sometimes favor is better than Finance I can't hear nobody that even when I didn't have the finances my favor kicked in we are a tithing church hymn because we're typing Church we give what percent of our income to God come on talk back to me what percent last week you earn raise you were given a thousand dollars how much you giving in church today come on come on how much you give it bless the Lord can a man Rob God yes at other churches but not at new birth Amen because we are accountable to what it is that God has given to us if in fact you want to give electronically you can partner with us through your debit card you can give through gibla fire text to give paypal you can I don't know no that ain't PayPal what is that push to pay yes please don't give on PayPal I don't know where that money is going amen push pray are as well as you can give on Gibbler or on our secure website at new birth or I've given you enough and ample time out to be able to write your check for a million dollars I know you were trying to steady your hand amen don't write their check if it ain't going clear now amen but I want you to please that give on this day Albert Einstein said that the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing expecting different results how many of you want something different from God in November than what you got in October well if you want something different you gonna have to do something different so you want to be in competition with yourself that you were giving more in November then you gave in October lift up that gift above your head repeat after me Lord thank you for what you did last year for what you did last month for what you did last week for what you did yesterday but the seed in my hand is an expectation for what you're gonna do before Thanksgiving gets here amen bless the Lord our archers are going to serve you after they would have passed your role if you'd like to sow your seed for yourself as is the culture of our church you are able to do that after they would have passed your role as that you will give your attention to our screens for our morning announcements those of you that are viewing around the world as that you will partner with us I want to thank those of you who are part of our cyber family those of you who are part of our online community those of you who are out virtual worshipers as that you were please please please I get your gift and ask that you would give no matter where it is that you're viewing from give your attention to the screen for the morning announcements [Music] video announcements we're collecting new and gently used winter coats for our homeless population please begin bringing coats and placed them in the bins around the church beginning Sunday October 27th through November 17 you don't want to miss it Sunday November 10th it's throwback Sunday join us for our worship at 9:30 a.m. as we celebrate the old school church with our special musical guests the incomparable Dottie peoples and Tuesday November 12th is throwback Tuesday where our guest speaker will be Telus Chapman and for the month of November you don't want to miss the powerful new series from dr. Jamaal Harrison Bryant don't get it twisted ministry for the misunderstood and don't forget to pick up your copy of the November Book Of The Moth judged the value of being misunderstood stop by the call to conquer bookstore today so in the call to book store imaginary Murphy and the Dream Center will join us for a special Thanksgiving service Tuesday November 26 7:30 p.m. don't miss it join us for our Kwanzaa Plaza Expo November 29th through December first in our family Life Center this is your opportunity to circulate dollars within the black community while empowering everyone to shop locally please visit new birth or to register as a vendor that's all this time new birth [Music] bless the Lord come on give God a hand clap of praise if every gift and for every Giver I ask that you would please keep the family of our brother Micah Stampley in prayer as you know a couple of weeks ago he served as leading us in praise and worship and then within 48 hours his daughter transition went on to be with the Lord after having a seizure in her sleep I ask that you would please pray for that family that homegoing celebration is tomorrow at Bishop Dale Bronner's church as that you will please keep them lifted and to keep them covered I've got to do this those of you who are celebrating birthdays in November would you stand you're celebrating a birthday [Applause] [Music] as that you'll remain standing for just one moment November is a special month for me as both my sister and my daughter Grace's birthday on the same day tomorrow on all of these wonderful people who are standing we are excited about your future I can't get to all of you but but new birth if there's somebody standing near you would you embrace them and tell them better is coming embrace them tell them better bless the Lord I am excited I am excited that this coming Saturday is popcorn winter pasture this coming Saturday is popcorn with the pasture we're taking over the movie theater on Saturday to go see an incredible movie about Harriet Tubman those of you who have not heard about it just came out on Friday Media Minister can we run that clip now of that film if you'll help me please [Music] many you don't know slavery firsthand I've hardly groans see the tears we can't just wait for war [Applause] I'm Harriet Tubman I would get every last drop of blood in my veins to freedom in trouble complex you'll be ready so what I'm doing what I gotta do go wherever I gotta go must cost slavery is deep Liberty a death I want all of you that Kenan will we've got tickets available immediately after service in our call to conquer bookstore as well as with the O people called the vestibule amen amen the new generation say is in the lobby amen so asset you please secure tickets but we want new birth to rolling in the theatres strong on Saturday at 2 o'clock it's gonna be absolutely amazing our music ministry is coming to prepare our hearts our minds and our spirits for the word of God would you take one moment your phone is already on would you please go to that phone for just one moment I want you to invite somebody to come and worship with us today we're streaming live at new Bertha org or they can find us on our Facebook page at new birth Atlanta there's somebody you know who needs this word it needs this word I'm beginning a new series today called don't get it twisted ministry for people who have been misunderstood has anybody in the room ever been misunderstood anybody in the room ever being misunderstood I'm telling you this month is going to be riveting it's going to be compelling it's gonna be life-changing on Tuesday I want you to join me to be a part of what God is doing I am going to be teaching all month long in November about scriptures that we've been quoting wrong it got quite as scriptures we have quoted wrong and scriptures that don't mean what we think they may I need you to come I need you to come on Tuesday at 7:30 I'm telling you your mind is going to expand your heart is gonna be healed in so many areas I'm telling you by ously of course a new birth has the best Bible study of anybody on the planet I want to thank all of our volunteers all of our workers all of our staff who participated on Tuesday for our harvest festival our harvest festival was absolutely amazing I hope you'll clap wouldn't mean that we brought in from the community 2,000 young people were here on our campus on Tuesday we're thankful and we are grateful would you invite somebody update your social media page let people know where it is that you are drop your location that you are sitting in the sanctuary of a new birth whoever we're the last three people who text you text them back please don't bother me I'm in church right now and you can watch the word right now at new birth dot org we're excited about what God is gonna do if you believe that God is gonna speak to you today give God a hand clap of praise now [Music] the only [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh gee we read brush your [Music] teeth we brush [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see [Music] see [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh y'all don't love him come out bless the Lord you may be seated [Music] if you're happy and you know it clap your hands [Music] [Applause] bless the Lord [Music] come on you might as well shout it out [Music] [Music] [Music] come on - ah [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on just make one shout just give him one shout [Music] come on everybody [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on clap your hands you may be seated for just one moment give me just a little bit more Eric thank you you may be seated in route to our election day on Tuesday [Music] [Applause] [Music] in route to election day on Tuesday I wanted to pause and take a point of personal privilege just to express my appreciation for our mayor being here today Mayor Jason lirik mayor of Stonecrest won't you please stand give God a hand clap of praise for him elder Barbara Hall where you elder Barbara Hall where you are you she's a member of new birth she's running for Stonecrest City Council come on give God some praise for her [Music] sister Cindy Thomas where you sister Cindy Thomas won't you police stand she's running for mayor of Lithonia come on give God a Hank Leppa praise for her dr. Diane Adamo where you dr. Diane she's running also for mayor of Stonecrest give God a hand clap of praise for her and now would you clap your hands for Jesus who's running to be king of kings he's Lord of Lord he don't need no election I want to challenge you as you very well know we believe in subscribe here at our church that readers are leaders to then in that we have a book every month that we read to collectively as a church I'm gonna challenge you to get this book judged the value of being misunderstood the value of being misunderstood our call to conquer bookstore has it in stock today as the Tewa please please pick it up would you help me thank God for the chair of our board brother Tommy dortch's here today give God a hand clap of praise for him secure your Bibles go with me to Genesis chapter 18 we have some gifted people in our church as that your stand some gifted people our own brother Palmer Williams jr. has written produced direct directed and they're starring in his own comedy stage play entitled for the love of it's gonna be held at the Porter Sanford Performing Arts Center tickets are in the bookstore as to do a please support our very own we're excited about the doors that God is opening for members of our church and you ought to support them because when God opened your door you don't want somebody to support you amen our vendors if you've not already done so we need you to please it register for our Kwanzaa festival we are transforming our Sampson's gym into a 100% black run shopping mall it's gonna be filled with a minority vendors up for thanksgiving weekend and vendors are coming in literally from across the state of georgia and so we want to make sure that our own are a part of it our friends at family you've got relatives that are coming in for the holidays please don't take them to linux please don't take them to Perimeter amen don't take them to FIPS bring them right to how Kwanzaa Plaza that Thanksgiving weekend we're gonna be open Friday Saturday and Sunday we've got to start circulating our dollars in our community somebody say Amen all of the black entrepreneurs shout hallelujah Genesis chapter 18 Genesis chapter 18 qala off the hook today thank you y'all are doing the doggone thing Genesis chapter 18 I want to highlight if I can verses 12 through 15 Genesis 18 verses 12 through 15 Lord speak in this place talk to us we yearn to hear your voice change something he or something kill something seeing your name we pray amen Genesis 18 verses 12 through 15 so Sarah laughed to herself as she thought after I am worn out and my husband is old can I still have pleasure then the Lord said Abraham why did sell laughs and say well I really have a child now that I am old is anything too hard for God I need you to look at the person beside you and ask them that question is anything too hard for God I will return to you at the appointed time next year and Sarah will have a son Sarah was afraid so she lied and said I did not laugh but he said yes you did laugh you may be seated beginning our new series today that I'm gonna be preaching on throughout the entire month of November don't get it twisted about being misunderstood in Genesis 8 verse number 12 Sarah laughed to herself because she didn't think at this stage in her life she would still have pleasure the Lord wanted to know what you laughing for Sarah said I ain't laugh and the Lord said to her stop lying I heard you he did laughs I want to preach for a little while this morning using as a subject I'm not trying to be funny I'm not trying to be funny recently in the midst of my travels I slipped into an empty theater to cast a glance at one of the most discussed films of this year the Joker it serves as a mythical historic prequel on the background of Batman's archrival all intensive purposes it was an expose on the mental health crisis in America and how society woefully under serves those who are psychologically overwhelmed however they are layers of trauma that went grossly unaddressed in this cinematic presentation from being raised by mother who suffered from gross delusions navigating being an infant who is abstracted from his home due to endangerment how never being told that he was adopted until he was 30 being misled about his paternal lineage imagining relationships that never existed his medication was eliminated and counseling was no longer offered strangely with a twist of irony the only job that he seemed to qualify for was that of being a / colleagues who were in the same craft extended no sympathy from his supervisor and beaten by bullies in the street his only comfort came from holding a gun and all of this from the experience of a white male who otherwise would be extended privilege how much greater is the burden for black people who have psychological trauma when only 11% of us have access to medical insurance only one out of three get the care that they are needed in the area of mental health the millon aided in America who suffer from schizophrenia bipolar disorder and PTSD are more likely to be incarcerated than to be cared for not to mention the surge and disproportionate autism found in our children connected clearly two shots of vaccination the stigma stigma assigned to them in sanctuaries schools and families giving them further alienation where no where can they find comfort or a circle of safety laughing at them talking about them running away from them is both inhumane and unchristian romans twelve and two reminds us we are transformed by the renewing of our minds the Lord arrested me this week those of you who have a family member who is suffering from psychological trauma whether that schizophrenia is bipolar chronic depression or PTSD would you just lift that hand right where it is that you sit or even if it's you yourself while contending with those issues if every person with lifted hands even those of you who are streaming virtually I plead the blood over your family members who are being stopped with mental distress I declare and decree that every resource that is needed for their balance and for their mental equilibrium will be released into their life I declare and decree over every lifted hand that serves proxy for a family member who is battling for their sanity that the Grace and the peace of God will visit them before this month comes to a conclusion and those of you who shared that level of faith and believe here it is that God is a mind regulator would you give God Thanksgiving in advance [Applause] come on you can do better than that I need you to clap cause it's a Burnout mother near you there's a frustrated father near you there is a disturbed wife near you would you give God praise for them they need to know that they are in a sanctuary of support of people who are not idling them judging them or ostracizing them but we stand in the gap with them believing there is nothing too hard for our God early on in the film before the Joker completes his precipitous fall there's a scene of him on public transportation sitting in front of him is a blacked-out ler with his mother and the joke is performing antics that keep the child engaged and entertained the hard-working black mother who is obviously annoyed turns and tells him curtly please cease all interaction with my child and this he burst out laughing hysterically which further infuriates the mother she asked him candidly are you laughing he then hands the mother a card that says forgive my laughter I have a condition and on the back it's printed it's a medical condition causing sudden frequent uncontrollable laughter that doesn't match how I feel this can happen to people with a brain injury or certain neurological conditions and people who really don't understand your plane had misappropriated your emotion just because I'm laughing don't mean stuff is funny sometimes I'm laughing cuz I'm frustrated sometimes I'm laughing cuz I'm trying not to cry sometimes I'm laughing so I don't cuss sometimes I'm laughing to give you time to correct your story sometimes I'm laughing to myself because you think I'm stupid [Applause] in the documentary in the documentary entitled beyond laughter in tears a journey of hope it chronicles those afflicted with pseudobulbar affect also known as PB a pseudo pole bar effect is resident in nearly 2 million citizens it's exhibited by frequent involuntary bouts of laughing and crying the Mayo Clinic advises the patient's feel just like everybody else but they express it in exaggerated or inappropriate ways the laughter can sometimes turn into tears and a novice may mistake it for depression when people don't know sometimes I'm not depressed I'm just disgusted and typically when it is that you have those overarching feelings you will self isolate because I don't know when I'm gonna cry I don't know when I'm gonna break down I don't know how long I'm gonna have to sit in this car I don't know how many days I'm gonna be wrestled and confined to this bed sometimes I gotta shut down so I don't go off talking to some people who are in this room that feel like that sometimes there are some days where you can't find your happy place where you don't have the energy to Tendo to be phony well you can't go through the perfunctory casualties and just extend that the gratitude that people want that you don't even have the energy to extend I'm talking to some people who are just quiet cuz you were raised old school if I ain't got nothing good to say ain't gonna say nothing at all so stop trying to make me talk please don't believe that every time you hear some laughter that is connected to comedy there's such a thing as a nervous laughter nervous laughter that can be generated from alarm from embarrassment from discomfort from confusion it's usually not so robust and it's infused with insecurity and it is often laced with awkward glances there are occasions where you got to check your enemy's oh you think that's funny they're people who are laughing at you because they think they got away with it people who are laughing because they think that they got the upper hand they're people who are laughing because they believe there's no way you're gonna be able to survive and they have no idea it is the grace of God that has covered you because there were moments and seasons of your life where you just wanted to be in the fetal position where you wanted to suck your own thumb where you want to cry uncontrollably and people had no idea that I was so discombobulated I didn't even want to be comforted but I needed God to cover me because it was just the grace of God that didn't allow me to backslide into the thing that would have a broken me I'm thankful that in spite of all of my depression in spite of my alienation I was not a lord to drugs or the alcohol or the violence and please don't think because you seen me city calm it doesn't mean that there's not a roller coaster going on on the inside of me and I gotta talk myself off of the ledge because I'm wrestling between Who I am and what I believe I'm called to be ladies and gentleman far from aboard will show and nowhere near the Apollo Theater the Spirit of the Lord showed up in the presence of the patriarch is known as Abraham he's considered the father of the faith even while it is that he sterile Abraham is is in a place where God doesn't seem to be answering his prayers and yet God's got the nerve to visit him y'all didn't hear what I just said it's in a place where his prayers are not being answered and then God got the nerve to visit him I speak over the life of people who were in this room and those who are connected through technology who have gone through a season where looks like God is not answering your prayers I believe by faith today that this week you are going to have a visit from the Holy Spirit God is going to show up and commune with you and I hope you're ready for it it ain't gonna happen at church it's gonna happen while you're at your house side I need you to brace yourself for the Spirit of the Living God to come to your home the Holy Spirit right now is seeking to visit some people and ain't the people who you think Holy Spirit ain't coming necessarily for those that are screaming the loudest bowls who are chanting the loudest those who are running the fastest but the presence of the Holy Spirit is searching out in this sanctuary is searching out those who are streaming who have been miserable who have been unhappy who have been unfulfilled who have been dissatisfied who have been unsettled the holy spirit now is getting ready to be dispatched from heaven to say now is the time for the Holy Spirit to come to you heaven though this beard don't mean you gonna dance having all this fear don't mean you go yell but sometimes having the Holy Spirit is that which gives you perfect peace when there's a storm on the inside of you and you cannot somebody today I don't know where you are [Music] the Spirit of the Lord announce table him as he is announcing to people who can hear my voice that next year this time the thing you thought you will never have is getting ready to show up in your life y'all can hear me I better announce it again I know that but the third 20:20 everything you've been asking God to do is about to manifest in your life y'all still they'd hurt me in 365 days I seen you struggle and toil and fight and wrestle but share this in your hands [Applause] I'm telling you you gonna have it I seen you frustrated I see you walking around having to be your own life coach having to talk yourself into it having to motivate yourself when God ain't saying nothing and he ain't showing nothing he said be not weary in well-doing for in due season you shall reap if you faint not please forgive me I ain't talking to everybody I'm just talking about that are standing because you did not faint because you did not give up because you did not sow in the tower because you didn't walk away from God God said give me the next 12 months and watch me exceed your expectation and Jeff feel what you've been praying for [Applause] since you're gonna have that child Abraham a year from now forget the fact that your wife is 90 years old and never give him birth so she hasn't just been praying for it this year she been praying for years fasting for years serving for years nice for years supporting others for years and yet nothing is happening for her God said I watched you and I wanted to see if you would remember that I always saved the best for last god I can't hear nobody in here you ain't got a reason to be jealous or nobody whatever God got for you yes don't be given to you what whatever you ask for in his name it shall be released don't forget at the time of the text that you were able to procreate as early as 14 the Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus she won in 15 years of age your timing is off only because you are comparing yourself to other people schedule what God has for you is not predicated on when other people got it there is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come and I came to tell 80 of you it is your time now you didn't hear what I just said I better say it again it is your time now don't look at your neighbor this ain't no word for your neighbor this is for you I want you to lay hands on yourself and shout out loud it's my time it's my time to start that business it's my time to get the house it's my time to get married it's my time to walk in my gift is my time to flow in the anointed yes my time to lead my time to be in charge is my time line and in verse 12 of Genesis 18 it's because that Sarah was eavesdropping the Lord wasn't even talking to her he was talking to Abraham I'm telling you you don't pay to be nosy there's a whole nother sermon hold another book whole nother series now you can look at your neighbor just tell them man your business Sarah is eavesdropping when the angel of the presence of the Lord prophesize and the Bible says in verse number 12 look at it and she laughed to herself she left herself impounded whether in her old age would she be able to have pleasure I got back that thing up [Applause] is no children search today so I got be careful how I talk about this [Applause] she won't laugh him about whether she could had a child [Applause] this is Genesis 18 ain't no viagra no cialis y'all ain't saying nothin to me she tryin to figure out can my husband still work it [Applause] verse number 12 she doesn't say is God able she won't know is Abraham able oh y'all ain't saying nothin to me she trying to figure out all this time I've been having to do all the work myself y'all look straight ahead I'm in the Bible I've been with this same Negro dissatisfied I ain't getting nothing out of it he don't know how to please me y'all look straight ahead am I gonna get pleasure this time [Applause] 12 wives just gave me a high five in the spirit I know you can't do it right because your husband just give it to me in the spirit I got you she said now that the Lord is with him now that the presence of God is with him am I going to find pleasure it wasn't a laughter burst in hilarity it was birthed in disparity she was saying in no uncertain terms that only one person in your section can identify with I got a laugh just stop from crying cuz I'm in a marriage I'm in a relationship I'm in a circle of friends that I get nothing out of it got quiet right through here and I'm sick of always being there for other people and nobody ever asks how I feel god I can't find nobody in here can I get pleasure some of y'all mad some of y'all I feel a tomato spirit being thrown at me right here I get it I'm talking to y'all deep super spiritual people but sometimes I just want to know God are you gonna ever let me be satisfied again god I can't hear nobody in here this is just for 50 y'all that ain't stuck up and you don't care what other people think say or how they wrote ass God said this is the year not of cause clothes and money but this is the year that you finally get satisfaction that this is the year that finally somebody will have a man to take care of you this is the year that you finally gonna feel like a priority this is the year that folk will stop everything they do it just to make sure that you're happy I need you to look at your neighbor and tell them this will be the best year of your life you ain't gonna have to sacrifice nothing you ain't gonna have to give up nothing you ain't gonna have to hide nothing everything that you are yes come and cut fruition thank you [Music] person number 13 be seated my time is almost up verse number 13 the Lord asks Abraham why did Sarah laugh that's what the law said in verse number 13 meet a missionary put that on the screen for me verse number 13 justice 18 the Lord said to Abraham why did Sarah laugh back that thing up go to verse number 12 look at verse number 12 so Sarah laughed to herself as she thought go to verse number 13 then the Lord said to Abraham why did Sarah laugh y'all missed it climbed back up in the verse number 12 Sarah laughed to herself as she thought verse number 13 and the Lord said to Abraham why did Sarah laugh what is amazing y'all is that Sarah never laughed out loud she just laughed in her head some of y'all ought to be shouting because God said the prayers I'm gon answer if the stuff you never talked about but the stuff you had in your head is about to manifest I need you to grab that neighbors hair and say neighbor I'm not trying to be funny but in the next 12 months if you ever see me laughing to myself it's because I told the devil God my God if you believe that in 2020 you gonna be able to shout [Music] it and the world can't take it away what he's done for me I said I wasn't don't tell nobody but I just can't is on the sparrow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] don't worry be happy don't worry be happy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is your happy season I thought you always shout better than that this is your happy cease [Applause] if you'll indulge me for one moment I've wrestled with God over this message over this sermon I don't know where it is that you are but if I can't feel safe in the sanctuary where can I go those of you who have been battling with chronic depression I want you to come meet me at this altar please does here that don't remember the last time you were happy I want you to meet me at this altar please does he have been flirting with the idea of suicide I want you to meet me at this altar please those of you who are on behavior modification prescription I want you to meet me at this altar please the black church has got to disavow this notion that mental health is a taboo issue that we don't talk about standing at five four three James Baldwin said you can't fix it until you face it there's a language that has happened in charismatic churches the language that we use inappropriately i'ma deal with it on Tuesday is people talking about I don't claim it but God is saying if you don't claim it how am I gonna get the glory when I handle it I once was blind but now I see how much it lay hands on your head those of you who at the altar I'm gonna say to you and even if no other preachers ever said it to you softly musicians I want to say to him to you would you look this way you can have Jesus and a therapist are y'all ain't saying nothing to me that y'all hear what I just said you can have Jesus and you can have the Holy Spirit but I still want you to take your prescription y'all done got quiet right through here I want you to lay your hands on your head Satan hear me is the enemy of happiness y'all didn't hear me I'm gonna say it again Satan is the enemy of happiness he doesn't want to see you happy I'm speaking over your life I'm speaking the 300 of you who are streaming now 42 of you who belong at this altar but you're too shy to come forget about these people I need you to get to this altar so what name is supposed to be no shouting sermon this is a surgicenter you don't even know that this altar is outpatient God gonna give you what you need and you gonna be able to go home afterwards come on I see you coming you're gonna get stronger with every step you take I was depressed last two years of my life I was depressed didn't know why couldn't figure out why tell me I was depressed I couldn't even function couldn't even really operate and I want you to hear me I wish to press with a growing Church how's the press watch this with a television ministry I was depressed with a thriving itinerary I would depress here me with healthy kids how's the press hear me and I thought I was under attack and I didn't know that I was in transition hear me I need you to hear my heart give me well if I was happy he couldn't have pulled me out of Baltimore [Applause] yelling he's saying nothing to me he said I gotta cut off everything you leaning on so you can trust me for the next chapter your life [Applause] sometimes what you are feeling is your transition for God to get you to where he needs you to be but he's got to stop you from false codependency so you can realize greater is He that is in me don't let these church people fool you you can have the Holy Ghost and still be unhappy y'all ain't saying nothin to meet you you can know your purpose but can't find your passion the grace of God has got to recalibrate your GPS why are you saying this to me I'm saying it to you cuz God who knows letting you go through this emotional void and vacuum cuz he getting you ready for what he's got unleash in 2020 I just need you to do me a favor new birth I need y'all to back me up just promise me you won't quit before December 31st I thought y'all was gonna shout better than that promise me you ain't gonna give up on God cuz in the next 12 months he's gonna give you what it is that you need it's gonna confirm it lay hands on your head please new birth stretch your right hand to faith those of you who are streaming and desirous to be in the flow of what God is doing at this altar type your name on that screen your child's name on that screen your siblings name on that screen I pray for every person who's at this altar and every person who's connected to this move of God I pray that tonight while you sleep God will perform open-heart surgery I pray that he'll stop putting your heart back together again I pray that God would put a force field around your mind and around your thinking around your imagination around your dreams and around your thoughts I pray that God today will release a restraining order to keep you away from toxic people that people that bring negativity into your environment will no longer be able to get close to you and those of you that know that you have survived some things that would have killed weaker people I'll tell you right where you are would you give God a shelter Thanksgiving right there right there [Applause] [Music] don't they shout good listen to me a spiritual counselors our spiritual counselors after church would have concluded our spiritual counselors are gonna be in the chapel we want to pray with you we want to stand with you one of the weapons the enemy uses is the weapon of isolation to make you feel like you in it by yourself I want you to know you are in good company y'all don't believe it let me show you this every person in this room every person in this room that is over 30 every person in this room that is over 30 has had two opportunities to have a nervous breakdown all y'all ain't sayin nothin to me everybody in here over 30 survives something here's your shout twice that the hand of God was able to navigate you through I want you to embrace somebody around you and tell them guard your mind guard come on guard your mind god bless you [Music] [Music] peace [Music] everybody establish [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody is standing everybody is standing all of us who are in this room all of us who are watching if somebody in our family that has emotional challenges has layers of psychological trauma but the Grace and the love of God that ought to be exhibited from us are to be reflective of how it is that God has covered and protected all of us even in our vulnerable moments I want to open the doors of the church I don't open the doors of the church I'm gonna give you an opportunity to become a part of a church that's not gonna judge you but it's gonna love you y'all didn't hear what I just say it a part of a church that's not gonna judge you but it's going to love you whether you are in this place I want to tell you please no strings attached I'm telling you straight up I want to be your pastor I'm telling you I make no bones about it I want new birth to be your church I'm telling you I'm unapologetic I want Jesus to be the Lord of your life wherever it is that you are all have sinned and fallen short of his glory the people who are standing in front of you none of us are perfect we're forgiven because we're forgiven we're able to stand wherever it is that you find yourself today say Rev you talkin to me pastor you don't even know you didn't came down my street and kick the door down wherever it is that you are I want you to come meet me at this altar don't let nothin and nobody stop you till you meet me right here wherever it is that you are I need you coming new birth would you clap your hands as they come [Music] listen to me even our friends who are viewing online I need God to stir your heart you're being fed here I want this to be your church home you're being ministered to here I need this to be your ministry I pray to the god of our salvation and I am believing for 40 of you to make this walk today that's how my faith is set up on the first Sunday of November I am believing God for 40 of you to get out that I'll walk down to this altar saying I yield I hear what must I do virtue has come out of me the Spirit of God is amongst us you're in this room you're not saved you don't have a church on I do y'all gonna make me do all the work by myself I got it come on let's go to work roll up them sleeves let's go get them they're trying to play hard-to-get would you move from where you are go find two people you don't recognize find out if they're safe find out if they have a church home find out if they've given their life over to God I need you to come [Music] I need y'all to shout for whole families coming [Music] [Applause] I can't stop till we get to 40 come on peace there's somebody else I need you to come new birth here they come [Music] [Music] [Music] real quick which I'll step up form it real quick please I don't want to embarrass you I want to empower you new birthday still coming I'm believe in God I'm believing God we're almost there just five more you gotta get here here come to which I'll clap your hands for this beautiful family my heart is doing somersaults right now I'm waiting all three more [Music] come on come on you already know I'm talking to you don't act like that [Music] my mother used to say don't make me tell you again come on clap your hands here they come y'all longer shout for this family coming come on bees Hey [Music] new purp y'all see them coming in every aisle and yet still you won't make noise and now God [Music] everybody in the room everybody in the room Here Come a whole nother family [Music] everybody in the room everybody in the room would you look this way look this way please clap your hands here they come bless you everybody in the room look this way every person online if you look this way I want you to now repeat after me I'm not trying to be funny come on repeat after me I'm not trying to be funny now that was good practice look at the person beside you tell them I'm really trying not trying to be funny look at me not saying are you sure you saved look them in the eye asking are you sure you got a church home if they not sure would you bring them down to me please if they start stuttering would you bring them to me real quick real quick real quick bless that wonderful name of Jesus search it right hand into faith right into faith y'all they came as friends but they leaving as our family repeat after me you're on the right place at the right time John in the right church serving only God and I know that's right if you're know I'm right about a gift guard a Handclap of praise please [Music] as that you'll follow us out this way new birth would you clap your hands for those that are joining us online I need you to be seated I want to say something to the church I want you to be seated I want to say something to
Channel: New Birth Mbc
Views: 58,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New Birth, Newbirth, Dr. Jamal Bryant, Dr. Jamal-Harrison Bryant, Dr. Bryant, Pastor Bryant, Atlanta, GEORGIA, STONECREST, LITHONIA, Don't get it twisted: Ministry is for the misunderstood
Id: FkMcyh9SEC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 48sec (7248 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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